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Listen To This1lesson 24

所屬教程:Listen To This1



A. Calculations.

Do the calculations and write down the results with Arabic numerals.
1. Addition:
2. Subtraction:
3. Multiplication:
4. Division:

B. Numbers and Symbols.

Write down the numbers and symbols according to what you hear on the tape. The first one has been done for you.
1. 10%

C. Asking for Advice.

Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete each of the following statements.
1. The first speaker wants to find ____________.
a. a new pair of jeans
b. a good shop to buy a new pair of jeans
c. a good shop to buy a pair of gloves
2. The second speaker is looking for ___________.
a. junk food
b. some good local food
c. some delicious food
3. The third speaker had her car ___________ last week.
a. repaired
b. sold
c. damaged
4. The fourth speaker will attend __________ next week.
a. a formal dinner party
b. a birthday party
c. a formal ball
5. The fourth speaker is wondering ____________.
a. if he should buy a dinner suit
b. if the listener will give him any suggestion
c. if he can go to the party without wearing a dinner suit
6. The fifth speaker is suffering from a ____________.
a. stomach problem
b. head problem
c. heart problem
7. The sixth speaker has lost his __________.
a. wallet
b. purse
c. handbag

A. Telegram.

Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
1. Who is the telegram for?
a. Jean.
b. Helen.
c. Allen.
2. Why does Helen ask Jean to open the telegram?
a. Because she hates opening telegrams.
b. Because her hands are full.
c. Because she knows Jean likes opening telegrams.
3. Why does Jean love opening telegrams?
a. Because she wants to know the bad news herself.
b. Because she is sure that telegrams mean something exciting.
c. Because she is a nosy person.
4. What is this telegram about?
a. Jean has been chosen as Nurse of the Year.
b. Helen has been chosen as Nurse of the Year.
c. There is some good news for Jean.
5. What will follow the telegram?
a. A letter.
b. Another telegram.
c. A call.
6. What is Helen's response towards the news?
a. She is sad.
b. She is excited.
c. She cannot believe it.

B. Interview Appointment.

Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
1. When will the interview be?
a. Monday, 10th 0f August, at 11 am.
b. Monday, 12th of August, at 11:30 am.
c. Monday, 10th of August, at 11:30 am.
2. Who will be the interviewer?
a. Sophie Peters.
b. Brian Shaw.
c. Sophie Peters and Brian Shaw.

C. Henry.

1. Identification. Match the nouns in Column II with the verbs in Column I according to the orders given by Henry's wife.
Column I
(1) feed     (2) turn out     (3) turn off     (4) wash up
(5) lock     (6) put out     (7) put away     (8) tidy     (9) dry
Column II
a. the lights     b. the dishes     c. the kitchen
d. the cat       e. the door       f. the television

Answer: (1) — ; (2) — ; (3) — ; (4) — ;
        (5) — ; (6) — ; (7) — ; (8) — ; (9) — .

2. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.
(1) Before Henry's wife went to ; she asked him not forget to do his .
(2) When Henry reached the bedroom his wife was in bed reading and eating .
(3) After Henry had got into bed he heard .
(4) Henry's wife reminded him that he should have shut .

D. Radio Talk:

1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) __________ is being interviewed.
a. Dickie Reeves
b. Josephin Carter
c. Tarsan Carter
(2) She is interviewed because __________.
a. she has been working in a zoo
b. she has grown up among apes
c. she has made friends with apes
(3) She has been living with apes ____________.
a. for five years.
b. since she was at the university
c. for just a few months
(4) To study apes, she went to live in ___________.
a. south America
b. the African jungle
c. north America
(5) She will go back to her ape colony because ____________.
a. she hasn't finished her work yet
b. she cannot live the rest of her life without those apes
c. she wants to be famous

2. Fill in the blanks to complete the following summary.
    The host of the Show, , is interviewing a woman whom the listeners have been recently. The interviewee has been studying for quite a long time, since she was . During these years when she lived with the animals she has been recording their and watching their very closely. Now she is training to work with her.

E. Mr. Pollard and the Solicitor.

1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) What does the speaker think of solicitors?
a. No solicitors are rich and prosperous.
b. Not all solicitors are rich and prosperous.
c. Most solicitors are not rich and prosperous.
(2) How does the speaker describe his clients?
a. They are less fashionable.
b. They are poor and full of problems.
c. They are miserable people.
(3) What was not Mr. Pollard's problem?
a. He didn't have enough money to pay for his mortgaged house.
b. His house would be taken away by the building company.
c. The building company wanted to get back their money.
(4) What happened to the house in the end?
a. It became the property of the building company.
b. It was sold by the building company.
c. It was bought by Mr. Pollard.

