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[00:01.20]****sophomore year of college, when Aunt Lily came back from spring break,
[00:01.20]孩兒們 大二那年 當(dāng)Lily阿姨放完春假回來時(shí)
[00:05.07]Uncle Marshall surprised her at the airport.
[00:07.64]And she surprised him with a six-pack of locally brewed beer.
[00:07.64]她也回贈(zèng)給他一份驚喜 帶回了6罐當(dāng)?shù)蒯勗斓钠【?br /> [00:10.72]Fort Lau-ger-Dale! Get it?
[00:10.72]Fort Lauger Dale! 聽說過吧?
[00:13.27]And with that, a ritual was born.
[00:16.11]For the next 11 years, whenever either of them would fly anywhere...
[00:16.11]接下來的11年里 他倆不管飛去哪里...
[00:19.20]Minne-Cider! Get it?
[00:19.20]Minne-Cider! 聽說過吧?
[00:22.09]the reunion was always commemorated with a chauffeur sign and a six-pack from wherever they'd been.
[00:26.73]Aspen Yards Ale! Get it?
[00:26.73]Aspen Yards Ale! 聽說過吧?
[00:30.62]事實(shí)上 沒
[00:31.65]Me,neither. I was hoping you would.
[00:31.65]我也是 還指望你知道呢
[00:34.18]But then,one night in January of 2009, the unthinkable happened.
[00:34.18]但2009年一月的一個(gè)晚上 意想不到的事發(fā)生了
[00:38.11]- I'm not picking her up. - What?
[00:38.11]- 我不去接她了 - 什么?
[00:40.60]Lily doesn't want me taking a cab all the way to the airport just to take a cab all the way back,you know?
[00:40.60]Lily不會(huì)想我坐著出租翻山越嶺地去機(jī)場(chǎng) 只是為了跋山涉水地坐著回來
[00:45.49]- But the six-pack thing. - Ted...
[00:45.49]- 那6罐啤酒咋辦? - Ted...
[00:47.98]that stuff was fun when we were younger, but we've grown past that.
[00:47.98]那只是我們年輕時(shí)玩玩的 現(xiàn)在我們過了那年齡了
[00:51.58]As we mature,the relationship matures with us.
[00:51.58]隨著我們成熟 我們的愛情也成熟了
[00:54.93]But... I mean, you guys are such an inspiration to the rest of us,how you're so devoted and connected.
[00:54.93]但...我是說 在我們看來你們是 那么有情趣的一對(duì) 那么如膠似漆
[01:00.21]I look at you guys, and that's all I want in the whole world.
[01:00.21]看到你們倆 我才知道 這才是真正的人生呀
[01:03.91]Ted,there's two college girls outside,and they look easy!
[01:03.91]Ted 外面有兩個(gè)女大學(xué)生 看上去很好把哦!
[01:09.30]So,Arizona-- you know, I- I've always wanted to see what an Arizona driver's license looks like.
[01:09.30]亞利桑那啊 我老是想看看 亞利桑那的駕駛執(zhí)照長啥樣
[01:14.14]- I already ran that play, bro. They're 21. We're good. - Thank God.
[01:14.14]- 我已經(jīng)用過這招了 老兄 她們年滿21了 沒事的 - 太好啦
[01:16.79]So,um, what brings you guys to town?
[01:18.71]Our band's got a gig.
[01:20.33]Oh,you're in a band? Hey,maybe we'll come see you play.
[01:20.33]你們是樂隊(duì)里的? 嘿 或許我們能來看你們表演
[01:22.93]Excuse us for a sec.
[01:26.16]Ted,what the hell is the matter with you? We're not gonna go see them play.
[01:26.16]Ted 你到底哪根筋不對(duì)? 我們不去看她們表演
[01:29.30]Why not?
[01:30.53]If we see them play, we're no better than the bleach-blonde bimbos
[01:33.97]who flash their boobs at a Van Halen concert.
[01:33.97]我們比那些在Van Halen音樂會(huì)上 露著胸部招搖過市的金發(fā)女人好不到哪去
[01:36.63]Yeah,but don't those girls get to have sex with Van Halen after the show?
[01:36.63]嗯 但事后那些女孩沒和Van Halen做愛嗎?
[01:39.89]If you want to have sex with Van Halen, do it on your own time,Ted.
[01:39.89]如果你想和Van Halen做愛 Ted 你一個(gè)人去吧
[01:43.06]We are not the maybe-we-can-come- see-you-play guys.
