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> VOA > 美語(yǔ)訓(xùn)練班 >  第112篇




  B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond!
  A: And I'm Lin Yang.
  B: We have a great lesson prepared for you today. First we will take you to see how to effectively build your social network.
  A: 我們還要帶你去探索美國(guó)人對(duì)節(jié)食的看法,還有相關(guān)的有趣說(shuō)法!
  B: Then in words and idioms we will learn what "pull one's weight" and "when push comes to shove" means!
  A: All coming up on American English Mosaic!
  B: Now let's go into our first segment, Learn a word!
  Learn A Word 1800 diet
  今天我們要學(xué)的詞是diet. Diet is spelled d-i-e-t, diet. Diet 名詞,意思是飲食。對(duì)人類(lèi)早期的牙齒化石進(jìn)行的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),About 3.5 million years ago early humans expanded their diet to include grasses and possibly animals。 古人類(lèi)在大約350萬(wàn)年前急劇擴(kuò)大飲食結(jié)構(gòu),開(kāi)始食用草類(lèi),甚至是動(dòng)物。你是素食主義者嗎?最新研究顯示,A vegetarian diet has been linked to lower death rates when compared to meat-eaters. 素食者跟吃肉的人相比,同期死亡率偏低。另外一項(xiàng)有趣的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),Obese patients trust diet advice from overweight doctors more than advice from normal weight doctors. 跟正常體重的醫(yī)生相比較,肥胖病人更相信體重超重醫(yī)生提供的飲食建議。今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的詞是 diet, diet, diet...
  A: I know there's a lot of health benefit to being a vegetarian, but...I just can't give up meat. I mean, chicken wings might be bad for you, but it's soul food! 雞翅最能慰藉我的心靈。
  B: Haha, I hear you. Keeping a good diet doesn't mean you need to limit the kinds of food that you take in. You just need to watch your overall calories. I think the best way is to keep your intake to a modest amount.
  A: That's true. 都說(shuō)吃8分飽最好,聽(tīng)見(jiàn)了嗎Mike? 8分飽....
  B: Right, it only takes 60 dumplings to make me feel 80% full!
  A: You certainly pulled your weight at the Korean BBQ restaurant last weekend!
  B: You bet! Well, let's check out today's words and idioms, and learn the meaning of "pull one's own weight"!
  Words and Idioms 855 Pull One's Own Weight
  美國(guó)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)第 855
  M: Pull one's weight. Pull is spelled p-u-l-l, and weight; w-e-i-g-h-t. Pull-one's weight.
  Pull 是拉的意思;Weight 是體重。pull one's weight 意思是完成自己那份工作。就象我剛才說(shuō)的,整修房子工作艱巨,每個(gè)志愿者都要 pull his weight 齊心協(xié)力,才能順利完成工作。
  M: "For the last two years, I've been a stay-at-home dad while my wife has continued her law practice. Anyone who thinks I'm not doing my share of work is wrong. In addition to taking care of our two kids, I'm busy grocery shopping, running errands, doing the laundry, cleaning the house and maintaining the yard. I'm definitely PULLING MY WEIGHT."
  有趣的是,這種家庭分工模式如今在美國(guó)已經(jīng)越來(lái)越普遍。我個(gè)人覺(jué)得這樣很好,讓男人們也有機(jī)會(huì)去體會(huì)一下女人持家的辛苦。We've been PULLING OUR WEIGHT for centuries. 好的,讓我們?cè)賮?lái)聽(tīng)聽(tīng)上面那段話(huà)。
  M: "For the last two years, I've been a stay-at-home dad while my wife has continued her law practice. Anyone who thinks I'm not doing my share of work is wrong. In addition to taking care of our two kids, I'm busy grocery shopping, running errands, doing the laundry, cleaning the house and maintaining the yard. I'm definitely PULLING MY WEIGHT."
