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欲望都市第五季 愛的神秘 I Love a Charade





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:45:16



[00:36.00](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:47.76]In this ever-expanding gaIaxy caIIed New York City... 紐約就像不斷擴(kuò)張的宇宙

[00:51.84]there are certain heavenIy bodies one orbits around every day. 許多天體 每天繞著同一個(gè)軌道運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)

[00:54.84]And then there are those stars... 恒星每隔幾年會(huì)吸引 或拋開游離的小行星

[00:56.48]whose gravitationaI puII one drifts in and out of over the years.

[00:60.80]Is that aII there is

[01:01.76]Bobby Fine, sateIIite friend, piano bar Iegend. 老是繞著我打轉(zhuǎn)的巴比范 是鋼琴酒吧里的傳奇人物

[01:06.64]l usually do this number at home in a pink caftan and a Peggy Lee wig. 我通常會(huì)在家穿著粉紅色禮服 戴著佩姬李的假發(fā)唱這首歌

[01:09.92]Like you've never done the same thing after three daiquiris? 三杯黃湯下肚 我保證一定走音

[01:15.88]But right now, l must take a quick break to say hello to a celebrity friend. 我必須休息一下 跟我的名人好友打招呼

[01:20.64]ls there any other kind? Little Miss Carrie Bradshaw. 這里的每個(gè)人都是名人吧?


[01:22.52]Wonderful. 她寫書 大家還記得什么是書吧?

[01:24.96]She writes books. You remember books. Primitive versions of the DVD.


[01:29.48]Stop, please stop. Okay, one more time for the cheap seats in the back. 別笑了,好吧,再來一次

[01:30.08]算是給坐在廉價(jià)后座 的客人優(yōu)待

[01:35.36]Is that aII there is (就這樣嗎?)

[01:39.04]Yes, that's aII there is (對,就這樣)

[01:46.32]How long have you two known each other? 你們認(rèn)識(shí)多久了?

[01:46.00]Let's put it this way. Cats was just Kittens. 從“貓”還是小貓開始

[01:50.76]-Cats, the musical. Hello? -Oh, l loved Cats. 音樂劇“貓”嗎?別開玩笑了

[01:54.48]-我喜歡“貓” -救護(hù)車

[01:55.16]-Medic. -lt hasn't been that long, has it?

[01:57.52]Please, darling, when we met, you took aerobics and Stanford had hair. 才沒有那么久

[01:59.92]我們剛認(rèn)識(shí)時(shí)你還在跳有氧 史丹佛還有頭發(fā)

[02:01.20]-Bobby. -Bitsy. l thought you had a dinner. -巴比 -貝西,我以為你去吃晚餐了

[02:05.68]Oh, l do. The driver is circling, but l had to run up and say hello. 沒錯(cuò),司機(jī)在外面繞圈圈 我必須進(jìn)來打個(gè)招呼

[02:09.28]Oh, hello.

[02:12.92]Bitsy Von Muffling. This is Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, and the one who liked Cats. 貝西馮馬芬林

[02:12.76]凱莉,米蘭達(dá),莎曼珊 跟喜歡“貓”的小姐

[02:18.44]Bitsy, Samantha Jones. l did PR for your museum benefit. 莎曼珊瓊斯,我?guī)湍愕?博物館慈善會(huì)做過公關(guān)

[02:21.88]Samantha, of course, l loved you. 莎曼珊,我愛死你了

[02:23.56]l was just so thrilled that someone actually liked Cats. 我只是嚇了一跳 還有人喜歡“貓”

[02:26.16]-l didn't like it that much. -Waiter, sense of humor, Table 5. -我沒有那么喜歡它 -服務(wù)生,五號桌要點(diǎn)幽默感

[02:30.100]-So, Samantha, how are you? -Fabulous. How are you? -莎曼珊,你好嗎? -我好極了,你呢?

[02:34.64]Delirious. l'm madly in love and getting married. 非常棒,我瘋狂地墜入愛河 就快要結(jié)婚了

[02:37.36]-Big Hamptons wedding. -Congratulations. Who's the lucky stud? -我們要在漢普頓辦婚禮 -誰是那個(gè)幸運(yùn)的男人?

[02:43.24]Me. 我

[02:53.92]-You're getting married? -Can you believe it? -你要結(jié)婚了? -你能相信嗎?

[02:57.36]Bitsy and l are affianced. l finally found the right girl. 貝西跟我訂婚了 我終于遇到了我的夢中情人

[03:08.04]Mr. Broadway has to go tinkle before he can tinkle. 百老匯先生得靠意淫 讓自己的小弟弟打起精神來

[03:11.60]Samantha, l have your address. You have to come. 我有你的住址,你一定要來 很高興能見到你們

[03:12.36]-Nice meeting you all. -Bye.

[03:17.16]l thought he was gay. 我還以為他是同性戀

[03:19.04]Yeah, ''Mr. Broadway has to go tinkle''? That's the gayest sentence ever uttered. “百老匯先生得靠意淫” 那句話的同性戀意味太濃了

[03:25.20]He must be marrying her for the money. -他這么做一定是為了錢 -他不需要錢

[03:27.20]He doesn't need the money. He was one of the original investors in Chorus Line. 他是“歌舞線上”的 創(chuàng)始投資人

[03:29.68]Just when you thought you'd never hear anything gayer... 我想你再也聽不到

[03:34.36]than ''Mr. Broadway has to go tinkle.'' 比“百老匯先生得靠意淫” 更具同性戀意味的話了

[03:34.56]Why would he be getting married? 他為什么要結(jié)婚?

[03:39.64]ln 1988, Bobby Fine announced... 1988年巴比范宣布 他要賣掉在市區(qū)的鋼琴酒吧

[03:40.80]that he was going to sell his piano bar downtown...

