[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:48:58
[00:35.12](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)
[00:50.12]Some outfits wait a Iifetime to be taken somewhere speciaI. 有些衣服等了一輩子 才找到適當?shù)臅r機亮相
[00:54.20]The same can be true of peopIe. 有些人也是那樣
[01:00.76]Hi, it's AIeks. 我是亞力,別整理行李了 巴黎也有賣衣服
[01:03.88]Stop packing. They have cIothes here in Paris.
[01:06.12]See you tomorrow. Safe fIight. 明天見,祝你一路平安
[01:10.92]Hi, it's Miranda. 我是米蘭達,這已是我第40次 打電話求你別去巴黎
[01:12.72]No, this is not my 40th ''PIease don't go to Paris'' caII.
[01:13.40]It's been three weeks. Is that funny yet? Anyway, I got us a dinner reservation. 那很好笑? 我?guī)臀覀冇喠瞬蛷d
[01:17.28]You're Ieaving at 9.:00, so we have to eat at 6.:00... 你搭九點的飛機 我們得像老人六點吃飯,謝謝
[01:21.04]which makes us senior citizens, thank you.
[01:22.56]Or shouId I say, merci beau ''pIease don't go. '' 或許我該說謝謝美女 求求你別走
[01:29.68]It's me. I'm in town. 凱莉,是我,我在城里
[01:33.08]Look, I'd reaIIy Iike to see you, so caII me. 聽著,我真的想見你 回我電話
[01:37.04]Same number, and in case you've forgotten, it's.... 號碼沒變,如果你忘了…
[01:39.92]DeIeted. 刪除留言
[01:44.04]After many more hours of packing... 花了那么多時間整理好行李后 我出發(fā)去吃最后的晚餐
[01:44.00]I was off for our version of the Iast supper.
[01:55.08]lf Mohammed won't come to the mountain.... 如果穆罕默德沒有走到山邊…
[01:58.80]Hiya, kid. -你好,小鬼 -嗨
[02:01.08]l was in the neighborhood, saw your light on. 我剛好經(jīng)過 看到你的燈還亮著
[02:05.76]Can l talk to you? -我能跟你談一談嗎? -我跟朋友約好吃飯要遲到了
[02:08.56]Well, l'm late for dinner with the girls.
[02:15.12]lt's 5:45. 現(xiàn)在是五點四十五分
[02:18.28]Come on, get in, it's cold. 快上車吧,外面很冷
[02:40.00]Raoul, give us a minute? -勞爾,麻煩讓我們獨處一下 -不,外面很冷
[02:39.36]No, it's okay, he doesn't.... lt's cold.
[02:43.36]He's a tough guy, right, Raoul? 他很壯的,對吧?勞爾
[02:46.36]l'll tip like a Rockefeller. 我付小費時 就跟洛克菲勒差不多
[02:51.52]l'm sorry for not returning your calls. -我很抱歉沒有回你電話 -我覺得自己像個粘人的女孩
[02:54.20]Yeah, l was starting to feel like a needy chick.
[02:59.44]Did l do something to piss you off? -我做了什么事惹你生氣嗎? -不,我…
[03:02.48]No, it's....
[03:03.32]l've just been busy with other things. 我一直在忙別的事
[03:08.80]Look, l know l freaked out about us the last time l was here. -上次我傷了你的心… -沒關(guān)系
[03:12.36]No, it's fine.
[03:16.04]-You were amazing to me, and l-- -You were fine. -你對我很好,我想要… -你也很好
[03:18.32]Would you let me finish? 你能不能讓我說完?
[03:22.04]And since then, l've been thinking a lot about us-- -我一直在想… -你不必這么做
[03:25.40]You don't have to do this, okay? There's really no point. 那真的不必要
[03:32.64]lt's all fine. 沒關(guān)系的
[03:36.92]Raoul's freezing, and l have to go meet the girls. 勞爾快凍壞了 我得去跟我的朋友見面
[03:40.60]Got it. How about dinner tomorrow? 我知道了 明天晚上一起吃飯?
