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  醫(yī)院里出現(xiàn)了一位需要換心臟的新病人Denny,摩羯座,單身,性感型男一出現(xiàn)就吸引了Izzie的眼球。一位叫做Mauer的作家吃掉了讓自己不滿意的小說的每一頁。一個(gè)叫做Bex清秀的姑娘為了讓自己能有個(gè)好身材,每天服用5片避孕藥...George的故事給了她些啟發(fā),但檢查的結(jié)果讓 Addison和George都難以置信——她是雙性人!Burke和Christina間面臨新的問題。

[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:41:23
[00:01.33](Narrator) Previously on Grey's Anatomy; 前情提要
[00:03.57]Meredith wasn't a fling. I fell in love with her. Meredith 沒勾引我
[00:06.70]Yeah, it's my mother. She has Alzheimer's. 我愛上她了
[00:09.27]Have you even told Burke about the baby? 她有阿爾茨海默癥(老年癡呆)
[00:11.64]I had a right to know. 我有權(quán)知道
[00:12.77]I failed the medical boards. 我沒通過醫(yī)生執(zhí)照考試
[00:14.61]That's embarrassing. 真丟人!
[00:15.88]I'm pregnant, you blind moron. 我懷孕了,你這瞎白癡
[00:18.51]Can we please just talk? 能談幾句么?
[00:20.38]You're too busy screwing nurses to talk. 你忙著和跟護(hù)士那個(gè) 哪有時(shí)間和我談話
[00:22.55]I never wanted to hurt you. 我從來沒想要傷害你
[00:24.42]I think we'd be better off with dogs. 有時(shí)候我想狗都比我們強(qiáng)
[00:27.29](Dog growling, barking)
[00:32.23](& The 88: Hide Another Mistake)
[00:39.20](Dog barking, growling) -=風(fēng)軟FRM字幕組=- 翻譯:annia 校對(duì):parrywong
[00:43.84](George) God! Holy... Ow!
[00:45.27]- (Glass breaking) - I said, down! Back! Lzzie! 我說坐下!Izzie!Izzie!
[00:47.78]Lzzie! Incoming!
[00:53.65](Meredith) Fresh starts. Thanks to the calendar, they happen every year. 嶄新的開始……
[00:57.99]Just set your watch to january. 每年都有新的開始
[01:00.52]I'm thinking about coloring my hair. 我在想把頭發(fā)染了
[01:02.66]- Maybe red. - Yeah. Red's good. 或許紅色
[01:06.06]- I'm thinking about cutting mine. - Yeah? You look good shorter. 紅色不錯(cuò)
[01:10.97]- You think? - Yeah. 你真這么想?
[01:12.53](Meredith) He's such a good dog. Who's a good boy? He's a good boy. 真的
[01:17.37]What a good dog. Who's Mommy's good boy? 乖狗狗 誰是媽咪的小寶貝?
[01:20.18](Meredith chuckles) 哈 多好的孩子
[01:21.44]Silly. Yes, I know. You're a good boy. You're such a good boy.
[01:25.41]What are you guys doing? We're gonna be late. 你真是個(gè)好孩子
[01:26.46]你們?cè)谀莾焊蓡崮兀?br /> [01:27.98]- We need to talk about the dog. - That's no dog. 我們要遲到了
[01:30.45]It's a hyena dressed in dog clothing. 那不是條狗
[01:32.55]I don't chew his clothes, urinate on his bed or try to mount him from behind. 無論如何,我沒咬他的衣服
[01:37.29]People, he's our dog. We love our dog. He loves us. 我也沒順著他的后背往上爬
[01:46.80](Whines, growling)
[01:50.77]- He tries to mount you from behind? - Tries to. He tries to. 他爬上你后背了?
[02:03.22](Meredith) Our reward for surviving the holiday season is a new year. 熬過假日的獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)……
[02:07.16]Bringing on the great tradition of New Year's resolutions. 就是新的一年
[02:10.33]I got a trout. 我抓了條鱒魚
[02:12.79]- Oh! - Rainbow trout. 噢!
[02:14.86]- Why bring a trout into the house? - It's a trailer. 虹鱒魚
[02:17.73]Why bring a rainbow trout into the trailer? 房車
[02:18.09]為什么把紅鱒魚帶到房車?yán)飦恚?br /> [02:20.34]Breakfast. 早餐
[02:21.60]- Breakfast. - Hungry? 早餐?
[02:23.04]- For trout? - Yeah. 是啊,你餓了嗎?
[02:26.41]I hate this, Derek. 我討厭這些,Derek
[02:28.58]Ah! 哦……
[02:29.68]I hate this. Hate! Hate! 噢!
[02:31.68]I hate this trailer. 我討厭這些,討厭!討厭!!
[02:34.08]So no trout for you then? 那就不給你鱒魚了
[02:35.75](Meredith) Put your past behind you and start over. 過去的就讓它過去 開始新的生活吧
[02:39.32]I'm standing there with Pritchard and Lewis, 我站在那里,跟Pritchard和Lewis一起
[02:42.69]and they keep on asking me who I was with in the on-call room last night. 他們一直在問我,我和誰在一起
[02:47.73]They heard us. Were we that loud? 他們聽見我們了
[02:51.73]- You're loud. - (Chuckles) Stop. 是的,你很大聲
[02:55.40]I am loud, aren't I? 我很大聲,是不是?
[02:57.17]Pritch. Was always sticking his nose in someone else's business. Pritch,他總是狗拿耗子
[03:01.61]You know I actually saw him again, at his wife's funeral? 管別人的閑事
[03:05.78]What? Pritchard isn't married. 在他老婆的葬禮上
[03:06.31]什么?Pritchard 沒結(jié)婚啊
[03:09.38]Uh... Oh, right, right. I'm thinking of someone else. Just confused. 嗯,噢,是的,是的,我在想其他人
[03:14.69]You need sleep. Residency is wearing you down. 我糊涂了
[03:22.53]- Ellis? - Yes? Ellis,嗯……
[03:31.61]Nothing. I just hate being an intern. 沒事
[03:36.14]Mm. Me too. 厭惡做個(gè)實(shí)習(xí)生
[03:39.75](Meredith) It's hard to resist the chance at a new beginning. 在一個(gè)新的開端 很難抵抗一個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)
[03:42.78]A chance to put the problems of last year to bed. 一個(gè)把去年的問題放到床上的機(jī)會(huì)
[03:51.76]- So in the name of the New Year... - I don't do resolutions. 那么……以新年的名義……
[03:54.87]哦 啊 我不做新年許愿
[03:56.63]In the name of the New Year, 看在新年的份上
[03:58.97]I thought you could give me an answer to my question. 我想你也許會(huì)給我問題的答案
[04:03.14]- Your question? - About you... moving in. 你的問題?
[04:07.48](Sighs) 搬過來的問題
[04:09.08]I don't have an answer. 我還沒想好
[04:11.01]- Cristina... - I'm not being Cristina. I just... Cristina……
[04:12.41]我現(xiàn)在不想做cristina 我只想……
[04:14.25]I don't have an answer. 我還沒想好
[04:16.99]Then answer me this. 那就回答我這個(gè)問題
[04:19.25]- What were you planning to do? - About what? 那你曾經(jīng)是如何打算的?
[04:22.36]The baby. 關(guān)于什么?
[04:26.03](Door opens) Dr Burke 我們都準(zhǔn)備好了
[04:27.13]Dr. Burke? We're ready for you.
[04:37.97](Richard) Listen up, people. New year, new rules. 大家聽著 新年有新的規(guī)矩
[04:41.58]Or should I say, new year, and we will be enforcing the rules 或許我該說 新的一年里
[04:45.35]mandated by the Residency Review Committee. 我們要將一些規(guī)定真正付諸實(shí)施
[04:48.12]There were too many mistakes made last year. Fatigue played too big a role. 去年我們有很多失誤
[04:52.55]Exceeding 80 hours work per week will not be tolerated. 疲勞工作是很重要的一個(gè)原因
[04:55.86]- Does that mean we get to have a life? - I think so. 這是不是說 我們得開始正常的生活了?
