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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:32:54
[00:00.50]Gossip girl here 緋聞女孩
[00:01.70]your one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite. 為你帶來曼哈頓上流社會 第一手的八卦內(nèi)幕
[00:05.60]How's your mom doing with the divorce and everything? 你媽媽還好嗎?離婚的事怎么樣了
[00:08.00]So my dad left her for another man. 我父親因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)男的離開她了
[00:09.70]She lost 15 pounds, got an eye lift. 她瘦了15磅 做了一次眼部拉皮
[00:11.60]It's been good for her. 對她來說是好事
[00:12.30]My mom kind of left us a couple months ago. 我媽媽幾個(gè)月前離開了我們
[00:14.30]My dad and my sister don't really see that. 爸爸和妹妹好像并沒有真正意識到
[00:16.80]I don't know what's happened with my wife or my marriage, 我不知道我的生活和婚姻出了什么問題
[00:19.10]and you showing up here randomly doesn't make figuring that out any easier. 而你時(shí)不時(shí)出現(xiàn)只能讓一切更混亂
[00:22.40]Am i the only one who thinks this is extremely weird? 難道只有我一個(gè)人覺得很別扭嗎?
[00:24.20]Forget about it. 夠了
[00:25.00]If dad can let it go, so can you. 爸爸都不計(jì)較了 你更可以
[00:26.10]I can't believe you didn't tell me your mom came home. 你居然沒告訴我你媽媽回家了
[00:27.90]Your wife despises me. 你妻子鄙視我
[00:29.30]- I wouldn't say that. - Well, she did. - 我不這么想 - 她可是這么想的
[00:31.10]You should deal with your father. 你該去找你父親
[00:32.30]He needs you. 他需要你
[00:32.90]I don't. 我不需要
[00:33.70]We broke up, okay? 我們分手了 滿意了?
[00:35.00]He was gonna get back together with me, 他想和我復(fù)合
[00:36.20]but only so my mom would help his dad. 可只是為了讓我媽媽能幫他爸爸
[00:37.80]I need your support here, son, and your trust. 我需要你的支持 兒子 相信我
[00:39.70]Well, you better hope for your sake they don't call your son to the stand. 那你最好祈禱他們不會傳召你兒子上庭指證你
[00:42.40]Do you like me? 你喜歡我嗎?
[00:44.00]Define "like." 定義下“喜歡”
[00:58.80]<font color="#4096d1">Gossip Girl Season01 Episode09
[01:02.60]As per gossip girl's thanksgiving tradition, 和往年感恩節(jié)一樣 緋聞女孩
[01:05.20]i'm trading my laptop for stove top, 要把電腦換成暖爐了
[01:07.70]and for the next 16 hours, the only thing i'm dishing is seconds. 接下來16個(gè)小時(shí)里 我能說的都是些過時(shí)的八卦了
[01:11.90]When the cat's away, the mice will play. 一旦貓離開 老鼠的狂歡就開始了
[01:14.30]Have fun, little rodents. 玩的開心點(diǎn) 小家伙們
[01:17.10]I mean, who gets wasted on thanksgiving? 怎么能在感恩節(jié)的時(shí)候揮霍無度呢
[01:20.30]The holidays are lonely for people. 節(jié)日的時(shí)候人更加寂寞
[01:22.10]I wanted to keep 'em company. 我想把寂寞的人都湊一起
[01:23.70]Whoo! 哇
[01:25.00]THANKSGIVING. 感恩節(jié)
[01:26.30]LAST YEAR. 去年
[01:28.00]your mom is freaking out, so my mom is freaking out. 你媽媽嚇壞了 我媽媽也是
[01:30.80]What, which means you freak out? 什么 難不成你也嚇壞了?
[01:32.20]Blair, just cut the cord. Go nuts. Blair 別理這些條條框框 瘋一次吧
[01:33.90]Come on. Let's do shots. 來吧 我們?nèi)ド鋼?br /> [01:35.20]Come on! 快
[01:35.80]I told lily that you were buying a pie. 我跟Lily說你出來買派的
[01:39.10]Oh, pie. 哦 派
[01:40.00]Where is your purse? 你的包呢?
[01:42.30]- Uh, my purse... - Oh, great. All right. - 我的包 - 好極了 好吧
[01:45.70]You stay here, okay? 站著別動 好嗎?
[01:47.50]I'm gonna go look. 我去找找
[01:48.40]Don't drink or hit on anything. 別再喝了 什么都別做
[01:51.20]Pie's been secured. 我搞定派了
[01:52.30]Thanksgiving no longer needs to be canceled, all right? 感恩節(jié)不用取消了 怎么樣?
[01:59.90]Hey, mom, you know, i need to go. 嘿 媽媽 我先掛了
[02:00.70]I'm sorry. Bye. 對不起
[02:04.30]Oh, man. 天啊
[02:08.40]Hey! What are you doing? 嘿 你在干嘛?
[02:09.40]Hey, right of way, pal. 就走了
[02:12.40]Screw you, buddy! 神經(jīng)病 說你呢
[02:13.20]Hey, uh, excu--excuse me. 嘿 嗯 抱歉
[02:14.00]D-do you need, like, a crossing guard or a cab maybe? 要幫忙嗎? 找個(gè)人帶你過馬路或者一輛出租
[02:19.70]Oh, pie. 哦 派
[02:21.60]It's more like roadkill now, but, uh, better it than you, right? 現(xiàn)在更像一灘爛泥 不過還是比你清醒些
[02:27.40]Um... 嗯...
[02:29.40]I'm--i'm dan... 我 我是Dan...
[02:30.40]Humphrey. Humphrey
[02:31.40]- Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨
[02:32.60]Uh, i don't know. 其實(shí)
[02:34.10]We met last year. 我們?nèi)ツ暌娺^
[02:35.40]You m-- you might not remember. 你 你可能不記得了
[02:37.60]Yeah, i--you probably don't, but look, you should be more careful. 我--你可能忘了 可是 你得小心點(diǎn)
[02:40.30]You need to keep your hands off of her. 把手從她身上拿開
[02:42.00]Blair! Blair
[02:42.60]Trying to take advantage of her on the holidays. 居然想在過節(jié)的時(shí)候占她便宜
[02:44.30]Come on. Let's go, serena. 快 走吧 Serena
[02:49.70]Bye, dave. 再見 Dave
[02:51.30]Bye. 再見
[02:52.80]Bye. 再見
[02:55.70]Bye, serena. 再見 Serena
[03:00.10]Hey. 嘿
[03:01.20]And hello to you. 你好嗎?
[03:02.20]Big national holiday. You excited? 大節(jié)日來了 興奮嗎
[03:04.10]Kind of am. 有一點(diǎn)
[03:05.50]Might be the first thanksgiving in a while that i actually remember. 可能會是第一個(gè)我會記得清 做了什么的感恩節(jié)
[03:08.70]Yeah, i bet. 希望
[03:10.40]Huh? 什么?
[03:11.40]Nothing. 沒什么
[03:12.00]- Uh, you-- uh, you at blair's? - Almost. - 嗯 你在Blair家? - 快到了
[03:14.20]Her dad's gonna be home for the first time since he left, 他爸爸要回家過節(jié) 這是他走后第一次會來
[03:16.50]so she's really excited. Blair興奮極了
[03:18.00]Oh, well, family reunions are all around then. 哦 全家人團(tuán)聚
[03:20.20]Uh, we, too, have a full humphrey household. 我們也是 Humphrey家全員到齊
[03:22.90]Hopefully, it'll stick. 希望能長久
[03:23.90]Well, it seems like your mom is really trying. 看起來你媽媽真的很用心
[03:26.10]Better thanksgiving than never. 亡羊補(bǔ)牢
[03:28.10]Call me between every course? 每個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)都打電話告訴我
[03:29.70]Okay. 好吧
[03:30.60]Mwah.Bye. 再見
[03:33.90]Mom, is it really okay to cook with this much heavy cream? 媽媽 加這么多的重奶酪真的可以嗎?
[03:36.50]Our arteries give us a free pass on turkey day. 今天是火雞日 我們的血管會通融一下的
[03:38.80]It's a shame our family doesn't have a few hundred more members. 真可惜我們家沒有上百個(gè)人
[03:41.30]Do you think i bought too much? 你覺得我買的太多了?
[03:42.40]Only by several tons. 只是多了幾噸而已
[03:43.60]But it's our first holiday back. 可這是我們重聚后第一個(gè)節(jié)日
[03:44.80]I wanted to make sure it was special. 我希望能特別一點(diǎn)
[03:48.10]I think they call that guilt. 我想這就是所謂的內(nèi)疚
[03:50.20]Yeah, i guess they do. 對 我想也是
[03:52.10]But if it means more midnight turkey sandwiches for all of us, then so be it. 如果這意味著更多的火雞三明治做夜宵 我沒意見
[03:55.10]Yeah, see, dan? 聽到了嗎 Dan?
[03:55.90]Uh, we on this side of the kitchen choose to be positive. 廚房這邊的人都是樂觀派的
[03:59.10]Yeah, dan. 沒錯(cuò) Dan
[04:00.40]What's it gonna be? 你想怎么樣?
[04:01.20]You with us or against us? 朋友還是敵人?
