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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:32:08
[00:01.40]good morning, upper east siders. 早安 各位富貴閑人
[00:03.40]Gossip girl here-- 流言蜚女駕到
[00:04.80]your one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite. 這是你們窺視曼哈頓上流 的唯一渠道
[00:09.60]Top story on my home page-- re sena van der woodsen, 我主頁上的頭條新聞: Serena Van Der Woodsen
[00:13.00]everybody's favorite "it" girl has just returned from a mysterious absence 人見人愛的的風(fēng)云人物 神秘消失后意外歸來
[00:17.70]and was learning the hard way that you can never go home again. 其中艱辛讓她體會到 家 不是那么好回的
[00:21.90]serena is back Serena回來了
[00:23.60]you'll never believe what's on "gossip girl. 你不會相信"流言蜚女"上的內(nèi)容
[00:25.10]" Someone saw serena getting offa train at grand central. 有人在中央車站看到 Serena下車了
[00:27.40]Serena? Serena?
[00:29.20]Serena's at school. Srena在寄宿學(xué)校
[00:30.50]Why'd she return? 她為何回來
[00:31.80]Let me guess--you told everyone eric's just visiting grandpain rhode island. 你跟大家說Eric去羅德島 看爺爺了吧
[00:35.30]Your aunt carol in miami. 是去邁阿密看你姑姑Carol
[00:36.70]He tries to take his own life, 他企圖自殺
[00:38.40]and you're worried it's gonnacost you mom of the year? 而你擔(dān)心的就是這會讓 別人覺得你不是個好母親
[00:40.80]Must be a lot of rumors why you're back. 關(guān)于你回來的原因 肯定是謠言滿天飛
[00:42.40]None of them mention you. 是啊 但都沒扯上你
[00:43.60]Nate's gonna wait for serena. Nate要等Serena回來
[00:45.00]He can get in linebehind that guy. 他可以跟那邊那位先生一起等
[00:48.20]I don't need some new boyinfluencing her, distracting her from her needs. 我不想陌生人影響它 分散她的精力
[00:51.40]A kid like dan isexactly what serena needs. Serena正需要像Dan這樣的朋友
[00:53.50]Guess who's dad is cool? 猜猜誰的老爸很酷
[00:54.90]It's a trick question. 真難答
[00:55.70]Yeah,'cause it can't be ours. 對啊 因為答案肯定不是我老爸
[00:57.00]You're going out with serena,and I'm going to kiss on the lips. 你要跟Serena約會 而我 要去參加唇吻派對
[01:00.50]Who saidthis family wasn't cool? 誰說這家人很遜
[01:02.70]I thought everythingwas good between us. 我以為你我之間有很多美好回憶
[01:04.00]It was...before I found outyou had sex with my boyfriend. 過去是... 那是在我發(fā)現(xiàn)你跟我男朋友上床之前
[01:07.70]Great,just in time for brunch. 太好了 正好趕上早午餐會
[01:10.40]I told her to stay away. 我告訴過她叫她離我遠點
[01:12.30]I'm not sneaking around with you. 我才不跟你偷偷摸摸的見面
[01:13.80]Just to talk. 就談?wù)?br /> [01:16.10]You said you'd neverspeak to her again. 你說過你不會再跟她說話的
[01:18.40]So you slept with your best friend's boyfriend. 你跟好朋友的男朋友上床
[01:20.20]Is that true? 是真的嗎
[01:21.10]Then she ran awayand lied about it. 之后她落跑了 還說謊掩飾
[01:24.10]Poor daniel--so little time,so many sluts to defend. 可憐的Daniel 這么點時間要捍衛(wèi)這么多婊子
[01:30.40]this world,it's--it's crazy. 這個圈子的人都是瘋的
[01:32.60]And you're a part of it. 你也是這個圈子的一部分
[01:34.90]Blair, how can I fix this? Blair 我這么才能彌補這一切
[01:36.80]You don't, serena. 不必了 Serena
[01:39.40]You just stay away. 你離我遠點
[01:40.60]But now that serena is back, 但現(xiàn)在Serena回來了
[01:42.20]will the upper east side ever be the same? 各位富貴閑人的生活 還會一樣嗎
[01:44.80]It takes two tangle, and girls like these don't go down without a fight. 亂戰(zhàn)需要雙方敵對 而這樣的女孩怎能未戰(zhàn)即言敗呢?
[01:57.30]gossip girl Season1 Episode03 流言蜚女 第一季 第03集
[02:05.60]there's plenty of upside to being the spawn of the fabulously wealthy. 含著金湯匙出生的人 好處多多
[02:10.10]But the downside? 但壞處呢?
[02:11.90]Super successful parents except nothing less from their offspring. 顯貴的父母 當(dāng)然希望子女不居人后
[02:16.50]And when it comes to college, that means the ivies. 說到上大學(xué) 當(dāng)然是 常春藤聯(lián)合會的一流大學(xué)
[02:20.50]It's more than just getting into college. 對他們來說這不僅僅是念大學(xué)
[02:22.60]It's setting a course for the rest of your life. 而是為將來的人生而安排課程
[02:25.80]And for those few who aren't legac s, the pressures are no less. 對于那些非顯非貴的人來說 壓力也不見得就少
[02:30.00]When parents have sacrificed for their children's futures, 當(dāng)父母為了子女的將來犧牲自己
[02:33.80]what kid would wanna let them down? 誰又會讓父母失望呢
[03:11.60]thank you, ladies. 謝謝 女士們
[03:15.10]Good morning, students. 同學(xué)們 早上好
[03:17.20]I ask all of you to show a little sympathy for our junior class. 請大家稍微用心上課三年級的課
[03:20.80]They are almost through with ivy week. 隨著常青藤周的到來 課程也接近尾聲
[03:24.30]As is our long-standing tradition, 作為我們學(xué)校悠久的傳統(tǒng)
[03:26.30]the constance billard girls will be in charge of friday night's mixer, 康斯坦-比拉德的女同學(xué) 負責(zé)周五晚的聯(lián)誼會
[03:30.80]and the st.Jude's boys will provide the ushers for the visiting representatives. 圣猶大的男同學(xué)負責(zé) 接待來訪的代表
[03:35.50]for those of you who dream of attending an ivy league school, 對于一心夢想考上 所屬常青藤聯(lián)校的同學(xué)來說
[03:38.90]this mixer is the most important event of your life. 這次的聯(lián)誼會是 你們?nèi)松凶钪匾囊淮位顒?br /> [03:42.70]But no pressure. 別太有壓力
[03:46.10]ah, it's not that bad. 沒那么糟啦
[03:47.30]It looks like I shaved with a wood chipper. 好像我用削木器刮臉
[03:48.90]I was going with more of a chain saw. 我覺得你用得更像是電鋸
[03:51.00]- Not helping. - Not trying to. - 沒起什么安慰作用 - 我也沒有安慰的意思
[03:53.00]Hey, look on the bright side-- you're not a hemophiliac. 想想好的一面 你沒患白血病
[03:56.00]Otherwise, you'd-- you'd be in the emergency room. 不然你們就在急救室了 (暗指失血過多)
[03:58.20]And that's helping? 這是安慰嗎
[03:59.60]Mm, not really. 應(yīng)該不是
[04:00.30]dartmouth's gonna love you. 達特茅斯學(xué)院會喜歡你的
[04:01.50]Yeah, I gotta believe being able to shave is a prerequisite for attending. 對 我想學(xué)會刮臉 是入學(xué)的先決條件吧
[04:05.20]No one is better qualified, no one is smarter, more well-rounded... 沒人更優(yōu)秀 更聰明 或者更成熟
[04:09.10]or wounded? 又或更受傷
[04:10.40]It's not like I have a trust fund to fall back on, dad. 老爸 我可沒有信托資金墊底
[04:12.40]You know, all I have is what's up here. 我只能靠這兒
[04:15.30]well, that is the most important thing. 這就是最重要的
[04:17.10]College is about academic excellence, not your stock portfolio. 大學(xué)要求的是學(xué)術(shù)精專 不是論家底
[04:21.10]Besides, you're gonna do great in your interview. 你會在面試中表現(xiàn)出色的
[04:22.80]You take after your dad that way. 繼承了老爸的優(yōu)秀傳統(tǒng)嘛
[04:23.90]Spotlight doesn't phase us. 貌不驚人 卻是匹黑馬
[04:25.30]you better hope there's not a spotlight involved. 最好真的沒什么"驚人"的事
[04:29.50]I'm your sister.It's what I do. 我是你老妹 我就這德行
[04:32.50]Not when it's about dartmouth. 談到達特茅斯的時候 最好別這樣
[04:36.70]remember, students... 同學(xué)們 請謹記
[04:37.80]nathaniel, a little wake an ke? Nathaniel 要不要來點大麻?
