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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:31:31
[00:00.00]gossip girl here-- 流言蜚女駕到
[00:01.24]your one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite. 這是你們窺探曼哈頓上流生活 的唯一渠道
[00:05.06]you'll never believe what's on "gossip girl." 你不會相信"流言蜚女"上的新聞
[00:06.42]someone saw serena getting off a train at grand central. 有人看到Serena在紐約中央車站下車
[00:08.90]I thought everything was good between us. 我以為我們之間有不少美好回憶
[00:10.27]It was, before I found out you had sex with my boyfriend. 曾經(jīng)是 在我發(fā)現(xiàn)你和我男朋友上床之前
[00:12.80]I didn't come back for you. 我不是為你而回來的
[00:13.94]Look, blair's my best friend,and you're her boyfriend, and she loves you. 瞧 Blair是我最好的朋友 你是她的男朋友 她愛你
[00:17.52]You'd really go out with somu guy yodon't know? 你真要和一個不認(rèn)識的人出去嗎?
[00:18.88]Well, he can't be worse than the guys i do know. 是啊 起碼比我認(rèn)識的人強(qiáng)多了
[00:20.59] 派對是為你開的 你該多認(rèn)識人 融入其中
[00:24.52] Nate 真讓我吃驚啊 我還以為你是個潔身自好的人呢
[00:27.33] 這不是我的
[00:27.88] 正因此 我發(fā)現(xiàn)了這個
[00:29.78] 這不是我的 也不是你父親的
[00:32.10] Nate 你有什么要辯解的嗎?
[00:33.41] 你說過你愛我
[00:34.86]Loved...you 曾經(jīng)愛你
[00:36.85] 很抱歉我吻了你 但我這樣做
[00:38.86] 是想讓他體會到 我失去你時的感受
[00:41.01] 只喜歡你一個人
[00:43.16] 那太好了 我也只喜歡你
[00:47.35] 午夜脫下面具 我還是需要戴上面具離開這里
[00:49.01] 要換換面具不
[00:51.21]Sure 當(dāng)然
[00:52.55] Sereana 我知道我們都很在乎Blair 但為她著想 才該告訴她真相
[00:56.52] 我還是沒忘記你
[01:00.16]- Nate? - Serena?!
[01:02.08] 嘿 你看見Nate沒
[01:17.01]Gossip Girl  Season01 Episode07 流言蜚女 第一季 第07集
[01:35.89] 富貴閑人們 聽說了嗎? 復(fù)古脫衣舞再度狂暴起來
[01:39.68] 有時些許狂暴正是你所需
[02:00.84] 而Chuck最樂于留駐于潮流的前端 (諧意: 留戀優(yōu)美的曲線)
[02:06.88] 那妞是誰
[02:08.67] 不知道
[02:10.85] 但我們先不要妄下定論
[02:14.10]2 days earlier 2天前
[02:17.05] 你想讓爸投資這家脫衣舞酒吧 真夠"中城"的
[02:20.50] 嘿 復(fù)古艷舞俱樂部
[02:21.84]Where people can be transported to another time, 一個可以讓人們穿越時光的 正經(jīng)地方
[02:25.11]where they can feel free to let loose. 也是個能讓人釋放自己的地方
[02:26.68]No judgment. Pure escape. 沒人品頭論足 純粹的逃離俗世
[02:29.42]What happens at victrola stays at victrola. 在Victrola發(fā)生的事情 將停留在Victrola
[02:32.60]Well,it does have franchise potential. 潛力無限啊
[02:35.21]Chuck bass,I do believe all your years of underage boozing and womanizing have finally paid off. Chuck Bass 看來你這么多年來的 尋歡作樂終于得成了正果
[02:41.63]Truly,I am proud. 真替你驕傲啊
[02:43.75]And you are my toughest critic. 而你將給我最嚴(yán)厲的評價
[02:45.23]Well,second toughest. 不過請口下留情
[02:46.92]So do you think your father will go for it? 你爸會贊成嗎?
[02:49.43]It is exactly the kind of innovative thinking upon which the bass empire was built. 創(chuàng)新思維正是Bass帝國基石
[02:53.78]It is the perfect thing. I've been waiting for this. 總之再合適不過了 正是我所期待的
[02:55.85]We are so late. Are you coming? 我們要遲到了 你來不?
[02:57.70]Gotta pitch it to bart. 我得跟我老爸Bart毛遂自薦
[03:01.45]Victory party here tomorrow. 明天在這兒開慶功宴
[03:03.92]I wouldn't miss it. 我不會錯過的
[03:04.87]I'll send a car. 我派車去接你
[03:05.99]Don't be nervous. 別太緊張
[03:06.94]He's gonna love it. 他會喜歡你的點子的
[03:11.99]they all seem very discreet. 這些地方看起來非常低調(diào)
[03:13.62]It's up to you,but you will choose a facility, 由你決定 可你要選一個康復(fù)中心
[03:15.51]and you will get the help that you need, 尋求你所需的幫助
[03:17.17]after our dinner with the waldorfs tomorrow night,of course, 當(dāng)然是在明晚同Waldorfs家 共進(jìn)晚餐之后
[03:20.41]unless you'd like to ruin the celebration honoring your father's new business union with eleanor. 除非你想毀了慶祝你爸爸同Eleanor 成功合作的晚宴
[03:24.20]Anne,it's all right. Anne 沒事的
[03:25.40]Let me talk to him. 讓我跟他談?wù)?br /> [03:34.75]how could you not tell her the drugs were yours? 干嘛不告訴她毒品是你的?
[03:35.99]You're not gonna end up in one of these places. 你不會去什么康復(fù)中心啦
[03:39.27]Let me talk to ****** 讓我跟她談?wù)?你知道你媽反應(yīng)過度
[03:42.06]yeah,'cause it's mom who's the problem,right? 難道是媽的問題嗎?
[03:43.41]Look,work's been kicking my ass lately. 最近工作搞的我焦頭爛額
[03:46.26]The old man doesn't wear the hours as well as he used to. 我體力不如從前
[03:55.42]This young viper at the office,frank meltzer, 公司里有個小毒販子 Frank Meltzer
[03:57.62]saw me fading one night,so he offered me a pick-me-up. 一天夜里他看我很累 就塞給了我一粒興奮藥
[04:00.56]It was stupid. I didn't even like it. 太愚蠢了 我都不喜歡那玩意
[04:03.05]Hey,I'll flush the bag right now,all right? 嘿 我現(xiàn)在就把它沖進(jìn)馬桶 行不?
[04:07.40]Dad,I just want you to be-- 爸 我只是想--
[04:08.25]look,let's not put a damper on the upcoming festivities. 別給即將到來的慶祝掃興
[04:13.25]I've landed the waldorf account, 我終于涉足Waldorf家的財富
[04:15.74]and my son has landed the waldorf. 而我兒子也要跨入Waldorf家了
[04:20.32]So that's it? 難道就這樣?
[04:22.15]Hey,I'm not cutting the conversation short. 我可不想草草了事應(yīng)付你
[04:25.96]Drinks after school at the club? 放學(xué)了去俱樂部喝一杯
[04:28.04]Nonalcoholic,of course. 當(dāng)然 不帶酒精
[04:33.14]No,you don't understand,vanessa. 不 你不明白 Vanessa
[04:34.40]Okay,the store lent it to me for the ball, 那家店把它租給我舞會上用
[04:35.90]and if I don't find it,blair is gonna kill me. 如果我找不到 Blair會殺了我的
[04:38.81]It's under her name,and she doesn't even know I went. 記在她的帳下 她都不知道我去了舞會
[04:43.37]no,alison,I sent that two weeks ago. 不 Alison 兩個星期前我就寄過去了
[04:45.04]Dad,have you seen a bracelet? 爸 看到個手鏈沒?
