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欲望都市第六季 高度性期望 Great Sexpectations





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:51:44



[00:35.80](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:48.52]The onIy thing as deIicious as those first few bites... 和像柏格這般 優(yōu)質(zhì)對(duì)象的前幾次約會(huì)

[00:51.64]of a truIy great burger...

[00:53.12]are those first few dates with someone truIy great... 就像咬下 特級(jí)漢堡的前幾口一樣美味

[00:57.20]Iike Berger. 我想,我要在家鄉(xiāng)辦個(gè)讀書會(huì)

[00:59.28]So l thought, ''That's cool, l'll do a book reading in my hometown.''

[01:03.56]Right about after the fifth question l realized that my mother is heckling me. 在第五個(gè)問題之后,我發(fā)現(xiàn)…

[01:05.44]-我媽媽在刁難我 -她才沒有

[01:07.56]-She was not. -No, she was. 去問問邦諾書店里的人 他們還在談?wù)撨@件事

[01:07.96]Ask anybody at the Downers Grove Barnes & Noble. They still talk about it.

[01:12.72]Come here. 過(guò)來(lái)

[01:15.40]Everything is fresh. Everything is a first. 每件事都很新鮮 每件事都是初體驗(yàn)

[01:19.96]You like your beef. -你很喜歡你的牛肉漢堡 -每個(gè)舉動(dòng)都是前戲

[01:21.88]Everything is forepIay.

[01:24.92]Even a trip to Bed Bath & Beyond can become an ecstatic errand. 即使逛家飾店 也都成為美好的經(jīng)驗(yàn)

[01:28.28]l don't see you as a fish person. 看不出來(lái)你喜歡魚

[01:29.100]The problem with the fish is you're into the whole fish theme. 因?yàn)槟氵M(jìn)了魚主題區(qū)

[01:33.28]You have the fish soap, fish bathmat. -魚形肥皂、魚的浴墊 -這是金字塔式銷售

[01:37.16]lt's a pyramid scheme, this shower curtain.

[01:40.84]Now, this is the one l have at home. 我家用的是這個(gè)

[01:41.52]Except on mine, China's covered in mold. 但我家里的那個(gè) 中國(guó)已經(jīng)長(zhǎng)了霉

[01:43.92]And here they thought communism was a problem. 他們還以為 問題出在共產(chǎn)主義

[01:46.80]You know, it's a very intimate thing, shopping for shower curtains. 逛街購(gòu)買浴簾是很私密的事

[01:50.16]Yeah? Wait till l get you into bedding. 是嗎? 等我?guī)愕綄嬀邊^(qū)你就知道了

[01:55.56]And, of course, those first kisses... 當(dāng)然,首次的親吻 是世上最棒的親吻

[01:60.24]are the greatest kisses in the worId.

[02:05.88]Good night.

[02:12.52]We should get out of here before they turn the lights off. 我們應(yīng)趕在他們關(guān)燈前離開

[02:16.00]The wait staff couIdn't wait any Ionger and neither couId I. 店員等不及要關(guān)門 我也等不及

[02:20.72]I wanted Berger in my bed, bath, and beyond immediateIy. 我迫不急待希望柏格在我床上 浴室及其他地方

[02:22.00]l'm either leaving a very big tip or a dry cleaning receipt. 我可能要留下豐厚的小費(fèi) 不然就得留下干洗費(fèi)

[02:38.80]-My hair. -Sorry. -我的頭發(fā) -對(duì)不起

[02:40.96]-Was that.... -No, l just.... 不,我只是…

[03:02.12]The next night, Samantha convinced us to go to Raw... 第二天晚上 莎曼珊力邀我們到生食餐廳

[03:05.64]where the scene was hot and the food was not. 那里的氣氛很熱烈 但食物則不然

[03:09.72]You'd think a place that eliminated cooking could eliminate waiting. 不需烹煮 因此可省去等候的時(shí)間

[03:13.96]You mean they don't cook the food? -他們不烹煮食物? -這是一種生食運(yùn)動(dòng)

[03:15.16]That's why they call it Raw. The raw food movement? People love it.

[03:18.48]Sting, Demi, Soon-Yi, soon me. -很多人為之瘋狂 -像史汀、黛咪、順宜和我

[03:22.04]Now, what is raw food exactly? -生食到底是什么? -純素,不含乳制品

[03:23.40]Vegan non-dairy, and nothing is cooked over 1 18 degrees. 任何食物皆不烹煮超過(guò)48度

[03:28.08]So, in other words, raw vegetables. 也就是說(shuō),生的蔬菜

[03:28.68]-And sometimes flowers. -And you knew about this? -有時(shí)還包括花卉 -你知道?

[03:31.04]-l read a review in The Times. -Where, in the gardening section? -我在紐約時(shí)報(bào)上看過(guò) -園藝欄嗎?

