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Section A

Directions: In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through thecentre.You maynot use anyofthewords in the bankmorethan once.

If you think life is wonderful and expect it to stay that way,then you may have a good chanceof living to a ripe old age,at least that is what the findings of a new study suggest.That study found that participants who reported the highest levels of optimism were far more likely to live to age 85 or  26  .This was compared to those participants who reported the lowest levels of optimism.It is  27  that the findings held even after the researchers considered factors that could  28  the link,including whether participants had health conditions such as heart disease or cancer,or whether they experienced depression.The results add to a growing body of evidence that certain psychological factors may predict a longer life  29  .For example,previous studies have found that more optimistic people have a lower risk of developing chronic diseases,and a lower riskof  30  death.However,the new study appears to be the first to  31  look at the relationship between optimism and longevity.The researchers  32  that the link found in the new study was not as strong when they factored in the effects of certain health behaviors,including exercise levels,sleep habits and diet.This suggests that these behaviors may,at least in part,explain the link.In otherwords,optimism may  33  good habitsthat bolster health.It is also important tonote that the study found only a  34  ,as researchers did not prove for certain that optimism leads to a longer life.However, if the findings are true,they suggest that optimism could serve as a psychological  35  that promotes health and a longer life.
















Section B

Directions:In this section,you are going toread a passage with ten statements attached to it Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which theinformation is derived.You may choose aparagraph more than once.Each paragraph is markedwith a letter.Answer the questions by markingthe corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

No one in fashion is surprised that Burberry burnt 28 million of stock

A)Last week,Burberry's annual reportrevealed that 28.6 million worth of stock was burnt last year.The news has left investors and consumers outraged but comes as little surprise to those in the fashion industry.

B)The practice of destroying unsold stock,and even rolls of unused fabric,is commonplace for luxury labels.Becoming too widely available at a cheaper price through discount stores discourages full-price sales.Sending products for recycling leaves them vulnerable to being stolen and sold on the black market.Jasmine Bina, CEO of brand strategy agency Concept Bureau explains,“Typically,luxury brands rally around exclusivity to protect their business interests,namely intellectual property and preservation ofbrand equity(資產(chǎn)).”She stated she had heard rumors of stock burning but not specific cases until this week.

C)Another reason for the commonplace practice is a financial incentive for brands exporting goods to America.United States Customs states that if imported merchandise is unused and destroyed under their supervision,99% of the duties, taxes or fees paid on the merchandise may be recovered.It is incredibly difficult to calculate how much deadstock currently goes to waste.While there are incentives to do it,there's no legal  obligation to report it.

D)A source,who chose to remain anonymous,shared her experience working in a Burberry store in New York in October 2016.“My job was to toss items in boxes so they could be sent to beburned.It was killing me inside because all that leather and fur went to waste andanimals had died for nothing.I couldn't stay there any longer their business practices threw me off the roof”In May this year,Burberry announced it was taking fur out of its catwalk shows and reviewing its use elsewhere in the business.“Even though weasked the management,they refused to give us detailed answers as to why they would do this with their collection,”continued the source, who left her role within two weeks.She has since worked with another high-profile,luxury label.

E)In anonline forum post,which asked if it's true that Louis Vuitton burned its bags, Ahmed Bouchfaa,who claimed to work for Louis Vuitton,responded that the brand holds sales of old stock for staff members twice a year.Items which have still not sold after several sales are destroyed.“Louis Vuitton doesn't have public sales.They either sell a product at a given price or discontinue it.This isto make sure that everybody pays the same price for an item,"he says.He goes on to disclose the strict guidelines around the employee sales:“You may buy gifts for someone,but they track each item, and if your gift ends up online they know who to ask.”O(jiān)ne investor commenting on the Burberry figures was reportedly outraged that the unsold goods were not even offered to investors before they were destroyed.

F)Richemont,who owns several luxury brands,hit the headlines in May for taking back 437 million of watches for destruction in the last two years to avoid marked-down prices.It's not just luxury brands either.In October last year,a Danish TV show exposed H&M for burning 12 tonnes of unsold clothing since 2013.In a statement,the high street retailer defended itself by saying that the burnt clothing had failed safety tests:“The products to which the media are referring have been tested in external laboratories.The test results show that one of the products is mold infested and the other product contains levels of lead that are too high.Those products have rightly been stopped in accordance with our safety routines.”In March,a report revealed that H&M was struggling with $4.3 billion worth of unsold stock.The brand told The New York Times that the plan was to reduce prices to move the stock, arguably encouraging consumersto buy and throwaway with little thought.