[03:47.48]Drinks? 喝點東西呢?
[03:53.84]l'm starting to feel like that chick again. 我又開始覺得自己很粘人了
[03:56.52]l won't be here tomorrow. l'm leaving for Paris tonight. 明天我不在這里 今晚我要飛到巴黎
[03:59.48]Paris? 巴黎?
[04:04.88]-You're finally taking that vacation? -lt's not a vacation. -你終于要去度假了 -我不是去度假
[04:09.08]l'm going there with a man that l'm in a relationship with. 我要跟我現(xiàn)在的男朋友去那里
[04:15.80]He's wonderful, and l'm happy. 他很棒,我很幸福 請你不要覺得內(nèi)疚
[04:15.72]So please don't feel bad about anything.
[04:21.76]Goodbye. 再見
[04:23.64]Wait. What do you mean, ''goodbye''? 等一下
[04:26.32]l have to go. -你說再見是什么意思? -我得走了
[04:35.32]Carrie, stop!
[04:37.84]What are you doing, saying goodbye and jumping out of the car like that? 你在做什么? 你跟我說再見然后跳車離開?
[04:46.52]Are you moving to Paris? 你要搬到巴黎?
[04:52.08]When were you going to tell me? 你打算什么時候告訴我?
[04:57.16]-You're not even going to tell me who he is? -His name is Aleksandr Petrovsky. -你不告訴我他是誰? -亞力山大佩特洛夫斯基
[05:01.60]You're moving to France with a Russki? 你要跟一個俄國佬搬到法國?
[05:05.12]-Come on, it's a joke, Carrie. -You do this every time! -少來了,我在開玩笑,凱莉 -你每次都這樣
[05:09.56]Every time! What, do you have some kind of radar? 你裝了雷達嗎?
[05:13.64]Carrie might be happy, it's time to sweep in and shit all over it? 凱莉可能過著幸福的生活 該去破壞她了?
[05:16.32]What? 什么?不,我是來告訴你 我犯了一個天大的錯誤
[05:18.92]No, look, l came here to tell you something. l made a mistake.
[05:22.60]-You and l-- -You and l nothing! -你跟我… -根本沒有“你跟我”
[05:26.48]You cannot do this to me again! You cannot jerk me around. 你不能再這樣對我 你不能耍著我玩
[05:31.44]-Carrie, listen, it is different-- -lt's never different! -凱莉,這次不一樣… -六年來每次都一樣
[05:34.44]lt's six years of never being different.
[05:39.72]But this is it, l am done. 夠了,我受不了了 別再打電話給我
[05:41.88]Don't call me ever again! Forget you know my number!
[05:44.48]ln fact, forget you know my name. 忘記你知道我的電話號碼 忘記你知道我的名字
[05:51.72]And you can drive down this street all you want... 你想開車來這里是你的自由 因為我不會再住在這里
[05:53.92]because l don't live here anymore!
[06:08.40]Sure, now that l'm with someone else, now that l'm leaving, it's ''different.'' 沒錯,我跟別人交往 現(xiàn)在我要離開,那是個改變
[06:14.68]-You know who he is? -Who? -你知道他是誰嗎? -誰?
[06:16.68]The boy who cried love, that's who. 渴望愛的男孩,這是個悲劇 愛情來得太淡也太遲了
[06:17.20]And just like in the fable, it's too little, too late.
[06:22.76]Love? He said he loved you? -愛?他說他愛你嗎? -不,我…
[06:24.84]No, it's....
[06:27.40]lt's an allegory. No, look, my point is, he's been doing this for years. Years! 那是一種諷刺,我的意思是 多年來他一直都這么做
[06:30.20]And l'm done with it. -我受夠了 -忘了那些事吧
[06:33.36]-Then just put it all behind you. -lt is behind me.