[01:45.71]We're the other guys, the older guys who never showed up and whose approval they now crave.
[01:45.71]我們與眾不同 是她們所向往的彬彬有禮的老男人
[01:52.41]So we're their dads?
[01:53.66]- Exactly. - Okay.
[01:53.66]- 就是這樣 - 好吧
[01:57.61]It's a big meeting, so I don't think we're gonna make it.
[01:57.61]我們有重要會(huì)議要開 所以恐怕來不了
[02:00.53]Maybe next time,kiddos.
[02:00.53]或許下次吧 孩子們
[02:02.44]But if you guys want to meet up after your show, maybe we could exchange numbers...
[02:02.44]但如果你們想在演出完后見面 或許我們能交換下電話號(hào)碼
[02:05.19]Excuse us for a minute.
[02:08.55]Ted,have you gone completely insane?
[02:08.55]Ted 你腦抽了嗎?
[02:10.60]We don't want their phone numbers.
[02:12.57]Yeah. I don't know what I was doing. I guess I panicked out there.
[02:12.57]是 我不知道我在干嘛 我想我緊張得昏頭了
[02:16.16]When you exchange numbers with a chick you give them the ability to call and cancel.
[02:16.16]一旦和小妞交換了號(hào)碼 她們就可能打電話取消約會(huì)
[02:21.10]If you set a date without a number, they have to show up.
[02:21.10]如果沒電話號(hào)碼 她們就得來赴約
[02:24.41]Check and mate!
[02:27.31]The only digits I need are these.
[02:33.68]Are you still their dad?
[02:37.51]So,why don't we just meet here tomorrow night around 10:00.
[02:40.35]I think it's supposed to snow.
[02:42.42]What do we do if there's a blizzard?
[02:44.19]Either way, we'll be here.
[02:44.19]無所謂 我們會(huì)在這兒
[02:46.04]"Snow" problem.
[02:46.04]沒問題 (snow中有no的音)
[02:48.93]Excuse us just one last second.
[02:52.08]What is the problem now?
[02:54.98]Nice one.
[02:58.18]All right,we'll see you tomorrow night.
[02:58.18]好吧 我們明晚見啦
[02:59.10]- Totally. - Awesome!
[02:59.10]- 好的 - 太棒了!
[03:01.69]"Totally. Awesome!"
[03:01.69]"好的 太棒了!"
[03:03.26]Man,these college chicks sound stupid.
[03:03.26]伙計(jì) 這些大學(xué)小妞好蠢啊
[03:05.27]- Totally. - Awesome.
[03:05.27]- 蠢透了 - 真棒
[03:06.48]So,here's the thing: tomorrow night, dress to move; it's gonna be a mess!
[03:06.48]明晚 整裝待發(fā) 會(huì)非常帶勁的!
[03:11.77]I still think we should've gotten their numbers.
[03:14.26]You always assume something is gonna go wrong.
[03:16.79]Ted,I promise you, nothing is gonna go wrong.
[03:16.79]Ted 我向你保證 不會(huì)出什么問題的
[03:20.32]Hey,it's starting to snow.
[03:20.32]嘿 開始下雪啦
[03:46.27]How I Met Your Mother Season04 Episode13
[03:46.27]老爸老媽浪漫史 第四季 第13集
[03:48.27]Kids,the blizzard of '09 was a monster.
[03:48.27]孩兒們 09年第一場(chǎng)雪來的特別猛
[03:51.00]It snowed for three days straight, which led to three amazing stories.
[03:51.00]整整下了3天 隨之發(fā)生了3段小插曲
[03:56.06]I'll start with me and Barney.
[03:57.42]It's pretty nasty out there.
[03:59.04]I don't think they're coming.
[04:00.16]Of course they're coming. They have to.
[04:00.16]她們肯定會(huì)來 必須來
[04:02.10]If I can land just one of these girls, I'll have party school bingo.
[04:02.10]如果我能搞到其中一個(gè)妞 我就能贏泡學(xué)生妞比賽
[04:11.09]Come on,Ted. You're the only one here.
[04:11.09]得了吧 Ted 這兒就你一個(gè)
[04:12.73]Sorry. What's party school bingo?
[04:12.73]不好意思 那啥是泡學(xué)生妞比賽啊?
[04:16.14]Every year, Playboyreleases a list of the top party schools in the country.
[04:20.46]I take the top 25, and I make up...
