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Listen To This1lesson 20

所屬教程:Listen To This1



Dialogue 1:
Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete each of the following statements.
1. The first speaker wants to go to _________.
a. the post office
b. the cinema
c. a park
2. The second speaker ___________ answer the question.
a. doesn't want to
b. will not
c. cannot
3. The man with __________ can answer the question.
a. a beard
b. a mustache
c. a bottle of beer
4. The man is standing _____________.
a. by the post office
b. by the lamp-post
c. by the mail box

Dialogue 2:
Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
1. What might not be the possible relationship between the two speakers?
a. Husband and wife.
b. Members of the same family.
c. Master and maid.
2. Where are the speakers?
a. In the office.
b. At home.
c. In a restaurant.
3. What time is it now?
a. In the morning.
b. In the afternoon.
c. In the evening.
4. What is wrong with the man?
a. He has a running nose.
b. He has a fever.
c. He has a headache.
5. What will the man do?
a. Go to a doctor.
b. Go to work.
c. Stay in bed and keep warm.

Dialogue 3:
Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.
1. The man wants to see the film .
2. The film is showing at .
3. The schedule of the film can be found in .

Dialogue 4:
True or False Questions.
1. The first woman got up early this morning.
2. The second woman bought some papers.
3. The first woman asks whether there is any news today.

Dialogue 5:
Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
1. When does the conversation take place?
a. In the morning.
b. In the afternoon.
c. In the evening.
2. Who is the visitor?
a. Mr. Baker.
b. Mrs. Jones.
c. Andrew Jones.
3. When is the appointment?
a. 7:00 am.
b. 10:00 am.
c. 1:00 pm.
4. Where is Mr. Baker's room?
a. On the next floor.
b. Next door.
c. Along the corridor.

Dialogue 6:
True or False Questions.
1. The woman is not from an English speaking country.
2. The friend being talked about is a man.
3. The friend is a doctor in a hospital.
4. The man has a poor vocabulary.

Dialogue 7:
Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete each of the following statements.
1. The speakers will __________ this weekend.
a. go for a walk
b. visit a friend
c. go swimming
2. The speakers went to Long Beach ____________.
a. yesterday
b. last weekend
c. a long time ago
3. They will go to Long Beach ____________.
a. by train
b. by car
c. on foot
4. They will set out from the woman's home at ____________.
a. seven tomorrow
b. eleven tomorrow
c. seven the day after tomorrow

Dialogue 8:
The following list includes some of the sentences in the dialogue. Rearrange them by finding out which sentences are spoken by the first speaker and which by the second following the order of the dialogue.
1. Oh, dear, what a pity!
2. I like these very much.
3. They cost 4.25 pounds.
4. Would you show me a pair in size 7, please?
5. There are none left in size 7.
6. I'll have them.
7. You have some black, walking shoes in the window.
8. Can I try them on?
9. Here is a pair in a slightly different style.
10. What do they cost?
11. Yes, of course.
The first speaker: →(8)→ →(6)
The second speaker: →(3)

Dialogue 9:
1. True or False Questions.
(1) The conversation most probably takes place at the woman's home.
(2) The woman has to leave because she has to visit another friend.
(3) The woman wants to go home by train.
(4) The woman will go home by car.
(5) The bus leaves at 10:15.
(6) The man will drive the woman home.

2. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape.
(1) Can you stay ?
(2) I shall my bus if I don't .
(3) , it's already 10:15.
(4) I hope to see you .
(5) That's you.

A. Preferences.
Write out what the man likes, what he dislikes, what he thinks all right, and what he prefers.
a. Likes:
    I enjoy on where I can go .
b. Dislikes:
    I'm not very fond of in waiting for .
c. What he thinks all right:
    It's all right to be a with a .
d. Preferences:
    On the whole I certainly prefer to .

B. Telephone Call.
1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) ________ has just come back from his holiday.
a. Allen
b. Collin
c. Bob
(2) Collin met his girl friend _________.
a. at the seaside
b. in a restaurant
c. on a bus
(3) __________ for three weeks.
a. They've engaged
b. They've known each other
c. They've married
(4) Collin has invited Allen and Bob to ____________.
a. his wedding
b. a meal
c. his new house
(5) Collin has to get off the phone suddenly because ___________.
a. there is something wrong with the phone line
b. his girlfriend is coming
c. his boss has come into the office

2. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape.
    We just to be together and got . And we made for , and discovered we've got , you know, and, we laugh at .