G)Over-production is perhaps the biggest concern for Burberry.While there has been much outrage at the elitist connotation of burning goods rather than making them affordable,executives at the British fashion house are no doubt struggling to defend how they miscalculated production.The waste has been put down to burning old cosmetic stock to make way for their new beauty range.However,while the value of destroyed stock is up from 26.9 million last year,it's an even more significant increase from 2016's figure of 18.8 million,highlighting that this is an ongoing issue.

H)In September 2016,Burberry switched to a “see now,buy now”catwalk show format.The move was a switch to leverage on the coveage of their fashion week show to make stock available immediately to consumers.This is opposed to the traditional format of presenting to the industry,taking orders for production and becoming avaiable in six months,time.While Burberry announced “record-breaking”onlinereach and engagement,there hasbeen littleevidence to suggest that the strategy has had a significant effect on sales,particularly as the hype(炒作)slows across the season.In February they made adjustments to the format,dropping some catwalk items immediately and promising that others would launch in the coming months.

I)In a statement,Burberry denied that switching to “see now,buy now”has had an impact on waste.A Burberry spokesperson further said,“On the occasions when disposal of products is necessary,we do so in a responsible manner.Weare always seeking ways to reduce and revalue our waste.This is a core part of our strategy and we have forged partnerships and committed support to innovative organizations to help reach this goal.”

J)One such partnership is with Elvis & Kresse,an accessories brand working with reclaimed materials.Co-founder Kresse Wesling said,“Late last year we launched an ambiious five-year partnership with the Burberry Foundation.The main aim of this is to scale our leather rescue project,starting with off-cuts from the production of Burberry leather goods.We areworking tirelessly to expand our solutions and would love to welcome anyone to our workshop to come and see what we are doing.”At the moment,the partnership only addresses waste at the production stage and not unsold goods.

K)While these are honorable schemes,itmakes it harder for Burberry to defend these latest figures.Fifteen years ago,Burberry was at crisispoint as their signature check pattern was widely imitated by cheap,imitation brands.It deterred luxury consumers who found their expensive clothing more closely associated with working-class youth culture than a prestigious heritage fashion house.In the year 2004,at the height of over-exposure of the Burberry check,the brand's turnover was 715.5 million.Under Christopher Bailey as creative director they turned the brand around and this past year revenue hit 2.73 billion.

L)Bina believes that brands need to readdress their exclusivity tactic.“Exclusivity is starting to be challenged,”she says,“I think that goes hand in hand with how luxury itself is being challenged.Access to fashion,and the brands who police it, are becoming less and less relevant.Things like health,enlightenment,and social and environmental responsibility are the new luxuries.These all come from within, not without.That's the challenge that traditional luxury brandswill have tocontend with inthe mid-to long-term future.”

36.Burberry's executives are trying hard to attribute their practice of destroying old productsto miscalculated production.

37.Selling products at a discount will do greater harm to luxury brands than destroying them.

38.Imitated Burberry products discouraged luxury consumers from buying its genuine products.

39.Staff members of a luxury brand may buy its old stock at cheaper prices,but they are not allowed to resell them.

40.In future traditional luxury brands will have to adapt their business strategies to the changing concepts  of luxury.

41.One luxury brand employee quit her job because she simply couldn't bear to see the destruction of unsold  products.

42.Destroying old stock is a practice not justof luxury brands but of less prestigious fashion brands.

43.Burberry is working with a partner to makefull use of leather materials to reduce waste.

44.Burberry's plan to destroy its unsold products worth millions of dollars aroused public indignation.

45.Burberry's change of marketing strategy to make a product available as soon as consumers see it on the fashion show did not turn out to be as effective as expected.

Section C

Directions: Thereare 2 passages in this section.Each passageis followed by some questions or umfinished  statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 arebased on the following passage.

Social media is absolutely everywhere.Billions of people use social media ona daily basis to create,share,and exchange ideas,messages,and information.Both individuals and businesses post regularly to engage and interact with people from around the world.It is a powerful communication medium that simultaneously provides immediate,frequent, permanent,and wide-reaching information acrossthe globe.

