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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:41:48
[00:01.08]GOSSIP GIRL: Gossip Girl here, your one and only source... 流言蜚女駕到...
[00:03.48]...into the scandalous lives of Manhattan 's elite. 你了解曼哈頓上流社會丑聞的唯一途徑
[00:05.92]DAN: Sounds Iike you Iike him. JENNY: Sorry about Nate. 聽起來你好像還喜歡他
[00:08.44]If it's consoIation, I don't think he ever Iiked me. 關(guān)于Nate的事 我真的很抱歉
[00:08.60]如果可以安慰你的話 我覺得他從沒喜歡過我
[00:11.08]JENNY: I haven't heard from him. 他好幾個星期沒聯(lián)系過我了
[00:12.56]VANESSA: Friendship is more important than some guy. 我們的友誼比男生重要多了 對吧?
[00:14.72]He has a PI on retainer. Bart's peopIe are topnotch and very discreet. 他雇了私家偵探調(diào)查大家
[00:16.04]Bart的人都是高手 非常謹慎
[00:18.08]You hire someone to Iook into my past? 你是不是雇人查我的底了?
[00:19.96]Do you have a LiIy Bass dossier? 也許有個Lily Bass檔案?
[00:22.04]Aaron asked me out, but I said no, because I wasn't sure how you'd feeI. Aaron約我了 但我拒絕了
[00:25.68]-I Iike Aaron. Have my bIessing. -What are you doing? 我挺喜歡Aaron的 祝福你們
[00:28.40]CouIdn't think of anywhere that feIt more Iike home. 你怎么來了?
[00:28.16]今天是感恩節(jié) 可我想不出比這里更像家的地方了
[00:30.96]-What about Bart? -Not coming. - Bart呢? - 他不來了
[00:32.68]I haven't heard from Jenny in weeks, so can we get together? Vanessa Jenny好幾周沒跟我聯(lián)系了
[00:35.80]I guess that'd be okay. 我想沒問題
[00:37.64]As of right now, this moment, I am officiaIIy a one-woman man. 從現(xiàn)在開始 我正式成為 只有一個女友的男人
[00:44.36]WOMAN: Where has she been?
[00:45.56]GOSSIP GIRL: And who am I?
[00:47.00]That's one secret I'll never tell.
[00:50.20]You know you love me. X O X O... 流言蜚女 第二季 第12集
[00:54.20]... Gossip Girl.
[00:58.48]GOSSIP GIRL: Winter in New York. 紐約的冬天...
[01:00.24]A Gossip Girl checklist to surviving the cold: 流言蜚女的御寒清單...
[01:02.76]Cashmere stole for ice-skating at Wollman Rink... 到沃爾曼溜冰場滑冰前 要去的開司米店
[01:05.68]...Jacques Torres hot chocolate for window-shopping the holiday displays... 逛街瀏覽節(jié)日商品時 要喝的Jacques Torres熱巧克力
[01:09.72]...and the perfect date to the Senior Snowflake Charity Ball. 還有參加高三年級 雪花慈善舞會的完美舞伴
[01:13.36]SERENA: B, I have other things to do today. B 我今天有別的事情要做
[01:15.16]Serena, this is the hoIiday event for high-schooI seniors. Serena 這是專門為高三學(xué)生 舉辦的節(jié)日活動
[01:18.44]The creme de Ia creme wiII be there. 所有頂級私立學(xué)校的精英都會到場
[01:20.68]Pictures dominate society pages through New Year. I need a ringer. 這可是決定明年社交形象的大事 我需要個能人
[01:23.88]SERENA: AII of these guys asked you? BLAIR: Of course. 等等 所有這些男生都約了你了?
[01:27.16]You think AngeIina JoIie considers a project without an offer? 當(dāng)然 你覺得要是沒明碼標(biāo)價的話 安吉麗娜·茱莉會去考慮什么提案嗎?
[01:30.24]-I'm a pay-or-pIay dater. -Just out of curiosity. . . 我可是完全謀利而動的
[01:32.76]. . .who's in the Iead to pIay "Guy With No Future" ? 出于好奇問一下 誰主演這出"沒有未來的男人"?
[01:35.20]You think I'm not Iooking Iong-term? 你憑什么認為我不想找個長期的伴?
[01:37.24]CaII it a hunch. 算是直覺吧
[01:39.84]-Keith NeIson. -Are you kidding? - Keith Nelson - 開玩笑吧?
[01:41.56]Ever seen him without gum? OraI fixation wouId drive you insane. 你見過他什么時候不嚼口香糖嗎?
[01:47.52]-Andy CIark. -Outscored your verbaI on the SATs. Andy Clark
[01:49.92]I Iike an inteIIigent man. 我喜歡聰明男人
[01:51.92]He can whisper meIIifIuous nothings in my ear. 他可以整日在我耳邊甜言蜜語
[01:54.16]You think you Iike inteIIigent men. 你只是自以為喜歡聰明男人
[01:56.00]The moment he gave you a history of "meIIifIuous," you'd rip out his tongue. 他一旦開始講甜言蜜語
[02:02.84]Okay. 好吧
[02:05.04]Hey, Dan. Can I ask you a question? 嗨 Dan
[02:07.04]Hey, I'II caII you Iater. 嘿 我過會兒打給你
[02:09.36](CHUCK SIGHS)
[02:11.20]So who's next? 下一個是誰?
[02:14.72]SERENA: Dan. Hey. -Hey. What's up? Dan! 嗨
[02:16.52]-Look. -Wow. - 嗨 怎么了? - 看
[02:18.48]Letters to a Young Poet, first edition. "給一個青年詩人的十封信" 第一版
[02:20.08]And the originaI Herter Norton transIation to boot. 還有Herter Norton的原版翻譯 這真是...
[02:22.92]AII thanks to you. 這要謝謝你呢
[02:24.08]I found it at the rare-book store you toId me about. 我上周在你告訴我的 那家稀有書店找到的
[02:26.72]-I'm giving it to Aaron for Hanukkah. -That's very nice. 我要把它送給Aaron 作為光明節(jié)禮物
[02:29.92]Means he accepted your invitation to the baII. 很好 這樣一來他必須要 接受你的雪花舞會邀請了
[02:32.36]UnfortunateIy, he wiII be unabIe to attend. 遺憾的是 他不能參加
[02:34.56]ApparentIy high-society formaIs don't go with the whoIe BrookIyn artist thing. 顯然上流社會的社交活動 跟布魯克林藝術(shù)家的世界完全不搭
[02:38.32]WeII, it's an acquired taste, to be sure. 呃... 這當(dāng)然是個人喜好問題
[02:41.04]-Um. . . . You stiII going? -AbsoIuteIy. - 那你還參加嗎? - 當(dāng)然參加
[02:43.92]Something I Iove about the SnowfIake BaII. 我還是挺喜歡雪花舞會的
[02:46.24]It reminds me of Anna Karenina, onIy by Anna Wintour. 它讓我想起"安娜·卡列尼娜" 只是因為安娜·溫圖爾(頂級時尚編輯)
[02:49.44]-I'II just be fIying soIo. -My preferred method of traveI. 我就單飛吧
[02:52.32]That's good. We can hang out, then. 這是我偏愛的社交方式 很好
[02:52.80]我們可以... 可以一起去
[02:54.76]Dan Humphrey, the scourge of high society, is going to the baII? Dan Humphrey 上流社會的死敵 要去參加舞會?
[02:58.48]I know. I'm stiII reeIing. 我知道 我還是老樣子
[03:00.60]I just reaIized. . . 我只是意識到
[03:02.52]. . .that the best memories of my past two years. . . 過去兩年中一些最美好的回憶
[03:04.92]. . .have been at those events, so I figured, why fight it? 都是來自這些活動的
[03:06.88]所以 干嘛跟它過不去呢?
[03:08.68]WeII, Iook who's embracing change. 看看這是誰在改變了啊
[03:15.08]I'm assuming that Aaron'II be okay. . . 我想Aaron不會介意
[03:16.96]. . .with two dateIess friends hanging out. 兩個交情頗深的朋友一起參加舞會吧?
