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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:34:56
[00:04.03]We live out our lives on the surgical unit. 我們的生活大多數(shù)都在外科病房里度過(guò)
[00:08.03]7 days a week, 一周七天
[00:09.89]14 hours a day. 一天14個(gè)小時(shí)
[00:12.63]We're together more than we're apart. 我們大家真是聚多離少
[00:16.35]George's room is bigger than mine. George的房間要比我的大一些
[00:23.79]After a while... 過(guò)了一會(huì)兒...
[00:24.80]I have more clothes -- I should have the bigger room. 我衣服太多 -- 我應(yīng)該住更大點(diǎn)的房間
[00:27.14]...the ways of residency... ...在工作的狀況...
[00:28.47]- I got here first. - Meredith should decide. - 我先來(lái)的. - 應(yīng)該由Meredith來(lái)決定
[00:30.82]...become the ways of life. ...變成了生活中的狀況
[00:32.28]My room is like two inches bigger than yours. 我的房間好像只比你的大兩英尺
[00:34.35]- Number one... - You have a bigger closet. - 第一個(gè)... - 你有一個(gè)更大的儲(chǔ)藏室
[00:36.00]- Why is everything a competition? - Always keep score. - 為什么什么東西都要比啊? - 總是在競(jìng)爭(zhēng)
[00:41.01]Number two -- do whatever you can to outsmart the other guy. 第二個(gè) -- 做什么事無(wú)論如何也要比另一個(gè)人更聰明
[00:44.94]Everywhere else is filled with Meredith's mom's boxes. 那里到處都放著Meredith媽媽的箱子
[00:47.54]Meredith? When is your mom coming back to town, anyway? Meredith? 總之你媽媽什么時(shí)候回來(lái)啊?
[00:50.67]Because maybe we can put her boxes in storage. 因?yàn)椋苍S我們可以把她的箱子放到貯藏庫(kù)去
[00:52.99]Or unpack a few things -- make this place more homey. 或者收拾一下這里 -- 讓這個(gè)地方更舒適些
[00:55.28]Some throw pillows, some lamps, a few paintings. 例如一些枕墊、安些燈、粉刷墻面
[00:57.62]Oh, paintings would be nice. 哦, 粉刷墻面倒是很好
[00:59.34]Yeah. You have all this amazing stuff packed away. 是的. 你可以把這些讓人驚異的東西收藏起來(lái)
[01:02.03]I found this box with tapes of your mother performing amazing medical procedures. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)這些箱子里裝的都是你媽媽 那些令人驚異的學(xué)術(shù)表演錄像帶
[01:06.38]Really? We should watch them. Do you want to watch -- 真的? 我們可以看看啊. 你想看 --
[01:14.46]Meredith, do you want some privacy? Meredith, 你是想安靜會(huì)嗎?
[01:18.81]Number three -- don't make friends with the enemy. 第三個(gè) -- 別和競(jìng)爭(zhēng)者成為朋友
[01:27.85]- Morning, Dr. Bailey. - Shut up. - 早上好,Bailey醫(yī)生 - 住口
[01:32.36]You realize that I'm an attending and you're only a resident -- that you work for me, right? 你要知道我可是主治醫(yī)生 而你只是一個(gè)住院醫(yī)生 -- 你為我工作,對(duì)嗎?
[01:37.37]I know I've forgotten something. Something is happening today. 我知道我忘了些事.今天要有事發(fā)生
[01:41.16]I know I should know what it is, but I just can't... 我知道那是什么, 但只是不能...
[01:47.35]All right. Nice talking with you, Dr. Bailey. 好吧. 和你交談很愉快, Bailey醫(yī)生
[01:49.08]It's right in front of my face. 應(yīng)該就發(fā)生在我面前
[02:06.70]Fools on bikes, killing themselves -- natural selection is what it is. 騎車的蠢人, 不想活了 -- 這是應(yīng)有的下場(chǎng)
[02:10.80]So what's up with the nazi? Is she off her meds? “納粹”怎么了? 她不想管了嗎?
[02:13.29]You never heard of the race? 你沒(méi)聽(tīng)說(shuō)那個(gè)比賽?
[02:15.93]Excellent board -- well-timed, balanced, efficient. 優(yōu)秀的記錄板 -- 合理的時(shí)間, 和諧, 有效.
[02:19.71]If all goes well, we'll have an early night. 如狗一切運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)順利, 我們晚上可以早點(diǎn)結(jié)束
[02:21.60]Chief, "dead baby" bike race started 20 minutes ago. 頭兒, "死亡寶貝" 自行車比賽20分鐘前就開(kāi)始了
[02:24.44]All right, people! Dead baby bike-race day! 好的, 同仁們! "死亡寶貝" 自行車賽日!
[02:27.16]- Every year, this bar -- - The dead baby bar. - 每年, 這個(gè)俱樂(lè)部 -- - 死亡寶貝俱樂(lè)部
[02:29.20]Every year, they hold this underground bike race. 每年, 他們都舉行這個(gè)地下自行車比賽
[02:32.49]Don't you wonder why someone would name a bar something so disgusting? 你不驚奇為什么有些人要 弄個(gè)令人厭惡的俱樂(lè)部活動(dòng)?
[02:35.27]Keep your panties on, nancy drew. 穿好你的短褲,男人婆
[02:37.25]- The race is completely illegal and -- - Crazy. - 這個(gè)比賽是完全違法的 和 -- - 瘋狂的
[02:40.73]Bike messengers racing against traffic, trying to beat each other for free shots of tequila. 自行車信使比賽阻礙交痛 為了一杯龍舌蘭酒他們?cè)噲D打敗對(duì)方
[02:45.17]All-out, no-holds-barred competition sounds like fun. 全開(kāi)放, 沒(méi)有防護(hù)措施的競(jìng)賽聽(tīng)起來(lái)很不錯(cuò)
[02:48.30]The race doesn't even have any rules -- except eye-gouging -- no eye-gouging. 這比賽沒(méi)有任何規(guī)則 -- 除了眼睛保護(hù) -- 沒(méi)有眼睛保護(hù)
[02:52.82]We're gonna be trapped in the pit band-aiding idiots when we could be up in the O.R. 當(dāng)我們站在手術(shù)室里 我們會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)那些白癡的累累傷疤
[02:56.55]What kind of people engage in a race that has, as its only rule, 什么樣的人會(huì)去參加這種比賽 作為僅有的規(guī)則
[03:00.02]that you can't rip out the eyeballs of another human being? 就是你不能挖掉另一個(gè)人類的眼珠吧?
[03:02.75]Men, Georgie. Men. 夠男人, Georgie. 夠男人
[03:05.66]I need someone to get up to the O.R. Floor. The chief needs a right hand. 我需要一個(gè)人到手術(shù)室去 頭兒需要一個(gè)得力的助手
[03:09.30]Oh, and yeah, number four... 哦, 是的, 第四個(gè)...
[03:13.66]George. George
[03:15.08]...Everything. Everything is a competition. ...每件事. 每件事都有競(jìng)爭(zhēng)
[03:18.35]Okay, people. The rules of trauma -- don't mingle with E.R. Interns -- 好的, 同仁們. 外傷治療守則 -- 別和急診實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生混在一起--
[03:21.89]they don't know their ass from their esophagus. 他們很無(wú)知
[03:23.91]Sew fast, discharge faster. Get bodies up to the O.R. 快速縫合, 快速分類. 把需要手術(shù)的送到手術(shù)室
[03:27.08]And don't let me catch you fighting over patients. Got it? 并且別讓我抓到你和這些病人有爭(zhēng)執(zhí). 明白嗎?
[03:30.82]Come on. Let's go. 好了. 開(kāi)始吧.
[03:38.20]Oh, it's like candy, but with blood, which is so much better! 哦, 他們就像糖果, 但流著血, 真是再好不過(guò)了!
[03:42.39]Oh, my god. 哦, 我的天啊
[03:43.22]- Mine. - No! I saw him first! - 這個(gè)是我的 - 不! 我先看見(jiàn)的!
[03:45.52]Whoever said winning wasn't everything... 無(wú)論誰(shuí)都不會(huì)是所有事都贏的...