[04:59.46]Sullivan. You were on call for 28 hours. Leave when you hit 30. 我想是的
[04:59.99]……sullivan 你已經(jīng)值班了28小時(shí)了
[05:03.33]Grey, you were here until two. See you at noon. 到30小時(shí)就得下班
[05:06.20]- I get to go? Free time? - Run before he changes his mind. 走吧 中午見
[05:10.61]Our nurses are gonna have to work extra hours to compensate, so treat them well. 他改變注意之前 趕緊跑吧
[05:11.06]聽著 我們的護(hù)士不得不超額工作
[05:15.31]- Cranky nurses don't do us any good. - Well, maybe you can cheer them up. 壞脾氣的護(hù)士,對(duì)大家都沒好處
[05:18.91](Alex chuckles) 哦,好啊,也許你可以讓她們高興起來 (哼哼)
[05:20.58]You know what? My New Year's resolution was to let it go, and I am. 你知道嗎?
[05:24.62]I have. I've let it go. I apologize. 我已經(jīng),已經(jīng)讓它去了.
[05:27.49]- You do? - I do. 我道歉
[05:29.72]- How did your test go? - Good, but I won't know for a few days. 我做到了。你考試考得怎樣?
[05:33.36]- We're all pulling for you. - We are? 但是幾天后才能知道結(jié)果
[05:35.33]We are. 我們?
[05:37.23]You can see the mesothelioma better now that I've partially dissected it. 是啊
[05:44.31](Cristina) Um, I can't... 哦,我看不清,嗯
[05:46.67]I can't see it from here. Can I go in closer? 這么遠(yuǎn)我看不清
[05:49.21](Burke) You're fine there. 我能……我能走近一些么?
[05:51.78]Preston, good news. We have a heart for Denny Duquette. Preston,好消息
[05:55.12]- Has he been called? - (Richard) Got here ten minutes ago. 我們給Denny Duquette找到了一顆心臟
[05:57.99]I was worried we couldn't find a match in time. 10分鐘以前他已經(jīng)到了
[06:00.59]We have a plane to take you to Twin Falls, Idaho for the organ recovery. 我們已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好了一架飛機(jī),載你去愛達(dá)荷州的Twin Fall取回器官
[06:04.36]90 minutes each way. How much more do you have here? 單程90分鐘。 你現(xiàn)在的手術(shù)還需要多少時(shí)間完成?
[06:07.86]The heart comes out first. I'd be cutting it too close. 哦,心臟手術(shù)要緊
[06:10.93](Richard) They have a local heart team there, so... 唉,我可能切得太深了
[06:13.50]No. Bailey. Send Bailey. 不,Bailey,派Bailey去,得有我們的人看著
[06:15.27]She'll be our eyes.
[06:17.71]- Dr. Yang, you need to leave this OR. - Excuse me? Yang醫(yī)生,一個(gè)小時(shí)內(nèi)你該離開了
[06:22.18]You've exceeded your 80-hour limit. 什么?
[06:24.25]- You have to leave the hospital. - OK. Um... Um... 你本周已經(jīng)工作超過80小時(shí)了
[06:27.55]As soon as the mesothelioma is dissected...
[06:30.02]Dr. Yang. Now. Yang醫(yī)生,即刻離開
[06:35.09]You heard him. 你聽見他說的了
[06:37.39](Richard clears throat)
[06:42.46]- Denny Duquette. - Hey, Dr. Bailey. Denny Duquette
[06:45.30]I hope seeing you here means they found you a heart. 嘿,Bailey醫(yī)生
[06:48.04]No offense, doctor, but I'm not a big fan of hospitals. 沒有冒犯的意思,但是醫(yī)生,我確實(shí)不是醫(yī)院愛好者
[06:50.91]It takes something special to get me in here. 得有些特別的東西,才能讓我過來
[06:53.44]What do we know about Mr. Duquette? 那么,關(guān)于Duquette先生,我們知道哪些
[06:55.84]Capricorn, single, loves to travel and cook... 摩羯座,單身
[06:59.78]Denny, be quiet. Let her show off. 喜歡旅行和烹調(diào)
[07:02.35]Denny Duquette, 36, admitted today for a heart transplant 讓她表現(xiàn)一下
[07:03.00]Denny Duquette,36歲,安排了今天的心臟移植手術(shù)
[07:05.75]- necessitated by viral cardiomyopathy. - (Bailey) And what does that mean? 原因是其濾過性病毒心肌炎
[07:09.62]His heart can't fill and pump blood normally. 這意味著什么?
[07:12.16]Good. Denny, this is Dr. Stevens. She'll be tending to you prior to surgery. 不錯(cuò) Denny,這是Stevens醫(yī)生
[07:16.40]So I guess I'll be seeing you around, Dr. Stevens. 那么,我猜我能時(shí)時(shí)看見你,Stevens醫(yī)生
[07:19.37](Woman over PA) Dr. Vale, 2743. Dr. Vale, 2743.
[07:22.97]Trying to get some action when he's practically a corpse. 得,我真服了這家伙了
[07:26.41]He was just being nice. 看來只有把他麻倒在手術(shù)臺(tái)上,我才能有點(diǎn)表現(xiàn)的機(jī)會(huì)
[07:27.71]No one enforced an 80-hour work week when I was an intern. Alex,他只是想表現(xiàn)得友好一些
[07:30.85]110, 120 hours suited me just fine. I learned more 'cause I worked more. 110,120小時(shí)對(duì)我正好
[07:35.48]You get a rest before you have the baby. 我工作越多,就學(xué)得越多
[07:37.69]- Being pregnant, keeping up the pace... - You saying I look tired? 至少你在生孩子以前能休息好
[07:41.46]No. Not tired. No. 你在說什么,O'malley醫(yī)生,我看上去很累嗎?
[07:43.86]You look... fresh, spry. 你看上去新鮮,充滿活力,你……
[07:46.53]You glow. What? You... 那什么……表怎么停了
[07:48.66](whispers) Stop now.
[07:49.80]O'Malley, go do an intake on Addison Shepherd's patient. O'malley,去給Addison Shepherd醫(yī)生收個(gè)新病人
[07:53.20]Addison. Addison
[07:56.87]- You do glow. - Like the moon. 你的確容光煥發(fā)
[07:59.67]And you can spend the day in the pit, Karev. 象月亮一般
[08:00.19]你今天可以在大堂這邊幫忙了 Karev
[08:09.42](Hushed arguing) 我明白你的意見,親愛的
[08:13.05]Dr. O'Malley. 看,我想……
[08:14.36]Hi. Mr. And Mrs. Singleton, Rebecca, this is Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd. O'malley醫(yī)生
[08:16.86]Rebecca,這是Montgomery shepherd醫(yī)生
[08:18.63]You don't think it's cancer? Bex is too young for cancer, right? 你們不認(rèn)為這是癌癥,對(duì)嗎?
[08:22.16]I'm just getting up to speed. I'm sorry. Dr. O'Malley? Bex太年輕了,不可能得癌癥,對(duì)吧?
[08:25.20]- Rebecca's... - Could you stop calling me that? 對(duì)不起,O'malley醫(yī)生
[08:27.94]She prefers Bex. Not Rebecca. 你能不再叫我那個(gè)名字嗎?
[08:32.01]Bex has been admitted for an ultrasound guided 已經(jīng)給Bex預(yù)定了超聲波定位檢查
[08:34.71]biopsy on an enlargement of a pelvic lymph node. 特別針對(duì)盆骨淋巴節(jié)放大
[08:37.58]- OK. Bex, you mind if I check it out? - OK. I'll just, um... 好的。Bex,你介意我來檢查一下嗎?
[08:43.42]It's a minor procedure, Bex, 這只是個(gè)小檢查,Bex
[08:45.19]but we'll give you a local anesthetic to manage the pain. 但是我們要給你做一個(gè)局部麻醉
[08:52.56]What are you drawing? 你在畫什么?
