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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:40:34
[00:01.20]GOSSIP GIRL: Gossip Girl here, your one and only source... 流言蜚女駕到...
[00:03.88]. . .into the scandalous lives of Manhattan 's elite.
[00:06.44]-They wanna take our money? -They have frozen our accounts. 他們想沒收我們的錢?
[00:07.08]還沒有 但是他們 已經把我們銀行帳戶凍結了
[00:09.48]-You can take care of this with my heIp. -What wouId I have to do for you? 你能解決這個問題
[00:13.20]-This is so messed up. CATHERINE: Your ex dating my stepson? 那我要為你做什么?
[00:15.64]Yes, it is. 沒錯
[00:16.80]I didn't sign up for some Iove triangIe with someone's mom. 我不想卷入你跟某人老媽 偷偷摸摸的三角戀!
[00:19.68]-She giving me money. -You have no idea how I feeI about Nate. 她給我錢
[00:20.52]你不知道我對Nate的感情 我會想盡一切辦法留住他
[00:23.24]-And what I wouId do to keep him. -You want this woman? 你想跟這個女人在一起嗎?
[00:25.96]-No, I wanna be with you. -I am out for good. 不 我想跟你在一起
[00:28.32]In spite of my IowIy, unroyaI ways, accept that I have true feeIings. . . 我要退出 永遠退出
[00:28.40]盡管我的出身不夠高貴 不是皇室
[00:32.40]-. . .for Marcus and he has them for me. MARCUS: BIair.
[00:35.96]BLAIR: Marcus! Marcus!
[00:37.52]I knew it was him. But I want you. 不要 我知道是他 但我喜歡的是你
[00:39.52]You want my titIe, which makes me a fooI. I do want you. 你想要的是我的貴族頭銜 這讓我自己像個傻瓜
[00:43.08]Then show me. 我真的想要你
[00:44.92]-I was on a-- -On a date? -我在約... -在...約會?
[00:46.76]I was gonna teII you. I've been dating. 是啊 我本來打算跟你們講的
[00:48.72]We keep having the same fight. I can't change who I am. 我們一直在為同一件事爭吵
[00:52.08]Me neither. 我也是
[00:53.36]-When I step out of here, it's over. -I think it was aIready. 當我從這里走出去的時候 一切就都結束了
[00:59.20]WOMAN: Where has she been?
[01:00.40]GOSSIP GIRL: And who am I?
[01:01.88]That's one secret I'll never tell.
[01:05.04]You know you love me. X O X O...
[01:08.84]. . .Gossip Girl. <font color="#ffff00">流言蜚女 第二季 第04集
[01:10.96]Wakey wakey, Upper East Siders. 起床啦 上東區(qū)的人們
[01:13.56]Welcome to the first day of senior year and the onset of a new social dynasty. 歡迎來到高三的第一天 也是社交新世代的開始
[01:18.84]The big question is, with Serena single and on top of the world... 重要問題 Serena恢復單身 大權在握
[01:22.80]. . . will Constance become the house of van der Woodsen? 學校會成為她的天下嗎?
[01:25.68]I can't beIieve you got Bart to wear fIip-fIops. I can't picture that. 我真不敢相信你讓Bart穿人字拖了
[01:29.04]It was so cute. Every time we'd go for a waIk. . . 我簡直沒法相信
[01:31.40]. . .I'd catch him staring down at his feet. 我都能看到他一直在看自己的腳
[01:34.00]Mom, it aII sounds so romantic. 媽媽 聽起來真浪漫
[01:36.76]-Are we expecting more peopIe? -WeII, it is your first day of schooI. . . 還會有人來吃飯?
[01:38.36]這是你去學校的第一天 我想讓自己有個媽媽的樣子
[01:40.76]. . .and I was trying to be motherIy.
[01:42.60]I can't beIieve you didn't wake me when you got home. 媽媽 我真不敢相信 你昨天晚上回來的時候沒叫醒我
[01:45.16]-I feeI cheated. -Last time you said you feIt vioIated. 我有種被欺騙的感覺
[01:45.88]上次 你覺得被侵犯了
[01:48.12]-WeIcome home-- -Say " Mom" and I wiII kiII you. - 歡迎回家... - 敢叫“媽媽” 我就在你睡覺的時候殺了你
[01:50.52]Decaf, Serena. I was going to say " Mrs. Bass. " 別緊張 Serena
[01:53.48]Thank you, CharIes. Bart had to fIy to Beijing on business. 謝謝你 Charles
[01:54.64]Bart去北京出差了 他讓我代問好
[01:57.00]But he sends his best.
[01:58.92]-As he has done since kindergarten. -Okay. HeIIo. 我上幼兒園之后他一直這么做
[02:01.88]We were taIking romantic getaway, waIking on the beach. DetaiIs. 好的
[02:01.88]我們在談論浪漫的度假 海邊漫步
[02:05.80]I couId stay home and then we couId go to Iunch together. 細節(jié)呢
[02:05.80]我可以呆在家里 然后我們一起吃午餐
[02:09.24]-Stay home? It's your first day of-- -Serena and Dan broke up. Tragic. 呆在家里?
[02:09.64]- 這是你第一天... - Serena和Dan分手了
[02:12.76]If not entireIy unprecedented. But not without an upside. 真是悲劇 但也有前列了
[02:15.80]Humphrey was hoIding you back. Humphrey一直在拖你后腿
[02:18.12]You're a born queen. 你天生就是女王
[02:20.52]This is your year to ruIe. 今年是屬于你的
[02:22.64]-Why fight it? -I don't want it, okay? 干嘛要掙扎?
[02:24.52]Being queen is BIair's whoIe thing. 因為我不想 好嗎?
[02:26.76]PIus, if she needs a eunuch, she knows where to Iook. 況且 若她需要太監(jiān) 她知道去哪找
[02:30.12]You may feeI differentIy when the trumpets caII. 當號角吹響的時候你就不這么想了
[02:32.92]Grab the OJ. There's champagne in the Iimo. 把橙汁喝完
[02:37.88]He's kidding. 他...他在開玩笑呢
[02:39.92]I think. 我是這么想的
[02:46.72]So you broke up. I didn't even know you two were back together. 那么你們分手了
[02:50.28]-Yeah. -Are you okay? 是啊
[02:51.88]No. 你還好嗎?
[02:51.80]不好 但會好起來的
[02:53.44]But I wiII be. I hope. 我希望
[02:55.96]I don't know. Having to see him every day, it's-- 我不知道 每天都能見到他
[02:59.40]It's gonna be reaIIy hard.
[03:01.88]You know what? Every day gets a IittIe bit easier. 嗯 知道嗎?
[03:04.68]-Yeah. DAN: It'll be fine, right? 是啊
[03:06.76]-Of course. -We broke up amicabIy. 都會過去的 對嗎?
[03:08.76]-No one cheated. No one screamed. -Nothing to worry about. 我的意思是 我們...是心平氣和分手的
[03:11.68]Of course, I don't know what the post-breakup protocoI is. 當然 雖然我不懂得現今的分手禮節(jié)
[03:14.56]She gets the courtyard Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays? 比如說一三五的院子是她的地盤
[03:17.24]I get visits with the Iibrary every other weekend? 我隔一周可以再監(jiān)督下探視一次圖書館
[03:19.68]Be honest with where you're both at. 知道嗎 就順其自然的好
[03:21.60]Just do that. And the defIection-through-sarcasm thing. . . 就這么做 好嗎?
[03:22.72]通過諷刺移情這種事 最好先別做
[03:24.36]. . .you might wanna put on the back burner.
[03:26.80]I heard your friend sneak out earIy this morning. 我聽到你的朋友今早悄悄溜出去的聲音了
[03:29.72]CIare, is it? 她叫Clare 是吧?
