Doug and Liz正開車去超市買菜,可Doug忽然覺得餓了,想順道先去快餐店買個漢堡吃。
Professor: Winnie, do you ever get hungry when you go shopping?
Doug: Hey Liz, I'm really hungry. Let's stop and eat something.
Liz: Alright, where do you want to eat?
Doug: There is a McDonalds nearby.
Liz: Fast food is so unhealthy. But if you are really hungry, we can go through the drive-through.
Doug: No, let's go inside. I don't want to spill my drink in the car.
Professor: So Winnie, did you hear where Doug wants to eat?
Professor: Exactly! Why doesn't Doug want to use the drive-through?
Professor: That's true. I guess there are two ways eating fast food can kill you.
說得對! 吃太多快餐垃圾食品會把身體搞垮,如果邊開車邊吃還可能讓你出車禍!
Cashier: Welcome to McDonalds! May I take your order?
Doug: Yes, I'd like two hamburgers, a large Coke and a large fries.
Cashier: Do you want anything, ma'am?
Liz: No thanks, I'm on a diet.
Cashier: For here or to go?
Doug: For here.
Cashier: Alright, that will be 11 dollars and 50 cents.
Liz 說,she is on a diet, 正在節(jié)食,所以不吃這些高熱量的快餐。Doug 真應(yīng)該向 Liz 學(xué)學(xué)。
Professor: Yes, fast food has a lot of fat in it. But Winnie, does Doug want the food "for here" or "to go"?
Doug 說for here, 也就是在餐廳里吃。如果說 "to go",就是打包帶走的意思。
Professor: Yes. When you take food home from a restaurant, you can also say the food is for "take out." Now Doug and Liz are eating their food. Let's listen.
Doug: Do you want to eat my tomato? I don't like them. The only topping I like is ketchup.
Liz: Sure, I love tomatoes. They're a healthy food.
Doug: That's true. Are you sure you don't want anything?
Liz: Well I know the French fries are very unhealthy, but they look so good.
Doug: Come on Liz, try one. It won't kill you.
Liz: Well alright, I'll have just one.
Doug: Great! I'm going to get a refill of soda.
看來, Liz 的決心動搖了。雖然她一直在說快餐多沒營養(yǎng),可是一看到Doug的薯條,也忍不住要吃上一根。
Professor: That's right. And did you hear what topping Doug likes, and which one he doesn't like?
Doug 說, 在漢堡的所有佐料中,他只喜歡ketchup--番茄醬, 還說他不愛吃番茄。真奇怪,番茄醬不就是番茄做的嘛?
Professor: That's right. What does Doug say he is going to do at the end?
他說他要去refill他的飲料. Professor, refill, r-e-f-i-l-l, refill 就是續(xù)杯的意思吧?
Professor: Correct. When you go to a restaurant, you can ask the waiter, "Do you have free refills?"
Professor: Now let's see what Doug says when he returns to the table.
Doug: Liz, where are all my fries? Did you eat them all?
Liz: I'm sorry, Doug. They were just so good! Once I started eating them, I couldn't stop.
Doug: Don't worry Liz. If I'm going to get really fat, you should get really fat too! We will look really cute together.
Liz: Wow, that is a really scary thought. I need to exercise right now!
??? Liz 趁Doug不在,居然把他的薯條都吃了!不過,她顯然不想和Doug一起變成胖子,所以說要馬上去健身。不過首先,希望他們在超市能買些健康食品!
Professor: Well listen next time to find out!