[08:54.63]- Just a dumb comic. - (George) You're really talented. 只是幅無聊的漫畫
[09:00.10]It's big. I know. It just appeared one day. 這里很大 我知道
[09:03.80]I'll perform a biopsy this morning, and Dr. O'Malley will take blood 它出現(xiàn)了不到一天
[09:07.58]so we can run some tests, and then we can start to get you some answers. OK? 這樣他可以做一些測試
[09:12.08]No need to panic. I'll keep you posted every step of the way. Singleton太太,不必驚慌
[09:15.72]- Thank you. - OK. 每一步我都會(huì)和你保持聯(lián)系的
[09:19.19]Sorry about this, but I'm going to need that arm to get some blood. 抱歉
[09:23.46]I'll be quick. 我會(huì)盡快
[09:37.61]Mr. Paskowitz. We've located the source of your abdominal pain. Paskowitz先生
[09:42.51]- There. It's called a bezoar. - Bezoar, huh? 那里,它叫胃石
[09:46.78]Foreign matter that couldn't be expelled with a prokinetic agent. 胃石,嗯?
[09:50.38]I love it. In a hospital a laxative is a "prokinetic agent". 用胃腸動(dòng)力劑排不出來
[09:54.76]- You just go up his butt and grab it? - Baby. Please. 那怎么辦,你準(zhǔn)備抬起他屁股挖出它來?
[09:58.36]We won't be able to reach it that way. We'll have to get it from here. 親愛的 注意影響
[10:03.26]So, Mauer, tell me what you have been eating? 那么,Mauer,請(qǐng)告訴我你吃了什么?
[10:07.20]Garbage. Absolute garbage. 垃圾,絕對(duì)的垃圾
[10:11.04]Could you be more specific? 你能再詳細(xì)一點(diǎn)嗎?
[10:16.34]Tell him what you ate, Mauer. 告訴他你吃了啥,Mauer
[10:20.55]He's a writer. 他是個(gè)作家
[10:22.62]- Suffering for his art. - OK. 為他的藝術(shù)受苦
[10:27.22]- He ate his novel. - I'm sorry, what? 他吃了他自己的小說
[10:30.46]I ate my novel, OK? The whole damn thing. 嗯 什么?
[10:34.36]Every last piece of that unmitigated crap. 我吃了那廢物垃圾的每一小片
[10:46.47](& Psapp: Cosy in the Rocket)
[10:51.52]Grey's Anatomy 213 Begin the Begin
[11:17.61]- The labs for Bex Singleton. - Anything? Bex Singleton的檢查結(jié)果
[11:19.87]Her hormone levels, estrogen, progesterone, are sky-high. 發(fā)現(xiàn)什么了?
[11:23.31]Huh. You did a history, right? Any mention of birth control pills? 嗯,那是……你做的病史,對(duì)嗎?
[11:26.85]- No. But her parents were right there. - Talk to her again. 有提到避孕藥片么?
[11:30.38]She hasn't hit puberty. She would be having sex? 和她再談一次
[11:32.92]These days, Dr. O'Malley, it's not that unusual. Talk to the patient. 如果她有性活動(dòng),不是很奇怪么?
[11:38.29]- Derek. - Morning, Richard. Derek 嗨,早上好,Richard
[11:41.00]- You busy? - No, my surgery just got canceled. Why? 你正在忙?
[11:44.13]- I need a favor. - Sure. 幫我個(gè)忙
[11:50.44]Hey, Bex. 嘿,Bex
[11:52.94]Your mom and dad... 你的媽媽和爸爸……
[11:54.48]- Food. - Great. 吃飯去了
[11:59.18]Because I wanted to talk to you. Your lab... The work... 因?yàn)槲蚁牒湍懔膸拙?br /> [12:01.94]你的檢查結(jié)果,顯示……
[12:06.29]Have you been taking birth control pills? 你在吃避孕藥嗎?
[12:10.66]- If you tell my mom and dad... - No, I won't. 如果你告訴我父母的話,他們……
[12:13.06]I just need to know why. 不,我不會(huì)的
[12:13.35]我只是 想知道為什么
[12:16.16]Do you have a boyfriend or... 你有男朋友嗎?或者……
[12:18.03]Like anybody would want to have sex with me. 好像人人都想和我做愛
[12:21.50]Well, then why? 為什么?
[12:25.27]I'm as flat as a board. 我像黑板一樣平
[12:26.77]I took like five of those pills a day, and nothing's different. 我每天吃,大概,5顆這些藥片
[12:32.98]Boobs, dude. 乳房 哥們
[12:34.92]You... were trying to make your breasts grow? 你……
[12:38.02]I wanted to be normal for once in my life. 想讓你的乳房發(fā)育?
[12:41.89]- Did this cause the tumor? - No. 是這個(gè)導(dǎo)致這個(gè)瘤嗎?
[12:43.82]The pill wouldn't have any effect on your lymph nodes. 不,不,這些藥片不會(huì)對(duì)你的淋巴結(jié)有任何影響的
[12:46.93]The amount that you were taking is really dangerous. 但是你服用的劑量
[12:50.00]And it caused a pretty major hormonal imbalance. 是非常危險(xiǎn)的
[12:54.20]- Have you been feeling different? - I feel like I always feel. 你感覺和平時(shí)有什么不一樣嗎?
[13:01.31](Elevator dings)
[13:02.98](& Kraak And Smaak: One of These Days)
[13:04.88]- Hi. - Hi. 嗨
[13:08.35]- You leaving? - 80-hour limit. 你下班了?
[13:11.55]- You? - Surgery was postponed. 80小時(shí)的限制,你呢?
[13:19.23]- I have a dog. - You have a dog? 我養(yǎng)了一條狗
[13:21.30]- My point is, I have a dog. - You have a dog. 你養(yǎng)了一條狗
[13:24.37]Oh, you know what? I love dogs. 你養(yǎng)了一條狗
[13:26.30]I've moved on, so don't give me that look. 哦,你知道嗎?我喜歡狗
[13:30.20]What look? 怎樣看著你?
[13:31.71]- That look. Our look. I'm over you. - I'm over you too. 那樣的眼光,我們的眼光,我已經(jīng)不在乎你了
[13:36.44]- You are? - No. 我也不在乎你了
[13:37.98]Oh. Well, I am. 是嗎?
[13:42.08]Over you. 我不在乎你了
[13:43.82]- I'm over you too. - You just said... Shut up. 我也不在乎你了
[13:48.32](Bell dings) 閉嘴
[13:53.66]- Hi. - Bye. 嗨
[14:09.11]There is a land called Passive-Aggressiva 有一個(gè)地方叫被動(dòng)攻擊亞 (類似埃塞額比亞 赤道幾內(nèi)亞)
[14:11.91]- and you are their queen. - I am fine. 你就是那兒的女王
[14:14.58]- Except when you shriek about trout. - I was not. 我沒事
[14:17.65]- You were shrieking about Meredith. - I was shrieking about the trailer. 我沒有為鮭魚尖叫
[14:21.49]- Last three weeks have been about that? - Yes. 好的,所以過去的三個(gè)星期是針對(duì)房車的
[14:23.92]- Not about saying I love Meredith? - "Loved." 是的
[14:26.26]- What? - You said "loved." Past tense. 不是針對(duì)我說我愛Meredith
[14:28.20]Yes, past tense. 你說你愛過她,過去時(shí)
[14:29.76]Well, then I have been shrieking about the trailer. 對(duì),是的,過去時(shí)
[14:32.90](Bell dings)
[14:40.04]Mauer, time to return your book to the library. Surgery is in an hour. 好的,Mauer,圖書館還書的時(shí)間到了
[14:43.94]- What's this sweat? - Probably nerves. 手術(shù)一個(gè)小時(shí)后開始
[14:46.25]But I'm sweating like Nixon. President Richard Milhous Nixon. 也許只是緊張
[14:49.98]That guy could sweat. And I, Mauer Paskowitz, Richard Milhous Nixon總統(tǒng)
[14:50.42]那個(gè)家伙該流汗。而我,Mauer Maskowitz
[14:52.95]I wrote an epically crap novel, but I can sweat like Nixon. 我只不過寫了本垃圾小說
[14:56.19]It's not even that bad. I read practically every draft. 算了,那本書也未必那么差
[14:59.33]Forgive me, but you are not Lionel Trilling. 我已經(jīng)讀了幾乎全部草稿
[14:59.89]別介意 親愛的 但是你根本不是Lionel Trilling(文學(xué)評(píng)論家)
[15:01.83]- It blows. - Lionel Trilling? 它臭極了
[15:03.56]He seeks the approval of dead critics. Lionel Trilling?