[03:19.08]Yeah. He'd better be. He's friends with his ex Lexi. 他... 他最好是不介意
[03:22.48]She's coming to town for the hoIidays. 她來城里過節(jié)了
[03:24.68]I'm going to the gaIIery to see his instaIIation. Wanna come? 我現(xiàn)在要去畫廊看看他的新作 你要不要來?
[03:27.64]I just have to stop and change first. 我先去換下衣服就好
[03:31.24](CHUCKLES) Yeah. Yeah, sure. 好 當(dāng)然
[03:40.56]I got your message. What's the emergency? 我收到你的信息了
[03:43.56]Do you consider Muddy Waters bIues or cIassic rock? 你覺得Muddy Watter 屬于藍調(diào)還是經(jīng)典搖滾?
[03:46.48]I'm reorganizing my dad's record coIIection by genre. 我在按流派重新整理我爸的唱片
[03:49.24]-Why? -I aIready bound aII of Dan's stories. . . 為什么?
[03:52.20]. . .and cIeaned the Ioft twice. 還打掃了兩遍屋子
[03:53.88]-Did you put Red BuII in your cereaI? -No, I just need to keep busy. 你早上不小心把紅牛加到麥片里了?
[03:55.52]沒有 我只是不能讓自己閑著
[03:57.32]Otherwise I'm gonna think about my future. Gonna be a hoIe through my waII. 否則 我就要開始擔(dān)心我的未來
[03:58.80]然后墻上就會出現(xiàn)個 Jenny Humphrey形狀的洞了
[04:01.28]Stop putting pressure on yourseIf. 好啦 別給自己施加這么大壓力了好嗎?
[04:03.08]You're back home and you're stiII a great designer. 你回家了 但你還是個出色的設(shè)計師
[04:05.60]-The future wiII work itseIf out. -That's not aII I'm thinking about. 以后的事會船到橋頭自然直
[04:09.48]What? 什么?
[04:10.84]Okay, Iook, I don't wanna be awkward. . . 好吧 聽著 我不...
[04:13.36]. . .but the thing I can't figure out is what happened with Nate. 我不想搞得很尷尬
[04:17.96]Is that totaIIy pathetic? 是不是太可憐了
[04:19.32]Sitting around thinking about how some guy bIew you off? 無所事事 只想著男人怎么把你甩了?
[04:22.36]No, but in my experience it doesn't reaIIy heIp either. 才不是
[04:29.12]I'd. . . 我... 開始新生活
[04:31.80]. . .move on.
[04:35.12]Yeah. 對
[04:41.96]Sorry, I toId Rufus I'd be at the gaIIery aII day. 抱歉 我告訴Rufus我會全天呆在畫廊
[04:44.40]-So I'II see you Iater? -Yeah. I'II be here. LiteraIIy. 那一會兒見了?
[04:45.32]我會在這兒 差不多...
[04:47.60]ProbabIy in the same spot. 大概還在同一位置
[04:52.92]-Oh, heIIo, weird documentary girI. -Bye, sad BIair wannabe. 你好 拍紀錄片的怪異女孩
[04:55.44]再見 可憐的Blair超粉
[04:57.48]-PeneIope. What are you doing here? -SnowfIake BaII. Penelope 你來干嘛?
[05:00.04]I wanna commission a dress. Your fashion show was impressive. 雪花舞會... 我想訂做一套禮服
[05:03.00]Thanks, but the SnowfIake BaII's tomorrow. 謝謝 但雪花舞會是明天
[05:05.32]-And I kind of hate you, so-- -I know. 而且我有點討厭你 所以...
[05:07.20]But this is about fashion, not friendship, J. 我知道 但這事關(guān)時尚 跟友誼無關(guān) J
[05:09.60]HazeI and Is keep biting my styIe, and I need something custom. Hazel總是模仿我的風(fēng)格
[05:15.16]-I'm very expensive. -I hope so. - 我要價很高的 - 但愿如此
[05:18.72]I think we'd better have a second snowfIake machine. 我想我們最好再來一臺雪花制造機
[05:22.24]I mean, it is caIIed the SnowfIake BaII. We can't have drizzIe. 我是說 雪花舞會可不能只下小雪
[05:26.84]-Hey. -Hey. - 嗨 - 嗨
[05:28.00]I thought the decorating committee agreed on poinsettias. 我以為裝飾委員會要用猩猩木
[05:30.76]-They did. I didn't. CasabIanca IiIies. -Sneaky. 對 他們想用 我不想用
[05:34.40]Hey, thanks for offering to heIp out. It's reaIIy been fun. 偷偷摸摸的
[05:37.72]When you just happened to mention my background in sound systems. . . 這確實很有趣
[05:40.96]. . .and Iack of voIunteer hours at the Iast PTA meeting. . . 上次家長會上又說 我的志愿者工作做得不夠...
[05:43.80]-. . .I caught your signaI. -Ha-ha. 我差不多就明白你意思了
[05:45.32]Sorry. I had to get out of the house, and I didn't wanna be here aIone. 抱歉 我得出來散散心
[05:49.92]You and Bart stiII haven't taIked. 你和Bart還沒談呢?
[05:52.36]No. It's my fauIt. 沒有 是我的錯
[05:53.56]Since Thanksgiving I pretty much hung up the maritaI " do not disturb" sign. 感恩節(jié)之后 我的婚姻問題上就一直懸在那兒
[05:57.36]You're gonna have to taIk to him sooner or Iater. 上面寫著"請勿打擾"
[05:57.72]你遲早還是得跟他談?wù)劦?br /> [06:00.00]Isn't that what New Year's resoIutions are for? 新年新決心不就是這個目的嗎?
[06:03.80]Have you decided if you're going to make it to the dance? 你決定了要不要
[06:07.12]Witness the fruit of your Iabors? 看看你的成果?
[06:09.76]-Jury's stiII out. -AII right. If you do, save me a dance. 我還沒決定
[06:10.76]好吧 去的話 賞臉請我跳支舞吧
[06:15.28]I'II taIk to you Iater. 我們晚點再談吧
[06:22.32]We need to taIk. 我們需要談?wù)?br /> [06:25.96]Fine. 好吧
[06:27.84]LEXI: Aw. They're adorabIe. 它們美呆了
[06:30.52]You know, I feeI inspired to shop at the Gap. . . 我突發(fā)靈感 想去GAP逛逛
[06:34.56]. . .or vaIidate my seIf-image with overpriced cosmetics. 或者 用天價的化妝品獎勵自己
[06:38.76]You sure this one didn't just come with the frame? 等等
[06:41.20]Women have been the focaI point for artists throughout history. 你確定這張不是隨手拍到的嗎?
[06:44.24]ExactIy. Yeah, way to swing at a 2000-year-oId pitch. - 這你也知道 - 不錯
[06:46.88]And with BIondie the BombsheII, no Iess. 再加上金發(fā)美女 這不止...
[06:49.60]-Serena. Dan. Hey. This is Lexi. -The ex. Serena Dan 嘿 這是Lexi
[06:52.52]I was wondering when I'd finaIIy meet you. 前任? 一直想著何時能見見你呢
[07:02.84]I probabIy shouId have asked sooner. . . 我...我知道應(yīng)該早點問你的
[07:04.88]. . .but wouId you come with me to the SnowfIake BaII? 你愿意和我一起去雪花舞會嗎
[07:08.16]Oh, I wouId Iove to, but I don't think it's a very good idea right now. 哦 嗯...我很愿意
[07:15.08]You mean you haven't toId Jenny about us? 你是說 你還沒跟Jenny講我們的事嗎?
[07:18.56]I know you guys are cIose and I'm the Iast person. . . 瞧 我知道你們關(guān)系很好
[07:21.12]. . .who'd wanna come between friends, but Jenny doesn't care. 我也非常不想擋在兩個朋友之間
[07:22.44]但請你相信 Jenny不會在乎
[07:25.32]-She pretty much bIew me off. -But what if she didn't? 我是說 是她甩的我
[07:28.28]I mean, what if you found out that she stiII Iiked you? 但如...如果她沒有呢?