People post their lives on social media for the world to see.Facebook,Twitter, Linkedln,and countless other social channels provide a quick and simple way to glimpse into a job candidate's personal life—both the positive and negative sides of it.Social media screening is tempting to use as part ofthe hiring process,butshould employers makeuse of it when researching a potential candidate's background?

Incorporating the use of social media to screen job candidates is not an uncommon practice.A 2018 survey found that almost 70% of employers use social media to screen candidatesbefore hiring them.But there are consequences and potential legal risks involved too.When done inappropriately,social media screening can be considered  Unethical or even illegal.

Social media screening is essentially scrutinising a job candidate's private life.It can reveal information about protected characteristics like age,race,nationality,disability gender,religion,etc.,and that could bias a hiring decision.Pictures or comments on a private page that are taken out of context could ruin a perfectly good candidate's chances of getting hired.This process could potentially give an unfair advantage to one candidate over another.It creates an unequal playing field and potentially provides hiring managers with information thatcan impact their hiring decision in a negative way

It's hard to ignore social media as a screening tool.While thereare things that you shouldn't see,there are some things that can be lawfully considered—making it a valuable source of relevant information too.Using social media screening appropriately can help ensure that you don't hire a toxic employee who will cost you money or stain your company'sreputation.Consider the lawful side ofthisprocess and you may be able to hire the best employee ever.There is a delicate balance.

Screening job candidates on social media must be done professionally and responsibly. Companiesshould stipulate that they will never ask for passwords,be consistent,document decisions,consider the source used and be aware that other laws may apply.In light ofthis it is probably best to look later in the process and ask human resources for help in navigating it.Socal media is here to stay.But before using social media to screen job candidates,consulting with management and legal teamsbeforehand is essential in order to comply with all laws.

46.What does the author mainly discuss in the passage?

A)The advantage of using social media in screening job candidates.

B)Thepotentially invasive nature of social media in everyday life. 

C)Whetherthe benefits of social media outweigh the drawbacks.

D)Whether social media should be used to screen job candidates.

47.What might happen when social media is used to screen job candidates?

A)Moral orlegal issues might arise.

B)Company reputation might suffer.

C)Sensational information might surface.

D)Hiring decisions might be complicated.

48.When could online personal information be detrimental to candidates?

A)When it is separated from context.

B)When it is scrutinised by an employer.

C)When it is magnified to a ruinous degree.

D)When it is revealed to the human resources.

49.How can employers use social media information to their advantage while avoiding unnecessaryrisks?

A)By tipping the delicate balance.

B)By using it in a legitimate way.

C)By keeping personal information on record.

D)By separating relevant from irrelevant data.

50.Whatdoes the author suggest doing before screening job candidates on socialmedia?

A)Hiring professionals to navigate the whole process.

B)Anticipating potential risks involved in the process. 

C)Seeking advice from management and legal experts. 

D)Stipulating a set of rules for asking specific questions.

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

In recent years,the food industry has increased its use of labels.Whether the labels say‘non-GMO(非轉(zhuǎn)基因的)’or‘no sugar’,or‘zero carbohydrates',consumers are increasingly demanding more information about what's in their food.One report found that 39 percent of consumers would switch from the brands they currently buy to others that provide clearer,more accurate product information.Food manufacturers are responding to the report with new labels to meet that demand,and they're doingso with an eye towards giving their products an advantage over the competition,and bolstering profits.

This strategy makes intuitive sense.If consumers say they want transparency,tell them exactly what is in your product.That is simply supplying a certain demand.But the marketing strategy inresponse to this consumer demand has gone beyond articulating what is in a product,to labeling what is NOT in the food.These labels are known as“absence claims”labels,and they represent an emerging labeling trend that isdetrimental both to the consumers who purchase the products and the industry that supplies them.

For example,Hunt's put a “non-GMO”label on its canned crushed tomatoes a few years ago—despite the fact that at the time there was nosuch thing as a GMOtomato on the market.Some dairy companies are using the “non-GMO”label on their milk,despite the fact that all milk isnaturally GMO-free,another label that creates unnecessary fear around food.

While creating labels that play onconsumer fears and misconceptions abouttheir food may give a company a temporary marketing advantage over competing products on the grocery aisle,in the long term this strategy will have just the opposite effect:by injecting fear into the discourseabout our food,we run the risk of eroding consumer trust in not just a single product,but the entire food business.