[03:32.80]Come on. High heeIs, concrete Ioft? 拜托
[03:33.56]高跟鞋 混凝土閣樓...
[03:35.84]Not the bIueprint for a steaIthy getaway. 對偷偷摸摸來說不是個理想的地方
[03:38.24]Sorry. Back burner starting now. How are things going anyway? 抱歉
[03:44.76]It's earIy. So Iet's keep this between us, okay? 這事還早呢 所以就你知我知 好嗎?
[03:48.16]Hey. You Iook great, sweetie. 親愛的 你看起來真美
[03:50.24]You excited for the big first day? 開學第一天興奮嗎?
[03:52.56]How set are you on this whoIe going-to-schooI thing? 爸爸 你有多堅持要我去上學?
[03:55.40]-Pretty set. Why? -The first day of schooI is " draft day. " 很堅持
[03:58.72]BIair and her merry band of psychos are gonna be on a tear. Blair和她那群歡快的變態(tài)跟班的狂歡日
[04:02.40]They categorize girIs into two groups: projects and victims. 她們把女生分成兩組... 潛力組和被迫害組
[04:05.32]GirIs who have the potentiaI to be BIair-ites become projects. 有可能成為小Blair的女生被選進潛力組
[04:08.40]GirIs who have the potentiaI to threaten sociaI order become victims. 有可能威脅到社交秩序的被分到受迫害組
[04:12.00]I was a project Iast year, and we aII know how that turned out. 我去年被選進潛力組 今年的結果不說你們知道
[04:15.48]-What? -Nothing. 怎么了?
[04:16.64]TotaIIy with you. 沒事
[04:25.92]-Did you understand any of that? -I'm so gIad I'm not a girI. 你明白她說的什么意思嗎?
[04:32.92]MeIissa Murphy. Junior. Melissa Murphy 高二
[04:36.88]Let's see here. 我們看一下
[04:39.12]AP scores good. 跳級成績 優(yōu)
[04:41.04]Decent charity work. Young Women of the American BaIIet Theater. 慈善方面表現良好
[04:45.28]-Season passes to the Knicks? -My dad's the team doctor. 尼克斯隊的整季球票?
[04:48.20]Where did you say you summered again? 你剛說在哪過的暑假?
[04:50.08]The Adirondacks. 阿第倫達克山區(qū)
[04:52.88]We'II be in touch. 我們會再跟你聯系
[04:58.40]So you're basicaIIy using BIair's system to screen potentiaI dates? 你用Blair的辦法來篩選可能的約會對象?
[05:02.32]Think of it as an earIy-appIication process. 把它當成早期申請的過程
[05:04.76]So many sIots on the Chuck Bass sociaI caIendar. Chuck Bass的社交日程表上有太多空檔
[05:07.56]-It'II save me a ton of time. -It seems a bit impersonaI. 這樣做很節(jié)省時間
[05:10.36]Thank you. 謝謝
[05:13.64]Are those Iast season's Tory Burch fIats? 你Tory Burch平底鞋鞋是上一季的吧?
[05:16.00]I. . . 我
[05:19.96]. . .got them on saIe? 在打折的時候買的?
[05:38.56]Oh, my gosh.
[05:43.20]What is wrong with me? 我這是怎么了?
[05:47.96]And my brother goes to DaIton. Lacrosse captain. Cute friends. 我哥哥就讀于Dalton學院
[05:54.92]Lunch. One sharp. 午餐
[05:58.72]Every year the projects piIe shrinks whiIe the victims piIe-- 每一年“潛力組”都在縮水 而“被迫害組”卻堆積如山
[06:01.76]-I bIame the voucher system. -Government doesn't care. 我認為是擔保人系統(tǒng)的錯
[06:04.56]Last-minute transfer. Thought you shouId be up to date. 剛剛轉來的
[06:07.28]Dates wiII not be my probIem this year. 我覺得你需要保持時時更新
[06:07.20]對我來說 今年的約會不成問題
[06:09.48]Thanks to your IittIe performance Iast week. . . 多虧你上周的行動 貴族大人和我現在感情更好了
[06:11.72]. . .the Lord and I are better than ever.
[06:15.68]Now, if you'II excuse me. . . 抱歉要失陪了
[06:18.48]. . .I have to find Serena. 我要去找Serena
[06:24.08]-Vanessa. Hey. Wait up. -Nate, what are you doing here? Vanessa 嘿等等
[06:27.04]You haven't returned my phone caIIs. Nate 你在這兒干嘛?
[06:29.00]-I've been busy. -Wait. Just hoId up for a second. 我很忙
[06:30.04]等一下 很快就好
[06:31.92]You teII me to break it off with Catherine, and then you puII a 1 80. . . 你闖到那個派對上 讓我跟Catherine攤牌
[06:35.60]. . .and you teII me to stay with her. And then you just boIt. 然后你就來了個180度大轉彎 讓我跟她在一起 你就跑了
[06:38.56]I mean, did I do something or--? What happened? 我想說 我做了什么...或者發(fā)生什么事了?
[06:42.96]-I'm Iate. -Whoa, whoa, so that's it? 我要遲到了
[06:45.28]I mean, we're not even friends now? 那...就這么完了?
[06:45.16]我是說 我們連朋友都做不成了?
[06:48.44]We were never reaIIy friends, Nate. 我們從來就不是朋友 Nate
[06:58.12]You'd be the worst PI ever. 你是最差勁的私人偵探
[06:59.56]Don't wanna be caught off guard. Surprised I haven't seen her. 我不想沒做好準備大吃一驚
[07:01.04]真奇怪 我竟然沒碰到過她
[07:02.60]Yeah, especiaIIy since you're in the girIs' haIIway Iooking for her. 是啊 尤其是你來到女生大廳這邊來找她
[07:05.92]Just be nice. I'm sure this isn't easy for Serena either. 態(tài)度好點
[07:21.04]It was-- It was Iike I didn't even exist. 就像...我甚至都不存在一樣
[07:23.16]Mm. WeIcome to my worId. 歡迎進入我的世界
[07:25.52]It's not so bad once you get used to birds fIying into your head. 鳥突然飛到你頭上 自動門永遠都不開 你習慣了就好
[07:28.72]Yeah, I guess it's better to be ignored than tortured, right? 是啊
[07:29.56]是啊 被忽視總比被欺負好
[07:31.84]WeII, there's Iooking on the bright side. 是啊 總有好的一面
[07:34.16]You know what? I shouId head to my side of the buiIding. Good Iuck. 知道嗎?
[07:43.32]-Sorry, man. Sorry. Oh! -Oh! 哦 抱歉 Dan 抱歉
[07:45.76]I'm so sorry. Let me get those for you. 哦 天哪
[07:48.12]AMANDA: Oh, thanks. 我?guī)湍銚?br /> [07:48.76]哦 謝謝
[07:51.12]Amanda. I just transferred in. Amanda
[07:54.44]I'm Dan. I just assauIted you. 我叫Dan
[07:55.12]我 我剛剛襲擊了你
[07:58.80]-WeIcome. -I just hid there. 歡迎
[08:00.64]How pathetic is that? No, don't answer that. 多可悲啊?
[08:01.48]不要 別回答
[08:03.52]Breakups are easy. Having to see them date someone eIse is hard. 分手很簡單
[08:06.80]Why do you think I rub it in Chuck's face? 要不你以為我為什么一逮到 刺激Chuck的機會都不放過?
[08:09.04]-A twisted version of forepIay? -Ignoring you. 變態(tài)版前戲?
[08:12.00]You're reading the new Harris noveI? 我什么都沒聽到
[08:14.16]-Have you ever read him? -Read him. Listened to him. 你看過他的作品?
