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欲望都市第五季 摯愛理論 Anchors Away






[00:35.60](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:50.32]When you are singIe and Iive in New York... 當(dāng)你在紐約處于單身狀態(tài)

[00:53.64]there is no end to the ways to fiII your days.: 有很多方法來填滿生活

[00:56.40]museums, parks, theaters, concert haIIs... 博物館、公園、戲院、演唱會(huì)

[00:59.56]nightcIubs and countIess restaurants. 夜總會(huì)以及數(shù)不清的餐廳

[01:03.36]But one of the most amazing things about Iiving in a city Iike New York... 但住在紐約最棒的一件事

[01:08.24]is that any night of the week you can go to Paris. 就是你可以在任何一晚…


[01:16.08]Joy for Two for one. 一張“兩人喜悅”

[01:19.56]-Enjoy the show. -Thank you. -好好欣賞 -謝謝你

[01:28.04]It was one of those perfect New York nights... 今晚跟往常一樣美好

[01:37.16]That fucking Richard. 該死的理查

[01:36.36]...foIIowed by a Iess than perfect New York day. 隔天卻不太美好

[01:40.36]He left another ''l'm sorry'' message on my machine. 他又在我答錄機(jī)里留言說 “我很抱歉”

[01:42.20]Like the ''l'm sorries'' are gonna make up for the fact... 仿佛那樣就能彌補(bǔ) 他幫別的女人口交的過錯(cuò)

[01:46.88]that l caught him eating another woman's pussy.


[01:52.04]lt's okay. Nothing has to change. 沒關(guān)系,不需要改變?nèi)魏问?/p>

[01:54.56]-Just think of this as a big purse. -Miranda, your purse just spit up. -把這當(dāng)成一個(gè)大包包 -你的包包吐了

[01:59.72]You'd think after three weeks of no returned calls, he'd get the message: 你想三個(gè)禮拜不回他電話 他就會(huì)明白

[02:02.12]''Not okay to eat another woman's pussy.'' 幫別的女人口交是不被允許的

[02:06.96]Samantha, Brady. -莎曼珊,布萊迪在場(chǎng) -我氣炸了

[02:05.100]l'm pissed off, Charlotte. What the hell am l supposed to say? -那我該怎么說? -稱它為別的女人的壽司

[02:09.28]Call it ''sushi.'' Another woman's ''sushi.''

[02:11.36]Fine. Richard ate another woman's sushi. 好吧,理查吃了她的“壽司”

[02:16.84]Fish and chips would have been such an unfortunate order right now. 現(xiàn)在真不適合點(diǎn)炸魚排和薯片

[02:17.80]-What did you do last night? -Went to a movie. -你昨晚上哪兒去了? -去看電影

[02:21.92]-With who? -Myself. -跟誰? -我自己

[02:23.16]On date night? -在約會(huì)夜? -我們50歲時(shí)還會(huì)這么說嗎?

[02:24.40]Are we still gonna have to call it ''date night'' in our 50s?

[02:27.96]l'd think that everyone would be looking at me thinking, ''That poor, pathetic girl.'' 我只是覺得別人會(huì)看著我 心里想: “那可憐的女孩”

[02:32.24]-Like the way l'm looking at you right now? -What? -像我現(xiàn)在怎么看待你一樣? -什么?

[02:34.60]You don't go out alone? -難道你不會(huì)一個(gè)人出門嗎? -在約會(huì)夜?

[02:34.32]-On date night? -You're never alone in New York. 在紐約絕不孤單,很適合單身 這個(gè)城市就是你的約會(huì)對(duì)象

[02:37.40]lt's the perfect place to be single. The city is your date.

[02:39.76]-You're dating the city? -For about 18 years. -你跟這個(gè)城市約會(huì)? -大概18年了

[02:44.04]lt's getting serious. l think l'm in love. 而且越來越認(rèn)真 我覺得我戀愛了

[02:46.52]-Do not check your messages again. -l'm not. -別再聽留言了 -我沒有

[02:48.24]l just wanted you to all hear his tone on my machine. 我希望你們聽到 他在我答錄機(jī)里留言的語氣

[02:53.72]lf you keep participating in this, you might as well call him. 如果你這么樂在其中 干脆打給他

[02:56.48]-l'm not participating. -This has got to stop. -我才沒有樂在其中 -這種情況一定要停止

[02:58.80]Yes, it's tragic that you were in love and it didn't work out. 很不幸你的戀情不順利

[03:01.64]But you have got to emotionally cut him out of your life and move on. 你得慧劍斬情絲,繼續(xù)過日子 而且越快越好

[03:06.60]And the sooner the better. 大家都知道 每個(gè)人一生中只有兩個(gè)摯愛

[03:06.44]Everyone knows you only get two great loves in your life.

[03:10.40]-Everyone who? Where did you get that? -l read it in a magazine. -你從哪兒聽來的? -我在雜志上看到的

[03:14.08]What magazine? Convenient Theories For You MonthIy? 什么雜志? “方便理論月刊”?

[03:16.84]-What does that mean? -Last year, when you were married... -那是什么意思? -去年你結(jié)婚時(shí)…

[03:19.32]you believed a woman only got one great love. -你相信女人只有一個(gè)摯愛 -“摯愛”是什么意思?

[03:22.40]And that phrase ''great love,'' what does it mean?

