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欲望都市05 The Power of Female Sex





[00:00.00] 12.07.25 08:17:19



[00:49.92]The most powerful woman in New York is not Tina Brown, 紐約最有權(quán)勢的女人 不是蒂娜布朗

[00:54.00]or Diane Sawyer or even Rosie O'Donnell. 或黛安索耶 也不是蘿西歐唐納

[00:57.80]lt's the hostess at Balzac, 而是巴爾札克餐廳 負(fù)責(zé)帶位的接待員

[00:57.88]which had become the only restaurant that mattered. 那兒已成為唯一有分量的餐廳

[01:01.16]We were there to celebrate the moment. 我們也趕上了這股熱潮

[01:04.88]This is humiliating. We've been waiting for 45 minutes. 這真是太侮辱人了 我們已經(jīng)等了45分鐘了

[01:07.96]- l think l'm gonna faint. - Doesn't she know who we are? -我快要昏倒了 -難道她不知道我們是誰?

[01:10.72]Who are we? 我們是誰?

[01:12.80]l own my own PR firm, you write a newspaper column. 我有自己的公關(guān)公司 而你是報紙的專欄作家

[01:14.88]This should not be happening. 這種事不該發(fā)生的

[01:17.76]l'm going back up there. 我要過去找她

[01:21.04]Hello, excuse me. Hello! We've been waiting 45 minutes. 不好意思…借過 我們已等了45分鐘了

[01:26.20]Look, l'm not sure you understand, but l'm kind of somebody, 聽著,我想你不明白我的意思 我算是小有名氣

[01:31.76]and she's definitely kind of somebody and we really need to eat now. 她更是有頭有臉的人物 我們真的很想立即用餐

[01:39.44]l'm sorry. 很抱歉

[01:45.92]Excuse me. 借過

[01:47.28]- Give me a 20. - You must be joking. -給我20塊 -你開什么玩笑?

[01:52.48]Do you think l should make it a 50? 你覺得需要50塊嗎?

[01:53.44]lf l had $50 on me, do you think l'd give it to her? 如果我有50塊 你認(rèn)為我會給她嗎?

[01:57.52]She can't do this to us. We're leaving. 她不能這么對我們,我們走

[02:01.72]Let me tell you something, l was that woman ten years ago. 我告訴你,十年前我跟她一樣

[02:06.76]But l wielded my power in a benevolent manner. 但我不會這樣趾高氣揚(yáng)

[02:08.04]Can we please talk about this over lunch somewhere else? 可以等我們找到地方 吃午餐時再談嗎?

[02:11.04]Somewhere like New Jersey, where we might actually get seated? 譬如說像新澤西那種 一定有位子的地方嗎?

[02:15.44]Do you realize if she were a man, 你搞清楚,如果她是個男人

[02:17.00]not only would we be eating right now, but they'd be sending over free drinks. 我們現(xiàn)在不止有東西吃 他們還會自動送上免費(fèi)飲料

[02:21.12]Listen, l know a great Thai place around the corner 聽著,我知道轉(zhuǎn)角有一家 很棒的泰國菜

[02:22.16]where the owner's son always sends over a complimentary mee krob. 老板的兒子每次都會 附贈泰式炒面

[02:25.96]How sad. Do you think we can get it to go? 真可悲 你想我們可以外帶嗎?

[02:30.64]A short time later, Samantha headed back to her office, 不久,莎曼珊回她的辦公室

[02:32.24]while l decided to investigate this theory l had about shopping 而我決定去驗(yàn)證一個關(guān)于購物

[02:35.48]as a way to unleash the creative subconscious. 能激發(fā)寫作靈感的理論

[02:39.60]All right, l'm gonna take them. 好,我就要這雙

[02:44.84]l was already planning on returning them when... 當(dāng)我心中正盤算將鞋子退還…

[02:45.96]Miss? 小姐?

[02:48.24]They told me to do that, and now they want to talk to you. 他們叫我這么做 麻煩你聽一下電話

[02:52.32]- Scusa. That won't be necessary. - God! l don't believe it! -借過,沒這個必要 -天啊,我真不敢相信

[02:58.96]- When did you get to town? - Just yesterday. -你什么時候到的? -昨天才到

[03:02.96]- Darling, you look fantastic! - l can't let you do this. -親愛的,你美極了 -我不能接受你的好意

[03:08.72]Of course you can, and you can pay me back never. 你當(dāng)然可以,別客氣 再說,是卡羅付的錢

[03:10.80]Besides, it's on Carlo.