2. True or False Questions.
(1) All solicitors are rich and prosperous, and the speaker is one of them.
(2) He has an office near a fish and chip shop which is exorbitant.
(3) His two secretaries are rather inefficient.
(4) He has poor clients because his office is in the less fashionable part of the town.
(5) Mr. Pollard is a small, tidy man with a large head and round, fashionable glasses.
(6) Since Mr. Pollard owed eleven payments totaling fifty pounds, the building company sent a clerk to tell him that they intended to take back the house.
(7) According to the solicitor, if the building company sells the house less than what Mr. Pollard has paid, Mr. Pollard will not get back any money.
(8) According to the solicitor, asking for more time means nothing to Mr. Pollard.
(9) Mr. Pollard feels hopeless because the solicitor does not want to telephone the building company.
(10) Mr. Pollard only received sixty pounds after the house was sold.

F. Monologue.

1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) Who is the speaker?
a. A policeman.
b. A customer.
c. A possible hijacker.
(2) What is his name?
a. Frank.
b. Brent.
c. Grant.
(3) Where is the speaker?
a. In a restaurant.
b. On an airplane.
c. In a hotel.
(4) What is his plan?
a. To give a speech.
b. To hijack the plane.
c. To remember his demands.
(5) What time is it now?
a. In the morning.
b. In the afternoon.
c. At night.

2. True or False Questions.
(1) In the speaker's eyes the fellow next to him is quite ordinary on the whole but with a funny nose.
(2) The speaker doesn't want to catch the eye of the one next to him, but he might start a conversation with him.
(3) Some of the passengers are getting their blankets down; they are going to sleep.
(4) The speaker is very angry because he found his briefcase was turned to empty.
(5) When the speaker went to the toilet, he noticed two policemen at the back row.


1. Add two and four; eight and ten; fourteen and seven.
2. Subtract six from eighteen; four from eleven; five from nineteen.
3. Multiply two by eight; five by three; six by four.
4. Divide six by three; eight by two; twenty by five.

1. I'll take a commission of ten per cent.
2. The current rate of interest is twenty-three per cent.
3. I only get three-eighths of the total.
4. It's only a fraction of the cost, about a sixteenth.
5. Divide nine by two and you get four point five.
6. You only get two point four six per cent.

1. I have to get a new pair of Jeans. Is there anywhere ...? Do you know a, a good shop where I can get a pair?
2. Look, er, I want something interesting. All I've eaten since I've arrived here is junk food. I want some good local food. Where should I go and what shall I ask for?
3. The car's giving problems again. I had it serviced last week but it's as bad as it was before. I don't know what to do about it.
4. Ooh, yes, I need your advice. The problem is that I have to go to this very formal dinner party next week and I haven't got a dinner suit here. I really don't want to buy one. What do you suggest?
5. Ever since I've been here I had this stomach problem, you know. I mean, it's not serious. Well, I don't think it is. I mean, you often get these things when you travel. Must be the different water or something. But it rea1ly is a nuisance and it seems to be getting worse ...
6. Damn! I've lost my wallet!

Man: Telegram, miss.
Jean: Oh, thanks.
Jean: I wonder who it's from. Oh, it's for Helen. Helen, there's a telegram for you.
Helen: For me? Oh, Jean, will you open it? I hate opening telegrams.
Jean: Do you? Why?
Helen: Well, it's just that I think a telegram must mean bad news.
Jean: I'm just the opposite. I love opening telegrams because I'm sure they must mean something exciting.
Jean: Helen, you'd better sit down. You aren't going to believe this. It says, 'Congratulations, Nurse of the Year. Letter follows.'
Helen: It can't be true.
Jean: Here. You read it.

Hello. This is Sophie Peter's ringing from the Brook Organization. Um, we got your job application and I'm ringing just to arrange an interview with you. How about Monday morning at, er, 11:30? Would that be all right? That's Monday morning of the 10th of August. Um, if you can't make that time, could you please give us a ring? The interview will be with myself and Brian Shaw, so we, um, we look forward to seeing you then. Bye-bye.

"Yes, dear?"
"I'm going up to bed now. Don't forget to do your little jobs."
"No, dear."
Henry turned off the television and went into the kitchen. He fed the cat, washed up several dishes, dried them and put them away. Then he put the cat out, locked all the doors and turned out all the lights. When he got to the bedroom, his wife was sitting up in bed reading a book and eating chocolates.
"Well dear, have you done all your little jobs?"
"I think so, my love."
"Have you fed the cat?"
"Yes, dear."
"Have you put him out?"
"Yes, dear."
"Have you washed up the dishes?"
"Yes, dear."
"Have you put them all away?"
"Yes, dear."
"Have you tidied the kitchen?"
"Yes, dear."
"Have you turned out all the lights?"
"Yes, dear."
"Have you locked the front door?"
"Yes, dear."
"Then you can come to bed."
"Thank you, dear."
After a little while they heard a gate banging downstairs.
"Yes, dear."
"I'm afraid you've forgotten to shut the garden gate."
"Oh dear! ..."

