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實習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾第二季第24集:[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:42:50
[00:01.45]Grey's anatomy"... 前情提要...
[00:03.15]i slept with george.It was a horrible mistake. 我和george上床了 那是個天大的錯誤
[00:05.75]I have no interest in obstetrics or gynecology, dr. Shepherd. 我對婦科或者產(chǎn)科沒興趣 Shepherd醫(yī)生
[00:08.95]Your ass is mine until i say otherwise. 你現(xiàn)在聽我調(diào)遣 直到我滿意為止
[00:11.45]So we spent the night at callie's last night. 昨晚我們是在callie的地方過夜的
[00:13.35]So i figured we'd just spend the night here. 所以我決定今晚我們就在這里了
[00:15.15]Oh, hi. 喔 嗨
[00:16.65]You're falling for a vet. 你正在愛上一個獸醫(yī)
[00:18.05]I'm also dating. You.If you still want to. 我也要約會 你--如果你還想的話
[00:22.05]I got home. He was listless and hadn't eaten all day 我回到家里 看到他神情倦怠而且一天沒吃東西
[00:23.95]oh, no. Let's have a look. Hey. 哦不 讓我們看看 嘿
[00:25.95]Hey. Is he sick again? 嘿 他又病了?
[00:28.25]Yeah. 恩
[00:33.65]We all go through life like bulls in a china shop... 我們對待生活 就像混蛋在瓷器店一樣
[00:37.15]a chip here, a crack there, 東砸一下 西毀一下
[00:39.85]doing damage...to ourselves,to other people. 到處破壞...毀我們自己 也毀其他人
[00:46.65]So, uh, i don't cook. 那么 恩 我不做飯
[00:49.25]Nobody asked you to cook. 沒人要你做飯
[00:50.25]I know.I'm just saying that,you know, i don't cook. 我知道 我只是說一句 我不做飯
[00:53.05]So you don't have to cook.I don't expect you to cook for me. 而且你也不用做飯 我沒期望你為我做飯
[00:56.15]Okay. You... sit there. 好吧 你...坐那邊
[00:59.25]Sit down. 坐下
[01:00.95]I wa you to drink this and try really hard 我要你把這個喝了 然后努力嘗試
[01:04.55]to act like you aren't scary and damaged. 表現(xiàn)出好像沒有受驚或者受傷
[01:07.15]I'm not scary and damaged. Yeah, you are. -我沒受驚也沒受傷 -哦 你是的
[01:10.35]No!I'm not scary or damaged. 不! 我沒有受驚 受傷
[01:13.15]Mm-hmm. All right. 啊哼~~ 好吧
[01:15.25]Then why don't you tell me about your family? 那么為什么你不跟我說說你的家庭?
[01:18.05]Okay... 好吧...
[01:19.25]me not wanting to talk about my family 我不想談?wù)撐业募彝?br /> [01:21.25]does not make me scary or damaged. 但是并不意味著我受驚或者受傷了
[01:23.65]Okay. 好
[01:26.05]Tell me about the last guy you slept with. 那告訴我上次和你上床的男人吧
[01:28.15]The problemis trying to figure out 而問題在于如何找到解決之道
[01:30.05]how to controlthe damage we've done, 來控制我們所做的毀壞
[01:32.65]or that's been done to us. 或者在我們身上的毀壞
[01:35.15]What did you say to him? 你和他怎么說的?
[01:37.05]Nothing. I fled the scene. 什么也沒說就逃開了
[01:39.45](muffled voice) you didn't tell him about george or derek? 你沒和他說關(guān)于George或者Derek?
[01:41.55]Nope. 沒有
[01:42.45]Hmm. You like him. 唔 你喜歡他了
[01:45.05]I could like him. 我應(yīng)該喜歡他
[01:46.65]Is the sex any good? 床上技術(shù)不錯吧?
[01:48.05]I don't know. 我不知道
[01:49.05]Four dates and two sleepovers at his place, and no sex? 4次約會加2次在他家過夜竟然沒上床?
[01:52.35]Not even a kiss good night. 連個晚安吻都沒打
[01:54.75]Oh, i am proud. 噢~~ 我太自豪了
[01:57.65]I'm like a proud mama. 我簡直就是個自豪的媽媽
[01:59.75]Shut up. 閉嘴
[02:07.55]Mornin'. 早上好
[02:12.95]Sometimes the damagecatches us by surprise. 有時候毀壞是用驚訝來捕獲我們的
[02:31.15]Oh, my god. 哦 如來真主耶和華
[02:32.65]Did that just happen? 剛才我不是眼花吧?
[02:33.75]I'm having a seizure.I'm clearly mid-seizure. 我簡直傻眼了 完全說不出話來
[02:36.85]I'm seizing. Oh, my god. 我太傻眼了 天啊
[02:38.75]She didn't even wash her hands. 她甚至都沒洗手哦
[02:41.15]oh, my god. 天啊天啊
[02:42.45]Sotimes we thinkwe can fix the damage. 有時候我們覺得可以處理好那些毀壞
[02:45.15]All i'm saying, george,is if she needs to pee, she could at least wear a bra. 我只想說george 如果她真的要尿尿 她至少該穿件胸罩吧
[02:48.35]Or maybe wait till she's alone. 或者等到只剩她自己的時候
[02:49.65]And for the love of everything sanitary,could she just washer hands?She's a surgeon. 而完全出于衛(wèi)生角度說一句 她不能就洗一下手么? 她是個醫(yī)生啊
[02:53.35]You said yourself you guys were blocking the sink. 管好你自己吧 你們待廁所里不出來
[02:55.05]Anyway, i think you're exaggerating. She peed. Naked peeing.Ask meredith. -不管怎樣 我覺得你太夸張了 -她光著身子在我們面前尿尿 你問meredith
[03:01.15]Oh, that's right, i forgot.You're not talking to her. 哦 算了 我忘了你不和她說話了
[03:03.95]If you were, she would tell you that callie crosses the line. 如果你能問 她會告訴你callie做的是太過了
[03:06.95]So across the line. 超級過分
[03:08.05]It's so freakin' crossed. 超級無敵大過分
[03:10.65]Oh! We're still pretending that you're not seeing a patient, right? 噢! 我們還要假裝你沒和那病人有噯昧 對吧?
[03:15.75]People, what's with all the evil misery, huh? 朋友們 哪里來這么多怨恨啊?
[03:19.45]Live and let live. 待人寬 人亦待己寬
[03:23.75]You're cheerfu 你很高興哦
[03:24.35]oh! 哦!
[03:24.75]You are. Come on. -你的確 -算了
[03:26.15]How's that possible? 怎么可能?
[03:27.15]I scrubbed in on a 4-hour paraesophageal hernia last night, 我昨晚參加了一個4小時的異常疝氣手術(shù)
[03:30.35]then i got laid, 而且我睡足了
[03:31.45]and now three ambulances are coming in full of bloody,broken car crash victims, all who need to becut open. 現(xiàn)在還有正趕來的3輛救護車 裝滿了血流不止 傷害嚴重而需要及時開刀的車禍?zhǔn)芎φ?br /> [03:37.85]So i'm cheerful.I'm cheerful... 所以 我很高興 我好高興哦...
[03:39.65]and sometimes the damageis something we can't even see. 而有時候 毀壞甚至是我們無法看到的
[03:44.75]Sorry, sir. 對不起先生
[03:46.15]Hey.How's my dog? 我的狗怎樣了?
[03:47.65]Much better.Finn's running tests. Good. -好多了 Finn還在做檢查 -很好
[03:49.85]Our dog. 我們的狗
[03:50.65]What? 什么?
[03:51.85]Our dog. You said "my dog." 我們的狗 你剛才說"我的狗"
[03:53.75]He's our dog. 他是我倆的狗
[03:56.65]Yeah, whatever. 是 管他呢
[03:58.05]Are you mad at me or something? 你是生我的氣還是什么么?
[04:00.85]Now is not the time. 現(xiàn)在不是說這個的時候
[04:02.75]25-year-old restrained driver,noah reynolds. 25歲司機noah reynolds
[04:05.15]Vitals stable.Chief complaint,right knee pain. Curtain three. -情況基本穩(wěn)定 主要問題是右膝疼痛 -3號診室
[04:08.25]Noah, you still alive? Noah 你還活著嗎?
