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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:33:53
[00:00.00]Gossip girl here. Into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite. 八卦天后在此 歡迎來到曼哈頓上層世界
[00:05.52]What's the one thing that no one in our group has, not even Blair? 我們?nèi)ψ永锶鄙俚臇|西 即使布萊爾也沒有
[00:08.50] boy friend 朋友
[00:09.50]I met this nice guy and supposed to meet him in park for lunch tomorrow. 我認識了個人很好 約好明天一起在公園進午餐的
[00:12.26]Grounded or not grounded, You're not old enough to date. 不管你有沒有被解禁 要約會你還太小
[00:13.79]Name's Asher, and I do go to unity. 我叫阿瑟 我的確參與社區(qū)活動
[00:16.18]He's been staying at the ostroff center. 他現(xiàn)在呆在奧斯托弗療養(yǎng)中心
[00:18.09]It's depression? 是抑郁癥嗎?
[00:19.25]Is it bad? 嚴重嗎?
[00:20.96]Bad enough to try to kill himself. 嚴重到讓他企圖自殺
[00:23.04]Oh, my god, Georgina. 喬治娜
[00:24.84]What are you doing here? 你來這兒干嘛?
[00:25.75]well, I told you I was coming. 我告訴過你我要來
[00:26.73]Didn't you get my gifts? 沒收到我的禮物嗎?
[00:28.16]What's Georgina got on you? 喬治娜到底對你做了些什么
[00:30.04]Dan I understand, but what's so bad you can't even tell me? 丹 我明白 但到底壞到哪種程度連我也不能說
[00:32.92]So... tell me about Dan. 談談丹吧
[00:34.17]Dan of all people cannot know Georgie. 所有人都可以 就是丹不能知道喬治婭
[00:36.43]Um. I'm Sarah, by the way. 順帶一句 我叫莎拉
[00:37.59]I'm Dan. nice to meet you, Sarah. 我叫丹 很高興認識你 莎拉
[00:40.74]And who am i? 我是誰?
[00:42.43]That's a secret I'll never tell. 這是不能說的秘密
[00:56.22]Spotted...Jenny Jenny Humphrey Waiting in the met fountain, 最新消息...珍妮·漢弗瑞正在噴泉前等待
[00:58.19]Fishing for change... 尋求改變...
[00:59.50]Blair Waldorf,seen dallying with an off-duty doorman 布萊爾 霍道夫 星期一的晚上在巧言石
[01:02.72]At the blarney stone on a monday night. 看著整蠱過氣的看門狗
[01:07.95]It looks like the battle 看起來王后B和小j
[01:09.56]Between the queen b. and little j. 之間的戰(zhàn)爭
[01:11.79]Has moved from the streets to the blogs. 從街頭搬到了博客
[01:14.35]Who's sending this debasing dish? 誰會先發(fā)制人?
[01:16.80]I have a feeling... 我感覺...
[01:20.49]A nice,shiny dime to add to your collection.
[01:23.10]Why the fruit cup,b.? lost your taste for yogurt? 怎么是什錦水果 B? 喝不了酸奶了嗎
[01:29.50]So what are we doing tonight? 我們今晚干什么
[01:32.09]Asher's parents are in cannes, 阿瑟的父母在嘎納
[01:33.63]So he and Jenny are throwing a party at his house. 所以他和珍妮在他家開派對
[01:36.21]It's a really small get-together with just our closest friends. 這真的是個只有親密朋友參加的小聚會
[01:38.63]Sorry,Blair. 對不起 布萊爾
[01:40.39]Blair can take my place. invitations are nontransferable. -布萊爾可以替我去 -邀請可是不能轉(zhuǎn)讓的
[01:42.02]She's new to the group. 她真是新人
[01:43.10]Just because your name's on the invite 不要因為你在邀請之列
[01:44.78]Doesn't make you a hostess. 就把自己當女主人
[01:48.12]Oh! then why is the party planner calling me? 那為什么派對策劃者要給我打電話給我
[01:53.01]Excuse me,girls. 不好意思 姑娘們
[01:56.71]Hey,dad? 爸爸?
[01:58.35]I'm kinda busy. what's up? 我有點忙 怎么了
[01:59.34]I was just wondering what time you want me to serve 我就是想問問今晚你想幾點吃
[02:02.42]Your favorite home-cooked meal tonight. maybe around 8:00? 你最愛的家常菜 8點左右?
[02:04.58]Oh,um,i have that choir thing. 我要去合唱
[02:06.51]Remember,i talked to you about it, 記得嗎 我和你說過的
[02:08.10]And you said I could go cause I've been good? oh,right. -你說我表現(xiàn)好就可以去 -好吧
[02:10.32]Well,maybe we could wait to eat till after you got home then. 也許我們可以等你回來了再吃
[02:13.15]You're gonna be hungry after all that singing. yeah,well,i mean, 等唱完了你肯定餓了
[02:16.76]They have food there,and it's probably gonna go pretty late. 那里有吃的 可能會很晚才回來
[02:18.38]So,um... tomorrow? okay,love you. 那么...明天? 好吧 愛你
[02:22.06]Love you,too. 也愛你
[02:24.28]Sorry. floral emergency. 不好意思 緊急事件
[02:27.24]Oh,and you will be happy to know 你們肯定會很高興
[02:29.02]That the entire unity lacrosse team r.s.v.p.'d! 整個社團的曲棍球隊都會到場
[02:35.73]Hi! oh,my god. it's Asher. 天啊 是阿瑟
[02:37.31]Let's go say hi. 我們?nèi)ゴ騻€招呼
[02:38.54]How did little Jenny Humphrey become the next brooke astor? 小珍妮·漢弗瑞是怎么變成了第二個brooke astor?
[02:41.40]The same way they all do. marry up. -一樣的方式 -結婚
[02:48.19]Hey,why the long face? 為什么悶悶不樂?
[02:51.15]Are you still sad mom wouldn't let you go 你還在因為媽媽沒讓你去
[02:53.00]To monte carlo for the bachelor party? no,i'm fine. -蒙特卡洛的單身派對而難過? -不是 我沒事
[02:55.19]I figured I'd let Bart,Chuck and prince albert 我覺得我會讓巴特 恰克還有albert王子
[02:57.55]Have their fun... oh,that didn't come out like I meant it. 玩的開心... 但是結果和我想的不一樣
[03:01.40]Um... gossip girl. looks like jenny's been spotted at gap 八卦天后 報道上貌似在說
[03:05.65]Sewing stella mccartney labels into pocket ts. 珍妮正把斯特拉·麥卡托尼的商標縫進上衣口袋
[03:07.56]These rumors are getting to be ridiculous. 這些謠言太可笑了
[03:09.66]Oh,like the one where I'm gossip girl. hey,it made sense at the time. -好像我是八卦天后一樣 -有時候是這樣
[03:12.45]It never made any sense. 從來沒有
[03:14.20]Yeah,it did! it did! yeah,it did. no,it didn't. -絕對有 -沒有
[03:16.53]Wait,hold on. it's Chuck. I have something to do before school starts, -等等 是恰克 -上課前我還有點事情
[03:19.10]But tell him I say hi. okay. don't forget about dinner tonight. -幫我和他問好 -好的 不要忘了晚飯
[03:21.86]Yeah. salut,Chuck. -好的 -你好啊 恰克
[03:23.77]Yes,i'm still fine. 是啊 我很好
[03:25.25]I haven't heard from Georgina in two weeks. 我2個禮拜沒有喬治娜的消息了
[03:27.08]So if you'd stop calling me, 如果你不再打電話給我
[03:28.38]I'd finally be rid of all of my monsters. bye. 我就終于擺脫所有我討厭的人了 拜拜
[03:33.64]You can read about it all day long, 你可以一整天在這看書
[03:35.94]But you have to walk the city to know it. 但是你得出去走走 了解下這個城市
[03:38.20]Okay,but look, 我知道 但是
[03:39.25]Anything is better than getting lost on the train every day. subway. -最糟糕的是我每天都在火車上迷路 -地鐵
[03:41.89]Click those heels all you want. you're not in portland anymore. 跟這你想要的 你不是在波蘭了
[03:44.76]Seriously,you and dan are so sweet to adopt me. 真的 謝謝你和丹能幫助我
[03:46.55]I-i'd be a mess without you guys. 沒有你們我...我一團亂
[03:49.85]Well,more of a mess than I already am. 比我現(xiàn)在還亂
[03:52.07]Red eye to go? yes,please. thank you. hey,Sarah. -紅眼睛外賣嗎? -是的 謝謝 -你好 莎拉
[03:55.90]Sorry for talking your ear off the other night,guys. he tends to ramble, 真抱歉前兩天對著你喋喋不休的
[03:58.97]As you'll get to know. 他要開始長篇大論了 你會知道的
[04:00.02]Yeah. 是的
[04:00.89]Well,i'm a good listener,as he'll get to know. 我可是個很好的聆聽者 他會知道的
[04:03.86]Are there any new developments? 有什么新發(fā)展嗎?
