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[00:01.49]Hey, guys.
[00:01.49]嘿 伙計們
[00:02.72]It's freezing out there. Where's your coat?
[00:02.72]外面冷的要死 你的外套呢?
[00:04.44]Ted, I'm Canadian. I don't need a coat.
[00:04.44]Ted 我是加拿大人 用不著穿外套
[00:06.84]This kind of weather is nothing for me.
[00:08.28]Yeah. This is like a spring day back in Minnesota,
[00:08.28]是啊 要不是大街上的出租和 滿眼的摩天大樓以及黃棕黑非白色人種
[00:10.67]if it weren't for all the taxis and the skyscrapers and non-white people.
[00:10.67]這簡直就像明尼蘇達(dá)州 春暖花開的日子
[00:14.34]There aren't any black people in Minnesota?
[00:15.90]Not if Prince is on tour.
[00:15.90]Prince巡演去了就沒了 (Prince--美國黑人音樂家)
[00:29.00]How I Met Your Mother Season04 Episode11
[00:29.00]老爸老媽浪漫史 第四季 第11集
[00:31.00]Well, my sister's plane got in an hour ago, or as a meteorologist might say,
[00:31.00]我妹妹的飛機(jī)一小時前已經(jīng)降落了 用氣象學(xué)家的話來說
[00:35.81]Hurricane Heather has just made landfall.
[00:38.21]Come on. She's not that bad.
[00:38.21]別這樣 她也沒那么差勁吧
[00:40.14]Here's the back of Heather's baseball card.
[00:42.35]It took her six years to graduate from three different colleges,
[00:44.96]during which time she wrecked two cars, got married for five days,
[00:44.96]在此期間 撞壞了2輛車 做了5天人家的老婆
[00:48.77]and lived in a tree for nine weeks, only to realize that no one had any intention of cutting it down.
[00:48.77]在樹上住了9個禮拜 最后才弄明白 其實沒人想砍那棵樹
[00:54.01]And now, Heather says she's moving to New York.
[00:54.01]而現(xiàn)在 Heather說她要搬到紐約來
[00:56.78]Wow, that's big news.
[00:56.78]哇 大新聞?wù)O
[00:58.36]She's never gonna go through with it.
[00:59.68]Remember a few years back when she talked about transferring to NYU?
[00:59.68]記得幾年前她說要 轉(zhuǎn)到紐約大學(xué)那事嗎?
[01:02.48]And then, on the day of the admissions interview...
[01:05.58]Heather? Where's my couch and my TV?
[01:05.58]Heather? 我沙發(fā)跟電視上哪兒去了?
[01:10.29]I sold them for Nine Inch Nails tickets.
[01:10.29]我賣了 買了Nine Inch Nails演唱會門票 (Nine Inch Nails--重金屬樂隊)
[01:14.44]The TV alone is worth two grand.
[01:16.52]Well, a last-minute plane ticket is expensive.
[01:20.44]Wait. Where are you?
[01:20.44]等等 你在哪兒?
[01:21.76]Somewhere in Spain.
[01:24.34]Gotta go. Slow song.
[01:24.34]我掛了 到慢歌了
[01:30.78]Oh, crap. It's Barney.
[01:30.78]哦 見鬼 是Barney
[01:33.92]For all the years Heather's been visiting New York, Ted's never let Barney meet her.
[01:33.92]這些年來Heather來過紐約好多次 Ted都絕不讓Barney見她
[01:38.28]And I never will.
[01:39.60]Every year when the Mosby family Christmas card shows up...
[01:39.60]每年圣誕節(jié) 只要看到Mosby家的賀卡...
[01:43.84]Pulling down her pants
[01:46.19]Yanking off my own
[01:48.49]Underneath the mistletoe
[01:50.47]I'll make your sister moan
[01:52.44]Heather's hot, Heather's hot
[01:52.44]Heather真性感 Heather真熱辣
[01:54.28]And we'll go all the way...
[01:55.93]I wish I could see her naked
[01:58.18]I wish I could see her naked
[02:00.29]I wish I could see her naked
[02:02.50]And down on all fours.
[02:06.00]Ted has a little sister
[02:07.68]Gets hotter every day
[02:09.25]And if I ever meet her
[02:10.53]With her boobies I will play! Everybody!
[02:10.53]要玩夠她的小酥胸! 大家一起來!
[02:12.57]Sister, sister, sister!
[02:12.57]妹妹 妹妹 妹妹!
[02:15.67]What? I can celebrate Hanukkah, too.
[02:15.67]干嘛? 光明節(jié)我還能接著來
[02:19.53]Oh, it's him again. I should probably get it.
[02:19.53]哦 還是他 我看還是接好了
[02:22.37]Hey, Barney.
