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Section A

Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.A the end of each comversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.Afier you hear a question,yo must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a singleline through the centre.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1.A)He was enjoying his holiday.

B)He was recovering in hospital.

C)He was busy writing his essays.

D)He was fighting a throat infection.

2.A)He broke his wrist.

B)He lost his antibiotics

C)He slipped on ice and fell.

D)He was laughedat by some girls.

3.A)Turn to her father for help

B)Call the repair shop to fix it.

C)Ask the manufacturer for repairs.

D)Replaceit with a brand-new one.

4.A)Help David retrievehis essays.

B)Introduce David to her parents.

C)Offer David some refreshments.

D)Accompany David to his home.

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5.A)She is a critic of works on military affairs. 

B)She is an acclaimed hostess of Book Talk.   

C)She isa researcher of literary genres.

D)She is a historian of military history.

6.A)It is about the military history of Europe. 

B)It is set in the 18th and 19th centuries.

C)It is her fith book of military history.

D)It isa war novel set in the future.

7.A)She visited soldiers'wives and mothers.

B)She conducted surveys of many soldiers

C)She meta large numberof soldiers in person.  

D)She looked intothepersonal lives of soldiers.

8.A)Shedoesn'thave much freedom for imagination. 

B)It is not easy to make her readers believe inher.   

C)It isdifficult to attract young readers.

D)Shehas to combine fact with fiction.

Section B

Directions: In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will bespoken only once.Afier you hear a question,youmust choose thebest answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D) Then mark the corresponding letteron Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

9.A)Santa Claus.

B)A polar bear.

C)Cocoa seeds.

D)A glassbottle.

10.A)To attract customer attention.

B)To keep up with thetimes.

C)To combat counterfeits.

D)Topromote its sales.

11.A)It resembles a picture in the encyclopedia.

B)It appears intheshape ofacocoa seed.

C)It has the drink's logo in the middle.  

D)Itdisplaysthe image of SantaClaus.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage youhavejust heard.

12.A)It often occurs among commuters. 

B)It promotesmutual understanding.            

C)It improves their mood considerably.

D)It takes a great deal of effort tosustain

13.A)Social anxiety. 

B)Excessive caution.                                       

C)Lack of social skills.

D)Preference for solitude.

14.A)People usually regard it as an unforgettable lesson. 

B)Human brains tend to dwell on negative events.

C)Negative events often hurt people deeply. 

D)People generally resent being rejected.





Section C

Directions: In this section,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer SheetI witha single linethrough the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recordingyou havejust heard.

16.A)It depends heavily ontourism.

B)It is flourishing in foreign trade.

C)It is mainly based on agriculture.

D)It relies chiefly onmineral export.





18.A)They toil on farms.

B)They live a poorlife.  

C)They live inSpanish-style houses

D)They hire people to do housework.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recordingyou have just heard.

19.A)They will be more demanding of their next generation. 

B)They will end up lonely,dependent and dissatisfied.

C)They will experience more setbacks than successes. 

D)They will find it difficult to get along with others.

20.A)Failure to pay due attention to their behavior

B)Unwillingness to allow them to play with toys.

C)Unwillingness to satisfy their wishesimmediately. 

D)Failure to spend sufficient quality time with them.

21.A)It will enable them to learn from mistakes.  

B)It will help themto handle disappointment.  

C)It will do much good to their mental health.   

D)It will build their ability to endure hardships.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

22.A)Failing to make sufficient preparations.

B)Looking away from the hiring manager.

C)Saying the wrong thingat the wrong time.   

D)Making awrong judgment of the interview.

23.A)Complaining about their previousjob

B)Inquiring about their salary to be paid

C)Exaggerating their academicbackground.

D)Understating their previous achievements.

24.A)Those who have both skill and experience. 

B)Those who get along well with colleagues.  

C)Those who take initiative in their work.

D)Thosewho are loyal to their managers.

25.A)Ability to shoulder new responsibilities.  

B)Experience of performing multipleroles. 

C)Readiness to work to flexible schedules.  

D)Skills to communicate with colleagues.

Section A

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversationyou have just heard.

W:Hi,David.(1)I haven't seen you in class for almost two weeks.We thought you haddisappeared on holiday early or something.

