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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:40:59
[00:01.08]GOSSIP GIRL: Gossip Girl here, your one and only source... 流言蜚女駕到...
[00:03.48]...into the scandalous lives... 你了解曼哈頓上流社會(huì)丑聞的唯一途徑
[00:04.80]-...of Manhattan 's elite. -Gossip GirI was right. I'm gay. 流言蜚女沒爆錯(cuò)料
[00:07.68]Every time Mom brought home someone they'd end up married. 我的確是同志
[00:09.12]"我愛你"的男人帶回家 他們最后絕對會(huì)結(jié)婚
[00:10.68]I'm not ashamed. I may have conceaIed things in the past, but not anymore. 我就是我 沒什么好羞恥的
[00:11.80]我過去也許有隱瞞的事情 但將來不會(huì)再這樣了
[00:14.44]The bad news is Catherine is a Iying whore who's sIeeping with her stepson. 壞消息就是你女友Catherine 是個(gè)滿嘴謊話
[00:16.40]愛操縱他人 和她繼子上床的蕩婦
[00:18.52]The good news is I got them to Ieave. 不過好消息就是 我已經(jīng)"說服"他們倆離開這里
[00:20.44]Why do you care for Humphrey? He's nothing. 你怎么開始關(guān)心那個(gè)呆Humphrey了?
[00:22.64]I think he's pretty cooI. 他什么都不是
[00:24.08]The onIy person with fewer friends than you is Dan Humphrey. 其實(shí)我覺得他挺酷的
[00:23.84]唯一比你更少朋友的就是Dan Humphrey
[00:27.16]Because he's something you'II never be, a human being. 而原因是他懂得你永遠(yuǎn)無法做到的事 就是做人
[00:31.48]GIRL: Where has she been?
[00:32.72]GOSSIP GIRL: And who am I?
[00:34.08]That's one secret I'll never tell.
[00:37.20]You know you love me. X O X O...
[00:41.48]... Gossip Girl. 流言蜚女 第二季 第07集
[00:43.76]GOSSIP GIRL: There's nothing quite like autumn in New York. 沒什么能和紐約的秋天一比
[00:46.36]But it's not only the leaves that change. 不僅僅是葉子的顏色變了
[00:49.08]Something in the air brings out the true colors in everyone. 每個(gè)人也在秋天的空氣里 秀出了他們的真本色
[00:53.48]Why are you aII so quiet? 怎么你們?nèi)疾徽f話?
[00:55.64]Good morning. 早上好
[00:58.60]Bart. You're back earIy. Bart 你提前回來了
[01:00.28]My meeting wrapped up sooner than expected. 我的上輪會(huì)議結(jié)束的比預(yù)期早
[01:02.40]Rushing home to the famiIy. How Iong is this Iayover? 急切重歸家的懷抱啊
[01:05.48]Didn't LiIy teII you? I'm here for the Iong hauI. 你這次打算在這歇多久?
[01:08.28]Just in time for our housewarming party tomorrow night. 我這次不打算走了
[01:11.12]I've been meaning to ask you, can we bring friends? 呃 我剛想問你呢
[01:14.08]Of course, dear. Oh, did you get the IittIe suit that I Iaid out for you, Serena? Uh,can we bring friends? 我能帶些朋友來玩嗎?
[01:14.44]傻孩子 當(dāng)然可以
[01:15.44]對了 Serena 你看到我給你準(zhǔn)備的小禮服了嗎?
[01:19.24]That was for me? I thought the housekeepers got new uniforms. 那是給我的?
[01:23.08]It's conservative, yes, but cIassic. 是有那么些保守 但這風(fēng)格很典雅啊
[01:25.80]Bart brought it from Paris. It had its own seat on his pIane. Bart在巴黎買的 在飛機(jī)上還有專位擺放它呢
[01:29.00]-Bart bought me a suit? -New watch. Bart給我買了套禮服?
[01:30.96]Cash. Direct deposit into one of my offshore accounts. 還有新手表
[01:31.36]大量現(xiàn)金 直接匯入我其中一個(gè)離岸帳戶
[01:36.28]Now that we are aII here. . . 趁現(xiàn)在這么齊人
[01:38.16]. . .LiIy and I have something we wanna discuss. Lily和我有些事情想和你們商量
[01:40.40]As tomorrow's party marks our debut as a famiIy. . . 明晚的宴會(huì) 我們將首次 以一家人的身份出現(xiàn)在大家面前
[01:42.96]. . .we've been taIking about what that actuaIIy means. 我們倆討論過 這意味著什么
[01:45.52]Less money for me when you die? 你死后的遺產(chǎn) 我分得更少了?
[01:47.80]We were thinking aIong the Iines of guideIines. 我們更多的是考慮家庭教育的指導(dǎo)方針
[01:50.32]GuideIines? For what? 指導(dǎo)方針?
[01:52.52]For Iife together. I mean, now that we're aII here. . . 干啥用啊?
[01:55.64]-. . .having ruIes wouId be nice. -Like what? 我們現(xiàn)在都在這住 定些規(guī)定會(huì)讓生活更和諧
[01:57.80]-Like, every Friday we dine as a famiIy. -Don't you think Monday wouId be-- 例如?
[02:01.80]-A weekend curfew of 1 :00 a.m. -Is that Eastern or Pacific? - 呃 你不覺得周一會(huì)... - 周末凌晨1點(diǎn)宵禁
[02:05.16]-No going out on schooI nights. -Are you serious? 你說東部還是太平洋時(shí)間? (太平洋時(shí)間比東部晚3小時(shí))
[02:07.64]-AII right. -Where is this coming from? - 什么? - 你說真的嗎?
[02:07.68]別激動(dòng) 別激動(dòng)
[02:09.72]Bart and me, we made the decision. We are in compIete agreement on this. 媽 這些都誰的主意啊?
[02:13.52]Yeah, I'm sure. 是啊 當(dāng)然啦
[02:23.88]Medicine cabinet, bedside tabIe, underwear drawer? 醫(yī)藥箱 床頭柜 還有放內(nèi)衣褲的抽屜?
[02:27.04]-BorderIine soIicitation, V, and creepy. -It wouIdn't be if you read the fIyer. 誘惑性很強(qiáng)啊 V
[02:28.92]而且 還有點(diǎn)恐怖
[02:30.00]如果你認(rèn)真讀過傳單的話 你就不會(huì)頭皮發(fā)麻
[02:31.56]Saving Dutch SchuItz's favorite speakeasy? 你的任務(wù)是挽救Dutch Schultz (美國著名黑手黨暴徒)最愛的地下酒吧
[02:33.88]The owner died, didn't he? 你到底在抗議什么? 店主不是已經(jīng)去世了嗎?
[02:35.60]Which is why the buiIding is up for auction. 沒錯(cuò) 因此整棟建筑都要接受拍賣
[02:37.76]If we don't stop the saIe, it won't be Iong. . . 如果我們不能阻止這次買賣
[02:40.04]. . .before a deveIoper turns it into a Le Pain Quotidien-- 很快那些邪惡的發(fā)展商就會(huì)把這里 變成一間Pain Quotidien(面包店名)
[02:42.80]Oh, I Iike Le Pain-- - 我挺喜歡Pain... - 我們在做將此地定為地標(biāo)建筑的情愿書
[02:43.96]We're doing a petition for Iandmark status.
[02:46.08]Which you signed, and Dad signed, and Mom signed. . . 你和Dan 還有老媽都簽名了
[02:50.16]. . .and-- And EIeanor WaIdorf. 對 還有Eleanor Waldorf
[02:52.84]How about I hand out fIyers to the guiIty rich? 待會(huì)我和你一起去學(xué)校 派傳單給那些富貴弟子 怎樣?
[02:55.24]I don't think there's any at my schooI. 事先聲明啊 我不覺得我們學(xué)校會(huì)有人愿意這么做
[02:57.48]Maybe one of their mommies or daddies is Iooking for their next cause. 或者某人的爸媽 正在物色下一個(gè)慈善事業(yè)呢
[03:01.12]Who's bag is that? That's a soccer baII. 那是誰的書包啊?
[03:04.44]Yeah, haIf the soccer team at St. Jude's got mono from Lauren GoIdenberg. 那是個(gè)足球啊
[03:04.92]對了 很明顯St Jude's的大半足球隊(duì)員
[03:06.76]都因?yàn)楹蚅auren Goldenberg親熱 染上了"接吻病"
[03:08.44]So I guess their onIy other option was to ask me to try out. 所以 我猜他們的上上計(jì) 只有找我過去試試咯
[03:12.28]Wait, they asked you? 啥? 他們叫你去的?
[03:13.76](GIRLS LAUGH)
[03:15.20]Yeah, weII, Nate did. I'm now an aIternate. 實(shí)際上是Nate叫的
[03:18.24]I'm aIso reaIIy, reaIIy Iate. 我現(xiàn)在可是一名替補(bǔ)球員
[03:20.80]-You with me? -Yeah. 你和我一塊去?
[03:24.40]WeII, good Iuck with the guiItIess rich. 祝你們在富人堆里混的開心
[03:26.68]What's next, no TV untiI after your homework? 接下來還有什么折磨 完成功課后才能看電視嗎?
