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欲望都市第六季 肉麻元素 The Ick Factor





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:49:46



[00:36.20](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:52.72]In autumn, New Yorkers treat every nice day... 在秋天紐約客 盡情享受每一個好天氣

[00:56.00]as if it couId be their Iast.

[00:60.96]l'll have another if you will. What do you say? -如果可以的話我要再來一杯 -你會把我?guī)?/p>

[01:02.08]You're a bad influence.

[01:02.64]l waited and waited. -我等了好久 -你說過在地鐵站會合

[01:05.36]You said to meet you at the subway.

[01:06.96]l was at the subway. l was at the foot of the stairs. 我在地鐵站樓梯下面等你

[01:08.64]You was at the subway? You was in the subway. 你在地鐵站外面? 你跑到地鐵站里面了

[01:11.68]You don't know how to give directions.... 你連路都說不清楚

[01:14.60]-That's gonna be us in 30 years. -Please don't say that. -那是30年后的我們 -拜托你別那么說

[01:16.80]l'm kidding, that could never be us. -開玩笑的,我們不會那樣 -我們已經(jīng)那樣了,記得嗎?

[01:18.68]That already was us, remember?

[01:20.44]But that was then. 但那是以前的事

[01:24.64]So for the future, l don't want to become that. 未來我不想變成那樣

[01:28.12]l don't want you to worry about becoming that. 別擔(dān)心你會變成那樣

[01:30.48]Okay, l won't. 我不會擔(dān)心的 我們還不喜歡哪些事呢?

[01:33.20]-Anything else we don't want? -Yeah. 我不要你付啤酒錢 我是認(rèn)真的

[01:36.44]l don't want you paying for these beers.

[01:36.64]l'm serious.

[01:38.24]Your turn. -現(xiàn)在輪到你了 -好吧


[01:42.92]l don't want to become your mother. -我不想當(dāng)你的老媽子 -說得好

[01:45.20]That's a good one.

[01:45.08]l don't want to slack off like l used to. -我不要像以前那么懶 -我不要那么暴躁

[01:48.00]l don't want to be so moody. This is fun.

[01:52.08]l don't want to lose you again. -這真的很有趣 -我再也不想失去你

[01:54.76]Even if l screw up all the other stuff, that's the one that matters. 即使我搞砸了別的事 這是最重要的

[01:57.20]l don't want to lose you either. 我也不想失去你

[02:04.28]Will you marry me? 你愿意娶我嗎?

[02:08.68]Are you serious? 你是認(rèn)真的嗎?

[02:12.36]Yes. 對,你愿意嗎?

[02:13.16]Will you?

[02:15.32]Hell, yeah! 當(dāng)然愿意

[02:17.32]Some coupIes have to say their ''I don't's''... 有些伴侶得說出 他們不喜歡的事

[02:20.80]before they can ever imagine saying their ''I do's. '' 才能說出“我愿意”

[02:29.56]Eighy bIocks and a worId away... 在八十條街外的另一個世界

[02:33.72]I was enjoying a different kind of happy hour. 我在亞力山大佩特洛夫斯基家 享受完全不同的快樂時光

[02:35.80]At AIeksandr Petrovsky's.

[02:39.00]That's pretty. What is that? 好美,那是什么曲子?


[02:53.52]This little tune l have made up for you. 這是我?guī)湍銓懙那?/p>

[02:56.80]What? 什么?不可能

[02:60.36]-No, you didn't. -Yes, l did. 那是真的

[03:04.76]Which means woman with luminous, shining... 意思是“有雙明眸的女人”

[03:09.48]sparkling eyes.

[03:23.40]That is the cheesiest thing l have ever heard in my life. 這是我一輩子聽過最老套的話

[03:27.52]lck. 我知道,我根本不敢看你們 我覺得很不好意思

[03:28.92]l know. l can't even look at you all, l'm so embarrassed.

[03:33.88]lt all sounds very old-world to me. 我覺得很古典 就跟18世紀(jì)的俄國一樣

[03:34.24]Very 18th century Russia.

[03:35.44]And l live in New York City, circa now. 現(xiàn)在我住在紐約 在地鐵里有人讓坐就很浪漫了

[03:40.24]l think it's romantic if someone offers me a seat on the subway.

[03:43.80]That is romantic. 那真的很浪漫

[03:44.48]We are just starved for real romance, and that is the sad truth. 我們渴望真的浪漫 那是個悲傷的事實

[03:48.76]l'm not starved. Smith is in L.A. for the week... 我才不渴望,史密斯在洛杉磯 他每晚打電話給我

[03:50.56]and he calls me every night before he goes to sleep.

[03:54.44]Phone sex doesn't count. -電話性愛不算數(shù) -我會邊做邊喝酒

[03:54.32]l'm drinking a glass of wine while we do it.

[03:56.72]l want to hear more about the romance. What else did he do? 我想多聽些浪漫故事 他還做了什么?