[04:20.46]我取了前25位 我還做了張
[04:23.27]a bingo card.
[04:25.33]All I need is Arizona Tech, which is crazy.
[04:25.33]釣上亞利桑那工學(xué)院的就行了 真瘋狂啊
[04:29.01]In league play, that would normally be designated a free space.
[04:32.25]So,uh,how many people are in on this party school bingo thing?
[04:36.10]Oh,it's just me.
[04:37.75]So what's the point,then?
[04:39.29]The point is to get five in a row.
[04:43.32]And what do you get when you get five in a row?
[04:43.32]當(dāng)你一排填滿5格時(shí) 你會(huì)得到啥?
[04:48.14]I get bingo.
[04:52.08]Thanks for coming by.
[04:53.38]I monkeyed around with the thermostat for about an hour before I realized it was the intercom.
[04:57.99]Yeah,I heard you swearing downstairs.
[04:57.99]嗯 我聽到你在樓下罵臟話
[05:00.19]Hey,so,uh, Lily's flight's coming in tonight-- you're really not gonna go pick her up?
[05:00.19]嘿 Lily的航班今晚就到 你真的不去接她了?
[05:04.68]Robin,Robin,like I said, as we mature,
[05:04.68]Robin Robin 就像我說的 隨著我們成熟
[05:08.98]our relationship matures with us.
[05:11.56]Yeah,well,if I know your wife, she's gonna get you that six-pack anyway.
[05:11.56]嗯 我了解你老婆 無論如何 她都會(huì)帶6罐啤酒回來
[05:18.20]Marshall? Marshall?
[05:18.20]Marshall? Marshall?
[05:22.34]Puget Stout. A most exquisite Seattle microbrew.
[05:22.34]Puget Stout 最精湛的西雅圖釀酒工藝
[05:27.37]And speaking of six-packs...
[05:27.37]說起6塊... (6塊腹?。?br /> [05:35.83]- What are you doing? - I'm going to the airport.
[05:35.83]- 你去干嗎? - 我去機(jī)場(chǎng)
[05:38.28]How could I be so stupid?
[05:39.57]Of course she's bringing me a six-pack!
[05:41.48]But this time,I didn't bring him a six-pack.
[05:41.48]這次 我沒帶給他6罐啤酒
[05:44.65]Because... as we mature,the relationship matures with us.
[05:44.65]因?yàn)?隨著我們成熟 愛情也成熟了
[05:49.79]Well,he sounds like a nice young man.
[05:52.63]I'll bet he surprises you and picks you up anyway.
[05:52.63]我敢打賭 無論如何 他會(huì)給你個(gè)驚喜 接你回家的
[06:02.81]Where's my beer?
[06:04.22]We said we weren't gonna.
[06:06.40]Someone with beer
[06:08.27]I have beer.
[06:10.43]A six-packandyou're an appropriate height for me.
[06:10.43]6罐啤酒 而且你的高度對(duì)我來說剛剛好
[06:13.06]Let's go,New Lily.
[06:13.06]我們走吧 新Lily
[06:16.95]Oh,man,I got to get some beer.
[06:18.99]Folks,this is your captain speaking.
[06:18.99]乘客們 我是機(jī)長
[06:20.74]Looks like we're going to be arriving an hour early.
[06:26.32]Drink up,boys. I'm closing the bar.
[06:26.32]喝光就走 伙計(jì)們 我要打烊了
[06:28.30]Whoa,no! It's only 9:00.
[06:28.30]不! 才9:00呀
[06:30.07]And this place is ragin',yo!
[06:30.07]這兒很熱鬧啊 唷!
[06:33.88]Guys,I'm really sorry, but I got to go set up cots in the church basement.
[06:33.88]伙計(jì)們 真抱歉 我得去教堂地窖里蓋帆布了
[06:37.13]It doubles as a shelter on snowy nights like this.
[06:39.23]You selfish bastard!
[06:40.66]There are two very hot girls coming here to meet us.
[06:43.31]Can't you just leave the place open a little while longer?
[06:45.12]We'll keep an eye on everything.
[06:46.43]You two? No way.
[06:46.43]你倆? 沒門
[06:47.86]You wouldn't know the first thing about running a bar.
[06:49.81]Serve the hotties first?
[06:52.36]Here's the keys.
[06:58.20]Here's the keys.
[06:59.60]As soon as your girls show up, you turn off the lights and you lock up.