[04:05.38]Uh,no. no,more of the same. 沒有 還是老樣子
[04:07.20]Jenny and her boyfriend are still inseparable, 珍妮和她的新男朋友還是如膠似漆的
[04:09.00]And she's even more insufferable. 她甚至有點喘不過氣了
[04:11.34]Give her a break. Asher's her first love. 讓她休息下吧 阿瑟是她的初戀
[04:13.48]It's infatuation. it's not love. yeah,but to a 15-year-old girl, -這是迷戀 不是愛情 -但是對于一個15歲的女孩
[04:17.51]I mean,there really isn't a difference. 這沒有什么差別
[04:18.82]And how long did it take you,dan? um... that's a little different, -那你花了多久的時間? -這可有點不一樣
[04:23.52]Vanessa. 瓦內(nèi)薩
[04:25.23]It took me-- uh,one glance at a ninth grade birthday party? -我花了... -九年級生日派對時的匆匆一瞥?
[04:26.83]Yes,but two years to obsess over it. so things are better with... -是 但我整整迷了她兩年 -那么和瑟琳娜
[04:31.03]Serena? Serena. yeah. yeah,good memory. -在一起更開心 -瑟琳娜 對 美好的記憶
[04:32.70]Right. things are finally back to normal. 好了 一切終于恢復正常
[04:34.69]Good. well,i mean... 很好 我的意思是...
[04:37.34]You know,it's--it's tough making friends in a new city. 在一個新城市交朋友可真不容易
[04:39.80]It'd be really nice to meet her. yeah,Serena would love you. -如果能見到她就好了 -瑟琳娜肯定會喜歡你的
[04:43.19]She loves everybody. not that she would only like you 她喜歡所有人 并不是只喜歡你
[04:45.32]Because she doesn't discriminate. um... ahem. 因為她從沒有偏見
[04:48.09]See what she meant about that rambling thing? 知道她所說的長篇大論了吧
[04:49.68]How's tonight? 今晚怎么樣?
[04:51.56]Tonight would be perfect. 太好了
[04:53.14]Good. see you. 好 拜拜
[05:01.26]Be right back. 馬上回來
[05:04.51]Okay. 好的
[05:07.84]Oh,my god! 天啊
[05:09.48]He's so cute! 他太可愛了
[05:12.32]Hey,can I talk to you for a minute? 我能和你談會嗎
[05:14.39]Sure. is something wrong? 當然 怎么了
[05:15.66]That's what I was gonna ask you. where have you been lately? 我正要問你呢 最近去哪了
[05:18.47]You haven't returned any of my calls. sorry. -你一個電話都沒有回我 -對不起
[05:21.26]It's been harder than I thought to keep up with schoolwork 這比我想象的難多了 要忙作業(yè)
[05:23.02]And the new spring social calendar 新的春季日歷
[05:24.32]And my new boyfriend. yeah. Asher,right? -還有我的新男朋友 -阿瑟 是嗎
[05:26.66]Yeah. he's cute and smart and basically perfect, 是啊 他可愛又聰明 簡直近乎完美
[05:30.68]And the best part is I think he really likes me. well, 最重要的是我覺得他真的很喜歡我
[05:33.36]Then he has good taste. 他很有品味
[05:34.44]But... how well do you actually know him? 但是...你真的了解他嗎
[05:36.56]Oh,that's so sweet. you're being protective. no,i'm not. -你真貼心 你還在被保護中 -我沒有
[05:39.29]But... yes. yes,i am. I've got nothing against him. I just... 但是...是 我沒有想冒犯他 我只是...
[05:42.50]Something about him 有關他的一些事情
[05:43.51]Makes me feel maybe he's not the right guy for you. 讓我覺得也許他并不適合你
[05:45.13]Oh,my god. wait. do you have a crush on me or something? no,i don't. 天 等等 你愛上我了還是別的什么?
[05:49.23]I just want you-- 沒有 我只是想你...
[05:50.60]Don't be embarrassed. it's cute. 別尷尬 這很可愛
[05:51.66]I mean,and not so unexpected,actually. I'm flattered. 事實上 這也不是那么意外 我還高興
[05:54.22]It's just... my heart belongs to Asher. 只是 我心傾阿瑟
[05:56.66]I actually gotta go,but,um,text me,'kay? 我得走了 給我發(fā)消息 好嗎
[06:00.23]Oh. bye. 拜拜
[06:05.45]Hey,are you okay? yeah. -你沒事吧 -沒事
[06:14.40]What? you're here! 你在這
[06:15.52]Mmm! and you're late. 你遲到了
[06:17.67]Mm,i know. I come bearing apologies and an invitation. 我知道 我可是帶著歉意和邀請而來
[06:20.47]What are you up to tonight? I know what I'm not up to-- having fun. -今晚準備做什么 -今晚不能去玩了...
[06:23.59]The s.a.t. tutor was over for four hours last night. 高考輔導老師昨晚給我輔導了4個小時
[06:26.89]Mm. so this tutor,is he--is he cute? 這個老師...可愛嗎?
[06:28.86]Mm,well,if hair in the ears is your thing... 你沒在聽我說話呢
[06:31.97]I hate that since I'm not gonna 我討厭那時我沒有去
[06:34.20]Use the score Chuck bought for me, 用了恰克買給我的分數(shù)
[06:35.45]I have to study every night. 我得每晚都學習
[06:36.67]I can't even be distracted by that-- 我甚至不能分心
[06:41.82]I see your point. so then how about,um, 我知道你的意思
[06:45.22]Dinner tonight with Sarah instead? 今晚和莎拉吃飯如何
[06:47.49]Oh,Sarah again? 又是莎拉
[06:48.65]What is she,your new girlfriend or something? yeah. just kidding. -她是誰 你的新女友還是... -對啊 開個玩笑
[06:51.73]But she's new in town,and she does want to meet you. 她剛到這個城市 而且她想認識你
[06:53.38]Well,since Bart and Chuck are out of town, 今晚巴特和恰克不在城里
[06:55.73]I already agreed to a quiet family dinner in our old suite. 我要和家人在老套房里一起吃飯
[06:58.00]I'm sorry. what about tomorrow? no,my--my sister and tongue. -對不起 明天怎么樣 -不 我妹妹還有那舌頭
[07:02.40]The two things that don't go together so well. oh! lighten up. -他們可配合的不怎么好 -多有激情
[07:05.94]You have been down on him since the beginning. 你最開始還沒他做得好
[07:08.05]Give him a chance and then judge. 給他個機會再做評判
[07:09.61]Maybe he'll surprise you,like I did. 也許他會給你個驚喜 就像我一樣
[07:12.35]How are you always so right? it's easy whenyou'realways wrong. -怎么你總是對的 -因為你經(jīng)常都是錯的
[07:15.79]Hey,you got first period free. 你擁有了第一個階段的自由
[07:18.03]Why don't you go get to know him? go! okay. okay. all right,okay. -為什么不去認識他 去吧 -好
[07:31.42]And the only thing 只有一件事
[07:36.17]More shocking than the truth... 比真相更令人震驚
[07:48.69]Are the lies people tell 那就是人們?yōu)榱搜谏w一切
[07:51.49]To cover it up. 而講的謊話
[08:11.51]When you revise the seating chart, 當你修改座位表的時候
[08:13.65]Don't forget to place mr. spitzer 別忘了讓spitzer先生的座位
[08:15.84]As far away from Serena's table 離瑟琳娜的座位
[08:18.10]As possible. 越遠越好
[08:19.23]Thank you. 謝謝
[08:20.35]Ugh. what is not on the schedule today? 今天還有什么行程
[08:23.18]I don't think I am. 我認為我沒有了
[08:26.96]Maybe you could fit me in between 也許你可以在Preston城堡
[08:29.06]Preston bailey and sylvia weinstock? 和sylvia weinstock間找個時間見我
[08:30.86]Well,good luck fitting anything between those two. 幸運的話在這兩者之間什么都碰不到
[08:33.40]What--what are you doing here? well,believe it or not, -你在這兒做什么 -不管你相不相信
[08:35.63]I'm here to see you. 我到這兒來見你的
[08:36.68]Well,i have a laundry list of things to do today. it's about Jenny. -我今天有一大堆事情要做 -是有關珍妮
[08:39.76]AlIson's away on an artIsts' retreat, AlIson的離開是個藝術家的撤退
[08:42.05]And I could really use a mother's advice. 我真的需要一個母親的建議
[08:43.38]I think I might be in over my head. 我真的是頭都大了
[08:44.95]I suppose we could talk about it on the way. 我想我們能在邊走邊聊
[08:58.70]What's going on? see you later. 怎么了 待會兒見
[09:00.08]Hey,Asher. how's it going? you got a minute? 阿瑟 能打擾你一會嗎
[09:03.20]Yeah. uh,but just a minute. Jenny and I have a lunch date. 好的 但是只能一會 我約了珍妮吃午飯
[09:06.49]Well,look,there's no easy way to say this,honestly, 老實說 要說出來可真不容易