[04:40.60]We have our interviews today. 今天就是面試的日子
[04:42.10]My point exactly.I have my 1-hitter. 說的就是啊 我有靈丹妙藥
[04:44.70]but underclassmen should consider this week a dress rehearsal. 低年級同學(xué)應(yīng)視這次為彩排
[04:48.40]You are not only representing yourselves this week, 這個星期 你們代表的不僅是自己
[04:51.60]but generations from our school and your families. 同時代表著這個學(xué)校 你們的家庭
[05:00.70]try not to cut me off next time. 下次別再擠我
[05:02.70]You almost knocked me over the side of the bench. 差點把我撞翻過長椅
[05:04.80]I didn't cut you off. 我才沒擠你
[05:07.80]I didn't mean to. 不是故意
[05:08.90]You win fair and square, and nothing could make me prouder... 你贏的正大光明 老爸很驕傲
[05:12.00]till you get in the old alma mater, that is. 不過除非能進我的母校
[05:14.20]Dad, we talked about this, about me keeping my options open, looking out west. 爸爸 我們談過的 讓我自己選擇 去西海岸
[05:17.70]Yeah, of course, but let's get serious here. 當(dāng)然 但說真的
[05:19.30]Someone with your grades wants to get into dartmouth, 跟你同樣分數(shù)的學(xué)生 在準備考達特茅斯
[05:20.90]you need to appear to be working for it. 至少你也得做個考達特茅斯樣子
[05:22.40]- D, - i ushering the rep is a good step. - 爸爸... - 接待那些代表 就是正確的一步
[05:25.10]How come every time I bring up going to U.S.C, you act like it's a joke? 為什么每次我提起南加州大學(xué) 你都不屑一顧
[05:27.80]Nate, there's a plan here. Nate 我都計劃好了
[05:28.90]Maybe I want to make my own plan. 你有沒想過我想自己做決定
[05:30.00]Listen, your mother and i didn't work this hard 我跟你媽這么辛苦
[05:31.40]so you can just make things up as you go along. 不是讓你為所欲為的
[05:35.40]Dartmouth, law school, blair. 達特茅斯 法律學(xué)院 還有Blair
[05:39.10]Soon you're gonna have everything. 很快你就能擁有一切
[05:41.20]Listen, I'm late for work. 我上班要遲到了
[05:42.90]Nail that interview today. 搞定今天的面試
[05:44.90]Go, green! 燃燒吧 小宇宙(青春)^^
[05:48.60]as part of ivy week's festivities, at tomorrow night's mixer, 作為常青藤節(jié)日周的一部分 明晚的聯(lián)誼會上
[05:53.10]blair waldorf will announce the charity her community outreach committee Blair Waldorf將宣布 她的社區(qū)推廣委員會
[05:58.10]will honor this year. 慈善機構(gòu)將贊助今年的活動
[05:59.50]Have you seen serena? 你見到Serena了嗎
[06:01.20]I wonder where she is. 我也想知道她在哪
[06:02.30]And you know what i wonder? 你猜我想知道什么
[06:03.60]How I'm supposed to hear anything about yale with all this talk about serena. 本該聽人談?wù)撘?卻聽你們在這扯什么Serena
[06:11.60]Do you remember when dad gave me my first yale sweatshirt? 還記得爸爸第一次給我耶魯?shù)男I?br /> [06:14.80]I don't think any piece of clothing has ever fit me more perfectly, 我覺得這就是世界上 最合我身的衣服
[06:18.00]not to mention how adorable I found that bulldog. 更別提那上面可愛的喇叭狗了
[06:20.80]Remember when I asked you if I could get a bulldog? 還記得我問你能不能養(yǎng)喇叭狗嗎
[06:23.20]Good call, by the way, saying no. 還好你當(dāng)時沒同意
[06:25.80]And now the big day is finally here. 重要的日子終于到了
[06:28.40]Soon nate and i will be away at college. 不久之后Nate和我要去念大學(xué)
[06:30.60]Him coming down to yale, me going up to dartmouth. 他南下耶魯 我北上達特茅斯
[06:33.10]Dad flying in for the princeton game. 爸爸飛來看普林斯頓比賽
[06:35.90]I hope it doesn't make you feel old watchinrow me gup. 希望看著我的長大 沒讓你有變老的感覺
[06:39.00]Eat up, miss blair. Blair小姐 吃完吧
[06:40.90]Your mom would want you to have a good breakfast. 你媽媽希望你早餐吃的好
[06:51.00]and now headmaster prescott... 現(xiàn)在 Prescott校長...
[06:53.30]so serena's really not here? Serena真的不在這?
[06:55.30]That's what I said. 我剛剛就是在說這
[06:56.40]When you weren't supposed to be talking. 可你不許談?wù)撍?br /> [06:58.00]thank you, miss tedrow. 謝謝 Tedrow小姐
[07:05.00]Serena, come on.Hurry up.You're gonna be late. Serena 快點 要遲到了
[07:07.40]I am!And I know. 我已經(jīng)遲到了 知道了
[07:09.90]You know, you shouldn't have stayed at your brother's again. 你不該再待在弟弟那了
[07:12.00]I mean, why sleep there? 我的意思是 干嘛睡那
[07:13.20]It's not like he can even see you. 他又不是時刻都看著你
[07:14.40]His eyes are closed. 睡覺時他也得閉眼啊
[07:15.70]Do you have one maternal bone in your entire body? 敢問你身體里還有母性嗎
[07:18.20]Serena, you need your rest, okay? Serena 這段時間你得好好休息
[07:20.50]It's ivy week. 已經(jīng)是常青藤周了
[07:21.80]I know, and if I can get out of this hotel room, 我知道 只要我走出酒店
[07:24.00]it's my sole mission in life to impress that brown rep. 我唯一的目標就是去 給布朗大學(xué)的代表留下深刻印象
[07:26.60]Well, I am so thrilled to hear you say that's still your plan, 聽你這么說我真是受寵若驚
[07:29.50]because, I mean, I know it's something we've always talked about, 我知道我們曾經(jīng)談過這些
[07:31.80]but honestly, since you've been back, 但老實說 你回來之后
[07:33.80]I've, uh, wondered if your mind was even on college. 我不知道你的心思 是不是還在大學(xué)上
[07:36.60]Look, mom, I've had my mind on a lot of things. 媽媽 我知道 我的心思放在很多東西上
[07:39.30]But since recent events, going away to college sounds pretty good. 但最近發(fā)生的這些事讓我覺得 念大學(xué)是個不錯的選擇
[07:43.30]How, um, how did you leave things with dan? 你跟Dan進展怎么樣了
[07:45.90]I don't want to talk about it. 我現(xiàn)在不想談這個
[07:48.00]What's going on with you and blair? 那你跟Blair呢
[07:49.20]- Mom, please! - It's o-- - 媽媽 拜托 - 你們...