[06:59.60]你們的姑娘一旦出現(xiàn) 就幫我關(guān)燈鎖門
[07:03.05]I don't want to come back here and find this place trashed.
[07:05.59]哇 真的嗎?
[07:06.82]I can trust you guys.
[07:08.03]To understand what it meant to us to get the keys to MacLaren's,
[07:08.03]想知道拿到MacLaren酒吧的鑰匙 對(duì)我們意味著什么嗎?
[07:10.62]I have to take you back a few years
[07:12.50]to the night that I uttered five little words that
[07:12.50]那晚 我說出了每個(gè)男人一生中
[07:14.71]every man at some point in his life will say.
[07:17.26]We should buy a bar.
[07:18.28]Of course,we should buy a bar!
[07:18.28]就是 我們應(yīng)該買家酒吧
[07:20.94]- We should totally buy a bar. - We should totally buy a bar.
[07:20.94]- 我們的確應(yīng)該買家酒吧 - 我們的確應(yīng)該買家酒吧
[07:24.24]Our bar would be awesome.
[07:25.77]And dude,dude, dude,dude...
[07:25.77]老兄 老兄 老兄...
[07:31.22]the name of our bar... Puzzles.
[07:35.71]People will be like, "Why is it called Puzzles?"
[07:35.71]人總是會(huì)奇怪 為啥會(huì)叫謎題
[07:38.08]That's the puzzle.
[07:40.62]That is... a great name for a bar!
[07:46.10]And also, at Puzzles: no last call.
[07:46.10]當(dāng)然 在Puzzles酒吧 沒打烊鈴
[07:49.74]No last call!
[07:50.91]Only when every single person is finished having the greatest night of his or her life
[07:54.84]do we stack the chairs on the table and power down the three-story margarita waterfall.
[07:54.84]我們把椅子堆在桌上 然后做3層樓的雞尾酒瀑布
[07:59.96]- We should buy a bar. - We should buy a bar.
[07:59.96]- 我們應(yīng)該買家酒吧 - 我們應(yīng)該買家酒吧
[08:02.95]And like the other ill-advised five-word sentences every man eventually says in his life...
[08:07.66]I can jump that far.
[08:10.28]I'm gonna win her back.
[08:12.55]I can trust you guys.
[08:14.04]we would come to regret it.
[08:15.55]We just didn't know it yet.
[08:43.15]You have it? Awesome-- I'll be right there.
[08:43.15]你到了? 好極了 我馬上到
[08:47.38]- Ranjit! - Hello.
[08:47.38]- Ranjit!(那個(gè)常常出現(xiàn)的司機(jī)) - 你好
[08:49.78]Uh,I'm Rachel Sondheimer.
[08:49.78]我就是Rachel Sondheimer
[08:51.80]Wait a minute,Lily.
[08:51.80]等下 Lily
[08:53.16]If you are getting off the plane,where is Marshall?
[08:53.16]你剛下飛機(jī)嗎? Marshall呢?
[08:56.86]And where is your six-pack?
[08:58.46]That's the problem. I have to get to Brewniverse in East Meadow in an hour.
[08:58.46]這就是問題所在 我得在一小時(shí)后到東牧場(chǎng)的Brewniverse
[09:03.31]- To the Town Car! - Oh,thank you.
[09:03.31]- 車在那邊! - 謝謝
[09:06.58]Oh,barkeep. Triple Sec.
[09:06.58]酒保 3份香檳
[09:09.05]Coming right up, tap-minder.
[09:09.05]馬上來 調(diào)酒師
[09:11.03]吼 吼 嘿!
[09:14.40]We'll get one.
[09:17.79]- Order up. - Order up.
[09:17.79]- 上酒 - 上酒
[09:23.09]We'll get one.
[09:24.43]Oh,thank God you're still here.
[09:24.43]謝天謝地 你們還在這兒
[09:26.56]I don't know if you guys have ever seenStar Wars, but it's like Hoth out there.
[09:26.56]我不知道你們看沒看過星球大戰(zhàn) 外面就像霍斯星球雪地戰(zhàn)景一樣
[09:31.27]It reminds me of when I used to go sledding with my dad...
[09:34.40]before he left.
[09:35.88]And dibs.
[09:37.30]So,uh,can we warm you up with a drink?
[09:37.30]呃 要來杯暖身不?
[09:39.37]Sure... oh,uh,by the way,I invited the rest of the band to come and meet us.
[09:39.37]當(dāng)然... 還有 我把樂隊(duì)其他人叫過來這里見面了
[09:43.44]We were hoping to get drunk.