[04:46.21]You know,round,silverish,sparkly? 圓的 銀閃閃的
[04:47.96]Yeah,I think I saw that next to that ambiguous vague thing by the nondescript place. 見過 就在某個地方的某個玩意旁邊
[04:52.29]He hasn't seen it. 他沒見過
[04:54.51]No,alison,I-wh--I haven't told them anything yet. 不 Alison 我對他們什么都沒說
[04:57.73]Well,what should i be telling them when I don't even know what'S... 我該跟他們說什么呢 我都不知道...
[05:02.61]who you talking to? 你在跟誰說話
[05:04.32]Your mother. 你媽
[05:05.59]Tell her I say hi. 代我問聲好
[05:07.93]Jenny says hellowho are you talking to? Jenny向你問好 你在跟誰說話?
[05:14.02]where's the other humphrey? Humphrey家的那一位呢?
[05:18.56]- Brick not comfortable. - All right,I'll take one for the team. - 靠著磚真不舒服 - 好的 換換
[05:23.30]Yeah,this is definitely not very comfortable. 確實不怎么舒服
[05:25.56]I know. You'd think all the money that we spent on this private school, 你不覺得我們交給學(xué)校那么多學(xué)費
[05:28.03]they could at least give us a comfortable spot to make out. 怎么也該給我們準(zhǔn)備個 舒服的親熱地方
[05:30.47]Or a better chemistry teacher. 或是一個更好的化學(xué)老師
[05:32.08]Mr.Peiser is a little weird. Peiser先生有點古怪
[05:34.30]Wait,you're thinking about mr.Peiser right now? 等等 你現(xiàn)在居然還想著Peiser先生
[05:36.52]We are at school. 我們在學(xué)校呢
[05:41.56]hey,serena. Why don't you get a room? 嘿 Serena 你倆干脆開間房得了?
[05:44.13]Oh,that's the plight of the manhattan teenager. 這就是曼哈頓青少年的苦楚
[05:45.85]No cars. 沒車
[05:49.64]You know,we could find a place more private. 我們可以找個更私密的地方
[05:52.50]Our parents aren't always home. 我們的父母并不是成天都在家
[05:54.60]That's true. 對
[05:55.41]They must eventually leave. 他們最后總會出去的
[05:58.12]The problem is waiting for eventually. 問題是我們得等到他們離開
[06:03.43]What's the rush? 急啥
[06:04.42]Really,it's not like this sucks. 其實也沒那么糟
[06:05.55]Minus the brick and the paparazzi. 只要沒這些破磚和狗仔隊
[06:09.35]Spotted-- serena and not-so-lonely boy Serena和不再寂寞的芳心男孩
[06:12.13]clearly past courtship in the courtyard. 正在庭院里享受濃情蜜意
[06:15.83]Bye. 拜
[06:22.21]you know,we should talk about this,though, 我們該談?wù)勥@事
[06:24.32]- about us,about eventually. - Definitely. - 關(guān)于我們 關(guān)于最后... - 那是當(dāng)然
[06:27.95]Yes. Yes. 是 是
[06:29.91]Or we could just get it over with in a broom closet. 或許我們干脆去打掃工具房 一"爽"為快好了
[06:33.55]in a broom closet? That is-- that is rich,serena. 打掃工具房? 這可... 真夠"豪華" Serena
[06:37.16]Mr.Peiser's waiting. Peiser先生等著呢
[06:41.19]But can brooklyn keep up with the uptown express? 可布魯克林小子能跟的上 上城特快嗎?
[06:50.25]Serena,right? Serena 是吧
[06:51.74]Uh,that'S... funny. 太搞笑了
[06:54.64]- Mm,not really.No. - No. - 可不 - 不搞笑
[06:59.30]Uh,what are you doing in the girls' hall? 你怎么在女生樓里?
[07:01.14]I was actually looking for you. 其實我在找你
[07:02.93]You know,I really didn't mean anything I said about having feelings for serena. 我說我對Serena還有感情的時候 完全不是那個意思
[07:05.82]Maybe you didn'T. 或許你沒有
[07:07.94]I just-- I mean,I don't even care,but other people might. 我只是 我并不在乎 可其他人會
[07:13.06]Yeah,I know. 我知道
[07:14.22]Yeah,including my brother. 是啊 包括我哥
[07:19.32]You brought me chocolates? 送我巧克力?
[07:21.46]Well,I know you care about being friends with blair, 我知道你很想跟Blair做朋友
[07:24.56]and your brother-- 而你哥
[07:26.74]he's with serena,and I'm with blair, 他跟Sereana一起 我和Blair一起
[07:28.91]and I just really need you to help me out here. 我真需要你帶我擺脫困境
[07:32.23]You promise? 可以保證不?
[07:33.67]Promise what? 保證什么?
[07:36.55]Uh,promise to help me come up with a more creative apology than these. 保證幫我想出一個 比送巧克力更有創(chuàng)意的道歉方式
[07:40.96]I'm sorry for taking you for granted lately,okay? 最近將你做的一切都當(dāng)作理所當(dāng)然 我很抱歉
[07:42.98]That is so sweet! 太窩心了
[07:45.86]But I prefer the gold collection,but thank you. 不過我更喜歡金裝系列的 可還是謝謝你
[07:54.18]Hey,cinderella. 嘿 灰姑娘
[08:01.03]I think you dropped this at the ball. 你在舞會上落下了這個
[08:08.00]I hate secrets more than anything. 我最討厭秘密了
[08:10.26]You know that. 你可是知道的
[08:11.76]Friends don't lie,and we're friends,right? 朋友互不欺騙 而我們是朋友 是吧?
[08:15.64]Right. 是
[08:20.11]Jenny humphrey's rise to the penthouse has been short and sweet, Jenny Humphrey攀入頂樓豪華圈 的過程短暫 卻風(fēng)光無限
[08:23.26]but if she crosses blair waldorf,it's straight back to the basement. 不過如果她得罪了Blair Waldorf 她會被直接打入底層
[08:26.82]Looks like this little lamb needs to stay silent or else. 看來這只小羔羊得緘口不言... 或是另謀他方...
[08:37.18]When can I go public with you? 什么時候可以和你公開關(guān)系?
[08:38.69]My kids have to know first. 我孩子得最先知道
[08:41.19]Well,your secret's safe with me. 我會保守你的秘密
[08:45.98]father. 爸
[08:47.43]Chuck Chuck.
[08:49.17]Um,well... 恩...
[08:50.74]bart,um,I think your points earlier were excellent... Bart 你剛才提出的想法很不錯...
[08:54.72]And,um,I plan to bring them up at the next parent/teacher meeting. 我想在下次家長教師會時提出來
[09:00.81]Um,thank you,lily. 謝了 Lily
[09:16.23]not much future as an actress. 做個女演員沒啥前途
[09:18.48]You don't say anything to serena. 你什么都別告訴Serena
[09:20.36]You don't say anything to anyone. 也不要告訴任何人
[09:22.62]Lily would like this to play out in a certain way. 公開這件事 Lily自有打算
[09:25.66]So you're serious about her? 所以 你對她是認(rèn)真的?
[09:30.82]What's with the business formal? 怎么一副正經(jīng)打扮?
[09:32.57]Are you being arraigned for something? 是不是又因為什么事給人指控?
