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專八閱讀訓練:Importance of a Computer



  Importance of a Computer

  As citizens of advanced but vulnerable economies, we musteither relentlessly increase the quality of our skills or see ourstandard of living erode. For the future, competition betweennations will be increasingly based on technological skill. Oil andnatural resources will still be important, but they no longer willdetermine a nation’s economic strength. This will now be amatter of the way people organize them selves and the natureand quality of their work. Japan and the “new Japans “of EastAsia are demonstrating this point in ways that are becoming painfully obvious to the older industrialcountries.

  There is simply no way to rest on our past achievements. Today’s competition rendersobsolete huge chunks of what we know and what forces us to innovate. For each individual.Several careers will be customary, and continuing education and retraining will be inescapable. Toattain this extraordinary level of education, government, business, schools, and even individuals willturn to technology for the answer.

  In industry, processing the information and designing the changes necessary to keep up withthe market has meant the growing use of computers. The schools are now following close behind.Already some colleges in the United States are requiting a computer for each student. It isestimated that 500,000 computers are already in use in American high schools and elementaryschools. Although there is an abysmal lack of educational software, the number of computers inschools expands rapidly.

  The computer is the Proteus of machines, as it takes on a thousand forms and serves athousand functions. But its truly revolutionary character can be seen in its interactive potential.With advanced computers, learning can be individualized and self-paced. Teachers can becomemore productive and the entire learning environment enriched.

  It is striking how much current teaching is a product of pencil and paper technology. With thecomputer’s capacity for simulation and diverse kinds of feedback, all sorts of new possibilities openup for the redesign of curriculums. Seymour Papert, the inventor of the computer languageLOGO, believes that concepts in physics and advanced mathematics can be taught in the earlygrades with the use of computers. On every-day level, word-processing significantly improves thecapacity for written expression. In terms of drill and practice, self-paced computer-assistedinstruction enables the student to advance rapidly—without being limited by the conflicting needsof the entire class. In short, once we learn to use this new brain outside the brain, education willnever be the same.

  Industry, faced with the pressures of a rapidly shifting market, is already designing newmethods to retrain its workers, In the United States, a technological university has been set up toteach engineering courses by satellite. And the advances in telecommunications and computationalpower will dramatically expand the opportunities for national and international efforts in educationand training.

  Without romanticizing the machine, it is clear that computers uniquely change the potential forequipping today’s citizens for unprecedented tasks of the future. Particularly in Europe and theUnited States, innovation will be the basis for continued prosperity.

  New competitors are emerging to challenge the old economic arrangements. How successfullywe respond will depend on how much we invest in people and how wisely we employ the learningtools of the new technology.

  1. What is the decisive factor in future competition between nations?

  [A] Oil. [B] Technological skill.

  [C] Natural resources [D] Education

  2. The main idea of this passage is

  [A] Knowledge of a Computer. [B] Importance of a Computer.

  [C] Function of Knowledge. [C] Function of Technology.

  3. Why does further study become indispensable?

  [A] People want to so more jobs.

  [B] People want to attain this extraordinary level of education.

  [C] People would not rest on the past achievements.

  [D] What we know becomes obsolete.

  4. The word “Proteus” is closest in meaning to

  [A] flexibility. [B] diversity. [C] variety. [D] multiplicity.


  1. B. 工藝技術(shù)。這在第一段就講到“在未來,國與國之間的競爭越來越以工藝技術(shù)為基礎(chǔ)。盡管石油和其他自然資源仍很重要,但它們不會再對一個國家的經(jīng)濟實力起決定性的作用。”

  A. 石油。 C. 自然資源,這兩項不是決定性因素。 D. 教育。文內(nèi)教育作為改革的一個方面,其重點是在學校內(nèi)應(yīng)用計算機,來改變教學質(zhì)量,達到革新人才的目的。并不是直接參與競爭。可參看第2題的答案及譯注。

  2. B. 計算機的重要性。整篇文章都顯示了這一點。第三段“工業(yè)上,信息處理和制定必要的改革計劃以適應(yīng)市場需要意味著越來越多使用計算機。學校緊跟工業(yè)之后……”第四段“計算機是一種變化多端,神通廣大的機器,因為它顯示千種圖象,發(fā)揮千種功能。而它的真正的革命性可在其相互作用的潛能中看出。有了先進的計算機,學習可以個別進行,速度自行規(guī)定。教師變得更有成效……。”第五段“……由于利用計算機,在學校低年級就能教授物理學和高等數(shù)學概念……。”最后一段畫龍點睛地指出:“計算機獨一無二地改變著那種今天公民能擔當未來空前任務(wù)的潛能……新的競爭對手正在崛起,自由的經(jīng)濟布局提出挑戰(zhàn)。我們?nèi)绾尾拍茼樌膽?yīng)戰(zhàn),取決于我們對人的投資的多寡,取決于我們怎么聰慧地應(yīng)用新技術(shù)的學習工具。”所以

  A. 計算機知識。 C. 知識的功能。 D. 技術(shù)功能,這三項只是計算機重要性中涉及到的一個方面,不能作為中心思想。

  3. D. 因為我們知道的一切變得陳舊。第二段頭幾句話“我們決不能吃老本,當今的競爭使我們的大部分知識變得陳舊,非加以革新不可。對每個人來說,他們將慣常從事某幾種職業(yè),并且非繼續(xù)學習進修和從新接受訓練不可……。”都說明進修學習的原因。

  A. 人們要做更多工作。文內(nèi)沒有提到。 B. 人們要到達非同一般的教育水平。這是目的,不是原因。 C. 人們不能吃老本。這話并沒有完全講清楚全部原因。

  4. A. 靈活多變。 Proteus 一詞,原義是指希臘神話中變幻無常的海神,普羅狄斯,他可以隨心所欲邊成各種形狀。這里指靈活多變。


  1. relentlessly 始終不懈的

  2. obsolete 過時的,大量的,絕大部分的

  3. chunk 大塊,大量的,絕大部分

  4. abysmal 無底的,極端的

  5. Proteus 希臘神話中海神,能隨意變化。這里指flexible, 靈活多變

  6. take on 顯現(xiàn),顯示

  7. LOGO=logotyre 標識語,作為標志的語言

  8. rapidly shifting 瞬息萬變的

  9. romanticizing 使浪漫化,使幻想化


  1. With the computer’s capacity for simulation and diverse kinds of feedback, all sorts of newpossibilities open up for the redesign of curriculums.

  [參考譯文] 由于計算機能進行模擬和提供各種反饋,它就為從新設(shè)計學校的課程開辟了各種新的可能性。

  2. In terms of drill and practice, self-paced computer-assisted instruction enables the student toadvance rapidly—without being limited by the conflicting needs of the entire class.

  [結(jié)構(gòu)簡析] 句子結(jié)構(gòu)為主謂賓補,前后各用一個介詞(短語),前in term of , 后without

  [參考譯文] 就練習和實踐來講,借助自行規(guī)定速度的計算機輔助的指令使學生突飛猛進而不受全班互相矛盾的需要所限制。

  3. Without romanticizing the machine, it is clear that computers uniquely change the potential forequipping today’s citizens for unprecedented tasks of the future.

  [結(jié)構(gòu)簡析] 邏輯主語句。句前有一狀語成分,without +分詞+名詞的句型。

  [參考譯文] 不必用浪漫主義的手法來形容計算機,我們可清楚看到,它是獨一無二的改變今天公民的潛力,使他們能承擔未來的史無前例的任務(wù)。




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