[07:51.20]look, all I wanna do is just finish high school in peace 我現(xiàn)在只想安安靜靜讀完高中
[07:55.10]and go away to a state with lots of people who don't know who I am 然后去一個沒幾個人 認識我的州
[07:58.40]and just start over, okay? 重頭開始 好嗎
[08:04.30]Take a cab.Don't walk. 別走路 叫計程車
[08:12.90]oh, god. 噢 天啊
[08:14.10]god,please don't tell me it's over. 別告訴我都結(jié)束了
[08:16.00]What?You were there.I-I would say it's pretty over. 什么 當(dāng)時你也在場 我看沒什么好談了
[08:20.40]I meant the assembly. 我是說集會
[08:23.10]Oh, rightNo, yeah,no, it just ended now. 噢 是 噢 不 剛剛結(jié)束
[08:26.60]Damn it. 該死
[08:27.80]Anyway, good luck. 祝你好運
[08:32.40]Yeah, you, too. 你也一樣
[08:34.80]Oh, too bad you missedthe assembly. 真糟糕你錯過了集會
[08:36.50]Not that it matters. 不過無所謂
[08:37.80]Brown doesn't offerdegrees in slut. 布朗大學(xué)不會給蕩婦發(fā)文憑
[08:41.30]Spotted-- S. 場景如下
[08:42.90]Not so fashionably late and dressed down by B. S倉皇遲來 被B惡語中傷
[08:46.80]Game on, ladies. 燃點戰(zhàn)火吧 女士們
[09:02.90]look, I made a mistakewith nate, okay? 聽著 跟Nata在一起是我不對
[09:04.40]But then you sabotaged mewith dan. 但你也拆散我跟Dan
[09:06.10]We don't have to be friends, but-- 我們不需要做朋友 但--
[09:10.20]What's up, waldorf? 怎么了 Waldorf
[09:10.81]Sorry.It slipped. 對不起 球桿有點滑
[09:13.30]I'm fine. 我沒事
[09:17.00]I really want to believe that was an accident. 我真想相信這是意外
[09:19.00]Then you must be delusional. 那你是產(chǎn)生錯覺了
[09:26.70]thank you. 多謝
[09:33.10]running out of colors here,blair. Blair 各種顏色都用光了 (意指Blair違規(guī)太多)
[09:35.60]And I'm running outof patience. 我忍無可忍了
[09:37.00]Enough, okay? 玩夠了 好嗎
[09:38.00]It's enoughwhen I say it's enough. 我說夠才夠
[09:49.60]god! 上帝
[09:51.50]girls, break it up! 快分開 女孩們
[09:52.40]Get off of me! 放開我
[09:53.40]Is that enough yet? 這樣夠不夠
[09:58.60]so we've actuallycome to physical blows, huh? 到底還是動手了 哈?
[10:01.90]Truce? 休戰(zhàn)?
[10:06.00]My leg! 我的腿
[10:07.10]serena, you're out of here. Serena 你出局了
[10:08.70]oh, my gosh. 噢 天啊
[10:10.50]I hope it's broken. 我希望它斷了
[10:12.00]Hey, upper east siders. 嘿 各位富貴閑人
[10:13.60]We hear that world war iii just broke out, and it's wearing kneesocks. 我們聽說世界第三次大戰(zhàn)剛剛爆發(fā) 戰(zhàn)斗雙方穿著及膝襪
[10:17.80]Choose your side or run and hide. 選擇你的立場 要么閃到一邊
[10:19.60]We have a feeling this one's to the death. 貌似是場至死方休的戰(zhàn)爭
[10:22.90]and why should you be the dartmouth usher? 為什么我們該委任你為 交際會的接待員?
[10:24.90]Well, I've given thisa lot of thought, 仔細考慮之后
[10:26.90]and I think I can answeryour question in three parts. 我想分三點來回答您的提問
[10:29.40]And I'd like to startwith the third part first, 如果您沒有意見的話
[10:31.50]if it's cool, unless, 我想從第一點說起 除非...
[10:34.10]that would be confusing. 可能有點太繞圈子
[10:35.40]In which case, I can startat the beginning. 所以我可以從頭開始
[10:39.20]the dartmouth"principles of community" highlight integrity, 達特茅斯的理念重在
[10:43.70]responsibilityand consideration. 誠實守信 責(zé)任感和三思而后行
[10:47.00]well, from st.Jude's,I've learned integrity. 在圣猶大我學(xué)到了誠實
[10:50.90]From being an older brother,I have learned responsibility, 作為家中的長子 我了解了什么是責(zé)任感
[10:54.00]and from my parents, who have sacrificed everythingto send me to this school, 從為我犧牲一切 而讓我進這所學(xué)校的父母身上
[10:59.80]I've learned consideration. 我知道了凡事要三思而后行
[11:02.10]It really comes downto one thing-- 總結(jié)起來
[11:04.80]dartmouth is my dream, and I've never asked dartmouth,but... 達特茅斯是我夢寐以求的名校 雖然我從未問過達特茅斯
[11:10.90]I thinkit's been dreaming of me. 不過我想 它應(yīng)該也很期待我的加入
[11:15.10]That--that was a joke, or an attempt at one. 這是個玩笑 或者說 我想把它說成一個笑話
[11:20.50]Next question. 下一個問題
[11:21.60]you are the idealdartmouth candidate. 你是我們理想的候選學(xué)生
[11:24.70]Thank you, sir. 謝謝你 先生
[11:25.90]And it would be an honorto attend dartmouth. 能進入達特茅斯是我的榮幸
[11:28.20]I've grown up hearingall about it from my father. 我從小就受到父親的熏陶
[11:32.50]I'm just not sureit's my first choice, 我不太確定它是否是我的首選
[11:35.80]and if there's onlyone usher position available, 如果接待員的職位只有一個
[11:39.30]I'm sure there's someonewho wants it more than me. 我想應(yīng)該有人比我更想得到
[11:43.30]Why should I be chosento be an usher? 我有什么資格做接待員?
[11:53.80]I'm chuck bass. 因為我是Chuck Bass
[12:07.60]excuse me. 借過
[12:09.70]yale chuck bass*** 耶魯 Chuck Bass
[12:12.30]- Hey. - Hey. - 嘿 - 嘿
[12:14.90]You get the oneyou wanted? 你被選中你喜歡的學(xué)校了嗎?
[12:19.10]no.No, actually,you did... 不 沒有 實際上 是你被選中了
[12:24.50]which makes total sensebecause I'm second in our class, 這太符合常理了 我在班上是第二名
[12:29.00]and you're somewhere around-- what, I don't know,uh, last? 你大概是-- 我不知道 最后一名?
[12:33.60]No hard feelings, huh? 沒受傷吧
[12:34.30]Why should there be? 我需要嗎
[12:35.30]I mean, how many libraries has your dad had to endowto get you this spot? 不知你老爸得捐贈多少座圖書館 才能讓你被選中?
[12:39.10]You've earned it. 你應(yīng)得的
[12:39.90]Look, man, you don't knowanything about my family. 聽著 老兄 你一點也不了解我的家庭
[12:42.40]I'm sorry.You're right.You're right. 對不起 你是對的 你是對的
[12:44.20]I'm sure J.L.Hallwill be very impressed with your passionfor the dartmouth experience. 我想J.L.Hallwill一定會被你對達特茅斯 的激情所征服
[12:49.70]Who the hell is J.L.Hall? 誰是J.L.Hall
[12:51.00]He's the ivy rep. 他是常青藤聯(lián)校的代表
[12:52.20]You might wantto pick up his book if you want anythingto talk about. 如果你想跟他見面時有話可說的話 最好看看他的書
[12:58.60]"The petting zoo"-- that's the nameof his book. "愛撫動物園" 這是他一本書的書名
[13:07.90]Angry guy, huh? 憤怒的小伙?
[13:10.20]Short fuse.I'm trying to work on that. 火爆性格 正在努力克服中
[13:13.20]Well, let me knowhow that goes for you. 克服的效果如何 記得告訴我
[13:15.70]Yeah, I'll--I'll keep you posted. 我會告訴你的
[13:17.90]It's a tough week. 這個星期事情不斷
[13:19.60]Not for me, apparently. 顯然對我來說并非如此
[13:21.00]Oh, you got an usher position? 你得到接待員的位子了?
[13:22.50]No, I didn'T. 沒有
[13:23.70]Uh, in an ironic thoughnot totally unexpected twist, nate got the one I wanted. 出現(xiàn)了很諷刺卻又預(yù)料之中的轉(zhuǎn)折 Nate得到了我所選那所學(xué)校的接待職位
[13:30.20]I'm sorry. 很抱歉
[13:31.60]Yeah, well, I guess that's lifewhen you're not a legacy. 沒有出身名門 我想生活就是這樣
[13:34.70]Well, hey, just 'causere not an usher doesn't mean you're notgonna get into an ivy. 沒有得到接待員的職位 不代表你上不了常青藤聯(lián)校
[13:38.00]Yeah?Wh--uh, where'dyour parents go to school? 是嗎? 你父母以前在哪個大學(xué)讀書?
