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2022年12月25日 別當(dāng)傻瓜傻瓜:看看關(guān)于精靈的 19 個(gè)秘密





Don't Be a Cotton-Headed Ninnymuggins: Check Out 19 Secrets About Elf
別當(dāng)傻瓜傻瓜:看看關(guān)于精靈的 19 個(gè)秘密

Did you know that Jim Carrey almost played Buddy the Elf and that Will Ferrell turned down a massive payday to do a sequel? Unwrap more tidbits from Elf below.
The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by spilling secrets about Elf for all to hear.
In 2003, Will Ferrell stole our hearts and reinvigorated our love for maple syrup and smiling when Elf debuted in theaters. Made for just $33 million, the Jon Favreau-directed feel-good comedy went on to gross over $220 million and, more importantly, has endured as a holiday classic for all these years.
2003 年,威爾·法瑞爾 ( Will Ferrell  )偷走了我們的心,重燃了我們對(duì)楓糖漿的熱愛,并在《精靈寶可夢(mèng)》( Elf ) 上映時(shí)微笑。這部由喬恩·法夫羅執(zhí)導(dǎo)的溫馨喜劇僅售出 3300 萬(wàn)美元,票房收入超過 2.2 億美元,更重要的是, 這些年來 一直是假日經(jīng)典。
Ferrell's turn as Buddy the Elf was his first film after leaving Saturday Night Live and found the actor interacting with animated whales and snowmen in the North Pole then hopping around New York City in yellow tights. And yet, somehow, it all worked.
費(fèi)雷爾出演小精靈巴迪是他離開周六夜現(xiàn)場(chǎng)后的第一部電影,他 發(fā)現(xiàn)這位演員在北極與動(dòng)畫鯨魚和雪人互動(dòng),然后穿著黃色緊身褲在紐約市四處跳躍。然而,不知何故,這一切都奏效了。
But did you know that the role almost went to another actor? Or that one of Ferrell's co-stars was concerned that his performance was "too over-the-top"? Talk about a cotton-headed ninnymuggins.
但是你知道嗎,這個(gè)角色差點(diǎn)就給了另一個(gè)演員?還是 Ferrell 的一位聯(lián)合主演擔(dān)心他的表演“過于夸張”?談?wù)撘粋€(gè)傻瓜傻瓜。
So take a journey with us through the seven levels of the candy cane forest, through the sea of swirly-twirly gum drops and then through the Lincoln Tunnel to check out these behind-the-scenes secrets about Elf...

1. The first script for Elf was actually written in 1993, with Jim Carrey in mind to play the titular Santa's helper. Because it took over a decade for the film to finally be made, the Ace Ventura: Pet Detective star never ended up taking on the role.
1. Elf的第一個(gè)劇本實(shí)際上是在 1993 年編寫的,當(dāng)時(shí)考慮的是金凱瑞 扮演名義上的圣誕老人幫手。因?yàn)檫@部電影花了十多年的時(shí)間才最終制作完成,所以王牌文圖拉:寵物偵探明星從未最終擔(dān)任過這個(gè)角色。
2. Elf was also initially intended to be a bit more sinister, with director Jon Favreau revealing to Rolling Stone, "He was a darker character."
2. Elf最初也打算變得更加險(xiǎn)惡,導(dǎo)演Jon Favreau向Rolling Stone 透露,“他是一個(gè)更黑暗的角色。”
3. Before he was asked to come in to rewrite the script and transform the movie into a PG friendly-family affair, Favreau initially turned down the job.
3. 在他被要求進(jìn)來重寫劇本并將電影變成 PG 友好家庭事件之前,F(xiàn)avreau 最初拒絕了這份工作。
"I took a look at the script, and I wasn't particularly interested," he told Rolling Stone. "It was a much darker version of the film. I liked the notion of being involved with Will in his first solo movie after SNL, but it wasn't quite there."

4. Buddy's iconic costume was modeled off of the elves from the 1964 Rankin/Bass film Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
4. Buddy 的標(biāo)志性服裝是以 1964 年蘭金/巴斯電影中的精靈為藍(lán)本的紅鼻子馴鹿魯?shù)婪颉?br />  
"The costume was important," Favreau told ABC News. "It looks almost like he's a puppet and the tights and the boots and the hat and he was extremely brave wearing that costume."
5. Costume designer Laura Jean Shannon, tasked with finding the perfect look, revealed it wasn't accommodating Ferrell's 6-foot-3 frame that was the hardest part of her job.
5. 服裝設(shè)計(jì)師勞拉·簡(jiǎn)·香農(nóng) (Laura Jean Shannon) 的 任務(wù)是尋找完美的造型,她透露,費(fèi)雷爾 6 英尺 3 英寸的身材無法適應(yīng),這是她工作中最困難的部分。
"It was less a challenge dressing Will due to his size and more a challenge to make sure nothing seemed off-putting or in bad taste." she explained to Feel Christmassy. "After all, I had to dress a grown man in tights and a cutaway coat. Needless to say, we did have a fair amount of fittings to be sure we struck the right balance between absurd and adorable."
“考慮到 Will 的體型,給 Will 穿衣服不是什么挑戰(zhàn),而是要確保沒有任何東西看起來令人反感或品味不佳。” 她向Feel Christmassy解釋道。“畢竟,我不得不給一個(gè)成年男人穿上緊身衣和一件剪裁大衣。不用說,我們確實(shí)有相當(dāng)多的配件來確保我們?cè)诨闹嚭涂蓯壑g取得了適當(dāng)?shù)钠胶狻?rdquo;