[03:25.44]lt means a love that changes you, that shakes you to your core... 那是一種會(huì)改變你 讓你脫胎換骨的愛

[03:27.80]after which you're never the same. 從此你便不是原來的你了 我說真的

[03:30.08]Seriously, there is not an unlimited amount of love in the world. lt's rare. 愛并非取之不盡用之不竭 它很珍貴

[03:36.64]Way to take the edge off a club sandwich. 三明治是怎么切邊的?

[03:38.36]So far, l've only had one: Trey. How many great loves have you had? 到目前為止我有一個(gè)…崔 你曾有過幾個(gè)?

[03:40.80]-Zero. -Really? -零 -真的嗎?那史蒂夫呢?

[03:41.20]-What about Steve? -Steve's a friend, not a core-shaker. 史蒂夫是朋友 不會(huì)讓你脫胎換骨

[03:45.56]l'm done with great love. l'm back to great lovers. 我對(duì)摯愛死心了 我要回到大情人懷抱

[03:47.48]-You? -l refuse to define love... -你呢? -我拒絕用那些字眼定義愛情

[03:50.16]in those limited terms. -我是不得已的 -拜托,凱莉,艾登和大人物

[03:52.76]-l had to. -Come on, Carrie. Aidan and Big.

[03:57.68]One, two. And according to you, l'm done. 一個(gè)、兩個(gè) 根據(jù)你的理論,我沒希望了

[04:00.80]No, it was a stupid article. lt was at the dentist. 不,那是篇無聊的文章 放在牙醫(yī)診所

[04:04.80]lt's too late for that now. You said it. lt's over for me. 不…來不及了 你自己說的,已經(jīng)結(jié)束了

[04:06.96]''Here lies Carrie. She had two loves, and lots of shoes.'' 凱莉躺在這里 她有兩個(gè)摯愛和一大堆鞋子

[04:12.72]Fuck love. 去他的愛, “壽司”讓給你 我需要“上床”

[04:12.32]l gave you ''sushi.'' l need ''fuck.''

[04:17.52]After a Iight Iunch, Miranda stopped to set down a heavy Ioad. 一頓輕便午餐后 米蘭達(dá)停下腳步來卸下重?fù)?dān)

[04:20.08]-You want me to carry him? -No, l'm fine. l just got to switch. -要不要我?guī)湍闾? -不用,我只要換邊就行了

[04:24.96]Ladies, seamen, 1 2:00. 姐妹們,12點(diǎn)鐘方向 有一群海員

[04:27.72]l pray, when l turn around, there are sailors. Because with her, you never know. 我祈禱轉(zhuǎn)過身時(shí)看見的是水手 因?yàn)樗脑捄懿豢煽?/p>

[04:33.60]Wow! We have just spotted our first sailors. 哇

[04:34.56]我們剛遇見了第一批水手 艦隊(duì)周已經(jīng)開始了

[04:39.36]Fleet Week has begun.

[04:40.76]FIeet Week is that one week a year when the U.S. navaI ships dock... 艦隊(duì)周是每年


[04:44.60]and our fair city is made even fairer... 我們美麗的城市 將變得更加迷人

[04:48.12]with cute, sweet American saiIors Iooking for fun. 因?yàn)榭蓯鄣拿绹?guó)水手 都外出尋歡作樂了

[04:52.28]l've been so distracted by Richard that l almost forgot my favorite holiday. 都是理查害我心煩意亂 我差點(diǎn)忘了最愛的節(jié)日

[04:58.16]-Fleet Week isn't a holiday. -lt should be. -這并不是節(jié)日 -應(yīng)該是的

[04:60.04]Sort of the antidote to Valentine's Day. 足以和情人節(jié)抗衡

[05:01.52]This is just what l need. l'm gonna ask them about the big party. 正是我需要的 我要去問清楚慶祝派對(duì)的事

[05:05.32]Hold on there, Pearl Harbor. Not interested. 等等,珍珠港我沒興趣

[05:05.40]Why? We always have fun when we go. 我們每次去都玩得很開心

[05:07.68]Me running through Times Square in heels, trying to find a cute sailor to kiss? 穿著高跟鞋跑過時(shí)代廣場(chǎng) 只為了找個(gè)水手親吻

[05:14.76]That ship has sailed. Pun intended. 那艘船已啟航,這是雙關(guān)語

[05:17.56]We have to show them a good time. lt's our patriotic duty as women of New York. 我們一定要去 這是身為紐約女人的愛國(guó)義務(wù)

[05:21.72]lf you want to do your patriotic duty as a New York woman... 如果你想盡 紐約女人的愛國(guó)義務(wù)

[05:23.08]you will come shopping with me right now... 你會(huì)跟我一塊去逛街 到城里花點(diǎn)錢

[05:25.100]and throw some much-needed money downtown.

[05:30.44]-l'm in. -l'm in. -我要去 -我也去

[05:29.64]l forgot the snugli. 我…忘了喂貓

[05:33.24]Let's get you a cab home. There's one. Taxi! 那幫你叫計(jì)程車回家吧 那兒有一輛,計(jì)程車

[05:39.52]lt's okay. 好吧

[05:43.80]-Okay, so l'll call you later? -Overspend for me. -我晚一點(diǎn)打電話給你? -幫我多花點(diǎn)錢

[05:48.76]Okay. -好 -我自己可以,行了

[05:47.16]-Bye, Brady. -l'm okay. l got it.

[05:51.16]Bye-bye. -再見 -再見

[05:56.80]l'll call you later. 我晚一點(diǎn)再打給你

[05:58.68]Miranda suddenIy found herseIf moving sIowIy away from her oId Iife... 米蘭達(dá)突然發(fā)現(xiàn)自己 正慢慢脫離她原本的生活

[06:05.36]and quickIy into her new one. 并且迅速邁向新生活


[06:10.40]Poor baby. Boy, pink thing.

