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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:35:58
[00:03.90]You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales? 你知道當(dāng)你還是小孩的時候 有多少相信童話故事
[00:11.60]That fantasy of what your life would be -- 幻想你的生活應(yīng)該是
[00:14.84]white dress, prince charming, who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill. 穿著白衣服, 等著白馬王子把你帶到山上的城堡
[00:21.34]You'd lie in bed at night and close your eyes, 晚上閉上眼睛在床上的時候 你就對自己撒謊
[00:23.96]and you had complete and utter faith. 你有完完全全的絕對的信念
[00:29.19]8 hours, 16 ounces of chocolate, and 32 cupcakes, ★★八小時,16盎司巧克力★★ ★★32個蛋糕★★
[00:32.83]and they still don't taste right. ★★他們的味道還是不對★★
[00:34.48]No, these are good. 不,他們非常好了
[00:36.29]Martha Stewart would be proud. Martha Stewart(美國家政女王) 都會為你感到驕傲的
[00:38.28]Yeah, look where it got her. ★★是啊,看看她被帶到哪里了?★★ (MS因撒謊入獄五個月)
[00:39.76]Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, prince charming -- 圣誕老人,牙仙,白馬王子
[00:43.61]they were so close, you could taste them. 他們離你如此之近, 你都可以伸手抓住他們
[00:46.03]There's something missing -- some specific ingredient. ★★少了些什么東西★★ ★★一些特殊的原料★★
[00:48.75]Why can't I remember? ★★為什么我就忘了呢?★★
[00:50.00]But eventually you grow up. 但是,最終你還是長大了
[00:52.26]One day you open your eyes, 一個早晨,你張開眼睛
[00:54.38]and the fairy tale disappears. 所有的童話故事都消失了
[00:56.53]Look, just call her. 只要給她打個電話
[00:57.55]Call your mother and ask. 打電話問你的媽媽
[00:58.85]Most people turn to the things and people they can trust. 大多數(shù)人都開始相信 他們所能夠相信的事
[01:02.16]I don't want to call my mother. ★★我不想打電話給我老媽★★
[01:07.09]So, let's go sleep at your house tonight. 今晚,我們到你家睡吧
[01:09.81]What? 什么
[01:10.45]Why are we always sleeping at my house? 為什么我們總是睡在我家里
[01:12.82]Do you even have one? 你有地方嗎?
[01:14.02]One what? 什么地方
[01:14.91]A house. 一座房子
[01:15.94]With a closet. 有一個壁櫥
[01:17.54]With your stuff in it. 里面有你的東西
[01:19.48]Your personal stuff. 你自己的東西
[01:21.30]Do you even have one of those? 你有自己的房子嗎?
[01:26.45]Good morning. 早上好
[01:27.33]Hey. You guys want a cupcake? Hey,你們要蛋糕嗎?
[01:29.58]Izzie made 'em. ★★Izzie ★★做的
[01:31.71]You know, I like it here. 你知道, 我喜歡我們在這里睡
[01:33.08]Hey, you said so yourself -- you liked having your things around, Hey,你自己說的, 你喜歡周圍有自己的東西
[01:35.89]sleeping in your own bed. 睡在自己的床上
[01:37.94]You're like a health nut, aren't you? 你是個愛健康的傻蛋,是嗎?
[01:40.21]You eat muesli every morning. 你每天早上都吃muesli (卷狀燕麥+干水果+牛奶)
[01:44.06]No, I don't. 不,我才不是呢
[01:45.85]Okay, the muesli thing -- you do. ★★好吧,muesli——★★ ★★你就是!★★
[01:48.23]- The last 7 days, at least. - Oh, come on. 至少七天了 Oh,不會吧。
[01:51.39]I haven't been here for a whole week... 我沒有一陣個星期都在這里
[01:55.19]Have I? 我有嗎?
[01:56.71]See? 明白了吧
[01:58.08]Even they think it's weird. 就是他們也認為這有點怪了
[01:59.92]But the thing is, it's hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely. 但事實上是, 很難完全不相信童話故事
[02:05.37]Almost everyone still has that smallest bit of hope -- of faith -- 每個人總有那么一點點信念
[02:10.41]that one day they'll open their eyes 一天,當(dāng)他們張開眼睛
[02:13.75]and it will all come true. 一切都夢想成真了
[02:25.35]So, I've checked the schedule. 我看了一下我們的預(yù)約
[02:26.92]I start E.N.T. on the 9th. 我九號有空
[02:28.45]It's a light rotation. Can you get me in then? 可以安排嗎?
[02:30.93]Oh, I'm afraid not. Oh,恐怕不行
[02:33.15]We have openings on the 16th. 我們要到16號才行
[02:37.25]There are other options besides termination, you know? 你知道, 除了墮胎還有被的選擇
[02:40.77]Adoption... 收養(yǎng)...
[02:42.74]keeping the baby. 留著孩子
[02:45.69]- You think it over. Call me back. - Put me down for the 16th. -你在考慮一下,再答復(fù)我 -就預(yù)約在16號吧
[02:49.25]I'll confirm after I rearrange my schedule. 在我更新預(yù)約是, 會和你確認的
[02:52.35]- I know this is a difficult decision. - Okay, you know the talking part? -我知道這是一個困難的決定 -Ok,對于談話部分
[02:56.67]I'm not interested. 我不感興趣
[03:00.70]So, Devo, you just had a root canal, correct? Devo,你只是做牙根管填充手術(shù), 對嗎?
[03:03.60]Yeah. 是的
[03:04.50]I couldn't stop bleeding after -- literally. 確切的說, 我是手術(shù)后止不住血
[03:06.96]Now I'm stuck with you guys. 現(xiàn)在, 我就不得不和你們在這里了
[03:09.53]Give me the bullet. 說下情況
[03:10.71]17-year-old female hospitalized for excessive bleeding, status post root canal. 17歲,女性,因為根管填充手術(shù) 后止不住血住院的
[03:14.96]Also had a significant new heart murmur associated with fever. 有發(fā)燒,心臟有連續(xù)的低沉聲音
[03:17.88]Now afebrile on antibiotics. 現(xiàn)在, 用了抗生素后沒有熱度了
[03:20.48]If I'm gonna die, can you page my mom and dad? 如果我要死了, 你能通知我父母嗎?
[03:22.26]You're not dying. 你不會死的
[03:23.25]Where are your parents? 你父母在哪里?
[03:24.36]In the cafeteria. 在餐廳
[03:25.52]My freak father likes hospital food. 我古怪的老爹喜歡醫(yī)院的食物
[03:27.81]You're in excellent hands here. Dr. Karev is gonna run some labs. 你的情況不壞, Dr. Karev要做些檢查
[03:31.52]And I'll see you with your parents in a little while. 我過會兒, 和你的父母來看你
[03:35.28]Add a bleeding time to the coags. 做個凝血測試
[03:38.65]So, what kind of name is "Devo," anyway? Devo是個什么樣的名字
[03:42.46]'80s rocker. 80年代的搖滾歌手
[03:43.78]My parents did too much blow. 我的父母很喜歡
[03:46.05]I call myself "Esther." 我叫自己Esther (源自希伯來語)
[03:48.02]Nice skirt, Esther. What are you, amish? 漂亮的裙子,Esther 那么你是安曼教派?
[03:50.44]Haven't you ever seen an orthodox jew? 難道你從沒有見過正統(tǒng)的猶太教徒嗎? (男人留須,黑帽黑袍的那種)
[03:57.12]This guy belongs in psych. What are you doing turfing him here? 這個家伙是心理有問題 干嗎把它扔到這里來?
[04:00.25]He's my gift to you. Had a seizure two days ago and another one this morning. 他是我給你的禮物 兩天前有一次驚厥,今天早上一次
[04:03.98]What are you talking about? It says right here, 你胡扯什么啊, 這兒都寫著呢
[04:06.05]"he talks to dead people, his family thinks he's dangerous, and they had him committed." 他和死人說話,他的家人認為 他危險,就吧他送來了
[04:10.40]That's psych, not neuro. 是精神病,不是神經(jīng)
[04:12.19]Didn't you go to med school? 你上的是瘋子學(xué)校嗎?
