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  實習醫(yī)生格蕾第二季 第11集劇情介紹



[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:41:06
[00:01.00](Narrator) Previously on Grey's Anatomy: 前情提要...
[00:02.73]That was amazing. 真是太爽了
[00:03.87]Meredith won't be an issue. She's out of my life. Meredith已經(jīng)不是問題了
[00:06.43]Goodbye, Derek. 她已經(jīng)走出了我的生活 再見 derek
[00:07.67]Think about moving in with me. 你可以考慮搬過來和我一起住
[00:09.50]She likes you. Don't let the syph get in the way. 她很可愛 而且喜歡你
[00:11.94]I like you, Olivia. I just don't like you enough. 你不應該讓小小的梅毒就阻礙了你們的發(fā)展
[00:12.15]我喜歡你 olivia 但是并沒有愛上你
[00:14.34]Do you feel like doing it now? 現(xiàn)在想做嗎?
[00:19.51]You're married? 你結婚了?
[00:21.08]I'm pregnant, you blind moron. 我懷孕了 你這個瞎白癡
[00:22.95]- How much sodium did you give? - 500 cc's over 4 hours. 你給他注射了多少鈉?
[00:25.55]Why didn't you follow up? I gave you one thing to do. 500 cc注射4小時以上
[00:26.10]為什么你不照著我說的去做? 我只讓你做這一件事而已
[00:27.89]I have a lot to teach if you want to learn. 我還有很多可以教給你 如果你想學的話
[00:30.03]So when you decide how important it is for you to hate me, let me know. 所以當你決定了恨我有多么重要的時候
[00:33.56](Addison) Dorie Russell, giving birth to quints. 來告訴我
[00:34.08]Dorie Russell 馬上有五胞胎要臨盆
[00:36.13](Lzzie) We're gonna need all the hands we can get. 我們將需要所有能幫上忙的人手加入
[00:41.54](Meredith) 40 years ago The Beatles asked the world a simple question. 40年前
[00:46.44]They wanted to know where all the lonely people came from. 他們想知道那些寂寞的人們都是哪里來的
[00:50.51]My latest theory is that a great many of the lonely people come from hospitals. 我最近的看法是 一大部分寂寞的人們
[00:55.15]More precisely, the surgical wing of hospitals. 來自醫(yī)院
[00:59.05]I have the best quint. Lucy. She just smiled at me. 我搶救了最乖的那個孩子 Lucy...
[01:02.16]- She's nine hours old, George. - I'm saying. 她還對我笑了呢
[01:02.51]她不過9個鐘頭大 george. 我還沒說完呢
[01:04.63]There are five babies here and clearly mine is the advanced one. 這里有5個嬰兒同時降生
[01:08.50]Charlotte's smart. 很明顯 我接生的那個更聰明
[01:09.73]She's got wrinkles on her forehead. Very serious. Charlotte才聰明呢
[01:10.15]她的前額上竟然有皺紋... 非常老道
[01:12.53]OK, A: This is not a competition, 好了 首先 這并不是什么競爭
[01:15.80]and B: My quint kicks your quints' asses. 其次 我這孩子可踢了你們的(嬰兒)屁股呢
[01:18.57]Emily's strong, she won't let go of my finger. Emily很強壯 她緊攥著我的手指不放
[01:21.14]Hey, Julie has her organs on the outside of her body Hey julie的器官都跑到身體外面來了
[01:24.55]and she's still alive, thank you. 可是她依然活下來了 謝謝
[01:26.78]Kate's the best one. Kate才是最棒的
[01:30.59]- Izzie. - Leave. Izzie. 走開
[01:32.45]Can we please just talk? 我們可以聊聊嗎?
[01:34.39]You're too busy screwing nurses to talk. Just get out. 你忙于和小護士鬼混 哪里有時間聊啊
[01:38.63]Can someone make sure 哪位可以檢查一下kate的情況是否穩(wěn)定嗎?
[01:40.16]- that Kate's vitals remain stable? - I will. 我來吧
[01:43.33]He is unbelievable. I am so glad I never slept with him, 他真是不可思議
[01:46.63]which is his loss, because I'm really good in bed. 我真高興從來沒和他上過床
[01:47.11]那可是他的損失 因為我的床上功夫棒極了...
[01:49.70]Mind-blowing. Mind-blowingly good in bed. 好的不得了 登峰造極的床上功夫
[01:52.31]Are you trying to seduce us? 你是在試著引誘我們嗎?
[01:53.84]And then he sleeps with Olivia instead of me. Olivia. 他竟然寧愿和Olivia上床 而不是我
[01:57.15]- Hey, I slept with Olivia. - Well, then you both have bad taste. Olivia Hey 我和olivia做過
[02:01.82]You can't say that you weren't warned. Alex has always been Alex. 聽著 你不能說我們沒警告過你
[02:05.55]You dodged a bullet, lz. You're better off without him. Alex永遠是那個alex
[02:05.59]你逃過一劫 izz
[02:08.46]Why are you even surprised? 你離開他更好
[02:10.46]You sleep with a snake, you get bit. 東郭先生的故事路人皆知啊
[02:13.66]Thanks, guys... for the support. 謝謝大家
[02:17.37]- Who's on call tonight? - I am. 對我的支持
[02:19.90]All right. The rest of you, go home, sleep. 是我 好吧
[02:23.57]All five quints are still alive. It's a good day. 五胞胎的小嬰兒們都活下來了
[02:26.41](Meredith) As surgeons we ignore our own needs 真是個好日子
[02:26.96]做為醫(yī)生 我們忽略我們自己的需求
[02:29.31]so we can meet our patients' needs. 這樣的話 我們就能夠專注滿足病人的需求
[02:31.65]We ignore our friends and families 我們忽視我們的朋友和家人
[02:34.55]so we can save other people's friends and families. 來挽救其他人的朋友和家人
[02:37.32]Which means that at the end of the day, all we really have is ourselves. 也就是說 最后
[02:40.50]我們真正擁有的 只有我們自己...
[02:43.76]And nothing in this world can make you feel more alone than that. 世界上沒有什么比這個更讓人覺得孤單的了
[02:54.57]I made breakfast. 我做了早餐
[02:57.61]I don't have time for breakfast. 我沒時間吃早餐了
[02:59.44]I've gotta round before everyone else does 我必須比其他人早到
[03:01.81]if I wanna get the good cases. You know that. 如果我想分到一個好病例的話 你知道的
[03:05.01]Right. 好吧
[03:07.35]Well... coffee? 那要咖啡嗎?
[03:23.57]Bye. Bye
[03:27.00]So I was thinking, we... I mean, me and you, could maybe 我在想我們
[03:30.41]go to Joe's later to talk by ourselves... 我是說我 和你 也許可以 嗯 去joe那里
[03:32.81]- (Derek) Why should I move? - (Addison) You live on a campground. 遲些我們可以去聊聊天
[03:36.38]It's 40 acres of the most beautiful land in Seattle. 因為你住在一個富麗堂皇的拖車
[03:39.05]I didn't give up a Central Park brownstone to live in the forest. 我可不會放棄一個奢華的皇宮而選擇住在原始森林里
[03:42.15]Our house in the Hamptons had trees. Addi 我們在hamptons的房子也有很多樹啊
[03:44.79]- They were The Hamptons. - Why are you pointing? 那時候你也沒討厭樹啊 對吧? 那是因為他們在hamptons.
[03:47.46]- I'm sorry. What were you saying? - Oh, nothing. 為什么你這樣指著我?
[03:48.06]對不起 你剛才說什么? 沒什么
[03:52.63]- Anybody have any food? - You should eat breakfast. 誰有什么像樣點的吃的嗎?
[03:55.46]God, you sound like Burke. 你真應該吃早飯
[03:56.97]You know, sometimes I think we'd be better off with dogs. 天 你口氣就像burke.
[04:00.84]Preaching to the choir. I'm over men. 謝謝
[04:01.24]不用你說 我受夠男人了
[04:03.14]Real nice. 真好
[04:04.67]You know, a dog is not a replacement for a human being.
[04:09.68]You better wake her. If Bailey catches her, she's dead. 你們最好把她叫醒 如果Bailey看到她在睡覺 她可死定了
[04:12.58]Izzie. Izzie. Izzie.