[06:13.80]Boy, look at that pink face. 瞧那張大臉蛋

[06:18.28]-Dear, let Magda help. -l'm good. -來,讓梅格… -我自己來行了

[06:20.56]l've got it. You just keep doing the thing. The mirror. 你繼續(xù)…擦鏡子 我會(huì)請(qǐng)保姆哄他睡個(gè)午覺

[06:22.72]l'll get the nurse to put him down for a nap.

[06:25.64]-On floor? -Lina. 在地板上?

[06:26.20]ls that my big boy? -莉娜? -那是我兒子嗎?

[06:30.92]Hi. What are you doing here? 你怎么會(huì)在這里?

[06:32.88]l just came over to hang with B-boy. Magda let me in. 我來找寶寶玩,梅格讓我進(jìn)來

[06:37.56]Hey, champ. Want half a sandwich? -想不想吃三明治? -你從哪…

[06:40.24]Where did you get a....

[06:44.64]Okay. 史蒂夫…

[06:46.68]Steve, l can't have you ''hang'' right now. l've got a schedule. 我不能留你,我都安排好了

[06:50.40]l've got to get Brady down for a nap now, or he won't sleep tonight. 我得讓布萊迪睡個(gè)午覺 否則今晚他就不會(huì)睡了

[06:52.16]-Lina! -How's your nipples? -莉娜 -你的乳頭還好嗎?

[06:55.44]-Excuse me? -Lina said sometimes they get sore. -什么? -莉娜說有時(shí)候會(huì)痛

[06:58.72]Would you get Brady ready for his nap? 莉娜,讓布萊迪午睡好嗎?

[07:02.60]And please don't talk to Steve about my nipples. Thanks. 還有,別跟史蒂夫談我的乳頭 謝了

[07:06.16]-Don't blame her. l asked. -You just randomly asked about my nipples? -別怪她,是我問的 -你不經(jīng)意問起我乳頭的事?

[07:08.96]Yeah, l talk about your nipples to strangers all the time. 我總是跟陌生人討論你的乳頭

[07:10.88]-再見 -等等…


[07:15.92]The bum's rush? l came over to help. 不用這么急,我是來幫忙的

[07:17.52]l appreciate that, but l don't need help. l've hired help... 謝謝,但我已經(jīng)請(qǐng)了助手

[07:20.12]-and we've got everything under control. -Okay, so thanks for the eats. -一切都在控制中 -謝謝你的三明治

[07:27.24]Have a good evening, Mrs. MacDougal. 祝你有個(gè)愉快的夜晚 麥克道格太太

[07:28.44]CharIotte reaIized she may have put Great Love Number One behind her... 夏綠蒂意識(shí)到 或許她已將一號(hào)摯愛拋諸腦后

[07:32.72]but his name was stiII in front of her. 但他的名字仍在她眼前

[07:52.28]Break-ups.: bad for the heart, good for the economy. 分手雖然會(huì)傷心 對(duì)刺激經(jīng)濟(jì)倒有好處

[07:55.80]It's the bad guy again. And I'II keep caIIing tiII you agree to taIk. 又是我這個(gè)壞蛋 我會(huì)一直打到你答應(yīng)談為止

[08:01.36]So unIess you want 20 messages every day, you'II meet me tonight for a drink. 除非你想每天聽20通留言 不然今晚見

[08:04.12]I miss you. I'II be waiting, gorgeous. 我很想你,我會(huì)等你,美人兒

[08:07.40]Right sentiment... 態(tài)度對(duì)了

[08:09.20]Sushi Samba. 壽司森巴

[08:10.48]...wrong restaurant. 餐廳錯(cuò)了

[08:13.08]Richard Wright? Thank you. 理查萊特?這邊請(qǐng)

[08:31.28]Hello, gorgeous. 你好,美人兒

[08:33.28]ln a wildly optimistic gesture, l ordered you a Dirty Martini. 我以樂觀的手勢(shì) 幫你點(diǎn)了杯馬丁尼

[08:40.72]Dirty Martini? Dirty bastard. 馬丁尼?


[08:54.04]l've always wanted to do that, but l don't think l could pull it off. 我一直想這么做 但我不認(rèn)為我辦得到

[08:55.52]How did it feel? -感覺怎么樣? -太棒了

[08:58.60]Fabulous. But l woke up this morning even angrier. 但我今早醒來時(shí)卻更加憤怒

[09:03.60]l need to hurt him more. 我要更狠地傷害他 我不能在那男人身邊,他有毒

[09:04.40]l can't even be around that man. He's dangerous and toxic.

[09:08.88]So, he's manthrax? -他是男人中的炭疽病毒? -自大傲慢的王八蛋

[09:10.44]Arrogant prick.

[09:10.84]-l wonder what he was gonna say. -What couId he say? 我很好奇他本來想說什么

[09:15.24]That he loves me. That we belong together. That he didn't mean to hurt me. 他能說什么? 說他愛我,我們屬于對(duì)方


[09:20.00]People make mistakes. l cheated on Aidan. He gave me a second chance. 人都會(huì)犯錯(cuò),我對(duì)艾登不忠


[09:25.28]And look how well that turned out. 看看結(jié)果搞成什么樣

[09:26.44]-That was different. -True. lt wasn't a sushi situation. 那不一樣

[09:27.56]-對(duì),這跟壽司的情況不同 -那是另一回事

[09:30.44]And that's another thing.

