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  Movies rarely influence public policy, butWashington’s policies on cyberattacks, computersurveillance and the possibility of cyberwarfare weredirectly influenced by the 1983 box-office hit“WarGames.”



  The film — starring Matthew Broderick as a tech-whiz teenager who unwittingly hacks into thecomputer of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and nearly sets offWorld War III — opened nationwide that June 3. The next night, President Ronald Reaganwatched it at Camp David. And that is where this strange story — culled from interviews withparticipants and Reagan Library documents — begins.

  該片于當(dāng)年6月3日在全國(guó)公映,片中馬修·布羅德里克(Matthew Broderick)飾演一個(gè)天才技術(shù)少年,無(wú)意中侵入了北美航空航天防御指揮部(NORAD)的電腦,差點(diǎn)發(fā)起了第三次世界大戰(zhàn)。上映第二天,羅納德·里根(Ronald Reagan)總統(tǒng)就在戴維營(yíng)看了這幅片子。于是本文講述的這個(gè)奇怪的故事(來(lái)自相關(guān)人士的訪談和里根圖書(shū)館的檔案)就從那里開(kāi)始了。

  The following Wednesday, back in the White House, Reagan met with his national-securityadvisers and 16 members of Congress to discuss forthcoming nuclear arms talks with theRussians. But he still seemed focused on the movie.


  At one point, he put down his index cards and asked if anyone else had seen it. No one had, sohe described the plot in detail. Some of the lawmakers looked around the room withsuppressed smiles or raised eyebrows. Three months earlier, Reagan had delivered his “StarWars” speech, imploring scientists to build laser weapons that could shoot down Soviet missilesin outer space. The idea was widely dismissed as nutty. What was the old man up to now?


  After finishing his synopsis, Reagan turned to Gen. John W. Vessey Jr., the chairman of theJoint Chiefs of Staff, and asked: “Could something like this really happen?” Could someonebreak into our most sensitive computers? General Vessey said he would look into it.

  講完劇情,里根轉(zhuǎn)向參謀長(zhǎng)聯(lián)席會(huì)議主席小約翰·W·維西將軍(Gen. John W. Vessey Jr.),問(wèn)道:“這種事真的會(huì)發(fā)生嗎?”也就是說(shuō),真的會(huì)有人侵入我們最敏感的電腦中去嗎?維西將軍答應(yīng)調(diào)查一下。

  One week later, the general returned to the White House with his answer. “WarGames,” itturned out, wasn’t far-fetched. “Mr. president,” he said, “the problem is much worse than youthink.”


  Reagan’s question set off a series of interagency memos and studies that culminated, 15months later, in his signing a classified national security decision directive, NSDD-145, titled“National Policy on Telecommunications and Automated Information Systems Security.”


  The first laptop computers had barely hit the market; public Internet providers wouldn’t existfor another few years. Yet NSDD-145 warned that these new machines — which governmentagencies and high-tech industries had started buying at a rapid clip — were “highlysusceptible to interception.” Hostile foreign powers were “extensively” hacking into themalready; “terrorist groups and criminal elements” had the ability to do so, too.


  General Vessey could answer the president’s question so promptly — and national-securityaides could compose NSDD-145 in such detailed language — because, deep within thebureaucracy, a small group of scientists and spies had been concerned about this loomingthreat for more than a decade.


  In the 1960s, the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency undertook aprogram called the ARPAnet. The idea, a precursor to the Internet, was to let Pentagon labsand contractors share data and research on the same network.

  20世紀(jì)60年代,國(guó)防部的高級(jí)研究計(jì)劃署(Defense Department’s Advanced Research ProjectsAgency )開(kāi)展了一個(gè)名叫ARPAnet的項(xiàng)目。它是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的先驅(qū),目的是令國(guó)防部的實(shí)驗(yàn)室與承包商分享數(shù)據(jù)資料,在同一個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)內(nèi)進(jìn)行研究。

  Just before the program’s rollout, in April 1967, an engineer named Willis Ware wrote a papercalled “Security and Privacy in Computer Systems.” A computer pioneer dating back to the ’40s,Mr. Ware headed the computer science department at the RAND Corporation, the think tank inSanta Monica, Calif.

  這個(gè)項(xiàng)目于1967年4月啟動(dòng),在此之前,一個(gè)名叫威利斯·威爾(Willis Ware)的工程師寫(xiě)了一篇論文,名為《電腦系統(tǒng)的安全與隱私》。早在40年代,威爾便已經(jīng)是電腦領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的先驅(qū),他在加利福尼亞州圣塔莫尼卡的智庫(kù)——蘭德公司(RAND Corporation)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)著一個(gè)電腦科技部門(mén)。

  In his paper, he lauded the goals of the ARPAnet but explained some risks of what he called“on-line” networks. As long as computers sat in isolated chambers, security wasn’t a problem.But once multiple users could gain access to data from unprotected locations, anyone withcertain skills could hack into the network — and, once inside, roam at will, pilferingunclassified and secret files alike. Mr. Ware’s warnings went unheeded for decades, though heremained a frequent consultant. (He died in 2013, at the age of 93.)


  In 1980, Lawrence Lasker and Walter Parkes, former Yale classmates in their late 20s, werewriting the screenplay for “WarGames.” (It would be nominated for an Oscar but would lose toHorton Foote’s “Tender Mercies.”) A hacker friend had told them about “demon-dialing,” inwhich a telephone modem searched for other modems by automatically dialing each phonenumber in an area code and letting it ring twice before proceeding to the next number. If amodem answered, it would squawk; the demon-dialing software would record the number, sothe hacker could call back later. In their screenplay, this was how their hero broke into NORAD.But they wondered if this was plausible: Didn’t the military close off its computers to publictelephone lines?