[03:49.05]- Ooh. I'll take that guy. - You'll have to beat me to him first. - 嚯. 我要那個(gè)男的 - 想要他就先打敗我
[03:52.73]...never held a scalpel. ...還從沒(méi)拿過(guò)解剖刀哪
[03:57.05](Greys.Anatomy)-(外科女實(shí)習(xí)生) 〖第一季〗 〖第三集〗
[04:03.37] 本字幕僅供學(xué)習(xí)交流,嚴(yán)禁用于商業(yè)途徑
[04:06.00] 翻譯: jeffordick 校對(duì): jeffordick
[04:22.40]Heads -- he's mine. Tails -- he's yours. 正面 -- 他是我的,背面 -- 他是妳的
[04:24.50]Why do you get to be "heads"? 為什么你要“正面”?
[04:25.80]Because I have a head, and, honey, you are a tail. 因?yàn)槲矣蓄^, 嗯, 親愛(ài)的, 你有一條辮子.
[04:28.64]Excuse me. 稍等一下
[04:29.90]How do you manage to make everything dirty? 你怎么能把事情搞得這么惡心?
[04:34.18]Ha! Tails. 哈! 背面
[04:35.41]There are plenty of other cases. 著還有很多別的病人
[04:36.83]So go get one. I was here first. 那就去找一個(gè)吧. 我要先來(lái)
[04:38.83]I am not backing down so I can do sutures all day, while you're in the O.R. 當(dāng)你在手術(shù)室時(shí) 我可以在沒(méi)人幫助的情況下去縫合一整天
[04:42.37]This is a surgical case, and you know it. 你要明白這是一個(gè)外科手術(shù)
[04:44.52]It's superficial. 這很容易
[04:45.66]It's cool, but it's superficial. 手術(shù)很酷,但是很容易
[04:47.55]How do you know those things didn't rupture his peritoneum? 你怎么就知道這個(gè)手術(shù)就不會(huì)割裂他的腹膜?
[04:49.86]Because he's sitting up, and he's talking to us. 因?yàn)樗谀? 并且他還和我們說(shuō)話
[04:52.85]Hello. 你們好
[04:53.72]Excuse me. I was wondering if you could take these out and sew me up so I could go and win my race. 打擾一下. 我想知道是否你可以把 這些拿掉并幫我縫合一下, 那樣我就可以去贏得我的比賽了
[04:58.25]Well, we can't just pull them out -- 嗯, 我們不能只是把它拔出來(lái)--
[04:59.72]- We have to... do some tests. - Ow, wicked. - 我們不得不... 做些檢查 - 哇噢, 他媽的
[05:03.56]Are you out of your mind? 你在腦子有問(wèn)題嗎?
[05:05.67]It's a superficial wound. 這是一個(gè)很淺的傷口
[05:07.29]Sew him up and let him finish his race. 給他縫合傷口,讓他去完成比賽
[05:10.08]Hey, good man. 嗨, 好人
[05:11.76]Unidentified John Doe, mid-30s pedestrian, hit by a motorist swerving to avoid a bike. 不知道叫“John”什么 30左右的歲中年步行者, 被為 了躲閃自行車而突然轉(zhuǎn)向的汽車撞傷
[05:16.26]G.C.S. 3. 三級(jí)腦震蕩
[05:17.72]Pupils fixed and dilated. 瞳孔已經(jīng)擴(kuò)散
[05:19.31]Atropine given for a pulse in the 40s. 為了維持脈搏到40,已經(jīng)注射了“阿托品”
[05:21.38]B.P. 183 over 112. B.P. 183 超過(guò) 112.
[05:23.04]Pulse-ox 98%. 血氧含量 98%.
[05:24.45]Chest showed widened mediastinum and head C.T. revealed cerebral edema. 胸腔擴(kuò)張 頭部C.T.顯示有水腫
[05:28.27]He's gotten 70 of mannitol, dexamethasone 10, and a gram of phenytoin. 給他折射70單位甘露醇 10單位弗美松,和1克苯妥英(抗驚厥藥)
[05:31.95]Get him to the O.R.? 要送他去手術(shù)室嗎?
[05:33.69]- Is he gorked? - Looks like. - 他沒(méi)有反應(yīng)嗎? - 看起來(lái)是.
[05:35.86]The bike race claims its first victim. 自行車比賽的第一個(gè)受害人
[05:39.28]I'll make my triple-a repair after all. 我還有更多的工作要去做
[05:42.36]Uh, Dr. Shepherd? He's not going to the O.R.? 嗯,Shepherd醫(yī)生? 他不需要手術(shù)嗎?
[05:45.23]No. Do an E.E.G. and confirmatory tests. 不用. 給他做一個(gè)E.E.G. 并且確認(rèn)所有檢測(cè).
[05:48.80]If he doesn't respond in six hours, declare him. 如果他在六小時(shí)內(nèi)還么有反應(yīng), 宣布他
[05:54.84]"Declare him"? "宣布他"?
[05:56.07]Declare him what? 宣布他?
[05:57.24]Brain-dead. 腦死亡.
[06:06.70]Sir, Dr. Bailey sent me to assist you. Should I scrub in? 先生, Bailey醫(yī)生派我來(lái)協(xié)助你. 要我來(lái)作手術(shù)嗎?
[06:10.25]No. I'm stuck here all day. 不用. 我來(lái)就行.
[06:12.45]I need you on the floor, monitoring my pre- and post-op patients. 你只需要在這觀察我對(duì)病人的處理步驟和快速處理方法
[06:15.97]Oh. 噢.
[06:17.75]You got a problem with that, O'malley? 你有什么問(wèn)題, O'malley?
[06:19.26]Oh, uh, no, sir. 噢, 嗯, 沒(méi)有, 先生.
[06:22.51]A buddy of mine in 4451, Lloyd Mackie -- give him whatever he needs. 我的伙伴在4451, Lloyd Mackie -- 給他他所需要的.
[06:29.60]Yes, sir. 好的, 先生
[06:45.85]Mr. Mackie... Mackie先生...
[06:47.68]no smoking! 禁止吸煙!
[06:50.46]- There's no smoking. - Why not? - 這里禁止吸煙. - 為什么不行?
[06:52.57]Oh, my god -- you're in a hospital! 哦, 我的天哪 -- 你正在住院!
[06:55.07]Your point being...? 你是指...?
[06:57.90]I don't know if you've listened to the surgeon general lately -- 我不知道你是否聽(tīng)了近來(lái)外科專家說(shuō)的 --
[07:01.41]say, in the past 20 years -- but smoking is bad. 在過(guò)去的20年里 -- 但吸煙真的不好.
[07:04.86]Smoking will kill you. 吸煙會(huì)殺了你
[07:06.75]Liver cancer will kill me. 肺癌才會(huì)讓我死亡.
[07:09.15]Smoking will just speed up the process. 吸煙只會(huì)加快這個(gè)過(guò)程.
[07:12.92]You're at the top of the donor list for a new liver. 你就快得到一個(gè)新的肝臟
[07:16.26]There's hope. 這是希望
[07:18.24]Sweetheart, I've been at the top of the list for... 甜心, 我已經(jīng)等了r...
[07:21.51]eight months. 八個(gè)月了
[07:23.61]I'm not in a batters cage. 我不是在一個(gè)擊球場(chǎng)的圍欄里
[07:25.96]I'm in a dugout, about to be traded. 我在球場(chǎng)的休息廊里, 這會(huì)是個(gè)交易.
[07:30.28]You like baseball? 你喜歡棒球嗎?
[07:31.70]No. 不喜歡.
[07:34.65]Um, well, um, the chief wanted me to look in on you. 嗯, 很好, 嗯, 頭兒想讓我關(guān)照你一下
[07:39.77]Richard's a dear old friend. Richard是一個(gè)親密的老友
[07:42.33]He's been my doctor for 30 years. 他已經(jīng)當(dāng)了我三十年的醫(yī)生了
[07:45.94]Well, whatever you need -- I'm your man. 好吧, 無(wú)論你需要什么 -- 我是你的朋友
[07:48.99]Just name it. 只管叫我吧
[07:50.66]Well... 哇噢...
