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[00:00.00]Profiles of Today's Youth:They Couldn't Care Less


[00:04.90]1 John Karras,28 years old,was in a card shop the other day as the radio,


[00:10.80]which provides the soundtrack for his generation,


[00:14.22]offered a report on the dead and missing in the floods that had just flashed through southeastern Ohio.


[00:21.60]2 The cashier,a man a bit younger than Mr.Karras,


[00:25.67]looked up at the radio and said:"I wish they'd stop talking about it.


[00:30.71]I'm sick of hearing about it."


[00:32.90]3 Mr.Karras,a doctoral student in education at Ohio State,


[00:38.27]recalled this incident to illustrate what he sees as a "pervasive"attitude among the memebers of his generation toward the larger world:


[00:47.20]the typical young person doesn't want to hear about it"unless it's knocking on my door."


[00:53.17]4 The findings of two national studies concur.


[00:56.59]The studies,one released today and the other late last year,paint a portait of a generation of young adult


[01:05.05]from 18 to 29 years of age,who are indifferent toward public affair


[01:11.35]It is a generation that,as the Times Mirror Center for the People and the Press put it in a report released today,


[01:19.88]"knows less,cares less,votes less,and is less critical of its leaders and institutions than young people in the past."


[01:29.96]5 "My teacher told me:'Always question authority,'"said Paul Grugin,2


[01:36.26]one of the two dozen young people interviewed this week by The New York Times in this mid-size city in the middle of the countr


[01:44.36]"You can question authority,but you can burden authority.


[01:48.72]Let them do their job."


[01:50.99]6 The indifference of this generation-to politics,to governmen


[01:56.50]even to news about the outside world--is beginning to affect American politics and society, the reports sugges


[02:04.96]helping to explain such seemingly disparate trends as the decline in votin


[02:11.04]the rise of tabloid television and the effectiveness of negative advertising.


[02:17.66]7 While apathy and alienation have become a national plague,


[02:21.73]the disengagement seems to run deeper among young Americans,those 18 to 29,


[02:28.36]setting them clearly apart from earlier generations.


[02:32.17]8 No one has yet offered a full explanation for why this should be so.


[02:37.75]The lack of mobilizing issues is part of the answer,as are the decline of the family and the rise of television.


[02:45.74]9 young people themselves mention the weakness of their civic education,


[02:50.35]and they talk incessantly of stress-their preoccupation with getting jobs or grades and their concern about personal threats like AIDS and drugs.


[03:01.55]"There are a lot more pressures on them than there were on us,"said 48-year-old Ron Zelle


[03:07.52]who talked about the differences along with his 22-year-old daughter,Susan,and his 18-year-old son,John.


[03:15.37]10 The study by Times mirror,a public opinion research center supported by Times Mirror Co.,


[03:22.00]looked at 50 years of public opinion data and concluded,"Over most of the past five decades,


[03:29.70]younger members of the public have been at least as well informed as older people.


[03:34.99]In 1990 that is no longer the case."


[03:38.99]11 This concern was echoed in a second report,prepared last year by People for the American Way,


[03:45.54]a liberal lobby and research organization,


[03:49.28]Which concluded that there is "a citizenship crisis"in which"America's youth are alarmingly ill-prepared


[03:56.81]to keep democracy alive in the 1990's and beyond."


[04:01.42]12 The decline in voting is one illustration of how what seems to be a general problem is,


[04:07.97]in fact,most heavily concentrated among the young.


[04:12.58]Surveys by the census bureau show that since 1972 almost all of the decline in voting has been among those under 45,


[04:22.51]and that the sharpest drop is among those between 18 and 25.


[04:28.81]Among the elderly,voting has risen,according to the census bureau surveys.


[04:34.72]Older people,more settled than the young,have always participated more in elections.


[04:41.34]But the gap has widened substantially.In 1972 ,half of those between 18 and 24 said they voted,


[04:51.60]as did 71 percent of those 45 to 64,a gap of 21 percentage points.


[04:59.30]In 1988,36 percent of the 18-to-24-year-olds and 68 percent of the 45-to 64-year-olds said they voted,


[05:09.96]a gap of 32 percentage points.