[06:34.76]l'm mostly upset about him ruining my last night in New York. 我已經(jīng)忘了,我真的很氣 他毀了我在紐約的最后一夜
[06:40.64]Well, fuck him! And, you know, l never say that. 去他的,我從來沒有那么說過
[06:47.00]-Would you like another cocktail? -No, l can't be drunk on the plane. -還要來杯雞尾酒嗎? -不,我不能喝醉了
[06:51.20]l want to arrive stunning and impossibly fresh-looking. 我下機時得保持光鮮亮麗 讓他有驚艷的感覺
[06:55.08]Okay. 好吧
[06:59.12]Ladies-- -女士們… -別說了,你把我都惹哭了
[06:60.52]Stop, really, you're going to make me cry.
[07:01.20]She didn't even say anything yet. -她什么都沒說 -但我知道她要說什么
[07:04.12]l know what's coming.
[07:10.44]l want to thank you all for wishing me well tonight... 我要謝謝大家今晚幫我餞別
[07:14.96]in spite of some of your personal opinions about my leaving. 雖然有人對我的離開有意見…
[07:18.64]Me? l've never had an opinion in my life. 我嗎? 我這輩子從來都沒有意見
[07:23.28]You guys, stop. Please. -拜托你們別說了 -冷靜點,愛哭鬼
[07:27.48]Easy there, waterworks.
[07:34.32]Today, l had a thought: 今天我想到一件事
[07:40.60]What if l had never met you? 如果我沒有認識你們呢?
[08:02.92]Let's pull it up, shall we? 大家控制一下自己
[08:06.32]-l'd like to show my face here again. -Yes, the tears have to go. -我還想來這里吃飯 -對,別哭了
[08:10.60]All right, someone say something not sentimental. 好吧,快說些理智一點的話
[08:14.40]Chemo might have kicked me into early menopause. 化療讓我提早步入更年期
[08:17.56]Task accomplished. -任務完成 -你們不會相信我有多熱
[08:17.96]You cannot believe the hot flashes. l can barely keep my clothes on.
[08:20.24]-我巴不得脫光衣服 -你以前的藉口是什么?
[08:21.44]Really, what was your excuse before the chemo?
[08:26.88]l'm going to miss you, you cunt. 我會想念你,小蕩婦
[08:30.00]Wow, even ''cunt'' didn't stop her. 她連聽到小蕩婦都會哭
[08:37.56]It's me, Ieave a message. 是我,請留言
[08:41.60]Manhattan Towncar for Bradshaw. Car number 221, downstairs in two minutes. 曼哈頓城區(qū)計程車公司 221號計程車兩分鐘內(nèi)抵達
[09:22.40]Ladies, l know it's getting late, and we all need to get up for our pilates. 女士們,我知道很晚了 我們得早起做彼拉特斯
[09:26.36]-More hot decaf? -Are you insane? -還要低咖啡因熱咖啡嗎? -你瘋了嗎?
[09:28.12]But hang in... 撐著點,我知道我們能辦出 最棒的乳癌慈善晚會
[09:29.40]and l know we can make this breast cancer benefit our best ever.
[09:35.40]Mona, the goody bags, tell us. 夢娜 請告訴我們義賣物品有哪些
[09:38.28]Thanks, Sheila. 謝謝你,席拉
[09:40.76]Okay. 首先是粉紅緞帶乳癌餅干
[09:40.08]First, we have the pink-ribbon breast cancer cookie.
[09:44.96]-Oh, Jesus. -What's wrong with the cookie? -天啊 -餅干有什么不好的?
[09:47.44]For the past five years, every fucking breast cancer benefit l've been to... 五年來所有乳癌慈善晚會
[09:52.80]has had that fucking breast cancer cookie. 都會賣該死的乳癌餅干
[09:54.20]l don't care about a breast cancer cookie, and l had breast cancer! 我不在乎乳癌餅干 我得了乳癌
[09:59.36]Point taken. 我了解,所以…
[10:01.56]And? 有些參加晚宴的女人得了乳癌
[10:03.24]Some of the women coming to this event are battling cancer.