[07:28.48]我指 萬一你發(fā)現(xiàn)她還喜歡你呢
[07:31.84]I mean, Vanessa, I'm reaIIy happy right now. 我得說...
[07:33.00]Vanessa 我...我現(xiàn)在很開心
[07:35.84]Let's just go with this. PIease. 我們就繼續(xù)下去吧
[07:42.88]NATE: Okay? VANESSA: Okay. - 好 - 好吧
[07:44.44]But we're in Gossip GirI country, so rein in your horses. 但是...
[07:45.24]我們在流言蜚女的地盤上 所以急不得
[07:48.16]-You're probabIy right. Okay. -Ha-ha-ha. 你說得對
[07:50.72]So teII me, whatever happened between you and Nate? 好啊
[07:50.96]告訴我 你和Nate是怎么回事?
[07:54.36]-I'm sorry? -PIease. 什么?
[07:56.00]Your kiss was aII over Gossip GirI, and he was Iiving here, wasn't he? 拜托 你們的吻照在流言蜚女上滿天飛了
[07:58.12]而且他在這里住過 不是嗎?
[07:59.96]Uh, heh. . . . 也...可以這么說吧 住了幾天
[08:02.52]Yeah, for a IittIe bit. Why do you care?
[08:06.24]Now that ArchibaId is on the rebound, I was thinking of asking Nate to the baII. 既然舞會名單上有Archibald這個名字
[08:10.84]So, what's the story? 所以你們之間是怎么回事?
[08:13.88]Nothing. Nothing even happened between us, so. . . . 什么都沒
[08:15.28]嗯 我們之間什么都沒有 所以...
[08:17.36]I wouIdn't beat yourseIf up about it. I mean. . . 我不想你太責(zé)備自己
[08:19.68]. . .it was doomed from the start. 我是說 這事一開始就已經(jīng)注定了
[08:21.44]He's Upper East Side and you're, weII, here. 他住在上東區(qū) 你嘛...住在這里
[08:26.88](CELL PHONES BEEP)
[08:33.64]You gotta be kidding me. 開什么玩笑
[08:36.28]GOSSIP GIRL: Sorry, ladies. For those of you hoping... 抱歉姑娘們 對Nate Archibald 有想法的可要失望了
[08:38.52]... to find Nate Archibald under your tree... 看來他已經(jīng)名草有主了
[08:40.76]...looks like he's already picked up his mistletoe mate.
[08:46.44]I don't appreciate your showing up unannounced at a schooI function. 你招呼都不打就出現(xiàn)在學(xué)校聚會上 我對此很有意見
[08:50.04]I'm sorry, but you haven't Ieft me many options. We do need to taIk. 我很抱歉 但你沒給我多少選擇 我們需要談?wù)?br /> [08:53.44]Fine. TaIk. 好啊 說吧
[08:58.00]It's been a Iong time since I've been a husband, LiIy. 我已經(jīng)很久沒有扮演丈夫這個角色了
[09:03.40]I just want you to know that I fired Andrew TyIer. . . 我只想你知道 我把Andrew Tyler炒了 那個私家偵探
[09:06.00]. . .that investigator who gathered those fiIes. 就是他搜羅了所有資料
[09:08.24]No more snooping, no more trying to controI you and the kids. 我不再打探 不再試圖控制你和孩子們
[09:11.20]It's done and I'm sorry for everything. 一切都結(jié)束了 我為所有這些事道歉
[09:16.40]Thank you, but I don't think that that's enough. 謝謝 但是 我覺得這還不夠
[09:20.24]WeII, then teII me what is, and I'II do it. 那告訴我還有什么 我會去做
[09:24.92]I can change, LiIy. You know I can. If you'II Iet me. 我會改變 Lily 你知道我可以的
[09:32.68]I shouId be back from my trip in time to go to the baII. 我要去邁阿密出差 但會及時趕回來參加舞會
[09:35.88]If you think about what I've said and are wiIIing to give me a chance. . . 如果你愿意考慮我所說的
[09:39.72]. . .I'd be honored to accompany you. 我會很榮幸做你的舞伴
[09:45.52]I have to go. There's a few more things I have to do inside. 我 嗯 我要走了 里面還有點事要做
[09:56.64]I know Lexi can be a bit much. 我知道Lexi是有點過分了
[09:58.64]Ugh. BIair WaIdorf is my best friend. I can handIe " much. " That feIt personaI. Blair Waldorf是我最好的朋友
[10:01.20]我能應(yīng)付"過分" 但感覺那是針對個人的
[10:03.04]She doesn't mean anything. Thinks she's protecting me. 她沒有別的意思 她覺得她是在保護我
[10:05.68]Oh, great. WeII, how Iong is the enforcer gonna be with us? 哦 太棒了! 那衛(wèi)兵小姐要和我們呆多久?
[10:08.68]She's staying with her foIks through the hoIidays. 她要和親戚一起過節(jié)
[10:11.12]So is that Christmas Eve, or are we taIking New Year's Eve? 那就是圣誕夜嘍? 還是說...
[10:14.24]Or maybe Boxing Day? 新年夜 或者...也許節(jié)禮日?
[10:16.64]-You have any kopi Iuwak back there? -Kopi what-wak? 這兒有蘇門答臘咖啡嗎?
[10:19.84]It's a coffee made from berries that have been passed by the Asian paIm civet. 嗯 蘇門什么臘?
[10:24.12]It's a cat. I had it in Indonesia. It's deIicious. 是一種貓
[10:28.40]Our cat Iives in FIorida. My sister has aIIergies. 非常好喝
[10:30.96]-That's a shame. -Yeah. - 我妹妹對貓敏感 - 那挺可惜
[10:32.32]We do, however, have this bag here of nondescript beans. . . 是啊 不過我有
[10:36.32]. . .whose berries have been passed. . . 它的漿果是用一種大型聯(lián)合機器加工的 所以...
[10:38.08]. . .through a corporate infrastructure.
[10:40.00]You're funny. Heh. 你很有趣
[10:44.24]Come on. It wouId mean a Iot to me if you gave her a chance. PIease? 別這樣 給她個機會 這對我很重要 好嗎?
[10:52.24]Okay, fine. But as Iong as we're swapping favors here. . . 好吧 行
[10:55.64]. . .it wouId make me feeI much better about you spending time with her. . . 那么我就會心理平衡不少
[10:59.20]. . .if you, I don't know, escorted me to my senior winter dance? 對于你花時間陪她...
[11:00.16]比如說 護送我去高三冬季舞會
[11:03.80]Fine. Got yourseIf a deaI. 好吧
[11:06.88]So. New pIan for tonight. 聽著...今晚有新計劃
[11:08.48]Dan here has agreed to give me a waIking tour of BrookIyn. . . Dan答應(yīng)帶我步行游覽布魯克林...
[11:11.68]. . .and it might be fun for the four of us to hang out. - 對 最后一分鐘定的 我 - 我想這樣應(yīng)該會很好玩...
[11:14.36]Get to know each other. 也就是我們四個一起出去 互相了解
[11:18.12]I mean, unIess the two of you guys wanna hang out aIone. 我是說 除非你們倆想單獨出去
[11:24.60]No, no. Sounds great, Lexi. 不 沒有 聽上去不錯 Lexi
[11:30.56]VANESSA: Anyone home? 有人在家嗎?
[11:31.88]I have a gift certificate to GrimaIdi's and I'm thinking doubIe pepperoni. 我有一張Grimaldi's的禮券
[11:38.52]Everything okay? 你還好嗎?
[11:41.84]How couId you? 你怎么可以這么做?
[11:44.56](CELL PHONE BEEPS)
[11:46.16]ReaIIy, Vanessa? Lying and seeing Nate behind my back? 是真的嗎 Vanessa?
[11:47.92]向我撒謊 背著我見Nate
[11:50.92]I'm so sorry. 我很抱歉
[11:53.96]I've been meaning to teII you. Just wasn't sure how. 我本來要告訴你的 只是不知道怎么開口
[11:56.52]You knew why Nate wasn't caIIing and it was because he was with you. 你一直都知道的 為什么Nate不打給我
[12:00.36]I understand that you're upset. . . 是因為他正和你在一起!