[05:14.50]14 Shonda Wolfe,24,who has waited on tables since dropping out of college,said she had voted only once,


[05:22.56]when she was 18 and still living at home.


[05:25.76]"I guess my mother was there to push me,"she said.


[05:28.97]15 Now,she said,she does not pay much attention to politics or to the news.


[05:34.66]"I try to avoid it--all the controversy,"she said.


[05:38.72]"It just does not interest me at this point in my life.


[05:42.07]I's rather be outside doing something,taking a walk."


[05:46.28]16 Not one of the young people interviewed in Columbus,


[05:49.49]at the Street Scene Restaurant and the Short North Tavern,had a good word to say about politics or politicians.


[05:56.94]But unlike older people,who often express anger about news about sloth or corruption in government,


[06:04.39]these young people seem simply to be reporting it as a well-known fact.


[06:09.00]"Most politicians are liars,"said Deborah Roberts,a 29-year-old secretary.


[06:14.98]17 People for the American Way,in its report,


[06:18.25]noted that young people seemed to have a half-formed understanding of citizenship,


[06:24.01]stressing rights but ignoring responsibilities.


[06:27.68]18 When asked to define citizenship,Shonda Wolfe said it meant the right not to be harassed by the police.


[06:35.53]She cited as an intrusion on her rights the security guards' insistence at a concert that she and her boyfriend stop turning on their cigarette lighters.


[06:46.01]19 Nancy Radcliffe-Spurgeon,24,a student at Ohio State,


[06:51.70]said she thought that many of the attitudes of her generation were based on feeling safe.


[06:57.53]"It's easy to isolate yourself when you think things are going pretty well for you,


[07:02.28]so you don't rock the boat.


[07:04.40]20 Occasionally,someone in the interview would mention voting.


[07:08.29]None of the young people when asked about citizenship included in their definition of good citizenship running for office,


[07:17.22]attending a community board meeting,studying an issue,signing a petition,writing a letter to the governor,


[07:25.28]or going to a rally.


[07:27.26]21 Certain issues do get their attention,almost always involving government interference in personal freedoms.


[07:34.36]They generally favor access to abortion,


[07:37.49]and a few of the young people were upset by efforts to cut off federal funds for art works deemed obscene.


[07:44.65]22 Andrew Kohut,director of surveys for Times Mirror,


[07:49.12]said there was a new generation gap,


[07:51.56]in which those under 30 were separated by their lack of knowledge and interest from those over 30.


[07:58.26]23 People in their 30s and 40s are disenchanted with the world,but remain aware,said Mr.Kohut.


[08:05.17]But those under 30,he said,"are not so much disillusioned as disinterested."


[08:12.01]New Words


[08:14.06]abortion n


[08:15.72]alarmingly adv


[08:17.77]alienation n


[08:19.64]apathy n


[08:21.37]bureau n

[08:22.07]1)提供或收集消息的機(jī)構(gòu) 2)(政府部門的)司;局;處;署

[08:22.78]census n


[08:24.50]concur v


[08:25.91]corruption n


[08:27.89]disenchanted adj


[08:30.01]disengagement n


[08:32.57]disillusioned adj


[08:34.37]disinterested adj


[08:36.49]disparate adj


[08:38.15]doctoral adj


[08:40.13]election n


[08:41.86]harass v


[08:43.91]illustration n


[08:45.78]insistence n


[08:47.65]intrusion n


[08:49.63]mobilize v


[08:51.76]obscene adj


[08:53.81]pervasive adj


[08:55.93]petition n


[08:57.66]profile n

[08:58.52]1)簡(jiǎn)介 2)側(cè)面(像)

[08:59.39]settled adj


[09:00.79]sloth n


[09:02.38]soundtrack n


[09:04.75]tabloid adj


[09:06.73]tavern n


[09:08.86]widen v

[09:09.76]1)(使)擴(kuò)大 2)(使)變寬

[09:10.66]Me,Stuart,Mum and Dad


[09:14.08]1 On Saturday,I introduced my parents to Stuart.


[09:18.36]After he'd left I went back into the kitchen to ask my parents what they thought of him.