[08:14.92]讀他的作品 我聽過他講話 幫過他買早上的愛爾蘭咖啡
[08:16.72]Fetched him his morning Irish coffee. I interned for him this summer.
[08:20.56]The point is, whoever dates first wins. 重要的是 誰先開始約會誰贏
[08:23.36]And with your ex being Dan Humphrey, you win by defauIt. 你的前任是Dan 所以你必勝
[08:29.24]Looks like Humphrey defied our great expectations... 看來Humphrey打破了我們的期望 以及Waldorf的秩序規(guī)則
[08:31.80]...and Waldorf's rules of order. Daring to date before Serena?
[08:35.84]It's only a matter of time before it's off with his head. 約會跟他的腦袋一起消失只是時間問題
[08:39.04]Or hers. 或者她的腦袋
[08:42.96]NELLY: The fiIe is sketchy. She just transferred in. 她剛轉過來的
[08:45.20]Her father's with the U.N. She's traveIed. 她爸爸在聯合國工作 她環(huán)球旅游過
[08:47.32]She won the short-fiction award. 她在上一個學校得過小說獎
[08:49.44]-BIair, do you mind? -S, this girI is Dan with boobs. Blair 你能別說了嗎?
[08:49.72]S 這個女孩就是有胸版的Dan
[08:53.12]Do you reaIIy wanna see them read together aII year? 你想看見他們一整年都黏在一起嗎?
[08:55.96]-Move her to the front of the Iine. -You're making too big a deaI out of this. 把她的資料放前面
[08:56.44]聽我說 我很感激你的關心 但你小題大做了
[08:59.88]So he was taIking to someone. So what? 他不過跟某人談話
[09:03.08]It doesn't mean anything. 這不代表什么
[09:04.64](BELL RINGS) 我沒事
[09:06.36]I'm fine.
[09:09.88]-She's not fine. -She's not fine. 她有事
[09:11.64]CaII her a " person of interest. " 把她歸入受關注人群
[09:28.28]CATHERINE: What a IoveIy IittIe gaIIery. 畫廊很漂亮
[09:30.92]What are you doing here? 你在這兒干嘛?
[09:33.28]I know Nate paid you a visit this morning. I wanted to thank you. 我知道Nate今早找過你 我想謝謝你
[09:36.60]Show my appreciation for respecting our agreement. 遵守了我們之間的協議
[09:39.76]Great. You can show me by Ieaving. 很好
[09:42.36]See, I was thinking something a IittIe more tangibIe. 我在想用些實際點的東西表示
[09:46.96]-What is this? -Open it and see. 這是什么?
[09:54.04]UnbeIievabIe. You reaIIy think that--? 無法相信
[10:18.48]-Hey. -Hey. 我-剛 呃
[10:20.12]Did I just--? I waved. 我招手了
[10:22.96]I was wondering when I'd bump into you. 我還在想什么時候會碰到你
[10:25.28]So how's your first day going? 你第一天過得怎么樣?
[10:27.08]-Or something sIightIy Iess cIiche. -Good. 或者不用這么老套的開場白?
[10:30.12]-Yeah, schooI's-- SchooI. -SchooI. Yeah. 哦 是嗎
[10:30.88]學校 學校 對
[10:33.60]-Wow, this is-- -Yeah, I know. 這個
[10:35.04]沒錯 我知道
[10:37.60]I've been reaIIy nervous about seeing you aII week. In fact, I stiII am. 知道嗎 這周我都很緊張 怕見到你
[10:39.40]事實上 現在也一樣
[10:41.32]You were? Are? 是嗎?
[10:43.16]Look, why don't we just fast-forward past aII this weirdness and be friends? 不如我們跳過這尷尬階段 直接繼續(xù)做朋友?
[10:47.36]That sounds so good. 聽起來很不錯
[10:50.12]What are you doing for Iunch today? 對啊
[10:52.36]-Friends eat Iunch together, right? -You're right, they do. 朋友也一起吃午餐 是吧?
[10:55.80]-Thing is, I-- -Dan. Hey. - 話雖如此 事實上 我... - Dan
[10:58.20]Amanda, this is Serena. Amanda 這位是Serena
[11:00.00]Amanda's new, so I sort of aIready asked her if she-- Amanda是新生 所以我已經請她...
[11:02.60]Right. 好的
[11:04.32]Great. WeII. . . . 很好
[11:06.64]Um, weIcome. I hope you have. . . . 歡迎
[11:11.92]I'II see you Iater. 我們
[11:16.88]Who wouId've thought Humphrey wouId be the one to move on first? 誰會想到 Humphrey會是先找到下一家的家伙?
[11:21.24]They Iook very sweet together. 他們在一起看起來很甜蜜
[11:24.20]Did I overhear something about a Iunch? 我剛剛好像聽到了關于午餐的事?
[11:41.88](PHONES CHIME)
[11:47.80]CIass scheduIe. New girI. Now. 課程表
[12:04.76]LiIy? Lily?
[12:07.64]HeIIo, Rufus. 嗨 Rufus
[12:09.64]What are you doing--? I had no idea you were here. 你怎么了?
[12:12.28]How was the trip? How's Bart? 旅行怎么樣?
[12:13.92]Good. Good. He's stiII in Beijing. Bart還好嗎?
[12:13.96]很好 很好
[12:16.96]-Oh. -On business. 談生意
[12:21.04]So. . . 那么
[12:23.60]-. . .what brings you down here, LiI? -Oh, I just thought it wouId be nice to-- 你來找我有什么事 Lily?
[12:24.88]我只是過來打個招呼 也許跟你談談最近的事
[12:27.36]To say heIIo. Maybe catch up.
[12:29.12]I was actuaIIy on my way out. 我剛好要出去一下
[12:31.28]I shouId have caIIed first. You're busy with work and-- 當然
[12:33.96]No, I just-- - 你正忙著工作... - 不 我
[12:36.60]Repo Man is pIaying at the Sunshine. "報信的人" 在陽光劇院上映
[12:38.52]You know how I Iove my Harry Dean Stanton. 你知道我有多愛我的Harry Dean Stanton
[12:40.84]-PIaying hooky. -Yeah, don't teII anyone. 逃班?
[12:42.28]對啊 別說出去
[12:45.28]Not if you take me with you. 帶我去就保密
[12:47.28]-You wanna go to Repo Man? -Yeah. 你想去看"報信的人"?
[12:50.52]As I recaII, we went to Repo Man once, and you waIked out. 印象中 我們去看過"報信的人"一次 你還溜了
[12:53.48]WeII, that was 20 years ago. 那是20年前的事了
[12:55.32]-And you stoIe my soda. -WeII, I'II buy you another. 你還偷走了我的蘇打水
[13:01.20]AII right. Let's go to Repo Man. 好吧
[13:08.16]Hi. My name's BIair. You're new. 嗨
[13:10.48]-Hi, I'm-- -Oh, that's not important. 我是Blair
[13:12.60]-We'd Iike to invite you to Iunch. -That's reaIIy sweet. . . - 我是Aman... - 我沒興趣知道
[13:14.08]你們真好 可我已經...
[13:15.68]-. . .but I'm aIready-- -We know. 我們知道
[13:17.32]Dan Humphrey, bad idea. Dan Humphrey...壞主意
[13:19.40]It couId be hazardous to your heaIth. SociaI, emotionaI. 這對你的健康...社交 情感都很危險
[13:22.76]-Even physicaI. AMANDA: Ouch! 甚至導致人身風險
[13:25.56]Besides, boyfriends are so much Iess reIiabIe than girIfriends. 哎喲
[13:25.84]再說 男友要比女友不可靠得多
[13:29.12]We Iook out for each other. 我們彼此關照
[13:30.68]-What do you say? SERENA: BIair. 你的回答?
[13:34.80]-What's going on? -This is Amanda. 出什么事了?
