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高級英語 Advanced English(張漢熙) 第二冊 13.In Favor of Capital Punishment

所屬教程:高級英語 Advanced English(張漢熙) 第二冊



In Favor of Capital Punishment

Jacques Barzun

1 A passing remark of mine in the Mid-Century magazine has brought me a number of letters and a sheaf of pamphlets against capital punishment. The letters, sad and reproachful, offer me the choice of pleading ignorance or being proved insensitive. I am asked whether I know that there exists a worldwide movement for the abolition of capital punishment which has everywhere enlisted able men of every profession, including the law. I am told that the death penalty is not only inhuman but also unscientific, for rapists and murderers are really sick people who should be cured, not killed. I am invited to use my imagination and acknowledge the unbearable horror of every form of execution.

2 I am indeed aware that the movement for abolition is widespread and articulate, especially in England. It is headed there by my old friend and publisher, Mr. Victor Gollancz, and it numbers such well-known writers as Arthur Koestler, C.H.Rolph, James Avery Joyce and Sir John Barry. Abroad as at home the profession of psychiatry tends to support the cure principle, and many liberal newspapers, such as the Observer, are committed to abolition. In the United States there are at least twenty-five state leagues working to the same end, plus a national league and several church councils, notably the Quaker and the Episcopal.

3 The assemblage of so much talent and enlightened goodwill behind a single proposal must give pause to anyone who supports the other side, and in the attempt to make clear my views, which are now close to unpopular, I start out by granting that my conclusion is arguable; that is, I am still open to conviction, provided some fallacies and frivolities in the abolitionist argument are first disposed of and the difficulties not ignored but overcome. I should be glad to see this happen, not only because there is pleasure in the spectacle of an airtight case, but also because I am not more sanguinary than my neighbor and I should welcome the discovery of safeguards – for society and the criminal – other than killing. But I say it again, these safeguards must really meet, not evade or postpone, the difficulties I am about to describe. Let me add before I begin that I shall probably not answer any more letters on this arousing subject. If this printed exposition does not do justice to my cause, it is not likely that I can do better in the hurry of private correspondence.

4 I readily concede at the outset that present ways of dealing out capital punishment are as revolting as Mr. Koestler says in his harrowingvolume, Hanged by the Neck. Like many of our prisons, our modes of execution should change. But this objection to barbarity does not mean that capital punishment – or rather, judicial homicide – should not go on. The illicit jump we find here, on the threshold of the inquiry, is characteristic of the abolitionist and must be disallowed at every point. Let us bear in mind the possibility of devising a painless, sudden and dignified death and see whether its administration is justifiable.

5 The four main arguments advanced against the death penalty are: 1) Punishment for crime is a primitive idea rooted in revenge; 2) capital punishment does not deter; 3) judicial error being possible, taking life is an appalling risk; 4) a civilized state, to deserve its name, must uphold, not violate, the sanctity of human life.

6 I entirely agree with the first pair of propositions, which is why, a moment ago, I replaced the term capital punishment with “judicial homicide.” The uncontrollable brute whom I want put out of the way is not to be punished for his misdeeds, nor used as an example or a warning; he is to be killed for the protection of others, like the wolf that escaped not long ago in a Connecticut suburb. No anger, vindictiveness or moral conceit need preside over the removal of such dangers. But a man’s inability to control his violent impulses or to imagine the fatal consequences of his acts should be a presumptive reason for his elimination from society. This generally covers drunken driving and teen-age racing on public highways, as well as incurable obsessive violence; it might be extended (as I shall suggest later) to other acts that destroy, precisely, the moral basis of civilization.

7 But why kill? I am ready to believe the statistics tending to show that the prospect of his own death does not stop the murderer. For one thing he is often a blind egotist , who cannot conceive the possibility of his own death. For another, detection would have to be infallible to deter the more imaginative who, although afraid, think they can escape discovery. Lastly, as Shaw long ago pointed out, hanging the wrong man will deter as effectively as hanging the right one. So, once again, why kill: If I agree that moral progress means an increasing respect for human life, how can I oppose abolition?

