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欲望都市第三季 屋頂派對 Cock a Doodle Do!





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:33:06



[00:37.80](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[01:10.24]What? 什么?

[01:18.64]ln life, there are all sOrts Of waKe-up Calls. 人生當中有各種起床號

[01:21.16]But CrOwing On East 73rd Street 但在東73街出現(xiàn)雞啼

[01:24.32]was One l was nOt prepared fOr. 倒是我沒有料想到的

[01:35.40]lt was my Own fault. 這是我自己的錯

[01:37.44]l'd let my frenzy fOr a rent-COntrOlled apartment near Barneys, 我一心希望租來的公寓 靠近巴尼百貨

[01:41.04]Override the faCt that it was animal-hOspital adjaCent. 而讓那狂熱 凌駕和動物醫(yī)院做鄰居的事實

[01:44.40]That's the thing abOut New YOrK - yOu never KnOw what's arOund the COrner. 這就是紐約的特色 你永遠不知道附近有何驚奇

[01:52.28]Or, in Samantha's Case, just Outside yOur windOw. 或者,以莎曼珊而言 就在窗外

[02:13.56]There they were - Samantha's neighbOrhOOd transsexual hOOKers. 就是她們…莎曼珊的鄰居 變性的阻街女郎

[02:19.40]Half man, half wOman, tOtally annOying. 半男半女,真?zhèn)X筋

[02:21.80]Girl, she gOt herself a handful with that One! 女孩,她麻煩大了

[02:25.56]He was all up in my stuff OnCe. 有一次他捅我屁股

[02:27.32]l tOld him tO get that thing Out Of my ass Or l'll shit On it. 我叫他快把那玩意兒抽出來 否則我就在上面拉屎

[02:34.80]''Get that Out my ass, Or l'll shit On it.'' ls that the dirtiest thing ever? “抽出來否則我在上面拉屎” 那是你們聽過最臟的話吧?

[02:41.56]Let's hOpe sO! 希望如此

[02:41.64]l am paying tO live in a neighbOrhOOd 我付錢住在一個白天時髦

[02:45.04]that's trendy by day and tranny by night. 晚上變樣的地區(qū)

[02:48.52]- Tranny? - Transsexuals. ChiCKs with diCKs. 變性者,有命根子的女人

[02:52.04]BOObs On tOp, balls dOwn belOw. 上面有胸部,下面有睪丸

[02:54.88]- l dOn't get the appeal there. - lt's the Other white meat. -我不覺得有何吸引力 -這是另類白肉

[02:56.96]l understand that pseudO-straight men have tO get laid, but nOt On my blOCK. 我了解假異性戀的男人 也要性生活,但別在我那條街

[03:03.84]l thOught my ChiCKens were bad. 我以為屋頂雞啼已經(jīng)很倒霉了

[03:04.44]Every mOrning at 4:00am they start. lt's liKe they're putting On a shOw. 每天凌晨四點準時開演 就好像固定節(jié)目一樣

[03:09.80]The ''Up-my-ass Players''. “肛門綜藝團”

[03:16.88]TOO early fOr tranny talK? 現(xiàn)在聊變性話題太早嗎?

[03:19.56]lt's sO weird tO be sitting here eating Omelet again 坐在這里吃煎蛋卷好怪

[03:23.84]liKe nOthing ever happened. 好像什么事都沒發(fā)生

[03:26.28]lt was Our first Saturday mOrning breaKfast 自從夏綠蒂離開 她那三個月的丈夫崔后

[03:27.96]sinCe CharlOtte had left Trey, her husband Of three mOnths. 這是我們第一次 在星期六一起吃早餐

[03:32.76]l was married. And nOw, what? l'm single again? 我結過婚了,現(xiàn)在呢? 又恢復單身了嗎?

[03:38.12]- YOu're nOt single, just separated. - That's right. -你不是單身,你只是分居了 -沒錯

[03:42.20]l'll never be single again... l'll be divOrCed. 我再也不會是單身了… 我是離過婚的女人

[03:45.100]The Only thing wOrse than being 34 and single is being 34 and divOrCed. 唯一比34歲單身還悲慘的 就是34歲并離婚

[03:51.08]ThanKs. 很好

[03:51.64]l thinK it's wOrse tO be 34 and trapped in a marriage that dOesn't wOrK. 我認為34歲卻困在一個 失敗的婚姻更悲慘

[03:58.20]- Did l try hard enOugh? - ''Hard'' is the wOrd. -我夠努力嗎? -關鍵在于“硬”這個字

[03:59.68]Sweetie, Trey has an impOtenCe prOblem... 親愛的,崔有陽萎的問題…

[04:04.68]l am sO siCK Of talKing abOut Trey. l thinK and talK abOut Trey all the time. 我厭倦透了談崔的事 我時刻都在想他、談他

[04:08.96]Change the subjeCt, please. TalK abOut the ''up my ass'' stuff. 拜托換個話題 講那些“肛門”的東西吧

[04:16.72]OK, here's the plan. 好,這里有個計劃

[04:17.52]Sunday, we all COme Over, have an unpaCKing party and nO Trey-talK. 星期天晚上我們到你家集合 舉行喬遷派對,且絕口不提崔

[04:23.84]l'll bring the COCKtails. 我?guī)щu尾酒

[04:25.44]l'll bring the fOOd. HOw abOut rOOf-ChiCKen? 我?guī)澄?,屋頂雞肉如何?

[04:31.80]Can l help yOu? 有什么事嗎?

[04:34.16]l live arOund the COrner and my windOw 我住在附近,而我的窗戶

[04:37.16]lOOKs Over the rOOf with the ChiCKens and the CrOwing... 正好俯瞰著屋頂和小雞們 而它們的啼聲…

[04:41.72]- ROOsters. - ExCuse me? -公雞 -你說什么?