[04:02.08]There was one more thing. 還有一件事

[04:04.20]But if l tell you, it'll be the ''lck'' heard around the world. 但如果我告訴你們 那會成為全世界最老套的事

[04:06.76]lt will not. 才不會

[04:07.96]You know the song he wrote for me? -他幫我寫了一首曲子 -對,惡心

[04:11.96]Yeah, ick.

[04:11.84]lt had a name. 它有個名字


[04:20.40]The woman with eyes that.... “有雙明眸的…”

[04:22.48]Sparkle. “女人”

[04:24.28]-What's French for ''lck''? -''Eek.'' 法文的惡心要怎么說?

[04:28.32]And l swear, while he was playing it, l floated up out of my body... 他彈琴時我的靈魂出竅 俯瞰著自己

[04:30.00]and l was on the ceiling, looking down at myself, thinking:

[04:34.40]''Come on.'' 心想“少來了”

[04:37.68]He was just expressing genuine emotion in an old-fashioned way. 他用古老的方式 表達自己的情感

[04:39.04]But it's not genuine, it's pure show. 那一點都不動人,只是在表演 我受不了做作的行為

[04:41.44]l can't stand all that artificial hoo-hah.

[04:44.100]That's why l proposed to Steve over $3 beers. 所以我用一杯三塊的啤酒 跟史蒂夫求婚

[04:51.80]You proposed? -你跟他求婚? -你要他娶你?

[04:53.68]You proposed marriage?

[04:56.08]Okay. Everybody, stop. 大伙們,別說了 那不是什么大事

[04:57.84]lt's not a big deal, l am not engaged... 我沒有訂婚 我不希望有鋪張的婚禮

[04:59.24]l'm not doing the big circus wedding.

[05:02.04]There will be no white dress or bridesmaids, or posed pictures. 我不要婚紗、伴娘跟婚紗照 我討厭那些東西

[05:06.40]l hate all that shit.

[05:09.20]That's your choice. Every bride has to find her own style. 那是你的選擇 每個新娘的風(fēng)格都不一樣

[05:13.04]When is it gonna be? 婚期是什么時候?

[05:13.44]As soon as l find some place that doesn't make me hurl. 我得先找到 不會讓我破口大罵的地方

[05:18.52]lt's just going to be a simple, nothing thing. l don't even care about the wedding.

[05:19.60]我甚至不在乎婚禮 我只想跟史蒂夫在一起

[05:21.68]l just want to be with Steve.

[05:24.08]This is exactly what l don't want. -米蘭達 -我就是不要你們這樣

[05:27.68]No tears. -別哭了 -我的天啊

[05:29.48]Oh, my God.

[05:29.36]l can't believe it. -我不敢相信 -你們嚇壞我了

[05:31.96]That's it, you're all freaking me out.

[05:35.44]Samantha, l expected more from you. 莎曼珊,我以為你不會這樣

[05:43.60]He just felt inspired to write her a song... 他得到靈感為她寫了一首歌 還彈給她聽

[05:46.08]and then he played it for her.

[05:46.48]lsn't that the most romantic thing you've ever heard? -那真的很浪漫吧? -還不錯

[05:49.76]Not bad. l used to play clarinet when l was little.

[05:50.04]-我小時候會吹豎笛 -好好吃,來一口吧

[05:54.12]This is so good, you have to have some.

[05:55.60]Doesn't that taste like real butter pecan? 吃起來很像 真的奶油山核桃吧?

[05:58.48]lf that's what we're playing, sure. 如果我們得這么玩 好吧,我可以假裝它是真的

[06:01.84]l can pretend this whipped flavored air is the real thing.

[06:06.64]lt's like something out of a Victorian novel. People just don't do those things anymore. 真好吃

[06:05.64]那像是維多利亞時代的小說 現(xiàn)在的人不會再那么做

[06:09.40]l can be romantic, too, you know. -我也可以很浪漫 -甜心,我知道你可以

[06:11.92]Honey, l know you can.

[06:15.68]l think it's romantic that you walk me to Tasti D-Lite every night. 你陪我走到吃吃看餐廳 就已經(jīng)夠浪漫了

[06:19.76]Don't humor me. 別逗我笑,我知道什么是浪漫 不是只有外國人才會那么做

[06:19.76]l know how to do romance right. lt's not just for foo-foo foreigners.

[06:25.76]ln fact, l am gonna take you out for a real romantic night on the town. 事實上我要帶你到城里 度過一個浪漫夜晚

[06:29.60]Wining and dining, baby. -我們要享受美酒佳肴 -真的嗎?

[06:31.20]-Really? -You bet. 沒錯,我要再舔一口

[06:32.16]Let me get another lick of that.

[06:36.16]l don't want to make a big entrance. l don't want everyone staring at me. 我不想有個盛大的入場式 讓大家都盯著我看

[06:40.04]And from Iicking to Iugging.... 從頭到尾

[06:41.64]l just want it to feel like us. 我希望它有我們的風(fēng)格 不像我討厭的那些婚禮

[06:44.44]Not like one of those millions of cookie-cutter weddings...

[06:46.52]l've had to suffer through.

[06:48.76]How do we do that? -我們該怎么做? -搭船繞島一周

[06:50.80]What about one of those boat rides that goes around the lsland?