[12:02.52]. . .but if I remember correctIy, you kissed Nate first. 但沒記錯的話 是你先背著我 吻了Nate
[12:05.44]I feIt so horribIe about it that I ran after you and you were gone. 我非常內(nèi)疚 出去追你的時候你已經(jīng)走了
[12:08.76]What happened to not Ietting a guy get between us? 不是說不要讓男人擋在我們之間嗎?
[12:11.20]-Are you that desperate? -You that jeaIous? 你就那么等不及嗎Vanessa?
[12:13.32]-Oh, my God. -Sorry you found out this way. - 你就那么嫉妒嗎 Jenny? - 噢 我的天哪!
[12:15.44]I am. But since you have. . . 我很抱歉 被你以這種方式發(fā)現(xiàn)了 我很抱歉
[12:17.24]. . .Nate asked me to the baII and I think I'm gonna go. 但既然你知道了 你也許還想知道 Nate請我去明晚的舞會了
[12:19.40]而我想 我會去的
[12:25.96](PIANO PLAYING )
[12:31.72]What do you want, Bass? 你想怎樣 Bass?
[12:33.44]It occurred to me whiIe I was having my shiatsu that I shouId choose your date. 在午后按摩的時候 我突然想到
[12:37.60]-You. Why? -Why not? 我應(yīng)該為你選舞伴
[12:38.12]你? 為什么?
[12:40.16]And it'II Iet me prove I know you better than anyone eIse. 為什么不呢? 這可以證明我比任何人都了解你
[12:43.04]-Fine. Then I choose yours. -I bring a date for you. 好吧 那我來選你的
[12:46.24]You bring one for me. See who was paying attention to the other's desires. 我給你帶一個舞伴 你也為我?guī)б粋€
[12:50.28]There has to be something to keep you honest and make things interesting. 肯定有什么能讓你老實點
[12:55.88]Name the stakes. 說你的賭注
[12:57.92]If you actuaIIy Iike your date, I get your Iimo. 如果你真的喜歡你的舞伴
[13:00.40]- 你的寶貝車給我用一個月 - 好的
[13:01.92]-For a month. -Fine.
[13:04.40]And if you Iike yours, I get Dorota. 如果你喜歡你的 Dorota歸我
[13:07.60]-What? Dorota? -Yes, Miss BIair? - 什么? Dorota? - 我在 Blair小姐
[13:12.68]Fine. 好吧
[13:15.32]By the way, I take my breakfast in bed. 順便說下
[13:21.32]What are you staring at? Go poIish something. 看什么看啊?
[13:27.56]DAN: I write on these benches aII the time. 我經(jīng)常在這些長椅上寫東西
[13:29.52]ActuaIIy, Norman MaiIer used to Iive in that townhouse there. Norman Mailer曾經(jīng)住在那幢房子里
[13:32.52]You can't imagine how many times I thought about knocking on his door. 你想象不到 有多少次我想敲他的門
[13:36.32]-Why didn't you? -Common courtesy? 那為什么沒去呢?
[13:37.84]嗯 基本禮貌?
[13:39.88]-Okay. It's a door, but whatever. -No. She's right. 好吧 一道門而已 又能怎樣
[13:43.72]I don't know why I'm aIways worried about what peopIe might think of me. 沒錯 她 她說得對
[13:44.08]我不知道為什么總那么在乎 別人對我的看法
[13:47.20]It certainIy hasn't paid off. 從來也沒有什么好結(jié)果
[13:48.96]Wow. Here I thought the Y-chromosome was incapabIe of change. 哇哦 我以為你大男子主義的固執(zhí)不會改變呢
[13:52.56]Look at you two branching out. 看看你們倆
[13:54.44]Aaron decided he wouId escort me to the SnowfIake BaII tomorrow. Aaron決定陪我去明天晚上的雪花舞會
[13:57.80]Sorry. Pause? 等等 停一下
[13:58.96]-SnowfIake BaII? -Yeah. --雪花舞會? --是啊
[14:00.60]It's this schooI charity dance that Serena and I have. 我和Serena學(xué)校里面的慈善舞會
[14:04.04]And you're going as weII? 那么你也要去?
[14:06.00]-Yeah. LEXI: And what? -是的 -然后呢?
[14:07.64]I'm here to test the MaiIer anecdote for your actuaI date tomorrow night? 我就在這里讓你試試
[14:09.60]Norman Mailer事件在明晚的舞會上 對你的約會對象適不適用
[14:11.32]-At the baII? -No. I don't have a date, actuaIIy. 不是 實際上我還沒有約會對象
[14:16.32]Oh, oh. Oh. Ha-ha. Uh. . . . 哦?
[14:18.84]You know what? I just had the craziest idea. 我剛有個瘋狂的想法
[14:21.40]Why don't the four of us go together? 為什么我們四個不一起去呢
[14:23.36]-That is if you wouId be my date. LEXI: That depends. 那就是說 如果你是我的約會對象
[14:25.76]-That IittIe speech you just gave? -He doesn't Iive there anymore. 哦 基于你剛說的那些話…
[14:29.52]-Not reaIIy the point, is it? -The man's dead. 這不是重點 不是嗎?
[14:32.24]LEXI: Come now. Ring doorbeII. 那個人死了
[14:32.68]過來 按門鈴
[14:34.52]You okay with her coming tomorrow? 明天她來的話 你不介意吧?
[14:36.36]Yeah. It's a IittIe When Harry Met Crazy, but as Iong as Dan's fine with it. 恩 沒事 有點"當(dāng)Harry遇上瘋狂小姐"的意思
[14:41.04]I'm guessing Dan wiII end up being more than fine with it. 只要Dan沒問題
[14:44.40]Meaning? 什么意思?
[14:45.96]Lexi Iikes to sIeep with guys on the first date. Lexi喜歡在第一次約會的時候 就和別人上床
[14:49.20]She cIaims it's a poIiticaI statement against maIe-dominated sexuaI hypocrisy. 她說這是一種政治表態(tài)
[14:53.40]Or something.
[14:55.20]Can't she just vote? 她就不能只投票不上床嗎?
[14:57.08]In her defense, she dates very few guys. . . 她自己的話說 跟她約會的男人不多
[14:59.72]. . .but once there's one in her sights, that's pretty much it. 但是只要她看上了 基本上就會這樣
[15:02.80](LAUGHS) -你現(xiàn)在還會覺得ok嗎? -嗯
[15:04.00]-You stiII okay? -Yeah.
[15:06.24]-Whatever. -Yeah, whatever. 無所謂的
[15:07.36]嗯 無所謂了
[15:11.76]-Taking off? -Morning meeting in Miami. 要出差么?
[15:14.00]-I shouId be back tomorrow. -Sure that's wise? 早上在邁阿密有個會
[15:14.24]-明天我就回來 -你確定這么做沒錯?
[15:16.28]The marriage thermostat is headed south of Iate. 我覺得最近你的婚姻有點降溫了
[15:18.72]And whose fauIt is that? Thanksgiving was a disaster because of those fiIes. 那這是誰的錯啊
[15:20.32]因為那些文件 感恩節(jié)變得一團糟
[15:22.56]You think I don't know who had the combination to that safe? 你以為我不知道 誰有那個保險箱的密碼嗎?
[15:27.44](SIGHS) 每次我覺得我們之間有點進展的時候
[15:28.88]Every time I think we're making progress, you show your true coIors.
[15:36.40]Hey. Your housekeeper Iet me in. 你家的傭人讓我進來的
[15:38.68]-Good, then she can Iet you out. -What? 好 讓她領(lǐng)你出去吧
[15:41.48]And teII your friend Vanessa it's not wise to fish in our pond. 什么?
[15:41.52]再告訴你朋友Vannessa 勾引我們看上的人是不明智的
[15:46.12]WeII, she's not my friend. 她不是我的朋友了
[15:48.40]ReaIIy? 真的嗎?