  在下面這個(gè)例子里,Carla 工作非常努力。讓我們一起聽(tīng)聽(tīng)老板對(duì)她的評(píng)價(jià)。
  M: "Don't underestimate Carla. She may have a lot less experience than other employees. But she contributes just as much as anyone on our team. There's no doubt in my mind that she PULLS HER WEIGHT around this office."
  他說(shuō):千萬(wàn)不要低估 Carla. 也許她沒(méi)有別的員工那么豐富的經(jīng)驗(yàn),但是她的貢獻(xiàn)跟組里其它成員一樣多。我絲毫也不懷疑,她盡了自己的那份力量。
  我老公那兒剛剛開(kāi)除了一個(gè)新員工。從簡(jiǎn)歷上看,此人非常優(yōu)秀,但是沒(méi)用幾個(gè)月的時(shí)間,老板就發(fā)現(xiàn),他非常懶惰。He hadn't PULLED HIS WEIGHT. 好的,我們?cè)賮?lái)聽(tīng)一下上面那個(gè)例句。
  M: "Don't underestimate Carla. She may have a lot less experience than other employees. But she contributes just as much as anyone on our team. There's no doubt in my mind that she PULLS HER WEIGHT around this office."
  在英語(yǔ)里,專(zhuān)門(mén)有個(gè)詞,用來(lái)指工作特別懶的人,叫 slacker, s-l-a-c-k-e-r, slacker。
  Pull one's weight 這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)最早是從劃船來(lái)的。大家都知道,劃船的時(shí)候大家要齊心協(xié)力,每個(gè)人都要出力,船才會(huì)前進(jìn)。
  Pull one's weight 這個(gè)詞的來(lái)歷和用法我已經(jīng)傾囊相贈(zèng),接下來(lái)就靠大家自己去練習(xí)了。You have to PULL YOUR WEIGHT.
  M: Until next time.
  M: This has been Words and Idioms.
  A: 確實(shí),學(xué)習(xí)外語(yǔ)很多程度在于自身的堅(jiān)持和努力。俗話(huà)說(shuō),師父領(lǐng)進(jìn)門(mén),修行在個(gè)人。
  B: That's for sure. It also helps a lot if you immerse yourself in the environment. My Chinese was way better when I lived in Qingdao. Now I try to hang out with other people here in DC who speak Chinese to keep up my fluency.
  A: So that's the reason you hang out with me?
  B: Duh. You think I really want to hang with you? (awkward silence) I'm kidding, kidding! All I'm saying is, I love to meet new people, and networking is very important in this town.
  A:哼,饒了你! 沒(méi)錯(cuò),建立自己的人際網(wǎng)非常重要,不過(guò)如果你天性比較內(nèi)向,不愛(ài)社交怎么辦呢?
  B: We can offer you some tips! Let's check them out in today's Business etiquette!
  禮節(jié)美語(yǔ) Social Networking I
  Brad 和 Pam 邀請(qǐng)同事 Jimmy 下班后一起去酒吧,可 Jimmy 一再推辭,我們聽(tīng)聽(tīng)為什么。
  Brad: Hey Jimmy, a couple of us are going out to Sam's Bar after work. Care to join us?
  Jimmy: Oh, um...thanks for the invitation, but I'm pretty tired. I think I'll take a rain check.
  Pam: But you took a rain check last time!
  J: Yeah, I know. I'm just not so fond of bars.
  Brad 說(shuō)他們幾個(gè)人下班準(zhǔn)備一起去酒吧,問(wèn) Jimmy 要不要一起來(lái), Care to join us? Jimmy 推辭說(shuō)很累,還說(shuō) I'll take a rain check. 意思是這次算了,改天吧。比如說(shuō),朋友約你去逛街,可你已經(jīng)說(shuō)好跟男朋友吃飯,就可以說(shuō) I'll take a rain check. 下次吧!
  P: Well, how about joining the company picnic next Saturday? We're playing beach volleyball and you could join our team! Come on! It'll be fun!
  J: Um...you're so kind, but...I'm really not sure if I'll be able to make it.