[02:22.37]嘿 Barney
[02:23.71]What's on tap for tonight?
[02:24.90]Oh, we're heading over to Marshall and Lily's for a Kathy Bates movie marathon, but not Misery.
[02:24.90]哦 我們打算到Marshall他們家 看一晚上的Kathy Bates電影 但不看"危情十日"
[02:29.27]You wanna join us...
[02:31.68]He hung up.
[02:38.35]Oh, it's great to see you.
[02:38.35]哦 見到你太好了
[02:40.39]Hey, kiddo. You look great.
[02:40.39]嘿 小家伙 你看上去好極了
[02:42.23]How are things back home?
[02:43.41]Well, I moved into your old room.
[02:43.41]嗯 我搬到你以前的房間去了
[02:45.70]Did you know that you can see strange Mrs. Gottwald's bedroom across the street?
[02:45.70]你知不知道從那能夠看到對街 Gottwald太太的臥室呀?
[02:49.08]Oh, yes. I am aware of that.
[02:49.08]哦 是啊 我知道
[02:51.85]How's she looking?
[02:52.84]Ted, she's 62.
[02:52.84]Ted 她都62了
[02:54.29]Answer the question.
[02:55.91]Surprisingly perky.
[02:59.24]Man, it is cold out there.
[02:59.24]伙計 外面還真冷
[03:01.43]Why, hello.
[03:01.43]為啥 你好啊
[03:05.44]I've been waiting for you.
[03:08.58]Wait a second. That's not our chair.
[03:08.58]等等 那不是我們的椅子
[03:10.51]Did you bring that chair yourself?
[03:12.81]I needed one that swivels.
[03:17.71]Heather Mosby...
[03:17.71]Heather Mosby...
[03:20.57]Barney. Stinson.
[03:20.57]Barney Stinson
[03:30.09]How did you even know Heather was coming into town?
[03:33.80]Never tell me anything!
[03:35.33]You know I can't keep secrets around Christmas!
[03:38.22]Robin's giving you an iPod!
[03:41.51]Ted, can I chat with you for a sec in the kitchen?
[03:41.51]Ted 能到廚房借一步說話么?
[03:45.13]No one touch the chair. It's a rental.
[03:45.13]誰都不準(zhǔn)碰椅子 是我租的
[03:48.56]I can't believe you've been hiding your sister from me all these years.
[03:48.56]真不敢相信這么些年來 你一直把你妹妹藏著不讓我見
[03:51.72]Do you blame me?
[03:52.95]You're like Weird Al Yankovic if he only wrote Christmas songs about banging my sister.
[03:52.95]你就像個只會編圣誕歌 占我妹妹便宜的怪蜀黍
[03:58.77]Okay. First of all, I'm flattered.
[03:58.77]好吧 首先 過獎了
[04:02.22]Secondly, they're just jokes.
[04:02.22]其次 那些只是玩笑而已
[04:04.39]A bro can joke about another bro's sister.
[04:06.58]It doesn't mean I'm ever gonna act on it.
[04:07.98]Look, I love my sister, and as her older brother,
[04:07.98]聽著 我愛我妹妹 作為她哥哥
[04:11.05]it's my job to protect her from guys like you.
[04:14.04]You don't trust me, do you?
[04:14.04]你信不過我 是么?
[04:15.25]No. And I don't trust her either.
[04:15.25]是 雖然我也信不過她
[04:17.41]Fine. Great.
[04:17.41]那好吧 好極了
[04:19.74]I guess I'll just... take my chair and go.
[04:27.44]Wait... Stop... Come back...
[04:31.54]Lily and I are taking Heather out for dinner on Sunday.
[04:34.33]Do you wanna come?
[04:35.08]I already called Hurley's and added a fourth.
[04:37.29]You really can't tell Lily anything.
[04:38.32]- No, you can't tell her... - Jeez.
[04:38.32]- 是啊 你不該告訴她的... - 老天
[04:40.57]That year, the holidays were really making Aunt Robin miss Canada,
[04:40.57]那一年過節(jié) Robin阿姨真的想家了
[04:43.85]so Marshall brought her to the spot he went whenever he got homesick for Minnesota:
[04:43.85]所以Marshall就把她帶去了 他想明尼蘇達(dá)時會去的老地方:
[04:47.76]The Walleye Saloon.
[04:49.50]Evening, everybody.
[04:49.50]晚上好 各位
[04:52.25]Meet Robin.
[04:54.47]Go back to drinking.
[04:57.83]What's up, Marshall?
[04:57.83]還好嗎 Marshall?
[04:58.57]Hey, what's u... Bud!
[04:58.57]嘿 你好嗎 伙計!