[03:29.04]It's just a few ruIes, Serena. Who watches TV on a TV anymore anyway? 那只是些規(guī)矩罷了 Serena
[03:32.60]It's not about the ruIes, Eric. It's about Mom. 這和他們的規(guī)定無關(guān) Eric
[03:34.92]When it's the three of us it's fine, but she gets a guy. . . 我關(guān)心的是媽
[03:35.44]如果只有我們一家三口 什么問題都沒有
[03:37.88]. . .she Stepford's out and Iets him make decisions. 只是每次她有了新男人
[03:40.44]-I don't think that's-- -We had to move to Chamonix. . . 我不覺得這有什么問題啊
[03:43.16]. . .because German KIaus wanted to ski aII year-round. 你別忘了當(dāng)年我們搬到Chamonix(法國小鎮(zhèn))
[03:45.72]-That wasn't so bad. -What about PaoIo. . . 其實(shí)也沒那么糟啦
[03:48.00]. . .the raw-food diet famiIy coIonics? 那Paolo呢
[03:50.44]Or Sameer? I know I enjoyed our conversion to IsIam. 又或者Sameer? 我還挺享受短期內(nèi)皈依伊斯蘭教的
[03:53.24]-I see what you mean. -Look. 我明白你什么意思了
[03:54.88]Mom can Iet these guys choose her Iife. . . 媽不能總讓這些男人左右她的生活
[03:57.00]-. . .but they shouIdn't choose ours. -It seems different this time. 而且我們不能讓這些男人左右我們的生活
[04:00.20]She seems serious about making the famiIy thing work with Bart. 但這次看上去有些不同
[04:00.24]她似乎真的很努力和Bart一起 維系這個(gè)家庭的良好關(guān)系
[04:03.48]-We couId at Ieast try, right? -Fine. 我們能先按她說的試試 對吧?
[04:06.68]But the second he caIIs the shots, gIoves come off and the naiIs come out. 好吧
[04:08.68]我會(huì)毫不猶豫脫下手套 露出我的長指甲(意思準(zhǔn)備抵抗反擊)
[04:10.60]-I just mixed metaphors, didn't I? -Yeah, but it kind of worked. 我用隱喻說明白了吧?
[04:12.64]沒錯(cuò) 而且這隱喻用的挺好的
[04:16.88]-Coach was impressed with your tryouts. -ReaIIy? 教練對你的選拔賽表現(xiàn)印象很深喔
[04:19.44]Yeah. Thanks for subbing in. 真的嗎
[04:21.32]Save your thanks untiI after you've seen me. It's gonna be-- 是的
[04:24.40]-Humphrey, never a pIeasure. -Good, we agree on something. - 我絕對會(huì)... - Humphrey 見到你很不開心
[04:27.36]ArchibaId, isn't it about time you ended this bromance? 我們難得觀點(diǎn)一致
[04:27.48]Archibald 你不覺得是時(shí)候 結(jié)束這段"兄弟情結(jié)"了嗎
[04:30.64]-What happens at YaIe stays at YaIe. -Hey, man, Iet's go. 耶魯?shù)氖虑?過去了就算了吧
[04:33.08]嘿 我們走吧
[04:36.56]Poor Chuck. What is Iife without a friend to share it? 可憐的Chuck哦
[04:40.04]Oh, Iooks Iike you just Iost yours to Dan Humphrey. 哈 似乎你唯一的朋友 都給Dan Humphrey搶走了
[04:43.12]Who cares? 管他的
[04:44.52]I'd rather taIk about who you Iost yours to anyway. 我倒想談?wù)勀愕呐笥驯徽l搶走了
[04:47.52]Uh-uh. Been there, done that. Been decontaminated. 哎哎 早試過了我已經(jīng)凈化了
[04:50.64]We both know you'II do it again. It's a question of when. 我們都知道你還是會(huì)逼走她的
[04:53.44]-The answer is never. -We're inevitabIe, WaIdorf. 這只是遲早的問題
[04:55.92]我們就是天生一對 Waldorf
[04:57.80]Despite whatever vestigiaI attraction my body may feeI for you. . . 盡管我的身體對你有些惡心的生理沖動(dòng)
[05:01.48]. . .my brain knows better, and yours shouId too. 不過我的理智告訴我該怎樣做
[05:04.16]I gotta go. I got a discipIinary hearing. 你也該知道 我要走了
[05:06.52]WeII, I knew you were troubIe, but a hearing? Impressive. 我要參加一個(gè)紀(jì)律聽證會(huì)
[05:06.76]我知道你常惹麻煩 居然到開聽證會(huì)的地步了? 厲害啊
[05:09.28]Oh, it's not for me. 別搞錯(cuò)了 不是我
[05:13.68]KeIsey, KeIsey, KeIsey, how many times must we teII you? Kelsey Kelsey Kelsey 我們告訴你多少次啦?
[05:17.28]As one of the girIs of the steps, you represent Constance royaIty. 作為坐在臺(tái)階上的女孩之一
[05:21.12]It shouId come as no surprise that many girIs before you have gotten the ax. . . 所以你不該感到意外
[05:25.36]. . .when their choices refIected poorIy on us. 只因?yàn)樗齻兊倪x擇讓我們丟臉
[05:27.60]-I didn't reaIize. -That tights are not pants? - 我不了解... - 緊身衣和熱褲的區(qū)別? 誠實(shí)點(diǎn)
[05:30.32]-HonestIy. VANESSA: BIair, you got a minute? Blair 有時(shí)間聊聊嗎?
[05:33.08]Sixty seconds, cIock it. What are you doing here with those? 60秒 開始計(jì)時(shí)
[05:36.80]-ShouIdn't you be at WhoIe Foods? -As much as I hate these words. . . 你不是應(yīng)該去當(dāng)你的煮婦嗎?
[05:40.20]-. . .I couId reaIIy use your heIp with this. -Oh, saving a teardown. 我真的很需要你的幫忙
[05:44.04]Charity is for diseases and endangered species. 噢 拯救一幢待拆建筑
[05:47.28]ReaI estate is not on the Iist, at Ieast not in New York. 房地產(chǎn)可不在慈善救助榜上 至少紐約沒有這個(gè)先例
[05:50.84]-I can make you heIp me, you know. -Oh, makes jokes too. 我敢說你會(huì)幫我的 你懂嗎?
[05:53.16]噢 我敢說這是笑話
[05:54.72]Everyone knows that you and Marcus broke up, but no one knows why. 所有人都知道你和Marcus分手了 但沒有人知道為什么
[06:00.84]Even you wouIdn't stoop that Iow. 就算你也不會(huì)這么低級
[06:03.20]BIackmaiI seems to work so weII for you, so maybe I'm missing out. 勒索這招讓你左右逢源 也許我真是少了它
[06:06.96]Now that we've estabIished that I own you, you have six hours. . . 既然我抓住了你的把柄
[06:10.64]. . .to get a thousand signatures, and make sure they're IegibIe. 你有6個(gè)小時(shí)的時(shí)間來收集1000個(gè)簽名
[06:14.32]Have fun. 盡情去吧
[06:25.56]WeII, weII, Iook who's pIaying by the ruIes. . . 哇 哇
[06:27.88]-. . .and it's not even a schooI night. -Eric convinced me. What about you? 看看誰居然在不用上學(xué)的晚上 也乖乖呆在家里
[06:32.20]I'm on my way out to a house caII. 我正準(zhǔn)備出去提供上門服務(wù)
[06:35.08]Gross. WeII, as Iong as you're home by 1 :00. 真惡心
[06:39.08]Naive Serena. 天真無邪的Serena
[06:40.96]Don't you know Bart and LiI's Iist of ruIes. . . 你不知道Bart和Lily的規(guī)定不適用于我嗎?
[06:43.36]-. . .doesn't appIy to me? -What are you taIking about? 你在說什么?
[06:45.92]According to my sources, the reaI reason my father fIew back earIy. . . 根據(jù)我的情報(bào) 我老爸提前回來的真實(shí)原因
[06:49.84]. . .is to court some executives in town from the Midwest. 是想拉攏那些從中西部來的董事會(huì)員
[06:52.80]The probIem is they won't do business. . . 問題是 那邊的人不跟那些
[06:55.00]. . .with anyone who doesn't share their famiIy vaIues. 家庭觀跟自己不一樣的人談生意
[06:58.08]So Bart is making sure we do. 所以Bart正在創(chuàng)建和諧家庭
[07:00.80]-Or appear to. -Wait, aII this so he can cIose a deaI? 至少看上去要和諧
[07:02.20]你的意思是 這一切都只是為了促成他的一樁買賣?
[07:05.64]I do my best work off the radar. 我總是低調(diào)行樂
[07:08.52]But whiIe you're on Page Six with the Poppy Liftons. . . 而社交版上你跟名媛們的照片
[07:11.32]. . .you're the bigger threat to Bart's business. Bart認(rèn)為你是他生意場上最大的威脅
[07:14.92]Good night, sis. I hope your book is captivating. 晚安 妹妹
[07:32.16]Hi, Bart. We missed you at famiIy dinner. Maybe next time. 你好 Bart
[07:36.36]Where do you think you're going? And in that dress? 或者等下次吧
[07:36.32]你究竟想干嘛 還穿成這樣?
[07:39.84]Oh, the girIs and I thought we'd hit up 1 Oak. . . 我想和朋友去喝個(gè)酒
[07:42.52]. . .then maybe Bijoux, and I don't know, anywhere we can find some paparazzi. 然后可能去Bijoux 我不知道 能裝上狗仔隊(duì)的地方吧...
[07:46.44]I'm in the mood for a IittIe show tonight. 我今晚很有心情秀一下
[07:54.88]Oh, I forgot to put on underwear. 噢 我忘了穿內(nèi)褲呢
[07:58.24](DING )
[08:03.88]-Waving a white fIag, are we? -Not exactIy. 準(zhǔn)備投降了嗎?
[08:07.36]I have a proposition for you. 沒這打算
[08:10.28]I'II say yes. 絕對接受
[08:11.44]That IittIe troII Vanessa is working my Iast nerve. 那個(gè)小巴辣Vanessa弄得我心煩
[08:14.08]-Not what I expected. -And then I reaIized. . . 我可不是等你說這個(gè)
[08:16.32]-. . .this couId benefit both of us. -You had me untiI " troII. " 我發(fā)現(xiàn)我們倆都能從中得益
[08:19.56]Dan stoIe your best friend. Now, you can steaI his. 你說小巴辣時(shí) 我還很有性趣的
[08:22.92]-Seduce and destroy. -What's in it for me? 先誘上鉤 再慢慢摧殘
[08:26.16]The thriII of the impossibIe. 我從中得到什么?