[04:10.55]I'm still alive, baby. 我還活著呢 寶貝
[04:12.85]My wife's side took all the impact. 我老婆那邊承受了所有沖撞
[04:14.85]Her parents were in the other car. 她父母在另外一輛車上
[04:15.95]Some jerk slammed into them and then they slammed into us. 一個混蛋突然撞到他們車上 然后他們撞到了我們
[04:19.55]On three.One, two, three. 準(zhǔn)備過床 1 2 3
[04:21.95]22-year-old pregnant,restrained passenger.T-boned on her side. 22歲孕婦 副駕駛位置 承受了主要沖撞
[04:25.55]Prolonged extrication in the field. 救援時候時間比較長
[04:26.85]B.p. 90 over 50.Pulse in the 80s. 血壓 90/50 脈搏每秒80
[04:28.85]trauma room one. 一號外傷診室
[04:29.85]Trauma?No, i'm fine, really. 外傷? 不 我很好 真的
[04:31.85]You don't have to go to all that trouble. 你們不用為我麻煩了
[04:33.15]Mercy, no, i am fine, really.The air bags went off. 上帝 不 我很好 空氣袋子掉了
[04:35.95]If you could just check on my baby and the rest of my family and my husband. 能請你們檢查一下我的孩子 還有我家人和我老公嗎?
[04:38.95]Noah, you saw mama breathing, right? Noah 你看到媽媽還有氣兒 對吧?
[04:41.65]And daddy...where the hell's daddy? 還有爸爸...爸爸在哪里?
[04:43.55]Mama and daddy are still alive, right? 媽媽和爸爸都還活著對嗎?
[04:45.05]They're in the ambulance right behind us. 他們在我們后面的救護車上
[04:47.05]They're still alive, right? 他們都還活著 對嗎?
[04:48.25]Please don't move, ma'am. 請不要亂動
[04:48.95]Mama and daddy... i need to know. 媽媽和爸爸....我要知道
[04:50.75]Ye, i'll ask someone about mama. 好 我會幫你問問關(guān)于媽媽
[04:53.25]And daddy. 還有爸爸
[04:54.25]Driver and front seat passenger,both early 50s,both restrained,both stable. 司機以及副駕位置乘客 大約50左右 情況穩(wěn)定 控制住了
[04:59.05]The passenger has some leg and arm pain. 乘客的腿和胳膊有些疼痛
[05:00.95]The driver is complaining of chest pain. 司機說胸部疼痛
[05:02.35]Shoot!Dang it all to heck! 媽的!真他奶奶的該死!
[05:04.95]Excuse my french, honey,but i need some...whatever kind of horse pills you got because this hurts like the dickens! 原諒我的法語 親愛的 但是我需要一些.. 管他什么黑話白話 因為我真是他媽的疼死了
[05:11.85]Uh, that would be mama? 嗯 那應(yīng)該是媽媽吧?
[05:13.25]Mama, you okay? 媽媽 你還好嗎?
[05:15.15]I am in pain. 我快疼死了
[05:17.75]Get off. get off. 滾開 滾開
[05:19.95]Sir, i need to clear your spine. 先生 我要清理你的后背
[05:21.45]My spine is fine and you can sew up my head later. 我后背很好 你一會縫合上我的頭就好了
[05:24.55]Where's my girl? Mellie! 我女兒呢? Mellie!
[05:26.25]Daddy. 爸爸
[05:26.75]Jim. Jim
[05:27.45]Noah. Noah
[05:27.95]Mel. Mel
[05:28.95]mama. 媽媽
[05:30.35]The hillbilly picnic. 農(nóng)民家庭野餐會~~~
[05:33.15]Can everybody shut up for a minute, please? 大家能安靜一下嗎?
[05:34.85]I'm trying to find a fetal heartbeat. Hold on. 我在試著找到嬰兒的心跳呢 憋氣
[05:36.75]Is the baby okay? Hold on. -孩子還好么? -憋氣
[05:42.75]The baby's heartbeat is 152 and strong. 嬰兒心跳152 而且很有力
[05:44.85]It's... it's okay. 那個...很好
[05:48.05]They're both good.They're good. 母子平安 他們母子平安
[05:49.45]Oh, thank the lord.Thank the lord they're all right. 哦 感謝上帝 感謝上帝讓他們都平安
[05:53.75]dr. Bailey,another car crash victim. Bailey醫(yī)生 另外一個車禍的傷員來了
[05:55.45]That's him!That's the guy who hit us. 就是他! 就是他丫撞的我們
[05:57.85]I'll kill him!I'm gonna get you! 我要殺了他! 我要滅了他!
[06:00.75]You son of a bitch. 你這狗娘養(yǎng)的
[06:01.95]Big jim,just hold your horses.He's hurt. 老jim 你先忍忍 他受傷了
[06:04.85]He's already hurt.Good! 他已經(jīng)受傷了 很好!
[06:07.15]Daddy! 爸爸!
[06:07.95]Don't ask me to be neighborly.He slammed into us. 別讓我表現(xiàn)友好 他丫撞的我們
[06:10.45]Trauma three.Page ortho and neuro. 3號外傷診室 呼叫ortho和neuro
[06:12.25]O'malley, give her a hand. O'malley幫她一下
[06:13.95]What happened? 怎么了?
[06:14.85]Whoa, whoa, whoa. 哇 哇 哇
[06:15.95]What do you think you're doin', young man? 你以為你在干嗎 小伙子?
[06:18.05]I'm just trying to examine you. I don't think so. -我在試著幫你檢查 -我可不這樣認為
[06:20.95]i don't have any panties on.I do not know you well enough to let you see my good girl. 我沒穿內(nèi)褲 我還不太了解你 所以沒辦法讓你見我的小妹妹
[06:25.85]Get me a lady doctor. 叫一個女醫(yī)生來
[06:27.85]I need a chick over here. 我這邊需要一個女生
[06:29.55]What happened?"Marshall stone." -怎么了? -"Marshall stone"
[06:31.65]Surgical intern over at mercy west. What happened? -mercy west醫(yī)院的外科實習(xí)醫(yī)生 -怎么了?
[06:34.95]Page ortho to take a look at his wrist and let c.t. Know we're coming. Yes, dr. Shepherd. -呼ortho來看看他的腕關(guān)節(jié) 并告訴CT那邊我們馬上到 -好的 Shepherd醫(yī)生
[06:38.55]Marsha, i'm gonna say three words to you, okay? Marsha 我現(xiàn)在要和你說3個單詞 好嗎?
[06:40.75]And then i want you to repeat them back to dr. Grey. 然后我想讓你把他們重復(fù)給Grey醫(yī)生聽
[06:42.95]Can u do that? Okay. -可以嗎? -好的
[06:45.55]Okay, bat, orange, car. 好的 蝙蝠 桔子 車
[06:47.45]Do you think you can remember that? 你覺得你能記住嗎?
[06:49.05]Mm-hmm. 嗯
[06:49.65]Good. Okay. Here. 好的 不錯 這里
[06:53.45]He has a closed head injury.Watch for vomiting, 他有很近的腦部創(chuàng)傷 觀察是否有嘔吐
[06:56.75]confusion and loss of consciousness,okay? 意識混亂和失憶 好嗎?
[06:59.45]Okay. 好的
[07:00.05]Good. 好
[07:01.35]Derek... Derek...
[07:01.65]not now. 現(xiàn)在不行
[07:03.25]Let me know when you get the c.t. Report back. 你拿到CT結(jié)果后告訴我
[07:08.45]Marshall... Marshall...
[07:11.15]can you remember those words? 你能記住那些單詞嗎?
[07:14.05]What... what happened? 什么...怎么回事?
[07:25.77]big jim. 老jim
[07:27.07]I don't call him big jim. 不是我叫他老jim
[07:28.77]The family,they call him big jim. 他家那些人叫他老jim
[07:30.67]Stupid hicks. 愚蠢的鄉(xiāng)下人
[07:32.17]Really? Being southern makes you stupid? 是嗎? 作為南方人你覺得很愚蠢?