Eventually,it becomes a question in consumers,minds:Were these foods ever safe? By purchasing and consuming these types of products,have I already done some kind of harmtomy family or the planet?

For food manufacturers,it will mean damaged consumer trust and lower sales for everyone.And this isn't just supposition.A recent study found that absence claims labels can create a stigma around foods even when there  is no scientific evidence that they cause harm.

It's clear that food manufacturers must tread carefully when it comes to usingabsence claims.In addition to the likely negative long-term impact on sales,this verbal trick sends a message that innovations in farming and food processing are unwelcome,eventualy leading to less efficiency,fewer choices for consumers,and ultimately,more costly food products.If weallow this kind of labeling to continue,we will all lose.

51.What trend has been observed in a report?

A)Food manufacturers,rising awareness of product safety.

B)Food manufacturers,changing strategiesto bolster profits.

C)Consumers,growing demand for eye-catching food labels.

D)Consumers,increasing desire for clear product information.

52.Whatdoes the author say is manufacturers new marketing strategy? 

A)Stressing the absence of certain elementsin their products.

B)Articulating the unique nutritional value of their products.

C)Supplying detailed information of their products.

D)Designing transparent labels for their products.

53.What point does the author make about non-GMO labels? 

A)They are increasingly attracting customers'attention.

B)They create los of trouble for GMO food producers.

C)They should be usedmore for vegetables and milk.

D)They cause anxiety about food among consumers.

54.What does the author say absence claims labels will do to food manufacturers?

A)Cause changes in theirmarketing strategies. 

B)Help remove stigma around their products.

C)Erode consumer trust and reduce sales. 

D)Decrease support from food scientists.

55.What does the author suggest food manufactures do? 

A)Take measures to lower the cost of food products.

B)Exercise caution about the use of absence claims.

C)Welcome new innovations in food processing

D)Promote efficiency andincrease food variety.

26.B)【語義判斷】本文首句提到living to a ripe old age,結(jié)合第二句內(nèi)容可知樂觀的人更可能活到高齡,故空格處應(yīng)填入B)beyond“ (范圍)超出”,表示樂觀的人更有可能活到85歲或更久。

27.H)【語義判斷】空格后面提到,在研究人員考慮了諸多因素后,研究的結(jié)果仍然成立,這應(yīng)該是很值得注意的。另外,在第34題所在的句子里,作者使用了“It is also important to note that...”,表明前面已經(jīng)提到了一件值得注意的事,綜合可知答案為H)noteworthy“值得注意的”。


29.L)【語義判斷】空格所在句提到,這項新研究的結(jié)果進一步證實了某些心理因素或許預(yù)示著更長的壽命,L)span“持續(xù)時間”符合句意,故為答案。life span意為“壽命”。

30.J)【語義判斷】空格前面出現(xiàn)了and, 空格所在部分應(yīng)和前文形成并列關(guān)系。前文提到,越樂觀的人得慢性病的風(fēng)險越低,因此推測,他們過早死亡的風(fēng)險也較低,故答案為J)premature “過早的,提早的”。

31.M)【語義判斷】空格所在句的前一句提到,之前的很多研究發(fā)現(xiàn)越樂觀的人得慢性病的風(fēng)險越低,過早死亡的風(fēng)險也較低??崭袼诰涞膆owever和the first都暗示了這項新研究的特別之處,它是第一個專門針對樂觀和壽命之間的關(guān)聯(lián)所做的研究 ,M)specifically專門地,特定地”符合句意,故為答案。

32.C)【語義判斷】空格后面提到,當(dāng)把鍛煉水平、睡眠習(xí)慣和飲食等健康行為產(chǎn)生的影響考慮進去之后,新的研究發(fā)現(xiàn)樂觀和長壽之間的關(guān)聯(lián)并沒有那么大。研究人員應(yīng)該是在報告研究結(jié)果時提到了這 一點,C)conceded“ (不得不)承認”符合句意,故為答案。

33.E)【語義判斷】空格后面的that bolster health是定語從句,修飾名詞短語good habits,表示“促進健康的好習(xí)慣”,前文提到,樂觀和長壽有一定關(guān)聯(lián),因此推測,樂觀或許能促進良好習(xí)慣的養(yǎng)成,而這些好習(xí)慣又能促進健康。E)foster“促進,助長”符合句意,故為答案。 