[04:13.71]Yes, unlike the correspondence school you attended. 是,非常不幸, 還是函授的
[04:16.70]Oh, that would be stanford, right? 哦,那一定是斯坦福,對吧 (這個有什么說法不明白)
[04:18.18]I learned not to jump to conclusions. 我不想和你吵架
[04:20.43]Sorry, ladies. We can't take him back until he's cleared. 對不起,女士們, 只有確認沒有神經(jīng)性疾病,我們才收他
[04:23.03]You're dumping him on us? 你就這樣把他扔給我們?
[04:24.63]He thinks his seizures are visions. 他認為在驚厥中,有幻覺
[04:26.77]Hello! They're not seizures. I'm psychic. 你好,那不是驚厥, 我是通靈
[04:29.21]Of course you are, and I'm a chicken. 你當(dāng)然是, 我還是小雞呢
[04:31.36]Hey, genius. Hey,天才
[04:35.89]Okay, Mr. Duff. We're gonna start our work-up now. Ok,Duff先生, 我們現(xiàn)在檢查一下
[04:38.93]Work me up, work me down. I'm telling you, it's a waste of time. 檢查來,檢查去, 我告訴你,這是浪費時間
[04:41.60]Can you grip my fingers, please? 你能抓住我的手指嗎?
[04:51.60]Cristina... Cristina ...
[04:53.31]Mr. Duff? Mr.Duff
[04:54.35]Mr. Duff, are you okay? Mr. Duff,你還好嗎?
[04:59.88]Someone... 有人...
[05:01.43]Someone what? 有人什么?
[05:03.83]Someone's gonna check out. 有人要去檢查一下
[05:06.30]Bye-bye. 再見
[05:07.31]The man -- he's nuts. 那個男的,是個白癡
[05:08.36]I'm dizzy, not deaf, lady. Someone on the fourth floor is gonna die. 我是犯暈,不是聾子, 四樓有人要死了。
[05:12.47]Code blue, fourth floor. 藍色警報,四樓
[05:13.93]Code blue, fourth floor. 藍色警報,四樓
[05:16.16]Got a code. 有警報
[05:17.42]Right away. 快點
[05:18.44]Get it. 知道了
[05:19.08]★★★★★★★★ Izzie ★★★★★★★★
[05:20.08]★★★★★★★★ Izzie ★★★★★★★★
[05:21.08]★★★★★★★★ Izzie ★★★★★★★★
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[05:57.08]★★★★★★★★ Izzie ★★★★★★★★
[05:58.08]★★★★★★★★ Izzie ★★★★★★★★
[05:59.08]★★★★★★★★ Izzie ★★★★★★★★
[06:00.08]★★★★★★★★ Izzie ★★★★★★★★
[06:01.08]★★★★★★★★ Izzie ★★★★★★★★
[06:02.08]★★★★★★★★ Izzie ★★★★★★★★
[06:03.08]★★★★★★★★ Izzie ★★★★★★★★
[06:04.91]Fourth floor, dead guy. The psychic predicted the fourth-floor dead guy. 四樓,死人, 通靈預(yù)言了四樓的死人
[06:09.10]I need someone to cover me on the 16th. You in? 我要有人在16號給我代班, 你可以嗎?
[06:12.95]I'm thinking about letting my hair grow. 我想把頭發(fā)留得長些
[06:14.58]And maybe I won't shave -- go for the stubble effect. 或者不掛胡子 就留點胡子茬
[06:18.11]What do you think? 你在想什么呢?
[06:19.92]The 16th, George. Can you cover me or not? 16號,George, 你能給我代班嗎?
[06:22.73]Uh, yeah. I guess. Why? 嗯,應(yīng)該可以, 干嗎?
[06:25.35]It's none of your business. 不關(guān)你的事
[06:28.03]A "thank you" would be nice. 說聲謝謝就可以了
[06:30.74]It's just that I hardly know anything about you. 只是我一點都不了解你
[06:33.40]I'm from New York. I like ferry boats. 我從紐約來, 我喜歡渡船(西雅圖有好多)
[06:35.63]Enough with the ferry boats. What about your friends? 不要提什么渡船, 你的朋友呢?
[06:38.15]I'm a surgeon. I don't have friends. 我是外科醫(yī)生, 我沒有朋友
[06:39.62]Everybody has friends. 每個人都有朋友
[06:41.24]I mean, who do you hang out with? 我的意思是, 你平時和誰在一起?
[06:43.48]What do you do on your days off? 你休息時干什么?
[06:45.23]- These are important questions. - Ah, important for who? 這是很重要的問題。 對誰很重要?
[06:48.14]We're having sex every night. I think I deserve details. 我們每晚都做愛(強!) 我應(yīng)該知道的更多
[06:51.05]- You have more details than most. - This is going somewhere weird. -你已經(jīng)知道的很多了(指做愛) -這就是奇怪的地方
[06:54.80]I want facts, and until I get them, my pants are staying on. 我要知道哪些,除非我知道了, 我再也不會對你脫我的內(nèi)褲了
[06:58.76]Or you could just roll with it. 你就讓它去吧
[07:00.63]Be flexible. See what happens. 通融點, 看看會發(fā)生什么吧
[07:02.85]I'm not flexible. 我不想通融
[07:04.92]There I disagree. 我可不這么認為
[07:06.71]Hmm. I got to go. Hmm,我要走了
[07:12.17]We'll find these things out. 我們會有解決辦法的
[07:13.62]That's the fun part, you know? 你知道,那才是有趣的部分
[07:14.98]That's the gravy. That's the gravy(俚語,原意為肉汁) 那是額外的獎勵
[07:16.00]That is what I'm talking about. 那就是我要說的
[07:17.97]I don't want to be your gravy. I don't want to be your gravy(雙關(guān)) 我不想成為你的獎勵
[07:24.40]Your daughter needs a valve replacement. 你們的女兒需要心臟瓣膜移植
[07:26.61]Tests are indicative of von willebrand's disease, 并且測試顯示有血管性血友病
[07:28.95]which explains the excessive bleeding after the root canal. 那就是為什么 在根管填充手術(shù)后止不住血了
[07:31.76]And that means? 什么意思
[07:32.95]Devo can't take the blood thinners necessary to maintain a mechanical heart valve. Devo因為無法凝住血液, 而不能使用人工心臟瓣膜(霧水)
[07:36.68]We're suggesting a porcine valve instead. 我們建議用豬的瓣膜代替
[07:39.04]Porcine? 豬的
[07:40.59]As in pig? 豬的?
[07:41.89]It's the standard of care for someone in this situation. 這是這種情況的標(biāo)準治療方案
[07:45.46]Pig, huh? 豬的,Huh
[07:47.41]It's the other white meat. the other white meat(老美提倡減肥,用豬肉取代牛肉,其實豬肉是Dark meat)這也是白肉(很冷的笑話)
[07:49.41]I don't care what you do. Save my daughter's life. 我不管你們做什么, 救我的女兒
[07:58.94]I'm removing the lump now. 我現(xiàn)在要移除腫塊
[08:02.70]Someone said you guys have a psychic running around here. Is that true? 有人說你們這兒有個同靈的, 真的嗎?
[08:06.33]I did not even hear you say that. 我不知道你在說些什么
[08:08.44]Predicted someone would die on the fourth floor. 預(yù)言了一個四樓要死的人
[08:10.66]I.C.U.'s on the fourth floor. People die all the time. ★★重癥監(jiān)護室在四樓,★★ ★★總有人死★★
[08:12.97]Okay. We're finishing up here, Mrs. Glass. Ok,我們結(jié)束了 Mrs. Glass
[08:16.41]We'll take this down to path and get the results of the frozen-section biopsy 我們把這個送去組織活檢
[08:20.99]and see you in a few hours. 幾小時后,有結(jié)果了, 再來看你
[08:23.02]Seriously, the guy is just playing mind games. ★★事實上,那家伙是★★ ★★在玩心理游戲★★
[08:25.14]I can see further into the future than he can. ★★我比他還能預(yù)見更多的未來★★
[08:27.54]Why do you even care about this, Stevens? 你為什么這么在意這個, Stevens
[08:29.93]I don't. ★★我不在意★★
[08:33.22]Okay, Mr. Walker. Does that hurt? Ok,Mr. Walker 這樣痛嗎?
[08:36.62]I can't feel anything until you get to my thigh. 大腿以下我什么也感覺不到
[08:39.59]Try wiggling your toes. 使著動一下你的腳趾
[08:43.58]Are they moving? 他們動了嗎?
