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Brand profile: Olivia von Halle Olivia von Halle 品牌簡介

British designer Olivia von Halle established her eponymous brand in 2011, focusing on luxury sleep and loungewear. Her most recent launch, the Missy, a chic silk-cashmere tracksuit, took two years to develop. The label is stocked in more than 100 retailers including Net-a-Porter and Bergdorf Goodman.

oliviavonhalle.com 英國設(shè)計(jì)師Olivia von Halle于2001年創(chuàng)建了專注于豪華睡衣與便服的同名品牌。她最新推出的系列the Missy是異常時(shí)尚的真絲羊絨運(yùn)動套裝,前后耗費(fèi)了其兩年心血。Olivia von Halle如今在包括Net-a-Porter與波道夫•古德曼(Bergdorf Goodman)在內(nèi)的100多家零售店發(fā)售。詳情請瀏覽oliviavonhalle.com。

Olivia von Halle We met about five years ago. I had bought one of Alessandra’s dresses on Net-a-Porter but the belt was missing so I called Alessandra’s studio and this frightfully glamorous-sounding Italian women answered and said: “Yes dahling, you must come and get it.” So I put on my coolest outfit and headed down to Mount Street. As I was walking there a seagull swooped down and tried to fly off with my hair in its mouth. Alessandra ran out, and tried to bat the seagull away with a file.

奧利維婭•哈莉(Olivia von Halle):我倆結(jié)識于5年前,我在Net-a-Porter上買了件亞歷桑德拉的裙子,但腰帶卻不見了,于是我給亞歷桑德拉門店打電話,這位嗓音極富磁性的意大利女人接電話后說:“不過親愛的,您得自己來取。”于是我穿上最潮行頭直奔其門店所在地倫敦蒙特街(Mount Street)。走到那兒時(shí),一只海鷗俯沖下來,想要叼走我的頭發(fā)。亞歷桑德拉從屋里沖出來,使勁用文件夾驅(qū)趕海鷗。

Alessandra Rich There is a seagull that attacks people on Mount Street. We called the council, but it’s a protected species. Anyway that’s how we met.

亞歷桑德拉•瑞秋(Alessandra Rich):蒙特街上有只老愛襲擊行人的海鷗。我們曾給市府打過電話,但那是保護(hù)動物,不管咋說,我們倆就是這么結(jié)識的。

OVH It was a good icebreaker, and after that we became friends. And around the same time, my husband was working on a project with Jess . . .

奧利維婭•哈莉:這是算是良好的開端,我倆從此成了密友。與此同時(shí),我丈夫也正好與杰西卡•麥科馬克(Jessica McCormack)合作……

Jessica McCormack . . . and he thought Olivia and I would get on. We are all friends, but our meetings are business focused, somewhere we can share ideas, or information, or say: “Hey does anyone know a showroom in Paris?”


AR Or sometimes we might set up a meeting to discuss something specific, such as social media.


OVH We have a WhatsApp group and we are all non-competing luxury brands with women as the founders. We used to have more people in the group, but these days it’s mainly the three of us. We have also invited people to come and talk — like the head of innovation at Microsoft. There’s quite a little network of advisers, consultants and people who deal with smaller businesses, and we all go through similar HR issues. In terms of advice, the British Fashion Council look after a very particular type of brand — generally Central Saint Martins-trained womenswear designers — but we don’t fit that mould. It’s very supportive to you though, isn’t it, Alessandra?

奧利維婭•哈莉:我們建了個(gè)WhatsApp群,我們這幾個(gè)女人都是彼此沒有競爭關(guān)系的奢侈品牌創(chuàng)建者。這個(gè)群過去人更多,但如今主要就我們仨了。我們還邀請其他人參加討論——比如說微軟創(chuàng)新部負(fù)責(zé)人。我們還聘請了人數(shù)不多的顧問咨詢?nèi)藛T與處理小型業(yè)務(wù)的員工,我們的招聘流程都大同小異。說到建議,英國時(shí)裝協(xié)會(British Fashion Council)眷顧特殊人群————通常是中央圣馬丁藝術(shù)學(xué)院(Central Saint Martins)培養(yǎng)的女裝設(shè)計(jì)師————但我們不符合這個(gè)要求。不過時(shí)裝協(xié)會對你還是很支持的,對吧,亞歷桑德拉?