  1980年,耶魯?shù)耐嗤瑢W(xué)、快30歲的勞倫斯·拉斯科(Lawrence Lasker )與沃爾克·帕克斯(Walter Parkes)寫(xiě)了《戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)游戲》的劇本——它后來(lái)獲得了奧斯卡最佳劇本獎(jiǎng)提名,但最終敗給霍頓·福特(Horton Foote)的《溫柔的憐憫》(Tender Mercies)。一個(gè)黑客朋友給他們講了“魔鬼?yè)芴?hào)軟件”的事情,意思是,一個(gè)電話調(diào)制解調(diào)器會(huì)通過(guò)自動(dòng)撥打一個(gè)地區(qū)內(nèi)的其他電話號(hào)碼找出其他調(diào)制解調(diào)器。它會(huì)讓對(duì)方電話響兩聲,之后撥打另一個(gè)電話號(hào)碼。如果對(duì)方調(diào)制解調(diào)器應(yīng)答了,就會(huì)發(fā)出粗糙的聲音;這個(gè)魔鬼?yè)芴?hào)軟件就會(huì)記下這個(gè)號(hào)碼,黑客過(guò)一會(huì)兒再撥回去。在劇本里,主人公正是這樣闖入了NORAD。但是兩個(gè)編劇不知道這種事情是不是真能實(shí)現(xiàn):軍方難道不應(yīng)該把自己的電腦隔離在公共電話線路之外嗎?

  Mr. Lasker lived in Santa Monica, a few blocks from RAND. Figuring someone there might behelpful, he called the public affairs office, which put him in touch with Mr. Ware, who invited thepair to his office.


  They’d come to the right man. Not only had he long known about the vulnerability ofcomputer networks, but he’d also helped design the software for the real NORAD computer. AndMr. Ware proved remarkably open, even friendly. Listening to the writers’ questions, he wavedoff their worries. Yes, he told them, the computer was supposed to be closed, but some officerswanted to work from home on weekends, so they’d leave a port open. Anyone could get in, ifthe right number was dialed.


  “The only computer that’s completely secure,” Mr. Ware told them with a mischievous smile, “is a computer that no one can use.”


  Ware gave the writers the confidence to go ahead with their project. It’s fitting that thescenario of “WarGames” — which aroused Reagan’s curiosity and led to the first national policyon reducing the vulnerability of computers — owed a crucial debt to the man who’d firstwarned that they were vulnerable.


  Meanwhile, Reagan’s directive hit a roadblock. It put the National Security Agency in charge ofsecuring all of the nation’s computer servers and networks — government, business andpersonal. The agency had been established in 1952 to intercept foreign communications; itwas expressly barred from spying on Americans. Representative Jack Brooks, a TexasDemocrat and a fiery civil-liberties advocate, wasn’t about to let a classified presidentialdecree blur the distinction. He sponsored and got passed a law overriding that directive.

  與此同時(shí),里根的指令遇到了困難。它讓國(guó)家安全局(National Security Agency)負(fù)責(zé)國(guó)家電腦服務(wù)商與網(wǎng)絡(luò)的安全,其中包括政府網(wǎng)絡(luò)、商用網(wǎng)絡(luò)與個(gè)人網(wǎng)絡(luò)。國(guó)家安全局1952年創(chuàng)立時(shí),是為了攔截外國(guó)通訊;它特意被禁止偵查美國(guó)公民。得克薩斯州民主黨眾議員杰克·布魯克斯(Jack Brooks)是一位堅(jiān)決的公民自由擁護(hù)者,他不愿讓一紙秘密的總統(tǒng)命令模糊了其中的區(qū)別。他提起一項(xiàng)法律,推翻這條指令,最終獲得了通過(guò)。

  The main author of Reagan’s NSDD-145 was Donald Latham, the Pentagon’s liaison to theNational Security Agency — and a former N.S.A. analyst himself. General Vessey had assignedhim to answer Reagan’s question on “WarGames” (Could something like this really happen?).Mr. Latham answered as he did (The situation is much worse than you think.) because he knewthat the N.S.A. had long been hacking into the communications systems of the Soviet Unionand China — and what we were doing to them, they could someday do to us.

  里根的NSDD-145指令的起草者是國(guó)防部對(duì)國(guó)家安全局的聯(lián)絡(luò)員唐納德·萊瑟姆(Donald Latham),他本人之前在國(guó)家安全局擔(dān)任聯(lián)絡(luò)員。維西將軍派遣他去回答里根關(guān)于《戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)游戲》的問(wèn)題(“這種事真的會(huì)發(fā)生嗎?”)萊瑟姆照實(shí)回答了這個(gè)問(wèn)題(“這個(gè)問(wèn)題比你想的還要嚴(yán)重得多”),因?yàn)樗?,?guó)家安全局一直都在侵入蘇聯(lián)和中國(guó)的通訊系統(tǒng)——我們對(duì)他們做的事情,他們有一天也可以這樣對(duì)我們做。

  Mr. Ware had been among the first to draw this conclusion. Mr. Latham knew about it early onbecause the two were longtime friends, Mr. Ware having served on the N.S.A.’s scientificadvisory board. The N.S.A. was the most secretive branch of the American intelligencecommunity. Reagan’s screening of “WarGames” brought Mr. Ware’s concerns into high policy-making circles for the first time. And it sparked the first public controversy over the tensionsbetween security and privacy on the Internet, as well as the first public power struggle aboutthe subject between the N.S.A. and Congress — a debate and a struggle that persist today.



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