[09:31.52]l'm not doing the baby talk at breakfast. 我才不要在早餐時(shí)童言童語

[09:35.40]l signed up for friendship, not some PC bullshit baby brunches. 我是為了友誼而來 不想聽無聊的育兒經(jīng)

[09:39.44]You're overreacting. Brady won't happen every day. 你反應(yīng)過度了 布萊迪又不會(huì)天天出現(xiàn)

[09:42.56]He'd better not. -最好不會(huì) -米蘭達(dá)還是米蘭達(dá)

[09:44.24]Miranda's still Miranda. She had a baby, not a lobotomy. 她生了個(gè)寶寶,沒動(dòng)腦部手術(shù) 她知道你跟小孩合不來

[09:46.44]-She knows you're not child-friendly. -Don't kid yourseIf.

[09:50.08]The days of ''pussy'' and ''fuck'' are gone. 別自欺欺人 淫聲浪語的日子已經(jīng)過去了

[09:56.28]Later that night, I got to thinking about days gone by. 那天晚上,我想著逝去的歲月

[09:58.96]That carefree time when our scheduIes were as wide open as our hearts. 那段無憂無慮的時(shí)光


[10:03.32]The time before the baggage and break-ups and babies... 那段精神包袱、分手和孩子 開始?jí)嚎逦覀円郧暗臅r(shí)光

[10:07.68]began to weigh us aII down.

[10:08.88]I couIdn't heIp but wonder... 我不禁納悶

[10:09.28]does that sense of adventure stiII fIicker inside of us? 冒險(xiǎn)精神是否仍在 我們心中擺蕩?

[10:12.68]Or when it comes to being carefree singIe girIs... 或者身為無憂無慮的單身女子

[10:16.76]have we missed the boat? 我們錯(cuò)過那艘船了嗎?

[10:25.80]Surprise. Pain au chocolat. 大驚喜,巧克力酥


[10:29.08]l'm sorry. l don't know you.


[10:35.72]-l'm Carrie. l'm a friend of-- -Hi. This is Lina. 這位是莉娜,進(jìn)來吧

[10:38.88]Come on in.

[10:43.80]-Does she speak? -No. l love her. -她會(huì)不會(huì)說話? -不會(huì),我真愛她

[10:47.84]Were we supposed to do something and l forgot to write it down? 我們是不是該做什么事 而我忘了記下來?

[10:49.32]l had the whole day free, thought l'd stop by for a little chatty. 不,我放自己一天假 便想過來找你聊聊

[10:53.12]Fatty, come on. l gotta sit. -來,胖妞,我要坐這里 -你餓不餓?

[10:56.92]So, are you hungry? l brought some pain au chocolat. 我?guī)Я艘恍┣煽肆λ謥?/p>

[10:58.28]Thanks, but the only eating l'm concerned with now is Brady. 謝謝,但我現(xiàn)在只關(guān)心 布萊迪的飲食

[11:01.28]-He doesn't seem to want to eat. -Perhaps he's anorexic. -他似乎不想吃東西 -也許他得了厭食癥

[11:04.12]-Sorry, what? -lt's a dumb joke. -抱歉,什么? -只是個(gè)蠢笑話

[11:06.64]-What was it? -Anorexic. -什么笑話? -厭食癥


[11:10.80]No, l've been trying to feed him for an hour, and he won't latch on.... 我已試著喂奶一小時(shí)了 他卻搞不清楚…

[11:17.60]Stop, boring. What's up with you? 不說了,真無聊 你最近好嗎?

[11:21.68]l've been thinking about that thing that Charlotte said in the coffee shop. 我一直在想


[11:25.44]About the great loves? 關(guān)于摯愛?

[11:30.00]Here we go. 來吧

[11:32.96]Maybe Aidan and Big are my two great loves now. 也許艾登和大人物 是我目前的兩個(gè)摯愛


[11:39.92]But that doesn't mean that l'm always gonna feel that way about them. 那并不表示…我會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)

[11:43.24]Come on, Brady. lt's right here. Okay, you don't want it? Fine. -對(duì)他們有這種感覺 -來,布萊迪,在這里


[11:49.28]Here we go.

[11:51.36]There, in the middIe of my two great Ioves... 就在我兩個(gè)摯愛的話題 說到一半時(shí)

[11:53.96]were Miranda's two great breasts. 看見了米蘭達(dá)的一對(duì)大胸部

[11:58.64]-l'm sorry, what? -Your breasts are huge. 對(duì)不起,你說什么?


[11:59.04]No, what were you saying about.... l can't even remember. 不,你剛才說什么?

[12:02.40]我甚至記不得了 真是令人沮喪

[12:03.88]This is so frustrating.

[12:08.00]-He'll eat eventually. -Not that. This is frustrating. -他終究會(huì)吃的 -不是那件事

[12:09.08]這真令人沮喪 我跟不上你的思緒

[12:10.44]l can't follow your thoughts. lt's all about nursing and nipples. 我滿腦子都是喂奶和乳頭

[12:13.92]Sweetie, they're looking right at me. 親愛的,它們正盯著我呢

[12:15.12]l am not gonna become one of those mothers... 我不會(huì)變成那種

[12:19.12]who cannot carry on an adult conversation. l am not. 無法繼續(xù)討論成人話題的媽媽


[12:23.80]Three weeks ago, l would've been listening to you and saying funny things back. 三個(gè)星期前,我還能 專心聽你講話,幽默回應(yīng)

[12:27.96]Now l'm going, ''What, what?'' l didn't even get the anorexic joke. 現(xiàn)在我只會(huì)一直說“什么?” 還聽不懂厭食癥笑話

[12:31.76]How easy was that? -那很簡(jiǎn)單吧? -我只是隨便說說,沒啥意義

[12:33.44]l'm just talking. Just ''blah, blah.'' lt's just words.

