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常春藤解析英語 37 A Flame of Hope榮耀的奧運圣火




A Flame of Hope 榮耀的奧運圣火

by Kevin Lustig

With the 2008 Summer Olympics about a year away, there is a lot to be done. One of the many things _(1)_ hammered out is the exact route of the Olympic Flame on its trip to Beijing. As discussions continue about where and when this unique symbol will travel, people are _(2)_ notice of one of the great traditions of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic Flame, or Torch, was introduced to the modern Olympics in 1928, _(3)_ the gift of fire given to man by Prometheus. As in the Greek myth, the flame _(4)_ progress and knowledge. In 1936, the torch was lit in Athens and carried by runners all the way to the site of the Olympics in Berlin. This torch relay has _(5)_ for all the Summer Games since then and for all the Winter Games since 1960. Each Olympic year, the torch is lit from the same fire in Athens and taken to the host city. In 2004, a global torch relay was held for the Athens Olympics, lasting 78 days _(6)_ all previous Olympic cities.

The torch has traveled many miles by runners, boats, and airplanes, and even gone underwater. _(7)_ the torch relay goes next year, it will surely be an object of interest and inspiration. The Olympic Games have come and gone to many cities all over the world, but the flame itself just keeps going.

1. (A) is (B) being (C) are (D) been

2. (A) looking (B) putting (C) taking (D) setting

3. (A) symbolizing (B) symbolizes (C) symbolize (D) symbolized

4. (A) explores (B) advises (C) performs (D) represents

5. (A) dropped by (B) taken place (C) got along (D) come true

6. (A) visiting (B) to visit (C) and visiting (D) that visited

7. (A) Wherever (B) Whatever (C) Whether (D) However


1. One of the many things being hammered out is the exact route...


a. 本句主詞為句首的代名詞詞組 One of the many things(眾多事情的其中之一),動詞為 be 動詞 is,之后的 the exact route(確切的路線)則為名詞詞組作主詞補語。

b. 原句分析如下:

One of the many things being hammered out is the exact route...

= One of the many things which is being hammered out is the exact route...


c. 形容詞子句 which is being hammered out 可化簡為分詞詞組,其原則如下:

1) 刪除作主詞的關(guān)系代名詞 which;

2) 之后的 is 化為現(xiàn)在分詞 being 后可予以省略。

d. 根據(jù)上述化簡原則,可知應(yīng)選 (B)。(A) is 與 (C) are 均為動詞,但本句已有主要動詞 is,故 (A)、(C) 均不可選。(D) been 為過去分詞,僅用于完成式助動詞 have/has/had 之后,不單獨使用,故 (D) 亦不可選。

2. ...people are taking notice of one of the great traditions of the Olympic Games.


a. 本空格測試下列固定詞組:

take notice of...  注意……

例: People are starting to take notice of the new singer's CD.


b. 根據(jù)上述,僅 (C) 符合上述固定用法,故為正選。

3. The Olympic Flame, or Torch, was introduced to the modern Olympics in 1928, symbolizing the gift of fire...


a. 本空格測試下列概念:


例: John sat there read the newspaper. (X)

上句兩個動詞 sat 與 read 無連接詞相連,可修改如下:

→ 以連接詞 and 連接:

John sat there and read the newspaper.

→ 第二個動詞 read 化為現(xiàn)在分詞 reading:

John sat there reading the newspaper.


b. 同樣地,若兩動詞有逗點相隔而無連接詞時,則第二個動詞要變成現(xiàn)在分詞。

例: Jim goes jogging every morning, hoping it will help him lose a few kilos.


c. 原句空格前有逗點,由上述得知,本題應(yīng)選 (A)。

4. As in the Greek myth, the flame represents progress and knowledge.


a. (A) explore vt. 探險

(B) advise vt. 建議,忠告

advise sb on sth  就某事給予某人忠告

= give sb advice on sth

例: The doctor advised Terry on his eating habits.


(C) perform vt. 執(zhí)行 & vi. 表演

(D) represent vt. 代表

= stand for...

例: Many countries throughout history have chosen the eagle to represent them.


b. 根據(jù)語意,可知應(yīng)選 (D)。

5. This torch relay has taken place for all the Summer Games since then...


a. (A) drop by  順道拜訪

例: On my way home, I'll drop by and give you all of your DVDs back.