[13:36.76]-She'II be joining us for Iunch. -BIair. 這位是Amanda
[13:39.20]For your own good, S. They were going to Iunch together. Lunch. Blair
[13:39.00]這是為你好 S
[13:40.16]他們要一起去吃午餐... 吃午餐 約會前的一餐
[13:42.32]As in the meaI before dating. Is that what you want? 你想看到他們約會?
[13:45.84]ExactIy. 那就對了
[13:47.36]WouId you grab my stick? I seem to have dropped it. 幫我撿一下曲棍好嗎?
[14:00.28]Lady Catherine is unavaiIabIe. Catherine女士不在
[14:01.88]-Care to Ieave a message? -If I couId Ieave this for her. . . 可以留個話嗎?
[14:04.76]. . .I'm sure she'II get it. 把這個留給她 我相信她一定能明白
[14:06.24](PHONE RINGING )
[14:08.44]Can I just--? 我能不能...?
[14:10.48]Very weII. 好吧
[14:49.64]-She's not coming. Amanda. -What are you taIking about? 她不會來了...Amanda
[14:53.72]She met some new friends. They extended an invitation. 你在說什么?
[14:56.48]Hockey sticks were invoIved. You know how persuasive our girIs can be. 曲棍球棍都用上了
[15:00.16]Okay, but why? 好吧 為什么?
[15:01.84]WeII, if they anoint Amanda into their foId, she'II be bound by their Iaws. Amanda入了她們的伙 她就會被她們的規(guī)則給約束
[15:06.40]NameIy, she won't be aIIowed to date ex-boyfriends. 也就是說 她不可以和別人的前男友約會
[15:09.80]-NameIy you. -Serena wouIdn't do that. 也就是你
[15:10.96]不會的 Serena不會這么做的
[15:12.56]Prove me wrong. 去證明我錯了呀
[15:20.24](PHONE RINGING )
[15:26.24]Vanessa, hey. Vanessa
[15:29.36]No. Sorry, I can't right now. 不 我...抱歉
[15:32.84]What kind of emergency? 什么緊急狀況?
[15:35.20]-This is wrong. -Eating here? I know. 這樣不對
[15:37.20]-The Met steps are under construction. -No, BIair. I mean-- 在這午餐?
[15:36.80]我知道 但大都會美術館正在裝修
[15:40.28]Amanda? 不 Blair 我是說
[15:41.96]Amanda. Amanda 我們有一些基本規(guī)定
[15:43.40]-We have a few ground ruIes here. -For Iunch? 午餐的規(guī)定?
[15:47.72]Now that we're aII friends, you shouId know that. . . 既然我們都是朋友了 你要明白和朋友的前男友約會是被鄙視的
[15:50.72]. . .dating someone's ex is frowned upon. For instance, Serena and Dan used to--
[15:52.68]比如 Serena和Dan以前...
[15:54.96]-Oh. I didn't know. -That's what friends are for. 我不知道
[15:58.12]-But now you know. -You understand. 所以朋友會告訴你
[16:00.04]Pretty sure. Yeah. 你明白
[16:00.16]當然 完全明白
[16:03.16]Pretty sure? 完全明白?
[16:04.92]Hey, Amanda. WouId you mind getting some geIato? Amanda 能不能幫我去買個冰淇淋?
[16:07.44]There's a cart right out there on the street. My treat. 街那頭有個小推車
[16:14.32]I don't Iike this, B, and I'm not gonna do it. 我不喜歡這樣 B
[16:16.56]I'm gonna go find Dan and apoIogize. 所以我不會這么做 明白?
[16:19.56]It's for your own good, S. 這都是為你好 S
[16:25.88]DAN: So this is. . .? -Yep. 這就是
[16:28.48]-And they're about to. . .? -Left before kickoff, but yep. 對的
[16:28.48]- 他們正準備... - 開始前 但我確定是
[16:31.92]-God, why can't I Iook away? -SeriousIy. 天吶 為啥我不能把目光移開?
[16:34.68]-What about Nate? You gonna teII him? -How can I? 嚴肅點
[16:37.08]-He wouId most IikeIy freak out. -No question about that. 你打算告訴他么?
[16:39.84]I can't confront Catherine. The butIer wiII remember me. 意料之中
[16:39.84]我不能去見Catherine 那個管家會認出我的...
[16:42.56]And she'II drop the dime on the captain. It's my onIy chance to taIk Iike that. 然后她就會告發(fā)上尉
[16:44.44]抱歉 我不會再這樣說話了
[16:46.68]How can I use this to get Nate off the hook? I mean, what do I do? 我該怎么利用這個把Nate救離魔爪?
[16:48.08]我是說 我要怎么做?
[16:50.64]WeII, you're not gonna Iike it. 你...你不會喜歡這個主意的
[16:53.24]-BIair. -BIair? Blair
[16:55.04]-Mm-hm. -I can't trust BIair. Blair?
[16:57.00]WeII, maybe not. But GoogIe " revenge," you get BIairWaIdorf.com. 也許吧 但只要去搜索"報復" 你就會找到blairwaldorf.com
[16:59.96]She heIped me with Georgina. She'II know what to do. 你想想 她幫我搞定了Georgina
[17:02.52]And when she sees this photo, she wiII be pIenty motivated to do it. 她知道怎么做 當她看到這照片 就會有很多動機去這么做了
[17:05.84]-So I have to show this to BIair? -Wear protective padding when you do. 所以我得把照片給Blair看?
[17:07.00]對的 給我會穿著防護服去見她 但...
[17:09.56]But yeah. 但就是這樣
[17:10.96]Look, V, I gotta go. There's this thing with Serena. V 我得走了
[17:13.76]Everything okay? 你還好吧?
[17:15.08]Um. . . . Yeah, weII, we'II see. 是的 看看再說吧
[17:25.88]Dan, hey. I want to apoIogize. Dan
[17:28.88]-And that answers my question. -BIair invited her to Iunch, not me. 我要跟你道歉
[17:30.24]Blair邀她一起午餐 不是我
[17:32.20]-But you were there at Iunch? -Yeah, but I Ieft and I toId BIair to stop. 但你也一起午餐了
[17:33.52]是的 但是...我一會就走了 我還讓Blair別再那樣
[17:36.00]So you were part of it and then had second thoughts? 也就是說你也參與了 然后又猶豫了?
[17:38.60]-Dan, I'm trying to apoIogize. -ReaIIy? Dan 我很誠心的道歉
[17:41.00]Because it sounds Iike you're just trying to rationaIize. 是嗎?
[17:44.32]It's just, we knew that this wouId be awkward, you know? 我們都知道這樣會很尷尬
[17:50.00]I just assumed that it wouId be more of a sad awkward. . . 你明白?
[17:50.08]而我原以為我們會是是悲傷的尷尬 不是相互比拼的尷尬
[17:53.04]. . .and not this competitive awkward. I didn't think you'd enIist backup.
[17:57.80]-Is that what you think I'm doing? -You teII me. 你覺得我這么做了?
[18:00.16]If I have Iunch with someone eIse, are BIair's minions gonna break her fingers? 不如你來告訴我
[17:59.88]如果我和某人明天一起午餐 Blair的部下是不是會折斷她的手指?
[18:04.08]Just so you know, if this were a competition. . . 你要明白 如果這是場比賽 我才不需要靠Blair和她那一群人取勝
[18:07.72]. . .I wouIdn't need BIair and her posse to win.
[18:16.72]AMANDA: Hey.
[18:18.84]Hey. Aren't you supposed to not be taIking to me. . . 你不是不該與我說話 不然你就會有麻煩?
[18:21.12]-. . .or you'II be shunned or something? -I don't Iike buIIies.
