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> VOA > 美語訓(xùn)練班 >  第116篇




  B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond!

  A: And I'm Lin Yang.

  B: Today we will take a look at the dark side of the business world. What would you do if someone ask for a kickback? Is there a better way to deal with it than being ripped off? We will look for answers in today's business etiquette.

  A: 手機(jī)上癮會(huì)帶來亞健康狀態(tài)? 我們在下面的節(jié)目中為你介紹。

  B: And in words and idioms, we will learn what "mixed blessing" and "rough and read" means!

  A: All coming up on this edition of American English Mosaic!

  B: Now let's go into our first segment, Learn a word!

  Learn A Word 1809 fitness

  今天我們要學(xué)的詞是fitness. Fitness is spelled f-i-t-n-e-s-s, fitness. Fitness 身體健康狀況。隨著網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間戰(zhàn)的激烈化,各國都在招兵買馬,搜羅網(wǎng)絡(luò)電腦人才。Britain is waiving the fitness test when recruiting new cyber soldiers. 英國招募空間戰(zhàn)斗人員時(shí),不要求他們接受體格考核。In the U.S., fitness DVDs bring in about $265 million annually. 在美國,健身DVD每年的銷售額高達(dá)2.65億美元。美國肯特州立大學(xué)的一項(xiàng)研究顯示,High cell phone use is linked to poor fitness levels in college students. 手機(jī)使用率的高低跟大學(xué)生的身體健康水平之間,有著直接的聯(lián)系。好的,今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的詞是 fitness, fitness, fitness...

  A: High cell phone use is linked to poor fitness levels? That would explain me...I tried to run yesterday and I couldn't catch my breath when I hit one mile...

  B: Ha! You just need to train more! No one can run marathon without training.

  A: You are getting really fit these days Mike! Any secret?

  B: No secret, just eat well and go to the gym everyday. My personal trainer forbids me from consuming carbs, and I eat tons of protein everyday.

  A: See, that's what I was afraid you were going to say. If someone tells me that I can't eat something, I will start to have serious craving for that kind of food...

  B: Haha, that sounds like you. But you know, being too fit is a mixed blessing, sometimes I get a lot of unwanted attention...

  A: OMG! You know there is a difference between self confidence and over confidence right? 簡直是給點(diǎn)陽光就燦爛的典范!

  B: I'm kidding, kidding! I only mentioned it because it's the idiom that we are going to teach next!

  A: Let's listen to today's words and idioms!

  Words and Idioms 863 MIXED BLESSING

  美國習(xí)慣用語第 863 講

  有時(shí)候,家里有錢也未必就是件好事。我老板 Johnson 的兒子,就是因?yàn)榧依镉绣X,不僅不求上進(jìn),還三天兩頭惹事生非,在英語里,我們說 born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, 生在有錢的家庭,是一個(gè)

  M: Mixed blessing. Mixed is spelled m-i-x-e-d. Mixed. Blessing is spelled b-l-e-s-s-i-n-g, blessing. Mixed blessing.

  Mixed 意思是混合的。Blessing 是恩惠、賜福的意思。mixed blessing 意思是福禍兼俱,有好處也有壞處的事情。也就是說,出生在一個(gè)有錢的家庭,一方面,想買什么就買什么,不用擔(dān)心錢的問題;但是另外一方面,孩子如果什么都有了,反而會(huì)失去自己去奮斗爭取的動(dòng)力。在下面這個(gè)例子中,一個(gè)父親為什么會(huì)對女兒的美貌而大發(fā)感慨呢?我們一起來聽聽。

  M: "Well, my daughter gets a lot of attention because of her beauty, but people are less likely to take her seriously because of it─especially at work. Her beauty is definitely a MIXED BLESSING."


  MIXED BLESSING 這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語是二十世紀(jì)上半葉才開始出現(xiàn)的,之所以出現(xiàn)時(shí)間較晚,是因?yàn)槭耸兰o(jì)的時(shí)候人們篤信宗教,只有到了二十世紀(jì),才開始有人覺得上帝的賜福也不一定都是好的,可能會(huì)是 mixed blessing. 好的,讓我們再來聽聽上面那段話。

  M: "Well, my daughter gets a lot of attention because of her beauty, but people are less likely to take her seriously because of it─especially at work. Her beauty is definitely a MIXED BLESSING."


  M: "I think the project is a MIXED BLESSING. Of course, it will create a lot of jobs for Hong Kong, but it will also destroy much of the natural habitat on the island. Many of the native birds and small animals will disappear."