[03:13.36]- When did you two...? - About two months. -你們兩個什么時候… -大約兩個月了

[03:16.48]His family own this gigantic ranch in Argentina. 他的家族在阿根廷 擁有一座大農(nóng)場,非常有錢

[03:21.72]Very, very wealthy. He has a tiny little penis, 雖然他那話兒小得不得了 但他掌握了絕妙的使用方法

[03:24.00]but he knows exactly how to use it. Wave, darling, wave.


[03:31.16]lt's very nice of you, but l can't accept these. 你真好,但我不能接受

[03:34.48]Of course you can! 當(dāng)然可以

[03:33.56]When have l ever given you a birthday or Christmas present? 我?guī)讜r送過你生日或圣誕禮物

[03:37.100]You're like a sister to me, yet l never see you. 你就像是我的姐妹 雖然我們并不常見面

[03:44.40]Truth was, we'd only met a few times. 事實(shí)上我們只見過幾次面

[03:48.68]Most people would classify Amalita as Euro-trash, l thought she was fun. 大多數(shù)人將艾瑪莉塔歸類為 歐洲享樂派,我覺得她很風(fēng)趣

[03:52.64]Call me. l'm staying at The Four Seasons with Carlo. 跟我聯(lián)絡(luò) 我和卡羅住在四季飯店

[03:54.16]Don't you live in the city? l'm a citizen of the world. -你在這里沒有置產(chǎn)嗎? -我四海為家

[03:57.52]A citizen of the world, darling. Now take the shoes, we'll talk soon. 親愛的,我四海為家 鞋子拿著,我們再找時間聊聊

[04:01.00]- l can't do this. - Of course you can! -我不能收 -你當(dāng)然可以

[04:07.56]Go, go, amore. 快走吧,親愛的

[04:11.44]l couldn't understand a word she was saying, 她說的話我一個字也聽不懂

[04:15.60]but l had in my possession 但我了解的意大利文已經(jīng)足夠

[04:16.52]all the ltalian l'd ever need to know.

[04:20.00]Dolce, Dolce, Dolce. 那就是杜嘉班納…

[04:22.68]While at home, all the English l seemed to encounter 回到家里,映入眼簾的英文字 全是“帳單”

[04:23.08]was bills, bills, bills.

[04:26.16]l envied Amalita. 我羨慕艾瑪莉塔

[04:28.92]Her life was a blur of rich men, 她的生活由有錢人、名牌服飾 以及迷人的度假勝地交織而成

[04:31.20]designer clothes and glamorous resorts.

[04:31.12]She didn't actually work for a living, yet possessed a dazzling sexual power 她不需要工作賺錢 卻靠著自身魅力

[04:37.36]that she exploited to her full advantage, 發(fā)揮得淋漓盡致

[04:39.04]which presented a certain conundrum. 這便浮現(xiàn)了一個問題

[04:42.16]Where's the line between professional girlfriend 究竟稱職的女友 和以當(dāng)女伴為專職

[04:45.52]and just plain professional? 兩者之間的界線是什么?

[04:46.24]Women have the right to use every means to achieve power. 女人有權(quán)不擇手段獲得權(quán)力

[04:49.20]- Short of sleeping their way to the top. - Not if that's what it takes to compete. -除了上床之外 -如果必要又有何不可

[04:53.36]- But that's exploitation! - Of men, which is perfectly legal. -那是一種剝削 -對男人,這完全合法

[04:58.16]Saturday night, in an effort to save money, 周末夜,為了節(jié)省開支

[05:00.12]and maybe even pick up a few extra bucks, 也許還可以賺點(diǎn)小錢

[05:02.52]- l invited the girls over for poker. - l'll buy two. 我邀請她們到家里打牌

[05:07.40]l'm in for three. -我出二張 -我三張

[05:08.48]So you advocate a double standard. 你根本是雙重標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

[05:11.80]Women can use their sexuality to get ahead whenever possible, 女人可以隨時用性往上爬

[05:13.04]but men should not be allowed to take advantage of it? 男人卻不該被允許這么做?

[05:17.72]l'm just saying that men and women are equal opportunity exploiters. 我只是說男人和女人 均享有同等的機(jī)會

[05:21.72]What if you sense that someone is giving you a professional advantage 如果你發(fā)現(xiàn) 有人因覺得你很迷人

[05:25.32]- because they find you charming? - Charming? 而讓你在工作上占到便宜呢?