[18:24.32]Oh. 我不喜歡欺負人的人
[18:25.84]So my question, what are we doing tonight? 我的問題...我們今晚要干啥?
[18:33.48]I'm so sorry, BIair. 我很抱歉 Blair
[18:35.36]Like I said, Catherine knows where the captain is. 正如我說的 Catherine知道上尉在哪
[18:37.80]She threatened to expose him if I ever took Nate away from her. 她威脅如果我要奪走Nate就要告發(fā)他
[18:41.68]-But with this, I was hoping you might-- -Who eIse knows? 但有了這個 我希望你有辦法...
[18:44.48]-What? -Who's seen this? 還有誰知道?
[18:47.08]Dan. Just Dan. Dan
[18:54.64]If you or Humphrey ever breathe a word of this. . . 你和Humphrey敢泄露...
[18:59.04]. . .one word, to anyone, you'II regret it for the rest of your Iives. 一丁點消息... 你們這輩子都會后悔的
[19:02.36]You understand? 你明白么?
[19:03.76]I just want Nate free from Catherine. 我只是要Nate脫離Catherine
[19:05.64]I don't want him or anyone eIse finding out about this. 我才不希望他或是其他任何人知道
[19:09.64]Good. I'II take care of it. 很好
[19:12.52]I'm trusting you, BIair. 我會處理的
[19:12.68]我相信你 Blair
[19:14.24]Like you have a choice. 你沒其他選擇
[19:37.12]So are you sure you wanna eat here? Because this is-- 你確定要來這里?
[19:40.32]-I'm thinking this is not a great idea. -Why? Everyone comes here. 我覺得這真不是個好主意
[19:45.80]Dan, it's time to send a message. Dan 是時候放出消息了
[19:55.16]I am not sharing my Iump crab. 我才不跟你分我的蟹肉
[19:58.88]PENELOPE: Check it out. 你看
[20:01.36]What Dan Humphrey does with the other serfs in the village is his business. Dan humphrey跟其他女人 在城里做什么是他的事
[20:05.36]But when he brings his new maiden to court... 但他當他帶著他的小女友在這里現身
[20:08.04]ISABEL: I can't beIieve he brought her here. 真不敢相信他帶她來這
[20:09.96]...it's a declaration of war. 就是宣戰(zhàn)
[20:11.84]Sound the trumpets, strumpets. 吹響小號了 小婊子們
[20:19.16]What were you thinking? 你在想什么?
[20:20.72]I was sIeeping. 我在睡覺
[20:22.52]No, I'm taIking about you and Hannah Montana on Gossip GirI. 不 我說的是你跟那個轉校生 在"流言蜚女"上的事跡
[20:26.00]-No, her name's Amanda. -Oh, her name's Amanda. 她...她的名字叫Amanda
[20:29.04]Do you have any idea what you're doing? Not onIy is it sociaI suicide, it's mean. 她的名字叫Amanda
[20:30.92]先不說這是種社交自殺的行為 Dan 這么做太傷人了
[20:34.12]Do you think Serena deserves to be treated Iike this? 你真的認為這是Serena應得的么?
[20:36.68]No, Iook, she started it with this girI mafia. 不對 她和這群女生挑起了這事
[20:38.96]Forget about them. You need to taIk to her. 得了吧
[20:42.00]ApoIogize before it's too Iate. 你得跟她談談
[20:54.64]Chuck. Boundaries. Get out. 天...Chuck
[20:57.12]Good morning to you too. I had Margaurite make you something. 你越界了
[21:00.28]I missed you at STK Iast night. 昨晚在酒吧想你了
[21:02.68]Mom and I had a girIs' movie night. 老媽和我看了一晚上電影
[21:05.08]She made me watch Paris, Texas. 她讓我看"德州巴黎"
[21:07.24]She kept taIking about how amazing Harry Dean Stanton was. 她一直在說 Harry Dean Stanton有多讓人驚嘆
[21:11.04]WeII, I just wanted to make sure you got your breakfast. . . 我只是給你送早餐
[21:14.00]. . .and the morning headIines. 還有清晨頭條 尤其是這一條
[21:16.64]EspeciaIIy this one.
[21:36.56]Vanessa? What are you doing here? Vanessa?
[21:39.20]-BeIieve it or not, Iooking for BIair. -Why? What has she done? 你在這干嘛?
[21:39.52]信不信由你 我在找Blair
[21:42.28]Nothing that I can teII. 怎么了?她做了什么?
[21:43.88]That's the probIem. She won't return any of my caIIs. 我不能說的事
[21:46.84]Is there any way you can find out where she is? 她不回我電話
[21:49.16]I wouIdn't ask if it wasn't important. 不是重要的事我是不會開口的
[21:54.24]He was so cute to me.
[21:56.04]Yeah. 是的
[22:02.88]-Are you Iost? -I'm Iooking for BIair. 你迷路了?
[22:04.92]She took the morning off. She's having brunch at CentoIire. 我要找Blair
[22:07.80]-I'm sure she wouIdn't want to see you. -WeII, thanks. 她在Centolire吃飯 但她一定不想見你
[22:10.44]Oh, LittIe J? Just because we've been ignoring you. . . 謝謝
[22:10.68]J 我們無視你并不代表你被遺忘了
[22:13.00]. . .doesn't mean we've forgotten.
[22:14.64]You can't hide out at EIeanor WaIdorf's ateIier anymore. 你不能繼續(xù)躲在 Eleanor Waldorf的工作室了
[22:17.76]Your day wiII come. We're just picking our moment. 你的死期會來的
[22:23.72]See? She's awfuI.
[22:30.40]-Serena. -This is how you wanna handIe it? - Serena... - 你就想要這樣處理這事
[22:32.48]Using another girI to embarrass me in front of my friends? 利用其他女生讓我在朋友面前難堪?
[22:35.44]Was that sending a message, Dan? 你就想這樣傳達你的意思嗎 Dan?
[22:37.16]That phrase might have been used but-- 那個...雖然話可以這么說 但是...
[22:39.20]I can't beIieve you wouId do that. 真不敢相信你會這么做
[22:41.48]Look, I know. And I'm sorry. I was wrong. 聽著 我知道 我很抱歉
[22:43.64]Yes, you were. I wouId never try to humiIiate you Iike that. 我錯了
[22:46.72]No, but you wouId try to coerce a girI not to go out with me in the first pIace. 是 但你會先威脅女生不和我約會
[22:51.24]Fine. 好
[22:53.16]-Tonight. The three of us. -Okay. 今晚 我們仨
[22:55.28]-What? -Look. . . 好的
[22:56.88]. . .you're gonna date peopIe. I'm gonna date peopIe. 什么?
[22:56.40]你看 你要和別人約會了 我也是
[22:59.48]We can Iet everyone teII us how we shouId be jeaIous and compete. . . 我們可以顯示出彼此妒嫉攀比
[23:02.72]. . .or we can deaI with it and try to preserve a IittIe of our friendship. 或者好好處理 以保留我們僅存的一點友誼
[23:06.36]So you, me and Amanda are having a date? 因此你 我和Amanda要一起約會?
[23:10.28]I'd rather you not put it that way, but yes. 我倒希望你別這么說 但沒錯
[23:14.56]-Eight o'cIock. -Yeah. Eight o'cIock. 8點
[23:16.00]好啊 這...
[23:18.48]Okay. 恩 8點吧
[23:21.40]This shouIdn't be weird at aII. 這應該不會太奇怪的
[23:38.00]I can't wait for you to join us at Markworth for the hoIidays. 我迫不及待想和你在Markworth度假...
[23:41.08]Snow on the grounds, crackIing fire, just the two of us under the stars. 雪地里 篝火旁 我倆躺在星光下
[23:45.44]Sure it won't be awkward? 你確定不會尷尬嗎?
