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AD[7eI 5di:] n.公元:Rome was founded in 753 BC. 羅馬建立于公元前753年。/ From 500 BC to 500 AD is 1000 years. 從公元前五百年到公元五百年共計(jì)1000年。


【用法】AD 放在年代之后或之前皆可,而 BC(公元前)只能放在年代之后。
ad[Ad] (= advertisement) n.[C]廣告:I saw your ad in the local paper. 我在本地的報(bào)紙上看到了你的廣告。
add[Ad] vt.1.添加:Will you add some more sugar to your coffee? 你的咖啡要多加些糖嗎? 2.加;加上:If add 5 and 5, you get 10. 5 加 5 得 10。 3. 補(bǔ)充說;又說:“Don’t forget to write to us,” she added. 她補(bǔ)充說:“別忘了給我們寫信。” ◆add sth on 包括 / add to sth 增加,使…更極端化 / add up 合理 / add (sth) up 加起來 / add up to sth 總計(jì)達(dá)
addition[E5dIF(E)n] n.1.[U]增加;(算數(shù)用語)相加:Our boy is still not good at addition. 我們的小男孩仍然不擅做加法。2. [C]增加物:They’ve got a new addition to the family. 他們家又多了一位成員?!鬷n addition (to sth) 除此之外,另外
address[E5dres] n.1. [C]地址;住址:Let me give you my home (business) address. 我把我的住址(工作地址)給你吧。2. [C]演講;致詞:He gave an address of welcome. 他致歡迎詞。3.[U]舉止 vt.1. 寫姓名地址:The card was wrongly addressed to (us at) our old home. 那張(給我們的)明信片誤寫了我們的舊地址。2. 演說,向…講話:He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech. 他向聽眾發(fā)表了雄辯的演說。3.提出:Please address all complaints to the manager. 一切意見均請向經(jīng)理提出。4.稱呼:She prefers to be addressed as “Ms”. 她喜歡別人稱呼她為“女士”?!鬭ddress oneself to專注于;致力于


【提醒】用作名詞,意為“地址”時(shí),要注意漢語中的“你住在哪? ”在英語中不能直譯為:Where is your address?(寫有你的地址的紙條放在哪兒了? 而應(yīng)說:Where do you live? / What’s your address?
admire[Ed5maIE(r)] vt.欽佩;羨慕;贊賞:I admire him for what he has done. 我對他所做的事很欽佩。/ I was admiring his new car. 我羨慕地看著他的新車。


【用法】1.通常只作及物動(dòng)詞,通常用于 admire (sb for) sth,意為“因?yàn)?hellip;而欽佩或贊美某人”:People admired (him for) his courage. 人們贊美他的勇氣。/ I admire (him for) his success in his career. 我們佩服他事業(yè)有成。2.其后一般不接 that 從句,但有時(shí)可接 what 從句:We admire (him for ) what he has done. 我們對他所做的事很欽佩。但不說:We admire that he is brave. 
admission[Ed5mIF(E)n] n.1. [U]準(zhǔn)許進(jìn)入;準(zhǔn)許加入:No admission. 禁止入內(nèi)。/ Admission to this school is for boys only. 這所學(xué)校只接受男生入學(xué)。2.[U]入場費(fèi);會(huì)費(fèi):Admission to the concert is$20. 這場音樂會(huì)入場費(fèi)是20美元。
admit[Ed5mIt] v.承認(rèn);供認(rèn):Will you admit having broken the window? = Will you admit (that) you have broken the window? 你承不承認(rèn)你打破了窗戶?vt.1.準(zhǔn)許(入場、入學(xué)、入會(huì)等):admit sb into the university 獲準(zhǔn)入大學(xué) / Each ticket admits two people to the party. 每張票可供兩個(gè)人入場參加聚會(huì)。2.容納, 容許:The auditorium admits 5,000 persons. 這座禮堂可容納五千人?!鬭dmit defeat 承認(rèn)失敗


