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六級(jí)閱讀:密西西比河上的舵手 精講





  六級(jí)閱讀:密西西比河上的舵手 Better Known As Mark Twain1

  The remarkable man went to a log-cabin school until he was twelve years old. That was the end of his formal education. In spite of this, he became the most famous literary figure of his generation .

  Mark Twain was born in a small Missouri village near the Mississippi River2 in 1835. At that time, Andrew Jackson3 was the president of the country. Abraham Lincoln was still a young farm laborer in Illinois. The first railroad had been built seven years before. The Industrial Revolution was at hand. 4 The economic collapse of American prosperity, called the Panic of 1837, still lay ahead. This was also the literary period later called the“New England Renaissance ”

  Mark Twain was not a healthy baby. In fact, he was not expected to live through the first winter. But with his mother’s tender care , he managed to survive. He had been born in a tiny two-room cabin. Eight people lived together there . He had four brothers and sisters. A slave girl lived with them too.

  As a boy, Mark Twain caused much trouble for his parents. He used to play practical jokes on all of his friends and neighbors. The nature of his jokes often led to violence . He hated to go to school, and he constantly ran away from home. He always went in the direction of the nearby Mississippi. He was fascinated by that mighty river. He liked to sit on the bank of the river for hours at a time and just gaze at the mysterious islands and the passing boats and rafts. He was nearly drowned nine different times. He learned many things about the river during those days. He learned all about its history and the unusual people who rode up and down5 it. He never forgot those scenes and those people. He later made them part of the history of America in his books Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn6.


 ?、? This is the summary of the passage. Try to fill in the blanks with proper words :

  Mark Twain was born in a small village near the __________River in 1835. He was not a healthy baby, so he was not expected to live __________ the first winter. Thanks to his mother’s __________care, he managed to survive . He has been born in a tiny two-room __________ . __________people lived together there. He had __________brothers and sisters and a girl live with them too. When he was a boy, he used to play __________jokes on his friends and neighbors. He hated to go to school but was __________ by the mighty river. He learned all about its history and __________the unusual people who rode __________ and __________ it. Later in his works Tom Sawyer and he made them part of American history.

  Ⅱ. Quizzes:

  1. What has four eyes ( Ⅰ) but cannot see?

  2. It is said that river is richer than any other things. Why?


 ?、? Mississippi / through / tender / cabin / Eight / four / slave / practical / fascinated up / down / Huckleberry Finn

  Ⅱ. 1. Mississippi. 2. Because on each side of the river, there is one bank.

  六級(jí)閱讀:密西西比河上的舵手 精講


  這位聲名顯赫的人物12 歲前在一所由原木搭建的小木屋學(xué)校上學(xué), 他的正規(guī)教育僅 此而已。盡管如此, 他仍成為他那一代最著名的文學(xué)家。

  馬克· 吐溫, 1835 年出生于密蘇里州的一個(gè)小村莊, 靠近密西西比河。那時(shí), 安德 魯· 杰克遜是這個(gè)國家的總統(tǒng)。亞伯拉罕· 林肯仍是伊利諾斯州的一位年輕的農(nóng)場(chǎng)工人。 第一條鐵路七年前就已建成。第一次工業(yè)革命迫在眉睫。美國繁榮經(jīng)濟(jì)的崩潰, 即“ 1837 年大恐慌”, 也即將發(fā)生。這也是后來在文學(xué)史上被稱為“ 新英格蘭文藝復(fù)興”的時(shí)期。

  馬克· 吐溫從小體弱多病。事實(shí)上, 誰也沒料到他能活過第一個(gè)冬天。然而, 在母親 的悉心照料下, 他還是活了下來。馬克· 吐溫出生在一幢僅兩室的狹小木屋里。那屋里擠了 八口人, 他有四個(gè)兄弟姐妹, 還有一個(gè)女奴和他們一起住。