[09:36.72]I have an investment idea I think is utterly unique to your company. 我有個投資的好點子 對你公司絕無僅有
[09:41.53]Something avant-garde,yet nostalgic. 前衛(wèi)卻不失懷舊
[09:44.21]It is the perfect way for you to loosen the top button of bass,inc. 正是你帶領(lǐng)Bass集團(tuán)作出突破的好機(jī)會
[09:49.26]Like you've been wanting,sir. 正如你一直等待的 先生
[09:52.90]I am so pleased. 我欣喜若狂啊
[09:56.14]You are? 是么?
[09:57.13]Are you kidding me? 你在開玩笑嗎
[09:58.65]Do you how long I've been waiting for you to be interested in something other than partying? 你終于對尋歡作樂之外的事感興趣 你知道這一刻我等了多久了嗎?
[10:06.53]you should come see the place. 你該看看這地方
[10:07.66]It sells itself. 絕對物有所值
[10:12.61]I have some meetings,but,uh,how's after-- 我還要開會 過會如何
[10:15.56]a-after's--after's great. 過會 沒問題
[10:18.62]After's good. 過會 沒問題
[10:20.39]So... 那...
[10:21.78]I heard on "gossip girl" that you were having sex with dan out here... 聽"流言蜚女"上說 你和Dan在這兒就親熱上了
[10:25.72]in streaming video. 在視頻里
[10:27.74]God,kati and is filmed us? 天那 Kati和Is把我們給拍下來了
[10:29.61]Oh,it's all very "high school musical" scandalous. 拍得跟"高中音樂劇"(電影)一樣俗
[10:32.42]and no,they haven't streamed it yet,but... 他們還沒上傳上去 不過...
[10:37.76]I heard it was... 我聽說...
[10:39.55]aggressive. 很火暴
[10:40.63]I must say,dan has been surprisingly good at everything we've done. 我必需得說 對于我們做過的所有事情 Dan都應(yīng)付的游刃有余
[10:43.70]Which is... everything? 也就是說 你們啥都做過了?
[10:45.48]No! 才沒!
[10:46.81]but feel free to ask any personal questions. 但你想問任何私人問題的話 請便
[10:49.17]But you've talked about it,right? 但你談過 是麼?
[10:50.51]No,mom,we haven'T. 不 老媽子 我們還沒呢
[10:52.53]May I remind you that this is your first real boyfriend,S. 我要提醒你 這是你真正意義上的第一個男朋友 S
[10:55.67]And in relationships,you talk about stuff. 在情侶間 談?wù)撌虑槭呛苷5?br /> [10:57.61]I know,but I don't know, 我知道
[10:59.36]sometimes talking about it or planning it can ruin a good thing,you know? 但有時談?wù)摶蚴谴蛩阏務(wù)摱紩?破壞氣氛 你明白不?
[11:04.79]I would know. 我能想象到
[11:07.66]Well,as long as you're not worried. 只要你不著急
[11:09.96]Well,I'm not,but I don't know,he might be. 我不著急 但我不知道他會不會著急
[11:13.63]Is it possible for a guy to want to slow things down? 要是一個男的想慢慢來 可能麼?
[11:16.15]Only the guys we like. 只有我們的喜歡的男人才會
[11:19.74]but... 但是
[11:20.88]with you,I can't imagine why. 跟你在一起 我想不出有甚么理由要慢慢來
[11:33.16]how was I? 我表現(xiàn)如何?
[11:34.61]I don't know. 不知道
[11:35.70]Let's ask the judges. 讓我們問下裁判
[11:39.08]I was gonna give you a 3,but since you're a virgin, 我本來打算給你3分 但考慮到你是處男
[11:40.95]I gave you an extra point. 我多給你一分
[11:42.55]Hey,i chose to wait. 嘿 我自己決定守住貞操的
[11:44.63]Sex is meaningful,like art,and you don't rush art. 因為性跟藝術(shù)一樣 是意味深遠(yuǎn)的 不能操之過急
[11:48.50]Who's art? Art(藝術(shù))是誰?
[11:50.09]Did you sleep with him? 你跟他睡過麼?
[11:52.59]did you sleep with him? 你有沒有跟他睡過?
[11:54.42]Did you or did you not sleep with him? 你到底有沒有跟他上過床?
[11:56.49]Yes,alison,i did encourage you to do your paintings, 是的 Alison 我確實鼓勵你去繪畫
[11:58.58]not the next door neighbor. 卻沒鼓勵你去睡隔壁鄰居
[12:02.41]Hello? Hello? 喂? 喂?
[12:09.69]ah,dan,I-I didn't realize you were home. Dan 我不知道你在家
[12:11.21]I'm sorry you had to hear that. 抱歉讓你聽到
[12:12.56]Well,I did. 我是聽到了
[12:13.25]Something about,uh,uh,mom and a neighbor? 是關(guān)于我媽和鄰居的事?
[12:15.42]Yeah,it'S... complicated. 是 這事有點復(fù)雜
[12:18.45]Mom's having an affair. It's easy when you just say it. 媽在搞外遇 你這么說會容易些
[12:20.77]Not to your son. 對自己的兒子可不會這么說
[12:22.07]Well,she hasn't exactly been rushing back to us. 她并沒有回到我們身邊
[12:23.62]It's good to know why. 很高興知道到底是怎么回事了
[12:26.73]I'm home. 我回來了
[12:28.59]What's going on,dad? 爸爸 出甚么事了?
[12:29.83]Uh,nothing. 沒事
[12:30.54]Just gotta get some groceries. 我要去趟雜貨店
[12:36.62]Dan? Dan? 抱歉 Jen 我還有很多作業(yè)要做
[12:37.29]Uh,sorry,jen. I got a lot of homework,so...
[12:44.18]*********away. 嘿 老爸 我離你辦公室還有10條街
[12:45.95]what? 甚么?
[12:47.15]Oh,sorry,nate. 抱歉 Nate
[12:48.67]I have to take a rain check on our drink. 看來要下次才能跟你喝一杯了
[12:52.01]Why? 為什么?
[12:52.95]Client in crisis. 客戶危機(jī)
[12:53.88]Can't get out of the office,but I'll be home as soon as I can. 現(xiàn)在我走不開 我會盡快趕回家的
[12:57.75]Well,dad,our talk was kind of important. 好的 爸爸 我有要緊的事要說
[12:59.23]It's business,nate. You understand,right? Nate 我在工作 你能理解的吧?
[13:01.59]We'll talk later. 我們晚點再說
[13:06.81]looks like parents can be deceiving on both sides of the bridge. 貌似父母可以左瞞右騙
[13:25.95]You are... 你實在是
[13:27.80]really talented. 太有才了
[13:33.62]Dad. 老爸
[13:39.79]I didn't think you'd make it. 我以為你會來
[13:41.04]And you want me to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars 你想我用幾十萬美金
[13:43.94]into an excuse for you to be around booze and women? 花錢找借口給你花天酒地?
[13:46.29]No. No,I... 不 不 我...
[13:48.53]did you read the proposal? It shows a much bigger picture. 有看過我的建議書麼? 能給你一個更宏觀的概念
[13:50.76]I came down here because I saw the effort you made. 我之所以到這兒來是 因為我看到你的努力
[13:54.18]You want to impress me with your commitment to something? 你想我對你刮目相看
[13:56.36]Try getting a few a's in school or maybe a part-time job. 那就學(xué)校多考點A或者找份兼職來干
[14:13.73]Let's go get some lunch. 去吃午飯吧
[14:17.24]looks like the pot calling the kettle black has young bass boiling over, 看上去"說人不如人"的老爸 讓小Bass火冒三丈
[14:21.44]and if we know chuck,he's not one to let things lie. 而Chuck是個眼里揉不下砂子的主
[14:25.23]Someone pour that man a drink. 快給他杯酒 "消消"火 (暗示 一旦有機(jī)會 他就會反擊)
[14:27.88]You need to look elegant for the archibald dinner tomorrow night,so what do you think? 明晚跟Archibald家晚餐 你要穿得優(yōu)雅點 你覺得這件怎么樣?