【用法】1. 表示“承認(rèn)”時(shí),其后可接名詞、動(dòng)名詞或從句,不接不定式:He admitted breaking the window. 他承認(rèn)打破了窗子。/ He never admits that he is wrong. 他從不承認(rèn)自己錯(cuò)了。2. 表示“允許進(jìn)入”、“使能進(jìn)入”,可指進(jìn)入某一具體場所也可指進(jìn)入某一組織機(jī)構(gòu)等:This ticket admits one person only. 此券只準(zhǔn)一人入場。/ The university admits 2,000 students every year. 這所大學(xué)每年招收 2 000 名學(xué)生。
adult[5AdQlt] adj.成年的;已成人的:an adult man (woman) 成年男子(女子) / adult (basic) education 成人(基礎(chǔ))教育 n. [C]成年人:These films are suitable for adults only. 這些電影只適宜成人觀看。
advance[Ed5vB:ns] v.1.推進(jìn),促進(jìn);前進(jìn):advance the growth of rice促進(jìn)水稻生長 / Our troops have advanced two miles. 我們的部隊(duì)已經(jīng)前進(jìn)了兩英里。2.提高;提 升:As the wages advanced, so did the cost of living.
隨著工資的提高, 生活費(fèi)用也提高了。3. 提前;提前支付:She had ten dollars advanced on her salary. 她預(yù)支10 美元薪水。n.1. (用單數(shù))前進(jìn):the army’s advance towards the border 軍隊(duì)向邊境的推進(jìn) 2. [C,U]進(jìn)步,進(jìn)展:advance of civilization 文明的進(jìn)步 / recent advances in medical science 醫(yī)學(xué)上的新進(jìn)展3. [C]預(yù)支;預(yù)付;借貸:make an advance to sb 貸款給某人 / pay an advance of £100 預(yù)付 100 英鎊◆in advance 預(yù)先,事先


【用法】1. 用作名詞,表示“前進(jìn)”時(shí),多為不可數(shù)名詞;表示“進(jìn)展”、“進(jìn)步”等義時(shí),多為可數(shù)名詞:The army’s advance was very fast. 部隊(duì)推進(jìn)很快。/ China has made great advances in industry. 中國在工業(yè)方面進(jìn)步很大。2. 用作動(dòng)詞,表示推進(jìn)的方向,通常用介詞 to, towards:They advanced to [towards] the castle. 他們向城堡推進(jìn)。表示進(jìn)攻的對象,通常用介詞 on, upon:The soldiers advanced on [upon] the enemy. 士兵們向敵人進(jìn)擊。
advantage[Ed5vB:ntIdV] n.1. [C]優(yōu)勢;長處:He has the advantage of a steady job. 他有工作穩(wěn)定的有利條件。2. [U]利益;益處:It is to your advantage to invest wisely. 明智地投資對你很有利。◆take (full) advantage of (充分)利用 / to one’s advantage 對…有利
adventure[Ed5ventFE(r)] n.[C,U]冒險(xiǎn);奇遇:The two Frenchmen went through strange adventures in the African forests. 這兩個(gè)法國人在非洲森林里經(jīng)歷了種種奇遇。
advertise[5AdvEtaIz] v. 登廣告,宣傳,為…做廣告:advertise on TV 在電視上做廣告 / We advertised through the press. 我們通過報(bào)刊宣傳。
advertisement[Ed5v\:tIsmEnt] n. [C,U]廣告,宣傳:the advertisement page 廣告專頁 / A lot of people replied to our advertisement. 有許多人對我們的廣告作出了反應(yīng)。
advice[Ed5vaIs] n. [U]忠告,勸告,建議:If you take my advice you’ll see a doctor. 如果你聽我的話,就去看病。


【用法】1. 表示“建議,勸告,忠告”等時(shí),是不可數(shù)名詞,若表示一條或幾條建議或勸告,要借用 piece 這樣的詞:a piece of advice 一條建議。2. 表示按照某人的意見做某事,一般要用介詞 on 或 by:They did the work on [by] her advice. 他們按她的意見做此工作。3. 表示提出建議或忠告,一般用動(dòng)詞 give;表示向某人請教或征求意見,一般用動(dòng)詞 ask (for);表示接受意見或勸告,一般用動(dòng)詞take, follow, accept:She took the doctor’s advice and gave up smoking. 她聽從醫(yī)生的建議,戒了煙。4. 其后若出現(xiàn) that 從句,通常用“should + 動(dòng)詞原形”這樣的虛擬語氣:The doctor’s advice is that he (should) give up smoking. 醫(yī)生建議他戒煙。
advise[Ed5vaIz] vt.忠告,勸告,建議:They strongly advised me not to do so. 他們竭力勸我不要這樣做。