[13:40.70]Harvard and brown. 哈佛和布朗大學(xué)
[13:44.20]That's--that's allI'm saying. 這就是我要說的
[13:55.00]I can't believe serena did this. 我真不敢相信Serena會做這種事
[13:56.30]Yeah, such a cheap shot. 是啊 真是沒檔次
[14:00.60]finally. 終于來電話了
[14:01.50]Hello to you, too. 你好啊
[14:02.60]I heard aboutthe field hockey throw down. 我聽說你在曲棍球場的惡戰(zhàn)
[14:04.70]All those mouth guardsand short skirts-- I hope somebody filmed it. 在場那么多戴護齒穿短裙的女孩 真希望有人能拍下來
[14:08.60]you're heinous. 你太可惡了
[14:09.60]Which is probablywhy you called. 這應(yīng)該是你給我打電話的原因
[14:12.40]You know me well. 你很了解我
[14:13.70]Women like to pretend they'recomplicated.I know better. 女人都想裝出一副讓人很難懂的樣 我還不知道嗎?
[14:17.20]My leg's numb now. 我的腿已經(jīng)失去知覺了
[14:18.80]How about a heating pad? 換個熱敷吧?
[14:20.50]- Sure. - Okay. - 當(dāng)然 - 好的
[14:27.70]Serena came homefor a reason. Serena回來肯定有原因
[14:29.40]One can only guess. 一個只能猜測的原因
[14:30.60]I'm done guessing.I want answers, 我猜夠了 我要答案
[14:32.60]and no one likes to be on the ground floor of a scandal like chuck bass. 沒有人比Chunk Bass更喜歡 在第一時間獲取丑聞信息
[14:35.80]I am a bitch when I wanna be. 當(dāng)我想成為惡棍的時候 沒人能攔住
[14:37.80]Opportunity to causesome trouble, uncover a secret? 找機會制造些麻煩 揭發(fā)些秘密如何?
[14:41.40]Take "yes" for an answer. 我贊同
[14:49.90]let's turn back to school. 我們返回學(xué)校
[14:51.20]I left something importantbehind. 我忘帶了一些重要的東西
[15:02.30]oh, danny boy,how was your day? 小伙Danny 今天過得怎么樣?
[15:04.10]He's about to hype dinner. 他正在宣傳他做的晚餐
[15:05.20]'Cause no matterhow good it was, it's about to geta lot better. 不管以前多么好吃 這次更加好吃啊
[15:09.10]I've outdone myselfwith the bolognese. 在做肉醬方面我完全超越了自己
[15:29.50]sorry aboutthe melodramatic entrance. 我為如此夸張的進門方式道歉
[15:31.60]You didn't get it? 你沒得到那個名額?
[15:36.40]No, I didn't get it. 沒有 我沒得到
[15:41.00]and that I do not get. 那我就不明白了
[15:43.20]They...they gave it to nate... 他們...他們把名額給了Nate
[15:47.10]archibald! Archibald
[15:54.80]last year, uh, I believehe had an original thought. 我相信他在去年有過 一個頗具創(chuàng)意的想法
[15:58.60]It died of loneliness. 結(jié)果不了了之
[16:02.60]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[16:04.30]You're sorry? 你抱歉什么?
[16:05.40]Yeah, I know how muchyou and mom sacrificed. 我知道你和媽媽所做的犧牲
[16:07.60]The whole reason you send usto a school like this is 你們把我們送進這種學(xué)校的原因
[16:09.80]so we can goto a college of our choice. 就是希望 我們能進我們想去的大學(xué)
[16:12.60]What if that's allfor nothing? 如果最后什么都沒得到怎么辦?
[16:14.40]It's not, okay? 不是這樣的 好嗎?
[16:17.20]It's not. 不是這樣的
[16:19.50]So you don't getto be the usher of some whatever party. 那你當(dāng)不成什么鬼聚會 的接待員了唄?
[16:22.50]Dad, can I just, um,stew alone for awhile? 爸爸 能讓我一個人呆一會嗎?
[16:42.60]we're humphreys, dad. 我們是Humphreys家 爸爸
[16:44.70]Not exactly royalty uptown. 在這不是什么名門貴族
[16:47.50]Are you okay with that? 你能接受嗎?
[16:50.90]No, but I'm used to it. 不 但我已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了
[17:21.20]ostroff treatment cexter Ostroff治療中心
[17:27.70]This is way too good. 這個發(fā)現(xiàn)太好了
[17:38.60]mom, how's paris? 媽媽 在巴黎怎么樣?
[17:40.80]You're not going to believe where I foundour little princess. 你肯定無法相信 我在哪兒看到我們這位小公主
[17:44.30]Really? 是嗎?
[17:54.00]admit it.Even for me, this was good. 承認吧 雖然出自我手 但也是好資料
[17:56.40]If you weren't such a perv, I'm sure the C.I.A.Would hire you in a second. 你要不是這么玩世不恭 我肯定中央情報局都會立馬雇傭你
[18:00.20]Defending my country--there'sa future I never imagined. 捍衛(wèi)我的國家? 看來我的未來變幻無限啊
[18:03.10]With good reason. 而且捍衛(wèi)的理由充分
[18:05.50]What is she doing there? 她去那干嘛?
[18:06.40]Well, what's anyonedoing there? 還能去干嘛?
[18:07.50]It's a facilityfor the disturbed or addicted. 那是治療精神病和癮君子 的康復(fù)中心
[18:10.70]You must haveyour own wing. 那里肯定一個分樓都是為你準備的
[18:12.50]You don't get nearlyenough credit for yoenough credit for your wit. 你的聰慧也未到受到好評的程度
[18:16.20]So the question is,what do you do now? 所以問題是 你現(xiàn)在準備怎么做?
[18:19.30]Well, I was thinking... 我一直在想...
[18:21.70]total social destruction. 徹底破壞她的社交形象
[18:24.00]And here I thoughtyou were getting soft. 我還以為你越來越?jīng)]手段了呢
[18:27.20]So this is your bed,huh? 這是你的床嗎?
[18:29.90]Leaving now. 馬上離開
[18:32.10]You can repay meanot.Time 你下次再報答我吧
[18:42.00]I've been in these sessionsevery day for the last week, 上周的每次療程我都在場
[18:45.00]but nothing is going to changeunless 如果她繼續(xù)把他藏在這里
[18:47.00]she stops hiding him here and lets himhave his life back. 不讓他有自己的生活 療程就會毫無進展
[18:50.00]This is not called hiding,serena. 這不能說是藏 Serena
[18:51.90]It's called recovery. 應(yīng)該叫恢復(fù)
[18:53.60]Telling everyone he's stayingwith aunt carol in miami? 告訴所有人他在邁阿密 跟Carol姨媽在一起?
[18:56.60]He's not ready. 他還沒準備好
[18:57.90]He's not, or you're not? 是他沒準備好 還是你?
[18:59.50]Okay, let's takea deep breath. 好了 讓我們深吸一口氣
[19:02.10]It's good to seehonest conversation. 很高興看到你們坦誠的對話
[19:04.60]What does she know about honesty? 她知道什么叫誠實嗎?
[19:05.90]Serena. Serena
[19:06.80]But I really think a decisionlike this includes eric as well. 但我真的希望 在做這個決定時也讓Eric參與進來
[19:10.50]Oh, you mean i have a say in this? 你是說我對此事可以有發(fā)言權(quán)嗎?
[19:12.70]Thanks. 謝謝
[19:13.40]Eric, of course.We're here for you. 當(dāng)然了 Eric 我們坐在這里就是為了你
[19:15.60]Look, if you're readyto leave, you tell us, okay? 聽著 如果你已經(jīng)做好準備離開這里 告訴我們 好嗎?
[19:19.00]No matter what mom says. 不管媽媽怎么說
[19:22.90]I would really liketo get out of here... 我真心希望能離開這里
[19:29.10]oh, no. 不
[19:31.50]But maybe I'm not ready yet. 或許我還沒有準備好
[19:37.30]Hey, what aboutfor a few hours? 那離開幾個小時怎么樣?
[19:39.00]You can be my dateto the ivy week party tonight. 你可以做我的伴兒參加 今晚的常青藤周派對
[19:41.20]Serena, that party isan important event for you. Serena 這個派對對你來說 是次很重要的活動
[19:44.60]Well, he'll be aroundpeople he knows. 這樣在場的都是他認識的人
[19:46.10]It'll be fun, comfortable. 會很有意思 很自在的
[19:48.30]Uh, actually, that sounds great. 事實上 這聽起來很不錯
[19:49.70]well, there we go. 就是這樣
[19:51.00]Compromise. 都做點妥協(xié)
[19:52.60]That wasn't so hard, was it? 并沒那么困難 不是嗎?
