A: Okay, Rosie, shall we try to get some ideas together for our presentation on diet and obesity?
B: Sure.
A: I can talk about the experiment I did to see if people can tell the difference between real sugar and artificial sweeteners.
B: Where you gave people drinks with either sugar or artificial sweeteners, and they had to say which they thought it was.
A: Yeah, it took me ages to decide exactly how I'd organize it, especially how I could make sure that people didn't know which drink I was giving them. It was hard to keep track of it all, especially as I had so many people doing it, I had to make sure I kept a proper record of what each person had had.
B: So, could most people tell the difference?
A: Yeah. I hadn't thought that they would be able to, but most people could.
B: Then, there's that experiment I did, measuring the fat content of knots to see if the nutritional information given on the packet was accurate.
A: The one where you ground up the nuts, and mix them with a chemical to absorb the fat.
B: Yes. My results were a bit problematic, the fat content for that type of knot seemed much lower than it said on the package. But I reckoned the package information was right, I think I should probably have ground up the knots more than I did. It's possible that the scales for weighing the fat weren't accurate enough, too. I'd really like to try the experiment again some time.