[08:45.63]- No. - Damn. -沒有 -該死的
[08:47.43]I could about 10 minutes ago. 我十分鐘前還可以的
[08:50.07]Well, your spine x-rays look clear. 你的脊椎X光片看上去很好
[08:52.22]You fell rock-climbing? 你攀巖掉下來了?
[08:53.38]In snohomish. Just a small drop. I was belayed. 在Snohomish, 摔得不重,我系了繩子的
[08:57.61]My wife and boys are on the way. 我的太太和孩子正干過來
[08:59.84]What's wrong with me, anyway? 我到底是怎么了
[09:01.06]Hold your legs up. 抬起你的腿
[09:06.86]- Should I be scared now? - Just try and relax. -我因該感到擔(dān)心嗎? -放松,試一下
[09:09.90]Nurse, I need a stat M.R.I. 護士, 我要做個核磁共振
[09:12.55]Send an intern with him. 給他派個實習(xí)醫(yī)生
[09:14.88]Make it Meredith Grey. 就讓Meredith Grey (以權(quán)謀私?。?br /> [09:17.76]Ew -- thick, short neck. That isn't good. Ew,粗短的脖子, 那可不好
[09:21.26]It's hard to intubate. You want me to do that? 很難插管的, 你要讓我來做嗎?
[09:22.80]He's my patient. I'm fine. 他是我的病人, 我可以的
[09:24.76]I just can't see anything. Add suction. 我只是什么也看不見, 吸管
[09:30.06]Don't break any teeth. 別把牙齒弄斷了
[09:31.27]Don't you think I know that? 你認為我不知道嗎?
[09:36.71]Pulse ox down 87%. 血氧降到了87%
[09:38.31]Bag him. 用呼吸器
[09:41.14]Are you sure you don't want me to do that? 你確定不要我來做嗎?
[09:42.56]No, damn it! Tube. 不,該死的,插管
[09:50.35]There. 這個
[09:51.55]Huh. Got it. Huh,行了
[09:57.44]It's in the esophagus. 插在食道里了
[09:58.63]Don't you know an esophagus from a trachea? 你知道食道和食管嗎?
[10:00.67]Damn it! Anatomy is all messed up in here. 該死的,這兒一團遭 Anatomy(解剖沒學(xué)好,007)
[10:03.04]Are you trying to kill this patient, O'Malley? O'Malley,你要殺了這個病人嗎?
[10:06.97]Maybe we can send you back to practice on mannequins. -也許我們應(yīng)該讓你回到假人上去 再聯(lián)系一下
[10:09.25]No, it's just I haven't done that much -- 不,我只是做的不多
[10:12.57]but when I have, it's -- it's been good. 但是我以前都做的好的
[10:17.88]It's just I-I haven't -- 只是...我沒...
[10:19.57]Let's review the concepts. 讓我們復(fù)習(xí)一下
[10:21.98]Never take your eyes away. 注意看
[10:24.47]Always -- always -- know you can follow through. 總是,總是知道你可以完成的
[10:27.77]Don't ever follow through on one of my patients, O'Malley. O'Malley,不要碰我的病人
[10:43.23]Botox would do wonders for all those frown lines. 肉毒素對那些皺紋有好處
[10:46.37]Okay. Shut up. Ok,閉嘴
[10:48.66]Are you allowed to talk to me like that? 你可以象這樣對我說話嗎?
[10:51.25]God, you're hot... in a Mrs. Livingston kind of way. God,你真辣, Mrs. Livingston那種類型(Who?)
[10:54.87]See here? 看這里
[10:57.35]These are spikes in your temporal lobe. 這個腦電圖上的凸起
[10:59.26]It means you have epilepsy. Not visions. Seizures. 這說明你有癲癇,不是通靈
[11:02.48]You think I'm epileptic? 你認為我是癲癇
[11:03.75]That is so not right. 錯了
[11:05.57]I'm gonna order an M.R.I. so I can take a closer look at your brain. 我會預(yù)約一個核磁共振, 我們就可以仔細的檢查一下你的大腦了
[11:08.24]Yeah, there's no way -- Yeah,那可不行
[11:14.75]Mr. Duff? Mr.Duff?
[11:16.33]Mr. Duff, can you see me? Can you hear me? Mr.Duff,你能看見我嗎? 你能聽見我媽?
[11:19.12]Stay with me. 保持清醒
[11:20.32]I wouldn't have picked you for the mommy track, nurse Betty. 我不能想象你懷孕的樣子, Nurse Betty(蕾妮-齊維格電影名)
[11:28.20]See? 明白了?
[11:32.03]I told you I know things. 我告訴過你,我可以通靈
[11:34.70]This pregnancy thing -- you can't run away from it. 這個懷孕的事, 你躲不掉的
[11:46.03]Dr. Bailey, I want off the psychic case. I'll take whatever you got. Dr. Bailey,我不要這個通靈的病例, 不管你給我其他什么,我都會接的
[11:49.13]Can I switch? 我們能換一下嗎?
[11:49.95]Ask nicely. 好好的求我
[11:51.59]Uh, well, this is me doing nicely. Uh,求你了
[11:55.31]Look, I know the type. ★★我知道這種人★★
[11:56.53]These guys want everybody to think they're a sideshow. Let me take him. ★★那種人想讓每個人都認為他會耍幾下★★ ★★讓我來吧★★
[11:59.50]I don't do switches. 我不會讓你們換
[12:00.99]I'll do your post-op notes for a month. 我?guī)湍阕鲆粋€月的手術(shù)日志
[12:04.59]Fine. I can accept that. 好,我同意
[12:06.73]Izzie, you get psych guy. ★★Izzie★★,你去看通靈者
[12:08.43]Yay. This is your lucky day. Yay,你的幸運日
[12:10.35]You get to be with me on the breast cancer. 你和我去看乳腺癌的
[12:12.38]There's spotting. You'll need to do a pelvic. She's pregnant. 你要做個盆腔檢查,她懷孕了
[12:27.12]See? This. The guy's films are clear. 看,這家伙的片顯示 都很好
[12:31.21]There's no reason I can see for his creeping paralysis. 他的四肢麻痹沒有任何原因
[12:34.29]It's just so surprising. 我只是太驚訝了
[12:36.25]I expected an intrusion into the spinal space or a bony spur in the nucleus pulposus. 我要切開看一下, 或者髓核穿刺
[12:40.69]Well, you were wrong. 你錯了
[12:41.87]You don't always get what you expect, do you? 你并不總是得到你想要的, 是嗎?
[12:46.21]What is your problem? 你有什么問題嗎?
[12:48.00]Give me something to go on. 告訴我點你的事
[12:49.82]Anything. 任何事
[12:51.24]What are your grandparents' names? 你祖父母的名字
[12:52.60]I don't have grandparents. 我沒有祖父母
[12:53.72]Where'd you grow up? 你在哪里長大的
[12:54.93]What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? 你最喜歡的冰淇淋口味
[12:56.83]Where'd you spend your summer vacations? 夏天你在哪里度假?
[12:58.62]Lighten up -- it'll be good for your blood pressure. 放輕松, 對你血壓有好處
[13:00.81]Oh, don't you tell me to lighten up. oh,不要告訴我放松
[13:03.48]I'll lighten up when I... feel light. 當(dāng)我感到輕松時,我就會放松的
[13:09.56]Don't we have treatment options? 我們沒有其他治療方案了嗎
[13:11.36]I-I mean, aren't there always alternatives? 我的意思是總要二選一嗎?
[13:13.49]With this stage of invasive carcinoma, 在癌癥的這個階段
[13:16.10]surgery, chemo, radiation, and drug therapy are your only options. 只有手術(shù),化療,放療,藥物治療
[13:19.98]Can I wait until the end of my pregnancy? 我能等到孩子生出以后嗎?
[13:21.94]The pregnancy hormones will likely speed the growth of the cancer. 懷孕的荷爾蒙會加速癌癥的擴散
[13:25.49]And the baby? 那孩子呢?