[19:56.00]You know what?I have to go, 知道嗎? 我必須要走了
[19:57.90]help them set upfor tonight at the school. 幫助他們準備今晚學(xué)校的派對
[20:01.20]It's my job as bothparent committee chair and responsible mother. 我既是家長委員會主席 又要做個有責(zé)任心的母親
[20:12.20]it'll be great, okay? 會玩的開心的 好嗎?
[20:20.20]- hi.How are you? - Good. - 你好嗎? - 很好
[20:22.20]Rufus humphrey. - 我是Rufus Humphrey - 是啊
[20:23.40]Uh, my kid, dan,goes to st.Jude's, 我的孩子Dan 在圣猶大學(xué)校讀書
[20:26.00]and he really should have beenselected as dartmouth's usher. 他應(yīng)該被選為接待達特茅斯大學(xué) 代表的接待員
[20:28.60]Maybe there was a mix-up, some kind of a glitchin the system? 是不是什么地方出了問題 例如你們系統(tǒng)里的小小差漏?
[20:31.20]I'd like to believe that because I like to believe the best in people. 希望如此 我相信人們做事還是有原則的
[20:33.70]I'm sorry, mr.Humphrey.The usher positionshave been filled. 很抱歉 Humphrey先生 接待員名額已經(jīng)滿了
[20:36.80]There's nothing we can do. 我們無能為力
[20:38.40]Uh, is there anything else? 還有其他的嗎?
[20:40.90]Any other positions? 其他職位嗎?
[20:42.10]Uh, you'll have to discuss thiswith our committee chairwoman. 這你得跟我們委員會主席討論了
[20:45.20]Sure, perfect.I'd love to.Where can I find her? 很好 太好了 我會的 我到哪能找到她呢?
[20:47.20]I'm not sure.She must be running late.I... 我不確定 她可能會晚點過來 我...
[20:49.90]oh, there she is now. 她在那呢
[20:55.40]Why am I not surprised? 我為什么一點都不感覺吃驚呢?
[20:57.10]Lucky for you,she seems to be in a good mood. 你很幸運 她看起來心情不錯
[21:00.40]Until she sees me. 直到她看到我
[21:03.50]- Rufus. - Told ya. - Rufus - 告訴你了
[21:05.40]Excuse me. 不好意思
[21:07.20]You got a minute, lil? 有時間嗎?
[21:08.60]Not for you. 跟你沒時間
[21:20.20]- You're in. - What? - 你們受邀了 - 什么?
[21:22.90]The ivy week party tonight. 常青藤周派對
[21:24.40]Your name will beon the program and everything. 你們的名字會出現(xiàn)在 所有的活動安排里
[21:27.20]You got me the dartmouth spot? 你幫我弄到了達特茅斯的名額?
[21:28.80]I knew you could do it, dad. 我就知道你能行的 爸爸
[21:30.00]no, you didn't,and no, I didn'T. 你不是嘛... 不 我沒爭取到那個名額
[21:32.30]How do you feel about the refreshment committee? 餐飲委員會怎么樣?
[21:34.30]Well, there is--there isno refreshment committee. 沒有餐飲委員會
[21:36.30]Not until now. 現(xiàn)在有了
[21:37.60]Oh, god. 天哪
[21:38.90]What?Everybody gets thirsty.It's really a position of power. 怎么了? 每個人都會口渴 一個非常有權(quán)利的職位
[21:41.80]How did you secure methis prominent and simultaneously embarrassing position? 你怎么幫我找到這個如此突出 但同時令我覺得尷尬的職位?
[21:45.30]By offeringmy own services. 通過提供我自己的服務(wù)
[21:47.10]Serving snacks? 提供小點心嗎?
[21:49.70]I'm the headof the entertainment committ. 我是表演委員會的頭兒
[21:54.30]a-another committeethat didn't exist until you leftthe house today. 另一個你今天離開這個房子前 還不存在的委員會
[21:56.90]Way to go, dad. 干得好 爸爸
[21:58.10]Wait.So who's the entertainment? 等等 都有誰參加表演?
[21:59.70]Uh, since it wassuch short notice, the only personI could get was myself. 由于決定的如此倉促 所以唯一能參加的只有我自己
[22:04.30]Kind of a staid affair forearly '90s postpunk math rock, don't you think? 就像90年代早期的前朋克 雜亂搖滾的沉寂場面?
[22:08.60]I'm bringinga couple of the guys. 我?guī)蠋讉€伙計
[22:10.70]It'll be rufus unplugged. 將會是Rufus非電子音樂會
[22:12.20]Need a roadie? 需要經(jīng)理人嗎?
[22:13.30]Thanks, sweetie. 謝謝 甜心
[22:14.20]Should I call mom, and we can just make thisa full-fledged humphrey affair? 我該給媽媽打電話嗎? 我們可以把它弄成一個Humphrey家族活動
[22:17.60]Look, I did the best I could. 聽著 對此我已經(jīng)盡力了
[22:20.50]At least you get to officiallybe a part of this thing. 至少你們能正式參加這個活動
[22:23.10]You can talkto that author you love, ask him anything you want. 你可以跟你喜歡的那個作家聊聊 問他任何你想問的問題
[22:26.80]Like his, uh, preferencefor soft drinks? 比如說他最喜歡的軟飲料是什么?
[22:33.40]If you get at all anxious,sweetie, if you feel light-headedor panicky-- 如果你覺得緊張 甜心 覺得頭疼或心悸
[22:36.70]I'll be fine, mom.All I have to dois be normal. 我不會有事的 媽媽 我只要表現(xiàn)正常就好
[22:40.90]Or at least act normal. 或者是裝得正常一點
[22:42.80]Works for mom. 那樣媽媽就滿足了
[23:05.40]do you see the yale rep? 你看到耶魯大學(xué)的代表了嗎?
[23:07.00]I thought you wantedto go to brown, and blair wantedto go to yale. 我以為你想去布朗大學(xué) 是Blair想去耶魯
[23:11.50]Yeah, I know. 是啊 我知道
[23:21.30]My father would never forgive meif I didn't introduce myself. 如果我不向你介紹自己的話 我父親肯定不會原諒我的
[23:23.90]He says that you twoused to do crew together. 他說你們兩個過去一起出海
[23:25.90]Crew? 出海?
[23:27.20]Oh, hi.I'm serena van der woodsen. 嗨 我是Serena Van Der Woodsen
[23:30.00]Blair, I didn't know you wereinterested in doing crew. Blair 我不知道你對出海有興趣
[23:32.10]I'm not. 我沒興趣
[23:33.10]I was just sayingthat there's a family connection because of my father-- 我只是要說 我們兩家交好 因為我父親...
[23:35.30]in fact, I didn't know you were interestedin athletics at all. 事實上 我從來不知道你對運動有興趣
[23:38.00]Well, especially ones whereyou might get your hair wet. 特別是可能會把你頭發(fā)打濕的運動
[23:40.20]She's really moreof the indoors type of girl. 她是個喜歡室內(nèi)活動的女孩
[23:44.10]Oh, my goodness.Your glass is almost empty. 天哪 你的酒杯快空了
[23:46.50]Let's get you a drink. 去拿點喝的吧
[23:47.80]Uh, no, I'll take him. 不 我?guī)グ?br /> [23:49.10]Oh, don't worry about it. 別擔(dān)心
[23:50.80]So tell me about yale. 跟我講講耶魯?shù)氖掳?br /> [23:59.90]can you please explain how serena'scommandeering the yale rep 你能解釋一下為什么 Serena霸占耶魯大學(xué)的代表嗎?
[24:02.60]while you're supposedto be his usher? 你不應(yīng)該是他的接待員嗎?
[24:04.80]I switched. 我跟別人換了
[24:08.10]I'm trying to getinto princeton. 我在試圖進普林斯頓
[24:11.20]Oh, don't your la perlasin a bunch. 別一臉被La Perla內(nèi)褲卡到陰的樣子
[24:13.40]Look who's arrived--dr.Ostroff. 看誰來了 Ostroff博士
[24:16.40]Blair, dr.Donald ostroff. Blair 這是Donald ostroff博士
[24:17.80]Interesting choice of guest, B. 真會選賓客啊 B
[24:20.00]Such a pleasure.I've heards-such wonderful things... 太高興了 我聽說了您很多...