8 I do so because on this subject of human life, which is to me the heart of the controversy, I find the abolitionist inconsistent, narrow or blind. The propaganda for abolition speaks in hushed tones of the sanctity of human life, as if the mere statement of it as an absolute should silence all opponents who have any moral sense. But most of the abolitionists belong to nations that spend half their annual income on weapons of war and that honor research to perfect means of killing. These good people vote without a qualm for the political parties that quite sensibly arm their country to the teeth. The west today does not seem to be the time or place to invoke the absolute sanctity of human life. As for the clergymen in the movement, we may be sure from the experience of two previous world wars that they will bless our arms and pray for victory when called upon, the sixth commandment notwithstanding.

9 “Oh, but we mean the sanctity of life within the nation!” Very well: is the movement then campaigning also against the principle of self-defense? Absolute sanctity means letting the cutthroat have his sweet will of you, even if you have a poker handy to bash him with, for you might kill. And again, do we hear any protest against the police firing at criminals on the street – mere bank robbers usually – and doing this, often enough, with an excited marksmanship that misses the artist and hits the bystander? The absolute sanctity of human life is, for the abolitionist, a slogan rather than a considered proposition.

10 Yet it deserves examination, for upon our acceptance or rejection of it depend such other highly civilized possibilities as euthanasia and seemly suicide. The inquiring mind also wants to know, why the sanctity of human life alone? My tastes do not run to household pets, but I find something less than admirable in the uses to which we put animals – in zoos, laboratories and space machines – without the excuse of the ancient law, “ Eat or be eaten.”

11 It should moreover be borne in mind that this argument about sanctity applies – or would apply – to about ten persons a year in Great Britain and to between fifty and seventy-five in the United States. These are the average numbers of those executed in recent years. The count by itself should not, of course, affect our judgment of the principle: one life spared or forfeited is as important, morally, as a hundred thousand, But it should inspire a comparative judgment: there are hundreds and indeed thousands whom, in our concern with the horrors of execution, we forget: on the one hand, the victims of violence; on the other, the prisoners in our jails.

12 The victims are easy to forget. Social science tends steadily to mark a preference for the troubled, the abnormal, the problem case. Whether it is poverty, mental disorder, delinquency or crime, the “ patient material” monopolizes the interest of increasing groups of people among the most generous and learned. Psychiatry and moral liberalism go together; the application of law as we have known it is thus coming to be regarded as an historic prelude to social work, which may replace it entirely. Modern literature makes the most of this same outlook, caring only for the disturbed spirit, scorning as bourgeois those who pay their way and do not stab their friends. All the while the determinism of natural science reinforces the assumption that society causes its own evils. A French jurist, for example, says that in order to understand crime we must first brush aside all ideas of Responsibility. He means the criminal’s and takes for granted that of society. The murderer kills because reared in a broken home or, conversely, because at an early age he witnessed his parents making love. Out of such cases, which make pathetic reading in the literature of modern criminology, is born the abolitionist’s state of mind: we dare not kill those we are beginning to understand so well.

13 If, moreover, we turn to the accounts of the crimes committed by these unfortunates, who are the victims? Only dull ordinary people going about their business. We are sorry, of course, but they do not interest science on its march. Balancing, for example, the sixty to seventy criminals executed annually in the United States, there were the seventy to eighty housewives whom George Cvek robbed, raped and usually killed during the months of a career devoted to proving his virility. “it is too bad.” Cvek alone seems instructive, even though one of the law officers who helped track him down quietly remarks: “As to the extent that his villainies disturbed family relationships, or how many women are still haunted to another living soul, these questions can only lend themselves to sterile  conjecture.”

14 The remote results are beyond our ken, but it is not idle to speculate about those whose death by violence fills the daily two inches at the back of respectable newspapers – the old man sunning himself on a park bench and beaten to death by four hoodlums , the small children abused and strangled , the family terrorized by a released or escaped lunatic, the half- dozen working people massacredby the sudden maniac , the boatload of persons dispatched (v.) by the skipper, the mindless assaults upon schoolteachers and shopkeepers by the increasing horde of dedicated killers in our great cities. Where does the sanctity of life begin?