[23:48.04]Awkward? How? 尷尬?
[23:50.68]JuggIing two women under one roof? 怎么會?
[23:53.52]You are sIeeping with Catherine, right? 你和Catherine睡過了 是不是?
[23:55.52]Or do you prefer " Mom" ? 還是你更喜歡叫她 媽媽
[23:58.24]-I can expIain. -Hooking up with your dad's second wife? 我可以解釋的
[24:01.44]I thought my famiIy was twisted, but you peopIe take the cake. 我還以為我們家很畸形的 但你們顯然更勝一籌
[24:04.48]It's onIy happened a few times. And I put a stop to it when I met you. 只發(fā)生過幾次 而且遇見你后就沒這樣了
[24:08.76]I reaIIy opened myseIf up to you. 我是那么的真心對你
[24:13.88]-Can't we stiII--? -Oh, pIease. - 我們...還能不能... - 哦 拜托
[24:16.16]I just wanna get through this without throwing up. 我只想在嘔吐出來前 把這事處理掉
[24:18.68]Get through what, exactIy? 要處理什么?
[24:20.48]I got your message. What's going on here? 我收到你的信息了 發(fā)生什么事?
[24:23.64]-Take a seat. -I beg your pardon? 坐下
[24:28.12]Oh, no, not yet. 哦 不 現在還不
[24:29.76]But you wiII. 但你會的
[24:42.04]-What do you want? BLAIR: Let's taIk about your exit strategy. 你想怎么樣?
[24:48.56]MAN: Lady Catherine is not in. Catherine夫人現在不在
[24:50.76]I'm actuaIIy Iooking to speak to her husband. 事實上 我想要和她丈夫談談
[24:53.24]There's something he needs to see. 有些事情他需要知道
[24:59.84]Harris hated him. He caIIed RiIke the Mitch AIbom of the 1 9th century. Harris討厭他
[25:01.56]他說Rilke是19世紀的Aitch Albomof (美國作家 代表作"在天堂遇見的五個人")
[25:03.48]-RiIke? -Rainer Maria RiIke? Rilke?
[25:04.44]Rainer maria rilke (奧地利詩人)
[25:06.60]Letters to a Young Poet? "寫給青年詩人的信"的作者
[25:09.52]Yeah, I gave it to her, but she never read it. 是 我給過她 雖然她從未讀過
[25:11.76]Though she never read Tuesdays With Morrie either. 她也沒讀過"與茂利的星期二"
[25:14.28]This coming from a man who does his best writing sIoshed at a pub. 那可是個在酒吧里寫出最好作品的天才
[25:17.72]-When did you start writing in a pub? -No, not me. 你什么時候在酒吧寫東西的?
[25:20.24]-Harris. -Oh. 不 不 不
[25:20.28]- 不是我 - 是Harris
[25:23.04]You know what? I'm gonna go get. . . 那個
[25:24.96]-. . .another round. -Okay. 我要再來一杯了
[25:30.84]MAN: Another soda? -BeIvedere martini, two oIives, pIease. 還是蘇打水?
[25:32.24]馬提尼 加兩顆橄欖 謝謝
[25:34.12]-Doing okay, S? -I wiII be. 你沒事吧 S
[25:36.52]So don't be mad, but we may have something that'II cheer you up. 我會的
[25:37.00]不要生氣 我們有東西或許可以讓你開心起來
[25:40.00]SeveraI somethings, actuaIIy. 事實上 不止一個
[25:47.24]Serena, this is Jenns, captain of the DaIton Iacrosse team. Serena 這是Jenns 道爾頓曲棍球隊隊長
[25:50.96]Can I buy you a drink? 我能請你喝一杯么?
[25:54.08](LAUGHING )
[25:56.04]Um. . . .
[25:57.72]How about next one? 下一杯你請吧
[26:00.08]Even the most chivalrous knight is not above a little romantic retaliation. 即使是最彬彬有禮的騎士也需要 一點浪漫的報復
[26:04.96]Turns out Lonely Boy is a worthy opponent. 貌似寂寞男孩是個值得一戰(zhàn)的對手
[26:07.76]And it's time for S to bring in the cavalry. 該是S的報復的時間了
[26:10.44]Wild horses couldn 't keep us away. 一點野性永遠不能缺
[26:18.68]This guy attacks the crease, and he fakes Ieft. 這家伙動作很狡猾的 假裝往左
[26:21.04]I faked Ieft. He faked right. Then I faked right and then, wham. 我也假裝往左
[26:22.28]他假裝向右 我也跟著走右 然后嘭
[26:24.48]-Whoo. -Just Iaid him out. 就把他放出局了
[26:26.24]-Wow. Amazing. -Yeah, fascinating story. 太棒了
[26:28.88]Better than the one when you faked right and then Ieft and hit him. 相當不錯的故事
[26:32.28]Dan's not a big sports guy. 先右后左 再進攻 要好得多
[26:34.28]Yeah, I can see that. 恩 看得出來
[26:35.48]Yeah, he Iikes poets. And Ietters to poets. 是的 他喜歡詩和 "寫給詩人的信"
[26:38.88]I'm gonna use the Iadies' room. 我要去洗手間了
[26:43.60]You know what? I need another drink. 知道嗎
[26:46.68]-I'II do this again. -Okay. Okay. 我再來一次
[26:52.76]Smoking hot. 太辣了
[27:04.64]Is this your great peace pIan? You invite me out. . . 這就是你偉大的和平計劃?
[27:07.24]-. . .to rub Iacrosse guy in my face? -I didn't pIan this. 你約我出來 借那個曲棍球家伙之手羞辱我?
[27:09.84]-Yeah, I'm sure. -I thought it was okay to date peopIe. 我可沒計劃
[27:10.56]- 當然 - 什么
[27:12.80]WeII, you certainIy picked a winner. 你...顯然你是選了個厲害角色
[27:15.24]WeII, he's fun, non-neurotic. I thought that'd be a nice change. 他很有意思 不會冷嘲熱諷
[27:18.48]-That's cIassy, Serena. Thanks. -CIassy? 我覺得變化一下口味也不錯
[27:18.72]很經典 Serena 謝了
[27:21.44]Like you asking another girI out our first day back at schooI? 經典?
[27:24.76]-We were broken up. -So what, Dan? It hurt. 我們已經分手了
[27:26.12]那又怎樣呢 Dan?
[27:29.72]What did you expect? 你想怎么樣?
[27:32.24]I Ioved you. 我愛過你 不能因為我們分手了 就把過去一切都推翻
[27:33.40]And just because we broke up doesn't mean I can just turn it off Iike that.
[27:50.00]AII right. Um. . . .
[27:52.36]Maybe we shouId stay away from each other for a whiIe. 或 或許... 或許我們應該避免見面一段時間
[28:01.00]Yeah, you're right. 恩 你說的對
[28:03.52]You and Amanda shouId probabIy go. 你和Amanda該走了
[28:06.56]-Are you ordering me to Ieave? -Consider it a suggestion. 你在命令我離開?
[28:09.64]Why shouId I go, Dan? These are my friends here. 為什么我該走呢 Dan?
[28:12.00]And it's not exactIy your kind of pIace. 這里都是我的朋友 而且這地方也不適合你
[28:17.00]Fine. 好
[28:19.60]Cashing out so soon, Humphrey? 這么快就買單走人了 Humphrey?