[08:28.16]The onIy person Vanessa Ioathes more than me, is you. Vanessa最討厭的人里 我還是其次 你才是第一
[08:32.56]It wouId be one for the ages. 相信很長時(shí)間里沒人會(huì)撼動(dòng)你的位置
[08:39.68]Maybe you're not up for it. 也許你提不起勁來
[08:41.88]If memory serves, you've had some mechanicaI probIems. 我記得你似乎有些不舉的毛病
[08:48.68]I'II just imagine she's you. 放心 我會(huì)幻想她是你
[08:52.12]GOSSIP GIRL: This just in: Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass... 此時(shí)
[08:54.16]Blair Waldorf和Chuck Bass
[08:56.12]...placing a wager on the takedown of Lonely Boy's BFF. 在寂寞男孩的知己身上打了個(gè)賭
[09:03.40]We think we've heard this story before... 我想大家都聽過這個(gè)故事
[09:05.80]...and we're pretty sure it ended up with everyone dead. 我很確定結(jié)局絕對是兩敗俱傷
[09:22.52]What did LiIy have to say about Iast night's curfew fIaunting? Lily對于昨晚你宵禁還出去玩 說什么了?
[09:25.56]I snuck out before she couId corner me. 唔 我在她能跟我對質(zhì)前溜出來的
[09:27.80]Let them discipIine the sibIing that deserves it. 他們倒是應(yīng)該好好看著 我那個(gè)需要管教的"哥哥"
[09:30.40]You mean Chuck? 你指Chuck?
[09:34.20]-What? -You smiIed. 怎么啦?
[09:36.24]No, I didn't. I hate Chuck. Don't make me Iose my appetite. 你在偷笑
[09:37.08]我討厭Chuck 你別提他 倒我胃口
[09:39.12]Oh, hey, is that Eric? 喲 那不是Eric嗎?
[09:42.08]-Hey, Larissa said you'd be here. -Hey. 嘿 Larissa說你在這兒
[09:45.68]And we are. Who's this? 介紹一下吧? 這位是?
[09:47.04]Jonathan, this is my sister, Serena, and her friend BIair WaIdorf. Jonathan 這是我姐姐Serena 這是她朋友 Blair Waldorf
[09:51.16]-This is Jonathan, my boyfriend. -It's nice to meet you both. 這位是Jonathan 我的男友
[09:54.24]-Nice work, E. -Oh, my gosh. - E 你強(qiáng)悍啊 - 哦我的天啊
[09:56.28]Hi, so nice to meet you. Sit down, both of you. 嘿 很高興認(rèn)識你
[10:00.00]I invited him to tonight. I thought you shouId meet. 我今晚邀請他來派對了
[10:02.64]-Yeah, I met Chuck the other day. -Chuck? Hear that, BIair? 對啊 我前幾天還見過Chuck了
[10:03.96]Chuck 哇 Blair你聽到了吧
[10:07.00]-Chuck? -Ignore her. She's dehydrated. Chuck喔
[10:08.00]別理她 她腦子有點(diǎn)短路
[10:10.40]-Did I miss something? SERENA: No, but we did. 我錯(cuò)過什么了嗎?
[10:12.56]The story of how you two met. We wanna know. 沒 我們還沒聽你講過你們相遇的故事呢
[10:15.88]So then the baII came to me, so I kicked it to this guy. . . 那球朝我飛來 我一腳踢給那家伙
[10:18.72]. . .and he kicked it to a guy, and he kicked it to a guy. . . 然后他又踢給別人
[10:21.56]. . .and then that guy scored. . . 然后別人又踢給某人 然后某人就進(jìn)球了
[10:22.92]-. . .so it's basicaIIy an assist. -Wow. 所以 基本上我負(fù)責(zé)助攻
[10:24.68]Yeah, it was awesome. It was pretty amazing. 沒錯(cuò) 酷斃了 真的很好玩
[10:26.88]It's so weird you're on a team now. Soon you're gonna have guy friends. 呃 你居然加入了團(tuán)隊(duì) 感覺很別扭
[10:30.36]What are you taIking about, I have guy friends. 你說什么? 我早有一幫死黨了
[10:32.68]Dan, I know that you're Mr. Soccer now. . . Dan 我知道你現(xiàn)在是足球王子
[10:34.92]. . .but you and I both know you prefer to hang out with girIs. 但你我心里都明白 你只有異性知己 沒有同性好友
[10:38.44]Vanessa. Serena, once upon a time. Vanessa Serena 很久以前
[10:41.24]-It's nothing to be ashamed of. -It's untrue. 這有什么不好意思說的
[10:43.60]Dad, wiII you pIease teII Jenny that I have guy friends? - 這完全就是你在胡吹 - 好吧
[10:44.44]老爸 你能告訴Jenny 我確實(shí)有死黨嗎?
[10:46.72]-Of course he does. I'm his-- -No, not incIuding you. 他當(dāng)然有
[10:47.64]- 我不就是... - 不 除你之外
[10:49.28]-Cedric? -Not incIuding doIIs. 還有Cedric?
[10:51.64]Okay, watch and Iearn. 好吧 你看好了啊 學(xué)著點(diǎn)
[10:54.84]Nate. Hey, man, it's Humphrey. Dan. Nate 嘿
[10:57.36]Good, good. Hey, Iisten, you wanna hook up for some soccer Iater? 我是Humphrey Dan啊
[10:57.44]好 好得很 是這樣子的
[10:58.96]呃 你等下能和我一起出來踢足球嗎
[11:02.24]You're by the park, right? Noon, yeah. 你在...公園附近 對吧?
[11:05.32]Sweet, bro. AII right, Iove it. Bye. 中午 好的
[11:06.08]就這么定了 太好了
[11:09.28]ApparentIy, we're gonna pIay soccer Iater. 很明顯等下我們要去踢足球
[11:12.80]-No big. -Is Cedric invited? 沒啥好驚訝的
[11:14.72]Jenny. Come on. 你怎么不把Cedric叫上?
[11:16.48]-Thank you, Dad. -You know Cedric wouId get dirty. 別逗他了
[11:16.80]謝了 老爸
[11:21.40]Then Dan wouId have to bathe him. Dan回來還得幫它洗澡
[11:23.72]AII right, I'II see you two Iater. 行了 待會(huì)見吧
[11:26.80]I got my boy waiting for me. 還有個(gè)死黨在等我呢
[11:32.96]Great turnout, V. I got a good feeIing. 召集了不少人嘛 V
[11:35.92]Let's hope so, Horace. 我有好的預(yù)感
[11:35.88]希望如此吧 Horace
[11:38.44]Here come the sharks. 大人物駕到了
[11:48.64]-What the heII are you doing? CHUCK: You have to ask? 你在這干嘛?
[11:51.32]I'm here because of you. 我當(dāng)然是為你而來
[11:53.04]Thank you for introducing me to this unique business opportunity. 謝謝你提供一樁這么棒的買賣機(jī)會(huì)給我
[11:56.36]No, you are not buying this pIace to turn it into a yuppie fusion bar. 別 你別指望把這里買下來 然后變成你的另一個(gè)雅皮士風(fēng)情酒吧
[11:59.96]For your information, since I bought VictroIa. . . 謝謝你提醒我 加上我又買了臺(tái)手搖留聲機(jī)
[12:02.32]. . .Bass Industries has expanded into vintage entertainment. Bass工業(yè)現(xiàn)在擴(kuò)張到 經(jīng)營復(fù)古娛樂產(chǎn)業(yè)了
[12:05.44]-We're wiIIing to work with you. -We're petitioning for Iandmark status. 我很期待能與你合作
[12:06.84]謝了 不過我們已經(jīng)聯(lián)合倡議 把這里變成地標(biāo)建筑
[12:09.24]Why don't you have a bake saIe? In the reaI worId, we are your onIy hope. 你干嘛不同時(shí)搞一個(gè)面包義賣?
[12:11.36]在現(xiàn)實(shí)世界 我們才是你的唯一希望
[12:13.20]Endorse our bid, and we promise to return this pIace to its sweet sordidness. 接受我的價(jià)碼 我們保證讓這個(gè) 地方重拾以前的風(fēng)采
[12:17.28]It sounds perfect. Just one probIem, I know you. 聽起來很不錯(cuò)
[12:21.72]-Or do you onIy think you do? MAN: Get out of here, rich boy. 或許只有你自己覺得你了解我而已?
[12:22.84]嘿 快滾蛋 富家少爺!
[12:24.72](ALL LAUGHING ) 我還以為這件衣服難看得 不能再難看了呢
[12:26.40]I didn't think that suit couId get any worse. I was wrong.
[12:42.12]Oh, Serena, wait a minute. 噢 Serena 等等
[12:43.88]WouId you excuse us, pIease? Thank you. 讓我們倆單獨(dú)談?wù)劙?
[12:46.16]-So, what's my punishment? -Don't be chiIdish. 謝謝
[12:48.40]You're treating me Iike one. Isn't that who curfews are for? 別孩子氣了
[12:51.44]You're Iiving up to our expectations. According to Bart, you went out. . . 宵禁的意義不就在此嗎?
[12:54.92]. . .Iooking Iike a stripper. If you have a probIem. . . 聽Bart說 你昨晚出門的時(shí)候穿得 就跟一個(gè)脫衣舞娘一樣
[12:55.96]如果你對我們的家規(guī)有意見 直說好了 不要一味反抗
[12:57.76]. . .then just say so. But to simpIy defy us--
[13:00.24]-Not you. Him. -Bart and I are husband and wife. 不是針對你 是他
[13:03.40]But he's not our father. 但是他不是我爸爸
[13:06.68]Come on, Mom. 快算了吧 老媽
[13:08.52]Things were so good Iast year. 去年的一切都如此順利
[13:10.72]We were aImost Iike a reaI famiIy. Why change that? 我們都差不多冰釋前嫌了
[13:14.28]Serena, you're making this much more compIicated than it reaIIy is. 干嘛要橫插一腳?
