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BBC news:登月第一人阿姆斯特朗辭世,享年82歲




BBC News with John Jason

The first man to set foot on the moon Neil Armstrong has died at the age of 82. He'd undergone heart bypass surgery earlier this month. As commander of the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969, Armstrong made the first footprint on the dusty surface. Pallab Ghosh reports.

It is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

Thousands of people were involved in the Apollo missions that led to this moment, but it was Neil Armstrong’s ice cool nerves that ensure that lunar module Eagle landed safely. He had to take manual control of the spacecraft as it descended toward the surface, taking it toward region’s drone with boulders and craters. He and his fellow crew members returned to earth to a hero’s welcome. But Neil Armstrong soon retreated from the lime light, preferring the quieter life as a professor of engineering.

Buzz Aldrin, a fellow member of the Apollo 11 mission and the second man on the moon, gives the BBC’s reaction to Mr. Armstrong’s death.

I was fortunate enough to be one of those crew members and to fly with outstanding test pilot Neil Armstrong. So it is very sad indeed that we are not able to be together as a crew on the 50th anniversary in 2019.

President Obama has accused his Republican election rival Mitt Romney of holding his extreme positions on economic and social issues. In an interview with Associated Press news agency, the president said Mr. Romney had locked himself into such policies and would carry them forward if elected.

The oppositional commander of Afghanistan’s most prominent militant group the Haqqani network has been killed in an American air strike, according to his family. A relative told the BBC that Badruddin Haqqani died last Tuesday. Local officials and tribesmen also see his death, but the U.S. military has not yet verified it. From Islamabad, Ola Garin.

There are growing indications that the al-Qaeda linked Haqqani network has lost one of its key leaders. Badruddin Haqqani has been described as the operational commander of the Haqqani group, masterminding and directing ambitious attacks on high profile targets. He was also responsible for training camps and for extorting funds from contractors. If confirmed, his death would be a considerable victory for U.S. forces. The Haqqani network is one of their most formidable foes.

Torrential rains and near hurricane strength winds have battered Haiti as Tropical Storm Isaac made landfall west of the capital, Port-au-Prince. Officials said a young girl is the first confirmed fatality. She died when a wall fell on her. A spokesman for the British charity Oxfam said the girl was among four fatalities it had heard of.

You are listening to the latest World News from the BBC.

The police commissioner of New York has said it appears that all nine bystanders wounded in a shooting incident in the city on Friday were hit by police gunfire. Commissioner Ray Kelly said the victims were struck by the fragments or bullets fired by police, the officers’ responding to a fatal shooting near the Empire State Building.

The authorities in Venezuela say 26 people have been killed in a huge explosion of the country’s biggest oil refinery. The governor of Falcon state Stella Lugo said a ten-year-old boy was among the dead, more than 80 others have been injured. Most of the victims were National Guard troops stationed at the Amuay refinery. The Venezuela’s authorities say it was caused by a gas leak.

Eyewitnesses in the Libyan capital Tripoli have told the BBC that mosque tombs belonging to followers of Sufi Islam have been demolished by bulldozers. Sufi is long established in North Africa but Salafis have increasingly targeted their shrines and practices. Bethany Bell reports.

Witnesses blamed the attack on ultra conservative Salafi Muslims who regarded the shrine as idolatrous. The police, they said, stood by and watched. It is the second attack against Sufi shrine in Libya in two days. Libyan Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur said the destruction of shrines and mosques was a crime. The graves of the holy men were revered in the mystical Sufi sect of Islam. But many Salafis feel Sufis and their shrines as hierarchical.

Egypt has fully reopened its Rafah border crossing, Gaza’s only gateway to the outside world that bypasses to Israel. It was closed three weeks ago when 16 Egyptian soldiers were killed by militants. It was partially reopened a week later to allow Palestinians on the Egyptian side of border back into Gaza. Correspondents say Egypt’s decision signals an improvement in its relations with Gaza's Islamist Hamas government which deteriorated after the attack.

BBC News with John Jason

The first man to set foot on the moon Neil Armstrong has died at the age of 82. He'd undergone heart bypass surgery earlier this month. As commander of the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969, Armstrong made the first footprint on the dusty surface. Pallab Ghosh reports.