[09:24.19]Perhaps I'm old fashioned,or maybe I'm just looking for criticism,


[09:29.16]but I always like my parents to meet my boyfriends.


[09:32.90]I think it's good for both parties.


[09:35.86]If nothing else,


[09:37.37]it enables me to see the guy form a different point of view and it tells me whether I'm onto a good thing or not.


[09:44.53]2 Boys tend to divide into two categories where my parents are concerned.


[09:49.64]They either shrink into themselves and leave me to do the talking,


[09:54.00]or else they'll be really outgoing and confident and stand up well to the interrogation.


[09:59.76]On the whole I like the second type best,


[10:03.11]especially those who aren't afraid to give their own opinions.


[10:06.89]I haven't subjected many shy ones to the torture,


[10:10.09]because I like boys who have something to say for themselves,and anyway,it's embarrassing.


[10:16.25]3 Stuart Definitely falls into category two.


[10:19.85]He's very outspoken,offensive even,and he'll argue about anything just for the sake of arguing.


[10:27.30]He also criticizes,and with my parents he picked on private education.


[10:33.46]My sister's at a private school and he challenged my parents on it.


[10:38.42]I thought my mother was going to die on the spot.Still,he likes his opinions to be known and I don't think he really upset anyone.


[10:47.35]4 Although he was a bit rude to my parents,I didn't feel angry with him,beacause,as I said,


[10:53.26]I like people to be confident in that way,and also because,for some perverse reason,


[10:59.48]I like it if my parents don't like the people I associate with.


[11:03.77]I'm not quite sure why I feel like this,perhaps I unconsciously try to widen the gap between my parents and me.


[11:11.54]I do,I think,do things which I know they disapprove of because it makes me feel more free from them.


[11:18.85]My parents represent everything that is ordinary about life,and I want to be different from them.


[11:25.08]I'll probably grow out of it.


[11:27.60]5 I'm not saying that I'm entirely motivated by a desire to displease my parents,


[11:32.89]but it does come into a lot of things,


[11:35.77]for instance I go on a lot of political demonstrations.


[11:39.84]I don't just go to annoy them.


[11:42.47]I believe very strongly in the causes,but it's a way of showing my parents that I can look after myself.


[11:49.56]I like the feeling that I have a voice of my own,


[11:52.84]and that hundreds of people share my opinions.


[11:56.18]The last march I went on was in October,and it was the biggest ever in Britain.


[12:01.87]It'll go down in history and I was there.


[12:05.69]That's really fantastic,a lovely feeling of power.


[12:09.97]6 But I'm getting off the subject,Stuart and my mother and father,ma and pa or whatever.


[12:16.99]7 They didn't actively dislike him,but they kind of warned me about him.


[12:21.89]They said not to take anything he said too seriously,especially his political views.


[12:27.40]That annoyed me because I like to feel that nobody influences me,especially someone like Stuart.


[12:34.09](I have always been slightly suspicious of people who are completely,in every respect,


[12:39.78]radically left-wing.


[12:41.76]I don't think they ever consider their ideas and their implications properly.)


[12:46.58]Anyway,I told my parents that nobody influences me,but I know it was a lie because every person you're close to influences you in some way,


[12:56.09]especially when you're young and the other person is like Stuart,a very strong character.


[13:02.32]8 They were careful not to be too critical.


[13:04.94]They hedged delicately and did not mention anything which I would say was irrelevant(like his appearance).


[13:12.11]Although they didn't like his views,I think,in a way,they liked how he talked.


[13:18.01]He's very articulate and I know he's clever.


[13:21.29]9 So they'll let me carry on seeing him,and like everything else,he'll be an escape for me,he'll stand for what I'd like to be.


[13:29.68]I don't admire his principles and motives,


[13:32.81]but I admire his courage because I can never really break away from my comfortable,safe,boring family.


[13:39.97]If I associate with people who have broken away,do things that they do,maybe I'll convince someone that I am different.


[13:48.36]Maybe one day I'll really get away.


[13:51.24]But I'll more likely just,as I said,grow out of it.


[13:55.06]I'll probably get married,have kids,


[13:58.08]and I'll watch them and try to shelter them the way my parents do for me.