【用法】1. 表示“建議”,通常為及物動(dòng)詞,其后接動(dòng)詞,通常應(yīng)接動(dòng)名詞,而不能接不定式:I advise waiting till the right time. 我建議等到適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)候。 注意:advise 之后不能直接跟不定式,但可接不定式的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu):They advised us not to travel on a Friday. 他們建議我們不要星期五去旅行。2. 其后若接 that 從句,通常要用虛擬語氣(should + v):He advised that I (should) give her a telephone call. 他建議我給她打個(gè)電話。
aeroplane[5eErEplein] n. [C](英)飛機(jī):by aeroplane 乘飛機(jī);用飛機(jī)
affair[E5feE(r)] n.1. [C](常用單數(shù))事,事情,事務(wù):It’s not my affair. 那不是我的事。2.[C](常用復(fù)數(shù)) (個(gè)人)業(yè)務(wù);(公共)事務(wù):government affairs  政務(wù) / They talked about business affairs. 他們談?wù)撋虅?wù)?!魋tate of affairs 事態(tài),情況
affect[E5fekt] vt.1.影響:The change in climate may affect your health. 氣候的變化可能影響你的健康。2.(使)感動(dòng):He was deeply affected by my words. 他聽了我的話很受感動(dòng)。


【辨析】affect, effect 與 influence:1. affect 與 effect 均可表示“影響”,但前者是動(dòng)詞(及物),主要指一時(shí)的影響,著重影響的動(dòng)作,可指一般意義的影響(不分好壞),也可指不良影響;后者是名詞(可數(shù)或不可數(shù)),兩者的關(guān)系大致為:affect = have an effect on:The bad news did not affect him at all.=The bad news had no effect on him at all. 這條壞消息對他沒有一點(diǎn)影響。2. influence 表示“影響”,主要指對行為、性格、觀點(diǎn)等產(chǎn)生間接的或潛移默化的影響。可用作動(dòng)詞(及物)或名詞(通常不可數(shù),但有時(shí)可連用不定冠詞):Her style of painting has been influenced by Japanese art. 她的畫風(fēng)一直受到日本藝術(shù)的影響。/ Television has a strong influence on people. 電視對人有很大的影響。
afford[E5fC:d] vt.1.承擔(dān)得起(…的費(fèi)用等);抽得出時(shí)間:He can afford an apartment. 他能買得起一套住房。/ I’d love to go on holiday but I can’t afford the time. 我倒想去度假,可是抽不出時(shí)間來。2.提供;給予:It affords pleasure to me. 這使我很高興。


【用法】1. 常與 can, be able to 等連用,表示“擔(dān)負(fù)得起”某事或某物的費(fèi)用、損失、后果等,或“抽得出”時(shí)間等,后面通??山用~、代詞、不定式等(主要用于否定句或疑問句)。I can’t afford (to buy) a new coat. 我沒錢買件新外衣。2. 表示“提供”、“給予”,其后可以接雙賓語(直接賓語通常為抽象概念),若雙賓語交換位置,要用介詞 to(此時(shí)無需連用 can, be able to):His visit affords us great pleasure. = His visit affords great pleasure to us. 他的來訪給我們帶來了很大的快樂。
afraid[E5freId] adj.1.害怕的:Some small children are afraid of the dark. 有些小孩怕黑。2.擔(dān)心的;擔(dān)憂的:He was afraid that he would fail in the exam. 他擔(dān)心考試會(huì)不及格。3.(表示抱歉)恐怕;我想…:I am afraid I can’t help you. 很抱歉,我恐怕幫不了你的忙。


【用法】1. 是形容詞,不是動(dòng)詞,所以不能單獨(dú)用作謂語:Don’t be afraid. 別怕。不能說:Don’t afraid. 2. 是表語形容詞,一般不能放在名詞前作定語。但若是本身有修飾語,則也可以放在名詞前作定語;有時(shí)構(gòu)成短語可放在被修飾的名詞后作后置定語:a girl afraid of dogs 怕狗的男孩。3. I’m afraid 意為“恐怕”,主要用來委婉地提出異議或說出令人不快的事情等:It’s too late, I’m afraid. 恐怕太貴了。I’m afraid 之后可接 so 或 not, 表示前面所提到的情況。表肯定時(shí)用 so;表否定時(shí)用 not:“Will she come tomorrow?” I’m afraid so (not). “她明天會(huì)來嗎?”“恐怕會(huì)(不會(huì))吧。”注意上面的否定說法不能改為 I’m not afraid (so)。4. 表示“害怕做某事”或“不敢做某事”,be afraid 之后可接不定式,也可接 of doing sth:I’m afraid to jump [of jumping] . 我不敢跳。