[04:14.65]- Izzie. - Damn it.
[04:15.92]What? 怎么了?
[04:17.85]Hell hath no fury like a girl whose non-boyfriend screws a nurse. 地獄里可沒有這種"非男友"和小護士睡覺的暴躁女孩
[04:21.99]Bitch. 賤人
[04:25.13]I like you bitter and pissed off. 我更喜歡你被激怒的樣子
[04:27.06]You're almost like a normal person now. 你現(xiàn)在幾乎和正常人一樣了
[04:30.83]OK, what do we got? 什么情況?
[04:32.47]Karl Murphy, 52. Multiple skin melanomas. 唔 karl murphy 52
[04:35.57]Underwent surgery to his nose, ear, and a skin graft to the left index finger. 多重皮膚黑素瘤 遭受了鼻子修復的手術
[04:35.99]還有右耳 以及左手食指的皮膚移植
[04:39.54]- How's the capillary refill? - Slow, about four seconds. 很慢 大概4秒左右
[04:42.68]What do you recommend to get that blood moving again? 你如何處置讓血液重新流動起來 O'malley醫(yī)生?
[04:43.50]以他這種情況來說 最好的辦法是用生物治療媒介物
[04:45.75]At this stage, our best option's probably a biotherapeutic agent.
[04:50.69]What... What is that? 什么意思?
[04:53.29]- We put leeches on your face. - Leeches? You don't say? 我們要把水蛭放到你臉上
[04:55.73]水蛭? 你們開玩笑吧?
[04:57.93]They secrete blood thinners that break up pooled blood so it can be evacuated. 他們可以分泌血液稀釋劑
[05:00.23]來幫助分解淤積在一起的血塊 這樣就可以疏散血液了
[05:02.43]It's sort of like a big drain. 有點像個大排水溝的工作原理一樣
[05:04.50]- If this makes you uncomfortable... - No, no. 如果這個讓你不舒服的話...
[05:07.14]I've been a hiker for 40 years, almost 40 years, yeah. 沒有 完全沒有 我徒步旅行有40年了
[05:10.64]Mother Nature hasn't come up with anything yet I haven't loved. 差不多40年了 嗯
[05:11.01]而大自然的偉大力量讓我頓悟 還沒什么讓我特別討厭的東西呢
[05:14.14]You a big outdoorsman? 你可是個超級戶外玩家哦?
[05:16.08]How do you think I got all these melanomas in the first place? 不然你們認為我這黑素瘤是如何得來的呢?
[05:21.58]Oh, Dr. Shepherd. You're in early. 哦 Shepherd醫(yī)生 你真早
[05:23.35]- If you'd like us to come back... - No. Go ahead. 我們可以晚一些再過來... 不用 你們繼續(xù)
[05:25.89]Robert Martin, 45, collapsed and hit his head, causing a small hemorrhage. robert martin 45
[05:27.54]昏倒的時候撞傷了頭部 從而導致小面積硬膜下血腫
[05:30.16]That was the problem. 這曾是他入院的原因
[05:31.69]Mr. Martin was found to have a Rathke's Cleft cyst on his pituitary, Martin先生被檢驗出患有垂體Rathke囊腫
[05:35.93]and surgery was postponed when... 手術延期了 是因為
[05:40.60]- When I told a nurse... - Olivia. 因為我告訴護士... Olivia
[05:42.37]When I told a nurse to administer an incorrect dosage of hypertonic saline. 當我誤導了護士執(zhí)行了錯誤的高滲鹽水劑量之后
[05:46.71]Dehydrating his brain. 使Martin先生大腦徹底脫水了
[05:48.38]He still has a chance. He could wake up and be fine. 他還是有機會的 他可能會醒過來并好轉
[05:50.88]- There's a chance. - I know I screwed up. 也許有機會 我知道我搞砸了...
[05:53.18]- Just put me back on this case, please. - There's not much of a case left.
[05:54.84]請讓我重新加入這個病例吧 這個病例已經(jīng)沒什么可做的了 Karev醫(yī)生
[05:57.19]You saw to that. You want back on? Be my guest. 你看到他的情況了 你想重新加入?
[06:18.71](Addison) Oh, good. Here you are. 哦 好 你們都來了
[06:20.78]Mom and Dad are anxious for an update. Dr. Yang? 媽媽和爸爸正在擔心他們的情況呢
[06:23.78]We've done the initial surgery on Julie's omphalocele. Yang醫(yī)生?
[06:27.45]A primary closure was attempted but there was pulmonary compromise 曾經(jīng)試圖一次完成手術
[06:31.42]- so we couldn't continue... - Yang, do this in plain English. 所以我們無法...
[06:32.50]yang 讓我們用淺顯易懂的英文來解釋好嗎?
[06:35.59]Oh, we operated on Julie's external sac of organs. 我們對julie掛在體外的器官進行了手術
[06:39.93]We pushed in as much of the bowel as we could 我們盡可能把腸放回到原來的位置
[06:42.33]and we think we can push in the rest with a second operation. 我們認為剩下的部分將會在第二次手術中全部放回
[06:45.67]- She has to have a second operation? - Yeah. 她還需要第二次手術?
[06:49.30]- Uh... Well, not for a few days. - (Addison) Dr. O'Malley? 是的
[06:53.21]We put in Lucy's brain shunt yesterday and she's doing very well. O'malley醫(yī)生?
[06:53.71]我們昨天對lucy的大腦進行了手術 而她的情況非常樂觀
[06:56.51]We have to keep monitoring to make sure the spinal fluid doesn't back up. 我們只需要繼續(xù)觀察她
[07:00.08]- Stevens? - Dr. Burke used a catheter 來保證脊髓液不會回流
[07:00.52]Stevens? 昨晚Burke醫(yī)生用了一個導管
[07:02.45]to open Emily's atrial septum last night. 打開了emily心房隔膜
[07:04.99]Today, we'll try to reconstruct the left chamber of her heart. 今天我們還會繼續(xù)跟進 并要給她重建左心室
[07:08.36]- We're very hopeful. - (Addison) Dr. Grey? 手術成功率很大 Grey醫(yī)生?
[07:10.83]Charlotte's lungs were less developed than the others', 和其他孩子相比 Charlotte的肺發(fā)育更不完全
[07:14.00]so we put a special mask on her to help her breathe 所以我們放了一個特別的面罩來幫助她呼吸
[07:16.93]and we're monitoring her closely. 同時貼身監(jiān)控她的情況
[07:19.20]- That just leaves Kate. - She seems to be pretty healthy. 最后只剩Kate了
[07:22.20]No major issues identified, 她看起來還很健康
[07:23.70]but we'll keep her in the Isolette until she reaches four pounds. 至今還沒發(fā)現(xiàn)重大隱患
[07:24.29]但是我們還是會把她留在保育箱里觀察 直到體重4磅為止
[07:26.94](Tom) You hear that, honey? Kate's doing really well. 聽到了嗎 親愛的? Kate情況很好
[07:30.34]I'll be in my room. 我要回房間了
[07:34.78]- Dr. Shepherd? - Tom, she's just had five babies. Shepherd醫(yī)生...
[07:37.18]tom 她剛剛產(chǎn)下5個嬰兒
[07:39.12]Her hormones are all over the place. Give her time. She'll come around. 她的荷爾蒙全亂了
[07:41.49]你要給她一些時間 她會好起來的
[07:46.63]Grey, watch the mother. Make sure her hormones don't get the best of her. Grey 繼續(xù)觀察母親
[07:50.30]- I can look out for Dorie. - No, you have Emily's heart surgery. 確保她不會太過沮喪
[07:51.93]不行 你需要去幫Burke醫(yī)生準備emily的心臟手術
[07:54.07]- But I have a relationship with Dorie. - Why are you arguing? 但是我和媽媽有感情
[07:57.04]- Why am I being pushed off... - Hey, Stevens. 為什么你和我爭論這個? 因為我不理解
[07:57.99]為什么現(xiàn)在要把我踢出這個病例... 嘿 stevens 我不知道你為什么這么生氣
[07:59.51]I don't know what you're angry about, but I don't care. Keep it to yourself.