[09:44.73]I meanreallydrunk. Like my dad used to.
[09:44.73]要大醉一場(chǎng) 就像我爸以前那樣
[09:48.00]Dibsity,dibsity, dibsity.
[09:48.00]太幼稚了 太幼稚了 太幼稚了
[09:50.85]Well,I guess we could keep the place open a little bit longer.
[09:50.85]那好 我想我們可以遲點(diǎn)關(guān)門的
[09:53.28]As long as it's just you and the band.
[09:57.92]Um,Melissa, what kind of band is this?
[09:57.92]嗯 Melissa 你們這是啥樂隊(duì)啊?
[10:00.98]Oh,we're the Arizona Tech Fighting Hens Marching Band.
[10:03.92]加油 雞 (hen也有姑娘和禽獸的意思)
[10:05.88]And then, your Uncle Barney and I had one of our telepathic conversations.
[10:05.88]然后 你們Barney叔叔 和我進(jìn)行了一次心靈交流
[10:10.09]Dude,Carl's gonna kill us if we don't kick everyone out of here right now.
[10:10.09]哥們兒 立刻把這群家伙趕出去 不然Carl會(huì)殺了我們的
[10:19.16]Barney,I'm serious.
[10:19.16]Barney 我說真的
[10:20.70]We promised we wouldn't mess the place up.
[10:27.30]All right, I guess you have a point.
[10:27.30]好吧 你說得有道理
[10:30.05]The bar is open!
[10:38.63]I still say this is stupid.
[10:40.56]What happened to,"As we mature, the relationship matures with us"?
[10:40.56]"兩人間的感情會(huì)隨著兩人的成熟而成熟" 突然間就不算數(shù)了?
[10:44.27]That's just something Lily read inPsychology Today.
[10:48.95]All right, she read it inCosmo.
[10:48.95]好啦 她在"時(shí)尚Cosmo"看回來的
[10:50.98]All right,I read it inCosmo.
[10:50.98]好啦 是我在"時(shí)尚Cosmo"看回來的
[10:52.88]All right,it was Cosmo Girl. Just drive,okay.
[10:52.88]好啦 我看的是"時(shí)尚Cosmo"少女版 開你的車吧
[10:55.80]I just don't get why it's such a big deal that one little ritual goes by the wayside.
[10:55.80]我就是不明白 不過是拋棄個(gè)小慣例而已 有什么大不了的
[10:59.72]It's not just this,okay?
[10:59.72]沒這么簡單的 好不?
[11:01.32]It's all our little rituals.
[11:03.87]Do you know what we used to do every day the second I got home?
[11:07.20]Man,I don't want to hear about your crazy monkey sex.
[11:07.20]老兄 我可不想聽你講什么瘋猴子性愛
[11:11.10]We would tell each other what we had to eat that day.
[11:15.14]Two eggs,a slice of cheese pizza and some steamed veggies.
[11:15.14]兩只蛋 一塊芝士比薩和素菜
[11:19.37]Everything bagel, chicken breast, some celery sticks and a spoon of peanut butter.
[11:19.37]什錦百吉餅 雞胸肉 芹菜桿兒還有一勺花生醬
[11:25.34]Crazy monkey sex?
[11:26.46]Crazy monkey sex.
[11:31.09]Oh,Lily,TMI-- too many informations.
[11:31.09]Lily TMI--你說太多啦 (too many informations)
[11:35.87]You know what else I miss?
[11:37.64]Our lunchtime phone call.
[11:39.82]Hey,baby,it's lunchtime, and I love you.
[11:39.82]嘿 寶貝兒 到了午飯時(shí)間了 我愛你
[11:43.19]I reciprocate in principle.
[11:45.61]Although with the caveat that there seems to be a bit of a surplus here on my end.
[11:45.61]不過要提醒你的是 我這邊有點(diǎn)過剩
[11:50.41]No,I love you more.
[11:50.41]才不呢 我愛你多點(diǎn)
[11:53.78]Do we need to get in a room together and bang this thing out?
[12:00.35]Those sound like agreeable terms, although I may need adjust my briefs.
[12:00.35]這條款聽起來不錯(cuò) 不過我要調(diào)整下我的大綱(內(nèi)褲)
[12:07.96]Love you,too.
[12:10.25]But today when she called, I let it go to voice mail. Voice mail!
[12:10.25]可是她今天打來時(shí) 我把它轉(zhuǎn)去了語音郵箱 語音郵箱!