[10:09.08]They need something more inspirational or outrageous than a fucking cookie. 她們需要比餅干 更有啟示性跟勇氣的東西
[10:14.04]ls it hot in here? -這里很熱嗎? -我們已經(jīng)拿到餅干了
[10:14.04]Well, the cookies are donated, so we're having them, but you're right.
[10:19.100]We do need something inspirational... 但你說得對,我們得為她們 做些更有啟示性跟勇氣的事
[10:24.08]and outrageous to give to these women.
[10:26.80]So, l'm giving them you. -我要把這個任務交給你 -你說什么?
[10:31.16]Excuse me? 我要你發(fā)表演說
[10:32.44]l'd like you make a little speech before you bring me up.
[10:33.24]-But what would l say? -Something inspirational. -但我該說什么? -說些有啟示性的話
[10:37.80]Something you think they'd like to hear. 你覺得她們想要聽的話
[10:41.88]But... 但我的公婆 利柏南夫婦也會出席
[10:43.48]my husband's parents, the Liebermans, are coming...
[10:46.88]so please try not to say ''fuck'' so much. 拜托,別說太多臟話
[10:51.76]Could l get some water, please? 能幫我倒些水嗎?拜托
[10:54.44]Fill it up. 把它倒?jié)M
[11:39.04]A little slower, s'iI vous pIait. -請慢一點 -沒問題
[11:42.52]-But of course. American? -New Yorker. -美國人? -我是紐約客
[11:47.92]Je m'appeIIe Carrie Bradshaw. l'm staying here with Aleksandr Petrovsky. 我叫凱莉布雷蕭 我來找亞力山大佩特洛夫斯基
[11:51.96]Very good, Miss Bradshaw. 是的,布雷蕭小姐 佩特洛夫斯基先生在沙龍里
[11:51.96]l believe Mr. Petrovsky is in the salon right now.
[11:56.92]Yes. -是的 -好的
[12:01.92]The luggage?
[12:04.60]Thank you. 謝謝
[12:25.68]-Carrie, you're here. -Hi. -凱莉,你來了 -嗨
[12:27.64]So nice to see you. -看到你我好高興 -嗨
[12:37.60]l want you to meet my daughter Chloe. 我要你見見我女兒克蘿依
[12:55.28]l'm sorry, all l got was, ''lt's 10:30.'' 抱歉,我只聽得懂10跟30
[12:60.76]-You don't speak French? -Well, l'm learning, but-- -你不會說法文? -我正在學,但是…
[13:03.36]Chloe was saying that she's having a bad day... 克蘿依說她今天心情不好
[13:05.96]and she wants to kill herself. 她想自殺
[13:07.24]She's a bit dramatic. 她真的很慘,跟男朋友有問題
[13:09.80]Boyfriend troubles.
[13:12.88]Well, that's my department. So tell me all about the bum. 那是我的專長 跟我談談那個混蛋
[13:19.24]Papa tells me this is your first visit to Paris. -爸爸說這是你第一次來巴黎 -如果看電影幻想不算的話
[13:22.64]Well, not if you include movies.
[13:25.60]But l can't believe l'm finally here. 我不敢相信我終于來了 看到艾菲爾鐵塔我差點大叫
[13:27.00]l almost screamed when we drove by the Eiffel Tower.
[13:32.48]Terrible. 真可怕,以前它還可以忍受 現(xiàn)在晚上加演燈光秀…
[13:33.04]lt was tolerable before, but now with that light show at night...
[13:37.12]hideous, just hideous. 真的是太可怕了
[13:52.08]l wanted Chloe to meet us for drinks tonight... 我要克蘿依今晚跟我們喝一杯
[13:55.44]but the only time she could give her old papa... 但她只有今天下午有空陪老爸
[13:57.12]is from now till this afternoon, so....
[14:02.28]You two should have your day alone. 你們兩個應該好好獨處
[14:05.20]lnterpreting for me is going to cut your time in half. 有我當電燈泡只會打擾你們
[14:06.76]l can unpack and take a nap... 我可以整理行李,睡個覺 調(diào)整一下我的時差,好嗎?