[07:33.87]Do you know that he owns half of alabama? 你知道他擁有一半的阿拉巴馬州嗎?
[07:36.07]Yeah, i bet he even washes his hands after he pees. 沒錯 我打賭他尿尿之后肯定會洗手
[07:39.17]That's uncalled for. Hey, this is a place of business. 別說沒用的啊 這里是醫(yī)院
[07:41.37]Uh, discharge the mother,discharge the father. Yes, dr. Bailey. -嗯 把那媽媽和爸爸都放出院吧 -好的 Bailey醫(yī)生
[07:43.87]Karev, get the husband to the o.r. For surgery. Karev 帶那老公去手術(shù)室準(zhǔn)備手術(shù)
[07:46.87]Dr. Karev, there you are.You're supposed to be up on o.b.g.y.n. Rounding on my patients. Karev醫(yī)生 你在這里哦 你應(yīng)該在樓上婦產(chǎn)科管我的病人吧?
[07:51.87]Oh, yeah, i got paged.9-1-1. 哦是的 我接到緊急呼叫了
[07:54.57]Pregnant mom. Car accident.Very serious. 孕婦 車禍送來 非常嚴重
[07:56.37]Pity. I've got three surgeries on the board. 可惜 我今天有3個手術(shù)安排
[07:58.17]I was gonna ask you to scrub in, but... 我還打算問你要不要加入呢 但是...
[08:00.47]i guess you should stay by that pregnant lady's side all day. 我猜你應(yīng)該守在孕婦身邊寸步不離了
[08:04.07]You' see to it,dr. Bailey? 沒錯吧 Bailey醫(yī)生?
[08:09.17]Karev, go find your patient. Karev 去找你的病人吧
[08:10.17]Stevens, scrub in on noah's patella fracture. Stevens 準(zhǔn)備來noah的膝蓋骨折手術(shù)
[08:12.77]The she-shepherd just walks in here and pulls me off surgery? 那女shepherd一來就把我給踢出手術(shù)了?
[08:15.27]You burn the she-shepherd, she burns back. Go. 你把女shepherd惹毛了 她就反過來報復(fù)你 去吧
[08:22.17]The c.t. Won't hurt the baby or nothin', right? CT不會傷害孩子或者什么 對吧?
[08:24.17]No, it won't hurt the baby or nothin'. 不 不會傷害孩子或者什么的
[08:28.27]Okay, on three.One, two, three. 好 準(zhǔn)備過床 1 2 3
[08:29.97]I was havin' a shower today.A baby shower. 我今天要有個洗禮 嬰兒洗禮
[08:33.97]That's why mama and daddy are in town, 這就是為什么爸爸媽媽都來了
[08:35.87]'cause i'm having a baby. 因為我要生孩子了
[08:37.77]How nice is that? 多好啊?
[08:39.37]Nice. 很好
[08:40.07]Isn't it? 是嗎?
[08:40.47]Mm-hmm. 嗯哼~~
[08:41.67]What are you doing here? 你來這里干嗎?
[08:42.87]I'm captain of the vagina squad. 我現(xiàn)在是婦女領(lǐng)袖
[08:44.27]Oh, this nice man is gonna take care of you now. 噢 這個帥哥從現(xiàn)在開始照顧你了
[08:46.47]And he really likes to talk,so chat away. 而且他很喜歡聊天 別客氣哦
[08:48.27]Well, it was nice meeting you. Not cool, yang. -還是很高興認識你哦 -不好玩 yang
[08:51.07]What does she mean, "captain"? "領(lǐng)袖"是什么意思?
[08:52.17]And what kind of squad are you on? 還有你是什么領(lǐng)袖?
[08:58.47]Uh, you shouldn't be reading your own chart. 嗯 你不應(yīng)該看自己的病歷
[09:00.77]Well, i want to find out what caused me to swerve my car into oncoming traffic 我想找出是發(fā)生什么意外而造成 我突然轉(zhuǎn)向我的車
[09:04.27]and not be able to remember it. 為什么不記得了
[09:07.27]Hey, those people, the ones i hit,they're gonna be okay, right? 那些被我撞了的人會沒事的 對吧?
[09:10.17]No serious complications? 沒有嚴重的問題吧?
[09:11.37]They're still checkin'em out. 他們還在做進一步檢查
[09:15.77]Dr. Torres. Yeah. -Torres醫(yī)生 -對
[09:17.37]I was told you're performing the noah reynolds' surgery. 有人告訴我你要主刀noah的雷氏手術(shù)
[09:19.77]Yes. 對
[09:20.87]Well, i'm your intern.So whenever you're ready... 我是你的實習(xí)助理 所以當(dāng)你準(zhǔn)備好的時候...
[09:23.47]okay, well, head up and prep the o.r.I need to put on splint. 好的 去清理并準(zhǔn)備一下手術(shù)室 我需要加木板
[09:33.47]did you wash your hands? hat? -你洗手了嗎? -什么?
[09:35.37]You washed your hands, right? 你洗手了對吧?
[09:36.47]Of course i washed my hands. 我當(dāng)然洗手了
[09:37.77]No, no, of course you did. 不 不 當(dāng)然你洗了
[09:40.67]Uh, marshall, this is gonna hurt a little bit, okay? 嗯 marshall 這個可能會有點疼 好嗎?
[09:44.77]My e.t.o.h. And tox screens were pristine, so i wasn't drinking... 我的酒精測試和氧化度測試都沒有問題 所以我沒喝酒...
[09:48.17]Or under the influence.Ow. 或者因為..疼
[09:51.57]Okay, we get the c.t. Result back yet? 好 CT結(jié)果出來了么?
[09:53.47]Not yet. 還沒有
[09:54.67]My g.c.s. Was 13.Why haven't i had a c.t.? 我的昏迷指數(shù)是13 為什么我還沒做ct呢?
[09:57.67]Dr. Grey. Grey醫(yī)生
[09:58.57]C.t. Was backed up.And he's lucid now, so... ct還沒排上呢 而他現(xiàn)在頭腦清楚了 所以...
[10:01.67]so get it done, now. 所以就去做 現(xiàn)在就去
[10:05.47]Hey. 嗨
[10:07.17]Daisy duke's case was boring me to tears. Daisy duke的病例真是煩死我了
[10:09.67]So, um, you got any good hearts that i can cut open? 那個 你手里有什么好的心臟能讓我打開的嗎?
[10:13.07]Or, you know, bad hearts that we can make good? 或者 壞的心臟我們來挽救他?
[10:22.27]Burke... Burke...
[10:23.87]use words. 說話
[10:30.27]You fell asleep. 你睡著了
[10:32.07]When? 什么時候?
[10:33.97]This morning in the on call room. 今早在值班室
[10:36.67]I fell asleep after we,you know. 我是在我倆..那個之后才睡著的
[10:39.47]Not after. not after. 不是那個之后 不是
[10:43.57]Oh. 噢
[10:46.97]Oh, l-i'm... sorry. 哦 我我..對不起
[10:50.57]L-i was really tir...seriously, seriously,my bad. 我--我實在是非常非常非常累了 我的錯
[10:53.97]I'm really sorry. 真的對不起
[10:56.87]Don't let this threaten your manhood or any... oh, this is not... -別讓這個影響了你的男人氣概或者.. -哦 這個可不是...
[11:01.07]i am very confident in my manhood. 我對我的男人氣概非常有信心
[11:03.47]Thank you very much. Well, good, you should be because, i mean... -非常感謝 -那很好 你應(yīng)該的 因為你...
[11:07.47]i fell asleep because i had already finished. 我睡著了是因為我已經(jīng)高潮了
[11:10.77]Twice. 兩次哦~~~
[11:13.27]I hadn't finished. 我還沒高潮呢
[11:17.67]I was tired. 我很累
[11:18.87]It's not like i did this on purpose. 我并不是有意這么做的
[11:20.77]Oh, did you stay in the hospital last night on purpose? 哦 那你昨晚留在醫(yī)院是有意的嗎?