[09:09.03]So I'm just gonna-- I'm just gonna say it. 我只是想...我想說
[09:11.35]I-i,uh,saw you this morning. 我...我今天早上看到你了
[09:13.89]Saw me what? I saw you... you know,i saw you kissing that guy. -看到我什么? -我看到你和那男的在接吻
[09:18.13]You got the wrong person. come on,man. i-i-i don't think I do. -你認錯人了 -不 我沒有看錯
[09:21.60]Are you calling me queer? that's... not at all what I said. -你說我是同性戀 -這...這不是我說的
[09:24.78]You wanna know how queer I am? 你認為我是同性戀
[09:26.75]I'm so queer, 好吧 我是
[09:28.45]I'm gonna pop your sister's cherry tonight. 我今晚就破了你妹妹的處女之身
[09:30.95]Hey! what'd you say?! 你說什么
[09:32.85]What are you doing? stop it! Jenny,i need to talk to you in private. -你們做什么 停下 -珍妮 我要和你單獨談談
[09:35.28]Well,anything you have to say to me, 不管你要和我說什么
[09:36.73]You can say in front of my boyfriend. re--okay. all right,fine. -都可以在我男朋友面前講 -好 好
[09:40.20]Your boyfriend is not being honest with you. I wasn't gonna tell you yet, -他對你不誠實 -我還沒有想和你說
[09:43.30]But i... 我想
[09:45.73]Wanted to invite you to the country house this weekend. 周末邀請你去郊區(qū)別墅
[09:47.67]Your brother thought we were moving too fast and got upset. 你哥哥認為我們進展太快有點難過了
[09:51.37]Dan,can't you just let me be happy for once? 丹 你就不能讓我開心一次嘛
[09:53.47]Jenny,i want you to be happy. just not with a guy who-- 珍妮 我希望你開心 但不是和這個人
[09:55.21]Yeah,i understand that you're threatened by him, 好了 我知道你覺得受到威脅
[09:56.84]Because clearly he's everything you wanna be. 因為他擁有你想擁有的一切
[09:59.16]He's good-looking and worldly,a legacy at dartmouth. 長得帥 家世好 還有遺產(chǎn)在達特默思
[10:02.14]But even you should know 但是你應該知道
[10:03.90]That jealousy clashes with l.l.bean pants. 嫉妒
[10:12.94]It's a snub from one party,b. 這只是一個派對 B
[10:15.00]Plus what's the big deal anyway? you don't even like Asher. 而且他又不是什么名人 你甚至不喜歡阿瑟
[10:17.22]I didn't like last season's 我也不喜歡上一季的
[10:18.76]Louis vuitton patchwork bag either,but that doesn't mean LV掛飾包 但這不并意味著我想看見它
[10:20.52]I want to see it all over town on Jenny Humphrey's arm. touch? -掛在珍妮·漢弗瑞肩上 -好吧
[10:24.36]What do you say we have a girls' night out tonight? oh,i'm sorry. -今晚來女孩們的聚會吧 -對不起
[10:26.77]I can't. I have dinner with the family. 我今晚要和家里人吃晚飯
[10:28.07]Let me remind you of a little promise you made. 讓我來提醒你給我的承諾
[10:30.65]"don't go to france. I'll be there for you." 別去法國 我會陪你
[10:32.65]I'm really sorry I've been distant, 真的很抱歉 不能陪你
[10:34.50]But things will be better soon,i promise. obviously starting tomorrow. -但我保證事情會好轉(zhuǎn)的 -很顯然明天才會
[10:38.73]What's wrong? you look stressed,even for you. 怎么了 你看起來很沮喪
[10:42.14]I'm still worried about Jenny. 我還在擔心珍妮
[10:43.64]You mean because she's self-obsessed, 你說她的自戀
[10:45.33]Self-serving,self-centered,self-- 自私 自我 自...
[10:46.99]No. no,i wish it was about her and herself, 不 不 我希望只是關于她
[10:49.41]But it's more about who she's with. 但是我更擔心跟她在一起的那個人
[10:51.96]I can't get through to her. 我聯(lián)絡不上她
[10:53.57]I tried,and she just completely blew me off, 我試過 但是她都故意不接
[10:56.31]And she dissed my pants. 她還詆毀我的褲子
[10:58.39]Maybe I underestimated her. 可能我低估她了
[11:00.32]She's just going through a phase. we all went through it. 她只不過處于一個特定階段 我們都經(jīng)歷過
[11:03.02]And apparently,some of us still are in it. 而且看起來 我們中有人還深陷其中
[11:05.85]All that matters to someone like Jenny right now 目前對于珍妮來說 眼里只有
[11:07.90]Are the four g's--guys,girlfriends and gossip girl. 四個G字 男人 女朋友和gossip girl
[11:10.57]It's true. don't feel bad. 就是這樣 不要感覺不好
[11:12.11]Unless it's coming from one of them, 如果不是來自四G當中的
[11:13.59]She's not gonna hear it. 她置若罔聞
[11:24.04]Here we go. 給你
[11:25.40]Ah,thank you. 啊 謝謝
[11:26.41]I tell her she can't see Asher. she calls him. 我告訴她不要和阿瑟見面 她就給他打電話
[11:28.96]I take away her phone. they're on ichat. 我拿走她的電話機 他們就用電腦視頻聊天
[11:31.54]How do you keep them from growing up 當他們有了自己的
[11:34.03]When they can have a full relationship 臥室之類的小天地以后
[11:35.91]From the confines of their own bedrooms? well,the answer is you can't. -你如何能監(jiān)護他們成長 -那么 答復是不能
[11:38.63]She's gonna grow up no matter what. I read her e-mail. -她無論如何都會成長 -我讀了她的電子郵件
[11:42.89]Well,you can't be too concerned about their privacy 那么 你不該在他們前途未卜之際
[11:46.57]When their well-being is at stake, 過度干預他們的隱私
[11:48.35]Especially if you think they're lying to you. was she? right to my face. -特別當你認為她們要撒謊時 她有嗎 -當面撒謊
[11:52.28]I know Serena went through a similar phase. 我知道瑟琳娜也處于一個類似的階段
[11:54.90]Well,if Serena's indiscretions were as p.g. as Jenny's, 同樣 若不是瑟琳娜和珍妮一樣幼齒輕率
[11:57.95]I wouldn't have needed the botox. 我也不會需要肉毒桿菌除皺
[11:59.79]Dan was so much easier. 丹要好的多
[12:01.92]Well,raising girls is different. 把女孩養(yǎng)大是很不同的
[12:03.62]Serena would be a horrible monster for a hundred days, 瑟琳娜會有一百天變成個可怕的怪物
[12:06.15]And then on the 101st, 不過會在第一百零一天
[12:08.33]She'd be my little girl again. 再變回我的小乖妞
[12:11.78]So I just wait and hope,huh? 所以我只有靜觀其變 哈?
[12:13.59]Well,that's the hardest part. 是啊 那是最困難的地方
[12:15.11]You have to trust that you've done your job. 你必須相信你已經(jīng)盡力了
[12:17.43]She'll come back to you. 她會回到你身邊的
[12:24.69]That's... 那個...
[12:26.26]It's perfect. 太完美了
[12:27.05]Beautiful. it's my finest piece. mm-hmm. 很漂亮吧 是我最美好的作品
[12:31.54]Here. 好吧
[12:34.78]Let me. 請允許我
[12:37.79]Mark ingram,it's beautiful. Mark ingram 它太漂亮了
[12:42.00]You've outdone yourself. oh,wow. 您很有突破
[12:43.06]Oh,wow. 噢 哇
[12:44.92]This just in-- 好戲剛剛開場
[12:46.77]Asher hornsby spotted locking lips before class... 阿瑟 hornsby被發(fā)現(xiàn)與人親昵
[12:49.85]But not with his girlfriend. 而對方卻并非他的女友
[12:52.31]Looks like gentlemen don't prefer blondes,little j. 看上去似乎是此公不喜歡金發(fā)美女 小J
[12:54.78]They prefer other gentlemen. 卻好有龍陽之癖
[12:56.78]Now you know how Vanessa hudgens feels. 你知道現(xiàn)在瓦內(nèi)薩 hudgens什么感覺嗎
[12:59.48]Is this just another round of blanks 這是B和小J之間的
[13:01.21]Fired between b. and little j.? 另一番無用功嗎?
[13:03.21]I'm tired of being the bearer of bad grudges. 我已經(jīng)厭于散播惡意嫉妒
[13:05.21]This is the last item that goes to press without proof. 這是最后一項無需證明就可公諸于世的事情了
[13:07.88]I'm so glad gossip girl finally got her balls back. 因此我很高興gossip girl終于抓住要害
[13:10.08]Yeah,she was totally turning into the new "page six." 對頭 她完全使之成為新的"八卦專欄"
[13:13.98]Low blow. wasn't me. wish it was. -真卑鄙 -不是我 但愿是我
[13:20.68]Hello? miss Van DerWoodsen? 你好 是范德 范德伍德森小姐嗎 ?