[15:05.80]- The dead don't read. - Ever think about being 死人不讀書,Mauer
[15:08.24]- something other than a writer? - No. 你有考慮過可以不當(dāng)作家,當(dāng)個(gè)其他什么人嗎?
[15:10.24]I am a writer. Mauer Paskowitz. I have no plan B. 不,我是作家,作家Mauer paskowitz
[15:14.01]We can't marry for three years until the book is done. 我沒有第二方案
[15:16.91]Three years I listen to him piss and moan for what? So he can eat the thing? 直到那本該死的書完成
[15:21.18]- Ha! - Your computer have a "delete" button? For what,so he can eat the thing? 為了什么? 為了他可以吃掉那些?
[15:24.15]I wanted to literally put it behind me and start a new book. 你的計(jì)算機(jī)有“刪除”鍵嗎?
[15:27.59]OK, we all get the symbolism. It's painfully obvious. 然后開始寫一本新書
[15:30.96]- And obviously painful. - (Chuckles) 痛苦的顯然
[15:35.90](Desk attendant) All set, Dr. Bailey.
[15:38.00](Nurse on PA) Dr. Marshall to OR 2. Dr. Marshall to OR 2.
[15:40.90]Hey. Hi. I heard you were going to Twin Falls, Idaho. I've never been. 嘿,哈,嗨
[15:43.38]嗯,我聽說你要去愛達(dá)荷的Twin Falls
[15:46.41]- You reached 80 hours? - Technically. 我從來沒去過
[15:49.94]You're off work, Cristina. Go enjoy your day. 理論上是
[15:53.01]No, I'll enjoy my day if I can help retrieve a heart. I promise. 如果我能幫著取回心臟,我會(huì)很快活的
[15:58.92]It's a nice coat. 外套真不錯(cuò)
[16:00.82]- You see that, Dr. O'Malley? - The tumor is compressing an ovary. O'malley醫(yī)生,看見了?
[16:04.39]Yep. That's why I biopsied both ovaries. 是的,所以我對(duì)兩個(gè)卵巢都做了活檢
[16:08.86]- Is that bad? - It's just a precaution, Bex. 壞消息?
[16:11.33]- Apply pressure, Dr. O'Malley. - Mm-hm. 這只是個(gè)預(yù)防措施,Bex
[16:14.34](Meter beeps) 嗯
[16:15.84]I'll get this to path. Mind doing the dressings? 我得把這些拿到上面去
[16:18.54](George) Sure. 你愿意給做個(gè)包扎嗎?
[16:19.67]All right, Bex. Then we'll get you the results just as soon as possible. 沒問題
[16:29.82](Door closes)
[16:33.52]You're a doctor. Haven't you seen scars before? 你是個(gè)醫(yī)生
[16:37.56]Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out 難道沒有看見過疤痕嗎?
[16:39.79]why someone with so much talent would want to do that. 我只是想 一個(gè)有如此有才華的人
[16:43.66]It's just a comic book. 那只是些漫畫
[16:47.90]It's about me and my best friend Jenn when we were kids. 是關(guān)于我和我最好的朋友Jenn的
[16:50.90]- Satisfied? - Does she write it with you? 在我們還是孩子的時(shí)候
[16:53.24]Jenn has a boyfriend like everyone else. 她和你一起畫的嗎?
[16:55.71]I get to be a freak all by myself. 我只有我自己,一個(gè)怪人
[16:57.48]Oh, a freak. That's not the easiest thing to be in high school, is it? 哦,一個(gè)怪人?
[17:02.35]You sound like my shrink. 你聽起來像我的翻版
[17:04.95]Hey, I wasn't always a doctor. In high school... 嘿,我可不是生下來就是醫(yī)生的
[17:09.42]...I was secretary and treasurer 我是秘書和出納
[17:12.69]of the Dungeons and Dragons club. 在一個(gè)龍與地下城俱樂部里
[17:17.03]- Oh, man. - Yeah. 哦,天哪
[17:18.80]I was also a mathlete, and I won the blue ribbon in biology club. 是的,我還是數(shù)學(xué)課代表
[17:23.47]Best fetal pig dissection. 豬胚胎解剖優(yōu)勝者
[17:25.44]And let me tell you, that had the girls knocking down my door. 啊,告訴你,這個(gè)可吸引了那些女孩子
[17:31.71]You just have to get through high school. 你必須挨過高中
[17:34.52]'Cause high school sucks for anyone who's the least bit different. 因?yàn)楦咧袪€透了
[17:38.29]But then there's college, and then out in the real world, 但是接著就是大學(xué)
[17:41.56]you'll find where you fit in. 然后你就來到真實(shí)的世界中
[17:45.93]- You think so? - Yeah, I know so. 你這么想?
[17:48.96](Monitor beeping rapidly)
[17:59.47]- Hi. - Denny. I thought you were asleep. 嗨
[18:02.51]Nah, I don't sleep in hospitals. I'm scared I'll never wake up. Denny 我以為你睡著了
[18:11.39]- Can I ask you something personal? - If I say no? 我能問你一些私人問題嗎?
[18:15.22]I'll hold my breath which will stop my heart, killing me. 如果我說不呢?
[18:19.06]You're here. You'll be charged with murder. 你正好在這里,所以你將會(huì)被起訴謀殺
[18:21.60]Lifetime in prison being loved by a big old girl named Hilde. 余生將在監(jiān)獄里度過,并且一個(gè)叫Hilde的老女人會(huì)愛上你
[18:25.13]My choices are homicide charges 所以,我的選擇是謀殺指控
[18:26.93]or inappropriate personal questions from a patient? 或者回答一個(gè)病人的不合適的私人問題
[18:29.90]- I know. Kinda sucks. - Hold your breath. 我知道,這有點(diǎn)討厭
[18:32.37]I'll take my chances with Hilde. I can do girl-on-girl. 那好吧,屏住你的呼吸
[18:35.14]Oh! See, how can I blackmail you if you bring up girl-on-girl? 哦,看,你提到了女同性戀
[18:39.91]What do you want to know? 你想知道什么?
[18:42.25]- That guy Alex... you with him? - No. 那個(gè)Alex,你和他在一起?
[18:46.75]- Not anymore. And never, ever again. - Good. 不,不會(huì)了,而且永遠(yuǎn),永遠(yuǎn)不再
[18:50.19]- Good? - Yeah. Good. 好
[18:52.43]It means I won't have to fight him for you. 是的,好
[18:54.80]Why do you think I want you to fight for me? 是什么讓你認(rèn)為,我想你去和他爭奪我?
[18:57.16]- Hello. You are in love with me. - Am I? 哈,你愛著我
[19:00.97]Yeah, it's not your fault. I mean, I'm well-off, but I'm not into money. 是嗎?
[19:05.27]I'm smart, but I'm not a know-it-all. I'm funny. 我聰明,但不自以為是
[19:08.61]I'm... I'm really nice. I love animals. 我有趣,但……我很和善
[19:11.95]And I'm hot. I'm a catch. 而且我性感
[19:14.38]You know, if you can wrap your head around 我是個(gè)獵手
[19:16.65]the enlarged failing heart and the dependency to IV meds. 不看這顆增大的,衰竭的心臟和對(duì)靜脈藥物的依賴
[19:21.76](Sighs) 你說得對(duì),我確實(shí)愛上你了
[19:22.82]You're right. I am so in love with you.
[19:26.13]It's a shame really. Since I'm with Hilde and all. 這真丟人,真的
[19:29.60](Both laughing) 自從我跟Hilde和其他人了以后
[19:33.83]There. Five loads of laundry. 那兒……
[19:38.11]I have literally washed the past out of my life. 我簡直就是從我的生活中洗去了我的從前
[19:44.28](Man over PA) Dr. Calls, 2241. Dr. Calls, 2241.