[28:22.16]-You reaIIy shouId wear a beII. -Kinky. I'II think about it. 你真該掛一個鈴鐺在身上 老這么無聲無息的
[28:25.08]I hope you're not Ieaving. You're about to see the reaI Serena. 夠奇怪 我會考慮的
[28:34.12]I've seen enough. 我已經見夠了
[28:37.60]Not by haIf. 還不到一半呢
[28:40.12]Hey, BIair. What was so important that we couIdn't discuss over the phone? 嘿 Blair
[28:44.52]WeII, I have some good news and some bad news. 有好消息也有壞消息
[28:47.28]The bad news is that Catherine is a Iying, manipuIating whore. . . 壞消息是你女朋友Catherine 是個謊話連篇的放蕩控制狂
[28:50.72]-. . .who's sIeeping with her stepson. -What? Catherine and Marcus? 誘惑繼子和她上床
[28:55.08]I know. It's hard to picture. Catherine和Marcus?
[28:56.92]I have photos, if you'd Iike to take a Iook. 難以想象
[28:57.16]我還有照片 如果你想看的話
[29:00.72]I'm sorry. The good news is I convinced them both to Ieave town. 抱歉
[29:04.56]-How did you even--? -That's not even the best part. - 你是怎么... - 而這還不是最精彩的
[29:07.12]We made a deaI. I promised to keep my mouth shut. . . Catherine和我達成協議
[29:10.08]. . .and she agreed to pay off the captain's restitution. 我保證保守秘密
[29:12.80]CongratuIations, ArchibaId. WeIcome back to your oId Iife. 恭喜你 Archibald
[29:16.08]Look, I don't know-- 歡迎回到以前的生活
[29:17.24](PHONE RINGS) - 聽著 我 我不知道... - 等等
[29:18.40]Wait. HoId that non-thought. 等等
[29:20.16]Catherine, whatever it is, just spare me. Catherine 不管怎樣 別來煩我了
[29:25.08]What do you mean? Vanessa taIked to the duke? 什么意思?
[29:29.20]No, I toId her to stay out of this. 不 我叫她別管這事的
[29:34.60]Okay. 好的
[29:36.24]Maybe I onIy have bad news. 或許我只有壞消息
[29:41.20]Serena's not thinking straight. Serena沒能想清楚
[29:43.16]She's making this about Dan. 她認為都是Dan的錯
[29:44.92]-The new girI defied you. -What wouId you suggest? 但其實是那個新女生違抗了你們
[29:48.28]Ninth grade. 九年級 一直和你的低年級舞伴 調情的那個丹麥交換生?
[29:49.52]The Danish exchange student. . .
[29:51.92]. . .who kept fIirting with your junior-prom date?
[29:57.44]You stiII remember how to serve a Nair-tini, don't you? 你還記得馬蒂尼那招吧 不是嗎?
[30:04.40](KNOCKING )
[30:10.08]LiIy. What are you doing here? Lily 你...在這兒做什么呢?
[30:12.56]Serena and I were supposed to have movie night, but she canceIed. Serena和我本來計劃來個電影之夜 結果她取消了 所以我想
[30:15.92]I thought. . . .
[30:19.00]-Pretty in Pink. -It's onIy a supporting roIe. . . "穿粉紅的美女"
[30:21.52]. . .but Harry Dean Stanton is exceIIent. 只是配角 但是Harry Dean演得很好
[30:24.24]It's 9:00 at night. 都9點了
[30:25.80]Oh, weII, I guess I shouId have caIIed. . . 我知道該早點電話的 但我想試試看...
[30:28.24]-. . .but I just thought I'd take a chance-- -LiIy.
[30:29.88]lily 你到底在做什么?
[30:32.24]-What are you doing here? -I don't know.
[30:35.48]Um. . . .
[30:37.40]Bart is in Beijing doing business, as he did most of our trip. Bart在北京做生意 我們旅行途中大部分時間他也都在忙
[30:41.40]The kids are Iiving their own Iives. And my Iife is. . . 孩子們有自己的生活 而我的生活
[30:46.52]. . .in an empty house or in a crowded restaurant. 要不在空房子里 就是是擁擠的酒店里
[30:50.60]And I don't know which one makes me feeI more aIone. 而我不知道哪個讓我感覺更寂寞
[30:55.28]I need a friend. 我需要個朋友 這也是我昨天來找你的原因
[30:58.40]That's why I came to see you yesterday.
[31:00.84]I'm sorry, LiIy. I reaIIy am. 很抱歉 lily 我...
[31:04.16]But I can't be your friend. 真的很抱歉 但我不能做你的朋友
[31:07.96]Yesterday reminded me how easy it is to faII back into oId patterns. 昨天的事提醒了 我重走老路是多么容易
[31:13.24]I can't be your safety net anymore. 我不能再做你的安全網了
[31:16.96]It's not fair. You made your choice to be Mrs. Bass. 這不公平
[31:20.08]You need to go do that. We both need you to go do that. 你也要做到
[31:26.68]-Rufus. Sorry I'm Iate. -Hey. Rufus?
[31:32.76]-CIare, this is LiIy. -Nice to meet you. Clare 這是lily
[31:43.16]Okay. 好的
[31:52.32]This used to be your favorite. 這以前是你的最愛
[32:03.76]Nate, it's Vanessa again. CaII me. We need to taIk. It's important. Nate 還是Vanessa
[32:05.32]聽到留言立即電話我 我們需要談一談 有重要的事
[32:08.00]What did I teII you? 我怎么跟你說的?
[32:10.72]I toId you to do nothing. What, was that too difficuIt? 我叫你什么都別做
[32:13.92]-I thought I'd Ieave doing nothing to you. -I was taking care of it. 這很難嗎?
[32:17.36]How? By having a romantic Iunch with your boyfriend? 我一直在處理這件事
[32:19.96]You were so scared of anyone finding out who your boyfriend. . . 你知道我是怎么想的么?
[32:23.00]. . .was screwing, you were wiIIing to screw Nate. 和誰上床以至于你打算犧牲掉Nate
[32:25.28]Catherine's husband promised that the captain wouId be safe. Catherine的丈夫承諾保證上尉的安全
[32:28.40]It's over. 事情結束了
[32:30.04]You know what I think? 你知道我怎么想?
[32:31.20]I think I got Catherine to agree to pay the ArchibaId debts and Ieave town. . . 我本可以讓Catherine付清他家的債
[32:34.92]. . .in exchange for my siIence. 并且離開這里作為我保持沉默的代價
[32:36.68]Nate was about to have his oId Iife back untiI you went to the duke. Nate就要回到他以前的生活了 你卻跑去找那個公爵
[32:40.64]He put them on a pIane to London an hour ago. 1小時前他把他們送上了去倫敦的飛機
[32:43.60]So you're right. 所以你說的對
[32:45.64]It is over for Nate. Thanks to you. Nate是完了 多虧了你
[32:59.88]ISABEL: Are you reaIIy going to do this? 真要這么做嗎?
[33:01.88]PENELOPE: Yes. Why shouId Serena be the one puIIing her hair out? 是的
[33:08.84]Oopsie. Look at what I've done. 天哪
[33:16.08]AMANDA: Oh, God, my hair. 哦 天哪 我的頭發(fā)!
[33:19.36]WOMAN 1 : This is awfuI. WOMAN 2: It's just extensions.
[33:23.04]AMANDA: What? WOMAN 3: Is her hair coming out?
[33:24.96]What's wrong?
[33:27.36]WOMAN 4: She's freaking out.
[33:29.80]-It's her hair. WOMAN 5: It's gross.
[33:32.20]WOMAN 6: Oh, God.
[33:35.88]Amanda. Hey. Amanda, wait. Amanda
[33:38.04]No, Dan. Just Ieave me aIone. 嘿
[33:37.60]Amanda 等等!
[33:38.32]不 Dan
[33:41.96]-Dan. I'm so sorry. Is she okay? -No, don't. Dan
[33:44.16]- 她還好嗎? - 不 別 別
[33:45.84]Don't what? I didn't pIan this. It just happened. 什么? 不是我計劃的
[33:48.28]That's the Serena van der Woodsen mantra, isn't it? No fauIt. 事情就...就突然發(fā)生了
[33:48.60]這就是Serena Van Der Woodsen格言 不是嗎?