[12:37.28]They're not just words. They're your words. And it's not just now. 但那是你說的話 而且不只是這次

[12:39.16]What about Samantha? Could she have gotten me into that cab any faster? 莎曼珊把我弄上計(jì)程車的速度 還能更快嗎?


[12:45.04]My friendships are important to me.


[12:52.60]We're not going anywhere. 我們不會(huì)離開你 也許生活會(huì)有一點(diǎn)小改變

[12:54.88]l mean, maybe things will have to change a little.

[12:56.00]-Fuck. -l know. -去你的 -我知道

[12:60.76]But you're still one of us. 但你仍是我們的一分子

[13:02.04]Only now, you're the one with the biggest boobs. 你只有現(xiàn)在是胸部最大的人

[13:05.04]-Can you believe the size of my nipples? -Please, l was not at all prepared. 你能相信我的乳頭有多大嗎?


[13:08.20]l'm gonna have to go find some sort of trauma counseling. 我得去尋求心靈創(chuàng)傷輔導(dǎo)

[13:13.60]There. 找到了,我們終于有了接觸

[13:15.88]We have contact.

[13:21.92]Okay, l'm gonna go. 好了,我要走了 讓你專心照顧霍布斯小子

[13:24.12]-l'll let you concentrate on Mr. Hobbes there. -You don't have to go.

[13:25.88]你不需要離開 我現(xiàn)在可以聽你說了

[13:26.12]l can listen now. l can do it.

[13:28.40]Miranda, you're a mother. 米蘭達(dá),你是個(gè)母親

[13:34.44]-But it's okay. l won't tell anyone. -Don't. -但沒關(guān)系,我不會(huì)說出去 -千萬不要

[13:38.44]What are you gonna do all day? 你一整天要做什么?

[13:42.44]First a trip to the Guggenheim, and then lunch, and then... 先去逛古根海姆博物館 然后吃午餐,接著…

[13:47.36]who knows? lt's New York. -誰知道?這里是紐約 -跟這城市約會(huì)?

[13:48.36]-Hot date with your city? -Exactly. See that?

[13:51.24]You listened, and we had the witty repartee. Bye. 沒錯(cuò),看到?jīng)]有?你聽我說話 我們還有機(jī)智對(duì)答呢,再見

[13:56.04]That same afternoon, CharIotte feIt Iike going to a movie. 當(dāng)天下午,夏綠蒂想去看電影

[13:59.32]So she caIIed her afternoon movie friend, Anthony. 她打給一位午后電影良伴 安東尼

[14:01.00]Carrie says that the French film at the Paris is amazing. 凱莉說巴黎戲院的 法國(guó)片很好看

[14:06.36]Fuck the French. 去他的法國(guó) 我沒必要花一個(gè)下午看那垃圾

[14:05.04]Like l need to spend an afternoon looking at that drippy shit.

[14:10.76]-Good hat, though. -Thanks. -你的帽子還不賴 -謝了,你想看什么?

[14:10.76]-What do you wanna see? -Anything with Josh Hartnett. -喬許哈納特演的電影都行 -我不認(rèn)識(shí)他

[14:12.60]-l don't know who that is. -He's cute with a capital.... 他很可愛 有個(gè)大寫字母“U”…

[14:19.60]He totally checked you out. You should go back and get his number. 他被你迷得神魂顛倒 你應(yīng)該去向他要電話

[14:23.04]-He's a sailor. -l know. -他是個(gè)水手 -我知道,快點(diǎn),他要走了

[14:27.04]-Go, hurry, he's getting away. -l can't do that. -不行 -你真不像同志

[14:30.72]You are so not gay.

[14:32.04]-What am l gonna do with him? -Fuck him. -我要跟他做些什么? -跟他上床

[14:33.88]Put him into that Park Avenue, pink-shirt, flaccid-peepee mojo... 別老是想著公園大道 粉紅襯衫和疲軟不振的前夫

[14:37.16]you've been dragging around. -在那些往事中裹足不前 -我沒有裹足不前

[14:39.08]l'm not dragging anything around. As a matter of fact...

[14:41.28]l changed my name back to ''York'' on my mailbox. 我把信箱上的姓氏改回約克了

[14:44.92]Good for you. Now maybe you should be thinking about a different box. 那很好 或許你該考慮換一個(gè)信箱

[14:48.24]When's the last time you had sex? 你上次做愛是什么時(shí)候? 如果你得想,就表示太久了

[14:50.28]lf you have to think about it, it's been too long.

[14:50.60]-When was the last time you-- -10:30 today, at the gym. -你上次… -今天早上十點(diǎn)半在健身房

[14:56.80]l'm not looking for just sex. l can have just sex. 我不只是尋找性愛 我也可以只享受性愛

[14:57.88]l'm looking for my next great love. 我是在尋找下一個(gè)摯愛

[14:60.04]Don't let it hit that six-month mark... 別超過六個(gè)月

[15:01.52]because after that it's just a sleigh ride into menopause. 要不然就會(huì)加速進(jìn)入更年期

[15:05.48]l'm serious. lf you don't put something in there soon, it'll grow over. 如果你不趕緊找個(gè)男人 陰道將會(huì)老化

[15:10.96]What is it with this frigging wind? 這該死的風(fēng)是怎么搞的?

