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欲望都市07 The Monogamists





[00:00.00] 12.07.25 08:18:45



[00:48.48]The lsland Of Manhattan is a cozy village 曼哈頓是個(gè)舒服的地方

[00:51.24]populated by seven million individuals, 人口有七百萬(wàn)人

[00:52.92]who all behave like they own the sidewalk. 在這里大家各行其道

[00:55.48]But lately it seemed as if the city had been reduced to only two people... 但近來(lái)紐約似乎只剩下兩個(gè)人

[01:03.84]us. 只剩下我們

[01:03.84]Four-hour conversations flew by, and a few days apart felt like weeks. 在一起時(shí)光陰飛逝 分開(kāi)時(shí)又度日如年

[01:10.60]l realized that Einstein's law of relativity 我認(rèn)為 愛(ài)因斯坦的相對(duì)論需要修改

[01:13.08]would have to be amended to explain the peculiar effects of infatuation.


[01:21.48]Hello? 哪位?

[01:20.16]l'm trying to reach a Miss Bradshaw. 我要找布雷蕭小姐 我們以前是好朋友

[01:25.36]She used to be a friend of mine.

[01:26.72]Good morning. 早安

[01:28.40]Wait, l think l recognize that voice. 等一下,我認(rèn)得那個(gè)聲音

[01:31.68]l meant to call you, l've just been... 我一直想打電話(huà)給你 但是…

[01:33.68]- Fucking your brains out? - Yeah, well, that's the least of it. -你玩昏頭了? -沒(méi)錯(cuò)

[01:37.04]l don't think that l have been hit this hard since... 我從沒(méi)這么認(rèn)真過(guò) 自從…

[01:40.24]No, l won't compare it to anything, 不,我無(wú)法比較

[01:42.64]because everything else always ended. 因?yàn)槲抑暗膽偾槎紵o(wú)疾而終

[01:44.52]Will l see you again? 我能跟你見(jiàn)面嗎?

[01:46.40]- Yeah, how about tonight? - Yeah, tonight. -可以,就今晚吧 -沒(méi)問(wèn)題

[01:51.36]l'll see if Charlotte and Samantha are free. 我去問(wèn) 莎曼珊及夏綠蒂有沒(méi)有空

[01:53.88]Big's got this dinner thing, 大人物跟別人約好吃晚餐 我們今晚不會(huì)見(jiàn)面

[01:53.28]so we didn't have any plans.

[01:55.16]- God, listen to yourself! - Yeah, l know. -聽(tīng),聽(tīng)聽(tīng)你說(shuō)話(huà)的口氣 -我知道

[01:59.92]- l've become a horrid woman. - Yes, you have. -我變成一個(gè)可怕的女人 -沒(méi)錯(cuò)

[02:03.60]- l can't talk now, l'll call later. OK? - All right, bye. -我得掛了,待會(huì)兒再談 -沒(méi)問(wèn)題,再見(jiàn)

[02:07.56]As l hung up, l realized l'd committed the cardinal sin... 掛斷電話(huà)時(shí) 我明白自己犯了滔天大罪

[02:10.24]l'd forsaken my girlfriends for my new boyfriend. 我是個(gè)見(jiàn)色忘友的家伙

[02:13.84]That night l faced the tribunal. 那晚我接受了審判

[02:15.52]- We really weren't that concerned. - Just completely hurt and offended. -我們真的不在乎 -只是覺(jué)得很傷心

[02:21.92]Actually, you missed a lot. 事實(shí)上你錯(cuò)過(guò)很多事

[02:25.16]Miranda had worked on a big successful merger. 米蘭達(dá)跟一個(gè)專(zhuān)搞合并的家伙 交往順利

[02:28.24]Samantha was obsessed with the idea of a new apartment. 莎曼珊瘋狂地看新房子

[02:32.52]And Charlotte... Charlotte was practically engaged. 夏綠蒂她真的定下來(lái)了

[02:38.80]They met the day after l dropped off the edge of the earth. 他們?cè)谖蚁萑霟釕俚母籼煜嘧R(shí)

[02:41.28]He was Michael Conway, from a good family, 他叫邁可康威 身家背景一級(jí)棒

[02:42.88]and he absolutely adored Charlotte. 而且他愛(ài)死夏綠蒂了

[02:46.56]l think this might be it. l think this might be the one. 我想應(yīng)該就是他了 他應(yīng)該是我的真命天子

[02:51.44]- We've met him, he's perfect. - Even his dog is perfect. -我們見(jiàn)過(guò)他,他很完美 -連他的狗都很完美

[02:56.76]But... there is one thing. 但是有個(gè)問(wèn)題

[02:59.04]Last night, after seeing the Philharmonic, 昨晚在看過(guò)

[03:01.76]they went to his place and began the classic dating ritual... 他們回到他家 展開(kāi)約會(huì)的例行公事…

[03:05.32]the blow job tug of war. 吹蕭爭(zhēng)霸戰(zhàn)

[03:17.24]- Oh, come on. - Not tonight. -來(lái)吧 -今晚不行

[03:23.72]- When? - Sometime. -什么時(shí)候可以? -改天吧

[03:27.92]- The truth is, l hate doing it. - Honey, you can't be serious. -事實(shí)上我討厭那么做 -不會(huì)吧

[03:30.68]You never perform this act? 你從沒(méi)幫男人吹過(guò)?