[11:22.87]Because you weren't even on call. 因為根本不是你值班
[11:23.97]It was a paraesophageal hernia.I had never seen one. 那可是異常疝氣哦 我甚至從沒見過
[11:26.37]You know what? I'm a surgeon first, just like you. 知道嗎?我首先是個醫(yī)生 和你一樣
[11:29.07]No, no, not just like me.I am a person first. 不 不 根本不和我一樣 我首先是個人
[11:34.37]Someone paged me. 有人呼我了?
[11:35.87]Denny! Denny!
[11:36.77]He collapsed. 他昏倒了
[11:38.47]What happened? 怎么回事?
[11:41.07]Too far, too fast. 太遠太快了
[11:42.57]What were you doing? 你做什么了?
[11:43.97]Stairs. 樓梯...
[11:46.07]Real bright, huh? 很聰明 嗯?
[11:46.87]Okay, your lvad battery is almost dead. 哦 你的起博器電池幾乎用光了
[11:48.67]Um, get him to his room.I'll get dr. Burke. 把他送回病房 我去叫Burke醫(yī)生
[11:50.77]Okay, let's get him up. 好的 我們把他弄起來
[11:51.87]Nice and easy on one, two, three. 輕柔一些 1 2 3
[11:54.67]Denny, you knew the lvad wasn't a cure. Denny 你明白那起博器不是一個權(quán)宜之計
[11:57.97]I want to go home. 我想回家
[11:59.67]I want to go home yesterday. 我昨天就想回家
[12:01.47]I know this is hard to hear,but that's just not an option at this point. 我知道這聽起來有點刺耳 但是目前為止這絕對不是個好辦法
[12:05.27]Since when do you get to decide what's an option in my life and what isn't? 從什么時候開始我的生命是 靠你來決定什么是好辦法了?
[12:10.07]My heart may be on your battery packs, 也許我的心是在你那電池包里面
[12:13.27]but it's still my heart. 但是它還是我的心
[12:15.17]It's my decision.It's my damn life. 應(yīng)該我做決定 這是我的生命
[12:19.27]That's right. 沒錯
[12:21.17]It is your life. 這是你的生命
[12:23.07]And it is your life that is at stake. 是你那岌岌可危的生命
[12:24.57]And it is your life that will end 如果你繼續(xù)像今天這樣太激進的話
[12:26.27]if you continue to push like you did today. 你的生命很快就會結(jié)束了
[12:28.47]You said the lvad would make me better. 你說過這起博器會讓我好起來
[12:30.67]I told you the lvad would buy you more time, nd it will 我告訴過你這起博器會給你多一些時間 而的確如此
[12:34.47]if you respect its limitations and your own. 如果你能稍微尊重一下它和你自己的限度的話
[12:39.77]I wanna go home. 我想回家
[12:45.57]What do we do? 我們該怎么辦?
[12:48.57]Put him on a tight leash. 多留意一下他
[12:51.27]And tell the nurses to keep an eye on him, 并告訴護士對他嚴密觀察
[12:53.67]make sure he doesn't take any more endurance hikes in the stairwell. 確保他無法再到樓梯間去落跑
[12:57.87]Yeah. But... 好的 但是...
[13:01.47]preston, what do we do? preston 我們該怎么辦?
[13:03.77]The damage to his body we can try to control, 他身體的創(chuàng)傷我們可以盡量控制
[13:05.87]but the damage to his spirit... 但是對于他精神上的創(chuàng)傷...
[13:09.57]for a man like denny 對于一個像denny這樣的男人...
[13:12.07]to lie on this bed for years on end? 我們能一直騙他騙到死嗎?
[13:15.27]That's not something we could really understand. 這絕對不是我們應(yīng)該做的
[13:18.67]And his feelings about it 而且他能感覺到
[13:20.97]aren't something we should try to control. 我們是不是有些事要放手呢
[13:25.77]Give him room, izzie. 給他一些空間izzie
[13:27.77]Just give him room to grieve. 讓他能獨自難過
[13:36.27]you finally got melanie to shut up. 你終于讓 melanie閉嘴了哦
[13:37.97]Finally. Thanks for that,by the way. How's she doing? -終于 謝謝給我這差使 -她怎么樣?
[13:40.07]Images coming up now. 圖像剛剛出來
[13:42.87]oh, is that a teardrop fracture? 哦 那個是淚狀骨折嗎?
[13:44.77]Yeah, no head bleed though.That's good. 是 沒有腦出血 很好
[13:47.87]Look at her lungs. Is that her liver? -看看她的肺 -那是她的肝嗎?
[13:50.27]whoa. How is she alive? 哇 她是怎么活著的?
[13:52.27]Karev, page shepherd, burke,montgomery-shepherd, the chief Karev 呼叫shepherd burke montgomery-shepherd還有主任
[13:55.77]and every surgeon with an available hand and get an o.r. Opened. Go! 還有所有可以叫來的醫(yī)生 并準(zhǔn)備一個手術(shù)室 立刻去!
[13:59.67]Melanie. Me... Melanie Me...
[14:02.27]Get me a stretcher and let's pull her outta there now. 拿一個擔(dān)架來 我們現(xiàn)在就去把她弄出來
[14:07.87](miranda) melanie. melanie
[14:15.87]Hey. 喂
[14:16.47]Have you seen izzie? 你見過izzie嗎?
[14:17.67]She was supposed to prep an o.r. For noah's surgery,and she completely bailed. 她應(yīng)該是在手術(shù)室準(zhǔn)備參加noah的手術(shù)的 可是現(xiàn)在卻不見人影了
[14:22.07]What? 怎么?
[14:24.97]Mr. And mrs. Johnson. Johnson先生和夫人
[14:26.47]Dr. O'malley. O'malley醫(yī)生
[14:27.37]Oh! That little girl right there says she's gonna fix noah's leg all by herself. 噢! 你后邊那小丫頭說要親自幫noah的腿手術(shù)哦
[14:32.47]Dice que ella sola arreglar* la pierna de noah.And she just gave him a big ol' shot for his pain. 她說她可以治好Noah的腿(西班牙語) 而且她剛剛還給了他一針止痛的
[14:34.87]I really like her. 我很喜歡她
[14:35.97]Mr. And mrs. Johnson.Big jim. Johnson先生和夫人 老jim
[14:44.47]Is it... mel? 是關(guān)于... mel?
[14:45.67]Yes, ma'am, it is. 是的 女士
[14:46.97]What? What? 怎么了 怎么了?
[14:49.37]When your daughter came into the e.r. 你女兒被送入急診室的時候
[14:51.07]Her body was over-pumping her bloodstream with adrenaline, 她的身體在大量流血的同時 也產(chǎn)生了很多腎上腺素
[14:54.67]which kept her conscious and alert and, uh, pain-free. 這樣就讓她依然保持神智清醒而且沒有疼痛
[14:57.77]During the c.t. Scan,she was lying still for an extended period of time, 在ct掃瞄的過程中 還有一些剩余分泌可以維持生命
[15:00.57]and so her body relaxed 然后當(dāng)她整個身體放松下來后
[15:02.67]and the adrenaline stopped flowing, which... 腎上腺素就停止分泌了..
[15:05.37]allowed her to succumb to the full extent of her injuries, which... 這樣就讓她突然感覺到所有傷害最大限度帶來的疼痛...
[15:10.87]they're catastrophic. 非常巨大的疼痛
[15:14.57]Excuse me? 你說什么呢?
[15:30.97]Good. Bovie. 很好 Bovie
[15:37.17]More suction here. 這邊多吸吸
[15:39.27]Clamps. 夾鉗
[15:40.47]Internal saw. 內(nèi)鋸
[15:46.07]Karev, sit down.I can't see. -Karev坐下 -我看不到
[15:49.37]The only thing i want you to do is sit at that fetal monitor 唯一我讓你做的就是坐在嬰兒監(jiān)視器前面
[15:51.97]and watch that baby's heartbeat. 監(jiān)視嬰兒的心跳
[15:53.87]So now i'm a baby-sitter? 我現(xiàn)在又是看孩子的了?
[16:02.87]Retractor. 牽引器
[16:11.47]Addison, Addison
[16:12.47]we're ready for you. 我們這邊好了 該你了
[16:13.57]We are going to do absolutely everything we can. 我們絕對會盡最大能力來挽救她
[16:21.07]Uterus is protected.Baby's heartbeat? 子宮沒有損傷 嬰兒心跳是多少?