[07:53.91]I'm sure I'll think of something. 我確信我會(huì)考慮一些事情
[07:59.13]There's no corneal reflexes. 沒(méi)有角膜反射
[08:02.22]It's been 55 minutes. 已經(jīng)55分鐘了
[08:04.97]If he doesn't respond to these tests in the next 5 hours, what? 如果剩下的五個(gè)小時(shí)他還對(duì)這些檢測(cè) 沒(méi)有反應(yīng), 那么?
[08:07.70]We're supposed to just stand here and watch him die? 我們就只能站在這看著他死嗎?
[08:10.65]If he doesn't respond to these tests, it's because he's already dead. 如果他對(duì)這些檢測(cè)沒(méi)有反應(yīng) 那是因?yàn)樗呀?jīng)死了
[08:15.35]Technically. Legally. 學(xué)術(shù)上. 法律上.
[08:16.75]Actually, Izzie. Actually dead. 事實(shí)上, Izzie. 事實(shí)上死了.
[08:18.84]He's breathing. He has a heartbeat. 他正在呼吸. 他還有心跳
[08:20.72]Look at his E.E.G. -- There's no higher-brain function. 看看他的E.E.G. -- 沒(méi)有更高的腦部運(yùn)動(dòng)
[08:23.04]He'll never talk, move, or think again. 他將不能說(shuō)話, 移動(dòng), 或者再次思考.
[08:26.13]There's no one in there. 什么也不會(huì)有了.
[08:27.78]Think like a doctor, Izzie. 像醫(yī)生一樣思考問(wèn)題, Izzie.
[08:29.29]He could wake up. 他能醒來(lái)
[08:31.19]What about a miracle? 關(guān)于什么樣的奇跡呢?
[08:32.47]There are medical miracles, you know. 醫(yī)學(xué)奇跡會(huì)發(fā)生, 你要知道.
[08:33.99]I know. You're right. 我知道. 你是對(duì)的.
[08:36.23]Miracles happen. 奇跡的發(fā)生
[08:38.40]People do wake up. That's why we do a series of tests over a set number of hours. 人們要醒來(lái). 這就是我們?yōu)槭裁磿?huì)花 數(shù)小時(shí)的時(shí)間來(lái)做一系列的檢測(cè)
[08:42.85]So when we call "time of death," we know that we've done everything 所以當(dāng)我們稱之為 "死亡時(shí)間"時(shí) 我們知道我們已經(jīng)做了所有的事情
[08:45.72]to make sure it's actually his time of death. 去確信他真的到了他的"死亡時(shí)間"
[08:49.42]That there's isn't going to be any miracles. 奇跡不會(huì)fashengle
[08:56.23]This is the hard part -- 這是艱難的部分 --
[08:58.07]to stand around as surgeons and not cut. 作為外科醫(yī)生站在這里,并且沒(méi)有辦法
[09:01.38]That's what "do no harm" means. 那就是"無(wú)害" 的意思.
[09:07.56]I wish he'd just go into the light so I can get on another case. 我希望他可以進(jìn)入天堂 那樣我就能去治療別的病人
[09:14.28]Oh, I'm the devil because I'd rather be in surgery 哦, 就算我是魔鬼,我也寧愿在診療室里
[09:16.62]instead of standing watch over the death squad? 而不是站著看這個(gè)死人?
[09:18.92]It's depressing. 真郁悶
[09:25.50]Look at his sneakers. 看他的運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋
[09:27.67]They're brand-new. 是新牌子的.
[09:29.26]And somebody sewed this tear in his shirt. 有人為他縫補(bǔ)襯衫上的破口
[09:31.72]And he has one of those electronic key cards. 他還有這個(gè)電子鑰匙
[09:34.01]He belongs to someone. 他屬于某人
[09:36.35]An hour ago, he was out there, alive. 一小時(shí)前, 他還在外面, 還活著.
[09:39.01]To simply stand here and wait for him to die -- 只是站在那里 等帶死亡降臨--
[09:41.72]- It would be a waste of life. - Exactly. - 這真是消耗生命 - 正確
[09:44.00]A waste of organs. 器官損耗
[09:53.80]You've got a nice touch. 你技術(shù)不錯(cuò)
[09:56.86]And, by the way, you are a rockin' babe. 并且, 順便說(shuō)一句, 你是一個(gè)活力寶貝
[09:59.99]Seriously -- do you actually think you have a shot here? 真的 -- 你確認(rèn)只有這里受傷了嗎?
[10:02.34]I'd like to think I've got a shot anywhere. 我到希望自己到處都有傷
[10:05.33]Look, you have really have to let me take you for some tests. A C.T. 看, 你真的應(yīng)該讓我?guī)闳プ鰝€(gè)C.T.檢查
[10:08.95]You could have internal bleeding. 你可能有內(nèi)出血
[10:10.96]No, thank you. I've got a race to get back to. 不, 謝了. 我還要回到比賽中去
[10:13.61]Why? You can't win now, anyway. 為什么? 總之你現(xiàn)在又不能贏
[10:15.53]Doesn't mean I can't cross that finish line. 那又不意味著我不能穿過(guò)終點(diǎn)
[10:17.94]There's a party at the finish line. 在終點(diǎn)有個(gè)聚會(huì)
[10:20.22]Do you want to meet me there? 你想在那里見(jiàn)我嗎?
[10:22.46]One test. A C.T. I'll have you out of here in an hour. 去做個(gè)A C.T.檢測(cè) 我會(huì)讓你在一小時(shí)內(nèi)離開(kāi)這里
[10:25.49]I can't do it. Got to go. 不行. 我要離開(kāi).
[10:29.85]Okay. Well, you realize you're leaving against medical advice and that I urge you to stay. 好吧. 嗯, 你要認(rèn)識(shí)到你正在 違背醫(yī)生的建議,我要求你呆在這
[10:34.58]The frat guy said I could go. 那個(gè)男醫(yī)生說(shuō)我可以走
[10:36.23]The "frat guy" is an ass. 那個(gè)男醫(yī)生是個(gè)混蛋
[10:38.98]Okay, well, you have to sign an A.M.A. form. 好吧, 嗯,你要先填一份A.M.A.表格
[10:43.24]Darling, I will do anything you want me to. 親愛(ài)的, 我會(huì)做你要做的任何事
[10:47.26]What is it with you guys and your need to dirty everything up? 是什么要讓你要把所有事搞得很下流?
[10:51.43]I don't know. 我不知道
[10:52.54]Maybe it's just testosterone. 或許是生理反應(yīng)
[10:54.80]Maybe. 或許
[10:56.33]You might want to see a doctor about that, too. 你也可能想對(duì)一個(gè)醫(yī)生那樣
[10:59.73]Come here. 我填表
[11:12.99]That was for good luck. 那個(gè)是為了好運(yùn)氣
[11:14.88]Don't worry, darling, you'll see me again. 別擔(dān)心, 親愛(ài)的,你會(huì)在見(jiàn)到我的
[11:18.52]For your sake, I hope not. 為了你好, 我不希望再見(jiàn)到你
[11:34.45]What do you want? 你想去干什么?
[11:35.59]You make out with patients now? 你是在應(yīng)付你的病人嗎?
[11:38.48]What, are you jealous? 什么,你在嫉妒嗎?
[11:40.81]I don't get jealous. 我沒(méi)有嫉妒
[11:45.72]We had sex -- once. 我們做過(guò)愛(ài) -- 一次.
[11:47.26]And we kissed in an elevator. 并且我們還在電梯里親吻.
[11:50.23]And we kissed in an elevator -- once. 我們?cè)陔娞萘擞H吻過(guò) -- 一次
[11:52.60]No, seriously. 不, 說(shuō)真的
[11:53.82]Go out with me. 和我約會(huì)吧
[11:55.23]No. 不
[11:56.65]You know, I almost died today. 你知到, 我今天幾乎要死了
[11:58.51]Yeah, I came like this close. 是的, 我來(lái)這感覺(jué)真的快了
[12:00.59]How would you feel if I died and you didn't get a chance to go out with me? 如果我死了,你又和我沒(méi)約會(huì)成 你會(huì)有何感受?