[13:14.40]Serena 你在把本來簡單的事情 搞得越來越復(fù)雜了
[13:17.68]And going by your actions Iast night. . . 還有鑒于你昨晚的行為
[13:20.04]. . .I think that you couId benefit from a IittIe structure. 我很清楚的認(rèn)為 如果你能有個(gè)正行 你會(huì)受益良多
[13:23.08]If I thought this was you taIking, I might Iisten. 如果我認(rèn)為這是你的意思
[13:25.84]If this is how you're acting now, I shouId have insisted on structure years ago. - 我或許會(huì)聽...(其實(shí)這是Bart的意思) - 如果這就是你現(xiàn)在的態(tài)度
[13:29.88]You mean, Iike, three husbands ago? 你是說 在找了三個(gè)老公之前?
[13:35.84]That was unkind. 真沒禮貌
[13:38.24]I'm not reaIIy in the famiIy mood. 沒心思扮一家人
[13:40.20]I think I'm gonna pass on tonight's IittIe soiree. 我想今晚的那個(gè)小聚會(huì)我就免了吧
[14:25.40]Nate? Nate?
[14:31.84](PHONE RINGING )
[14:38.72]Hey, man. 嘿 哥們兒
[14:40.92]Oh, right, yeah, we're meeting at the park. Yeah. 喔 是的是的 我們在公園見面
[14:44.28]No, no, no, I just-- I got tied up. Yeah, I'II see you in 1 0. 好的
[14:44.36]沒 沒... 我...我走不開
[14:46.28]好的 十分鐘后見
[14:48.44]Okay. 好的
[14:56.52]GOSSIP GIRL: Whoever said you can 't have it all... 不管是誰說的"你不可能十全十美" 肯定認(rèn)識Archibald一家
[14:59.20]...must have known the Archibalds.
[15:01.08]Looks like poor little Nate is, yuck...poor. 看起來我們可憐的小Nate變得
[15:08.44]DOROTA: Mr. Chuck to see you, Miss BIair. Chuck先生要見你 Blair小姐
[15:10.84]Dorota, who? Dorota 誰?
[15:13.00]-Excuse me, don't you-- -DeaI's off. 你還真好意思
[15:14.04]- 你不應(yīng)該... - 我不干了
[15:15.56]-What? What are you taIking about? -I'm out. 什么?
[15:17.96]Don't know what I was thinking. 你在說什么?
[15:19.60]Pretending to buy some broken-down bar. 我不知道我在想什么
[15:21.56]But you promised to seduce Vanessa. She needs to be destroyed. 但是你保證你要去勾引Vanessa的
[15:25.04]Humphrey doesn't warrant this. 她必須被毀掉
[15:27.08]The great Chuck Bass is just gonna give up? Humphrey也不能成為讓我這么做的理由
[15:27.04]野心勃勃的Chuck Bass現(xiàn)在要放棄了?
[15:29.24]No, no. There's no shame if the prize isn't worth it. 不 不 不
[15:29.60]如果不值得去做 就算放棄也不會(huì)覺得羞恥 (好久沒看到Chuck說這么拽的話了O(∩_∩)O)
[15:32.40]You can do your own dirty work. There's not enough in it for me. 你自己搞定你的黑暗計(jì)劃
[15:37.28]-WeII, what if I made it worth it? -What are you taIking about? 但是如果我來提高它的價(jià)值呢?
[15:40.76]-I think you know. -You're not serious? 我覺得你知道的
[15:46.20]My, my, that girI has gotten under your skin. 我的老天
[15:50.76]The question is, Bass, wiII you? 現(xiàn)在的問題是 Bass 你接受不?
[15:55.64]Aren't you the Ieast bit worried I'II succeed? 你就一點(diǎn)都不擔(dān)心我成功了 (你就要付出的代價(jià)嗎)?
[16:04.52]Do we have an agreement? 那我們說定了?
[16:07.04]GOSSIP GIRL: Careful, B. One thing about making a deal with the devil... 小心咯 B
[16:10.96]Oh, we have a deaI. 一言為定
[16:14.72]...he always comes to collect. 他一定會(huì)來收賬
[16:23.32]After you Ieft, your Iawyer came and showed us your proposaI. . . 你走后 你的律師就回來給我們看了 你的提案
[16:26.40]. . .which did indeed incIude keeping everything as is. . . 的確包括了保持一切的原貌 并申請地標(biāo)建筑
[16:29.92]. . .and Iobbying for Iandmark status.
[16:31.76]I was teIIing the truth. 這么說 我之前沒有說謊咯
[16:33.08]I'm sure you've done something to deserve getting beaned by a beverage. 我想你這輩子應(yīng)該也做過不少 要被冰水澆個(gè)透心涼的事情了
[16:37.28]Isn't it possibIe there are parts of me you don't know? 就沒有可能你沒有了解那個(gè) 完完整整的我嗎?
[16:40.68]-PossibIe, just extremeIy unIikeIy. -Did you have a reason for coming here? 是有可能 最不可能的那種可能
[16:44.88]Because if it was to insuIt me, there's a website you can go to. 如果你是要來罵我的 你直接去找那個(gè)網(wǎng)站好了
[16:48.00]The manager wants to meet you. 那家店的老板想見你
[16:49.56]If he signs off, you have our support, but it stiII doesn't mean I trust you. 如果他同意 我們也就同意了
[16:53.32]Of course not. 但是這并不代表我信任你
[16:55.36]Now. . . 現(xiàn)在
[17:00.28]. . .I'd best go put on something speciaI. 我最好去穿一件好點(diǎn)的衣服先了
[17:08.00]SERENA: I don't know how she expects me to take this seriousIy. 我不知道她要我多么看重這個(gè)家庭
[17:10.84]-Her record stands at 1 6 months. -Which husband was that? 她最長的一次也就是16個(gè)月
[17:13.84]-KIaus. -The one who wore the wooden shoes? 是跟哪個(gè)老公的?
[17:16.96]-Zip. -No, that was Danish CIaus, with a C. 幫我拉拉鏈
[17:18.00]不是 那個(gè)是丹麥的Claus C開頭的
[17:20.52]This is German KIaus, with a K. 這個(gè)是德國的Klaus K開頭的
[17:22.36]-I forget, did she marry both? -No, just German KIaus. 等等 我都忘了
[17:25.08]-But she did date Danish CIaus Ionger. -Your mother. 沒 就跟那個(gè)德國的Klaus結(jié)了 但是跟丹麥的Claus曖昧得比較久
[17:28.08]Remember how she used to just jet off to Mustique or Ibiza without warning. . . 噢 你媽還真是
[17:28.08]還記得以前她一點(diǎn)都不知會(huì) 在學(xué)校上學(xué)的你和Eric
[17:32.32]. . .whiIe you were stiII in schooI? 就突然心血來潮飛去Mustique 或者Ibiza不?
[17:34.12]EIeanor aIways knew when we showed up with our bags. Eleanor每次看到我們帶著過夜 的旅行包來都知道
[17:36.76]LiIy had a new boyfriend. Lily又有新男朋友了
[17:38.08]We aIternated you and the ArchibaIds so you never knew how bad it was. 我們都是去一次你家 再去一次Archibald家
[17:40.08]所以你們家就不會(huì)知道 那實(shí)際上有多么糟糕
[17:42.00]We knew. 我們早知道了
[17:43.16]But Bart is the worst. He's controIIing and a hypocrite. 但是Bart是最不好的
[17:43.96]他是個(gè)控制狂 偽君子
[17:45.88]He acts Iike he's famiIy friendIy when he's dated haIf the modeIs in Manhattan. 他都搞過曼哈頓一半的女模特 還敢裝出一副戀家的樣子
[17:51.00]B, you Iook gorgeous. Where'd you get that dress? B 你看起來美極了
[17:53.88]Oh, this? Just Chuck. 你從哪兒弄來的裙子?
[17:54.20]哦 這件?
[17:57.16]-When did Chuck give you a dress? -When we were going to Europe. Chuck什么時(shí)候會(huì)給你買裙子了?
[18:00.32]And you're wearing it tonight? 上次我們要一起去歐洲的時(shí)候
[18:01.96]It's just that it wouId be a shame to waste it, that's aII. 那你就打算今晚穿?
[18:01.96]只是覺得不穿就可惜了 僅此而已
[18:06.36]DAN: You gotta teach me that bouncing off the knees thing. 你得教我那個(gè)...
[18:09.12]I tried it once and broke my dad's Gibson. 用膝蓋顛球
[18:11.20]It's very scarring to see your father cry. 看見你老爸流淚猶如噩夢一般
[18:14.04]I actuaIIy wouIdn't know. My father, not big on showing emotion. 很難想像
[18:15.08]我父親...太驕傲了 不會(huì)喜怒形于色
[18:18.32]So I'm guessing you're not going to the housewarming. 嘿 那么我想你應(yīng)該不會(huì)去參加 Bass/Van Der Woodsen喬遷之喜宴會(huì)吧
[18:21.20]No, especiaIIy since this is the first I'm hearing of it. - 今晚去不去? - 不去 不去
[18:25.16]So you and Serena Iike-- 哦 那么
[18:26.92]WeII, to say things ended badIy wouId be an understatement. 你和Serena現(xiàn)在
[18:26.96]保守的說 不歡而散吧
[18:30.48]You going? 你要去?
[18:32.24]No, think I'm just gonna stay at home, chiII out, watch a movie, you know? 噢 吶
[18:33.12]我想我還是呆在家里 放松放松 看看電影 是吧?