[04:02.10]Uh... 恩...
[04:03.70]Fine. 好吧
[04:04.60]But only if i can take the cranberry sauce out of the can. 不過得讓我來開酸果曼沙司的罐子
[04:06.30]That is my specialty. 這是我的專利
[04:09.30]I have to find this recipe before my dad gets here. 我得在爸爸到之前找到這個(gè)配方
[04:11.70]Harold waldorf's famous pumpkin pie. Harold waldorf最著名的南瓜派
[04:14.00]Well, it may have been bobby flay's, 其實(shí)是 Bobby Flay的
[04:15.30]but it didn't stop my dad from taking credit for it. 可這不會影響我爸爸受到的好評
[04:18.30]It's gonna be perfect! 真是太棒我
[04:19.40]Look at you. 看看你
[04:21.00]Quite the chipper sous-chef. 像個(gè)開心的大廚
[04:22.50]Well, i'm in a good mood. 我心情好極了
[04:24.00]It happens. 有很多原因
[04:25.00]Sometimes 'cause i increase my lexapro, 有時(shí)候是多吃了幾片興奮劑
[04:26.60]sometimes because my dad's in town. 或者因?yàn)槲野职忠獊砹?br /> [04:28.00]And sometimes, mostly because things are good with a boy. 有些時(shí)候 完全是因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)男孩
[04:32.20]You and nate get back together? 你和Nate復(fù)合了嗎?
[04:33.30]You mean since gossip girl published pictures of him and some skank? 你是說在緋聞女孩把他和 一個(gè)婊子的照片發(fā)在網(wǎng)上后?
[04:36.20]So that's a no. 就是說沒有
[04:39.20]What's chuck doing today? Chuck今天做什么?
[04:41.70]Why are you asking me? 干嘛問我?
[04:44.20]Well, you guys are friends. 他是你朋友啊
[04:46.40]And, blair, look, you know you can tell me anything. Blair 你知道你可以對我說任何事
[04:49.10]I'd be the last person to judge anyone. 我絕對不會批評你的
[04:50.70]With good reason. 這是有原因的
[04:54.40]Blair, i saw you with chuck. Blair我看到你和Chuck了
[04:59.40]I don't know what i was thinking. 我不知道我在想些什么
[05:01.40]I mean, sleeping with him once, maybe you could understand, but twice? 和他上一次床可以理解 居然上了兩次?
[05:03.80]Wait. You slept with him? 等等 你和他上床了?
[05:04.80]- Shh! - Ugh. - 噓 - 厄
[05:05.60]Blair! Blair
[05:06.40]What happened to no judging? 你說了不會批評我的
[05:07.50]I'm not, but i thought you wanted to wait. 我沒有 只是我以為你想要特別一點(diǎn)
[05:09.30]I thought you wanted to make things special. 我知道你希望這件事特別一點(diǎn)
[05:10.80]Oh, so nate gets the free pass, and i'm the slut? Nate就可以亂來 而我隨便一點(diǎn)就是蕩婦
[05:14.00]Tell me you didn't sleep with chuck for revenge. 告訴我你和Chuck上床不是為了報(bào)復(fù)
[05:16.90]Well, it wasn't because i like his natural musk, 總不可能是因?yàn)樗奶烊击晗阄栋?br /> [05:19.80]and besides, nothing hurts more than sleeping with the best friend, right, s. 而且 和他最好的朋友上床 是傷害他的最好的方法了 對嗎?S
[05:24.20]Way to prove a point. 是個(gè)好辦法
[05:26.40]Well, i learned from the master. 我是學(xué)了某些人的
[05:27.70]If you're sleeping with chuck, i'd say the student's become the master. 如果你和Chuck上的床 我得說你是別人向你學(xué)習(xí)了
[05:30.70]Are you jealous you didn't get to sleep with him first? 你嫉妒了? 因?yàn)槟悴皇堑谝粋€(gè)和他上床的?
[05:34.10]There had to be somebody left on the upper east side. 上東區(qū)肯定還有別人的
[05:37.10]Blair, darling, are you going to help me at all? Blair你要過來幫手嗎?
[05:40.80]Serena, do you know when your mother's arriving? Serena 你知道你媽媽什么時(shí)候到嗎?
[05:44.40]She's not. 她不會到了
[05:46.10]We're not doing thanksgiving here anymore. 我們不在這過感恩節(jié)了
[05:48.10]Oh. 哦
[05:49.10]Why? 為什么?
[05:49.70]Because i uninvited them. 因?yàn)槲覜]邀請她
[05:58.10]Happy holidays, eleanor. 節(jié)日快樂 Eleanor
[06:06.70]Mom, i know it'sy fault that we're here, but let's not get crazy. 媽媽 我知道是我的錯(cuò) 可我們不能亂來吧
[06:09.40]Well, i don't know what you're complaining about. 我不知道你在抱怨什么
[06:11.10]I'm just trying to provide my family with a home-cooked meal. 我只是想做一頓家常飯給我的家人
[06:14.30]You don't know how to cook. 你根本不會做飯
[06:15.70]Well, don't blame me. 不要埋怨我
[06:17.30]Talk to your sister. 怪你姐姐吧
[06:18.00]She's the one that got us exiled from the waldorfs. 是她害得我們被Waldorfs驅(qū)逐的
[06:20.50]Oh, i'm sorry. 對不起
[06:21.20]And even if you did cook, we don't have an oven. 就算你會做飯 我們也沒有烤箱啊
[06:23.30]Preaching to the converted, eric. Eric 還是那個(gè)原因
[06:25.30]Look, we'll just pick up a few things and try to make do. 我們找一找 盡量用別的替代吧
[06:28.10]Like peking duck on thanksgiving. 比如感恩節(jié)北京烤鴨
[06:29.90]Not a bad idea. 這主意不錯(cuò)
[06:31.10]No, mom. 不行 媽媽
[06:32.20]All the other shops are closed. 其它店子都關(guān)門了
[06:33.80]There's nothing wrong with having chinese food on thanksgiving. 在感恩節(jié)吃中國菜沒什么不對的
[06:36.90]What? 什么?
[06:37.40]Jews having been doing it on christmas since forever. 猶太人在圣誕節(jié)都這么吃的
[06:40.10]Look, a pumpkin. 看 南瓜
[06:41.90]Isn't this... 這是不是...
[06:43.00]This is festive, yes? 很有節(jié)日感覺 對嗎?
[06:44.90]We're gonna eat a pumpkin? 我們要吃一個(gè)南瓜?
[06:48.10]Mom. 媽媽
[06:49.90]Oh. 哦
[06:52.70]So you couldn't make it past the salad, huh? 等不到上沙拉就打來了?
[06:54.40]I opened the cranberries. 我打開了酸果曼醬了
[06:55.30]My work is done. 我的任務(wù)完成了
[06:57.40]How's blair's? Blair家怎么樣?
[06:58.70]Uh, i wouldn't know. 我不知道
[06:59.90]She gave me the boot. 她讓我走人了
[07:01.30]Wh--she kicked you out of her house? 哇 她把你踢出門了?
[07:03.20]What happened now? 現(xiàn)在怎么樣呢?
[07:04.60]Uh, don't ask, 別問了
[07:06.00]but the good news is, my mom is gonna slice us up a pumpkin. 但是好消息是 我媽媽要給我們做片切南瓜吃
[07:09.70]Oh, and there's duck. 哦 還有烤鴨
[07:10.80]No, no, no. 不 不 不
[07:11.50]You can't eat duck and raw pumpkin on thanksgiving. 你不能在感恩節(jié)吃烤鴨和生南瓜
[07:16.80]Uh, you know what? 這樣吧
[07:18.00]I'm the guardian of vanessa's sister's van for the weekend, 我要幫Vanessa的姐妹會 照顧她們的露營車整個(gè)周末
[07:20.40]and we here at the humphrey manor have an oddly large kitchen table. 而且Humphrey家有個(gè)超級大的餐桌
[07:24.20]What are you suggesting? 你想說什么?
[07:25.40]These smell great. 這個(gè)聞起來不錯(cuò)
[07:26.70]Yes, so we can starve in a fragrant hotel room. 我們能餓死在一個(gè)好聞的酒店房間里恩羅
[07:29.10]We're not starving. 我們不會挨餓的
[07:30.50]Look, i got us into this mess, so i'm gonna get us out of it. 一人做事一人當(dāng)
[07:33.50]Elaborate, serena. 說清楚點(diǎn) Serena
[07:35.20]Thanksgiving at the humphreys. Humphreys家過感恩節(jié)
[07:37.30]Dan invited me, Dan 邀請我了
[07:38.00]and eric's friends with his sister, and his dad's really cool. Eric和他妹妹是朋友 他爸爸人很好
[07:41.20]Awesome. I'm leaving the pumpkin. 太好了 終于不用吃南瓜了
[07:42.70]What do you say, mom? 你覺得怎么樣 媽媽?
[07:51.70]THANKSGIVING. 感恩節(jié)
[07:53.20]THANKSGIVING. LAST YEAR. 感恩節(jié) 去年
[07:56.80]??? 大廚 需要你幫下忙
[07:58.30]Sous-chef, you're needed. 隨時(shí)候命
[07:59.30]Ready and awaiting orders. 看來我們又多了個(gè)幫手
[08:00.80]I see we have extra help. 是的 Serena和我們一起過感恩節(jié)
[08:02.20]Yes, well, serena's spending thanksgiving with us this year.