3. True or False Questions.
(1) Collin's girlfriend has been introduced to Allen and Bob? .
(2) Collin and his girlfriend have not fixed the date for their wedding yet.

C. Old Arthur.
1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) Where does Old Arthur live?
a. In a village.
b. In a small wood.
c. In a city.
(2) Who interviewed him recently?
a. A reporter from a local newspaper.
b. A columnist from a local newspaper.
c. A reporter from a national newspaper.
(3) How far is it from where Arthur lives to the village?
a. One mile.
b. Two miles.
c. About a mile.
(4) How often does Arthur go into the village?
a. Once a month.
b. Once a week.
c. Twice a week.
(5) What does he buy from the village store?
a. Food only.
b. Food and paraffin.
c. Food and papers.
(6) How often does he collect his pension from the post office?
a. Sometimes.
b. Once a month.
c. Never.
(7) Where does he get his water?
a. From a stream near the woods.
b. From a stream near the village.
c. From a stream near his hut.
(8) Which of the following does not describe the water in the stream?
a. Good.
b. Fresh.
c. Polluted.
(9) What sort of thing does Arthur cook?
a. Simple food.
b. A large variety of food.
c. Mainly fried food.
(10) What does he cook on?
a. A gas stove.
b. A paraffin stove.
c. An electric stove.

2. True or False Questions.
(1) Very few people know the old man's surname.
(2) Old Arthur was interviewed a few days ago.
(3) Old Arthur often gets up early.
(4) He usually goes to the pub and has a drink there.
(5) Old Arthur feels very lonely because he doesn't see many people.
(6) Old Arthur is not rich, yet he considers himself a lucky man.

3. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape.
(1) Everyone knows him .
(2) He lives in the middle of .
(3) I every morning with .
(4) Occasionally, in , I have to .

D. The Man Who Missed the Plane.
1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) James was a __________.
a. novelist
b. playwright
c. poet
(2) James would go to New York _________.
a. to visit his friends
b. to attend the New York Film Festival
c. to help with the production of his play by an American TV company
(3) James woke up at ___________ that morning.
a. 5:45
b. 6:30
c. 8:50
(4) Having heard the news, James turned pale because ___________.
a. the crash was the most terrible accident James had ever heard
b. he would have been dead if he hadn't overslept
c. he hurt his hand while pouring the boiling water into the teapot

2. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary.
    James' play is about an family from to and their in settling down in England. The play was surprisingly , and it was bought by .
    James lives in , which is drive away from Heathrow Airport. Because he forgot to his alarm clock, also the driver of the mini-cab James overslept, James didn't catch the flight at .
    When he woke up he felt that something was wrong. From the he discovered it was late. minutes later he knew the news that the Boeing 707 he should have taken shortly after this morning. So he fortunately escaped from that disaster.

3. Write out the time connected with the following events. The first one has been done for you.
(1) when James set his alarm clock for — 5:45
(2) when the mini-cab was supposed to come and pick him up —
(3) when he should be at the airport —
(4) when his plane was due to leave —
(5) when he woke up —
(6) when the news started —
(7) when his clock stopped —

E. Dangerous Illusions.
1. Complete the following statements describing the women that Dennis has met.
(1) Cynthia was described as an and girl. She came from . But she was still seeing an of hers, then lied to Dennis that her relationship was .
(2) Sarah was the girl who Dennis thought he but unfortunately she didn't share his .

2. Complete the following statements describing Dennis' thought about marriage.
(1) Denis expects the woman he finally marries to him on .
(2) He prefers to live rather than to someone who isn't really what he is and what he really .

1. Write out what every color stands for.
(1) Red is .
(2) Green stands for .
(3) Pink is .
(4) Brown is .
(5) White is .
(6) Orange is .
(7) Violet is .
(8) Turquoise is .
(9) Blue is .

2. Dictation.

—Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the cinema, please?
—No, I'm sorry I can't. I'm a stranger in these parts. But why don't you ask that man with a beard? He'll be able to tell you, I'm sure.
—Which one do you mean?
—Look, the one over there, by the lamp-post.
—Ah, yes. I can see him now. Thank you very much.
—Not at all.