[15:49.72]Because we were just trying to think of a way to send her a IittIe message. 我們正想辦法給她點顏色看看
[15:52.88](DOOR OPENS)
[15:55.00]Feast your eyes, Iadies. 大飽眼福吧 姑娘們
[15:57.80]ISABEL: WeII? What do you think? 怎么樣?
[15:59.60]I think you shouIdn't stand in front of a Iight in that dress. 我覺得你不應(yīng)該穿著這條裙子 站在燈光下
[16:05.96]ISABEL: Oh, my God. It's see-through. -One way to be the center of attention. 天啊
[16:09.76]At Ieast you don't have to worry about going home aIone. 那也是吸引眼球的一種方法
[16:11.80](GIRLS LAUGH) 你覺得Vanessa會穿什么去舞會?
[16:13.48]-What do you think Vanessa's wearing? -She's going?
[16:16.24]Yeah. With Nate. 她要去舞會?
[16:16.28]是的 和Nate
[16:22.56]Jenny, IsabeI's dress Iooks a IittIe Iike one of yours, don't you think? Jenny Isabel的裙子看起來挺像你的設(shè)計吧
[16:26.08]No, not at aII. I know of a IittIe something caIIed Iining. 算了吧 至少我知道有件東西叫"內(nèi)襯"
[16:30.56]WeII, what if you didn't? 那你就假裝不知道吧
[16:33.56]Snowflake or Snowfake? Either way, it's gonna be a ball. 無論怎樣
[16:41.28]BLAIR: Chuck is in for the shock of his Iife. Chuck會受到他這輩子最大的打擊
[16:43.64]I have depths he'II never pIumb. . . 我有他永遠難以企及的深度
[16:45.56]. . .but I know every inch of his wafer-thin souI. 但是我卻了解他膚淺的靈魂
[16:47.92]What do you think? 怎么樣?
[16:50.16]You're right. Louboutin peep-toes. AIways. 你是對的
[16:51.28]Louboutin的露趾高跟鞋 總是最好的
[16:53.32]Just so you know, seeing someone with your ex. . . 說實話 看你的前男友跟別人約會
[16:55.68]. . .even if you're ready, not easy. 即使你認為你自己無所謂... 其實不容易
[16:57.40]I assume you're taIking about your Iame outer-boroughs doubIe date Iast night. 我想你在說你昨晚那個愚蠢的外城區(qū) 四人約會吧
[17:01.32]-What happened? -Nothing. It was great. 怎么了?
[17:03.32]Right up untiI Dan asked Lexi to go with him to the SnowfIake BaII. 沒什么 還不錯...
[17:06.72]So they're going to the dance? 他們要去舞會?
[17:08.44]And I found out she tends to extend herseIf to guys on a first date. 嗯 我還發(fā)現(xiàn)她準(zhǔn)備向 第一次約會的對象投懷送抱
[17:11.76]-So? -So? We're friends. -那又怎樣? -我們是朋友
[17:13.88]ShouIdn't I give him a heads up or something? 我不應(yīng)該給他點提醒什么的嗎?
[17:16.12]AbsoIuteIy. Guys hate to be caught off-guard with sex on the first date. 你可真天真 哪個男人不喜歡第一次約會就上床
[17:19.72]You're right. You're right. I shouId just not think about it. 你說得對
[17:22.68]ExactIy. Like I'm sure Dan doesn't think about you. . . 當(dāng)然 我覺得Dan也不會去想
[17:25.24]. . .and Aaron aII horizontaI and sweaty. 你和Aaron嘿咻的情景
[17:30.64]Wait, you have sIept together, haven't you? 你們還沒上過床?
[17:34.44]Why not? 為什么不啊? 他那么性感 你又喜歡他
[17:35.60]He's hot. You Iike him. How often you find that in the same guy?
[17:38.72]Which is why I haven't rushed into anything. 這兩個都有的男人你能找到幾個啊?
[17:40.88]You wanna wait, fine, but in the meantime. . . 你想等? 那好吧 但與此同時
[17:43.04]. . .Dan is going to be taking a ride on the Lexicoaster. Think about it. Dan會對Lexi上下其手了
[17:49.40]VANESSA: Jenny. Jenny
[17:51.28]-What are you doing here? -I'm stiII mad at you. 你在這干什么
[17:53.64]You're gonna kiII me and put me in the garment bag? 我還是很生你的氣
[17:54.04]那又能怎么樣 殺了我之后把我塞進那個衣服套子里嗎
[17:56.24]I couIdn't sIeep Iast night. 我昨晚睡不著
[17:57.76]I was up haIf the night making this before I reaIized who it was for. 我花了半個晚上做了這件衣服 之后我才知道你是什么樣的人
[18:02.24]-You made that for me? -Yeah. 這件衣服是為我做的? -是的
[18:04.36]I mean, I said some pretty awfuI things because I was hurt. 我說了一些不夠理智的話 因為我感覺很受傷
[18:08.20]So I guess just consider this a peace offering. You'II Iook great. 你就把它當(dāng)作和好的禮物吧
[18:12.36](CHUCKLES) 我不知道說什么了
[18:14.28]-I don't know what to say. -Just say you'II try it on.
[18:20.20]Okay. 好吧
[18:25.64]I thought I made it cIear that we need to find Chuck the perfect date. 我已經(jīng)說得夠清楚了 我們得給Chuck找一個完美的約會對象
[18:29.20]Kristin Curran is the Ioosest girI in our cIass. Kristin Curran是我班最邋遢的女生
[18:32.16]Don't you know Chuck doesn't Iike his fruit pre-picked? 難道你不清楚Chuck不喜歡撿剩嗎
[18:34.84]She has Iong hair. In PoIand, Iong hair-- 她是長頭發(fā) 在波蘭 長頭發(fā)代表著
[18:36.92]And EIizabeth PhiIIips is somewhere between Mormon and moron. Elizabeth Phillips 不是摩門教徒就是個白癡
[18:40.68]-How'd you come up with these? -Facebook. Joined groups. 你怎么找到這些的啊?
[18:43.40]This has to be Chuck's dream girI. Facebook 我加了幾個群
[18:45.52]InteIIigent but not a bookworm, strong-wiIIed but stiII feminine. 聰明 但不是書呆子
[18:47.68]堅強 但仍然溫柔可愛
[18:49.28]An equaI. 他喜歡深棕色眼睛 深色頭發(fā)的女人
[18:50.44]And he Iikes brunettes with deep brown eyes.
[18:53.00]-But Miss BIair, that's you-- -No. 但是 Blair小姐 那不就是你嗎
[18:54.84]That girI is out there and you better hope for your sake I find her. 不是 肯定有這樣的女生 你最好祈禱 給我找到她
[18:58.16]PIease. I don't want to shine Mr. Chuck's shoes for month. 我可不想幾個月都給Chuck的皮鞋打蠟
[19:01.00]His shoes if you're Iucky. 嗯 如果你夠幸運的話
[19:02.52]-What? -Nothing. Now get back to work. -什么? -沒事
[19:04.92]Tick-tock. Tick-tock. 趕緊繼續(xù)找 抓緊抓緊
[19:06.24](LINE RINGING )
[19:08.04]SERENA: Hello? -You know, rent a tux in BrookIyn. . . 你好?
[19:10.24]. . .they throw in the shoes? 你知道嗎 在布魯克林租禮服的話 他們還給你帶雙鞋
[19:12.08]No, I didn't know that. 我不知道啊
[19:14.72]What's going on? 嗯 怎么樣了
[19:16.20]WeII, this is stupid, but I wanted to make sure this was aII okay with you. 這也許有點蠢 我只是想確認下
[19:20.04]You know, you, me, Lexi, Aaron. 對于我們四個這件事 你不會介意
[19:23.60]Of course. Why wouIdn't it be? 當(dāng)然不會 怎么這么問?
[19:25.40]I don't know. Dramatic precedent? 不知道 折騰慣了吧
[19:27.36]WeII, I think we've outgrown that. 我覺得我們都成熟了
[19:29.88]Good. Good. Me too. 好 我也是
[19:31.68]I have to say, I'm reaIIy Iooking forward to this tonight. 知道嗎 其實我還是很期待今晚舞會的
[19:36.44]Okay, great. 是嗎 很好啊
[19:37.60]-I'll just talk to you later, then. -Yeah, I'II see you. 那我們晚些見吧
[19:39.84]嗯 好 再見
[19:44.84]Oh. . . .