[05:00.40]What's with the hitch in your giddyap?
[05:01.80]Oh, I was playing some hockey today.
[05:01.80]哦 我今天玩了會兒曲棍球
[05:03.53]Tore up something in my knee.
[05:04.70]Did you go to the hospital?
[05:05.76]Nah. I just poured some beer on it.
[05:05.76]沒 我就拿啤酒擦了擦
[05:07.31]Can't miss the Vikes game.
[05:08.66]Twin Cities! Oh, yeah!
[05:08.66]雙子城嘞! 噢耶!
[05:13.18]I love the guys here. They're real men.
[05:13.18]我喜歡這里的伙計們 他們是真爺們
[05:15.34]No hair products or manicures.
[05:15.34]不弄稀奇古怪的發(fā)型 也不美甲
[05:18.58]All New York guys are like 10% girl.
[05:21.35]Come on. That seems a little unfair.
[05:21.35]不是吧 這么說可就不公道了
[05:23.20]I'll have the vichyssoise with just a soupon of cr me fra che.
[05:23.20]我要一份奶油濃湯 只加一勺花蜜
[05:26.70]Too much dairy and I tend to bloat.
[05:26.70]奶酪之類的吃多了 我容易水腫
[05:31.46]I found an apartment today.
[05:33.57]- Really? - Yeah.
[05:33.57]- 是嗎 - 嗯
[05:34.81]And I was hoping you'd have a little more wine in you before I asked you this, but...
[05:34.81]我本來想等你喝高了 再跟你說這事的 不過...
[05:40.61]I need you to co-sign the lease.
[05:45.36]Let me think about it.
[05:47.43]That means he's not going to do it.
[05:50.35]I could really use your help on this.
[05:52.66]Let's talk about this later, okay?
[05:52.66]我們晚些再談 好嗎
[05:54.97]Don't hold your breath.
[05:57.13]What is it? You don't trust me?
[05:57.13]什么意思? 你信不過我嗎?
[06:00.35]You're my sister.
[06:01.97]Now he's just stating a fact.
[06:01.97]他只是在陳述事實 不帶任何感情色彩
[06:04.88]Look, Ted, I am serious about a career in finance, but...
[06:04.88]聽著 Ted 我很認(rèn)真地考慮 在金融界施展一番拳腳 可...
[06:08.37]you just keep looking at me like I'm a four-year-old who says she wants to be an astronaut.
[06:08.37]你卻一直把我看做 想當(dāng)宇航員的四歲小孩來看
[06:13.55]I just don't think you have any idea how tough it is to make it in New York.
[06:13.55]我覺得你還沒有意識到 在紐約生存有多難
[06:16.86]Exactly. You need connections.
[06:16.86]正是 你需要人脈
[06:19.38]If only Ted knew someone who worked at, say...
[06:22.96]Goliath National Bank, then...
[06:22.96]比如歌利亞國際銀行工作的人 那么...
[06:25.33]wait. What?
[06:25.33]等等 什么?
[06:28.47]I work at Goliath National Bank.
[06:30.91]How 'bout that?
[06:34.16]All right.
[06:35.42]We got two Bemidji Pale Ales and...
[06:35.42]兩瓶Bemidji生啤 還有...
[06:38.02]who ordered the mini-burgers?
[06:43.75]Oh, my God! Is that Fisherman's Quest?
[06:43.75]偶賣疙瘩! 那是老漁釣魚么?
[06:46.42]I used to play FQ all the time back home!
[06:48.74]Oh, yeah? I kinda have high score.
[06:48.74]哦 是嗎? 我的分可高哦
[06:50.69]Not to brag, but I caught...
[06:50.69]不是吹牛 我捉到了...
[06:53.05]a 35-inch northern pike.
[06:56.22]The biggest video fish anyone's ever reeled in.
[06:59.17]I mean... freshwater.
[07:02.27]A tip of the angler's cap, my friend.
[07:02.27]旁門左道的小把戲吧 朋友
[07:05.47]Thank you for bringing me here.
[07:08.94]Those are mine.
[07:11.72]This is not a good idea.
[07:13.67]Heather and Barney alone in his office?
[07:16.39]And I certainly don't want to be on the hook for her lease.
[07:18.59]She is growing up. You just can't see it yet.
[07:18.59]她長大了 你不能這么武斷
[07:21.62]We're talking about a girl who was busted for shoplifting eight months ago.
[07:21.62]我們說的是一個8個月前 還因為在商店里偷東西被捕的丫頭
[07:25.70]Ted, a lot of women go through a shoplifting phase.