[19:47.55]- You paged me? - (Addison) Yeah. 你呼我?
[19:49.78]Have a look at this. It's Bex's biopsy. 是的
[19:53.42]- Biopsied ovary? - Not exactly. Bex的活檢
[19:55.96]Arrange a meeting with Bex's parents, George. 不全對(duì).
[19:58.76]Find the psychiatrist, if they're available. 哦,找出是哪個(gè)精神病醫(yī)生值班
[20:01.66]- Does she have cancer? - No. 看他能不能也參加
[20:03.50]- That's not an ovary. It's a testis. - A testis? 她是癌癥?
[20:07.60]- Are you sure? - Yes. I'm sure. 你確定嗎?
[20:13.17]- Bex is a hermaphrodite? - Yes. Bex是個(gè)兩性人?
[20:40.83]Yang? Why are you staring at my fat pregnant belly? Yang……
[20:45.81]Sorry. I... 對(duì)不起,我……
[20:49.44]Let me get this straight. You're telling me that our daughter, 恕我直言
[20:53.21]you're telling me my daughter might actually be a boy? 你是說我女兒可能實(shí)際上是個(gè)男孩?
[20:56.65]That... how is that possible? I don't understand. I don't understand how... 這……這怎么可能?
[20:59.44]我 我不明白,我不明白這是怎么回事
[21:01.15]- Shouldn't this have been detected? - Externally, Bex has female genitalia. 怎 怎么以前就沒查出來呢?
[21:05.96]She looks like a girl, 她看起來是個(gè)女孩
[21:07.29]but internally she has both female and male sex organs. 但是身體內(nèi)部,她同時(shí)具有女生和男生的性器官
[21:12.27]So, what now? What are we supposed to do? I don't understand. 那現(xiàn)在怎么辦?我們?cè)撛趺崔k?
[21:16.34](Addison) OK, the best news is that the lymph node tumor is benign. 我 我無法理解……
[21:20.61]So physically, Bex is going to be just fine, 所以,生理上,Bex會(huì)沒事的
[21:23.31]but emotionally, psychologically, I strongly recommend therapy. 但是情感上,心理上
[21:27.98]- (Mr. Singleton) She's in therapy. - For all of you. 她已經(jīng)在接受治療了
[21:30.55]This is not gonna be easy for Bex to hear, 我是說你們都接受治療
[21:32.99]and it's not gonna be an easy adjustment for you to make. 對(duì)你們也不那么容易調(diào)整過來的
[21:36.02]- What kind of adjustment? - My poor girl. 哦,天那!巨大的調(diào)整!這是什么樣的調(diào)整啊
[21:38.46]Many intersex people begin to identify very strongly with one sex. 有很多雙性人
[21:43.10]And it's not necessarily the sex they've been raised. 而且,這不取決于他們是按照哪種性別撫養(yǎng)大的
[21:46.20]She's a girl. She looks like a girl. She has always been a girl. 她是個(gè)女孩
[21:49.97]This at least helps explain why she feels so different. 這至少能解釋,為什么她覺得自己如此不同
[21:55.14]The point is, biologically and emotionally speaking, 問題是,不管生物學(xué),還是從情感上來講
[21:58.41]- she has a choice to make. - A choice? 她都可以做一個(gè)選擇
[22:03.85](Mauer) My mouth feels all weird. 我嘴里感覺怪怪的
[22:06.15]Chewing paper will have that effect. 嚼紙的緣故,親愛的
[22:08.46]- (Alex) Weird how? - Pins and needles. 怎么個(gè)怪法?
[22:10.49]No, needles and pins. Needles and pins. Yeah, yeah. 釘和針(發(fā)麻) 不,針和釘
[22:13.89]Sprouting from my fingers and toes like... like... 從我的手指和腳趾長出來
[22:18.13]- Lord God, give me a simile. - Is he always this way? 主啊,上帝啊,給我一個(gè)明示吧
[22:21.40]The man ate a novel. He's not exactly normal. 他常這樣嗎?
[22:23.97]But he got weirder the more he ate. He's, like, obsessed. 但是,他吃得越多,變得越奇怪
[22:27.97]I'm Dr. Webber. I'm gonna be performing your surgery today. Paskowitz,我是Webber醫(yī)生
[22:31.81]I poured my heart and soul into that freaking book, 今天我給你做手術(shù).
[22:34.88]and now it's stuck up my ass. 而現(xiàn)在它粘住我了.
[22:37.15]Put that on my tombstone, Audrey. On my tombstone. 把這句刻在我墓志銘上,Audrey
[22:42.42](Woman over PA) Dr. Love to OR 2. Dr. Deb Love to OR 2.
[22:49.06]- Hey, Dr. Stevens. - Hey, Denny. You OK? 嘿,Stevens醫(yī)生
[22:50.88]嘿,Denny, 你還好嗎?
[22:52.47]I've been waiting for this a long time, you know? 我等這一刻等了很久了,你知道嗎?
[22:55.14]You'll open my chest, take my heart and replace it with another. 你打開我的胸膛,取出我的心臟
[22:58.57]Well, not me. And not another heart, a better heart. 然后換上另外一個(gè)
[23:04.85]What if something goes wrong? 如果出了意外怎么辦?
[23:09.25]Don't be nervous. Dr. Burke is an incredible surgeon. 別緊張
[23:12.42]You're getting a new heart today. Keep thinking of that. Burke醫(yī)生是個(gè)非常好的醫(yī)生
[23:15.52]- Yeah. OK. - Denny. 想著這些就行了
[23:18.86]Preston Burke. My favorite cardiothoracic surgeon. Denny
[23:19.24]Preston Burke……我最喜歡的心臟外科醫(yī)生.
[23:22.36]Your only cardiothoracic surgeon, but thanks. 你唯一的心臟外科醫(yī)生,但是謝謝
[23:25.43]I'll be on the phone with Dr. Bailey during the organ recovery. 我會(huì)跟Bailey醫(yī)生通電話
[23:29.07]We want to make sure the heart stays viable, 告訴她器官保護(hù)措施
[23:31.51]isn't damaged while the other organs are perfused. 在給其他器官灌注的時(shí)候,沒弄傷
[23:34.44]We'll have you in the OR, and if it is a go, 我們得把你送到手術(shù)室,如果可以的話……
[23:36.98]we start the procedure before she even gets back. 在她回來之前我們就開始手術(shù)
[23:40.45]- Hey, lzzie. - Yeah? 嘿,Izzie
[23:43.45]I'm getting a new heart. 我要有個(gè)新的心臟了
[23:46.32]You're getting a new heart. 你要有個(gè)新的心臟了
[23:52.56]- I'll see you. - Bye. 再見
[23:55.53](& Cary Brothers: Ride)
[23:58.33](Mr. Singleton) Excuse me. 嗯,抱歉
[23:59.80](Clears throat) Uh... 嗯,Mary和我談過了
[24:01.30]Mary and I were talking, and we think Bex should stay...
[24:05.97]She can't handle something like this. 她無法處理這樣的事情
[24:08.11]- You saw the scars. - You're not gonna tell her? 你看見那些疤了嗎
[24:10.94]But this could help her. 等等,你們不打算告訴她?
[24:12.28]- You can't not tell her who she is. - Dr. O'Malley. 但是,這可能對(duì)她好.
[24:14.98]We'll proceed with surgery to remove the tumor. 嗯,我們會(huì)繼續(xù)處理
[24:17.78]You can talk to your daughter in your own time. 安排一個(gè)手術(shù)去除那個(gè)瘤
[24:20.42]Actually, we were thinking... 實(shí)際上,我們?cè)谙?hellip;…
[24:22.56]We thought, since you're already going to be in there... 我們想,既然你們已經(jīng)做到這步了,嗯……
[24:26.96]We know "fixed" isn't the right word but... 我們知道“修補(bǔ)”不是一個(gè)準(zhǔn)確的詞,但是……
[24:29.40](Mrs. Singleton) We thought that with the hormonal confusion, 我們考慮了那個(gè)荷爾蒙混亂的事情
[24:32.57]it might be easier on her to remove whatever boy parts she has. 也許這樣對(duì)她更好
[24:36.54]- Keep her more of a girl. - You're asking me to perform 讓她更像個(gè)女孩
[24:39.44]sexual reassignment surgery on her? 只是想澄清一下,你們正在要求我做一個(gè)手術(shù)
[24:41.51]- (Both) Yes. - Without her knowing? 是的
[24:43.54](Mr. Singleton) All she's said all her life is that she wants to be normal. 在她不知情的情況下?