[12:04.70]- Get over yourself, already. - Come on. - 自己已經(jīng)克服了 - 不要這樣
[12:08.38]It's the chase, isn't it? 這是追求, 對(duì)嗎?
[12:10.75]What? 什么?
[12:12.05]The thrill of the chase. 膽戰(zhàn)心驚的追求
[12:13.67]I've been wondering to myself, 我自己已經(jīng)很驚奇,
[12:15.38]"why are you so hell-bent on getting me to go out with you?" "為什么你如此死纏爛打的要我和你約會(huì)?"
[12:18.27]You know you're my boss, you know it's against the rules, 你要知道你可是我老板, 這個(gè)是違反規(guī)則的,
[12:20.84]you know I keep saying no -- it's the chase. 我一直拒絕 -- 這個(gè)追求
[12:24.72]Well, it's fun, isn't it? 哇噢, 這真好笑, 不是嗎?
[12:26.17]You see? 你明白嗎?
[12:27.18]This is a game to you. 這是你的游戲
[12:28.62]But not to me. 而不是我的
[12:30.07]Because, unlike you, I still have something to prove. 因?yàn)? 不像你, 我一直在證明些事情
[12:36.56]I know you see me resecting this bowel. 我知道你在看我割除這段腸子.
[12:38.88]Do I strike you as someone who enjoys multitasking? 我影響到你的工作了嗎?
[12:41.49]We have a John Doe. In three hours, we have to declare him brain-dead. 我們負(fù)責(zé)John Doe(未知姓)的治療 再過(guò)三小時(shí), 我們不得不宣布他腦死亡
[12:44.99]We want to harvest his organs. 我們想得到他的器官
[12:46.50]Why are you wasting time on this? 你們?yōu)槭裁丛谶@上面浪費(fèi)時(shí)間?
[12:47.97]You know how many patients we have downstairs. 你們要知道樓下還有很多病人
[12:49.97]If he dies -- and he could still live -- 如果他死了 -- 他還能繼續(xù)活著 --
[12:53.10]his death should mean something. 他的死亡會(huì)更有意義
[12:56.72]And you want a harvest surgery. 你想做一個(gè)采集器官手術(shù)
[12:58.64]I want to save lives. 我想挽救生命
[13:02.46]Okay, I want a harvest surgery. 好吧, 我想做一個(gè)采集器官手術(shù)
[13:04.14]Getting organs from a John Doe is a long shot. 從John Doe(未知姓)身上得到器官是一件很困難的事
[13:06.63]Without I.D., you can't contact the family. 沒(méi)有身份證, 你聯(lián)系不到他的家人
[13:08.86]Without the family, you can't get consent to harvest the organs. 沒(méi)有他的家人, 你無(wú)法得到獲得器官的同意
[13:11.88]Let the poor man die in peace. 讓這個(gè)可憐的人平靜地死吧
[13:13.59]What if we can find the family? 如果我們能找到他的家人呢?
[13:14.79]And get consent. 并得到同意
[13:16.10]We could harvest the organs? 我們能做器官采集手術(shù)嗎?
[13:18.34]If you find the family. 如果你們找到他的家人
[13:25.64]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[13:27.32]Hiding. 躲藏
[13:28.72]There's this V.I.P. patient -- 這有個(gè) V.I.P. 病人 --
[13:30.86]he likes me. 她喜歡我
[13:32.53]That's good, right? 那不錯(cuò), 對(duì)嗎?
[13:34.21]He likes me likes me. 他喜歡我 喜歡我
[13:36.82]Go for it, man. Get yours. 去吧, 男人. 得到他
[13:38.93]I'm down with the rainbow. 我在彩虹下(暗指同性戀)
[13:45.42]Oh. Are you not gay? 噢. 你不是同性戀吧?
[13:48.21]No. 不是
[13:49.51]Really? 真的?
[13:51.89]Dude, sorry. 花花公子, 抱歉.
[13:59.08]Uh, Cristina? 嗯, Cristina?
[14:02.75]Do you -- do you think -- 你 -- 你認(rèn)為 --
[14:04.79]Does Meredith think I'm gay? Meredith認(rèn)為我是一個(gè)同性戀嗎?
[14:07.15]Are you? 你是嗎?
[14:08.83]No. 不是
[14:09.74]Really? 真的?
[14:15.41]Hey, I found this on our John Doe. It's a hotel key card. 嗨, 我在John Doe(未知姓) 身上找到這個(gè). 這是一張飯店門(mén)卡
[14:18.76]The police are going to send someone over, figure out what hotel he was staying at -- get his I.D. 警察會(huì)派些人去, 查出他住在哪家飯店 -- 找到他的身份證.
[14:23.91]- Could you -- - I'll make sure the police get it. - 你能 -- - 我會(huì)讓警察拿到它的
[14:25.79]Okay. It's really important. 好吧. 這真的很重要
[14:27.60]We only have a few hours before we have to declare him, and I'd really like to find his family. 在我們宣布他死亡之前只有幾小時(shí)了 我們真的想找到他的家人
[14:32.19]You want their permission for organ donation? 你們想得到他器官捐贈(zèng)的許可嗎?
[14:37.09]I just... really want to find them. 我只是... 真的想找到他們
[14:42.23]You have a potential donor? 你得到一個(gè)潛在的捐贈(zèng)人嗎?
[14:44.94]What's his blood type? 他是什么血型?
[14:46.49]Uh, O-neg. 嗯, O型
[14:58.89]Okay. 好的
[15:00.69]I know you probably can't hear me 我知道你可能聽(tīng)不到我所說(shuō)的
[15:03.31]and you're feeling this big push to go towards the light, 并且你正感覺(jué)到自己正大步走向天堂,
[15:06.66]where everything's all halos and all-you-can-eat buffets and stuff. 那里所有的東西都籠罩在光環(huán)下 并且你可你享用各種美食
[15:12.78]And, I mean, sharing your organs is really great and all. 并且, 我的意思, 分享你的器官的確是很偉大
[15:18.19]But I think you have a family. 但我想你有家人
[15:21.15]I can feel it. 我能感覺(jué)到
[15:22.96]So I think it'd be really great if you could do me a favor and... 所以如果你能幫我這個(gè)忙 我想這真的很偉大 ...
[15:27.93]get better. 會(huì)更好
[15:30.55]Just... 只是...
[15:34.08]live. 生活
[15:37.17]So, you think you can give that a shot, for me? 那么, 你認(rèn)為你愿意那樣做, 為我?
[16:01.31]Oh, no. 哦, 不.
[16:04.13]Meredith! Meredith!
[16:05.95]Meredith. Meredith.
[16:06.61]- What? - He's crashing. - 怎么了? - 他不行了
[16:07.95]Well, what are you doing? Call a code! 哇哦, 你在干什么? 叫人來(lái)啊!
[16:09.74]I can't -- I'm not supposed to. He's brain-dead. 我不能 -- 我不確定. 他腦死亡了
[16:11.90]If he's brain-dead, you have to let him go. 如果他腦死亡, 你就讓他去吧
[16:14.06]No. It's only been 5 hours and 33 minutes. 不. 只過(guò)了5小時(shí)33分
[16:16.34]He's supposed to get six hours. 他有6個(gè)小時(shí)
[16:18.07]We can't do anything. It's not our place to make that call. 我們無(wú)能為力. 我們無(wú)法把他挽回
[16:21.67]He's a person. 他是一個(gè)人
[16:22.90]We're doctors. 我們是醫(yī)生
[16:24.15]We should have every right to make that call. 我們有義務(wù)為他做點(diǎn)事
[16:27.17]We can't just stand here and do nothing while he dies. 當(dāng)他死的時(shí)候 我們不能只站在這里什么也不做
[16:30.59]He has a right to the next 27 minutes. 他有權(quán)力擁有剩下的27分鐘
[16:37.27]Screw it. I'll get the dopamine. 那好吧. 我給他注射些多巴胺(制腦神經(jīng)藥物)
[16:39.33]You get the blood. We'll transfuse him. 你準(zhǔn)備些血液. 我們要給他輸血
[16:48.80]Do you feel any pain here? 你感覺(jué)這里有疼痛嗎?