[03:43.28]and go volunteer with Nicaraguan orphans. 跑到尼加拉瓜當(dāng)義工照顧孤兒

[03:48.16]The orphans are still waiting. 那些孤兒還在等待救援 他不可能結(jié)婚的

[03:49.28]This wedding will never happen.

[03:53.92]lt's happening. 真的發(fā)生了

[03:55.32]Everything's booked. So the really big question is where are we going to stay? 一切都訂好了 問題是我們要住在哪里?

[03:59.72]That's the really big question? 那是個(gè)大問題嗎? 問題應(yīng)該是他們?yōu)槭裁唇Y(jié)婚

[04:02.36]What about, ''Why are these two people marrying each other?''

[04:05.36]-ls that all there is? -Bitsy said they were madly in love. -就這樣嗎? -貝西說他們深深相愛

[04:09.72]You see, l find the love facade the most offensive part. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)愛是最脆弱的理由

[04:11.60]We're adults. We can handle it. 我們是成年人 我們可以應(yīng)付它

[04:13.32]Bitsy should say, ''l'm getting older, and l want companionship.'' 貝西應(yīng)該說 “我老了,我需要伴”

[04:16.88]Or Bobby should say, ''The hot men don't go for me anymore.'' 巴比應(yīng)該說“帥哥不要我了”

[04:19.36]But don't print invitations and call it love... 別印喜帖告訴大家那就是愛

[04:22.56]as if love transforms people and changes molecules... 一副愛能讓人改變性向的樣子 真是胡扯

[04:26.24]'cause that's bullshit. 你不想當(dāng)我的男伴?

[04:26.24]-l guess you don't want to be my date then. -No dates, unless they have summer houses.


[04:30.92]Relax. We can stay with Stanford and Marcus. -我們要跟史丹佛及馬可斯住 -我一定是個(gè)白癡

[04:33.60]l was a fool to break up with Richard before Labor Day. He has a fabulous house. 才會(huì)在勞動(dòng)節(jié)前跟理查分手 他有棟很漂亮的房子

[04:38.68]l wouldn't go to this charade if you paid me. 就算你付我錢,我也不會(huì)去

[04:41.24]lt's like there's a pink suede elephant in the middle of the room... 這就像房子里有頭粉紅象 大家卻裝做什么都沒發(fā)生一樣

[04:45.32]-and nobody's allowed to talk about it. -You think they won't have sex?

[04:45.84]-你覺得他們不會(huì)有性生活? -結(jié)婚的人都沒有性生活

[04:49.92]All married couples stop having sex eventually.

[04:50.20]That's not true. You've had sex with lots of married people. -你跟已婚男人發(fā)生性關(guān)系 -所以我才會(huì)知道這檔子事

[04:55.68]That's how l know. 好吧,就說他們是在找老伴

[04:56.48]Okay, let's say it's companionship.

[04:58.96]How do you sustain a relationship without the zsa zsa zsu? 沒有愛的感覺 怎么維持婚姻關(guān)系?

[05:02.24]-The what? -That butterflies-in-your-stomach thing... 你說什么?

[05:04.60]你的心跟亂飛的蝴蝶一樣時(shí) 你不只愛上了對方

[05:07.40]that happens when you not only love the person, but you gotta have them.


[05:11.28]lsn't that what gets you through the years? 不是那股力量一直支持你嗎?

[05:14.24]Even if it fades, at least you have the memory of the zsa zsa zsu. 就算愛已消逝 你還會(huì)記得那種感覺

[05:16.84]l'm fine with whatever people want to do. Just be straight with me. 大家想做什么我都沒意見 我只要求對方坦白

[05:21.40]l think that's how Bitsy proposed to Bobby. 我想那就是 貝西跟巴比求婚的理由

[05:25.52]It was right about then CharIotte decided to be straight with us. 這時(shí)夏綠蒂?zèng)Q定跟我們坦白

[05:28.88]l'm seeing someone, sort of. 我在跟某人約會(huì)… 應(yīng)該可以那么說

[05:32.16]You're in a ''sort of'' relationship? 你應(yīng)該算是在跟某人交往?

[05:34.56]lt's ridiculous. He's so not my type. 這太可笑了 他不是我那一型的

[05:35.24]-ls he heterosexual? -Yes. -他是異性戀嗎? -對

[05:39.32]But he's bald and short, and he talks with his mouth full. 但他是個(gè)禿頭矮冬瓜 喜歡邊吃東西邊說話

[05:43.00]l don't even want to be seen in public with him. 我不想被人在公開場合 看到我跟他在一起

[05:46.24]l hate his name, Harry, because he is, everywhere but his head. 我討厭他的名字,他叫哈利 他除了頭頂外全身都是毛

[05:50.44]-ls the sex bad, too? -lt's the best sex of my life. -你們的性關(guān)系很糟糕嗎? -這是我一生中最棒的性經(jīng)驗(yàn)

[05:58.48]l think l might really like him. 我想或許我喜歡他

[06:00.88]You want to go to a wedding in the Hamptons in a few weeks? 你想到漢普頓參加婚禮嗎?

[06:04.28]Bitsy Von Muffling's. -貝西馮馬芬林的婚禮 -你被邀請了?

[06:07.16]-You're invited to that? -Oh, yeah, l handled her divorce. -我是她的離婚律師 -你不是漢普頓那一型的

[06:10.32]l just never thought of you as a Hamptons type.

[06:10.52]l am the Hamptons, baby. l own a house in Bridge. 我是漢普頓那一型的 我在布里治漢普頓有房子

[06:14.00]Well, l can't go. l'm not really ready for swimsuit season. 我不能去,我還沒準(zhǔn)備穿泳裝

[06:19.56]What? You're a fucking knockout. -你是個(gè)大美人 -問題出在你的背

[06:21.16]-lt's you. lt's your back. -What's wrong with my back?