[12:15.12]How could you?
[12:16.63]The thing I miss most is kissing at midnight on New Year's Eve.
[12:20.08]It was a New Year's tradition.
[12:22.38]But you know what we did this year?
[12:25.01]- Crazy monkey sex? - No.
[12:25.01]- 瘋猴子性愛? - 不是啦
[12:30.83]Okay,all these cute,adorable little rituals-- they're stupid.
[12:30.83]這些可愛的 討人喜歡的傳統(tǒng)--很弱智啊
[12:34.82]Telling each other what you had to eat? You're like children playing house.
[12:34.82]告訴彼此吃了什么? 就像小孩子玩過家家那樣
[12:39.03]Well...maybe you just think they're stupid
[12:39.03]或者 你覺得很弱智
[12:42.17]because you've never been in a relationship long enough to develop them.
[12:46.76]You don't understand love.
[12:48.31]Okay,you're like some robot who sees a person crying and says...
[12:48.31]你就像個(gè)機(jī)器人 見到有人流淚就會(huì)說...
[12:52.20]"Why is that human leaking?"
[12:54.91]- Is that right? - Yeah.
[12:54.91]- 是這樣嗎? - 沒錯(cuò)
[12:56.68]Well,then...Robot initiating pull-over-to-the- side-of-the-road-
[13:00.10]until-jackass-apologizes- to-me sequence.
[13:09.77]My robot was like, a million times better.
[13:17.26]Oh,hey,just so you know, the trough in the bathroom is overflowing.
[13:17.26]嘿 廁所的水槽滿了
[13:20.25]There's no trough in the bathroom.
[13:22.66]And you just came out of the kitchen.
[13:25.83]Ted,what's in a gin and tonic?
[13:25.83]Ted 金湯利用什么調(diào)的?
[13:27.75]What's in a gin and tonic?
[13:29.20]Okay,running a bar sucks. Let's just close up.
[13:29.20]開酒吧真的糟透了 我們還是關(guān)門大吉吧
[13:31.95]No! No! There's no last call.
[13:31.95]不! 不! 不能有打烊鈴
[13:35.04]Puzzles,go for Barney.
[13:35.04]謎題酒吧 Barney
[13:36.35]Good. You're still there. I'll be there in five.
[13:36.35]好極了 你還在那兒 我五分鐘內(nèi)到
[13:40.37]Last call.
[13:47.87]Robin,there's a snowplow coming. We have to get back on the road.
[13:47.87]Robin 有部掃雪車開過來了 快上路
[13:49.83]You think the only way to be in love is to have pet names.
[13:53.10]Or leave each other stupid,little notes or go charging off into a blizzard for no good reason.
[13:53.10]給對(duì)方留些弱智小紙條 又或者是無端端地在暴風(fēng)雪天氣里接人
[13:58.82]Seriously,do you understand what's going to happen if that plow comes by?
[13:58.82]說真的 你知道那部掃雪車 經(jīng)過會(huì)發(fā)生什么事嗎?
[14:00.93]You know what you are? You're a love snob.
[14:00.93]你知道嗎? 你是個(gè)裝內(nèi)行的愛情專家
[14:03.20]There's lots of ways to be in a relationship,
[14:05.47]and you would know that if you ever left your little love snob country club.
[14:05.47]如果你肯退出 裝內(nèi)行愛情專家俱樂部就會(huì)知道
[14:08.60]We're going to get buried by snow. That's going to happen.
[14:08.60]我們會(huì)被雪埋住 快了
[14:11.30]No,screw this. I'm not going to sit here and be insulted.
[14:11.30]不 去你的 我才不會(huì)坐在這里被人侮辱
[14:14.98]We're not going to the airport. We're going home.
[14:14.98]不去飛機(jī)場(chǎng)了 我們回家
[14:21.14]What just happened?
[14:28.78]We called earlier about the Seattle microbrew.
[14:31.13]Oh,yeah,good thing you called when you did.
[14:33.10]I was getting ready to close up.
[14:35.00]Storm of the century out there.
[14:37.30]Of course,it's only '09, so storm of the century might be a little bit premature.
[14:37.30]當(dāng)然 現(xiàn)在才09年 要說世紀(jì)風(fēng)暴還太早了
[14:42.25]Let's say storm of the year.
[14:44.26]Although,it is only January.
[14:46.19]We're in kind of a hurry, so,we'll take the beer now.