[05:28.24]This l got to hear. -迷人? -這我倒要聽聽了

[05:30.64]A few days ago, Neville Morgan, the notoriously reclusive painter, 幾天前,聲名狼藉的隱居畫家 納維耶摩根

[05:37.92]paid a visit to the gallery. 來畫廊參觀

[05:38.12]Neville was making his yearly pilgrimage to Manhattan 納維耶正在曼哈頓 進(jìn)行他的年度觀摩

[05:43.60]to check out what was new and hot on the art scene. 看看藝術(shù)界有何新的熱門作品

[05:45.68]And he found it... 而他發(fā)現(xiàn)了…夏綠蒂

[05:46.08]Charlotte. 他邀請她去郊區(qū)的農(nóng)場 參觀其最新力作

[05:48.04]lt was only a matter of moments before he invited her

[05:50.12]to his farm upstate to view his latest work. 不過是時間早晚的問題

[05:52.80]So, if l could get him to show at the gallery, 如果我能讓他答應(yīng) 在畫廊舉辦展覽

[05:57.52]it would be an incredible coup, but what if he wants me to... 這將是個了不起的成就 但若他要我…

[05:60.68]- You know - Hold his brush? -你知道的 -幫他口交?

[06:01.36]lf he so much as suggests what she's suggesting, 若他真如她所暗示 對你提出這種要求

[06:04.52]you give me a call and we'll sue the hell out of him. 你給我一通電話 我們絕對告到他身敗名裂

[06:07.04]That's the only proper way to trade sex for power. 那是唯一用性來交換權(quán)力的 合理方法

[06:10.00]l can't believe what l'm hearing. 真不敢相信我所聽到的

[06:12.92]You're like the Harvard Law Lorena Bobbit. 你的語氣就像是蘿瑞娜巴比特

[06:15.20]lt's Skipper, l told him l was here and he insisted on picking me up. 是史奇普,我跟他說我在這里 他堅持要來接我

[06:20.84]But he's not supposed to be here 'til 1 1 . 但他應(yīng)該11點(diǎn)才到

[06:21.56]- He's like a sweet little seal pup. - That you sometimes want to club. -他真像個體貼的小男人 -但有時候欠揍

[06:29.60]- You're an hour early. - l can wait in the hall. -你早到一小時 -我可以在大廳等

[06:34.56]- Skipper, come in. - lt's all right. l'm leaving anyway. -史奇普,進(jìn)來吧 -沒關(guān)系,反正我也要走了

[06:39.84]You guys have cleaned me out. Goodnight, ladies. 你們這些家伙把我給榨干了 再見

[06:43.64]Charlotte, keep me posted. 夏綠蒂,隨時讓我知道情況

[06:53.84]A couple of hours later, l was looking forward to an early night, when... 幾個小時后 我正打算早點(diǎn)睡,卻…

[07:01.80]- Hello? - Carrie, you bitch, what are you doing? -誰啊? -凱莉,你在干嘛?

[07:05.40]Actually, l'm getting ready to go to sleep. 老實(shí)說我正準(zhǔn)備上床睡覺

[07:09.40]Why don't you come and join us? We're at Balzac, 你何不來找我們? 我們在巴爾札克餐廳

[07:11.24]and there is someone here l'm dying for you to meet. 我迫不及待想介紹你 認(rèn)識一個人

[07:13.92]l'd love to, but l'm really trying to cut back. You know, pinch a few pennies. 我很想去,但我要省著點(diǎn)花 你知道,得開始節(jié)衣縮食了

[07:20.88]You are crazy, you know that? 你瘋了,你知道嗎?

[07:21.32]Why don't you just come down here and be your fabulous self? 你何不來找我們 開心地快活一番?

[07:25.96]The truth was, l could barely afford that either. 問題是,我連那也負(fù)擔(dān)不起

[07:29.48]l rationalized that my new shoes 但我為自己找了藉口

[07:31.36]shouldn't be punished because l can't budget. 我的新鞋不該因?yàn)槲胰氩环蟪?而受懲罰

[07:33.72]- Hi. - Sorry, you're not on the list. -你好 -抱歉,你不在名單上

[07:37.68]l don't need a list. My friends are already in. 我不需要登記 我朋友已經(jīng)在里面了

[07:40.00]Darling, what took you so long? 親愛的,怎么這么久?