[06:22.12]-我的背怎么了? -你的背都是毛

[06:23.72]lt's very hairy. You're not supposed to be able to grab someone's back.


[06:30.00]This is how l was born. What am l supposed to do about it? 我該怎么辦呢?

[06:31.76]-Get it waxed. -l'll tell you what. 你必須去除毛

[06:34.76]你跟我一起去參加婚禮 我就去除背毛

[06:35.96]You come with me to the wedding, and l will get my back waxed.

[06:40.92]Fine. 好吧

[06:42.40]-Come here, you. -Your hands are all greasy. -你過來 -你的手油膩膩

[06:48.16]That night, I thought about what it takes to make a reIationship work... 那晚我思索著 戀愛成功的關(guān)鍵到底是什么

[06:54.48]tiII death do us part. “至死不渝”

[06:59.36]Most singIes have more Iong-term success with friends. 大部分的單身男女 可以跟朋友維持長期的關(guān)系

[07:00.44]So maybe it is a better strategy to marry a friend. 或許跟朋友結(jié)婚 是比較好的策略

[07:05.20]However, in the absence of sex... 然而缺乏性生活…

[07:06.48]whether that's the arrangement, or just what happens after a few years... 不論是事先協(xié)議 或結(jié)婚發(fā)生了什么事

[07:11.44]what distinguishes this companion from your many other companions? 你如何區(qū)分終身伴侶 跟其他的朋友?

[07:16.40]When it comes to saying ''I do''... 一提到“我愿意”,婚姻關(guān)系

[07:17.12]is a reIationship a reIationship without the zsa zsa zsu?


[07:25.28]Or in Samantha's case... 在莎曼珊的案例中

[07:25.96]how much is a woman due for surviving the zsa zsa zsu? 女人沒有愛的感覺 可以硬撐到什么程度?

[07:30.84]This is Richard. You have 30 seconds. (我是理查)

[07:31.60]l've been thinking. Our pathetic relationship... 我曾想過我們的可悲關(guān)系 就跟婚姻差不多

[07:35.44]is as close to marriage as either one of us ever hopes to get. 這都是我們不愿意的 我想跟你和解

[07:37.32]So l feel l deserve some sort of settlement.

[07:40.96]Like, say, a weekend at your house in the Hamptons. You're not invited. 我要借用你在漢普頓的房子 一個(gè)周末,你不在賓客名單上

[07:44.96]l'll be having a party. You're not invited to that either. 我要辦派對,但不會(huì)邀請你

[07:47.16]lt's Samantha. Call me. 我是莎曼珊,回電話給我

[07:55.28]A coupIe of weeks Iater... 幾星期后一對前男女朋友

[07:55.16]another coupIe of exes were working out their summer share.


[07:60.84]-Hi. How you doing? -Hey. -你好嗎? -我跟布萊迪在睡午覺

[08:03.92]Me and Brady were just napping.

[08:08.00]l miss napping. They look down on napping at work. 我想念睡午覺的感覺 工作時(shí)睡午覺會(huì)被臭罵一頓

[08:13.36]lt's so hot out. 外面好熱

[08:16.36]l was going to give him one more bottle before l left. 我離開前再幫他泡瓶牛奶

[08:19.12]-l can do it. -l know, but l like it. -我來吧 -我知道,但我喜歡那么做

[08:23.44]lt used to be all breasts. Not me and him. We got our bottle thing. 以前我都喂他母奶 現(xiàn)在還是要泡牛奶給他喝

[08:31.40]-Did Magda bring those? -No, l did. -這是梅格帶來的? -不,是我拿來的

[08:35.12]Nice garden in Queens. 皇后區(qū)的花園很漂亮

[08:42.52]Lilacs. 是紫丁香

[08:45.92]Yeah. 沒錯(cuò)

[08:47.20]Good flowers. 好漂亮的花

[08:54.24]Miranda wasn't sure if it was the smeII of the IiIacs, the smeII of the baby... 米蘭達(dá)不確定是紫丁香的香氣

[08:59.44]寶寶的味道 還是史蒂夫皮膚的氣味在作祟

[08:59.88]or the smeII of Steve's skin.

[09:02.16]But that afternoon, Steve went from ex to sex. 但那天下午 她跟前男友史蒂夫做愛

[09:08.44]l slept with Steve. 我跟史蒂夫做愛

[09:10.36]Miranda admitted they were somewhere between friends and Iovers... 米蘭達(dá)承認(rèn) 他們介于好友跟情人之間

[09:13.92]somewhere between Manhattan and the Hamptons. 介于曼哈頓跟漢普頓之間

[09:16.68]That's why you decided to participate in the charade. You're fleeing. 所以你要參加派對 你想逃開這一切

[09:19.76]l'm a fucking fugitive, literally. 事實(shí)上我是個(gè)逃犯

[09:21.68]-Perhaps it was the zsa zsa zsu. -No. lt was an itch... 那是心動(dòng)的感覺嗎?

[09:24.28]which we shouldn't have scratched, because now we're into a gray area. 不,那是我們不該去抓的癢處

[09:26.76]現(xiàn)在我們踏入了灰色地帶 沒有性關(guān)系讓我們走得很近

[09:28.64]Not having sex was the only thing holding us together.

[09:31.24]You're fleeing to the right wedding. l think that's the theme. 你逃進(jìn)婚姻里 那真的是太妙了

[09:33.88]Seriously. You can't have a kid with someone... 帶著孩子你沒辦法交男朋友

[09:37.68]and get along and have great sex without giving the wrong impression. 跟他相處甚歡,性生活美滿 卻又不會(huì)讓別人誤解

[09:40.68]That being what, that you're happy? 那么做你快樂嗎?