[16:27.77]Okay, the baby's safe. 好的 嬰兒安全
[16:29.57]You can proceed with the mother. 你們可以繼續(xù)處理媽媽了
[16:32.67]Lungs are damaged pretty badly. 肺損壞的很嚴重
[16:35.57]Pressure just bottomed out. 血壓急劇下降
[16:38.27]Let's transfuse. 開始輸血
[16:39.97]4-quadrant packing. 4袋同時來
[16:41.17]Come on, people.Get me some lap pads. 大家加油 給我一些止血棉
[16:43.67]cross-clamp the aorta. clamp.Got it. -十字鉗夾住大動脈 -鉗子 好的
[16:46.37]There's too much bleeding.She'll never last. Shepherd? 流血太多了 根本無法繼續(xù) Shepherd?
[16:48.87]Damage control. addison? -損傷控制住了 -addison?
[16:51.27]If you want the baby to live, damage control. 如果你是想保孩子 損傷控制住了
[16:53.57]Burke? Burke?
[16:54.57]Damage control. Everyone knows the rules... -損傷控制住了 -大家都知道規(guī)矩...
[16:57.87]we're going to move as rapidly as possibl 我們要做的盡可能的快速
[16:59.17]don't worry about finishing repairs. 不要擔(dān)心是否完成修護
[17:00.57]For now, we're on crisis management, people.Just get it done. 目前階段 我們只能做應(yīng)急處理 大家做好這個就可以
[17:03.77]Once she reaches the triangle,we stop, no exceptions. 一旦她出現(xiàn)黃金三角 我們就停止 沒有例外
[17:07.57]What is he talking about,"triangle"? What triangle? 他說什么"黃金三角"? 那是什么?
[17:09.17]Blood stops clotting,her muscles produce acid and her organs get cold. 血液停止凝結(jié) 肌肉開始僵硬 器官迅速降溫
[17:13.37]We're talking about the triangle of death. 我們是在談?wù)撍劳龅狞S金三角
[17:20.37]A ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. 腹腔大動脈瘤破裂
[17:23.17]What? 什么?
[17:24.67]I scrubbed in on a...an abdominal aortic aneurysm. 我曾參加一個...腹腔大動脈瘤手術(shù)
[17:28.67]It's a 12-hour surgery. 那手術(shù)持續(xù)12小時
[17:30.87]I'd already worked 30 hours, but l... 我已經(jīng)工作了30個小時了 但是我...
[17:32.47]i didn't want to miss it. 我不想錯過那個
[17:36.57]I fell asleep for...a second behind the wheel. 我睡著了...握著方向盤的時候
[17:39.67]Closed my eyes for a second at the red light... 紅燈的時候眼睛閉上了一秒...
[17:42.37]a second. 就一秒
[17:48.47]Was only 12 hours. 只不過12小時而已
[17:51.47]I've done it before. 我以前都挺過來了
[17:53.07]We've all done it before. 我們以前都挺過
[17:55.47]Dr. Grey. Grey醫(yī)生
[17:56.87]Meredith. Meredith
[17:57.97]Meredith. Meredith
[18:00.67]Does this mean, uh... 這是否意味著...
[18:03.57]are we actually saying that, uh... 我們是不是說 嗯...
[18:06.37]today, this morning, 今天 早上
[18:10.27]because i stayed in the o.r.To save a life... 就因為我在手術(shù)室救了某人的性命...
[18:15.07]i may have killed a pregnant woman? 我也許就殺了一名孕婦?
[18:19.47]dr. Grey. Grey醫(yī)生
[18:21.47]You ordered a c.t. On marshall stone? 你排了一個marshall stone的ct掃瞄?
[18:25.77]We're gonna need a moment here. 我們還需要等一會
[18:27.47]I'm backed up here with five patients. 你后面還有其他5個患者呢
[18:29.87]We need... a moment. 我們還需要...等一會
[18:35.07]marshall? marshall?
[18:38.57]Marshall? Marshall?
[18:41.47]Izzie, please. Izzie 求你了
[18:42.07]Come on, denny, just...izzie. -來吧Denny 來... -izzie.
[18:43.87]Smell. Smell. 聞一下 聞一下
[18:45.97]Chocolate. And not the crappy,processed waxy kind, 巧克力 而且質(zhì)量不錯哦 柔軟細膩的那種
[18:49.17]but the really good swiss chocolate that you get at the gift shop that costs way too much money, 非常地道的瑞士巧克力哦 為此在禮品店里花了我很多錢啊
[18:52.57]but is totally worth it.Try it. 但是絕對值得 嘗嘗
[18:55.27]And exhibit "b"...tabloids. 還有一個小"b"...小報
[18:59.57]Good, old-fashioned, trashy celebrity gossip rags 好玩 懷舊的 無聊的明星八卦雜志
[19:02.27]that are guaranteed to take your mind off your troubles. Damn it, izzie,stop it. 這個保證可以把你的煩惱帶走哦 -該死 izzie停手
[19:05.77]Just stop it. 停手吧
[19:08.67]You think i'm feelin' sorry for myself, right? 你覺得我為自己感到羞愧對嗎?
[19:11.67]Poor sad-sack denny just needs a little perspective. 可憐沒用的denny需要一些忠告
[19:14.57]You do need a little perspective. 你的確需要一些忠告
[19:16.27]You have no idea 你根本不知道
[19:18.17]what is to lose what i have lost. 我到底失去了什么我不該失去的東西
[19:20.87]I know loss, denny. 我了解失去 denny
[19:22.07]No, you don't! 不 你不知道!
[19:26.07]I'm a man. 我是個男人
[19:27.67]I'm a strong, virile,horse of a man, 一個強壯 男子氣的猛男
[19:31.27]stuck in the body of some weak, sick bastatard 只能被身體某些部位的病魔糾纏
[19:33.77]that i don't know, like recognize. 而且我不知道 無法認知是什么病
[19:36.97]Now if you knew what that feels like, 如果你現(xiàn)在知道那是什么感覺的話
[19:39.77]you would've never convinced me to let a battery run my heart. 你就再也不會相信我會讓一堆電池來帶動我的心臟了
[19:43.17]If you knew what it feels like, izzie... 如果你知道那是什么感覺的話izzie...
[19:46.97]you woulda let me go. 你會讓我離開的
[19:53.17]systolic's 82, folks.It's not getting any better. 心率82 戰(zhàn)友們她沒有任何好轉(zhuǎn)
[19:55.77]how's the spleen,chief? 主任 脾如何了?
[19:57.67]unsalvageable,i'm afraid. 恐怕沒救了
[19:59.57]Karev? Karev?
[20:00.27]Frequent decels and loss of variability. 心率不齊而且越來越不穩(wěn)定
[20:02.87]the baby's fading. 嬰兒情況
[20:03.87]ph is down 7.1.Core temp, 93 degrees. ph低到7.1 中心溫度93度(華氏)
[20:07.37]Okay, we've reached the triangle, people. 好吧 已經(jīng)黃金三角了
[20:08.77]Hands out. 大家停手吧
[20:14.77]Damn it, stop.Everybody, stop. 該死 停手 所有人都停
[20:19.07]Cristina. Cristina
[20:23.97]Slow, erratic,but it's a heartbeat. 緩慢沒有規(guī)則 但是還有心跳
[20:27.37]The baby's holding steady. 嬰兒情況穩(wěn)定
[20:29.77]Bring out the plastic. 把塑料布拿來
[20:31.47]Plastic?We're not gonna close? 塑料布?我們不縫合上嗎?
[20:33.77]No, we're gonna keep her open, 不 要把她敞開著
[20:35.17]cover her with plastic and get her to the i.c.u. 蓋上塑料罩然后推她去深切治療室
[20:38.37]and then what? 然后呢?
[20:39.17]And then we're gonna see if she survives. 然后看她是否能挺過來
[21:01.35]How in the hell do you let a patient get that far off your watch? 你是如何讓患者離開你視線范圍那么遠的?
[21:03.55]I turned my back for a second. 我只是轉(zhuǎn)身一下而已
[21:05.25]He was in the damn gallery! 他在觀摩室呢!