[04:43.84]They are rOOsters. ROOsters CrOw. 它們是公雞,公雞會報曉

[04:47.52]Yes, they dO. And very lOudly. 是的,非常吵

[04:52.80]SOrry. We just gOt them. ResCued frOm a COCKfight in the BrOnx. 抱歉,我們剛從布朗克斯區(qū)的 斗雞場把它們救出來

[04:55.24]- My GOd. - l'll mOve them tO the basement. -我的天 -我會將它們遷移到地下室

[04:60.04]YOu dOn't have tO dO that. They had all that fight-trauma. 你不必這么做,它們渾身是傷

[05:04.32]They need fresh air. l dOn't want them tO be miserable. 需要新鮮空氣 我不希望它們痛苦

[05:05.52]DOn't wOrry. They have a very lOvely life. 別擔心,它們生活得很愉快

[05:10.40]That's all right. l'll get Over it. 沒關系,我會克服的

[05:13.28]ThanK yOu fOr being sO niCe. 謝謝你這么好心

[05:18.24]Just gOnna taKe One Of these fOr my friend. She has a Cat. 我?guī)团笥涯靡粡埫?她養(yǎng)了一只貓

[05:27.24]Are yOu hungry? 你餓了嗎?

[05:30.08]Yeah? l'm hungry tOO. 對嗎?我也餓了

[05:54.84]- Shanghai Garden. May l help yOu? - l'd liKe tO Order sOme taKe-Out. -上海花園,需要什么嗎? -我想叫外賣

[05:59.40]- Address, please. - 331 West 78th Street. Apartment 4F. -請問你的地址? -西78街331號,4F公寓

[06:04.48]l'd liKe tO Order sOme ChiCKen with brOCCOli in a brOwn... 我想點一份紅燒雞肉 配甘藍菜…

[06:08.44]BrOwn sauCe with brOwn riCe. COld nOOdles. 甘藍菜加糙米飯,還有涼面

[06:09.80]l KnOw. Every night the same. 我知道,每天晚上都一樣

[06:14.40]Right. 對

[06:18.36]The Chinese taKe-Out lady thinKs l'm pathetiC. 中國餐館的外賣小姐 認為我很可悲

[06:21.48]She said, ''Every night, the same thing.'' 她說“每天晚上都一樣”

[06:24.12]That's a tad bitChy fOr a taKe-Out lady. 就一個外賣小姐來說 那樣有點惡毒

[06:24.72]- DO yOu thinK l'm in a rut? - A fOOd-rut? -你覺得我一成不變嗎? -你是指吃飯?

[06:29.00]l'm sitting hOme with my Cat, Ordering the same thing almOst every night. 我和貓坐在家中 幾乎每晚點一樣的東西

[06:32.48]The Only thing sadder wOuld be a Cathy COmiC On my refrigeratOr. 唯一更可悲的就是 冰箱門上有一幅“凱西”漫畫

[06:36.44]Never say Cathy COmiC tO me again. 永遠別再跟我提“凱西”漫畫

[06:38.24]She giggled at me. The taKe-Out lady. 她咯咯地笑,一個外賣小姐

[06:43.60]Order frOm sOmeplaCe else. There's 600 Chinese plaCes On yOur blOCK. 跟別家訂,你住的那區(qū) 大概有600家中式餐館

[06:46.08]This plaCe is my favOrite. lt's easier than figuring Out where else tO gO. 這家是我的最愛 這比考慮去哪一家簡單多了

[06:52.60]Then bear the taKe-Out fOOd shame. 那就忍耐叫外賣時的羞辱吧

[06:54.48]There they were. Our ex-bOyfriends. 他們就在那里,我們的前男友

[07:02.60]What are they dOing tOgether? Are they friends nOw?. 他們怎么會在一起? 現(xiàn)在他們是朋友了嗎?

[07:05.88]Apparently. This is bad. 顯然是,真糟糕

[07:08.00]What dO yOu thinK they are talKing abOut? Their dOgs? 你想他們在聊什么? 他們的狗?

[07:12.04]Yeah, here's their COnversatiOn: ''HOw's yOur dOg? GOOd, yOurs? 是,對話內(nèi)容如下 你的狗好嗎?好,那你的呢?

[07:13.92]Was that the bitChes whO ruined Our lives?'' 那是毀了我們生活的 臭婆娘嗎?

[07:16.12]They didn't see us. 他們沒看到我們

[07:23.80]We have a ChOiCe. We Can run the Other way Or mOve in here. 我們有兩條路 不是往回跑就是搬進這棟公寓

[07:32.32]We Can't run. 我們不能跑

[07:34.60]These shOe-straps will breaK. 鞋帶會斷掉

[07:37.52]- HOw dO l lOOK? - GOOd. Great! -我看起來如何? -很好,美極了

[07:40.08]YOu lOOK great tOO. 你也很棒

[07:42.64]ThanK GOd l didn't wear my drawstring pants. 謝天謝地,我沒穿抽繩褲

[07:58.44]LOOK whO it is! 看看是誰來了

[08:03.04]AnOther thing abOut New YOrK - whO KnOws whO is arOund the COrner? 這是紐約的另一個特色 你不知道附近有什么人

[08:09.92]This is what l liKe abOut New YOrK. Street-traffiC. 我就喜歡紐約這一點 街頭巧遇

[08:14.76]Well, lOOK at yOu. 瞧你


[08:21.72]LOOK whO it is, Pete. 皮特,看看是誰來了

[08:25.60]My GOd! LOOK hOw big he gOt. 我的天,它長這么大了

[08:29.96]He starts COllege next year. 明年它就要上大學了

[08:31.68]YOu must be very prOud. 你一定非常驕傲

[08:33.16]TwO beers at a time. Did we give yOu guys a drinKing prOblem? 一次喝兩杯啤酒,米蘭達和我 讓你們?nèi)旧闲锞泼×藛?

[08:41.00]They are nOt just fOr us. 那不光是我們的

[08:43.12]l'll have nightmares abOut that ladies rOOm fOr weeKs. 那間女廁所 會讓我做一個禮拜的噩夢

[08:46.76]Carrie and Miranda, this is JessiCa and Susan. 凱莉、米蘭達 這兩位是潔西卡和蘇珊

[08:51.08]HellO. 你們好

[08:51.36]HOney, dO yOu still wanna see the mOvie Or just Crash? 親愛的,你還是想看電影 或者干脆回家睡覺?

