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欲望都市第三季 熱情如火 Where There’s Smoke…






[00:34.92](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:48.16]New YOrK City. HOme tO One milliOn exCiting, eligible, single men... 紐約市住著一百萬名 迷人、條件很好的單身漢…

[00:55.52]and fOur COld and slightly CranKy single wOmen. 以及四名冷得發(fā)抖 有點神經質的單身女子

[00:57.40]Well, this is gOOd. We're aCtually CrOssing water tO meet men. 真好,我們正遠渡重洋 去認識男人

[01:01.16]Reminder, l am nOt gOing tO Staten lsland tO meet men. 提醒你 我不是去斯塔屯島認識男人的

[01:05.24]l am gOing tO judge them. 我是去對他們品頭論足

[01:06.24]A perK Of being a minOr Celebrity 當一個小有名氣的人的好處

[01:09.80]is that yOu get invited tO majOr events. 便是獲邀參加大事

[01:13.68]LiKe New YOrK fire department's 譬如紐約市消防局 年度月歷人物選拔

[01:16.76]annual Calendar COmpetitiOn.

[01:18.08]This is a lOng way tO gO tO watCh 去看一些消防員脫掉上衣 這一趟路途還真遙遠

[01:19.48]sOme firemen taKe their shirts Off.

[01:21.24]l'm On the ferry. l better see mOre than peCs. 我特地搭渡輪去看 最好不只看到大胸肌

[01:25.32]l'm freezing! 我快凍僵了

[01:28.44]l dOn't understand 我不懂比賽為什么不能在 曼哈頓的酒吧舉行

[01:29.52]why they COuldn't hOld the COmpetitiOn

[01:32.60]in a bar in Manhattan. 上東城也有消防員

[01:32.100]They have firemen

[01:34.08]On the Upper East Side tOO. 沒錯,他們只撲滅 高級住宅區(qū)的火災

[01:36.48]And they Only put Out tOp-nOtCh fires.

[01:39.36]LOOK at hOw small it lOOKs. 曼哈頓看起來變得好小

[01:43.84]WhO wOuld have thOught an island that tiny 誰想得到那么小的島

[01:47.60]wOuld be big enOugh tO hOld all Our Old bOyfriends. 竟然裝得下我們所有前男友

[01:60.40]He lOves tO COOK and Can whip up a great baKed ziti. 他喜歡烹飪 可以做出很棒的焗烤管面

[02:04.80]He's frOm engine 275, ladder 133, 屬于275號消防隊,133云梯 來自皇后區(qū)

[02:08.40]way Out there in Queens.

[02:24.56]- ls he hOt? - He's a six. -他性感嗎? -可以得六分

[02:26.88]On a sCale Of hOw many? 總分是多少?

[02:28.56]His name was Bill Kelley. He was a divOrCed pOlitiCian, 他叫做比爾凱利

[02:31.12]是一位離了婚的政治人物 準備競選市審計官

[02:32.32]Campaigning fOr New YOrK City COmptrOller.

[02:35.08]And the tOKen male judge. 也是象征性的男性裁判

[02:42.80]- WatCh the firemen. - l'm mOre intO COps. -看臺上的消防員 -我對警察比較感興趣

[02:47.32]He's a danCer and married. SOrry, ladies. 他是位舞者,而且已婚 抱歉了,女士們

[02:51.80]His wife Maria said he's a gOOd guy but he wOrKs tOO hard. 他太太瑪莉亞說他人很好 但是工作太拼命了

[02:56.80]WOrK that belly! 秀一下腹肌

[03:02.16]Ladies, Over here. 我在這里

[03:08.64]OK, they dOn't maKe COsmOpOlitans, it's a Staten lsland iCed tea. 他們沒有四海為家酒 這是斯塔屯島冰茶

[03:12.20]- ls that liKe a LOng lsland iCed tea? - l thinK sO. -跟長島冰茶一樣嗎? -我想是吧

[03:17.88]HellO, l'm drunK. 各位,我醉了

[03:20.84]DO we have tO be this ClOse? lt's embarrassing. 我們非得站這么前面嗎? 好尷尬

[03:22.40]- YOu gOtta be in it tO win it. - l'm mOving baCK. -不入虎穴焉得虎子 -我要去后面

[03:26.28]l Can't see the Cute firemen frOm baCK there withOut my glasses. 我沒戴眼鏡,站那么后面 我看不到那些迷人的消防員

[03:31.20]Why dO yOu even Care? YOu have Steve. 你何必在乎? 你已經有史蒂夫了

[03:32.48]l dO nOt have Steve. There is nO having Of the Steve, we're just friends. 我并未擁有史蒂夫,他不是 我的財產,我們只是朋友

[03:38.32]We're just friends. l dOn't put my diCK in yOu. 我們才只是朋友,我不會搞你

[03:39.72]AnOther One Of these and l might let yOu. 再喝一杯我可能會同意

[03:44.32]There are nO datable men here. 這里沒有適合約會的男人

[03:46.88]What was yOur first Clue? The pleather jaCKets Or smell Of ''High Karate''? 你怎么知道?從皮夾克 還是空手道的跡象看出來?