15 It is all very well to say that many of these killers are themselves “children,” that is, minors. Doubtless a nine-year-old mind is housed in that 150 pounds of unguided muscle. Grant, for argument’s sake, that the misdeed is “the fault of society,” trot out the broken home and the slum environment. The question then is, what shall we do, not in the Utopian city of tomorrow, but here and now? The “scientific” means of cure are more than uncertain. The apparatus of detention only increases the killer’s antisocial animus . Reformatories and mental hospitals are full and have an understandable bias toward discharging their inmates. Some of these are indeed “cured” – so long as they stay under a rule. The stress of the social free-for-all throws them back on their violent modes of self-expression. At that point I agree that society has failed – twice: it has twice failed the victims, whatever may be its guilt toward the killer.

16 As in all great questions, the moralist must choose, and choosing has a price. I happen to think that is a person of adult body has not been endowed with adequate controls against irrationally taking the life of another, that person must be judicially, painlessly, regretfully killed before that mindless body’s horrible automation repeats.

17 I say “irrationally” taking life, because it is often possible to feel great sympathy with a murderer. Certain crimes passionnels can be forgiven without being condoned. Blackmailers invite direct retribution. Long provocation can be an excuse, as in that engaging case of some years ago, in which a respectable carpenter of seventy found he could no longer stand the incessant nagging of his wife. While she excoriatedhim from her throne in the kitchen- a daily exercise for fifty years— the husband went to his bench and came back with a hammer in each hand to settle the score. The testimony to his character, coupled with the sincerity implied by the two hammers, was enough to have him sent into quiet and brief seclusion .

18 But what are we to say of the type of motive disclosed in a journal published by the inmates of one of our Federal penitentiaries ? The author is a bank robber who confesses that money is not his object: My mania for power, socially, sexually, and otherwise can feel no degree of satisfaction until I feel sure I have struck the ultimate of submission and terror in the minds and bodies of my victims … It’s very difficult to explain all the queer fascinating sensations pounding and surging through me while I’m holding a gun on a victim, watching his body tremble and sweat … This is the moment when all the rationalized hypocrisies of civilization are suddenly swept away and two men stand there facing each other morally and ethically naked, and right and wrong are the absolute commands of the man behind the gun.

19 This confused echo of modern literature and modern science defines the choice before us. Anything deserving the name of cure for such a man presupposes not only a laborious individual psychoanalysis , with the means to conduct and to sustain it, socially and economically, but also a re-education of the mind, so as to throw into correct perspective the garbled ideas of Freud and Neitzsche, Gide and Dostoevski, which this power-seeker and his fellows have derived from the culture and temper of our times. Ideas are tenacious and give continuity to emotion. Failing a second birth of heart and mind, we must ask: How soon will this sufferer sacrifice a bank clerk in the interests of making civilization less hypocritical ? And we must certainly question the wisdom of affording him more than one chance. The abolitionists’ advocacy of an unconditional “let live” is in truth part of the same cultural tendency that animates the killer. The Western peoples’ revulsionfrom power in domestic and foreign policy has made of the state a sort of counterpart of the bank robber: both having power and neither knowing how to use it. Both waste lives because hypnotized by irrelevant ideas and crippled by contradictory emotions. If psychiatry were sure of its ground in diagnosing the individual case, a philosopher might consider whether such dangerous obsessions should not be guarded against by judicial homicide before the shooting starts.

20 I raise the question not indeed to recommend the prophylactic execution of potential murderers, but to introduce the last two perplexities that the abolitionists dwarf or obscure by their concentration on changing an isolated penalty. One of these is the scale by which to judge the offenses society wants to repress. I can for example imagine a truly democratic state in which it would be deemed a form of treason punishable by death to create a disturbance in any court or deliberative assembly. The aim would be to recognize the sanctity of orderly discourse in arriving at justice, assessing criticism and defining policy. Under such a law, a natural selection would operate to remove permanently from the scene persons who, let us say, neglect argument in favor of banging on the desk with their shoe. Similarly, a bullying minority in a diet, parliament or skupshtina would be prosecuted for treason to the most sacred institutions when fists or flying inkwells replace rhetoric. That the mere suggestion of such a law sounds ludicrous shows how remote we are from civilized institutions, and hence how gradual should be our departure from the severity of judicial homicide.