[08:01.47]我不想知道 但是你最好先憋著
[08:03.18]On top of every other patient under our care, we have quints to worry about. 其他病人都需要給這個病例讓路
[08:05.57]我們需要關心的是五胞胎 明白了嗎?
[08:07.52]These are preemies. They should have spent another eight weeks in the womb. 聽著 大伙 這5個是早產(chǎn)兒
[08:11.72]- Like interns... - (bleeping) 就像實習生一樣 他們還沒做好準備來迎接這個世界
[08:13.25]...they're not ready for the real world.
[08:15.12]- Oh, it's the pit. Yang, come with me. - (Siren) 哦 大廳有情況 Yang跟我來
[08:19.69]Constance Ferguson, 40, inmate at Henderson, swallowed a razor blade. Constance ferguson 40
[08:22.25]來自henderson監(jiān)獄 吞下了一枚剃須刀刀片 想要自殺嗎?
[08:24.10]- Attempted suicide? - Attempted field trip. Worked too.
[08:26.12]想要來個考察旅行 倒是起作用了
[08:28.50]- All right. - (Woman laughs, shrieks)
[08:31.74]- Field trip? - Says on her chart she was in solitary. "考察旅行"是什么意思? 她在被關禁閉
[08:34.81]- This is her way out. - Oh, is she crazy? 這是個逃出來的辦法
[08:37.04]Only if you'd call a murderer crazy. 她瘋了嗎?
[08:39.45]Yeah, baby, that's what I'm talking about! 沒錯 寶貝 那才是我要的 Whoo!
[08:44.42]Grey's Anatomy 211 Owner of a Lonely Heart
[08:51.69](Bailey) Ms. Ferguson, are you experiencing any discomfort? Ferguson女士 你覺得任何的不舒服嗎?
[08:55.30]You mean apart from these snazzy handcuffs you got pinching my wrists? 你是說除了這對箍緊我手腕的
[08:58.87]Did you at least put tape on the blade? 你有用膠帶纏上刀片嗎?
[09:00.97]- I'm not an idiot. - You swallowed a razor blade. 我又不是傻子 你可吞下了剃刀刀片啊
[09:04.21]- Not going to tell me what hurts? - And shorten my vacation? 你是不打算告訴我哪里疼了?
[09:05.34]什么 縮短我的假期嗎?
[09:07.31]You're standing around. Why not get me some chocolate pudding? 喂 你就一直那么干杵在那里
[09:10.65]Make the blade go down smoother. 我要滑溜溜的哦
[09:12.71]Get an X-ray. Portable. With prisoners we have to minimize flight risk. Yang 去拍個x光 小心一點
[09:14.44]和囚犯一起 我們必須把武力威脅最小化
[09:16.88]I'm supposed to check on Julie. You said we're to keep a close eye on the quints. 好的 等等 但是我應該去檢查julie了.
[09:21.52]Julie's my quint too. I got that covered. You do this. Julie也是我的病人 我會處理的
[09:24.59]- Are you sure you can't do it? - I can. I choose not to. 你確定你不能做這個嗎?
[09:25.52]我當然能 但是我不想做
[09:30.23]Come on, baby, I'm not gonna hurt you. 好了 寶貝
[09:33.50]I only murdered three people and none of them were doctors. 我只是殺了3個人罷了
[09:39.47]- Olivia. - Dr. O'Malley. Olivia O'malley醫(yī)生
[09:41.28]- How are the leeches doing? - They're not. Can't get them to bite. 水蛭有效果了嗎? 還沒有
[09:44.65]With all this blood? Should be a no-brainer for a leech. 這么多血 你肯定認為這是個不長腦子的水蛭
[09:47.45]They can get anxious. Bright lights, thunderstorms... 有時候它們會受環(huán)境影響 例如燈光
[09:50.45]Oh! (gasps) 雷鳴閃電之類的.. ohh!
[09:52.32]- Nervous handlers. - I'm sorry. I should be better at this. 緊張的小護士
[09:53.63]對不起 我應該做的好一些
[09:55.42]I still get a little squeamish around leeches. 我對這些水蛭還是有些排斥
[09:57.99]That is not what I have heard. 這不是我愿意聽到的
[10:01.93]Dr. O'Malley can take over from here. O'malley醫(yī)生會接手的
[10:06.93]Whoa, whoa. What was that all about? 喔 喔 怎么回事?
[10:10.00]Nothing. 沒什么
[10:11.21](Woman on PA) Dr. Frank to Oncology.
[10:17.75]There we are. He's in. 搞定
[10:23.08](Elevator chimes)
[10:31.63](Olivia exhales)
[10:34.73]I had no idea that you and Alex were a couple. 我真不知道你和alex在拍拖
[10:37.93]It's just... 那只是...
[10:39.97]I was having a bad day and it was good to have someone... 我那天過的很糟糕
[10:44.87]To talk to, I mean, not good to... 哪怕只是聊天 我是說 不是說...
[10:48.88]Alex really is good. alex很好..
[10:53.01]I mean, he's good in the way he's a good person, good. 我的意思是 他是個好人 所以很好
[10:56.88]Not the other kind of good. 不是說他在其他方面的好
[10:58.65]You know, "good in bed" good. 那個 在床上很好的那種好
[11:02.52]Which he is, as I'm sure you know. 當然 他床上也很好 我知道你知道這個
[11:06.73]But... 但是...
[11:08.26]OK. Well, bye. 好吧 ... 再見
[11:21.18]- Any temperature spikes? - No fever. Vitals are stable. 任何體溫異常嗎?
[11:22.13]沒有 沒有發(fā)燒 情況穩(wěn)定
[11:24.18]Very good. 很好 你走吧 我再看看 謝謝
[11:25.28]- Go ahead, after you. - Thanks.
[11:32.25]- So, you're giving up the trailer? - I'm not giving up the trailer. 你是打算放棄那拖車了嗎?
[11:36.46]Is Addison telling people that I'm giving it up? 是addison到處宣傳我要放棄那拖車嗎?
[11:38.86]It's just funny. I just would never have pegged you for that guy. 這真有意思 我可從來沒有因為那家伙而限制你
[11:42.20]What guy? 哪個家伙?
[11:43.26]You know, the marbled bath, private pool, gated community guy. 大理石的浴缸 私人泳池 足不出戶的家伙
[11:47.70]- Don't peg me. I'm not peggable. - You're pegged. Deal with it. 別限制我 我不是那種人
[11:49.42]你已經(jīng)被限制了 面對現(xiàn)實吧
[11:51.54](Beeping) 血壓降低 她心動過速
[11:52.94]- BP's low. She's tachycardic. - (Derek) SATS? 情況?
[11:55.58]Dropping on high-flow O2. 血氧濃度下降
[12:02.08]- No breathing sounds. - Her lung collapsed. 右側沒有呼吸音
[12:04.39]- Should I call Addison? - No time. -氣胸 -需要我叫另一個Shepherd醫(yī)生?
[12:06.09]Stick this between her second and third rib. Do not go too deep. 沒時間了 把這個刺入到她第二和第三根肋骨間
[12:09.36]You're going to hear a small gush of air. 你會聽到小小的氣體冒出的聲音
[12:19.83](Gushing) 我聽到了
[12:21.34]I heard it.
[12:27.01]- Nice job. - Thank you. 做的好 謝謝
[12:29.08]- I'm not giving up the trailer. - Whatever you say, Dr Shepherd. 我不會放棄我的拖車的
[12:31.30]隨便你怎么說 Shepherd醫(yī)生
[12:36.35]- Her lung collapsed? - And I know it sounds scary, 氣胸? 我知道聽起來很恐怖
[12:39.15]but it's really not that uncommon in a preemie this size. 但是并不是聽起來那么罕有的發(fā)生在這個大小的新生兒身上
[12:42.62]So, we've inserted a tube into Charlotte's chest 我們已經(jīng)在charlot的胸部插了一根管子
[12:45.53]and that will help her breathe until her lung can stay up on its own. 這個可以幫助她正常呼吸
[12:49.86]- Mrs. Russell... - (phone rings) Russell夫人?