[21:06.95]He's a surgical intern at mercy wt, and he... i don't care if he is the surgeon general. -他是mercy west那邊的外科實習(xí)生 他... -即使他是個真正外科醫(yī)生我也不管
[21:10.75]In this hospital,he is a patient 在這醫(yī)院他只是個病人
[21:13.15]with a head injury who needs a c.t. 而且是腦傷需要做ct的病人
[21:15.15]In this hospital,he is a scared guy 在這醫(yī)院里 他是被嚇壞的那個
[21:17.35]who does not need to see the massive internal injuries of the woman he rammed with his car! 所以不需要去看那個被他撞了 而導(dǎo)致內(nèi)臟一塌糊涂的女人手術(shù)
[21:21.65]This is your fault.You had him and you lost him. 這是你的過失 你應(yīng)該看著他但是你沒有
[21:26.35]You gotta take responsibility for your actions for once in your life. 你至少應(yīng)該為你生命中的一次行為負責(zé)
[21:30.05]Derek! Derek!
[21:42.75]we've given her medications to help her blood clot and to help counteract the acid buildup. 我們會給她藥物治療來有助于她 血液的凝結(jié)和抵抗酸的形成
[21:48.35]We're slowly raising her body temperature with warming blankets, 還會用毛毯來緩慢的提升她的體溫
[21:51.85]warmed i.v. Fluids and blood products. 好溫暖靜脈循環(huán)和造血機能
[21:54.95]How long is she gonna have to be like that? 她像這樣要持續(xù)多久?
[21:58.75]You know with...open like that? 那個...身體開成這樣?
[22:01.45]We want her to regain as much strength as possible before we operate again, 我們想讓她在下次手術(shù)之前盡可能多的恢復(fù)
[22:05.25]but at the same time,we want to repair the damage as soon as possible, 但是同時我們也要盡快的修復(fù)損傷
[22:08.95]so it's a balancing act. 所以是矛盾關(guān)系
[22:10.95]Uh, i'm sorry. 哦 對不起
[22:12.35]I don't quite know what you mean. 我不太明白你的意思
[22:14.75]Melanie will die Melanie會死
[22:16.15]if we don't get her back to surgery soon enough, 如果我們沒盡快的給她做手術(shù)
[22:18.95]and melanie will die if we take her back to surgery too soon. 同時如果我們太快給她做手術(shù)她也會死
[22:24.85]A balancing act. 矛盾關(guān)系
[22:27.35]A balancing act. 矛盾關(guān)系
[22:36.55]yang, call me if she starts actively bleeding. yang 如果她血流激活了就叫我
[22:42.25]Karev, where are you going? Karev你干嗎呢?
[22:43.95]What? She's in i.c.u. There's nothing i can do. 怎么? 她都在深切治療室了 我什么也做不了
[22:46.65]You can sit there with her and watch that fetal monitor. 你可以坐她旁邊繼續(xù)觀察嬰兒監(jiān)視器
[22:49.05]You can't be serious?She's circling the drain. 你開玩笑呢吧?她血都快流干了
[22:51.85]You know how long a baby can survive inside its dead mother? 知道嬰兒可以在死去的母體內(nèi)存活多久嗎?
[22:54.35]Four to five minutes.Minutes, not seconds, karev. 4-5分鐘 分鐘 不是秒 karev
[22:58.35]Look at melanie. 看看melanie
[23:00.35]Look at her. 看看她
[23:01.85]And now look around.You see all the doctors and the nurses,even her parents? 再看看周圍 看到所有的醫(yī)生護士 還有她父母了嗎?
[23:04.85]Their sole job is to take care of melanie. 他們現(xiàn)在唯一的工作就是照顧melanie
[23:07.15]My job is to care for that baby. 而我的工作就是照顧嬰兒
[23:08.75]Now i've got a surgery scheduled,so when i step foot on that elevator and leave, 現(xiàn)在我還有一個手術(shù) 一旦當(dāng)我進入電梯離開這里的時候
[23:12.65]you are gonna be the only person on this entire floor responsible for that baby. 你就變成了整個這層樓里面唯一一個照顧嬰兒的人了
[23:17.45]Do not let me down,karev. 別讓我失望 karev
[23:22.45]her organs are bleeding,damaged, exposed 她的器官大出血 損壞嚴重而且暴露在外
[23:26.65]and covered in plastic wrap. Poor marshall. 只是用塑料布包裹著 -可憐的marshall
[23:28.65]I mean, one minute,you're a surgeon,the next, you've destroyed an entire family? 上一秒 你還是個醫(yī)生 而下一秒 你就毀了整個家庭?
[23:32.85]Last month, i fell asleep in the parking lot on a bench. I literally couldn't even make it to my car. 上個月 我曾在停車場的椅子上睡著了 根本無法開車
[23:37.85]I fell asleep at a restaurant 我在餐廳睡著過
[23:39.85]at a table while i was on a date. 還是在我約會的時候
[23:41.75]Yeah, well, i fell asleep during sex. 嗯 我在做愛的時候還睡著了呢
[23:43.45]Izzi Izzi
[23:46.35]Callie's looking for you. Callie在找你
[23:47.55]You blew off her surgery. 你晃點了她的手術(shù)
[23:48.05]No, l-i had a patient.Denny. L-i had to go. 不是 我-我有一個患者 Denny 我必須去
[23:51.55]You were hanging out with denny? 你還在和denny在一起?
[23:53.05]Oh, please, do not even talk to me about standards. 哦 算了 可別和我說什么規(guī)矩不規(guī)矩
[23:55.05]The girl can't even wash her hands. 那女人甚至都不洗手
[24:03.45]Don't worry about bambi. 別擔(dān)心那小家伙
[24:04.35]If burke can forgive me for falling asleep during sex, 如果burke能原諒我在做愛中睡著的話
[24:06.55]then george can forgive you for crying. george就能原諒你哭
[24:08.75]But burke hasn't forgiven you. 但是burke還沒原諒你
[24:22.35]I fod izzie.She said she had a patient. 我找到izzie了 她說她有個病人
[24:28.35]I knew you'd take her side. 我知道你站在她那邊
[24:30.25]What? 什么?
[24:32.25]He needs an i.v. 他需要靜脈注射
[24:34.05]Are you... 你...
[24:37.75]she's mad at you. 他生你氣了哦
[24:40.25]L-i didn't know you were awake. 我不知道你竟然醒了
[24:43.05]What'd you do? 你干嗎來了?
[24:44.25]Uh, has...has anyone talked to you about your wife,about what's happening? 嗯有人告訴你關(guān)于你妻子發(fā)生什么嗎?
[24:51.45]"What's happening"?Uh... 發(fā)生什么?嗯...
[24:55.05]yeah, you know i can't really,uh, wrap my brain around what's happening. 是 我腦子不是很清楚能理解發(fā)生什么
[24:59.95]You know,i'm... i'm from here. 那個 我是這里的
[25:01.95]Uh... seattle. 嗯...西雅圖人
[25:03.65]And, uh, you know,i go away to college,and i come back married to this big-haired, 然后我出去讀大學(xué) 回來后娶了這個長頭發(fā)
[25:11.95]drawlin' southern girl. 傲慢的南方姑娘
[25:14.95]And everyone i know thinks i'm crazy, 我認識的所有人都以為我瘋了
[25:18.15]but i love her. 但是我愛她
[25:20.65]And i just... 我真的..
[25:23.55]i love her. 很愛她
[25:26.45]And, uh...what's happening 而...發(fā)生什么事
[25:30.45]is that my... 就是我的...
[25:33.35]big-haired, southern girl 長發(fā)南方姑娘
[25:36.65]could be dying. 也許會死
[25:38.25]And... i can't think about that. 我簡直無法想像
[25:42.85]You know, i need to...i need to think about something else, 那個 我需要..需要想一些其它的事情
[25:44.95]something that doesn't matter so much, something that doesn't... doesn't have me burying 一些不那么重要的事情 一些不會讓我告別...
[25:51.95]my 22-year-old wife and baby. 我那22歲的老婆和孩子
[25:59.85]So, uh, so...what the hell did you do? 所以 所以...你干嗎了?