[08:05.00]Ah, the more the merrier. 太好了
[08:07.00]Happy to have you, my dear. 親愛的 你能來太好了
[08:08.00]Whoo! 哇
[08:08.70]Yes! 太好了
[08:09.30]The canap镾 were a huge success. 南瓜派太受歡迎了
[08:12.40]I saved one for you, blair. 我給你留了一個(gè) Blair
[08:13.80]I'm not really hungry. 我不餓
[08:16.00]Well, what does that mean, you're not really hungry? 你說什么? 你不餓?
[08:17.70]Well, i had, like, 15 of them this morning when daddy first made them. 早上爸爸剛做出來的時(shí)候 我就吃了...15個(gè)了
[08:21.20]15? 15?
[08:23.30]Serena. Serena
[08:23.90]Serena! Serena
[08:25.10]Do you think that's wise? 你覺得這樣好嗎?
[08:26.60]Darling, she's fine. 親愛的 沒事的
[08:27.90]She has been for two months. 她都這樣整整兩個(gè)月了
[08:29.80]What did the doctor say? 醫(yī)生怎么說?
[08:31.60]Don't drive us crazy, okay? 別逼得大家太緊了 好嗎?
[08:34.10]- So, please. - Ah, fine. - 所有 - 好吧
[08:36.50]We are going to need to set another place at the table. 我們得再加一個(gè)位置
[08:39.50]Laurel brought one of the models i'm working with. Laurel 帶了一個(gè)模特來
[08:42.10]Do i know her? What's her name? 我認(rèn)識嗎? 叫什么?
[08:43.50]His name is roman. 他 的名字是Roman
[08:46.40]Ah.Roman. 哦 Roman
[08:48.80]Not this one, harold. 這個(gè)不行 Harold
[08:51.40]We have to work together. 我們還要一起合作呢
[08:53.50]Hey, you! 嘿
[08:55.40]- Happy thanksgiving. - You, too. - 感恩節(jié)快樂 - 你也是
[08:57.20]- Good to see you. - Want one? - 很高興見到你 - 來一個(gè)嗎?
[08:57.90]Ah, sure. 當(dāng)然
[08:58.80]- Good boy. - Nate the great. - 好孩子 - Nate 最棒
[09:00.80]- So what'd i miss? - Mm, nothing. - 我錯(cuò)過什么了嗎? - 沒有
[09:02.60]You're about to witness the return of sober serena. 你將親眼見證清醒的Serena的回歸
[09:04.40]- Oh, nate! - Oh, no. - Nate - 哦 不
[09:06.90]Or maybe not. 可能還沒清醒
[09:07.80]Sweetie, would you take her upstairs? 親愛的 你能帶她上樓嗎?
[09:08.90]Put her in the bath before your mother gets wind of this whole situation? 帶她去浴室免得你媽媽又 聽到這些東西不高興
[09:11.50]What, and leave you all alone? 留下你一個(gè)人嗎?
[09:13.40]Thanksgiving is our thing. 感恩節(jié)最大
[09:15.90]Nate, will you please take care of her? Nate 你能照顧好她嗎?
[09:18.00]Please? 拜托?
[09:19.00]Oh, i will. 好吧
[09:19.90]Come on. 來吧
[09:23.10]Daddy, can i help with the pumpkin pie? 爸爸 我能幫忙做南瓜派嗎?
[09:24.50]Of course. 當(dāng)然
[09:27.40]Thank you. 謝謝
[09:28.10]- Crush them. - Thank you very much. - 壓碎他們 - 非常感謝
[09:29.10]Crush them. 壓碎
[09:33.20]Caterers? 宴會承包商?
[09:36.10]What's going on here? 這是怎么回事
[09:38.10]Everyone is getting ready for our lovely dinner, 每個(gè)人都做好了準(zhǔn)備了
[09:40.60]and you should be, too. 你也該開始打扮了
[09:42.20]Everyone except daddy. 爸爸還沒來
[09:43.50]Where is he? 他在哪?
[09:45.50]I thought you knew. 我想你清楚
[09:47.30]Knew what? 清楚什么?
[09:49.20]Your father isn't coming. 你父親不回來了
[09:51.00]He didn't tell you? 他沒告訴你嗎?
[09:54.20]He decided to stay in paris. 他決定待在巴黎
[09:56.40]He's got either too much work, or roman is too much work. 不是他有太多工作 就是Romen有太多工作了
[09:59.80]Who knows? 誰知道呢
[10:00.90]I-i don't understand. 我 我沒弄懂
[10:01.80]If he wasn't coming, why wouldn't he just call me and tell me himself? 如果他不來了 為什么不自己打電話告訴我呢?
[10:04.30]Darling, you should know by now 親愛的 你早該知道了
[10:05.10]that your father is not a fan of the difficult conversation. 你父親不喜歡這種不愉快的談話
[10:08.60]Now why don't you run along and change into something a little more... 為什么不上樓去 換一件比較...
[10:12.30]Enchanting? 迷人的衣服?
[10:15.90]That's good. 太好了
[10:23.00]Are you sure you don't want us to stay with you? 你真的不要我們留下了陪你嗎?
[10:24.80]Yeah, we don't want to leave you, mom, if you don't feel well. 媽媽如果你不舒服 我們不想留下你一個(gè)人
[10:27.10]Oh, no. 哦 不
[10:27.60]You kids have fun. 你們玩的開心點(diǎn)
[10:29.10]I don't have an appetite anyway. 反正我也沒有胃口
[10:31.80]Oh, hold on a second. 等等
[10:32.70]That must be dan. 肯定是Dan
[10:35.80]Hey! 嘿
[10:37.00]- Room service. - Oh. - 客房服務(wù) - 哦
[10:37.90]Oh, no, no, no, no, sir. 不 不 不 先生
[10:38.70]You have the wrong room. 你肯定弄錯(cuò)房間了
[10:39.70]Oh, no, you're early. 哦 不 你來早了
[10:42.20]I lied. 我撒謊了
[10:42.90]Mom. 媽媽
[10:46.10]All i care about is that you two are together. 我只希望你們兩姐弟能在一起
[10:48.60]I don't want to be an imposition. 我不想做個(gè)不速之客
[10:50.30]No. 不
[10:51.70]Man with van, at your service. 尊敬的閣下 為你服務(wù)
[10:54.00]- Hey. - Hey. - 嘿 - 嘿
[10:57.40]Uh, bold choice of attire, mrs.Van der woodsen, 大膽的穿衣品味Van der woodsen太太
[11:00.00]unless it's what they're wearing on the runway these days. 除了最近河道上那些家伙也這么穿
[11:01.70]No, my mom sicked out because she didn't want to be imposing. 不是 媽媽假裝生病了 因?yàn)椴幌氪驍_你們
[11:04.40]You know what? 其實(shí)
[11:05.00]I am fine just curling up and reading a good book. 我真的想一個(gè)人躺著看本小說
[11:07.60]But you're supposed to be with your family on thanksgiving. 可感恩節(jié)應(yīng)該和家人在一起的
[11:09.30]Yeah, and nicholas sparks is hardly family. 可Nicholas Sparks實(shí)在算不上家人
[11:15.60]I'm not taking no for an answer. 我不接受你的拒絕
[11:16.70]In fact, i'm not even asking. 事實(shí)上 我沒打算問你
[11:17.80]You are coming with us. 你必須得來
[11:19.30]I'm adult-napping you. 我是來綁架你的
[11:20.80]Fine, just stop talking, 好了 別說了
[11:23.40]and i'll get ready. 我去準(zhǔn)備
[11:26.30]Make it snappy. I'm double-parked. 快點(diǎn) 我占了兩個(gè)車位
[11:28.20]Thanks. 謝謝
[11:29.50]Hey, rufus humphrey. Rufus Humphrey
[11:30.30]Leave a message, and i'll get back to you. 留下你的口訊 我會及時(shí)回電話的
[11:32.60]Rufus, it's lily. Rufus 我是Lily
[11:34.30]Um, your very persistent son insisted that i join you for dinner. 你兒子很固執(zhí) 一定要我去吃飯
[11:39.80]I want to remind you that my kids do not know that we are friendly, 我想提醒你 孩子們不知道我們的朋友關(guān)系
[11:43.60]and i would like to keep it that way. 而我也不想讓他們知道
[11:46.10]That said... 那么...
[11:48.30]I look forward to seeing you. 很期待見到你
[11:53.60]How could he just blow me off? 他怎么能這么對我呢?
[11:55.70]??? 感恩節(jié)是我們最大的快樂
[11:57.40]?? 他居然連個(gè)電話都沒打?
[11:58.80]??? 打個(gè)電話能有多難?
[12:01.30]?? Blair小姐 也許你該打個(gè)電話給你爸爸
[12:06.10]??? 也許他會告訴你真相
[12:09.30]?? 真相?