—You are not eating your breakfast.
—I don't feel very well.
—Oh, dear, what's the matter?
—I got a terrible headache.
—You must go back to bed. You look quite ill.
—I don't want to cause any bother. I'd rather work it off.
—Out of the question. You must go to bed and keep warm.

—I'm sorry to bother you. Can you tell me where War and Peace is showing?
—Yes. At the Empire Cinema.
—Would you know when it starts?
—No. I can't tell you when it begins. But I know how you can find out. It's here in this Entertainment's Guide.
—Can you show me which page is it on?
—Certainly. But I'm not sure whether you want to go early or late.

—You are up early this morning.
—Yes. I've been out and bought a paper.
—Good. Then you'll be able to tell me what the weather's like.
—It's raining.
—Oh, dear, not again.
—Don't worry, it's not nearly as wet as it was yesterday.
—Thank goodness for that.

—Good morning. Can I see Mr. Baker, please?
—Have you an appointment?
—Yes, at ten o'clock.
—What's your name, please.
—Jones, Andrew Jones.
—Ah, yes. Mr. Baker is expecting you. Will you come this way, please? Mr. Baker's office is along the corridor.

—What does your friend do for a living?
—She is one of those persons who look after people in a hospital.
—Oh, I see. She is a nurse, you mean.
—Yes. That's the word I was looking for. My vocabulary is rather poor, I'm afraid.
—Never mind. You explained that very well.

—What shall we do this weekend?
—Let's go for a swim.
—Where shall we go for it?
—Let's go to Long Beach. We haven't been there for a long time.
—That's a splendid idea. I'll call for you in a car at eleven o'clock. Is that alright for you?
—Yes. That'll be perfect. See you tomorrow, then. Goodbye.

—You have some black, walking shoes in the window. Would you show me a pair in size seven, please?
—Oh, dear, what a pity! There are none left in size seven. Here is a pair in a slightly different style.
—Can I try them on?
—Yes, of course.
—I like these very much. What do they cost?
—They cost 4.25 pounds.
—Good. I'll have them, then.

—Excuse me, but I must say goodbye now.
—Can't you stay a little longer?
—No, I'm sorry, but I really must go. I shall miss my bus if I don't hurry.
—When does your bus go?
—At ten o'clock. Good gracious, it's already 10:15. I'll have to ask you to drive me home.
—That's alright, but I hope to see you again soon.
—That's most kind of you.

Woman: Which do you prefer: driving a car yourself or being a passenger?
Man: Well—that depends. I enjoy driving, especially on long empty roads where I can go nice and fast. But I'm not very fond of sitting in traffic jams waiting for lights to change, and things like that. I suppose I don't mind being a passenger, but only if I'm sure that the other person really can drive properly.
Woman: So you don't really like being in other people's cars, then?
Man: Well, as I say, it's all right with a good driver. Then I can relax, sit back and enjoy the scenery. But yes, you're right—on the whole I certainly prefer driving to being a passenger.

—Hello, Allen. This is Collin speaking.

—Fine. How about you?

—Good. And how's Bob feeling after his holiday?

—I see. I've got quite a lot to tell you.

—I've just got engaged!

—Yes! No. We haven't fixed the date yet.

—What's she like?

—Lovely girl! We met on a bus, believe it or not.

—Yes. We just happened to be sitting together and got into the conversation. And we made a date for the same evening, and discovered we've got a lot in common, you know, same interests and, we laugh at the same things.

—No. You don't know her. Hmm. At least she doesn't know you or Bob.

—Oh, about three weeks now.

—Well, yes. It was quite a sudden decision, but I feel really happy. I'd like you both to meet her. Now, how about a meal together one evening soon?

—Would you ask Bob to ring me?

—Oh, I must go now. My boss has just come into the office. Bye.

—Oh, thanks. Bye.

