Washington, Montana and Vermont are at the top of a new list for having the most UFO sightings in the US.
Compiling data from the National UFO Reporting Center and the US Census, Satellite Internet issued a report looking at how many sightings there were per 100,000 people, as well as the overall rankings of where people are most likely to spot a UFO.
Washington state tops the list with 5,894 sightings, good for an average of 78.22 per 100,000 people. Far behind in second place is Montana, with 823 reported sightings. Given the state’s significantly smaller population, its average of 77.47 sightings per 100,000 people is just a tick behind Washington. Vermont, Alaska and Maine round out the top 5 with 482 (76.96), 560 (75.94) and 940 (70.23), respectively.
The report notes it “includes UFO incident reports from Navy pilots and former Pentagon intelligence officers and the release of classified UFO research from the NSA. All of this activity means that for the first time in years, UFO reports are being taken seriously by the media.”
Perhaps not surprisingly, given the geographical size of these states, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas make up the bottom of the list. Although Texas is the second-most populated state in the country, behind California (which ranks 21st on the list at an average of 34.28 sightings per 100,000), there were only an average of 17.31 reported sightings per 100,000 people.
In total reported UFO sightings, Texas is fourth on the list, behind California (13,559), Alabama (10,882) and Washington.
The report adds that UFO sightings are “most frequent” during the warmer months, though it was not sure of the reason for that trend. The report’s author suggested it may be because more people are outside in good weather — or a they jokingly suggested, “Aliens go on summer vacations with their kids too.”
In 2018, another report, using different methodology, said Wyoming and Vermont offered the best odds of seeing a UFO, at 205-to-1 and 250-to-1, respectively.