[09:45.24]Absolutely. 當(dāng)然

[09:48.72]Yeah, bring them along. 帶他們一起來 我也期待你的大駕光臨

[09:50.80]l look forward to seeing you, too.

[09:52.08]This party is going to be amazing. Strictly A list. 這個(gè)派對一定會(huì)很棒 大家都會(huì)贊不絕口

[09:56.56]-Are we still invited? -Yes. But shitty-pants there is not. 我們還在賓客名單中嗎?


[10:01.12]l have to bring him. l can't find a sitter. 我找不到保姆

[10:04.20]He's ruining my lunch. He's not ruining my party. No babies. 他毀了我的午餐,我不會(huì)讓他 毀了我的派對,寶寶不能來

[10:06.68]Evidently, there's already a party pooper. 這次的聚會(huì)已經(jīng)搞砸了

[10:12.08]Ketchup. 番茄醬

[10:24.60]-Carrie? -Yeah. 凱莉


[10:30.44]-Hi. -Jack. -我是杰克 -你是柏格,我還記得你

[10:30.56]-Berger. l know, l remember. -What's going on here, are you okay?

[10:34.72]你還好嗎?我該用熱狗面包 跟樹枝幫你做止血帶嗎?

[10:36.56]Do l need to make a tourniquet out of a hotdog bun and a twig?

[10:38.88]-No, it's just.... -Ketchup. -那只是… -番茄醬

[10:42.08]Yeah. Thanks. 對,謝謝你

[10:44.16]-l didn't figure you for a motorcycle guy. -Turns out l'm not. 我沒想到你會(huì)騎摩托車

[10:48.44]l bought it as a reaction to my breakup. 我不會(huì),我只是因?yàn)榉质?一時(shí)沖動(dòng)買下它

[10:52.80]It was exactIy what I wanted. A Berger with a side of singIe. 那正是我要的… 成為單身漢的柏格

[10:57.100]You look good on it. 你騎車的樣子很帥

[11:01.16]No. l look good next to it. On it, l look like this. 不,我站在它旁邊時(shí)很帥 我騎車時(shí)是這個(gè)樣子

[11:05.64]l'm not even really hungry. l pulled over because... 我真的不餓,我停車 因?yàn)橛兄幌x撞上我的護(hù)目鏡

[11:08.64]you know, a bug hit my visor, and my hands are still shaking.

[11:11.04]-我的手還在抖 -原來你是個(gè)爛騎士

[11:12.00]So you're ''uneasy rider.''

[11:17.80]Well, if you make it to the Hamptons... 如果你到得了漢普頓

[11:20.28]my friend is having a party tomorrow afternoon. lt's at Richard Wright's house. 我朋友明天要在那里辦派對 就在理查萊特的房子里

[11:25.24]l heard about that. That's quite a place. l pass it on the way to my house. 我聽說了,那地方很不錯(cuò) 我到我的房子時(shí)會(huì)經(jīng)過

[11:31.72]l'm going to get a soda. 我要喝杯汽水,我在安全帽里 拼命尖叫覺得喉嚨很干

[11:33.96]My throat's kind of dry from all the screaming inside my helmet.

[11:39.76]-lt's nice to see you. -Yeah, you, too, Berger. -很高興能見到你 -我也是,柏格

[11:43.12]-Maybe l'll see you tomorrow. -Yeah. lf you don't... -或許我們明天能見到面 -見不到我的話快打電話報(bào)警

[11:48.08]-call the Highway Patrol. -Yeah.

[11:52.84]DefiniteIy zsa zsa zsu. 這的確是種心動(dòng)的感覺

[11:55.52]The next morning, Samantha prepared her borrowed beach house for the big bash. 隔天早上莎曼珊 在借來的屋里準(zhǔn)備盛大的派對

[12:02.52]l want half the tables set up near the house and the others near the pool. 一半的桌子擺在房子附近


[12:08.00]Ladies. 你們是誰?

[12:09.40]-Cassandra, did you bring my tote? -Shit, where are my Merits? -卡珊卓,我的包包呢? -我的防曬乳在哪里?

[12:12.92]Ladies, excuse me. Hi. 對不起

[12:14.72]The wait staff is to change in the guest cottage down near the entrance. 服務(wù)生該到客房去換衣服

[12:19.04]客房就在入口附近 你們是服務(wù)生嗎?

[12:19.80]Aren't you here to waitress?

[12:23.20]We go to restaurants. We don't work in them. 我們會(huì)到餐廳吃飯 但我們不在那里工作

[12:24.20]-Where's Richard? -Richard? He isn't here. -理查在哪里? -理查不在這里

[12:29.36]l've got the house this weekend. 這個(gè)周末我借用了他的房子


[12:33.40]Excuse me. Where are you going?

[12:35.80]Richard told us we could hang by the pool whenever. 理查說我們隨時(shí)都能過來游泳

[12:37.60]You can't pool-hang today. l'm having a party at 3:00. 今天不行,三點(diǎn)我要辦派對

[12:42.76]-We'll be fried by then. -l have no cell reception at all. -到時(shí)候我們就走了 -我的手機(jī)收不到訊號

[13:02.32]Miranda brought the kid. Don't say anything. 米蘭達(dá)帶寶寶來,什么都別說

[13:06.12]l know you didn't want babies, but he's in Ralph Lauren... 我知道你不喜歡寶寶 他穿勞夫羅倫的衣服

[13:08.60]and l stuck a cork up his ass, so it'll be okay. 我把他的屁股塞起來了

[13:12.20]This is supposed to be an A-list party. 這應(yīng)該是個(gè)超級棒的派對

[13:15.28]Then who's the Double-D list by the pool? 游泳池的波霸是誰?