  B: Hey! I've got the perfect idea! We're making plans for a dinner appointment with all the department heads this Sunday...you should definitely come!
  Pam 不肯放棄,問(wèn) Jimmy 要不要參加下星期六的公司野餐,company picnic, 還可以加入他們的沙灘排球隊(duì)。 Jimmy 再次推辭,說(shuō)自己可能去不了。I'm really not sure if I'll be able to make it. 這里說(shuō)的 to make it 就是參加、出席的意思。比如說(shuō),朋友請(qǐng)你參加生日派對(duì),可你那天已經(jīng)有了安排,你就可以說(shuō) I'll try to make it. 我一定爭(zhēng)取來(lái)。
  J: Uh...guys, I really appreciate what your trying to do, and I don't mean to be a wallflower. I'm just a bit shy. Plus, I really don't like loud bars or clubs.
  B: Let me tell you a secret. I hate bars and clubs too! But, I know that going out and being seen is a big part of networking.
  J: You mean like on a computer?
  P: No, Brad means social networking.
  B: Basically, it means going out and meeting people. It really can mean the difference between success and being stuck at a career dead-end.
  Jimmy 知道 Brad 和 Pam 的好意, 說(shuō)自己 I don't mean to be a wallflower. 這里所說(shuō)的 wallflower 壁花,指的是因?yàn)樘煨造t腆,或是不招人喜歡、所以很不合群的人。Jimmy 承認(rèn),自己不愿意參加這些活動(dòng),主要是因?yàn)楹π?。Brad 馬上說(shuō),其實(shí)他也很討厭酒吧、夜總會(huì)這種地方,但是 I know that going out and being seen is a big part of social networking. 經(jīng)常出去,跟人接觸是建立社交關(guān)系網(wǎng)的一個(gè)重要部分。這里所說(shuō)的的 social networking 就是多結(jié)識(shí)一些人,擴(kuò)大社交關(guān)系圈子。Social networking 對(duì)事業(yè)發(fā)展很重要,可能會(huì)決定一個(gè)人的成功,還是 being stuck at a career dead-end 在事業(yè)上走進(jìn)死胡同。
  A: Brad和Pam約Jimmy出去跟大家一起social networking, 社交,但是Jimmy說(shuō),他不想做wallflower, 不合群的人,但是自己生性靦腆,not fond of bars, 不喜歡酒吧。Brad說(shuō),社交很重要,認(rèn)識(shí)各個(gè)領(lǐng)域的人,這樣你才不會(huì)being stuck at a career dead-end, 在事業(yè)上走進(jìn)死胡同。
  B: Yeah, networking seems like no problem for extroverts, but for introverts it's often a burden. Actually, I used to be really shy because I was afraid people would judge me if I said something wrong.
  A: How did you overcome your fear?
  B: I realized that most people don't judge! Once I overcame that psychological obstacle, networking becomes a piece of cake.
  A: Good for you! Let's keep listening to Brad and Pam and see what advice they can offer Jimmy!
  禮節(jié)美語(yǔ) Social Networking II
  Jimmy 因?yàn)樘煨造t腆,所以每逢社交活動(dòng),一律能推就推。同事 Brad 和 Pam 努力說(shuō)服 Jimmy, 因?yàn)?social networking 是事業(yè)發(fā)展一個(gè)不可缺少的環(huán)節(jié)。Pam 說(shuō),
  P: You know, I'm not such a big fan of company events myself. I don't like all the organization involved. I don't like being told when and where to do things. In fact, I don't even like big crowds of people.
  B: But, in today's society these are the ways we connect. Social networking has boosted my career in so many ways.
  J: Such as?
  B: Well, take last week for example. I was at a club when I saw this guy I hadn't seen in a long time. He starts talking about his friend who is looking for a computer programmer.