[24:22.60]coincidence?I think not. 巧合嗎? 我不這么認為
[24:28.30]I liked your book. 我很喜歡你的書
[24:29.60]Oh, thanks. 謝謝
[24:31.40]What did you thinkof the epilogue? 你覺得結(jié)尾部分怎么樣?
[24:33.80]Some people really love it. 一些人很喜歡
[24:35.70]"The new york times"called it a "cheap cop-out. 紐約時報稱 這個結(jié)局是"卑鄙的推卸責(zé)任"
[24:38.40]" Warner bros.Is making a movie. 華納兄弟正準備把它拍成電影
[24:40.10]I think they're gonnachange the end. 我想他們可能會把結(jié)局做改動
[24:41.50]Well, I can seehow the ending might not seem all that... 我能想象到為什么結(jié)局 看起來沒那么...
[24:44.70]commercial. 商業(yè)化
[24:49.80]would you likesomething to drink? 要喝點什么嗎?
[24:51.60]Lily, how are you? Lily 你好嗎?
[24:53.80]Oh, bart, hello.How are you? Bart 你好嗎?
[24:57.10]Hey, eric. 嗨 Eric
[24:59.20]How's, uh, miami? 邁阿密怎么樣?
[25:01.70]It was good, thanks. 很好 謝謝
[25:03.70]You know, go, marlins. 你知道 加油 馬林隊!
[25:06.80]would you excuse me, please? 失陪一下
[25:09.00]So the neuroscience projectI'm working on involves 我所進行的神經(jīng)科學(xué)的項目包括
[25:11.20]the cellularsignaling pathway of neuronalnitric oxide synthase. 神經(jīng)組織氧化合酶時 細胞信號的路徑
[25:14.40]It's initiated whenglutamate binds to N.M.D.A.R... 這是由谷氨酸鹽與天門冬氨酸受體 相連最后產(chǎn)生的反應(yīng)
[25:21.00]hi.You're eric, right? 你是Eric 對嗎?
[25:23.40]Yeah, you're jenny,dan's sister, right? 你是Jenny Dan的妹妹 對嗎?
[25:25.50]- Yeah, we, um, met at... - bendel'S. - 我們以前見過 在... - 在Bendel百貨
[25:27.80]Yeah, I remember. 是的 我記得
[25:28.90]Oh, cool. 真好
[25:30.10]Eric, good to see you. Eric 很高興見到你
[25:32.00]You enjoy miami? 在邁阿密還好嗎?
[25:33.10]Uh, yeah. 是啊
[25:34.80]S-save the manatees. 拯救海牛
[25:39.60]Manatees? 海牛?
[25:40.50]It's a long story. 說來話長啊
[25:42.00]I've got time. 我有時間
[25:43.80]It's a little dark and... 有點抑郁而且...
[25:45.80]I can handle it. 我能承受
[25:48.30]you wannago to yale then? 你想進耶魯了?
[25:50.10]No, brown.It's justthis thing with blair. 不 想進布朗 這么做只是因為Blair
[25:53.60]Oh, yeah.Yeah, I get it. 我知道了
[25:55.10]I mean, since you don't have to actually worryabout getting into college, 我是說 既然你不擔(dān)心進大學(xué)的事情
[25:58.00]why not make the entire eveningabout screwing over blair? 干嗎不把整個下午的時間 用來對付Blair?
[26:04.00]No, thanks. 不 謝了
[26:07.00]Hey. 嗨
[26:10.70]Wait, you're seriouslynot gonna talk to me? 等等 你真的準備不跟我說話了?
[26:14.50]Like, literally not speak? 真的就是一句不說了?
[26:17.90]Hey. 嗨
[26:20.40]Oh, much better. 好多了
[26:23.60]Thanks, guys. 謝了 伙計們
[26:28.90]So, um, what's he like? 那么 他怎么樣?
[26:32.60]Like a dartmouthenglish lit professor I have nothing in common with. 像個達特茅斯大學(xué)的文學(xué)教授 我跟他實在沒什么可說的
[26:37.50]Guess I could tell him how everything I haveI got because I'm an archibald. 我覺得我應(yīng)該告訴他一下我的情況 因為我是Archibald家族的成員
[26:46.00]You should mention dr.Seuss. 你應(yīng)該提到Seuss博士
[26:48.30]Theodor geisel is his real name.He went to dartmouth. 他的真名叫Theodor Geisel (美國著名兒童文學(xué)家) 他在達特茅斯念的大學(xué)
[26:51.80]hall said he got the ideafor "the petting zoo" from "the lorax. Hall 說他的"愛撫動物園" 就是從"The Lorax"中得到的靈感
[26:54.30]"The what? 什么?
[26:56.90]you know what?Never mind. 你知道的?算了
[26:57.60]Just--just mentionhow his prose style is influencedby early faulkner. 只要-只要記得提到他的散文風(fēng)格 是受早期的??思{影響
[27:01.20]You'll be all right. 你就沒什么問題了
[27:04.10]or not. 或許還有點懸
[27:08.80]I was actually gonnaget some fresh air. 我得出去透透氣
[27:11.00]How about youtake these over to him? 你把酒端給他怎么樣?
[27:16.60]All right. 好吧
[27:18.20]Yeah, I guess I couldleave my post unmanned for a minute or two. 我想我可以把這個崗位 空置個一兩分鐘?
[27:44.30]where do you think you're going? 你要去哪兒?
[27:45.40]Home. 回家
[27:46.50]I don't think so. 我覺得不行
[27:47.50]Now you get back out thereand you finish what you started. 你得回去 把你開始的事情做完
[27:49.60]You mean what you started? 開始這件事的是你
[27:51.10]I don't wanna go to dartmouth. 我不想去達特茅斯
[27:53.70]There, I said it. 我說過了
[27:55.30]Now back off. 離我遠點兒
[28:00.60]So we moved into the hotel,and, uh... 我們搬進飯店 然后 呃...
[28:04.00]it was just the two of us, and I was really lonely. 只有我們兩個人 我真的感覺很孤單
[28:08.80]So... 所以...
[28:10.50]that's when you... 就是那個時候你...
[28:16.20]so I ended upat the ostroff center. 結(jié)果落得進Orstoff康復(fù)中心的下場
[28:18.20]And my mom says that they havethe best counselors, 因為我媽媽說那兒 有最好的心理顧問
[28:20.70]but what they reallyget paid for is to to keeptheir mouths shut. 而且不會泄漏風(fēng)聲
[28:23.80]Look,I-I won't say anything. 看 我-我不會泄漏任何事的
[28:28.20]I promise. 我保證
[28:32.70]So do you wannago back in? 想不想進去?
[28:35.50]Yeah, and answermore questions about florida? 好的 繼續(xù)回去回答有關(guān) 佛羅里達的問題?
[28:37.50]Well, I have a grandmawho lives in fort myers. 我有個祖母住在麥爾斯堡
[28:40.40]I can helpthink of some material. 我可以幫你編些話題
[28:50.10]May I pleasehave everyone's attention? 大家能注意一下嗎?
[28:54.20]Welcome again to the constance billard/st.Jude's ivy week mixer. 再次歡迎各位參加康斯坦斯-比拉德 和圣猶大的常青藤周交誼會
[28:58.00]I'm blair waldorf, chair of the community outreachcommittee. 我是Blair Waldorf 社區(qū)擴展協(xié)會委員會的主席
[29:07.50]Every year,our schools choose to support one local institution 每年 我們學(xué)校都會資助一所
[29:10.70]thatwe feel benefits our community. 為我們社區(qū)造福的機構(gòu)
[29:13.60]This year, our schools have chosen to honorthe ostroff center. 而今年 我們學(xué)校決定將這一殊榮 頒發(fā)給Ostoff康復(fù)中心
[29:25.10]this semester, our choiceis a very personal one 這個學(xué)期 我們的選擇是有私人原因的
[29:29.00]because the centerhas helped one of our own. 因為 這個中心幫助了我們當(dāng)中的一員
[29:31.50]What is going on here? 怎么回事?
[29:33.10]It's becauseof their excellent program which aids so manyyoung addicts and alcoholics 在他們出色醫(yī)療項目的幫助下 讓很多有毒癮及酗酒的年輕人
[29:38.60]that a student here with ustoday is clean and sober. 擺脫掉這些陋習(xí) 我們的一位同學(xué)就是其中的受益者
[29:43.40]At least, for now. 至少 現(xiàn)在是這樣
[29:44.70]Can I please haveserena van der woodsen join me onstage? 有請Serena Van Der Woodsen 上臺說兩句?