AR It is, but the fashion council would be more interested if I showed my collections in London. It organises interesting meetings though.


OVH None of us has any formal design training.


JM I didn’t train or study, and actually that means I haven’t encountered the barriers that say how you should do something, you just do it. I’m not saying we make it up as we go, but there’s that shared entrepreneurial spirit that relies a lot on intuition.


OVH I think naivety is a huge advantage in setting up a business. 奧利維婭•哈莉:我認(rèn)為天真對于創(chuàng)業(yè)而言是巨大優(yōu)勢。

JM Ignorance is bliss!


OVH If you knew what was involved you would never do it. You need to go in with your eyes shut! That worked for me anyway.


AR It’s also helped us to have our own niche, our own spaces.


JM I can’t compete with the big brands commercially, but I can put my own twist on fine jewellery, show people how to wear it. I’m motivated by encouraging women to wear diamonds in a more casual way. Everything I create I ask, can a woman wear this, when is she going to wear it?


AR It’s important for me that women find my dresses and designs wearable.


JM The female element of our group is really important. We haven’t invited Roland Mouret to join, for example, even though he’s on Carlos Place, London [where the brands are based].

杰西卡•麥科馬克:我們這個(gè)群中的女性設(shè)計(jì)師元素至關(guān)重要。比方說,我沒有邀請羅蘭•穆雷(Roland Mouret)參加,即便他來自眾多時(shí)尚品牌門店云集的倫敦卡洛斯廣場(Carlos Place)。

AR It’s easier to be very honest and open with other women, you really can discuss everything, on a friendship level.


OVH You have to hold it together at work, I mean, do you guys ever break down at work?


AR No!


Brand profile: Alessandra Rich Alessandra Rich品牌簡介

Italian-born, London-based womenswear designer Alessandra Rich has a showroom in Mayfair and a studio in Italy. She launched her label for Spring/Summer 2010 during Paris Fashion Week. She is particularly known for long, lace dresses that offer a modern twist on overt femininity, and her garments have been worn by Samantha Cameron, Chloë Sevigny and Alexa Chung.

alessandrarich.com 出生于意大利的女裝設(shè)計(jì)師亞歷桑德拉•瑞秋在倫敦定居,目前在梅菲爾區(qū)開有門店,在意大利則設(shè)立了設(shè)計(jì)室。巴黎時(shí)裝2010年春夏周,她首次推出自己的時(shí)裝系列。她尤以設(shè)計(jì)具有現(xiàn)代鮮明女性風(fēng)格的蕾絲長裙見長,她設(shè)計(jì)的時(shí)裝受到薩曼莎•卡梅倫(Samantha Cameron)、科洛•塞維尼(Chloë Sevigny)以及艾里珊•鐘(Alexa Chung)等名媛青睞。詳情請瀏覽alessandrarich.com。

OVH When it comes to opening up and talking about my business, which is something I am quite closed about, I feel more comfortable doing it with other women. I have experienced a certain amount of mansplaining by men. I never think of myself as different, but still, in every single meeting when the conversation turns to business, or when I’m trying to get more money from the bank, I have to remind myself, that I’m the CEO . . . My husband Hugo who is the finance director is very much “this is your brand, you are the CEO”.


JM You read about the pay difference and the different treatment women get in the workplace, but I just assumed that I could do whatever I want. The diamond industry is very male dominated. I have heard people say: “Oh, she’s a girl, she won’t last five minutes”, but I wouldn’t let that impact me. For working mothers, like Olivia and I, it’s nice to have that support network, and be able to say I’ve got a problem with my nanny.


OVH I went back to work two months after having my son, just three or four hours a day. And it was great. For a lot of women that’s really shocking so I really appreciate having these two women who completely understand that I can’t just put my business on the back burner because I’ve had a baby. I have an opportunity at this time to create a future, and I have to capitalise on it. The fact that I am also of childbearing age and have to have my children now is neither here nor there, I’ve got to do both.


JM I always say that my jewellery business is my first baby. I nurtured and grew it, you take your eyes off it for a minute and it’s being naughty. You aren’t going to let that go.