[24:47.21]- She doesn't feel normal. - Why can't we put an end to her agony? 是她想要變得正常
[24:51.18]Removing her male sexual organs may not do that. 嗯,首先,取出她的男性器官
[24:53.92]- It could do the opposite. - But her hormones... 可能并不能達(dá)到你所說的效果。事實(shí)上,可能會(huì)是反效果
[24:56.52]Can be controlled with oral medication. 但是她的荷爾蒙……
[24:58.89]We just want the best for Bex. 我們只是想為Bex好
[25:00.69]To do surgery and alter her body permanently is... 做手術(shù)永久改變她的身體是……
[25:04.16]I would not do that on someone who's unaware of the procedure, 嗯,我不想對(duì)任何人做這樣的手術(shù)
[25:07.57]and you're gonna be hard-pressed to find a surgeon who will. 在他自己不知情的情況下
[25:13.24]Bex will learn the truth some day. Bex將會(huì)知道真相……在將來的某一天
[25:16.78]How do you want her to find out? 你想讓她怎樣去發(fā)現(xiàn)真相?
[25:21.05]Excuse me. 對(duì)不起
[25:29.06]- Meredith. Hi. - Hi. Meredith,嗨
[25:31.76]I had the morning off, so I came to see my mother. 嗨,我早上有空
[25:34.43]- She's in the sitting room. - Thanks. 所以我想我該來看看我媽媽的狀況
[25:36.60]She's in good spirits. Visitors really cheer her up. 謝謝
[25:40.17]Visitors? 訪客?
[25:54.48](Meredith) What are you doing here? 你在這里做什么?
[25:56.38]There is a clinical trial to study early-onset Alzheimer's. 有一個(gè)正在進(jìn)行中的醫(yī)學(xué)試驗(yàn)
[25:59.79]OK, me you can screw with. 是關(guān)于阿爾茨海默癥的早期治療的
[26:00.16]好,我,你可以亂來。 我媽?不,不行
[26:01.76]My mother? No. Not acceptable.
[26:04.32]Similar studies have had promising results. 有一些很有希望的結(jié)果
[26:06.96]- Your mother is a prime candidate. - She is sick and has few good days. 來自于歐洲的相似的研究
[26:11.33]I don't want her poked and prodded for some experiment. 我不希望她被顛來倒去的
[26:14.40]- I'm just trying to help. - What you're doing? 成為試驗(yàn)品
[26:16.97]Being dreamy? It doesn't help. 哦,看啊,這些,你所做的,只是空想
[26:19.27]It hurts me. It messes with my head. 毫無幫助
[26:21.78]- I know the feeling. - I don't doubt that. 讓我頭腦變得混亂
[26:23.94]But you have a wife to go home to. 我不懷疑這個(gè)
[26:26.31]And I'm guessing she has no idea where you are right now. 而且我想
[26:29.18](Chuckles) 是的,她不知道
[26:30.45]- No, she doesn't. - That's what I thought.
[26:41.70]- (Nurse) Dr. Bailey? - Thanks. Dr. Burke?
[26:44.97](Preston) What are we looking at? 告訴我,Baily,你看到什么?
[26:46.67]The donor is on 25 mics of dopamine. 那個(gè),嗯,那個(gè)捐獻(xiàn)者的多巴胺指數(shù)是25 mic
[26:50.64]25 mics? That's too much. 25 mics?這太高了
[26:52.51]They started him on five mics of dobutamine 30 minutes prior to arrival. 他們已經(jīng)給了他 5 mics 鹽酸多巴酚丁胺
[26:56.44]Are they trying to kill my heart? What is the CVP? 在我到達(dá)前30分鐘
[26:59.18]- CVP? - (Cristina) Around ten. 他的中心靜脈壓是多少
[27:00.85]- Ten. - MAP close to 80. 中心靜脈壓,醫(yī)生?
[27:02.08]- (Burke) Mean arterial pressure? - Close to 80. 回到大約10
[27:02.25]map 接近80
[27:04.58]I can live with a CVP as low as five and a MAP about 60. 那么他的平均動(dòng)脈壓?
[27:05.04]我能接受 c.v.p,低于5, map, 60左右
[27:07.75]- That heart must be off dobutamine. - The heart must be off dobutamine. 給心臟要停掉多巴酚丁胺
[27:11.93]And tell them to get the dopamine back down to ten mics. 再告訴他們,讓多巴胺指數(shù)回到低于10 mic
[27:15.16]Get them to get another two units of blood. (groans) 然后,讓他們?cè)倌脙纱?br /> [27:19.83]- We a go, doc? - Still no final word. 我們可以進(jìn)行了嗎,醫(yī)生?
[27:22.97]I want the healthiest heart I can find. 還沒有最后搞定
[27:25.24]Dr. Stevens, you'll be in there with us, right? Stevens醫(yī)生,你會(huì)在這和我們?cè)谝黄?,?duì)嗎?
[27:30.81]Yeah. I'll be in there with you. 是的,我會(huì)在那兒陪你
[27:35.35](Richard) All right, we're going to remove... 好的,諸位,我們開始去除
[27:38.02]Aren't you supposed to be having free time? 一個(gè)在回盲交接處的異物結(jié)塊
[27:40.32]Oh, I did five loads of laundry, cut my split ends, studied, 世界知名的作家Mauer paskowitz……
[27:43.72]cleaned out the fridge. Free time sucks. 拔了肉刺,看了書,清理了冰箱
[27:48.43]When would have been the right time to hear about your boyfriend's wife? 什么時(shí)候才能
[27:53.33]- OK, are you mad at me or something? - No. No. 好啊,你生我氣還是怎么的?
[27:56.57]Sorry. I have this patient, and I get that there's a right and a wrong time 不,不,抱歉。那只是,我們有一個(gè)病人
[28:00.54]to hear big news, but wouldn't you rather know sooner than later? 我知道聽重大新聞是有好壞時(shí)機(jī)的
[28:04.11]I mean, just so you can move forward one way or the other. 但是遲早是要聽到的
[28:07.18]I mean, it's a fresh start, right? 我想,換一下會(huì)是一個(gè)新的開始,對(duì)嗎?
[28:10.58](Richard) See the little white line of Toldt? 好,好
[28:12.89]Now we can mobilize the lateral border of the left colon. Clamp. 現(xiàn)在我們可以移動(dòng)降結(jié)腸的一側(cè)
[28:16.42]When Leo Tolstoy here wakes up 夾住
[28:18.32]you might get him to revisit the idea of a new vocation. 當(dāng)這個(gè)列奧 托爾斯泰醒過來
[28:21.39]- (Alex) He was pretty against the idea. - Hopefully it was just delirium. 他很不喜歡這個(gè)想法
[28:25.43]If it's all right, I'd like to keep an eye on him post-op. 如果手術(shù)順利的話
[28:28.47]- He was acting strange. - He ate a novel. Clearly, he's strange. 術(shù)后我得特別看住他
[28:32.14]It's just, I don't want to overlook anything. 是的,你知道,這只是……
[28:35.01]Seriously, Karev. I'm short-handed all over the hospital. 我不想忽略任何東西
[28:38.61]OK, here we go. 好的,我們開始
[28:44.38]Anybody here tempted to read this? 有誰想讀讀這本書嗎?
[28:48.46]No takers? 沒有人?