[13:26.62]None of these courses of treatment will allow the baby to survive. 以上治療方法, 都會殺了嬰兒的
[13:31.93]Mr. and Mrs. Glass, I understand how difficult this is. Mr. and Mrs. Glass我知道這有多難
[13:35.21]No disrespect, but like hell you do. 恕我無禮,你知道什么啊
[13:39.11]You're going to have to make a decision as to how you want to proceed. 你們必須決定怎么辦
[13:43.01]You mean my baby's life or my own? 你是指我孩子的命還是我的?
[13:47.66]Yes. 是的
[13:55.10]We'll have to evacuate the fetus. 我們將不得不做流產(chǎn)
[14:04.63]Any changes, Mr. Walker? Mr. Walker(skywalker...) 有什么變化嗎?
[14:06.48]I can't move my legs at all now. 我還是不能動我的腿
[14:08.38]He was moving his legs when he came in. 他來得時候,腿還能動的
[14:10.54]What's wrong with him? 有什么問題?
[14:11.58]I don't know. 我不知道
[14:13.24]The paralysis is moving quickly, and there was nothing in the M.R.I. to explain it. 麻痹擴展的很快, 核磁共振卻什么也看不出來
[14:17.46]Has tommy been under any stress lately? Tommy最近壓力大嗎?
[14:19.44]You know what's making me stressed? Being in here and not being able to move. 你知道什么讓我感到壓力大嗎? 躺在醫(yī)院里,一動也不能動
[14:23.12]Dr. Grey... Dr.Grey...
[14:26.01]Emotional trauma can be converted into something physical, right? 心理創(chuàng)傷也可能轉(zhuǎn)化為生理上的, 對吧?
[14:28.83]- This is possible. - Okay. -是有可能 -Ok
[14:30.11]Like hysterical numbness or paralysis. 象歇斯底里的癱瘓或麻痹
[14:32.17]Maybe there is no physiological reason, 可能就沒有生理上的原因
[14:34.13]and he's just having a conversion reaction. 他只要心理輔導(dǎo)
[14:35.91]It's psychosomatic? 是心身失調(diào)
[14:37.18]It is not in your head, man. 問題不是出在你腦袋里, 伙計
[14:39.27]- I believe you. - Mr. Duff, please. -我相信你 ★★-Mr.Duff,不要這樣★★
[14:43.95]Who was that? 他是誰?
[14:45.12]Psych sent him down. He has visions. 心理科把他轉(zhuǎn)下來的, 他有幻覺
[14:47.46]Is that it? 是那樣嗎?
[14:48.70]Am I crazy? 我f瘋了嗎?
[14:50.42]No. No. 不,不
[14:52.05]I'm gonna order a higher-level M.R.I. 我要預(yù)定一個深層次的核磁共振
[14:55.29]We're gonna figure this out. 我們會找到原因的
[15:02.05]You know how important this is to me! 你知道,這對我有多重要
[15:03.93]This is about saving your life. 這是關(guān)于能救你的命
[15:05.61]You're not respecting it -- or me. 你們一點也不尊重我的信仰, 或我
[15:08.23]You're letting them put a pig -- a freaking nonkosher, traif mammal -- 你們讓他們,把一頭豬,一個畸形骯臟的 不符合猶太教義的動物
[15:12.11]into my chest -- into my heart -- 放到我的胸腔里面, 我的心臟里
[15:14.92]the very essence of my being! 這對我的信仰是非常重要的
[15:16.58]It's a porcine valve, actually. 事實上,使一個豬心臟瓣膜
[15:18.37]I don't care what the hell it is. 我才不管那是什么東西
[15:20.24]If you give me a pig part, I might as well be dead. 如果要給我豬的一部分, 我還不如去死
[15:22.52]This orthodox thing was a mistake. 我說了這種正統(tǒng)猶太教就是一個錯誤
[15:24.62]What was wrong with being reform like everyone else? 象別人一樣的猶太教革新派有什么不好?
[15:27.89]You guys don't even light candles friday nights. 你們甚至在星期五都不點蠟燭
[15:30.32]You don't even know all the passover plagues. 你們都不知道逾越節(jié)災(zāi)禍是怎么回事
[15:32.75]Boils, vermin, pestilence. Even I know that. 疔瘡,蝗蟲,瘟疫, 甚至我都知道
[15:37.21]Miss Friedman... I appreciate your extreme religious convictions. Miss Friedman... 我很欣賞你的極端宗教信仰
[15:41.39]- Fire, hail... - Simply put, without this procedure, you will die. -篝火,歡呼 -簡單的說,不做手術(shù),你就死定了
[15:47.64]You're hotshot doctors. You'll come up with something else. 你這個自負的醫(yī)生, 你給我象其他的辦法
[15:51.31]As long as it doesn't answer to wilbur and say "oink," 不要回答的象威爾伯(美國詩人), 象豬一樣的亂叫
[15:54.02]I don't care what it is. 我才不管那是什么
[16:06.31]Your nostrils are flaring. 你的鼻孔在發(fā)光
[16:07.89]They are not. ★★他們沒有★★
[16:08.79]You're into me. I can tell. 我被你迷住了
[16:10.90]Dr. Small-and-angry was a hot appetizer, but you, doc, are a smorgasbord of lust. Dr. Small-and-angry(Cristina)是火辣的開胃菜 而你是一道豐盛的大餐(BS)
[16:15.09]Mr. Duff, you're pressing your luck. ★★Mr.Duff希望自己走運吧★★
[16:17.22]Would you press it for me? 你不希望嗎?
[16:19.64]I hope you're not claustrophobic. ★★我希望你沒有幽閉恐怖癥★★
[16:24.20]You're staring at me. Stop it. ★★不要盯著我看★★
[16:26.30]I'm looking at you, but it's the strangest thing. 我在看你的內(nèi)心深處, 但是哪兒有很奇怪的東西
[16:29.10]I'm hungry for a chocolate cupcake. 我想吃個巧克力蛋糕
[16:31.74]What did you say? ★★你說什么?★★
[16:32.79]A chocolate cupcake. 一個巧克力蛋糕
[16:34.33]Maybe one of those fudgey things with the white squiggle on the frosting. 大概就是那種上面撒著糖霜的
[16:37.98]Could you oblige? 你能給我一個嗎?
[16:40.71]What, do I still have some chocolate on my face or in my hair or something? ★★什么,我臉上,頭發(fā)上★★ ★★還是其他什么地方還有巧克力★★
[16:45.88]What are you talking about? 你在說什么?
[16:46.60]You. I know the drill, so keep it up. ★★你,我知道你的把戲★★ ★★繼續(xù)啊★★
[16:49.48]Next you'll be reading my cards, telling me my dead uncle is in the room. ★★下一步,你讀我的牌(塔羅牌,算命)★★ ★★告訴我,我死去的叔叔就在房間里★★
[16:53.99]Is he? 他在嗎?
[16:55.08]I don't have a dead uncle. ★★我沒有死了的叔叔★★
[16:57.94]I'm watching you. ★★我會盯著你的★★
[17:13.31]- If that's turkey, can I have some? - It's soggy. -如果是火雞的,我可以吃一點嗎? -反正我沒胃口
[17:15.30]Maybe it'll kill you, solve everything. 如果你要解決所有的事, 可能拿會殺了你
[17:16.81]I could have gotten that intubation. I am good at intubations. 那個插管我可以的, 我可以搞好插管的
[17:20.58]Why does everything in a hospital smell like a hospital? 為什么醫(yī)院里的東西聞起來都象醫(yī)院
[17:23.56]Don't be so hard on yourself, George. Everybody makes mistakes. ★★不要太為難自己了,George,★★ ★★每個人都會犯錯的★★
[17:25.89]I'm good at a lot of things. 我擅長很多事
[17:27.01]You know what? I'm gonna tell you something. 你知道什么?讓我告訴你
[17:28.25]Hey, George. You need to get laid. Hey, George, 你需要輕松一下
[17:30.30]See that nurse over there? 看見那個護士了嗎?