OVH This last year I have been really lucky in being able to choose how to make the business work for me. I don’t get in until 11, I try and leave at 5. I work in the evenings, but I have found it very free. The business has doubled in the past year. I was thinking this has been a crap year, let’s just get through it but actually it’s boomed.


JM We have had double-digit growth this year so even though I’m pregnant I think “don’t make me leave”, I just want to keep going.


OVH When Brexit happened we were so worried about the future of the brand and how it would affect us. The pound bottoming out against the dollar had a huge immediate affect; outstanding debts to our supplier increased by 30 per cent and our products became 30 per cent more expensive for us to buy since we manufacture 95 per cent of our production in Shanghai and pay in dollars. The flipside was the UK became the cheapest place in the world to buy luxury goods and as our products became more affordable in other countries we saw a huge surge in export sales through our own e-commerce site, especially from the US; the US is now about to take over the UK with 38 per cent of all our e-commerce revenues coming from the US. Ultimately most of our customers are UHNWIs (ultra-high net worth individuals) who haven’t been affected by Brexit — if anything I think it has made them richer, so our sales have continued to grow worldwide and are set to double profits again this year and increase our turnover by 50 per cent. When you decide to set up a pyjama brand you don’t expect to be on xe.com every day checking currency changes.


JM Our phone was ringing off the hook with our American clients placing orders, which was great!


AR We produce everything in Italy. We pay everybody in euros and sell in euros, so we haven’t experienced any changes.


OVH I have personal concerns about Brexit, and the safety of Europe, but I don’t really have business concerns. I started Olivia von Halle in September 2011, even though it was an absolute low point in the recession and I was selling a luxury product that no one needed, but I think a recession can be good for creativity. The positives of Brexit could be very exciting. If we were able to get a free-trade agreement so our customers didn’t have to pay really high taxes and duties when their goods landed it would make a big difference.

奧利維婭•哈莉:我個(gè)人對英國脫歐以及歐洲安全感到擔(dān)憂,但對公司業(yè)務(wù)沒啥擔(dān)心。我2011年9月創(chuàng)建了Olivia von Halle品牌,即便當(dāng)時(shí)是經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退的最低谷,自己的奢侈品也無人問津,但我認(rèn)為經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退于創(chuàng)新大有裨益。英國脫歐的好處多多:若英國能與其他國家簽訂自由貿(mào)易協(xié)定,進(jìn)口對方國家產(chǎn)品時(shí),我國消費(fèi)者就不必再支付高額關(guān)稅與稅率,那影響該有多深遠(yuǎn)!

JM Shipping to America is the worst. It’s so expensive.


OVH If the US dropped its import duties that would be amazing. The Chinese are now big customers and seem to hold the spending power that the Russians and Middle Eastern customers did a few years ago. Our Russian and Middle Eastern customer base used to be huge but it’s reduced a lot . . . 


AR Because of the drop in oil prices. They have also started to pay taxes in Saudi Arabia . . . And then the rouble bottomed out. But you can’t worry about the future though, it’s impossible to second guess what will happen where.


OVH You don’t expect macroeconomics to affect a little brand like ours, but it does.


Brand profile: Jessica McCormack Jessica McCormack品牌簡介

Jeweller Jessica McCormack grew up in New Zealand and in 2013 opened her Mayfair boutique, where she designs and oversees her creations. Her business partners are Rachel Slack, a member of the Oppenheimer family, and art collector and diamantaire Michael Rosenfeld. McCormack’s designs include Party Jackets, surrounds that make a simple ring more dramatic.

jessicamccormack.com 首飾設(shè)計(jì)師杰西卡•麥科馬克在新西蘭長大。2013年開設(shè)了倫敦梅菲爾精品店,在此設(shè)計(jì)與監(jiān)督旗下產(chǎn)品。她的商業(yè)合伙人有Oppenheimer鉆石家族成員Rachel Slack以及收藏家兼鉆石經(jīng)營巨擎邁克爾•羅森菲爾德(Michael Rosenfeld)。麥科馬克設(shè)計(jì)的首飾包括了Party Jackets,這種圍飾風(fēng)格能讓簡簡單單一枚戒指變得楚楚動人。詳情請瀏覽jessicamccormack.com。


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