[06:53.68]-That's different. -We're not boat people. 我們不是愛船的人 我們什么時候搭過船了?

[06:56.52]When have we ever been on a boat together, ever?

[06:56.32]Okay. You got a better idea? -你有更棒的點子嗎? -該死


[07:05.40]This is so us, we are pathetic. 該死


[07:06.08]This gum is like Superglue. Look at this. -這塊口香糖跟三秒膠一樣 -你看到了嗎?

[07:09.88]You see? We're bag people, not boat people. 我們是凡夫俗子 不是愛船的人

[07:14.24]We should get married right here, in this mess. 我們應(yīng)該在這團混亂中 就地成婚

[07:16.32]We're going to have to, if l can't get this gum off. 如果我沒辦法把口香糖弄掉 我們真的得那么做


[07:24.60]That's a nice garden. 那座花園好漂亮

[07:25.28]Yeah, it's pretty. -沒錯 -不會太俗氣

[07:28.32]But not corny.

[07:31.12]What do you think? -你覺得呢? -我不討厭它

[07:34.60]l don't hate it.

[07:36.60]The onIy thing harder than choosing a spot for your wedding... 有一件事 比挑選結(jié)婚地點還難…

[07:39.20]when you hate weddings... -賓客簽名簿呢? -我們在挑選結(jié)婚禮物

[07:41.56]What about a guest book?

[07:43.24]...is choosing a wedding gift for your friend who hates weddings.

[07:47.56]There's going to be eight of us there. There's no one to keep track of. 一共才八個客人 根本不需要簽名

[07:50.80]l can't believe Miranda is getting married. 我不敢相信米蘭達要結(jié)婚了

[07:53.88]-This is pretty. -She'll hate that, too domestic. -這個好漂亮 -她一定會討厭,太家居感了

[07:56.08]And too bridey. -太明亮了 -千萬別惹她生氣

[07:56.08]Let's try not to piss her off.

[07:57.96]Maybe we should just buy her a stapler... 我們買個釘書機送她 用牛皮紙包好涂上狗屎

[07:59.96]wrap it in brown paper, and just smear some dog poo on it.

[08:04.76]Think she'd be comfortable with that?

[08:07.12]Fine, we'll get the dish. 好吧,我們就選盤子

[08:10.52]Ladies, l have something to tell you... 我得告訴你們一件事 你們一定會很不高興

[08:13.08]and you're not going to like it.

[08:17.16]lf you get married and leave me all alone, l will kill you. 如果你也要丟下我去結(jié)婚 我會殺了你

[08:18.92]As you know, l have always loved my body just the way it is. 我一直都很喜歡我的身體

[08:24.60]My legs are fantastic, l have killer abs... 我有雙美腿,平坦的小腹 我的臀部非常完美…

[08:26.40]my ass is perfection--

[08:26.92]ls this the part we're not gonna like? -我們不會喜歡這個? -但經(jīng)過深思熟慮后

[08:30.88]But l have decided, after careful consideration...

[08:32.24]that l might be ready for bigger boobs. 我決定要去隆乳

[08:37.52]Since when? -你怎么會那么想? -因為我看到殘酷的事實

[08:37.12]Since l had a cold, hard dose of reality...

[08:42.32]from this. Look. -就是這個,你們看 -你上了“觸碰雜志”

[08:44.60]You're in In Touch magazine?

[08:46.88]-And that's your source of reality? -Yes. -你透過它看到事實? -對

[08:49.24]They named Smith Jerrod the number one hot guy to watch. 他們票選出史密斯 是頭號大帥哥

[08:52.64]They followed him all over town for a week. l'm in half the pictures. 他們跟著他全城跑 我經(jīng)常在照片里出現(xiàn)

[08:54.40]There are my boobs on Wednesday. 那是我星期三的咪咪 你看到它們有多小了嗎?

[08:57.84]See how small they are?

[08:58.12]There they are again on Thursday. 然后是我星期四的咪咪 真的是超小的


[09:03.68]And there they are having lunch. You can barely see them. 這是它們在吃午餐的樣子 得用放大鏡才能看到它們

[09:06.44]l should've brought my Loupe.

[09:06.84]l can't believe you would actually consider having a boob job. 我不敢相信你要隆乳

[09:10.12]l can't believe you went to Planet Hollywood. 我不敢相信 你去了好萊塢星球餐廳

[09:14.24]You are a confident, intelligent woman. Why would you want to look like a bimbo? 你是個充滿自信的聰明女人 誰想被當(dāng)成波霸?

[09:16.88]l wouldn't be getting the watermelon freakshow kind. 我不會把咪咪 變得跟西瓜一樣大

[09:19.36]l'd get something tasteful, something like... 我會把胸部整得很有氣質(zhì) 就跟你一樣


[09:26.36]Yours are good. -你的胸部很好看 -真的嗎?

[09:27.32]Mine? 我的胸部哪里不好?

[09:30.24]-What's wrong with mine? -They're not bad, either.