[03:34.68]She'll juggle, she'll spin plates, but she won't give head. 她會(huì)慢跑,轉(zhuǎn)盤(pán)子 但就是不幫男人吹

[03:37.72]l don't like putting it in my mouth. lt makes me want to puke. 我不喜歡把那玩意放進(jìn)嘴里 那么做我會(huì)想吐

[03:43.92]- That's one way to say no. - lt's not like l haven't tried. -那是拒絕的方法之一 -我不是沒(méi)試過(guò)

[03:46.88]l practiced on a banana. l pretended it was a Popsicle, but... 我曾拿香蕉來(lái)練習(xí)過(guò) 還假裝那玩意是冰棒,但是…

[03:49.16]l just don't like it. 我就是不喜歡

[03:50.36]l love it until the guy wants me to swallow. 除非男人要我吞下精液 不然我還挺喜歡的

[03:55.32]That's a judgment call. 那是判斷的根據(jù)

[03:56.00]Some men take it personally if you don't. 有些男人認(rèn)為女人不那么做 就是不喜歡他們

[03:59.88]- Some guys don't give you a choice. - That's bad behavior. -有些男人不讓你有選擇機(jī)會(huì) -那真的是太惡劣了

[04:01.88]You honestly like it? 你真的喜歡那么做嗎?

[04:02.56]lt's not my favorite thing on the menu, but l'll order it from time to time, 那不是我最喜歡做的事 但我還蠻常做的

[04:06.84]and with the right guy, it can be nice. 只要對(duì)象對(duì)了 感覺(jué)還挺不錯(cuò)的

[04:11.44]Oral sex is God's gift to women - you needn't worry about getting pregnant. 口交是上帝賜給女人的恩典 那么做不必?fù)?dān)心懷孕的問(wèn)題

[04:17.80]Plus the sense of power is such a turn-on, you've got him by the balls. 嘴里含著男人的蛋蛋 你會(huì)被那股力量所震撼

[04:22.36]That is the reason that l don't want to go down this road. 所以我才不想那么做

[04:26.12]Sweetheart, if you're gonna get all choked up about it...just don't do it. 如果你真的不想那么做 那就不要做

[04:30.44]lf you don't go down on him, you can't expect him to go down on you. 如果你不幫他舔 他也不會(huì)幫你舔

[04:34.40]l don't. 我才不要

[04:35.36]Oh, well, forget it! l only give head to get head. 算了 我相信一分耕耘一分收獲

[04:40.24]Me, too. 我也是

[04:44.64]A few hours and a couple of bottles later, vows of friendship renewed, 在幾杯黃湯下肚聊了幾小時(shí)后 我們重續(xù)友情誓約

[04:50.00]we were almost out the door when... 正當(dāng)我們快離開(kāi)餐廳時(shí)…

[04:51.100]- lsn't that Mr Big? - Yeah. l'm gonna go over and say hi. -那不是大人物嗎? -沒(méi)錯(cuò),我過(guò)去跟他打個(gè)招呼

[04:59.16]- Ditching us now would be bad form. - l'm not gonna ditch you. -你不該丟下我們 -我才不會(huì)丟下你們

[05:07.92]- Surprise. - Hey, Carrie! How are you? -大驚喜 -凱莉,你好嗎?

[05:10.68]Good, good. l was just here with my posse having dinner, and l saw you. 還不錯(cuò),我跟朋友來(lái)吃晚餐 結(jié)果看到你

[05:19.52]Oh, Carrie, this is Julia Woods. Julia, Carrie Bradshaw. 凱莉,這位是茱麗亞伍德絲 茱麗亞,她是凱莉布雷蕭

[05:23.52]Nice to meet you. 很高興能認(rèn)識(shí)您

[05:28.56]- Can l talk to you for a second? - Sure. -我能跟你談?wù)剢? -當(dāng)然可以

[05:29.68]Excuse me. 對(duì)不起

[05:34.92]- Are you on a date? - Sort of. -你們?cè)诩s會(huì)嗎? -算是吧

[05:38.08]You said you had a business thing tonight. 你說(shuō)你今晚要談公事

[05:42.20]- l said a dinner thing. - Well, she's stunning. -我是說(shuō)我跟別人約好吃飯 -她簡(jiǎn)直是美呆了

[05:43.96]And l should know because frankly, she stunned me. 我早該知道的 因?yàn)樗盐覈槈牧?/p>

[05:48.16]- Enjoy your dinner. - Are you OK? -祝你吃得愉快 -你沒(méi)事吧?