[13:20.16]They won't leave. They say Richard lets them hang out here on weekends. 她們不肯離開,還說理查答應(yīng) 讓她們過來,白吃白喝的家伙

[13:24.60]-Fucking freeloaders. -People in glass houses.... -住在玻璃屋的家伙… -我沒有白吃白喝

[13:27.32]l am not freeloading. l went through a lot with Richard.

[13:28.80]我和他經(jīng)歷了很多事 不結(jié)婚的人應(yīng)該得到獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)

[13:32.60]And people should be rewarded for not getting married as well.

[13:35.36]l don't know why you broke up with him. 我不知道你們?yōu)槭裁匆质?/p>

[13:37.76]What's a little lying and cheating compared to a pool with a little cabana? 不忠跟欺騙比起游泳池別墅 又算什么?

[13:39.60]Did you say ''no babies,'' or ''no boobies''? 你是不準(zhǔn)寶寶來 還是不準(zhǔn)波霸來?

[13:47.96]Lady? And Brady? 波霸跟布萊迪都不能來

[13:54.12]That is so inappropriate. -那真的是太沒水準(zhǔn)了 -來自矽谷的問候

[13:56.00]-Greetings from Silicone Valley. -People can hear you.

[14:01.68]What, like everyone here can't see those tits are fake? 大家都聽到了

[14:02.92]沒有人看得出來 她們的咪咪是假的嗎?

[14:03.08]-Everyone can see those tits are fake. -Would you stop saying ''tits''?


[14:09.64]Why are you wearing that shirt? Tropical shirts are out. 你為什么要穿那件T恤? 熱帶風(fēng)味的T恤不流行了

[14:11.32]This is not tropical. lt's Tiki. 這不是熱帶風(fēng)味的T恤 這是大溪地代表服裝

[14:14.60]-Well, please Tiki it off. -l thought you'd never ask. -請把它脫掉 -我還以為你永遠(yuǎn)都不會(huì)問我

[14:22.48]Oh, my God! Your back! 你的背都紅了 你一定對除毛劑嚴(yán)重過敏

[14:25.76]You must've had a bad reaction to the waxing.

[14:26.24]Yeah, l thought it felt a little itchy. 我覺得有點(diǎn)癢

[14:30.64]Suddenly a little hair isn't looking so bad? 突然間長點(diǎn)毛也不算太糟糕

[14:34.32]Carrie, woman to woman, the sex is amazing. 凱莉,這是女人間的談話 性太美好了

[14:39.28]l've never had a man make me feel this way. 從來沒有男人 能讓我有那種感覺

[14:40.28]Hush, Miss Scarlett, how you do go on. 別說了,辣妹 你怎么能繼續(xù)…

[14:54.40]Well, who ordered the Adonis? 誰訂了美男子?

[14:58.04]Bobby, Bitsy, this is my boyfriend, Marcus. 巴比,貝西 他是我男朋友馬可斯

[14:60.52]For God's sake, man, get yourself to a gym once in a while. 天啊,快去健身房吧

[15:02.84]Look at that body. lt's disgusting! 看看你的身體,太惡心了

[15:06.28]Wow! l could grate cheese on your abs. 我從你的小腹可以捏出起司來

[15:12.36]One large pizza, and hold the salami. 一份大披薩,不要意大利臘腸

[15:16.72]Please, put a shirt on before l marry you. 在我跟你結(jié)婚前 麻煩你穿上襯衫

[15:22.44]No! l haven't touched a carbohydrate in three months. 我三個(gè)月沒碰過碳水化合物了

[15:23.60]-l've got to fit into that dress. -Please eat something. -我得塞進(jìn)那件婚紗里 -吃點(diǎn)東西吧

[15:26.60]Would you look at her? She's ltsy-Bitsy. 看看她,她就是風(fēng)騷貝西

[15:30.28]Bobby, l see the Talcotts. We've got to say hello. 我來找塔柯特 順道來打招呼,明天見

[15:33.72]-See you all tomorrow. -Bye.

[15:43.76]l swear, and l'm totally serious, l almost fainted... 我是認(rèn)真的

[15:47.68]when he mimed grated cheese on Marcus. 他說他可以從馬可斯肚子上 擠出起司時(shí)我差點(diǎn)昏倒

[15:51.44]lt is so obvious that he wanted him. 很明顯地他要他

[15:53.40]Try to keep up. Bobby is straight. 清醒一點(diǎn),巴比是異性戀

[15:56.88]-Right. -What is she doing? -她在做什么? -或許他會(huì)逗她笑

[16:01.40]Maybe he just makes her laugh.

[16:05.44]Can't you wait till we sit down to eat? lt's so crass. 你不能坐下再吃嗎? 那真的很不文雅

[16:09.80]Question. ls there anything about me today that doesn't bug you? 我今天有什么地方 能讓你看得順眼?

[16:13.44]People are trying to eat. You should have your shirt on. 大家都在吃東西 你該把T恤穿上

[16:16.72]And you have sauce on your face. 你的臉沾到了醬汁

[16:19.96]Now so do you. 你也一樣

[16:21.32]Why did she need to tell me the sex was amazing? 為什么她要告訴我 他們的性生活很美滿?

[16:24.96]Because it is amazing. 那很神奇,她訝異于 他不必用小雞雞就能硬起來

[16:28.52]She's amazed he's able to get hard without another penis in the room.

[16:32.12]And speaking of dicks, do you think... 說到小雞雞

[16:34.80]Richard slept with any of those cocoa-butter bitches? 你認(rèn)為理查 跟那些臭女人上床過嗎?