6. Ferrell's Buddy costume was so captivating that the actor actually caused a few traffic incidents while filming in New York City.
6. Ferrell 的 Buddy 服裝非常迷人,以至于這位演員在紐約市拍攝時(shí)實(shí)際上造成了一些交通事故。
"When we had Will in the Lincoln Tunnel, the tunnel was open. Same thing with the 59th Street Bridge," Favreau told Rolling Stone. "Whenever he was out there in his suit, we'd hear screeches and fender-benders and lights smashing. People would be looking at him walking on the side and that would cause a few minor traffic accidents."
“當(dāng)我們?cè)诹挚纤淼揽吹酵枙r(shí),隧道是開放的。第 59 街大橋也是如此,”費(fèi)儒告訴滾石雜志。“每當(dāng)他穿著西裝在外面時(shí),我們都會(huì)聽到尖叫聲、擋泥板彎曲和燈光破碎的聲音。人們會(huì)看著他走在一邊,這會(huì)導(dǎo)致一些輕微的交通事故。”
7. Buddy's infamous 12-second long burp wasn't actually performed by Ferrell. Voice actor Maurice LaMarche, best known for giving life to The Brain on Pinky and the Brain, provided the dinner table belch. And yes, we heard that.
7. Buddy 臭名昭著的長(zhǎng)達(dá) 12 秒的打嗝實(shí)際上并不是 Ferrell 做的。配音演員 莫里斯·拉馬奇 ( Maurice LaMarche ) 以在 Pinky 和??The Brain 中為 The Brain 賦予生命而聞名,他 在餐桌上打嗝。是的,我們聽說過。

8. The cotton balls Buddy can't stop eating in the doctor's office were actually pieces of cotton candy that had yet to be dyed.
9. Buddy's all-sugar diet also became Ferrell's daily food intake while filming as he actually scarfed down all of that maple syrup-coated spaghetti and candy during scenes.
9. Buddy 的全糖飲食也成為 Ferrell 在拍攝時(shí)的日常食物攝入量,因?yàn)樗麑?shí)際上在拍攝場(chǎng)景時(shí)狼吞虎咽地吃掉了所有涂有楓糖漿的意大利面和糖果。
"I ingested a lot of sugar in this movie and I didn't get a lot of sleep," Ferrell told The Sun. "I constantly stayed up. But anything for the movie, I'm there. If it takes eating a lot of maple syrup, then I will, if that's what the job calls for."

10. Before his big break on Saturday Night Live, Ferrell once worked as a mall Santa Claus in Pasadena, Calif., with his SNL co-star Chris Kattan serving as one of his elves.
10. 在周六夜現(xiàn)場(chǎng)大放異彩之前,費(fèi)雷爾曾在加利福尼亞州帕薩迪納的一家購(gòu)物中心擔(dān)任圣誕老人,他的SNL聯(lián)合主演克里斯卡坦是他的精靈之一。
11. Ferrell's brother Patrick Ferrell played one of the security guards that drags Buddy out of the Empire State Building.
11. Ferrell 的兄弟Patrick Ferrell扮演一名將 Buddy 拖出帝國(guó)大廈的保安。
12. Known for his turn in dramas like The Godfather and Misery, James Caan was concerned early on that Ferrell's performance was, um, a little too much.
"[Caan's] like, 'Hey, I've gotta tell you something. Every day on set, I thought you were way too over-the-top. But now I see what you're doing. Great job,'" Ferrell recalled during an appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden in 2018. "I just love the thought that there we were, working every day and he was going back to his hotel room going, 'Please get me outta this one.'"
“[Caan] 就像,'嘿,我得告訴你一件事。每天在片場(chǎng),我都覺得你太過分了。但現(xiàn)在我明白你在做什么了。干得好,'”費(fèi)雷爾在 2018 年與詹姆斯·柯登 (James Corden) 一起出現(xiàn)在深夜秀 (The Late Late Show) 時(shí)回憶道。“我只是喜歡這樣的想法,我們?cè)谀抢?,每天都在工作,而他要回到他的酒店房間,說,‘請(qǐng)讓我離開這個(gè)。’”