[05:50.16]Oh, sure. l was just, you know, 當(dāng)然沒(méi)事 我只是…你知道的

[05:55.92]l didn't realize you were dating other women. 我不知道 你還跟其他的女人約會(huì)

[05:57.48]Not a lot of other women. Why don't we talk about this Saturday? 不是那樣的 星期六再來(lái)談這件事吧

[06:02.28]Sure, sure. So...enjoy your dinner. 沒(méi)問(wèn)題,祝你吃得愉快

[06:05.44]Oh, already said that. Well, enjoy it twice. 我剛剛已經(jīng)說(shuō)過(guò)了 還是要祝福你一下

[06:08.12]Here we go. 我們走吧

[06:13.32]l can't believe it, he's seeing other women! 我不敢相信 他在跟別的女人交往

[06:17.76]Prick. 混蛋

[06:20.64]True, we had never discussed exclusivity. 事實(shí)上我們從沒(méi)認(rèn)真談過(guò)

[06:21.72]While for me, seeing another man 對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)跟其他男人約會(huì)

[06:26.12]would be like trying to fit another outfit into an over-stuffed suitcase, 像是硬把衣服 塞進(jìn)已經(jīng)爆炸的行李箱里

[06:29.60]Big was dating another woman 大人物跟另一個(gè)女人約會(huì)

[06:32.12]like it was the most natural thing in the world. 那是再自然不過(guò)的事

[06:32.88]ls it that men have an innate aversion to monogamy, or is it more than that? 男人真的天生討厭一夫一妻制 或另有隱情呢?

[06:38.04]l wondered. ln a city like New York, with its infinite possibilities, 我真的很納悶 在紐約這個(gè)光怪陸離的城市里

[06:44.52]has monogamy become too much to expect? 一夫一妻制難道是種奢求嗎?

[06:48.72]l've been in a monogamous relationship for over a year. 我保持單一伴侶的關(guān)系 已經(jīng)超過(guò)一年了

[06:49.68]lt's been wonderfully fulfilling. 我真的覺(jué)得很滿(mǎn)足

[06:53.04]Of course, my definition of monogamy includes sex with prostitutes. 在我對(duì)一夫一妻制的定義中 嫖妓并不在此限

[06:56.24]The problem with monogamy, it's just so incredibly dull. 一夫一妻制的問(wèn)題 出在那么做真的太無(wú)聊了

[06:60.40]My lover and l have a kind of 90's monogamy. 我的伴侶跟我維持 九十年代的一夫一妻制關(guān)系

[07:02.80]We have sex with other people, 我們跟其他人做愛(ài) 但絕不交換體液或電話(huà)號(hào)碼

[07:04.12]but we don't exchange fluids or phone numbers.

[07:08.16]Hello. 你好

[07:09.84]Monogamy is fabulous. 一夫一妻制棒呆了

[07:12.24]lt gives you a deep connection to another human being 它讓你跟另一個(gè)人 產(chǎn)生親密關(guān)系

[07:15.56]and you needn't shave your legs as much. 而你不必常常刮腿毛

[07:18.64]Of course, l'm monogamous. Why, what have you heard? 我當(dāng)然實(shí)行一夫一妻制 怎么了?你聽(tīng)說(shuō)了什么?

[07:22.16]This is the c-line. This is the best in the building. 這間是邊間 它的方位是最好的

[07:26.36]Have you ever seen any place like this? ls this to die? 你看過(guò)這么棒的地方嗎? 你真的很想買(mǎi)吧?

[07:29.36]lt's nice. 是挺不錯(cuò)的

[07:31.92]Hold this. Just a second. 等我一下

[07:35.52]Excuse me. Excuse me, was someone looking for a view?. 對(duì)不起,有人想看看風(fēng)景嗎?

[07:40.76]Oh, Pamela, it's beautiful, but it's a little out of my price... 潘蜜拉,這里真的很漂亮 但價(jià)格有點(diǎn)超出我的預(yù)算

[07:42.28]l know, l know. l just love to show the crème de la crème. 我知道 但我喜歡介紹客戶(hù)好東西

[07:47.52]l'll break my ass for you, sweetheart. l just want one small favor in return. 我會(huì)努力幫你談?wù)効?但你得幫我一個(gè)忙

[07:50.64]My first born? 把我的長(zhǎng)子過(guò)繼給你?

[07:55.20]No, sweetheart, l don't even want my own kids. 不,我連自己的孩子都不想養(yǎng)

[07:57.84]Promise not to work with another broker. 答應(yīng)我你不會(huì)找其他仲介

[08:01.28]Of course! 沒(méi)問(wèn)題

[08:04.36]Samantha didn't believe in monogamy, especially with real estate agents. 莎曼珊不相信忠貞不二 特別是跟房屋仲介打交道時(shí)

[08:07.12]This is a pre-war six. Notice the classic lines. Very solidly built. 這是二次大戰(zhàn)前的建筑 線(xiàn)條優(yōu)雅,而且非常地堅(jiān)固

[08:12.08]Although Pamela had the hottest contacts in town, 雖然潘蜜拉是王牌仲介

[08:17.68]Rick did have a slight competitive edge. 瑞克的確略勝一籌

[08:18.92]Samantha could combine her two greatest loves - 莎曼珊可以 將她最?lèi)?ài)的兩件事結(jié)合在一起

[08:23.64]sex and real estate. 那就是性跟買(mǎi)房子

[08:26.32]That afternoon l dragged my tortured soul out to lunch with Stanford Blatch, 那天下午我?guī)е鴤吹男?跟史丹佛巴勒奇吃午餐

[08:29.20]and attempted to stun it senseless with cosmopolitans. 想要喝雞尾酒 讓自己忘掉這一切

[08:32.28]Monogamy is out again. 一夫一妻制又成了當(dāng)紅炸子雞

[08:36.72]lt had a brief comeback in the '90s, but as the millennium approaches, 九十年代這股風(fēng)潮曾短暫復(fù)出 但隨著新千禧年的來(lái)臨

[08:41.80]everyone's leaving their options open. 大家都有自由選擇的權(quán)利

[08:41.100]Wouldn't you commit to a nice guy? 你不想跟好男人定下來(lái)嗎?