[13:22.68]It's luke from the concierge's desk. 我是luke 從禮賓部打來
[13:23.73]You asked that we call first 您要求過我們在往樓上送任何東西之前
[13:26.68]Before delivering anything upstairs? is there something for me? -先給您打電話 -有我什么東西嗎?
[13:27.93]Yes,a package from a miss Georgina sparks. 對 來自喬治娜 sparks小姐一個包裹
[13:33.09]Hello? did I lose you? 你好? 您還在線嗎?
[13:35.07]Uh,no. uh,just keep it there. 在 先保存在你那里吧
[13:38.47]I'll pick it up right after school. 我會在放學之后去取
[13:39.78]And don't let it out of your sight. 千萬不要讓它離開您的視線
[13:41.06]Of course. thank you. -當然 -謝謝
[13:42.26]What was that about? nothing. it's just this... -那是什么? -沒啥 它只是...
[13:45.78]Nothing. I'll see you later,okay? bye. 沒什么 一會見 好嗎? 再見
[13:48.57]Bye. hey... 再見
[13:49.97]Hey,b. 好啊 b
[13:51.12]Dan humphrey--just who I hate to admit I was looking for. 丹·漢弗瑞 我真不敢相信你就是我要找的那個人
[13:54.67]You're dirty. 你太下流了
[13:56.21]Wha--uh,what are you talking about? 什么 你在說啥呢?
[13:57.57]Cheating,drinking,drugs-- it's all fair game. 欺騙 酗酒 吸毒 都可以算是平常娛樂
[13:59.88]But outing your sister's boyfriend is dark. 但是要拆散你妹妹男朋友就太見不到人了
[14:02.25]How did squeaky-clean Humphrey even come up with that? 頂呱呱干凈的漢弗瑞怎么會提出這種要求呢?
[14:04.28]I didn't come up with anything. oh,my god. -我啥也沒要求 -哦 天哪
[14:07.28]You know something. spill it. 你心里有事 透露一點吧
[14:09.25]Yeah,i-i might have seen Asher kissing another guy. 也許我看見阿瑟在親另外一個人
[14:11.68]So it's true? who was he kissing? 哦那是真的? 他在親誰?
[14:13.75]I don't know. I don't-- I don't know. I couldn't see. 我不知道 我不...我不知道 我看不見
[14:16.21]But what does that even matter? right now gossip girl's credibility is -但那有什么關系嗎? -現(xiàn)在八卦天后的可信度是
[14:19.45]The same as tinsely mortimer's after a few martinis. 就像tinsely mortimer在幾杯馬蒂尼酒落肚以后一樣了
[14:21.45]But if I can prove that his duplicity 但是如果我能證明他的表里不一
[14:23.55]Is more than just a rumor,then they'll break up. 不僅僅是謠言 然后他們就可以有所突破了
[14:25.65]That's what you want,isn't it? well,yeah,i guess. yeah-- -那是你想要的結果 對吧? -我想 是吧
[14:27.91]Asher's just using your sister as a cover. 阿瑟只是利用你的妹妹做幌子
[14:29.91]It's your brotherly duty to save her from becoming 這是你做為她的兄弟責任避免讓她成為
[14:32.71]The next Katie holmes. and you're in this to help Jenny? -下一個Katie holmes -你是在幫珍妮嗎?
[14:35.21]Motive is irrelevant as long as our endgame is the same. no,Blair, -別管我的動機了 只要我們的游戲目標相同就行 -不 布萊爾
[14:38.21]This is not a game to me,okay? I don't want her to get hurt. well, 對我來說這不是游戲 我不要她受到傷害 所以...
[14:40.84]You should've thought that through 那你就應該在全曼哈頓嚷嚷
[14:42.25]Before you told all of manhattan that Jenny's a glorified hag. 珍妮是個榮耀的魔女之前深思熟慮過
[14:45.21]You know what? i--you're on your own. 告訴你吧 我不參與
[14:47.95]I'm done. 到此為止
[14:49.85]Suit yourself. 隨便你
[14:56.94]Lly,Rufus. what were you thinking? 真的嗎 魯弗斯 您怎么想的?
[14:59.21]You threw her a surprise birthday party 您給她辦了個意外的生日聚會
[15:01.50]And had her face painted on a cake with a tiara? 并且在蛋糕描出她的帶著頭飾的畫像?
[15:05.22]It seemed like a good idea at the time. 當初似乎是個好主意
[15:06.67]Yeah,well,so did flannel and acid-washed jeans, 是啊 太老土太老掉牙了
[15:08.94]But they weren't flattering either. 真是不敢恭維
[15:17.21]What is it? 怎么樣?
[15:19.53]Is it too much? 太過分嗎?
[15:24.60]Uh,is it not enough? 還是不夠好?
[15:27.57]It's not the dress. it's you in it. 不是衣服的問題 是你
[15:39.70]I'm sorry. I thought... 抱歉 我以為...
[15:44.20]I didn't mean... 我并沒有想...
[15:49.82]We're here as friends,right? 我們只是作為朋友來的這里 對嗎?
[15:54.53]No,we are friends. 對 我們是朋友
[15:57.07]It's just how you look. 取決于您怎么看了
[16:05.63]Nothing new on "gossip girl" for three hours. 八卦天后有三個小時沒有新八卦了
[16:08.74]Guess she wasn't kidding about her new standards. hey,Jenny! -她沒有拿她新的標準開玩笑吧 -嘿 珍妮!
[16:11.49]Oh! sorry,i can't chat, 抱歉 我沒時間聊
[16:12.55]But have so much fun at your party tonight. 不過祝你今天的晚會愉快
[16:13.94]She's totally running to a booty call with your brother. 她一定是急著去跟你的兄弟幽會去了
[16:16.92]I cannot believe you just went there. and where have you gone,little j.? -我不敢相信你剛剛"做"過 -那么你"做到"什么程度呢 小j. ?
[16:20.58]Yeah,you and Asher. how far? far enough. -你和阿瑟 有多"深"? -足夠"深"
[16:23.32]Playing coy only means one thing. maybe Asher doesn't like girls. 裝靦腆也許只意味著一件事 阿瑟可能不喜歡女孩
[16:27.02]Is that why we went to third? you went to third? 所以我們就梅開三度? -你梅花三弄?
[16:29.22]No,he did. 不 是他
[16:31.78]Well done. make him work for it. -太棒了 -讓他大展雄風吧
[16:36.77]Whoever said that money doesn't buy happiness 說金錢買不來幸福的
[16:39.06]Didn't know where to shop. 只是不知道在哪里買而已
[16:40.27]Lucky for me,i may have to go out tonight after all. 我很幸運 畢竟我今晚必須要出去了
[16:42.86]Did you get it? lucky for you,is knows five ways to sneak into -你明白了嗎 -你很幸運 知道五種
[16:46.96]The unity boys' locker room,and six to sneak out. 偷偷進入男孩的更衣室和六種偷偷溜走的法子
[16:49.22]Asher takes an abnormally long shower after practice. 阿瑟在鍛煉之后后洗澡總是花特別長的時間
[16:52.36]Maybe his lacrosse stick 可能他的"曲棍球棍子"太直翹翹
[16:53.82]Isn't the only thing he likes to play with. 難道那是他唯一玩的事情嗎
[16:55.27]Why'd you want his phone so badly anyway? it was once said -你怎么那么想要他的電話? -曾經(jīng)有人說
[16:58.18]That a person's eyes are the windows to their soul. 人們的眼睛是窗口 可以看到他們的靈魂
[17:01.42]That was before people had cell phones. 那是在人們有手機之前
[17:18.67]This is a surprise. 真是令人驚喜
[17:21.01]Party's not for a couple hours. 晚會還有幾個小時就開始了
[17:23.10]Yeah,well,a lot can happen in a couple hours. 幾個小時可以做很多事情
[17:30.91]Uh,Jenny. 珍妮
[17:32.19]What are you doing? what's wrong? -你在干嗎 -有什么不對嗎
[17:34.20]It--nothing's wrong. 沒什么不對
[17:36.62]This... it just isn't what we do. 但是...我們一般不會這樣
[17:40.20]Are you suddenly... 是不是你突然...
[17:41.76]Not happy? i... 不開心?
[17:44.35]I'm holding up my end of the bargain. 我不得不說和你進行一筆交易了
[17:46.28]What bargain? 什么交易?