21 I say gradual and I do not mean standing still. For there is one form of barbarity in our law that I want to see mitigated before any other. I mean imprisonment. The enemies of capital punishment – and liberals generally – seem to be satisfied with any legal outcome so long as they themselves avoid the vicarious guilt of shedding blood. They speak of the sanctity of life, but have no concern with its quality. They give no impression of ever having read what it is certain they have read, from Wilde’s De Profundis to the latest account of prison life by a convicted homosexual. Despite the infamy of concentration camps, despite Mr. Charles Burney’s remarkable work, Solitary Confinement, despite riots in prisons, despite the round of escape, recapture and return in chains, the abolitionists’ imagination tells them nothing about the reality of being caged. They read without a qualm, indeed they read with rejoicing, the hideous irony of “Killer Gets Life”; they sign with relief instead of horror. They do not see and suffer the cell, the drill, the clothes, the stench , the food; they do not feel the sexual racking of young and old bodies, the hateful promiscuity , the insane monotony, the mass degradation, the impotent hatred. They do not remember from Silvio Pellico that only a strong political faith, with a hope of final victory, can steel a man to endure a long detention. They forget that Joan of Arc, when offered “life”, preferred burning at the stake. Quite of another mind, the abolitionists point with pride to the “model prisoners” that murderers often turn out to be. As if a model prisoner were not, first, a contradiction in terms, and second, an exemplarof what a free society should not want.

22 I said a moment ago that the happy advocates of the life sentence appear not to have understood what we know they have read. No more do they appear to read what they themselves write. In the preface to his useful volume of cases, Hanged in Error, Mr. Leslie Hale, M.P., refers to the tardy recognition of a minor miscarriage of justice – one year in jail: “The prisoner emerged to find that his wife had died and that his children and his aged parents had been removed to the workhouse. By the time a small payment had been assessed as ‘compensation’ the victim was incurably insane.” So far we are as indignant with the law as Mr. Hale. But what comes next? He cites the famous Evans case, in which it is very probable that the wrong man was hanged, and he exclaims: “While such mistakes are possible, should society impose an irrevocable sentence?” Does Mr. Hale really ask us to believe that the sentence passed on the first man, whose wife died and who went insane, was in any sense revocable? Would not any man rather be Evans dead than that other wretch “emerging” with his small compensation and his reasons for living gone?

23 Nothing is revocable here below, imprisonment least of all. The agony of a trial itself is punishment, and acquittalwipes out nothing. Read the heart-rending diary of William Wallace, accused quite implausibly of having murdered his wife and “saved” by the Court of Criminal Appeals – but saved for what ? Brutish ostracism by everyone and a few years of solitary despair. The cases of Adolf Beck, of Oscar Slater, of the unhappy Brooklyn bank teller who vaguely resembled a forger and spent eight years in Sing Sing only to “emerge” a broken, friendless, useless, “compensated” man – all these, if the dignity of the individual has any meaning, had better have been dead before the prison door ever opened for them. This is what counsel always says to the jury in the course of a murder trial and counsel is right: far better hang this man than “give him life.” For my part, I would choose death without hesitation. If that option is abolished, a demand will one day be heard to claim it as a privilege in the name of human dignity. I shall believe in the abolitionist’s present views only after he has emerged from twelve months in a convict cell.

24 The detached observer may want to interrupt here and say that the argument has now passed from reasoning to emotional preference. Whereas the objector to capital punishment feels that death is the greatest of evils, I feel that imprisonment is worse than death. A moment’s thought will show that feeling is the appropriate arbiter . All reasoning about what is right, civilized and moral rests upon sentiment, like mathematics. Only, in trying to persuade others, it is important to single out the fundamental feeling, the prime intuition, and from it to reason justly. In my view, to profess respect for human life and be willing to see it spent in a penitentiary is to entertain liberal feelings frivolously. To oppose the death penalty because, unlike a prison term, it is irrevocable is to argue fallaciously.