[12:11.80]??? 關(guān)于巴黎的
[12:25.20]?? 味道不錯(cuò)
[12:27.60]??? 還好這家店還開著門
[12:29.60]??E waldorfs at the last minute. 因?yàn)樽詈笠环昼姴疟籛aldorfs剔出名單 我不得不匆忙準(zhǔn)備
[12:38.60]Just like i was asked to step down from the committee for the snowflake ball, 就像我被要求退出雪花球俱樂部
[12:42.00]and how i wasn't asked back to the lincoln center foundation. 沒有受到林肯中心基金的二次會面一樣
[12:45.10]I thought at least, your father's lawyer might join us for dessert. 我想最后你父親的律師會和 我們一起吃甜點(diǎn)
[12:47.20]Mom, stop. 媽媽 夠了
[12:48.70]You were all for acting like nothing was wrong until it landed on you. 當(dāng)你們不得不完全面對這些事之前 你們假裝什么都沒有發(fā)生
[12:51.00]Nate. Nate
[12:51.50]I forgot to call the bail bondsman. 我忘了打給保釋官了
[12:52.60]Maybe he has nowhere to go. 也許他也沒地方可去
[12:53.80]Mom, no one is more mad than i am, 媽媽 沒人比我更氣惱了
[12:55.20]but this is not the right way. 可這樣做有什么意義
[12:56.20]Nathaniel, i don't need you to fight this fight for me. Nathaniel 我不需要你維護(hù)我
[13:08.30]Where do you think you're going? 你要去哪?
[13:09.40]Anywhere but here. 除了這哪都行
[13:22.60]Thank you. 謝謝
[13:23.30]What's taking dan and serena so long? Dan and Serena怎么去了這么久?
[13:24.60]Hey, we're here. 嘿 我們到了
[13:25.60]There you are. 終于來了
[13:26.50]You're lucky you made it while the turkey's still hot. 你們該慶幸活雞還是熱的
[13:28.50]Mom, this is serena, and this is her brother eric. 媽媽 這是Serena 這是她弟弟Eric
[13:31.00]It is so nice to meet you both. 很高興見到你們倆
[13:32.60]- It's nice to meet you, too. - Nice to meet you. - 很高興見到你 - 您好
[13:33.90]Hi. 這是她母親 Lily
[13:34.60]And this is their mother, lily.
[13:41.30]Happy thanksgiving. 感恩節(jié)快樂
[13:48.70]just in time, THANKSGIVING.LAST YEAR. 真及時(shí)
[13:49.40]but i thought you were gonna bring pie. THANKSGIVING.LAST YEAR. 你不是說買好派了嗎?
[13:51.20]I did, but it kinda got run over by a taxi, 是買了 不過被出租車壓碎了
[13:54.10]uh, as i was trying to help this girl stay out of traffic. 我把一個(gè)女孩拉出車流的時(shí)候弄丟了派
[13:56.30]Ah, well, who needs dessert when we have a real-life hero in our midst? 能用一個(gè)派換來現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中的英雄 真劃得來
[13:59.50]Your brother just saved a girl. 你哥哥剛救了一個(gè)女孩
[14:00.80]I thought you needed to be near a girl for that to happen. 我以為你得先接近某個(gè)女孩
[14:03.60]Not just any girl. 不是某個(gè)女孩
[14:05.00]The girl. 那個(gè)女孩
[14:05.50]Oh, the blonde you stalk at school? 學(xué)校那個(gè)你喜歡的金發(fā)女孩?
[14:06.90]Just the one. 就是她
[14:07.70]A thing for blondes. 喜歡金發(fā)?
[14:08.80]You are your father's son. 真像你爸爸
[14:10.70]Not just any blonde. 不是所有的金發(fā)
[14:12.50]Apparently, i like the ones who get drunk on thanksgiving and almost die. 很明顯 我喜歡的是在感恩節(jié)都醉 得像個(gè)死人一樣的金發(fā)女孩
[14:15.80]Well, your dad liked 'em dangerous and troubled, too, so... 你爸爸也喜歡危險(xiǎn)又麻煩的 所有...
[14:18.60]You were dangerous? 你很危險(xiǎn)?
[14:19.80]Who said i was talking about me? 誰說我在說自己了?
[14:21.80]Well, i didn't realize there was anyone else. 我不知道原來還有別人
[14:25.70]Well, it is so nice to meet you. 見到你很高興
[14:28.40]Alison. Alison
[14:29.90]Right, it's nice to meet you, too. 見到你也很高興
[14:31.90]- Lily, was it? - Yes. - Lily 對嗎? - 是的
[14:35.30]Well, i'm just gonna take these coats and put them in, um, dan's room. 我把這些外套放到... Dan的房間
[14:40.50]Uh, you know what? It's okay. 哦 沒關(guān)系
[14:41.60]I've got them. 我來就好
[14:43.80]Oh. 哦
[14:46.20]Oh, thank you. 謝謝
[14:48.40]Okay, eric and jenny, napkin duty. Eric and Jenny 負(fù)責(zé)擺桌布
[14:50.80]Serena and dan, i want every water glass filled, Serena 和Dan 把每個(gè)杯子都倒?jié)M
[14:52.70]and every candle you can find lit. 每根蠟燭都點(diǎn)亮
[14:55.00]I am sorry. 很抱歉
[14:55.90]- I did not know that you were-- - back? - 我不知道你-- - 回來了?
[14:58.50]Well, i am. 我回來了
[15:01.20]And why would you know? 你怎么會知道?
[15:02.80]Well, dan never mentioned it when he invited me. Dan邀請我的時(shí)候沒跟我提起這個(gè)
[15:07.00]I called. 我打過電話
[15:08.20]I didn't hear the phone. 我沒聽到
[15:11.70]You know what? 好吧
[15:12.70]It's fine. 沒事
[15:14.20]It's fine. Let's just have a great time. 好吧 好好享受
[15:15.90]- This holiday's about sharing. - Right. - 這是個(gè)有關(guān)分享的節(jié)日 - 太對了
[15:17.30]And if you don't mind, um, could we not share too much? 如果你不介意的話 我們能不能不要了解太多?
[15:20.70]I haven't exactly told my kids about my past. 我還沒跟我孩子說起過我的過去
[15:23.10]Well... 好吧...
[15:25.30]Our past. 我們的過去
[15:26.30]Hey, turkey's almost room temp, guys. 火雞差不多好了
[15:28.40]Come on down. 快過來
[15:29.70]You grab the mashed. 你拿土豆泥
[15:35.90]I got that. 我拿那個(gè)
[15:39.10]Happy thanksgiving. 感恩節(jié)快樂
[15:53.30]Blair... Blair...
[15:54.60]You haven't touched your food. 飯菜還沒動過
[15:56.90]Come on, darling. What has gotten into you? 親愛的 被什么困擾了?
[16:00.10]Well, i was going to wait till after dinner, 我在等晚宴結(jié)束
[16:02.80]but i guess now is as good a time as any. 我猜現(xiàn)在差不多了
[16:06.90]Did you call daddy and say that i didn't want to see him this thanksgiving? 你有沒有打電話和父親說 我不想在感恩節(jié)看到他?
[16:09.20]Of course not. 當(dāng)然沒有
[16:11.00]What a ridiculous accusation. 多荒謬的指責(zé)
[16:13.10]So you didn't tell him that i was so angry at him for leaving, 你沒和他說 我對于他的離開有多氣憤
[16:15.60]that i didn't even want to talk to him today? 我今天都不想和他說話?
[16:20.10]You had no right to uninvite him. 你沒有權(quán)力不邀請他
[16:22.40]When are you gonna get it through your head? 你什么時(shí)候有這種想法?
[16:24.80]- He left us. - He didn't leave us. - 他離開了我們 - 他不是離開我們
[16:27.10]- He left you. - That's enough. -而是你 -夠了
[16:33.10]That's enough. 不要說了
[16:35.30]If you want to take this up with me, 如果你想和我談這事
[16:37.00]we can discuss it later, after our guests have left. 等客人們都走了之后 我們再談
[16:39.80]Right now you either eat or you leave the table. 現(xiàn)在你要么繼續(xù)吃飯要么別呆在這兒
[16:42.20]I told you, i'm not hungry. 我說過了 我不餓
[16:45.40]Or maybe dessert will change your mind. 也許你可以試試甜點(diǎn)
[16:48.40]Where is daddy's pie? 老爸的派呢?
[16:51.20]I don't see his pumpkin pie. 我沒看見他的南瓜餅
[16:52.40]Well, there were so many delicious choices coming from the caterer, 餐廳有這么多美味可供選擇
[16:55.30]we just sent that one down to the doorman. 我們只是把它給了門衛(wèi)
[16:58.20]What is thanksgiving after all, hmm? 這就是感恩節(jié)的意義啊?
[17:02.20]Now choose one of those amazing desserts. 現(xiàn)在隨便選一款點(diǎn)心
[18:18.50]So, uh, mrs.Van der woodsen, Van der woodsen小姐
[18:20.40]um, what were thanksgivings like when you were growing up? 你小時(shí)的感恩節(jié)是什么樣的?
[18:22.70]Serena said you were raised in california? Serena 說你是在加州長大的?