[16:36.88]No! l'm sure they're just good friends. 不,我相信他們只是好朋友


[16:42.84]-God! How do l look? -You look great. -我看起來怎么樣? -非常好

[16:44.60]-Jesus! Where's a mirror? -Here. -鏡子在哪里? -這里

[16:48.00]Great. 太棒了

[16:52.76]All right, put it down. lt's okay. Thanks for having a party. 好吧,把它放下 謝謝你辦了派對

[16:59.64]-How long have you had a house here? -Three years. -你買房子幾年了? -三年

[17:01.32]Moments Iater, among the butterfIies, I feIt butterfIies. 不久后在蝴蝶的飛舞之間 我也有了心動(dòng)的感覺

[17:04.32]There's a really nice garden. 花園很漂亮

[17:08.28]-So, you garden? -No. l have been known to hoe... -你的花園嗎? -不,我對拿鋤頭的事不在行

[17:11.56]but my ex actually planted the garden so we could enjoy fresh summer salads. 我的前女友把花園料理得很好 希望夏天能吃到新鮮沙拉

[17:14.64]We didn't quite make it to the summer. 但我們撐不到夏天

[17:16.64]So it's more fresh pain than fresh vegetables. 只留下了痛苦的記憶 我甚至沒辦法走到花園去

[17:20.52]Yeah. l can't really go out there.

[17:22.80]l know how you feel. When l broke up with my ex... 我了解你的感覺 我跟前男友分手時(shí)

[17:26.68]l couldn't bring myself to go within six blocks... 沒辦法走進(jìn) 他家具店附近的六個(gè)街區(qū)內(nèi)

[17:28.64]-of his furniture store. -When did you two break up? -你們何時(shí)分手的? -去年第二次分手

[17:32.36]Last year, for the second time.

[17:33.72]We broke up the first time the year before that. 前年第一次分手

[17:35.60]You broke up twice. Way to go. 你們分手兩次,太棒了

[17:39.20]Yeah, well, we hadn't sufficiently hurt each other enough the first time round. 第一次我們傷彼此還傷得不夠

[17:43.48]But we definitely took care of business this time. 這次我們是一刀兩斷 因?yàn)樗徇^來跟我住

[17:44.08]Because this time, he moved in, so we had the merging of the things...

[17:47.44]我們一起買了很多東西 所以也必須把東西分清楚

[17:51.20]-Right. -...the dividing of the things...

[17:52.80]the things that are left behind that you don't want to return... 你不愿意歸還剩下的東西 因?yàn)槟敲醋鎏耐戳?/p>

[17:55.92]because that seems mean, and you don't want to throw them away...

[17:56.20]你不想把它們丟掉 那是你僅剩的回憶

[17:57.00]because it's all you have left. lt gets harder as we get older...

[18:00.96]because we're not dating wildly inappropriate people anymore. 年紀(jì)越大做起來越難 我們不會(huì)跟不合適的人約會(huì)

[18:04.12]-You know, there's no ''Glad that's over.'' -Right. 根本沒有 “還好分手了”這回事

[18:08.92]After every breakup l tell myself l'm not doing this again. 每次分手后 我告訴自己我不會(huì)再這么做

[18:11.28]lt's too hard. l mean, how many of these things can one person survive? 那太難了 人可以承受多少這樣的打擊?

[18:17.76]You know, they should institute a helmet law for relationships. 應(yīng)該立法規(guī)定 談戀愛要戴安全帽

[18:20.32]-Right. That's excellently put. -Thank you. -對,說得好 -謝謝你

[18:30.60]l should get going. 我該走了

[18:32.16]lt's going to take me six hours to drive the two miles home, so.... 我要騎六小時(shí)的車 才能回到兩哩外的家

[18:39.24]-My jacket. -Sorry. 我的外套

[18:44.88]-Gee. l hope there aren't grass stains. -No. lt's old. -希望沒有沾到草汁 -這是件舊外套

[18:52.68]-Okay, bye. -Bye. -好吧,再見 -再見

[18:54.16]The man couId not get away from me fast enough. 他飛快地逃走

[18:57.32]ApparentIy, it's a short road from commisery to misery. 很明顯地共鳴跟可怕 只有一線之隔

[19:01.12]Are you okay? 你沒事吧?

[19:18.36]Perfect! Everything's going out right on time. 很好,一切都很順利

[19:22.08]There's no Tab in here. 這里沒有標(biāo)簽

[19:25.64]-What are you doing in my refrigerator? -lt's Richard's refrigerator. 你們開我的冰箱做什么?

[19:27.24]l stocked it. -這是理查的冰箱 -食物是我買的

[19:29.00]Did you see any Rice Krispie treats? Richard usually leaves those around for us. 你看到米果了嗎? 理查都會(huì)留米果給我們吃

[19:34.20]No, l didn't. 不,我沒看到

[19:37.08]And those lemons are for the drinks. Drinks l paid for. 那些檸檬是調(diào)飲料用的 而飲料是我買的

[19:41.48]-Whatever. -And l also paid for the food. -隨便你 -食物也是我買的

[19:44.24]The only thing at this party that you two actually paid for are your breasts! 你們兩個(gè)對這個(gè)派對 唯一的貢獻(xiàn)就是露出咪咪

[19:48.24]Jealous? -你嫉妒嗎? -對,我非常嫉妒

[19:51.68]Yes. l'm jealous.