[12:53.03]She really is doing fine now. 她現(xiàn)在真的很不錯
[12:57.07]That's me. I gotta go. 我要走了
[12:58.51]My mom can only handle the triplets for half a day. She's 74 so... 我媽只能看住那三個小子半天兒.
[13:01.32]她已經(jīng) 74了 你看...
[13:06.48]- I'll call you when I get home, OK? - Hmm. 我一到家就給你電話 好嗎?
[13:09.55]I love you. 我愛你
[13:18.86]- Could you... - I'll keep an eye on her. 可不可以請你... 我會照顧她的
[13:21.00]- Thank you. - OK. 謝謝 沒問題
[13:23.96](Woman on PA) Dr. Prunella to ICU, stat.
[13:27.07]Dorie... this isn't your fault. Dorie
[13:31.71]You can't blame yourself for this. 你不用為此自責
[13:35.48]I've got one baby who can barely breathe and one with half a heart. 我有個孩子幾乎無法呼吸 還有一個只有半個心臟
[13:41.72]Two of the others are... 而另外兩個...
[13:46.99](sighs) If I'd listened to the doctors I could have had three healthy girls 如果當初我聽了醫(yī)生的建議
[13:49.42]我就能有3個健康的女兒了 而不是這5個
[13:51.29]instead of four who might not live until tomorrow. 也許無法活到明天的孩子
[13:53.99]It was my decision. 這是我的決定
[13:57.30]Tom agreed with the doctors. Tom同意醫(yī)生的建議
[13:59.10]So, really, Dr. Grey... 所以 說實話 Grey醫(yī)生...
[14:04.31]who else should I blame? 我還能怪誰呢?
[14:08.48](Lzzie) First step in the Norwood is cardiopulmonary bypass. 第一步要做的就是搭橋手術
[14:11.61]With HLHS, what else do you get besides hypoplasia of the ventricle? 伴隨左心發(fā)育不良 除了心室肥大
[14:15.15]Stenosis or atresia of the mitral and aortic valves. 冠狀動脈和大動脈狹窄或者鎖閉
[14:18.09]Why use the RV-PA conduit instead of the modified Blalock-Taussig shunt? 我們?yōu)槭裁从肦V-PA管道
[14:22.52]- It limits diastolic runoff. - Well, you've done your homework. 后者會限制心臟的舒張
[14:25.42]不錯 你平時下了功夫
[14:27.56]I was on call last night. I study when I'm on call. 我昨晚值班
[14:32.00]Well, no matter what the books say, 無論書上怎么說的
[14:35.37]I guarantee you you've never seen a heart this small. 我擔保你
[14:43.81]Bet you I have. 我想我見過
[14:46.01]How you doing, you? You know, I'm having a baby too. 你怎么樣?
[14:50.28]Yes, I am. A little boy. 真的 我懷著個小男孩呢
[14:53.29]Maybe you can meet him someday. 也許以后你可以見見他
[14:55.42]How's that sound? Does that sound good? 這個主意如何?不錯吧?
[14:57.99]- We could... - (Cristina coughs) 我們可以...
[15:04.77]Pregnancy has not made me soft. 懷孕可沒讓我變溫柔
[15:06.60]I haven't gone soft. I don't do soft. 我沒變溫柔 也不會溫柔
[15:10.00]Of course not. You were just talking to a patient. 當然不會
[15:13.24]- (Sighs) What's this? - The inmate's X-rays. 這是什么? 那犯人的x光
[15:17.04](Chuckles) That foolish, foolish woman. She swallowed four razor blades? 那個愚蠢的女人
[15:23.88]Mm-hm. Mm-hmm.
[15:30.19]Hey! Hey, you! Hey, Nurse! 嘿! 你!
[15:33.06](TV in background) 嘿 護士!
[15:34.56]- Would you keep it down, please? - I'm starving. 您能保持安靜嗎?
[15:37.36]You're NPO. No food allowed. 我快餓瘋了
[15:37.94]你是NPO患者 不可以吃東西 (NPO=Nothing By Mouth)
[15:39.93]Come on, April, baby, don't go for him. He's such an idiot. 好了 親愛的 別留在他身邊了
[15:45.77]I didn't come here to starve to death. I want mint-chocolate-chip ice cream. 我來這里可不是要餓死的
[15:49.91]Mint, OK? Not Rocky Road. You better not get me that Rocky Road. It sucks. 薄荷 知道嗎? 不是曲奇的
[15:52.07]你最好別給我那曲奇的 糟糕透了
[15:54.15]Thank God. Mama Bear, help me out here, OK? I'm starving. 謝天謝地
[15:56.04]熊媽媽 幫幫我吧 我餓壞了
[15:57.92]Don't give her anything. 不許給她任何東西
[15:59.39]Right there you're in official violation of the Eighth Amendment. 你正在公然違反第八項修正案
[16:02.89]You can't eat because you're about to undergo major surgery. 你不能吃任何東西因為你要準備做個大手術
[16:05.99]What? What's she talking about? 什么?她在說什么?
[16:08.10]You're at risk for a perforated intestine 你腸穿孔的危險性非常高
[16:10.43]and half a dozen kinds of infection. We need to operate right away. 而且可能染上半打的感染
[16:13.87]I don't need an operation. I taped up the blade. It passes the next day. 我們需要盡快做手術
[16:15.71]我像以前那樣把刀片纏上膠布了 明天我就會排泄出來了
[16:18.37]- What's the big deal? - You swallowed four blades. 有什么大不了的?
[16:21.21]That's the big deal. 你這次吞下了4枚刀片 這就是大不了的
[16:24.11]I thought it would buy me an extra day. 我以為會多給我加一天的保外就醫(yī)
[16:28.25]Does this operation have a nice long recovery time? 這個手術會有一個漫長而美好的修養(yǎng)期嗎?
[16:31.19]You realize this is major surgery? It's dangerous and you could die. 你意識到這是個大手術了?
[16:38.06]Mint chocolate chip. 薄荷巧克力碎
[16:40.29]I want at least a gallon after you ghouls are done splitting me open. 我至少要一加侖
[16:48.50]What exactly is it that we're doing? 我們現(xiàn)在到底在做什么?
[16:50.77]We're visiting. 探訪
[16:52.41]We've thrown all this medical talk at you 我們給你扔下了這么多醫(yī)學名詞
[16:54.78]and outlined worst-case scenarios, which has probably scared you half to death. 而且大致描述了所有最壞的情況的假設
[16:59.58]The one thing we haven't done is given you a chance to be with your daughters. 但是還有一件事情我們沒做
[17:04.22]Well, how is that going to help? 這有什么幫助嗎?
[17:06.22]If I've learned anything, these past few days, it's that I need to face reality. 如果我在過去的幾天里我聽到任何關于這個的事情
[17:11.53]Here's Kate. You can reach in and touch her if you like. 這是kate
[17:14.30]如果你愿意 可以伸手進去摸摸她
[17:18.53]I would like to very much. 我非常想
[17:24.61]- (Beeping) - (Nurse) Charlotte's not breathing. Grey醫(yī)生 charlotte沒有呼吸了
[17:32.21](Meredith) Page Addison. She's in the OR. 呼addison shepherd 她在手術室呢
[17:35.38](Addison) We didn't see this on the echo. 我們沒在回波上看到這個
[17:37.45](Burke) You can never get an exact measurement. 你永遠無法從儀器上得到精確的結果
[17:40.12](Lzzie) What? 怎么了?
[17:43.02](Burke) The baby's aorta is narrower than we thought. 嬰兒的大動脈比我們想像中的還要窄
[17:45.73]Diameter is only a millimeter. 直徑不過一毫米而已
[17:47.69]- Just not getting enough blood flow. - (Addison) Damn. 根本無法使血流通過
[17:55.07](Burke) I wanted you to see, before I close up. 我要你在我縫合之前仔細看著
[17:57.37](Lzzie) You didn't do anything. 你要縫合上了?你還什么都沒做呢 Stevens醫(yī)生
[17:59.07]- Dr. Stevens. - We barely started. 不 我們好不容易開始了 Burke醫(yī)生已經(jīng)做了所有能做的
[18:01.18]Dr. Burke has done all he can for now, so unless you know how to do a Norwood,
[18:05.21]- he's gonna close this baby's chest. - (Beeping) 他要縫合上這嬰兒的胸腔了
[18:14.52]- You OK? - I'm fine. May I go? 你沒事吧?