[08:45.48]l can't even commit to a long distance carrier. 我連長(zhǎng)途快遞都不相信了

[08:46.88]You know you're a whore. 你知道嗎?你是花心大蘿卜

[08:50.24]l wish that were true. 我也很希望啊

[08:53.56]- Hey, Stanford. - Hey, Jared, how are you? -史丹佛 -賈瑞德,你好嗎?

[08:55.04]My book was well reviewed in Entertainment Weekly. “娛樂(lè)周刊”給了我的書(shū) 相當(dāng)不錯(cuò)的評(píng)價(jià)

[08:59.04]How marvelous. Oh, Jared, have you met Carrie Bradshaw?. 太棒了,賈瑞德 你見(jiàn)過(guò)凱莉布雷蕭嗎?

[09:02.20]No, but l've read your column. Nice shit. 沒(méi)有,但我看過(guò)你的專(zhuān)欄 你寫(xiě)得很不錯(cuò)

[09:04.04]Thanks. 謝謝

[09:05.96]You should write about me, my life's fucked up. 你該寫(xiě)寫(xiě)我的故事 我的生活糜爛透了

[09:10.96]Jared is the writer of the book ''Avenue B''. 賈瑞德是“B大道”的作者

[09:13.20]New York Magazine just named him 紐約雜志封他為

[09:14.92]one of the 30 coolest people under 30 in the city. 紐約市不滿(mǎn)三十歲 最酷的三十人之一

[09:19.92]What an honor. 真的是太棒了

[09:19.36]lf they were doing the 30 sexiest women under 30, you'd top the list. 要選不滿(mǎn)三十歲的最性感女人 你一定名列前茅

[09:23.28]You're quite the storyteller, aren't you? 你真的很會(huì)說(shuō)話(huà)

[09:25.76]That's no lie. 那可不是謊言

[09:27.64]The magazine's party is tomorrow at Luna. l'll put your names at the door. 雜志社明天在月公園辦派對(duì) 我會(huì)把你列入邀請(qǐng)名單

[09:31.92]- Thanks. - So you'll be there? -謝謝 -你會(huì)來(lái)吧?

[09:35.68]- l'll do my best. - Groovy. -我會(huì)盡量趕去 -太棒了

[09:39.08]Ciao. 再見(jiàn)

[09:43.44]What was happening to me? 我是怎么了?

[09:46.24]l used to get a rush when men hit on me during their 15 minutes of fame. 以前我總是會(huì)愛(ài)上 十五分鐘內(nèi)就愛(ài)上我的男人

[09:50.52]ln this case, it merely felt exhausting. 現(xiàn)在我只覺(jué)得好累

[10:02.12]- Hello. - Well, hello. -哪位? -是我

[10:05.92]l'm calling to confirm tomorrow night. Are we still on? 我是來(lái)跟你確定明晚的事 你沒(méi)變卦吧?

[10:08.00]Yeah, of course, why wouldn't we be? 當(dāng)然沒(méi)有,為什么要變卦?

[10:09.80]l was striving for noncommittal, 我盡量含糊帶過(guò) 擔(dān)心自己會(huì)失態(tài)大叫

[10:12.24]but l was worried l had just bordered on shrill.

[10:15.96]- l'll pick you up at eight. - Yeah, eight's fine. -八點(diǎn)我去接你 -好啊

[10:21.12]- l miss you, baby. - Yeah. Me, too. -我想你,寶貝 -我也是

[10:24.88]There were so many questions l wanted him to answer, 我有很多問(wèn)題想問(wèn)他

[10:25.60]but would not ask. Not tonight at least. 卻又不敢,至少今晚我不敢

[10:30.96]No, tonight l would ask Miranda. 不,今晚我要去問(wèn)米蘭達(dá)

[10:32.92]He said, ''l miss you, baby.'' Was that some kind of coded mea culpa? 他說(shuō)“我想你,寶貝” 他是在求我原諒他嗎?

[10:38.52]Like, ''l've been an idiot. Forgive me for having dinner with another woman''? 像是“我是個(gè)白癡 原諒我跟別的女人吃晚餐”

[10:42.88]- Exactly. - Could be. -沒(méi)錯(cuò) -有可能

[10:45.40]So everything that he ever said that l thought was sincere is subjective. 我以前覺(jué)得他很真誠(chéng)的話(huà) 都太主觀了

[10:50.96]So what l perceive as his feelings for me 我感受到他對(duì)我的感覺(jué)

[10:52.80]may only be projections of my feelings for him. 很可能 只是我對(duì)他感覺(jué)的反射

[10:55.80]What? 什么?