Africa[5AfrIkE] n.非洲
African[5AfrIkEn] adj.非洲的,非洲人的n. [C]非洲人
after[5B:ftE(r)] adv.以后,后來:They lived happily ever after. 他們后來一直生活得很幸福。prep.1. (指時(shí)間)在…之后;后來:shortly after seven剛過七點(diǎn)鐘 / the day after tomorrow 后天2.(表位置、順序等)在…之后:Z comes after Y. Z在Y之后。conj.在…以后:The sun came out after the storm ceased. 在暴風(fēng)雨停止后, 太陽出來了?!鬭fter all 畢竟,終究 / after you (表示禮貌)您先請 / day after day (year after year) 日復(fù)一日(年復(fù)一年) / one after another 一個(gè)接一個(gè)


【辨析】after 與 in:1. 均可與一段時(shí)間連用,表示“在…之后”,但 after 表示以過去時(shí)間為起點(diǎn)的一段時(shí)間以后,因此通常與過去時(shí)連用;而 in 則表示從現(xiàn)在算起的一段時(shí)間以后,因此通常用于將來時(shí)或含有將來意義的句子:After he (had) closed the door, he left the house. 關(guān)了門之后,他就離開了家。/ My father came back after three days. 3 天后我爸爸回來了。2. after 除與一段時(shí)間連用外,還可與時(shí)間點(diǎn)連用,此時(shí)可用于將來時(shí)(注:in 不能與時(shí)間點(diǎn)連用):He will arrive after five o’clock. 他 5 點(diǎn)鐘以后到。


afternoon[B:ftE5nu:n] n. [C,U]下午,午后:in the afternoon 在下午 / He goes there two afternoons a week. 他每星期有兩個(gè)下午到那里去。
afterwards[5B:ftEwEdz] adv.后來,然后:Let’s eat first and go to the theater afterwards. 咱們先去吃飯,然后再去看戲。
again[E5^en] adv.1.再一次;再,又:If you fail, try again. 如果你失敗了,再試一次。2.此外,另一方面:She might go, and again she might not. 她可能去,也可能不去。 ◆now and again有時(shí),時(shí)而 / again and again 反復(fù)地,再三地 / then (there) again 但是,然而
against[E5^enst] prep.1. 相反;逆著:against the wind 逆風(fēng) / That’s against the law. 那是違法的。2.反對:He declared himself dead against the proposal. 他聲明他斷然反對那項(xiàng)提議。3. 靠著,倚著:The old woman is leaning against the wall. 那個(gè)老婦人正倚著墻。4.與…成對照:dark colors against a fair skin 深色襯托出白皙的肌膚5. 防備;防御:food stored against winter為過冬貯備的食物◆against the law (rules) 違反法律(規(guī)則) / against your will 違背自己的意愿,被強(qiáng)迫 / against sb’s wishes (advice) 不理會(huì)某人的意愿(建議)


age[eIdV] n.1.[C,U]年齡;年紀(jì):Children of all ages will enjoy this film. 不管多大年紀(jì)的孩子都會(huì)喜歡這部電影。2. [U]人生的階段:middle age 中年 / full age 成年3. [U]年老:His face was wrinkled with age. 他的臉因蒼老而起皺。4. [C]時(shí)代,年代:the computer age 電腦時(shí)代 / the Middle Ages 中世紀(jì)5. [C](常用復(fù)數(shù))長時(shí)間:I haven’t seen him for ages. 我有很長時(shí)間沒有看見他了。◆at the age of 在…歲的時(shí)候 / age group 同是某一年齡的人,年齡組 / under age 未到法定年齡 / come of age 成年
aggression[5E^reF(E)n] n.[C,U]侵略,挑釁:an act of open aggression 公然的侵略行動(dòng)
aggressive[5E^resIv] adj.1.侵略的;好斗的:Some people get aggressive after drinking alcohol. 有些人喝了酒后會(huì)變得咄咄逼人。2.有進(jìn)取心的:an aggressive young executive一個(gè)進(jìn)取心很強(qiáng)的年輕管理人員
ago[E5^EJ] adv.以前:It was seven years ago that she went abroad. 她七年前出國了。