[14:11.92]and try to get on Paris time. Okay?
[14:15.00]Also, l have to meet some people from the museum for an early dinner. 我還要見幾個博物館的朋友 跟他們提早吃晚餐
[14:19.12]But l'll eat light, so we can go out then, okay? 但我只會吃一點 然后我們可以一起出去
[14:22.36]l'm in Paris. Don't you worry about me. -我到了巴黎,別擔心我 -好吧
[14:31.40]See you. 再見
[14:36.32]-lt was nice to meet you, too. -Thank you. -我也很高興能見到你 -謝謝,再見
[14:46.92]-Where am l going? -625. -我要去幾號房?
[16:22.84]Ten hours Iater... 10小時后
[16:26.20]aII dressed up, and no Petrovsky to go. 我盛裝打扮 佩特洛夫斯基卻沒有出現(xiàn)
[16:44.40]Where is the recommendation from your friend, the judge? 你的法官朋友 寫的推薦信在哪里?
[16:47.20]Here. 這里
[16:49.76]And Carrie left hers at home, so l can pick it up when l get her mail later. 我去幫凱莉拿信時 會順便把她的推薦信拿回來
[16:52.44]lt's amazing, with all the unwanted children, we have to do this. 這個世界有那么多棄嬰 我們卻得做這些事
[16:56.24]This private adoption is a very competitive market. 私人領(lǐng)養(yǎng)中心競爭激烈
[16:60.24]More competitive than China? We've got a year's wait on that list. 中國的棄嬰不多嗎? 我們得等上一年
[17:03.80]Honey, God is going to send us a baby from somewhere. 上帝一定會幫我們挑個好孩子
[17:07.20]And it's just our job to file all the papers... 我們的工作是填寫表格
[17:11.84]and to just be as aggressive as we can, up to the point of obnoxious. 表現(xiàn)得非常急躁不安
[17:15.72]Amen. 阿門
[17:34.92]l'm sorry l'm late. 抱歉我回來晚了
[17:37.72]This museum dinner turned into this big, long thing... 我跟博物館的人吃晚餐 結(jié)果時間一拖再拖
[17:40.88]with the exhibit sponsors... 個展贊助商 跟其他贊助人都來了
[17:44.68]and other patrons, riffraff, blah, blah.
[17:48.04]Sorry. -抱歉 -你為什么不打電話來?
[17:50.24]-Why didn't you call? -l did. 我打了 你要柜臺幫你拒絕來電
[17:52.00]You had the ''do not disturb'' on your phone.
[17:56.40]Right. 對,我忘了
[17:59.56]l forgot.
[17:60.48]Did you sleep? 你有睡嗎?
[18:04.52]-Did you get enough sleep? -Yeah. -你睡飽了嗎? -對
[18:10.88]lt's dinnertime in New York. 現(xiàn)在是紐約的晚餐時間
[18:21.80]You look like dessert. 你看起來好像甜點
[18:26.52]What's under your miIIefeuiIIes? -你的千層派下藏了什么? -千層派層層相疊
[18:28.00]MiIIefeuiIIes.: a thousand layers.
[18:33.08]One, two, three... 一、二、三
[18:37.12]four, five, six... 四、五、六
[18:43.72]seven, eight, nine, ten.... 七、八
[18:49.28]Oh, my God! Stop! 天啊,快住手
[18:53.36]''lf you want to see the face of breast cancer, look around you. 如果你們想知道乳癌的真面目 看看你們的四周
[18:58.68]''lt's the woman next to you at the dry cleaners... 它就是你隔壁的洗衣店女工 小兒科護士
[19:03.56]''the nurse in pediatrics...
[19:06.48]''the single mother picking her child up from school.'' 到學校接孩子的單親媽媽
[19:10.32]Are you sure the heat is off? 你確定暖氣關(guān)了
[19:15.40]Fucking chemo. 去他的化療,我說到哪里了?
[19:15.20]Where was l?