[18:16.91]我沒事 我可以走了嗎?
[18:19.96]Yes. 走吧
[18:24.53]- What happened? - She had an apneic episode. 怎么了?
[18:26.87]She's still not breathing on her own. 她出現(xiàn)了無呼吸癥狀
[18:31.44](Addison) Intubate and give surfactant. 開始插管 并給她一些表面活性劑 (表面活性劑:一種由脂蛋白組成的物質(zhì) 是由肺部的肺泡細胞分泌的 通過減小肺部表面的液體表面張力來維持肺組織的穩(wěn)定性)
[18:33.57]Push 0.1 of atropine and three milligrams of ketamine. 注入1單位阿托品和3毫克的克他命(一種高效麻醉劑)
[18:36.78]- (Nurse) Meds are in. - Tube. 藥物注入了
[18:44.05]OK. Place the CO2 detector. 好了 安上二氧化碳監(jiān)測儀
[18:45.89]- She was fine with the chest tube. - That's the thing with RDS cases. 她有了胸管之后就會沒事了
[18:49.62]Just when you think the baby's getting better, they slip right back. r.d.s.病例(呼吸困難綜合癥)就是這樣
[18:54.36]Breath sounds equal. Good. 呼吸聽起來很均勻
[18:59.20]Mrs. Russell. Russell夫人
[19:07.84](Cristina) Unbelievable. Who would do this to themselves? 不可思議
[19:10.81]The woman wasn't just in prison, Yang, she was in solitary. 誰能如此對待自己啊?
[19:11.22]那女人不單單是在蹲監(jiān)獄 yang
[19:15.88]Well, she was seriously deranged. 她可真瘋狂的可以
[19:18.59]You try spending a month locked in a room with no windows, 你試試
[19:23.46]no one to talk to for 23 hours a day. 一天23個小時
[19:26.99]See how deranged she is then. 沒人理你
[19:29.06]- Dr. Bailey, she's a murderer. - I didn't say she wasn't. 然后看看她有多瘋狂
[19:29.69]Bailey醫(yī)生 她是個殺人犯
[19:32.77]One, two, three. 1 2 3...
[19:34.40]I said, try having no one to make your snarky comments to for a solid month. 我是說試試沒人理你
[19:39.44]My guess is you'd swallow the entire razor. 整整一個月時間
[19:45.78]- How are they treating you, Mr Murphy? - I've done worse for company. 它們治你治的如何了 Murphy先生?
[19:49.18]Oh, they're definitely filling up. 我對客人太糟糕了(?)
[19:49.89]哦 他們絕對已經(jīng)吃飽了
[19:51.52]Tissue is getting nice and pink. 組織都已經(jīng)變粉紅
[19:54.35]Make up with that cute little girlfriend of yours yet? 你和你那個可愛的小女朋友和好了嗎?
[19:57.19]Olivia's hardly my girlfriend. Olivia才不會是我的女朋友
[20:02.56]- Is she OK? - She? 她還好嗎?
[20:04.23]Yeah, Isabella. 她?
[20:07.53]This one here on my finger... 這個在我手指上的...
[20:10.14]that's Darcy. 是darcy
[20:11.91]And that little guy on my nose, named O'Malley. 還有這個在我鼻子上的小家伙...
[20:14.81](Laughs) That's right, I named him after you. 叫o'malley
[20:17.84]You're the one that got him to bite. 沒錯 我是以你的名字給他命名的
[20:19.98]Isabella is fine. She's just full. Isabella不錯 只是太飽了
[20:22.28]Oh. Wait, what are you going to with her? 哦 哦
[20:24.16]等等 你要如何處置她?
[20:25.75]She's done her job. We don't have any more use for her. 她已經(jīng)完成她的任務了
[20:28.62]- Except as medical waste. - No. 她對我們來說沒任何用處了
[20:31.69]I'd like to keep her... if I could. 不 我希望可以留著她
[20:34.86](& Gemma Hayes: Two Step) 如果我可以的話
[20:36.90]Crazy nature man. You want to take a leech home as a pet? That's fine. 瘋狂的自然人
[20:41.47]You had no right to speak to me that way. 反正我沒問題
[20:43.54]Yeah? Well, you hurt my friend. 你沒權利當著病人面和我那樣說話
[20:45.91]I had no idea Alex was seeing lzzie. That's not what you're upset about. 我根本不知道alex在和izzie拍拖
[20:49.91]You have no idea why I'm upset. 這根本不是你生氣的地方
[20:51.65]Besides, you know what I don't understand is, why Alex? 你根本不知道我為什么生氣
[20:52.10]另外 我不理解的地方是
[20:55.62]And why again? 為什么是alex 為什么又是他?
[20:58.99]People get lonely, George. 人是會孤獨的 george
[21:03.76]Hi, Mr. Russell? It's Meredith Grey calling. 嗨 Russell先生 我是meredith grey
[21:07.93]I was wondering if there was any chance 我只是想知道有沒有可能
[21:10.16]maybe you could bring your boys by to visit their mom? 也許你可以帶著你的孩子們來看看他們的媽媽
[21:13.10]I think she could use the company. 我想她應該有人陪陪
[21:16.84]Oh, the flu? No, definitely don't bring them. 哦 流感
[21:18.43]不 當然不能帶他們來
[21:20.37]Thank you. You too. 謝謝 你也是
[21:28.58]You've been lying low. 你可真低調(diào)哦
[21:30.48]Well, nobody's talking to me so it makes it kind of easy, right? 沒人和我說話
[21:32.25]所以讓事情變得簡單了 對嗎?
[21:36.49]I'm talking to you. 我在和你說話呢..
[21:38.53]In short monosyllabic sentences laced with disdain and contempt. 簡單的說 用單音節(jié)句子
[21:42.50]So, what, according to girl rules, now you all have to hate me? 那么 怎么 你們女孩的規(guī)則 你們現(xiàn)在都要一起恨我是嗎?
[21:45.63]I don't hate you. If my mother hadn't gotten Alzheimer's, I'd probably be you. 我不討厭你
[21:49.74]- Oh, really? - Really. 我也許會和你一樣
[21:50.22]哦 是嗎? 是的
[21:52.57]Before she got sick, I mean, I... I'd finished college, 在她生病之前 我是說...
[21:55.98]but I was partying way too much, staying out way too late to keep a job. 我上完了大學 但是
[22:01.18]At family reunions everybody was embarrassed to talk about me. 我是那個在家庭聚會上
[22:04.62]So that's what you think of me? 所有人都不愿意談起的人
[22:08.72]Are you OK? 你沒事吧? 我昨天幾乎殺了一個人
[22:11.39]- I almost killed a guy yesterday. - Mr. Martin? Martin先生
[22:14.13]I'm trying to find anything I can to help. 所以我在試圖做任何可以幫他的事情
[22:16.36]OK, well, what are we looking for? 好吧 那么我們在尋找什么?
[22:19.20]Uh, anything on central pontine myelinolysis. 關于腦橋中央髓鞘溶解癥的信息
[22:30.91]- Unbelievable. - Izzie. 難以置信
[22:38.32]- Izzie, come on. - "Come on?" Izzie 好了
[22:39.92]You're fraternizing with the enemy and you tell me to "come on?" 好了? 好了?
[22:41.36]你和敵人稱兄道弟 然后告訴我好了
[22:43.62]- Alex and I are sort of friends. - Since when? Alex和我算是朋友
[22:46.33]Since when are you and Alex friends? 從什么時候開始的?
[22:48.33]You tell me to cut my losses, and as soon as I turn my back... 什么時候你和alex成了朋友的?
[22:48.66]你告訴我放棄不值得的人 而且最好離開他
[22:52.23]- You're making too big a deal of this. - Right. Of course. 但是當我一轉身...
[22:53.03]izzie 你小題大做這個事情了
[22:55.37]I'm the unreasonable one. Do what you want. Sleep with him for all I care. 是啊 因為我才是不可理喻的人
[22:57.09]知道嗎 meredith? 你愿意怎樣就怎樣吧
[22:59.64]Obviously I'm not going to sleep with him. 和我所有在乎的男人上床
[23:00.41]很明顯 我絕對不會和他上床的 izzie.