[26:07.05]I believed my friend when she told me that dr. Torres doesn't wash her hands. 我朋友告訴我Torres醫(yī)生是不洗手的
[26:14.85]Well, i hope that's not true, 嗯 我希望那不是真的
[26:17.65]seeing as she just, uh, 你知道她剛剛
[26:20.15]performed surgery on me and all. 在我身上坐了手術(shù)哦
[26:22.25]Yeah. Yeah. -沒錯 -對
[26:25.15]You paged me? 你呼我了?
[26:25.75]C.t. Results. C.t.結(jié)果
[26:27.75]Good. Thank you. 好 謝謝
[26:29.95]All right, let's see what we got here. 好的 讓我們看看得到了什么
[26:33.75]Marshall,everything checks out fine. Marshall一切正常
[26:36.05]The short-term memory loss was a result from the concussion. 短期失憶是由于震蕩導(dǎo)致的
[26:38.95]To be safe, i want to keep you here overnight for observation, all right? 為了安全起見 我建議你今晚留院觀察 好嗎?
[26:43.55]I have to apologize. 我必須道歉
[26:45.35]What? 什么?
[26:47.55]To the woman's family. 向那女人的家人
[26:50.35]I have to tell them i'm sorry for what i did. 我必須告訴他們我為自己的行為抱歉
[26:54.85]You should get some rest. 你應(yīng)該多休息一下
[27:06.95]I never should've told you about george. 我真不應(yīng)該告訴你關(guān)于george
[27:09.55]No, it's fine.I'm glad i know... 不 那很好 我很愿意知道..
[27:11.05]about him and the vet.You really get around. 關(guān)于他和那獸醫(yī) 你還真挺忙的
[27:13.85]What did you just say to me? It's unforgivable. -你剛才說我什么? -不可饒恕
[27:16.75]I don't remember ever asking you to forgive me. 我還真不記得我懇求過你饒恕哦
[27:19.25]So was the knitting a phase?Who's next... alex? 那么織毛衣只是個假相?下一個是誰... alex?
[27:22.95]Cause i hear he likes to sleep around. 因為我聽說他喜歡到處鬼混
[27:25.35]You two have that in common. 你倆還真有共同點哦
[27:29.05]You don't get to call me a whore. 你沒資格叫我婊子
[27:31.75]When i met you, i thought i had found the person 當(dāng)我遇到你的時候 我以為我找到了
[27:34.15]that i was going to spend the rest of my life with. 那個我可以托付終生的人
[27:37.05]I was done. 我找到了
[27:38.25]So all the boys and all the bars 所以所有那些男人啊酒吧啊
[27:40.45]and all the obvious daddy issues... whcared?Because i was done. 還有那些什么干爹之類的...我不在乎了 因為我找到你了
[27:45.55]You left me. 但是你離開了我
[27:47.25]You chose addison. 你選了addison
[27:49.25]I'm all glued back together now. 我現(xiàn)在好不容易才恢復(fù)過來
[27:52.35]I make no apologies for how i chose to repair what you broke. 我不會因為修復(fù)了你毀壞的東西而道歉的
[27:57.55]You don't get to call me a whore. 你沒資格叫我婊子
[28:07.15]This thing with us is finished. 我們之間一切都完了
[28:09.35]It's over. 徹底結(jié)束了
[28:11.35]Finally. 終于結(jié)束了
[28:13.25]Yeah. It's done. It is done. -是的 結(jié)束了 -結(jié)束了
[28:33.66]her temperature is 95.4 degrees. And her ph is 7.28. 她體溫是95.4度 ph是7.28
[28:40.36]Definitely clotting better. 血凝好了很多
[28:43.56]But some of the wounds are still oozing. 但是有些傷口還是在滲血
[28:46.66]Still a fine line. 還是不太好
[28:48.26]she may not be quite stable enough. 她也許還不夠穩(wěn)定
[28:51.76]Y'all don't have to whisper. 你們不用小聲嘟囔
[28:54.26]I'm sitting right here.I can hear you anyway. 我就坐這里 無論怎樣我都能聽到
[28:57.26]And she's my baby. 而且她是我的孩子
[29:00.06]She's my little girl. 是我的小女兒
[29:03.36]It's a big decision like this, 這樣大的一個決定
[29:05.66]uh, goin' back in and sewing up her... organs. 再開始手術(shù)把她的器官...縫合起來
[29:11.76]It's the kind of decision that a mama oughta be involved in. 這樣重大的決定應(yīng)該讓媽媽也知道
[29:15.56]I mean, all her life,she's asked me everything... 她這一生所有事情都一直在問我的意見..
[29:20.66]from... what color dress she oughta wear to her kindergarten dance to what she oughta name her baby. ..從她幼兒園的舞蹈表演穿什么顏色裙子 到她的孩子應(yīng)該取什么名字
[29:29.46]'Cause i'm her mama. 因為我是她媽媽
[29:32.66]And it's my job to have an opinion, and... it's my job to have an answer. 所以我的任務(wù)就是有個想法 ...然后告訴她我的答案
[29:41.86]Well, i may not have an answer here, but i'm still her mama. 也許現(xiàn)在我沒辦法有答案了 但是我還是她媽媽
[29:46.86]Y'all just don't have to whisper. 所以你們不用小聲回避我
[29:51.66]All right. 好吧
[29:55.46]what do you think,dr. Bailey? 你怎么想的Bailey醫(yī)生?
[29:58.16]I think...if we wait much longer,she'll go into multiple organ failure. 我覺得...如果我們再等久一點 她會有更多臟器損壞的
[30:05.16]Okay. 好吧
[30:06.76]If it's all right with you,mrs. Johnson, 如果你不介意的話 Johnson太太
[30:08.46]we think it's time to get back in there and finish what we started. 是時候我們再推她回去完成這個大手術(shù)了
[30:16.16]okay. I'm done. 好了 我搞定了
[30:18.66]yang, get in here and start washing out the abdominal cavity. yang 過來這里把腹腔清理干凈
[30:21.06]Bleeding is controlled in the chest. 胸部出血止住了
[30:22.86]I had to resect a part of her lung, but... fetal heart rate's down to 80. -我必須切除部分肺 但是... -嬰兒心率下降到80
[30:26.16]Uh, mom's heart rate's slowin' down. 嗯 媽媽的心率慢下來了
[30:29.06]ruptured retroperitoneal hematoma. 腹膜后血腫破裂了
[30:30.86]She's bleeding out. Idioventricular rhythm. 她在流血 -自身心率多少
[30:32.76]Do we have a b.p.? 還能量到血壓嗎?
[30:34.46]Trying to run it. 一直在試
[30:35.06]Nothing's registering. yang, get your hands in here and hold pressure. 什么也測量不到 -yang 把手伸這里來握的有力一些
[30:38.16]Fetal heart rate down to 60. 嬰兒心率下降到60了
[30:39.46]Heart's fibrillating. dr. Webber, can you see the source of the bleed? -心臟正在纖維化 -Webber醫(yī)生 你能看到出血的來源嗎?
[30:42.06]Give me the internal paddles. 把內(nèi)電擊棒給我
[30:45.56]We're losing the baby. Charge to 20. clear. 嬰兒要不行了 充電20焦 讓開
[30:55.96]we're chasing our tails here.Get addison shepherd. 現(xiàn)在我們處理收尾工作 把addison shepherd叫來
[31:03.16]Melanie's crashing. It's right there. -Melanie要不行了 -就在那
[31:05.36]You hear me?She's crashing. 你聽到了嗎? 她要不行了
[31:07.56]I'm elbow-deep in a pient's uterus, karev. 我兩手正伸在患者的子宮里呢karev
[31:09.56]What do you want me to do,leave this womanand her child to die? 你要我怎樣? 離開然后讓這母女死去?
[31:11.96]I'm doing my job. 我只是在做我的工作
[31:13.66]And i'm doing mine. 而我也在做我的
[31:15.56]Do what you can. I'll be there as soon as i can. 做你能做的吧 我這邊一結(jié)束我就過去
[31:18.86]Okay, people,let's speed it up. 好吧 大家 讓我們再快一點
[31:37.26]they'll know where to find us... 如果有消息的話 他們會知道...