25 In the propaganda for abolishing the death sentence the recital of numerous miscarriages of justice commits the same error and implies the same callousness : What is at fault in our present system is not the sentence but the fallible procedure. Capital cases being one in a thousand or more, who can be cheerful at the thought of all the “revocable” errors? What the miscarriages point to is the need for reforming the jury system, the rules of evidence, the customs of prosecution, the machinery of appeal. The failure to see that this is the great task reflects the sentimentality I spoke of earlier, that which responds chiefly to the excitement of the unusual. A writer on Death and the Supreme Court is at pains to point but that when that tribunal reviews a capital case, the judges are particularly anxious and careful. What a left-handed complimentto the highest judicial conscience of the country! Fortunately, some of the champions of the misjudged see the issue more clearly. Many of those who are thought wrongly convicted now languish in jail because the jury was uncertain or because a doubting governor commuted the death sentence. Thus Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard, Jr., convicted of his wife’s murder in the second degree is serving a sentence that is supposed to run for the term of his natural life. The story of his numerous trials, as told by Mr. Paul Holmes, suggests that police incompetence, newspaper demagogy, public envy of affluence and the mischances of legal procedure fashioned the result. But Dr. Sheppard’s vindicator is under no illusion as to the conditions that this “lucky” evader of the electric chair will face if he is granted parole after ten years: “It will carry with it no right to resume his life as a physician. His privilege to practice medicine was blotted out with his conviction. He must all his life bear the stigma of parolee, subject to unceremonious return to confinement for life for the slightest misstep. More than this, he must live out his life as a convicted murderer.

26 What does the moral conscience of today think it is doing? If such a man is a dangerous repeater of violent acts? What right has the state to let him loose after ten years? What is, in fact, the meaning of a “life sentence” that peters out long before life? Paroling looks suspiciously like an expression of social remores for the pain of incarceration , coupled with a wish to avoid “unfavorable publicity” by freeing a suspect. The man is let out when the fuss has died down; which would mean that he was not under lock and key for our protection at all. He was being punished, just a little –for so prison seems in the abolitionist’s distorted view, and in the jury’s and the prosecutor’s whose “second-degree” murder suggests killing someone “just a little,”

27 If, on the other hand, execution and life imprisonment are judged too severe and the accused is expected to be harmless hereafter- punishment being ruled out as illiberal- what has society gained by wrecking his life and damaging that of his family?

28 What we accept, and what the abolitionist will clamp upon us all the more firmly if he succeeds, is an incoherence which is not remedied by the belief that second-degree murder merits a kind of second degree death; that a doubt as to the identity of a killer is resolved by commuting real death into intolerable life; and that our ignorance whether a maniac will strike again can be hedged against by measuring “good behavior” within the gates and then releasing the subject upon the public in the true spirit of experimentation.

29 There are some of thoughts I find I cannot escape when I read and reflect upon this grave subject. If, as I think, they are relevant to any discussion of change and reform, retain as they do on the direct and concrete perception of what happens, then the simple meliorists who expect to breathe a purer air by abolishing the death penalty are deceiving themselves and us. The issue is for the public to judge; but I for one shall not sleep easer for knowing that in England and American and the West generally a hundred more human beings are kept alive in degrading conditions to face a hopeless future; while others- possibly less conscious, certainly less controlled- benefit from a premature freedom dangerous alike to themselves and society. In short, I derive no comfort from the illusion that in giving up one manifest protection of the law-abiding, we who might well be in and of these three roles- victim, prisoner, licensed killer- have struck a blow for the sanctity of human life.

(from an American radio program presented by Ed Kay)































(摘自James K.Bell,Adrian A.Cohn:《現(xiàn)代修辭》)


capital (adj.) : involving or punishable by death(originally by decapitation)(罪惡等可處)死刑的(原指可斬首的)

sheaf (n.) : a collection of things gathered together;bundle,as of papers(書等的)一捆

reproachful (adj.) : full of or expressing reproach,or blame,censure,etc.責(zé)備的;應(yīng)受斥責(zé)的;可恥的

rapist (n.) : a person who has committed rape強(qiáng)奸犯

psychiatry (n.) : the branch of medicine concerned with the study, treatment,and prevention of disorders of the mind,including psychoses and neuroses,emotional and social maladjustments,etc.精神病學(xué)

assemblage (n.) : bringing or coming together;assembly集合,會合

conviction (n.) : firm or assured belief深信,確信;信服

airtight (adj.) : giving no opening for attack;invulnerable無懈可擊的;天衣無縫的

frivolity (n.) : the quality or condition of being frivolous輕率;輕浮;無聊

sanguinary (adj.) : eager for bloodshed;bloodthirsty嗜血成性的;好殺戮的

concede (v.) : admit as true or valid;acknowledge承認(rèn);認(rèn)以為真

outset (n.) : setting out;beginning;start開端;開始,起初

harrowing (adj.) : which causes mental distress to;agonizingly painful to the feelings精神痛苦的;煩惱的