[08:55.20]l dOn't Care. 隨便

[09:00.52]- We have tO gO. - Yeah, we gOtta gO. -我們得走了 -對,我們要走了

[09:04.76]lt was gOOd tO see yOu, Aidan. 很高興看到你,艾登

[09:15.80]COme On, this way. 往這邊走才對

[09:17.88]That night at CharlOtte's - light unpaCKing and heavy realisatiOns. 當晚在夏綠蒂家輕松地拆箱 卻有沉重的領悟

[09:25.96]Well, they're Over us. 他們對我們忘情了

[09:28.72]lt's just sO hilariOus. 真是太可笑了

[09:29.04]l'm hemOrrhaging inside. 我正在內(nèi)出血

[09:32.12]We thOught they were pining and they have new girlfriends already! 我們還以為他們?nèi)諠u憔悴 誰知道已經(jīng)交新女友了

[09:36.80]- Were they Cute? - The pOint is nOt if they were Cute. -漂亮嗎? -重點不在于她們漂不漂亮

[09:40.88]The pOint is, they were there. 重點是她們的存在

[09:42.96]- They were Cute. - Very Cute. -她們很漂亮 -非常漂亮

[09:45.84]HOw Can they have new relatiOnships? 他們怎么可以有新戀情?

[09:48.80]l'm still in the ''l just brOKe up with sOmeOne'' phase. 我還處于 “剛和某人分手”的階段

[09:51.40]lt's infuriating. WOmen sit arOund Obsessing abOut what went wrOng. 真是令人火大 女人一直想感情出了什么問題

[09:57.24]Men just say ''all righty'' and mOve On. 男人只說一句“就這樣吧” 便繼續(xù)往前走了

[09:60.64]l taKe OffenCe at that. NOt all wOmen sit arOund and Obsess abOut men. 我抗議一概而論 不是所有的女人都如此

[10:04.44]As sOOn as my relatiOnships are Over, l mOve On. 我的感情一結束我就往前走了

[10:08.40]- RelatiOnships? - YOu KnOw, dates. -感情? -你知道的,約會

[10:11.28]l dO try tO figure Out what went wrOng. But l dOn't thinK that l Obsess. 我的確會思考出了什么問題 但我不認為那是放不下

[10:17.24]YOu are Miss Obsess. Big? 你是放不下小姐 還記得大人物嗎?

[10:21.08]Big was triCKy. l still dOn't KnOw what happened. 大人物很微妙 我仍然搞不清楚發(fā)生什么事

[10:25.88]YOu shOuld have a relatiOnship rear-view mirrOr. 你應該有一面感情的后視鏡

[10:29.28]RelatiOnships may appear ClOser than they aCtually are. 感情看起來會比實際上來得近

[10:34.16]l didn't Obsess abOut Aidan. Aidan was Clear. He mOved On. 我沒有放不下艾登 他已經(jīng)恢復正常了

[10:37.60]- lt's muCh easier fOr men tO mOve On. - ls it? -灑脫對男人來說容易多了 -是嗎?

[10:40.92]Please! The ratiO Of wOmen tO men in this City is huge. 拜托,這個城市男女比率懸殊

[10:46.44]They Can sit Outside, have a beer 他們可以坐在外頭、喝杯啤酒

[10:47.16]and wait fOr the JessiCas and Susans tO COme tO them. 等著潔西卡和蘇珊送上門來

[10:51.12]Maybe we Only Obsess Over relatiOnships that feel unfinished. 或許我們只對 感覺未結束的戀情放不下

[10:55.52]l Can guarantee that Trey isn't sitting arOund with his friends, 我敢保證崔不會和朋友在一起

[10:59.80]Obsessing abOut what went wrOng. 苦思問題究竟出在哪里

[11:02.64]Men never thinK anything is their fault. 男人從不認為是他們的錯

[11:04.44]l wish there were nO men. 但愿這世上沒有男人

[11:06.56]Call sOmeOne, she's gOne insane. 快打電話求救,她瘋了

[11:11.44]lf there were nO men, then we wOuldn't feel hurt. 如果沒有男人 那我們就不會受傷

[11:12.00]And we wOuldn't be disappOinted. 我們就不會失望

[11:17.60]And we wOuldn't be spending Our night Obsessing abOut them. 我們就不會整個晚上 都在討論他們

[11:19.84]l'm sO Over men. 我對男人真是厭煩透了

[11:24.24]What? l am. 干嘛?是真的

[11:27.64]Later that night l gOt tO thinKing abOut men, wOmen and relatiOnships. 深夜,我思索著 男人、女人和感情生活

[11:31.92]Or mOre tO the pOint, hOw wOmen feel men disappOint them in relatiOnships. 或者更確切點,女人對男人 在感情中使她們失望有何感受

[11:37.96]Then a radiCal, earth-shattering thOught pOpped intO my head. 接著一個激進、驚天動地的 想法突然蹦入我的腦海

[11:41.12]What if everything isn't the man's fault? 如果一切不是男人的錯呢?

[11:44.52]After a Certain age and a Certain number Of relatiOnships, 到了某個年紀 并且談過幾段戀愛后

[11:46.00]if it still isn't wOrKing and the ex's seem tO be mOving On and we dOn't, 若還是失敗,且前男友們似乎 都繼續(xù)前進,我們卻原地踏步

[11:51.08]perhaps the prOblem isn't the last bOyfriend, 也許問題不在于前男友

[11:55.76]Or the One befOre him Or even the One befOre him. 或是他之前那個 甚至是再之前那個

[11:56.56]COuld it be that the prOblem isn't them, 有可能問題不在于他們

[12:01.60]but hOrrOr Of hOrrOrs, is it us? 而是最令人恐懼的… 在于我們?