[31:40.16]when there's news? 在哪里找到我們嗎?
[31:42.06]They'll know we're in here? 他們會知道我們在這嗎?
[31:44.76]Yes, ma'am. 是的 夫人
[31:46.36]Okay. Okay. 好 好
[31:49.66]I mean, is there something i should be doing,someone i should talk with or something? 有什么事情是我需要做的嗎 或者我需要和什么人聊聊?
[31:53.96]You're doing everything you can do, big jim. 你正在做你所有能做的事情 老jim
[32:09.16]i know this isn't the best time, 我知道這不是個好時機
[32:10.86]but marshall would very much like the chance to apologize to the family 但是marshall非常想向這家人道歉
[32:15.66]if they'll let him. 如果他們?nèi)菰S的話
[32:18.86]He's one of us, george. 他就是我們中的一個 george
[32:30.66]shepherd's still in surgery.I told her to hurry. shepherd還在手術(shù)中 我告訴她盡快了
[32:32.96]how's her heart? 她心臟如何?
[32:34.86]Asystole. 還在收縮
[32:37.86]How long has she been down? Five minutes. -停下多久了? -5分鐘了
[32:47.36]we need to do a c-section.Glove me. 我們要馬上做剖腹產(chǎn)手術(shù) 給我手套
[32:49.46]I need to get that baby out. 我要把嬰兒拿出來
[32:52.06]Tell me what to do. 告訴我該怎么辦
[32:54.76]Yang, you're going to... Yang 你需要...
[32:58.26]hold the intestines. 握住這些腸子
[33:00.36]I'll expose the uterus. Call pediatrics. -然后我把子宮弄出來 -誰把小兒科的叫來
[33:03.56]Open the uterus with a midline vertical incision. 在子宮中線部位切一個垂直的切口
[33:05.96]Make sure you don't cut the fetus. 一定要確保不能切到嬰兒
[33:19.76]okay, go. 好的 走
[33:22.56]Baby doesn't look good. 嬰兒看起來不太好
[33:25.16]How are we doing on the mother? 媽媽怎么樣了?
[33:26.86]Oh, she's still bleeding pretty profusely. 哦 她還是大量的出血
[33:34.06]I can't get it controlled. 我止不住出血
[33:35.56]Burke? Burke?
[33:40.26]She's not coming back. 她沒希望了
[33:43.46]Let's stop. 我們停手吧
[33:57.16]time of death... 1948. 死亡時間.. 19點48分
[33:59.86]Chief. 主任
[34:57.67]i am sorry. 對不起
[35:04.37]i am so... 非常對不起...
[35:07.87]i am so... so sorry. 我真...非常對不起
[35:21.27]please... 請...
[36:37.57]you're gonna get in trouble. 你會惹麻煩的
[36:39.77]I don't care. 我不管
[36:43.47]I'm not gonna cheer up for you. 我不會因為你而振奮起來的
[36:47.37]You don't have to cheer up.I'm not here for me. 你不用振奮 我來這不是為了自己
[36:53.97]I'm here for you. 而是為了你
[36:55.97]Okay? 好嗎?
[36:59.97]Okay. 好
[37:03.77]We're all damaged, it seems. 看起來我們都受損傷了
[37:09.67]Some of us more than others. 其中一些比另外一些嚴重
[37:14.07]You must be tired. 你一定很累了
[37:17.87]Yeah. 是的
[37:24.17]i'm tired, too. 我也很累
[37:36.87]We carry the damage with usfrom childhood. 從童年時代我們就滿身創(chuàng)傷
[37:49.37]Then as grown-ups, 直到我們長大成人
[37:52.17]we give as good as we get. 我們給予所能得到最好的東西
[37:56.37]good work, karev. 干的漂亮 karev
[38:00.27]Yeah. 嗯
[38:01.37]Kid's alive...without a mother. 孩子活下來了...即使沒有媽媽
[38:07.17]ultimately,we all do damage... 最后 我們都留下傷害了
[38:22.07]see you at home? 回家再見?
[38:24.27]Yeah. 好的
[38:25.87]Okay, see you. 好 再見
[38:26.67]Okay. 好的
[38:31.37]And then we set aboute business of fixing 然后我們再試圖去挽回損失
[38:36.27]whatever we can. 無論我們能做什么
[38:39.27]izzie. izzie
[38:41.37]Hmm? 嗯?
[38:45.47]Would it be wrong for me to feel you up right now? 如果我現(xiàn)在幻想你正坐我身上 會不會很壞?
[38:48.77]Mm, not so much. 嗯 也還好哦~~
[38:58.27]you're such a dirty boy. 你真是個下流的小男孩
[39:02.07]i know. 沒錯
[39:06.57]i washed my hands. 我洗手了
[39:08.07]L-i went down to the kitchen and i washed my hands. 我-我走到樓下的廚房洗的手
[39:10.17]I didn't wash my hands in the bathroom 我只是沒在廁所里面洗手
[39:12.47]because those girls were staring at me like i was a rodent or something, 因為他們倆盯著我看好像我是個動物一樣
[39:15.97]like i was in high school,like i was having the naked dream, 好像我在高中時候做的春夢一樣
[39:19.67]only it was actually happening. 而只是真的發(fā)生了而已
[39:23.47]I didn't even know they were home. 我甚至不知道他們都在家
[39:27.47]I washed my hands. 我真的洗手了
[39:44.87]you have to stand up for me. 你必須站在我這邊
[39:47.87]You have to say i washed my hands. 你必須告訴他們我洗手了
[40:02.97]i'm sorry. 對不起
[40:09.37]you're driving me crazy with the hovering. 你轉(zhuǎn)來轉(zhuǎn)去要把我弄暈了
[40:16.57]This could be a mistake. 這是個錯誤
[40:18.47]This. Us. 這個 我們
[40:21.57]You... you're... 你..你是...
[40:22.37]you're a really nice guy, and... and, well... 你是一個好男人.. 而...
[40:26.27]you... you don't want to get involved with me. 你...不該卷入我復(fù)雜的生活的
[40:30.17]If you knew me... 如果你了解我...
[40:31.27]scary. 受驚
[40:32.17]Finn. Finn
[40:32.57]And damaged.See, i told yo 和受傷 看到了吧 我說過了
[40:35.97]if you knew me, 如果你了解我
[40:38.07]if you knew my family, 了解我的家庭
[40:40.67]if i told you the guys that i've slept with lately, 如果我告訴你最近和我上床的男人
[40:45.17]the scary and damaged may actually be more than you can handle. 恐懼和傷害也許超出了你能處理的范圍
[40:53.37]my mother's dead. 我媽媽去世了
[40:55.37]She got cancer when i was 10, 我10歲的時候她就得了癌癥
[40:56.87]and she suffered for a really long time, 她真受了很長時間的折磨
[40:59.47]and then she died. 然后才去世
[41:01.37]My father never recovered. 我父親就一直沒恢復(fù)過來
[41:03.67]It was kinda like he died with her, 就好像他和她一起去世了一樣
[41:05.47]except his body's above ground 只是他的身體還在地上存活
[41:07.77]and permanently placed in front of the tv 然后永遠只是在電視機面前坐著
[41:09.37]with a bottle of scotch in his lap. 在大腿上放一瓶威士忌
[41:12.97]The last woman i slept with was my wife. 我上一個睡過的女人是我老婆
[41:16.07]But she died, too. 但是她也死了
[41:18.37]It was a car crash, so it was quick. 是車禍 所以非???br /> [41:20.37]She didn't suffer, which i appreciated. 我很感激她沒有受苦
[41:24.27]Don't worry. 別擔(dān)心
[41:27.27]I'm thinking my luck is beginning to change because... i've met you. 我覺得我的命運開始好轉(zhuǎn)起來了 ...因為我遇到了你
[41:32.27]And you like dogs and you enjoy pony births 你喜歡狗 而且看到小馬出生很開心
[41:36.57]and you have the ability to save lives. 你有挽救生命的本領(lǐng)
[41:44.37]i never said i wasn't scary and damaged, too. 還有我從沒說過我不是讓人受驚和受傷的哦
[41:47.37]Grey's Anatomy S2 E24 完

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