[09:33.40]Let's see. -它們也不賴,讓我看看 -好吧

[09:34.92]Okay, all right. Get hers. -去摸她的 -不


[09:40.76]A few days Iater, the rain came. 幾天后天空下起大雨

[09:41.88]Listen, you will like this poem. 聽著,你會喜歡這首詩

[09:45.92]Poem? 空氣中詩意盎然

[09:44.72]And so did the poetry.

[09:48.92]''So long had life together been “共處的生活漫長悠久 雪開始下”

[09:50.20]''that once the snow began to fall

[09:53.16]''it seemed unending “像沒完沒了”

[09:55.56]''that, lest the flakes should make her eyelids wince “唯恐雪花使她閉上雙眼”

[09:57.24]''l'd shield them with my hand “我用手擋著 他們假裝不相信”

[09:60.32]''and they, pretending not to believe the cherishing of eyes

[10:05.84]''would beat against my palm like butterflies'' “雙眼的思念 會敲痛我的掌心”


[10:13.04]That is some serious stuff. 那真的好嚴(yán)肅

[10:15.84]Had enough, huh? -你受不了了? -不,它真的好美

[10:17.64]No, it's beautiful.

[10:21.92]How about l read you a little bit of my favorite poetry? 要不要聽我念 我最喜歡的詩?

[10:24.60]Please. 請吧

[10:27.68]''Cocktails at Tiffany's calls for classic charm. “蒂芙妮的雞尾酒會 彌漫著古典迷人氣息”

[10:31.16]''Oscar de la Renta sleeveless silk faille... “奧斯卡德拉倫塔的無袖上衣 絲質(zhì)長洋裝”

[10:36.12]''full-skirted dress...

[10:37.84]''with black patent leather bow-belt.'' “黑色花紋低腰皮帶”

[10:41.16]Now, that is pure poetry. 那真的很有詩意

[10:47.48]Oscar is a good friend of mine. l'll tell him you like the dress. 奧斯卡跟我是好朋友 我會告訴他你喜歡那套洋裝

[10:50.16]Oscar? -你叫他奧斯卡? -那是他的名字,對吧?

[10:53.24]You call him ''Oscar''?

[10:54.84]lt's his name, isn't it?

[10:58.80]So, you feel uncomfortable with poetry. 你不喜歡詩,為什么?

[11:01.56]Why is that?

[11:03.64]l'm sorry. 對不起,或許你還不認(rèn)識我

[11:06.76]Perhaps we were not properly introduced.

[11:08.64]l write a column based on the assumption... 我在寫一個專欄 主題是浪漫已死

[11:13.08]that romance is either dead or just...

[11:16.72]phony. 或浪漫是虛假的

[11:15.28]-You think l'm phony? -No, not at all. -你覺得我很假? -不是那樣的

[11:20.56]l'm the one that feels like a phony. 是我覺得很虛假

[11:22.92]Frankly, l'm just not used to... 老實說 我不習(xí)慣這么夸張的戀情

[11:25.100]these grand gestures.

[11:27.100]You mean, no other man, no one ever... 其他男人沒念詩給你聽過

[11:32.20]read you a little poem... 或是為你彈琴?

[11:36.00]or played a little music for you?


[11:41.96]No, they have not.


[11:48.52]Okay. 好吧

[11:55.04]l'm in over my head. Where are you? -我昏頭了,你在哪里? -買婚紗

[11:57.32]Shopping for a wedding dress on my lunch hour.

[12:01.60]l said no white, no ivory. 我說不要白色或象牙白的 我不要有“處女”意義的婚紗

[12:02.88]Nothing that says virgin.

[12:05.16]l have a child. The jig is up. 我有個孩子,就那么簡單

[12:08.08]Yesterday... 昨天俄國佬念俄國詩給我聽 但他用的是英文

[12:10.96]the Russian read me a Russian poem, but in English.

[12:15.36]Are you just making this stuff up now? -那是你編出來的嗎? -不

[12:17.84]No, and this might sound crazy... 這聽起來或許很瘋狂 我不覺得他是裝的

[12:21.60]but l don't think it's an act.

[12:23.08]l think he actually means it. 他是玩真的

[12:26.16]That doesn't make it okay. 那不代表一切沒事 他有考慮到你的感覺嗎?

[12:28.68]Has he considered your feelings?

[12:31.12]You're right, he's a selfish pig. -你說得對,他是個自私鬼 -我是認(rèn)真的

[12:33.92]I'm serious.

[12:33.52]l think you should tell him that this whole romance thing... 你應(yīng)該告訴他 這些浪漫把戲讓你覺得想吐

[12:37.48]gives you the icks, turns your stomach, and that he's dating you...

[12:41.40]-not Anna Karenina. -I'II teII him that. -他不是要追安娜卡列妮娜 -我不能那樣告訴他

[12:42.96]l can't tell him that.

[12:44.44]Let me ask you something. 我得問你一件事

[12:47.52]lf you're so anti-romance, why are you having a wedding at all? 如果你那么反對浪漫 為什么還要舉行婚禮?