[03:34.16]-l heard it's delicious. -People, the emperor has no oven. -聽說(shuō)很美味 -各位,皇帝是沒有爐具的

[03:40.40]Sorry. l didn't get enough sleep last night. 抱歉,我昨晚睡得不好

[03:45.12]-Really? Did you finally bugger Berger? -How long did you wait to say that? -你跟柏格上床了嗎? -你等了多久才說(shuō)出口

[03:48.04]-lt just occurred to me. -Yes, we finally buggered. -我才剛想到 -沒錯(cuò),我們上床了

[03:51.76]You realize you're now applauding intercourse? -你現(xiàn)在又鼓勵(lì)性交了 -她真的喜歡他

[03:54.56]lt was her first time, and she really likes him.

[03:57.92]Jones, your table is ready. 瓊斯,你的桌子已經(jīng)好了

[04:05.56]-So, details? -lt was good. -從實(shí)招來(lái) -很好,還不錯(cuò)

[04:09.36]-lt was fine. -Fine? -還不錯(cuò)? -我不想談這件事

[04:10.44]-l don't want to talk about it. -He couldn't get it up?

[04:12.12]He could get it up. That wasn't the.... You know what, there was no problem. -他不舉嗎? -他沒問題


[04:15.48]Moving on.

[04:21.96]Enjoy your meal. -祝用餐愉快 -謝謝

[04:28.20]What? l don't want to make a big deal about it. lt was just the first time. 怎么了?沒什么大不了的 只不過(guò)是第一次罷了

[04:33.80]We're so good everywhere else. 其他的部分都非常好

[04:36.48]We're great in restaurants, it's like poppity pop-pop. 在餐廳用餐很愉快,就像…

[04:38.16]And the kisses are great, and then in bed... 接吻的部分也很棒

[04:40.16]但到了床上 就是起不了化學(xué)作用

[04:44.44]there was no sexual chemistry.

[04:47.32]l don't know what happened. He just.... -不知道怎么的,他… -找不到你的敏感帶?

[04:50.28]-Couldn't find your clit? -He knows what he's doing. -他知道自己在做什么 -那到底問題出在哪?

[04:52.16]Then what are we talking about?


[04:58.16]-lt was just quiet. -l wouldn't worry about it, Carrie. -就是很安靜 -是我就不擔(dān)心

[05:01.72]lf the kisses were good, the sex will eventually be good. -如果吻得好,性愛也一樣好 -我是不擔(dān)心

[05:03.80]-l'm not worried. -How quiet was it? -有多安靜? -有一度我還聽到M11路公車

[05:06.08]lt was so quiet that at one point l heard the M1 1 bus.

[05:07.28]l heard the doors open, l heard people getting off. -我聽到有人下車的聲音 -至少有人下了車

[05:11.56]At least someone was getting off. And speaking of....

[05:11.96]-再說(shuō)到… -歡迎光臨生食餐廳

[05:16.16]-Welcome to Raw. -Hello. 你好

[05:23.92]We'd like to get you started with a little amuse-bouche. 我會(huì)幫你們送上開胃小點(diǎn)

[05:24.76]l'd like him to amuse my bush. -他已經(jīng)讓我胃口大開 -這看起來(lái)很可口

[05:26.76]-This just looks delicious. -lt's our summer vegetable soup.


[05:32.16]l see you guys are set for drinks, l'll give you a minute with the menus. 你們先看一下菜單 有沒有興趣試試今日特餐

[05:34.72]-Our specials tonight if you're interested-- -l'm extremely interested.


[05:40.20]Leek papaya patties and zucchini enchiladas. 韭菜木瓜餡餅 和綠櫛瓜玉米卷餅

[05:43.00]l'm gonna need a pizza after this. -我等一下要去吃披薩 -我等一下要用紙巾擦干椅子

[05:44.20]l'm gonna need a napkin to dry off my seat. That waiter was hot.

[05:46.76]-他們的侍者好正點(diǎn) -他們的湯正好相反

[05:50.92]And the soup is not. -這是什么? -恐怖,就像是草坪裝在碗里

[05:50.36]-What is this? -Bad, this is bad.

[05:54.00]lt is like lawn in a bowl.

[05:54.80]Maybe some things should be over 1 18 degrees. 有些東西 還是要超過(guò)48度才行

[05:56.72]Like sex, for example. -例如性愛 -能不能忘了那件事?

[05:59.36]Can we please forget l said anything? Seriously.

[06:01.76]Who else has news? -還有誰(shuí)有新消息? -我有

[06:03.88]l do, but you have to put down your menus, because l need your undivided attention. 把菜單放下 我需要你們?nèi)褙炞⒙犖艺f(shuō)

[06:08.44]You'll have to shoot our waiter. Will you look at that ass? 你得殺了那位侍者才行 看看他的屁股

[06:13.92]Do you mind? 可以了嗎? 我有驚人的消息要宣布

[06:16.36]l have something a bit shocking to say.