[16:50.80]No. 沒(méi)有
[16:52.90]You know, you really do have... beautiful eyelashes. 你知道, 你真的擁有... 美麗的睫毛
[16:56.81]Um... thank you. 嗯... 謝謝
[16:59.82]Uh, what about here? 嗯, 這里怎樣?
[17:01.91]No. 沒(méi)有
[17:03.49]And nice eyes. 和漂亮的眼睛
[17:05.24]Kind. 很和藹
[17:07.28]I like a man with kind eyes. 我喜歡眼睛和藹的男人
[17:09.48]Really? You think I have kind eyes? 真的? 你認(rèn)為我有和藹的雙眼?
[17:11.51]I mean, uh... you can, um... 我意思是, 嗯... 你能, 嗯...
[17:18.29]What are you examining me for? 你對(duì)我的檢查怎么樣?
[17:19.84]Oh, you know, just routine medical stuff. 噢, 你知道,只是例行檢查
[17:22.66]You're doing very well. 你做得很好
[17:24.43]Because I'm enjoying the view. 因?yàn)槲艺硎芪铱吹降?br /> [17:28.97]Okay... well... 好吧... 那么...
[17:31.92]I got to go. 我得走了
[17:37.38]He's stable. 他穩(wěn)定了
[17:38.58]For now. I had a radiologist look at his chest. 現(xiàn)在.我已經(jīng)對(duì)他的胸腔作了放射線檢查
[17:41.09]He has a traumatic aortic injury. 他有大動(dòng)脈創(chuàng)傷
[17:42.93]It's gonna rupture and bleed out. 他的動(dòng)脈破裂而且出血
[17:44.38]So he needs surgery. 所以它需要手術(shù)
[17:45.45]If he's gonna remain a viable organ donor. 如果他要保持成為一個(gè)器官捐贈(zèng)者
[17:47.48]If he's gonna live. 如果他會(huì)活著
[17:48.58]- Izzie -- - No. I'm not giving up on him. - Izzie -- - 不. 我不會(huì)放棄他的
[17:50.64]He has the surgery -- he lives longer. That's the point. 他需要手術(shù) -- 他要活久一點(diǎn). 這是關(guān)鍵
[17:52.90]I'm going to find the family. You guys get him into surgery. 我會(huì)去找他的家人 你們把他送進(jìn)手術(shù)室
[17:56.59]She's vice president of fantasyland. 她有點(diǎn)認(rèn)不清方向了
[17:58.73]Who do we go to for surgery -- Bailey? 誰(shuí)會(huì)讓我們做手術(shù) -- Bailey嗎?
[18:01.32]We need to go higher than Bailey. 我們要找比Bailey級(jí)別高的
[18:04.28]Dr. Burke. Burke醫(yī)生
[18:06.06]- Hello! - Okay. - 你干嘛呢! - 好的
[18:11.07]Dr. Burke, um, I know you're busy, but our John Doe needs an aortic repair. Burke醫(yī)生, 嗯, 我知道你很忙 但John Doe(未知姓)需要一個(gè)大動(dòng)脈修補(bǔ)術(shù)
[18:17.28]The guy from this morning? 那個(gè)今天早上的男人?
[18:19.25]Isn't he legally dead? 在法律上他不是已經(jīng)死了嗎?
[18:21.04]Well, yeah -- he's kinda still around. 哇噢, 是的 -- 他有點(diǎn)動(dòng)靜了
[18:24.44]We gave him two units P.R.V.C.S and put him on pressors. 我們給他兩單位的P.R.V.C.S 以使他血壓升高
[18:27.63]On whose orders? 那是誰(shuí)的主意?
[18:32.63]Mine. 我的
[18:37.35]You get a brain-dead John Doe a blood transfusion without consulting anyone. 你沒(méi)跟任何人商議,就給那個(gè)腦 死亡的John Doe(未知姓)使用輸血法
[18:41.33]And now you want me to repair his heart? 你現(xiàn)在想讓我修復(fù)他的心臟嗎?
[18:43.17]Well, yes. 嗯, 是的.
[18:47.79]You do enjoy crossing the line, don't you? 你們?cè)綑?quán)還很高興, 對(duì)嗎?
[18:50.43]He is an excellent candidate for organ donation. 他是一個(gè)很好的器官捐獻(xiàn)候選人
[18:53.51]I am a surgeon. I save lives. 我是外科醫(yī)生. 我拯救生命.
[18:55.58]This guy is already dead. 這個(gè)人已經(jīng)死了
[18:57.24]Now, this is the men's room. 現(xiàn)在, 這是男洗手間
[18:59.39]Either whip one out or close the door. 你們是想受到鞭打還是關(guān)上門(mén)
[19:06.04]- You're asking my advice? - Yes. - 你向我尋求意見(jiàn)? - 是的
[19:08.06]- Now who's chasing? - Not funny. This is important. - 這是誰(shuí)追誰(shuí)? - 這不好笑. 這很重要
[19:10.89]Okay. 好吧
[19:12.38]You want to get around Burke? 你想讓我游說(shuō)Burke?
[19:14.69]You gotta find a way to get the chief involved. 你們要找到一個(gè)和頭兒有關(guān)連的方法
[19:20.08]What'd I do? 我能做什么?
[19:21.18]How close a match for the liver is your guy to our John Doe? 的多匹配怎樣才能知道你的病人需要的肝臟 和John Doe(無(wú)名姓)的肝臟多匹配?
[19:24.35]Very. Same type, same size. U.N.O.S. couldn't find a better match. Why? 很簡(jiǎn)單. 相同血型, 相同尺寸. U.N.O.S.不能找到一個(gè)更好的嗎? 為什么問(wèn)這個(gè)?
[19:28.41]He's the chief's V.I.P., right? 他是頭兒的V.I.P., 對(duì)嗎?
[19:30.38]Right. 正確
[19:31.51]How much would you kill to be in on a transplant surgery? 你想在移植診療室混多久?
[19:35.66]You underestimate me. 你們低估我了
[19:37.47]I'm not a baby. 我不是小孩
[19:38.94]I'm your colleague. 我是你們的同僚
[19:40.69]You don't have to manipulate me. 你們不要想操縱我
[19:42.02]If you want something, all you have to do is ask. 如果你們想做什么事, 你們都要請(qǐng)求我
[19:45.49]We want you to go over Burke's head, to the chief. 我們想讓你越過(guò)Burke去找頭兒.
[19:48.84]Ask me something easier. 請(qǐng)求我做事很容易
[19:52.02]Sir. 先生
[19:53.06]O'malley. How's Mackie? O'malley. Mackie怎么樣?
[19:54.53]Fine. Actually, that's what I want to talk to you about. 很好. 實(shí)際上, 我想和你談?wù)勱P(guān)于
[19:57.85]I kinda think that -- me and the other interns -- we think -- 我想 --我和其他的實(shí)習(xí)生 -- 我想 --
[20:02.89]O'malley, I'm not getting any younger. O'malley, 有話直說(shuō)
[20:05.78]We found mackie a liver. 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)mackie 適合的肝臟
[20:08.34]We are so going to hell. 我們真該下地獄
[20:10.15]Burke is sending us straight to hell. Burke 會(huì)親自送我們下地獄
[20:11.49]On an express train. 乘特快別快車
[20:12.85]If it works. 如果真的可以
[20:15.59]What are you doing? 你們?cè)诟墒裁?
[20:16.58]- Nothing. - Nothing. - 沒(méi)什么 - 沒(méi)什么
[20:24.37]Yes! 行了!
[20:32.74]Oh, crap. 哦, 壞了
[20:39.12]Dr. Burke! Burke醫(yī)生!
[20:40.44]Dr. Burke! Burke醫(yī)生!
[20:43.64]Excellent work, sir. 優(yōu)秀的技術(shù), 先生.
[20:45.42]Excellent. 非常優(yōu)秀
[20:47.15]Flawless. 毫無(wú)瑕疵
[20:48.46]It's a shame he's brain-dead. 很遺憾他是腦死亡
[20:49.65]If he wasn't, he would be on his feet in a few days. 如果他不是, 他還能活幾天.