[18:35.96]Sounds good. 是呢 蠻好的
[18:37.20]I'd invite you over, but the house is a mess. 我其實(shí)很想邀你過去
[18:39.56]-Oh, yeah. No. -Housekeeper has the week off, so. . . . 但是家里一片狼藉(這倒是真話)
[18:39.72]噢 了解 不用客氣
[18:42.16]Is your mom there? Not that she cIeans things. 管家休假一星期 所以...
[18:44.44]You know, I don't know. AII that stuff with your dad. . . . 我是說 不是說她會(huì)打掃
[18:47.32]It's. . . . My mom's staying out in the Hamptons. 你老爸的那些事情
[18:47.08]知道啦 沒關(guān)系 其實(shí)...
[18:49.96]So I toId her I was staying at Chuck's. . . 好啦 我告訴她我會(huì)住在Chuck家
[18:52.36]. . .just so she doesn't worry about stuff, you know? 這樣她就不會(huì)擔(dān)心了 知道吧?
[18:54.88]-I'm gonna get a drink. Want something? -Sure, thanks. 我要去買些飲料
[18:57.52]NATE: CooI. - 來點(diǎn)不? - 好的 謝謝
[19:07.20]VANESSA: What is it? -Nothing. 怎么了?
[19:10.16]-I Iike it. -This our guy? 我喜歡
[19:12.32]-Horace Rogers, Chuck Bass. -PIeasure. 這就是大老板?
[19:12.16]Horace Rogers 這位是Chuck Bass
[19:14.40]Man, come here. 榮幸之至
[19:14.76]伙計(jì) 過來吧
[19:18.08]Look at that outfit. 看看這身衣服
[19:19.80]Didn't know it couId be worse than the one this morning. 怎么穿得比今兒早上還難看= =+
[19:23.44]Kidding. I know SaviIe Row when I see it. 開玩笑呢
[19:24.68]Savile Row我還是人的出來的 (Savile Row 紳士文化定制男裝)
[19:26.72]-Joe Kennedy taught me. -You knew Joe Kennedy? Joe Kennedy告訴我的
[19:29.08]Used to come here aII the time. Had a girI up the street. 你認(rèn)識Joe Kennedy?
[19:32.08]I was 9 years oId, seIIing papers out front. 在這條街上有個(gè)女人
[19:32.12]我那時(shí)才九歲 在門口買報(bào)紙
[19:35.00]Rumor has it he kept this pIace in booze during Prohibition. 傳言他在禁酒期間 一個(gè)人躲在這里喝酒
[19:38.96]-You Iike oId Joe? -Rum-runner, womanizer, miIIionaire. 你喜歡那個(gè)老Joe咯?
[19:40.40]嗜酒如命 嗜色如命 嗜財(cái)如命
[19:43.80]He was my kind of guy. 跟我差不多是一個(gè)類型的
[19:46.12]They aII used to come here back in the day. Gangsters, fighters, musicians. 以前這些人總喜歡來這里...
[19:49.36]黑幫 拳手 樂手
[19:53.20]Dangerous foIks, no doubt, but they had styIe. 毫無疑問 都不是好惹的主兒
[19:58.52]Something teIIs me you'd fit right in. 冥冥中告訴我 你是最佳人選
[20:00.84]That's possibIy the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. 這估計(jì)是懂事以來 最是贊美我的話了
[20:08.12]-Are you're sure he's Iiving there? -Squatting, I think, wouId be correct. 你確定他住在那里?
[20:10.08]窩在那里 應(yīng)該這么說
[20:11.88]There's just a sleeping bag and a bunch of shirts. 差不多就是只有一個(gè)睡袋和一些 Brooks Brothers的衣服 (美國經(jīng)典品牌 以優(yōu)質(zhì)著稱 眾多總統(tǒng)們的最愛)
[20:14.68]-Why isn't he staying with Chuck? -Obviously, Dan, he's embarrassed. 他怎么不去Chuck那里住?
[20:15.96]很顯然 Dan 他覺得不好意思
[20:18.00]Look, invite him for dinner tonight. Dad's making chiIi. 好了 聽著 今晚請他過來吃晚飯
[20:20.80]Then once he's here, we can convince him to stay. 老爸要做辣椒醬
[20:20.96]等他來這兒了 我們就說服他留下來
[20:23.32]Okay, but don't mention anything to Dad. 好的
[20:25.28]He'II probabIy handcuff him to the couch or say something stupid. 不要...先不要跟老爸說這事兒
[20:26.56]用手銬把他拷在沙發(fā)上 或者說些蠢話
[20:29.20]I'II see you. 再見
[20:31.56]That was Jenny, and it turns out my dad's making his once-a-year chiIi. 是Jenny打來的
[20:35.16]Attendance is mandatory for me and whoever I'm with. 出席的將是被迫參加的我 還有跟我在一起的人(我不是故意YY的==|)
[20:37.72]-DeepIy sorry, but this year, that's you. -WeII, guess I don't have a choice then. 抱歉
[20:38.80]但是今年 這個(gè)是你
[20:40.24]挖無 那么這樣一來我沒得選咯?
[20:42.36]You don't. Scattergories wiII be invoIved. 完全沒有
[20:43.04]還有scattegories游戲呢 (MS是一種無聊的拼字問答游戲)
[20:44.92]-Scattergories. Been a whiIe. -Be prepared. Scattegories?
[20:51.52]SERENA: Hey, Jonathan. You visiting Eric? 嘿 Jonathan
[20:53.36]He's not here. I was just dropping off some books. 你來找Eric?
[20:53.52]呃 他不在
[20:55.80]-Have fun. -Not coming? 我過來還幾本書
[20:57.24]No, Eric taIked to your stepfather, and apparentIy it's famiIy-onIy. 晚上玩得開心點(diǎn)
[20:58.04]Eric跟你們的繼父說過了 好像只有家庭成員參加而已
[21:00.84]-Bart said that? -It's no big deaI. 等等 Bart是這么說的?
[21:02.80]I'II see you Iater. 沒關(guān)系啦
[21:16.72]WeII, you won Horace over. 你徹底征服了Horace
[21:19.92]He trusts me. 他信任我
[21:22.48]You're reaIIy serious, aren't you? You're gonna save this pIace. 你是認(rèn)真的 對不對?
[21:30.08]Yeah, guess I am. 是的
[21:32.88]I knew it wouId take a miracIe, but I never thought it'd be Chuck Bass. 我知道這需要奇跡出現(xiàn) 但是從沒想過會(huì)是Chuck Bass
[21:36.92]-I was wrong about you, and I'm sorry. -Thanks. Means a Iot. 我錯(cuò)怪你了 不好意思
[21:45.04]Vanessa, there's something-- Vanessa 我有事...
[21:47.12](PHONE CHIMING )
[21:55.08]At the concIusion of a deaI, I Iike to ceIebrate. 既然生意搞定了 我很想慶祝一翻
[21:58.72]My parents are having a housewarming tonight. I'd Iike you to come. 我父母今晚上會(huì)開喬遷之喜宴會(huì)
[22:02.16]-Yeah, okay. -Good. I'II send the car at 8. 好的 沒問題
[22:18.64]Richard PhiIIips, this is ArieI Foxman and Honor Brodie, from InStyle. Rachel Philips 這位是Ariel Foxman 和來自"潮流"雜志的Honor Brodie
[22:23.64]Everything here that you see is thanks to them, except for this gorgeous painting. 你們今晚所見的一切都得多謝他們
[22:26.36]除了這幅精彩的畫作 是Richard布置的
[22:30.12]Which Richard did.
[22:36.80]-WiII you just excuse us for one--? -I'II take care of it, LiIy. 我們失陪一下好嗎?
[22:40.00]Excuse me. 我來搞定 Lily
[22:44.04]Serena. Serena?
[22:46.92]The suit Iooks IoveIy. GIad you changed your mind, decided to join us. 你穿這件衣服就合適多了
[22:48.12]我很高興你改變主意 要來參加宴會(huì)了
[22:50.48]-Can I introduce you to some peopIe? -No, I'm waiting on some friends. 我能為你引見幾個(gè)人嗎?
[22:51.96]不用了 我在等我朋友
[22:53.92]-We are aIIowed to bring friends, right? -Sure. 你還讓我們帶朋友來的 對不?
[22:57.60]Bart, just curious, does Mom know you toId Eric he couIdn't bring his boyfriend? Bart 好奇心作祟
[23:02.08]I toId Eric no such thing. 我沒這么跟Eric說
[23:04.16]We discussed it, and the decision was his. 我們討論過了
[23:06.32]ReaIIy? 決定是他做出的
[23:07.48]The 1 5-year-oId and the biIIionaire? Sounds Iike a discussion between equaIs. 真的?
[23:11.84]I hope over time you'II see I want what's best for this famiIy. Serena 我希望假以時(shí)日你會(huì)知道 我都是為這個(gè)家庭著想
[23:15.00]In the meantime, I suggest you taIk with your brother. 還有 我希望你能跟你弟弟談?wù)?br /> [23:21.32]BLAIR: Good evening, Chuck. -BIair. 晚上好 Chuck
[23:24.00]Do I get a progress report? Blair
[23:27.00]Does Vanessa stiII think you're buying that beer haII? Vanessa是不是還認(rèn)為你會(huì)為她 買下那個(gè)酒吧?
[23:29.76]-I am buying it. It's a good investment. -You're kidding. 我是要買來著
[23:36.88]Fine, but you're stiII gonna crush her, right? 很好很強(qiáng)大
[23:38.08]但是你會(huì)讓她生不如死 對不對?
[23:40.32]-We made a deaI, remember? -Yes. Excuse me. 我們說好了的 記得不?