[12:06.20]DOwntOwn, the ''Up-my-ass Players'' 下城的“肛門綜藝團” 正上演她們的深夜節(jié)目

[12:10.36]were in the middle Of their late night repertOry.

[12:11.92]''MuCh AdO AbOut Up My Ass'' and ''LOng Day's JOurney Up My Ass''. “肛門風波” 以及“漫長肛門路”

[12:19.00]Samantha deCided if she was gOnna get a gOOd night's sleep, 莎曼珊決定 若她想得到一夜好眠

[12:24.00]she'd have tO test hOw effeCtive a PR prOfessiOnal she was. 就必須考驗一下 她的專業(yè)公關功力有多深厚

[12:27.68]Ladies, hellO. 各位,你們好

[12:34.52]l live right up there, the lOft within earshOt. 我住在樓上聽力所及的范圍內(nèi)

[12:35.72]As muCh as l respeCt a wOman's right 盡管我很尊重一個女人

[12:38.88]fOr a little sOmething with Certain New Jersey gentlemen, 和某些新澤西男士們 狂歡作樂的權利

[12:44.68]l have a request. 但我有個請求

[12:44.24]l have a very early business meeting. 我明天很早要開會

[12:48.92]And l thinK we all KnOw, 我想大家都知道

[12:49.00]there are Certain darK CirCles even the best maKe-up Can't COver. 有一種眼圈即使是最棒的 化妝技巧也遮不住

[12:56.16]Am l right? 對不對?

[12:57.36]SOrry tO waKe yOu, baby. We'll taKe it dOwn here. 抱歉吵醒你了,寶貝 我們會小聲一點

[12:60.76]l appreCiate it. By the way, l'm Samantha. 感激不盡 對了,我叫莎曼珊

[13:04.04]- Destiny. - Chyna. -我是命運 -柴娜

[13:09.24]- JO. - NO ''e''. She gOt the ''e'' Cut Off. -喬 -沒有“E”,她割掉了

[13:13.20]ThOse heels are fierCe, Miss Girl. 你的鞋跟真高,小姐

[13:18.56]DOn't l KnOw it. 這我倒不知道

[13:20.24]Samantha Knew hOw tO get her way with men, 莎曼珊一向懂得 如何跟男人打交道

[13:23.24]even if they were half wOmen. 即使他們是半個女人

[13:33.84]What? 干嘛?

[13:35.72]'ROugh night?' 睡得不好?

[13:38.92]- WhO is this? - lt's me. -你是誰? -是我

[13:44.80]l didn't reCOgnize yOur vOiCe. YOu sOunded different. 我沒認出你的聲音 你聽起來不太一樣

[13:49.68]Did l waKe yOu? lt's Only 11 :30. 我吵醒你了嗎? 現(xiàn)在才十一點半

[13:51.48]NO, l was up late wOrKing. 沒有,我熬夜工作到很晚

[13:54.72]And there are these ChiCKens that CrOw On the rOOf next dOOr. 隔壁又有該死的雞在屋頂鬼叫

[13:58.52]ROOsters. ROOsters CrOw. 是公雞,公雞會報曉

[14:01.96]The ''Fun On The Farm'' faCt everyOne's aware Of but me. 似乎除了我之外 人人都能體會“農(nóng)場的樂趣”

[14:05.04]- SO tell me, is red a mistaKe? - ln what way? -告訴我,紅色是個錯誤嗎? -在什么方面?

[14:12.72]l'm repainting my bedrOOm. 我在重新粉刷我的臥室

[14:15.00]- A red bedrOOm? - Just One wall. -紅色的臥室? -只有一面墻而已

[14:18.28]But l thinK it's tOO red. 但我覺得太紅了

[14:22.60]lt's liKe sleeping in COmmunist China. 好像睡在共產(chǎn)中國

[14:27.92]She left... We ended it. 她離開了…我們結束了

[14:34.40]- l heard. - YOu did? HOw?. -我聽說了 -是嗎?怎么會?

[14:38.88]l thinK it was On the news. 我想是在新聞看到的

[14:43.84]COuld we have lunCh sOmetime? 我們可以一起吃頓午餐嗎?

[14:49.00]l really need tO talK tO yOu. 我真的很需要跟你談談

[14:53.28]- Please? - Where? -拜托 -在哪里?

[14:53.60]BOathOuse restaurant, Central ParK. HOw abOut Saturday at 2:00? 船屋餐廳,中央公園 禮拜六下午兩點如何?

[15:01.84]- Carrie? - l'm nOdding. -凱莉? -我在點頭

[15:05.72]- SO l'll see yOu at 2:00 then. - Bye. -那么兩點見了 -再見

[15:09.80]Later that day, l met Miranda at my favOrite thrift stOre, 稍后,我和米蘭達約在 我最愛的一家二手衣店

[15:16.48]tO dig fOr buried treasure. 挖掘被埋藏的珍寶

[15:18.76]DO yOu thinK l Can get away with a ''Hang in there, baby'' halter tOp? 你想我抗拒得了一件寫著 “撐著點,寶貝”的背心嗎?

[15:20.100]NObOdy gets away with a ''Hang in there, baby'' halter tOp. 沒人抗拒得了一件寫著 “撐著點,寶貝”的背心

[15:26.60]DO yOu wanna gO tO the HOpper exhibit Saturday afternOOn? 禮拜六下午 你想去看霍珀的畫展嗎?

[15:30.36]l Can't. l have tO wOrK. 我不能去,我要工作

[15:37.80]l lied. l dOn't have tO wOrK. 我說謊,我不必工作

[15:39.92]l'm meeting Big fOr lunCh and l didn't thinK yOu'd apprOve. 我和大人物約了一起吃午餐 我不認為你會贊成

[15:44.96]- YOu're meeting Big? - He Called. -你要和大人物見面? -他打電話來

[15:47.96]- He sOunded upset and needs tO talK. - SinCe when dOes Big talK? -他很沮喪,需要找人聊聊 -大人物從何時起會聊天了?

[15:51.36]What dOes that mean? 那是什么意思?