[12:50.72]Why not just go down to City Hall and get it over with? 你為什么不到市政廳 公證結(jié)婚?

[12:53.00]l thought about that... 我想過,但我發(fā)現(xiàn) 我想大聲說出我的婚誓

[12:55.96]but then l realized l actually do want to say those vows out loud...

[12:59.84]to Steve, in front of the peopIe I care about. 讓史蒂夫跟我在乎的人都聽到

[13:03.92]Are you gagging over there? -你在偷笑嗎? -不,完全相反

[13:05.52]No, the opposite.

[13:07.80]My God, Miranda. 天啊,米蘭達 你是我的挖苦指標(biāo)

[13:09.28]You were my cynical touchstone.

[13:12.88]Do you promise to still be cynical even after you're married? 答應(yīng)我 婚后你還是會這么刻薄?

[13:15.88]l do. 我會的

[13:16.44]l have got to go, there's a big pile of tutus coming at me. 我得掛電話了 我看到一件超夸張的婚紗

[13:22.04]Okay, we need to have another talk. 我們得再好好談一談


[13:29.88]One of the great things about Iiving in New York City... 住在紐約市的優(yōu)點之一

[13:32.48]is that you don't have to sugarcoat your feeIings. 就是你不必偽裝自己的感覺

[13:35.76]But have New York women settIed for a sugar-free existence as weII? 但紐約女人安于 沒有甜言蜜語的世界嗎?

[13:39.92]We accept Tasti D-Lite instead of reaI ice cream. 我們愿意到吃吃看餐廳 放棄了超級美味的冰淇淋

[13:43.72]EmaiIs instead of Iove songs, jokes instead of poetry. 用電子郵件代替情歌 用玩笑代替詩

[13:46.100]It's no wonder that when faced with the reaI thing... 難怪面對真正的浪漫時 我們都會覺得受不了

[13:51.68]we can't stomach it.

[13:51.68]Is it something we couId Iearn to digest... 那是我們可以 學(xué)著消化的事嗎?

[13:53.64]or have we become romance-intoIerant? 或是我們變成無法接受浪漫?

[14:05.48]Et puis, for the troisième course... 然后第三道菜我們想點鵝肝

[14:06.36]we would like the fois gras...

[14:08.76]followed by the boeuf bourguignon avec Ies Iegumes à Ia crème. 接下來是勃艮第牛肉 奶油蔬菜

[14:12.80]It was Harry's version of a serenade, and CharIotte ate it right up. 那是哈利的浪漫 夏綠蒂非常喜歡

[14:15.100]Et en fin, the pIat du fromage. 最后是起司

[14:20.40]The plate or the cart? We have a lovely cheese cart. 你要起司碟還是用車? 我們有很精美的起司盛放車

[14:23.68]Mais oui! Bring us the cart. 是的,請用車送上來 那非常適合我太太

[14:25.44]Tout de suite, for my sweetie.

[14:27.92]l had no idea you could speak French so well, honey. 我不知道 你的法文說得那么好

[14:29.84]The French learned romance from me, baby. 法國人的浪漫是跟我學(xué)的 寶貝

[14:37.20]Downtown, in the name of boob job research... 在城里有個女人 在做隆乳手術(shù)研究

[14:40.64]Samantha decided to go where the biggest crop wouId be on dispIay. 莎曼珊決定到大波霸 最常去的地方

[14:44.96]Some were IittIe boobs. -有些人的咪咪很小 -還不錯

[14:46.04]-That's okay. -Not so bad.

[14:48.72]Some were big boobs. 有些人的咪咪很大

[14:55.48]Some were ridicuIousIy big boobs. -有些人的咪咪大到不像話 -天啊,我要娶她為妻

[14:58.16]Oh, boy.

[14:57.08]Okay. That's my wife, right there.

[14:60.84]And then there were the two biggest boobs of aII... 然后咪咪最大的女人 走到她身邊

[15:03.84]right beside her.

[15:12.64]Can l get you something? 需要我效勞嗎?

[15:15.88]You either have the most naturally beautiful breasts l've ever seen... 你的胸部真的非常自然漂亮

[15:17.96]or l need the name of your doctor. 如果不是天生的話 我想知道你的醫(yī)生是誰

[15:19.100]You want Dr. Bevel. He's the best. 你需要貝佛醫(yī)生,他是最棒的 光是小費都很值得

[15:24.80]They paid for themselves in tips alone.

[15:28.08]MeanwhiIe, back in the 18th century.... 同時回到18世紀(jì)

[15:34.96]l'm sorry. ls this a formal sleep over? 抱歉 我得穿著正式來你家過夜嗎?

[15:41.56]There's an opening at the Met tonight. 茶花女要在大都會歌劇院開演 你要跟我一起去

[15:45.68]lt's La Traviata, and you're going with me.

[15:48.64]Man, l was this close to throwing out my ballgown... 我差點就要換上正式禮服了 但我還是不顧我的直覺

[15:51.56]but l ignored my instincts.