[18:24.20]Oh, i grew up on a little ranch in montecito. 我在montecito的一個(gè)小農(nóng)場長大
[18:26.90]I didn't know there were little ranches. 我不知道那邊還有小農(nóng)場
[18:28.30]There aren't. 現(xiàn)在可沒有了
[18:35.80]??? 有點(diǎn)失禮 但我得接個(gè)電話
[18:37.50]Yeah, sure. 當(dāng)然
[18:39.30]Hey, we're right in the middle of di-- 嗨 我們正在--
[18:42.60]yeah. 好的
[18:43.20]O-of course. I'm on my way. 當(dāng)然 我馬上過來
[18:45.10]What's up? 怎么了?
[18:46.10]I'm sorry, but i have to go. 很抱歉 但必須要出去一趟
[18:47.60]Is everything all right? 沒事吧?
[18:48.80]No, but, um, it will be, i hope. 沒事 恩 我但愿沒事
[18:50.80]I'm sorry. 很抱歉
[18:51.40]I can't really say more, but it's nothing about us. 我不能多說 但與我們之間無關(guān)
[18:53.70]Okay. 好吧
[18:54.30]I was having a lot of fun, though. 我已經(jīng)很開心了
[18:55.20]All right. 好
[18:56.60]Bye. 再見
[18:59.40]I'm sorry, mom. I have to go. 老媽 很抱歉 我要走了
[19:00.40]Oh, of course. 好的
[19:01.10]You're such a good friend. 你朋友做的很夠格
[19:02.60]Look, um, i hope you don't mind, but my daughter has to go. 我希望你們不介意 我女兒有事要走
[19:05.20]Do you need to go with her? 你需要陪她去嗎?
[19:06.20]No, no, no, mom. Stay. 不用不用 待著
[19:07.10]Have fun, please. 玩的開心
[19:08.80]Thanks, guys. 謝啦
[19:09.70]It was nice to meet you. 很高興見到你
[19:12.30]Is she gonna be okay? 她沒事吧?
[19:14.00]Yeah, uh, yeah. 沒事
[19:14.80]I don't think it has anything to do with her, 我想應(yīng)該和她沒關(guān)
[19:16.50]but, um, you were talking about your ranch. 你剛剛說到你的牧場
[19:19.10]Did you have any horses? 養(yǎng)馬嗎?
[19:20.20]Yes, i had a few. 我養(yǎng)過一些
[19:22.10]Um, i had my own, rosewood. 我自己有一匹叫rosewood
[19:24.40]My dad has a song called "rosewood." 我父親寫過首歌也叫"rosewood"
[19:25.80]oh, but no, not that rosewood. 噢 不是指同一個(gè)
[19:27.00]I completely forgot about that song. 我完全忘記了那首歌
[19:28.90]Yeah, it's about my mom. 那首歌是關(guān)于我媽媽的
[19:29.90]You know, 'cause she had this perfume that she always wore. 因?yàn)樗偸怯媚莻€(gè)香水
[19:31.70]- And it was rose and... - Sandalwood. - 是 rose... - Sandalwood (rose Sandalwood香水牌子)
[19:33.00]Sandalwood. Sandalwood
[19:33.70]It was like her own personal scent. 就好像她自身散發(fā)的味道
[19:36.10]I'm a fool. 我真是個(gè)傻瓜
[19:37.80]You're not a fool. 不是
[19:48.10]Um, raise your hand if you're over 30 and acting really weird right now. 過30的人舉手 現(xiàn)在你們事實(shí)上都表現(xiàn)怪異
[19:53.10]I'm sorry, alison. 很抱歉 Alison
[19:54.40]I never told rufus about that horse. 我從沒和Rufus談?wù)撨^那匹馬
[19:56.60]So i'm sure it's just a coincidence. 我想一定是巧合
[19:59.10]Wait a minute here. 等下
[20:01.00]Why are you talking like you know each other? 為什么你們談?wù)撈饋淼臉幼雍孟裨缇驼J(rèn)識?
[20:04.40]Do you two know each other? 你們認(rèn)識嗎?
[20:10.70]Uh, we kinda did know each other, a long, long time ago. 我們很久以前確實(shí)認(rèn)識
[20:13.70]What? 什么?
[20:14.80]Know each other how? 怎么認(rèn)識的?
[20:23.70]Oh, my god. 天呢
[20:27.40]This is unbelievable. 難以置信
[20:28.20]You know what? I need some air. 我要出去透透氣
[20:29.40]Don't follow me. 別跟來
[20:37.20]You have a lot of explaining to do. 看來你要做許多解釋
[20:39.30]Mom, wait. 媽 等等
[20:41.80]May we please be excused? 我們可以失陪下嗎?
[20:43.20]Yeah, sure. 嗯 當(dāng)然
[21:02.90]Watch it. Come on.Come on.Come on. 來看看 快點(diǎn) 快點(diǎn)
[21:04.80]I don't want a bath. THANKSGIVING.LAST YEAR. 我不想洗澡 去年感恩節(jié)
[21:05.60]Oh, too bad. THANKSGIVING.LAST YEAR. 噢 太糟了
[21:06.70]Blair's direct orders. THANKSGIVING.LAST YEAR. Blair下達(dá)的命令
[21:08.10]- Blair's not the boss of me. - Sit. - Blair又不是我的頭 - 坐下
[21:09.80]Oh, are you new here? 你是新來的嗎?
[21:10.70]'Cause blair's the boss of all of us. Blair是我們所有人的頭
[21:13.30]Oh, seriously, serena, you smell like the floor of a brewery. 說真的Serena 你問起來就像釀酒廠的地板
[21:15.90]- I do not. - Yes, you do. - 我才不是呢 - 你就是
[21:18.90]Oh, my god. Yes, i do. 天吶 我真的是
[21:21.90]Yeah. 恩
[21:22.50]Brewery floor with a hint of secondhand smoke? 釀酒廠地板另帶二手煙的味道?
[21:27.50]And a pint of old spice. 還有點(diǎn)辛辣
[21:28.80]- Whoa. - I totally need a bath. - 哇 - 看來我要好好洗下
[21:30.20]Yeah, deal with it. 恩 快點(diǎn)
[21:32.00]Please. 快
[21:32.70]Blair's a bossy genius. Blair是控制欲很強(qiáng)的天才
[21:34.60]Oh, yes, she is. 恩 她確實(shí)是
[21:38.10]So what about you? 你呢?
[21:39.30]What about me? 我?
[21:40.00]I don't smell like an ashtray. 我聞起來可不像煙灰缸 (ashtray煙灰缸)
[21:41.20]But you look like an ass tray. 但你看起來很糟糕的盤子 (S把a(bǔ)shtray變換成ass tray來開玩笑)
[21:44.30]Hey, serena. Serena
[21:44.90]Stop, stop, stop. 停下 停下
[21:46.00]Stop, serena. 停下 Serena.
[21:47.40]Serena, stop. Serena 別玩了
[21:48.10]What's wrong with you? 你干嗎啊?
[21:50.00]Oh. Ow.
[21:53.40]Aah!Go away! 走開!
[21:54.60]Oh, what, what, what, what, what? 噢 怎么了?
[21:55.80]- You started it, dude. - You started it. - 你先開始的 - 是你先開始的
[21:57.60]Oh! - 怎么了? - 快停下!
[21:58.20]- What? - Stop it! 你們怎么回事啊?
[21:59.40]What are you guys doing?
[22:09.90]My hair! 我頭發(fā)!
[22:15.80]I got you both! 我抓住你們倆了!
[22:17.40]I'm king of the world. 我是世界之王
[22:18.80]I'm king of the world! 我是世界之王!
[22:49.60]Hey, it's me. 嘿 是我
[23:00.70]I didn't mean for it to happen. 不是我想讓這發(fā)生的
[23:13.80]I didn't see your dad downstairs. 我在樓下沒看到你父親
[23:19.90]My mother just decides everything, you know? 什么事都是我媽做決定 知道嗎?
[23:23.80]Everything in the world is just totally up to her. 大大小小的事都由著她
[23:28.40]I know. 我知道
[23:36.30]Hey, why don't we get out of here? 我們出去透透氣?
[23:39.10]I'm not going back to that party. 我不要回到派對那邊
[23:41.30]No, i mean, outta here, outta here. 我們不去那兒 出去走走
[23:43.20]Out of this apartment, to a place a little more sane. 離開這里 去外面更正常點(diǎn)的地方
[23:49.60]Any place would qualify. 任何離開這里的地方都行
[23:57.80]So you actually threatened lily van der woodsen with physical violence? 你真的用暴力威脅Lily
[24:01.80]Mom, you are a badass. 老媽 你可真夠糟的
[24:04.00]Yeah, well, what can i say? 是啊 我還能說什么呢?
[24:05.40]I was younger then and wearing steel-toed boots. 我當(dāng)時(shí)太年輕 當(dāng)時(shí)還穿著鋼趾靴
[24:08.80]No, no. 沒有拉
[24:09.90]No, we never actually came to blows. 我們沒有動真格
[24:12.00]I focused on transforming my anger into art. 后來我化悲憤到我的藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作中
[24:16.50]I made some collages. 交了一些工作伙伴
[24:17.80]I wrote a trilogy of 1-act plays about her, 我為一部戲劇寫了有關(guān)她的三部曲
[24:20.00]named the character milly, to try to be, you know, subtle. 主人公取名叫Milly 為了你知道更巧妙些
[24:24.10]It's clever. 聰明
[24:29.00]So what was so bad about her? 她到底有哪些劣跡呢?
