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高二英語牛津版(上)chapter six





[00:00.00]CHAPTER SIX


[00:-2.00]Page 93


[00:-4.00]Ever since I was a little girl,I have wanted to fly like a bird.

[00:-5.00]I'd love to glide over the harbour,looking down on the ships below,

[00:-6.00]or fly in and out of the buildings in the centre of our city.

[00:-7.00]I have other dreams,too.I'd like to walk around on the moon.

[00:-8.00]I'd like to go back in time and meet Marco Polo.

[00:-9.00]I'd also like to win the gold medal in the marathon at the Olympic Games.

[00:10.00]Soon all of these dreams will come true thanks to the magic of Virtual Reality.

[00:11.00]What is Virtual,or VR?It's a computer system with a special headset.

[00:12.00]When you put on the headset,you look at two tiny television screens.

[00:13.00]They are so close to your eyes that your mind will see the image as one picture

[00:14.00]When you play a game in a video arcade today,

[00:15.00]you just sit and watch an imaginary world.

[00:16.00]But,in the future,when you play a VR game,

[00:17.00]you will be right inside that world.

[00:18.00]If you turn your head,you will see a different view of the world,

[00:19.00]just as in real life.

[00:20.00]In some systems,you also wear a special'data glove'on one hand.

[00:21.00]With this glove you can reach out and touch things in the artificial world.

[00:22.00]It is an amazing experience.

[00:23.00]Before long,Virtual Reality is going to be part of all our lives.

[00:24.00]The first VR games are now being introduced into video arcades around the world

[00:25.00]These enable you to drive a sports car,fly a plane,or fight an enemy.

[00:26.00]They are similar to present arcade games but much more realistic.

[00:27.00]They are just the beginning.

[00:28.00]As the technology develops,the games will become more and more amazing.

[00:29.00]Within a few years,you will be able to go into a complete fantasy world

[00:30.00]and have the most exciting adventures you could imagine.

[00:31.00]However,VR is not just for entertainment.

[00:32.00]One day,

[00:33.00]children will learn geography by observing foreign countries without leaving their classroom

[00:34.00]They will learn history by visiting the pyramids of Egypt,

[00:35.00]or by hand feeding friendly dinosaurs,

[00:36.00]all in the security of VR.

[00:37.00]In addition,business and industry will be using VR for many tasks.

[00:38.00]Cars will be designed and tested as 'virtual'machines first,

[00:39.00]before they are manufactured in metal.

[00:40.00]Architects will be able to build'virtual' buildings

[00:41.00]which they can walk around and inspect,before building them.

[00:42.00]VR can help us in hundreds of ways.

[00:43.00]Despite this,some people have suggested

[00:44.00]that there are dangers in this powerful new medium.

[00:45.00]Will we have VR games in which we can commit 'virtual'murders?

[00:46.00]After people get used to VR,they will not want to return to reality.

[00:47.00]Will we all forget how to live and work with real people?

[00:48.00]On the other hand,some people think that VR will help to save the world

[00:49.00]By experimenting harmlessly inside a VR world,

[00:50.00]we will be able to see the dangers which may face the world.

[00:51.00]Then we will be able to avoid them in real life.

[00:52.00]No doubt there will be some problems with VR ,

[00:53.00]as there are with all new inventions.

[00:54.00]But one thing is for sure.VR in here to stay.

[00:55.00]And I'm certainly going to enjoy flying around the world!


[00:57.00]Page 97

[00:58.00]Using statistics

[00:59.00]Exercise A

[-1:00.00]Listen and complete the answers to questions 1 to 3.

[-1:-1.00]A:Mary,can you help me,please?

[-1:-2.00]B:OK,Gezen.What do you want me to do?

[-1:-3.00]A:Just help me with these figures.

[-1:-4.00]I'm trying to complete these tables,to show the results of our survey.

[-1:-5.00]Here,just read out these figures.

[-1:-6.00]B:Right,so No.1, these are about leisure activities.

[-1:-7.00]The number students who choose reading books was nine.

[-1:-8.00]The number for playing a musical instrument is just six.

[-1:-9.00]That's not many,is it?And the number for playing a sport was 35,wow?

[-1:10.00]A:Yes,that was the most popular.

[-1:11.00]B:I thought video games would be most popular.

[-1:12.00]A:No,a lot of people still prefer sports.

[-1:13.00]Anyway go on with the results.

[-1:14.00]B:Then watching TV,videos or films,28 people,and playing video games,22 people

[-1:15.00] A:Right,so that came third,and the one above it was second.

[-1:16.00]Books were fourth,and musical instruments, fifth.Now,let's do No.2

[-1:17.00]B:You mean these bar chart?

[-1:18.00]A:Yes,I've drawn the boxes,but I want to write the numbers after the boxes

[-1:19.00]B:OK!So the people who play more than three hours a day Boys:9,and girls:3

[-1:20.00]Then the next line,people playing between 2 and 3 hours a day,

[-1:21.00]24 boys and 14 girls.

[-1:22.00]A:Right,and the next line?

[-1:23.00]B:48 boys and 35 girls.

[-1:24.00]And then the last one,people who play between 0 and 1 hour a day,

[-1:25.00]19 boys and 47 girls

[-1:26.00]So this shows that girls are much less interested in video games than boys

[-1:27.00]A:Yes,you are right. Now,there's just number 3 the pie chart.