[07:45.76]You won't believe what Carlo bought me 你一定不相信今天下午卡羅

[07:47.04]this afternoon at Van Cleef and Arpel. 在梵克雅寶買了什么給我

[07:53.52]- That's gorgeous. - $1 2000. -好美 -價值一萬兩千塊

[07:59.04]Listen, l want you to come and meet the world's most fabulous man! 我想介紹你認(rèn)識 全世界最帥的男人

[08:04.52]- Sounds like a trendy sideshow act. - You're crazy! -聽來像時下流行的余興節(jié)目 -你真瘋狂

[08:10.60]l'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Carlo, and his friend Gilles. 你來見見我男朋友卡羅 以及他朋友吉爾

[08:17.68]Nice to meet you. 很高興認(rèn)識你們

[08:20.84]Gilles is an architect from Paris. 吉爾是一位巴黎的建筑師

[08:25.72]- How long are you here? - Just a couple of days on business. -你要在這里待多久? -只來這里出差幾天

[08:27.80]l've told Gilles all about you. 我跟吉爾談了很多你的事

[08:31.60]l told him you're the most beautiful, 我跟他說你是全紐約

[08:34.04]talented, fascinating woman in New York. 最漂亮、最有才華的美女

[08:38.36]And single. How is this possible? 而且還是單身貴族 這怎么可能?

[08:39.60]l get it. You're an architect and a comedian. 我知道了 你是建筑師兼喜劇演員

[08:46.12]- l don't understand. - l'm just being un peu stupide. -我不明白 -我只是說傻話

[08:51.12]You? Never. 你?絕不可能

[08:54.96]l suddenly recalled my weakness for gorgeous French architects. 我突然意識到自己對于迷人的 法國建筑師毫無招架之力

[08:58.88]Can l get anyone something else? 還需要什么嗎?

[09:04.80]- Would you like another bottle of wine? - Wonderful. -要不要再開一瓶酒? -好極了

[09:08.52]And what will the rest of you be having? 那其他人還想來點(diǎn)什么?

[09:13.92]During the next couple of hours, l put my journalistic skills to good use. 接下來的幾個小時 我拿出新聞工作者的看家本領(lǐng)

[09:19.40]l discovered that Gilles was recently divorced with a daughter, 我打聽到吉爾最近剛離婚

[09:23.44]who lived with her mother in Paris. 他的女兒和前妻住在巴黎

[09:25.56]He was passing through New York on his way to Brazil 紐約之行后他還要前往巴西

[09:25.52]to supervise construction of a new hotel. 為一家新旅館監(jiān)工

[09:29.00]l think you're too beautiful to be a writer. 你太漂亮了,不可能是個作家

[09:31.60]l think you're too charming to be an architect. 你太迷人了,不可能是建筑師

[09:35.12]l think you should give up your life and move with me to Paris immediately. 我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該拋下一切 馬上跟我一起搬到巴黎去住

[09:38.24]l thought you were spending the next six months in Brazil? 你不是要在巴西停留六個月?

[09:42.64]- You can join me there first. - Don't tempt me. -你可以先陪我一起去 -別誘惑我

[09:46.80]l'm so broke, l might take you up on that just to save in rent. 我現(xiàn)在手頭很緊 很可能會為了省租金而答應(yīng)你

[09:50.08]- Writing does not pay well? - No, it does it's just... -寫作酬勞不好嗎? -不,很不錯,只是…

[09:54.08]l have this little substance abuse problem. 我對某個東西上了癮

[09:60.12]Expensive footwear. 昂貴的鞋子

[10:05.00]l see. 我懂了

[10:09.32]l'm only here for the weekend, but l'd love to see you tomorrow, 我在這里僅這個周末 而我明天很想見你

[10:12.16]maybe you could show me the town. 也許你可以帶我游覽這個城市

[10:16.64]- You've never been to New York? - About 1 2 times. -你以前沒來過紐約? -來過12次了

[10:21.64]But l've never seen it with someone like you. 但從沒和一個 像你這樣的可人兒一起觀光

[10:26.40]You really have that certain je ne sais quoi, don't you? 你的確有某種 難以言喻的魔力對吧?

[10:31.24]Yes. 是的

[10:34.64]And so do you. 你也是

[10:37.24]So... 那么…

[10:41.00]- l'll see you tomorrow. - Goodnight. -明天見 -晚安

[10:43.28]Bonsoir. 晚安

[10:51.16]Sure, l saw some red flags - 我當(dāng)然看到了一些警訊

[10:54.24]divorced, French, and almost uncomfortably handsome. 離過婚的法國人 而且英俊得令人無法抗拒

[10:59.92]But l felt like l was floating on air. 但我感覺渾身飄飄然 仿佛在云端上

[11:08.16]The next morning, l was brought back down to earth 翌晨,我回到現(xiàn)實(shí)

[11:11.80]as l confronted that eternal puzzle - 面對著永恒無解的難題 滿柜子衣服卻不知該穿哪一件

[11:12.68]a closet full of clothes, nothing to wear.