[07:25.70]Ted 很多女人都經(jīng)過 從商店里偷東西的階段
[07:29.46]And sure, maybe to this day, they swipe the occasional smaller item
[07:29.46]沒錯 也許今天 偶爾她們順手拿了點(diǎn)便宜貨
[07:33.91]because it turns them on in a weird way that they can't quite explain.
[07:33.91]那是因為這種小成就會讓她們 感到性致盎然 都說不清楚為什么的
[07:39.19]if it'll make you feel better, I-I'll tag along to GNB tomorrow.
[07:39.19]如果能讓你好受些的話 我明天就跟到歌利亞國際去吧
[07:43.02]I'll say I'm having lunch with Marshall, but actually, I'll be spying on her and Barney.
[07:43.02]我就說要跟Marshall一起吃午飯 不過實際上 我是監(jiān)視她跟Barney
[07:48.20]Okay. Okay, I'm good with that.
[07:48.20]好吧 就那么辦吧
[07:52.11]Heather! Heather... Good luck tomorrow at GNB.
[07:52.11]Heather! Heather... 祝你明天在歌利亞國際好運(yùn)
[07:55.34]I'm sure you'll knock 'em dead.
[07:56.42]And I'll be spying on you guys.
[07:58.74]Damn it!
[08:02.63]I'm drinking till I forget the 1999 NFC Championship?
[08:02.63]我要喝到忘記1999年全美橄欖球 冠軍爭奪賽為止?
[08:07.35]That game.
[08:08.84]The Vikings were two minutes away from going to the Super Bowl, when our kicker,
[08:08.84]維京隊離超級碗還差2分鐘之遠(yuǎn)了 可我們的隊員
[08:12.25]who hadn't missed all year shanked a field goal, and we lost in overtime.
[08:12.25]全季比賽一場沒落 竟然把球給踢丟了 使得我們在加時賽里輸?shù)袅吮荣?br /> [08:16.38]Damn!
[08:17.79]'99 NFC Championship game?
[08:19.39]- Yeah. - Damn!
[08:19.39]- 是啊 - 媽的!
[08:22.25]My dad, who I'd never seen cry my whole life, wiped away a tear.
[08:22.25]我爸爸 我一輩子沒見過他掉一滴眼淚 那天卻哭了
[08:26.92]He said... A little part of me just died, son.
[08:26.92]他說...我心某處已死 兒子
[08:33.07]I love how intense you guys are about your Vikings.
[08:35.71]It's like when we watch hockey night in Canada...
[08:41.64]Don't let anyone in here know that you're not from Minnesota.
[08:41.64]別讓這里的人知道 你不是從明尼蘇達(dá)來的
[08:46.38]Why? What are they gonna do if they find out I'm from...
[08:46.38]為什么? 如果他們知道了會怎么樣?
[08:49.70]Does this look like a Dallas bar to you, pal?
[08:49.70]你覺得這兒像是達(dá)拉斯酒吧嗎 伙計
[08:51.60]It's weird, but there's something comforting about being carried like this.
[08:51.60]真奇怪 不過被這樣抱著還是蠻舒服的
[09:00.06]Man, can you believe that guy?
[09:00.06]伙計 那家伙簡直是
[09:03.00]So, Robin, where are you from?
[09:03.00]呃...Robin 你從哪兒來的?
[09:11.75]Bemidji, Minnesota.
[09:11.75]Bemidji 明尼蘇達(dá)
[09:13.98]Go, Vikes!
[09:13.98]維京隊 加油!
[09:17.35]Kids, for what happened next, I'm gonna jump ahead a couple days.
[09:17.35]孩子們 接下來 我先說說幾天以后的事
[09:21.74]That is a pretty sweet briefcase.
[09:24.43]That's a pretty sweet security camera, too.
[09:27.17]And there's another one. And a guard.
[09:27.17]那邊又一個 還有保安呢
[09:29.31]I'm planning on paying for it, Ted.
[09:29.31]我想花錢買的 Ted
[09:31.25]Yeah. Well, you don't have the job yet.
[09:31.25]是嗎 你還沒有找到工作呢
[09:34.10]That door's a push, not a pull.
[09:34.10]那門是推 不是拉的
[09:36.80]There you go.
[09:38.66]Hey, thanks again for keeping an eye on her yesterday.
[09:40.81]Look, maybe I was wrong.
[09:40.81]聽著 也許我錯了
[09:42.12]She sounds like she handled Barney just fine.
[09:43.75]Maybe she'll be able to handle New York.
[09:45.55]No thanks necessary!
[09:48.58]Why not?
[09:49.46]I have a secret. No, I don't! Nothing happened. Something happened.
[09:49.46]我有個秘密 不 我沒有! 什么事都沒發(fā)生 發(fā)生了點(diǎn)事!
