Larry跟李華一起去逛商店。李華今天要學兩個常用語,burn a hole in one's pocket和burned.
LL: Wow, Li Hua - check out this new flat-screen TV! Too bad it's so expensive!
LH: 是啊,現(xiàn)在物價這么貴,美元又一個勁兒貶值,真不知道還有什么人愿意買這么貴的電視。
LL: You're right, Li Hua. Spending money on things like that can really burn a hole in your pocket.
LH: 什么?把我的口袋燒個洞!這可太危險了。你說It can burn a hole in my pocket肯定還有別的意思吧?
LL: You guessed it! The phrase means that an item or expenses such as bills consume a lot of a person's earnings.
LH: 那跟在口袋里燒個洞有什么關系呢?
LL: Since money is traditionally carried in our pockets, the saying 'burn a hole in your pocket' symbolizes such high expenses.
LH: 要這么說,living in the big city can burn a hole in your pocket. 除了電視,還有房租、電費和食物,光是日常花銷就能在“我的口袋里燒個大洞”。
LL: Well said, Li Hua! If you have the same salary but move to a more expensive city, the daily cost of living can burn a much bigger hole in your pocket than before.
LH: 這就是為什么花錢要有計劃,不能想買什么買什么,否則肯定入不敷出。
LL: Gas prices have climbed to new highs. I only drive to work twice a week to save money, because it was really beginning to burn a serious hole in my pocket.
LH: 最近油價確實貴得嚇人,還好我坐地鐵上班,既省錢又環(huán)保。
LL: There are so many things that can potentially burn a hole in your pocket. Expensive habits can really hurt you, which is why I'm glad that I quit smoking.
LH: 是啊,你戒煙一年省的錢夠加好幾箱油的!
LL: Soaring gas prices and cigarette taxes were burning such a big hole in my pocket that I basically gave up driving and smoking!
LH: 你知道還有什么花銷最多嗎?
LL: Let' me guess. Going out to eat!
LH: 沒錯!跟朋友、同事、家人出去吃飯也是一筆不小的開銷。
LH: 說起現(xiàn)在的開銷。我前兩天出去看房子,才發(fā)現(xiàn)這里的房價原來這么貴!
LL: It really is! Didn't you want to continue renting?
LH: 我本來也是要繼續(xù)租公寓住的,可是,說來話長。
LL: What happened? Did you get burned?
LH: Get burned? 被燒傷?
LL: 'Getting burned' is when you commit to something or personally invest in something with your emotions or money and you basically get nothing in return.
LH: 噢,getting burned是吃虧的意思啊。那真讓你說著了。我跟另外兩個人一起簽了約,結(jié)果她們最后一刻反悔了。
LL: Did you put down a deposit?
LH: 我交了兩個月的租金,其中一半是押金,結(jié)果因為違約,押金沒要回來? I definitely got burned!
LL: That's terrible! Did the two other roommates have another option, or did they end up getting burned, too?
LH: 那兩個人的押金也沒要回來。但是她們決定一起到另外一個地方去租房子,起碼她們還有個伴兒。
LL: So, they kind of burned themselves on violating the terms of the contract, but you were burned worse because what happened was a result of their actions and not yours.
LH: 沒錯。她們自己反悔,押金被扣還說得過去,我可是被她們連累的。
LL: It sounds like you know what 'getting burned' means. Now the next step is ensuring that it doesn't happen again! Did you learn any lessons from getting burned?
LH: 要說教訓,那就是,下次一定不能輕信別人。這就是為什么我在四處看房子,我準備咬咬牙,自己買個公寓。
LL: Well, it looks like you've got it figured out. Hopefully you won't burn a hole in your pocket for a price.
LH: (Laughing) 聽上來真滑稽。我為了下次不再吃虧上當,寧可準備傾囊而出,自己花錢去買個公寓。
LL: I know. You will probably end up burning a hole in your pocket so that you don't get burned again. How ironic!
今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是burn a hole in one's pocket, 指價格昂貴。另一個是 burned, 指吃虧上當。