[11:18.36]Just a minute! 等一下

[11:20.68]- Who is it? - lt's Skipper. -是誰? -我是史奇普

[11:27.12]Hey! 是你

[11:28.72]- l'm sorry, l should go. - No Skipper, come on in. -對不起,我還是走好了 -不,史奇普,快進(jìn)來

[11:32.48]What is it? 什么事?

[11:34.08]lt's Miranda, she's got me totally whacked. lt's like l'm obsessed. 米蘭達(dá)把我弄得筋疲力盡 我好像迷戀上她了

[11:38.72]And l know that l shouldn't be, 我知道這樣讓她胃口盡失

[11:41.76]because l sense it's totally turning her off.

[11:44.84]But l can't control it, l can't. 但是我控制不了自己

[11:46.88]lt's like she's got this power over me and l'm helpless. 仿佛我被她吃定了似的 我卻無計可施

[11:52.16]Keep going, l have to get dressed, all right? 繼續(xù)說,我得換衣服,好嗎?

[11:53.44]ls it possible to be addicted to a person? 有可能對一個人著迷嗎?

[11:58.16]The sex is so awesome, that it's like all l can think about. 我們的性生活棒呆了 我滿腦子都是那檔事

[12:03.08]l've never considered myself... 以前我從不認(rèn)為自己…

[12:05.80]You know, a horn-dog before, 你知道,這么性致勃勃

[12:09.16]l'm worried l might be starting to scare her off. 我擔(dān)心這樣下去會把她嚇跑

[12:10.04]Well, is that what she said? 她這么說嗎?

[12:13.56]We just have sex in the afternoon. She never lets me spend the night. 我們只在下午做愛 她從不讓我過夜

[12:18.32]Well, l have an idea. 我有個主意

[12:21.48]Why don't the two of you just spend a night together and not have sex? 你們兩個何不試試 一起過夜卻不做愛?

[12:27.68]That would be hard. Really hard. 那太困難了

[12:33.92]l think it's important that you try. 我覺得去嘗試一下很重要

[12:35.12]l don't even shower afterwards. l like to spend the whole day 我辦完事后甚至不洗澡

[12:38.20]我喜歡一整天身上都有 米蘭達(dá)的味道

[12:39.16]smelling like Miranda.

[12:51.72]l began to fear that Miranda's sexuality 我開始擔(dān)心米蘭達(dá)的魅力

[12:55.48]was overpowering poor Skipper. 對可憐的史奇普而言 太過強(qiáng)勢了

[13:02.44]Later, l spent the most incredibly romantic afternoon with Gilles. 稍后,我和吉爾共度了一個 最浪漫的午后時光

[13:19.96]l felt like l had landed in a Claude Lelouch film - 我感覺仿佛墜入 克勞德雷路許的電影中

[13:21.12]a man and a slightly neurotic woman. 一個男人 和一個有點(diǎn)神經(jīng)質(zhì)的女人

[13:36.36]Wait, wait. l kind of have this rule. 慢著…我有個規(guī)矩

[13:40.60]l don't sleep with men l've only known a day. 我不跟只認(rèn)識一天的男人上床

[13:43.88]l see. 我懂了

[13:49.88]l gave in. After all, it was already tomorrow in Paris. 我投降了 畢竟在巴黎,這已經(jīng)是明天了

[14:07.04]You look so beautiful when you sleep. l didn't want to disturb you. 你睡夢中的樣子好美 我不想吵醒你

[14:12.04]- Are you leaving so early? - l've got a plane. -你這么早就要走了嗎? -我得趕飛機(jī)

[14:14.32]- l'll get up. - No, no. Stay in bed. -我起來 -不,你躺著

[14:20.40]Order room service. Enjoy yourself. 叫客房服務(wù),好好享受

[14:28.16]- l can just get dressed. - Relax... -我可以起來穿衣服 -放輕松…

[14:32.00]- l'll call you. - OK. -我再打電話給你 -好

[14:35.40]Bon voyage! 一路順風(fēng)

[14:42.04]As he walked away, it dawned on me 他離去之后我才發(fā)現(xiàn)

[14:45.36]that he didn't have my phone number, and l didn't have his phone number. 他根本沒有我的電話 而我也沒有他的電話

[14:51.36]But he had left me a note... 但他留了張紙條給我…

[14:59.16]With a thousand dollars in cash! 還附上一千元現(xiàn)金

[15:04.52]''Thanks for the beautiful day.'' Must've been a helluva beautiful day! “謝謝你給我美好的一天” 肯定美好到極點(diǎn)了

[15:06.28]Well, it was. 的確是

[15:09.40]We had such a fantastic connection, then he leaves me money. 我們相處非常愉快,性情相投 但他卻留錢給我

[15:12.56]l don't understand. What about me screams whore? 我不明白,他當(dāng)我是妓女嗎?