  這是典型的發(fā)展給經(jīng)濟(jì)和環(huán)境,給目前和未來所帶來的困擾。隨著世界人口的不斷增加,這個(gè)問題只會(huì)變得越發(fā)嚴(yán)重。發(fā)展對地球來說永遠(yuǎn)都是 a mixed blessing. 人類文明的代價(jià)就是地球的生態(tài)環(huán)境?,F(xiàn)在全球氣候變暖已經(jīng)給人類敲響了警鐘,督促我們?nèi)ふ腋鼮榄h(huán)保的發(fā)展方式。好的,我們再來聽一下上面那個(gè)例句。

  M: "I think the project is a MIXED BLESSING. Of course, it will create a lot of jobs for Hong Kong, but it will also destroy much of the natural habitat on the island. Many of the native birds and small animals will disappear."

  我老公馬上要被調(diào)去上早班了。他自己覺得這是一個(gè) mixed blessing. 好的一方面是,下班后有充足的時(shí)間去健身房鍛煉身體,不好的地方當(dāng)然是需要早起,再也不能睡懶覺了。


  M: Until next time.


  M: This has been Words and Idioms.

  B: See, this is what I'm talking about. Having to start working at 6am is a mixed blessing. One the one hand, I hate waking up at 5 everyday; on the other hand, I love all the free time I still have after getting off work at 2.

  A: That's true. 事情都有兩面性嘛!

  B: Which is exactly what we are going to talk about in business etiquette! We'll see how this company deals with a particularly harsh situation.

  A: Let's find it out in today's Business Etiquette!

  禮節(jié)美語kickbacks I


  Donny: Simon, there's something we need to talk about.

  Simon: Go ahead, shoot.

  D: I think maybe we better step into your office. It's a bit of a sensitive issue.

  S: Oh, sure. Come on in. What's on your mind?

  D: You know that project we have in the south of the country?

  S: Do you mean the new processing plant we're building?

  D: Yes. I'm afraid we've run into a couple of setbacks.

  S: Oh? What's the problem?

  Donny 有事找 Simon, 但是不方便在外面談,說 we better step into your office. 最好去你辦公室談。原來是他們在南方興建的加工廠遇到了麻煩。Donny 說,We've run into a couple of setbacks. run into something 是遇到的意思,setback, 意思是挫折。

  D: I just got a call from the on-site manager and he says the local area's building inspector says our building is not up to code.

  S: But that's impossible! I personally made sure that we followed all relevant local laws and I even insisted on a better standard than the code requires! How can this be?

  D: Well sir, the on-site manager says the real problem is that we need to grease the wheels. In other words, there's nothing wrong with the building, the inspector just wants a kickback.

  原來,問題出在當(dāng)?shù)貦z查施工建筑的官員身上。他為了拿回扣,kickback, 居然說Simon公司的建筑 not up to code. 不符合建筑規(guī)格。這里的 code, c-o-d-e, code 指政府關(guān)于建筑標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的法規(guī)。按 Donny 的話說,要想達(dá)標(biāo)也不難,we need to grease the wheels. grease is spelled g-r-e-a-s-e, grease. Grease 是上油的意思,wheels 是車輪的意思,給車輪上油,引伸為讓事情進(jìn)行得更順利。

  S: I see. Hmm...this is frustrating.

  D: On the one hand, the inspector is not asking for very much, a couple of thousand dollars will make this problem go away. But on the other hand, bribery is illegal.

  S: Bribery is certainly illegal, but even more important for me personally, it's immoral. I've always tried to do the right thing in my business dealings and it's important to me that I run a clean shop.

  Donny 說,一方面,幾千美元就能解決問題,make the problem go away, 讓這個(gè)問題消失;但另外一方面,行賄是非法的, bribery is illegal. Simon 說,行賄不僅非法,更重要的是,他個(gè)人認(rèn)為這樣做是不道德的,it's immoral. Simon 還說,自己做生意一概奉公守法,努力 run a clean shop. 這里的 clean 指正派的,遵紀(jì)守法的,shop 在口語里可以用來泛指生意、公司、店鋪等等。Simon 最終會(huì)讓步嗎?我們下次繼續(xù)聽。

  A: Donny向老板匯報(bào)說, 他們的項(xiàng)目 run into a couple of setbacks, 遇到了一些麻煩。 原因是檢察人員說他們的項(xiàng)目not up to code, 不符合規(guī)定,其實(shí)是想借機(jī)索取kickbacks, 回扣。Donny很矛盾,因?yàn)槠鋵?shí)幾千美元就能make the problem go away, 讓問題消失,可是bribery is illegal and immoral, 行賄不僅非法,而且也不道德。

  B: Not only its is illegal and immoral, but people who ask for kickbacks are not going to stop if you make the first payment. Once you start, you are stuck with them because you violated the law and that knowledge gives them the leverage on you.

  A: That sounds awful. I really dislike all these hidden business rules. Luckily 老板 Simon seems to be against paying kickbacks.