[09:53.48]What happened?
[09:54.95]Nothing.After Heather's interview,
[09:54.95]沒什么 在Heather面試之后
[09:56.87]I went to say hi to Marshall for a few minutes, and when I came back...
[09:56.87]我跑去和Marshall打了下招呼 然后等我回去...
[10:02.29]Oh, my God!
[10:03.94]Lily, Lily, before you say or do anything, I beg you one favor.
[10:03.94]Lily Lily 在你說什么或做什么之前 我想求你件事
[10:08.96]Get off that. It's Prada.
[10:08.96]別踩了 那可是Prada的
[10:12.39]I am so sorry.
[10:13.99]I knew it. I knew it all along.
[10:13.99]我早就知道 從開始就知道
[10:15.67]She is still the same, irresponsible train wreck that she always was, and when I see Barney...
[10:15.67]她還是過去那個不負(fù)責(zé)任的家伙 等我見到Barney...
[10:19.67]You won't say a word.
[10:21.23]Ted, Heather begged me not to tell you.
[10:21.23]Ted Heather求我不要告訴你
[10:23.76]She will hate my guts if she knows that I blabbed.
[10:23.76]如果知道我亂說 肯定會恨我入骨
[10:26.83]Oh, I love that briefcase, but I can't afford it.
[10:26.83]我真喜歡那個包包 但我買不起
[10:30.74]You were right, Ted.
[10:30.74]你是對的 Ted
[10:33.59]I certainly was.
[10:34.70]See? She didn't get the briefcase! That's responsible!
[10:34.70]瞧見了沒 她沒有拿那個包包 這就是負(fù)責(zé)任的表現(xiàn)
[10:38.99]And there's almost no way she had sex with anyone in there.
[10:42.74]Turning over a new leaf.
[10:49.83]Evening, everybody!
[10:49.83]晚上好 各位!
[10:51.12]So my dad and I are at the '99 NFC Championship game.
[10:51.12]所以我爸爸和我去了 99年NFC冠軍杯現(xiàn)場
[10:55.34]I say evening, everybody!
[10:55.34]我說晚上好 各位!
[10:57.17]And when we missed that field goal and lost...
[10:57.17]當(dāng)我們錯過了觸底得分的機(jī)會 而輸?shù)舯荣?..
[10:59.22]- Damn! - Damn! Damn.
[10:59.22]- 媽的! - 媽的! 媽的
[11:03.65]my dad, who I had never seen cry in my entire life,
[11:03.65]我爸爸 這輩子我從未見過他流淚
[11:08.89]wiped away a tear and said,
[11:08.89]擦去一滴眼淚 然后說
[11:12.27]A little part of me just died, son.
[11:12.27]我心某處已死 兒子
[11:18.27]I told it the way I'm gonna tell my son.
[11:21.01]If I'm ever lucky enough to have a son, and name him
[11:21.01]如果我夠幸運(yùn)能有個兒子 然后取名為
[11:27.46]Rashad Tarkenton.
[11:27.46]Rashad Tarkenton
[11:30.85]Robin, great story. Great story!
[11:30.85]Robin 故事真贊 故事真贊!
[11:34.40]But it does sound a little bit familiar.
[11:36.87]I know!
[11:37.88]They totally ate it up.
[11:39.53]I see what you're doing here.
[11:41.72]I brought you here as a favor because...
[11:44.68]because I felt sorry for you, okay?
[11:44.68]因為我對你感到抱歉 明白嗎
[11:46.42]And now it's like you're trying to steal my bar.
[11:48.44]You think I'm trying to steal your bar?
[11:51.57]Oh, get oot.
[11:53.42]Get oot? What, are you Canadian?
[11:53.42]少來了? 怎么 你是加拿大人嗎
[11:55.86]No, I...
[11:55.86]不 我...
[11:56.84]You want to impersonate a Canadian, just turn of the lights and get all scared!
[11:56.84]如果你想模仿加拿大人 只要關(guān)掉燈大聲喊就行了!
[12:05.63]What was that?
[12:06.51]Oh, well, with Canada right across the border,
[12:08.55]we Minnesotans sometimes like to make jokes at your guys' expense
[12:11.67]and they're all sort of along the same theme.
[12:13.88]That we're afraid of the dark?
[12:16.54]For example: Uh, hey, everyone, how many Canadians does it take to change a lightbulb?
[12:16.54]比如說 嘿 大家 換個燈泡 需要多少個加拿大人呢
[12:22.45]What? Oh, no, the lightbulb's out? I'm scared!
[12:22.45]啥? 哦不 燈泡不亮了? 我好怕~
[12:27.46]That is insane.
[12:28.53]Why do you think the Canadians are afraid of the dark?