[17:31.64]She's single. She's got red hair. Go ask her out. 她是單身,紅發(fā),約她出去
[17:35.33]- I intubated an esophagus. - Dude, you're tweaking. -我把插管查到食道里了 -伙計,你腦瓜子轉(zhuǎn)不過來了
[17:38.87]Maybe you should go see that psychic. 你應(yīng)該去找那個通靈的
[17:40.57]Mr. Duff is not a psychic! ★★Mr.Duff不是通靈的★★
[17:42.22]I am trying to help you. 我只是想幫你
[17:44.04]Go buy her a latte and freshen up your gonad, please. 給她買杯咖啡, 滿足下你的性欲
[17:53.92]Shut up. ★★閉嘴★★
[17:56.29]It's not too late to call her. 給她打電話還不晚
[17:58.07]Moms like that -- surprises on their birthdays. 老媽們都喜歡她們生日時的驚喜
[18:01.99]You know, it's very hallmark. 你知道,非常典型的
[18:12.00]I'm 47, you know? I'm 47 and having a baby, 我47了,你知道? 我47了才有了孩子
[18:15.61]which is kind of a miracle, and it kind of sucks, if you see what I mean. 拿應(yīng)該是個奇跡,現(xiàn)在卻一團糟, 你明白我的意思
[18:21.30]We'd given up on the kid thing about a year ago. 我們一年就放棄想要一個孩子了
[18:24.34]You know, fertility treatments, acupuncture needles in my eyes. 你知道,不孕治療, 就象針刺到我的眼睛里一樣
[18:28.87]Well, not really, but it felt like it. 那不是真的那樣, 但感覺就像
[18:31.44]It was like, "screw this. I want my life back." 就像,“管它呢,我要的生活回來”
[18:36.31]Then one awesome night on the beach with a bottle of merlot -- 然后在一個非常好的夜晚, 拿著瓶葡萄酒到海灘上
[18:40.25]I should have these labs back in a couple hours. 兩小時內(nèi),就會有化驗結(jié)果
[18:42.48]You get it, right? 你明白嗎?
[18:44.16]My hesitation? 我的困境?
[18:46.06]This isn't an easy decision, I mean. 我想說的是, 這不是一個簡單的決定
[18:48.71]I'm having a baby. 我要有一個孩子的
[18:51.46]You have advanced-stage carcinoma. 你有早期癌癥
[18:53.56]You're 47 years old. 你已經(jīng)47歲了
[18:55.00]Statistically you have a good probability of survival. 你有很高的存活概率
[18:58.46]If you forego treatment, chances are you won't see your baby go to kindergarten, 如果你放棄治療, 你都沒有機會看到你孩子上幼兒園
[19:01.73]so whose life are you interested in saving? 那么你對誰的命更感興趣?
[19:11.00]Excuse me. 對不起
[19:18.54]First my legs, then my stomach. God. 先是我的腿,然后是我的胃,上帝啊
[19:21.39]Doc! Doc, my hands can't move. 醫(yī)生,醫(yī)生,我的手不能動了
[19:25.00]Squeeze my fingers. 捏下我的手指
[19:26.01]I can't. 我不能
[19:28.11]Right here. No? 這里,沒有?
[19:30.24]Let me know if you feel this. 如果你有感覺的話告訴我
[19:32.85]How about that? Here? 這里這么樣? 這里?
[19:36.24]Anything here? Up here? Okay. 這里? 這里呢?Ok
[19:38.59]Nothing on this side? All right. I'll be right back. 這邊什么感覺也沒有? 好的,我試試這邊
[19:41.38]Nurse, cancel the second M.R.I. Call down and prep O.R. stat. 護士,取消第二次核磁共振。 通知手術(shù)室,準備手術(shù)
[19:45.89]You're operating? 你要手術(shù)?
[19:47.23]On what? 憑什么?
[19:48.29]If there was something to fix, wouldn't we have seen it? 如果那里有什么, 為什么我們看不見?
[19:50.29]I think the M.R.I. missed a clot in his upper spine. 我想核磁共振漏掉了 他脊髓上部的血塊
[19:52.70]I'm gonna cut him open. I'm going in. 我要切開看看
[19:54.56]What if you're wrong? -如果你錯了怎么辦?
[19:55.81]Couldn't unnecessary spinal surgery do more damage? 不必要的脊髓手術(shù)會帶來更多的損害
[19:58.57]If we wait any longer, we have a paralyzed man who can't breathe. 如果我們再等的話, 就會i有一個不能呼吸的癱瘓者了
[20:02.77]I'm trusting my instincts. 我相信我的直覺
[20:04.06]Sometimes you got to take a chance to save a life. 有時,你要冒一下險, 去拯救一個生命
[20:16.20]Your mitral regurge is getting worse. 你的.二尖瓣回流更糟了
[20:19.81]The valves are leakier than ever. 瓣膜比以前漏的更多了
[20:26.05]Are you hitting on me? 你在嚇我嗎?
[20:27.67]If you want me to. 如果你想我這樣
[20:29.39]I hear they call you Dr. Evilspawn. 我聽他們叫你 Dr. Evilspawn(惡魔之卵)
[20:31.33]Well, only the people that like me. 是的,沒多少人喜歡我
[20:33.70]I guess that explains the lack-of-faith thing. 我想那就是為什么你缺乏信仰了
[20:36.20]You know, I kind of think of myself as a pagan, but, 你知道,我想我自己是異教徒 但是
[20:39.26]hey, that's just me. 他就是我
[20:44.97]You know what it's like being a teenager these days? 你知道現(xiàn)在的十幾歲的孩子是 怎么樣的嗎?
[20:48.07]My friends spend most of their time screwing around and getting wasted. 我的朋友們,大多數(shù)時間 都把周圍的一切搞得一團糟,浪費生命
[20:52.35]At least I have god. 至少,我還有上帝
[20:55.24]Well, so, god wants you to die, huh? 那么,上帝象讓你死嗎?
[20:58.53]He wants me to be passionate about what I believe in. 他想讓我熱衷我所相信的
[21:02.14]You don't believe in anything. 你不相信任何東西, 是嗎?
[21:04.75]My mother used to pray to Saint Jude for me. 我老媽過去常常為我 向Saint Jude(猶大)祈禱
[21:07.28]How appropriate -- 真的好恰當(dāng)啊
[21:09.25]patron saint of lost causes. 失去理想的圣徒的保護者
[21:19.90]I did an angio on my psych case. ★★我做了那個通靈者的血管造影★★
[21:22.28]The M.R.I. came out clean, but I saw a ditzel. There's something here. ★★核磁共振看上去還好★★ ★★但是這里有陰影,這兒有點問題★★
[21:26.42]Yep, you're right. There's an A.V.M. on his left temporal lobe. 是的,你沒錯, 大腦左葉的左顳葉有腦動靜脈畸形
[21:30.00]I'll schedule the O.R. for tonight, then. ★★那我就安排今晚的手術(shù)室★★
[21:31.46]Oh, back up, girl. OH,別急
[21:33.44]There's high risk of spontaneous hemorrhage. ★★這有很高的自發(fā)性出血的概率★★
[21:35.34]The attending has to see the films. We need consent forms. 這只是根據(jù)片子, 我們需要病患同意書
[21:37.98]Believe it or not, Stevens, we have to follow protocol. 不管相不相信,★★Stevens★★ 我們要按步驟來
[21:40.92]But if the A.V.M. looks like it's gonna blow, we fix it, right? ★★但是腦動靜脈畸形看上去就要爆了★★ ★★我們能治好,不是嗎★★
[21:43.62]If the man needs to be fixed, we'll fix him. 如果那人需要治療, 我們就治
[21:45.93]Why are you moving so quickly? 慢慢來, 為什么你要怎么急?
[21:48.28]You get too involved with your patients, Izzie. 你對你的病人太投入了, ★★Izzie★★
[21:51.57]Why do you make everything so personal? 為什么把所有的事都當(dāng)成自己的
[21:54.31]It's not personal. ★★沒有當(dāng)成自己的★★
[21:57.68]It's not. ★★沒有★★
[22:02.14]Pulse ox -- 98. 血氧-98%
[22:03.89]We've got to save this cord. 我們要挽救這個脊髓
[22:05.89]This guy's built like the rock of gibraltar. 這個家伙就像是直布羅陀的石頭建的
[22:08.82]You want me to start? 你想讓我開始嗎?
[22:10.14]I'm gonna cut here from the base of the neck to the rib cage. 我要從脖子到胸廓的底部開始
[22:14.28]I want you to hit the bleeders. 我要你控制出血
[22:16.82]I still don't think we should be doing this. 我仍然認為我們不該這么做
[22:20.32]- This guy has a spinal hematoma... - We don't know that. -這個人有脊髓血腫... -我們還不知道
[22:23.05]Which left untreated are almost always fatal. 如過不治療,那是致命的
[22:25.18]You're cutting blind. 你是在瞎開刀
[22:26.36]Whatever happened to being practical? 而不管會發(fā)生什么?