第一位登上月球宇航員阿姆斯特朗辭世,享年82歲。他于8月初做了心臟搭橋手術(shù)。1969年作為阿波羅11任務(wù)團(tuán)的指揮官,阿姆斯特朗在月球上留下了人類的第一次足跡。Pallab Ghosh報(bào)道。

It is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.


Thousands of people were involved in the Apollo missions that led to this moment, but it was Neil Armstrong’s ice cool nerves that ensure that lunar module Eagle landed safely. He had to take manual control of the spacecraft as it descended toward the surface, taking it toward region’s drone with boulders and craters. He and his fellow crew members returned to earth to a hero’s welcome. But Neil Armstrong soon retreated from the lime light, preferring the quieter life as a professor of engineering.

上千人參與了阿波羅號(hào)任務(wù),才使其成功實(shí)現(xiàn),但是,是阿姆斯特朗的異常冷靜確保了鷹號(hào)登月艙的安全著陸。 他手動(dòng)控制了航空飛機(jī),使其成功降落于布滿隕石和巨石坑的月球表面。人們致以返回地球的阿姆斯特朗和其他宇航員英雄般的歡迎。但阿姆斯特朗很快從這種聚光 燈下的生活全身撤退,從事了更為喜愛的一種安靜的生活:工程學(xué)的一名教授。

Buzz Aldrin, a fellow member of the Apollo 11 mission and the second man on the moon, gives the BBC’s reaction to Mr. Armstrong’s death.I was fortunate enough to be one of those crew members and to fly with outstanding test pilot Neil Armstrong. So it is very sad indeed that we are not able to be together as a crew on the 50th anniversary in 2019.

Buzz Aldrin,是阿波羅11號(hào)任務(wù)的一名成員,也是第二名登上月球的人,向BBC表示他對(duì)阿姆斯特朗去世的心情,“我很有幸成于登上月球宇航員中的一員, 能夠與出色的試飛宇航員阿姆斯特朗一起。不能在2019年相聚于首次登上月球宇航員全體成員50周年,確實(shí)非常難過。”

President Obama has accused his Republican election rival Mitt Romney of holding his extreme positions on economic and social issues. In an interview with Associated Press news agency, the president said Mr. Romney had locked himself into such policies and would carry them forward if elected.


The oppositional commander of Afghanistan’s most prominent militant group the Haqqani network has been killed in an American air strike, according to his family. A relative told the BBC that Badruddin Haqqani died last Tuesday. Local officials and tribesmen also see his death, but the U.S. military has not yet verified it. From Islamabad, Ola Garin.

阿富汗反對(duì)方最出名的軍事組織哈卡尼網(wǎng)絡(luò)的將軍在美國(guó)空襲行動(dòng)中被擊斃,此消息來(lái)源于他的家人。他的一名親戚告訴BBC, Haqqani死于上周二。當(dāng)?shù)毓賳T和組織成員都看到了他的遺體,不過美國(guó)軍方目前還未核實(shí)。Ola Garin從伊斯蘭堡報(bào)道。

There are growing indications that the al-Qaeda linked Haqqani network has lost one of its key leaders. Badruddin Haqqani has been described as the operational commander of the Haqqani group, masterminding and directing ambitious attacks on high profile targets. He was also responsible for training camps and for extorting funds from contractors. If confirmed, his death would be a considerable victory for U.S. forces. The Haqqani network is one of their most formidable foes.

許多跡象表明與基地組織有關(guān)的哈卡尼網(wǎng)絡(luò)已經(jīng)失去了它的一名關(guān)鍵領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人。Haqqani被人們描述為哈卡 尼組織的作戰(zhàn)指揮官,對(duì)高級(jí)目標(biāo)的襲擊進(jìn)行策劃、指揮。他還負(fù)責(zé)訓(xùn)練營(yíng)地,并從合約人處勒索資金。如果能夠證實(shí)他的死亡,對(duì)美國(guó)軍方來(lái)說,著實(shí)為一次相當(dāng) 大的勝利。哈卡尼網(wǎng)絡(luò)是美國(guó)軍方的勁敵之一。

Torrential rains and near hurricane strength winds have battered Haiti as Tropical Storm Isaac made landfall west of the capital, Port-au-Prince. Officials said a young girl is the first confirmed fatality. She died when a wall fell on her. A spokesman for the British charity Oxfam said the girl was among four fatalities it had heard of.