[15:15.84]- Besides the $1000 on the end table? - l can't believe you dined at Balzac. -除了桌上的一千塊? -你竟然在巴爾札克用餐

[15:21.92]l thought l ordered two eggs Benedict and one spinach omelet. 我點(diǎn)的是兩份松餅夾蛋 和一份菠菜蛋卷

[15:26.00]- l'll take the omelet. - We'll pay for this ourselves, all right? -蛋卷給我 -這些我們要自己付錢對吧?

[15:29.04]He said order anything. 他說盡管點(diǎn)

[15:32.16]Room service is one thing, but money... 客房服務(wù)是一回事 但錢…萬萬不可

[15:33.16]What are you getting so uptight about? 你緊張什么?

[15:35.24]Money is power, sex is power, 金錢就是權(quán)力,性就是權(quán)力

[15:40.72]money for sex is an exchange of power. 用錢換性只是一種權(quán)力的交換

[15:42.48]Don't listen to the dime store Camille Paglia. 別聽卡蜜爾佩格莉亞胡說八道

[15:46.60]Should l take it as a compliment or an insult? 我該把這當(dāng)作無上的恭維 還是莫大的侮辱?

[15:48.76]Just take it, period. 收下就對了

[15:50.12]l can't return it because he didn't leave his phone number. 我無法將錢退還給他 因?yàn)樗麤]留下電話號碼

[15:54.72]He paid in full, what more is there to say? 他已經(jīng)全部付清了 還有什么話好說?

[15:55.20]Who is Amalita Amalfi anyway? 艾瑪莉塔阿瑪菲到底是誰?

[15:58.76]l'm concerned you've been drafted into a ring of high-class hookers. 我擔(dān)心你陷入 一伙高級妓女的圈套了

[16:03.08]She isn't a hooker. She's like an international party girl. 她不是妓女 她像是個國際玩伴女郎

[16:07.16]She's a hooker with a passport. Did you ever talk about money? 那她是個持有護(hù)照的妓女 你們曾經(jīng)談過錢的事嗎?

[16:11.04]No, l did allude to the fact that l was a bit cash poor these days. 沒有,不過我倒是提過 最近我手頭比較緊

[16:15.56]So maybe it's supposed to be a loan? 那么也許這是一筆借款?

[16:17.96]l don't remember filling out an application. 我不記得曾提出申請

[16:20.44]Men give, women receive. lt's destiny. 男人給,女人收 這是與生俱來的定律

[16:24.52]Hello! Do you really mean that? 你真的這么認(rèn)為嗎?

[16:26.52]That's the argument men have been using 那是自從盤古開天以來

[16:30.40]since the dawn of time to exploit women! 男人一直用來剝削女人的藉口

[16:31.92]Guys! l'm gonna write the whole thing off as a bad date with a cash bonus. 就讓這件事到此為止,當(dāng)作是 一次有現(xiàn)金紅利的失敗約會

[16:37.88]You know, that salmon is really good. l think we should order another one. 這鮭魚美味極了 我覺得應(yīng)該再多點(diǎn)一份

[16:39.52]As l struggled with the dilemma of how to manage my new-found money... 正當(dāng)我煩腦該如何處理 那筆新發(fā)現(xiàn)的錢時

[16:45.72]Charlotte arrived at the secluded Connecticut home 夏綠蒂抵達(dá)畫家納維耶摩根 位于康乃迪克州的僻靜住宅

[16:48.20]of the painter Neville Morgan, in an attempt to secure his latest work. 為的是獲得他最新力作 獨(dú)家展覽的機(jī)會

[16:53.28]Hi, welcome. 你好,歡迎

[16:57.04]Hi, l feel so privileged. Meeting you is the high point of my career. 我覺得好幸運(yùn) 和你會面是我事業(yè)中的高峰

[17:03.72]Thank you. l'm surprised someone so young is familiar with my work. 謝謝你,很驚訝像你這么年輕 竟然熟悉我的作品

[17:09.08]Are you serious? l studied you in college! 別開玩笑了 我大學(xué)時便研究你的畫風(fēng)

[17:10.36]My God! -我的天,真的很抱歉 -你太客氣了

[17:11.92]- l apologize, l really do. - You're much too modest.