(我會在回家的路上順道去你家,把你的 DVD 都還給你。)

(B) take place  (事件)發(fā)生

例: I was happy to wake up and realize the event didn't really take place.


(C) get along (with sb)  (與某人)相處融洽

例: Sam gets along with everyone except his younger brother.


(D) come true  (夢想等)成真

例: Finally, Irene's wish came true and she became a famous actress.


b. 根據(jù)語意,可知應(yīng)選 (B)。

6. In 2004, a global torch relay was held for the Athens Olympics, lasting 78 days and visiting all previous Olympic cities.


a. 空格前有現(xiàn)在分詞 lasting (持續(xù)),得知空格內(nèi)須用對等連接詞 and 連接另一現(xiàn)在分詞 visiting(造訪),以形成對等連接,故 (C) 為正選,而不可選 (A)。

b. 選項 (B) to visit 為表『目的』的不定詞詞組,譯為『為了要造訪』,置入后語意不通,故不可選。

c. (D) that visited 等于 which visited,為形容詞子句,但如此一來,that 的先行詞是 78 days,形成下列不合邏輯的句意:『造訪所有曾舉辦過奧運城市的 78 天』,語意荒謬,故 (D) 亦不可選。

7. Wherever the torch relay goes next year, it will...


a. (A) Wherever + S + V, S + V  無論何處……,……

= No matter where + S + V, S + V

例: Wherever you decide to go to college, I'll be happy to come visit you.


(B) Whatever + S + V, S + V  無論什么……,……

= No matter what + S + V, S + V


此處的 what 是疑問代名詞,在所引導(dǎo)的副詞子句中作主詞或動詞的受詞。

例: Whatever you do, I'll support you.

= No matter what you do, I'll support you.


*上句的 what 作為 do 的受詞。

例: Whatever happens, I'll support you.

= No matter what happens, I'll support you.


*上句的 what 作主詞,動詞為 happens。

(C) whether conj. 不論是否……(與 or not 并用)

例: Lisa wasn't sure whether she should buy a new scooter or not.


(D) However + S + V, S + V  無論如何……,……

= No matter how + S + V, S + V


how是疑問副詞,在所引導(dǎo)的副詞子句中可修飾動詞、形容詞或副詞。當(dāng)修飾形容詞或副詞時,須將該形容詞或副詞往前移位,置于 how 之后,使 how 直接修飾該形容詞或副詞。

例: However you decide to decorate the room, I'm sure I'll be happy with it.


例: No matter how smart you are, there will always be someone smarter than you.


b. 根據(jù)上述,空格置入 (A) Wherever 后,即等于 No matter where the torch relay goes...,符合語意、用法,故為正選。


1. hammer out...   苦心想出(方法等);絞盡腦汁解決(問題等)

例: We still need to hammer out some details, but the plans look good in general.


2. be introduced to...  被引進(jìn)到……

例: This kind of music was not introduced to Asia until the 19th century.


3. light vt. 點燃,點亮


例: The city finally built some streetlamps to light the path in the park.


4. host n. 主辦者 & vt. 主辦

例: I'd be happy to host the party at my house this Friday.


5. of interest  有趣的,令人感興趣的

例: This building is of interest because it was the home of the president.


6. inspiration n. 靈感

inspire vt. 激勵,鼓舞

inspire sb to V  激發(fā)某人做……

例: Watching the Olympics inspired Sandy to work harder as an athlete.



1. flame n. 火焰

2. route n. 路線

3. discussion n. 討論

4. symbol n. 象征

5. tradition n. 傳統(tǒng)

6. torch n. 火炬,火把

7. myth n. 神話

8. relay n. 傳遞;接力

relay race  接力賽跑

9. previous a. 之前的

10. object n. 物體,對象



奧運圣火,或稱火炬,于1928年引進(jìn)現(xiàn)代奧運會,象征普羅米修斯給予人類作為禮物的火焰。在希臘神話中,火焰象征進(jìn)步與知識。1936年,圣火于雅典點燃,由跑者一路傳遞至奧運主辦城柏林。從此之后,每年的夏季奧運都有圣火傳遞,而冬季奧運的圣火傳遞則從1960年開始。每次舉辦奧運時,圣火在雅典的同一火源點燃,再帶到主辦的城市。2004 年,雅典奧運會舉行了全球性的圣火傳遞,歷時 78 天,并造訪曾舉辦奧運的所有城市。


標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案: 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (B) 6. (C) 7. (A)


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