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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:48:41
[00:00.61]previously on grey's anatomy... 前情提要...
[00:02.41]last night,you and shephard did it. 昨晚 你和Shephard做了
[00:04.78]meredith,what does this mean? Meredith 這意味著什么?
[00:07.37]uh,i had penties ********* 嗯 我有穿內(nèi)褲的...
[00:09.18]***** i thought i was a surgent,but i'm not. 我以為我是醫(yī)生 但我不是
[00:11.19]- she cut the ******* wire. - so i quit. - 她切斷了起搏器電線 - 我辭職
[00:14.91]it's time for you to make a choice-- me or this hospital. 是時候做出選擇了... 是選我還是這家醫(yī)院
[00:19.10]good-bye,richard. 再見 Richard
[00:20.37]you live here? 你住在這?
[00:21.12]i'm not crazy or anything. 我并沒有發(fā)瘋或者其他什么的
[00:22.50]i just spend so much time here in the hospital. 我只是呆在醫(yī)院的時間夠長
[00:24.60]- are you gonna tell shepard about... - not yet... - 你準(zhǔn)備和Shepard談?wù)?.. - 還沒...
[00:28.22]what does this mean? 這是什么意思?
[00:29.77]it means you have a choice. 意思是你要做個選擇
[00:35.28]at any given moment,the brain has 14 billion neurons firing at a speed of 450 miles per hour. 在任何時刻大腦里140億的神經(jīng)胞 以每小時450英里的速度燃燒
[00:45.02]we don't have control over most of them... 我不能控制其中的大部分...
[00:48.14]when we get a chill-- goose bumps,when we get excited-- adrenaline. 當(dāng)我們打寒戰(zhàn)...雞皮疙瘩 當(dāng)我們興奮時...腎上腺素
[00:57.30]the body naturally follows its impulses, 身體自動的會跟隨其自身的沖動
[01:00.45]which i think is part of what makes it so hard for us to control ours. 我認(rèn)為那讓我們很難控制自己的部分
[01:04.95]it's enough muffins. 這里有足夠的松餅
[01:07.41]we don't need all these. 我們不需要這么多
[01:08.79]no more muffins. 不要再多了
[01:15.52]of course,sometimes we have impulses we would rather not control... 當(dāng)然 有時我們有種沖動 那就是我們寧愿不要控制...
[01:26.87]外科實習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾 第三季 第2集
[01:32.30]what are you doing? 你在干什么?
[01:34.75]just because you can't touch doesn't mean you can't enjoy. 僅僅因為你不能觸摸 并不表示你不能享受
[01:39.02]that we later wish we had. 但不久之后就希望我們能夠控制一下
[01:42.67]mama. daddy. 媽媽 爸爸
[01:45.39]oh,my-- preston. 噢 我的...Preston
[01:46.77]mama and daddy?! 媽媽和爸爸?!
[01:49.53]is this a new service the hospital is providing? 這是醫(yī)院提供的新服務(wù)?
[01:55.40]i told you to guard the door! 我告訴過你看好門的!
[01:57.22]i had a code blue. 我有緊急任務(wù)
[01:58.31]i had parents walk in. 他的父母走了進(jìn)去
[01:59.56]- we saved the guy's life. - whatever. - 我們救了那個人的命 - 隨便了
[02:01.03]- you know,i want my 20 bucks back. - sorry. - 我要要回我的20元 - 對不起
[02:02.87]bought everyone coffee... 給大家買咖啡了...
[02:04.03]to celebrate saving the guy's life. 為了慶祝救了那個人的命
[02:06.69]yeah,i want my 20 bucks back. 我想要回那20美元
[02:08.59]it's not tyler's fault you're a dirty,dirty stripper. 那不是Tyler的錯 你是個超級下流的脫衣舞女
[02:11.94]- you heard. - everyone heard... - 你聽到了 - 每個人都聽到了...