[06:21.36]After l say it, l don't want anyone to react because l'm very happy with my decision. 聽我說(shuō)完后不要有任何反應(yīng) 因?yàn)槲液軡M意我的決定

[06:26.04]l'm becoming a Jew. 我要成為猶太教徒

[06:33.20]-What? -l can feel you reacting. -什么? -你反應(yīng)很大

[06:37.28]l love Harry very much, and he loves me. 我很愛哈利,而他也愛我

[06:38.76]So, tomorrow, l'm meeting with a rabbi to discuss converting. 因此明天我要去見猶太牧師 討論入教的問題

[06:43.20]lsn't that a lot of hoop-jumping for a man? 這是為男人所做的很大改變

[06:46.68]Look, Harry is not who l expected to fall in love with, but l did. 我沒想到會(huì)愛上哈利 但我就是愛上了

[06:50.60]And he makes me laugh, and he says what he means... 他讓我很開心,而且也很真誠(chéng)

[06:54.96]and l feel like l can be myself around him. -我在他身邊覺得很自在 -但你是圣公會(huì)教徒

[06:56.36]But yourself is Episcopalian.

[06:57.32]And it is still the most exciting sex l've ever had. 他帶給我的高潮至今無(wú)人能及

[07:04.12]Mazel tov. 恭喜

[07:06.68]Now, this is food. 這才叫食物

[07:07.60]You know what's even better? While l'm eating this slice of pizza... 當(dāng)我在享用這個(gè)的時(shí)候 我的男友正在幫我錄電視節(jié)目

[07:11.68]my boyfriend is home taping my favorite TV show.

[07:12.44]-And to which boyfriend are we referring? -My boyfriend TiVo. -你說(shuō)的是哪位男友? -數(shù)位錄影機(jī)

[07:18.32]-You've traded Steve-o for TiVo. -We don't talk of Steve-o anymore. -你用數(shù)位錄影機(jī)取代史蒂夫 -別再提起史蒂夫

[07:22.48]-l thought if l changed his name-- -Who needs him? -我?guī)退牧嗣筒凰?-誰(shuí)需要他

[07:22.68]With TiVo, when there's something l don't enjoy, l speed right through it. 有了數(shù)位錄影機(jī) 遇到不喜歡的就可以快速略過(guò)

[07:28.08]-lf only we could do that in life. -Exactly. 如果現(xiàn)實(shí)中也能這樣就好了

[07:30.12]He surprises me with things l might like, which is how l got hooked on JuIes & Mimi. 它太神奇了 因此我迷上了“愛在他鄉(xiāng)”

[07:34.52]l stopped watching TV... 自從有人把水蛭放進(jìn)褲子之后 我就不再看電視了

[07:34.12]when people started putting leeches down their pants.

[07:38.12]No, this is BBC America. 是英國(guó)廣播公司美國(guó)臺(tái)的節(jié)目 來(lái)自布立克斯頓的黑人男性

[07:39.36]lt's about a beautiful black man from Brixton and a white woman from Hampstead Heath.

[07:41.76]和一位來(lái)自 漢普斯特希斯的白人女性

[07:44.16]l don't know what that means, but apparently there's a great divide... 他們之間有著強(qiáng)烈的對(duì)比 他租住在她的帽子店樓上

[07:46.32]and he rents the flat above her hat shop...

[07:48.80]and tonight, they're finally having sex. 今晚他們終于要上床

[07:53.52]Good luck to them. 祝他們好運(yùn)

[07:55.12]-Carrie, it was the first time. -l know. 凱莉,那只是第一次 有時(shí)你總要試試看

[07:57.56]-And sometimes you have to work at it. -Have you had to work at it?

[07:58.64]-你試過(guò)嗎? -我現(xiàn)在的對(duì)象是數(shù)位錄影機(jī)

[08:01.76]l'm dating a digital recording device.

[08:03.92]l have never had to work at it with someone l really like. 我和之前的情人 從沒有過(guò)這樣的困擾

[08:06.64]-You should probably keep that to yourself. -Okay, but, Miranda... 那你自己看著辦

[08:08.44]米蘭達(dá),我必須告訴你 那次真的很糟

[08:10.48]l got to tell you, it was not good.

[08:13.20]There was... 沒有…

[08:16.36]no throw down. lt was more like a slow down. 沒有激情,反而像老牛拖車

[08:20.44]lt caught me completely off guard because l thought it would be amazing. 讓我覺得很沒勁 我還以為會(huì)很刺激

[08:23.00]-Maybe that's the problem. -What? 也許這就是問題所在 你的期望過(guò)高

[08:27.20]Your expectations were too high. Of course you were disappointed.

[08:30.36]From now on, people should tell it like it is. First-time sex: tricky. 人們不該過(guò)度渲染 第一次性愛的激情

[08:32.88]Non-dairy vegan ravioli: kindergarten paste. 不含乳制品的純素意大利餃 就像幼稚園漿糊

[08:43.20]As I tried to scrub the smeII of uncooked okra off me... 在我努力清除 生黃秋葵味道的同時(shí)

[08:48.48]I started thinking about ''sexpectations. '' 我開始思考性期望的問題

[08:52.64]We're aware as smart, singIe women that we can't expect perfection... 身為自覺而聰慧的單身女性 我們不該期望過(guò)高

[08:57.20]but Iife stiII manages to throw us curve baIIs. 但現(xiàn)實(shí)老是會(huì)開我們玩笑

[09:02.88]Maybe once you're into your mid-30s, it shouIdn't be caIIed dating. 也許一旦進(jìn)入35歲以后


[09:06.44]It shouId be caIIed... 而該改稱 得之我幸,不得我命了

[09:06.04]''Waiting for the other shoe to drop. ''

[09:09.04]If it's not the sex between me and you... 兩人之間的問題 要不是出在性愛

[09:13.60]then someone has to become a Jew. 要不就是其中一人是猶太人

[09:14.72]Why is it aIways something? 為什么總會(huì)出現(xiàn)問題?