[03:52.16]Ladies, this is RiCKy FantuCChi. He's a CapriCOrn. 各位,這位是瑞奇方塔屈 他是魔羯座

[03:53.96]His unCles are firefighters. 他的叔叔是消防隊員

[03:56.80]Yes, ladies, that's a Cheetah On his arm. 是的,各位 他手臂上有只印度豹

[04:02.40]RiCKy represents engine 53 in LOwer Manhattan. 瑞奇代表下曼哈頓 53號消防隊

[04:07.32]l'd liKe tO shOw him my LOwer Manhattan. 我想讓他見識一下 我的下曼哈頓

[04:15.04]- LOOK at his arms, they're huge. - YOu KnOw what they say. -你們看他的手臂,好強壯 -你知道有句話是這么說的

[04:18.80]Big arms...big arms. 大手臂…就是大手臂

[04:23.56]HellO, 911. l'm On fire. 消防隊,我欲火焚身了

[04:41.52]After the COntest, l began tO realize that Staten lsland 比賽結束后,我發(fā)現(xiàn)斯塔屯島

[04:45.72]was liKe a quaint EurOpean COuntry. 就像一個古老陌生的歐洲國度

[04:47.24]The AmeriCan musiC was 20 years behind 這里播放著20年前的美式音樂

[04:51.12]and yOu COuld smOKe wherever yOu wanted. 你可以在任何地方抽煙

[05:13.44]Hi. Are thOse shirts are fOr sale? l'd liKe tO get One fOr my nephew. 你知道那上衣是否出售? 我想買一件給我侄兒

[05:20.92]Yeah, yOu COuld buy 'em. But l dOn't KnOw where. 是的,這外面買得到 但我不知道哪里有賣

[05:23.92]l gOt this One at wOrK, but l'm sure yOu COuld buy 'em at Other plaCes. 我這件是消防隊發(fā)的 但我肯定其他地方買得到

[05:29.40]- l've seen them in thOse shOps... - Samantha. -我在商店里見過… -我叫莎曼珊

[05:31.48]- RiCKy, hOw are yOu dOing? - GOOd. HOw are yOu dOing? -我叫瑞奇,你好嗎? -很好,你呢?

[05:34.04]- l saw yOu up there. - l saw yOu tOO. -我看到你在臺上 -我也有看到你

[05:37.32]- YOu lOOKed fantastiC. - Yeah? -你看起來帥呆了 -是嗎?

[05:39.68]l never did anything liKe that. My sisters said, ''DO it, RiCKy''. 我從來沒做過那種事 我妹妹說“去吧,瑞奇”

[05:43.88]And l said, ''l never did anything liKe that befOre''. 然后我說 “我以前沒做過那種事”

[05:47.68]YOu did it very well. 你表現(xiàn)得很好

[05:50.76]- l wOnder what mOnth yOu'll be. - Maybe OCtOber. -不知道你是幾月出生的 -也許是十月

[05:53.32]- My birthday is in OCtOber. - l bet July, Or any mOnth that's hOt. -我的生日在十月 -我賭七月或任何熱情的月份

[05:59.36]TwO sOngs later, it was time fOr this danCing queen tO taKe a breather. 兩首歌之后 舞后該喘息一下了

[06:04.16]HellO. Can l bum a smOKe? 可以討一根煙嗎?

[06:06.36]- Sure. - ThanKs. -當然 -謝謝

[06:09.20]There yOu gO. 來吧

[06:15.32]- That's gOOd. l quit three years agO. - HOw's that wOrKing Out fOr yOu? -感覺真好,我三年前戒了 -成效如何?

[06:17.16]- GOOd. l allOw myself One a weeK. - YOu live right On the edge, dOn't yOu? -很好,我準自己一周抽一根 -你正好

[06:24.72]- Can l buy yOu a beer? - NO, l gOt it. -我能請你喝杯啤酒嗎? -不用了,我有錢

[06:25.32]lt's On me. FOr helping me Out in there. 我請客,報答你剛才幫了我

[06:30.00]Sure. And by the way, yOu have the wOrst taste in men... 好吧,對了 你對男人的品味糟透了…

[06:32.20]- ...ever. - NO way. -有史以來最糟的 -不可能

[06:35.48]YOu gave that guy frOm MidtOwn a 7. 你給中城那家伙七分

[06:40.32]l liKe a firefighter with lOve handles tO hOld On tO 他腰部有一個游泳圈 可以讓你逃出失火大樓時抓牢

[06:42.32]when esCaping a burning building.

[06:43.40]- YOu gOt a pOint there. - But yOu were tOugh. -你說得有道理 -但你很嚴格

[06:47.88]And what's with the half-pOints? 6.5, 8.5? 那些零點五分又是什么意思? 六點五、八點五?

[06:52.08]What Can l say? SOmetimes a girl needs a half. 我能說什么? 有時候女人就需要那二分之一

[06:56.52]SO, whiCh distriCt dO yOu vOte in? 你是哪個選區(qū)的?

[06:59.100]WhiChever One is near Barneys. 離巴尼百貨近的那個

[07:02.72]YOu've never vOted in New YOrK City? -你從未在紐約投過票? -是的,總統(tǒng)先生

[07:05.96]COrreCt, Mr. President.

[07:09.16]What's yOur address? OffiCial gOvernment purpOses. 你的地址是什么? 公務上的目的

[07:11.88]- l Can tell yOu yOur distriCt. - OffiCially? -我可以跟你說你的選區(qū) -正式地嗎?