[20:52.72]I'm amazed at what's going on. 我很吃驚發(fā)生了什么?
[20:55.27]I seriously hate that guy. 我真的很討厭ALEX
[20:57.22]Alex is vermin. Alex 是個(gè)寄生蟲(chóng)
[20:58.69]That surgery is ours. 那個(gè)手術(shù)室我們的
[21:00.63]At least Burke is doing the surgery. 至少Burke做了這個(gè)手術(shù)
[21:02.18]I don't care about Alex. 我不關(guān)心Alex.
[21:03.86]George, you did good. George,你做得很好
[21:06.60]I'm going to have to dodge Burke for the rest of my career. 為了我的職業(yè)生涯我要躲開(kāi)Burke
[21:11.31]He could kill me and make it look like an accident. 他會(huì)殺了我,搞得就像交通事故
[21:17.25]The police called. 警察有回應(yīng)
[21:18.61]They've identified your John Doe. His wife is on the way. 他們找到了你們的John Doe(無(wú)名姓) 他妻子正在路上
[21:36.38]Oh, my god. 哦, 我的天啊
[21:40.03]Kevin! Kevin!
[21:42.66]- It's okay. - Oh, my god! - 沒(méi)事了 - 哦, 我的天啊
[21:44.71]Mrs. Davidson, this is Dr. Stevens. Davidson夫人, 這是Stevens醫(yī)生
[21:49.81]Now, if you have any questions at all, please call me. 現(xiàn)在, 弱國(guó)你有任何問(wèn)題, 請(qǐng)叫我
[22:03.48]Is there -- is there still a chance? 這里 -- 還有機(jī)會(huì)嗎?
[22:09.55]We can hold off till morning, 我們可以托到早上
[22:12.61]but if there's still no change, we'd... 但如果還沒(méi)有變化, 我們..
[22:15.98]we'd like to talk to you about organ donation. 我們想跟你談?wù)勱P(guān)于器官捐贈(zèng)
[22:31.88]Mackie? Mackie?
[22:34.37]How are we treating ya? 我們做得怎么?
[22:36.77]Oh, fine. 噢, 還好
[22:39.80]Except that beautiful boy won't let me smoke. 除了那個(gè)英俊的小男孩不讓我吸煙
[22:43.36]You should reprimand him. 你要申訴他
[22:46.08]Make him change bedpans. 把他變成便盆
[22:51.08]Mackie. Mackie.
[22:53.02]That beautiful boy may have found you a liver. 那個(gè)英俊的小男孩也許找到你的肝臟了
[23:22.30]God, I smell good! 天哪, 聞起來(lái)真好!
[23:25.79]You know what it is? 你知道是什么嗎?
[23:27.79]It's the smell of open-heart surgery. 那是心臟手術(shù)的氣味
[23:32.21]It's awesome. It is awesome. 令人敬畏. 令人敬畏
[23:35.23]You gotta smell me. 你要聞聞我
[23:36.62]I don't want to smell you. 我不想聞你
[23:38.61]Oh, yes, you do. 哦, 是的, 你想
[23:39.99]You have got to be kidding me! 你想戲耍我!
[23:43.05]Okay, I have more important things to deal with than you. 好吧, 比起你我還有很多重要的事情要處理
[23:46.37]I have roommates, boy problems, and family problems. 我有室友, 男友的麻煩, 家庭問(wèn)題
[23:49.81]You wanna act like a little frat-boy bitch? That's fine. 你想扮演成一個(gè)兄弟會(huì)的小混蛋? 那很好
[23:52.88]You wanna take credit for your saves and everybody else's? 你想因你的拯救讓所有人對(duì)你有好?
[23:55.59]That's fine, too. 那也很好
[23:56.71]Just stay outta my face. 只是離我的臉遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)
[23:58.54]And for the record, you smell like crap! 請(qǐng)記住, 你的氣味就像廢品!
[24:09.22]She attacked me. 她攻擊我
[24:11.40]Meri! Meri! Meri! Meri! Meri! Meri! Meri! Meri!
[24:15.87]You know what? You might want to leave before I change my mind 你知道嗎?你最好離開(kāi),在我改變主意
[24:18.28]and let her beat you to a pulp with her tiny, ineffectual fists. 和讓她用那微小而又無(wú)力的 拳頭把你打成果醬之前
[24:32.37]What? 怎么了?
[24:34.10]Nothing. 沒(méi)什么
[24:37.24]It's just... 只是...
[24:44.92]nothing. 沒(méi)什么
[24:56.00]Oh! This one is skin grafting! 噢! 這是一盤(pán)關(guān)于皮膚移植的!
[24:57.60]Skin grafting? No way! 貧富移植? 沒(méi)門(mén)!
[24:59.31]I've never seen that done before. 在我還沒(méi)有看那是如何做的之前
[25:01.40]Are those my mother's surgical tapes? 這些是我媽媽的外科手術(shù)錄像帶嗎?
[25:03.15]We should watch the skin grafting one first. 我們想先看皮膚移植的
[25:05.99]Where did all this stuff come from? 這些是從哪找出來(lái)的?
[25:08.52]Oh. I unpacked some of your mother's things. I was upset. 噢. 我打開(kāi)了你媽媽的箱子. 我搞混了
[25:11.82]And when I'm upset, I like to nest. 當(dāng)我搞混了, 我喜歡把它整理好
[25:15.37]Oooh -- hemipelvectomy! Oooh -- hemipelvectomy!
[25:17.82]I think we should watch this one first. 我想我們應(yīng)該先看它
[25:19.63]No. No. 不行. 不行.
[25:21.71]We're not watching my mother's surgery tapes. We're not unpacking boxes. 我們不能看我媽媽的手術(shù)錄像帶 我們不能拆開(kāi)箱子
[25:25.48]We're not having long conversations where we celebrate the moments of our lives. 我們不能為了慶祝生命中的瞬間 而在這長(zhǎng)久的交談
[25:29.86]And use a coaster! 和交換飲料!
[25:33.48]I ordered chinese food. 我訂了中國(guó)菜
[25:34.75]I hate chinese food! 我討厭中國(guó)菜
[25:40.22]They're everywhere. All the time. 他們無(wú)處不在. 所有的時(shí)間
[25:42.51]Izzie's all perky, and George does this thing where he's helpful and considerate. Izzie總是洋洋得意 并且George做事即周到又很有幫助
[25:46.49]They share food and they say things and they move things and they breathe. 他們分享食物、談?wù)撌虑?、移?dòng)?xùn)|西 他們?nèi)谇?br /> [25:51.63]They're like happy. 他們很開(kāi)心
[25:53.53]Kick them out. 把他們踢出去
[25:54.68]I can't kick them out. They just moved in. I asked them to move in. 我不能把他們踢出去. 他們剛搬來(lái) 我讓他們搬來(lái)的
[25:58.24]So, what -- you're gonna repress everything in some deep, dark, twisted place 那么, 怎么樣 -- 你要深刻的、黑暗的 扭曲位置的壓制每件事
[26:01.55]until one day you snap and kill them? 直道有一天你咬死或殺了他們嗎?
[26:03.53]Yep. 是的.
[26:05.33]This is why we are friends. 這就是為什么我們是朋友
[26:08.24]Why is the nazi making us stay in the pit two days in a row? 為什么"納粹"要讓我們連續(xù)兩天 處理那些自行車比賽的病人?