[10:57.72]Oh, God, l'm freaking. l gotta stop. 天啊,我在胡言亂語(yǔ) 我得停止下來(lái)

[10:60.80]Hey, Carrie! 凱莉

[11:02.76]- Hey! - Hey, you guys, great to see you. 大家好,很高興能見(jiàn)到你

[11:05.92]- What are you up to? - Just hanging. -你在做什么? -只是四處晃晃

[11:09.04]Alison, this is Miranda and Carrie. 愛(ài)麗森,她們是米蘭達(dá)跟凱莉

[11:12.60]- Miranda and Carrie, this is Alison. - Hello. -她是愛(ài)麗森 -你好

[11:16.32]- l've heard so much about you. - Me too. -我聽(tīng)說(shuō)很多關(guān)于你的事 -我也一樣

[11:17.36]We're big fans of your column at Vogue. 我們很愛(ài)看 你為時(shí)尚雜志寫(xiě)的專(zhuān)欄

[11:20.36]- You work at Vogue? - Yeah, designer relations. -你在時(shí)尚雜志工作? -對(duì),我是設(shè)計(jì)部的

[11:22.32]Skipper and l just had the most incredible meal. 史奇普跟我剛剛吃了一頓美食

[11:27.04]- lt's this little hole in the wall. - This darling French bistro. -那個(gè)餐廳是一個(gè)小洞… -那間迷人的法國(guó)小餐廳

[11:31.72]l lived a year in Paris and never ate so well, and cheap. 我曾在巴黎住過(guò)一年 從沒(méi)吃過(guò)那么好吃便宜的東西

[11:33.60]Really? 真的嗎?

[11:35.28]Go quick before The Times destroys it with a rave. 在紐約時(shí)報(bào)搞來(lái)一堆客人前 快點(diǎn)去光顧

[11:38.48]- lt's great to see you guys. - Yeah, great meeting you. -很高興能見(jiàn)到你們 -我也是

[11:41.32]- Goodnight. - Bye! -晚安 -再見(jiàn)

[11:46.44]- Who was that self-important bitch? - Skipper's new girlfriend. -那個(gè)自大的婊子是誰(shuí)啊? -史奇普的新女友

[11:49.20]She seemed all right. 她看起來(lái)挺不錯(cuò)的

[11:52.28]l didn't think that was his type. 我認(rèn)為她不是他喜歡的那型

[11:55.64]That's true, Miranda, you're his type. 沒(méi)錯(cuò),米蘭達(dá) 你是他喜歡的那一型

[11:55.72]But you broke up with him, remember? 但你跟他分手了,還記得嗎?

[11:59.60]Something looks different. Has he been working out? 他看起來(lái)不一樣了 他一直在健身嗎?

[12:18.60]Hey, Skipper here, leave me a message. 我是史奇普,請(qǐng)留言

[12:22.40]Hi, Skipper, it's Miranda. 史奇普,我是米蘭達(dá)

[12:24.20]l just wanted to say it was great running into you today, and... 我只想說(shuō)很高興今天能遇到你

[12:30.92]You looked great. Did you do something different to you hair? 你看起來(lái)棒透了 你換發(fā)型了嗎?

[12:32.72]Hello? Miranda. Hey, l can't talk right now. 米蘭達(dá),我現(xiàn)在沒(méi)辦法說(shuō)話(huà)

[12:40.16]That's OK. l just wanted to say 沒(méi)關(guān)系,我只是想告訴你

[12:42.04]maybe... l thought we could have dinner some night. 或許我們哪天可以一起吃晚飯

[12:45.44]- Seriously? - Yeah, l miss you. -真的嗎? -真的,我想你

[12:50.64]l'll call you later. 我待會(huì)兒再打給你

[12:53.48]ls everything OK? 沒(méi)事吧?

[12:57.48]Alison, l think you're great... 愛(ài)麗森,我覺(jué)得你很棒

[12:57.80]But l've gotta be totally honest with you. 但我得老實(shí)地告訴你

[13:01.32]The woman who l think l love just called and asked me back. 我愛(ài)的那個(gè)女人 剛剛打電話(huà)來(lái)跟我復(fù)合

[13:09.64]You're breaking up with me while you're still inside of me? 你還在我里面 卻要跟我分手?

[13:12.20]As Skipper rededicated his singular affection for Miranda, 當(dāng)史奇普為了米蘭達(dá) 恢復(fù)單身的身分時(shí)

[13:17.64]Charlotte was receiving her own declaration of monogamy. 夏綠蒂得到了忠貞不二的承諾

[13:21.32]What do you think about not seeing anyone else but each other? 我們何不就這么定下來(lái)?