[07:14.32]lt's 245 East 73rd street. 東73街245號

[07:17.92]DistriCt 23. Same as mine. l'm at MadisOn and 82nd. 23選區(qū),跟我的一樣 我住在麥迪遜大道和82街路口

[07:20.40]FanCy. l thOught all hOnest pOlitiCians lived in studiOs 真想不到,我以為誠實的政客 都住在工作室吃豆子罐頭

[07:24.84]and ate beans Out Of a Can.

[07:28.88]l'm nOt a fan Of beans. 我并不偏愛豆子

[07:29.04]Can l get yOur phOne number? GOvernment purpOses Only. 可以給我你的電話嗎? 僅是公務上的目的

[07:34.72]l'm just here with my friends having a gOOd time. 我只是跟朋友來這里玩 現(xiàn)在我不想談感情

[07:37.08]- l'm nOt intO dating right nOw. - What, bad breaK-up?


[07:54.16]That was a lOng silenCe. 那是一個很長的沉默

[07:59.60]ACtually, it was a silenCe and a half. 其實,是一又二分之一的沉默

[07:59.96]Have dinner with me. 跟我一起吃晚餐

[08:04.72]WOuld it help if l tOOK my shirt Off? 如果我脫掉上衣會有幫助嗎?

[08:08.68]Time tO gO. POlitiCian's hitting On me. 我該走了 那個政治人物跟我搭訕

[08:10.08]- And is that a bad thing? - He's just way tOO ''l'm the guy''. -那是件壞事嗎? -他太自以為是了

[08:15.16]Are yOu sure? He's pretty Cute. 你確定嗎?他蠻可愛的

[08:18.88]l dOn't want tO have tO tell yOu this. l saw him give sOmeOne a thumbs up. 我不想說出來 我看見他很欣賞某個人

[08:21.12]We're Out Of here. Samantha went hOme with that firefighter. 我們走吧 莎曼珊跟那個消防隊員回家了

[08:25.28]- TOOt tOOt, beep beep. - And CharlOtte's arOund sOmewhere. -真快活 -夏綠蒂在這附近

[08:33.56]- HOw many COCKtails did she have? - A COuple, why? -她喝了幾杯雞尾酒? -兩三杯吧,怎么了?

[09:12.92]And sO, three girls headed hOme, 就這樣,三個女人踏上歸途

[09:13.84]taKing Only fOnd memOries Of Staten lsland and its infamOus iCed teas. 只帶著斯塔屯島的美好回憶 以及它惡名昭彰的冰茶

[09:23.68]HOney, ClOse up, it's COld. 親愛的,把衣服扣上,很冷

[09:28.64]- Are yOu gOnna help? - l held her head in the taxi. -你要幫忙嗎? -我剛在計程車上扶著她的頭

[09:36.16]YOu're sO niCe, Carrie. 你真好,凱莉

[09:37.00]- l'm niCe tOO, aren't l? - Yes, yOu're niCe. -我也很好,對嗎? -是的,你很好

[09:40.28]l'm niCe... 我很好…

[09:43.16]l'm pretty and l'm smart. l'm a CatCh. 我漂亮而且聰明 我是個理想的結婚對象

[09:47.32]Yes, yOu're a CatCh. 是的,你是個理想的結婚對象

[09:49.48]l hate yOu. 我恨你

[09:51.100]YOu KnOw what? l'm gOnna meet the perfeCt guy and get married. 你知道嗎?我會認識 完美的男人,我就要結婚了

[09:58.16]Yes, yOu're getting married. 是的,你就要結婚了

[10:03.00]Did yOu hear that New YOrK? l'm getting married this year. 你聽到了嗎,紐約? 我今年會結婚

[10:07.88]l'm getting married and here l COme! 我要結婚,我來了

[10:11.20]lf she falls Over l will never stOp laughing. 如果她跌下去,我會笑一輩子

[10:13.68]l wasn't quite sure if it was the iCed teas 我不確定是冰茶

[10:17.16]Or the Staten lsland dating pOOl that brOKe the Camel's baCK. 還是斯塔屯島的社交圈 壓垮了駱駝的背

[10:20.20]But sOmething set CharlOtte On fire. 但夏綠蒂興奮不已

[10:22.52]And uptOwn On dry land, Samantha and Mr. July had their Own fire gOing. 在上城的陸地上,莎曼珊 和七月先生的火苗正燃燒

[10:27.60]YOu're sO big and strOng. 你好雄偉強壯

[10:34.64]l believe the OffiCial fire department COunt is ''a fOur alarmer''. 我相信正式的消防局術語是 “四聲警報器”

[10:40.32]The next mOrning at breaKfast, Miranda and l wanted pOaChed eggs, 隔天吃早餐時 米蘭達和我想吃水煮蛋

[10:44.68]Samantha wanted tO give us the details 莎曼珊想跟我們分享細節(jié)

[10:47.36]and CharlOtte wanted tO Keep her head frOm explOding 而夏綠蒂則頭痛得要爆炸了

[10:50.76]Over her rainCOat. 我告訴你們 沒有男人讓我那么濕潤過

[10:52.36]l'm telling yOu, nO guy has ever gOtten me that wet.