【辨析】ago 與 before:1. 兩者均可表示在多久時(shí)間“以前”(要放在表示一段時(shí)間的詞語之后),但 ago表示從現(xiàn)在向前回溯,即現(xiàn)在的過去,因此通常與一般過去時(shí)連用;而 before 則表示從過去向前回溯,即指過去的過去,因此通常與過去完成時(shí)連用(尤其用于賓語從句中):I bought the computer five years ago. 我是五年前買這臺(tái)電腦的。/ He said they had left seven days before. 他說他們 7 天前就離開了。2. before 有時(shí)單獨(dú)使用(即不連用具體時(shí)間),泛指“以前”,此時(shí)可用于一般過去時(shí),也可用于現(xiàn)在完成時(shí):I have been to Beijing before. 我以前去過北京。
agree[E5^ri:] v.1.同意;應(yīng)允:I asked for a pay rise, and she agreed. 我請求加薪,她同意了。2.贊同:I don’t agree with experiments on animals. 我不贊成用動(dòng)物做實(shí)驗(yàn)。3. 一致,相符:Shanghai does not agree with me; I like Beijing better. 上海對我不適宜,我更喜歡北京。
agreement[E5^ri:mEnt] n.1. [U]同意,一致:She nodded her head in agreement. 她點(diǎn)頭同意。/ The two things are in agreement. 這兩件事是一致的。2.協(xié)議,合約:The agreement was written and signed. 協(xié)議已寫好,也簽了字。


agricultural[A^rI5kQltFEr(E)l] adj.農(nóng)業(yè)的:agricultural products農(nóng)作物,農(nóng)產(chǎn)品 / agricultural development 農(nóng)業(yè)的發(fā)展
agriculture[5A^rI7kQltFE(r)] n. [U]農(nóng)業(yè),農(nóng)學(xué):He is engaged in agriculture. 他從事農(nóng)業(yè)。
ahead[E5hed] adv.& adj.1.在前面,向前:Full speed ahead! 全速前進(jìn)! 2.預(yù)先,事先:We must think ahead and make a plan. 我們要為未來著想,定一個(gè)計(jì)劃。3.領(lǐng)先,占優(yōu)勢:She was always well ahead of the rest of the class. 她在班上總是遙遙領(lǐng)先。◆ahead of 在…之前;超過 / get ahead 勝過,超過 / streets ahead (of sb / sth) 遠(yuǎn)勝過(某人、某物)
aid[eId] n.1. [U]援助;救護(hù):legal aid 法律援助 / She came quickly to his aid. 她急忙來幫助他。2.[C]輔助器具;有幫助的事物:teaching aids 教具 / a hearing aid 助聽器vt. 幫助,援助:I aided him in his enterprise. 我?guī)椭鲞@一事業(yè)?!鬷n aid of sb (sth) 為某人或某事籌款
AIDS,Aids[eIdz] n. [U](醫(yī)學(xué)用語)艾滋?。篈IDS is a fatal disease. 艾滋病是絕癥。


aim[eIm] n.1.[C]目的;目標(biāo):What was his aim in life? 他生活的目的是什么? 2.[U]瞄準(zhǔn);對準(zhǔn):Take careful aim (at the target) before firing. 開火之前仔細(xì)瞄準(zhǔn)(目標(biāo))。v.1.針對:My remarks were not aimed at you. 我的話并非針對你說的。2. (常與at連用)瞄準(zhǔn);對準(zhǔn):aim one’s gun at the enemy把槍瞄準(zhǔn)敵人 / He could not aim straight. 他瞄不準(zhǔn)。3. 確定目標(biāo),致力于:He aims to be a lawyer. 他要當(dāng)個(gè)律師?!鬮e aimed at sth 為達(dá)某目的或目標(biāo) / take aim (at) 瞄準(zhǔn)