M:Hi,Sarah.Well,it's a bit of a long story I'm afraid.I got a throat infection last wek and had to go to the hospital toget some antibiotics as I really wasn'tgetting anybetter

W:Oh yeah.There have been so many viruses going around this winter.The weather has been so awful for the last few weeks

M:(2)And,on the way back from the hospital,I slipped on some ice and fell and then had to go to th hospital to get an X-ray because I basically thought I broke my wrist,although,thankfully,it's not broken.But I need to be careful with it for the next few weeks. 

W:Oh,that's too bad!How unfortunate!

M:To make things worse,I managed to fall right in front of four girls fromthe ninth grade,So I was utterly humiliated.Plus,the laptop in mybag was broken too.

W:No,what a completecatastrophe!Is thelaptop stil under warranty?If it is,then you can easily send it back to the manufacturer,and they'll send you abrand-new one for free surely.

M:The warranty ran out three daysbefore I broke it.And all my essays arein there,and I need to hand them in before we breakfor the Christmas holidays.

W:(3)Listen,Ihave the number of a really good,affordable computer repair shop at home.My dad has used this guy before and he can work miracles.(4) Let's go back to my house and we can call the repair shop,andyou can have some tea and cookies too.

M:Wow,thanks,Sara!That would be great!Let me just call mymom and let her knowIllbe home a litte bit later.

1.What does Sara think David was doing for the last two weeks?

2.What happened to David on his way back from the hospital?

3.What does Sarah say they should do with the damaged computer?

4.Whatdoes Sarah say she is going to do?

Questions 5 to 8 arebased on the conversation you havejust heard.

M:Welcome to this week's episode of Book Talk.With me today is Heidi Brown,(5)a historian who has written five critically acclaimed books about military history.

W:Thanks for having me,John.Im so excited to talk about my latest book,which was publishedlast month. M:So this book is a novel,your first attempt at that genre.I thought it was a bit of a departurefor you. 

W:(6-1)I'd say it's a major departure as it's not just a work of fiction.It's set 200 years in the future.

M:Right.So howdid that happen?You spent three decades writing about the past and focusing on the 18th and 19th centuries.And now you're speculating about the future.

W:Well,after yearsof researching soldiers and chronicling their lives during battle,I just started wondering about other facets of their lives,especially their personal lives.

M:I can see that.(6-2)Your novel is about soldiers and it focuses on their relationships,especially the bond between sons and mothers and men and their wives.

W:Yes.That focus came about when I still intended to write another book of history.(7)I started by researching soldiers'actual personal lives,studying theirletters home. 

M:So how did that history book become a novel?

W:Well,I realized that the historical record was incomplete.So I'd either have to leave a lotof gaps or make a lot more assumptions than ahistorian should.

M:But why write a novelset in the future when your credentials are perfect for a historical novel?As a historian,any historical novel you write would have a lot of credibility.

W:(8)I felt too constrained working with the past,like what I wrote needed to be fact as opposed to fiction but writing about the future gave me more freedom to imagine,to invent.

M:Well,having read your book,I'm glad you made that choice to move into fiction.

5.What does the man say about the woman?

6.What does the woman say about her newly published book?

7.What did the woman do before writing her new book?

8.What does the woman say about her writing history books?

Section B

Questions 9 to ll are based onthe passageyou have just heard.

(9)Whether it's in the hands of animated polarbears or Santa Claus,there's one thing you'll find in nearly all ads for Coca-Cola:the characteristic glass bottle.Most Americans don't drink soda out of the glass bottles scen in Coke's ads anymore.But this week,the company is celebrating a centuryofthe bottlethat's beensold in more than 200 countries.

Flash back to 1915,when a bottle of Coca-Cola cost just a nickel.(10)As the soft drink gained in popularity,it faced a growing number of competitors—counterfeits even trying to copy Coke's logo.So, according to Coca-Cola historian Ted Ryan,the company decided to come up with packaging that couldn't be duplicated.

A product request was sent to cight different glass makers.(11)Workers at the Root Glass Company got the request and began flipping through the encyclopedia at the local library,landing on cocoa seed.Though cocoa seed is not an ingredient of the soda,they designed theirbottle based on the seed's shape and large middle. It won over Coke executives in Atlanta and would go on to receive its own trademark,spur collections and earn Coca-Cola an iconic imagethat made it part of Americanculture for a century.