[-1:28.00]This is interesting.

[-1:29.00]We wondered whether people are actually spending

[-1:30.00]more or less time playing video games than they did one year ago.

[-1:31.00]B:So here are the results,let's see.

[-1:32.00]18% of the people said they spent more time playing games

[-1:33.00]35% of the people said they spent about the same time,

[-1:34.00]and...A:Wait a minute,that's 35% and I write,about the same.

[-1:35.00]B:Yes,and 47% said less time.

[-1:36.00]A:47%,less time. Right,that's all. Thanks for your help.

[-1:37.00]B:You're welcome.


[-1:39.00]Page 104

[-1:40.00]A Silent letters: h,g,k and gh

[-1:41.00]Silent letters are letters which are written but not pronounced.

[-1:42.00]The letters in bold type are not pronounced in these words.

[-1:43.00]Exercise A1

[-1:44.00]h honest honour

[-1:45.00]rhyme vehicle


[-1:47.00]g sign foreign

[-1:48.00]resign design

[-1:49.00]k knee knock

[-1:50.00]knowledge knot

[-1:51.00] unknown

[-1:52.00]gh although through

[-1:53.00]daughter high

[-1:54.00] sight

[-1:55.00]Excise A3

[-1:56.00]1 He might come in an hour.

[-1:57.00]2.She taught me chemistry.

[-1:58.00]3.The king reigned for eight years.

[-1:59.00]4.My neighbour knits all night.

[-2:00.00]5.Our naughty daughter whispered in school.

[-2:-1.00]6.She has rheumatism in her knuckles.

[-2:-2.00]7.The slaughter of the rhinoceros was sad.

[-2:-3.00]8.When I knocked on the door,the knob fell off.

[-2:-4.00]9.What white wheels on your vehicle!

[-2:-5.00]10.The exhausted knight knelt on the ground.


[-2:-7.00]A Listening

[-2:-8.00]Page 107

[-2:-9.00]Exercise A1

[-2:10.00]Listen to the conversations,

[-2:11.00]and write the letters of the four places in the spaces provided.

[-2:12.00]1.A:Excuse me,could you tell me where is the toilet, please?

[-2:13.00]B:Yes,just turn to your left,here by the florists.

[-2:14.00]Go pass the Cashiers and take the second turning on your left.

[-2:15.00]The toilet is down there,at the end of the corridor.

[-2:16.00]A:Thanks very much.

[-2:17.00]2.A:Can you tell me where's the bakery,please?

[-2:18.00]B:Yes,it's at the back of the shop.

[-2:19.00]Go straight ahead to the fruit counter,turn left and go all the way along

[-2:20.00]then you'll see the bakery on your right in the corner.

[-2:21.00]A:Oh,thanks very much.

[-2:22.00]B:You're welcome.

[-2:23.00]3.A:Can you tell me where I can find a box of chocolates?

[-2:24.00]B:Oh,the chocolates are in the middle.

[-2:25.00]Go straight ahead and turn left at the end,

[-2:26.00]the chocolates are about half way down on your left,

[-2:27.00]they're opposite the fresh meat counter,they're on the end near to the cashiers


[-2:29.00]4.A:Excuse me,where is the ice cream kept?

[-2:30.00]B:Ice cream,oh,it's over on the left side,OK?

[-2:31.00]Go straight ahead and then turn left just after the cashiers.

[-2:32.00]Go along to the end of the store,

[-2:33.00]and you'll find the ice cream in the corner there next to the drink's.

[-2:34.00]A:Oh,good thanks for your help.

[-2:35.00]B:That's all right.

[-2:36.00]Exercise A2

[-2:37.00]Listen and write the answers to the questions in the spaces provided.

[-2:38.00]5.Which city is in the highest part of Trevonia?

[-2:39.00]6.Which city is the furthest North?

[-2:40.00]7.Which city is between the Jungle and the Desert?

[-2:41.00]8.Which city is near a river in the south west corner of Trevonia?

[-2:42.00]Exercise A3

[-2:43.00]Listen to these conversations and complete the notes.

[-2:44.00]A:Yes,my wife and I are looking forward to visiting your family next Sunday

[-2:45.00]But we are not sure how we get there if we don't have a car,

[-2:46.00]B:Right,I'll give you directions.Do you have a pen and paper?

[-2:47.00]A:Yes,go ahead.

[-2:48.00]B:Well,take the underground out to New Station,and get off there.

[-2:49.00]A:New Station,Yes.

[-2:50.00]B:Then come out of the station turn left,and walk for about 100 metres,

[-2:51.00]Then you'll see a minibus stand.

[-2:52.00]A:Yes,which minibus?

[-2:53.00]B:Take minibus No.79 to Small Town.


[-2:55.00]B:The journey takes about 15 minutes.

[-2:56.00]Get out in small town,walk to the cinema and you'll find some taxis.

[-2:57.00]Take a taxi to Tiny Village.

[-2:58.00]A:Taxi to Tiny Village,yes.

[-2:59.00]B:Walk into the village and our house is the third on the right.

[-3:00.00]It's the only blue house in the village.

[-3:-1.00]A:Third on the right, a blue house.Good!I've got all that thanks very much

[-3:-2.00]We'll look forward to seeing you on Sunday,then.

[-3:-3.00]B:Fine,I'll help you manage to find it,all right?

[-3:-4.00]A:I'm sure we will. Good-bye for now.



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