[17:47.92]You're jenny humphrey from brooklyn. 你是布魯克林的珍妮·漢弗瑞
[17:50.72]You need status,access,resources. 你需要的是地位 渠道 資本
[17:53.50]I give that to you. what do I give you? -我可以給你 -那我能給你什么
[17:56.61]Do we really need to talk about this? 我們真的要談這些嗎
[17:58.76]Yeah. yeah,yeah,we do. 是的 當然
[18:01.31]So what was on "gossip girl's" true? 那么八卦天后的話是真的?
[18:04.40]Do you really think someone like me 你真認為像我這樣的人會和
[18:07.66]Would just date someone like you? 像你那樣的人在一起嗎
[18:09.88]But you've been so nice. 但你對我那么好
[18:11.53]And I'll keep being nice. nothing has to change,okay? 我以后也會那樣 什么也不會改變
[18:15.58]Asher... 阿瑟...
[18:16.77]Come on,jenny. 來吧 珍妮
[18:17.84]Tonight you're hosting 今晚你還要主持
[18:18.92]Your first upper east side party. 你的首次上東區(qū)派對呢
[18:20.87]That's something that blair and those girls 布萊爾和那些女孩
[18:24.63]Can never take away from you. 都無法掩蓋你的光彩
[18:26.21]I know. thank you. 我知道 謝謝
[18:28.20]You're welcome. and... 不客氣...
[18:29.79]There is something you can do to show your thanks. 你可以做一件事來報答我
[18:33.01]I think it would be better for both of us 這對我們二者都好
[18:37.34]If we put those rumors to rest once and for all. 讓這些謠言永埋塵土
[18:44.16]What do you want me to do? 想讓我做什么
[19:19.01]If you put the camera here, 如果你把相機放在這里
[19:20.54]She'll never know. are you sure she's gonna be down for this? -她永遠都不會知道 -你覺得她會上鉤嗎
[19:26.40]It's serena. she goes down for anything. 瑟琳娜 很容易上鉤的
[19:31.00]So how's the new mr. and mrs. shepherd? 雪福徳先生太太都好嗎
[19:33.55]I just did something so stupid. 我干了些蠢事
[19:38.20]It's hot. I'm too hot. 太熱了...
[19:40.10]You're hot. 你真迷人
[20:01.61]Where do you think you're going? 你要去哪?
[20:03.46]I can't talk right now,mom. I'll explain later. 現(xiàn)在不能說 媽媽 待會兒再解釋
[20:05.27]If you invite an old friend to our quiet family dinner, 既然你邀請了老朋友來家里熱鬧熱鬧
[20:07.74]I expect you to stay and eat. 就不要離開
[20:10.43]You know how I always loved when georgina came around. 喬治娜來家里我總是很開心
[20:14.58]I ran into lily in the lobby. 我在大廳遇見了莉莉
[20:17.85]You totally forgot to tell her I was coming over for dinner. 你都忘記和她說我要來和你們共進晚餐了
[20:23.54]Did you get my present? 收到我的禮物了嗎
[20:33.24]Breaking news-- 特大新聞
[20:34.91]Asher hornsby overheard bragging 偶然得知阿瑟 hornsby
[20:37.22]That little j. swiped her "v" card at his register. 在外申稱小珍妮用他的名字注冊了自己的信用卡
[20:42.03]Jenny,is this true? 珍妮 這是真的嗎
[20:44.86]It's private. 這是我的私事
[20:46.59]It's on the internet. yeah,well,it's none of your business. -網(wǎng)上到處都是 -但和你無關
[20:49.91]And since when 你是什么時候
[20:50.87]Did you start reading "gossip girl" blasts anyway? 開始喜歡看八卦天后手機報的了
[20:52.55]Since you became the subject of them. 從你變成主題開始
[20:54.35]You're 15 years old,and I'm your big brother. 你才15歲 我是你哥哥
[20:56.46]It is my business. well,it's not true. -這就關我的事 -這不是真的
[21:00.45]You happy? oh. w-- 開心了?
[21:02.28]You can't tell anyone,though. everyone has to believe it. 別告訴別人 得讓他們相信
[21:05.06]W--are--are you saying 你的意思是
[21:06.65]That you actually want your friends to think 想讓你的那些朋友們相信
[21:08.24]That you're sleeping with a guy who's gay? 你和那個同性戀的家伙上過床?
[21:10.16]Do you believe everything that you read on "gossip girl"? 八卦天后說什么你信什么啊
[21:11.47]I didn't read it. I saw it. 我沒有讀 親眼所見
[21:13.69]So you were the one who sent the tip? yeah,i'm--look,i'm sorry, -是你發(fā)的信息? -是的 對不起
[21:17.50]But I tried to tell you. you wouldn't listen to me. 我試圖告訴過你 但你不聽我的
[21:19.73]I needed to get your attention somehow. 無論如何你得注意一點
[21:20.99]Well,i knew about him the whole time. 我一直都很了解他
[21:25.44]So... so you let him use you? 那就是說你任由他利用你?
[21:28.60]Well,maybe I was using him. did you ever think of that? 也許我是在利用他呢 你有沒有這樣想過
[21:31.67]For once in your life, 你就不能稍微歇會兒
[21:33.40]Could you just stop judging everyone? no,i'm not. I'm-- -不要隨便評價別人 一次就好 -我沒有...
[21:37.45]You think that you're so different and so good? 你自認為很特別很完美
[21:39.08]Well,guess what,dan? 知道嗎 丹
[21:40.41]The minute that you start sending tips to gossip girl, 從你給八卦天后發(fā)第一條短信起
[21:41.87]You're in the game with the rest of us. 你就已經(jīng)成為我們之中的一員了
[21:51.63]B.,now's not a good time. B 現(xiàn)在打電話不是時候
[21:53.23]It's important. look,i know I told you I'd be more available, -這很重要 -我是和你說過我很閑
[21:56.61]But I just can't right now. but it can't wait. -但現(xiàn)在真的不行 -這事等不得
[22:01.51]Sorry. it was just blair. 不好意思 是布萊爾的電話
[22:03.86]Oh. how is snow white? 白雪公主如何
[22:06.05]Uh,snow not so white. did you hear that she and-- eric. 她并沒有那么好 你聽說過她和 艾瑞克
[22:10.03]So,georgina,what brings you back to new york? 喬治娜 你為什么回到紐約
[22:12.96]Oh,i just had some time to kill. 我只是想打發(fā)下時間
[22:14.57]She went to boarding school in switzerland. 她去了瑞士的寄宿學校
[22:16.52]Oh,your parents must be happy you're back. oh,no. 你回來你父母肯定很高興
[22:19.14]Actually,they've moved to the country full-time. 事實上 他們大多數(shù)時間都在瑞士
[22:21.27]I'm just in the city to catch up with some old friends. 我只是想在這聯(lián)系老朋友
[22:25.15]What about you? 你呢
[22:27.18]You and that gorgeous tiffany rock 你和那個有名的搖滾歌手蒂凡尼之間的事
[22:29.98]Seem to be the talk of the city. thank you. 似乎成了大家談論的話題 謝謝
[22:32.73]Mr. bass and I are very,um,happy. 拜斯和我都很開心
[22:36.20]You look it. you all do. 你看上去確實很開心 你們都很開心
[22:38.76]I mean,there must be love in the new york air. 紐約的空氣里肯定有愛的元素
[22:42.08]You're engaged,serena's found a new guy, 你訂婚了 瑟琳娜也找了新男朋友
[22:44.64]Eric found himself a boyfriend. 艾瑞克也找了個男朋友
[22:46.62]Excuse me? 等等
[22:50.78]Oh,i-i'm sorry. I don't think I heard you right. 對不起 我想我剛才可能沒聽清楚
[22:53.22]What? you haven't met serena's new guy? a boyfriend? -你沒見過瑟琳娜的新男朋友 -男朋友?
[22:55.97]Oh. you mean eric. 你是說艾瑞克
[22:59.34]You didn't know he was dating someone? 你不知道他在和某人約會嗎
[23:01.60]I... didn't think it was a secret. 我認為這不是什么秘密
[23:04.09]I mean,i saw them kissing in front of st. jude's this morning 今天早上我看見他們在街頭親吻了
[23:06.35]For all the world to see. 大家都看到了
[23:07.94]Well,don't look so embarrassed,e. E 別顯得這么尷尬
[23:10.61]He is a hot piece! well done. 他很帥 干很好
[23:13.43]Please,georgina. it's not funny,okay? 別這樣 喬治娜 這不好笑
[23:23.94]You--you didn't know eric was dating a boy. 你不知道艾瑞克在和男生約會
[23:26.79]This doesn't make any sense,because that would mean... 這怎么可能 因為這意味著
[23:29.31]That eric is... 艾瑞克是...