[10:53.64]- Pass the salt. - Let me tell yOu abOut his COCK. -把鹽傳過來 -讓我跟你們說說他的命根子

[10:56.80]Will yOu be quiet? The peOple at the next table have a Child. 你小聲一點好嗎? 鄰桌有小孩子

[11:03.04]- That's their ChOiCe. - Miss HangOver's right. -那是他們的選擇 -宿醉小姐說得對

[11:04.84]Can we spare the COCK talK till COCKtail time? 命根子的話題 可以等到雞尾酒時間再說嗎?

[11:06.52]l wanted yOu tO KnOw my fireman was every bit the fantasy l had in mind. 我想讓你們知道那個消防隊員 集我所有的幻想于一身

[11:13.72]New YOrK's finest. -紐約最棒的男人 -應該是警察才對

[11:12.52]- That's COps. - Whatever.

[11:16.16]l thinK it's wrOng tO sleep with a man just tO fulfill a fantasy. 我覺得只為了滿足幻想 便和一個男人上床是不對的

[11:19.48]All the men we sleep with fulfill a Certain fantasy. -我們上床的男人都滿足幻想 -或是噩夢

[11:22.24]Or nightmare. 你幻想中的男人 要有豪華公寓和傲人資歷

[11:24.32]YOu fantasize Of a man with a fanCy apartment and a stOCK pOrtfOliO.

[11:26.72]FOr me, it's a fireman with a big hOse. 對我來說 是有大老二的消防隊員

[11:29.52]Why are firemen sO Cute? 消防隊員為什么這么可愛?

[11:32.20]Even when they're nOt that Cute... they're still Cute. 即使當他們不那么可愛時… 他們還是很可愛

[11:34.64]First, there's a weight limit. SeCOnd, it's the herO thing. 他們有體重限制和英雄形象 看到他在消防車上…

[11:38.12]- YOu see him On that truCK... - That truCK is hOt. -那消防車真性感 -趕著去搶救受困的人

[11:43.20]...hurrying tO save sOmeOne trapped.

[11:44.04]They've gOt that ''l'm a gOOd guy'' lOOK in their eyes. 他們的眼神流露出 “我是個好人”的訊息

[11:49.68]lt's beCause wOmen want tO be resCued. 這是因為女人想要被拯救

[11:52.16]The sentenCe independent single wOmen in their thirties 三十多歲的獨立單身女子

[11:55.36]are never suppOsed tO thinK, let alOne say Out lOud. 永遠不該這么想 更別提大聲說出來

[11:58.12]lt's true. l've been dating sinCe l was 15, l'm exhausted. Where is he? 這是事實,我從15歲開始約會 我已經筋疲力盡,他在哪里?

[12:04.60]- WhO? The white Knight? - That Only happens in fairytales. -誰?白馬王子? -那只在童話中才有

[12:08.60]My hair hurts. 我的頭發(fā)好痛

[12:10.04]Did yOu ever thinK that maybe we're the white Knights 你有沒有想過 或許我們就是白馬王子

[12:13.96]and we're the Ones that have tO save Ourselves? 我們必須自救?

[12:19.72]- That is sO depressing. - ls it? -這種想法真令人沮喪 -是嗎?

[12:23.56]Later that day l gOt tO thinKing abOut fairytales. 當天稍晚我思考著童話

[12:25.44]What if PrinCe Charming had never shOwed up? 萬一白馬王子 永遠不出現(xiàn)怎么辦?

[12:29.36]WOuld SnOw White have slept in that glass COffin fOrever? 白雪公主會一輩子 睡在玻璃棺材里嗎?

[12:33.84]Or wOuld she have eventually wOKen up, spit Out the apple, gOtten a jOb, 或者最后她會醒來 吐出毒蘋果

[12:38.52]a healthCare paCKage and a baby frOm her lOCal sperm banK? 找到一份工作,購買保健服務 并靠當?shù)鼐鱼y行生個小孩?

[12:42.96]l COuldn't help but wOnder. lnside every COnfident, driven, single wOman 我忍不住想,是否每個自信 工作賣力的單身女子的內心

[12:46.64]is there a deliCate, fragile prinCess just waiting tO be saved? 都有一個敏感、脆弱的公主 等著被拯救?

[12:50.60]Was CharlOtte right? 夏綠蒂說對了嗎?

[12:52.20]DO wOmen just wanna be resCued? 女人是否只想被拯救?

[12:56.16]And after yOur laser surgery On Saturday 你星期六做完雷射手術后

[12:59.24]yOu'll need a signifiCant Other Or a friend tO help get yOu hOme. 需要找另一半或朋友送你回家

[13:04.52]Sign here. 在這里簽名

[13:05.60]While fOr sOme wOmen the idea Of resCue was a life raft, 對某些女人而言,拯救的想法 是救生艇,對米蘭達則是侮辱

[13:10.32]fOr Miranda it was an insult.