[15:59.28]He's upset abOut Natasha leaving... 娜塔莎離開了,他很沮喪…

[16:01.28]l'm nOt hOlding yOur hand thrOugh this again. 這次我不會再握著你的手

[16:03.04]l'm nOt asKing yOu tO hOld anything. We're just having lunCh. 我沒有要求你握著我任何東西 我們只是吃一頓午餐

[16:06.12]lt's a huge mistaKe. 這真是大錯特錯

[16:08.64]lt's nOt a huge mistaKe, it's lunCh. 才不是,只是一頓午餐

[16:11.92]HOw many mOre times are yOu gOnna gO thrOugh this? He is bad fOr yOu. 你還要經(jīng)歷多少次? 他對你很差勁

[16:16.80]Every time yOu get near him yOu turn intO this pathetiC, needy viCtim. 你每次一接近他 就成了可悲、軟弱的受害者

[16:22.12]What pisses me Off is that yOu are mOre than willing tO gO baCK fOr mOre. 令我生氣的是 你還迫不及待想回去找罪受

[16:25.84]l am nOt gOing baCK fOr mOre and l Can't even believe... 我沒有要回去找罪受 我簡直不敢相信…

[16:29.32]l Can't believe yOu wOuld say that tO me. 你居然對我說這種話

[16:34.28]- lf yOu start up with Big again... - l am nOt starting up with Big again. -如果你又跟大人物復合… -我沒有要跟大人物復合

[16:36.16]lf yOu dO, l dOn't wanna KnOw anything abOut it. 如果你跟他復合 我不想知道任何細節(jié)

[16:40.96]NO Calls. NO Crying. 不要打電話來哭訴

[16:40.76]Are yOu gOnna Cut me Out Of yOur life liKe yOu did tO Steve? 你要和我一刀兩斷 就像你對史蒂夫那樣嗎?

[16:44.04]What? 什么?

[16:47.08]The first sign Of any little weaKness and yOu just write peOple Off. 只要出現(xiàn)一點點毛病或瑕疵 你就徹底否決一個人

[16:52.60]My GOd, Miranda. YOu are sO judgmental. 我的天,米蘭達 你真是太會批判人了

[16:56.08]YOu Can say l'm pathetiC and needy and l Can't say anything tO yOu? 你可以說我可悲、軟弱 我就不能說你什么嗎?

[17:01.64]EverybOdy is nOt as tOugh as yOu, Miranda. 不是每個人 都跟你一樣堅強,米蘭達

[17:02.88]PeOple... SOme Of us maKe mistaKes. 人…有些人是會犯錯的

[17:10.84]That's just perfeCt. WalK away. 真是太好了,就只會逃避

[17:15.04]lt's all my fault. 都是我的錯

[17:15.12]Right there, next tO the twO fOr $5 bin, 就在兩件五塊的籃子旁

[17:19.88]Miranda and l had Our first big fight. 米蘭達和我第一次大吵一架

[17:26.64]'YOu have nO messages.' 沒有留言

[17:34.80]l thOught by the time l gOt hOme, she'd have left an apOlOgy. 我以為當我回到家 她已經(jīng)在答錄機里留言道歉

[17:40.16]l was gOnna Call her, but wasn't quite sure what tO say. 我本來想打給她 但我不太確定要說什么

[17:44.56]Or whOse fault it really was. 或者這究竟是誰的錯

[17:48.56]And at the exaCt same mOment aCrOss tOwn, 此時此刻,在城的另一頭

[17:52.52]Miranda was preparing tO maKe the Call she'd been dreading all day. 米蘭達正準備打一通 讓她畏懼了整天的電話

[17:59.80]'Shanghai Garden. May l help yOu?' 上?;▓@,需要什么嗎?

[18:00.04]l'd liKe tO Order sOme taKeOut. 我想叫外賣

[18:02.44]'Address, please.' 請問你的地址?

[18:04.44]331 West 78th Street, Apartment 4F. l'd liKe sOme... 西78街331號,4F公寓 我想要…

[18:11.40]'ChiCKen with brOCCOli, brOwn sauCe, brOwn riCe and COld nOOdles, right?' 紅燒雞肉配甘藍菜 糙米和涼面,對不對?

[18:16.96]YOu KnOw what? l dOn't need this. Never mind. 你知道嗎?我不點了,算了

[18:18.68]'OK. Bye-bye.' 好的,再見

[18:19.64]After she hung up, Miranda COuldn't get the giggle Out Of her head. 掛掉電話后 米蘭達無法將那笑聲逐出腦海

[18:25.52]She deCided tO walK the twO blOCKs tO COnfrOnt the wOman 她決定走兩條街 去和那帶著批判笑聲

[18:29.72]with the judgmental giggle whO thOught she was better than her. 自以為比她強的女人正面對質(zhì)

[18:34.48]Shanghai Garden. May l help yOu? 上?;▓@,需要什么嗎?

[18:38.16]OK. Address, please. 好的,請問你的地址?

[18:40.84]224 West 78th... SOrry, 73. 西78街224號…抱歉,是73街

[18:52.32]Miranda realized the giggle wasn't abOut her. lt wasn't abOut anything. 米蘭達發(fā)現(xiàn)那笑聲完全 不是針對她,根本毫無意義

[19:03.48]lt wasn't the nOOdles that Kept her COming baCK tO this restaurant. 她對這家餐廳如此死忠的原因 并不是涼面

[19:09.08]lt was the faCt that this was their plaCe 而是這里充滿了 他們從前快樂的回憶

[19:12.76]and it was filled with happy memOries.

[19:16.08]TwiCe in One weeK. Am l luCKy Or what? 一周碰到兩次 是我運氣好還是怎么著?

[19:20.40]- l thOught l gOt CustOdy Of this plaCe. - l liKe their hOt and sOur sOup. -我以為這地方歸我所有 -我喜歡這里的酸辣湯

[19:26.36]Are yOu here by yOurself? Me tOO. Sit dOwn. 你一個人嗎?我也是,坐吧

[19:30.44]l've gOt this bOwl Of CrunChies that l'll never get thrOugh. 這碗脆餅我永遠也吃不完

[19:38.76]HOw are yOu? 你好嗎?

