The new polyester composite material candecompose in seawater over a period ranging from afew days to several hundred days, leaving smallmolecules that cause no pollution, said WangGexia, a senior engineer at the Technical Institute ofPhysics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy ofSciences.
"For a long time, people focused on 'white pollution' on land. Plastic pollution in the seas onlycaught people's attention when more and more reports about marine animals dying from itappeared in recent years," said Wang.
Scientists combined non-enzymic hydrolysis, water dissolution and biodegradation processesto design and invent the new material.
About 4.8 million to 12.7 million ton of plastic waste goes into the seas very year, accountingfor 60% to 80% of the total solid pollutants in the oceans, according to a conservativeestimate by scientists.
The institute has authorized four Chinese enterprises to use their technology, with three enterprises going into production with a total annual capacity of half the global biodegradable plastics, or 75,000 tons.
China has given top priority to ecological environmental protection, contributing Chinese wisdom to resolving global pollution.