[19:46.88]So? 怎么樣...
[19:51.32]I so appreciate you coming tonight. 你今晚能來 我真開心
[19:53.72]I know. You've thanked me. 我明白 你已經(jīng)謝過N次了
[19:55.96]I know. 我知道
[19:57.44]I know, but. . . 我知道 但是...
[20:01.52]. . .I wanna thank you properIy. 我想在今晚徹徹底底地感謝你
[20:09.12]-Later tonight. -ReaIIy?
[20:19.12]-There. -It's beautifuI. 很漂亮
[20:24.36]-Jenny, about the whoIe-- -Handbag. - Jenny 關(guān)于那件事... - 手袋
[20:27.00]Here. I'm gonna get going. 給你 我得走了
[20:29.32]Wait. I have to teII you something. 等一下
[20:31.72]When I fIipped out yesterday and asked if you were jeaIous. . . 有些事我必須告訴你
[20:32.00]我昨天對你發(fā)飆 還問你是不是嫉妒我
[20:35.48]. . .it's because I aIways have been, of you and Dan. 其實是我自己一直有點嫉妒...
[20:38.60]To me, you guys had it aII. 你和Dan
[20:38.76]和我相比 你們有那么多好的家人
[20:40.28]And it doesn't excuse what I'm about to teII you, but-- 但這不能算做 我將要告訴你的事情的借口
[20:48.52]JENNY: Um. . . .
[20:50.76]It's cooI. You don't have to teII me. I don't-- 沒關(guān)系
[20:54.20]I don't wanna know. It's fine. 我不介意
[20:56.48]Have fun tonight, though, okay? Bye. 祝你今晚玩得開心
[21:01.28]Hey. I'm gIad you caIIed. 很高興你打電話來
[21:04.36]There's something I have to taIk to you about. 有些事我得告訴你
[21:07.16]No. I'd rather do it tonight, in person, actuaIIy. 不 我想今晚當(dāng)面告訴你
[21:12.24]LILY: HeIIo, Mrs. Landingham. 你好 Landingham女士
[21:13.88]CouId you teII Bart that I'm waiting for him to go to the SnowfIake BaII? 你能否告訴Bart 我等著和他一起去雪花舞會
[21:20.00]Wha--? A meeting? WeII, who's it with? 哦 他在開會?
[21:24.88]Andrew TyIer? Andrew Tyler
[21:27.88]Let me caII you back. 我一會兒再打給你
[21:48.08](DIALING )
[21:51.56]Hi, it's me. 嗨 是我
[21:54.00]CouId you inform Mr. Bass that my pIans have changed? 請轉(zhuǎn)告Bass先生 改變計劃了
[22:00.56]I won't be waiting, and he shouIdn't come to the baII. 我不會等他了 他也不用來參加舞會了
[22:25.04]We aII set? 一切就緒了嗎?
[22:26.20]Jenny caIIed after she deIivered the dress. Jenny把裙子送過去之后 給我打電話了
[22:28.44]-BrookIyn Betty waIks in, cue the song. -HazeI's new boyfriend. . . 布魯克林的灰姑娘一進來 我們就放暗示音樂
[22:32.44]-. . .hits her with the spotIight. -I hate you aII. Hazel的新男友會用聚光燈照她
[22:35.08]And we expose her in nothing but her cheap gIass sIippers. 我恨你們
[22:38.00]Nate. Save me a dance? Nate 留一支舞給我
[22:40.28]Oh, yeah, sure. 哦 好的
[22:45.80]Are you Chuck Bass? 你是Chuck Bass嗎?
[22:47.08]Are you BIair's girI? Not bad. 你是Blair找來的女孩?
[22:49.24]You know, the roof has a spectacuIar view of the city. 不錯啊 你知道嗎 在天臺上可以看到整個城市的美景
[22:53.56]Excuse me, he's taken, shoo. 打擾一下 他不會去的
[22:56.28]You Iook IoveIy. 你今晚很漂亮
[22:58.12]Not as IoveIy as I'II Iook in my Iimo. 在我的豪華轎車里 我會更漂亮
[23:00.68]-So where's my Prince Un-Charming? -Sandbox ruIes. 我的青蛙王子呢?
[23:03.28]Show you mine if you show me yours. 公平交易
[23:05.12]Fine, here she comes. Justine, this is Chuck Bass. 互相交換
[23:05.50]好吧 她來了 Justine 這是Chuck Bass
[23:10.72]Very nice to meet you. 很高興見到你
[23:21.12]You can't be serious. 你不是開玩笑吧
[23:23.68]I need to taIk to you. Excuse us. 我們需要談?wù)?br /> [23:37.24]-Looks Iike tonight's the night. -What are you taIking about? 看來今晚就是"重要之夜"了
[23:41.92]Aaron Iikes to pIay things cIose to the vest. Aaron那種喜歡西部的方式 比較有壓迫性
[23:44.20]It took arm-twisting. . . 但我終于發(fā)現(xiàn)Serena今晚要給他通行證了
[23:45.52]. . .but I found out Serena gave him the green Iight for tonight.
[23:50.08]Oh. You mean, they haven't had sex? 你是說 他們還沒上床
[23:52.40]You're not as quick as you pretend to be. 你還假裝沒領(lǐng)會啊 Humphrey
[23:57.24]-Do you care? -I don't. I don't. 你介意嗎?
[24:06.72]We both know that I'm your one and onIy. . . 我們都心知肚明
[24:09.12]. . .and a knockoff seemed Iike the best option. 我是你唯一的...最好選擇
[24:11.40]My thinking exactIy. 我也是這么想的
[24:13.48]Fine. 好吧
[24:14.64]If beta Bass is Iike the originaI. . . 你知道嗎 如果測試版Bass和原版有任何相似之處
[24:16.52]. . .I have no doubt that sooner or Iater he'II disappoint me.
[24:19.96]I'm curious if the new BIair. . . 我很好奇 翻版Blair是否有我喜歡的所有特征
[24:21.56]. . .has aII the features I so enjoyed on the oId modeI.
[24:24.76]-So the bet is stiII on? -UnIess you're prepared to concede. 還繼續(xù)賭下去嗎?
[24:27.92]To you? Never. 向你投降? 做夢!
[24:36.80]It was nice to meet you.
[24:40.72](MOUTHS) Okay.
[24:50.48]Hi, Rufus. 嗨 Rufus
[24:55.44]Where's Bart? Bart呢?
[24:58.60]I'm Ieaving him. 我要離開他了
[25:01.36]I'm doing it for me, I don't expect anything. 我是為自己做的這個決定 我沒指望其它任何事
[25:05.92]Except maybe a dance. 除了一起跳支舞
[25:50.64]Uh-- So you seem Iike you're having a good time. 你和Aaron今晚看起來都很開心啊
[25:53.72]-So do you guys. -Mm. 你們也是
[25:57.08]-What? -Uh. . . . 怎么了?
[25:59.40]Lexi toId me about your and Aaron's pIans tonight, that's aII. Lexi告訴我...
[26:01.66]你和Aaron今晚的計劃 沒別的
[26:03.64]Oh. I am gonna miss her when she's gone. 等她離開之后 我一定會想死她了
[26:06.72]I onIy mention it because we're friends now. . . 我跟你說這件事 是因為我們現(xiàn)在是朋友了
[26:09.16]. . .so if there's anything you wanna taIk about. . . . 你想談?wù)勥@件事嗎?
[26:12.12]WeII, what's there to taIk about? 沒什么可說的 我們約會了一段時間
[26:14.64]We've been dating, gotten to know each other.
[26:16.88]-It's not Iike we're rushing into anything. -Right. 已經(jīng)逐漸了解對方
[26:19.40]And that's important. 你說得對
[26:22.04]WeII, it is to some peopIe. 只是對某些人來說
[26:23.52]I know Lexi has a more "come hither" attitude about sex. 我知道Lexi對性愛的態(tài)度是"一見就做"
[26:27.80]Right. Wait. What? 對
[26:30.92]WeII, she's pIanning on seducing you tonight. 等等 你什么意思?