It was 100years ago this week that the bottle earned a patent.By World War Ⅱ,Coke bottle sales had balloned into billions.Americansmostly consume Coke out of aluminum orplastic today,but the glass botle remains asymbol of Americathat's readily recognized around theworld.

9.What does the passage say appears in almost all ads for Coca-Cola?

10.Why did the Coca-Cola Company decideto have special packaging designed?

11.What do we learn about the Coca-Cola bottle designed by the Root GlassCompany?

Questions 12 to 15 are based onthepassageyouhave jus heard.

(12)Rescarch shows that a few moments of conversation with a stranger creates ameasurable improvement in mood.But most of us are reluctant to start these conversations because we presume the opposite.

In an experiment,commuters who talked to nearby strangers found their commute more enjoyable than those who didn't.They were asked to predict whether they'd enjoy thecommute more if they conversed with other people.Intriguingly,most expected the more solitaryexperience to be more pleasurable.

Why is this?(13)Social anxiety appears to be the problem.People's reluctance to start conversations with  nearby strangers comes partly from “underestimating others'interest in connecting”.The sad thing is that people presumethata nearbystranger doesn't want to converseand don't start a conversation.Only thosewho forced themselves tochat because it was required by the experiment found out what a pleasant experience it could be

Human beings are social animals.Those who misunderstand the impact of social interactionsmay not,in some contexts,be social enough for their own well-being.You should be chatting with the strangers you encounter.(14) You may occasionally have a negative encounter that might stick in your memory.This is because the human brain is biased to dwell on negative events. But starting conversations with strangers is stil well worth the risk of rejection.

It may surprise you that conversing with strangers will make them happier too.(15)The pleasure of connection seems contagious.People who are talkedto have equally positive experiences as those who initiate s conversation.

12.What does research show about aconversation between strangers?

13.What prevents people from starting a conversation with strangers?

14.Why does a negative encounter with strangers stick in one's memory?

15.What does the passage say the pleasure of conncction seems to be?

Section C

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recordingyouhave just heard.

The Caribbean islands are divided into two worlds,a richone and a poor one.(16)This tropical region's economy is based mainly on farming.Farmers are of two types.One is the plantation owner who may have hundreds of thousands of acres.In contast,the small cultivator is working only a few acres of land.Most visitors to the Caribbean are rich,like the plantation owner.Theydo not realize or do notwant to realize that many farm families barely managed to get by on what they grow.

(17)The Caribbean produces many things.Sugar is the main product. Other export crops are tobacco, coffee,bananas,spices and citrus fruits,such as orange,lemon or grapefruit.From the West Indies also come oil,mineral pitch and many forest products.Jamaica's aluminum ore supplics are the world's largest.Oil comes from Trinidad,Aruba and Curacao.But for many of the smaller islands,sugar is the only export.Rum,a strong alcoholic drink,which isdistilled fromsugar cane,is also an export.The world'sbest rum comes from this area.Local kinds vary from the light rums of Puerto Rico to the heavier darker rums of Barbados and Jamaica.American tourists enjoy stocking up on inexpensive high quality Caribbean rum while they're on vacation.In Curacao,thewell-known liquor of that name is made from the thick outerskin of a native orange.

Ever since America's colonial days,the Caribbean islands have been favorite places to visit.Since World War Ⅱ,tourism has increased rapidly.Because great numbers of people go there,the islanders have built elaborate resorts,developed harbors and airfields,improved the beaches and have expandedsea and air routes.Everything is at the resort—hotel,beach,shopping and recreation.Thevacationer never has any reason to explorethe island.

As in most places,those who have money live well indeed.Those who don't have money live at various levels of poverty.But here the poor greatly outnumber the wealthy.A visitor will find rich people living in apartments or Spanish houses at the seaside or in the countryside.Their servants might include a cook,a maid,and a nurse for their children.(18)Most of the people live well below the poverty level.In towns,they live crowded together in tiny houses.Islanders make the best they can of what they have.Their homes are quite shabby.Sadly,most touristsnever see the side of the Caribbean.