[15:11.68]As CharIotte and Anthony made a Ieft... 當(dāng)夏綠蒂和安東尼左轉(zhuǎn)

[15:15.96]Samantha found herseIf in the right neighborhood.: Richard Wright's. 莎曼珊發(fā)現(xiàn)自己 來到理查萊特的住家附近

[15:19.84]-Here you go. -Thank you. 來,謝謝,一張給你

[15:22.92]One for you.


[15:36.16]Ma'am, it's against city law to deface public property. 小姐,破壞公物是違法的

[15:37.64]This man said he loved me... 這個(gè)男人說他愛我

[15:39.28]and l caught him eating another woman's pussy. 但我卻逮到他幫別的女人口交

[15:45.08]Carry on, ma'am. 繼續(xù)吧,小姐

[16:04.84]New York weather, Iike a man, can be unpredictabIe. 紐約的天氣跟男人一樣 都是難以預(yù)料的

[16:10.44]But that's part of the fun. 但那就是樂趣所在

[16:26.44]And a New York Museum, Iike a man, can sometimes be cIosed... 紐約的博物館也跟男人一樣 有時(shí)候會(huì)關(guān)閉

[16:31.68]when you wish they were open. 當(dāng)你希望他們敞開大門時(shí)

[16:54.16]That's another reason I Iove New York. 這是我愛紐約的另一個(gè)理由 就這樣

[16:56.32]Just Iike that, it can go from bad to cute. 缺點(diǎn)也變得可愛了

[17:04.40]l guess we're not going anywhere for a while. 我想我們暫時(shí)哪兒也去不了

[17:11.92]l love the way the rain smells. 我喜歡雨的氣味

[17:16.72]lf this were a French movie, we'd fall in love and get married. 如果是法國(guó)電影 我們會(huì)墜入愛河,然后結(jié)婚

[17:23.88]No, l was just pointing out how romantic this would be in a movie. 不,我只是指出 這在電影里會(huì)有多浪漫

[17:27.84]l don't wanna marry you. 我并不想嫁給你

[17:29.56]Okay, l do. 好吧,我想

[17:33.24]No, come on, l'm kidding. 我開玩笑的,我們才剛認(rèn)識(shí) 再等五分鐘吧

[17:37.68]l mean, we just met. Let's wait five minutes.

[17:40.68]l don't even wanna get married. l was engaged last year... 真的,我并不想結(jié)婚 去年我訂了婚

[17:43.96]and if l didn't wanna marry him, l.... 但如果我不想嫁給他…

[17:52.80]-Singles at the counter. -l was hoping to get a table-- -一位坐吧臺(tái) -我希望有張桌子…

[17:57.68]Singles, counter. Two. 一個(gè)人去坐吧臺(tái),兩位…

[17:60.28]-Okay, thank you. -Who's next? -好,謝謝你 -兩位


[18:04.36]SeveraI wet bIocks Iater... 走了幾條街后,我決定

[18:06.52]I decided to warm up with a bowI of New York matzo-baII soup. 來碗猶太面包雞湯暖和一下

[18:09.88]Come on, let's go! 走快一點(diǎn)…

[18:14.48]That manager's really a prick. 那經(jīng)理真是混蛋

[18:16.44]l put up with it because l come here all the time. 我忍受只是因?yàn)槲伊?xí)慣來這里

[18:20.72]They know me. l live in the neighborhood. 他們都認(rèn)識(shí)我,我住在附近

[18:20.92]We single gals gotta have a port in the storm. Am l right? 我們單身女子得在暴風(fēng)雨中 找個(gè)避風(fēng)港,對(duì)嗎?

[18:28.60]Lithium. l like to sprinkle it on my ice cream. 這是鋰片 我喜歡把它灑在冰淇淋上

[18:31.96]-You ever try it? -No. -有沒有試過? -沒有,沒試過

[18:35.48]-Can't say that l have. -What kind of mood elevator are you on? 你服用哪一種抗抑郁劑?


[18:42.92]-l'm not on one. -Yeah? 是嗎?我以前跟你一樣 后來就和這家伙分手了

[18:45.80]l used to be like you, then l broke up with this guy.

[18:49.16]This was '82. Morty. Thought somebody better would come along. 那是1982年的事,他叫莫提

[18:49.08]我以為會(huì)出現(xiàn)更好的人 一個(gè)也沒有

[18:52.92]Never happened.

[18:58.68]l love this! 我愛死這個(gè)了

[19:01.92]If CharIotte was right, this woman's two great Ioves... 如果夏綠蒂說得對(duì) 這女人的兩個(gè)摯愛

[19:05.48]were a man named Morty, and Iithium-Iaced ice cream. 是一個(gè)名叫莫提的男子 和灑著鋰粉的冰淇淋

[19:09.04]After 20 minutes squatting under the coffee-shop hand dryer... 在咖啡店的烘手機(jī)下 蹲了20分鐘后

[19:12.24]I reaIized I'd been kidding myseIf. 我才明白我一直在騙自己

[19:14.40]New York and I didn't have the perfect reIationship. 紐約和我之間的關(guān)系并不完美

[19:18.32]All right! 好了

[19:19.36]It was dismissive, abusive, and it made me feeI desperate. 這城市冷漠、不懷好意 而且讓我覺得走投無路

[19:26.24]I was now fresh out of great Ioves. 我的摯愛再也不會(huì)出現(xiàn)

[19:32.40]Hey, sir.... 先生

[19:37.96]Thank you. 謝謝你

[19:42.28]Should l? 要嗎?