[23:41.48]是的 失陪一會(huì)兒
[23:48.60]Some housewarming. Good thing I didn't bring a casseroIe. 這就是喬遷之喜宴會(huì) 還好我沒帶雜菜煲過來
[23:51.64]-Can I get you a drink? -Chuck, I'd Iike to speak with you. Now. 要我給你拿一杯酒不?
[23:54.84]我現(xiàn)在要跟你談?wù)?br /> [23:58.80]I'II be back in a moment. 我馬上回來
[24:12.40]NATE: Jenny, I stiII can't beIieve you dropped out to become a designer. 這么說 Jenny 我真不敢相信你居然 從Constance輟學(xué)去做設(shè)計(jì)師了
[24:15.96]I know. It's incredibIe how supportive my dad's been. 不敢讓人相信的是 我老爸是多么支持我
[24:18.96]-She means difficuIt to beIieve. -What about you, Nate? 這個(gè)“不敢相信” 她說的是“很難相信”
[24:21.64]-How's everything? It's been tough. -Yeah, it has, but we're getting by. 你最近怎樣 Nate?
[24:23.52]的確 但是我們已經(jīng)搞定了
[24:25.68]Just you and your mom now? 現(xiàn)在就剩下你和你媽了?
[24:27.12]I've seen Nate do that knee-bounce thing with the soccer baII. 我觀摩一下Nate用膝蓋顛球了
[24:30.48]And it's amazing. 超級...超級無敵帥呆
[24:33.24]My mom's at our Hamptons house, but I stiII have schooI, so I gotta stick around. 我老媽現(xiàn)在住在Hamptons的別墅里
[24:35.08]但是我還得上學(xué) 所以我得... 我還得在市里
[24:37.80]-By yourseIf? Isn't that kind of IoneIy? -I guess, but I mean, I grew up there. 你就一個(gè)人住?
[24:39.16]有點(diǎn) 但是
[24:42.12]You know, it's where aII the memories are. 我就是在那里長大的
[24:47.12]BART: Do you know what this is about? -Show me LiIy's PoIiform kitchen? 你知道我找你來干嘛嗎?
[24:50.80]I Iove what it does with the doors. 我還真喜歡他家設(shè)計(jì)的門
[24:53.04]Did you think I wasn't gonna find out my company was buying a bar? 你真的以為我會(huì)不知道我的公司 要在布里克林買一間酒吧?
[24:56.40]It wasn't a secret. 這不是個(gè)秘密
[24:57.76]I just wanted to make sure I had everything in pIace. 我只是想保證一切都安頓好了 (再告訴你)
[25:00.32]-Did you read the proposaI? -Why wouId I do that? 你看了那個(gè)提案沒?
[25:02.72]Because. The tax break wiII be huge. 我看那玩意兒干嘛?
[25:02.48]因?yàn)?br /> [25:03.44]減稅很多
[25:05.20]Saving a Iandmark buys us amazing PR. . . 拯救地標(biāo)建筑 給我們樹立了良好的對外形象
[25:07.56]. . .engenders goodwiII in the community paving the way for future investment. 在社區(qū)中獲得良好的信譽(yù) 為未來的投資鋪平道路
[25:11.24]PIus it's a great pIace. 另外 那酒吧本身超棒的
[25:12.80]Let me take you there, show you around. I'II make you a beIiever, I promise. 聽著 父親 讓我?guī)闳ツ抢锇?我?guī)闼奶幙纯?br /> [25:14.92]我保證我會(huì)讓說服你的
[25:16.48]I beIieve that you've betrayed my trust and wasted my time. 你辜負(fù)了我對你的信任 而且在浪費(fèi)我的時(shí)間 (去死去死去死 鬼畜人父)
[25:19.72]This is a good move for Bass Industries. I stand behind it. 這有益于Bass企業(yè)的發(fā)展
[25:22.60]ReaIIy? Chuck Bass stands behind it? What's that worth? 我支持這一舉措
[25:23.20]有Chuck Bass支持?
[25:26.16]I gave peopIe my word. They're counting on me. 有何價(jià)值?
[25:29.12]WeII, IuckiIy, Ietting peopIe down is your forte. 我是他們的希望
[25:36.76]Oh, man, this has been great, but Iook, I shouId go. I'm tired, so-- 兄弟
[25:41.84]What about Scattergories? 我累了
[25:43.20]Can't beIieve I used Scattergories as an enticement. 一起玩Scattegories 怎么樣? (一種擲骰子 拼單詞的游戲)
[25:46.60]Next time. 下次吧
[25:47.84]You sure you just don't wanna crash on the couch? 現(xiàn)在太晚了
[25:50.32]-No, it's cooI. -Look. . . 沒關(guān)系 不用了
[25:51.68]聽著 Nate 我...
[25:54.68]. . .I know about how you're Iiving. 我知道你現(xiàn)在的狀況
[25:57.00]-At home. -Excuse me? What? 你家的狀況
[25:58.48]It was a mistake. Thought we were supposed to meet at your pIace. 你什么意思?
[26:01.64]I saw the notice. 但我看到那張公告了
[26:03.68]So you broke into my home? 你...你擅自闖進(jìn)我家了?
[26:05.64]I mean, there wasn't reaIIy much to break into. 不是
[26:06.28]我是說 你家也不值得別人闖進(jìn)去
[26:08.04]-You know, Jenny and I wanna heIp you. -Jenny knows too? 只是...Jenny和我都想幫你
[26:11.84]SuddenIy, I'm the Humphrey famiIy's favorite charity? Jenny也知道?
[26:14.40]-It's not Iike that. -TeII your dad thank you. . . 不 不是這樣的
[26:15.36]你告訴你父親我感謝你們的款待 但我得走了
[26:16.92]. . .and that I had to Ieave. Dan, we hang out at YaIe. Dan 我們在耶魯一起打發(fā)時(shí)間 我們踢過一次足球
[26:19.52]We pIayed soccer once. So what? Just stay out of it. 那又怎么樣?
[26:25.44]Hey. I overheard the end of that conversation. . . 我無意中聽到你們談話的尾聲
[26:29.76]. . .and I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[26:33.12]I don't know your dad, but from what I saw today, you deserve better. 我不了解你父親 但是從...
[26:36.52]今天你的表現(xiàn)來看 你理應(yīng)有更好的待遇
[26:45.24]You say that, but you don't reaIIy know me. 雖然你這么說...
[26:49.80]My father, on the other hand, has a Iifetime of experience. 從另一方面來說 我父親跟我打交道的經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富
[26:53.04]The man makes some good points. 他的一些話的確很有道理
[26:59.92]Stay. 別走
[27:02.28]PIease. 求求你
[27:14.80]Bart toId me I couId bring Jonathan. . . Bart說我可以帶Jonathan來
[27:16.80]. . .but he toId me there wouId be press here. . . 但他告訴我這里會(huì)有記者
[27:19.04]. . .and did I reaIIy wanna come out in a nationaI magazine? 你以為我想在全國發(fā)行的雜志上出柜嗎?
[27:21.88]-He's worried about his own image. -I don't think so. 他只關(guān)心他自己的形象
[27:24.44]I think he's trying to protect me. Why are you so against him? 我不這么認(rèn)為
[27:27.52]-I don't know. -Excuse me, Serena, Eric? 你為什么非要和他作對?
[27:28.04]- 我不知道 - 打擾一下 Serena Eric
[27:29.72]WouId you mind if our reporter asked a few questions? 你們不介意我們的記者提幾個(gè)問題吧?
[27:32.36]-HonestIy? -Sure. - 說實(shí)話嗎? - 當(dāng)然不介意
[27:34.16]So your mom toId me how cIose-knit your famiIy is. 你們母親說你們一家總是親密無間
[27:36.76]Is there a particuIar memory that stands out? 有什么讓你們印象深刻的事件嗎?
[27:39.32]-A birthday or Christmas? -She said what? 某一次生日或圣誕節(jié)?
[27:41.52]Excuse me. I just need to borrow Serena. 我媽說什么?
[27:42.00]失陪一下 我找Serena有點(diǎn)事
[27:44.44]-You said we were cIose-knit? -I'II bring her back. 你說我們一家關(guān)系緊密?
[27:47.16]And I'II teII you aII about the time that we had in Mustique. 我們馬上就回來
[27:47.32]然后我會(huì)告訴你們 在Mustique的所有美好時(shí)光
[27:50.24]-It was such fun. -You mean you and Constantine? 實(shí)在太有趣了
[27:52.64]Or did you forget the way you forgot to say goodbye to me every time you Ieft? 還是你忘記了 就像忘了...
[27:56.60]LILY: Serena, don't do this. Serena 別這樣
[27:57.76]If you have issues with Bart, fine, but don't sabotage this. 你對Bart不滿 那好 但你也不能破壞這一切
[28:01.12]What? I'm not doing anything. 什么? 我什么都沒做啊
[28:02.96]We were just sharing memories of what a cIose famiIy we are. 我以為我們在分享 關(guān)于我們親密家庭的美好回憶呢
[28:06.08]I remember this one time, when I was 1 1 . . . 我記得有一次 當(dāng)我11歲的時(shí)候
[28:09.48]. . .Eric and I wanted a white Christmas. LuckiIy, Mom's husband. . . Eric和我想要一個(gè)白色圣誕節(jié)
[28:11.00]幸運(yùn)的是 我母親的老公是個(gè)狂暴的癮君子
[28:12.64]. . .was a raging cokehead, so he Ieft bIow everywhere. - 他到處留白粉 - 上帝呀
[28:15.20]-Oh, my God. ERIC: It wasn't everywhere. 也不是任何地方...
[28:17.24]Just on the smooth, shiny surfaces. 只在平坦光亮的表面
[28:19.12]Was that German KIaus with a K or Danish CIaus with a C? 是那個(gè)首字母是K的德國的Klaus
[28:21.84]I can't ever remember which ones she married. . . 還是首字母是C的丹麥的Claus?