[14:31.91]Yes,it would be very nice,if I was sailing up on the mayflower. 看上去不錯 如果我要坐"五月花號"出海的話
[14:36.97]Anne archibald was wearing her amazing Anne Archibald前晚戴著那只
[14:41.76]cornelius vanderbilt diamond ring the other night. 炫目的Cornelius Vanderbilt鉆石戒指
[14:44.20]She was going on and on about how it would end up on your finger... 她一遍又一遍的說 戒指最后是如何有一天會
[14:50.04]someday. 戴到你的手上
[14:51.38]Wait. 等等
[14:51.97]Nate spoke to his mother about our future? Nate有跟他媽談過我們的未來?
[14:55.41]He actually asked for the family ring? 他有向他媽去要祖?zhèn)鹘渲?
[15:25.10]looks like cold,hard cash can get you the cold,hard truth. 看來真金白銀 能換來殘酷的真相
[15:28.68]Didn't anyone tell you,N. N 沒人跟你說過嗎?
[15:30.77]Be careful what you fish for. 當(dāng)心你應(yīng)付不了自己尋覓出的真相
[15:40.09]I can't believe we actually got the apartment to ourselves. 真不敢相信這屋子里就我們兩
[15:42.85]You got downtown pretty fast. 你到下城區(qū)還挺快的
[15:43.90]Well,with an opportunity like this,one needs to take advantage. 哈 這樣的機(jī)會可得好好把握
[15:55.88]how long do you think till your dad and sister will be back? 你覺得你爸跟你妹多久會回來?
[15:57.54]Uh,anywhere from an hour to 20 minutes? 嗯 大概在1小時到20分鐘吧
[16:01.65]Well,20 minutes is plenty. 20分鐘已經(jīng)夠了
[16:10.58]It's kind of bright in here,don't you think? 你不覺得太亮了點麼?
[16:13.32]Uh,maybe get some blinds or A... a clapper. 要不要關(guān)百頁窗或者... 來個聲控降落窗什么的?
[16:17.25]Mm,how about next time? 下次吧
[16:25.41]hey,dan. Hungry? 嘿 Dan 餓了麼?
[16:27.52]hello. 你好
[16:28.88]- Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨
[16:30.86]Vanessa,right? Vanessa 是吧?
[16:31.97]Good to see you. 見到你很高興
[16:33.33]Good to see you. 很高興見到你
[16:34.36]And good to see you seeing us seeing you. 我也很高興能看到你... 撞見我們... 而突然出現(xiàn)
[16:39.25]excuse me. 稍等
[16:42.84]You really need to start using that door. 你應(yīng)當(dāng)開始從大門進(jìn)
[16:44.58]Which you're showing me to. 你正在教我該怎么走
[16:45.69]Well,practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧
[16:47.27]Leaving,out the door. 那我就從門走了
[16:49.20]And we appreciate it. 感激不盡
[17:03.78]Sorry. 抱歉
[17:07.98]So do you think we should talk about it? 你覺得該談?wù)匋N?
[17:11.39]You mean about-- about vanessa? 你是指 Vanessa?
[17:13.64]No,you know what? She's like family. 知道麼 她就像一家人
[17:14.93]It feels comfortable,and so therefore, 感覺很隨意 所以
[17:16.66]she often shows up without calling. 她常常不請自到
[17:18.62]No,I-I mean about what almost,maybe, 不 我是說那個
[17:22.65]might have just happened. 我們剛剛差點要做的事
[17:24.16]Oh,you mean if vanessa hadn't entered,and we... 哦 你是說要是Vanessa剛剛沒闖進(jìn)來 我們...
[17:28.55]or we could not talk about it. 或者我們干脆別談了...
[17:33.89]dan,we're home. Dan 我們回來了
[17:37.26]We got breakfast. 買了早餐
[17:39.29]Hungry? 你餓麼?
[17:43.00]Spotted-- bass drunk off his ass at the palace bar, 在皇宮酒店的酒吧里 Chuck喝的爛醉
[17:47.22]drinking away his woes and investment capital. 為了他打了水漂的投資和苦惱 而借酒消愁
[17:50.47]Nathaniel,your position in my esteem has been replaced by your voice mail. Nathaniel 你在我心目中的地位 已經(jīng)被你的語音信箱取代了
[17:55.97]So... 那么
[17:57.12]bart didn't go for vicola, Bart沒支持Victrola
[17:59.16]but truth is I bought the house out already for tonight, 事實上是我今晚把場子給包了
[18:02.61]and it's not a par-tay without my people or any people. 少了我的人或其他人那都不叫派...對
[18:09.02]I'll see you there. 晚上見
[18:21.66]long night? 徹夜沒睡?
[18:23.09]Alfonso made me an omelet. Alfonso給我做了煎蛋餅
[18:25.06]I may have washed it down with a bellini or two. 我大概就著一兩杯Bellini雞尾酒吃下去的
[18:28.85]You father didn't go for your business proposal. 你父親不支持你的商業(yè)提案
[18:35.03]Come on. 過來
[18:37.13]Let me help you. 我來扶你
[18:38.14]He was born poor. 他出生貧寒
[18:40.28]- I was born loaded. - Yeah. - 我卻生來身家豐厚 - 是啊
[18:42.06]But if the only way to impress him is if I started with nothing, 只有我白手起家才能讓他側(cè)目
[18:46.93]then why doesn't he just take it all away? 那他干嗎不把這一切都拿走?
[18:52.45]because he loves you. 因為他愛你
[18:54.67]No good parent likes to see his child go without. 沒有哪個好父母會情愿看到 自己的孩子白手起家
[18:58.17]I had the idea. 我有個想法
[18:59.54]I did the work. 也為此爭取了
[19:03.13]He tells me I can't be committed, 他跟我說我沒有責(zé)任感
[19:04.52]and he's the one screwing 25 year olds... 而他卻跟該對你負(fù)責(zé)的時候
[19:07.61]when he's supposedly committed to you. 跟25歲的姑娘鬼混
[19:09.57]We're newly committed,as recent as last week. 我們上周才決定確立關(guān)系
[19:14.40]I wonder why he was pawing some asian chick in his limo yesterday. 我捉摸著 他為什么昨天 拉著一個亞洲妞上了房車
[19:21.83]How could I be surprised,really? 我真是一點也不覺得意外
[19:26.35]excuse me. 我先走了
[19:32.16]I'm on my way. 我馬上到
[19:39.62]uh,I'm late for my blowout at arden'S. 我趕著要去Arden家的宴會
[19:41.00]Mom,please. 媽媽 聽我說
[19:43.32]The drugs were dad'S. 那些毒品是我爸的
[19:45.88]I mean,I guess he thought it'd be easier on everyone 我是說 我想他大概覺得 如果讓我做替罪羊
[19:47.61]if I took the hit,but they were his. 可能大家都能接受得到 但那些毒品是他的
[19:51.74]I don't understand. 我不明白
[19:52.70]No,he promised me he'd flush the coke,then I caught him buying more. 他答應(yīng)我他會把那些白粉給沖掉 但我發(fā)現(xiàn)他又買了
[19:56.53]The lengths that you will go to to get out of trouble,nate. Nate 為了給自己脫罪 你居然敢說出這樣的話!