[23:02.04]Why not? You've slept with everyone else. 為什么不? 你都和其他人上了
[23:14.86]Your surgery went smoothly. You'll have abdominal pain for a day or two...
[23:18.69]- Just a day or two? - We'll watch until your bowels move. 你會感覺腹痛 一天或者兩天...
[23:22.10]- The average is about 36 hours. - 36? 我們會繼續(xù)觀察你直到腸正常蠕動
[23:25.43]Four razor blades and that's all you can give me? 36小時?
[23:26.34]4 個剃刀刀片 這就是所有你能給的?
[23:28.07]Come on, sugarplum, I thought we were having fun. 別這樣 小甜心 我以為我們會過得愉快呢
[23:30.70]- Don't leave. - What? 別走開
[23:33.54]Just maybe a little conversation? 干嗎?
[23:35.74]They've got me here by myself. I thought I'd have a room mate to talk to. 或者只是談一小會兒
[23:39.91]OK. 好吧
[23:43.65]Why did you kill three people? 為什么你殺了3個人?
[23:45.85]Start off with a little small talk, why don't you? 為什么你不開個簡單的小話題?
[23:49.59]I was high. 我當時興奮了...
[23:52.79]On meth. 磕藥之后
[23:58.80]And I had this boyfriend who... 我當時的男朋友...
[24:02.64]had this robbery all planned out. 策劃了那次搶劫
[24:05.87]He said that he would leave me if I didn't help him. 他說如果我不幫他的話他就要離開我
[24:10.04]Things got out of control. 結果事情失去了控制
[24:14.78]He was gonna leave me. 他要離開我.
[24:18.02]He was all I had. 他...他是我的全部
[24:20.02]I would have been all alone. 我無法孤獨的生存
[24:24.02]Clearly, being alone has its benefits. 很明顯 孤獨也有孤獨的好處
[24:38.27]You paged me? 你呼我了?
[24:39.87]A leech fell off and I can't get the new one to bite. 又有一個水蛭掉下來了
[24:42.54]I'm sorry, they freak me out. 我無法讓新的咬上去
[24:44.18]- I'm a surgeon, Olivia. - You're an intern, George. 對不起 我實在太害怕了
[24:44.66]我是個醫(yī)生 olivia
[24:45.95]你只是個實習生 george
[24:48.75]You know what time it is? 你們知道是什么時候了嗎?
[24:51.82]Time for you two kids to kiss and make up, that's what time it is. 是時候你們倆該親吻和好了
[24:55.22]Mr. Murphy, we are not a couple. 現(xiàn)在是最好的時機
[24:55.98]Murphy先生 我們不是一對
[24:57.69]Oh, you can't pull much over on me. 你不能要求我了解太多了
[24:59.73]I say there's something between the two of you. 現(xiàn)在我只知道你們倆之間有點小意思
[25:03.10]You're right, Mr. Murphy, there was. 你說的沒錯 Murphy先生 曾經(jīng)
[25:05.60]Olivia, this isn't the time and this really isn't the place. Olivia 現(xiàn)在不是時候說這個..
[25:09.04]He broke up with me for a girl who doesn't know he's alive. 而且地點也不對 他因為另外一個女孩和我分手了
[25:12.17]- She does know. - You, Meredith Grey? 而那女孩甚至不知道他的存在
[25:12.40]她當然知道我的存在 聽我說 george
[25:14.21]Never gonna happen. 你和meredith grey...永遠不可能
[25:15.78]- Why would you think it's Meredith? - Anyone paying attention 什么? 為什么...為什么你認為是meredith?
[25:19.25]knows how you feel about her. 任何人只要稍微留意一下
[25:20.78]Except Meredith, which should tell you something. 就會知道你對meredith的感覺
[25:21.32]除了meredith 難道這還不說明問題嗎?
[25:23.68]Sorry, Mr. Murphy. 對不起 Murphy先生
[25:29.42]She gave me syphilis. 她把梅毒傳染給我了
[25:31.63]Remember what you did to me when I was an intern? 記得你對我做過什么
[25:35.10]How could I forget? 當我還是個實習生的時候?
[25:36.76]You didn't speak to me for almost a year. 我如何能忘記呢?
[25:40.03]But you learned. 但是你確實學到了東西
[25:42.00]Yeah, well, I think I gotta do that to lzzie Stevens. 是的 我想我要對izzie stevens做相同的事情了
[25:45.71]Well, she's smart, hard-working. Gets a little too involved with her patients. 她很聰明 而且勤奮
[25:50.74]- A lot like you. - I know. 很多地方像你
[25:53.98]It took me a long time to recover. 我用了很長時間才從那個恢復過來 richard
[25:56.15]But it made you a better surgeon, Addison. 但是它讓你成為了更出色的醫(yī)生 addison
[25:59.59]The question is, is she talented enough to make the lesson worth it? 問題是
[26:03.39]She's the best I've seen in years. I was hoping that we could... 她是我這幾年見過最好的一個
[26:07.29]You're not here to make friends. You're here to make better surgeons. 我希望我們能... 你不是來交朋友的 addison
[26:11.10]And being the teacher can be a lonely business. 還有做老師會是一件很孤獨的事情
[26:18.31]I'm telling you, Meredith was all over him. 相信我 meredith一直纏著他呢
[26:21.17]Seriously? She was all over him? 真的嗎?她纏著他?
[26:23.48]Mounting him? With the babies watching? 怎樣纏著他? 騎著他到處爬讓那些嬰兒們看著?真的?
[26:25.78]She would have been if I hadn't interrupted. 如果我沒打斷他們的話 他們肯定就那樣了
[26:28.52]- She was talking to him. - You don't talk to bastards who cheat. 她只不過和他說話了而已 你不會和
[26:30.48]背叛他們女朋友的混蛋說話的 george 這是規(guī)則
[26:32.15]- You weren't his girlfriend. - Not the point. 你還沒正式成為他的女朋友呢
[26:34.55]It is. I don't get emotional over people I'm not dating. 這不是重點 這恰恰是重點
[26:37.52]Really? 是嗎?你想聊這個話題嗎?
[26:38.99]You want to go there?
[26:43.16]- No. - I am having a moment here. 不是 我在這里痛苦著
[26:45.67]Don't mess with me. 不要再打擊我了
[26:47.13]You're not gonna have a nervous breakdown or kill yourself? 你不會極端的崩潰或者自殺 對吧?
[26:50.30]No. 不會
[26:52.44]So... there's no chance you'll kill us? 那你也不會殺了我們對吧?
[26:59.18]- Oh, that was wrong on so many levels. - So good. 怎么說這都不對
[27:02.25]- That was... That was good. - It was good. It was good. 太棒了. 真是...
[27:07.12]Your lungs are not good. 是啊 真酷
[27:13.63]I know we got you out of there a little earlier than you would have wanted. 我知道把你帶到這個世界來有點早
[27:17.93]We have to find something to help you. 也許并非你的本意
[27:20.23]So, if you have any ideas, Charlotte... 如果你有任何想法 charlotte...
[27:34.15]- (Addison) Dr. Stevens. - Dr. Shepherd. Stevens醫(yī)生
[27:37.25]- Something you need? - Yes, Dr. Burke and I have reassessed. Shepherd醫(yī)生 有需要我?guī)兔Φ膯?
[27:40.55]There's a chance with the Norwood 是的 Burke醫(yī)生和我重新考慮了一下
[27:42.36]if Emily can make it through the next ten hours. 我們認為還有用norwood分流術的希望
[27:44.82]- Would you look after her tonight? - I was on call last night. 你今晚可以照顧她嗎?
[27:49.16]- But, I mean, yeah, of course. - Good. 但是 當然我可以留下
[27:51.43]I've left a list of meds, and you're familiar with pediatric life support? 很好 我會留下一張藥單
[27:55.54]Got certified soon as I got in the program. 當我接手這個病例的時候我就弄清楚了
[27:57.74]OK, then. 好吧
[27:58.87]Anything else I should know to look out for? 還有其他什么事情需要我特別注意的嗎?