[14:02.62]But maybe they'll be all right.


[14:04.88]Perhaps they'll be the ones that change the world and all that.


[14:08.88]We've got the right ideas but we haven't got the will power.


[14:12.95]It's not important enough.


[14:14.75]Perhaps my kids will be different.


[14:17.20]I hope so.Because I just don't care.


[14:21.55]New Words


[14:23.42]articulate adj


[14:26.16]displease v


[14:28.28]embarrassing adj


[14:30.41]interrogation n


[14:32.60]irrelevant adj


[14:34.40]motive n


[14:36.13]mum n


[14:37.32]pa n


[14:38.58]perverse adj


[14:39.98]College Pressures


[14:41.64]1 Dear Carlos:I desperately need a dean't excuse for my chemistry midterm which will begin in about 1 hour.


[14:47.51]All I can say is that I wasted this week.


[14:50.06]I've fallen incredibly,inconceivably behind.


[14:54.10]2 Garlos:Help! I'm anxious to hear from you.


[14:57.23]I'll be in my room and won't leave it until I hear from you.


[15:01.12]Tomorrow is the last day for...


[15:03.71]3 Carlos:Probably by Friday I'll be able to get back to my studies.


[15:08.35]Right now I'm going to take a long walk.


[15:11.30]This whole thing has taken a lot out of me.


[15:13.75]4 Who are these miserable people making urgent requests for help,scribbling notes so laden with anxiety?


[15:21.13]They are men and women who belong to Branford College,one of the twelve residential colleges at yale University,


[15:28.84]and the messages are just a few of hundreds that they left for their dean,


[15:34.06]Carlos Hortas--often slipped under his door at 4 A.M.


[15:38.88]5 But students like the ones who wrote notes can also be found on campuses from coast to coast.


[15:45.14]Nobody could doubt that the notes are real.


[15:48.49]In their urgency and their gallows humor they are authentic voices of a generation that is panicky to succeed.


[15:56.59]6 My own connection with the message writers is that I am master of Branford College.


[16:02.39]I live on the campus and know the students well.If they went to Carlos to ask how to get through tomorrow,


[16:10.09]they come to me ask how to get through the rest of their lives.


[16:14.16]7 Mainly I try to remind them that the road ahead is a long one and that it will have more unexpected turns than they think.


[16:22.66]There will be plenty of time to change jobs,change careers,change whole attitudes and approches.


[16:30.54]They don't want to hear such liberating news.


[16:33.96]They want a map-right now-that they can follow unswervingly to career security,financial security,


[16:42.13]Social Security and,presumably,a prepaid grave.


[16:46.96]8 What I wish for all students is some release from the threatening grip of the future.


[16:52.90]I wish them a chance to savor each segment of their education as an experience in itself and not as a grim preparation for the next step.


[17:03.91]I wish them the right to experiment,to trip and fall,to learn that defeat instructive as victory and is not the end of the world.


[17:13.52]9 My wish.of course,is naive.


[17:16.62]One of the few rights that America does not proclaim is the right to fail.


[17:22.20]Achievement is tha national god,


[17:25.40]worshipped in our media---the million--dollar athlete,the wealthy executive---and glorified in our praise of posessions.


[17:35.20]In the presence of such a potent state religion,the young are growing up old.


[17:41.75]10 "In the late 1960s,"one dean told me,"


[17:45.60]the typical question that I got from students was'Why is there so much suffering in the world?'


[17:51.72]or'How can I make a contribution?'


[17:55.68]Today it's 'Do you think it would look better for getting into law school if I did a double major in history and political science,


[18:05.04]or just majored in one of them?'"


[18:07.42]11 Note the emphasis on looking better.


[18:10.55]The transcript has become a sacred document,


[18:13.97]the passport to security.


[18:16.60]How one appears on paper is more important than how one appears in person.


[18:22.61]A is for Admirable and B is for Borderline,even though,in Yale's official system of grading,


[18:30.49]A means "excellent"and B means"very good",


[18:34.38]Today,looking very good is no longer good enough,especially for students who hope to go on to law school or medical school.