[02:15.29]stripper. 脫衣舞女
[02:16.39]oh,oh,you're one to talk,sleeping with two men. 你是那個和兩個男人談情上床的人
[02:20.66]wrong. 錯
[02:21.60]i'm not sleeping with either one of them... 在我挑選其中之一前
[02:23.33]not until i pick one. 我不會和任何一個睡覺的
[02:24.77]if i haven't made a decision by the end of the day,i'm flipping a coin. 如果我最后都沒做出決定 我就拋硬幣決定
[02:28.98]a girl can only hold out for so long. 女孩子可以憋很久呢
[02:31.56]oh,and somehow i'm the dirty stripper? 不知何故我成了下流的脫衣舞女了?
[02:33.97]you two have time to round,or are you too busy getting naked on hospital property? 你們倆有時間干站在這 還是你們兩個忙著在醫(yī)院里脫衣服?
[02:38.13]no,i wasn't naked. i-i wasn't naked. 我不是裸體. 我-我不是裸體
[02:45.00]you've got a coffee stain on your shirt. 你衣服上有咖啡漬
[02:47.58]you had a bed on your couch. 你把沙發(fā)變成了床
[02:50.69]hope you're not planning to see patients in your sweat suit 希望你沒打算穿著這身T恤去見病人
[02:54.62]actually,um... 實際上 嗯...
[02:56.99]i need the day off. 我要請?zhí)旒?br /> [02:58.35]a day off,for what? 請一天假 為什么?
[02:59.86]for drinking. 喝酒
[03:01.42]i am feeling the need to do some drinking. 我覺得需要喝點酒
[03:03.95]actually,i'm feeling the need to do some crying,but my tear ducts seem to be too proud, 實際上 我覺得我需要哭一下 但是我的淚腺似乎太自傲了
[03:10.33]so i'm going to do some drinking instead. 所以我要喝酒作補償
[03:13.02]- what,no laboring moms today? - no. - 什么 今天沒有孕婦嗎? - 沒有
[03:18.68]because i think god knows that... 因為我認(rèn)為上帝也知道...
[03:22.35]i need to dosome drinking today. 今天我需要喝酒
[03:26.66]you wanna ta about it,addie,or you just wanna be glib a little longer? 你想要談?wù)剢?Addie 還是你只是想再要油腔滑調(diào)一會?
[03:31.33]why are you living in your office? 為什么你住在自己的辦公室?
[03:36.15]marriage... is hard. 婚姻... 是艱難的
[03:38.94]well... thank goodness mine seems to be just about over. 嗯...感謝上帝 我的似乎已經(jīng)結(jié)束了
[03:51.38]ms.seabury,what-- what are-- Seabury女士 什么...你在干...
[03:54.37]no,i'm--i'm sorry. you cannot be eating. 不 我...對不起 你不能吃東西
[03:56.86]what is all of this? 這些是什么?
[03:58.38]this is chocate raspberry souffle cake. 這是巧克力紅莓充氣蛋糕
[04:00.16]it is the best thing i've ever tasted in my life. 這是我吃過的最好吃的
[04:02.30]except for maybe the banana cream torte there. 也許除了香蕉奶酪蛋糕
[04:05.05]it's pretty stunning,really. 那真的很好吃 真的
[04:06.15]bakeries deliver. did you know that?please,grab a fork. 面包房的外送 你知道嗎? 請 那把叉子吧
[04:08.42]ms.seabury,you're scheduled for surgery this afternoon. Seabury女士 今天下午你要手術(shù)的
[04:11.52]we push the surgery a little. tomorrow,maybe? 我們往后推遲一點 明天 也許?
[04:14.20]oh,my god. you've gotta taste this. 上帝 你們得嘗嘗這個
[04:15.86]ma'am,you have an aggressive form of lung cancer. 女士 你得的是急性肺癌
[04:19.18]the sooner we get you into surgery, 我們越快送你去做手術(shù)
[04:20.98]- the better your chances-- - the better my chances of surviving. - 你的機會就高... - 我存活的機會就越高
[04:22.56]so i heard. it's all very aggressive. 我聽說過 都是很嚴(yán)重的
[04:24.30]i mean,it's very... 我是說 那很...