  馬克· 吐溫小時(shí)候給父母惹了很多麻煩。他老是對(duì)他所有的朋友和鄰居制造惡作劇。 他的惡作劇常常招來一頓暴打。他討厭上學(xué), 還不斷地從家里跑出來, 總是朝著附近的密 西西比河方向走去。馬克· 吐溫被那條浩瀚壯觀的河流迷住了: 他喜歡在岸邊一坐幾個(gè)小 時(shí), 目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地盯著一個(gè)個(gè)神秘的島嶼和過往的船只與竹筏。有九次他都差點(diǎn)溺水而亡。 在那些日子里, 馬克· 吐溫學(xué)了很多有關(guān)這條河的知識(shí), 了解了它的歷史和河上來來往往 不同尋常的人。他永遠(yuǎn)都忘不了那些景色和那些人。后來, 馬克· 吐溫把那一切作為美國 歷史的一部分寫進(jìn)了他的著作《湯姆· 索耶歷險(xiǎn)記》和《哈克貝里· 費(fèi)恩歷險(xiǎn)記》。


  古老的密西西比河奉獻(xiàn)給馬克·吐溫的是永不枯竭的靈感, 從而令他創(chuàng)作出不朽的作 品。他不僅為美國文學(xué)開辟了一個(gè)新的領(lǐng)域———地方色彩文學(xué), 給人類文學(xué)史庫增添了一 筆寶貴的財(cái)富, 更對(duì)海明威等后來的文人影響深遠(yuǎn)。難怪他被稱為“第一流的美國作家”, “ 文學(xué)上的林肯”, 就連魯迅先生也贊揚(yáng)他“是前世紀(jì)( 19 世紀(jì)) 末至現(xiàn)世紀(jì)( 20 世紀(jì)) 初有 名的幽默家”。


  1. 馬克·吐溫———19 世紀(jì)后期美國批判現(xiàn)實(shí)主義文學(xué)的卓越代表、杰出的幽默諷刺家。 他的本名叫塞繆爾·蘭霍恩·克萊門斯( Samuel Langhorne Clemens) 。馬克·吐溫只是 他的筆名。他曾做過水手。筆名源自水手們測(cè)量水深時(shí)呼喊的術(shù)語。“mark twain”原意為“記下( mark) , 兩英尋( twain, 兩英尋等于十二英尺) ”。在這個(gè)深度, 領(lǐng)航員就可 以放心地領(lǐng)航了。于是, 塞繆爾就把這一響亮的呼喊聲當(dāng)作自己的筆名以作永久的紀(jì) 念。

  2. 密西西比河, 美國主要河流, 也是世界上最長的河流之一, 全長6 020 公里, 支流遍及從 阿巴拉契亞山脈到落基山脈之間的21 個(gè)州, 流域面積約322 萬平方公里, 約占美國國土 面積十分之四。“密西西比”, 印第安語即“ 大河”, 美國黑人愛把它稱為“ 老人河”。它 素有“百河之父”之稱。

  3. 安德魯·杰克遜( 1767—1845) , 美國第七任總統(tǒng), 美國歷史上第一位生于“ 小木屋”的總 統(tǒng)。他粗獷好斗, 綽號(hào)“老核桃”, 曾在新奧爾良大敗英軍, 是西部新興勢(shì)力的象征。

  4. Industrial Revolution, 工業(yè)革命, 是18 世紀(jì)60 年代從英國開始的產(chǎn)業(yè)革命。詞組at hand 的意思是“ 即將到來, 即將發(fā)生”, 下文出現(xiàn)的lay ahead 同它意思相近。同hand 組成的短 語很多, 如: have an open hand ( 慷慨, 大方) ; at close hand ( 在附近, 在近處) ; wash one’s hands of ( 洗手不干, 斷絕關(guān)系) 。諺語“ 人多好辦事”即Many hands make light work。

  5. 詞組up and down 不只是字面上“ 上上下下”的意思, 這里是“ 來來回回, 往返”的含義。 這個(gè)詞組可作“沿??來回, 在各處”解, 如: His eyes moved up and down the rows of people, looking for his son’s face. ( 他來回掃視一排排的人, 尋找他的兒子

  6. 《湯姆·索耶歷險(xiǎn)記》取材于美國內(nèi)戰(zhàn)前的社會(huì)生活, 作家通過對(duì)自己童年生活的回顧 來引起人們關(guān)注現(xiàn)實(shí)生活?!豆素惱?middot;費(fèi)恩歷險(xiǎn)記》是一部反對(duì)種族歧視, 探索黑人 命運(yùn)問題的長篇小說。該書是馬克·吐溫名垂青史之作, 美國作家海明威曾稱贊它為美 國歷史上所有書中最好的一本。兩部作品都是馬克·吐溫的代表作, 均以兒童冒險(xiǎn)經(jīng)歷 為主要線索, 它們被稱為姐妹篇。


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