—Ladies and gentlemen, it's the Lake Late Talk Show, with your host, Dickie Reeves. (applause)
—Nice to be with you again, folks. And among the line of interesting guests I'll show you tonight is the lady you've all been reading and hearing about recently. She is beautiful. She is clever. And she is brave. She is the lady who makes friends with monkeys. She is with us tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, the apewoman herself, Josephin Carter. (applause) Hello, Josephin, or can I call you Joe?
—Please do.
—The first question that I know everybody has been dying to ask you is, how long have you been living with monkeys?
—Apes actually. Well, I've been studying apes for quite a long time, ever since I was at university. But I've only been actually living with them for five years.
—Five years in the African jungle, with only monkeys to talk to.
—Apes actually.
—Oh, with only apes to talk to. That's fantastic! And I know you're going back to your monkey colony ...
—Ape colony actually.
—... to finish your work.
—Oh, yes. I haven't finished it yet. Although I have been recording their behavior and watching their movements very closely, I still haven't finished my work. I've also been training my husband to work with me.
—Your husband?
—Yes. He's come with me tonight. Let me introduce you to Tarsan!
—Hi, everybody.

People think that all solicitors are rich and prosperous. In any town there are, of course, rich and prosperous solicitors, but there are also solicitors like me. I am neither rich nor prosperous. I have an office over a fish and chip shop, for which I pay an exorbitant rent, and two rather inefficient secretaries.
I suppose it is because my premises are in the less fashionable part of the town, but my clients always seem to have enormous problems and miserable incomes. Mr. Pollard was exactly that sort of client. He was a small, untidy little man, with a large head and round, old-fashioned spectacles.
"I have a problem," he began nervously, "I bought this house, you see. I got a mortgage from the building society, but then I lost my job, so I got behind with the payments." He gave me the details. It appeared that he owed eleven payments of fifty pounds, and had no job and no money. Not surprisingly the building society had written to say they intended to take possession of the house; sell it, and thus get back their money.
"What would happen if they sold it for less than I paid?" he asked. "Would I get back any money?"
"Probably not," I replied.
"Would you mind telephoning the building society?" he pleaded, "and see if they could possibly give me a little more time?"
"If you're not earning any money, how will more time help?" I asked. He looked at me hopelessly.
In the end the house was sold. The building society debt was paid off and Mr. Pollard got sixty pounds.

Everybody agrees I'm just ordinary. My face is ordinary, my voice is ordinary, my clothes are ordinary. Everything about me is ordinary. 'What's Frank like?' they say. 'Frank? Oh—you know, ordinary.' they say. Now look at that man two rows in front. He's not ordinary. In fact I can't see anybody apart from me who is. Even this fellow next to me. Quite ordinary on the whole, I suppose. But there's something a bit ... something a bit odd about his mouth. Mustn't catch his eye. Might start a conversation. Don't want that. Interesting that he was just in front of me in the queue.
They looked in his bag, they looked in his pockets—made him take his shoes off even. Mm—they've nearly finished with the food—though she didn't take my glass when she collected my tray. Ah—she's pressed her button again. Probably wants another gin and tonic. Had four already. Or is it five? Not bad, though. At least not in this light. Good—some of them are getting their blankets down now. I reckon that in about half an hour it'll all be quiet. And then ... Of course they looked in my briefcase too. Didn't look here, though, did they? Oh, no. Hah! Though they think otherwise, I know very well who those two in the back row are. Noticed them when I went to the toilet. But they won't shoot. Not as long as I have this in my hand, they won't. And it's so small. Marvellous what they can do these days. Just about now, if I were sitting in funny mouth's seat and not by the aisle—just about now, I could probably look down and see the mountains gleaming in the moonlight. I like that. Mm. Well, now I must go over my speech again. Mustn't forget what my demands are, must I?

Well, I think that this problem of teenagers getting into trouble with the law is mainly caused by unemployment. You see, because of the high level of unemployment, so many teenagers nowadays leave school and find that they have no chance of getting a job, and this obviously makes them feel bored and frustrated. And as a result of this, they're much more likely to get drunk and so on. Another thing of course is that you get groups of unemployed teenagers wandering around the streets with nothing to do, which can easily lead to trouble of one sort or another.

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