[04:28.19]it's funny. 那很搞笑
[04:31.07]i have never smoked a cigarette in my life. 我一輩子從沒抽過煙
[04:33.42]i have never smoked pot. 也沒抽過大麻
[04:35.43]i've never drank. 我沒有喝過酒
[04:36.82]before today,i hadn't had a dessert in ten years. 今天之前 我已經(jīng)10年沒吃過甜食了
[04:39.45]i am the picture of health,and i have lung cancer. 我是健康的化身 但是我卻得了癌癥
[04:43.71]i mean,come on. it's absurd,right? 拜托 那很荒唐 不是嗎?
[04:46.79]i'm sorry.i think i'm on a sugar high. 對不起 我以為我是高血糖
[04:49.50]i'm sorry. 對不起
[04:54.21]o'malley,reschedule her surgery for tomorrow and get her a psych consult. O'malley 明天重新給她安排手術(shù) 并且給她做個心理評估
[04:58.49]yes,sir. and no more food deliveries. 是 先生 不要再給她送食物了
[05:01.09]yes,sir. 是 先生
[05:02.80]okay. 好的
[05:05.38]you do it. 你做這個
[05:08.00]so,um... um,dr.bailey? 那么 嗯... 嗯 Bailey醫(yī)生?
[05:10.67]surgeons don't say "um," o'malley. 醫(yī)生不說"嗯"的 O'malley
[05:12.36]you want to be a surgeon,learn to speak like one. 你想成為個醫(yī)生 就先從說話上學(xué)習(xí)
[05:14.91]look,he wants you to talk to the chief about izzie,see if she can come back. 他想叫你跟主管談?wù)処zzie 看看她能不能回來
[05:17.22]she's just baking-- a lot of baking- 她一直在烤松餅...許多的松餅
[05:18.81]and it seems a waste for all her talent and medical skills to go into muffins. 做松餅似乎是浪費了 她所有的天賦和醫(yī)學(xué)技巧
[05:23.79]- we just thought u might be willing to help. - stop...talking. - 我們只是認(rèn)為你也許愿意幫忙 - 不要...說了
[05:32.09]well,good morning. benjamin,ruth. 早上好 Benjamin Ruth
[05:34.29]good morning,dr.shepherd. 早上好Shepherd醫(yī)生
[05:35.45]it doesn't feel like a very good morning to me. 今天早上我覺得對我來說并不那么的好
[05:37.47]i have to have brain surgery today. 今天我要做腦手術(shù)
[05:39.16]pretty scary. 很害怕
[05:40.43]plus,my sister is nervous. 另外 我姐姐也很緊張
[05:41.82]when she gets nervous,she sweats,and the windows in here don't open,so it's pretty rank. 她一緊張 就出汗 而且這里也不開窗 所以很臭
[05:46.32]benjamin. Benjamin
[05:47.26]was i rude,ruthie? 我無禮了 Ruthie?
[05:48.86]let's let the doctors talk. 讓醫(yī)生說
[05:50.15]benjamin o'leary,32, Benjamin O'leary 32歲
[05:51.59]in for the removal of a brain tumor that's pressing on his frontal temporal lobe. 來這是來摘除大腦腫瘤的 那對他的前顳葉造成了壓力
[05:55.82]clearly,it's affecting his impulse control. 顯然 那影響了他的脈沖控制
[05:57.87]it makes me say everything i think,which apparently is annoying. 那讓我想到什么就說什么 那些話很顯然是討人厭的
[06:01.66]this doctor looks annoyed,anyway. 這個醫(yī)生看上去很討厭
[06:03.33]although,it's hard to tell 'cause she always has kind of a pinched,uptight look on her face. 雖然 很難說因為她一直是個痛苦的人 一臉緊張
[06:08.39]am i annoying you? 我讓你討厭了嗎?