[24:30.10]And i mean aside from the superior fluttering eyelids and punishing sarcasm. 我指除了她居高臨下魅惑的眼神 和指責(zé)性的挖苦
[24:35.50]Well, uh, she was your dad's first great love, 她是你父親第一次轟轟烈烈的對象
[24:40.10]as she liked to remind me every chance she got. 每次看到她好像都提醒著我她的過去
[24:44.50]It's kind of hard to compete with that. 所以很難和她競爭
[24:54.10]You've uh, been in here for a half-hour. 你已經(jīng)在這兒待了半個(gè)小時(shí)了
[24:56.30]Yeah, well, not nearly enough time to fathom 恩 但時(shí)間還不夠長讓我想明白
[24:58.00]how you allowed me to walk into this situation. 看看你是怎么讓我走進(jìn)這種窘境的
[25:00.50]Allowed you? Th-- 我讓你?
[25:03.10]you were the last person i expected to come through my front door today. 今天你是我最不想看到來這兒的
[25:06.00]Yeah, well, at the very least, 是啊 但你至少
[25:07.30]you knew that serena would come home 知道Serena會來
[25:08.60]and tell me all about the wonderful thanksgiving she had with dan, his father, oh, and his mother. 然后告訴我所有她和Dan 他父親 還有他母親在感恩節(jié)上的趣事
[25:14.50]Is this really how you think i deserve to find out? 這真的就是你認(rèn)為我應(yīng)該知道的嗎?
[25:18.80]I don't know what i do or do not owe you. 我不知道我欠你的 不欠你的
[25:23.00]I mean, we haven't actually defined what we are to each other. 我指我們并沒有真正定義過我們之間的關(guān)系
[25:30.70]Well, maybe this is the perfect opportunity to do it. 也許現(xiàn)在是定義的最好時(shí)刻
[25:33.40]But, lily... 但是Lily...
[25:35.80]These past few weeks have... 這過去的數(shù)周已經(jīng)...
[25:40.30]Have been what? 已經(jīng)怎么了?
[25:45.80]You can't even say it, can you? 你都說不出來 是嗎?
[25:47.80]I can, but i shouldn't. 我可以 但我不應(yīng)該這么說
[25:55.10]Look, for better, for worse, you're one of my oldest friends. 聽著 無論如何 你都是我時(shí)間最長的朋友之一
[25:59.70]Oldest friends? 老朋友?
[26:01.70]That's certainly not how it felt when you kissed me at eleanor's party. 你現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不是 當(dāng)初在Eleanor派隊(duì)上吻我的你了
[26:05.90]What? 什么?
[26:10.20]Alison, honey... Alison 親愛的...
[26:12.60]Dan, will you go and... Dan 你能不能先去...
[26:14.00]Uh, check on jenny and eric. 去看看Jenny和Eric
[26:16.70]Yeah. 好
[26:25.10]Mom, where's dad? 媽 老爸呢?
[26:25.90]How dare you do that. 你怎么敢那么做
[26:27.00]Leave in the middle of thanksgiving dinner? 在感恩節(jié)的晚宴中途離開?
[26:29.20]I need to talk to dad. 我要和父親談下
[26:30.70]Dad? 爸?
[26:32.50]Dad? 爸?
[26:33.80]Oh, my god. 天吶
[26:34.40]Dad. 老爸
[26:35.60]Mom, call 9-1-1. 媽 快撥9-1-1
[26:37.00]Hurry! 趕快!
[26:38.00]Dad, please, wake up. 爸 求你 快點(diǎn)醒過來
[26:38.90]Dad! 爸!
[26:40.30]Dorita. Dorita
[26:42.80]THANKSGIVING. 去年感恩節(jié)
[26:44.10]Easy. THANKSGIVING.LAST YEAR. 慢點(diǎn)
[26:45.60]- Take a seat, honey. - Oh, goodness. - 坐下 親愛的 - 哦 我的天
[26:46.70]Oh, how do i smell now? 我現(xiàn)在聞起來怎么樣?
[26:48.20]Uh, you smell fantastic, 你聞起來很好
[26:49.60]but you might not wanna keep asking people that. 但你最好別一直這么問別人
[26:51.60]Serena, you look wonderful. Serena 你看起來棒極了
[26:52.90]That shirt was made for you. 那件襯衫是給你的
[26:53.90]Actually, it was made for you. 事實(shí)上 是給你的
[26:55.10]Well, i knew there was a reason i liked it. 我知道我有理由喜歡它
[26:57.20]Yours, too, i see. 好吧 也是你的
[26:58.30]And mine. 和我的
[26:59.00]- No, no, no, no. - Oh, no, no, no. - 不 不 - 噢 不行
[27:00.80]Would you help me with the potatoes? 你幫我拿下土豆?
[27:02.30]Yes. 好
[27:05.80]Don't tell me it's a big deal. 別跟我說很重要
[27:07.20]I'm well aware of the stakes. 我很清楚意識到風(fēng)險(xiǎn)所在
[27:08.70]Hey.Who's dad talking to? 爸在和誰通話?
[27:09.70]What now? 什么 現(xiàn)在?
[27:10.30]The office. 辦公室
[27:10.80]Something about that deal with the dutch company. 這筆買賣和荷蘭公司有關(guān)
[27:12.90]So it looks like i'll have to slip out for a few minutes. 看來我必須要消失一會兒了
[27:15.30]Dad, it's a holiday. 爸 今天是節(jié)日
[27:16.10]Not in amsterdam. 阿姆斯特丹不是 (阿姆斯特丹在荷蘭)
[27:17.40]Well, we are in america. 我們現(xiàn)在可是在美國
[27:18.80]Tell them it will wait till tomorrow. 告訴他們明天再去
[27:20.10]Sweetheart, i don't want to go. 親愛的 我也不想
[27:21.30]I have to. 但我不得不去
[27:24.30]I brought this deal in, 我已經(jīng)買下了這筆
[27:25.80]but if meltzer closes it without me, i don't get the commission. 如果Meltzer沒把我算進(jìn)去就賣出了 我就拿不到傭金了
[27:28.90]Forget the commission. 忘了傭金
[27:29.50]I'll write you a check myself. 我會開張支票給你
[27:31.30]Sit. We're just about to eat. 坐下來 我們馬上要開飯了
[27:33.60]I think i just lost my appetite. 我想我沒胃口了
[27:50.60]Your father and his headaches. 你父親還有他的那些頭痛事
[27:52.20]Give the man some gravy. 給他些意外之財(cái)吧
[27:53.10]Probably took the vicodin and forgot. 也許吃點(diǎn)vicodin就忘記了 (vicodin一種藥)
[27:56.40]Had some whiskey, and the next thing you know-- 喝些威士忌 接下來你知道--
[27:58.20]mom, seriously, did you hear anything the doctor said? 媽 說真的 你聽到醫(yī)生說什么了嗎?
[28:00.60]With what he took, he could have cured 30 headaches. 根據(jù)他所服下的 爸可能吃了30粒頭痛片
[28:04.70]Mom, he's got a problem, and ignoring it almost killed him. 媽 爸出問題了 再忽視的話就有可能殺了他
[28:07.30]Oh, no. 不
[28:08.70]This is not my fault. 這可不是我的錯(cuò)
[28:10.70]I'm not blaming anybody. 我沒怪任何人
[28:11.70]You can blame whoever you want, just not me. 你誰都可以責(zé)怪 除了我
[28:13.40]All i'm guilty of is trying to make his life easier. 我所愧疚的就是想要讓他的生活更容易
[28:15.50]Easier? 更容易?
[28:17.00]You've made his life impossible. 你讓他無法生活了
[28:18.40]What do you mean? 什么意思?
[28:19.60]He's had everything he ever wanted just handed to him. 我給了他所有他想要的東西
[28:22.70]My father set him up with his own firm. 你爺爺自立根生創(chuàng)建了自己的企業(yè)
[28:24.20]He gave us the house that we live in, the hamptons, the boat. 他給了我們現(xiàn)在住的房子 酒店和船
[28:27.00]He's never had to earn a dime, 他沒有掙過一分錢
[28:28.00]and how do you think that's working out for him, mom, huh? 難道你認(rèn)為這樣做對父親來說就是好的嗎 媽 是嗎?
[28:31.40]Wake up! 醒醒!
[28:33.80]All he had to do was sit behind a desk, 他能做的就是坐在桌后
[28:35.80]put on a suit and not get arrested, 穿上衣服以免被捕
[28:37.70]and he couldn't manage to do that. 而他還做不到
[28:39.50]You want me to give him more responsibility in the family? 你想讓我在家里更照顧他?