[19:58.48]Mom,he has a problem. 媽媽 他現(xiàn)在有麻煩了
[20:00.87]I need your help,please. 求你了 我需要你幫忙
[20:05.16]You look down at the floor every time someone tries to tell you the truth. 每次有人要告訴你真相 你都盯著地板看
[20:08.95]Just look at me. Mom. 媽媽 你看著我
[20:13.09]I saw dad buying drugs yesterday. 昨天我親眼看到我爸在買白粉
[20:16.69]He's been under a lot of pressure, 他壓力一直很大
[20:20.19]- and if you hadn't been so difficult lately... - what? - 要是你最近沒這么麻煩的話 - 甚么?
[20:23.06]Your latest rebellions have been very hard on your father,nate. Nate 你最近的叛逆讓你父親難以應(yīng)付
[20:26.27]All this business with dartmouth,your issues with blair. 不肯上Dartmouth大學(xué) 你和Blair的矛盾?
[20:29.55]Mom,dad needs your help. 媽媽 爸爸需要你的幫助
[20:30.93]Not another word of this. 那就別再提這件事了
[20:33.18]We have a celebratory dinner to get to. 我們還要參加慶祝晚宴呢
[20:36.03]Please wear a tie. 記得打領(lǐng)帶
[20:49.49]see... 你看
[20:51.88]you curl your fingers into a fist, 你把手握成拳頭
[20:53.66]and with simple thrust of force,you knock on the door. 只要很簡單用力往前 就可以敲門了
[20:58.30]Hey,I didn't use the fire escape. 嘿 這次我沒從消防通道進(jìn)來
[21:00.89]Baby steps. 一回生二回熟
[21:02.47]And what are you doing watching porn? 你看A片干嗎?
[21:07.25]It's not porn. It's art cinema. 不是A片 是藝術(shù)電影
[21:09.42]Oh,from what I saw earlier,you don't need to be doing research. 哦 就我早上所見 你可不需要做任何研究
[21:12.76]I can't talk about this with you. 我不跟你談這個
[21:14.61]I'm curious,though,about the change in your attitude, 關(guān)于你態(tài)度的轉(zhuǎn)變我很好奇
[21:18.30]because may I remind you,that in your pale,romantic, 我要提醒你 在你蒼白 浪漫 而又充滿內(nèi)心痛苦的日子里
[21:21.77]tortured days,you'd wax on,and I quote,that, 你絕對會跟人討論這些事 我來引用一下你常說的
[21:24.55]"sex is meaningful,like art,and you don't rush art." "性像藝術(shù) 意味深遠(yuǎn) 你對藝術(shù)不該操之過急"
[21:29.04]That was in,uh,25. 那是2005年的事
[21:31.04]I was more idealistic then. 我那時更理想主義些
[21:32.96]I was much younger,and there wasn't an actual girl who wanted to have sex with me. 那時候太小 沒哪個女孩愿意和我發(fā)生關(guān)系
[21:38.79]You're... 你
[21:40.39]going to lose your virginity. 很快將告別處男生涯
[21:43.07]- Ooh,can you... - my friend dan. - 喔 你能不能 - 我朋友 Dan
[21:45.63]Please not turn my sex life into a country song? 能不能別把我的性生活變成鄉(xiāng)村歌曲?
[21:49.47]It's okay. 沒事
[21:50.14]I'm sure serena knows what to do, 我肯定Serana知道該做甚么
[21:52.26]what with her vast experiences with boarding school professors, 反正她跟住宿高中的教授們
[21:56.19]pamplonian bullfighters,best friends' boyfriends... 龐普洛納的斗牛士 最好朋友的男朋友 都有那么多經(jīng)驗
[21:59.79]that's enough now. You can go.Please. 夠了 你可以走了
[22:08.27]But if it were me with you... 但要是 我是你女朋友
[22:12.80]I'd want you to hide cedric, 我會希望你把薩德里克的海報 給收起來(籃球明星)
[22:15.96]maybe get some candles and replace the football sheets. 點些蠟燭 把足球床單給換了
[22:21.68]But... 但是
[22:23.26]- take it or leave it. - Thanks. - 接受與否就看你了 - 謝謝
[22:31.89]Thanks for helping me out with the bracelet. 謝謝你幫我還了手鏈
[22:33.79]I didn't know a broken clasp could cost that much. 我不知道壞了個扣 要那么多錢
[22:35.63]Oh,it was my pleasure. 樂意幫忙
[22:36.77]Oh,wait. No,it wasn'T. 等下 我并不怎么樂意
[22:39.46]Game recognizes game,little J. 了解這個游戲的人 才能不知不覺間快人一步
[22:41.85]But you have to show more respect. 但你起碼要尊重別人
[22:43.51]This is the last time I've helped you. 我這是最后一次幫你的忙了
[22:44.74]Next time you cross me,I won't be as forgiving. 下次你再背住我自己亂來 我可不會就這么算了
[22:48.03]Don't worry. There won't be a next time. 你放心 這事不會再發(fā)生了
[22:50.02]Good,'cause I wanna tell you something, 很好 因為我有件事要告訴你
[22:52.65]something nobody knows,not even serena. 誰也不知道 連Serena也不知道
[22:55.25]You can keep a secret,right? 你能保守秘密的吧?
[22:56.98]Of course. 當(dāng)然
[22:58.24]Nate is planning on giving me his family diamond. Nate打算把他的祖?zhèn)縻@戒給我
[23:02.16]It's the most incredible ring you've ever seen. 你從沒見過那么漂亮的戒指
[23:06.74]Uh,ring as in engagement ring? 是訂婚戒指麼?
[23:10.72]I remember the first time I ever saw him. 我還記得我第一次見到他時的情景
[23:13.55]Maybe we were just little kids,but I knew-- 也許我們還只是小孩子 但我知道
[23:17.28]he's the one I wanna marry. 他就是我要嫁的那個人
[23:20.57]Now it seems like he feels the same way,too. 現(xiàn)在看來他也有同樣的感覺
[23:26.03]Why are you not happy for me? 你怎么不替我開心?
[23:28.27]I'm sorry. 對不起
[23:30.21]It's--it's just been a really weird week. 只是 這一周太奇怪了
[23:33.47]Um,there's this stuff with my parents and my family,so maybe I should just go. 我父母 我家里的事 也許我還是走吧
[23:38.36]No,maybe you should look at me in the eye and tell me what you're hiding. 不 也許你該看著我的眼睛 告訴我你在隱瞞些甚么
[23:42.80]Are you jealous? 你嫉妒?
[23:43.92]- Of you and nate? - Do you like him? - 嫉妒你和Nate? - 你喜歡他?
[23:45.70]What? No. 甚么? 不
[23:46.80]Do you think because you talked to him once in the hall that you might have a shot? 你覺得你跟他在走廊里談過一次話 你就有機(jī)會了?
[23:50.84]Blair,it's nothing like that. Blair 不是那樣的
[23:53.43]Then tell me,what is it like? 那就告訴我到底怎么回事
[23:55.54]I don't want to hurt you. 我不想傷害你
[23:57.03]How could you hurt me? 你怎么會傷害到我呢?
[24:00.43]Yesterday wasn't the first time I talked to nate. 昨天我不是第一次和Nate講話
[24:03.04]At the ball,he told me he wasn't over serena. 在舞會上 他跟我說他忘不了Serena
[24:06.67]Why would he tell you that? 他怎么會跟你說這些?
[24:08.11]'Cause I was wearing her mask,and he thought I was her. 因為我戴著她的面罩 他以為我是她
[24:18.45]He kissed me. 他吻了我
[24:20.65]That's enough. 夠了
[24:21.83]Blair,I-I didn't want you to find out. Blair 我不想你自己發(fā)現(xiàn)這件事
[24:24.48]You're dismissed,jenny... Jenny 你可以走了
[24:26.59]for good. 不要再回來
[25:07.43]You look beautiful tonight. 今晚你看上去真美
[25:10.41]Anything on your mind? 有心事?