[06:09.85]it's fine. 沒事
[06:10.73]you can't say it's fine. 你不能說沒事
[06:12.19]he doesn't perceive sarcasm or irony. 他感覺不到挖苦或者譏諷
[06:14.06]if he's annoying you,you have to tell him. 如果他讓你討厭了 你得告訴他
[06:15.94]maybe i'm not annoying her,ruthie. 也許我沒讓她討厭 Ruthie
[06:17.69]- no,you are. - dr.yang. - 不 你有 - Yang醫(yī)生
[06:19.27]- he asked. - 是他問的
[06:20.02]- okay,benjamin,dr.yang-- - 好吧 Benjamin Yang醫(yī)生--
[06:21.55]pinched and annoyed though she may b-is nna prep you for surgery today. 痛苦和煩惱 不過她也許要為今天的手術(shù)給你做準(zhǔn)備
[06:24.77]do you have any questions for me? 你有什么問題要問我嗎?
[06:26.10]is that blonde your girlfriend? 那個金發(fā)女郎是你的女朋友?
[06:27.64]'cause the way you keep looking at her,you might as well just mount her right here and now. 因為你看她的方式 你也許最好現(xiàn)在在這就上她
[06:32.94]i'm sorry. was that rude? 對不起 很無禮嗎?
[06:37.68]i'm proud of you all. 我為你們所有人感到自豪
[06:39.59]you make me proud. 你們讓我自豪
[06:41.29]you reflect on me well. 你們讓我好好的反思了一下
[06:43.72]grey,if you think you can keep your clothes on long enough to follow up the labs, Grey 如果你認(rèn)為在做實驗之前 你的衣服都能呆在你身上
[06:48.22]i'd appreciate it. karev,cover the pit. 我將很感激 Karev 去補空缺
[06:50.72]wait,the pit? 等等 空缺?
[06:51.93]i'm--i'm off gynie? 我--我實習(xí)結(jié)束了?
[06:52.93]dr.montgomery-shepherd is out sick. Montgomery Shepherd醫(yī)生生病沒來
[06:55.01]you can cover the pit,or you can... 你可以去補空缺 或者你可以...
[06:59.21]you can tell me whose damn panties are on the bulletin board! 你們能告訴我公告欄上是誰的內(nèi)褲!
[07:06.16]yours? 你的?
[07:07.82]this is a hospital,people. 這里是醫(yī)院 同志們
[07:10.79]serious work happens here. 這里的工作很嚴(yán)肅
[07:12.66]we save lives he-- oh,something funny? 我們拯救生命 有什么好笑的?
[07:15.42]whose are these? 這是誰的?
[07:18.99]this is bad. this isn't good. 這是壞事 不是好事
[07:21.34]well,you better claim them. 你最好承認(rèn)
[07:24.03]- she thinks they're mine.claim them! - no! - 她認(rèn)為是我的了 承認(rèn)吧! - 不!
[07:26.37]yeah,i know it's one of you. 我知道是你們中的一個
[07:27.89]it's always one of mine.always. 總是我實習(xí)生中的一個 一直都這樣
[07:30.98]so tell me,which one of you left your damn drawers on my surgical floor! 那么告訴我 誰把該死的內(nèi)褲留在這里的!
[07:41.34]oh,no.did i leave my underwear lying around again? 噢 不 我又把我的內(nèi)褲留在這了?
[07:44.43]i am so sorry,bailey. 對不起 Bailey
[07:46.10]it's,uh,it's my bad. 這是 嗯 是我的錯
[07:55.81]o'malley,yang,prep your patient for surgery. O'malley Yang 給你們病人的手術(shù)做準(zhǔn)備去
[07:59.43]karev,pit. grey,charts. Karev 空缺 Grey 去看圖表
[08:01.99]all four of you,do not make me regret setting you loose in this hospital. 你們四個 不要做讓我后悔 允許你們在醫(yī)院工作的事
[08:06.05]o'malley,what do i mean by that? O'malley 我那是什么意思?