[19:18.40]''She's the woman with the knowing smile. 她帶著了解的微笑
[19:20.60]''A smile that says: 訴說著“我打敗了乳癌 我可以征服世界”
[19:23.68]'''l beat cancer, l can take on the world!'''
[19:31.20]lt's good? 很棒吧?
[19:34.60]What is that? -怎么了? -它有點老套
[19:37.60]lt's kind of stiff.
[19:38.48]-l thought it would sound more like you. -lt's an inspirational speech. -完全沒有你的風格 -這篇演說非常有啟示性
[19:43.88]At AA, the most inspirational speakers are the ones who keep it real. 在嗜酒者互誡協(xié)會 說真話才會有啟示性
[19:45.60]Keep it real? 說真話?
[19:49.00]l'm speaking at a black-tie benefit, not chilling at P. Diddy's crib. 我要在正式晚宴上演講 不是在吹牛老爹的派對上耍寶
[19:51.32]l'm just saying, the truth is powerful. -我是說真相才有力量 -你是戒酒專家,我是公關(guān)
[19:55.40]Look, you may know AA, but l know PR.
[19:56.76]Now, if you'll excuse me, l simply must stick my head in the freezer. 對不起,我得把頭伸進冰箱里
[20:05.24]After a week in Paris, I'd decided my French was now strong enough... 在巴黎待了一星期 我覺得我的法文非常棒
[20:09.40]to brave the uItimate test.: a day of shopping. 可以勇敢面對終極挑戰(zhàn) 到街上去血拼
[20:29.20]Fine, l'm fine. 我沒事
[20:33.04]Oh, my purse.
[20:34.04]l'm fine.
[20:44.00]Someone has been shopping. -有人去大血拼了 -我跌倒了
[20:45.48]l fell. l fell in Dior.
[20:48.16]So l decided that the more l purchased... 我想我買得越多
[20:52.100]the less they'd think of me as the American who fell in Dior. 他們就不會認為我是 “在迪奧跌倒的美國人”
[20:58.20]-They don't think like that. -Not anymore, they don't. 他們不會那么想的
[21:03.00]This is the shopping equivalent of a lobotomy. 現(xiàn)在不會,這趟血拼之旅 跟切除腦葉手術(shù)差不多
[21:03.88]Poor baby. 可憐的寶貝
[21:08.16]My purse went flying. l had to scoop everything up. 我的皮包飛了出去 我得把所有東西撿回來
[21:11.72]l came all the way from New York to squat and scoop in Dior. 我大老遠從紐約來這里 結(jié)果趴在迪奧地上撿東西
[21:16.80]l didn't even bother to check and see if l had all my credit cards. 我甚至沒時間檢查 我有沒有把信用卡都撿回來
[21:20.28]Well, apparently you had one. -很明顯地你撿回了一張 -我有很多年都不會再用它
[21:20.96]One that l won't be using again for many, many years.
[21:31.68]Oh, no. -不,我的天啊 -怎么了?
[21:33.96]-No, oh, my God. -What?
[21:35.24]My Carrie necklace was in here. l put it in here, and l don't see it. 我的凱莉項練不見了 我把它放在這里
[21:43.72]lt's not in here. 它不在這里
[21:48.88]God, no, l can't have lost my Carrie necklace, no! 我不能失去我的凱莉項練
[21:52.24]-Was it insured? -No, it's not like that. -它有保險嗎? -不,不是那樣的
[21:54.68]lt cost nothing, but it's.... 它不值錢,但它是…
[21:60.24]lt's priceless. 它是無價之寶
[22:01.52]l've just had it forever, so.... 我保存它很久了,所以…
[22:51.64]Hello? -喂 -太早了嗎?
[22:54.12]ls it too early? -凱莉,你好嗎? -我真的很沮喪
[22:54.00]Carrie, hi! How's it going?
[22:59.56]l'm really upset.