[25:14.00]No. 不
[25:16.60]Is there anything you wanna say? 有甚么想對我說的?
[25:19.46]No. 沒有
[25:35.01]the leg wrap-- that's interesting. 腿纏著他 有趣
[25:37.33]Sexy,right? 很性感 不是麼?
[25:38.23]And it increases stability. 還可以用來固定身體
[25:40.10]Sure. Yeah,I can see that. 當(dāng)然 我看得出來
[25:46.58]the hair grab-- does that really work? 抓住頭發(fā) 這管用麼?
[25:49.16]Oh,yeah. Every time. 喔 是的 每次都管用
[25:53.49]Okay,so leg wrap to hair grab. 好的 從盤腿到抓頭發(fā)
[25:59.18]Do... hold on a second. 我...停一下
[26:00.76]Do--do I have to keep my shirt open and billowing like that? 我--我需要象那樣敞開襯衫嗎?
[26:02.62]Well,it never hurts. 喔 反正沒壞處
[26:05.64]Nice. 很好
[26:10.94]I'm--I'm doomed. 我真是-- 沒希望了
[26:15.26]"sensuous massage." "性感按摩"
[26:17.19]Something we suld talk about? 有什么我們該談?wù)劦膯?
[26:18.27]Oh,uh,no. 喔 呃 沒有
[26:19.47]You know,I have a lot of-- a lot of tension, 你知道 我覺得 -- 壓力很大
[26:21.92]stress in between my,um,shoulder blades. 在我的 呃 2個肩胛之間感到很緊繃
[26:27.08]so... 所以...
[26:28.13]I'm headed to the gallery to,uh,test run a 24-hour projection installation. 我現(xiàn)在要去畫廊 呃 測試一下24小時的投影展示
[26:32.60]Vanessa and jenny are over there. Do you want to come? Vanessa和Jenny也在那兒 你想一起去嗎?
[26:36.73]Um,24 hours is a very long time to be working straight. 呃 連續(xù)工作24小時的話 我可吃不消
[26:40.09]So I think I might just chill here. 所以我想我還是呆在這里吧
[26:43.92]Alone? 一個人?
[26:45.45]On a saturday night? 在周六的晚上?
[26:49.73]With your new girlfriend? 和你的新女友一起?
[26:52.35]Son... 兒子...
[26:53.22]dad,we've had the talk already. 老爸 我們已經(jīng)談過這個話題了?
[26:54.98]Do you need a refresher? 你需要再聽一遍嗎?
[26:56.21]Etched in my brain. Thanks. 已經(jīng)深深的刻在我的腦子里了 多謝
[27:00.92]Well,just be safe. 呃 記得要安全
[27:02.91]Don't do anything you're not ready to do--or she's not. 不要作任何你還沒有準(zhǔn)備好 -- 或是她還沒準(zhǔn)備好的事情
[27:09.31]Oh,and,uh,lose the football sheets... 喔 還有 呃 換掉你的這個足球床單...
[27:13.07]and cedric. 還有薩德里克的海報
[27:16.60]Well,you look pretty good for a dead messenger. 喔 對于一個傳遞噩耗的人來說 你算是辣的了
[27:20.42]I thought I was doing the right thing. 我認(rèn)為我作了正確的事情
[27:22.39]You did. 是的
[27:23.58]Now blair knows the truth,and she and nate can talk about it. 現(xiàn)在Blair知道了真相 然后她和Nate會談?wù)勥@個問題
[27:27.13]Honest communication is what every good relationship is based on, 坦誠相待是每一段美好關(guān)系的基礎(chǔ)
[27:30.49]at least,that's what I hear. 至少我也是這樣聽說的
[27:32.19]I just--I think how I'd feel,you know, 我只是--我想我知道那種感受 你知道嗎
[27:33.96]if I loved someone,and they betrayed me. 如果我愛上某人 而他們背叛了我
[27:36.16]How would you ever get things back to the way they were? 怎么還可能回到原來的時候?
[27:38.44]Wait,are we still talking about blair and nate here? 等等 我們還是在討論Blair和Nate的事情嗎?
[27:40.56]Yeah,of course. 是的 當(dāng)然
[27:41.70]What else can we be talking about? 我們還有別的人可以談?wù)搯?
[27:43.06]I don't know. Your parents? 我不知道 你的父母?
[27:44.50]Look,maybe you don't go back,maybe you go forward. 聽著 也許你不該讓他們回望過去 你該讓他們望向未來
[27:47.45]Get two people in a room willing to be balls-out honest? 讓兩個人面對面的把話挑明?
[27:49.82]It might get ugly,but eventually, 也許會搞到不堪入目 但是總之
[27:51.51]the dust has to settle, 沖突終究會緩和下來的
[27:53.51]and then you can see if there's hope. 然后你才會知道是否還有希望
[27:59.30]We've celebrated the partnership, 我們已經(jīng)為合作關(guān)系而慶祝
[28:00.38]but I don't think we've given eleanor her just due. 但是我想我們給Eleanor的贊譽(yù) 還遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠
[28:02.90]This lady is fantastic. 這位女士太優(yōu)秀了
[28:05.17]Oh,well,uh,thank you,howard. 喔 哇哦 呃 謝謝 Howard
[28:07.88]More cheese? 再來點奶酪?
[28:08.90]Have you tried the humboldt fog? It's quite good. 你嘗過Humboldt Fog了嗎? 味道好極了
[28:11.09]Eleanor's right. Enough business talk. Eleanor說的對 不要再談生意了
[28:13.09]Right. 沒錯
[28:13.63]Let's focus on our families' other joint venture-- 讓我們把焦點轉(zhuǎn)向我們兩家的 另一個"合作產(chǎn)物"--
[28:15.82]the union of our children. 下一代的結(jié)合
[28:17.32]I have to say,every time I look at anne's finger 我必須要說 每次我看著Anne的手指
[28:19.51]- and see blair's future engagement ring... - yes. - 看到的就是Blair未來的訂婚戒指... - 是的
[28:22.00]I can hardly contain my joy. 我?guī)缀鯚o法按奈我的喜悅
[28:23.56]Blair,why don't you try it on? Blair 為何不來試戴一下呢?
[28:25.02]No,thank you. 不用了 謝謝
[28:26.08]It's all right. 不用了
[28:26.78]- yes,I would like to see it. - Anne,give it to blair. - 是啊 我也很想看看 - Anne 把戒指給Blair
[28:28.84]dad,she doesn't want to try on the ring. 爸爸 她不想試戴那個戒指
[28:30.10]Howie,why don't we just let it alone? Howie 我們?yōu)槭裁床荒茈S他們?nèi)ツ?
[28:31.41]just give it to the girl,anne. 把戒指給她 Anne
[28:35.13]Eleanor,do we have another bottle? Eleanor 我們還有酒嗎?
[28:36.85]If there was ever an occasion for the toast,this is it. 如果要說有值得敬酒的時刻 絕對就是現(xiàn)在
[28:39.22]They're gonna make such a beautiful couple. 他們是多么天造地設(shè)的一對啊
[28:41.41]Now come on. 來吧
[28:42.16]Slide that thing on. 戴上它
[28:46.35]that's what I'm talking about,huh? 這就是我所說的 不是嗎?