[09:18.96]UnIess you're in a probIem-free reIationship with TiVo. 除非你的對(duì)象是 絕不會(huì)出現(xiàn)問題的數(shù)位錄影機(jī)

[09:25.96]No. 不…晚點(diǎn)再說(shuō)

[09:29.16]Maybe later.

[09:31.12]Hello. 你好

[09:33.40]Shut up. 走開…

[09:36.16]Thank you. 謝謝你


[09:45.12]JuIes, are you there? -朱爾斯,你在嗎? -你好,咪咪

[09:50.80]HeIIo, Mimi. 你總是不穿上衣就出來(lái)應(yīng)門嗎

[09:50.32]Do you aIways answer the door without your shirt on?

[09:53.100]The heat isn't working. That's why I rang you up. 熱水爐壞了,所以我才找你上來(lái)

[09:59.36]It seems to be working. 好像沒壞,因?yàn)檫@里很暖和

[10:00.36]It's definiteIy baImy in here.

[10:04.24]The probIem is in the bedroom. -問題出在臥房 -當(dāng)然,在臥房

[10:05.88]Right, of course. The bedroom.

[10:09.88]The next day, CharIotte boIdIy went... 第二天夏綠蒂勇敢地前往 約克家族從沒去過(guò)的地方

[10:12.08]where no York had gone before.:

[10:16.64]the synagogue. 猶太教堂

[10:20.12]Shalom. Where would l find the rabbi? 你好,請(qǐng)問猶太牧師在嗎?

[10:23.48]His study. lnside. -他在書房,在里面 -謝謝

[10:26.56]Thank you.

[10:32.24]-Are you the rabbi? -Yes. -你就是猶太牧師嗎? -沒錯(cuò)

[10:35.32]Hi, my name is Charlotte York... 你好,我是夏綠蒂約克

[10:36.40]and l'm here today because l would like to consider joining the Jewish faith. 我想加入猶太教

[10:40.28]We're not interested. 我們沒興趣

[10:52.16]Hello. l need to report a very rude man. 我要告發(fā)一個(gè)沒禮貌的人

[10:54.24]l was saying my name is Charlotte York... 我是夏綠蒂約克 我想加入猶太教

[10:57.20]and l would like to consider joining the Jewish--

[11:04.48]l don't know what is with these people. l never! 真不知道那些人是怎么回事

[11:06.16]Do you know how much l love you for doing this? 你知道我有多愛你 才會(huì)決定這么做

[11:10.60]Do you know how sexy you look? That's it, l have to have you immediately. 你知道你看起來(lái)有多性感嗎? 我巴不得馬上擁有你

[11:12.00]Harry definiteIy had throw down... 哈利很亢奮 但夏綠蒂卻氣憤難消

[11:14.80]but CharIotte was too thrown and down to care.

[11:17.28]Stop, Harry. l'm feeling very rejected by your people. 等一下 我覺得受到你們族人的排擠

[11:22.92]That's the game, baby. They try to make it hard for you. 那是游戲規(guī)則,寶貝 他們是故意刁難你

[11:26.92]-What? -lt's part of the process. -什么? -那是過(guò)程的一部分

[11:28.52]Traditionally, they turn you down three times to make sure you're serious. 依照傳統(tǒng),他們要拒絕你三次

[11:31.48]SuddenIy CharIotte understood. They were pIaying hard to get. 夏綠蒂豁然開朗 他們只是要讓你知難而退

[11:38.44]They were ruIes rabbis. 這是他們的戒律

[11:40.36]l can play that game. 我一定可以過(guò)關(guān)的

[11:43.64]l invented that game. 這種游戲我最拿手 沒有人能拒絕夏綠蒂約克

[11:46.40]No man rejects Charlotte York.

[11:49.48]l don't care what any rabbi says. You are my chosen person. 我不在乎其他猶太牧師說(shuō)什么 你就是我想要的人

[11:55.12]Miranda was Iooking forward to another perfect night... 米蘭達(dá)正打算好好地和男友 享受另一個(gè)親密的夜晚

[11:57.56]with her perfect boyfriend.

[12:01.24]But unfortunateIy, there was another woman. 很不幸出現(xiàn)了另一個(gè)女人

[12:03.48]-l think l did something bad. -What do you mean? Brady? -我想我可能搞砸了 -布萊迪嗎?

[12:06.48]-l just checked on him. -No, boy is beautiful, is fine. -我才剛?cè)タ催^(guò)他 -不,孩子沒事

[12:13.72]TiVo? 數(shù)位錄影機(jī)? 你到底做了什么?