16.What does the speakersay about the economy of the Caribbean islands?

17.What is the main product of the Caribbean islands?

18.What do we learn about the majority of people in the Caribbean islands?

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you havejust heard.

Talk to anyone who's a generation not too older and they would most likely comment that children are more spoiled these days.No one wants to have orbe around demanding,selfish and spoiled children,thosewho get bad-tempered or silently-brute when they are not given everything they want immediately.Paradoxically,the parents of such children encourage this demanding behavior in the mistaken belief that by giving their children everything they can their children will be happy.In the short term,perhaps they are right.(19)But in the longerterm,such children end up lonely,dependent,chronically dissatisfied and resentful of the parents who tried so hard to plcase them.

Undoubtedly parents want to raise happy children who are confident,capable and likable rather than spoiled and miserable.(20)One factor hindering this is that parents can't or don't spend enough quality time with their kids,and substitute this deficit with toys,games,gadgets and the like.Rather than getting material things,children need parents'devoted attention.The quantity of time spent together is less important than the content of that time.Instead of instantly satisfying their wishes,parents should help them work out a plan to earn things they'd like to have.This teaches them to value the effort as well as what itachieves

Allow them to enjoy anticipation.Numerous psychological studies have demonstrated that children who learn to wait for things they desire are more likely to succeed in a number of ways later in life.One famous experiment in the 1960s involved 3-to 6-year-old children.They were given a choicebetween receiving asmall reward,such as a cookie,immediately,or if they waited 15 minutes,they could have two.Follow up studies have found that those who chose to delay satisfaction are now more academically successful,have greater self- worth,and even tend to be healthier.

(21) If they fail,children should be encouraged to keep trying rather than to give up if they really want the desired result.This teaches them how to handle and recover from disappointment,which is associated with greater success and satisfaction academically,financially and in personal relationships.

And lastly,parents should encourage their children to look at life from other points of view,as well as their own.This teaches them to be understanding of andsympathetic towards others—qualities sure to take them a long way in life.

19.What will happen to children if they alwaysget immediate satisfaction?

20.What may prevent parents from raising confident and capable children?

21.Why should children be encouraged to keep trying when they fail?

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording youhave just heard.

It is not hard to mess up an interview.Most people feel nervous sitting across from a hiring manager,answering questions that effectively open themselves up for judgment.(22)And your chancesof being mor carefully considered for the job can quickly go downhill just by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

(23)The most obvious thing not to do is complain.Employers want to hire positive people.Talking about a previous job negatively raises concerns that you might be difficult to manage,or you might be someone that blames management foryour own poor performance.

Don't say that you've moved around in jobs because you haven't found the right fit or feel that you were not challenged enough.Statements like these will make you sound aimles and lost.An interviewer may well think, whywould this role be any different for you?You will probably leave here in six months.It also bags the question of what type of relationship you had with your manager.It doesn't sound like you had open communication with him or her.(24)Managers usually love people who can self-sustain and enable growth through taking initiative,who are strong at following through their work,and who bring ideas and solutions to the table.

If you were in a management or leadership position,when discussing your current role,never take all the credit for accomplishments or achievements.Emphasize your team and how through their talents,your vision was realized.Most successful leaders know that they are only as good as their team.And acknowledging this in an interview will go a long way towards suggesting that you might be the right person for the position you are applying for.

(25) Lastly,have a good idea of what your role will be and try and convey the idea that you're flexible. Asking what your role will be suggests you will limit yourself purely to what is expected of you.In reality,your role is whatever you make of it.This is especially true in small companies,where the ability to adapt and take on new responsibilities is highly valued.And this is equally important if you're just starting out.Entry leve interviewees would do well to demonstrate a broad set of skils in most interviews.It's important to have a wide skill set as many startups and small companies are moving really fast.Employers are looking for candidates that are intelligent and can quickly adapt andexcel in agrowing company.

22.What does the speaker say can easily prevent an interviewee from getting a job?

23.What should the interviewee avoid doing in an interview?

24.What kind of employees do companies like to recruit?

25.What isespeially important for those working in asmall company?