  Pam 說(shuō),其實(shí)她也不是特別喜歡公司舉辦的各種活動(dòng)。I'm not such a big fan of company events myself. 這里說(shuō)的 a big fan of something 意思就是對(duì)某件事情非常熱衷。比如說(shuō),I'm a big fan of sushi. 我特別愛(ài)吃壽司。I'm a big fan of hip hop. 我特別愛(ài)聽(tīng)嘻哈歌曲。I'm not a big fan of horror movies. 我不喜歡看恐怖電影。
  Brad 補(bǔ)充說(shuō),參加社交活動(dòng)為他提供了不少機(jī)會(huì),上星期他去夜總會(huì),遇到一個(gè)很久不見(jiàn)的熟人,這個(gè)人的朋友正好在找電腦編程師。
  J: And you got the job?
  B: Yeah! The next day his friend called me and yesterday we signed a contract. I'm going to be setting up their company website, and the money is pretty good.
  P: So I guess what Brad's saying is that if you don't get out there and be seen, people might forget about you.
  J: Yeah, I can sort of understand your point. But how do I overcome my shyness? I'm just not very good with people.
  結(jié)果,Brad 還真拿到了這份工作,幫一家公司 set up their company website 設(shè)計(jì)網(wǎng)站,而且 the money is pretty good. 報(bào)酬也很好。看來(lái),有熟人介紹就是不一樣。Jimmy 聽(tīng)后表示,I can sort of understand your point. 我大約明白你的意思了。這里所說(shuō)的 point 是指問(wèn)題核心。我們經(jīng)常聽(tīng)人說(shuō) The point of the matter is....問(wèn)題關(guān)鍵是。。。言歸正傳,就算真愿意出去社交,Jimmy 要如何克服性格靦腆的障礙呢?按他的話(huà)說(shuō),I'm just not very good with people. 我就是不擅于跟人打交道。
  P: I was super shy for years! Then one day I finally realized that the world isn't looking at me.
  J: What do you mean?
  B: In other words, sometimes we feel shy because we think people are looking at us and judging us. But in reality, that's almost never the case.
  Pam 說(shuō),自己以前也特別靦腆,I was super shy for years! 這里所說(shuō)的 super 是特別的意思,用來(lái)加重語(yǔ)氣。我們可以說(shuō),Her boyfriend is super sweet. 她男朋友特別溫柔體貼,或是 It's super hot in here. 這里簡(jiǎn)直熱死了,還可以說(shuō) I have been super busy this week. 我這個(gè)星期忙得兩腳朝天。
  Brad 也說(shuō),很多人天性靦腆,是因?yàn)橛X(jué)得大家都在注意自己,但事實(shí)上 that's almost never the case. 根本不是這樣。Pam 跟 Brad 能說(shuō)服 Jimmy 嗎?我們下次繼續(xù)聽(tīng)。
  A: Jimmy說(shuō),他不是a big fan of company events, 不是很喜歡公司的活動(dòng),又說(shuō)自己not so good with people, 不善于和別人交往,Brad說(shuō),社交can boost up your career, 是事業(yè)發(fā)展的推動(dòng)力。
  B: Sometimes good networking skills mean the difference between success and being stuck at a dead-end job.
  A: Networking is easy for me, I love to hear other people's stories, sometimes it can be inspiring for your own life!
  B: Good Point! We will continue talking about social networking in our next class. For now, let's take a break from this topic.
  A: 好,來(lái)聽(tīng)接下來(lái)的learn a word!
  Learn A Word 1801 hold true
  今天我們要學(xué)的詞是hold true. Hold is spelled h-o-l-d, hold, and true, t-r-u-e, true, hold true. To hold true 意思是證明是對(duì)的,正確的,過(guò)去時(shí)是 held true。最新研究顯示,每天睡眠不足六小時(shí)會(huì)加重心臟病,增加心臟病突發(fā)的機(jī)率。不過(guò),The findings only held true for women. 研究結(jié)果只適用在女性身上。另外一項(xiàng)有趣的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),臉書(shū)網(wǎng)站有利于提高申請(qǐng)大學(xué)的高中生的信心。However, the study only held true for first-generation college students. 不過(guò),這項(xiàng)研究只適用于第一代大學(xué)生,也就是父輩從來(lái)沒(méi)有人上過(guò)大學(xué)的孩子。今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的詞是 hold true, hold true, hold true...