[12:16.20]What did you do? Exactly what did you do?

[12:21.72]l sit on... 我坐在上面 然后就什么都沒了

[12:24.08]and then nothing. 你坐在錄影機(jī)上?它沒事吧?

[12:26.28]You sat on TiVo? ls it okay?

[12:32.92]Nothing is recorded. How could you do this? 什么都沒錄到 你怎么能這么做?

[12:34.84]This is JuIes & Mimi, the morning after. No! “愛在他鄉(xiāng)”,第二天早上 天啊


[12:43.24]And across town, I Iay in bed wiIIing Berger to caII me... 在城市的另一頭 我躺在床上期待柏格打電話來(lái)

[12:48.04]which never works. 但他卻沒有

[12:52.52]-Hello? -Hey, it's me. -你好 -你好,是我

[12:57.08]Sorry for not calling earlier. 很抱歉我沒有早點(diǎn)打來(lái) 男人慣用的藉口,但卻是真的

[12:57.60]This is the same excuse every guy gives, but in my case it's true.

[13:00.16]A 60-foot raccoon was attacking the village... 有一只60英尺高的浣熊攻擊村子 我必須抓它并殺了它做成標(biāo)本

[13:04.04]and l had to trap it and kill it and stuff it...

[13:07.60]and everybody's safe now... 現(xiàn)在大家都平安無(wú)事了 連被困在樹上的小女孩也是

[13:07.60]even the little Flanders girl who was stuck in a tree.

[13:14.60]But l might have rabies. What have you been up to? 但我可能會(huì)感染狂犬病 你現(xiàn)在在做什么?

[13:18.24]Same old. Did The Times crossword puzzle, found a cure for cancer. 老樣子,做紐約時(shí)報(bào)上的 填字游戲,找出治癌癥的方法

[13:21.12]You did The Times crossword puzzle? -填字游戲? -是星期一的,不是星期天的

[13:25.72]Monday's, not Sunday's. 星期天的要找三個(gè)人來(lái)做 其中一人還要有答案才行

[13:26.60]Okay. l need three people to do Sunday's, one has to have the answers.

[13:31.00]I was thinking that if two peopIe can be good in bed... 如果兩個(gè)人分別在不同的床上 也能如魚得水

[13:32.96]when they're not in the same bed, how hard a conversion couId it be?


[13:37.36]-l have some answers if you have cab fare. -Yeah? 如果你出計(jì)程車錢 我就告訴你答案


[14:01.88]Dump him. 甩了他 搞砸第一次是你的問題

[14:01.08]Fuck me badly once, shame on you. Fuck me badly twice, shame on me. 搞砸第二次就變成我的問題了

[14:07.48]ls that the saying? -有這種說(shuō)法嗎? -這是我說(shuō)的

[14:09.64]That's my saying. 我不想甩了他 我們已經(jīng)過(guò)了隨便甩人的年紀(jì)

[14:08.96]l don't want to dump him. l think he's fantastic.

[14:12.72]Aren't we getting a little old to jump to the dump?

[14:13.72]What about working on things? Look at Charlotte, she's becoming a Jew. 想想有什么解決之道 夏綠蒂都要加入猶太教了

[14:19.48]l need something that will make a guy come in his pants as soon as he sees me. 我需要讓男人一看到 就會(huì)血脈賁張的款式

[14:23.76]Got it.

[14:26.28]-You talk to sales people like that? -l'm here all the time. They love me. -你都和售貨員這么說(shuō)嗎? -這里我常來(lái)

[14:29.24]ls this for a specific gentleman or do you just look for that generally? 你是想特別吸引某人 還是沒有特定目標(biāo)

[14:33.00]lt's for that hot waiter from Raw. 我打算和生食餐廳的侍者上床 但他還不知道

[14:34.48]l'm sleeping with him tonight, but he doesn't know it yet.

[14:37.56]l think l have to talk to him. -我得去和他談一談 -不行

[14:39.68]-No! -We talk about everything else. -我們其他事都無(wú)所不談 -性事是要做而不是要談的

[14:44.64]Honey, when it comes to sex, spray it, don't say it.

[14:47.92]-Okay, that was unnecessary. -l'm trying to salvage your love life. -我不需要那個(gè) -我是想幫你挽救愛情

[14:51.68]The only words you should be saying in bed are dirty ones. 在床上只適用淫穢的語(yǔ)言

[14:52.36]l can't do that without alcohol. 沒有酒精…我辦不到

[14:55.36]Then start drinking, because if you want a hotter sex life... 那就去喝酒 想要火辣的性生活就得先點(diǎn)火

[14:59.04]you're going to have to turn up the heat.

[15:01.84]Starting with.... -就從… -我不穿毛毛鞋

[15:05.84]l don't wear furry shoes.

[15:06.52]-They're not for you, they're for him. -He mostly wears Loafers. -不是為你,是為了他 -他穿帆船鞋

[15:08.96]-Are you sure l can't talk to him about it? -Honey... 你確定我不能去跟他談?