[23:31.75]And he's not. 但是他不是
[23:34.45]He's just not. 他肯定不是
[23:40.23]Are you? 你是嗎
[23:44.80]Oh,god. 天那
[23:48.88]Eric. 艾瑞克
[23:50.29]Great,mom. that's just great. 是的 媽媽 那是真的
[23:52.94]How dare you? 你怎么可以這么做
[24:02.06]Dan went out with vanessa,and I'm going to choir practice 丹和瓦內(nèi)薩出去了 我現(xiàn)在要去唱詩班練習
[24:04.29]Like we talked about. don't wait up. not so fast. 和我們談論的一樣 別等我 別這么快
[24:08.41]Where were you gonna change your clothes? 你打算在哪換衣服呢
[24:10.29]We don't wear a uniform for rehearsal. 我們在排演的時候不穿制服
[24:13.74]Well,unless the choir is entertainment at asher's party, 除非唱詩班是你去阿瑟的聚會玩
[24:17.90]You have some explaining to do. 所找的借口
[24:19.34]How'd you know about the party? 你怎么知道聚會的事
[24:21.66]I know a lot more than you think I do. 我知道的比你認為的要多
[24:27.62]Nice dress. 很好看的衣服
[24:29.31]I wanted one night out,okay? what was I supposed to do? 我想出去一晚上 行嗎 你覺得我該怎么做
[24:32.88]Ask my permission. 獲得我的批準
[24:33.99]Well,you would've said no. you're probably right, -你肯定會不同意的 -你說的很對
[24:35.80]But that's no excuse to lie to me. dad,you don't understand,all right? -但你沒理由騙我 -爸爸 你不懂
[24:39.46]I'm throwing this party! not anymore you're not. -我要參加這個聚會 -你不能去
[24:41.64]You need to call asher and tell him you're not coming. I can't. -給阿瑟打個電話說不去了 -我不打
[24:43.30]It's too late,all right? 已經(jīng)太遲了 知道嗎
[24:44.67]All my friends-- you heard me. 我的朋友 你聽到我說的了
[24:45.72]I promised. all that good behavior from the past few weeks -我答應她們了 -以前所有好的表現(xiàn)都
[24:48.53]Just got wiped out from that lie. you can't stop me,all right? I'm going. -因為謊話掩蓋了 -你不能阻止我 我要走了
[24:51.58]Jenny,if you walk out that door,i-- 珍妮 如果你走出這道門 我
[24:55.31]You'll what?! what,dad? what are you gonna do? 你會怎樣 爸爸 你打算要怎么做
[24:56.61]Are you gonna put bars on my window 要在我的窗戶上裝柵欄嗎
[24:58.51]Or chain me to the kitchen counter? 還是把我鏈在廚房柜臺
[25:00.25]I'm not your... 我不是你的
[25:03.28]I'm not a little girl anymore. 我不再是個小女孩了
[25:05.84]You can't make me do anything. 你不能強迫我做任何事情
[25:09.24]You've already lost my trust. 你已經(jīng)失去我的信任了
[25:11.52]You really wanna lose my respect,too? 你還想失去我對你的關心嗎
[25:13.84]I'm sorry. 對不起
[25:24.26]Yeah. okay. 好的
[25:26.79]Hey,it's me. 是我
[25:28.41]Bye. 再見
[25:29.72]Who are you talking to? 你和誰通話呢
[25:32.48]Chuck. 恰克
[25:35.19]What,you called chuck? 什么 你給恰克電話
[25:37.63]Yeah. I've been talking to him a lot lately. 是的 最近我跟他很談得來
[25:39.57]Guy's got his faults,but he's never judged me. 每個人都有缺點 但是他從未批評我
[25:42.17]I'm your sister. 我是你姐姐
[25:45.03]We're us. 我們是一家人
[25:46.72]You can tell me anything. 你可以告訴我任何事
[25:50.18]I wanted to, 我也想
[25:51.50]But it... it's--it's not the type of thing 但是這 事情不是這樣的
[25:54.99]You blurt out on the way to school. 在去學校的路上你一直在說
[25:56.63]I was waiting for the right time. 我一直在等待合適的時機
[25:59.46]Dinner with georgina definitely wasn't at all. 和喬治娜晚餐的時候肯定不合適
[26:02.84]I'sorry about her... 關于她我很抱歉
[26:06.52]About me. 至于我
[26:08.62]I came back for you, 我是因為你才回來的
[26:10.90]And then I abandoned you all over again. 而我再一次的拋棄了你
[26:12.95]This isn't like before. 這次和上次不一樣
[26:14.37]I'm fine,really. 我沒事 真的
[26:19.06]Well,i'm here now. 我現(xiàn)在在這了
[26:24.50]When I was at ostroff,i met this guy. 在歐斯喬夫時 我遇到了這個家伙
[26:27.77]We were going through a lot of the same stuff, 我們一起經(jīng)歷了很多
[26:30.46]And now that guy is dating jenny. 而現(xiàn)在那家伙在和珍妮約會
[26:33.04]Wait,you're the mystery guy that asher was spotted kissing? 你就是那個和阿瑟接吻的神秘人?
[26:37.23]I know this isn't how you wanted this to happen. 我知道這不是你所希望的
[26:40.03]Yeah,i guess the important thing 是的 重要的是
[26:41.75]Is that it's happening. 它確實發(fā)生了
[26:44.86]I'm so proud of you. 我為你感到自豪
[26:49.36]I love you,no matter... 我愛你 不論
[26:53.25]What you do,who you like, 你做了什么 你喜歡誰
[26:57.20]Whose boyfriend kisses you. 誰的男友吻了你
[26:59.41]The people who care about you 關心你的人
[27:01.23]Will always stand by your side,okay? yeah. 會永遠支持你的 知道嗎
[27:03.98]I think I'm gonna drop by asher's party. 我想我要順便去下阿瑟的聚會
[27:08.25]There's one more person I have to talk to. 還有一個人我必須要和他談談
[27:41.82]Oh,my god. blair crashed jenny's party. 天那 布萊爾把珍妮的聚會搞砸了
[27:44.42]You look... I know. 你看上去 我知道
[27:47.12]Jenny's gonna freak. watch and learn,ladies. 珍妮肯定會很郁悶 看著多學點 姑娘們
[27:49.61]The most important parties to attend 最重要的聚會
[27:51.26]Are the ones you're not invited to. 就是參加那些沒有邀請你的聚會
[27:52.99]Where's the host? I have something for him. 主人在哪呢 我有東西要給他
[28:07.23]Oh,thank god you're here. I'm so happy to see you. hey. 天啊 你在這 很高興見到你
[28:11.15]I'm happy to see you,too. you can meet sarah. oh,i'd love to, -我也是 給你介紹下莎拉 -我也很想認識
[28:14.35]But now is really not a good time. 但現(xiàn)在不是時候
[28:15.72]Well,she's here,so,uh... sarah,serena. serena,sarah. -但她已經(jīng)在這了 -這是瑟琳娜 這是莎拉
[28:20.48]Hi. I'm sarah. 你好 我是莎拉
[28:22.51]It is so nice to finally meet you. 很高興終于見到你
[28:32.00]Dan told me you were pretty,but he didn't do you justice. 丹說你很漂亮 但那對你不公平
[28:35.21]Dan,can we talk in private,please? hey,no,no,no. wait. -丹 我們我可以單獨談談嗎 -別
[28:38.91]To show me one of her movies. 給我看看她的電影
[28:41.25]I'm a filmmaker,too,of sorts. 我也是搞電影拍攝的 各種各樣的電影
[28:43.11]Actually,i brought one of my short films. 事實上 我拍了一部電影短片
[28:45.11]I was hoping to get your opinion. 我想知道你們的看法
[28:47.15]Maybe you wanna see it,too,and tell me what you think? 也許你也想看 告訴我你是怎么想的
[28:50.78]I'll go get my laptop. 我要去拿我的電腦
[28:52.88]Dan,would you get me a coffee? please? 丹 幫我拿杯咖啡吧 拜托
[28:55.98]Yeah. 好的
[29:00.45]What the hell are you doing,georgina? put that away. 喬治娜 你到底在干嗎 用那種方式
[29:03.71]Aw,come on. I'm just having a little fun. 別這樣 我只是開了個小玩笑
[29:06.21]Remember? like old times. 記得嗎 和以前一樣
[29:07.71]You and me pretending to be different people-- 你和我假裝成別人
[29:09.81]Svetlana and savannah. this is not a game. 南美大草原和斯維特拉娜 這不是游戲
[29:11.81]I don't know how you even filmed that, 我不知道你是如何做到的
[29:13.81]But I'm not playing with you this time. it's just a friendly game. 但這次我不是在跟你玩 這只是個友好的游戲
[29:16.75]But we're not friends. 但我們不是朋友
[29:18.28]Oh... I think we are. 我想我們是的
[29:22.91]You see,because with me as your enemy, 你瞧 和我 你的敵人一起
[29:25.38]Dan sees this. 丹看了這個
[29:27.05]And if the heavy petting doesn't send him running, 就算那些熱吻的畫面沒把丹嚇走
[29:30.05]Well,i'll bet what happened after will. hey. 我打賭后果也將不堪設想