[18:44.86]They know that entrance into the better schools will be an entrance into the better law firms and better medical practices where they will make a lot of money.


[18:54.14]They also know that the odds are harsh.


[18:57.60]Yale Law School,for instance,accepts 170 students from an applicant pool of 3,700;


[19:06.38]Harvard enrolls 550 from a pool of 7,000.


[19:12.25]12 The pressure is almost as heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job.


[19:18.34]Long gone are the days when students journeyed through college with a certain relaxation,


[19:24.10]sampling a wide variety of courses--music,art,philosophy,classics,poetry


[19:31.66]that would send them out as liberally educated men and women.


[19:36.23]If I were an employer I would rather employ graduates who have this range and curiosity than those who narrowly pursued safe subjects and high grades.


[19:47.68]I know countless students whose inquiring minds excite me.


[19:52.32]I like to hear their ideas.


[19:54.30]I don't know if they are getting As or Cs,and I don't care.


[19:58.84]I also like them as people,


[20:01.07]The country needs them,and they will find satisfying jobs.


[20:05.82]I tell them to relax.They can't.


[20:09.96]13 Nor can I blame them.


[20:11.83]They live in a brutal economy.Today it is not unusual for a student,even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer,


[20:21.91]to have $ 5,000 in loans after four years--loans that he must start to repay within one year after graduation.


[20:29.80]How could he not feel under pressure throughout college to prepare for this day of reckoning?


[20:35.12]14 Along with economic pressure goes parental pressure.


[20:39.01]Inevitably,the two are deeply intertwined.


[20:42.86]15 I see many students taking pre-medical courses with joyless tenacity.


[20:48.55]They go off to their labs as if they were going to the dentist.


[20:52.44]It saddens me because I know them in other corners of their life as cheerful people.


[20:58.81]16 "Do you want to go to medical school?"I ask them.


[21:01.84]17 "I guess so,"they say,without conviction,or"Not really."


[21:06.59]18 "Then why are you going?"


[21:08.17]19 "Well,my parents want me to be a doctor.


[21:11.20]They're paying all this money and..."


[21:13.93]20 Poor students,poor parents.


[21:16.96]They are caught in one of the oldest webs of love and duty and guilt.


[21:21.67]The parents mean well;they are trying to steer their sons and daughters toward a secure future.


[21:28.73]But the sons and daughters want to major in history or classics or philosophy-subjects with no"practical"value.


[21:37.48]Where's the payoff on the humanities?


[21:40.32]It's not easy to persuade such loving parents that the humanities do indeed pay off.


[21:46.19]The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics--an ability to synthesize and relate,


[21:53.50]to weigh cause and effect,to see events in perspective--are just the faculties that make creative leaders in business or almost any general field.


[22:04.15]Still,many fathers would rather put their money on courses that point toward a specific profession--courses that are pre-law,


[22:13.01]premedical,pre-business,or,as I sometimes heard it put,"pre-rich".


[22:20.35]21 Peer pressure and self-induced pressure are also intertwined,and they begin almost at the beginning of freshman year.


[22:29.39]22 "I had a freshman student I'll call Linda,"


[22:31.98]one dean told me,"who came in and said she was under terrible pressure because her roommate,Barbara,


[22:38.50]was much brighter and studied all the time.


[22:41.70]I couldn't tell her that Barbara had come in two hours earlier to say the same thing about Linda."


[22:46.96]23 The story is almost funny--except that it's not.


[22:51.02]It's symptomatic of all the pressures put together.


[22:54.55]When every student thinks every other student is working harder and doing better,


[22:59.27]the only solution is to study harder still.


[23:02.40]I see students going off to the library every night after dinner and coming back when it closes at midnight.


[23:08.70]I hear the clacking of computer keyboards in the hours before dawn.


[23:13.24]I see the tension in their eyes when exams are approaching and papers are due:"Will I get everything done?"


[23:20.04]24 Probably they won't.They will get sick.They will ge"blocked."Hey Carlos help!