[19:50.68]Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Louis Leroy. 容我自我介紹 我名叫路易斯拉羅

[19:53.68]This is Bill Hope and Paul Watkins... 這位是比爾霍伯 以及保羅沃金斯

[19:54.88]and we'd like to invite you to a Navy party tonight. 我們想邀請(qǐng)你參加 今晚的海軍派對(duì)

[19:58.76]-Feel free to bring some girlfriends. -Yeah, feel very free. -歡迎攜帶女性友人 -歡迎之至

[20:07.68]l don't know why l was fighting it. This is gonna be fun. 我不知道我為何猶豫 這一定會(huì)很好玩的

[20:10.00]Exactly what we needed. Three single gals back on the town. 這正是我們所需要的 三個(gè)單身女郎又回到城里了

[20:14.08]What's the longest you've gone without sex? 你們最長(zhǎng)時(shí)間 沒有性生活是多久?

[20:16.36]You don't get that info without dinner and a drink. 沒吃晚餐和喝酒之前不說這些

[20:18.20]-Next week will make it six months. -Watch it. 我下禮拜就滿六個(gè)月了

[20:21.20]Thanks. You threw me, and l lost my concentration. 謝謝,她嚇倒我了 害我一時(shí)失神

[20:26.28]l am gonna have sex with a sailor tonight. 今晚我一定要跟一個(gè)水手上床

[20:29.28]-She almost got me on that one. -l'm serious. -我也差點(diǎn)被她嚇倒 -我是認(rèn)真的,我必須上床

[20:29.88]l have to have sex to put Mrs. Trey MacDougal behind me. 好擺脫麥克道格太太的身分 我是全新的夏綠蒂約克

[20:32.92]-l'm a whole new Charlotte York. -What about the great love?

[20:36.84]-你那套摯愛理論呢? -也許那些只是胡扯

[20:37.52]Maybe that was bullshit.

[20:39.52]Gotcha! 我扶你

[20:44.56]-How are we gonna find your sailor? -We'll find him. -我們要怎么找你那位水手? -會(huì)找到他的

[21:00.88]God bless America! 天佑美國(guó)

[21:08.52]The important thing is to stick together, or we'll get lost. 重點(diǎn)是集體行動(dòng) 不然我們會(huì)走散



[21:22.84]Very good.

[21:24.96]And uptown, another woman found herseIf in a confusing naveI situation. 在上城,另一個(gè)女人發(fā)現(xiàn)自己 陷入令人困惑的肚臍處境

[21:31.28]Look, Brady. 你看,布萊迪,這是你的肚臍

[21:32.56]There's your bellybutton.

[21:40.24]Help me! 幫幫我

[21:46.44]Twenty freaked-out minutes Iater.... 驚恐的20分鐘后…

[21:46.80]l can't do this. l'm prepared for the expected... 我辦不到,我對(duì)預(yù)期中的事物 做了心理準(zhǔn)備

[21:51.40]but l'm not prepared for the unexpected. l can't schedule shit like this. 但對(duì)意外毫無招架之力 我想不到會(huì)發(fā)生這種事

[21:53.96]And the people that you hire won't help you with shit like this. 而且花錢請(qǐng)來的人又不肯幫忙

[21:59.64]Where's the cat? 那只貓呢?

[22:00.32]God, Steve, it's gross. Help me, it's gross. 天啊,史蒂夫,好惡心

[22:03.32]-幫幫我,好惡心 -放輕松,我會(huì)幫你

[22:03.72]Relax, l'll give you a hand.

[22:08.88]He may not be a core-shaker... 他或許改變不了她

[22:11.56]but Steve was there when she was shaken to the core. 但史蒂夫卻在她被嚇得 花容失色時(shí)陪在身邊

[22:32.96]You looking for someone? 你在找人嗎?

[22:33.20]My girlfriends. 找我朋友,對(duì)女人而言 這派對(duì)簡(jiǎn)直就像百慕達(dá)三角洲

[22:37.00]This party's like the Bermuda Triangle for women.

[22:40.60]That's a little sailor joke. -那是個(gè)水手笑話 -你很風(fēng)趣

[22:43.68]You're funny.

[22:44.28]You remind me of my mom. -讓我想起我媽 -拜拜


[22:53.04]-Evening, miss. -Ahoy, matey. -你好,小姐 -伙伴,領(lǐng)結(jié)很好看

[22:56.36]Nice dickey.

[23:01.16]MeanwhiIe, I stiII had not found CharIotte... 我還是沒找到夏綠蒂

[23:03.24]but CharIotte had found an officer who wasn't a gentIeman. 不過夏綠蒂已找到一個(gè) 不太紳士的軍官

[23:07.64]Show me your tits? -可以看看你的胸部嗎? -不行,我?guī)缀醪徽J(rèn)識(shí)你

[23:10.12]l can't do that. l barely know you.

[23:12.100]Okay, then just show me one. 那看一邊就好,這是命令

[23:18.88]lt's an order. 從前夏綠蒂一定會(huì)叫他吃官司 但現(xiàn)在的她…

[23:20.28]The oId CharIotte wouId've had him court-martiaIed.

[23:21.16]But the new CharIotte... -軍官… -時(shí)間緊迫

[23:24.32]Well, Officer...

[23:25.00]...had a deadIine. 如果是命令的話

[23:26.64]...if it's an order.

[23:31.68]-Oh, Jesus! -Carrie! -天啊 -凱莉

[23:32.84]-l was just looking for you, l didn't-- -No. This is Officer Matt Cook. 我只是來找你,我沒有…

[23:35.28]-這位是麥特庫(kù)克軍官 -我們待會(huì)見吧

[23:36.16]l'll see you later.