[08:07.45]you mean check with you before we cut any wires or steal any hearts. 你是說我在切掉任何電線或者 偷任何心臟之前都要和你確認(rèn)一下
[08:09.94]are you trying to be clever? 你們是不是想要變聰明點?
[08:12.07]- no,ma'am. - better not be. - 不 女士 - 最好不要
[08:15.23]holy crap.the nazi's definitely back. 真是垃圾 納粹的的確確回來了
[08:18.21]and louder than ever. 聲音比以前什么時候都響
[08:19.66]oh,mrs. burke. hi,i'm cristina. 噢 Burke太太 嗨 我是Cristina
[08:23.18]i-i may have said that earlier,but i was,um-- 我-我肯能前面說過 但我是 嗯--
[08:25.54]did i hear you refer to miranda bailey as a nazi? 我時不時聽到你 叫Miranda Bailey納粹?
[08:29.91]what? oh,no. 什么? 噢 不
[08:31.54]oh,uh,uh,i mean,yes,but-- 噢 嗯 我是說 是的 但是...
[08:33.07]you do understand that the nazis were responsible 你是不是了解納粹要為
[08:35.77]for the worst genocide in the history of man? 歷史上最慘無人道的大屠殺負(fù)責(zé)?
[08:38.18]and a racist genocide at that. 是種族屠殺
[08:40.91]i would think that as a woman of color and as a doctor,no less, 我會認(rèn)為作為一個有色人種的婦女 并且作為一名醫(yī)生 這種稱謂夠糟糕的了
[08:44.16]that you would think twice before using that word as a punch line. 如果你再要把這個單詞當(dāng)笑話用的話 之前先考慮清楚
[08:48.79]i'll think about that in the future,mrs. burke. 我以后會那樣考慮的 Burke太太
[08:51.08]mrs. burke?preston's mother? Burke太太? Preston的母親?
[08:53.97]yes.oh.and you are? 是的 你是?
[08:55.74]derek shepherd.i'm the surgeon who operated on your son. Derek Shepherd 我是給你兒子做手術(shù)的醫(yī)生
[08:57.98]oh,thank you. 謝謝
[08:59.17]brilliant surgeon. 很有才氣的醫(yī)生
[09:00.30]and a handsome man,too. 也是個帥哥
[09:01.88]your mother must be very proud. 你的母親一定很自豪
[09:03.91]do you mind,dr.shepherd,if i borrow your young intern for a quick cup of coffee? 你介意嗎 Shepherd醫(yī)生 如果我借用你年輕的實習(xí)醫(yī)生喝杯咖啡?
[09:08.14]- i'll bring her right back. - oh,no problem. - 我馬上就送她回來 - 沒問題
[09:09.91]dr.grey can cover for cristina. Grey醫(yī)生可以頂Cristina的班
[09:12.49]- i'm sorry? - uh,dr.grey is very busy. - 對不起? - 嗯 Grey醫(yī)生很忙的
[09:15.51]she has charts to do for bailey. 她要為Bailey制圖的
[09:16.89]bailey's on the warpath. Bailey在作戰(zhàn)
[09:18.18]uh,not the german warpath. 不是德國人的作戰(zhàn)
[09:20.33]it's a hospital warpath. it's--it's-- 是醫(yī)院的作戰(zhàn) 是...是...
[09:22.05]i'll take care of bailey,okay? 我會搞定Bailey的 好嗎?
[09:23.54]enjoy your coffee date,ladies. 祝你們的咖啡約會開心 女士們
[09:25.19]- very nice meeting you. - thank you. - 很高興見到你 - 謝謝
[09:28.42]i'll,um... 我 嗯...