[28:24.24]. . .or which she just decided were more important than her chiIdren. 或者到底是哪個(gè)她覺得 比她的孩子更重要了
[28:29.36]You know, I was wrong. It's not Bart at aII. It's you. 你知道嗎? 我錯(cuò)了
[28:33.84]GOSSIP GIRL: Looks like the Bass housewarming party just got a little colder. 都是你的錯(cuò)
[28:38.00]Serena 's walk down memory lane has her heading out the door. Serena的回憶一發(fā)不可收拾
[28:55.08]Bet's off. 賭注取消了
[28:58.04]-But the game's not over. -I'm caIIing it on account of boredom. 但游戲還沒結(jié)束
[29:01.16]Vanessa's not worth pIaying with. 你說得對 Vanessa不值得玩弄
[29:02.88]Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. 也許她是 也許不是
[29:05.44]-Why the sudden change of heart? -Like I said, the whoIe thing is duII. 為什么突然改變主意了?
[29:06.72]我已經(jīng)說過了 整件事都很無聊
[29:09.48]Pursuing Vanessa is beneath us both. 和Vanessa糾纏不清會(huì)有失我們的身份
[29:12.72]You think I'm going for the kiII. 你認(rèn)為我會(huì)贏
[29:14.48]Worried you're gonna have to go through with what you promised. 你擔(dān)心將要履行你的承諾
[29:17.64]-I'm not worried. About that. -WeII, then what? 我沒有擔(dān)心...
[29:22.68]Then nothing. Just forget it. 沒有原因
[29:32.92]LILY: I can't beIieve Serena did that. 我不敢相信Serena在所有人面前這么做...
[29:34.56]In front of everyone, that reporter, aII of these peopIe. 當(dāng)著那個(gè)記者 還有其他所有人
[29:38.04]Eric, my darIing, you are aIways honest with me. Eric 親愛的 你一直和我坦誠相見
[29:42.12]It isn't true, is it? 她說的不是真的 對嗎?
[29:43.80]I know Serena's timing sucked. 我知道Serena選的時(shí)機(jī)不對
[29:47.04]But she did pretty much raise me aII those years. 但這些年基本上是她養(yǎng)育了我
[29:50.36]-You just weren't here, you know? -I wasn't that bad. 你卻一直都不在我們身邊 你知道嗎?
[29:53.32]Our ring tone for you was " Since U Been Gone. " 我沒那么糟吧
[29:56.72]Vanya the doorman used to sign our permission sIips from schooI. Vanya 那個(gè)門衛(wèi)過去負(fù)責(zé)幫我們簽假條
[30:00.64]WeII, there was a Iot going on in my Iife. 在我的人生中發(fā)生了很多事
[30:03.40]And I did the best I couId. Just Iike I'm doing now. 我盡力做了一切 就像現(xiàn)在一樣
[30:06.52]But now it's Iike you want us to go from zero to Brady in 60 seconds. 但是一切就像 你想讓我們一瞬間就長大
[30:10.20]We're not there yet. 那是不可能的
[30:13.08]I know, but I just thought-- 我知道 但我以為...
[30:14.52]You don't become a famiIy just by teIIing peopIe you are. 不是因?yàn)槟愀鷦e人說我們是一家人 我們就能立刻成為一家人
[30:18.28]You become a famiIy because you wanna be one. 而是因?yàn)槟阏嫘脑敢膺@么做
[30:26.24]I think mine's carbonated. Yours? 我...
[30:36.04]You're stiII upset. 你還是很沮喪啊
[30:37.32]WeII, Iike I said, I tried to heIp and he baiIed. 我都說過了 我想幫他 但他并不領(lǐng)情
[30:39.72]So, you know, if he doesn't want my heIp then that's fine. 所以 如果他不需要我的幫助 沒關(guān)系
[30:43.76]Being a friend means giving someone. . . 朋友的意義就是當(dāng)他們需要幫助時(shí) 義無反顧
[30:45.64]. . .something they need even when they can't ask for it. You did.
[30:48.84]Right, I did that. 甚至當(dāng)他們不主動(dòng)請你幫助的時(shí)候
[30:48.92]對 我是這么做了
[30:51.88]AIso not giving up on them when they say no thank you. 同時(shí)也意味著當(dāng)他們說"不用 謝謝"的時(shí)候 也不會(huì)輕言放棄
[30:54.52]I didn't do that. I'm not doing that. 我沒那么做 也不會(huì)那么做
[30:56.64]He wants to be aIone. His choice. Good Iuck. 他不想別人插手
[30:58.80]WeII, from what you toId me, this thing is pretty intense. 這是他的選擇 我只能祝他好運(yùn)
[30:59.12]在我看來 現(xiàn)在的局勢很緊張
[31:01.64]I don't know if he has anyone eIse in his Iife Iooking out for him right now. 我不知道現(xiàn)在還有沒有其他人照顧他
[31:06.32]You reaIIy wanna be a friend, you need to be that person. 如果你真想做他的朋友
[31:10.08]I know I Ieft my bag with my coat. CouId you check again. 我確定把包和衣服放在一起了
[31:12.84]No need. 你能不能再檢查一遍?
[31:15.04]Don't teII me you took my purse by mistake. 別告訴我 你不小心拿錯(cuò)了我的包
[31:17.84]HardIy. But then it wasn't your bag I was after. 當(dāng)然不可能了
[31:21.36]Don't you know never to Ieave anything vaIuabIe unattended? 難道你不知道貴重的東西要保管好嗎?
[31:24.36]Oh, and I took the Iiberty of increasing your storage space. 我自作主張 幫你增大了內(nèi)存空間
[31:27.36]What did you do? 你都干了什么?
[31:28.80]Marcus and Catherine are free to Iive their sick IittIe Iives in peace, as am I. Marcus和Catherine可以 平靜的繼續(xù)他們惡心的生活
[31:33.00]Now that you have nothing on me, you're done here. 我也一樣
[31:33.32]現(xiàn)在你沒有我的把柄了 這兒沒你什么事了
[31:37.08]Except one more thing. 還有一件事
[31:38.60]You may think you've discovered the hidden Chuck. . . 你以為你發(fā)現(xiàn)了Chuck的另一面
[31:41.20]. . .but you shouId know he has no reaI feeIings for you whatsoever. 但你要知道他對你不會(huì)有感覺的
[31:44.88]It was aII a IittIe bet we made to see just how guIIibIe you couId be. 一切都源于我們的一個(gè)小賭注 賭你是否會(huì)上當(dāng)受騙
[31:50.60]I don't beIieve you. 我不相信
[31:52.96]It was simpIe, reaIIy. 這很簡單 真的
[31:54.36]Chuck wanted to get Dan, and I wanted to get you. Chuck想報(bào)復(fù)Dan 而我想報(bào)復(fù)你
[31:57.52]Chuck had his dad's company make an offer. . . 你的意思是 Chuck讓他父親的公司出價(jià)
[31:59.92]. . .on the BrookIyn Inn in order to get back at Dan? 買布魯克林客棧 就是為了報(bào)復(fù)Dan?
[32:02.80]Isn't that a IittIe convoIuted, even for the two of you? 就算是發(fā)生在你倆之間 不覺得有點(diǎn)復(fù)雜了嗎?
[32:05.52]ReaI estate was just forepIay. 買地只是前戲而已
[32:07.20]Seducing and humiIiating you was the uItimate goaI. 引誘以及羞辱你才是最終目標(biāo)
[32:09.96]Chuck didn't hit on me once. Chuck從沒向我獻(xiàn)過殷勤
[32:12.44]Maybe what's going on is you can't stand that he might actuaIIy. . . 也許事實(shí)是 你忍受不了...
[32:15.76]. . .be a good person when not around you. 他不在你身邊時(shí) 就變成了一個(gè)好人
[32:17.92]-I seriousIy doubt that. -What are you doing, BIair? 我不敢茍同
[32:19.48]你干什么 Blair?
[32:21.28]Tying up some Ioose ends. 收拾殘局
[32:22.88]TeIIing Vanessa that she doesn't mean anything to you. 告訴Vanessa 她對于你來說毫無意義
[32:25.52]We were pIaying chess. . . 我們不過是在下棋
[32:26.80]. . .she was another piece you needed to knock over. . . 她只是為你得到王后 而開道的一顆棋子
[32:29.36]. . .on your way to take the queen. Do you disagree?
[32:35.84]Guess I shouId have known. 我早該知道是這樣
[32:43.56]-Good boy. -What the heII was the point of that? 好孩子
[32:46.16]You may not have seduced her, but she seems pretty humiIiated to me. 你可能沒引誘成她
[32:49.48]What are you saying? 你在說什么?
[32:51.80]I'm saying I Iost, you won. 我的意思是...
[32:55.56]I'II be waiting in my room in one hour. 我一小時(shí)后我的房間里等你
[32:58.32]Come cIaim your prize. 來領(lǐng)取你的戰(zhàn)利品吧
[33:00.08]GOSSIP GIRL: Poor Chuck Bass. 可憐的Chuck Bass
[33:01.76]You made your bet, now you have to lie in it. 你發(fā)起的賭注
[33:14.56]SERENA: Dan? Is that you? Dan 是你嗎?
[33:18.96]-Are you taIking to me? -You're the onIy person here. 你是跟我說話嗎?
[33:21.76]Right. But that's never stopped you before. 是 但以前只有我你也不搭理
[33:24.64]-I deserved that. -I haven't started yet. 我自作自受
[33:27.36]Fine. Sit. PiIe it on. My night couIdn't get any worse. 我還沒說什么呢
[33:27.64]好吧 請坐 向我開火吧
[33:40.80]Coming to rub my nose in it? FaIIing for your Iine of buII? 來取笑我嗎?
[33:45.16]TaIked to Vanessa aIready. Vanessa已經(jīng)告訴你了?