Everyone knows him as Old Arthur. He lives in a little hut in the middle of a small wood, about a mile from the village. He visits the village store twice a week to buy food and paraffin, and occasionally he collects letters and his pension from the post office. A few weeks ago, a reporter from the local newspaper interviewed him. This is what he said:
I get up every morning with the birds. There is a stream near my hut and I fetch water from there. It's good, clear, fresh water, better than you get in the city. Occasionally, in the winter, I have to break the ice. I cook simple food on my old paraffin stove, mostly stews and things like that. Sometimes I go to the pub and have a drink, but I don't see many people. I don't feel lonely. I know this wood very well, you see. I know all the little birds and animals that live here and they know me. I don't have much money, but I don't need much. I think I'm a lucky man.

James wrote a play for television, about an immigrant family who came to England from Pakistan, and the problems they had settling down in England. The play was surprisingly successful, and it was bought by an American TV company.
James was invited to go to New York to help with the production. He lived in Dulwich, which is an hour's journey away from Heathrow. The flight was due to leave at 8:30 am, so he had to be at the airport about 7:30 in the morning. He ordered a mini-cab for 6:30, set his alarm for 5:45, and went to sleep. Unfortunately he forgot to wind the clock, and it stopped shortly after midnight. Also the driver of the mini-cab had to work very late that night and overslept.
James woke with that awful feeling that something was wrong. He looked at his alarm clock. It stood there silently, with the hands pointing to ten past twelve. He turned on the radio and discovered that it was, in fact, ten to nine. He swore quietly and switched on the electric kettle.
He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot when the nine o'clock pips sounded on the radio. The announcer began to read the news: "... reports are coming in of a crash near Heathrow Airport. A Boeing 707 bound for New York crashed shortly after taking off this morning. Flight number 2234 ..." James turned pale.
"My flight," he said out loud. "If I hadn't overslept, I'd have been on that plane."

Interviewer: Do you mind if I ask you why you've never got married?
Dennis: Uh ... well, that isn't easy to answer.
Interviewer: Is it that you've never met the right woman? Is that it?
Dennis: I don't know. Several times I have met a woman who seemed right, as you say. But for some reason it's never worked out.
Interviewer: No? Why not?
Dennis: Hmm. I'm not really sure.
Interviewer: Well, could you perhaps describe what happened with one of these women?
Dennis: Uh ... yes, there was Cynthia, for example.
Interviewer: And what kind of woman was she?
Dennis: Intelligent. Beautiful. She came from the right social background, as well. I felt I really loved her. But then something happened.
Interviewer: What?
Dennis: I found out that she was still seeing an old boyfriend of hers.
Interviewer: Was that so bad? I mean, why did you ... why did you feel that ...
Dennis: She had told me that her relationship was all over, which ... uh ... which was a lie.
Interviewer: Are you saying that it was because she had lied to you that you decided to break off the relationship?
Dennis: Yes, yes, exactly ... Obviously, when I found out that she had lied to me, I simply couldn't ... uh ... well, I simply couldn't trust her any more. And of course that meant that we couldn't possibly get married.
Interviewer: Uh, huh. I see. At least, I think I do. But ... you said there were several women who seemed 'right.'
Dennis: Yes.
Interviewer: Well, ... what happened the other times?
Dennis: Well, once I met someone who I think I loved very deeply but ... unfortunately she didn't share my religious views.
Interviewer: Your religious views?
Dennis: Yes, I expect the woman I finally marry to agree with me on such ... such basic things as that.
Interviewer: I see.
Dennis: Does that sound old-fashioned?
Interviewer: Uh ... no. Not necessarily. What was her name, by the way?
Dennis: Sarah.
Interviewer: Do you think you'll ever meet someone who meets ... uh ... how shall I say it ... who meets all your ... requirements?
Dennis: I don't know. How can I? But I do feel it's important not to ... not to just drift into ... a relationship, simply because I might be lonely.
Interviewer: Are you lonely?
Dennis: Sometimes. Aren't we all? But I know that I can live alone, if necessary. And I think I would far prefer to do that ... to live alone ... rather than to marry somebody who isn't really ... uh ... well, really what I'm looking for ... what I really want.

Every color has a meaning. And as you choose a color, you might like to remember that it's saying something. We've said that red is lovable. Green, on the other hand, stands for hope; it is tranquil. Pink is romantic, while brown is serious. White is an easy one—white is pure. Orange is generous. Violet is mysterious, turquoise is strong and blue is definitely feminine.

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