[28:47.10]Look, i don't know what the answer is, 聽著 我不知道答案是什么
[28:48.80]but we can't keep going on like this, or else we'll lose him. 我們不能再這么繼續(xù)了 否則就會失去他
[28:54.10]Excuse me. 不好意思
[28:55.30]Sorry to interrupt, but mr.Archibald is awake. 打擾了 Archibald先生現(xiàn)在醒了
[28:58.30]He was asking for you. 他要你們過去
[28:59.30]- Thank you. - You're welcome. - 謝謝 - 不客氣
[29:05.20]I'll go see how he's doing. 我去看看他怎么了
[29:06.70]No. 不
[29:07.80]I will. 我去
[29:17.00]I'm not saying you're overreacting per se, 我沒再說你反應(yīng)過激
[29:18.60]just having a reaction that is above and beyond what is appropriate. 只是稍微有點(diǎn)激動
[29:20.90]I have been killing myself trying to make upfor what happened in hudson. 我已經(jīng)很努力地為在hudson發(fā)生的一切作補(bǔ)償
[29:23.30]Which is not an overreaction, i might add. 我想要補(bǔ)充下這不是反應(yīng)過激
[29:24.70]And then i find out that the two of you are making out at theme parties? 然后我發(fā)現(xiàn)你們倆在化妝舞會約會?
[29:27.70]Oh, it was hardly making out, and there is an explanation. 那不是約會 我要解釋
[29:31.20]Hey, guys. I'm back, and i... 我回來了 我...
[29:32.20]Brought...Blair. 帶來了...Blair
[29:35.80]Wow. 尷尬了
[29:36.90]Weird vibe.
[29:39.00]Okay. 好吧
[29:40.60]Where's dan? Dan在哪兒?
[29:43.10]There's no chance we're related, right? 我們不可能有血緣關(guān)系吧?
[29:44.30]Oh, look at eric's roots. 看Eric的后腦勺
[29:45.30]What do you mean? 怎么了?
[29:45.90]What's wrong with my roots? 我后腦勺怎么了?
[29:46.80]They're kind of rufus-like. 看上去像Rufus
[29:48.40]Hey. Serena和Blair
[29:49.10]Serena and blair.
[29:50.70]Blair? Blair?
[29:51.90]Yeah, it's me. 恩 是我
[29:53.10]Explanation to follow, 給我解釋下
[29:53.80]but first, what's going on with our parents? 我們父母都怎么了?
[29:56.10]Oh, uh, our dad dated your mom. 我們的父親曾經(jīng)和你母親約會過
[29:58.00]Yeah, we're not related, though. 盡管我們沒有血緣關(guān)系
[29:59.10]What? 什么?
[29:59.60]Ignore my roots. 別在意我的后腦勺
[30:01.40]Wait. Wait.What? 等等 什么?
[30:03.20]You know what's really weird? 真是奇怪?
[30:05.00]There's a garage door in the middle of your room. 你房間中間有個(gè)車庫門
[30:08.80]Oh. 那是Cedric?
[30:09.60]Is that cedric?
[30:11.40]Wow.This day just got a lot worse. 今天有點(diǎn)糟糕
[30:12.60]Hold on. 等一下
[30:13.10]How serious were they--our parents? 有多嚴(yán)重 爸媽們?
[30:14.80]Uh, i think it's safe to say that they have had sex. 應(yīng)該上過床
[30:17.90]Oh. 不不
[30:18.80]No, no, no. 不 我暈了
[30:19.50]No, i'm gonna faint. 重復(fù)一遍 我們沒血緣關(guān)系
[30:20.40]To repeat, we are not related.
[30:22.30]She was a groupie, and he was almost famous. 那時(shí)候他很出名 她是歌迷
[30:24.30]Suddenly, my family seems so sane. 突然感覺我家算正常的了
[30:26.60]This is too much to handle on an empty stomach. 空著肚子想這些真受不了
[30:28.60]Well, we're not going back out there, so... 不能回那去 那...
[30:30.40]Well, can we leave here then, please? 出門吧?
[30:32.50]Escape. 逃離
[30:33.20]I don't know. Maybe eat? 不知道 去吃點(diǎn)東西?
[30:36.10]Well, that's why they call it a fire escape. 逃離火災(zāi)現(xiàn)場
[30:37.50]I think we're splitting hairs here, rufus. Rufus 我們沒說到重點(diǎn)
[30:39.10]An emotional affair is just as bad as a--as a physical one. 感情跟身體同樣重要
[30:41.80]Oh, please, nobody's buying that. 沒人相信
[30:43.30]Emotional affairs are necessary to keep a marriage alive. 是感情讓婚姻保鮮的
[30:45.70]And how many times have you been divorced? 你離婚幾次了?
[30:47.20]Alison, this is not about lily. Alison 這跟Lily沒關(guān)系
[30:49.30]This is about you and me. 是你我之間的
[30:50.10]Exactly, 沒錯(cuò)
[30:51.10]and if we're gonna have any chance, then she can't be here. 如果我們要繼續(xù) 她就不能在這
[30:53.40]What, for thanksgiving? 什么 感恩節(jié)嗎?
[30:55.30]Or ever? 還是永遠(yuǎn)?
[30:58.30]Oh, you can't be serious. 開玩笑吧
[30:59.70]I am. 說真的
[31:01.50]Look, i have made mistakes, and i know that, 我是犯過錯(cuò) 我知道
[31:04.70]but if she's in your life, you're never gonna get over her. 但如果她在你生活里 你不可能放的下
[31:07.50]Alison. Alison
[31:08.10]This is it, rufus, okay? 就是這樣 Rufus 好嗎
[31:09.50]If you wanna make this work, then you have to make a choice. 想繼續(xù) 你得做出選擇
[31:22.70]Mom, is such a hypocrite, and all these years, she's been riding me about my behavior. 媽媽一直是個(gè)偽君子 還來指點(diǎn)我的行為
[31:26.70]And here she's just mad at you for being her. 甚至因?yàn)槟阆袼鷼?br /> [31:28.30]And all this time, my dad has been giving me this advice based on this girl he dated. 一直以來 爸爸都給我建議
[31:32.10]This girl--"a lot like serena. 他說以前女朋友 很象Serena
[31:33.90]" it's her mom. 那是她媽媽
[31:34.60]When you think about it, it makes total sense that your mom was a groupie. 想起來 你媽媽是個(gè)歌迷
[31:36.90]I mean, only a woman that had completely satisfied her sexual appetite in her youth 我是說 一個(gè)女人在年輕時(shí)完全滿足了性欲
[31:40.10]would ever marry your stepdads. 才有可能嫁給你繼父
[31:42.10]- Blair, can we not talk about mom's appetite? - Yeah. - Blair能不談媽媽的欲望嗎? - 好的
[31:43.70]Or who-- or who satisfied it. 還有誰滿足的她
[31:45.10]It's just... 只是...
[31:45.70]So... 太...
[31:46.40]Gross. 惡心了
[31:47.10]Yeah. 是
[31:49.90]Hi. 嗨
[31:51.00]Hey, mom. 媽媽
[31:52.40]Is everything okay? 一切好嗎?
[31:54.80]Yeah. 是的
[31:57.10]Do you--do you wanna go home? 想回家嗎?
[31:58.10]We could call a car. 我們幫你叫車
[31:59.10]Oh, no, not yet. 還不想
[32:00.50]Um, i need fries. 我要吃薯?xiàng)l
[32:02.30]Excuse me. 不好意思
[32:03.10]Could i get some french fries? 給我來份薯?xiàng)l?
[32:04.40]And just keep 'em coming. 拿過來
[32:06.10]Sure. Coming right up. 好的 馬上到
[32:09.30]Uh, we should-- jenny and i should probably head back to the loft. 我們應(yīng)該 Jenny 和我該回去了
[32:13.70]I'm gonna go, too. 我也該走了
[32:15.00]Leave you guys alone. 讓你們單獨(dú)呆呆
[32:20.30]S. S.
[32:22.30]Thank you for today. 今天謝謝了
[32:25.90]The sandwich was delicious. 三明治很好吃
[32:27.30]I'm calling dr.Sherman tomorrow. 我明天給Sherman打電話
[32:31.90]- Bye. - Bye. - 再見 - 再見
[32:40.10]Is that really necessary, mom? 有必要嗎 媽媽?
[32:41.90]From what i hear, you have been in places far dirtier than this. 據(jù)我所知 你呆過比這臟得多的地方
[32:47.00]Well... 好了...
[32:48.80]Please. 求你了
[32:51.80]Try spending nine hours with jane's addiction on the ohio turnpike. 在高速上跟Jane Addiction呆9個(gè)鐘頭 (搖滾歌手)
[32:57.60]Then we'll talk about dirty. 談?wù)勁K的部分
[33:01.20]Okay. 好
[33:05.20]See you later, waldorf. 再見 Waldorf
[33:10.90]So, uh, so today was not boring. 今天還挺有趣
[33:13.30]No. 是的
[33:15.00]I never should have asked mom to come home, 我不該叫媽媽回來
[33:18.30]but i didn't see this coming. 我沒預(yù)見到
[33:20.30]Who could've? 誰能?
[33:21.20]Don't worry about it. 別擔(dān)心了
[33:23.10]It's so weird to think that our parents had lives before us, you know? 想著他們在我們之前 有自己的生活很奇怪
[33:25.70]I know, or that they had lives before each other, huh? 或者是他們在彼此之前也都有段故事?
[33:30.30]Lily seemed pretty upset. Lily看起來很不安
[33:32.90]I wonder what happened while we were gone. 我想知道事情怎么樣了
[33:35.30]Uh, i-i don't know, but it looks like we're about to find out. 不知道 不過看來我們很快就知道了
[33:38.90]Hey! 嘿!
