(Female Singer) ∮ Today ∮
∮ We took a walk up the street ∮
∮ We picked a flower and climbed the hill ∮
(Maggie) He’s been drinking more and more since my mom passed away. 我媽死后他就越喝越多了
(Ike) That’s when you quit school to come back here? 所以你放棄念大學(xué)回家里來?
Yeah. I had to come run the store for my dad. 是啊!要替我打理店鋪嘛
(Ike) My dad had a small printing business. 我父親做一點小生意
He wanted me to become a classical musician. 他希望我成為古典音樂家
My mother wanted me to be a novelist. 我母親要我成為小說家
They were 0-for-two. 結(jié)果兩大皆空
More? 還想聽嗎?
So, l, uh-- I became a reporter. 結(jié)果我當(dāng)了記者
Not quite a novelist. 算不上是個小說家
But as we all know, 可是我們誰都知道
journalism is literature in a hurry. 新聞是匆匆下筆的文學(xué)
∮ I never saw blue like that before ∮
∮ Across the sky ∮
(Ike) What? What is this? 什么回事?
What kind of gas did you put in here? Diesel? 你入了什么油?柴油?
I don’t know. 我拿起最近車子的油泵
The pump closest to the car. 我不知是什么油…
This car takes unleaded. 這輛車子要用無鉛汽油
Your filter is clogged. 濾油缸塞住了
(Ike) Can you fix it? 你懂得修理嗎?
- I’m gonna need to get some tools. 我需要一些工具才行
Kind of isolated here. 這里四野無人
- Oh, good. 噢,老天!
Yeah, it’s nice. 對,真妙!
Well, if there’s one thing us New Yorkers know how to do, that’s hail a cab. 我們紐約客只懂得揮手叫的士
If there’s no cab, we walk. 沒有的士就只得走路
Uh, well, if we saved the battery here, 如果省下一些電力…
there’s a place just down the way. 下邊還有個地方可去
We country girls cut across the field. It’s quicker. 我們鄉(xiāng)下妹懂得抄捷徑,會快些
Oh, be careful of snakes. 小心蛇呀!
- What? 你說什么?
- Snakes. 蛇呀!
I don’t like snakes. 我很討厭蛇的
Walk nice. They won’t get ya. 走得斯文些,蛇就不會來咬你
What’re you-- What’re you doing? Snake dance? 你干嘛,跳蛇舞?
I’m scaring the snakes. 我是把蛇嚇走嘛
- You’re scaring me. 你是嚇到了我
- (Chuckles) I’m scaring myself. 我連自己也嚇怕了
Do you think there’s one right person for everybody? 是不是每個人都會有個合意的人
(Sighs) No, but I think attraction... 不一定
is too often mistaken for rightness. 人總是把魅力誤解為合意
Attraction is very misleading. 魅力這兩個字很容易被誤解
- Yes, it is. - Yeah. 的確是啊
- And it doesn’t mean anything. - No. 沒什么特別意思的
No, no. It doesn’t mean anything. It means-- 意思只是…
I, uh, 我
suddenly forgot how to climb a fence. 我突然連怎樣爬籬笆也忘記了
- Lionel, do you have tools? - Hey, Maggie! 龍利,你有工具嗎?
What’re you gonna do? Bust out of another wedding? (Ike Laughs) 美姬,你又在婚禮逃跑嗎?
Sure are well-known around here. 你在這一帶真是名聞遐邇
(Ike) No, Fish, it’s almost done. I swear. 菲莎,稿快寫好了
This story’s taken a very interesting turn. 內(nèi)容精彩,峰回路轉(zhuǎn)
I’ve got one more interview to do in New York. I’ll see you later. 還須在紐約多做一次訪問
∮ From my head to my heart ∮ 再見
∮ Can’t seem to find a way They’re so far apart ∮
You could’ve told me that you were fianc?number three. 你本可告訴我你就是第三位新郎
And end up in the papers? 讓你寫在報紙上嗎?
I’ve been humiliated enough already to last a lifetime. Thank you. 那件事令我畢生受辱
I was traveling around, 美姬認(rèn)識我時
studying the reproductive and migratory patterns of locusts... when Maggie met me. 我到處遨游研究蝗蟲的棲移習(xí)慣
Tell me, George. Why do you think she ran? 你認(rèn)為她干嘛會逃跑呢?
Just like you said. What did you call her? A man-eater? 你講過啦,專吃男人嘛
Devouring death goddess. All right? 擇人而噬的死亡女神,對嗎?
That’s what I said. I don’t think that’s why she ran. 我認(rèn)為這都不是她逃跑的原因
Why do you think she ran? 那她干嘛要逃跑呢?
I don’t know. I’m working on it. I was on the wrong track. 我不知道,我當(dāng)日的結(jié)論是錯了
- Are you defending her? - No, no. 你這算是維護(hù)她嗎?
I call it like I see it. I’m a journalist. I’m a truth-teller. 不,我只是直言無諱 我是記者,要講事實
- Unbelievable! - What? 真是不可思議
She got to you, too, like a moth to a flame. 你被她迷倒了,像燈蛾撲火
- Please! 別胡扯了
-Join the club. 加入我這一團(tuán)吧
- What are you talking about? 你說什么?
- You need this much more than I do. 你比我還需要多喝兩杯
I am a journalist. 我是記者
I’m doing an article. Look. See? I’m being paid. 我在寫稿,我是有錢收的
This will be published. A cover story. 這篇稿會被刊出
You’ll get the all facts in the article. 你在那篇稿里會看到全部事實
Do you know what kind of eggs she liked? 她喜歡怎樣吃蛋?
Poached, same as me. 煮熟的,跟我一樣