[17:18.20]Here we are. Excuse me. 就是這里,不好意思

[17:24.28]The canvases you're about to see are what l consider to be the apotheosis 你將看到的油畫是我心目中

[17:30.36]of every great idea l've ever had. 所有絕妙靈感的完美呈現(xiàn)

[17:33.24]lt's the closest l've ever come to pure universal God force. 此刻是我最接近 純粹的全能上帝的力量

[17:40.48]The cunt. 女性的陰部

[17:44.76]Oh, my! 我的天

[17:48.40]- They're very powerful. - Exactly! -它們非常驚心動魄 -沒錯

[17:54.08]The most powerful force in the universe. 宇宙間最強(qiáng)大的力量

[17:57.68]The source of all life, pleasure, and beauty. 所有生命、歡愉和美的源頭

[18:04.32]That's true. 是的

[18:08.12]l used to paint full nudes, but as l got older, l realized 以前我畫裸體畫像 但隨著年齡增長

[18:11.20]that the truth was to be found only in the cunt. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)只有在陰部 才能尋到真理

[18:18.04]Charlotte hated the ''C'' word, 夏綠蒂不喜歡聽到那個字

[18:18.52]but Neville Morgan was not a man to be corrected. 但納維耶摩根是不容糾正的

[18:24.72]Hi. l thought you might like something to drink. 你好,我想你可能想喝點(diǎn)東西

[18:26.08]- Charlotte, this is my wife, Gertrude. - lt's a pleasure. -夏綠蒂,這是我太太姬楚 -幸會

[18:30.00]- Lemonade and cookies? - Thank you. -來點(diǎn)檸檬水和餅干? -謝謝你

[18:34.04]Each of these portraits is of a woman who has touched my life. 每一幅畫都是曾經(jīng) 走入我生命的女人

[18:41.04]lncredible. 真是大開眼界

[18:41.100]l wonder, would you consider posing for me some time? 我在想,不知你是否愿意 當(dāng)我的模特兒?

[18:47.56]Me? l... 我?這…

[18:49.24]Well... 這…

[18:51.08]l'm very flattered. 我受寵若驚

[18:56.44]Excellent. So long as you're here, l can sketch you this afternoon. 太好了,既然你來了 今天下午我可以先畫草圖

[19:00.12]l bet you have a beautiful cunt, dear. 親愛的 我敢說你的陰部一定很美

[19:05.08]As Charlotte pondered how far she'd go for her love of art and the gallery... 當(dāng)夏綠蒂思量她對藝術(shù)的熱愛 究竟能讓她犧牲到什么地步…

[19:13.04]Another Saturday night, 另一個周末夜

[19:14.64]with my hooker money still burning a hole in my pocket, 口袋里帶著那筆 蠢蠢欲動的“夜度資”

[19:18.60]Samantha and l showed up at Balzac. 我和莎曼珊 出現(xiàn)在巴爾札克餐廳

[19:21.28]She reasoned that since l was there once, l was as good as in. 她認(rèn)為既然我曾進(jìn)去過一次 從此便能通行無阻

[19:25.44]l don't understand. l made this reservation weeks ago, 我真不明白 我?guī)讉€星期前就訂位了

[19:27.32]and she's already been here. 而且她還曾經(jīng)在這里用餐

[19:30.40]- l'm sorry. - ls there a host that l might talk to? -很抱歉 -找你們主管,我跟他說

[19:37.28]l will snap her. 我要把她劈成兩半 讓她跪在我膝下

[19:39.76]l will put her over my knee and l will snap her like a twig.


[19:43.36]l'm sorry. l'm hungry. 對不起,我好餓

[19:45.84]l'm going to go to the bathroom, and then we're leaving, all right? 等我去完洗手間 我們就離開這里好嗎?

[19:55.16]Carrie! Ciao! 凱莉

[19:60.44]Come here! 過來這里

[20:01.84]They all looked so chic and glamorous, 他們看起來全都既瀟灑又迷人

[20:03.00]part of me wanted to grab Samantha and make a run for it, 一部分的我 想拉著莎曼珊轉(zhuǎn)身就走

[20:07.08]while another part... 然而另一部分的我…

[20:10.48]Hi, how are ya? 你好嗎?