barbarity (n.) : cruel or brutal behavior;inhumanity殘暴,野蠻

homicide (n.) : any killing of one human being by another殺人

threshold (n.) : the entrance or beginning point of something入門;開始,開端

deter (v.) : keep or discourage(a person)from doing something by instilling fear,anxiety,doubt,etc.阻攔;制止;嚇住

sanctity (n.) : saintliness or holiness;the fact or being sacred or inviolable神圣,圣潔;不可侵犯性

proposition (n.) : the act of proposing;something proposed;proposal提議,建議;提案;計(jì)劃

vindictive (adj.) : revengeful in sprat;inclined to seek vengeance;characterized by vengeance有報(bào)復(fù)心的;志在復(fù)仇的;復(fù)仇的

presumptive (adj.) : giving reasonable ground for;belief;based on probability可據(jù)以推定的;假定的

obsessive (adj.) : of causing an obsession or obsessions分神的;被…纏住的

egotist (n.) : a person characterized by egotism自我中心主義者;利己主義者

infallible (adj.) : incapable of error;dependable;reliable;sure不會犯錯誤的;可信賴的;確實(shí)可靠的

qualm (n.) : a sudden feeling of uneasiness 0r doubt;misgiving疑慮;不安

invoke (v.) : ask solemnly for;beg for;implore;entreat懇求,乞求,請求

notwithstanding (prep.) : in spite of盡管

cutthroat (n.) : a person who cuts throat;murderer兇手;謀殺者

poker (n.) : a bar.usually of iron,for stirring a fire撥火棒;火鉗

marksman (n.) : a person who shoots,esp. one who shoots well射手(尤指神槍手)

euthanasia (n.) : an easy and painless death安樂死

forfeit (v.) : lose,give up,or be deprived of as a forfeit for some crime,fault,etc.(因犯罪、過失、失職等而)喪失;被迫放棄,被剝奪

delinquency (n.) : failure or neglect to do what duty or law requires;a fault;misdeed失職,玩忽職守;過失;犯罪

prelude (n.) : anything serving as the introduction to a principal event,action,performance,etc.;preliminary part;preface;opening序言;序幕

rear (v.) : bring to maturity by educating,nourishing,etc. 撫養(yǎng);培養(yǎng)

criminology (n.) : the scientific study and investigation of crime and criminals犯罪學(xué);刑事學(xué)

virility (n.) : masculine strength and vigor男子氣概

villainy (n.) : the fact or state of being villainous;a wicked,criminal deed邪惡;邪惡行徑;罪行

specter (n.) : a ghost;apparition鬼怪,幽靈

disclose (v.) : reveal;make known透露,泄露;披露;使知道

conjecture (n.) : an inferring,theorizing,or predicting from incomplete or uncertain evidence;guesswork猜測,推測,猜想;推理

-sterile (adj.) : incapable of producing others of its kind;barren;unfruitful不生育的;貧瘠的;無成效的

ken (n.) : range of vision or sight;mental perception or recognition;range of knowledge視野;認(rèn)識;理解;了解和知識范圍

strangle (v.) : kill by squeezing the throat as with the hands,a noose,etc.,so as to cut off circulation of the blood扼死;勒死;絞死

maniac (n.) : a wildly or violently insane person;madman;lunatic瘋子;躁狂者;狂人

boatload (n.) : all the freight or passengers that a boat can carry or contain一船貨;一船旅客

skipper (n.) : the captain of a ship,esp. of a small ship or boat(小船的)船長

apparatus (n.) : the means or system by which something is kept in action or a desired result is obtained:organization組織;團(tuán)體;機(jī)構(gòu);機(jī)關(guān)

detention (n.) : a detaining or being detained;specifically a keeping in custody,confinement拘留;扣留;監(jiān)禁