[15:51.100]-All right, l'll go home and change. -No, this'll be much faster. -我回家換衣服 -不,這樣子比較快

[15:57.52]Come on. 到這里來

[16:02.48]Come on, open it. 快打開它

[16:20.48]Tonight, only your poetry, not mine. 今晚以你的浪漫為主 我不重要

[16:24.56]From the magazine. You like it? 我從雜志上看到的 你喜歡嗎?

[16:26.12]If I had been on a romance-free diet, this seemed Iike a good time to binge. 如果我一直在避免浪漫 看來我得拋開顧忌

[16:35.08]That was the most romantic, elegant... 那是最浪漫優(yōu)雅…

[16:43.04]Pardon me, that was weird. 對不起,那真的很奇怪

[16:47.80]...decadent, seven-course.... 頹廢的七道菜…

[16:55.48]l'm sorry, honey. 抱歉,甜心

[16:58.32]Oh, boy. 天啊

[17:01.80]Are you okay? 你沒事吧?

[17:11.64]Honey? 甜心,你會很久嗎?

[17:11.92]Are you gonna be long in there?

[17:15.24]Maybe. 或許

[17:18.84]Definitely. Why? 一定會,怎么了?

[17:20.20]lt's okay, l'll go to the other one. 沒關(guān)系,我去另外一間

[17:22.72]When you spIurge on a romantic seven-course meaI... 當(dāng)你吃下七道佳肴 你會懷念每一口的味道

[17:24.80]you generaIIy want to remember every bite.

[17:26.76]There was the soup course. 有湯、甜點

[17:27.84]The dessert course.

[17:30.56]And aII those other yummy courses in between. 還有各式美食

[17:33.20]That's gotta be it. 應(yīng)該沒事,我都拉完了

[17:36.80]l'm done.

[17:36.92]Harry and CharIotte had romance shooting out of them every 20 minutes... 哈利跟夏綠蒂的浪漫 每隔20分鐘發(fā)作一次

[17:41.88]l'm not. 他們拉了一整晚的肚子

[17:41.08]...for the rest of the night.

[17:44.76]l wouldn't go in there if l were you. lt's not pleasant. -如果我是你,我不會進去 -我來不及到另外一間了

[17:46.96]l can't make it to the other one.

[17:48.32]lt was the fucking fromage. 都是起司害的

[17:49.64]Don't! 該死的起司

[17:51.60]That fucking fromage.

[17:58.96]Look out, l'm coming in. 小心,我來了

[18:01.64]Surviving a night of food poisoning together... 嚴(yán)重拉肚子一整晚 不是什么浪漫的事

[18:04.96]wasn't the stuff of great romance...

[18:07.00]but it was the stuff of Iasting Iove. 但那會是戀人間的永久回憶

[18:11.60]MeanwhiIe, a funny thing happened on the way to the opera. 同時在前往歌劇院的路上 發(fā)生了一件很有趣的事

[18:19.36]Wait. 等一下


[18:22.04]This music, this place. 這首曲子


[18:25.80]You. 你

[18:28.00]lsn't it perfect? 它真的很完美吧?

[18:32.48]Would you dance with me? 你愿意跟我跳舞嗎?

[18:41.80]It was the most romantic moment. 那是最浪漫的一刻


[18:48.56]Are you okay? -你沒事吧? -她沒事吧?

[18:54.44]No. 不,我受不了了

[18:53.52]lt's too much.

[18:56.32]l'm an American. 我是美國人 你得一步一步慢慢來

[18:59.40]You got to take it down a notch.

[19:00.12]-Does she need any help? -No, he's got her. -她需要幫忙嗎? -不,他抱住她了

[19:04.08]And then a quarter pounder with cheese... 還要一個麥香堡 跟起司口味的麥克雞塊

[19:09.36]McNuggets. 你要超大份的嗎?

[19:12.52]Would you like to super size that?

[19:13.40]-Can you handle it? -Absolutely. -你吃得完嗎? -當(dāng)然

[19:16.52]Absolutely. 沒問題

[19:22.00]l'm sorry about the opera. -關(guān)于歌劇的事我很抱歉 -別傻了,下次再說吧

[19:22.04]Don't be silly.

[19:23.84]Another time, another dress.


[19:29.44]May l offer you a fry? 你要吃根薯條嗎?

[19:33.52]They're French. -它們有法國的感覺喔 -那么說的話…



[19:50.80]l think l might be up for a quick spin now.

[19:52.40]lf you'll still have me. -如果你還愿意跟我一起跳舞 -那當(dāng)然

[19:53.100]Of course.

[19:59.76]That'll be $9.54. 一共是九塊五角四分

[20:10.88]And there, beneath the fIuorescent moonIight... 在皎潔的月光下

[20:11.00]I was finaIIy Iaughing with romance... 我終于因為浪漫開懷大笑 而不是故作姿態(tài)

[20:15.44]and not at it.

[20:17.96]lf l went any bigger than this, l think l'd look ridiculous, don't you? 如果我變得比這個大 看起來會很可笑吧?

[20:21.72]That's not my work. 那跟我無關(guān),但她是我的客人 我在她得金球獎前幫她動刀

[20:23.60]But l did hers. And hers, right before the Golden Globes.