[20:11.40]l want you to meet Mario, Alan, Justine, and Peter. 我希望你見見 馬利歐、亞倫、賈斯汀和彼得

[20:19.64]Hi. 你們好

[20:18.32]Mario's family has a gorgeous palazzo on the Grand Canal in Venezia. 馬利歐的家族在威尼斯的 大運(yùn)河邊有幢豪宅

[20:23.88]We're all going there next week for the film festival. 下星期我們都要去那里 參加電影節(jié)

[20:29.68]- You should join us. - Absolutely. -你應(yīng)該跟我們一起去 -一點(diǎn)也沒錯

[20:32.68]Bring your little laptop, write about it. 帶著你的手提電腦 把你的所見所聞寫下來

[20:35.44]You'd be mad not to go! 你若不去一定是瘋了

[20:36.72]Carrie is one of the most fascinating, 凱莉是全紐約最漂亮

[20:39.00]talented and beautiful women in New York. 最有才華的美女之一

[20:43.40]- l have no doubt. - l've never been to Venice. -這點(diǎn)無庸置疑 -我從沒去過威尼斯

[20:47.48]No! 不會吧

[20:48.36]Venice is the most beautiful, the most romantic city in the world. 威尼斯是世界上 最美麗、浪漫的城市

[20:53.84]Really? l heard it was sinking. 真的嗎?我聽說它正在下沉

[20:60.52]That's why you must come immediately. 那你就更應(yīng)該去了 在它完全消失以前

[21:01.28]Before it's all gone.

[21:05.64]l couldn't say l wasn't tempted. 我不能說我有沒動心

[21:08.56]l realized that l could leverage myself 我發(fā)現(xiàn)我可以利用 杠桿原理舉債經(jīng)營

[21:08.52]like the human equivalent of a sexy junk bond. 就像投資一項(xiàng)性感的垃圾債券

[21:11.52]l'd parlay that $1000 into a trip to Venice, 我可以把那一千塊拿來下注在 威尼斯之旅

[21:16.96]into a nice piece of jewellery, a rich husband, followed by a richer divorce. 精美的珠寶、有錢的丈夫 和離婚后的優(yōu)越生活

[21:25.76]Sorry, l have to say goodbye. l'm with a friend. She's waiting for me. 抱歉,我得道別了 我跟朋友一起來,她正在等我

[21:30.00]What a pity. 真可惜

[21:32.32]Call me, l'm staying at the Carlyle with Peter. 打電話給我 我和彼得住在卡萊爾飯店

[21:36.16]- OK, ciao. - Ciao. -好的,再見 -再見

[21:41.56]Just because Venice was sinking 威尼斯正在下沉

[21:43.84]didn't mean my morals had to go down with it. 不代表我的人格也要跟著淪陷

[21:45.28]And as for Gilles and the $1000, l figured there was nothing to be done. 至于吉爾和那一千塊錢 我想沒什么好在意的

[21:52.76]For better or worse, 不管怎樣

[21:52.76]l had just established my rate for a one night stand. 我已經(jīng)為一夜情定好了價碼

[21:56.44]Excuse me. 不好意思

[21:59.72]Then the most powerful woman in Manhattan asked me for a favor. 曼哈頓最有權(quán)勢的女人 請我?guī)退粋€忙

[22:03.40]Do you have a tampon? 請問你有沒有衛(wèi)生棉?

[22:06.28]Sure! Of course. 當(dāng)然有

[22:12.44]Thanks a lot. 謝謝

[22:20.12]l never told Samantha the source of my new-found power. 我沒告訴莎曼珊 我新權(quán)力的來源為何

[22:22.96]But from that moment on, 不過從那時起

[22:26.36]we never had a problem getting a table at Balzac again. 我們再也不曾被擋在 巴爾札克餐廳門外了

[22:34.60]A couple of weeks later, we were all there to celebrate Charlotte's coup. 幾個星期后,我們聚在一起 慶祝夏綠蒂的成功

[22:39.28]Hi. Excuse me, just a second. 你好,不好意思,我們先走

[22:45.28]- Are you number nine? - Oh, my God, -你是第九號嗎? -我的天啊

[22:47.92]- l am so not number nine. - Five. -我才不是第九號 -第五

[22:53.72]Yeah, right. 才怪

[22:60.84]lt's this, right? No? 是這個吧?不是?

[23:05.84]Well...? 那么是…

[23:11.72]Really? 真的?

[23:23.80]They say a picture is worth a thousand words... 有人說一幅畫千言萬語說不盡

[23:27.32]But in this case... 但面對這一幅…

[23:29.72]l was speechless. 我啞口無言


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