[15:12.16]if the sex isn't great, it doesn't help to say it's not great. 如果性趣不合,說(shuō)也沒用 只會(huì)更加掃興

[15:15.16]That's usually a downer, and by that l mean.... 我的意思是…

[15:21.92]Plus, he must know it's not great. He can't think this is good. 何況他自己一定也知道 他也不滿意那種狀況吧

[15:26.68]Oh, God. 天啊,難道他覺得那樣很好?

[15:27.60]ls it possible he thinks this is good?

[15:30.08]Here we are. -找到了 -我要這個(gè)

[15:32.44]As a matter of fact, l'm gonna take this.

[15:35.72]We'll take two. And these in a 7. 我也要,鞋子要七號(hào)的

[15:42.08]That evening Miranda had one of those regrettabIe discussions... 米蘭達(dá)原本認(rèn)為和理想伴侶 能用溝通解決問題

[15:45.20]that resuIts from the beIief that you and your partner... 這個(gè)想法現(xiàn)在受到很大的沖擊

[15:47.16]shouId be abIe to taIk through any probIem.

[15:48.88]We have been over this before. l feel like you are not listening to me. 我們已經(jīng)談過(guò)這個(gè)問題了 我覺得你都沒聽進(jìn)去

[15:52.100]l turned the system off for 10 minutes and nothing changed. 我把它關(guān)機(jī)十分鐘 但還是沒有改善

[16:01.68]l'm sorry. l'm upset. 很抱歉,我心煩意亂

[16:06.96]l'm just so disappointed. l got used to coming home to something. (安裝手冊(cè))

[16:04.76]我現(xiàn)在很沮喪 我習(xí)慣回來(lái)就有東西可看

[16:08.24]Can't you work with me on this? 你能不能幫我解決問題?

[16:14.60]You told me to do that already. What is wrong with you? 我已經(jīng)試過(guò)這個(gè)方法了 你到底是怎么回事?

[16:25.24]Friday night with Berger.: 和柏格共度的星期五夜晚

[16:26.20]I had my sexy Iingerie under my cooI couture... 我在高級(jí)時(shí)裝內(nèi)穿了性感內(nèi)衣

[16:32.92]and I was feeIing good. 我覺得很棒

[16:34.36]You look so hot in that shirt. -你穿那件襯衫很性感 -你是說(shuō)真的?

[16:35.76]You being serious? 我們來(lái)喝點(diǎn)東西

[16:39.16]Okay, we're gonna need some drinks.

[16:42.36]lt's happy hour, so frozen margaritas are two-for-one. 現(xiàn)在還是歡樂時(shí)光 冰瑪格麗特買一送一

[16:44.32]-All right, okay. When in Rome.... -Sure. -入鄉(xiāng)隨俗 -好

[16:49.96]Since we were 0 for two, I figured two-for-one was a good idea. 有了兩次什么都沒有的經(jīng)驗(yàn) 讓我覺得買一送一是個(gè)好主意

[16:59.24]And after three unreturned phone caIIs, CharIotte decided to make a house caII. 在打了三通電話 沒接獲任何回應(yīng)之后


[17:04.48]Hello, rabbi. l brought you some kosher wine. 你好,猶太牧師 我?guī)Я藘善烤苼?lái)

[17:17.52]l'm sorry, but my husband can't see you now. 很抱歉 但我先生現(xiàn)在不方便見你

[17:21.08]Excuse me, l don't mean to be rude, but l think he can. 恕我失禮 但我認(rèn)為他可以見我

[17:25.20]Miss. What.... 這位小姐…

[17:29.84]l am 37 years old, l'm reproductively challenged. 聽著,我已經(jīng)37歲了 還有生育方面的問題

[17:33.64]l'm in love with a Jewish person, it took me 20 years to find him. 我愛上了一個(gè)猶太人 我花了20年才找到這個(gè)人

[17:38.52]l don't have time to play these games. 我沒時(shí)間和你們玩游戲

[17:54.68]All right, Charlotte, lesson number one: 好吧,夏綠蒂,第一課 你要學(xué)會(huì)喘口氣

[17:55.80]you have to give it a rest...

[17:57.40]because it's about to be Sabbath, the day of rest. 因?yàn)榻裉焓前蚕⑷?是休息的日子

[18:02.88]You want to be a Jew? 你想加入猶太教?

[18:04.96]Sit. 坐下…觀察…學(xué)習(xí)

[18:09.24]Watch. Learn.

[18:13.12]That is so sweet. 這樣是很不錯(cuò) 但我必須去見我男友…

[18:15.16]But actually, l'm supposed to meet my boyfriend....

