According to Shape, grapefruit contains an antioxidant called naringenin. This has been shown to keep blood sugar levels moderate and improve the number of calories you burn. However, more science is needed for definitive proof of this benefit.
Still, there are plenty of other reasons to buy a few grapefruits on your next grocery trip. By moderating your blood sugar levels, this fruit can protect against some types of diabetes. "Greater consumption of blueberries, grapes, apples, bananas, and grapefruit were significantly associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes," said a 2013 BMJ study. "Our findings suggest that there is significant heterogeneity in the associations between individual fruits and risk of type 2 diabetes." Grapefruits are also 88% water, so eating them regularly can improve your hydration levels. Whether you eat it plain, in a yogurt bowl, or in a salad, it's a great idea to enjoy more grapefruit when you can.