[13:23.24]- Really? - Yeah. -真的嗎? -對(duì)

[13:28.32]- That might be a good idea. - l think it's the best idea l've ever had. -那或許是個(gè)好主意 -我覺(jué)得這是最棒的主意

[13:32.40]Well, in that case, absolutely. 一點(diǎn)都沒(méi)錯(cuò)

[13:37.92]And while Charlotte embraced fidelity, 當(dāng)夏綠蒂得到了忠貞的承諾

[13:40.12]and Samantha flaunted her infidelity... 莎曼珊炫耀著她的不忠時(shí)

[13:44.80]l found myself caught somewhere in between. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己陷于兩難之地

[13:46.56]- Who's crowded apartment are we in? - Max, he's an old friend of mine. -這里是誰(shuí)的家? -麥克斯,他是我的老友

[13:52.04]Becky is his second wife. She's a doll, you'll love her. 貝琪是他第二任太太 她是可人兒,你會(huì)喜歡她的

[13:54.24]Hey, there, stranger. 你好啊,陌生人

[13:56.40]Melissa. 梅麗莎

[13:57.04]- This is Carrie Bradshaw. - Hi. Love your column, never miss it. -這位是凱莉布雷蕭 -我每次都會(huì)看你的專(zhuān)欄

[14:01.60]- Thanks. - l've been trying to call you. -謝謝 -我一直都有打電話(huà)給你

[14:03.16]You still have my passport. 我的護(hù)照還在你那里

[14:07.28]- She's a friend l once traveled with. - lnternationally, l would imagine. -我曾跟她一起去旅行過(guò) -看來(lái)你們?cè)h(huán)游世界

[14:15.40]Let's find Max. 我們?nèi)フ饮溈怂拱?/p>

[14:20.80]Hey, Max! 麥克斯

[14:24.16]Excuse me. Glad you could make it. 對(duì)不起,很高興你趕來(lái)了

[14:27.04]Max, l want you to meet someone very special. 麥克斯 我要跟你介紹一個(gè)很特別的人

[14:31.12]Julia. 茱麗亞

[14:33.68]Actually it's Carrie. 事實(shí)上我是凱莉

[14:35.76]Carrie, well, welcome. 凱莉,歡迎你的光臨

[14:37.88]Carrie writes this fantastic column in The New York Star. 凱莉幫紐約星報(bào) 寫(xiě)一個(gè)很棒的專(zhuān)欄

[14:40.08]lt's called Sex And The City. 專(zhuān)欄名稱(chēng)叫做“欲望城市”

[14:42.72]Well, if you're looking for material, you're dating the right man. 如果你要找寫(xiě)作題材 那你的約會(huì)對(duì)象可沒(méi)找錯(cuò)

[14:46.40]Oh, thank you, Max, thank you very much. 謝了,麥克斯 真是感激不盡

[14:50.60]Are we dating? l thought we were just sleeping together. 我們是在約會(huì)嗎? 我還以為我們只是睡在一起

[14:52.20]Well, l'm sure after tonight, we won't be doing much of either. 我相信過(guò)了今晚 我們兩者都不是

[14:57.24]Excuse me. 對(duì)不起

[14:58.16]l'll be right back. 我馬上回來(lái)

[15:02.76]Carrie. 凱莉,你一定是在開(kāi)玩笑

[15:04.80]You've got to be kidding.

[15:07.48]- How many women are you dating? - ln this area? -你現(xiàn)在跟多少女人在約會(huì)? -你是指這里嗎?

[15:09.20]Well, let's see there's me, Julia, 我們來(lái)算算看,我、茱麗亞

[15:14.64]and let's not forget international Melissa. 別忘了跟你環(huán)游世界的梅麗莎

[15:15.52]- l'm not doing this here. - Fine. -我不想在這里吵架 -好吧

[15:18.52]- Can we just enjoy the party? - l don't know. -我們就不能開(kāi)心地玩嗎? -我不知道

[15:23.88]Come on, what do you want from me? 得了吧,你要我怎么做?

[15:26.36]What do l want from you? 我要你怎么做?

[15:31.52]Nothing. 沒(méi)什么

[15:34.16]l don't want anything from you. l have to go, l'm sorry. 我什么都不要 我得走了,抱歉

[15:37.80]l felt like a fool. l had gone so far out on a limb with my feelings 我覺(jué)得自己是個(gè)傻瓜 認(rèn)真地付出我的感情

[15:43.28]that l didn't realize l was standing out there alone. 卻不知道自己是一廂情愿

[15:46.64]When life gets this confusing, 當(dāng)生活變得如此混亂時(shí)

[15:49.56]sometimes there's only one thing to do, 有時(shí)只有一個(gè)方法可以排解

[15:52.52]attend a fabulous party. 那就是參加一場(chǎng)瘋狂派對(duì)

[15:60.60]- Hey, Stanford. - Carrie, what a surprise! -史丹佛 -凱莉,我真的是太意外了

[16:04.28]- Where's... - Don't ask. -那個(gè)… -別提他了

[16:06.84]- What happened? - He became predictable. -發(fā)生了什么事? -他跟其他男人一樣

[16:08.64]How predictable. 怎么了?