  A: Going on facebook can boost your confidence? I think it's the opposite! People only post the best moments of their lives on facebook.
  B: I feel the same way, whenever I'm on facebook, I feel like my life is not as awesome as my friends'.
  A: That's because your life IS not as awesome as your friends'...
  B: You...
  A: Kidding kidding! I think there is some scientific study that proves that logging onto facebook all the time can actually leads to symptoms of depression because you are constantly comparing yourself to others.
  B: That's true. I guess, if push comes to shove I will just delete my facebook account.
  A: Yeah, as if. (laugh) 哎,你剛提到了一個(gè)俗語(yǔ):when push comes to shove, let's check it out!
  Words and Idioms 856 When Push Comes to Shove
  美國(guó)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)第 856 講我叔叔一家來(lái)華盛頓玩,最后一天本來(lái)說(shuō)好我?guī)麄兂鋈⒂^(guān)景點(diǎn),我妹妹請(qǐng)他們?cè)诩页燥?。誰(shuí)知到下午,我妹妹突然打電話(huà)說(shuō)她不舒服。我只好趕快訂餐館,帶叔叔一家去吃飯,好在一切都很順利,這倒讓我想起一個(gè)今天要學(xué)的習(xí)慣用詞,叫:
  M: When push comes to shove. Push is spelled p-u-s-h, and shove; s-h-o-v-e. When push comes to shove.
  Push 是推;shove 是猛推。When push comes to shove 一般的推變成了猛烈的推,意思就是情況變得緊急時(shí),迫不得已的時(shí)候。就象剛才所說(shuō)的,我妹妹突然身體不舒服,只好由我來(lái)招待叔叔一家吃飯。When push comes to shove 出現(xiàn)緊急狀況時(shí),出面解決問(wèn)題的總是我。
  M: "Normally I work out every day. But sometimes I have to travel out of town for work and I don't have access to a gym. So I run up and down the stairs at the hotel where I'm staying and use the room's furniture for doing sit-ups and dips. WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVE, I find ways to exercise."
  M: "Normally I work out every day. But sometimes I have to travel out of town for work and I don't have access to a gym. So I run up and down the stairs at the hotel where I'm staying and use the room's furniture for doing sit-ups and dips. WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVE, I find ways to exercise."
  M: "Has a friend or relative ever asked you to co-sign for a loan? Although it sounds like an innocent request, be careful. In the event that person isn't able to make regular payments, it will be you who's legally responsible. That means you could have your salary or property taken away. IF PUSH COMES TO SHOVE, the lender will do whatever is necessary to be repaid."
  大家一定注意到了,這個(gè)例句里用 IF 取代了 WHEN。這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)是從英式橄欖球來(lái)的,交戰(zhàn)雙方隊(duì)員有時(shí)擠做一團(tuán),相互推搡,直到哪個(gè)隊(duì)員把球搶走為止。好的,我們?cè)賮?lái)聽(tīng)一下上面那個(gè)例句。
  M: "Has a friend or relative ever asked you to co-sign for a loan? Although it sounds like an innocent request, be careful. In the event that person isn't able to make regular payments, it will be you who's legally responsible. That means you could have your salary or property taken away. IF PUSH COMES TO SHOVE, the lender will do whatever is necessary to be repaid."
  M: Until next time.
  M: This has been Words and Idioms.
  A: If push comes to shove 領(lǐng)導(dǎo) would totally fire you first!
  B: And if push comes to shove I would totally rat you out for not coming to work that week 領(lǐng)導(dǎo) was on vacation. Nothing personal, but I've got bills to pay!
  A: Yeah, as if. 好了同學(xué)們,這次節(jié)目時(shí)間就到這里了。
  B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!
  A: See you next time!

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