[23:30.19]New words


[23:32.42]admirable adj


[23:34.30]applicant n


[23:36.35]clack v


[23:38.29]gallows n


[23:40.16]grim adj

[23:41.23]1)嚴(yán)酷的,令人害怕的 2)(非正式)不愉快的,討厭的

[23:42.29]hey interj


[23:44.16]inconceivably adv


[23:46.03]inquiring adj


[23:48.26]instructive adj


[23:50.14]intertwine v


[23:52.66]joyless adj


[23:54.78]liberally adv


[23:57.48]loan n


[23:59.35]midterm n


[24:02.12]panicky adj


[24:04.07]payoff n


[24:06.12]poetry n


[24:08.35]prepaid adj


[24:10.66]reckoning n


[24:12.89]residential adj

[24:14.00]1)提供住宿的 2)居住的;住宅的

[24:15.12]sadden v


[24:16.99]symptomatic adj


[24:19.12]tenacity n


[24:21.17]transcript n


[24:22.93]unswervingly adv


[24:24.98]urgent adj


[24:27.22]Postgraduate paralysis


[24:30.28]1 Thousands of college graduates received their diplomas this year in fear or even embarrassment.


[24:38.27]They were not proud of themselves,nor eager to take on the real world.


[24:44.03]Instead,they thought of themselves as failures.


[24:48.96]These are the graduates who have not been offered fat salaries and generous benefits.


[24:56.02]They are the ones who won't be going to work as lawyers,investment banders and engineers.


[25:03.79]They have taken the right courses,


[25:06.74]gotten good grades and gone through some on-campus job interviews.


[25:12.50]But because they weren't offered the perfect job--no,that exciting career--seemingly guaranteed to all those who make the right moves,they are sitting at home,


[25:25.54]victims of postgraduate paralysis.


[25:29.60]2 This may come as a surprise to anyone who has read about the fabulous job offers tendered to recent graduates.


[25:38.14]However,those of us who are parents of children in this age group


[25:43.82]know that such offers are relatively rare and that many liberal-arts students graduate with the belief that the prospective workpla


[25:53.51]may not have a place for them.


[25:56.21]3 Consider my daughter:she graduated from college with a degree in ecconomics two years ago.


[26:03.98]4 She was offered a job by a recruiter who came to her campus--but it was with a trucking firm in South Carolina,


[26:12.91]as a dispatch-management trainee.


[26:16.01]She turned it down.


[26:18.31]It was her parents' first clue that she had a problem.


[26:22.38]5 It seems economists don't work for trucking firms.


[26:26.74]nor do Midwestern children want to live in the South before they become arthritic.


[26:32.60]Yet even at home in Minneapolis,our daughter couldn't seem to find anything to apply for.


[26:40.02]Her father told her to make the rounds of the personnel agencies.


[26:44.56]But she was so horrified by the demeaning atmosphere at one that she refused to visit any others.


[26:52.55]6 Then one day,when she was looking at the Sunday paper and complaning that there was nothing in it,


[26:59.32]I told her here had to be something.


[27:02.66]"Look at this,"I commanded.


[27:05.08]"And this! And this!"


[27:07.49]I circled a number of jobs in the first two columns I skimmed.


[27:12.53]But Maureen protested:"I don't want to be an administrative assistant."


[27:18.83]7 It was then that her father I realized that what she had been looking for in the paper was a career,not a job.


[27:27.65]And ever since,we have watched the children of friends suffer from this same delusion.


[27:34.34]8 No one,it seems,has told them that a career is an evolutionary process.


[27:40.75]9 When I graduated from college 25 years ago,


[27:44.64]I never expected to find a job that was in itself a career.


[27:50.11]In those days ,we were told we knew nothing,


[27:53.24]but that upon graduation we would have the tools to learn.


[27:58.00]And learn we did-on the job.


[28:01.45]I began by doing grunt work in the custormer-service department at National Geographic mgazine.


[28:08.69]In due time,I wound up with a career;indeed,owning and running a firm that publishes research reports for architects and real-estate developers.


[28:20.28]10 Apparently,schools have changed their approach.


[28:24.53]Today's students are told they know everything in order to succeed in a career.


[28:30.22]Career talk often begins in seventh grade or earlier,


[28:34.97]and the career is offered as the reward one receives upon graduation.