[12:30.82]Well, where does any prejudice come from, Robin?
[12:30.82]一切偏見從何而來 Robin?
[12:32.75]A stereotype starts, and all of a sudden it spreads like wildfire.
[12:32.75]一旦古板老套形成 忽然間就一傳十 十傳百
[12:35.35]Like Asians can't drive, Scotsmen are cheap, Brazilians always put on way too much postage.
[12:35.35]比如亞洲人不會開車 蘇格蘭人卑鄙 巴西人郵票總是貼的過多
[12:40.80]I just don't think this is gonna work out, Robin.
[12:40.80]我想這個問題是沒法解決的 Robin
[12:43.28]You can't be hanging out with people who belittle your beloved homeland, so I'll walk you out.
[12:43.28]你不能和那些輕視你偉大祖國的人 一起玩 來 我送你出去
[12:48.70]No, wait, I have something to say.
[12:48.70]不 等下 我還有話說
[12:52.77]Hey, everybody.
[12:52.77]嘿 各位
[12:54.59]Let me tell you something about people from Canada.
[12:57.55]Hey, Robin, please don't make a scene.
[12:57.55]嘿 Robin 別鬧笑話了
[13:00.61]Do you know why Canadians never get a birthday wish?
[13:00.61]你們知道為什么加拿大人 過生日從來都不許愿的嗎
[13:03.79]Because they're too afraid to blow out the candles.
[13:09.56]Oh, God, I love it here. God.
[13:09.56]天啊 我真喜歡這里
[13:13.34]I think your prospects at GNB are good.
[13:13.34]我想你在歌利亞國家銀行 前途一片光明
[13:16.18]You certainly made it clear you're will to take any position.
[13:16.18]你明確的表明你愿意去任何職位 (愿意采用任何體位)
[13:18.97]Are these new coasters?
[13:20.53]Well, I hope you get the job.
[13:22.55]Nothing gives me more pleasure than filling an opening.
[13:22.55]我最愛的就是填補(bǔ)空職位了 (我最愛OOXX了)
[13:25.91]I swear to God these coasters are thicker.
[13:28.15]Well, I am willing to bend over backwards.
[13:28.15]我愿意盡自己最大的力量 (我愿意彎下腰從后面...囧)
[13:30.57]Okay, that's it!
[13:30.57]好了 夠了!
[13:31.88]I cannot believe you had sex with my sister!
[13:35.18]You blabbed?
[13:36.67]Do you know what? This is a new batch of the old coasters.
[13:36.67]知道嗎 這還是舊杯墊
[13:40.76]I'm just gonna confirm that with the bartender.
[13:42.98]And you, you're mature and responsible now?
[13:42.98]還有你 你覺得自己現(xiàn)在成熟了 能負(fù)責(zé)任了?
[13:45.20]Is it mature and responsible to go to your first big job interview in New York City
[13:48.74]and nail a total stranger?
[13:48.74]就上了個陌生人 這樣做是成熟 負(fù)責(zé)任的表現(xiàn)嗎
[13:50.91]You've always been immature and irresponsible.
[13:50.91]你一直以來都是不成熟 不負(fù)責(zé)任的
[13:52.60]You will always be immature and irresponsible.
[13:52.60]而且你也會繼續(xù)不成熟 不負(fù)責(zé)任下去
[13:54.94]And I wouldn't cosign a library card for you, let alone a lease.
[13:54.94]我連圖書館借閱證都不會簽 就更別提租約了
[13:58.70]Barney and I didn't have sex.
[14:00.09]Save it. Lily saw you.
[14:00.09]省省吧 Lily都看到了
[14:01.40]Or did she?
[14:01.40]或者說 她真的看到了嗎?
[14:03.21]You see, Ted, you had so little faith in Heather and me...
[14:03.21]聽著 Ted 你對Heather和我太沒有信心...
[14:07.01]we decided to give you exactly what you expected of us.
[14:10.00]And I knew we could count on Lily to blab.
[14:10.00]而且我知道憑著Lily的一張嘴 就會宣揚(yáng)出去
[14:12.31]Oh, my God!
[14:14.17]What? Why would you do that?
[14:14.17]什么? 你們?yōu)槭裁匆敲醋?
[14:15.52]Because you deserved it.
[14:16.80]Ted, you know I'm no saint.
[14:16.80]Ted 你知道我不是圣人
[14:19.36]And yes, it's true that time I drove your mother to the airport,
[14:19.36]是的 我開車送你媽媽 去機(jī)場的時候的確...
[14:23.85]well, let's just say there was a very confusing,
[14:27.09]sexually charged moment in short-term parking,
[14:30.64]but I said I would never go near your sister, and I meant it.