[33:39.50]Who's in the mood for a little humphrey family scrimmage? 來場Humphrey家庭球賽?
[33:41.90]What'll it be? 怎么分?
[33:42.40]Kids against the parents? 孩子對大人?
[33:43.70]Boys against the girls? 男生對女生?
[33:44.50]Oh, definitely girls against the boys because last year, 當(dāng)然男對女 因?yàn)槿ツ?br /> [33:46.60]i got burned by dan's weak forward pass. 我被Dan軟弱的傳球拖累了
[33:48.50]Hey, hey, i was nursing a rotator cuff injury from aught-5. 我練了肩頭肌肉
[33:52.70]Come on, mom. 走 媽媽
[33:53.30]Let's go work out our plays. 我們研究一下戰(zhàn)術(shù)
[33:54.50]Yep. 好
[33:58.20]So, uh, dad, not that i'm-- not that i'm mad, exactly, 爸爸 我不是生氣 真的
[34:01.30]but not telling me about serena's mom was extremely uncool. 但隱瞞我Serena媽媽的事情真不夠意思
[34:05.60]I should've said something, i know. 我應(yīng)該告訴你的
[34:08.00]And i'm sorry. 對不起
[34:08.90]Given the ick factor alone, 因?yàn)槟愕木壒?br /> [34:09.90]i would say that you set my progress back by at least several months. 延誤了我的計(jì)劃
[34:13.40]Oh, come on. 別這樣
[34:14.70]You're a humphrey man. 你是Humphrey家的男人
[34:16.40]No daughter of lily's could ever resist. Lily的女兒不可能抗拒的了
[34:19.50]How'd you leave it back there with her? 后來怎么處理的?
[34:22.30]Well, i wouldn't be expecting lil over for dinner anytime soon. Lily最近不會過來吃飯了
[34:25.80]Your mom and i need to focus on the future, not the past. 你媽媽和我應(yīng)該多考慮未來 而不是過去
[34:29.30]That's a lot easier for all of us without her around. 沒有她在 我們就容易的多
[34:36.50]Well... 好吧...
[34:38.10]Well, let's play with the old pigskin then. 我們打球吧
[34:50.70]Mom. 媽媽
[34:53.40]Here you are. 你在這里
[34:54.50]And here you are. 你也在這
[34:56.10]You had me worried sick. 我擔(dān)心死了
[34:58.70]Blair, uh... Blair...
[35:00.80]I know i-i shouldn't have lied to you about your father. 你爸爸的事情 我不該向你撒謊
[35:05.20]That never stopped you before. 一直都是這樣
[35:07.30]True. 的確
[35:08.90]But... 但是...
[35:10.50]The real truth... 真相是...
[35:13.80]Divorce papers from your father, and i'm supposed to sign them. 你爸爸寄來的離婚協(xié)議 我要簽字的
[35:19.00]I haven't yet. 但還沒簽
[35:20.20]Mom... 媽媽...
[35:23.60]He's living in europe... 他住在歐洲...
[35:26.30]With a man. 和一個(gè)男人
[35:29.80]You can't be all that surprised that he wants a divorce. 他要離婚一點(diǎn)不奇怪
[35:32.70]I'm not, but what i-- what i am surprised about is how it makes me feel. 是不奇怪 但是這感覺讓我
[35:41.50]He was my husband, after all. 畢竟 他是我老公
[35:46.20]My harold... 我的Harold...
[35:48.80]For almost 20 years. 快20年了
[35:53.50]I couldn't face him... 我不能面對他...
[35:57.00]During the holidays. 過節(jié)的時(shí)候
[35:57.70]It was always our happiest time. 是我們最快樂的時(shí)候
[36:00.60]Why didn't you just tell me that? 為什么不直接告訴我?
[36:02.80]And let you choose between the two of us? 讓你在我們之間做選擇?
[36:05.00]I wonder who would've won that battle. 我想知道誰會贏
[36:07.10]Yeah, i would have been entirely alone. 我怕會孤獨(dú)一人
[36:10.70]Well, uh, i was anyway. 好了 反正一直都是
[36:33.60]It's still thanksgiving. 今天仍然是感恩節(jié)
[36:35.60]Yeah. 是
[36:38.10]What do you want to do? 想干什么?
[36:50.50]Hey. 嘿
[36:51.50]Oh, you're still here. 你還在這
[36:53.30]I guess i must have fallen back asleep. 我肯定睡著了
[36:55.40]Yeah, you were, uh, you were pretty out of it when i first came in. 我進(jìn)來的時(shí)候 你睡的很沉
[36:59.90]Where's your mom? 你媽媽呢?
[37:01.80]She's getting coffee. 她去買咖啡了
[37:05.80]How's your mom? 她怎么樣?
[37:08.60]She's gonna be all right. 她會好的
[37:11.30]We all are. 我們都會好的
[37:16.50]So... 那么...
[37:18.70]Vicodin and whiskey, huh? 凡可汀和威士忌?
[37:21.80]I guess i forgot i took that medicine when i took that drink. 喝酒的時(shí)候 我忘了吃過藥了
[37:24.00]Dad, we're not doing this anymore. 爸爸 不能再這樣了
[37:26.60]Okay? We're just not. 好嗎 不要這樣
[37:31.90]I know it wasn't an accident. 我知道 這不是意外
[37:33.70]Of course it was. 當(dāng)然是
[37:34.50]And when i found you, i thought you were dead. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)你的時(shí)候 以為你要死了
[37:40.80]I'm sorry. 對不起
[37:43.80]I just didn't... 我只是...
[37:45.80]I couldn't-- yes, you can. - 我不能 - 不 你可以
[37:47.80]Dad, you have to, please. 爸爸 你必須 求你了
[37:50.90]I know it might not always feel that way, but... 我可能不經(jīng)常說 但...
[37:56.70]We need you. 我們需要你
[38:00.40]Dad, we need you. 爸爸 我們需要你
[38:12.20]Here you go, nate. 給 Nate
[38:13.90]Ah, thank you, mr.Waldorf. 謝謝 Waldorf先生
[38:15.20]My dad will appreciate this. 我爸爸會喜歡的
[38:16.50]- It's a pleasure. - Keep out the gravy. - 太好了 - 別給他肉汁
[38:17.40]He's got high cholesterol. 他膽固醇高
[38:18.50]- Anne, it's thanksgiving. - Mom, seriously. - Anne 這是感恩節(jié) - 媽媽 說真的
[38:21.10]- Give the man some gravy. - It's okay. - 給他點(diǎn)肉湯吧 - 沒事的
[38:23.20]- Happy thanksgiving. - Happy thanksgiving. - 感恩節(jié)快樂 - 感恩節(jié)快樂
[38:24.10]Yeah, you, too, man. All right. See you soon. 你們也快樂 再見
[38:29.20]Good night, sweetheart. 晚安 親愛的
[38:30.30]Good night. 晚安
[38:34.60]- Hello.Happy thanksgiving. - Hey. - 你好 感恩節(jié)快樂 - 嘿
[38:37.40]Hi. 嗨
[38:40.70]- Happy thanksgiving, blair. - Hi. - 感恩節(jié)快樂 Blair - 嗨
[38:42.90]I am looking for my daughter. 我在找我女兒
[38:43.90]Where is my little girl? 她在哪里?
[38:48.20]Hi. 嗨
[38:51.60]??? 火雞吃多了
[39:21.40]bye, blair. Blair再見
[39:24.20]Happy thanksgiving. 感恩節(jié)快樂
[39:25.60]This time, i went for the ginger tea. 我去拿點(diǎn)姜茶
[39:27.80]Good. 好的
[39:31.80]hello. 你好
[39:33.40]Where were you? 去哪了?
[39:36.10]Exquisite. 太好了
[39:36.90]Just say it. 說吧
[39:38.20]Give me my shoe. 把鞋給我
[40:00.20]hey, dan, will you pass the mashed? Dan土豆泥能遞一下嗎?
[40:02.50]It's over... 在...
[40:03.50]What? Oh, yeah, here. I'm sorry. 什么 在這 對不起
[40:04.80]Come on, son. 別這樣 兒子
[40:05.50]You're asleep at the wheel. 打起精神來
[40:06.60]The humphrey family thanksgiving dinner's a well-oiled machine. Humphrey家的感恩節(jié)可是好日子
[40:08.70]Were you still thinking about your dream girl? 還在想夢中情人?
[40:10.80]What? 什么?
[40:11.50]No. 沒
[40:12.70]No, no. 沒沒
[40:13.40]I'm thinking about, um, 我在想
[40:15.80]your stuffing, mom, 你的陷料 媽媽
[40:17.20]- which looks delicious. - Yeah. - 看起來很好吃 - 是的
[40:18.60]- Your stuffing. - Uh-huh.Yeah. 你的陷料
[40:19.90]Well, keep dreaming. 繼續(xù)做夢吧
[40:20.60]You know, maybe one day she'll actually know your name. 有一天可能她會知道你名字
[40:22.20]Yeah, maybe, 是的 可能
[40:23.20]and then i'll have something to be thankful for. 那我就有可感激的了
[40:25.30]Oh, shut up. 閉嘴
[40:26.10]Really. 是嗎
[40:27.20]What's that all about? 怎么回事?

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