[19:40.76]NOt gOOd. Carrie and l had a huge fight. 不太好,凱莉和我大吵一架

[19:41.84]AbOut what? 為了什么?

[19:43.96]Me, her, yOu, Big... Me. 我、她、你、大人物…我

[19:55.80]My judgmental stuff. HOw bad was it? 關于我批判的個性 到底有多嚴重?

[19:59.28]- lt wasn't gOOd. - l didn't thrOw yOu away. Did l? -不怎么好 -史蒂夫,我沒有拋棄你吧?

[20:02.20]- NO. - She said l did. -沒有 -她說我有

[20:05.52]Miranda, Only yOu and l really KnOw what happened between yOu and l. 米蘭達…只有你和我 才知道我們之間真正的情況

[20:11.20]lt's nObOdy else's business. 這不干任何人的事

[20:17.44]But she said that, huh? Must've been pretty mad. 但她這么說?你一定氣瘋了

[20:22.60]l didn't say niCe things tO her either. l just dOn't want her tO get hurt again. 我對她說的話也不中聽 我只是不希望她再受傷害

[20:29.28]SO yOu yelled at her? 所以你對她大吼?

[20:33.44]Yeah. 是

[20:36.84]SOunds abOut par. 聽起來倒是旗鼓相當

[20:36.80]l guess yOur new girlfriend dOesn't yell. 我猜你的新女友不會大吼

[20:39.60]NO. 沒錯

[20:42.72]HOw's that gOing? 你們交往得怎么樣?

[20:43.80]lt's OK. 還好

[20:47.24]- LiKe tO Order? - l'd liKe the ChiCKen with brOCCOli... -你想點菜嗎? -是,我想要紅燒雞肉…

[20:53.52]Let me see the menu. l shOuld try sOmething new. 我還是看一下菜單好了 我應該嘗試一些新的東西

[20:58.68]YOu shOuld. GO ahead. Live a little. 的確,慢慢看,享受人生

[21:00.88]There is sO muCh. 菜色好多

[21:08.96]YOu're sO fuCKing hOt. 你真是性感極了

[21:12.24]l Can't believe they gO away fOr One night and then baCK three in a rOw. 我不敢相信她們才走一天 又連續(xù)三天回來

[21:16.00]FOrget them. LOOK at me. 別管她們了,看著我

[21:20.20]l'm sOrry. l'm here. 對不起,我在這里

[21:25.60]Where are thOse COps? l Called them half an hOur agO. 警察到哪兒去了? 我半小時前就打給他們了

[21:30.48]LOOK at me. Let's bring it On hOme. 看著我,我們一起回本壘吧

[21:36.00]l Can't. 我做不到

[21:35.64]- l'm ClOse. - Well, l'm nOt. -我快要高潮了 -我還沒

[21:40.64]The idea that she'd miss a night's sleep pissed Samantha Off. 想到不能睡個好覺 莎曼珊就火冒三丈

[21:45.12]The idea that she'd miss an Orgasm, was mOre than she COuld bear. 而錯過高潮更讓她難以忍受

[21:50.28]Shut up, yOu bitChes! l've Called the COps. 閉嘴,你們這些賤人 我已經(jīng)報警了

[21:53.68]SuCK my COCK! 來幫我吹簫吧

[21:55.84]Keep talKing and l'll COme dOwn there and Cut it Off fOr yOu. 有種繼續(xù)鬼叫 我會親自下去把它給剪了

[21:57.72]l'd liKe tO see yOu try, mOtherfuCKer. YOu thinK we want that BS? NO way! 我倒想見識一下,臭婆娘 你以為我們會讓步?想得美

[22:07.48]Are yOu gOnna pull a LOrena BObbit? 你想學閹夫案的 蘿瑞娜巴比特?

[22:10.68]$7,000 a mOnth and l have tO put up with a trilOgy Of fuCKing trannies? 一個月付七千塊貸款還得忍受 這種環(huán)境跟該死的變性人吵架

[22:14.76]l dOn't fuCKing thinK sO! 我他媽的可不這么認為

[22:19.84]l am a taxpayer and member Of the WOmen's Business AssOCiatiOn. 我乖乖繳稅 而且是女青年企業(yè)協(xié)會的會員

[22:21.92]- l dOn't have tO put up with this shit! - FOrget them and COme baCK tO bed. -我不必忍受這些 -別管她們了,回床上來吧

[22:25.84]There was nOthing anyOne COuld dO tO stOp her. Samantha was Obsessed. 誰也阻止不了她 莎曼珊已經(jīng)著了魔

[22:30.64]She had a date with Destiny, Chyna and JO, nO ''e''. 她和命運、柴娜 以及少了“E”的喬有約

[22:36.64]TaKe this, ladies! 各位,接招吧

[22:40.20]l'm gOnna COme up there and KiCK yOur ass, bitCh! 我要上去踢爛你的屁股,賤人

[22:45.76]Get Off my hair nOw! 別碰我的假發(fā)

[22:52.92]'MOve it alOng, girls.' 快走吧,小姐

[22:55.92]YOu heard the man, mOve it alOng. 你聽到條子說的話了,快走吧

[22:60.36]Hey, where are yOu gOing? 你要去哪里?

[23:02.04]HOme. YOu freaK me Out. 回家,你把我嚇壞了

[23:08.32]And UptOwn, CharlOtte was a bit freaKed Out as well. 而上城的夏綠蒂 也有點心煩意亂

[23:10.100]Unable tO sleep and unable tO unpaCK, 既睡不著也不想整理房子

[23:14.36]she was with the Only man she COuld tOlerate - The Dalai Lama. 她和唯一可以忍受的男人共處 他就是達賴喇嘛

[23:19.12]- CharlOtte? lt's me. - Trey? -夏綠蒂?是我 -崔

[23:28.88]What are yOu dOing here? lt's 4:00am. 你來做什么?現(xiàn)在是半夜四點

[23:29.60]l saw yOur light On frOm the street. l figured yOu'd still be up. 我從街上看見你的燈亮著 我想你可能還沒睡

[23:34.84]What dO yOu want? 你想干嘛?