  B: Let's keep listening and see how this is going to play out!

  禮節(jié)美語kickbacks II

  項(xiàng)目主管Donny急沖沖地來找老板Simon,因?yàn)楣炯磳⒖⒐さ募庸S遇到了麻煩,當(dāng)?shù)刭|(zhì)檢官員以不合格為由,索取賄賂。Donny 說,

  D: I hate to play devil's advocate, but doesn't everyone who does business here pay kickbacks? It's a part of the local culture. Maybe it's easier to look the other way this time.

  S: Oh, it would certainly be easier to just pay it, that's for sure. We could wrap up this construction ahead of schedule if we can just clear this mess up. But...I'm having a hard time telling my conscience that this is OK.

  Donny 說,I hate to play devil's advocate, 我不是要故意唱反調(diào)。advocate is spelled a-d-v-o-c-a-t-e, advocate 是支持者的意思。to play devil's advocate 扮演魔鬼的支持者,指的是雖然你認(rèn)同某種看法,但卻要故意從反對者的立場出發(fā),提出質(zhì)疑,以便證明這種看法確實(shí)是正確的。Donny還說,行賄受賄在當(dāng)?shù)厮坪跛究找姂T,或許最簡單的做法是 look the other way 睜一眼閉一眼。Simon 承認(rèn),這是最簡單的解決方式,這樣他們就能提前完工,wrap up this construction ahead of schedule, wrap up 是收尾的意思,ahead of schedule 意思是提前。不過,Simon 覺得良心上過不去。I'm having a hard time telling my conscience that this is OK. conscience is spelled c-o-n-s-c-i-e-n-c-e, conscience 意思是良心。

  D: I've heard stories about situations like this getting out of hand. Sometimes when you pay the first time, they start blackmailing you for more.

  S: Yeah, I'm worried we could end up in jail.

  D: The on-site manager says if we don't pay up, the processing plant will be held up for at least six months and we'll end up paying an additional 25% in costs.

  Donny說,如果第一次屈于壓力給錢了,對方就可能變本加厲訛詐你,blackmail, b-l-a-c-k-m-a-i-l, blackmail 是訛詐的意思,搞不好局面還會(huì)失去控制,get out of hand. 但是不付錢,工期就要被拖延至少六個(gè)月,讓開支平白無故地增加25%。

  S: Six months? That's totally unacceptable! We should be on line in three months!

  D: I know. That could really set us back. We might not be able to catch up with the orders already coming in.

  S: You know what? I'm angry. I'm so angry that I'm going to do something about this!

  拖延半年絕對不行,Simon說,we should be on line in three months! 我們還有三個(gè)月就應(yīng)該開工了。這里說的on line意思時(shí)投入生產(chǎn)。如果耽誤半年的話,that could really set us back, 就會(huì)讓我們的進(jìn)度延后。Simon 會(huì)怎么做呢?我們下次繼續(xù)聽。

  A: Donny表示,他不想play the devil's advocate, 故意唱反調(diào),但是給回扣好像已經(jīng)成了這里做生意的潛規(guī)則,最簡單解決問題的方法就是look the other way,睜一眼閉一眼。但是老板Simon不愿意這樣解決問題,他說 I'm having a hard time telling my conscience that this is OK. 良心上過不去。

  B: I think a lot of companies choose to pay kickbacks because their product is not 100% up to code. If you have nothing to hide, you don't need to deal with this crap.

  A: 哎,你跟公司老板Simon想的一樣!

  B: Great minds think alike! (A: Ugh...) Let's see what action the company is going to take!

  禮節(jié)美語kickbacks III

  項(xiàng)目主管Donny急沖沖地來找老板Simon,因?yàn)楣炯磳⒖⒐さ募庸S突然遇到了麻煩,當(dāng)?shù)刭|(zhì)檢官員以建設(shè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)不合格為由,索取賄賂,Simon 表示,這個(gè)錢堅(jiān)決不能給。Donny 問要怎么辦?

  D: What would you like me to do?

  S: How much does this lowlife inspector want?

  D: About 2,500 dollars, sir.

  S: Well, I'm going to spend that same amount on lawyers and we're going to sue this guy!

  Simon 問,那個(gè)質(zhì)檢官員想要多少錢。Simon 用 lowlife 來形容此人,lowlife is spelled l-o-w-l-i-f-e, lowlife 意思是卑鄙的,下流的。原來,此人要價(jià)并不高,只要兩千五百美元就能解決問題。Simon 決定,就用這筆錢來 sue this guy 把此人告上法庭。

  D: You want to take legal action against him?

  S: That's right. Call our legal department and tell them to get a team and get down there.

  D: Maybe I can get the on-site manager to record their conversation. Then we'll have evidence.