[23:42.52]l can't do this. Let's just talk. 我辦不到,我們還是聊天吧

[23:48.56]lt's your call, ma'am. 都聽你的,小姐

[23:48.56]Turns out CharIotte was caught somewhere between the oId and new York. 結(jié)果夏綠蒂被困在 過去和現(xiàn)在之間

[23:53.16]But she figured showing her boob to a reIative stranger... 但她盤算對(duì)著陌生人袒胸露背 可以換來三個(gè)月延長(zhǎng)期

[23:55.80]bought her another three months.

[24:01.00]凱莉,原來你在這里 夏綠蒂呢?

[24:01.00]There you are! Where's Charlotte?

[24:05.56]Believe it or not, she's involved in a little peepshow upstairs. 信不信由你 樓上的脫衣舞秀有她的份

[24:08.24]l'm really starting to have a newfound respect for that girl. 我開始對(duì)那女人有點(diǎn)敬意了

[24:13.64]What is it about today? l've seen Miranda's boobs... 今天是怎么回事?我看了 米蘭達(dá)的胸部、夏綠蒂的胸部

[24:14.80]l've seen Charlotte's boob.

[24:15.32]Why not just show me yours and get it over with? 何不也讓我看看你的胸部 好讓這一切結(jié)束?

[24:26.68]l was kidding. 我是開玩笑的

[24:26.16]l wasn't. That ought to hook me a sailor. 我不是 那應(yīng)該能幫我釣到一個(gè)水手

[24:28.44]Yeah, it'll Tailhook you one. Look, l'm going. 別扯上海軍性丑聞 聽著,我要走了

[24:32.84]-不要走 -我是對(duì)的

[24:33.88]l was right. This ship has sailed. 這艘船已經(jīng)開了 不幸的是,我還在船上

[24:35.00]And tragically, l'm still on it.

[24:38.96]Good night. Keep an eye on Boom-Boom up there. 再見了,注意樓上那位豪放女

[24:47.44]-Hey, there. You came. -Yes, l came, l saw... 你來了

[24:50.08]-我來見識(shí)過了,我要走了 -別這樣

[24:53.08]l'm leaving. 我大老遠(yuǎn)從路易斯安那州 來這里和一個(gè)紐約美女共舞

[24:54.36]Come on, l've come all the way from Louisiana to dance with a New York city girl.

[24:60.96]l'm a good dancer. 我舞跳得很棒

[26:10.72]Even though she was fIoating in a sea of dickeys... 雖然她正漂浮在水手的汪洋中

[26:13.32]1 new message and 12 saved messages. “你有一通新留言 以及12通舊留言”

[26:14.40]...Samantha couId onIy think about Richard. 莎曼珊滿腦子只有理查

[26:18.40]You threw a drink in my face and papered my neighborhood. “你朝我臉上沷酒 還在我家附近張貼告示”

[26:21.28]WouId I stiII be caIIing if I didn't reaIIy Iove you? “如果不是真心愛你 我還會(huì)打電話來嗎?”

[26:24.96]I Iove you, gorgeous. Give me another chance. “我愛你,美人兒 再給我一次機(jī)會(huì)”

[26:30.20]You threw a drink in my face and papered my neighborhood. “你朝我臉上沷酒 還在我家附近張貼告示”

[26:34.68]WouId I stiII be caIIing if I didn't reaIIy Iove you? “如果不是真心愛你 我還會(huì)打電話來嗎?”

[26:45.04]Say, Louis from Louisiana... 來自路易斯安那的路易斯

[26:47.12]how many great loves do you think you get in a lifetime? 你認(rèn)為一生中會(huì)有幾個(gè)摯愛?

[26:51.96]Great loves? 摯愛?

[26:54.16]That is the question on deck. 正是

[27:02.52]Maybe one, if you're lucky. 也許一個(gè)吧,如果幸運(yùn)的話

[27:15.92]l'm glad l stayed. 我很高興我留下來了

[27:18.44]After the way this city kicked my ass today, l needed that dance. 在今天諸事不順之后 我需要跳那支舞

[27:23.12]l have to say, this is my first trip to New York. 老實(shí)說,這是我第一次來紐約

[27:25.28]Not for me. 這里不適合我

[27:28.48]l mean, the garbage, the noise, l don't know how you put up with it. 垃圾、噪音 真不知道你怎么受得了

[27:40.08]Thanks. 謝了,再見

[27:44.28]Good night.

[27:48.76]Wait. 等一下

[27:51.24]Going home all alone? 你一個(gè)人回家?

[27:54.88]lt's rough out there. -外面很危險(xiǎn) -沒那么糟糕

[27:55.32]lt isn't so bad.

[28:02.04]If Louis was right, and you onIy get one great Iove... 如果路易斯說得對(duì) 人只會(huì)有一個(gè)摯愛

[28:06.24]New York may just be mine. 那紐約可能就是我的摯愛

[28:09.80]And I can't have nobody taIking shit about my boyfriend. 我不能讓任何人批評(píng)我的情人

[28:15.68]A short whiIe Iater, I had a thought. 沒過多久,我突然想到

[28:16.76]Taxi! 也許過去就像是 把我們往回拉的錨

[28:18.04]Maybe the past is Iike an anchor hoIding us back.

[28:20.92]Maybe you have to Iet go of who you were... 也許你必須擺脫過去的自己…

[28:28.20]to become who you wiII be. 才能迎向未來的自己


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