[22:59.96]-What's wrong? -It's nothing serious, I just.... -怎么了? -不是什么大事
[23:05.16]l lost my Carrie necklace. 我把我的凱莉項練弄丟了 它不見了
[23:06.60]lt's gone, and l'll never be able to replace it. 我永遠都找不到東西代替它
[23:13.28]l got it at that street fair when we were all together. 我跟你們一起去市集時買了它
[23:16.68]lt just makes me so sad. -我真的好難過 -那當然,我了解
[23:20.04]Sure, l understand.
[23:20.92]Well, no one in Paris seems to understand, or at least they don't understand me. 在巴黎沒有人了解我
[23:27.08]Come home. -回家來吧 -不行,我來這里才一星期
[23:28.00]l can't come home. l've only been here a week.
[23:33.20]So, aside from the necklace, how's it going? 除了丟掉項練之外 你還好吧?
[23:34.16]Well, you know, it's hard. 在這里生活很辛苦 比我想像中還辛苦
[23:38.92]lt's harder than l thought. l don't speak the language. 我不會說法文,這里又冷又濕 沒辦法整天散步
[23:43.24]And it's too cold and rainy to walk around all day.
[23:45.60]l've been to every museum twice. 我去過每間博物館兩次
[23:49.76]l don't know, l'm just sort of lost. -我不知道,我失落感很重 -亞力在哪里?
[23:52.76]Where's Aleks? 個展花掉的時間比他預期中長 所以我常一個人
[23:54.32]Well, the exhibit is taking much more time than he thought...
[23:59.44]so l'm alone a lot.
[23:60.52]Come home. -回家來吧 -那太可笑了,我才剛到
[24:03.20]That's ridiculous, l just got here.
[24:04.96]l'm serious, you sound really upset. 我是認真的,你真的很沮喪
[24:07.08]No, l'm just being a baby. You know, l lost my necklace... 不,我只是在鬧孩子脾氣 我弄丟了我的項練
[24:10.36]and l saw these girls having lunch and.... 我看到那些女孩在吃午餐…
[24:22.20]l just thought how much l miss you guys.
[24:25.04]We miss you, too. 我們也想你
[24:28.56]This is absurd. l'm in Paris. l've wanted to come here my whole life. 這真的太荒謬了,我在巴黎 我一直想到這里來
[24:31.12]l just have, you know, too much time to think. 我太閑了才會胡思亂想
[24:36.92]What does that mean? 那是什么意思?
[24:38.36]Can l tell you something you won't use against me... 我要告訴你一件事 你發(fā)誓以后不會取笑我?
[24:42.64]when l feel better and everything's great?
[24:44.92]Yeah. 那當然
[24:47.80]l keep thinking about Big. 我一直在想大人物
[24:52.68]About... 我在想如果是跟大人物來巴黎 那會是什么樣子
[24:53.16]what it would be like if l'd come here with Big.
[25:01.12]Hello? -喂 -我還在聽
[25:03.04]l'm still here.
[25:02.24]But that's just something I do... 當我跟其他男朋友出現(xiàn)問題時 我都會那么做
[25:06.60]when things aren't going perfectIy with any guy.
[25:06.92]l compare him to Big. 我拿他們跟大人物比較
[25:13.68]God, this French phone is saying something that l don't-- 天啊 我聽不懂法國總機在說…
[25:17.56]Listen-- 聽著
[25:36.24]If you want to see the face of breast cancer, Iook around you. 如果你們想知道乳癌的真面目 看看你們的四周
[25:43.20]It's the woman next to you at the dry cIeaners... 它就是你隔壁的洗衣店女工
[25:49.88]the nurse... 小兒科護士
[25:52.64]in pediatrics...
[25:55.52]the singIe mother picking her chiId up from schooI. 到學校接孩子的單親媽媽
[25:59.56]l said inspirational, not perspirational. 我要她有啟示性 不是要她滿身大汗
[26:01.88]She's brave... 她既勇敢又能干
[26:04.04]she's capabIe...