[09:32.33]i just have this one quick-- i will meet you in the cafeteria in a couple of minutes. 我馬上...幾分鐘后在自助餐廳見您
[09:37.58]is that--is that all right? 那--那可以嗎?
[09:38.42]- yes,i look forward to it. - oh,good. - 是的 我很期待 - 很好
[09:46.59]well,this is a change from the elevator, 這是電梯帶來的轉(zhuǎn)機
[09:50.08]i mean a little more public.i like it. 我是說更公開點 我喜歡
[09:52.40]you're married.you're married,and you said things to me. 你結(jié)婚了 你結(jié)婚了 而你卻對我說了點事
[09:55.57]yes,i said things to you. 是的 你對我說了點事
[09:57.26]normally,i would like the things you said to me. 通常 我很喜歡聽你對我說的話
[09:59.93]normally,i would even think the bulletin board thing was funny. 通常我甚至?xí)X得公告欄的東西很好笑
[10:02.17]bulletin board? what are you talking about? 公告欄? 你在說什么 ?
[10:03.15]but you're married,which makes none of this normal. 但是你結(jié)婚了 所以所有的事都不正常
[10:05.73]it makes me a home wrecker. 讓我成為了第三者
[10:07.31]and i hate the fact that i'm a home wrecker. 而且我討厭我是第三者這一事實
[10:09.59]meredith,i'm not gonna pressure you. Meredith 我不是要給你壓力
[10:12.09]take all the time you need. 你有足夠的時間考慮
[10:13.49]but just so you have all the information, 但是不要僅僅考慮到這些你所知道的事情
[10:15.35]my home was wrecked well before you came into the picture, 在你出現(xiàn)之前我的家庭就觸礁了
[10:18.53]and i am just now done trying to rebuild it. 我只是現(xiàn)在不準(zhǔn)備再試著 重建我的家庭了
[10:20.71]- you're done? - i'm done. - 你結(jié)束了? - 我搞定了
[10:23.24]whatever you decide,i am ending it with addison... 無論你怎么覺得 我都和Addison都結(jié)束了...
[10:27.79]today. 今天
[10:30.07]you have said this before. 你以前也這么說過
[10:32.40]i know,but this time i mean it. 我知道 但這次我是認(rèn)真的
[10:33.65]i'm gonna come clean just as soon as i see her. 我一見到她就和她說清楚
[10:37.94]- you are? - i am. - 你要這么做? - 是的
[10:57.71]you guys should think about getting a hotel room or something. 你們應(yīng)該考慮去個旅館什么的
[11:17.20]your mother wants to have coffee with me. 你媽媽要和我一起喝咖啡
[11:19.68]- and? - and...she thinks i'm a racist. - 然后呢? - 然后...她認(rèn)為我是種族主義者
[11:22.92]oh,and a stripper. 還有脫衣舞女
[11:24.33]she thinks i'm a racist stripper. 她認(rèn)為我是種族主義脫衣舞女
[11:25.66]oh,come on. what's funny? 噢 拜托 有什么好笑的?
[11:27.08]this is not funny. 這不好笑
[11:29.32]it's kind of funny. 有點好笑
[11:31.24]she's just my mama,cristina. 她只是我媽媽 Cristina
[11:34.28]your "mama"? 你 "媽媽"?
[11:35.59]you'll love her when you get to know her. 你了解了她就會喜歡她的
[11:37.18]everybody loves my mama. 每個人都愛我媽媽
[11:39.31]you will save me from this,okay? 你會救我的 對嗎?
[11:42.58]you will save me from this or... 你會救我的還是...
[11:49.84]you will save me. 救我
[12:01.98]hey,uh,chief,you haven't heard from addison,have you? 嘿 嗯 主任 你沒有Addison的消息?