[28:47.96]Oh,it's very pretty. 喔 太美了
[28:48.82]- It looks magnificent to me. - Thank you - 它看上去簡直完美無瑕 - 謝謝
[28:51.13]- Everybody,yeah?Yeah? - it's perfect on her. - 你們說是不是 呃? 呃? - 這個戒指太配她了
[28:52.39]Oh,now how about that toast? Come on. 喔 現(xiàn)在是不是該舉杯慶祝了? 來吧
[28:53.75]Everybody,bottoms up. 大家一起來 干咯!
[28:55.42]Dad,why don't we go smoke the cigars we got,huh? 爸爸 我們何不出去抽根雪茄呢 好嗎?
[28:58.51]Good idea. Excuse us. 好主意 失陪一下
[28:59.50]Certainly. 沒問題
[29:22.63]- this seat taken? - Father. - 這兒有人坐嗎? - 父親
[29:26.06]The light of day doesn't do this place any justice. 白天的日光沒照出這里的 真正一面
[29:28.37]I told him he had to check it out when the joint was in full swing. 我跟他說過 等場子熱鬧起來后 再來看看
[29:31.04]Chuck,this is pauletta cho. Chuck 這位是Pauletta Cho
[29:32.55]Chuck bass. Pleasure. 我叫Chuck Bass 很高興認(rèn)識你
[29:34.50]All mine. 我的榮幸
[29:35.33]Pauletta interviewed me for that recent piece in "the observer," Pauletta為"觀察者"最近的那篇報道 而采訪過我
[29:38.45]roped me into a lunch yesterday to pitch me on the idea of helping her with a career change. 昨天請我吃午餐的時候 毛遂自薦 讓我?guī)退聵I(yè)轉(zhuǎn)型
[29:42.65]What can I say? 我能說什么呢?
[29:43.49]I'm tired of reporting on titans. 我已經(jīng)厭煩了報道大亨
[29:45.43]I wanna be one myself. 我想自己也成為一名大亨
[29:47.05]Right. Well,uh,who better to help than my father? 喔 呃 還有誰比我父親更適合幫你呢?
[29:50.68]As a test,I gave her your proposal that I was given to take a look at. 作為測試 我把你給我的計劃書給她看了
[29:54.02]The math was fine, 計劃書里的統(tǒng)計做的還可以
[29:55.22]but what interested me was the wish fulfillment quality to the report. 但是讓我更感興趣的是報告中透露出來的 那種強(qiáng)烈的自我實現(xiàn)的渴望
[29:59.84]So perhaps,some,uh, 所以 也許 呃
[30:03.34]d-school thinking and fatherly bias clouded my judgment. 老派的思維方式和父親的偏見 影響了我的判斷
[30:07.29]What do you say? 你覺得呢?
[30:12.92]I love the idea of being a patron of burgeoning talent. 我很樂意作一個后起之秀的資助人
[30:15.97]Shall we take a full tour? 我們到處轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)吧?
[30:17.28]Yeah. 好的
[30:19.02]You know,I've been trying to get ahold of lily, 呃 我一直在找Lily
[30:20.97]but,uh,I don't seem able to. 但是 呃 我好像找不到她
[30:25.05]Uh,dad. 呃 爸爸
[30:29.37]there's something I have to tell you. 有些事我必須告訴你
[30:33.90]- dad,you have a problem. - I don't have a problem. - 老爸 你有問題 - 我沒有問題
[30:35.52]You're tweaked and embarrassing. 你緊張而胡言亂語 讓我們很尷尬
[30:36.92]- You're trying to tell me you don't have a problem? - Don't be so dramatic. - 你還想說你沒有問題? - 不要那么夸張
[30:39.43]No,you reminded me every day how important this business deal is to you. 不 你每天都提醒我 這筆生意對您有多重要
[30:42.95]I mean,you've been selling me out trying to make it happen, 我是說 你為了讓這次合作成功 一路強(qiáng)迫我
[30:45.65]pushing me towards dartmouth,towards blair. 逼我去上Dartmouth大學(xué) 逼我跟Blair交往
[30:48.18]You don't understand. 你不會明白的
[30:49.18]Dad,you're totally sabotaging all of it tonight. 老爸 你今晚會毀了這一切的
[30:51.00]Hey,who the hell are you to tell me? 嘿 你以為你是誰 敢跟我說這些?
[30:52.87]I'm the adult. You're the kid. 是大人 你是孩子
[30:55.00]I know. 我知道
[30:57.88]I'm going back inside. 我要進(jìn)去了
[30:59.93]Dad,don'T. 老爸 不要
[31:01.27]Nate,let go of me. Nate 放開我
[31:15.59]- what's going on here? - Nothing.He's my son. - 怎么了? - 沒什么 他是我兒子
[31:18.13]Is everything all right? 有什么事情嗎?
[31:19.31]I said everything's fine. 我說了沒事
[31:20.40]I'm not asking you. 我不是在問你
[31:21.86]Sorry,dad. You need help. 對不起 老爸 你需要幫助
[31:26.94]Check his pockets while you're at it. 搜身的時候 檢查一下他的口袋
[31:30.54]All right,sir,just relax. 好了 先生 請放松
[31:38.83]My father went home sick. 就說我父親身體不舒服先回家了
[31:40.39]Spotted on 5th avenue-- a father and son showdown. 第五大道 父子倆攤牌了
[31:44.17]Too bad not all the witnesses can be bought off. 可惜不是所有的目擊者都能被買通的
[31:48.57]she's not taking my calls. 她不接我的電話
[31:51.35]I can't believe you did this. 真不敢相信你竟然做了這樣的事
[31:52.43]I made a mistake. 我犯了個錯誤
[31:53.45]This isn't high school,chuck. 這不是在中學(xué) Chuck
[31:54.56]I'm sure she'll take you back once you explain. 我相信等你解釋清楚了 她就會回到你身邊的
[31:56.05]I'm not so certain about that. 我可沒那么確信
[31:58.73]If she doesn't,I'm not sure that's my fault. 如果那樣她都不會回心轉(zhuǎn)意的話 那這就不是我的過錯了
[32:01.24]There's a reason she was so quick to believe me. 她那么容易就相信我的話 肯定有原因的
[32:04.25]There's a fire-eater in the ladies lounge. 女洗手間里有一個吞火表演者
[32:09.44]you two should set a meeting,see if this place can really be something. 你們兩個應(yīng)該開個會 討論一下是否可以把這個地方搞出點名堂來
[32:14.12]I'm gonna try and find lily and fix this. 我要去找Lily 解釋清楚
[32:24.02]What are you doing? 你在干嗎?
[32:25.96]I'm going to victrola. 我要去Victrola
[32:27.13]I promised chuck. It's important to him. 我答應(yīng)過Chuck的 這對他來說很重要
[32:28.88]I saw your father get arrested. 我看到你父親被帶走了
[32:31.09]Why didn't you come to me? 為什么你不能找我來傾訴呢?
[32:32.58]I would've listened. 我愿意作你的聽眾
[32:34.35]I've tried,blair. 我試過了 Blair
[32:36.25]But every time I try,something's got your attention-- 但是每次我想找你的時候 你總是在忙別的事情--
[32:38.51]a dinner party,you know,a masked ball. 晚宴 呃 化妝舞會
[32:41.07]Yeah,let's talk about that masked ball. 是啊 讓我們來談?wù)勀谴位瘖y舞會
[32:44.10]Let's talk about how while I was waiting for you to find me so that 讓我們來談?wù)?當(dāng)我一心一意盼著你來找到我
[32:46.32]we could finally be together, 我們可以重修舊好的時候
[32:47.98]you were confessing your feelings and kissing serena. 你卻在對Serena訴說衷腸 吻她
[32:51.87]I thought I was doing everything right. 我以為我一直以來做的一切都是對的
[32:54.80]It's not your fault. 這不是你的問題
[32:56.88]Do you love me? 你愛我嗎?