[29:33.48]What'd we miss? nothing. -我們錯過什么了嗎 -沒什么
[29:35.88]It's like sarah and I have known each other for years. 我和莎拉像早就認識了一樣
[29:38.59]Oh. great. 太好了
[29:40.50]We don't need the laptop anymore. thanks. 不需要手提電腦了 多謝
[29:43.10]No,i got a little shy about showing it. 這個我不太好意思拿出手
[29:46.04]Maybe next time? 下次吧
[29:47.21]Okay. 好的
[29:58.24]So was it as special as you hoped it would be? 這里和你想象的一樣特別嗎
[30:00.45]Cause yours totally wasn't. and yours was? -都因為你那次太俗了 -難道你那次就好嗎
[30:03.56]Ladies,your drinks. 女士們 你們的飲料
[30:05.13]I mean,yeah. 是的
[30:06.26]Asher made me feel really safe. you are so lucky. -阿瑟讓我很有安全感 -你很幸運
[30:09.18]Mmm,i know. 我知道
[30:11.31]You guys,blair is here. what is she doing here? she wasn't invited. -布萊爾來了 -她來干什么 又沒邀請她
[30:19.01]We need to talk. 我想和你談談
[30:23.35]Give us a moment,guys. 先離開一會兒
[30:25.15]I thought you might want this back. 我以為你想把這個要回去
[30:27.65]Whatever you found,it's not what it looks like. 你見到的和你想象的不一樣
[30:30.15]It's always what it looks like. 有短信和照片為證
[30:31.85]And judging by the texts and photos, 就是事實
[30:33.81]It looks like a little more than friendship. 不像是單純的朋友關系啊
[30:35.60]What are you gonna do with them? 那你想怎樣
[30:36.98]Well,lucky for you, 幸運的是
[30:38.51]Your friend is someone I actually care about, 我真正關心的是你朋友
[30:40.88]Or I would've used them against you and jenny already. 不然我早就用這些證據(jù)來對付你和珍妮了
[30:43.08]Too bad you don't care about him the same way. 你也不關心他 這很糟糕
[30:44.68]It's okay,blair. I can handle this. 沒事了 布萊爾 我能處理好
[30:47.48]What's he doing here? what is she doing here? -他在這里干什么 -她又在這干嗎
[30:49.91]Are you gonna tell her,or am i? there's nothing to tell. -你告訴她還是讓我來? -沒什么好說的
[30:52.51]Gossip girl was right. 八卦天后是對的
[30:53.98]Asher was kissing someone this morning... me. oh! 阿瑟今早是吻了一個人 是我
[30:58.28]He's totally lying. tell him,jenny. 他在撒謊 告訴他 珍妮
[30:59.82]I was with you all morning. 今早我一直都和你在一起
[31:03.48]Yeah. asher's right. 是的
[31:07.04]I was with him. eric's lying. 他是和我在一塊 艾瑞克撒謊
[31:09.18]Why would I stand here,in front of everyone we know, 如果這是謊言
[31:12.88]And tell them if it wasn't true? 我干嗎要在所有這些熟人面前出自己的丑?
[31:15.58]I'm gay... 我是同性戀
[31:17.38]And so are you. 你也是
[31:19.05]Get this faggot out of here! 滾出去 你這個同性戀
[31:22.56]Go ahead and do it. 想怎么做就怎么做
[31:29.91]What did you just do? 你剛剛干什么了
[31:32.45]You'll see. 很快你就會知道了
[31:45.89]What kind of mother does not know that her son is gay? 連孩子是同性戀都不知的母親會是怎樣的母親?
[31:48.89]The people you know best 你最了解人
[31:50.38]Are the ones most capable of surprising you. 往往是讓你最為驚訝的人
[31:52.91]The things that I said,the way I acted... 今天我所說所做的一切...
[31:55.38]It was not my finest maternal moment. 可不是一個母親最該做的
[31:58.05]What if he does something again? 要是他開始重拾舊習呢
[32:00.05]I know how much you love him. so does he. 我知道你有多愛他 他也一樣
[32:02.91]You just need to remind him of that. 你只需要提醒一下他
[32:04.91]But what if it's not enough? most of the time,it's all we've got. -還不夠呢 -大多情況下 我們能做的只有這些
[32:08.91]And what about you? what are you gonna do? 那你呢 打算怎么辦
[32:12.08]I'm gonna wait for my daughter to come to me, 等我女兒回到身邊
[32:15.58]And then I'm gonna ground her until she's 25. 然后緊閉她直到她25歲那天
[32:21.45]Ah,we make quite the team,huh? 我們的遭遇都那么默契
[32:24.25]Always did. 老這樣
[32:27.25]Good luck,lil, 好運 莉莉
[32:28.75]With everything. 萬事順利
[32:30.81]I'm sure you'll make a beautiful bride. 你會是最美的新娘
[32:32.98]Mm,thank you. 謝謝
[32:37.25]Good night,rufus. 魯弗斯 晚安
[32:44.81]Weekend update-- 周末信息更新...
[32:46.71]A same-sex kiss hasn't caused this much controversy 這是自麥當娜和布蘭妮一吻后
[32:49.81]Since britney and madonna. 引發(fā)爭論最激烈的一次相似事件了
[32:51.51]Looks like little j. didn't spread her legs after all. 看來小珍妮并沒有得到解脫
[32:54.51]She spread lies instead. 卻散播出了謊言
[32:56.01]Asher is gay, 阿瑟是同性戀
[32:57.51]And I have the correspondence to prove it. 我有證據(jù)證明
[32:59.91]Looks like someone needs a semester in france. 看來有人要去法國過上一個學期了
[33:02.98]Get your things,girls. we're leaving. 拿好東西 我們要走了
[33:05.15]Guys,we can still have fun. don't leave. 我們再開心的玩會兒 別走啊
[33:07.68]It's kind of hard to party after the gay bomb drops. 同性戀事件就像顆炸彈 我們很難呆下去
[33:09.54]I'm gonna do something out of character 我現(xiàn)在放下面子
[33:11.01]And give you the benefit of the doubt. 對此表示懷疑
[33:13.01]Tells us gossip girl is wrong. 告訴我們八卦天后的話不是真的
[33:14.98]Did you or did you not sleep with asher? 你到底有沒有和阿瑟上床?
[33:17.51]I... may have exaggerated a little bit. 我...也許夸張了一點
[33:20.48]Dating a gay guy is an honest mistake, 和一個同性戀男生約會不算錯
[33:23.18]But lying to your girlfriends about sex is unforgivable. 但對于性的話題向朋友撒謊就不可饒恕了
[33:27.57]To think, 一想到
[33:27.88]I almost asked you to wear a matching dress tonight. 幸好昨晚沒有奉獻一全套晚裝給你
[33:30.28]You're branded now with the "l" word. 就以P打頭的詞做為你的商標好了
[33:32.25]"liar." "騙子"
[33:33.48]So what are we doing tonight? 那么我們今晚干些什么
[33:36.58]We are doing nothing. 什么也不做
[33:38.28]I,however,am going home. 我要回家了
[33:40.35]But,um... 但是...
[33:42.41]Tomorrow,dinner at the waverly 明晚在維福利有場晚宴
[33:44.31]And then to 151 for drinks. yeah. -然后去151喝飲料怎么樣 -好的
[33:46.35]I'll have dorota blackberry everyone an itinerary. 我會要
[33:49.55]Don't look so sad,little j. 別那么憂傷 小珍妮
[33:51.75]The sun will come out tomorrow... 盡管你男朋友今晚的所作所為
[33:54.01]Even though your boyfriend did today. 明天又將是美好的一天
[34:07.59]Hey,um,i made... 我泡了...
[34:09.96]Uh,some tea. 茶
[34:11.18]Um,it's probably iced now,but,um... 現(xiàn)在可能涼了 但是...
[34:14.27]Look,my reaction earlier-- it's okay,mom. -我今天的所作所為... -沒事 媽媽
[34:16.93]No,it's not okay. 那很糟糕
[34:20.58]You just caught me off guard. I guess i... 你讓我有些不知所措 我 ...
[34:23.11]I just wasn't ready. 我只是沒又心理準備
[34:25.78]Well,i wasn't ready either,so... 我也一樣沒有準備
[34:27.47]It's okay if you need time. 我能理解你需要些時間
[34:33.69]Since you're being so honest, 看在你這么誠實
[34:36.15]I'm gonna,um,to try as well,okay? 我會試著接受的 好嗎
[34:44.98]I'm scared. 我被嚇著了
[34:48.04]And life is tough enough as it is,you know? 人生何其艱難
[34:51.65]I want... I want the best for you. 我想你成為最棒的
[34:57.17]I'm worried for your safety and your happiness. 我擔心你的安全問題 擔心你不開心
[35:01.04]I have a better chance of being happy if I'm honest. 誠實面對我才更開心
[35:04.54]I know that, 我明白
[35:06.58]And I want you to know what love is... 我想讓你知道什么是愛...