[28:01.41]No. That should do it. 沒有 按照你的步驟做
[28:03.71]- Should I notify Mrs. Russell... - No. I've done that. 需要我通知Russell夫人關于emily.. 不用
[28:07.85]Dr. Stevens, this baby is your responsibility. Stevens醫(yī)生 這個嬰兒是你的責任了
[28:10.85]- She better be alive when I get back. - OK. 當明早我回來醫(yī)院的時候她最好還活著
[28:18.29](Alex) I found studies where they used aggressive plasmapheresis. Shepherd醫(yī)生 我找到了一些療法
[28:21.83]- This could work on Mr. Martin. - Those were all isolated cases. 關于應用侵入性血漿取出法
[28:25.30]The studies resulted in improved symptoms. 那些只不過是孤立的案例罷了
[28:27.60]No trials have been done. There is nothing you can do. 沒有做過任何臨床試驗 你沒有任何可以做的事情了
[28:30.27]- What about thyrotropin? - No. 甲狀腺激素刺激法如何? 不行
[28:32.04]- There's European studies... - Karev, it's over. You screwed up. 曾經(jīng)有一個歐洲的病例... karev 都結束了 你搞砸了這病人
[28:35.31]You fried Mr. Martin's brain. Martin先生被油炸了 你炸了他的大腦
[28:37.41]He wakes up; you put him in a wheelchair. He dies; you killed him. 如果他醒過來 你扶他上輪椅
[28:39.74]如果他死了 你就是兇手
[28:41.88]Deal with it. 面對現(xiàn)實吧
[28:47.75](& James Blunt: Tears and Rain)
[28:51.59]Dr. Stevens, the baby's VO2 is still 40 per cent after transfusion. Stevens醫(yī)生 輸液后孩子的血氧濃度仍然是40%
[28:55.53]- How's her BP doing? - Still low. Last systolic was 52. 她的血壓呢?
[28:57.02]仍很低 最后的收縮壓52
[28:58.97]OK, I'm going to push 30cc's of NS manually. 好吧 我要手動推注30毫升生理鹽水
[29:06.74]Nice start. Pressure's 65. 干得不錯 血壓現(xiàn)在是65
[29:18.42]- Hey, lz. - OK, really? 嗨 izz
[29:20.65]You think I'm talking to you? -現(xiàn)在好嗎? -你以為我在和你說話嗎?
[29:23.02]Well, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. 我只是想說 對不起
[29:25.89]What are you sorry for? 對不起我什么?
[29:29.83]When Derek broke up with you, I never said "You're better off without him." 當derek和你分手的時候 我從來沒說過一次
[29:34.10]It's not supportive, it's condescending. "你最好離他遠點"
[29:34.52]那不是支持 而是施舍
[29:36.67]I was there. All I ever am is there for you guys, and the one time I need you... 我當時在那里
[29:42.18]Just... (sighs) go away, Meredith. 求求你 別和我說話 meredith
[29:52.85]She was fine then she just started seizing. 到底怎么了? 她沒事 她只是有點失常
[29:58.86]She's not seizing, she's choking. 她不是失常 她是噎住了
[30:13.91]Oh, my God. She swallowed a light bulb.
[30:25.19]- We're losing her. - Don't you think I can see that? 她快不行了 我知道
[30:36.13]She needs an airway. 她需要插管
[30:43.24]She's clamped down. I can't intubate. We need some help in here! 她情況很糟 我無法插入
[30:46.51]- (Nurse) Want me to get paralytics? - No, she'll be dead by then. 我們需要幫助
[30:49.71]I need a scalpel for a crich. 不要 那時候她就死了
[30:51.91]- Have you done one ever? - Of course not! Go! 你以前做過嗎? 當然沒有
[30:57.55]I was gonna do a crich. 我要做氣管切開
[30:58.82]- How long has she been unconscious? - She just went down. 她昏迷多久了?
[31:01.82]Prep OR Two. Emergency thoracotomy. Cristina, it'll be OK. Come on. 剛剛而已
[31:02.26]讓2號手術室緊急準備胸廓切開術 馬上就去
[31:04.39]Cristina 會沒事的
[31:05.88]快 快 快
[31:09.53]- She's coding. - Again? 她的情況不好 又來了?
[31:11.73]OK, uh... Turn up... Turn up the epi drip. 打開腎上腺素開關
[31:17.80]OK. 好
[31:26.85]OK. 好
[31:29.35]OK. 好
[31:35.79]- Hey, Dorie. What are you doing? - I'm packing. 嗨 dorie
[31:38.05]你在干嗎? 收拾東西
[31:39.83]You've just had major abdominal surgery. Dorie 你剛剛做了個大型生產(chǎn)手術
[31:42.26]- You're not in any condition... - I'm going home. 你不適宜... 我要回家 Grey醫(yī)生
[31:45.13]I need to go home. I can't be here. I can't watch them die. 我需要回家
[31:47.42]我不能留在這里 我不能看著他們死去
[31:51.30]They're not dying. They're trying to live. 他們不會死的
[31:54.84]You leaving them isn't going to help them. 他們都在努力的活下去
[31:57.18]- I have boys who need me. - Your daughters need you. 我還有三個需要我的兒子呢
[31:59.98]Don't you understand that I can't do it? 你的女兒更需要你
[32:00.36]你還不明白? 我受不了了
[32:03.78]I can't do it. 我受不了了
[32:06.05]- They're too sick. - Which is why they need their mother. 他們太虛弱了 太痛苦了
[32:09.46]- If Emily dies I... - If Emily dies it will be horrible. 就因為這樣他們才需要媽媽
[32:09.90]如果emily死了 我... 如果emily死了
[32:16.70]But if Emily dies and you're not here? 但是如果emily死了 而你不在這里...
[32:20.37]- I can't even hold them. - But you can sit with them 我甚至無法抱著他們
[32:23.14]and talk to them. 但是你可以坐在那里陪著他們
[32:24.67]And let them know they're not alone in this world. That's all they need. 和他們說話
[32:28.54]That's all anybody... 這才是他們需要的
[32:33.11]- What? - I think I know how to help Charlotte. 怎么了?
[32:43.49]I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. 真不知道我為什么沒有早點想到這個
[32:45.93]- What are you doing? - Co-bedding. 你在做什么?
[32:48.16]Hospitals sometimes do it with twins when one of them is sick. 這個叫做cobedding (一種<37周生產(chǎn)的多胞胎嬰兒治療法)
[32:52.70]- And the other one gets better? - It helps. 而另外一個能夠... 好起來?
[32:56.27]- How? - We don't really know. 可以這么說 怎么會?
[32:59.44]Sometimes babies get stressed in the ICUs from all the activity. 我們不是了解的很確切
[33:04.81]This way there's someone there to comfort them. 這樣的話 有人可以安撫他們
[33:08.25]To be there with them. 和他們在一起
[33:18.69]Excellent blood flow at all three places. You're healing nicely. 所有的三個地方血液輸送都恢復正常了
[33:22.13]- And I like my new nose. - Your wife will like it, too. 你被治愈的很好
[33:25.10]I'm not so sure what she'll say about your new houseguests. 我保證你老婆也會喜歡它的
[33:28.74]I'm going to let these guys go in the lake near my favorite hiking trail. 我會把他們放到我到過的最喜歡的地方的湖邊
[33:32.71]They saved my face. The least I can do for 'em. And I don't have a wife. 救了我的臉
[33:36.48]- I'm sorry. Your wedding ring... - I'm divorced. Just never took it off. 還有 我沒有老婆
[33:37.12]對不起 我看到你的結婚戒指...
[33:39.30]不是 我離婚了 只是沒取下來罷了
[33:43.25]By the way... sorry you had to see that little scene earlier. 另外...
[33:48.86]Talking with the girl who isn't your girlfriend 你是說你和那個不是你女朋友的女孩
[33:51.29]about the girl you'd like to be your girlfriend? 談論關于一個你希望成為你女朋友的女孩?
[33:53.73]Yeah. 是的 她不應該說那些廢話
[33:54.83]She shouldn't have said that stuff. It was just...
[33:57.73]She was very unprofessional. 只是...她...
[34:01.20]Yeah, but is it true? 是的 但是她說的對嗎?