[33:16.15]you should deal with your father. 你應(yīng)該好好照顧你父親
[33:19.85]He needs you. 他需要你
[33:21.99]You know what? 你知道嗎?
[33:24.49]I don'T. 我不再需要你了
[33:37.68]okay,I'm ready. 好了 我準(zhǔn)備好了
[33:44.13]May I? 我可以牽你的手嗎?
[33:50.69]I know it may not compare to,uh, 我知道這無法和...
[33:52.75]a suite at the ritz in paris or a chalet in aspen, 巴黎的麗茲酒店套房或是 阿斯彭的山中別墅相比
[33:56.36]and it might be a fire hazard,but... 而且也有火災(zāi)的危險 但是...
[33:59.15]it's perfect. 太完美了
[34:14.21]Where's nate? Nate呢?
[34:15.87]- I think we just broke up. - What? - 我想我們剛剛分手了 - 什么?
[34:17.84]I don't want to talk about it. 我不想談這個
[34:19.33]I just want to escape. 我只想遠(yuǎn)離這一切
[34:20.91]That's what this place is for,right? 這個地方不就是用來躲避俗世的嗎?
[34:37.38]I know you don't want to talk about what happened,but-- 我知道你不想說剛才發(fā)生的事情 但是--
[34:39.35]relief. 解脫感
[34:41.94]I feel relief. 我有種解脫的感覺
[34:46.82]you know,I got moves. 要知道 我也能扭兩下子
[34:48.49]Really? 是嗎?
[34:50.50]Then why don't you get up there? 那干嗎不上臺去?
[34:52.12]no,I'm just saying,I have moves. 不 我只是說我會扭兩下
[34:54.36]Come on,you're ten times hotter than any of those girls. 去吧 你比那些女孩都要辣十倍
[34:56.16]I know what you're doing,bass. 我知道你想干嗎 Bass
[35:01.21]you really don't think I'd go up there. 你該不會認(rèn)為我不敢上去吧?
[35:03.18]I know you won't do it. 我知道你不會上去的
[35:08.66]guard my drink. 看好我的酒
[35:54.37]who's that girl? 那個女孩是誰?
[35:55.87]I have no idea. 我不知道
[35:58.76]You go,baby vamp. 好樣的 小吸血鬼
[36:30.23]as you might have guessed,upper east siders, 你可能會猜到 在上流社會里
[36:32.63]prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition. "禁令"永遠(yuǎn)不可能禁錮得了"展放"
[36:36.43]It's human nature to be free. 這是渴望自由的人性所致
[36:38.59]And no matter how long you try to be good,you can't keep a bad girl down. 無論你多么想作個好女孩 你永遠(yuǎn)不可能按奈得了心中的壞
[36:47.90]Well,this is a new strain of obsessive-compulsive. 哇哦 這是強(qiáng)迫癥的一種新癥狀?
[36:51.40]The,uh,art piece projects up to the ceiling. 呃 畫作要投射到天花板上
[36:54.31]Oh,still doing anything to get a girl on her back,huh? 喔 為了反駁女人的嘮叨 你還真是不顧一切 呃?
[36:58.79]What are you doing here,lil? 你來這干嗎 Lil?
[37:01.78]let me ask you that question another way. 讓我換種方式問你
[37:03.95]Did you break up with bart again? 你和Bart又鬧翻了?
[37:06.14]Well,what did I do to deserve such a thorny welcome? 喔 我作了什么讓你這樣諷刺我?
[37:08.94]I'm sorry. I'm really not in the mood to play games. 對不起 我真的沒有心情和你玩游戲
[37:10.87]I don't know what's happening with my wife or my marriage, 我不知道我妻子和我的婚姻 出了什么問題
[37:13.19]and you showing up here randomly 而你又隨意的出現(xiàn)在這里
[37:15.05]and often doesn't make figuring that out any easier. 讓我更加摸不著頭腦
[37:19.74]I'm sorry I bothered you,really. 很抱歉打擾了你 真的很抱歉
[37:22.24]Lil,wait. Lil 等等
[37:24.03]You know,if you wanna stay and see the, 你知道 如果你想留下來
[37:25.72]uh,installation,I could really use the company. 看著我投影展示 我很樂意有人陪伴
[37:29.40]Oh,I don't want to be in your way. 喔 我不想礙你的事
[37:32.20]Van Der Woodsen Since when,van der woodsen? 你什么時候耽誤過我的事?
[37:57.94]I've been meaning to get that fixed. 我一直想把那個修好
[38:02.59]I'm really happy to be here with you right now. 我真的很高興能和你 象現(xiàn)在這樣在一起
[38:13.09]wait. 等等
[38:15.87]What? What,did I do something wrong? 怎么了? 我做錯什么了嗎?
[38:17.72]- No. - I knew the hair thing was too much. - 沒有 - 我就知道抓頭發(fā)那招用過頭了
[38:19.76]No. 不是的
[38:21.94]No,it's just,um... 不是這個 只是 呃...
[38:23.44]um,"um" is never good. 呃 "呃"就肯定沒好事
[38:26.65]What? I... I'm scared. 什么? 我...我有點害怕
[38:29.43]of me? 怕我?
[38:30.41]No. 不是
[38:32.22]Well,yes,but... 呃 是的 但是...
[38:35.28]no,it's just-- I've never,um... 不是 只是--我從來沒有 呃...
[38:37.73]you've--you've never-- you're not... 你--你從來沒有--你不是...
[38:40.38]- no. - All right. - 不是 - 喔
[38:41.71]No,I-I wish. 我不是第一次 雖然我-我希望是
[38:46.63]It's just,nobody's ever looked at me the way you just did. 只是從來沒有人象你 剛才那樣看著我
[38:51.73]In fact,I don't think they looked at me at all. 事實上 我覺得他們從來沒真正的 注視過我
[38:54.33]You think I'm crazy,don't you? 你覺得我瘋了 是嗎?
[38:58.44]no. No,I don'T. 不 不 我沒有
[39:01.33]Are you mad? 你不高興了嗎?
[39:05.04]come here. 過來
[39:17.67]Thank you. 謝謝
[39:19.16]Mom,hey. 媽媽 嘿
[39:21.10]What's going on? 怎么了?
[39:22.31]What do you think? 你認(rèn)為呢?
[39:25.10]I'm headed down to the police station. 我要去警察局
[39:26.91]The lawyers will meet me there along with someone from the district attorney's office. 律師會在那等我 還有地方檢察院的人
[39:31.88]Wait,what? 等等 什么?
[39:33.83]Why can't we just pay his bail? 我們?yōu)槭裁床荒馨阉a尦鰜?
[39:35.40]His bail is set at a miion dollars. 他的保釋金要一百萬
[39:37.43]What are you talking about? It wasn't even that much coke. 你在說什么? 他身上的白粉根本就沒那么多
[39:39.93]It seems your father is facing some other charges. 看來你父親還要面臨其他指控
[39:43.72]For what? 什么指控?
[39:46.76]Embezzlement and fraud. 挪用公款和詐騙
[39:50.70]I guess they've been building their case for a while. 我想他們已經(jīng)暗中調(diào)查了一段時間了
[39:55.27]Well,are you coming? 呃 你一起來嗎?
[40:20.33]mom... 媽媽...
[40:22.89]it's time for you to come home. 你該回家了
[40:42.47] 謝謝你送我回家
[40:44.41] 你在臺上的樣子真是太迷人了
[41:00.05]You sure? 你確定?

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