35.O)【語義判斷】前文提到,研究發(fā)現(xiàn)樂觀和健康存在關(guān)聯(lián),因此,如果該研究的結(jié)論成立的話,那就表明樂觀是可以促進健康和長壽的一個心理特質(zhì)。O)trait“(某人性格中的)特性,品質(zhì)”符合句意, 故為答案。

36.【定位】由題干中的 Burberry's executives 和miscalculated production定位到文章G段第二句。

G)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。G)段第二句后半部分指出,這家英國時裝公司(即巴寶莉)的高管們正在努力為他們對產(chǎn)量的錯誤計算進行辯護,隨后一句提到了他們的浪費行為被歸咎于通過銷毀老產(chǎn)品來為新產(chǎn)品讓路。由此可知,題干是對該部分信息的歸納。題干中的attribute their practice of destroying old products to是原文中has been put down to burningold cosmetic stock的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為G)。


B)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。B)段第二句提到,通過折扣店以更便宜的價格大量出售商品不利于原價銷售,而之前一句說,銷毀未售出的庫存,甚至銷毀成卷未使用的衣料,這種做法對于奢侈品品牌來說是司空見慣的??梢妰烧弑容^而言,對于奢侈品品牌來說,打折出售是更加不情愿的事情,可見題干是對該處信息的歸納。題干中的selling products at a discount 對應(yīng)原文中的becoming too widely available at a cheaper price through discount stores,題干中的destroying them對應(yīng)原文中的the practice of destroying unsold stock,故答案為B)。

38.【定位】由題干中的 imitated Burberry products 定位到文章K)段第二、三句。

K)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。K) 段第二句提到,15年前,巴寶莉正處于危機時刻,因為他們的簽名支票模式被廉價的仿制品牌到處模仿,而隨后一句進一步說,這讓奢侈品消費者望而卻步,題干是對這兩處信息的概括。題干中的 imitated Burberry products 對應(yīng)原文中的imitatedby cheap, imitation brands,題干中的 discouraged luxury consumers from buying its genuine products 對應(yīng)原文中的deterredluxury consumers,故答案為K)。

39.【定位】由題干中的staffmembers 和old stock定位到E)段第一句。

E)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。E)段定位句提到,該品牌每年為員工出售兩次舊貨。而之后的第六句提到了有關(guān)員工銷售的嚴(yán)格規(guī)定:“你可以為某人買禮物,但他們會跟蹤每一件物品,如果你的禮物最終出現(xiàn)在網(wǎng)上,他們知道應(yīng)該去詢問誰?!庇纱丝芍?,員工購買的奢侈品舊貨是不允許轉(zhuǎn)賣的,題干中的they arenot allowed to resell them是對定位段第六句的歸納概括,故答案為E)。

40.【定位】由題干中的luxury brands 、adapt 和 business strategies定位到文章L)段。

L)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。L)段第一句提到,品牌需要重新考慮其專有權(quán)策略,其后的第四句舉例說明了奢侈品涵蓋的新內(nèi)容,最后一句總結(jié)稱,這是傳統(tǒng)奢侈品在中長期的未來不得不與之抗衡的挑戰(zhàn),可知奢侈品的概念在發(fā)生著變化,使得傳統(tǒng)奢侈品品牌不得不調(diào)整其戰(zhàn)略,適應(yīng)這種新概念,題干是對全段信息的歸納概括。題干中的 in future traditional luxury brands will have to adapttheir business strategies 是對定位段第一句中的brands need to readdress their exclusivity tactic和最后一句中的 contend with in the mid-to long-term future的概括,題干中的the changing concepts of luxury 對應(yīng)原文中的 things like health,enlightenment,and social and environmental responsibility are the new luxuries,故答案為L)。

41.【定位】由題干中的oneluxury brand employee 定位到D)段。

D)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。D)段定位句提到,一位不愿透露姓名的消息人士分享了她2016年10月在紐約一家巴寶莉商店工作的經(jīng)歷,隨后三句說到這名員工的工作就是將未售出的商品裝箱以待銷毀,這讓她感到受不了,在那里再也待不下去了,該段末二句則提到她在兩周內(nèi)離了職。題干中的quit her job是原文中I couldn't stay there any longer和left her role的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,題干中的 she simply couldn't bear to see the destruction of unsold products是對原文中的sent tobe burned,it was killing me inside和their business practices threw me off the roof三處信息的概括性轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為D)。