  S: Good idea! But don't forget, our best evidence is our building. It's completely up to standard so if it's re-inspected, anyone can see we are following the law.

  D: That's true. The building will speak for itself.

  對某人提出訴訟,可以說 sue someone, 也可以說 to take legal action against someone. Donny 建議把跟質(zhì)檢官員的對話偷偷錄下來,做為證據(jù),evidence. 不過,Simon 強(qiáng)調(diào)說,我們的工程才是最有力的證據(jù)。因?yàn)檫@一工程完全符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn), completely up to standard。Donny也說,The building will speak for itself. speak for itself 無需解釋,明擺著的,意思是建筑工程就在那里,是最有說服力的證據(jù)。

  S: And tell the legal team not to cut any corners and to proceed with this case by the book. We are sending a message here that bribery won't be tolerated.

  D: Wow, sir! I've never seen you so worked up.

  S: Well, I'm sick and tired and I'm not going to put up with this anymore! Let's get this bad guy!

  D: I'm on it, sir!

  Simon 說,讓律師們不要 cut corners, cut corners 意思是偷工減料,一切要按法律上的規(guī)定去辦,by the book 意思是嚴(yán)格遵守法律。Donny 從來沒見老板 Simon 如此激動(dòng)過,I've never seen you so worked up. worked is spelled w-o-r-k-e-d, worked up 是激動(dòng)的意思。Simon 說,I'm sick and tired. 在這里,sick and tired 不是我又病又累,而是指厭倦了某件事情。Simon 還說,I'm not going to put up with this. put up with something 指忍受一件事情。Donny 最后說,I'm on it. 意思是交給我吧,我這就去辦。

  A: 老板Simon決定,take legal action against this lowlife, 對要求回扣的人提起訴訟,讓公司法律部門do this by the book, 嚴(yán)格按照法律程序處理這件事。 因?yàn)楣镜捻?xiàng)目completely up to standard, 完全符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn),所以呢,他們沒什么可害怕的。

  B: Wow, I wish every company's CEO had the guts to stand up for what is right like Simon! Then we could cut out bribery in the business world altogether!

  A: That's true! 好啦,嚴(yán)肅的回扣問題就到這里吧! 現(xiàn)在咱們來進(jìn)入今天最后一個(gè)單元....

  B: Let's listen to another words and idioms!

  Words and Idioms 864 Rough and Ready

  美國習(xí)慣用語第 864 講


  M: Rough and ready. Rough is spelled r-o-u-g-h, and ready; r-e-a-d-y. Rough-and-ready.

  形容詞 Rough 是粗糙的意思,ready 的意思是準(zhǔn)備好。Rough and ready 連在一起,意思就是雖然有些粗糙簡陋,但是可以用。我上面說的展示報(bào)告就是 rough and ready, 雖然因?yàn)闀r(shí)間緊,報(bào)告做得不夠精細(xì),但是已經(jīng)達(dá)到了目的。我侄女是高中學(xué)生,她本來以為,申請大學(xué)只要考試成績好行了,其實(shí)不然。我們一起聽聽下面這位大學(xué)招生專家是怎么說的:

  M: "Scores on standardized tests don't completely show a student's potential. They're only a ROUGH AND READY guide. That's why colleges look at a wide variety of data, including grades, a list of extracurricular activities, a personal essay, and recommendations from people who have assessed the candidate's talents and personal characteristics."



  M: "Scores on standardized tests don't completely show a student's potential. They're only a ROUGH AND READY guide. That's why colleges look at a wide variety of data, including grades, a list of extracurricular activities, a personal essay, and recommendations from people who have assessed the candidate's talents and personal characteristics."


  M: "I grew up in a small town in the country. So it was a big change when I moved to the city. Going to fancy parties and dealing with so many different kinds of people are new to me. But I guess I do o.k. in those situations. Still, there's no denying I'm a ROUGH AND READY kind of guy."


  我覺得,性格粗獷有時(shí)候反而更具魅力?,F(xiàn)在我們市正在舉行地方選舉,我支持的那個(gè)候選人就不是一個(gè)典型的政客,不會(huì)花言巧語籠絡(luò)選民。He is ROUGH AND READY. 好的,我們再來聽一下上面那個(gè)例句。

  M: "I grew up in a small town in the country. So it was a big change when I moved to the city. Going to fancy parties and dealing with so many different kinds of people are new to me. But I guess I do o.k. in those situations. Still, there's no denying I'm a ROUGH AND READY kind of guy."


  M: Until next time.


  M: This has been Words and Idioms.

  A: I think you're definitely the rough and ready type Mike, well rough at least, ready might be stretching it a bit.

  B: OOOOOO, well played Yanglin, well played.

  A: 好了同學(xué)們,這次節(jié)目時(shí)間就到這里了。

  B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

  A: See you next time!


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