You are listening to the latest World News from the BBC.

The police commissioner of New York has said it appears that all nine bystanders wounded in a shooting incident in the city on Friday were hit by police gunfire. Commissioner Ray Kelly said the victims were struck by the fragments or bullets fired by police, the officers’ responding to a fatal shooting near the Empire State Building.

紐約警察局長(zhǎng)稱,周五發(fā)生的槍擊事件中似乎9名旁觀者都被警方的火力所傷。Ray Kelly局長(zhǎng)說,受害者是被警方的子彈或子彈碎片擊中所傷。以上是這名官員對(duì)在帝國(guó)大廈附近發(fā)生的一起致命槍擊的回應(yīng)。

The authorities in Venezuela say 26 people have been killed in a huge explosion of the country’s biggest oil refinery. The governor of Falcon state Stella Lugo said a ten-year-old boy was among the dead, more than 80 others have been injured. Most of the victims were National Guard troops stationed at the Amuay refinery. The Venezuela’s authorities say it was caused by a gas leak.

委內(nèi)瑞拉官方稱26人死于該國(guó)最大的煉油廠的強(qiáng)烈爆炸中。法爾孔州州長(zhǎng)Stella Lugo稱死者中有一名10歲的男孩,并有80多人受傷。大多數(shù)受害人都是駐扎于艾姆威煉油廠的國(guó)家安全部隊(duì)人員。委內(nèi)瑞拉官方稱這一事故由天然氣泄漏引起。

Eyewitnesses in the Libyan capital Tripoli have told the BBC that mosque tombs belonging to followers of Sufi Islam have been demolished by bulldozers. Sufi is long established in North Africa but Salafis have increasingly targeted their shrines and practices. Bethany Bell reports.

在利比亞首都黎波里的目擊證人告訴BBC,清真寺屬于蘇非主義的追隨者的墓穴被推土機(jī)推毀。蘇非已在北非長(zhǎng)期成立,不過,沙拉菲派近期增加了對(duì)蘇非圣地和宗教儀式活動(dòng)的襲擊。Bethany Bell報(bào)道。

Witnesses blamed the attack on ultra conservative Salafi Muslims who regarded the shrine as idolatrous. The police, they said, stood by and watched. It is the second attack against Sufi shrine in Libya in two days. Libyan Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur said the destruction of shrines and mosques was a crime. The graves of the holy men were revered in the mystical Sufi sect of Islam. But many Salafis feel Sufis and their shrines as hierarchical.

目擊證人認(rèn)為實(shí)施襲擊方為沙拉菲穆斯林保守分子,他們將這些圣地視為偶像崇拜。他們說,警方在一邊旁觀。 這是在利比亞兩日內(nèi)發(fā)生的第二起襲擊事件。利比亞副總理Mustafa Abushagur將破壞圣地和清真寺稱為犯罪行徑。伊斯蘭蘇非教派非常崇敬這些圣人的墳?zāi)?。但是許多沙拉菲人感覺蘇非人和他們的圣地是有等級(jí)的。

Egypt has fully reopened its Rafah border crossing, Gaza’s only gateway to the outside world that bypasses to Israel. It was closed three weeks ago when 16 Egyptian soldiers were killed by militants. It was partially reopened a week later to allow Palestinians on the Egyptian side of border back into Gaza. Correspondents say Egypt’s decision signals an improvement in its relations with Gaza's Islamist Hamas government which deteriorated after the attack.

埃及已全面重新開放了拉法赫過境點(diǎn),這是加沙繞過以色列,通向外界的唯一通道。當(dāng)三周前16名埃及士兵被 民兵軍事組織所殺時(shí),埃及關(guān)閉了此過境點(diǎn),然后于一擊后半開放,允許巴勒斯坦人通過兩國(guó)國(guó)界的埃及邊境返回加沙。記者說埃及此決定表明埃及與加沙伊斯蘭哈 馬斯襲擊后惡化的關(guān)系有所改善。

That is the latest BBC News.


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