air[eE] n.1. [U]空氣:Let’s go out for some fresh air. 咱們出去呼吸點(diǎn)兒新鮮空氣吧。2. [U]大氣;天空;空中:the birds of the air 天空中的鳥 3.[C]氣氛;神態(tài):There was a comfortable air about her room. 她房間有一股令人舒適的氣氛。/ She has a cheerful air. 她面有喜色。◆by air 乘飛機(jī) / in the air在空中,懸而未決,在流傳中 / off (the) air (廣播或電視)停播 / on (the) air (廣播或電視)正在播出 / up in the air懸而未決
aircraft[5eEkrB:ft] (單復(fù)數(shù)同形)n. [C]飛機(jī),飛行器
airline[5eElaIn] n. [C]航空公司;定期航運(yùn);定期航線:international airlines


airmail[5eEmeIl] n. [U]航空郵件:send a letter by airmail 寄航空信vt.用航空郵寄:airmail a parcel 寄航空郵包
airplane[5eEpleIn] n. [C](美)飛機(jī):The airplane took off on time. 飛機(jī)準(zhǔn)時(shí)起飛。
airport[5eEpC:t] n. [C]航空站,飛機(jī)場:Let’s meet at Beijing airport. 我們在北京機(jī)場碰面吧。
alarm[E5lB:m] n.1. [C]警報(bào);警報(bào)裝置:give the alarm 發(fā)出警報(bào) / He sounded the alarm. 他鳴警報(bào)。2. [C]鬧鐘(= alarm clock):What time shall I set the alarm for? 我該把鬧鐘撥到幾點(diǎn)種響?3. [U]驚恐,驚慌:She was struck with alarm. 她飽受驚慌。vt. 使驚慌,使不安:I was quite alarmed last night at the cry of “fire”. 昨天夜里聽到“失火了”的喊聲時(shí),我十分驚慌?!鬭 false alarm 假警報(bào) / raise (sound) the alarm發(fā)出警報(bào)
alive[E5laIv] adj.1.活的,活著的,在世的:Are your grandparents still alive? 你的祖父母還在世嗎?2. 活躍的,充滿活力的:Although old he is still very much alive. 他雖然年事已高,但仍充滿活力。 ◆alive and well 活著的


【辨析】alive, live 與 living:三者均可表示“活著的”,其區(qū)別如下:1. alive 主要用作表語(有時(shí)可用作后置定語,但不用作前置定語),可用于人或動(dòng)物:He must be still alive. 他一定還活著。/ She’s the happiest woman alive. 她是世上最幸福的女人。2. living 可用作表語或定語,可用于人或物:Are your grandparents still living? 你的祖父母還健在嗎? / Both plants and animals are living things. 動(dòng)物和植物都是生物。3. live 通常只用作定語(前置),可用于動(dòng)物或植物,但一般不用于人:He bought some live fish. 他買了幾條活魚。Only a few live trees were left after the big fire. 火災(zāi)之后只有幾棵樹還活著。


all[C:l] adv.全部地,完全:She sat all alone. 她獨(dú)自一人坐著。adj.全部的;所有的;整個(gè)的:all day long 終日 / all the year round 全年 / All the windows are open. 所有的窗子都開著。 pron.全部;全體人員(事物):All are equal before the law. 法律面前人人平等。/ Grasp all, lose all. (諺)貪多必失?!鬭ll at once 突然 / all but 幾乎,差不多 / all over 到處;完全 / all the same 還是,仍然 / all together 一起,總共 / first of all 首先 / go all out 全力以赴 / in all 總共 / not at all 毫不,全然不 【辨析】all, every 與 each:1. 三者都可用來概括全體,但強(qiáng)調(diào)重點(diǎn)不同:all(全部)是整體性地考慮總體(具有概括性),every(每個(gè))是考慮總體中的所有成員(與 all 很接近),each(每個(gè))是逐個(gè)逐個(gè)地考慮總體(具有個(gè)別性):All men die. 所有的人都是要死的。/ Every man dies. 每一個(gè)人都要死的。/ Each man must die alone. 人都必然會(huì)一個(gè)個(gè)地死去。2. each 指兩者或兩者以上的“每個(gè)”,every 指三者或三者以上的“每個(gè)”,因此指兩者時(shí)只能用 each:There are trees on each side of the river. 河兩邊都有樹。



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