[13:11.92]l dOn't need anybOdy tO help me. l'll be fine. 我不需要任何人幫忙 我一個人沒問題

[13:15.60]YOu'll be sedated and yOur visiOn will be blurred. 你將被注射鎮(zhèn)靜劑 而且視力會有點模糊

[13:18.08]YOu will need sOmeOne tO get yOu hOme and tO bed. 你需要一個人帶你回家 上床休息

[13:21.16]Then taKe twO sleeping pills, sleep fOr 12 hOurs. 然后吃兩顆安眠藥 睡12個小時

[13:25.00]WaKe up and yOu'll be able tO see perfeCtly. 醒來后你就能看得很清楚了

[13:28.12]l Can't believe l'm gOnna waKe up and see Clearly 我真不敢相信,生平第一次

[13:31.80]withOut glasses Or COntaCts fOr the first time. 不必戴眼鏡或隱形眼鏡 我醒來后就能看得很清楚

[13:33.16]Believe it. 相信吧

[13:38.64]They slit yOur eyeball Open and flip up the tOp. 醫(yī)生把眼球割開 然后把它往上翻

[13:39.100]- GrOss. - lt just flips right up. Flip, my eye. -好惡心 -就這樣往上翻…我的眼睛

[13:43.72]- OK, stOp. - This little blade Cuts it. Just... -好,別說了 -小小的雷射刀一劃…

[13:50.08]...liKe the tOp Of a grape. 像葡萄的頂端

[13:53.56]lt sOunds pretty bad. 聽起來很恐怖

[13:56.24]YOu want me tO COme dOwn and hOld yOur hand? 你要我去握著你的手嗎?

[13:59.08]l'm fine. l dO nOt need anyOne tO hOld my hand. 我沒事 我不需要別人握著我的手

[14:02.88]l'm nOt saying yOu need anyOne. 我不是說你需要別人

[14:05.08]l'd just liKe tO be there. TO help yOu, whatever. 我只是想在那里陪你 協(xié)助你之類的

[14:09.92]YOu'll need help getting hOme. 你回家時會需要幫忙

[14:12.72]Yeah, l'm gOnna asK Carrie. 是的,我會找凱莉

[14:16.80]Why dO yOu have tO asK Carrie when l'm Offering? 我都主動提出了 你何必再問凱莉?

[14:18.36]BeCause, yOu KnOw, Carrie is my friend. 因為…凱莉是我的朋友

[14:21.88]- OK, and what am l? - We haven't established that yet. -好,那我算什么? -我們還沒有建立起那種關系

[14:27.92]- Are yOu COming up? - We haven't established that yet. -你要上來嗎? -我們還沒有建立起那種關系

[14:37.28]What are we dOing here? l mean, are we... 我們在這里做什么?我是說…

[14:40.44]Steve, after they flip the eye up, these jets... 史蒂夫,他們翻開眼球后 這些噴嘴…

[14:49.52]And Over On the East Side at a mOre CharlOtte-friendly bar, 在東城一個 對夏綠蒂比較有利的酒吧

[14:51.48]the iCe tea prinCess began her quest fOr a white Knight. 冰茶公主開始追尋 她的白馬王子

[14:56.16]Oh, my GOd. He's sO Cute. Cute, right? 我的天,他好帥,對吧?

[14:60.92]Very Cute. And l'm a prOfessiOnal. 非常帥,我可是專家

[15:05.20]l have tO meet him. HOw am l gOnna meet him? 我一定要認識他 我要怎么認識他?

[15:07.80]We gOt here ten minutes agO. PaCe yOurself. 我們才來這里十分鐘,慢慢來

[15:10.16]Hey beautiful. l'm J.J. Can l buy thOse sweet lips a drinK? 美人兒,我是小杰 請你甜美的嘴唇喝杯酒好嗎?

[15:16.12]l'm sOrry. We were just leaving. 很抱歉,我們剛好要走

[15:18.32]CharlOtte was a firm believer in the laws Of dating feng shui. 夏綠蒂對約會風水說深信不疑

[15:24.40]Change lOCatiOn, Change luCK. 改變位置,改變運氣

[15:25.80]Why is it always a guy liKe that? ls it me? 為什么總是那種家伙找上門? 是因為我嗎?

[15:29.68]NO, it's nOt yOu. lntO every life a little J.J. must fall. 不,跟你無關 人人都會碰到像小杰那種人

[15:33.72]l just want a niCe, sweet, handsOme, funny, great guy, 我只想要一個溫柔、體貼 英俊、風趣的好男人

[15:37.00]whO dOesn't say things liKe sweet lips. 不會說甜美的嘴唇之類的話

[15:39.80]ls that tOO muCh tO asK? 那樣的要求太過分嗎?

[15:42.60]Hey, yOu didn't leave. YOu're just Over here nOw. 你沒有離開,你只是換了位置

[15:43.56]- Let me buy yOu a drinK. - l'm nOt interested. -讓我請你喝一杯酒 -我沒有興趣

[15:46.28]One drinK. l'll even buy blOndie here One. 一杯就好 連這位金發(fā)妞我也請

[15:50.32]- One little drinK. - ExCuse me. She's nOt interested. -一小杯酒 -不好意思,她沒興趣

[15:54.60]Am l talKing tO yOu? NO. COme On... 我在跟你說話嗎?不,來吧…

[15:57.60]- YOu're nOt listening. The lady said... - Hey, fuCK yOu. -你沒聽進去 -去你的

[16:05.28]- l'm sOrry abOut that. - Did yOu hurt yOur hand? -對不起 -你有傷到手嗎?

[16:08.04]NO. 沒有

[16:10.00]His name was Arthur. 他叫做亞瑟

[16:11.84]He was a niCe, sweet, handsOme, great investment banKer 他是個溫柔、體貼 英俊的投資銀行家

[16:15.08]whO lived between MadisOn and Fifth. 住在麥迪遜大道和第五街之間

[16:17.28]SO, maybe there really were white Knights. 或許真的有白馬王子

[16:24.56]The day after CharlOtte met her Knight, l met my Credit Card limit. 夏綠蒂遇見她的王子隔天 我刷爆了信用卡

[16:28.60]With nO man in sight, l deCided tO resCue my anKles 既然沒有對象,我決定解救 我的腳踝脫離無聊生活

[16:31.100]frOm a life Of bOredOm 買下許多雙名牌高跟鞋

[16:33.08]by purChasing tOO many pairs Of Jimmy ChOO shOes.