[26:11.27]Leftovers. “剩菜”
[26:12.40]Leftovers. “剩菜”
[26:13.49]Got to get the cyclists who were too drunk, stupid, or scared to get to a hospital yesterday. 就是昨天那些喝醉、愚蠢、害怕 進(jìn)醫(yī)院的騎自行車的人
[26:18.68]Meanwhile, she gets to do a freakin' organ harvest. 其時(shí), 她去做了一個(gè)奇怪的器官采集工作
[26:20.99]It kills you, doesn't it? That women caught the harvest. 那個(gè)毀了你, 不是嗎? 女同胞們做了這個(gè)事情
[26:23.43]No, it kills me that anybody got the harvest but me. 不, 除了我沒(méi)人能做那個(gè)事情
[26:26.27]Boobs do not factor into this equation. 笨蛋是不能處理好這事的
[26:28.84]Unless, uh, you want to show me yours. 除非, 嗯, 你們想讓我也參加
[26:34.27]- I'm gonna become a lesbian. - Me too. - 我要成為女同性戀 - 我也一樣
[26:43.13]Now, Mrs. Davidson, this form simply says you consent to the donation 現(xiàn)在,Davidson太太, 簡(jiǎn)單的說(shuō)你同意捐獻(xiàn)
[26:46.42]of your husband's major organs -- heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. 你丈夫的主要器官 -- 心臟, 肺,肝臟, 和腎
[26:56.30]Now, I need to ask you a few questions. 現(xiàn)在, 我需要問(wèn)你幾個(gè)問(wèn)題
[26:58.34]Are you willing to donate his corneas? 你同意捐獻(xiàn)他的角膜嗎?
[27:01.93]You want his eyes? 你想得到他的眼睛?
[27:06.65]Um, corneal transplants can give someone back their sight. 嗯, 角膜移植可以讓某個(gè)人復(fù)明
[27:14.68]I suppose that's okay. 我想那可以
[27:32.30]What about his skin? 捐獻(xiàn)他的皮膚呢?
[27:34.87]What? 什么?
[27:38.41]It's used to help burn victims. 它會(huì)用來(lái)幫助那些被燒傷受害者
[27:42.62]You want to cut off his skin? 你們想割下他的皮膚?
[27:47.73]What about the funeral? 那葬禮怎么辦哪?
[27:50.51]You want me to have a funeral and have people look at him -- 你想讓我在葬禮上,并且讓人們看到他--
[27:53.99]have his daughter look at her father and he doesn't have any skin? 讓他的女兒看到他的父親沒(méi)有皮膚嗎?
[27:59.64]It's his skin! 那是他的皮膚啊!
[28:24.09]What are you doing? 你在做什么?
[28:26.61]I'm not a people person. 我又不是一個(gè)人的身體
[28:27.89]No kidding. 別開(kāi)玩笑
[28:28.89]I can't do that. I can't talk to the families of patients. I'm sorry. 我做不了這個(gè). 我無(wú)法和病人的家屬交談 我很抱歉
[28:33.78]What's his name? 他叫什么名字?
[28:35.57]- Who? - The patient. What's his name? - 誰(shuí)? - 病人. 他叫什么名字?
[28:40.52]Kevin Davidson. Kevin Davidson
[28:41.83]Remember that. Not "gorked guy." Not "John Doe." Kevin Davidson. 記住那個(gè). 不是"植物人." 不是 "John Doe(未知姓)." Kevin Davidson.
[28:46.35]He's someone's husband, someone's son -- not a collection of body parts to harvest. 他是某人的丈夫, 某人的孩子 --不是一具要捐贈(zèng)的尸體
[28:51.29]A person. 他是一個(gè)人
[28:53.08]Now, no one said this was easy. 現(xiàn)在, 沒(méi)人說(shuō)這很容易
[29:15.84]I owe you, George. 我感激你, George.
[29:18.52]No, you don't owe me anything. 不用, 我不用感激我任何事
[29:20.21]I'm just happy we found a liver. 我只是很高興我們找到了肝臟
[29:24.58]Well, when I get out of here, 好啊, 當(dāng)我從這里出去
[29:27.18]how about I take you and my new liver out for a night on the town? 為了一個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)的夜 我要怎樣對(duì)待帶你和我的新肝臟呢?
[29:32.04]What do you say? 你說(shuō)怎么樣好?
[29:37.32]Uh, Mr. Mackie, no offense or anything... 嗯,Mackie先生, 沒(méi)有冒犯或其他的意思...
[29:41.24]you're very handsome, but, I, um... 你很英俊, 但是, 我,嗯...
[29:44.33]I'm not... I mean, you're not my type, because... 我不是... 我的意思, 你不是我要的類型 因?yàn)?..
[29:48.89]you're a man, and... 你是一個(gè)男人, a并且...
[29:51.28]George, I never thought you were gay. George, 我從沒(méi)認(rèn)為你是一個(gè)同性戀
[29:55.11]- You didn't? - Oh, child, please. You? Gay? - 真的嗎? - 噢, 孩子, 別這樣. 你? 同性戀?
[29:59.67]I'm sick, George, not blind. 我是病人, George, 不瞎.
[30:02.29]They why have... 他們?yōu)槭裁?..
[30:03.87]Oh, because dying is a "get out of jail free" card. 哦,因?yàn)樗劳鼍褪且粡埆@得自由的卡片
[30:09.37]I can be as bold as I want, and there's nothing anybody can say about it. 我可你暢所欲言, 并且沒(méi)有人可你那樣說(shuō)你
[30:13.75]So I flirt. 所以我賣弄風(fēng)情一下
[30:16.55]Haven't you ever been attracted to someone you know you couldn't have? 你從沒(méi)有讓某人引起主意 盡管你知道你不好表達(dá)?
[30:20.44]Well... 嗯...
[30:21.96]I'm... 我...
[30:23.97]no. 沒(méi)有.
[30:25.35]What's her name? 他叫什么名字?
[30:28.50]There's no... 這里沒(méi)有...
[30:30.45]I'm not... 我不是...
[30:32.29]you know... 你知道...
[30:33.94]This is really... 這是真的...
[30:36.22]not... 不...
[30:41.27]Meredith. Meredith.
[30:47.28]Meredith. Meredith.
[30:51.41]To be young and in love. 年輕又在愛(ài)里
[31:05.28]- Let's go get that liver, shall we? - No, I'm sorry, I -- - 讓那個(gè)肝臟也去吧(指要吸煙), 我們可以? - 不, 我很抱歉, 我 --
[31:19.03]I never liked harvesting. 我從不喜歡摘取器官
[31:21.45]Why? 為什么?
[31:23.33]Like I said, I'm a surgeon. I save lives. 像我說(shuō)的, I我是一名外科醫(yī)生. 我拯救生命
[31:26.84]This ends one. 這是最后一項(xiàng)
[31:32.78]I know you tried, so no hard feelings, okay? 我知道你很疲勞, 不會(huì)有痛苦的感覺(jué), 好嗎?
[31:39.45]I was just... 我只是...
[31:40.94]You were saying goodbye. 你在告別
[32:01.12]What's Viper doing here? Viper來(lái)這干嗎?
[32:03.00]Probably crashed his bike -- again. 可能撞車了 -- 又一次
[32:06.28]How long has he been waiting? 他在這等多久了?
[32:08.15]I don't know. 我不知道
[32:09.81]I've been busy on real cases. 我在治療其他的病人
[32:11.94]He's all yours. 他總是你的
[32:14.82]Viper. Viper.
[32:16.70]Viper? Viper?
[32:18.76]Are you okay?! 你沒(méi)事吧?!
[32:23.05]Viper! Viper!
[32:32.50]Call the O.R., Tell them we're coming, and page Dr. Bailey. Alex, let's go. 呼叫手術(shù)室., 告訴他們我們正過(guò)去 呼叫Bailey醫(yī)生. Alex,快去
[32:37.25]Alex, push the damn gurney! Alex, 去扶著點(diǎn)那該死的病床!
[32:40.41]Clear the way. 道路掃清
[32:41.98]Coming through. 出發(fā)吧
[32:43.23]Somebody get the elevator. 誰(shuí)去叫電梯
[32:44.52]Hurry. I don't know how long I can keep this wound closed. 快點(diǎn). 我不知道我能止住這個(gè)縫合的傷口多久
[32:52.00]Move faster. Damn it! 快點(diǎn). 可惡!
[33:01.09]This a new one? 這是個(gè)新病人嗎?