[22:28.29]I need to see more here. retractor. 我要更多看下這里, 牽引器
[22:32.90]Wow. Wow
[22:35.11]The spine. 脊髓
[22:36.65]There's no "wow" in "practical." 在實踐中沒有“WOW"
[22:47.21]We have decided to go ahead with the evacuation. 我們決定流產(chǎn)
[22:50.31]What the hell, right? 管他呢,對吧?
[22:52.90]Maybe this is how it's supposed to be. 也許本該就這樣
[22:55.76]We need to start chemo right away, then. 然后,我們就開始化療
[22:57.68]We'll get everything ready. 我們都準備好了
[23:03.30]Have you ever done a "d" and "c" before? 你以前做過d and c(擴張與抑制)嗎?
[23:05.13]We learned at school. 我們在學(xué)校學(xué)過
[23:06.47]Okay, uh, go ahead. Ok,就這樣吧
[23:08.19]I'll call an O.B. resident down to supervise. 我會叫位婦科住院醫(yī)生下來監(jiān)督的
[23:11.00]If she needs anything, page me. 如果她需要任何東西, 呼我
[23:33.17]You're using up my oxygen, O'Malley. O'Malley 你用光了我的氧氣
[23:35.15]How does a pompous, cocky jackass like you always have women all over him? 向你這樣華而不實的蠢貨, 怎么讓女人老是圍著你轉(zhuǎn)呢?
[23:40.06]Little blue love pills -- lots of them. 小小的藍色藥丸(偉哥), 許多
[23:43.03]Come on. 告訴我嘛
[23:45.33]Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. 象蝴蝶一樣的飛來飛去, 象蜜蜂一樣的緊緊叮住
[23:49.23]There it is -- a bovine xenograft. 就是這個,牛的異種移植
[23:55.81]O'Malley, you think too much. Can't you see it? O'Malley,你考慮的太多了, 你不知道嗎?
[23:59.39]You got to dance and jab. Dance and jab. 你要挪動,出拳 挪動,出拳
[24:02.73]Like me. I am the Ali of this place. 向我, 我是這里拳王Ali
[24:21.01]Does the wall ever bow back? 墻難道不向她回禮嗎?
[24:33.20]It's called davening, smartass. 這叫祈禱,蠢貨
[24:35.49]This is me communing with god, 這是我在和上帝交流
[24:37.70]and you're interrupting. 被你打擾了
[24:39.13]I've found a transplant option. 我找到了一個移植的選擇
[24:41.75]At first I thought maybe a cadaver, but they're really hard to find. 一開始,我想找個人死后捐獻的, 但真的很難找
[24:45.66]And then I realized Dr. Burke can transplant a bovine mitral valve instead of the pig. 后來,我想到Dr. Burke可以用牛的二尖瓣膜 取代豬的做移植
[24:51.06]She can get a cow valve? 她可以用牛的惡瓣膜?
[24:53.20]Dr. Burke, why wasn't this mentioned before? Dr. Burke, 為什么以前沒有提起過?
[24:55.83]The bovine valve has only been an option the last few years. 牛瓣膜,幾年前才開始用的
[24:59.22]And it's a much more complicated procedure. 操作更復(fù)雜
[25:01.05]But the best part is it's superior to the pig. 但是好處是不用受限于豬瓣膜
[25:04.03]It lasts longer. 壽命更長
[25:07.03]What small fraction of your brain were you using in there? 你用不用大腦?
[25:10.40]Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you not present an alternative procedure 我錯了,就請糾正我, 這難道不是現(xiàn)在的另一個選擇嗎?
[25:13.78]without consulting your attending first? 也不先和我商量一下?
[25:15.77]- I thought you'd be -- - What, impressed? -我想你會... -什么?感動?
[25:17.55]- That's just stupid. - I'm sorry. -那是愚蠢的 -對不起
[25:19.57]We're finished here, Karev. You're off this case. 到此結(jié)束,Karev, 你別管這個病人了
[25:37.60]You need to sign these consent forms so we can proceed with your surgery. ★★你要簽這些同意書★★ ★★我們才能動手術(shù)★★
[25:41.42]I'm not signing anything unless it's got my name on it followed by a whole bunch of zeros. 我不會簽任何東西, 除非我的名字在上面,后面還有一大堆零
[25:46.08]Look, the A.V.M. is located in this crucial part of the brain. ★★腦動靜脈畸形在大腦的★★ ★★重要部位★★
[25:49.47]It's a tangle of blood vessels that could burst and affect your speech, among other things. ★★這條畸形的血管會爆掉★★ ★★影響你的語言和其他的功能★★
[25:53.17]We know your visions are actually seizures. ★★我們知道你的幻覺★★ ★★事實上是癲癇★★
[25:55.62]Do you? 你知道嗎?
[25:56.31]Do I what? ★★知道什么★★
[25:57.81]Know they're seizures. 知道他們是癲癇
[25:59.68]You're really good at reading people, aren't you, telling them what they want to hear? ★★你真的很會看人,不是嗎★★ ★★告訴他們想知道的★★
[26:04.51]There's an unfortunate alignment of saturn in the house of jupiter right now. 非常不幸,現(xiàn)在的土星排列在 木星方位
[26:09.14]Okay. ★★Okay★★
[26:10.11]I know what you're doing. ★★我知道你在干什么★★
[26:11.91]You watch people -- read their body language. ★★觀察人們★★ ★★解讀他們的身體語言★★
[26:14.74]You say "chocolate cupcakes," I lean towards you, ★★你說巧克力蛋糕時候★★ ★★我想你靠了過來★★
[26:16.82]so you think you're on the right track. ★★你就認為你說對了★★
[26:18.80]Not only do you know you're having seizures, but you're milking it. ★★你知道你自己的癲癇★★ ★★但是你在利用它★★
[26:23.73]Well, we'll just see about that, Cricket. 好吧,那我們看著辦吧, Cricket(蟋蟀)
[26:27.26]What? ★★什么?★★
[26:29.00]What did you just call me? ★★你剛才叫我什么?★★
[26:36.36]I'm gonna do a quick pelvic exam. 我要做個快速的盆腔檢查
[26:37.91]The O.B. resident should be down soon. 婦科住院醫(yī)生很快就要來了
[26:40.05]It's a short procedure. Your husband can stay if he likes. 是個簡單的手術(shù),你愿意的話, 你丈夫可以留在這里
[26:42.79]We changed our minds. 我們改變主意了
[26:44.12]Excuse me? 對不起?
[26:45.12]We've decided to keep the baby. 我們決定留著孩子
[26:48.16]You have cancer. 你得了癌癥
[26:49.63]Can you tell me I'll survive if I go through with this? 你能告訴我,就是我做了治療 我還能活多久嗎?
[26:54.10]Having the procedure does not necessarily improve the treatment outcome. 手術(shù)不一定能改變治療的結(jié)果
[26:57.52]You have quite the bedside manner. You know that, right? 你是完全醫(yī)生的看法, 你知道嗎?