[18:21.56]l can skip it. 我可以爽約的

[18:21.24]Come, girls, gather. 過(guò)來(lái),女孩們,圍過(guò)來(lái)

[18:38.44]Sorry. 抱歉

[18:54.04]Amen. 阿們

[18:58.12]And Samantha was at Raw, ready to get things cooking. 莎曼珊在生食餐廳 準(zhǔn)備來(lái)頓熱炒

[19:05.16]-Welcome to Raw. -Hello. -歡迎來(lái)到生食餐廳 -你好

[19:09.24]l was here the other night. -我前幾天來(lái)過(guò) -這種事常有

[19:09.76]That's what happens. You come once, and you keep coming over and over. 只要來(lái)過(guò)一次就會(huì)接著再來(lái)

[19:13.40]Here's hoping. 讓人期待

[19:15.12]l'll be with you soon. l'm getting slammed. 我一會(huì)過(guò)來(lái),今晚快忙翻了

[19:18.20]For some reason the hostess keeps seating everyone in my section. Be right back.


[19:32.08]SuddenIy Samantha reaIized why the raw food movement... 莎曼珊恍然大悟

[19:35.20]was a movement. 為什么生食運(yùn)動(dòng)如此風(fēng)行

[19:38.48]Women weren't there for the coId food... 女人不是為生冷食物而來(lái)

[19:38.68]they were there for the hot waiter. 她們是為了性感侍者而來(lái)

[19:46.32]Sorry. 抱歉


[19:52.60]Look who's home. -看看誰(shuí)回來(lái)了 -我被公事纏住了

[19:54.16]l got held up at work. Thanks for filling in. 謝謝你來(lái)帶他,你好,小寶貝

[19:56.64]Hi, cutie.

[19:59.24]Did the TiVo guy come? -修錄影機(jī)的人來(lái)過(guò)了嗎? -沒有

[20:03.44]No, they called and said that they'd have to reschedule... 他們打電話來(lái)說(shuō) 要把時(shí)間改到下星期四

[20:04.24]for a week from Thursday.

[20:06.52]A week from Thursday? 下星期四?

[20:08.00]Yeah, but l played around with a few things, and l think it's okay now. 我試了一下,它應(yīng)該可以用了

[20:13.28]-What do you mean, it's working? -Yup. -它可以用了? -對(duì)

[20:19.32]l love you. l mean, you know, for fixing that. -我愛你,我是指你修好了它 -梅格說(shuō)它很重要

[20:23.40]Yeah, Magda said it was kind of important.

[20:27.60]Listen, l gotta take off. 我要走了

[20:28.48]Hot date? -有約會(huì)嗎? -我約了人吃晚餐

[20:30.04]Yeah, l got this dinner thing. See you later, champ, all right? 再見,小家伙

[20:40.80]Some things, Iike a broken TiVo, can be repaired. 有些東西,譬如壞掉的錄影機(jī) 還有機(jī)會(huì)修復(fù)

[20:42.96]And others, Iike a broken heart, are a IittIe more compIicated. 但有些東西,像是破碎的心 就比較復(fù)雜了

[20:47.28]Four hours and four courses of uncooked food Iater... 四小時(shí)內(nèi) 吃了四客沒煮過(guò)的食物后

[20:53.12]Samantha and her competitors waited it out. 莎曼珊和她的對(duì)手們 持續(xù)進(jìn)行拉鋸戰(zhàn)

[21:03.88]Maybe they were Iess horny, maybe it was aII that roughage... 或許她們沒她好色 或許是因?yàn)槭澄锾y吃

[21:05.12]but one by one, women threw in the napkin. 終于,她們一個(gè)個(gè)地棄巾投降

[21:35.16]Can l get you anything else? -還想吃些什么嗎? -不用了,我正享用蘑菇茶

[21:39.68]No, l'm just enjoying my delicious mushroom tea.

[21:43.20]Okay. 好

[21:47.32]-Did you want anything else? -You know what? -還需要什么嗎? -你知道嗎?

[21:51.96]l would like to have some of that Key lime custard. 我想要一些招牌萊姆蛋奶凍

[21:55.68]lt sounds too good to pass up. -聽起來(lái)就讓人垂涎 -好


[22:14.16]Honey, you've put up a good fight... 你是打了一場(chǎng)好仗 但你搞不清楚對(duì)手是誰(shuí)

[22:15.64]but you have no idea who you're dealing with.

[22:19.64]l'm going home with him and you're going home with Key lime custard. 我要帶他回家 你要帶招牌萊姆蛋奶凍回家

[22:24.76]So what do you say l buy your dinner and we call it a night. 你的晚餐我請(qǐng)客 今晚就到此為止

[22:29.56]Oh, okay. -好 -買單


[22:33.44]MeanwhiIe, I was finaIIy confident I couId heat up my sex Iife... 在此同時(shí) 我終于有信心能重燃性生活

[22:39.88]because I was a sex coIumnist. 因?yàn)槲沂切詯蹖谧骷?我的資源充沛

[22:41.68]I was resourcefuI, and I was drunk.


[22:46.76]l'm sorry.

[23:04.92]l got a little something for you. 我準(zhǔn)備了東西給你

[23:08.48]And you're gonna love it. 你一定會(huì)喜歡的

[23:16.76]Look at that. 你看這個(gè)

[23:24.24]Get ready, mister... 準(zhǔn)備接招吧,先生


[23:36.96]'cause l got something under here for you. 因?yàn)槲以诶锩?準(zhǔn)備了東西要給你

[23:43.92]And there are shoes. 還有鞋子 你等著看我穿上它們吧

[23:44.48]Wait till you see me in these.