[26:33.68]Seducing me? 勾引我? 哇...
[26:41.04]What does " wow" mean? “哇”是什么意思?
[26:43.04]WeII, I aIways assumed that I wouId, you know, again sooner or Iater. 我一直在想 我...
[26:50.00]"Assumed" is a strong word. "Hoped" is more accurate.
[26:51.82]“想象”這詞有點過了 還是“希望”比較準(zhǔn)確
[26:59.48]Nothing, I just. . . . 沒什么 只是...
[27:01.04]You and Lexi together. . . . 你和Lexi在一起 我一直以為你不會隨便和別人上床
[27:02.92]I just thought sex was meaningfuI to you, that's aII.
[27:06.56]It is. EspeciaIIy when I haven't had it in a Iong time. 沒錯 但我已經(jīng)很久沒嘿咻過了
[27:13.48]Right. Okay, then. Have fun. 好吧
[27:17.48]Serena. I was kidding. 祝你玩得開心
[27:18.02]Serena 我...
[27:20.96]There you are. 原來你在這兒呢
[27:23.00]I'm parched. Drinks? 我快渴死了
[27:24.92]Ha-ha. Sure. 要不要喝東西?
[27:34.68]VANESSA: Jenny? Jenny
[27:36.64]-What are you doing here? -Hi. 你來這兒干什么?
[27:39.44]Uh. . . .
[27:45.40]It doesn't matter. 沒關(guān)系
[27:51.08]I'm ending things with Nate. 我要和Nate分手了
[27:53.20]-What? -I never meant to hurt you. 什么?
[27:56.60]PIease beIieve that. 請你相信我
[28:00.48]Where is she? How Iong does that subway thing take? 她在哪兒呢?
[28:03.00]-Maybe she's not coming. -Or LittIe J had second thoughts. 坐地鐵到底需要多久啊?
[28:09.56]Vanessa. Vanessa
[28:11.88]FinaIIy. Showtime. 終于來了
[28:22.76]-Wow, you Iook gorgeous. -Thank you. 你真美
[28:29.40]I need to teII you something. . . 我得告訴你一些事 在我說的時候
[28:31.44]. . .and I need for you not to say anything. 你不要打斷我
[28:35.20]Okay. 好
[28:40.08]I've never feIt this way about anyone before. Never. 我從來沒有...
[28:47.36]And it made me do something that I can't beIieve I did. 所以我做了一件意想不到的事
[28:58.16]Jenny never got your Ietter. Jenny沒收到你的信
[29:00.92]That's why you never heard from her again. 這就是她沒再聯(lián)絡(luò)你的原因
[29:03.32]I took it before she saw it. 在她看到之前 我拿走了
[29:08.60]And I'm sorry. 我非常抱歉
[29:12.88]Vanessa. Vanessa
[29:17.56]MAN 1 : Hey, you see that?
[29:21.48]MAN 2: No way. WOMAN 1 : You see that? Look at that.
[29:30.84]WOMAN 2: Nice dress.
[29:35.76]WOMAN 3: You can see everything.
[29:42.84]GOSSIP GIRL: Poor Vanessa. 可憐的Vanessa
[29:44.04]Even Cinderella was given the courtesy of a stealth getaway. 連灰姑娘都能悄悄溜走
[29:47.72]Then again, what's a trio of ugly stepsisters... 但什么樣的惡毒姐妹 能比過Jenny Humphrey呢?
[29:50.68]...compared to Jenny Humphrey?
[29:52.84]Vanessa, here. Take this. Vanessa 給你 披上這個
[29:54.72]Vanessa, wait. PIease. Vanessa 等等
[29:57.64]Looks like it might turn out to be an unhappily ever after for everyone. 看來不是每個灰姑娘的故事 都有童話般的結(jié)局
[30:06.92]Jenny. Did you do that to Vanessa? Jenny 是你對Vanessa這么做的?
[30:13.24]Yeah. 是的
[30:16.12]-You don't understand. She compIeteIy-- -She what? She Iied? 但你不了解
[30:17.40]-她完全 -她怎樣? 她說謊?
[30:19.16]She went behind your back? 她挖了你的墻角? 那有怎樣?
[30:21.48]So what?
[30:24.00]For that she deserved to be pubIicIy humiIiated? 為此她就得被當(dāng)眾羞辱?
[30:28.12]She's your friend, Jenny. 她是你的朋友 Jenny
[30:34.64]You know, there's no reason for me to teII you this now. . . 現(xiàn)在我沒權(quán)利對你這么說
[30:38.08]. . .but I wrote you after the fashion show, teIIing you I had feeIings for you. 那場秀之后 我給你寫了這封信
[30:42.24]告訴你 我對你的感覺
[30:45.72]-I never got that. -No, I know. -我沒有收到過 -是的 我知道
[30:47.28]Vanessa stoIe it. Vanessa偷走了它
[30:49.44]But she feIt so bad about it, she came and toId me the truth. 但她覺得很愧疚 最后還是決定據(jù)實以告
[30:55.44]Okay, Iook, I know what you must think of me right now. . . 好吧 聽著 我...
[30:58.12]我知道你現(xiàn)在怎么看我 但如果我-- 如果我收到--
[31:00.92]-. . .but if I had gotten that-- -I'm gIad you didn't.
[31:04.00]HonestIy, you're not who I thought you were. 說實話 你跟我想的不一樣
[31:15.84]-Where are they? -ReIax. They'II be here somewhere. 他們在哪?
[31:16.80]別緊張 他們就在這附近
[31:21.20]This is the worst out-of-body experience ever. 感覺這就是最糟糕的靈魂出竅體驗!
[31:23.56]Hey. ExpIain this. 解釋清楚!
[31:25.76]After you and Chuck waIked off, Justine and I got to taIking. 你和Chuck出去以后 Justine和我聊了起來
[31:30.12]JUSTINE: He took me up to the roof and we Iooked over the city. 他帶我去天臺了 我們?nèi)タ匆咕?br /> [31:32.76]-Of course he did. -We just knew. . . 理所當(dāng)然
[31:34.60]-. . .we were meant for each other. -But she's me. OnIy Iess. 我們才意識到 我們是天生一對
[31:35.76]但她是翻版的 差距就是
[31:37.56]-I gave her that headband. -We're as surprised as you are. 比我多了條發(fā)帶 還是我給她的
[31:45.16]Everyone, even our doppeIgangers, can work it out, but we can't? 每個人 連活死人都明白 但我們不明白
[31:58.52]I hate that I have to hurt him. 我并不愿意傷害他
[32:00.48]I know it sounds strange, but I suddenIy feeI horribIe about what I have to do. 我知道聽起來很奇怪 但我突然覺得我要做的事很惡劣
[32:04.32]I'd be worried about you if you didn't. 如果你沒這么做 我就要為你擔(dān)憂了
[32:06.24]And the kids. 還有孩子們
[32:08.12]-Eric has become so accustomed to him-- -Eric wants you to be happy. 哦 Eric已經(jīng)習(xí)慣見到他了
[32:13.20]I never thought my Iife wouId turn out Iike this. 我從沒有想過我的生活會變成這樣
[32:19.00]I've aIways tried to do the right thing. 我總是努力想做正確的事
[32:25.40]That's aII you can do. 你已經(jīng)盡力了
[32:27.84]Just smiIe and fake it. 呃 微笑著偽裝自己
[32:37.40]TeII me something, Rufus. 告訴我 Rufus
[32:40.44]-What? -Something you shouIdn't. 什么?
[32:48.12]I never wanted to weigh in about your reIationship. 我從來不想介入你和Bart的關(guān)系
[32:51.60]I was afraid of what I might say. 我...
[32:56.68]Which was? 是什么?
[33:05.72]I Iet you go on your wedding day. . . 在你結(jié)婚那天放你走
[33:08.88]. . .because I was afraid I couIdn't give you what you needed. 因為我害怕自己給不了你想要的
[33:12.68]I wasn't sure what I needed. 我不確定我要的是什么 所以我每天都在懊悔
[33:16.84]And I have regretted it every day since.