[27:01.96]My mom died of breast cancer when she was in her 40s. 我老媽40多歲的時候, 死于乳腺癌
[27:05.63]I have that cancer gene. 我的癌癥是遺傳的
[27:07.20]My chances are pretty much lose-lose, whichever way you look at it, 不管你怎么看, 我的機會都不大
[27:10.92]except for the baby. 出了這個孩子
[27:13.06]We're keeping it. 我們要留著孩子
[27:16.39]- I'll call down a psych consult. - Don't bother. -我去叫個心理顧問 -沒有必要
[27:18.67]I am going to get fat and happy instead of skinny and bald. 我要變得快樂的,胖胖的, 而不是皮包骨頭的禿子
[27:23.99]- Look, if you want to live -- - Honey, that's what I'm doing. -如果你還要活下去... -我就是在這么做的
[27:42.51]Look, if you think you're gonna get any, think again. 想想你要干什么,再想想
[27:45.84]I'm not in the mood. 我沒有心情
[27:48.57]- I'm not in the mood either. - Good. -我也沒有 -好
[27:55.65]What do you want? 你想干什么
[27:57.03]Nothing. I just haven't seen you all day. 沒什么, 就想看著你
[28:02.64]So, I'm working. 你就看吧
[28:10.56]I've never done a bovine replacement before. 我從沒做過牛移植
[28:13.76]I don't know what I'm doing. 我不知道我要做什么
[28:17.00]Look it up, research it, and get someone to assist you. 查下資料,研究一下, 找個人協(xié)助你
[28:22.90]It's not that easy. 沒這么簡單
[28:24.57]This is a problem that has a solution, Burke. 這是可以解決的問題,Burke
[28:27.37]There are a lot of problems that don't. 那還有許多沒辦法解決的問題
[28:35.12]Third thoracic laminae. Nothing. 第三節(jié)脊椎了,什么也沒有
[28:37.75]I think I see the dura pulsating here. 我看見硬脊膜的搏動了
[28:40.63]No, it's not. 不,那不是
[28:41.85]Keep looking. 繼續(xù)找
[28:42.72]We have been at this for 4 hours. 我們已經(jīng)作了四個小時了
[28:44.30]Maybe he just injured his spinal cord, and there's nothing to fix. 可能就是他的脊索受傷的, 這里沒有什么可干的
[28:47.44]Grey, when you read your books, make sure you reference them correctly. Grey,當(dāng)你讀書的時候, 你讀明白了嘛
[28:50.97]Progressive paralysis implies a pressure lesion. 進行性麻痹意味著壓迫性的損傷
[28:53.84]My books got me here... 我讀了書,才能來這里的
[28:56.76]Pressure's 180 over 111. 血壓升到了180-111
[28:59.85]The pulse is in the 40s. 脈搏40幾
[29:00.84]What is it? 怎么啦?
[29:01.45]I'm pushing 70 milligrams of diazoxide. 我加入了70毫克的)氯甲苯噻嗪
[29:03.37]Okay. Ok
[29:04.64]Autonomic dysreflexia. 自發(fā)性神經(jīng)反射
[29:05.99]Damage to the sympathetic nervous system? 交感神經(jīng)受傷了嗎?
[29:07.59]B.P. and the heart rate are unstable. 血壓和心率不穩(wěn)
[29:10.05]We're in trouble, aren't we? 我們有麻煩了,是吧?
[29:11.04]We've got to find the clot. 我們要找到血塊
[29:13.39]I can see the cord below the dura. 我能看見硬脊膜下的脊索了
[29:15.08]Focus, Grey. We're gonna find the clot. It's there. 集中精神,我們要找到血塊,就在那里
[29:19.05]- Cleanup, please. - Okay. -清洗 -ok
[29:20.95]B.P.'s still up. Heart rate's at 44. 血壓還在升高, 心率44
[29:24.16]Get on those bleeders. 清楚這些出血
[29:29.58]Keep looking, Dr. Grey. 繼續(xù)找,Dr. Grey
[29:37.22]Dr. O'Malley? Our patient's pulse ox is dropping. Dr. O'Malley? 病人的血氧正在下降
[29:39.51]She's agonal. She needs to be intubated. 她快死了, 她要插管
[29:41.60]Isn't there anyone else who can do this? 這里還有別人可以做嗎?
[29:43.60]You're standing here. I could try and find someone. 你呆在這里,我去找人
[29:46.07]No, that's -- 不,那...
[29:47.51]I got it. 我來
[29:55.30]Okay. ok
[29:56.94]- Sats down to 86%. - Crich pressure, please. -降到了86% -別給我壓力
[30:02.32]Okay. I see cords. ok,看見了
[30:03.89]Tube. Hurry. 管子,快
[30:17.01]Check for breath sounds. 檢查呼吸聲
[30:25.01]Clear and equal. 清晰和平均
[30:26.16]C-o-2 detector mellow yellow. 氧氣監(jiān)測器呈黃色了
[30:29.34]Smooth moves, doctor. 干的漂亮,醫(yī)生
[30:31.59]Kicked ass. 小菜一碟
[30:46.41]Oh, Dr. Karev. Oh, Dr. Karev
[30:48.73]How long would it take to get a cow valve? 獲得一個牛瓣膜要多久?
[30:50.93]About 60 minutes by messenger. 送過來要60分鐘
[30:56.84]You're scrubbing in. 你去消毒吧
[30:59.49]Thank you very much, sir. 十分感謝
[31:00.69]This doesn't get you any points, Karev. 這不是說同意你的觀點, Karev
[31:02.78]I'm the only one with points around here, okay? 我是這里唯一可以有看法的人, ok?
[31:07.67]Oh, by the way, Devo wants a rabbi to bless her before surgery. oh,順便說一下,Devo要一個拉比 在手術(shù)前為她祝福
[31:12.46]Seriously? 當(dāng)真?
[31:13.51]You came up with the cow, you can find that girl a rabbi. 你能找到一頭牛, 你也能為這個女孩找個拉比
[31:26.65]- What is it? - See for yourself -- -是什么? -自己看
[31:29.02]the second thoracic vertebrae. 第二節(jié)脊椎
[31:34.05]Oh, my god. OH,我的上帝
[31:35.89]I see it. 我看見了
[31:37.48]It really is there. 真的在那里
[31:38.75]Of course it is. 當(dāng)然在
[31:39.74]Let's suction and pack this baby, shall we? 讓我們把血塊吸掉, 再縫合吧
[31:50.66]You were right. 你是對的
[31:52.77]Is he gonna be okay? 他會好起來吧?
[31:54.11]I think so. 我想是的
[31:55.15]But you don't know that. 但是你不知道
[31:56.31]We stopped the paralysis from advancing. 我們阻止了麻痹的進一步發(fā)展
[31:58.73]But you don't know if the paralysis he already has will be permanent. 但是,我們不知道他現(xiàn)在的 是否是永久性的
[32:02.04]No. 不知道
[32:03.18]You keep taking everything on faith. 你什么都有信念
[32:06.60]How do you know what's real and what's not? 你如何知道那是對的或不是?
[32:08.77]You just do. 你就是知道
[32:12.58]Some people would call this a relationship. 交換要是,留下牙刷
[32:15.35]The kind where you exchange keys, leave your toothbrush over. 有人把這就叫作男女關(guān)系
[32:18.75]Who? 誰?
[32:19.72]Who would call it that? 誰會那么說?
[32:21.81]Me. 我
[32:24.04]I would. 我會
[32:27.26]I'm supposed to believe you? 我就應(yīng)該相信你
[32:29.93]Show me something. 給我看點
[32:33.00]Give me a reason to believe. 給我一個理由相信
[32:48.71]I have your discharge papers. 這是免責(zé)文件
[32:51.08]Oh, you're not happy with me, are you? Oh,你對我很生氣是嗎?
[32:53.66]I'm your doctor. It's not my place to be happy. 我是你的醫(yī)生, 在我的立場我是不會高興的
[32:55.90]My husband and child are going to be together long after I'm gone. 我丈夫和我的孩子在我死后, 會一直在一起
[33:00.00]We've talked about it. 我們討論過了
[33:01.33]It's our decision, and that's okay. 是我們的決定,就可以了
[33:04.23]So, why do you need my approval? 為什么要我贊同?