[23:37.92]Ever sinCe yOu left, l Can't stOp thinKing abOut yOu. 自從你走后 我就無法停止想你

[23:41.04]- HOney, we're separated. - l KnOw. -親愛的,我們分居了 -我知道

[23:48.96]OnCe CharlOtte swOre Off men, this man COuldn't get enOugh Of her. 似乎夏綠蒂一離開 這男人就變得饑渴起來

[23:58.92]He wasn't a rOOster and it wasn't the BrOnx but frOm deep inside, 他不是公雞,而這里也不是 布朗克斯區(qū),但在內(nèi)心深處

[24:03.20]Trey's COCK began tO CrOw. 崔的那話兒開始報曉了

[24:09.28]ACrOss tOwn, l was still wide awaKe. 在城的另一頭,我仍然很清醒

[24:12.32]l COuldn't get my fight with Miranda Out Of my head. 我忘不了和米蘭達的爭執(zhí)

[24:16.52]l was nOt Only Capable Of Obsessing abOut relatiOnships with men, 原來讓我困擾的 不只是和男人的感情

[24:20.80]l was Capable Of Obsessing abOut relatiOnships with wOmen. 我和女人的關系也令我頭痛

[24:38.40]East Side Animal Shelter. Please leave a message. 東區(qū)動物醫(yī)院,請留言

[24:42.36]This is yOur neighbOr whO COmplained abOut the ChiCKens. 我是那位抱怨過雞啼的鄰居

[24:44.64]l Can't taKe it any mOre. MOve them in. ThanKs. 我留言是因為我受不了了 把它們移到室內(nèi),謝謝

[24:50.48]l figured if they had a lOvely life, l was entitled tO the same thing. 我認為如果它們生活得很愉快 我也有權享受同等的待遇

[24:58.84]Well... 那么…

[25:00.76]All righty. 就這樣吧

[25:04.52]l Knew that was in me sOmewhere. 我就知道我有這股欲望

[25:06.72]YOu did? 是嗎?

[25:09.60]l just hadn't felt it sinCe befOre... 我只是一直沒感覺到 自從…

[25:16.48]Why did yOu stOp yOurself? BefOre what? 你為什么不說了?自從什么?

[25:18.12]SinCe befOre we gOt engaged. 自從我們訂了婚

[25:22.20]Oh. 原來如此

[25:24.32]Yeah. Oh. 是的

[25:27.16]DO yOu thinK Our whOle prOblem had tO dO with the faCt that... 你是否認為我們所有的問題 都起因于…

[25:32.76]What? 什么?

[25:36.52]Say it. 說吧

[25:38.72]- YOu didn't really wanna marry me. - NO. -你并不是真的想娶我 -不是

[25:44.20]l thinK it may be due tO the faCt that l didn't want tO get married at all. 這可能和我根本不想結婚有關

[25:48.44]- Then why did yOu? - l guess l thOught it was time. -那你為什么要結婚? -我想時候到了

[25:55.12]l'm Of a Certain age, peOple expeCt yOu tO get married. 我到了一定的年紀 別人期望你結婚

[25:60.68]Yes, well... That sOunds familiar. 是的…那些話很耳熟

[26:05.84]- One Other thing... - What? -還有一個原因… -什么?

[26:07.24]l married yOu beCause l Knew 我娶你是因為我知道

[26:10.60]l'd never find anyOne as wOnderful as yOu tO marry. 我再也找不到 像你這么好的女人

[26:47.20]He may have gOne away, the pre-Op transsexual, 也許那個變性人已經(jīng)離開

[26:49.80]but he Came baCK, lOaded with eggs. 但他帶著蛋回來了

[26:51.68]NOw whO's laughing, bitCh? 現(xiàn)在得意的是誰,臭婆娘?

[26:57.08]Samantha Knew this was One relatiOnship with a man 莎曼珊明白她無法 從這段關系中安然脫身

[26:58.96]she COuldn't walK away frOm.

[27:01.64]BeCause this man was half wOman. 因為這個男人有一半是女人

[27:09.16]- GOOd, yOu're there. - l was just gOnna Call yOu. -太好了,你在家 -我正要打給你

[27:11.96]DO yOu really thinK l'm pathetiC? 你真的認為我很可悲嗎?

[27:15.44]NO, l'm sO sOrry. l dOn't thinK yOu're pathetiC at all. 不,我很抱歉 我一點也不認為你可悲

[27:19.20]l'm Outside the restaurant, hiding in sOme bushes. 我躲在餐廳外面的樹叢里

[27:22.60]DO yOu still nOt thinK l'm pathetiC? 你還是不認為我可悲嗎?

[27:24.88]'l KnOw yOu thinK it's a huge mistaKe.' 我知道你認為 這是個天大的錯誤

[27:26.04]lt's just sOmething l feel l need tO dO tO mOve On. 我只是覺得需要了結這件事 好繼續(xù)往前走

[27:30.76]DOn't listen tO me. l have nO idea what's right fOr yOu and Big. 別聽我的,我不知道 你和大人物怎么做才對

[27:34.80]But if l'm wrOng and it is a mistaKe, l need tO KnOw yOu'll be there fOr me. 但若我真的錯了 我需要知道你會支持我

[27:40.48]l'm there. 我會的

[27:41.16]l'm gOing in. Any last minute adviCe? 我要進去了 有沒有最后的忠告?

[27:44.76]DOn't let him Kiss yOu. That seems tO be where yOu get intO trOuble. 別讓他吻你 那似乎是麻煩的開始

[27:52.04]- 'Carrie?' - l'm nOdding. -凱莉? -我在點頭

[28:11.60]HellO, yOu. 你好

[28:13.56]HellO, yOu. 你好

[28:20.96]lt's gOOd tO see yOu. 很高興見到你

[28:35.16]Are yOu OK? 你沒事吧?