[34:06.71]Do you like this Meredith? 你喜歡那個叫meredith姑娘嗎?
[34:08.21]I don't think that's really any of your business. 我覺得這個和你沒什么關系
[34:12.98]She's OK. 她還不錯
[34:16.65]I like her OK. 我喜歡她的不錯
[34:21.65]- All right. I love her. - (Mr. Murphy laughs) 好吧 我愛她
[34:24.42]Oh, come on. Don't be embarrassed. 哦 小伙子 不用害羞
[34:26.89]I loved my wife. 我也愛過我的老婆
[34:29.16]But sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, 但是有些時候 無論你多愛某些人
[34:31.90]they just can't love you back in the same way. 他們就是無法像你愛他們一樣愛你
[34:37.64]Believe me, son, livin' with a woman who can't love you back? 相信我 孩子
[34:42.14]Way lonelier than bein' alone. 比你一個人生活還要更孤單
[34:44.68]- (Beeping) - (Nurse) What do you wanna do? 你要怎么做?
[34:46.78]- We can... we can put her on ECMO. - Baby this size, 我們...我們可以給她用體外循環(huán)維生系統(tǒng)
[34:49.32]you're risking intracranial hemorrhage. 這么大的嬰兒 你在冒顱內(nèi)出血的險
[34:51.52]She's already coded three times. You page Dr. Shepherd? 她已經(jīng)瀕危三次了
[34:54.65]She said you have to handle this. 你呼 Shepherd醫(yī)生了嗎?
[34:56.62]- What? I'm an intern. What is... - Dr. Stevens... 什么?我不過是個實習生 她怎么...
[34:59.83]- Give me a second. - You don't have a second. Stevens醫(yī)生? 讓我想想
[35:02.13]ECMO is too dangerous. We're gonna have to keep her going on epi. 你沒時間想了
[35:02.55]好吧 體外循環(huán)維生系統(tǒng)太危險了
[35:05.80]It'll stop her circulation. No point keeping her heart rate up 我們繼續(xù)給她用腎上腺素
[35:06.06]太多的腎上腺素 會停止她的循環(huán)
[35:09.00]if she doesn't have functioning limbs. 如果早晨她的胳膊或腿不能動
[35:10.97]I know that. 保持她的心律沒有意義
[35:14.74]I'm sorry. 對不起
[35:16.28]Let's... 那個...
[35:17.81]We have to keep pushing epi. It's our best option. 我們繼續(xù)用腎上腺素
[35:20.48]We'll just have to find a middle ground. 這是我們最好的辦法了
[35:22.98](& Emiliana Torrini: Sunnyroad)
[35:25.35]You can do this. 你能做得到
[35:42.70]I can't believe you would consider moving out of your trailer. 我真不敢相信你要考慮搬出你的拖車
[35:45.81]The view alone. 那一大片的景色...
[35:47.87]- See the mist rise off the lake. - Yeah. 看著薄霧慢慢升到湖面上
[35:51.04]Yeah. 是啊
[35:54.08]I'm not moving. 我不會搬出去的
[36:01.29]- You're still you? - I'm still me. 你還是你嗎?
[36:06.29]Good. 很好
[36:22.54]- Where's Emily? - They took her away. emily在哪里?
[36:25.04]- Where? Why didn't you wake me? - Dr. Shepherd told us not to. 他們把她帶走了
[36:25.58]去哪里? 你為什么沒叫醒我?
[36:28.35]What? Shepherd醫(yī)生不讓我們叫
[36:30.75]Where's the baby? 孩子在哪里?
[36:32.65]Dr. Stevens, she died half an hour ago. Stevens醫(yī)生 她半個鐘頭之前死了
[37:01.71]It wasn't your fault. 不是你的責任
[37:05.02]You put me in charge. I fell asleep. I killed that baby. 你交給我照顧 但是我卻睡著了
[37:08.82]No, you didn't. She was going to die anyway. 是我害死那孩子的
[37:12.09]She had a restricted atrial septum and virtually no aorta. 無論怎樣她都會死的
[37:15.93]As soon as Dr. Burke opened up her chest, we knew she didn't have a chance. 而且基本上沒有大動脈
[37:23.77]I don't get it. 我不明白
[37:25.57]You order me to stay the night, take care of her. 你命令我留在這里 整夜守著她
[37:28.14]I work my ass off doing CPR, pumping her full of every drug on the planet. 我忙的不可開交
[37:31.23]做心肺復蘇術 還給她注射
[37:33.81]God, do you have any idea how scared I was? And it was all for nothing? 各種各樣的藥
[37:35.49]上帝 你知道我有多害怕嗎? 而我做的這些竟然是沒有任何意義的?
[37:37.82]Hardly. This comes up again, you'll be able to handle the pressure. 如果這種情況再次出現(xiàn)的話
[37:41.32]- You lied to me. - You have to learn distance, Stevens. 我肯定你會應付自如的
[37:42.74]你必須學習保持距離 stevens
[37:44.59]You'll be a better doctor for it. 這樣你才會成為一個更好的醫(yī)生
[37:47.73]A better... 更好的... 醫(yī)生?
[37:49.76]A better doctor?
[38:06.35](Bailey) I heard you worked a miracle last night. 聽說你昨晚創(chuàng)造了個奇跡
[38:08.78]She came around so fast I thought the equipment was malfunctioning. 她恢復的這么快
[38:13.19]- Her SATS are completely stable. - She's going to make it. 她的情況完全穩(wěn)定下來了
[38:18.32]Go home, Grey. You've earned it. 回家吧 grey
[38:21.59]Oh, Grey. 你應得的
[38:23.70]Way to go. 還有 grey...
[38:29.00]Did you hear that? Way to go. 聽到了嗎? "做的漂亮 "
[38:46.12]- My baby died. - We know. 我那孩子死了 我們知道了
[38:50.32]She just... died. 她...
[39:02.57]I have an idea. 我有個辦法
[39:09.08](& Moonbabies: War On Sound)
[39:29.33]The first person I killed, I was a second-year resident. 我害死的第一個人..
[39:35.00]James Hanson. James hanson
[39:40.11]You should go home, Alex. There's nothing you can do here. 你應該回家了 alex 你在這里什么也做不了
[39:47.31]Nobody should die alone. 沒人應該這樣孤獨的死去
[39:51.55](Meredith) 400 years ago 400年前 另一個著名的英國人
[39:52.92]another well-known English guy had an opinion about being alone.
[39:57.69]John Donne. He thought we were never alone. john donne
[40:02.73]Of course, it was fancier when he said it. 不容置疑 那完全是空想主義的思想
[40:05.13]Don't try and talk. 別說話
[40:07.57]Your windpipe was perforated. 你的氣管穿孔了
[40:09.30]Dr. Burke repaired it and you should be fine. Burke醫(yī)生已經(jīng)修補好了
[40:16.01]We'll keep you here at least ten days for observation. 我們會把你留院觀察至少10天
[40:19.91]Make sure there's no infection. 確定沒有任何感染
[40:28.32]Maybe just to be on the safe side, we'll make it two weeks. 也許為了以防萬一
[40:34.96]"No man is an island, entire unto himself. " 沒人是個孤立的個體
[40:48.61]- Oh, that's him. - Yeah. That's him. 哦
[40:52.00]是啊 就是他
[41:02.25]I'm lonely, Derek. 我很寂寞 derek
[41:08.33]Boil down that island talk 總結一下那"孤立學說" 他的意思是
[41:10.30]and he just meant that all anyone needs is someone to step in... 任何人都需要其他人的陪伴...
[41:41.89]...and let us know we're not alone. 來讓我們知道 我們并不孤單
[41:48.27]Get it. Good boy.
[41:51.27]- Ready? Good boy, Doc. - OK. 真乖 Doc
[41:53.14]And who's to say that someone can't have four legs? 誰說的來著?
[41:59.28]Someone to play with or run around with... 有人是用來玩耍的 有人是用來運動的...
[42:01.65]High jump.
[42:03.92]- (Dog growls, barks) - (Meredith and lzzie laugh)
[42:10.29]...orjust hang out. 或者只是在一起
[42:21.37]Grey's Anatomy 211 Owner of a Lonely Heart 完

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