[12:04.71]she's not answering any phones. 她沒回電話
[12:06.17]actually,she needed a day off. 實際上 她要請一天假
[12:07.87]something about finding another woman's panties in the pocket of your tux. 因為在晚禮服的口袋里找到 另外一個女人的內(nèi)褲
[12:14.29]oh,that's-- that's not how i wanted her to find out. 噢 我并不是希望 她這樣了解事實的真相的
[12:17.19]you don't leave another woman's panties in your tux unless you want her to find 'em. 除非你希望她發(fā)現(xiàn)不然你不會 留另一個女人的內(nèi)褲在你晚禮服里的
[12:21.75]- i know,i know. - look,i know a thing or two about affairs. - 我知道 我知道 - 聽著 我對這些風(fēng)流韻事也略知一二
[12:24.42]i even know a thing or two about affairs with women named grey. 我甚至知道個 叫Grey的女士的一些風(fēng)流韻事
[12:27.46]it's not an affair. 那不是風(fēng)流韻事
[12:29.21]see,i was gonna tell her. 看 我準(zhǔn)備告訴她的
[12:30.64]addison--i was gonna tell her today. i was gonna end it. Addison--我準(zhǔn)備今天告訴她的 我準(zhǔn)備結(jié)束這一切的
[12:32.57]- look,give her some space. - no. - 給她點空間 - 不
[12:34.44]- give her some time. - no. - 給她點時間 - 不
[12:36.41]that's not it. no. 事情不是這樣的 不
[12:37.91]no,i gotta-- i gotta talk to her today. 不 我要--我今天就要跟她談
[12:39.95]if something's over,it's just gotta be over. 如果事情結(jié)束了 就讓它結(jié)束吧
[12:42.06]meredith,she's-- she's not an affair. Meredith 她--她不是我的外遇
[12:51.25]ruthie,i don't think i want this surger you have to have the surgery,ben. - Ruthie 我不覺得我要做手術(shù) - 你得做手術(shù) Ben
[12:55.65]right. 好的
[12:58.47]you're very pretty,but you look kinda tired, 你很漂亮 你看上去有點累了
[13:00.75]and i think maybe you should change your hair conditioner. 我覺得也許你該換種洗發(fā)水
[13:03.07]- that was rude,benjamin. - it is? - 那很無禮 Benjamin - 是嗎?
[13:05.72]no,actually,it's true,and it's refreshing. 不 實際上 的確如此 這么說我很喜歡
[13:08.58]- do you have sex with that brain surgeon? - benjamin. - 你和腦手術(shù)醫(yī)生睡覺了? - Benjamin
[13:11.77]it's okay. nope,i haven't. 沒關(guān)系 不 沒有
[13:14.50]not today,anyway. 總之今天沒有
[13:15.83]i would. he's hot... 我會的 他很帥...
[13:17.96]and arrogant in way that's still sexy. 很傲氣 但依然很性感
[13:20.38]i would totally have sex with him if i could. 要是可以的話 我就很想跟他上床
[13:22.52]looked like you could. 但你是完全可以的啊
[13:24.16]so what'the holdup? 有什么東西妨礙你們嗎?
[13:36.20]are you trying to seduce me? 你在引誘我啊?