2.C)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。大衛(wèi)咽喉感染,去醫(yī)院拿了些抗生素。句(2)中大衛(wèi)說,從醫(yī)院回來的路上,他在冰上滑倒了,所以不得不又去醫(yī)院拍了X光片, 因為他感覺自己的手腕摔斷了,不過,謝天謝地,他的手腕并沒有摔斷。



5.D)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。對話開頭,男士說了《書論》 節(jié)目的開場白,之后介紹了今天的嘉賓海蒂·布朗。由句(5)可知,海蒂·布朗是一位寫了五部廣受好評的軍事史著作的歷史學家。

6.D)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。節(jié)目從女士新出版的書開始。男士提到,新書是一部小說,這是女士第一次嘗試寫小說,他認為這對女士來說是個改變。女士在句(6-1)中說,她認為這是一個重大的改變,因為它并不只是一部小說,它以未來的200年為背景。 由句(6-2)可知,這部小說是關于士兵的。

7.D)【精析】綜合理解題。男士從女士的小說中看出,她的小說關注點是士兵的私人生活,尤其是兒子與 母親之間的關系以及丈夫與妻子之間的關系。女士說,她還在打算寫另一本歷史書的時候,這個關注點就出現(xiàn)了。根據(jù)句(7)可知,女士寫新書是從研究士兵真實的私人生活、研究他們的家書開始的。也就是說,在寫新書之前,女士研究了士兵的私人生活。因此答案為D)。此題B)選項迷惑性比較大,錄音中女士提到自己多年來一直都在研究士兵,記錄他們在戰(zhàn)爭中的生活。她對士兵戰(zhàn)爭生活的研究是她寫其他軍事歷史書之前所做的事,而問題問的是她寫這本新書之前做了什么事,該項過于寬泛,因此可排除。


9.D)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。句(9)提到,無論是在動畫北極熊的手里,還是在圣誕老人的手里,幾乎所有的 可口可樂的廣告里都有一樣東西:那就是標志性的玻璃瓶。

10.C)【精析】細節(jié)推斷題。句(10)提到,隨著這款軟飲料越來越受歡迎,它面臨越來越多的競爭對手——仿冒品甚至試圖復制可口可樂的商標。所以,根據(jù)可口可樂歷史學家泰德 ·瑞安的說法,可口可樂公司決定發(fā)明一種不可復制的包裝。



13.A)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。短文中提到,在一項實驗中,與附近的陌生人交談的通勤者發(fā)現(xiàn),與不與陌生 人交談的人相比,他們的通勤更愉快。而在他們被要求預測如果和其他人交談,他們是否會更享受通勤時,大多數(shù)人卻認為獨處會更愉快。關于為什么會出現(xiàn)這種現(xiàn)象,句(13)給出了答案:社交焦慮貌似就是問題所在。

14.B) 【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。句(14)提到,你可能偶爾會有一次不愉快的(與陌生人)邂逅,這種邂逅可能會讓你記憶深刻。這是因為人類的大腦偏向于思考負面事件。


16.C)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。加勒比群島分為兩個世界,一個富裕,一個貧窮。由句(16)可知,這個熱帶地 區(qū)的經(jīng)濟主要以農(nóng)業(yè)為基礎。



19.B)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。講座中提到,溺愛孩子的父母錯誤地認為,給孩子們他們所能給予的一切,孩 子們就會很快樂。根據(jù)句(19)可知,從長遠來看這樣的孩子最終會變得孤獨、依賴、難以滿足并且憎恨拼命取悅他們的父母。

20.D)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。講座中提到,父母都希望培養(yǎng)出自信、能干、可愛的快樂孩子,而不是被寵壞 的、痛苦的孩子。由句(20)可知,阻礙這一點的一個因素就是,父母無法或者不去花足夠的時間高質量地和孩子相處,而是用玩具、游戲、小玩意兒之類的東西來彌補這種不足。

21.B)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。句(21)提到,如果孩子們失敗了,如果他們真的想要達成預期的成果,我們就 應該鼓勵他們繼續(xù)努力,而不是讓他們放棄。這會教他們?nèi)绾螒獙κ氖袕驮?,這種能力與在學術上、經(jīng)濟上以及人際關系上獲得更大的成功和滿足息息相關。






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