[20:28.60]They're winners. 它們真的謀殺了不少底片

[20:29.84]Other arm, please. 請把另一只手臂抬高

[20:32.56]l have an event in two months that l'd really like to have a little cleavage for. 兩個月后我得公開亮相 到時候我的胸部可以見人吧?

[20:37.72]Will they be up and running by then?

[20:39.88]You have a lump l'd like you to have checked before we begin our work. 你的乳房有硬塊 我希望在動手術(shù)前先做檢查

[20:45.20]lt's right here, you can feel it yourself. -就在這里,你可以摸摸看 -你是在開玩笑吧?

[20:45.04]-Are you kidding? -l'm afraid not.


[20:49.72]Okay, but it's not serious, right? 好吧,但不嚴(yán)重吧?

[20:53.04]lt's probably just a cyst, but we want to be absolutely sure. 很可能只是囊腫 但我們得確定一下

[20:57.52]l'd like to have it looked at as soon as possible. 我要你盡快去做檢查,好嗎?

[21:07.52]By Miranda's wedding day, I thought the whoIe worId had gone romantic... 米蘭達結(jié)婚那天 我以為一切都會很浪漫

[21:10.04]when Samantha insisted on picking me up in a cab. 莎曼珊堅持搭計程車來接我

[21:13.92]What has come over you? This is a 100 blocks out of your way. -你是怎么了? -請到第六街跟第十大道口

[21:16.96]Now we're going to 10th and Sixth Avenue, please.

[21:20.16]-You look nice. -So do you. -你看起來很漂亮 -你也是

[21:22.04]Thank you. 我跟整型外科醫(yī)生 做了隆乳手術(shù)諮詢

[21:23.76]l had my breast consultation with the plastic surgeon.

[21:28.80]Please tell me you've changed your mind. -告訴我你改變了心意 -不是那樣的

[21:30.80]Not exactly.

[21:30.52]He found a lump and l had it biopsied. 他發(fā)現(xiàn)腫塊,我做了切片檢查 結(jié)果是我得了癌癥

[21:32.48]lt turns out l have cancer.

[21:35.76]What? When? 你…什么?什么時候?

[21:39.28]l had it biopsied on Wednesday and l found out yesterday. 我在星期三做切片檢查 昨天拿到檢查報告

[21:42.84]l'm going to give you all the information, and l don't want you to get upset or worry. 我會告訴你詳細(xì)的情況 別太難過擔(dān)心

[21:44.52]The only reason l'm telling you now and not later is... 我會在這個時候告訴你

[21:49.48]l didn't want to accidentally blurt out: 因為我不想在婚禮中 大叫著“我得了癌癥”

[21:49.16]''l have cancer,'' in the middle of Miranda's wedding.

[21:53.04]Could you please take Fifth? Broadway's a disaster. 麻煩你走第五大道 百老匯大道塞爆了

[21:59.84]l'm listening. -好了,我在聽 -別告訴夏綠蒂跟米蘭達

[21:59.60]And please don't tell Charlotte and Miranda.

[22:03.08]l don't want to ruin their days, too. -我不希望毀了她們的好心情 -當(dāng)然,你說的都對

[22:04.28]Of course, whatever you say.

[22:08.68]What exactly do you know? -你到底知道什么? -我的乳房有癌細(xì)胞

[22:08.64]Just that there are cancer cells and l had a mammogram.

[22:13.84]They think it's small, which is a good sign. 我做了乳房X光像 腫瘤很小,那是件好事

[22:13.64]l won't know anything else until they take the fucker out next week. 下星期他們?nèi)〕瞿[瘤前 我只知道這么多

[22:17.60]Now you know everything and we can talk about something else. 我們來聊聊別的事吧

[22:24.56]Do you like my skunk? 你喜歡我的披肩嗎?

[22:27.44]Thank you for telling me. -謝謝你告訴我 -沒問題


[22:33.12]l'm sorry to put a big cloud over the whole day. 抱歉壞了你今天的好心情

[22:37.92]l know l'm gonna be fine, l know that. 我知道我一定會沒事的

[22:39.28]lt's just.... 只是…

[22:43.64]l don't want to lose my breasts. 我不想失去我的乳房

[22:45.24]They're fabulous. -它們真的很漂亮 -沒錯

[22:49.72]They are.

[22:55.60]For better, for worse. -不論好壞 -不論貧富

[22:55.88]For richer, or poorer.

[22:58.88]To love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live. 在有生之年會珍愛彼此


[23:04.84]This is my solemn vow. -這是我的誓言 -這是我的誓言

[23:09.40]Now, Miranda. 現(xiàn)在輪到米蘭達了

[23:12.68]l, Miranda Hobbes... -我,米蘭達霍布斯 -我,米蘭達霍布斯

[23:15.48]take you, Steve Brady... -愿意接受史蒂夫布萊迪 -愿意接受史蒂夫布萊迪

[23:18.84]to be my husband. -成為我的丈夫 -成為我的丈夫

[23:20.76]Look, Mommy and Daddy are getting married. 你看,媽媽跟爸爸要結(jié)婚了

[23:23.24]For richer or poorer... -不論貧富 -不論貧富

[23:26.00]in sickness and in health... -不論疾病或健康 -不論疾病或健康

[23:31.80]to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live. 在有生之年會珍愛彼此


[23:37.52]This is my solemn vow. -這是我的誓言 -這是我的誓言

[23:41.72]Do you promise to uphold these vows you've made here today... 你答應(yīng)會遵守在親友面前 立下的誓言嗎?