[19:54.16]l'm just dying to look like this. 我好希望自己也能長這樣

[19:58.04]Maybe if you did, you'd be out here with Richard. 如果你真的能長那樣 你就會(huì)跟理查在一起

[20:03.16]Snap! 說得好

[20:17.72]EvidentIy, peopIe who borrow gIass houses shouIdn't throw cantaIoupes. 很明顯地借用玻璃屋的人 不該亂丟甜瓜

[20:23.32]The next morning, whiIe Stanford and Marcus had Brady... 隔天早上史丹佛跟馬可斯 幫忙照顧布萊迪

[20:26.76]Miranda and I had brunch. 米蘭達(dá)跟我共進(jìn)早午餐

[20:28.36]-How about these muffins? -How about these eggs? -這些松餅好吃嗎? -蛋美味極了

[20:30.84]-How about these napkins? -How about these plates? -餐巾很棒 -盤子也不錯(cuò)

[20:34.04]How about we marry gay guys? -我們何不嫁給男同性戀? -現(xiàn)在我別無選擇

[20:33.92]How about maybe now l won't have a choice?

[20:38.44]-Was it really that bad? -Bye-bye, Berger. -真的有那么糟糕嗎? -前一分鐘我們還在笑

[20:40.12]One minute we were laughing, the next minute... 下一分鐘他飛快地逃走 我還可以指出他滑倒的痕跡

[20:42.68]he had to get away from me so fast, he left skidmarks.

[20:43.96]-Seriously. l can show them to you. -Jam, please.


[20:49.92]l know what l did. l revealed too much, too soon. 我知道我做了什么

[20:52.52]我太快跟他說出心中事 我不擅處理情感問題

[20:54.40]-l was emotionally slutty. -That's not like you.

[20:56.48]lt wasn't me. lt was the zsa zsa zsu. lt makes me crazy. 那跟真正的你不同 我想要心動(dòng)的感覺想瘋了

[20:59.16]Bitsy Von Muffling Fine may have the right idea. 貝西馮馬芬林范或許做對了

[21:01.36]Maybe we should stop looking for a great relationship... 我們該停止尋找完美的第一名 只要找第二名就好了

[21:07.56]and settle for a fine one.

[21:08.80]l'd marry Steve in a second if he were gay. 如果史蒂夫是同性戀 我一定要嫁給他

[21:13.68]-Everything would be so easy. -So, a gay area... 一切將會(huì)變得很容易

[21:17.36]-is better than a gray area? -Yeah. 他是同性戀 比你們處在灰色地帶好?

[21:18.60]More coffee. You want some? 對,我還要咖啡,你呢?

[21:23.64]-Great coffee. -Tell me something l don't know. -咖啡很不錯(cuò) -說些我不知道的事

[21:28.08]-What? -You did it, Stany. -什么? -你辦到了,史丹尼

[21:31.08]Great man, great house, great relationship. 你事業(yè)成功,住在大房子里 還有一段天賜良緣

[21:35.76]We've all been looking, and you actually found it. 我們一直都在尋找這些東西 而你找到了

[21:40.04]Marcus and l haven't had sex since we bought the Cynthia Rowley china. 馬可斯跟我買下 辛西雅羅莉瓷器后就沒做過愛

[21:45.52]Thank God! l am so relieved. 謝天謝地,我松了一口氣

[21:49.48]Bitsy Von Muffling, the first time l saw you, l fell in love. 貝西馮馬芬林 我一眼看到你就愛上了你

[21:54.36]You walked in wearing that red vintage Dior. 你穿著那套酒紅色的迪奧禮服

[21:56.36]Pink elephant in the room. 房間里出現(xiàn)了粉紅象

[21:59.96]Do you mind? l am listening to the bride and bride. 抱歉,我在聽新娘跟新娘說話

[22:04.20]My dear Bobby Fine.... 親愛的巴比范

[22:07.16]Something tells me Bitsy isn't doing ''Fine.'' 我覺得 貝西不會(huì)冠上范這個(gè)夫姓

[22:09.56]And that's the little piece of information she's been Von Muffling. 她姓馮馬芬林真的很不適合

[22:14.36]You are there for me in the morning, and there for me at night... 早上你等著我

[22:17.60]晚上你也等著我 不論好壞你都等著我

[22:17.24]there in the good, there in the bad...

[22:23.32]there in my thoughts, there in my dreams... 你在我的腦海里


[22:26.36]but most of all, my darling, you are there in my heart... 但親愛的,最重要的是 你永遠(yuǎn)都在我的心里

[22:31.52]forever. 或許我們太挑剔了

[22:33.32]Perhaps we were aII much too cynicaI.

[22:35.92]Perhaps, somehow, despite the odds... 或許巴比跟貝西找到了真愛

[22:37.08]Bobby and Bitsy had found something reaI.

[22:41.76]l now pronounce you husband and wife. 我宣布你們成為夫妻 你可以吻新娘了

[22:45.04]You may kiss the bride.

[22:52.64]One more time, for the cheap seats at the back. 再一次,算是給坐在廉價(jià)后座 的客人優(yōu)待

[23:22.96]Looks like somebody over here is about to dance. 有人要跳舞了

[23:26.40]l think you may have sold this one a little short. -我想你或許小看他了 -我也是

[23:31.36]Me, too.

[23:31.48]With a little time and the right astringents, who knows? 假以時(shí)日好好地調(diào)教一下…

[23:35.44]There's nothing on my face, nothing in my teeth. 我的臉上跟齒縫都沒有東西

[23:38.16]l'm sure you'll hate my moves on the dance floor... 你會(huì)討厭我的舞姿

[23:41.52]but that is the risk that every man must take. 但男人必須冒這個(gè)險(xiǎn)

[23:48.36]What a beautiful night. 這真是美好的一晚

[23:50.04]lt's too bad l blew my only chance at a boyfriend this year. 真糟糕 我把年度最佳男友嚇跑了

[23:54.56]You want to hold my boyfriend? 你要抱抱我男朋友嗎?

