It is one of the decorative wonders of Istanbul, sparkling
with a magnificent array of true Iznik tiles,
from the greatest period of the tile-maker's art:
the rich red colours were perfected at this time,
and then the recipe was lost.
Enormous and grotesque, tasteless and bloated,
Jonathan Littell's book baffled and repulsed readers
and critics alike. And yet, there is a strange majesty
to it and an awesome ambition.
...this presents the strongest aspect of the cell
to the outside world during an impact, allowing it
to absorb the maximum amount of energy as it deforms.
An integral part of Thanksgiving is not just expressing
gratitude through words or apple pie, but through generosity.
Check for any holes in tile grout joints:
water will penetrate these areas causing damp problems
in the wall behind and/or a more obvious leak.
Wholesale prices in America rose by 0.2% during
the month of December, marking a slowing of producer-price
inflation from November, when prices rose by 1.8%.
Last month, when I received my copy of
The San Francisco Panorama - also known as
McSweeney's No. 33, or the "newspaper issue"
-I did the same thing you presumably do when
The Sunday Times hits your doorstep:
I went right for the book review.
According to industry sources,
the Department of Transportation has upheld
its ridiculous approval of this deception mainly
because of the personal bias of one top official,
and I see no reason to expect any change this or any other year.