animus (n.) : a feeling of strong i11 will or hatred;animosity仇恨,憎惡;敵意;惡意

discharge (v.) : release(a prisoner)from jail,(a defendant)from suspicion,(a patient)as cured,etc.釋放(囚犯);解除(對被告的)懷疑;允許(病人)出院

inmate (n.) : a person living with others in the same building,now esp. one confined with others in a prison or institution同住者(現(xiàn)尤指同獄犯人,同院病人等)

automation (n.) : the act or practice of using machines that need little or no human control,esp. in place of workers自動,自動化

passionnel (adj.) : (French)of passion[法語]激怒的

condone (v.) : forgive,pardon。or overlook(an offence)原諒,饒恕;寬恕;赦免

blackmailer (n.) : a person who gets or tries to get blackmail from敲詐者,勒索者

retribution (n.) : deserved punishment for evil done,or,sometimes,reward for good done;merited requital懲罰;報(bào)答

provocation (n.) : an act or instance provoking挑釁;激怒;刺激

nag (v.) : annoy by continual scolding,faultfinding,complaining,urging,etc.(不斷責(zé)罵、挑剔、抱怨、催促而)使人煩惱

excoriate (v.) : denounce harshly嚴(yán)厲譴責(zé),痛斥,痛罵

score (n.) : a grievance or wrong one seeks to settle or get even for宿怨-舊仇

seclusion (n.) : a secluding or being secluded;retirement;isolation;privacy隔離,隔絕;孤立;隱退

penitentiary n : a prison監(jiān)獄;拘留所

mania (n.) : an excessive,persistent enthusiasm,liking,craving,or interest;obsession;craze狂熱;熱衷

presuppose (v.) : require or imply as a preceding condition以…為先決條件;作為前提

garble (v.) : select,suppress,improperly emphasize,or distort parts of(a story,etc.)in telling,so as to mislead or misrepresent(對小說等)斷章取義;歪曲;篡改

tenacious (adj.) : stubborn;persistent固執(zhí)的;堅(jiān)持的,持久的

advocacy (n.) : the act of advocating,or speaking or writing in support擁護(hù);提倡;辯護(hù)

revulsion (n.) : extreme disgust,shock,or repugnance;feeling of great loathing厭惡,反感

hypnotize (v.) : affect or influence as if by hypnotism;spellblind使著迷,迷住

prophylactic (adj.) : preventive or protective,esp.,preventing against disease預(yù)防性的(尤指預(yù)防疾病)

dwarf (v.) : make small or insignificant使矮小;使無足輕重

deem (v.) : think,consider,believe想;認(rèn)為;相信

deliberative adj. : of or for deliberating審議的;評論的;討論的

diet (n.) : a national or local legislative assembly in some countries(某些國家的)國會,議會;地方議會

inkwell (n.) : a container for holding ink,usually set in the top of a desk,inkstand,etc.(鑲在桌上或墨水臺上的)墨水池

ludicrous (n.) : causing laughter because absurd or ridiculous;laughably absurd荒唐得滑稽的;荒謬可笑的

mitigate (v.) : make or become milder,less severe,less rigorous or Less painful;moderate(使)緩和;(使)鎮(zhèn)靜;減輕

vicarious (adj.) : shared in or experienced by imagined participation in another's experience(假想身臨其境而)感受的

shed (v.) : cause to flow in a stream or fall in drops流出;流下

infamy (n.) : very bad reputation;notoriety;disgrace;dishonor臭名昭著;丟臉;不光彩;不名譽(yù)

stench (n.) : an offensive smell or odor;stink惡臭,臭氣

rack (v.) : trouble,torment,or afflict折磨,使痛苦

promiscuity (n.) : a state,quality,or instance of being promiscuous,esp. in sexual relations混雜性;雜亂(尤指男女亂交)

impotent (adj.) : lacking physical strength;weak無力的,虛弱的;衰弱的

exemplar (n.) : a person or thing regarded as worthy of imitation;model;pattern;archetype模范,典范;典型;榜樣

tardy (adj.) : slow in moving,acting,etc.;late,delayed慢的,行動緩慢的;遲的,遲到的

miscarriage (n.) : failure t0 carry out what was intended(計(jì)劃等的)失敗;審判錯誤;未得到預(yù)期的結(jié)果