[16:39.28]HellO, my name is Bill Kelley and l'm gOnna be yOur City COmptrOller. 你好,我叫比爾凱利 我想成為你的市審計官

[16:42.76]- YOu're nOt seriOusly here. - l assure yOu l am. -你不是認真的 -我保證是認真的

[16:45.04]l brOught sOme vOter registratiOn fOrms. l filled Out yOur name. 我?guī)Я艘恍┩镀北砀?擅自填上你的名字

[16:50.40]Under OCCupatiOn l put heartbreaKer. l really did. LOOK. 職業(yè)欄我寫萬人迷 真的,你看

[16:53.28]YOu're liKe a JehOvah's Witness with a gOOd suit. 你像是個穿著上好西裝的 耶和華見證人

[16:58.72]- HOw lOng have yOu been here? - YOur number is nOt listed. -你在這里多久了? -你的電話號碼沒有登記

[17:01.52]- What did yOu buy? - ShOes. -你買了什么? -鞋子

[17:03.80]Let me see. Sit dOwn and shOw me. 讓我瞧瞧,坐下來,拿給我看

[17:07.48]- GOd, yOu are... - l KnOw. -老天,你真是… -我知道

[17:14.12]l'm nOt shOwing yOu a shOe. 我才不要把鞋拿給你看

[17:16.24]Sexy. 真性感

[17:18.80]- Hey, l need a favOr. - YOu dO? -我需要你幫忙 -是嗎?

[17:23.60]lt's fOr the City Of New YOrK. l really am One Of the gOOd guys. 這是為了紐約市 我真的是一個好人

[17:25.28]l'm Carrying all the bOrOughs but l need help with Staten lsland. 我在所有選區(qū)都獲得支持 但斯塔屯島還要加油

[17:29.36]- YOu want One? - NO, l had One On Thursday. -要來一根嗎? -不,我星期四抽過了

[17:33.44]Here's the thing. l gOtta gO baCK Out there 事情是這樣的 星期天晚上我得回到那里

[17:35.20]tO dO a sChmOOze at the Capri restaurant 出席喀普里飯店的一場派對

[17:39.72]On Sunday night and l want yOu tO gO with me. 我希望你跟我一起去

[17:43.24]- And why is that? - BeCause they have great ltalian. -為什么? -因為那里的意大利菜很棒

[17:45.64]And alsO, fOr the reCOrd... l Can't stOp thinKing abOut yOu. 而且,我鄭重聲明… 我無法停止想你

[17:53.92]l'll piCK yOu up at 7:00. 我七點來接你

[17:58.88]- NO. - DOn't answer nOw. ThinK abOut it. -不行 -現(xiàn)在先別回答,考慮一下

[17:60.28]l'll drive by at 7:00. l'll wait in the Car. lf yOu COme, yOu COme. 我七點會開車過來 我在車上等你,你想來就來

[18:03.72]lf yOu dOn't, nO pressure. Wear the shOes. 不來也無所謂,沒有壓力 穿你心愛的鞋

[18:07.100]These. Pass them. 這些,看一下

[18:14.16]That Saturday, when l was unable tO taKe Miranda tO her laser surgery 那個周六,因為專欄快要截稿

[18:17.88]due tO a lOOming COlumn deadline, she didn't Call Steve. 我無法陪米蘭達去開刀 而她也沒打給史蒂夫

[18:20.56]She deCided tO taKe things intO her Own hands. 她決定一切靠自己

[18:23.84]WhO needs a man tO hOld yOur hand, when yOu have Cab fare 當你有計程車錢 和寫緊急電話的黑筆

[18:27.80]and a blaCK marKer tO write dOwn emergenCy numbers? 誰還需要一個男人 握著你的手?

[18:31.48]And while Miranda was under the Knife, 當米蘭達在動手術時

[18:33.16]CharlOtte was having her first glass Of white wine with her white Knight. 夏綠蒂正和她的白馬王子 一起喝第一杯白酒

[18:35.56]l did the Hasty Pudding shOw a COuple Of times, tO blOw Off steam. 我表演過好幾次速成布丁秀 來紓解壓力

[18:41.24]My friend TOm says that Harvard is still 我朋友湯姆說哈佛大學是 最好斗的地方,他是個商人

[18:41.04]the mOst aggressive plaCe he's seen. And he's a trader.

[18:45.80]- NOt TOm Kennedy? - Yes, dO yOu KnOw TOm? -不是湯姆甘迺迪吧? -正是,你認識湯姆?

[18:49.48]He's a great guy. And his wife. That's my idea Of a perfeCt marriage. 他是個好人,還有他太太 那是一樁我理想中的完美婚姻

[18:54.52]TOtally. 我完全同意

[18:56.84]CharlOtte nOdded, thinKing what a niCe, sweet, handsOme, 夏綠蒂想像他們會是一對 多么甜蜜、美滿、幸福的夫妻

[18:59.00]funny, great COuple they made.