[23:57.32]l think l'm going to drown my sorrows in another piece of cake. 我想再吃塊蛋糕 治療我的傷痛

[24:01.72]And if anybody asks, l had two, not three. 有人問起你 說我吃了兩塊蛋糕就行了

[24:15.72]You smell that, Brady? lt's lilac. 你聞到了嗎?布萊迪 那是紫丁香的味道

[24:24.08]Should we call Daddy and tell him we miss him? 我們該打電話告訴爸爸 我們很想他嗎?

[24:34.52]It's me, Steve. I'm not here. Leave a message. 我是史蒂夫,現(xiàn)在不在家 請留話

[25:01.72]Do you believe this wedding? 你相信這場婚禮嗎?

[25:04.72]Funny where life has taken us. 命運(yùn)真是在捉弄我們

[25:07.52]l remember when we went to these things just for the free food. 我還記得參加婚禮 是為了免費(fèi)大吃一頓的時(shí)光

[25:10.68]l have dinner rolls in my purse. 我在皮包里藏了春卷

[25:15.16]There's my song. 這是我的歌

[25:19.16]And there's my girl... 這是我的女人

[25:24.40]whom l love. 我愛她

[25:25.40]-ln case you had any money riding on it. -Not a penny. 如果你懷疑的話


[25:42.16]Look out, she's got a piece of fruit, and she's not afraid to throw it. 小心,她手里拿著水果 她真的會(huì)用它來扔人

[25:46.96]-Can we not talk about that? -Okay. 我們能不能別談那件事?

[25:49.32]But we'll be the only ones here. 好吧,我們是唯一的單身人士

[25:53.92]Look, l'm just glad Brady wasn't the biggest baby at the party. 我很高興 布萊迪不是派對上最幼稚的人

[25:57.28]l guess l went a little crazy, being at Richard's house... 待在理查的房子里 讓我有點(diǎn)抓狂

[26:01.36]around his party-crashing pussy posse. 加上他的波霸女友來白吃白喝

[26:04.16]What do you call zsa zsa zsu gone bad? 心動(dòng)的感覺變壞了 到底是什么樣的感覺?

[26:09.32]Zsa zsa eww. 是心痛的感覺

[26:19.60]Then I feII in Iove with the most wonderfuI boy in the worId 我愛上全世界最棒的男人

[26:23.56]-Bitsy, honey, everything was perfect. -lt was. -貝西,一切都很完美 -沒錯(cuò)

[26:25.04]Except for the dessert. The top layer of the crème brulée just wasn't hard enough. 甜點(diǎn)除外,上層奶油太軟

[26:30.48]Yeah, that's the problem with this wedding. The crème brulée isn't hard enough. 這場婚禮的問題 在于奶油太軟

[26:35.68]And then one day, he went away, and I thought I wouId die (有一天他離開了 我以為我會(huì)死掉,但我沒有)

[26:40.72]But I didn't

[26:42.04]And when I didn't, I said to myseIf (活下來的我對自己說 這就是愛嗎?)

[26:47.04]Is aII that there is to Iife?

[26:48.48]l'm not technically crashing. 技術(shù)上來說我不是湊巧出現(xiàn)

[26:51.00]l was having lunch in town today and for some reason the groom invited me. 今天我在城里吃午餐 新郎邀請我來參加婚禮

[26:58.52]Shall we? 我們可以跳只舞嗎?


[27:08.60]What? Now you want me to wax my eyebrows? -哈利 -你要我除掉眉毛?

[27:09.76]l think l may be falling in love with you. 我想或許我愛上你了

[27:12.12]l've been falling for you since the moment we met. 我從第一眼見到你就愛上了你

[27:17.44]-But l never thought-- -What? -但我從來沒想到… -什么?

[27:19.88]Come on, you could have any blue-blooded guy here. 你可以跟上流社會(huì)的人交往 我…

[27:21.92]-l'm-- -You're wonderful. 你很棒

[27:24.16]And Jewish. 我是猶太人

[27:26.68]So? -所以呢? -我們會(huì)有什么結(jié)局?

[27:28.76]So, where can this go?

[27:30.72]l don't know. 我不知道,我們走著瞧吧

[27:34.32]Let's find out.


[27:38.48]l have to marry a Jew.

[27:40.08]She can marry a gay guy, and you can't marry an Episcopalian? 她可以嫁給男同性戀 你不能娶圣公會(huì)教徒?

[27:49.96]What do we do now? -現(xiàn)在我們該怎么辦? -我不知道

[27:49.80]l don't know. Dance?


[27:53.80]ApparentIy, CharIotte had a zsa zsa Jew. 很明顯地 夏綠蒂對猶太人動(dòng)了心

[28:05.36]-You're awful quiet. -And l intend to stay that way. 你真的好安靜

[28:05.12]-我打算保持那樣子 -不

[28:07.40]No. You were fine. 你很棒,我只是不確定 我能不能再愛一次

[28:10.40]l just wasn't sure if l was up for all that again.

[28:13.60]-Then l thought.... -Then you thought what? 于是我心想…


[28:18.76]Maybe we should go out on a date before we break up. 或許我們該在分手前約會(huì)一次

[28:35.88]When it comes to reIationships... 說到愛情

[28:37.64]maybe we're aII in gIass houses and shouIdn't throw stones. 或許我們都住在玻璃屋里 不該亂丟石頭

[28:40.20]Because you can never reaIIy know. 誰都無法知道答案

[28:42.72]Some peopIe are settIing down. 有些人能安定下來

[28:46.28]Some peopIe are settIing. 有些人妥協(xié)了

[28:49.60]And some peopIe refuse to settIe for anything Iess... 有些人拒絕妥協(xié)于安定

[28:55.52]than butterfIies. 他們?nèi)栽谡倚膭?dòng)的感覺


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