[26:06.96]she's you. 她就是你
[26:13.32]Oh, fuck it, she's me. 該死,她就是我
[26:14.52]And if any of you are having hot fIashes Iike I am... 如果你們跟我一樣全身發(fā)燙 你們都該拿到勛章
[26:17.40]you deserve a fucking medaI.
[26:20.36]Bad enough I Iose my hair, now I have my face running down my couture. 掉頭發(fā)就已經(jīng)夠糟糕了 現(xiàn)在流汗流到妝也化掉了
[26:29.04]Oh, to heII with it. 去死吧
[26:34.08]That's better. 那樣子好多了
[27:26.96](給夏綠蒂媽媽,凱莉 寶寶的推薦信)
[27:51.80]Hey, it's me, Ieave a message. 是我,請留言
[27:54.12]It's me. 是我
[27:56.60]I know you said you never wanted me to caII you again, but I'm stiII in town... 我知道你要我別再打電話給你
[27:60.04]但我還在城里,我不知道 你能不能聽到,但我還是要說
[28:00.56]and I don't know if you're even caIIing this number, but I had to caII.
[28:04.32]I figure at this point I've got nothing to Iose, except you. 我想這個時候除了你之外 我沒什么好失去的
[28:11.60]I can't Iose you again, Carrie. I Iove you. 我不能再失去你 凱莉,我愛你
[28:16.84]Hi, it's Charlotte. 我是夏綠蒂
[28:20.84]And her computer was just sitting there on the bed. 她的電腦還放在床上
[28:33.76]Well, l know l haven't been your favorite over the years. 多年來你們一直不喜歡我
[28:37.16]-l wouldn't say that. -l would. -我不會那么說 -我會
[28:46.80]Well, God knows l've made a lot of mistakes with Carrie. 天啊,我真的傷透了凱莉的心
[28:49.88]l fucked it up many times. 我搞砸了,很多次,我知道
[28:55.56]l know that.
[28:59.12]Look, l need your advice. 聽著,我需要你們的建議
[29:03.72]You three know her better than anyone. 你們比任何人都了解她 你們是她的最愛
[29:03.96]You're the loves of her life, and a guy's just lucky to come in fourth.
[29:08.48]任何男人能排到第四名 就夠幸運了
[29:13.44]But l do love her. 但我真的愛她
[29:14.20]And if you think l have the slightest chance... 如果你們覺得我還有一絲希望
[29:18.60]l'll be on the next plane to Paris, l'll roam the streets until l find her... 我會搭下一班前往巴黎的飛機 在街上不停地尋找她
[29:24.68]l'll do anything.
[29:26.56]But if you think... 但如果你們覺得她真的快樂
[29:30.44]that she really is happy...
[29:34.28]well, l wouldn't want to wreck that for her. 我不想毀了她的幸福
[29:39.96]And l'll be history. 我會從此消失
[29:54.68]Go get our girl. 去找我們的朋友吧
[30:12.68]And what is that? 那是什么?
[30:20.60]Oh, my God. 我的天啊
[30:23.52]l know this is not the Carrie necklace, but it's a necklace for Carrie. 我知道這不是凱莉項練 但這是要給凱莉的項練
[30:31.04]These aren't diamonds?
[30:33.16]Let's just say l wouldn't throw it around in your old purse. 我不會把它放在你的舊皮包里
[30:39.80]l hope this will cheer you up. -希望它能讓你打起精神 -謝謝你
[30:42.40]-Want to try it? -Yes! -你想試戴一下嗎? -我要
[30:46.48]Okay. 好了
[30:51.16]-lt's all right? -lt's lovely. -可以嗎? -漂亮極了
[30:56.84]Listen, l know l've been busy. 聽著,我知道我一直都很忙
[30:58.20]As soon as the exhibit opens... 但我發(fā)誓個展開始后 我會好好陪你
[31:03.28]it'll be just you and me, l promise. Okay?
[31:24.92]Carrie, this is Andre, my best friend. 他是我最好的朋友安德烈 我跟你提過他
[31:26.12]-Remember, l told you about him? -Oh, yeah.