[33:05.79]I want you to understand. 我想你理解
[33:07.74]Well, I don't. 不,我不
[33:23.65]I brought the consent forms again. ★★我又給你拿來的同意書★★
[33:25.61]You really need to sign them. ★★你一定要簽★★
[33:27.76]Your surgeon scheduled the O.R. ★★你的手術(shù)已經(jīng)更手術(shù)室預(yù)約了★★
[33:29.68]Mr. Duff, are you all right? ★★Mr. Duff,你還好嗎?★★
[33:32.97]Are you having another seizure? ★★你又痙攣了?★★
[33:37.72]Yeah. Yeah
[33:38.73]Yeah. Yeah
[33:40.24]I think maybe I am. 我想我是的
[33:44.23]What is it? ★★那是怎么樣的★★
[33:50.85]It's me. 是關(guān)于我的
[33:54.81]I think it's about to be over. 我想就要結(jié)束了
[33:58.07]We know what we're doing, Mr. Duff. ★★我們知道我們要干什么★★ ★★Mr. Duff★★
[34:00.42]You saw the angio results. We're catching the A.V.M. just in time. ★★你看了造影結(jié)果★★ ★★我們及時發(fā)現(xiàn)了腦動靜脈畸形★★
[34:03.81]You don't need to be nervous. You're not gonna die. ★★你不用緊張,你不會死的★★
[34:07.36]I'm not talking about dying. 我不是在說死
[34:15.59]My whole life has been about what I see and about believing in myself, whatever people think. 我的一生就是關(guān)于我所看到的 我自己所相信的,不管別人說什么 -
[34:21.83]You're telling me there's a chance that will go away. 你現(xiàn)在告訴我,有可能這不會再有了
[34:25.83]Look, you're a healthy guy. ★★你將是個健康的人★★
[34:28.05]You're gonna live a long, full life. ★★你會活得很久,一生★★
[34:31.00]If your psychic visions are real, you've got to believe you'll have them when you come out. ★★如果你的通靈是真的,那么就要相信★★ ★★當(dāng)你從手術(shù)室里出來你還有這個能力★★
[35:32.60]She's good. 她好了
[35:34.98]This is Dr. Chesney from the cleveland clinic. 這是克利夫蘭的Dr. Chesney
[35:37.86]He's an expert on bovine valve replacement surgery. 他是牛瓣膜移植的專家
[35:41.67]He will be assisting via satellite. 他會通過衛(wèi)星協(xié)助我們
[35:45.61]Thank you, doctor. 謝謝你,醫(yī)生
[35:47.15]After the sternotomy and connection to bypass, 在胸骨切開,分流連接后
[35:51.15]we're going to do a transverse left atriotomy 我們要橫向切開左心房
[35:54.15]to expose the valve. 讓瓣膜暴露
[36:07.79]I tried to talk Shepherd out of that clot surgery. 我試圖讓Shepherd不要做那個手術(shù)
[36:11.48]What is wrong with me? 我究竟是怎么了
[36:13.08]Basically, you tried to kill the guy. 基本上來說,你是要殺了那人
[36:14.79]Basically, you're an ass. 基本上來說,你是個白癡
[36:16.41]You know you want it. 你知道你要什么
[36:17.92]Come to papa, baby. 到爸爸這里來,寶貝
[36:20.56]This, uh, is George. George has a hot date. 這是George, George過了非常好的一天
[36:26.38]Oh, that's great, George. Oh,真不錯,George
[36:29.43]Yeah. Yeah
[36:31.04]Left pocket of my lab coat, Georgie. 我左邊的口袋,Georgie
[36:33.39]No glove, no love. 沒有手套(套套),沒有愛
[36:47.91]My psychic had his surgery. ★★我的通靈者在做手術(shù)了★★
[36:50.47]Yeah? 是嘛
[36:52.06]I wonder what happened with his... gift. ★★我在想他的天賦會怎么樣★★
[36:55.12]Come on. We all know he's crazy. 不會吧,我們都知道他是瘋的
[36:57.11]You said you didn't believe in that stuff. 你說你不相信那些東西的
[37:03.10]I grew up in a trailer park. ★★我在家庭拖車停車場長大的★★
[37:04.72]I waited tables, which was supposed to put me through college, ★★我做招待★★ ★★那幫我讀出了大學(xué)★★
[37:07.56]but my mother was always calling these psychics all the time. ★★但是我媽老是找那些通靈者★★
[37:14.77]And the bills started piling up, so I had to use my money to pay them. ★★總是有帳單★★ ★★我不得不用我自己的錢去付★★
[37:18.83]When I turned 18, I left and never went back. ★★當(dāng)我18歲,我就離開了★★ ★★再也沒有回去★★
[37:21.98]But this guy has been saying things to me -- ★★但是對我說了一些什么★★
[37:23.82]things he couldn't possibly know anything about. ★★一些他不可能知道的★★
[37:28.01]So... I just wonder. ★★所以...★★ ★★我就是好奇★★
[37:34.59]Do you have sensation anywhere else? 你其他地方有感覺嗎?
[37:37.03]Some feeling in my stomach and feet, I guess. 我的胃,我的腿..
[37:39.90]Bladder and bowels? 膀胱和腸?
[37:41.36]Not so good still. 還不是很好
[37:42.80]The pressure stockings help relieve clots? 壓力長襪會緩解血塊凝結(jié)?
[37:45.42]They do. 會的
[37:57.72]I wanted to thank you... for everything. 我想謝謝你, 為這一切
[38:00.96]Believing in me, that I wasn't making it up. 在我絕望的時候, 相信我
[38:04.87]Well, I'll come back tomorrow, then. 那我,明天再來
[38:07.30]I wanted to show you something. 我想給你看些東西
[38:09.80]I wasn't sure it would last, but now look. 我剛才還不確定, 但是,現(xiàn)在看..
[38:16.18]I know it's hardly anything, but -- 我知道那不算什么,但是...
[38:17.80]No, it's something. 不,那很好了
[38:21.25]It's something really big. 非常好了
[38:29.35]At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. 一天的結(jié)束, 信念是非常有趣的東西
[38:35.49]It turns up when you don't really expect it. 當(dāng)你不再期望它的時候, 他就會突然出現(xiàn)
[38:38.69]Mr. Duff, you're still with us. ★★Mr. Duff,你挺過來了★★
[38:44.40]For your recipe... 給你的配方...
[38:48.46]one tablespoon coconut extract. 一大匙椰子精煉
[38:53.93]It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale 就像有天你意識到童話故事
[38:57.95]may be slightly different than you dreamed. 可能會和你想的有點不一樣
[39:09.95]Where are we going? 我們?nèi)ツ抢?br /> [39:13.87]Trust me. 相信我
[39:20.71]The castle -- well, it may not be a castle. 城堡——也可能不是城堡
[39:42.10]Does it beat... or moo? 是在跳動,還是哞哞的叫
[39:45.38]And it's not so important that it's happy ever after... 在這以后是否高興并不重要
[39:50.72]just that it's happy right now. 只要現(xiàn)在高興就可以了
[40:10.33]Mom. It's me... ★★媽,是我★★
[40:12.21]Cricket. ★★Cricket(蟋蟀)★★
[40:13.44]See, once in a while -- once in a blue moon -- people will surprise you. 明白了吧,偶爾,千載難逢地 人們會讓你驚奇的
[40:18.35]I've been thinking about you a lot, too. ★★我也很想你★★
[40:24.12]Where are we? 我們在哪里?
[40:25.12]Shh, shh, shh. I'm gonna tell you. Shh, shh, shh,我要告訴你
[40:27.83]All right. My mother's maiden name -- Maloney. 好的,我媽的娘家姓是——Maloney
[40:30.87]I have 4 sisters. 我有四個姐姐
[40:32.17]I have, uh, 9 nieces. 九個侄女
[40:35.42]5 nephews. 5個侄子
[40:37.10]I like coffee ice cream, 我喜歡咖啡味的冰淇凌
[40:39.11]single-malt scotch, 單一麥芽威士忌
[40:40.66]occasionally a good cigar. I like to fly-fish. 偶爾,一只上好的雪茄, 我喜歡假餌釣魚
[40:43.49]I cheat when I do the crossword puzzle on sunday. 星期天做填字游戲時我作弊
[40:46.03]And I never dance in public. 我不在公開場合跳舞
[40:48.19]Um, favorite novel -- "the sun also rises." 喜歡的小說《太陽照常升起》 (垮掉的一代)
[40:51.71]Favorite band -- The Clash. 喜歡的樂隊——The Clash
[40:53.41]My favorite color is blue. I don't like light blue -- indigo. 喜歡藍色,不喜歡淺藍,喜歡深藍
[40:56.27]The scar right here on my forehead -- that's why I don't ride motorcycles anymore. 這個前額的疤,就是為什么我不再 騎摩托車的原因
[05:24.49]And I live in that trailer.
[41:06.69]All this land is mine. 這塊地是我的
[41:08.70]I have no idea what I'm gonna do with it. 我完全不知道我干嘛要這么做
[41:11.42]So that's it. That's all you've earned for now. 就這些了, 你所要知道的一切
[41:14.86]The rest you're just -- 剩下的,你就是..
[41:17.52]just gonna have to take on faith. 就是不得不又各信念
[41:30.88]And once in a while... 偶爾
[41:34.46]people may even take your breath away. 人們會讓你大吃一驚

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