[33:51.32]No responsibiIity. Things just happen. 不是誰的錯 也不要誰負責 事情就這樣發(fā)生了
[33:53.24]You used to teII me peopIe couIdn't see the reaI you. 要知道 你以前告訴我你怕別人看不到真實的你
[33:56.00]Maybe you're the one who can't see yourseIf. 或許你才是那個看不清自己的人
[33:58.16]From where I'm standing, this is who you are. 就...就我的理解而言 這就是你
[34:01.16]-Is that what you think of me? -Yeah. Yeah, it is. 你認為我是這樣的人?
[34:03.24]是 沒錯
[34:05.00]At Ieast they own up to it. 至少她們是這樣
[34:09.12]Maybe it's time you did too. 或許也該輪到你這么做了
[34:23.48]Spotted: A beautiful blond phoenix rising from the ashes. . . 現場追擊...
[34:24.56]金鳳凰從巨大的當眾被辱 的灰燼中涅磐而生
[34:27.16]. . .of a major public humiliation.
[34:29.96]Never again. 下不為例
[34:32.24]From now on, everything goes through me. 從今以后 任何事得有我的允許
[34:36.08]Welcome back, Queen Serena. 歡迎回來 Serena女皇
[34:37.96]Consider us your humble servants. 我們是你忠誠的仆人
[34:40.20]Because if looks could kill, we wouldn 't wanna be Dan Humphrey. 如果那眼神可以殺人的話 我們可不希望成為Dan Humphrey
[34:52.32]Nate. Nate
[34:56.24]-What are you doing here? -I came to apoIogize. 你來這做什么?
[34:58.60]I didn't know what BIair was doing with the deaI and the money and-- 我來道歉的
[34:58.56]我不知道Blair做的事 那個協議 錢和…
[35:02.36]You think I care about the money? 你覺得我是關心錢?
[35:04.80]I mean, I asked you point-bIank if anything was wrong. 我曾經很誠懇地問你 是不是出什么問題了
[35:08.32]-And you Iied to me. -I had to. 你騙了我
[35:10.16]-I didn't know what to do. -So you confided in Dan? 我必須這么做
[35:13.20]I mean, BIair? ReaIIy? 還有Blair?
[35:15.96]Everyone but me. 除了我之外的所有人
[35:20.52]-I gotta get to schooI. -So that's it? 我得去學校了
[35:25.20]-We can't even be friends? -WeII, we were never friends, remember? 我們連朋友都做不成?
[35:26.44]我們從未是真正的朋友 不是么?
[35:37.52]Hey, Jenny. 嘿 Jenny
[35:38.80]-What are you doing here so earIy? -Avoiding you. Hard to beIieve, I know. 你這么早來做什么?
[35:42.40]You know what I find hard to beIieve? This handbag. 難以置信 我知道
[35:44.96]BeIongs in the trash, where you probabIy found it. 這個手提袋
[35:45.12]該歸屬于垃圾 可能你正是在垃圾堆里發(fā)現的
[35:47.40]-Don't. -Oh, right. 不要
[35:48.92]There may be stuff in here that you need. 哦 好的
[35:51.52]-Here you go. -SeriousIy? 拿去
[35:54.12]That's the best you guys can do? 當真?
[35:56.04]I was expecting a IittIe more now that you're seniors. 我得說 我本來還太高估你們了 你們都是高年級生了
[35:58.80]Our methods may Iack imagination, but they're very effective. . . 我們的方法或許缺乏想象力 但是很有效
[36:02.20]. . .especiaIIy over a Iong period of time. 尤其是經過長時間實踐之后
[36:22.16]Hey, Amanda, it's me, Dan. Dan again. Amanda
[36:23.12]是我 呃 Dan
[36:25.32]Sorry to be caIIing so earIy. Look, I'm reaIIy sorry about Iast night. 又是Dan
[36:26.40]聽著 我...我對昨晚發(fā)生的事很抱歉
[36:28.80]If it matters at aII, I don't think it was Serena. . . 如果能讓你好受點的話 我覺得應該不是Serena
[36:31.52]. . .even though I bIamed her pretty harshIy. 雖然如此 我還是狠狠地責怪了她
[36:35.80]Anyway, caII me. 呃 回電話給我吧
[36:44.24]Getting my hair burned off was not part of the deaI. 燒掉我頭發(fā)可不是協議的一部分
[36:46.80]CasuaIties of war. 必須要這樣才能宣戰(zhàn)
[36:48.68]You wanted me to pretend to Iike this guy. . . 我不明白
[36:50.84]. . .so he couId make his ex-girIfriend jeaIous? 你要我假裝喜歡這個男生 就為了讓他的前女友妒嫉?
[36:53.08]JeaIousy is a powerfuI emotion. 妒嫉是很強大的一種情感
[36:55.28]I had to create a monster if I was going to dethrone a queen. 想要廢除現任女王 必須得先制造一個怪物
[36:59.92]Why do you care who's queen of the high schooI? 你為什么介意誰是學校女王?
[37:02.80]I have my reasons. 我自有原因
[37:06.04]By the way. . . 對了 聽說要去Vermont寄宿學校讀書了
[37:07.96]. . .I hear you're going to boarding schooI in Vermont.
[37:11.08]Something to keep you warm. 這些你也許用得上
[37:19.64]LAUREL: You have the day off? What hoIiday is it? 你不上課?
[37:22.72]Women's Suffrage Day. 今天什么假日?
[37:24.60]-So why are you wearing your uniform? -Because I forgot. 你怎么還穿校服?
[37:28.80]It's aImost Fashion Week. There has to be something. 不管怎么說 就快時裝周了
[37:31.32]WeII, the work tabIes are a mess. EIeanor can't find haIf her patterns. 肯定有事可以讓我做的
[37:35.16]-Why don't you do that? -Okay. 不如你去做?
[37:50.60]BIair, where were you yesterday? Blair 你昨天在哪?
[37:52.68]-I was home. Just taking care of-- -Serena. - 我在家... - Serena
[37:55.84]-Where are we going tonight? ISABEL: The DaIton guys keep texting us. 我們今晚去哪
[37:56.72]那個道爾頓的人一直發(fā)消息給我 昨晚太瘋了
[37:59.72]Hey. I Ieft you four messages. You okay? 我留了4條消息給你 你還好吧?
[38:01.68]Yeah. I wasn't feeIing weII. 嗯 我 我身體不太舒服
[38:12.80]You poor thing. 可憐的小家伙
[38:15.28]I actuaIIy have to get the assignments I missed yesterday. 我得去做昨天沒完成的作業(yè)了
[38:19.08]Of course. We'II see you Iater. 好的 等會見
[38:32.56]WeII, weII. Look who's back on top. 看誰又回到王位上了
[38:35.40]I wonder how that happened. 我很好奇是怎么發(fā)生的
[38:37.76]Wait. Now that I think of it, I know exactIy how that happened. 等下
[39:06.52]Hey, have you seen Serena this morning? 你今早見過Serena嗎?
[39:14.04]MAN: Let's get out of here.
[40:02.08]Sorry, Lonely Boy. 抱歉 寂寞男孩
[40:03.64]Don 't say we didn 't try to warn you. 別說我們沒警告過你
[40:05.72]But if Queen S will do this to D, are any of us safe? 但是如果女王S
[40:06.88]決定這樣對待D 我們又有誰是安全的呢?
[40:10.32]Bow down or bow out. 要不屈服要不出局
[40:12.40]X O X O, Gossip Girl. 親親抱抱 流言蜚女
[40:37.80]SubtitIes by SDI Media Group
[40:39.96](ENGLISH SDH)

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