irrevocable (adj.) : that can't be undone;unalterable不能取消的,不可廢止的;不可變更的

acquittal (n.) : setting free or being set free by judgement of the court釋放,開釋;宣判無罪,赦免

implausible (adj.) : not plausible似乎無理的,難以置信的,似乎不可能的

ostracism (n.) : a rejection or exclusion by general consent,as from a group or from acceptance by society排斥;放逐;流放

detached (adj.) : not involved by emotion,interests,etc.;aloof;impartial公正的,超然的,不偏袒的

arbiter (n.) : a person selected to judge a dispute;umpire;arbitrator公斷人,仲裁人

fallacious (adj.) : containing a fallacy;erroneous謬誤的

callous (adj.) : 1acking pity,mercy,etc.;unfeeling;insensitive無同情心的;無情的;無感覺的

tribunal (n.) : a court of justice法庭,法院

languish (v.) : 1iver under distressing conditions;continue in a state of suffering受折磨,受苦

commute (v.) : change(an obligation,punishment,etc.) to one that is less severe減(刑);減輕(責(zé)任等)

demagogy (n.) : the methods or practices of a demogogue煽動,鼓動,蠱惑人心的宣傳

mischance (n.) : an unlucky accident;back luck;misadventure不幸事件,不幸;災(zāi)難

vindicator (n.) : a person who clears from criticism,blame,guilt,suspicion,etc.辯護(hù)人,辯白人

parole (n.) : the release of a prisoner before his sentence has expired,on condition of future good behavior(刑滿前的)假釋

stigma (n.) : something that detracts from the character or reputation of a person,group,etc.;mark of disgrace or reproach恥辱,污名

misstep (n.) : a wrong or awkward step;a mistake in conduct失足;失誤,失策

peter (v.[colloq.]) : become gradually smaller,weaker,etc.,and then cease or disappear[口]逐漸枯竭;漸趨消失

remorse (n.) : a deep,torturing sense of guilt felt over a wrong that one has done;self-reproach懊悔,悔恨;自責(zé)

incarceration (n.) : imprisonment關(guān)押,監(jiān)禁

meliorist (n.) : a person who believes that the world naturally tends to get better and,esp.,that this tendency can be furthered by human effort社會向善論者(一種認(rèn)為社會自然地向好的方向發(fā)展的理論


give pause to sb./sth : give pause to sb.使某人躊躇不前

例:Her anger gave pause to his further action.她生氣了,這使他不敢馬上采取進(jìn)一步的行動。

do justice t0 sth./sb.: treat fairly公平對待,適當(dāng)處理

例:That subject was so complex that I could not do justice to it in a short speech.這個(gè)主題太復(fù)雜,我無法在一篇短小的發(fā)言里就把它闡述清楚。

at the outest : in the beginning在開始時(shí)

例:Things went well at the Vbly outset.剛開始時(shí)一切進(jìn)展順利。

preside over : be the head or director of負(fù)責(zé),主持,管理

例:She presided over the business of this store.她管理這個(gè)店的業(yè)務(wù)。

to the teeth : be lacking nothing;compIetely全副地,全部地

例:"alTned t0 the teeth武裝到牙齒/be dressed to the teeth全副打扮

on the march : on the march在行進(jìn)中,在發(fā)展中

例:Technology is on the march.科技正在發(fā)展中。

beyond one's ken : not within one's range of knowledge超出某人的知識范圍

例:How can I answer those questions that are well beyond mv ken?我怎么能回答得出那些遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超出我知識范圍的問題呢?

trot out : produce;bring out給人看,炫耀,搬出

例:trot out the spokesman to face the press搬出發(fā)言人來對付新聞界

peter out : diminish slowly and come to an end;dwindle逐漸耗盡,逐漸終止

例:The storm petered out finally.暴風(fēng)雨最終逐漸平息下來。。

coupled with : if one thing is coupled with another.they happen or exist together and produce a particular result加上,外加

例:Drought coupled with high temperatures caused the crops to fail.干旱外加高溫使農(nóng)作物歉收了。

strike a blow for : do something to help an idea,belief,or organiza-tion擁護(hù),為…而戰(zhàn)斗

例:It's time we struck a blow for social equality.是我們?yōu)樯鐣降榷鴳?zhàn)的時(shí)候了。


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