[29:48.70]Spotted at ivy week mixer-- 場景: 常春藤周聯(lián)誼會
[29:51.10]S.And B.'S last stand, and only one gets out alive. Serena和Blair的最后一戰(zhàn) 但最后幸存的只有一個人
[29:56.00]Better take cover. 諸位小心啦
[30:00.80]Please tell me this isn't happening. 告訴我這不是真的
[30:02.20]It's not. 沒事的
[30:03.30]No.No, you'renot going up there. 不 不 你別上去
[30:05.80]You're gonna stayright here, okay? 就呆在這兒 好嗎?
[30:08.40]Whatever you're doing, think about who's standingin this room right now. 不管你要做什么 都想想在場的這些人
[30:18.40]Don't try to deny it.Chuck saw you. 別想否認 Chuck看見你了
[30:27.00]hi. 嗨
[30:28.10]I'm serena van der woodsen. 我是Serena Van Der Woodsen
[30:31.50]I just wanna thank my friend,blair waldorf, 首先要感謝我的朋友 Blair Waldorf
[30:35.90]for recognizingthe ostroff center and all of the good thingsthat they do. 對Ostroff康復(fù)中心以及他們的 功績做出認可
[30:41.00]Thanks, blair. 謝謝 Blair
[30:46.40]At the center, one of the main thingsthat we learn is forgiveness. 在康復(fù)中心 我學(xué)到的最重要的一件事就是原諒
[30:51.30]She's in rehab? 她也在康復(fù)?
[30:52.20]No, it's not her. 不是她
[30:53.20]It's her brother who's there. 是她弟弟
[30:54.60]What? 什么?
[30:55.40]You can't tell anyone, okay? 你不能告訴別人
[30:57.30]I won't, but whyis she doing this? 我不會的 但是她為什么要這樣做?
[30:59.40]I've learned about how, in order to move forwardwith our future, 我學(xué)會了 為了繼續(xù)自己的生活
[31:04.30]we must forgive thosewho have wronged us in the past, 為此 我們必須要原諒那些 曾經(jīng)對我們造成傷害的人
[31:08.50]and we must, ourselves,ask for forgiveness from thosewhom we've wronged. 而我們 也必須要向被我們傷害的人 懇請原諒
[31:15.30]Without this forgiveness,innocent people get hurt-- 如果沒有諒解 無辜的人就會受到牽連
[31:17.90]all right, thank you, serena. 好了 謝謝你 Serena
[31:19.60]Thank you.Thank you. 謝謝 謝謝
[31:21.10]Honesty may be the best policy in some zip codes, 在其他地區(qū) 坦白也許是最好的方法
[31:24.20]but not in this one, and not this week, 但坦誠不該用在曼哈頓 不該用在這個星期
[31:27.60]'cause "I was a teenage drug addict" is not exactly a winning college essay. 因為"我曾是個癮君子" 絕不是篇能讓你錄取的入學(xué)論文
[31:36.90]And now can I please havedr.Ostroff join me onstage? 現(xiàn)在 有請Orstroff醫(yī)生上臺演講
[31:40.40]Why is blair outing you for a drug problemthat you don't have? 為什么Blair要爆出你有毒癮? 你沒有啊
[31:44.20]You don't, do you? 你沒有 對吧?
[31:45.20]Mom! 媽!
[31:46.30]Well, it's not like we have some free, open relationship. 你什么都不跟我說!
[31:48.60]And that's my fault? 難道這是我的錯?
[31:50.70]Look, what's happened to eric has put a huge strainon our family, Eric的事給了我們?nèi)液艽蟮膲毫?br /> [31:55.50]but we are still a family. 但是我們?nèi)匀皇且患胰?br /> [31:57.80]Why do you thinkI did what I just did? 那你覺得我剛才在做什么?
[32:03.10]Will you excuse me? 能失陪一下嗎?
[32:05.00]I'm gonna go end thiswith blair now. 我現(xiàn)在要找Blair了結(jié)這件事
[32:13.90]Blair,what the hell was that? Blair 剛才那到底算什么?
[32:17.10]- Will you excuse us,please? - Sure. - 失陪 - 當(dāng)然
[32:21.80]So we good now? 我們現(xiàn)在好了?
[32:23.30]Are we square? 徹平了嗎?
[32:24.40]No, because nothing I do will ever be as badas what you did to me. 當(dāng)然沒有 因為我所做的一切都沒有 你對我所做的那些那么惡劣
[32:29.10]Look, I'm asking you,please. 我求你了
[32:31.40]I'll stop if you will. 如果你停 我也停
[32:32.90]You're just saying thatbecause today you lost, 你這么說是因為今天你輸了
[32:36.00]and you're gonna keep losing. 而且你還會一直輸下去
[32:38.50]Now if you'll excuse me,unlike you, I have a futureto get back to. 好了 現(xiàn)在我要失陪了 因為我不像你 我還有美好的未來要繼續(xù)
[32:54.30]Serena. Serena
[32:55.70]Serena! Serena!
[32:56.40]What? 干嗎?
[32:57.70]What, do you wantto congratulate me on destroying my future? 你要慶祝我的前途盡毀么?
[33:00.20]No, no, no, no, no, no. 不 不 不 不
[33:01.30]To askif you're okay, 'cause what you did in therefor your brother, that was... 想問問你怎么樣 因為你所做的一切 都是為了你弟弟 那是很...
[33:05.70]that was very cool. 很酷的事
[33:07.60]Wait, how did you know about my brother? 等等 你怎么知道那是我弟弟?
[33:09.00]It--it's okay. 沒關(guān)系的
[33:10.20]Really, no onewill ever hear it from me, 真的 我不會告訴任何人
[33:14.30]but if you ever needanybody to talk to, or not talk to, 但是如果你想找個人談?wù)?或是不談
[33:20.70]I'd be happy to do either. 我都可以奉陪
[33:23.50]I'll keep that in mind. 我記住了
[33:25.80]And, um, I know I saidsome things about you and your world, 然后 嗯 我知道我曾經(jīng)批評過 你本人和你的圈子
[33:33.70]and I' sorry. 我很抱歉
[33:36.20]Obviously, I don't knowanything about your life. 因為很顯然 我其實對你的生活一無所知
[33:41.80]Thank you, but I've reallygot to get out of here. 謝謝 但是我真的得離開這兒了
[33:45.50]Yeah, sure, sure. 對 當(dāng)然 當(dāng)然
[33:47.70]But... 但是...
[33:49.00]maybe, you know,I can take you up on that 也許 你知道 咱們可以哪天
[33:51.80]getting togetherand not talking thing sometime? 出去來一次 "只玩不談"的約會?
[33:57.20]Will you call me? 你給我打電話?
[33:59.90]Yeah. 好的
[34:07.60]okay, let's go.Let's get out of here. 好了 走吧 走吧 離開這兒
[34:10.40]No, there's someoneI need to talk to first. 不行 我還得跟某人談?wù)?br /> [34:13.40]Please, mom,I can do this. 拜托 媽媽 我可以的
[34:16.30]Okay. 好吧
[34:18.60]Blair, can I talk to you? Blair 我能跟你談?wù)劽?
[34:20.10]It'll just take a moment. 一會兒就好
[34:21.40]Sure.Sure. 當(dāng)然可以
[34:30.50]Serena's not a patientat the ostroff center. Serena不是Ostroff 康復(fù)中心的病人
[34:32.50]Eric, you've always been a sweetkid, Eric你一直都是個好孩子
[34:34.70]and I can understand you trying to protect your sister-- 我也理解你想保護你姐姐--
[34:36.50]I am. 我才是
[34:39.10]I've never even seen youtake a drink. 我從沒見過你喝酒
[34:40.30]I'm not an alcoholic. 我不是酒鬼
[34:43.00]I did this. 我做了這個
[34:47.90]And today,serena protected me. 而今天Serena保護了我
[34:54.10]Eric, I...I didn'T... Eric 我...我不...
[34:57.20]see that coming?Yeah. 沒有想到會這樣? 對吧
[34:59.50]Oh, it must be a shock for someone who thinksshe knows everything. 噢! 對于某些自以為無所不知的人 來說真是一個晴天霹靂
[35:10.00]And what was that all about? 那又是怎么回事?