13. A natural brunette, Zooey Deschanel sported light blonde locks as Jovie, Buddy's fellow Gimbels elf and love interest. But she didn't dye her hair for this role.
13.佐伊·丹斯切爾 ( Zooey Deschanel ) 是天生的黑發(fā) 女郎,在飾演喬薇 (Jovie) 時(shí)留著淺金色的頭發(fā),喬薇是巴迪 (Buddy) 的同胞金貝爾精靈和戀人。但她并沒有為了這個(gè)角色 染發(fā)。
"I had to dye my hair blonde for a screen test for a movie that never happened before I did Elf. And I went in for the meeting for Elf, and then I asked them, 'Could I dye my hair back to my natural color?'" the New Girl star told Stylecaster. "And they said, 'No, you have to keep your hair what it was in the meeting.' So I had to wait until I was done with that movie. But as soon as I was done with that movie, I pretty much dyed it back."
“我不得不把頭發(fā)染成金色,因?yàn)檫@是一部在我拍《精靈》之前從未發(fā)生過的電影試鏡。我參加了《精靈》的會(huì)議,然后我問他們,‘我能把頭發(fā)染回我的自然色嗎?'”這位New Girl明星告訴 Stylecaster。“他們說,‘不,你必須保持會(huì)議時(shí)的發(fā)型。’ 所以我不得不等到我拍完那部電影。但我一拍完那部電影,我就把它染回去了。”
14. Ming Ming the elf is played by A Christmas Story star Peter Billingsley in a cameo role, a casting move Favreau made for a specific reason.
14. 小精靈明明由圣誕故事明星彼得比林斯利扮演客串角色,這是費(fèi)儒出于特定原因做出的演員表動(dòng)作。
"I wanted some of the Christmas Story, that good mojo, that was our goal," he told Billingsley on ABC News. "We were half-joking, saying, ‘Maybe someday this will be like Christmas Story where every year they'll watch it.'"
“我想要一些圣誕故事,那種美妙的魔力,這是我們的目標(biāo),”他在 ABC 新聞中告訴比林斯利。“我們半開玩笑地說,‘也許有一天這會(huì)像圣誕節(jié)故事一樣,每年他們都會(huì)看。’”

15. Some of Buddy's most iconic lines—"You smell like beef and cheese!" and "You sit on a throne of lies!"—were improvised by Ferrell in the moment.
15. Buddy 的一些最具標(biāo)志性的臺(tái)詞——“你聞起來像牛肉和奶酪!” 和“你坐在謊言的寶座上!”——是費(fèi)雷爾當(dāng)時(shí)即興創(chuàng)作的。
16. The big fight scene between Buddy and the fake Santa, played by comedian Artie Lange, was filmed in one take because it took the art department weeks to decorate Gimbels. "We had one take to destroy it," Lange told ABC News, "So Favreau said, 'Just go nuts!'"
16. 喜劇演員Artie Lange扮演的 Buddy 和假圣誕老人之間的大戰(zhàn)場(chǎng)景是一次性拍攝的,因?yàn)樗囆g(shù)部門花了數(shù)周時(shí)間來裝飾 Gimbels。蘭格告訴美國(guó)廣播公司新聞:“我們只用了一次機(jī)會(huì)就摧毀了它,所以法夫羅說,‘發(fā)瘋吧!’”
17. While most people know Favreau had a small role as the pediatrician who examines Buddy and confirms he's Walter's son, the director also had another part: He voiced the Narwhal who infamously said, "Bye Buddy, hope you find your dad!"
17. 雖然大多數(shù)人都知道 Favreau 在兒科醫(yī)生中扮演了一個(gè)小角色,負(fù)責(zé)檢查 Buddy 并確認(rèn)他是 Walter 的兒子,但導(dǎo)演還有另一個(gè)角色:他為 Narwhal 配音,他臭名昭著地說:“Bye Buddy,希望你找到你爸爸!”

18. Ferrell turned down a reported $29 million paycheck to reprise the role of Buddy for a sequel, telling The Guardian in 2006 that it "wasn't difficult at all" to pass on the opportunity.
18. Ferrell 拒絕了 2900 萬(wàn)美元的片酬以在續(xù)集中重新扮演 Buddy 的角色,他在 2006 年告訴衛(wèi)報(bào),傳遞這個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)“一點(diǎn)都不難”。
"I remember asking myself: could I withstand the criticism when it's bad and they say, 'He did the sequel for the money?'" he explained. "I decided I wouldn't be able to. I didn't want to wander into an area that could erase all the good work I've done—but you watch, I'll do some sequel in the future that's crap."
19. But Caan alleged it was tension between Ferrell and Favreau that possibly squashed any plans for a follow-up.
19. 但 Caan 聲稱 Ferrell 和 Favreau 之間的緊張關(guān)系可能會(huì)壓制任何后續(xù)計(jì)劃。
"We were gonna do it, and I thought, 'Oh my God, I finally have a franchise movie. I can make some money, let my kids do what the hell they want to do,'" he said on 92.3 The Fan in Cleveland. "The director and Will didn't get along very well. Will wanted to do it, and he didn't want the director. He had it in his contract. It was one of those things."
他在 92.3 The Fan 上說:“我們打算這樣做,我想,‘天哪,我終于有了一部特許經(jīng)營(yíng)電影。我可以賺點(diǎn)錢,讓我的孩子們做他們想做的事,’”克利夫蘭。“導(dǎo)演和威爾相處得不太好。威爾想做,但他不想要導(dǎo)演。他的合同里有。這是其中之一。”


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