[28:40.92]My hair is in a duCK pOnd. 我的頭發(fā)泡在鴨子的池塘里了

[28:43.68]My DiOr purse. 我的迪奧皮包

[28:45.80]l'll get it. 我去找

[28:50.24]Oh, my GOd! What is that? 我的天,那是什么?

[29:03.72]- HOw was yOur shOwer? - l nO lOnger smell Of pOnd. -你洗得怎么樣? -我總算沒有池塘的味道了

[29:10.76]ExaCtly hOw many terry-ClOth rObes dO yOu have? 你到底有幾件浴袍?

[29:15.00]- Three Or fOur. - Oh, three Or fOur. -三或四件吧 -三或四件

[29:20.48]l swOre l wOuld never be in this rOOm with yOu again. 我發(fā)誓再也不會 跟你一起待在這房間

[29:23.60]YOu said tO taKe yOu tO the nearest shOwer. 是你說帶你到最近的地方洗澡

[29:31.64]That is One red wall. 這就是那面紅墻

[29:32.68]Yes, it's red. 對,它是紅的

[29:40.04]l gOtta asK yOu a questiOn. 我要問你一個問題

[29:47.72]- Was it all my fault? - NO. -都是我的錯嗎? -不

[29:51.100]lt wasn't all yOur fault. 不全是你的錯

[29:55.36]We really sCrewed that up. What were we thinKing? 我們真的把事情搞砸了 我們在想什么?

[29:59.36]l have nO idea. 我不知道

[30:04.60]FuCK. l was COunting On yOu fOr answers. 媽的,我指望你給我答案

[30:14.36]- HOw are yOu dOing, Kid? - Pretty gOOd. HOw are yOu dOing? -你過得好嗎? -很好,你呢?

[30:15.56]GOOd. 很好

[30:19.36]Aside frOm the faCt l feel liKe l've been thrOugh a war. 除了我覺得 仿佛經(jīng)歷一場戰(zhàn)爭之外

[30:21.100]Really, we're liKe war buddies. War buddies in Calvin Klein rObes. 我們確實是戰(zhàn)友 穿著卡文克萊浴袍的戰(zhàn)友

[30:31.88]l hate tO admit this, but l Kind Of liKe living alOne again. 我真不愿承認 但我蠻喜歡一個人住的

[30:41.68]Why dOesn't that surprise me? 為何我不覺得意外?

[30:52.44]- l shOuld gO. - DOn't yOu want tO stay a while? -我該走了 -你不想待一會兒嗎?

[30:55.100]l Can't. 不行

[30:58.28]Why? 為什么?

[31:02.88]BeCause, sweet friend, 因為,親愛的朋友

[31:07.16]yOu and l are liKe that red wall. 你和我就像那面紅墻

[31:11.40]lt's a gOOd idea in theOry. But sOmehOw, it dOesn't quite wOrK. 理論上很適合 但不知怎的,就是不太對勁

[31:20.44]And just liKe that, l realized Big and l weren't ''us'' any mOre. 就這樣,我意識到大人物 和我不再是“我們”了

[31:26.36]We had beCOme sOmething else. What it was, l had nO idea. 我們變成其他關系 至于是什么關系,我并不知道

[31:50.60]'YOu have One new message.' 你有一個新留言

[31:51.08](Miranda) lt's me. l'm wOndering hOw it went. Call me when yOu get hOme. 是我,我只是好奇午餐的經(jīng)過 回到家打電話給我

[32:10.40]l had nO idea where the ChiCKens had gOne, but l hOped it wasn't the BrOnx. 我不知道雞群到哪里去了 但我希望不是布朗克斯區(qū)

[32:13.04]And l hOped they were happy. 而且我希望它們快樂

[32:24.32]WhO wants a wiener? 誰要煙熏香腸?

[32:26.48]Girl, l'm trying tO get rid Of One. 姑娘,我正試著擺脫一根呢

[32:28.96]The next Saturday, Samantha deCided tO thrOw a Kiss and maKe up party 次周的星期六 莎曼珊決定為“肛門綜藝團”

[32:33.36]fOr the ''Up-my-ass Players''. 辦一個和解派對

[32:33.84]Trey Called me three times last weeK. He's dying tO get baCK tOgether. 上個禮拜崔打了三次電話給我 他很想復合

[32:38.08]But l dOn't KnOw. ls that wise? 但我拿不定主意 這么做明智嗎?

[32:43.68]- l'm Obsessing again, aren't l? - A bit. -我又著魔了,是嗎? -有一點

[32:45.84]SO, what are we all drinKing? 有什么可以喝的?

[32:48.52]''Flirtinis.'' VOdKa, pineapple and Champagne. 這叫“打情罵俏” 伏特加、鳳梨汁加香檳

[32:52.84]Flirtinis. 打情罵俏

[32:52.00]- Destiny made them. - l'm past a Flirtini. l need a ''FuCKtini''. -命運調(diào)的 -我要翻云覆雨不是打情罵俏

[32:58.00]WatCh yOur language. There are ladies present. 別亂說話,現(xiàn)場有淑女呢

[32:59.44]Where? 在哪里?

[33:04.92]- YOu with the flOwer. - Are yOu talKing tO me? -戴著花的小妞 -你在跟我說話嗎?

[33:08.60]lt's yOu, girl. COme On. 就是你,來

[33:14.12]- What dO yOu want? - l want yOu tO give me a swirl. -你想怎么樣? -我要你轉一圈

[33:16.16]l need tO see yOu spin first, sister. 你先轉給我看,大姐

[33:23.72]- ls that gOOd enOugh? - Give me the shaKe. -這樣可以嗎? -擺動一下

[33:29.40]DOn't mind the weight. Eat sOmething. 別管體重了,吃點東西吧

[33:42.44]DOn't wOrry, they have a very lOvely life. 別擔心,她們生活得很愉快


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