[14:30.64]但我說過不會碰你妹妹 我是認(rèn)真的
[14:35.23]You should have trusted me.
[14:36.59]You're so convinced I'm still some out-of-control teenager, you missed the fact I grew up.
[14:36.59]你如此堅信我還是那個無法無天的 小女孩 缺忽略了我長大了的事實
[14:43.17]I'm gonna find a hotel.
[14:44.67]I'll get my things later.
[14:46.97]Merry Christmas.
[14:53.79]Your mom and I kissed.
[14:57.59]Better get a move on. You got five seconds to catch two more sturgeon.
[14:57.59]最好快點(diǎn) 你還有五秒鐘時間釣兩條鱘魚
[15:00.58]Hey, we got a possible gill screen.
[15:00.58]嘿 抓魚大場面
[15:03.46]Forget it. You can't catch two fish with one hook.
[15:03.46]得了 你不可能用一個鉤釣兩條魚的
[15:06.25]No, but I can catch one fish
[15:06.25]對 但我可以先釣上一條
[15:09.94]and use that fish to catch the other one.
[15:16.11]High score! You beat Marshall!
[15:16.11]最高分! 你擊敗了Marshall!
[15:19.24]She's Canadian!
[15:19.24]她是加拿大人! (發(fā)飆了!)
[15:21.93]Robin's Canadian!
[15:24.95]She's Canadian.
[15:26.88]She's not from Bemidji and she doesn't know a darn thing about the Vikings.
[15:26.88]她不是從Bemidji來的 而且對維京隊一無所知
[15:30.64]You're just mad 'cause she got high score.
[15:33.35]Robin, in the '99 NFC Championship game when the Vikings lost...
[15:33.35]Robin 在99年NFC冠軍杯比賽上 當(dāng)維京隊輸了比賽...
[15:38.72]- Damn! - Oh, damn!
[15:38.72]- 媽的! - 哦 媽的!
[15:41.90]who was the kicker who missed the field goal?
[15:52.88]Rashad Tarkenton.
[15:52.88]Rashad Tarkenton
[15:57.26]Gary Anderson.
[15:57.26]是Gary Anderson
[16:00.00]He's now retired.
[16:01.34]Owns a fly-fishing business... in Canada.
[16:06.74]Good-bye, Robin.
[16:06.74]再見 Robin
[16:17.00]No. You know what?
[16:17.00]不 你們知道嗎
[16:20.91]I'm glad you found oot because I'm proud to be Canadian.
[16:20.91]很高興你們發(fā)現(xiàn)我說"少來" 因為我很高興是加拿大人
[16:26.06]We may not have a fancy NFL team or Prince,
[16:26.06]我們也許沒有夢幻橄欖球隊 也沒有Prince
[16:30.63]but we invented Trivial Pursuit.
[16:33.48]You're welcome, Earth!
[16:33.48]不客氣 地球人!
[16:36.09]Plus in Canada, you can go to an all-nude strip club and order alcohol.
[16:36.09]另外在加拿大 你可以去全裸 脫衣舞俱樂部 還可以要酒喝
[16:41.61]That's right.
[16:42.56]From Moosejaw to the Bay of Fundy, you can suck down a 20-ounce pilsner
[16:42.56]從Moosejaw到Fundy灣 你可以喝20盎司比爾森啤酒
[16:47.14]while watching some coal miner's daughter strip down to her pelt.
[16:47.14]還可以欣賞某個煤礦工人女兒的 脫衣舞表演
[16:53.60]In Canada people don't care where you're from, as long as you're friendly
[16:53.60]在加拿大 人們不在意你從哪里來 只要你很友善
[16:57.88]and maybe loan them a smoke or hand over a donut.
[16:57.88]或者借他們一根煙 遞個甜甜圈之類的
[17:02.46]I'm proud to be from the Great White North...
[17:05.98]and I wish I was there right now.
[17:11.09]And we're not afraid of the dark.
[17:11.09]還有 我們不怕黑
[17:15.34]I mean, we don't love it, but who does?
[17:15.34]我們是不喜歡 但又有誰喜歡黑呢
[17:29.81]Merry Christmas.
[17:32.22]- Ted... - Look inside.
[17:32.22]- Ted... - 看看里面
[17:37.95]You just, if you push it towards the...
[17:40.06]Not down, towards the middle.
[17:40.06]不是往下 往中間
[17:41.23]- Don't need your help. - Got it.
[17:41.23]- 不用你幫忙 - 好吧
[17:51.34]You signed the lease.
[17:52.88]Yeah. You know why?
[17:52.88]是的 知道原因嗎
[17:55.90]Because you trust me and think it's a great idea?