[16:12.84]- Hey, you made it. - Hey, Jared. -你趕來(lái)了 -賈瑞德

[16:12.68]- l'll get you a drink. - Cosmopolitan, thanks. 我?guī)湍隳帽嬃蟻?lái)

[16:15.92]我要一杯“大都會(huì)”喝雞尾酒 謝謝

[16:17.76]ln a room where everyone was gorgeous, cool, and under 30, 被不到三十歲的酷帥男女包圍

[16:22.64]monogamy suddenly seemed like a quaint notion. 一夫一妻制 突然間成了一種古怪的想法

[16:27.00]That was so great. 那真的是太棒了

[16:31.68]- Don't you want to lie like this forever? - Well, for a few minutes anyway. -你不想永遠(yuǎn)這樣躺著嗎? -躺一下不會(huì)死人的

[16:37.56]l missed you. And l want you to know that that other woman 我想你,我要告訴你

[16:40.76]doesn't mean a thing to me. 那個(gè)女人對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)毫無(wú)意義

[16:41.96]Oh, that's all right. l don't mind if you keep seeing her. 沒(méi)關(guān)系 我不介意你繼續(xù)跟她見(jiàn)面

[16:43.52]Oh, God, no. l broke up with her the second that you called. 天啊,不 你打電話(huà)來(lái)時(shí)我就跟她分手了

[16:47.68]- Skipper, you didn't have to do that. - Of course, l did. -史奇普,你不必那么做 -我當(dāng)然得那么做

[16:54.88]l was so happy. 那時(shí)我好高興

[16:56.64]We were still doing it while l was talking to you and l didn't realize. 我跟你講電話(huà)時(shí)我們?cè)谧鰫?ài) 我卻沒(méi)有感覺(jué)

[16:60.60]- You're kidding, right? - No, isn't that crazy? -你在開(kāi)玩笑吧? -不,那很瘋狂吧?

[17:04.32]Yeah, that's exactly what it is, crazy. 對(duì),那的確很瘋狂

[17:08.68]Listen, Skipper, l'm not ready for a full blown relationship thing. 聽(tīng)著,史奇普 我還沒(méi)準(zhǔn)備好真的定下來(lái)

[17:13.64]- What? - l mean we can see each other 什么?

[17:14.04]除了跟彼此見(jiàn)面外 我們還能跟其他人來(lái)往吧?

[17:17.24]and still see other people, right?

[17:20.60]No. No, we can't. At least, l can't. 不行,至少我辦不到

[17:23.16]- Why did you call me back anyway? - l'm sorry, l thought... -你為什么要打電話(huà)給我 -抱歉,我以為…

[17:30.32]l'm not your private stud horse, Miss Dial-A-Fuck. 我不是你的私人種馬 色情電話(huà)女王

[17:34.32]- Come here, come back. - l'm tired of being jerked around. -過(guò)來(lái) -我厭倦了被人耍著玩

[17:40.40]l hope you find what you're looking for. 祝你能找到你想要的男人

[17:41.48]While Miranda misjudged the intensity of Skipper's feelings,

[17:44.76]當(dāng)米蘭達(dá)誤判 史奇普對(duì)愛(ài)情的專(zhuān)一時(shí)

[17:46.24]Michael left Charlotte no doubt about his. 邁可讓夏綠蒂 對(duì)他的專(zhuān)一起了疑心

[17:50.60]You're amazing. You've got everything l'm looking for, 你真的是太棒了 你就是我要的那個(gè)人

[17:55.60]and l've never found before in one woman. 我從沒(méi)認(rèn)識(shí)過(guò) 像你這么完美的女人

[17:59.28]Brains, taste, class... 你聰明、有品味、有氣質(zhì)

[18:05.72]And you're very, very, sexy. 非常地性感

[18:09.20]Thank you. 謝謝

[18:26.80]- What's the problem? - l hate doing it. -怎么了? -我討厭那么做

[18:31.48]You hate giving blow jobs? 你討厭吹簫?

[18:35.24]- lt's not that big of a deal, is it? - Well, sort of. -那沒(méi)什么大不了的,對(duì)吧? -我覺(jué)得有點(diǎn)重要

[18:40.60]Can't you just do it for me? 你不愿意幫我吹嗎?

[18:42.60]Would you really want me to do something that l didn't want to do? 你真的要逼我做 我不想做的事?

[18:47.40]- You'll get used to it. - No, l won't. -你會(huì)習(xí)慣的 -才怪

[18:52.16]l never have, sorry. 我永遠(yuǎn)都不會(huì)那么做,抱歉

[18:54.52]Well, l plan on getting a lot of blow jobs in the future, 我計(jì)劃在未來(lái)常常做口交

[18:57.92]and l'm hoping that you're around when l get them. 希望做的時(shí)候你就在旁邊

[19:02.48]What's that supposed to mean? 你是什么意思?

[19:03.80]lt means l'll have to find them somewhere else. 我得找別人來(lái)滿(mǎn)足我

[19:06.68]You're telling me that you would give up a woman who really cares for you, 你是說(shuō)你愿意放棄 一個(gè)真的關(guān)心你的女人

[19:11.32]who would share your hopes and your fears, and your dreams, 她能分享 你的希望、恐懼跟夢(mèng)想

[19:16.60]the future possible mother of your children, all for a blow job? 很可能是你未來(lái)孩子的媽 只為了她不肯幫你吹?

[19:23.40]You're right. 沒(méi)錯(cuò)

[19:25.08]- Will you at least lick my balls? - Goodbye, Michael. -你至少能舔舔我的蛋蛋吧? -再見(jiàn),邁可

[19:32.64]Michael was upset, but Butterscotch seemed pleased. 邁可很難過(guò) 但奶油軟糖很開(kāi)心

[19:35.88]She was finally back in her monogamous relationship. 它終于再度完全擁有它的主人

[19:40.04]Half past midnight. ln a city that never sleeps, 午夜剛過(guò)

[19:40.56]在連房屋仲介 都不睡覺(jué)的城市里

[19:43.72]neither did the real estate market.