[33:29.08]As much as I appreciate company. . . 如我預(yù)期中的優(yōu)秀 從機場到現(xiàn)在 我想我已經(jīng)明白了
[33:31.36]. . .I thought I made myseIf cIear: Your services are no Ionger required.
[33:35.04]Trust me. You gave me a finaI assignment. . . 我不需要你再查下去了
[33:35.44]相信我 你給我的最后這單業(yè)務(wù)
[33:37.00]. . .and you do wanna know what I found out. 你會想知道我查到了什么
[33:38.80](CELL PHONE BEEPS)
[33:40.04]This isn't a good time, Chuck. 現(xiàn)在不是時候 Chuck
[33:41.84]CHUCK: She's here. -What are you taIking about? 她在這兒
[33:45.44]LiIy's at the baII with Rufus Humphrey. 你在說什么?
[33:45.84]Lily和Rufus Humphry一起參加舞會
[33:48.08]And from what I'm seeing, you shouId get down here now. 就我看到的 我想你應(yīng)該過來了解一下情況
[33:58.72]What do you have? 你查到什么了?
[34:10.96]LILY: CharIes. Charles
[34:14.56](LILY SIGHS)
[34:16.20]You've been good for him. Good for us. 你一直持家有道 對我們也很好
[34:20.32]I aIways Iiked you, regardIess of how I acted. 我還是喜歡你的 無論我表現(xiàn)的多么不友好
[34:25.24]He's on his way here. 他正趕過來
[34:30.80]You owe him a conversation. 你欠他一個解釋
[34:39.00]Vanessa. Wait. Vanessa 等等
[34:45.72]You stoIe my Ietter. 你把我的信偷走了
[34:48.32]I know. 是的
[34:50.28]Is there anything eIse you wanna teII me? 你還有別的事想跟我講嗎?
[34:54.88]Pretty sure that was it. 就是剛才我說的
[35:00.32]You said you never feIt this way about anyone before. 你說你從沒對別人有過這樣的感覺
[35:05.00]Is that true? 真的嗎?
[35:07.72](VOICE BREAKING ) Does it matter? 這還重要嗎?
[35:13.52]Listen. After aII we've been through. . . 好吧 聽著 我們一起經(jīng)歷過那么多
[35:17.48]. . .when you waIked away tonight, aII I couId think was: 今晚當(dāng)你離開 我所想的只有
[35:20.68]"She's the one I wanna be with. " "她"就是我要的那個人
[35:28.08]So, yeah, it matters. 所以 當(dāng)然
[35:44.40]Yes, it's easy for you to say. . . 你說的輕松
[35:47.16]. . .because you didn't just puII a Janet Jackson at the SnowfIake BaII. 因為在雪花舞會上露點的不是你
[35:53.40]-You wanna grab a drink? -Yes, I wouId. 去喝一杯?
[35:56.00]好吧 本有此意
[35:57.76]Somewhere dark with no backIighting. 去一個沒有背景燈的鬼地方
[36:00.12]WeII, maybe a IittIe backIighting. 呃 也許來一點光
[36:01.72](BOTH LAUGH)
[36:03.92]-Let's go. -Okay. 嗯 走吧
[36:07.60](CAR DOOR CLOSES)
[36:15.84]We saw you try and save her. 別以為我們沒看見 你試著想要救她
[36:17.76]-ShouId have known you didn't have it. -You never did. 我們早該知道你根本沒這能耐
[36:21.68]I don't know what's more pathetic, that I wanted to be you, or I was scared. 我從來不知道什么才更可悲--
[36:23.32]是我曾想變成你們的一員 還是我曾害怕過你們
[36:25.44]Either way that Ieaves you with pathetic. You and your friend. 哪個想法 你都很可悲
[36:28.32]Oh-- Oh, Vanessa's 1 0 times the person you wiII ever be. 你和你的朋友
[36:28.88]呃 哦 Vanessa?
[36:32.92]-That is why you hate her. -Easy to taIk big. . . 那就是你如此討厭她的原因
[36:35.32]. . .when you're in BrookIyn. 你在布魯克林落魄的時候 再說這些比較容易
[36:39.36]WeII, maybe we shouId change that. 也許我們該做點改變
[36:41.52]I'II see you guys around. 失陪
[37:05.40]-Dance with me. -What's the point, Chuck? 跳舞吧
[37:07.28]重點是什么 Chuck?
[37:09.24]We're never gonna be them. 我們永遠不會像他們一樣
[37:13.08]We said so, remember? 你說過的 記得嗎
[37:17.16]It's not for us. 這不是我們能要的
[37:19.72]Maybe. 也許吧
[37:21.48]But I wouIdn't change us. 但這不會改變什么 即使失去了我們所擁有的
[37:24.32]Not if it meant Iosing what we have.
[37:27.12]And what do we have, Chuck? You teII me. 我們有什么呢 Chuck?
[37:31.60]Tonight. 今夜
[37:36.24]So shut up and dance with me. 所以別說了 一起跳舞吧
[38:12.36]Yes. This is LiIy Bass. 喂?對 我是Lily Bass
[38:21.32]Think maybe we shouId we wait for Aaron and Serena? 也許我們該等等 呃 Aaron和Serena?
[38:24.20]I thought it might be fun for the two of us to hang out. 我也不知道 我覺得我們應(yīng)該享受二人世界
[38:27.28]AIone. 也對
[38:28.44]Right. Right, aIone. 對 二人世界?
[38:29.68]You know what? We came with them. I wouIdn't wanna be rude. 我們是和他們一起來的 所以我覺得-- 我不想顯得沒禮貌
[38:32.96]I don't know, are you hungry? Because I know a great pIace. 我是說 呃...
[38:35.92]-Dan. Hey. -Hey, guys, what's up? 我也不知道 你餓嗎?
[38:35.20]-我知道一個好地方-- -Dan
[38:38.16]Do you mind if I taIk to Dan for a second? 嘿 怎么了?
[38:42.56]No. No, I don't. I'm gonna-- I'II grab us a cab. 好吧
[38:49.12]I'II get one for us too. 我也去
[38:55.52]I just want to apoIogize for how I acted earIier. 我為之前的行為道歉 呃...
[39:00.80]-I had no right. -No. No apoIogy necessary. 我沒別的意思
[39:01.76]沒關(guān)系 沒必要道歉
[39:05.44]Good. 好
[39:07.32]Because I didn't want you to go tonight. . . 我-我沒想你今晚離開 呃
[39:10.20]. . .and do whatever it is you're gonna do without me just cIearing the air first. 隨心所欲的去做你想做的 呃 我想把這些說清楚
[39:17.44]WeII, consider it cIeared. 呃 都說清楚了
[39:19.60]And I didn't mean to pry earIier. 順便解釋一下 之前我無心打探那些事情
[39:21.44]No, I know. 我知道
[39:26.56]WeII, good, we can both go with cIean air. 嗯 呃...很好 呃--很好
[39:30.40]我們可以冰釋前嫌 重新開始
[39:33.52]Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. 是啊
[39:46.44]Hey, it was meaningfuI with you. 和你在一起 對我來說意義重大...
[39:51.80]It was the greatest night of my Iife. 那--那是我一生中最美的夜晚
[39:56.12]Mine too. 我也一樣
[39:58.20]Why does this feeI Iike we're cutting some mythoIogicaI tie? 怎么看起來 我們是要就此別過的樣子
[40:02.12]I don't know, but it does. 我不知道 但--但是
[40:05.04]-Are we. . .? -Serena. -我們-- -Serena Charles在哪兒?
[40:06.52]-Where's CharIes? -I don't know.
[40:08.92]I need to find him. 我-我也不知道
[40:10.12]Mom, what's wrong? 我要找到他
[40:10.56]媽 出什么事了
[40:13.76]Bart's been in an accident. Bart出車禍了
[40:43.40]SubtitIes by SDI Media Group
[40:45.60](ENGLISH SDH)

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