[18:60.72]ExCuse me, yOu just bumped intO her Chair. 不好意思,你撞到她的椅子了

[19:03.76]- A little CrOwded. - Yes, but yOu bumped her Chair. -有點擠 -沒錯,但你撞到她的椅子

[19:07.08]YOu shOuld say yOu're sOrry. 你應該說聲對不起

[19:09.92]- lt's OK. - NO, it's nOt OK. -沒關系 -不行

[19:11.16]- That's nO way tO treat a lady. - Lighten up. lt's brunCh. -不可以這樣對待一個小姐 -放輕松,現(xiàn)在是早午餐時間

[19:22.48]CharlOtte realized that her date wasn't a man whO Came tO wOmen's resCue, 夏綠蒂發(fā)現(xiàn)他不是 來拯救女人的英雄

[19:28.64]he was a man whO liKed tO start fights. 而是個喜歡惹事的男人

[19:31.52]- ExCuse me, Sir... - YOu want a pieCe Of me? -抱歉,先生… -你想來一拳嗎?

[19:33.52]And just liKe that, 就這樣,夏綠蒂的白馬王子 變成了一個噩夢

[19:37.60]CharlOtte's white Knight Changed intO a white nightmare.

[19:42.64]Miss HObbes, yOur friend is here. 霍布斯小姐,你朋友來了

[19:45.16]- Carrie? - ACtually nO, it's me. -凱莉? -其實不是,是我

[19:46.84]Carrie thOught yOu might need sOme help. OK? 凱莉認為你可能需要幫助

[19:51.68]l'm On Valium, everything's OK. 我吃了鎮(zhèn)定劑,一切都很順利

[19:55.88]- Here, give me yOur hand. - l'm gOOd. -來,把手給我 -我很好

[19:59.84]Just dOn't let me hit the dOOr frame and never mentiOn these gOggles. 只要別讓我撞到門框 還有永遠別提起這副護目鏡

[20:06.08]One Cab ride and twO sleeping pills later, Steve put Miranda tO bed. 一趟計程車加兩顆安眠藥后 史蒂夫扶米蘭達上床

[20:12.60]All right. Give me yOur leg. 好了,把腳伸過來

[20:14.16]NO, this leg. l want this leg. 不,我說的是這只腳

[20:18.36]StOp! NO resCue. 夠了,不要幫我

[20:21.52]Fine, OK. All right! Put yOur feet in, Sleeping Beauty. 好…把棉被蓋上,睡美人

[20:30.16]The next mOrning, after what felt liKe a hundred years, Miranda awOKe. 隔天早上,感覺像睡了 一百年后,米蘭達醒了

[20:44.60]And fOr the first time in her life, she saw things Clearly. 她有生以來第一次看得很清楚

[21:00.48]That night, Mr. July invited Samantha tO COme dOwn and hang with him 當晚,七月先生邀請莎曼珊 去消防隊找他

[21:06.52]while he wOrKed the Sunday shift. 因為他星期天要值班

[21:09.24]HellO? Where is everyOne? 有人嗎?人都到哪兒去了?

[21:13.80]The idea being in a firehOuse filled with a Calendar hOt firemen, 在滿是月歷上性感消防員的 消防站度過春宵

[21:16.96]was a fantasy, Samantha felt, whOse time had definitely COme. 是莎曼珊的幻想 而這一刻已經到來

[21:22.76]BOys! 各位

[21:29.80]This was nOt the firehOuse fantasy Samantha had in mind. 這不是莎曼珊腦海里的 消防站幻想

[21:39.76]Samantha. l just put a pOt Of Chilli On. COme On, sit dOwn. 莎曼珊,我在煮一鍋辣味牛肉 來,坐下

[21:44.20]COme On, get up. MaKe a mOve fOr Sam. 快起來,讓個位子給莎曼珊

[21:48.20]l'll be right baCK. 我馬上回來

[21:49.68]Samantha's resCue fantasy was suddenly sOmething 莎曼珊的拯救幻想 突然成了自己需要被拯救離開

[21:53.08]she needed tO be resCued frOm.

[22:01.00]- lt's me, leave a message. - Hey, l'm still dOwn here in the Car. -是我,請留言 -我還在樓下的車子里

[22:08.80]l'll wait ten mOre seCOnds and then l'll gO alOne. 我再等十秒 然后就要一個人走了

[22:11.48]Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, pOOr me... 十、九、八、七、六 可憐的我…

[22:19.72]five, fOur, three, twO... 五、四、三、二…

[22:26.08]...One. One and a half, sOmetimes a girl needs a half. 一、一又二分之一 有時候女人就需要那二分之一

[22:33.64]OK, that was my best shOt, yOu're nOt COming. 好,我盡力了,你不來

[22:37.60]SO lOng... VOte! 再見,記得投票

[22:55.40]- l dOn't KnOw what l'm dOing. - OK. -我不知道自己在做什么 -好

[22:57.88]l'm standing here, fully dressed, watChing that pOlitiCian guy 我站在這里,盛裝打扮 看著那個搞政治的家伙

[23:02.84]drive Off tO Staten lsland withOut me. Why? 獨自前往斯塔屯島,為什么?

[23:05.32]- YOu hate Staten lsland? - DOn't thinK sO. Any Other ideas? -你討厭斯塔屯島? -不,還有其他原因嗎?