[14:46.19]我們有點(diǎn)急事 所以 現(xiàn)在就要拿啤酒
[14:50.49]You are a cute couple.
[14:51.80]- Thank you. - We're not a couple.
[14:51.80]- 謝謝啊 - 我們不是夫妻
[14:53.68]Thank God. That would be weird.
[14:53.68]上帝保佑 要是真的夫妻就奇怪了
[14:59.12]here she is. "Supersonic Tonic."
[14:59.12]來了 "超音波酒"
[15:02.28]No. This is a keg. I need a six-pack.
[15:02.28]不對(duì) 這是一桶 我要的是六瓶裝
[15:05.50]- A keg's all I got. - We'll take the keg.
[15:05.50]- 我只有這桶了 - 那就這桶吧
[15:07.67]What? Oh,no. Last time I had one of these in the car,
[15:07.67]啥? 不要 上次有個(gè)家伙喝了這桶坐我的車
[15:11.07]I wound up chipping dried vomit off the seat with a putty knife.
[15:15.70]I'm sorry,Ranjit, but this is a ritual and I am bringing him this beer.
[15:15.70]對(duì)不起了 Ranjit 可這是個(gè)傳統(tǒng) 我一定要帶這桶啤酒給他
[15:22.03]If you could just put it in the car.
[15:25.13]I'll give you 50 bucks.
[15:26.99]To the Town Car.
[15:33.96]Robin,I'm sorry. You're not a robot.
[15:33.96]Robin 我很抱歉 你不是個(gè)機(jī)器人
[15:38.37]If you are,you're, like,an incredibly advanced model,
[15:38.37]就算是 你也是個(gè)超級(jí)先進(jìn)的型號(hào)
[15:41.42]and the human race doesn't stand a chance.
[15:44.71]You just don't choose to show your love through corny rituals, and that's fine.
[15:44.71]你只是不肯把愛表現(xiàn)在 平時(shí)的小習(xí)慣上 沒事兒
[15:49.54]But maybe the reason Lily and I do is because we always have, and we don't know any other way.
[15:49.54]可我和Lily整天這樣可能是因?yàn)榱?xí)慣了 而且我們不知道其他方式去表達(dá)
[15:55.22]One thing I do know is that if she's there sitting at the airport alone,
[15:55.22]可我唯一知道的是 如果她獨(dú)自一人坐在飛機(jī)場(chǎng)的話
[16:00.27]I have to go get her.
[16:02.59]Those are the rules.
[16:06.18]Marshall,close your eyes.
[16:06.18]Marshall 閉上眼睛
[16:08.81]I don't know how you heard any of that as me hitting on you,but...
[16:08.81]我不知道你聽誰說我喜歡你的 可...
[16:11.98]Just do it.
[16:21.56]Now let's go get your woman.
[16:24.60]All right,come on.
[16:26.64]You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.
[16:26.64]你不必回家 可是不能留在這里
[16:29.79]I've always wanted to say that. I mean,in a bar.
[16:29.79]我總想這么說 我是說 在酒吧里
[16:32.44]I say it all the time at home.
[16:35.44]Dude,someday we should buy a bar.
[16:35.44]老兄 總有一天我們會(huì)買下個(gè)酒吧
[16:37.94]And when we do, we arenevergoing to have last call.
[16:37.94]那時(shí) 絕不能有打烊鈴
[16:42.69]Come on,Barney. We said no last call. We've got to mean it.
[16:42.69]Barney 我們說過沒有打烊鈴的 不能言而無信啊
[16:46.65]Well,what are we supposed to do? Carl's going to be here any minute.
[16:46.65]那 那該怎么辦吶? Carl隨時(shí)會(huì)殺回來的
[16:50.67]Only one thing we can do.
[16:55.26]Dude,running a bar is a pain in the ass.
[16:55.26]兄弟 開酒吧真是有苦自知啊
[16:57.86]We should just stick with what we know.
[17:01.63]We should start a band.
[17:03.31]Of course we should start a band!
[17:04.72]How have we not started a band yet?
[17:08.81]Kids,sometimes in life the planets align,
[17:08.81]孩子們 漫漫人生中有些事是命中注定的
[17:12.01]everything links up, and your timing is perfect.
[17:12.01]所有事情都安排好 時(shí)機(jī)也很完美
[17:15.79]- Marshall? - Lily?
[17:15.79]- Marshall? - Lily?
[17:19.38]- Marshall? - Lily?