[33:02.22]Somebody get her off my patient. 誰(shuí)能讓她從我病人身上下來(lái)
[33:05.34]Meredith, go get cleaned up, and, Alex, get back downstairs. Meredith, 去清理干凈, 并且, Alex, 回樓下去
[33:08.82]Yeah, but I helped. 好的, 但我要協(xié)助
[33:09.47]They tell me in the pit you only want to take the hot cases. 他們告訴我你在下面工作 只是想去治療一個(gè)棘手的病人
[33:13.80]Every pack of interns, there's always one fool running around trying to show off. 每個(gè)要去作手術(shù)的實(shí)習(xí)生 他們?yōu)樵谶@里試圖炫耀自己總是做些蠢事
[33:18.74]And, Alex, this time that fool is you. Get out. 還有, Alex, 你現(xiàn)在有點(diǎn)愚鈍, 出去
[33:25.00]Somebody get me something to stand on. Lower this table. 誰(shuí)能讓我站著去做些事 把手術(shù)臺(tái)降低些
[33:27.85]The mountain is gonna have to come to me. 一座大山向我壓來(lái)
[33:31.67]Count backwards from 10 for me. 請(qǐng)為我從10開(kāi)始倒數(shù)
[33:34.14]Richard. Richard.
[33:36.52]You're a good friend. 你是一個(gè)良友
[33:38.47]The best. 最好的
[33:39.87]Shut up and count backwards already, Mack. 住嘴并且開(kāi)始倒數(shù), Mack.
[33:43.96]Ten... 10...
[33:46.57]nine... 9...
[33:48.71]eight... 8...
[33:51.78]sevuhhh... 7777...
[34:02.50]I'm not gonna stay. 我不想呆在這里
[34:04.30]It's your job. You have to. 這是你的工作. 你必須
[34:06.91]You're better at this part than me. 你會(huì)比我作得更好
[34:09.73]I don't want to watch him get taken apart. 我不想看到他被解剖
[34:13.40]Look at the vultures -- waiting to pick him clean. 看看這些貪婪的人 -- 等待著拿走他的器官
[34:19.00]Every last one of them represents someone somewhere 那些器官會(huì)被使用 某個(gè)地方 某個(gè)人
[34:21.80]who's gonna live because of Kevin. 會(huì)活著 因?yàn)镵evin.
[34:25.39]Here. Put it on. 給你. 戴上它
[34:27.47]I'll be waiting next door when you're ready. 當(dāng)你準(zhǔn)備好時(shí),我會(huì)坐在隔壁等著你
[34:29.20]Everyone's waiting. 所有人都在等待
[34:32.60]Okay, doctors, let's get this over with. 好的, 醫(yī)生們, 讓我們把這個(gè)完成
[36:54.02]Izzie? Izzie?
[36:56.86]I'm gonna sew him up -- for his family. 我要去給他縫和 --為了他的家人
[37:21.94]You do it. 你去做這個(gè)
[37:23.29]What? 什么?
[37:24.13]You do it. 你去做這個(gè)
[37:32.01]Mrs. Davidson. Davidson太太
[37:34.42]He's ready, if you'd like to see him. 他收拾好了,如果你想去看看他
[38:05.30]This lovely group's his friends. 這就是他可愛(ài)的朋友們
[38:07.35]Uh, you all belong to -- what's his name? 嗯, 你們都是 -- 他叫什么名字?
[38:09.96]- Viper. - V-viper. - Viper. - V-viper.
[38:11.62]Yeah, we were in the race. 是的, 我們一塊比賽
[38:12.94]How is he? Is he okay? 他怎么樣? 他還好吧?
[38:15.04]Is he okay? 他還好嗎?
[38:16.59]No. No, he's not okay at all. 不好. 不好, 他很不好
[38:19.95]He hurled his body down a concrete mountain at full speed for no good reason. 他無(wú)緣無(wú)故的把自己像棒球一樣往水泥墩上撞
[38:24.96]Yeah, I know you all pierce yourselves and smoke up 是的,我知道你們自己給自己刺青和吸食大麻
[38:28.83]and generally treat your bodies like your grungy asses can't break down. 并且對(duì)待你們的身體就像 對(duì)待你們那不能停頓的丑陋的屁股一樣
[38:32.07]Hey, that's fine. You want to kill yourselves flying down a concrete mountain, go to it -- 嗨, 那很好. 你想飛一般的落 在水泥墩上去自殺,去做吧 --
[38:37.18]but there are other people walking, people driving, people trying to live their lives, 但是那里還有別人在行走, 在開(kāi)車 人們?cè)噲D保持他們的生活
[38:41.90]and one of them got his brains scrambled today because one of you little sniveling snot rag -- 并且今天,他們中的一個(gè)就因?yàn)?你們中的一個(gè)邋遢鬼而得了腦死亡 --
[38:47.21]- Dr. Bailey. - Yeah, so. Okay, no. - Bailey醫(yī)生 - 是的, 那么. 好吧, 不要
[38:50.44]Your friend, Viper, as far as I'm concerned, is not okay. 你們的朋友, Viper, 直道有我的關(guān)心 并不是很好
[38:57.74]She's, um... really tired. 她, 嗯... 真的很疲勞
[39:02.12]- But... Viper's gonna make it. - Cool. - 但是... Viper's 能應(yīng)付這些 - 酷
[39:06.30]He's gonna live. 他會(huì)活著
[39:07.80]Thanks. 謝謝
[39:17.61]It's not the chase. 這不是追求
[39:19.77]What? 什么?
[39:21.21]You and me. 你和我
[39:23.29]It is not the thrill of the chase. 這不是一個(gè)緊張的追求
[39:26.53]It's not a game. 也不是游戲
[39:27.75]It's... 這是...
[39:30.43]It's your tiny, ineffectual fists. 是你微笑而又無(wú)力的拳頭
[39:36.30]And your hair. 并且你的頭發(fā).
[39:40.25]My hair? 我的頭發(fā)?
[39:41.41]It smells good. 它很好聞
[39:44.36]And you're very, very bossy. 并且你很, 很專橫
[39:46.99]Keeps me in line. 讓我保持界限
[39:54.41]I'm still not going out with you. 我還是不會(huì)和你約會(huì)
[39:58.46]You say that now. 你現(xiàn)在說(shuō)那個(gè)了
[40:16.35]How'd it go? 進(jìn)行得如何?
[40:18.62]Very smoothly. 非常平穩(wěn)
[40:21.17]Damn. 媽的
[40:23.74]That means I'm gonna have to quit smoking. 那是說(shuō)我要去戒煙
[40:44.82]Ah, the pretty ones always come crawling back. an, 那個(gè)英俊的人總會(huì)來(lái)安慰人
[40:56.35]There's another way to survive this competition -- 在競(jìng)賽中,這是另外一條生還的方法 --
[40:59.84]a way no one ever seems to tell you about, 一條蟲(chóng)沒(méi)有人告訴你的方法
[41:02.79]one you have to learn for yourself. 你條需要你自學(xué)的方法
[41:05.63]Number five -- 第五個(gè) --
[41:08.26]it's not about the race at all. 它真的不是關(guān)于那個(gè)比賽的
[41:11.43]There are no winners or losers. 這里沒(méi)有勝利者和失敗者
[41:14.74]Victories are counted by the number of lives saved. 會(huì)被記錄的勝利是我們救人的數(shù)字
[41:33.50]Oh, okay, this is the best part. Watch. She pulls the flap of skin down over the face. 噢, 好的, 這是最好的部分.看 他從那臉上撥下了皮膚
[41:39.56]We were -- 我們 --
[41:40.59]Hi. Hi.
[41:41.77]We were -- we were just, uh... We were -- we were just, uh...
[41:44.03]Christina made us. Christina要這么做的.
[41:49.59]And once in a while, if you're smart, the life you save could be your own. 偶爾, 如果你聰明, 你挽救的生命就是你所贏得的
[41:55.57]What are we watching? 我們?cè)倏词裁?
[41:57.20]- Oooh. This is the one where my mother... - Literally pulls this guy's face off. - Oooh. 這個(gè)是我媽媽在... - 撥下這個(gè)男人的臉
[42:03.01]Yeah. 是的
[42:05.57]Come on! 快點(diǎn)!
[42:07.48]Oh! Holy crap! 哦!太牛了 !
[42:09.00]“外科實(shí)習(xí)生 第一季第三集” -=結(jié)束=-

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