[28:50.39]Could be the great American novel. We'll never know. 可能是本偉大的美國小說
[28:53.99]He needs a plan B. 他需要第二方案
[28:56.23](Alex) He's not the only one. 他可能不是唯一的一個(gè)
[28:58.26](Richard) You don't think you passed? 你覺得自己沒有通過考試?
[29:00.40]- I thought I passed the first time. - Well, let's wait and see. 上次我覺得自己通過了
[29:04.34]Right now, today, you're still here. 現(xiàn)在,今天,你還在這里
[29:10.71]Did you tell my parents about the pill? 你告訴我父母藥片的事情了
[29:12.85]No. 沒有
[29:15.15]Am I gonna die? Is that what no one wants to tell me? 我會(huì)死嗎?
[29:18.32]- Of course not. - Then why are my parents acting so... 這是沒有人告訴我的原因嗎?
[29:22.79]Will you just tell me what's going on? 直接告訴我怎么回事 好嗎?
[29:24.86]We're prepping you for surgery 正在做的,嗯,我們正在給你做術(shù)前準(zhǔn)備
[29:27.03]to remove the lymph node tumor that's compressing your... 給你去除那個(gè)淋巴瘤,它正壓迫著你的……
[29:31.00]Ovary. 卵巢
[29:36.20]Hey, Bex. How are you doing? 嘿,bex,你好嗎?
[29:39.34]Mom, Dad, this is really freaking me out. 媽媽,爸爸,我快瘋掉了
[29:41.61]- Oh, no. Everything's gonna be fine. - It's OK, sweetie. 哦,哦,會(huì)好起來的,bex
[29:45.01]I'm having surgery to remove a tumor that's compressing my ovary. 沒事的,親愛的
[29:49.72]Right, George? 對(duì)嗎,George?
[29:53.32]Dr. O'Malley. O'malley醫(yī)生
[29:57.26]George? George?
[30:00.86]- What, am I supposed to lie to her? - OK. That's enough. 什么?我應(yīng)該騙她嗎?
[30:05.40]- Please leave the room. - (Bex) No. Wait. 夠了
[30:07.80]Tell me what's wrong with me. 不,等等
[30:10.27]What is wrong with me? 我怎么了?
[30:17.04]Bex... bex……我們發(fā)現(xiàn)
[30:18.71](clears throat)
[30:19.85]We learned that your tumor... 那個(gè)腫瘤,不是壓迫著你的卵巢
[30:22.22]it's not compressing an ovary.
[30:25.35]Then where is it? 那它在哪里?
[30:28.12]It's on a testis. 它在一個(gè)睪丸上
[30:32.03]Like a testicle? 睪丸?
[30:35.33]- I have testicles? - (Addison) Yes. One. 我有睪丸?
[30:38.93]Bex, this is a tremendous amount of information... 是的,一個(gè)
[30:41.84]And I've had it my whole life? 而且我一直都有
[30:46.57]Oh, my God. 哦,天哪
[30:49.54]Does this mean? 這是不是說……
[30:51.85]Does this mean I could be a boy? 這是不是意味著我可以是一個(gè)男孩?
[31:02.79](Whispers) Yes.
[31:06.76]You engineered that conversation. Forced our hand. 你設(shè)計(jì)了這場談話
[31:09.46]You were lying. 你強(qiáng)迫我們
[31:10.53]- Protecting her. - She's a 14-year-old girl. 可是,你們正在對(duì)她撒謊
[31:12.83]Maybe. Maybe not. 她是個(gè)14歲的女孩
[31:16.07]This isn't your life. This isn't your child! 這不是你的人生
[31:19.47]Fourteen years. Fourteen years, we have raised a daughter. 這不是你的孩子
[31:23.14]In one afternoon, you expect us to... What? What is Bex to do? 但是在一個(gè)下午,你指望我們……什么?
[31:26.91]How is she supposed to go home and tell the other kids? What? You had no right. bex應(yīng)該做什么?
[31:31.32]No. I know. I'm off the case, right? 你沒有這個(gè)權(quán)力
[31:33.45](Mrs. Singleton sobs)
[31:37.52]Whoa, Mauer. Mauer. 哦,Mauer
[31:40.36]Lay back. You just had surgery. You're losing your shirt, man. Mauer,躺下
[31:44.40]Much obliged... (stammers) Much obliged, pal. 你的衣服松開了
[31:47.77]How you feeling? 太束縛,哥們
[31:49.50]What's whacked for 20, Alex? 你感覺如何,mauer?
[31:51.91]Weeds whacked weeds. 喪服值,喪服
[31:53.77]Weeds whacked for 200. 喪服值20塊錢
[31:56.18]Way, way whacked. 路……路值……
[31:59.15]- (Derek) I saw Ellis. - (Richard) And? 我見了ellis了
[32:01.08]I think I can get her into the trial. She's a perfect candidate. 怎么樣?
[32:04.38]Excellent. Thank you, Derek. 她是個(gè)絕佳人選
[32:06.95]It requires Meredith's power of attorney. 你知道這需要meredith的正式認(rèn)可,對(duì)吧
[32:09.32]Yeah. 是的
[32:10.76]Might be better if it comes from you. With me, there's baggage. 如果是你來,情況會(huì)好一些
[32:14.26]You? You're just trying to help out a friend. 對(duì)我來說,這是個(gè)沉重的負(fù)擔(dān)
[32:17.20]Right. 是的,是的
[32:19.07]Right. 好的
[32:20.30]Let me know if Meredith wants me to call. 那么,如果meredith想讓我打電話給她,請(qǐng)讓我知道
[32:22.64](Man over PA) Dr. Boyd to C TU. Dr. Boyd to C TU.
[32:26.14]Karev? What are you doing? Karev……你在做什么?
[32:29.14]- Research on the bezoar patient. - I told you I needed you on the floor. 胃石病人的研究
[32:32.98]He has fever, sweats, tingling lips, fingers, toes, mood swings, 我告訴過你了,你應(yīng)該在病房里
[32:36.45]lack of coordination and did I mention the crazy talk? 手指和腳趾,情緒搖擺,沒有方向,情緒無規(guī)則波動(dòng)
[32:39.39]- Your point? - My point is, he ate his novel. 你想說什么?
[32:41.85]- I know. - Mercury is in the paper. 哦,我想說的是,他吃了他的小說
[32:43.79]He's got mercury poisoning. 我知道
[32:50.00]Cristina, call Burke. Cristina,打電話給 burke
[32:51.80]I'm feeling some fairly extensive damage from coronary artery disease. 我覺得這個(gè)心臟了損傷嚴(yán)重,由于冠動(dòng)脈疾病
[32:55.94]Um... 嗯……
[32:57.74](Bailey) Yang? yang
[33:03.11](Cell phone rings)
[33:04.18]- Talk to me, Bailey. - (Cristina) It's me. 說話,bailey
[33:07.41]I can't talk. I'm waiting on a call from Bailey. 是我
[33:10.58]I'm with Bailey. 我和bailey在一起
[33:13.09]You're in Idaho? 你在愛達(dá)荷州?
[33:15.05]- Yeah. - You're breaking the rules. 是的
[33:18.79]Yes. 是的
[33:20.19]Preston. What's happening with our heart? Preson,我們的心臟有什么問題嗎?
[33:23.83]Hello, Dr. Webber. Tell me what I need to know about Denny's heart, Dr. Bailey. 嘿,Webber醫(yī)生
[33:44.75](Phone rings)
[33:49.89]Thank you. 謝謝
[33:51.92]This program Derek looked into was a favor to me. derek考察的試驗(yàn)是我請(qǐng)他幫忙的
[33:56.20]- Nice try. - Sometimes a favor is just a favor. 挺大膽的嘗試
[34:01.03]This treatment won't cure your mother or give her a new lease on life, 這個(gè)治療不會(huì)治好你的母親
[34:04.77]but it may give her more good days. 這不會(huì)給她一個(gè)新的生活
[34:07.64]I urge you to consider. 我強(qiáng)烈建議你考慮一下
[34:13.55]Lying here trapped in this flesh prison, I've reached a grim conclusion. 躺在這里,陷入一個(gè)肉欲的牢籠
[34:19.09]I'm a failure. 我是個(gè)失敗者
[34:21.62]- You know how that feels? - Dude, if you only knew. 你知道這感覺嗎?