[17:19.38]- Marshall? - Lily?
[17:37.05]This wasn't one of those times.
[17:41.65]Where is she?
[17:43.42]- Seattle. - What?
[17:43.42]- 西雅圖 - 啥?
[17:45.52]Her flight's canceled. It never took off.
[17:45.52]她的班級(jí)取消了 飛機(jī)沒有起飛
[17:48.14]No,no,she would've called me and...
[17:48.14]不 不會(huì)的 她會(huì)打給我的...
[17:54.92]Hey,baby,it's me.
[17:54.92]嘿 寶貝兒 是我
[17:56.43]My flight's been canceled because of some snowstorm and they couldn't rebook me till Thursday,
[17:56.43]因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)在暴風(fēng)雪啊 我的班機(jī)取消了 他們說只能訂到周四的票
[18:01.45]so I'm stuck here for another two days.
[18:04.30]But it's lunchtime, and I love you.
[18:04.30]不過現(xiàn)在是午飯時(shí)間了 我愛你
[18:08.74]Like I said, this was a three-day storm.
[18:08.74]正如我所說 這場(chǎng)暴風(fēng)雪持續(xù)了三天
[18:11.73]****I still say this is stupid.
[18:11.73]"周二" 我還是覺得這樣很傻
[18:16.94]- ********* - Called earlier about the Seattle microbrew.
[18:16.94]- "周四" - 之前打電話訂了西雅圖自釀啤酒的
[18:19.31]So on Tuesday when Marshall heard that message...
[18:21.89]She's not coming in till Thursday.
[18:24.25]I mean,we came all the way down here, and she's not coming in till Thursday.
[18:24.25]我們折騰了這么久 而她周四才回來
[18:27.46]I feel so stupid.
[18:30.10]Look,let's just, let's not tell Ly about any of this,okay?
[18:30.10]這樣吧 不要告訴Lily今天的事 好嗎?
[18:33.57]Especially the part about you hitting on me.
[18:35.88]I didn't hit on you.
[18:40.37]Then on Wednesday...
[18:41.71]Oh,man. I can't believe you drove all the way out there.
[18:41.71]伙計(jì) 真是難以置信 你開了老大一段路去接人
[18:44.22]Now you're just going to turn around and drive all the way out there again tomorrow.
[18:47.15]沒錯(cuò) 不對(duì)
[18:48.17]Um,this whole thing was a sign,you know?
[18:48.17]嗯 整件事對(duì)我來說是個(gè)啟示
[18:50.16]It's time to put that old ritual to bed.
[18:52.01]I'm not going to pick her up.
[18:53.92]Robin really hit on you?
[18:55.95]Dude,it was weird.
[18:55.95]兄弟 真的很奇怪
[18:59.34]Bros,this party isawesome!
[18:59.34]哥們兒 這派對(duì)真的是太棒了!
[19:03.05]You are true friends of the Fighting Hens.
[19:04.83]If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask.
[19:04.83]以后有啥事兒 吼一嗓子哈
[19:08.53]Is the flute section seeing anyone?
[19:13.68]So,wait,you're really not going to pick her up?
[19:13.68]等等 你真的不打算接她了?
[19:16.66]So the New Year's kiss, the lunchtime phone calls,
[19:16.66]那新年之吻 午飯電話
[19:20.19]the whole "this is what I ate today" thing, you're,you're really letting it all go?
[19:20.19]還有"今天吃了啥"那檔事 你...你就讓它這么完了?
[19:26.76]I really am.
[19:28.52]Which brings us to Thursday.
[20:11.39]A muffin,a pastrami sandwich, and a bag of chips.
[20:11.39]一塊松餅 牛肉三明治 還有一袋薯?xiàng)l
[20:15.22]And I know it's way past lunchtime,but I love you.
[20:15.22]我明白午飯時(shí)間已經(jīng)過去很久了 不過我愛你
[20:18.67]More and more each day, I love you,Lily.
[20:18.67]與日俱增 我愛你 Lily
[20:22.30]Happy New Year.
[20:29.54]Um,wait, does this mean that I have to bring a marching band to the airport from now on?
[20:29.54]嗯 等等 那是不是說以后來接你 都要帶支軍樂隊(duì)?
[20:32.63]Absolutely,it does.
[20:47.21]加油 雞!
[20:51.54]That is a great band name.
[20:56.62]Hey,have you seen Amanda?
[20:56.62]嘿 有見過Amanda嗎?

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