[23:44.88]witnessed by your closest friends and family?

[23:48.88]l do. -我愿意 -我愿意

[23:52.16]With the power vested in me by the state of New York... 根據(jù)紐約州賦予我的權(quán)力

[23:55.56]l now pronounce you husband and wife. 我宣布你們成為夫婦

[24:04.28]Come on, everybody, it's happy time. 來吧,大伙們 這是令人高興的一刻



[24:18.72]The one wedding rituaI Miranda never had a probIem with... 米蘭達不會有意見的婚禮儀式

[24:20.08]was the part where everyone eats. 就是婚宴 我們都坐下來大吃一頓

[24:22.48]And so we did.

[24:24.48]Samantha, you look so pretty today. -莎曼珊,你今天好漂亮 -謝謝,我得了癌癥

[24:26.64]-Thanks, l have cancer. -What?

[24:30.00]-Are you okay with drinks? -We're not okay with drinks. -什么? -飲料還可以嗎?

[24:32.20]-Keep them coming. -Cool. -我們還沒喝夠,再送過來 -酷啊

[24:36.60]l like the color of your dress. -我喜歡你的婚紗顏色 -謝謝

[24:37.80]Thank you. 我佩服你不喜歡假裝

[24:39.76]l admire you for not pretending.

[24:44.44]Listen, we're family now... 聽著,現(xiàn)在我們是一家人 我要告訴你一件私事

[24:47.52]and there's something private l want to tell you.

[24:48.04]You don't have to. 你不必那么做

[24:52.00]The day l married Steve's father, l wore white. 我嫁給史蒂夫的爹那天 穿著白色婚紗

[24:54.60]But l shouldn't have. 但我不該那么做

[24:57.16]l slipped. 我曾經(jīng)出軌過一次 上帝原諒我

[24:58.76]Once, God forgive me.

[25:03.20]Don't tell Steve. 別告訴史蒂夫

[25:07.60]When l walked down that aisle at St. Agnes... 我在圣安格斯教堂 走上紅毯的那一端

[25:10.32]l had a white dress on, on the outside... 外面穿著白色婚紗 肚里卻懷著小積琪

[25:13.20]and my little Jackie on the inside.

[25:27.36]Ma, you still hungry? 媽,你還是肚子餓嗎? 我們?nèi)コ渣c東西吧?

[25:29.20]Let's get some chow.

[25:33.72]My God, l am legally bound to Steve's mother. 天啊,我跟史蒂夫的媽媽 在法律上成了親戚

[25:38.72]Hi, again. -你好 -恭喜你


[25:44.48]What? Why are you being weird? -什么?你們怎么怪怪的? -我們一點都不奇怪

[25:44.00]-We're not being weird. -We're just talking.

[25:49.36]About me, right? -我們只是在閑聊 -在聊我的事吧?

[25:49.12]You think l'm an asshole, that l've become one of them... 你們覺得我是混蛋 我成了超完美新娘

[25:53.92]that l'm a Stepford bride. -天啊,不 -告訴我你們在聊什么


[25:55.52]So tell me what you're talking about.

[25:56.32]l'll tell you tomorrow, l don't want to ruin your special day. 我不想毀了你的大喜之日

[26:01.96]Forget about my special fucking day and be normal. 別管我的大喜之日 正常一點,拜托,我求你們

[26:04.96]Please, l beg of you.

[26:08.76]l have breast cancer. -我得了乳癌 -什么?

[26:12.04]-What? -See? 看吧?這是我的大日子

[26:13.92]Now it's my special fucking day.

[26:17.40]You have breast cancer? -你得了乳癌? -別哭

[26:21.24]Hey, no tears.

[26:24.24]l expected more from you. 米蘭達,我沒想到你會這樣

[26:26.64]This is what we were afraid of. 我們就害怕你會這樣 快去招呼客人,我們待會再聊

[26:27.60]Go back to your people, we'll talk about this later.

[26:32.40]You are my people and we'll talk about it now! 你們是我的朋友 我們現(xiàn)在就得談

[26:36.16]Start at the beginning. -從頭開始說 -你是全世界最霸道的新娘

[26:36.68]You are the bossiest bride in the world.

[26:41.44]Yes l am, and you have to do everything l say. 沒錯,你們得照我的話去做

[26:47.04]Start talking. -開始說 -好吧

[26:51.40]Do you remember when l went.... 不論好壞 那天我們都可以做自己

[26:51.56]For better or for worse, we were aII ourseIves that day.

[26:57.72]Just the way Miranda wanted it. 就跟米蘭達希望的一樣


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