[23:59.92]Are you okay? -你還好吧? -我很好

[24:00.00]Yeah, l'm fine.

[24:13.40]And after a night of raw food... 吃了一晚生食之后 莎曼珊終于享受了狂放的一夜

[24:16.60]Samantha enjoyed an aII-nighter of raw sex.

[24:37.68]-告訴你一個(gè)秘密 -你只有12歲?

[24:39.04]-Can l tell you a secret? -You're 1 2?

[24:44.16]You didn't have to order all that shit. 你其實(shí)不必點(diǎn)那些垃圾來(lái)吃

[24:45.84]l was ready to go home with you last Tuesday. 我上星期二就打算和你回家了

[24:48.92]Now you tell me, l ate a fucking cactus. 你現(xiàn)在才說(shuō) 害我吃了一個(gè)惡心的仙人掌

[24:51.20]-Get back down there and make it up to me. -Awesome. -到下面好好補(bǔ)償我 -遵命

[25:11.16]Samantha was stiII having sex... 莎曼珊一夜激情到天亮

[25:13.44]when it dawned on me that Berger and I hadn't. 而我和柏格卻什么也沒發(fā)生

[25:32.52]We both knew, it was now or never. 我們都知道 再不做就永遠(yuǎn)都沒機(jī)會(huì)了

[25:43.56]That morning I resigned myseIf to the idea... 我已經(jīng)接受我可能 無(wú)緣再享受情欲

[25:44.28]that I wouId never again have frozen drinks or hot sex. 或是火熱性愛的想法了

[25:49.96]-l suck, this is awful. -l know. -我搞砸了,真糟糕 -我了解

[25:54.52]l've never been this bad. 我從沒這么丟臉過(guò) 我無(wú)意自夸

[25:56.32]Look, l don't want to toot my own horn here, but l'm way better than this.

[25:57.48]但我真的可以做得更好 我不知道到底是怎么回事

[25:60.60]l've been told l'm good at this. l don't know what's happening.

[26:04.04]-We're so good everywhere else. -Would you look at us in restaurants? -我們?cè)谄渌胤蕉己芎?-在餐館里

[26:05.52]-We're the best. -We're the couple you want to be. -我們是最棒的一對(duì) -我們是天作之合

[26:11.12]All right, we gotta make the bed more like a restaurant. 那好 我們要把床弄得像餐館一樣

[26:20.84]Are you coming back? -你還會(huì)回來(lái)嗎? -會(huì),拿點(diǎn)東西來(lái)會(huì)有幫助

[26:20.56]Yeah. Grab something that'll help.

[26:29.64]Now we're talking. What do you have there, a pet? 我們來(lái)談?wù)劙?你那是什么?寵物嗎?

[26:31.60]Shoes. 鞋子


[26:41.12]Berger, what if we're just not good together in bed? 萬(wàn)一我們?cè)诖采?就是合不來(lái)怎么辦?

[26:42.12]No, don't say that. 別這么說(shuō),是我不來(lái)勁 本來(lái)一切都很順利

[26:44.52]All right, look, l choked.

[26:48.60]-We had it all going on. -We did. -沒錯(cuò) -我還以為會(huì)很美好

[26:50.20]l thought it'd be great, and l wanted it to be great...

[26:52.16]and l choked. 但我卻不來(lái)勁 我第二天再試,以為能改善

[26:54.28]l came over the next night and thought it would be better and--

[26:57.44]-l choked. -What's up? -是我不來(lái)勁 -到底怎么回事

[27:01.64]We should be smoking, not choking. 我們應(yīng)該是靜不下來(lái) 而不是不來(lái)勁

[27:04.80]l think sometimes the rhyme helps. 我喜歡用點(diǎn)押韻

[27:06.20]l agree. -我同意 -這鞋真性感

[27:08.68]Boy, those are some very sexy shoes.

[27:12.84]-Shall l put them on? -Yeah, couldn't hurt. -要我穿上它們嗎? -好,有何不可


[27:23.56]Here, throw some of that over your left shoulder. 撒些鹽到背后去去霉氣

[27:24.16]Come on, you want things to get worse?

[27:29.36]-l was gonna talk to you about it, but.... -l wanted to talk to you, but.... -我本來(lái)想和你談,但… -我本來(lái)想和你談,但…

[27:32.04]Let's make a deal. l talk to you, you talk to me. 這樣吧,我和你談,你和我談

[27:35.08]We should be able to talk about these things. -我們應(yīng)該要談開來(lái) -開誠(chéng)布公

[27:38.40]-Let's talk about it. -We'll talk. 來(lái)談吧

[27:50.24]That morning... 那天早上,另一只鞋也掉了

[27:52.32]the other shoe dropped, and it wasn't bad at aII.

[27:55.88]情況還不錯(cuò) 事實(shí)上,可說(shuō)是相當(dāng)激情

[27:57.32]In fact, it was kind of hot.


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