[28:41.09]No one is satisfied with this system.


[28:44.51]Businesses complain that they get new graduates who are unhappy with anything less than high-leve


[28:51.85]decision-making jobs as their first assignment


[28:55.63]And parents are shocked that the child without a job can graduate traumatized by the fear of rejection.


[29:03.62]11 As I see it,parents are a principal cause of the problem.


[29:08.38]Who among us hasn't thought"What's wrong with that kid?"


[29:12.44]when we hear that a recent college graduate is a cashier at a grocery store because "he can't find a job."


[29:20.62]At the same time,


[29:22.49]how mny of us can put the screws on a son and convince him that he must abandon his idea of a career and take up the idea of finding work?


[29:33.83]12 This is a distasteful task,especially when we have shipped our children off to expensive colleges,


[29:40.99]Believing that simply by footing the tuition bill we are making them economically secure.


[29:47.29]The kids believe this,too,but the reality is that when they graduat


[29:53.23]they are no more prepared for careers than we were.


[29:57.30]13 It is not a disgrace to go out and pound the pavement.


[30:01.48]I used just this expression the other day with my son's friend.


[30:06.41]Though he had graduated in December with a degree in philosophy,he has not yet found a job.


[30:13.46]He had never heard the saying before.


[30:16.85]he is bright,personable and would do well in almost any kind of business.


[30:22.72]But he complains that he can't find work in the want ads-he has not visited any personnel agencies-and so he talks about going to law school,instead.


[30:33.88]He was crushed by not having been recruited before graduation.


[30:38.92]14 This brings me back to my daughter.


[30:41.33]After some yelling and screaming by her parents,


[30:44.93]she did make the rounds of headhunters and found one who specilized in entry-level positions.


[30:51.62]This gentleman was wonderful;


[30:53.86]he helped her assess her skills and prepared her for interviews.


[30:58.90]She also read the newsppers and answered different types of ads.


[31:03.36]Not surprisingly,she got many responses.After a few weeks she had the exhilarating experience of haveing three job offes once.


[31:14.52]Two were the products of answering newspaper ads and one came through the headhunter's efforts.


[31:21.40]She landed and excellent position as an insurance underwriter--a job she didn't even know existed when she graduated.


[31:30.04]15 Happy in her job,Maureen also fell in love;


[31:34.10]and when she began to look for employment in Chicago where she and her husband will live,


[31:39.86]she needed no help from her parents.


[31:42.82]She was confident and aggressive.


[31:45.52]She used headhunters,the want ads,her friends and ours.


[31:50.92]She had a new resource-business contacts.


[31:55.09]Yet as she was typing letters one dya,I offered some sympathy about how hard it is to hunt for a job.


[32:02.62]16 "It's OK,Mom,"she said."This isn't like the first time.Now I know how to look for a job!"


[32:10.39]17 And she found one as a senior underwriter.Now she'll make more money and more decisions.


[32:17.09]18 It's beginning to look like a career.


[32:20.87]New Words


[32:22.92]administrative adj


[32:25.33]architect n


[32:27.20]arthritic adj


[32:29.72]banker n


[32:31.49]crush v

[32:32.28]1)壓垮,壓倒,壓服,鎮(zhèn)壓 2)壓碎,碾碎

[32:33.07]delusion n


[32:34.73]demeaning adj


[32:36.78]diploma n


[32:38.65]disgrace n


[32:40.78]dispatch n & v

[32:41.75]1)派遣,調(diào)遣,發(fā)送 2)派遣,調(diào)遣,發(fā)送

[32:42.72]distasteful adj


[32:44.77]economically adv


[32:46.72]estate n


[32:49.13]real estate


[32:51.36]evolutionary adj


[32:53.88]fabulous adj


[32:56.58]grunt adj


[32:58.63]headhunter n


[33:00.50]pavement n


[33:02.74]personable adj


[33:04.61]postgraduate adj & n

[33:05.81]1)研究生的 2)研究生

[33:07.02]screw n


[33:09.43]trainee n


[33:11.56]traumatized adj


[33:13.86]trucking n


[33:15.73]underwriter n



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