[34:24.66]Even my manic attempt to put my failed novel behind me failed. 伙計(jì),你也知道
[34:29.00]Time for a plan B, I reckon. 是時(shí)候考慮第二方案了,我琢磨
[34:31.56]Time indeed. 是時(shí)候了
[34:34.43]Perhaps I shall play the cello. 也許我該去拉大提琴
[34:37.07]Well, we make a mistake here, and people die. Happens all the time. 嗯,我們?nèi)绻噶隋e(cuò)誤,就會(huì)死人
[34:42.48]- All the time? - There's a lot. 常發(fā)生?
[34:45.85]Is this part of the hallucination? 嗯,發(fā)生了很多
[34:47.95]My point is we all have setbacks, Mauer. But I'm a doctor, and you're a writer. 我想說的是,我們都有挫折,mauer
[34:52.75]We don't have a plan B. 但是我是醫(yī)生,你是作家
[34:55.92]Call security. 叫保安
[34:58.02]Have you determined a course of treatment for the mercury poisoning? 你定好了治療計(jì)劃
[35:01.99]The patient has been administered a chelator called British Antileukocyte 是的,病人已經(jīng)給藥了
[35:03.88]一種螯合劑叫british antl-leukocyte
[35:06.37]which will absorb the mercury over the next several days. 能在將來幾天內(nèi)吸附水銀
[35:10.27]Good work, doctor. 做得不錯(cuò),醫(yī)生
[35:29.56]Yang. Yang……
[35:39.40]Know what's wrong with having an 80-hour limit? It protects the weak. 你知道80小時(shí)限制有什么錯(cuò)誤嗎?
[35:43.27]It levels the playing field. Which not only sucks, it's dangerous. 它保護(hù)弱者,它把競爭拉平了
[35:47.34]Eighty-hour work week? That's what's on your mind? 你一直在想每周80小時(shí)?
[35:57.22]I thought about it. 我考慮過了……
[36:00.05]- Not keeping it. - You did? 不保留它
[36:03.99]My husband and I, we tried for years. 你真的?
[36:07.79]But still, when that stick turned blue... 但是始終,當(dāng)那個(gè)棒子變藍(lán)的時(shí)候(懷孕試紙陽性)……
[36:11.10]You can't work the way we work, 你不能按大家的節(jié)奏工作,你無法有大家想要的職業(yè)
[36:13.03]you can't want the kind of careers that we want
[36:16.14]and not take... pause. 而且不能……中斷
[36:19.11]I took pause. 我中斷了
[36:20.84]- You paused? - I paused. I paused a very long time. 你中斷了?
[36:30.68]So why did? 那么為什么……?
[36:34.95]I sat up one night, middle of the night... 有天晚上,我半夜坐起來……
[36:41.19]and I knew I could do this. 我知道我能行
[36:46.63]I still don't know how I'm gonna do this, but... I knew I could do it. 現(xiàn)在我還是不知道,我怎么去做它
[36:55.31]You just have to know. 你就只要知道就行了
[36:58.64]And when you don't know, then no one can fault you for it. 當(dāng)你不知道的時(shí)候
[37:03.08]You do what you can, when you can, while you can. 你做了你能做的
[37:10.12]And when you can't, you can't. 但是你若不能,你就不要
[37:19.57]- You're stalking me. You're a stalker. - Well, can you blame me? 你在潛獵捕捉我嗎?
[37:27.47]So it's bad? 哦,它壞了,對(duì)嗎?
[37:32.08]- You have time. - Liar. 你還有時(shí)間
[37:35.15]- Fine. There's no time. - Now, that's just spiteful. 說謊
[37:42.76]I didn't get the heart? 我沒有得到那心臟
[37:46.26]You didn't get the heart. 你沒有得到那心臟
[38:01.07]- (George) Hey. - Hey, George. 嘿
[38:04.88]Hey, I just... I just wanted to check in on you. 嘿,我只是,嗯……
[38:09.55]Heard my parents weren't too happy with you. 我聽說我父母對(duì)你不太高興
[38:12.05]Nope. 沒有
[38:16.09]Thanks for telling me. For making them tell me. 謝謝你告訴我
[38:21.96]You know, um, there are people that you can talk to. 你知道,嗯,你可以和有些人談?wù)?br /> [38:26.00]- I can... - I know. 我能……如果你愿意……
[38:32.74]- George, do I have to be a boy now? - No. George,現(xiàn)在我必須成為男孩了嗎?
[38:37.68]- No. - But I can if I want to? 不
[38:41.31]Yeah, you can. If you want. 但是我可以,如果我想的話
[38:46.45]Hey, could you? 我……
[38:48.65]Would you bring me some scissors? 你能……
[38:49.41]你愿意給我?guī)О鸭糇觼韱幔?br /> [38:52.53](Meredith) Who gets to determine when the old ends and the new begins? 誰能決定舊的結(jié)束 和新的開始
[38:57.23](Elevator dings)
[38:58.90](Derek sighs)
[38:59.97]Derek. Derek
[39:01.63]- Hi. - Tell me about the program. 嗨
[39:04.27]It's not a day on a calendar, not a birthday, not a new year. 和我說說那試驗(yàn)的事
[39:09.08]- Denny. I'll see you. - Goodbye, Dr. Stevens. 嘿,denny,回頭見
[39:16.92]- Hey. He's leaving? - Didn't get the heart. 嘿,他出院了
[39:20.55]- Sorry. - Yeah. 沒有得到心臟
[39:22.12]- He's a good guy. - Yeah. He is. 真遺憾 嗯
[39:27.03](& Slow Runner: Break Your Momma's Back)
[39:32.67](Meredith) It's an event. Big or small. 那是個(gè)意外
[39:37.14]Something that changes us. 總有些東西會(huì)改變我們
[39:39.27]Ideally, it gives us hope. 理論上,它給我們希望……
[40:09.30]A new way of living and looking at the world. 用一種新的方式,去生活,去看待世界
[40:18.21]I'm cooking the trout outside. 我在外面煮鱒魚
[40:21.38]Thank you. 謝謝你
[40:26.09]Oh. 哦
[40:31.29]There is a land called Passive-Aggressiva... 有一個(gè)國家叫做被動(dòng)攻擊亞
[40:37.26]- and I am their queen. - That's all I'm saying. 我是那里的女王
[40:43.30]So what? With Meredith... 那么又怎么樣……
[40:49.07]Am I supposed to just wait it out? Wait until it passes? 我該只是等待結(jié)果
[40:55.31]That'd be good. 那樣不錯(cuò)
[40:58.48]I still hate the trailer. (Sighs) 我還是討厭這房車
[41:01.45]As is your right. 這是你的權(quán)力
[41:08.09](Meredith) Letting go of old habits, old memories. 讓舊的習(xí)慣離開
[41:15.20]I wasn't gonna have it. The baby. And you don't get to be mad about that. 我不想要那孩子
[41:19.84]We barely knew each other. I was an intern. 你不要為這個(gè)發(fā)怒
[41:22.17]- There was no way... - I'm not mad. 我們互相不了解,我是個(gè)住院實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生
[41:28.98]- You're not? - No. 你沒有?
[41:32.45]I just wanted to know. 不,我只是想知道
[41:36.59]I want to know things. 我只是想知道這些事情
[41:39.09](Meredith) What's important is that we never stop believing 重要的是,我們不會(huì)失去信仰
[41:42.50]we can have a new beginning. 我們可以有個(gè)新的開端的信仰
[41:44.86](Dog barking)
[41:47.23](Meredith) Doc, that was my laundry. You don't eat laundry. 狗狗,那是我的衣服
[41:50.24]Bad dog! Bad dog! Bad! 你不能咬衣服,壞狗,壞狗
[41:53.57](Dog barking, door rattling)
[41:59.25](Meredith) But it's also important to remember that amid all the crap 但是也要記住
[42:04.35]are a few things really worth holding on to. 還是有些事情是你值得保留的
[42:10.09]Grey'a Anatomy 213 完

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