[35:09.22]Whoever you're with, 誰在你身邊...
[35:11.36]Because it's pretty great. 因為這一切都很美好
[35:14.51]You would know,right? 你也知道的 對嗎
[35:16.49]Fourth time's the charm. 命運不會多次與人作對
[35:19.98]Ah,yes, 是啊
[35:22.48]The truth always comes out. 真相終將大白于天下
[35:24.37]It's one of the fundamental rules of time. 這是最基本的時間規(guī)律
[35:26.73]And when it comes out,it can set you free... 真相有時能讓你得到解脫
[35:29.58]Or end everything you fought so hard for. 有時也能毀掉你辛苦得來的一切
[35:42.17]My,my. if it isn't little j.,risen from the ashes. 天啊 是不是小珍妮得到重生了呢
[35:47.38]I came to tell you in person... 我來和你單獨談談...
[35:48.64]You win. 你贏了
[35:50.97]Oh,sweetie. we just started to play. 甜心 游戲才剛開始呢
[35:53.72]No,you don't understand. 你不明白
[35:56.77]I'm done... 我受夠了...
[35:58.80]With you,with them, 受夠了你和她們
[36:00.99]With all of it. 受夠了這一切的一切
[36:03.00]Just like that,you wave the white flag? 你就這樣投降了是嗎
[36:06.00]I lied,and I stole, 我撒謊 偷竊
[36:08.65]And I lost the respect of my family... for what? 家人不再信賴我...這是為了什么
[36:11.42]So I can be like you? 為了像你一樣?
[36:13.33]You asked me before if it was all worth it. 你從前問過我這樣做是不是值得
[36:17.07]My answer is,it's not. 現(xiàn)在我的回答是 不值得
[36:20.52]I tried to warn you... 我警告過你...
[36:24.12]There's a price to pay. 會付出代價的
[36:27.93]I always knew a girl like you couldn't afford it. 我也知道像你這種女孩是付不起這種代價的
[36:31.26]Well,you were right. 你是對的
[36:33.08]Well,you put up a good fight... 你挑起的戰(zhàn)爭很精彩...
[36:35.61]For a freshman. 對一個新手來說很難得
[36:37.64]Thanks. 謝謝
[36:40.24]I hope you don't expect a hug. 你不會是想擁抱吧
[36:44.38]I don't expect anything anymore. 我現(xiàn)在什么也不想要了
[36:56.40]So... she's great,right? what do you think? 她很不錯 是嗎 你怎么看
[36:59.13]Honestly,there's something I don't really like about her. 其實 我不太喜歡她的某些方面
[37:01.78]Okay,but you had your doubts about vanessa in the beginning, 一開始你不也不太喜歡瓦內(nèi)薩嗎
[37:04.21]And now you guys are friends. this is different. -現(xiàn)在你們卻是好朋友 -這回不一樣
[37:07.84]I-i don't understand why you--you're... 我不明白你為什么...
[37:11.27]Why I'm what? 我為什么怎么樣?
[37:12.88]Jealous. there's no reason to be. 妒忌 想不出其他原因了
[37:14.88]She--she actually wanted us to patch things up. 她的確想我們和好
[37:17.31]What,you told her about our problems? 你告訴她我們之間的事?
[37:19.85]Yes,because she wanted to listen to them, 因為她想知道
[37:20.17]And she had good advice,too. look at me. I love you,okay? -她的建議也不錯 -看著我 我愛你
[37:25.42]You just have to take my word for it. 仔細聽我說
[37:27.76]Do not trust her. 不要相信她
[37:30.05]But you just met her. i... 但你們才剛認識...
[37:32.12]You know,you've been hanging out with chuck 就算你和恰克在一起
[37:34.80]And you've been partying and avoiding me and lying, 開派對 對我不理不睬 撒謊
[37:38.64]And y-you're trying to tell me who I can and cannot trust? 你還想告訴我該相信誰不該相信誰嗎
[37:40.57]I-i don't understand that at all. 我一點都不明白
[37:47.76]We--we all live in brooklyn,so... 我們都住在布魯克林
[37:50.46]I don't know. 所以...
[37:51.51]If--if you need to catch a cab,i think you should do that here. 如果你想搭輛出租車回家 現(xiàn)在就去吧
[37:54.23]Dan,don't. I want to talk. 丹 我想和你談談
[37:56.41]Then talk. 那就好好說啊
[38:01.03]I'm gonna get going. 我要離開了
[38:02.89]Hey,just hold on. one--one second. 等等 就一會兒
[38:05.03]I forgot something inside. I'll catch up with you guys? 我有東西落在里面了 待會兒和你們碰面
[38:08.24]Okay. 好的
[38:17.51]Well,i had fun. 真開心
[38:19.15]How about you? what do you want from me? -你呢 -你到底想讓我怎樣
[38:21.23]I want things to go back to how they were before that night, 我想讓事情都回到那晚以前
[38:24.39]Before things got so screwed up. 在一切都被毀之前
[38:26.31]We were such good friends,and now we can be again. 我們那么親密 會回到從前的
[38:29.84]Why would I want to be friends with somebody who blackmails me, 我怎么會和一個勒索我的人
[38:32.65]Who outs my little brother at the dinner table? 在眾人面前揭露我弟弟隱私的人做朋友
[38:35.41]Eric was an honest mistake. I would never hurt him. 關于艾瑞克那件事是出于善意 我不想傷害他
[38:39.15]No,i don't believe you. 我不信
[38:40.17]I don't believe you about eric,about anything. 你說的一切我都不信
[38:43.32]Maybe you're right. 也許你是對的
[38:45.00]Maybe I did it on purpose. 也許我就是故意的
[38:47.66]Because I can, 因為我就是能
[38:49.56]Because I know things 我知道內(nèi)幕
[38:51.11]About you,about your family, 你和你的家人
[38:53.69]About your boyfriend, 你的男朋友
[38:55.60]And I know them before you do. 我比你知道的多的多
[39:00.21]Oh,look. cab. 出租車來了
[39:02.66]You get home safe. 注意路上安全
[39:11.44]Hold up,guys! I'm coming. 等等 我來了
[39:20.48]Another way the truth comes out 有的時候在無意之間
[39:23.75]When you don't even mean it to... 真相自然大白...
[39:26.92]"angry," "氣憤"
[39:28.42]"change," "改變"
[39:30.36]"trust," "信任"
[39:32.34]"girl." "女孩"
[39:34.10]Somethin' you wanna talk about? 想談談嗎
[39:36.24]Who would have thought scrabble could be so therapeutic? 真沒想到字圖游戲都能起到治療傷心的作用
[39:38.55]That last one was a triple word score. 最后這個是一個三字單詞
[39:43.20]Or when, 有時
[39:45.76]Without saying a word, 沉默中
[39:47.27]It's still loud and clear. 卻字字清晰
[40:00.76]Dad? 爸爸?
[40:04.77]Do you think it'd be okay if I joined you? 我能和你們一塊玩嗎
[40:12.03]You know there's always room for you here. 這里的位置總是為你留的
[40:23.37]Yeah,and dad's totally losing,so he could use your help. 爸爸輸定了 需要你來幫忙
[40:28.87]Dad,i'm sorry. 爸爸 對不起
[40:30.67]Oh. I'm sorry about everything. 我為所做的一切道歉
[40:40.55]But the worst thing the truth can do 真相大白所帶來最壞的影響是
[40:43.65]Is when you finally tell it, 最后當你準備好要澄清時
[40:45.23]It doesn't set you free,but locks you away forever. 它不但沒能讓你解脫 反而永遠讓你不可自拔
[40:48.85]Blair? 布萊爾
[40:50.55]Serena,what are you doing here? it's late. 瑟琳娜 這么晚了你來這里干嗎
[40:52.52]Oh,my god. 上帝啊
[40:54.66]What happened? what's wrong? 怎么了 發(fā)生什么了
[40:57.07]Talk to me. I can't. -和我說說 -不行
[40:59.26]Of course you can. 你能行的
[41:00.43]No. no,b.,this is the one thing I can't tell you. 不 B 我不能告訴你
[41:04.05]I can't tell anyone. 誰也不能說
[41:06.40]I-i'm not anyone. I'm me. you can tell me anything. 我不是別人 我什么都能和你分擔
[41:09.21]No,i can't... 不行...
[41:11.35]Because then that'd make you a part of it, 因為我不想把你牽扯進去
[41:13.67]And you can't be a part of this. 你不能受我影響
[41:16.19]What are you talking about? you're starting to scare me. 你在說什么? 嚇著我了
[41:18.86]Hey,hey,hey. we're sisters. 我們是姐妹
[41:21.83]You're my family. what is you,is me. 是家人 你的就是我的
[41:24.54]There's nothing that you could ever say to make me let go. 沒有什么能讓對你我放手
[41:30.22]I love you. 我愛你
[41:34.58]What is it? 怎么了?
[41:37.82]I killed someone. 我殺了人

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