42.【定位】由題干中的destroying old stock和 a practice not just of luxury brands定位到文章F)段。

F)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。F) 段首句提到了奢侈品公司歷峰集團銷毀老產(chǎn)品的做法,第二句提到,并不僅僅是奢侈品品牌會如此做,隨后提及HQM 這個普通的零售服裝品牌也被曝出銷毀存貨的消息,可知題干是對F) 段前半部分信息的概括性轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的 but of less prestigious fashion brands 對應(yīng)原文中的H&M for burning 12 tonnes of unsold clothing和the  high street retailer,故答案為F)。

43.【定位】由題干中的 is workingwith a partner定 位到文章J)段第一句。

J)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。J) 段第一句指出,巴寶莉的合作伙伴之一是一個使用再生材料的配件品牌。其后的第三句詳細說明了合作的內(nèi)容是該品牌利用巴寶莉皮具生產(chǎn)的下腳料,而該段最后一句提到這種合作關(guān)系是為了處理生產(chǎn)階段的廢料,可知巴寶莉與合作伙伴合作是想要充分利用原料以減少浪費。題干中的make full use of leather materials對應(yīng)原文中的starting with off-cuts,題干中的reducewaste 是對原文中 addresses waste 的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為J。

44.【定位】由題干中的 unsold products worth millions of dollars 定位到文章A)段。

A)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。A) 段首句提到,上周,巴寶莉的年度報告披露去年燒毀了價值2860萬英鎊的存貨,隨后的第二句指出,這一消息令投資者和消費者大為震怒。題干中的 destroy對應(yīng)原文中的burnt, 題干中的aroused public indignation是對原文中the newshas left investors and consumers outraged的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為A)。

45.【定位】由題干中的 tomake a product available、 fashion show和effective定位到文章H)段第一、 二和四句。

H)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。H)段定位句提到,巴寶莉利用時裝周走秀的報道,讓消費者立即可以買到庫存,此舉是一種轉(zhuǎn)變,隨后的第四句中談到這種新銷售策略的效果,指出幾乎沒有證據(jù)表明該策略對銷售產(chǎn)生了重大影響,可知這種利用走秀讓消費者看到即可買到的銷售模式并未收到預(yù)期的良好效果,題干是對H)段主要信息的概括。題干中的 Burberry's change of marketing strategy to make a product available as soonas consumers see it on the fashion show對應(yīng)原文中的a switch to leverage onthe coverage oftheir fashion week show to make stock available immediately to consumers;題干中的 did not turn out to be as effective asexpected是對原文中there has been littleevidence to suggest  thatthe strategy has had a significant effect on sales的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為H)。



47.【定位】由題干中的social media is used to screen job candidates定位到第三段。

A)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。文章第三段提到,當(dāng)雇主利用社交媒體來篩選求職者時,如果操作不當(dāng),那么這種方式會被認為是不道德的,甚至是非法的。 故答案為A)。

48.【定位】由題干中的 online personal information 定位到第四段第三句。


49.【定位】由題干中的 use social media information to their advantage定位到第五段。

B)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。第五段提到,適當(dāng)?shù)厥褂蒙缃幻襟w來篩選求職者可以避免招到品行惡劣的員工,如果在這一過程中遵守法律規(guī)定,雇主可能會招聘到有史以來最好的員工。說明雇主應(yīng)該以合法的方式利用社交媒體來篩選求職者,以避免上 文中提到的潛在風(fēng)險,故答案為B)。

50.【定位】由題干中的suggest和before screening job candidates定位到最后一段。


51.【定位】由題干中的a report定位到第一段第二、 三句。




53.【定位】由題干中的non-GMO labels定位到第三段。

D)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。第三段最后一句提到,這種 “非轉(zhuǎn)基因”標(biāo)簽可能會造成消費者對食品不必要的恐慌心理;第五段也同樣提到,此類標(biāo)簽的使用可能會使消費者對曾經(jīng)購買的食品的安全性產(chǎn)生懷疑,從而感到焦慮,故答案為D)。

54.【定位】由題干中的absence claims labels和food manufacturers定位到第五段第三句。

C)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。第五段第三句指出,對于食品制造商來說,使用“無”式聲明標(biāo)簽意味著消費者信賴度的削弱以及銷售額的下滑。C) 項直接對應(yīng)原文內(nèi)容,故為正確答案。




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