[35:11.70]Another bomb lands in blair's lap. 又一枚炸彈落入了Blair的陣營
[35:14.50]Will she use it as ammunition, 她會將其反利用為報復(fù)武器?
[35:16.40]or will she finally surrender and put down her arms? 或是繳械投降?
[35:20.10]Nothing. 沒事
[35:23.90]to dan:hope to see you in two years*** 致Dan:兩年后見 J.D.Hall
[35:28.00]So you really impressedthe guy, huh? 看來你真的給那個人 留下了不俗的印象 哈?
[35:31.10]Must be the wayyou poured those sodas. 肯定是你倒汽水的方法非同尋常
[35:36.20]Yeah, about that, uh... 對 那件事 呃...
[35:39.40]I know I may have been a littlelight on the gratitude... 我知道我并未表現(xiàn)出足夠的感激...
[35:42.20]yeah, a touch. 對 說對了
[35:44.10]But I appreciate even if I sometimesdon't show it. 但是感激你所做的一切 即使我有時并不表現(xiàn)出來
[35:50.60]We're real men, son.We don't liketo share our feelings. 我們是男子漢 孩子 我們不需要 跟別人交心
[35:55.80]But... 但是...
[35:58.00]I knowwhat you're capable of, and nothing-- 我知道你的能力 沒有任何事情...
[36:01.50]my last name, my bank account-- 我的姓氏 我的財產(chǎn)數(shù)額
[36:04.40]is gonna keep youfrom getting what you deserve, 都不會成為你成功路上的阻礙
[36:08.00]not if I can help it. 這我也幫不了你
[36:11.70]And I see that dartmouth has an electroacousticmusic program. 我剛看到達特茅斯 有一個電子音樂的專業(yè)
[36:14.50]What do you think of me applying? 你覺得我申請怎么樣?
[36:15.90]What? 什么?
[36:17.30]Yeah, and jenny's smart.We'll get her early admission. 沒錯 Jenny很聰明 我們可以 讓她申請?zhí)崆叭雽W(xué)
[36:19.60]Maybe we'll all go. 沒準我們能一塊兒去呢
[36:22.10]So not remotely funny. 一丁點都不搞笑
[36:36.20]nate. Nate
[36:39.10]huh? 哈?
[36:44.20]hello? 喂?
[36:48.00]Oh, yeah,I'll be right there. 噢 好吧 我馬上過去
[36:50.90]Where the hell could youpossibly have to be right now? 你到底現(xiàn)在非要去哪兒?
[36:53.30]I'm late for a runwith my dad. 我跟我爸約的跑步遲到了
[36:57.60]Who's jessica? Jessica是誰?
[37:00.50]jersey girls. 一個新澤西女孩
[37:02.50]Let's just say they're the princeton tigersfor a reason. 這樣說好了 稱她們?yōu)槠樟炙诡D 強人隊 決不是空穴來風(fēng)
[37:08.40]All right, I'll see ya. 好吧 再見
[37:13.30]- you feel this?Feeling good? - Good. - 感覺好了么?還好? - 很好
[37:15.00]All right,'cause I'm gonna... 因為我要...
[37:16.90]hey, good to see you, son. 嘿 你來了 兒子
[37:18.30]Turns out jed's a runner, too. 原來Jed也是個喜歡晨跑的人
[37:20.10]I wouldhave never mentioned it if I knew he was gonna get me out here this early. 我要是知道他這么大早拉我跑步 我絕對不提這事
[37:23.30]I'm glad to see you're feeling better, nate. 很高興看見你好多了 Nate
[37:24.70]I was, uh, just telling jed about your little boutof food poisoning last night. 我剛告訴Jed 你昨晚食品中毒的事兒
[37:28.60]What do you say, kiddontyou wa to show him how it's done? 孩子 你不想讓他看看 你恢復(fù)得怎么樣了?
[37:31.80]Let's go. 走吧
[37:33.00]Nate is the captainof his lacrosse team, Nate是曲棍球隊的隊長
[37:35.30]as well as being an all-starcross-country runner. 也是全國全明星田徑賽的選手
[37:49.40]- hi. - Hey! - 嗨 - 嘿!
[37:51.20]Um, is it okaythat I'm here? 嗯 我來這兒合適么?
[37:53.80]Yeah.Hi. 當(dāng)然 嗨
[37:55.60]Uh, will your mom be mad? 呃 你媽媽不會生氣么?
[37:57.40]That you're here? 因為你來了?
[37:58.60]That wouldrequire her stopping by. 除非你想讓她過來
[38:00.70]Saturday mornings are spentat bliss, and after last night, 周六一早上她都在做禮拜 經(jīng)過昨晚的事情
[38:03.50]I think she could use someextra time on the massage table. 我覺得她應(yīng)該多花點時間 去做按摩
[38:06.80]Well, here. 給
[38:10.90]Somebody has an admirer. 看來有人不少仰慕者啊
[38:12.30]They're for my sister... 是送給我姐姐的...
[38:14.10]from the brown rep. 布朗大學(xué)的代表送的
[38:15.90]apparently his cousindid some time here in his youth. 很顯然他的表兄 小時候在這兒呆過
[38:18.60]Well, that's good, right? 那很好啊 對吧?
[38:19.80]I mean, at least her entire future isn't blown. 我的意思是 至少她的前途還不算完全黯淡
[38:22.40]I don't think that's making her feela whole lot better right now. 我覺得現(xiàn)在對她來說 也是無濟于事
[38:41.70]wheneversomething's bothering you, I can always find you here. 不管你為什么事煩心 我都能在這兒找到你
[38:47.80]you herefor another catfight? 你來吵架的?
[38:54.90]What's that? 那是什么?
[38:56.60]A letter. 一封信
[38:58.40]I wrote it to you when youwere away at boarding school. 你在寄宿學(xué)校的時候我寫的
[39:01.50]I never sent it. 從沒寄出過
[39:07.30]"Dear serena, "my world is falling apart, " "親愛的Serena 我的世界崩潰了"
[39:12.10]and you're the only onewho would understand. "而唯一能理解的人只有你"
[39:15.50]"My father left my motherfor a 31-year-old model... "我爸爸為了一個31歲的模特 拋棄了我媽媽..."
[39:20.80]"a male model. "一個男模特"
[39:24.50]"I feel like screaming "because I don't haveanyone to talk to. "我好想尖叫出來 因為無人傾訴"
[39:30.40]"You're gone... "你走了..."
[39:32.70]"my dad's gone. "我爸爸走了"
[39:34.70]Nate's acting weird. "Nate舉止反常"
[39:38.20]"where are you? "你在哪兒?"
[39:40.60]Why don't you call? "你為什么不打電話?"
[39:45.70]"Why did you leavewithout saying good-bye? "你為什么不辭而別?"
[39:48.20]"You're supposedto be my best friend. "你應(yīng)該是我最好的朋友"
[39:51.00]I miss you so much. "我很想你"
[39:55.90]"love, blair. "愛你的 Blair"
[40:02.00]why didn't you send it? 你為什么沒寄?
[40:04.30]- I would've-- - you would've what? - 那樣我就可以... - 你可以什么?
[40:08.90]You knew, serena, and you didn't even call. 你什么都知道 Serena 你甚至都沒打過電話
[40:14.40]I didn't knowwhat to say to you or even how to be your friendafter what I did. 我不知道跟你說什么 甚至不知道 在我做了那事之后還怎么當(dāng)你的朋友
[40:25.10]I'm so sorry. 我真的很抱歉
[40:31.40]Eric told me what happened. Eric把一切都告訴我了
[40:35.00]I guess your family's beengoing through a hard time, too. 我知道你的家庭也 有一段艱難的時期
[40:39.30]Spotted in central park-- two white flags waving. 中央公園 兩面白旗高舉投降
[40:43.50]Could an upper east side peace accord be far off? 如此旁觀看來 東上城將重回平靜?
[40:47.20]So what will it be-- truce or consequences? 到底會怎樣? 就此休戰(zhàn) 還是不分勝負不罷休?
[40:50.90]We all know one nation can't have two queens. 我們都知道 一山不容二虎
[40:54.70]What happens next? 欲知后事?
[40:56.60]Only time will tell. 請靜待下回分解
[40:58.60]X.O.X.O., Gossip girl. 親親抱抱 流言蜚女

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