[19:46.60]- lt's beautiful. - lsn't it? -好漂亮 -我沒(méi)說(shuō)錯(cuò)吧?

[19:47.72]lt went on the market at midnight and you're the first one to see it. 這間公寓午夜時(shí)才公開(kāi)出售 你是第一個(gè)來(lái)看房子的人

[19:53.68]Two bedrooms, pre-war, fireplace and views. 兩間臥房,大戰(zhàn)前的房子 有壁爐,風(fēng)景很不錯(cuò)

[19:59.96]- Everything you wanted. - l love it, l really love it. -如你所愿 -我真的好喜歡

[20:04.44]- l knew you would. - Let's celebrate. -我就知道你會(huì)喜歡 -我們來(lái)慶祝吧

[20:32.56]Oh, my God! l can't believe that you are working with another broker. 天啊,我不敢相信 你找了其他的仲介

[20:37.12]l can't believe you weren't gonna show me this apartment. 我不敢相信 你沒(méi)帶我來(lái)看這間公寓

[20:52.16]3 am and l already had a new man in my life. 凌晨?jī)牲c(diǎn)我已經(jīng)找到新男友

[20:56.00]The greatest thing about writing, besides the validation and acclaim, 除了肯定跟喝采外 寫(xiě)作最大的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是

[20:58.60]is knowing that l'm pumping my ideas into the world. 知道我能將自己的概念 灌輸給全世界的人

[21:01.60]l thought it was that you could behave like an asshole 我還以為是因?yàn)?你可以表現(xiàn)出很混蛋的樣子

[21:04.24]and people would find you amusing. 大家還是覺(jué)得你棒呆了

[21:08.52]l'm in love with you, you know that? 我愛(ài)你,你知道嗎?

[21:10.20]l'm in love with you. 我愛(ài)你

[21:16.48]- Will you go home with me tonight? - One minute, l have to make a call. -今晚你愿意跟我回家嗎? -等一下,我得打通電話(huà)

[21:27.64]Hello. 哪位?

[21:28.48]l'm at this very cool party for very cool people under 30, 我正在參加為不滿(mǎn)三十歲的 超酷男女辦的酷派對(duì)

[21:31.88]and this very cool novelist wants to take me home. 一個(gè)很酷的小說(shuō)家要帶我回家

[21:35.24]- What the hell happened to you? - His name is Jared. -你到底在搞什么? -他叫做賈瑞德

[21:39.32]He's really cute and really successful, and he just put his arms around me. 他很可愛(ài),也很紅 他現(xiàn)在正抱著我

[21:45.52]- Here, say hello, Jared. - Hello, Jared. -快打個(gè)招呼 -你好

[21:48.80]- That was Jared. - Carrie, just get over here. -他是賈瑞德 -凱莉,你快回來(lái)

[21:52.44]- No, you get over here. - l can't, l don't know where you are. -不,你過(guò)來(lái) -不行,我不知道你在哪里

[21:58.92]l'm at the Luna Park Cafe. Meet me out front, you're not on the list. 我在月公園咖啡廳 到前門(mén)來(lái)找我,你沒(méi)辦法進(jìn)來(lái)

[22:03.28]45 minutes later, l realized l was alone in a park at 3am. 四十五分鐘后我發(fā)現(xiàn) 凌晨三點(diǎn)我獨(dú)自在公園里

[22:08.96]And that it was time to call it a night. 我該回家了

[22:13.56]What are you doing back here? You said to meet out front. 你干嘛到后門(mén)來(lái)? 你說(shuō)在前門(mén)見(jiàn)的

[22:17.44]- This is the front. - This isn't the front, this is the back. -這里是前門(mén) -才不是,這里是后門(mén)

[22:22.08]l've been waiting out front for 30 goddamn minutes. 我在前門(mén)等了三十分鐘

[22:24.88]You see those doors? That's the front. You were waiting at the street entrance. 看到那些門(mén)沒(méi)有?那是前門(mén) 你是在出入口等我

[22:29.04]The street entrance is the front entrance. 出入口就是前門(mén)

[22:30.72]Depending on where you're coming from. 這要看你是打那兒來(lái)的而定

[22:37.80]OK. l'm here, now, what's going on? 我來(lái)了,你到底怎么了?

[22:44.36]l've done the merry-go-round and the revolving door. 我在情海中浮沉已久

[22:48.04]l feel like l met somebody l can stand still with for a minute and... 覺(jué)得自己 找到能相依偎的男人…

[22:52.40]Don't you want to stand still with me? 你不想跟我定下來(lái)?

[22:57.96]You dragged me out to a park to ask me if l want to stand still with you? 你半夜三點(diǎn)把我拖到公園 問(wèn)我不想跟你在一起?

[23:03.12]Yes. 對(duì)

[23:19.68]ln a city of infinite options, 在一個(gè)有無(wú)窮選擇的城市里

[23:20.04]sometimes there's no better feeling than knowing you only have one. 有時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)自己終有所屬 是一種再棒不過(guò)的感覺(jué)


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