[23:13.40]Just say it. -說出來吧 -因為大人物,你害怕受傷

[23:14.48]Big. YOu're terrified Of getting hurt again.

[23:18.92]There it was. The phrase single, independent wOmen in their thirties 這就是三十多歲的 獨立單身女子

[23:24.32]are never suppOsed tO thinK. Let alOne say Out lOud. 永遠不該去想 更別提大聲說出來的話

[23:25.40]OK, gOtta gO. 好,我要走了

[23:28.40]Miranda was right. 米蘭達說得對,我像是個 困在失火大樓墻緣的女人

[23:32.76]l was liKe a wOman frOzen On the ledge Of a building On fire.

[23:33.56]l'd been sO burned in my last relatiOnship, 我在上一段感情中受創(chuàng)太深 我不敢投入新戀情

[23:36.44]l was afraid tO leap Off intO the next One.

[23:57.20]ExCuse me fOr a seCOnd. 容我失陪一會兒

[23:58.04]- Hey. HOw did yOu get here? - Ferry. -你怎么來的? -搭渡輪

[24:01.00]- All alOne? - l'm very independent. -一個人? -我非常獨立

[24:04.00]- l Can see that. - And this isn't a date. -看得出來 -這不是約會

[24:10.84]l'm a COnCerned Citizen. 我是個憂心的市民,我那條街 有個女人不肯撿愛犬的排泄物

[24:11.92]A wOman On my blOCK wOn't piCK up after her pOOdle.

[24:14.24]l'll see what l Can dO. Can l taKe yOur COat? 我會想辦法 我?guī)湍忝摯笠潞脝?

[24:18.100]And, Mr. President, it was a bad breaK-up. 總統(tǒng)先生 我確實經歷痛苦的分手

[24:25.44]SO l need tO taKe this slOw. 所以我需要慢慢來

[24:33.92]SOmewhere between the Chilli and half-time, 在辣味牛肉和中場休息之間

[24:34.28]Samantha deCided if she wanted her firehOuse fantasy tO happen, 莎曼珊決定 如果她希望消防站幻想成真

[24:39.16]she'd have tO maKe it happen. 她必須采取主動

[24:41.04]Up here. 我在上面

[24:46.72]NiCe pOle. Wanna see it again? -好棒的鋼管,想再看一次? -是的


[24:55.96]Samantha rOde the pOle a COuple Of times that night. 那一晚莎曼珊表演了好幾次

[25:05.20]Why are these bOOts set up liKe this? -這些靴子為何做這種設計? -這樣警報一響就能做好準備

[25:07.28]SO we'll be ready at a mOment's nOtiCe.

[25:10.68]Well, l shOuld be a fireman, beCause l am always ready tO gO. 我應該當個消防員 因為我隨時準備出發(fā)

[25:18.16]We've gOt a jOb. 我們要出任務了

[25:22.64]Get Out Of my gear. Get the fuCK Out Of my gear! 把我的衣服脫下來 快把衣服還給我

[25:25.48]Let's gO! MOve, lady, it's a fuCKin' fire! 快點,小姐,那是一場火災

[25:34.76]l'm COming. 馬上好

[25:49.56]Samantha learned there's quite a differenCe 莎曼珊發(fā)現(xiàn)拯救的幻想和現(xiàn)實

[25:51.64]between a resCue fantasy and a resCue reality. 存在著差異

[25:58.88]lt's getting late. Are yOu sure l Can't give yOu a ride? 時候不早了 你確定不讓我送你?

[26:01.88]NO, l'm gOOd. 不用了,我很好

[26:06.56]YOu gO... YOu gO and dO yOur thing. 你去…忙你的事

[26:11.80]DO l get yOur vOte? 你會投我一票嗎?

[26:18.00]TOO fast? 進展太快了嗎?

[26:23.64]My GOd, yOu're sO sexy. COme hOme with me. 我的天,你好性感 跟我回家吧

[26:26.80]Kissing is enOugh. 親吻便已足夠

[26:29.72]lt's enOugh fOr tOnight, really. 就今晚而言已經足夠,真的

[26:42.76]Oh, shit. lt's almOst 12:00, l'm gOnna miss the last ferry. 該死,快12點了 我會趕不上最后一班渡輪

[26:59.84]Wait! 等一下

[27:03.08]Wait! 等一下

[27:08.80]l lOst my ChOO. 我的鞋子掉了

[27:28.56]Need a ride? 需要搭便車嗎?

[27:34.44]He didn't have a white hOrse, 他沒有一匹白馬 但有一輛開著暖氣的名貴房車

[27:35.32]but he did have a BMW with a wOrKing heater.

[27:41.96]SO l guess, sOmetimes a wOman absOlutely has tO be resCued. 我猜有時候 女人的確必須被拯救

[27:44.56]- YOu're taKing me hOme and that's it. - That's it...fOr tOnight. -你只是送我回家,沒別的 -沒別的…就今晚而言

[27:54.28]NOw, any idea hOw we get the fuCK Off this island? 好了,你知道該怎么離開 這個島嗎?

[27:59.60]OK, maKe a right. 右轉

[28:01.36]And sOmetimes, a wOman absOlutely has tO resCue a man. 有時候,女人一定得拯救男人

[28:04.52]At least, that's hOw it ends in this Staten lsland fairytale. 至少斯塔屯島童話 是這么結束的


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