[17:55.90]因為你相信我 認(rèn)為這是個好主意嗎
[17:59.21]Because I want to get to know you.
[18:01.77]The new you.
[18:09.76]By the way, in your new neighborhood,
[18:09.76]再說一句 搬了新地方
[18:11.44]you really should get a good solid deadbolt for the door.
[18:15.06]If you want... to live.
[18:28.28]I'm so sorry for what happened back there.
[18:30.28]I-I acted like a total jerk.
[18:32.18]I, I shouldn't have said anything.
[18:32.18]我 我不該說那些
[18:34.63]No, look, I'm sorry.
[18:34.63]不 聽著 我很抱歉
[18:36.88]That was your place.
[18:37.78]I shouldn't have tried to make it mine.
[18:40.64]Just every year at the holidays, I get homesick.
[18:40.64]只是每年這個時候 我都很想家
[18:43.78]And so far, every year I've had a reason to stay: a boyfriend, a job, or something.
[18:43.78]至今為止 每年我都有理由留下: 男友 工作 或者別的什么
[18:51.07]But this year for the first time, I don't.
[18:51.07]但今年是第一次 我找不到理由
[18:54.99]Yes, you do.
[18:54.99]不 你有的
[18:58.50]We all love you, okay?
[19:01.60]If you ever moved back to Canada, we would hop on a plane, we would track you down,
[19:01.60]如果你搬回加拿大 我們會跳上飛機(jī) 抓到你
[19:06.27]and after Barney dragged us to a few of those strip clubs you talked about,
[19:06.27]在Barney拉著我們?nèi)⒂^你說的 那些脫衣舞俱樂部之后
[19:11.06]we would bring you back right here where you're supposed to be.
[19:11.06]我們會把你帶回來這里 你本該在的地方
[19:15.64]it's not New York without Robin Scherbatsky.
[19:15.64]沒有Robin Scherbatsky 這里就不是紐約了
[19:18.89]- Thanks. - Yeah.
[19:18.89]- 謝謝 - 沒事
[19:22.19]I just miss it there sometimes.
[19:24.95]I wish I could blink my eyes and be back in Canada for an hour, you know?
[19:30.69]I was hoping you would say that.
[19:34.34]* Once, there was this girl *
[19:34.34]* Once, there was this girl *
[19:37.77]* Who wouldn't go and change *
[19:37.77]* Who wouldn't go and change *
[19:40.79]* With the girls in the change room...*
[19:40.79]* With the girls in the change room...*
[19:42.70]How did you find this place?
[19:44.53]Feels like home, right?
[19:44.53]像回到家了 對嗎
[19:45.60]There's one way to find out.
[19:50.03]Well, sorry there. Didn't see ya. Are you okay?
[19:50.03]不好意思 沒看到你 你還好嗎
[19:52.29]I'm fine.
[19:53.44]Okay, sorry aboot that.
[19:53.44]好吧 萬分抱歉
[19:56.18]Have a donut on the hoose.
[19:56.18]來個甜甜圈吧 免費(fèi)的
[19:57.91]- Thanks. - Okay.
[19:57.91]- 謝謝 - 不用謝
[20:00.74]Okay, you bumped into him, and he apologized and gave you a donut on the hoose?
[20:00.74]好吧 你撞到他 他反而向你道歉 還請你免費(fèi)吃甜甜圈?
[20:05.62]Oh, it's just like home.
[20:09.95]Sorry! It's gonna be fine! Sorry.
[20:09.95]抱歉! 沒事沒事! 抱歉
[20:15.30]No one likes the dark.
[20:24.25]Next up from Ontario: Marshall Erickson.
[20:24.25]下面登場的是來自安大略的 Marshall Erickson
[20:28.32]I didn't know you signed up. What are you gonna sing?
[20:28.32]都不知道你要上去呢 準(zhǔn)備唱什么?
[20:30.04]Oh, I think you'll recognize it.
[20:31.79]* But that's okay, I'm gonna rock your body anyway *
[20:31.79]* But that's okay, I'm gonna rock your body anyway * (Robin做青少年偶像唱的歌 hihaha)
[20:35.54]* I'm gonna rock your body to Canada Day!*
[20:35.54]* I'm gonna rock your body to Canada Day!*
[20:37.68]* Buddy, you can turn off the screen. We know the lyrics.*
[20:37.68]* Buddy, you can turn off the screen. We know the lyrics.*
[20:39.93]* Everybody come and play *
[20:39.93]* Everybody come and play *
[20:43.83]* Throw every last care away *
[20:43.83]* Throw every last care away *
[20:47.87]* Let's go to the mall today!*
[20:47.87]* Let's go to the mall today!*

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