[33:46.96]I know you have no reason to trust me. 我知道你不會(huì)相信我
[33:49.00]You ain't gonna be abIe to give me one so you might as weII go. 你也給不了我一個(gè)相信你的理由
[33:52.08]Look, I don't care what you think about me. 你還是走吧
[33:54.96]I'm not giving up. I'm gonna save this pIace. 但我不會(huì)放棄 我要拯救這里
[33:57.24]Try saving yourseIf first, kid. 先救救你自己吧 孩子
[33:59.00]I Iike to think I know peopIe, but I was wrong about you. 我以為我了解別人 但我看錯(cuò)你了
[34:15.92]SERENA: So what are you doing at Nate's, anyway? 你到Nate的家來干什么?
[34:18.24]WeII, Nate and I are friends. 我和Nate是朋友
[34:20.04]At Ieast I hope we are. What about you? 最起碼 我希望如此
[34:23.52]I just had to get out of my house and taIk to someone. 我只想離開家 找個(gè)人說話
[34:28.04]BIair is busy, Chuck is Chuck. Blair很忙
[34:34.04]The onIy person I reaIIy wanted to taIk to I can't anymore. So I came here. 唯一能聽傾訴的人 我已經(jīng)無法再跟他說話了
[34:39.00]所以 我就到這兒來了
[34:40.92]Pretend I'm Nate. 假裝我是Nate
[34:43.72]What? 什么?
[34:44.88]Pretend I'm-- WeII, Iook, he pretended to be me so it's onIy fair. 假裝我是...他曾經(jīng)假扮是我 這樣才能扯平
[34:48.08]ReaIIy? 真的?
[34:50.36]WeII, my mom hosted this big party. 好吧
[34:54.96]It was supposed to be about our new famiIy. . . 本來應(yīng)該是關(guān)于我們的新家庭
[34:57.56]. . .but turns out, of course, it was for pubIicity. 但結(jié)果卻是為吸引公眾注意
[35:00.40]So I bIew up at her in front of everyone. 所以我在所有人面前沖她發(fā)脾氣
[35:03.88]This whoIe time I was thinking that Bart was the probIem. . . 我一直認(rèn)為一切都因Bart而起
[35:07.36]. . .but I reaIized it's aII her. 現(xiàn)在才意識到問題出自她
[35:10.04]You ever think your mom acts Iike she's perfect. . . 你有沒有想過 你母親在別人面前演繹得自己如此完美...
[35:13.76]. . .because she's too ashamed to acknowIedge. . . 是因?yàn)樗?..
[35:16.24]. . .how far from it she's reaIIy been? 知道自己和完美相差甚遠(yuǎn)而十分慚愧?
[35:19.84]I thought you were pretending to be Nate? 你不是要假裝Nate嗎
[35:23.12]Kidding. 開玩笑的
[35:26.84]I'm sorry. 對不起
[35:28.92]Do you not think I'm right? 你認(rèn)為我說得不對嗎?
[35:30.44]No, I mean, I'm sorry, about everything. 不是 我是說...我對所有事都很遺憾
[35:37.00]I am too. 我也一樣
[35:42.20]They must have had me chipped whiIe I was sIeeping. 他們肯定趁我睡覺的時(shí)候 在我身上綁了小袋子一路跟著碎屑來的
[35:47.92]-Hi, Mr. Bass. -HeIIo, DanieI. - 你好 Bass先生 - 你好 Daniel
[35:49.96]Eric said you might be here. Eric說你可能在這里
[35:51.68]-I'd Iike to take you home, Serena. -I shouId probabIy go. 跟我回家吧 Serena
[35:53.12]我該走了 回去試驗(yàn)一下...
[35:55.40]Test out some of those theories of yours.
[35:57.24]你的那些理論 看是否行得通
[35:58.76]See if they hoId up.
[36:00.76]I'm reaIIy gIad you're Nate's friend. 我非常高興你是Nate的朋友
[36:02.80]He reaIIy needs someone Iike you right now. 他現(xiàn)在很需要你這樣的朋友
[36:29.16]Hey. Where is everyone? 其他人呢?
[36:31.88]WeII, the party wasn't the same after you Ieft. 你離開之后 宴會(huì)也結(jié)束了
[36:35.36]ActuaIIy, I think it might've even stopped whiIe you were stiII here. 實(shí)際上 你還在這里時(shí) 宴會(huì)就辦不下去了
[36:43.40]I owe you an apoIogy. 我應(yīng)該向你道歉
[36:44.80]No, I'm the one who said things I shouIdn't have. 不 說錯(cuò)話的是我
[36:47.28]No, not about that. 不 不是那件事 是關(guān)于這17年來我都沒陪在你們身邊
[36:48.92]About the 1 7 years that I wasn't here.
[36:51.80]And I did put the men in my Iife before you guys. 而且我的確曾重視男人多過我的孩子
[36:55.92]WeII, it wasn't aII bad. 也不是都那么糟的
[36:57.28]There was a brief period between CIauses. 在那兩個(gè)K(C)lause之間 你有空出時(shí)間
[37:00.32]Don't forget that weekend with Sarkozy. 別忘了 和Sarkozy過周末時(shí) 他帶我們?nèi)W洲的迪士尼公園
[37:02.64]He made us go to Euro Disney.
[37:04.36](ERIC & LILY LAUGH) 對不起 我在全國發(fā)行的雜志面前讓你難堪了
[37:05.52]I'm sorry I embarrassed you in front of a nationaI magazine.
[37:09.52]And I'm sorry I acted the way I did. 我也為自己所做的那些事道歉
[37:11.52]ApoIogy accepted. 我接受你的道歉
[37:12.72]WeII, our famiIy is our famiIy. That's just who we are. 我們的家庭...
[37:17.28]And I shouIdn't care who knows about it. And I don't. 我不該在乎別人的想法 我也不在乎
[37:20.04]GOSSIP GIRL: Just like the seasons, people have the ability to change. 就像季節(jié)一樣 人們有改變的能力
[37:24.12]It doesn 't happen very often, but when it does, it's almost always right. 雖然不經(jīng)常發(fā)生
[37:26.04]不過一旦改變了 就總是正確的
[37:29.72]You kiIIed the story, didn't you? 你封殺那個(gè)新聞了 是不是?
[37:31.68]I aIready put out the hit. 我已經(jīng)處理好了
[37:33.08](ALL LAUGHING )
[37:35.08]GOSSIP GIRL: Sometimes it takes what's broken becoming whole again. 有時(shí)破鏡也會(huì)重圓
[37:42.04]-R. -What happened? R
[37:45.28]GOSSIP GIRL: Sometimes it takes opening up to new people and letting them in. 怎么了?
[37:45.32]有時(shí)要向別人敞開胸懷 接受他們
[37:49.04]Hope you don't mind, but we've got a Iodger. 希望你們別介意 咱家來了一個(gè)新房客
[37:51.20]-I'II make up the sofa? -I'II get ice cream. 我來鋪沙發(fā)吧?
[37:53.32]And I'II get the guitar and the Songs of the '80s fake book. 我去拿冰激凌
[37:56.52]I'm thinking Wham! 我想威猛樂隊(duì)不錯(cuò)!
[37:59.80]AImost forgot, make yourseIf at home. 差點(diǎn)忘了 千萬別客氣 隨意
[38:10.76]GOSSIP GIRL: But most times it takes just one person... 但多數(shù)情況是 只要一個(gè) 害怕表露自己真實(shí)心意的人
[38:14.24]... who is truly afraid to show what they feel...
[38:17.24]...getting an opportunity they never thought possible. 得到了意想不到的機(jī)會(huì)
[38:26.96]What took you so Iong? 你怎么這么久才來?
[38:28.52]If you thought that was Iong, you have no idea what you're in for. 如果你認(rèn)為這就算久的話 你根本不知道接下來會(huì)發(fā)生什么
[38:43.28]不 Marbella逃跑了
[39:02.96]CHUCK: Say it. 那是她以前的穿著
[39:04.16]Say what? I'II say anything. 告訴我
[39:04.16]說什么? 我什么都愿說
[39:08.44]Say those three words you wanted me to say. 說那3個(gè)你希望我說的詞
[39:14.16]-Are you kidding? -Not quite. "開玩笑?"
[39:17.96]Eight Ietters. 8個(gè)字母
[39:19.88]Three syIIabIes. 3個(gè)音節(jié)
[39:21.44]Say them and I'm yours. 說一遍 我就是你的了
[39:22.80]But I'm aIready yours, and you're ruining the mood with aII this taIk. 但我已經(jīng)是你的了
[39:26.20]You can't say it? 你說不出來
[39:28.56]-You wanted it from me. -I'm prepared to settIe. 你想我對你說
[39:34.84]Maybe I'm not. 或許我沒有
[39:39.88]Chuck Bass. Chuck Bass 我永遠(yuǎn)也不會(huì)對你說那句話
[39:42.20]I. . .
[39:44.20]. . .wiII never say those words to you.
[39:46.08]Then you wiII never have me. 那你就永遠(yuǎn)得不到我
[39:52.32]Is this because of Vanessa? It was a game, Chuck. That's it. 是因?yàn)閂anessa嗎?
[39:53.84]那只是個(gè)游戲 Chuck
[39:57.44]Maybe I wanna raise the stakes. 沒任何意義
[39:59.52]You ready to pIay that game? 你準(zhǔn)備玩新游戲了嗎?
[40:01.72]I chased you for Iong enough. 我追求你用了太長時(shí)間
[40:04.88]Now it's time you chased me. 現(xiàn)在輪到你追我了
[40:09.08]GOSSIP GIRL: And some things never change. 有些事情絕不會(huì)改變
[40:12.48]Let a new game begin. 新游戲開始了
[40:14.72]X O X O, Gossip Girl.
[40:41.48]SubtitIes by SDI Media Group
[40:43.64](ENGLISH SDH)

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