[13:38.02]i was just wondering--'cause i got a lot of work to do-- mm-hmm. 我只是想知道... 因為我有很多工作要做--嗯
[13:40.36]but,uh,i was just wondering about,uh,the panties-- the panties that are yours-- 我只是想知道... 你的內(nèi)褲--
[13:43.87]and how they ended up on the bulletin board. 怎么會到布告板上去的
[13:46.26]black,lacy panties on the board. 黑色蕾絲內(nèi)褲 掛在布告板上
[13:49.55]- you are trying to seduce me. - no.no,i'm not. - 你就是在引誘我 - 沒有 我沒有
[13:53.81]i'm just wondering how,uh,panties that i haven't seen before-- 我只是想知道... 那條內(nèi)褲我以前沒見過
[13:56.91]and i've seen your panties a lot of days in a r now-- 而且我已經(jīng)好幾天沒看見你內(nèi)褲了
[13:58.95]i'm just wondering how black panties that apparently belong to you 我只是想知道 你的黑色內(nèi)褲 我怎么從來沒見過
[14:02.19]and i've never seen end up on the bulletin board. 后來怎么又到布告板上去了
[14:04.23]wow. you're jealous. 喔 你嫉妒了
[14:07.49]no.no,no,no,no,no.no,no,no.i'm not-- 沒有 沒有 我沒妒忌
[14:09.49]- yeah.yeah,you are. - i'm not jealous. - 是的 你妒忌了 - 我沒妒忌
[14:13.78]no,i'm-- is that my pat-- ms.seabury? 不 我... 是我的病人 Seabury太太?
[14:19.21]ms.seabury? hey.stop.get... Seabury太太? 嘿 停下...
[14:22.56]- i'll tell him. - what? - 我會告訴他的 - 告訴他什么?
[14:24.61]- i'll tell him the truth about the panties. - don't you dare.he is jealous. - 告訴他內(nèi)褲的事情的真相 - 千萬別 他會妒忌的
[14:31.57]so you and o'malley,huh? 你和O'malley在一起 是吧?
[14:33.97]how'd that happen? 怎么可能?
[14:34.74]i don't know. you're a surgeon.how'd that happen? 不知道 你成了外科醫(yī)生 怎么可能?
[14:36.89]karev,she's a resident. she outranks you. Karev 她是住院醫(yī)生 她比你大
[14:39.39]you don't get tosk personal questions. 你無權(quán)問她私人問題
[14:41.01]- it's fine,dr.bailey. - he's my intern. - 沒事的 Bailey醫(yī)生 - 他是我的實習(xí)生
[14:42.88]i say it's not fine. are we clear? 我說不行就不行 清楚了嗎?
[14:45.51]no. 不清楚?
[14:46.57]what's not clear? 什么不清楚?
[14:47.66]what's not clear to me is why you won't talk to izzie. 我不清楚的是你為什么不理Izzie
[14:49.98]- that's what's not clear. - really? - 這一點我不清楚 - 是嘛?
[14:51.35]you want to push me on this today? 這個問題你非要今天逼問我?
[14:53.80]today you want to push me? 今天來逼問我這個問題
[14:57.17]what do we got,jill? 什么情況 Jill?
[14:58.85]harley hernandez,14,was street luging when he lost control and hit a car. Harley Hernandez 14歲 玩旱地雪橇的時候裝上了一輛車
[15:02.28]witnesses say he was catapulted at least 20 feet into the air, 路人說看見他被撞到空中 至少20英尺高
[15:04.98]landed on a pile of tree trimmings. 然后掉在樹枝堆中
[15:06.85]broken pvis apparentas are,i would gu and then suddenly--wham. - 我猜可能有嚴(yán)重的內(nèi)出血 - 你猜?
[15:22.81]it's all right,harley. you're at the hospital. 沒事的 Harley 到醫(yī)院了
[15:24.78]we're gonna take care of you now,okay? 我們會照顧好你的 好嗎?
[15:26.50]hospital? what's the matter with me? 醫(yī)院?我出什么問題了?
[15:28.56]you're an idiot. that's what's the matter. 你是個白癡 問題就在這里
[15:29.91]- dad. - sir.sir,please back away. - 爸 - 先生 請退后
[15:31.46]your friends are idiots,and you don't use the sense god gave you! 你的朋友們是白癡 你卻沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)
[15:33.81]that's what's the matter with you! 這就是你的問題
[15:34.59]sir,you're blocking our path. please! 先生 你擋住路了 請讓開!
[15:37.78]you okay? sorry about that. 沒事吧? 對不起
[15:39.20]- sir,ir. - you son of a bitch. - 先生 - 你這混蛋
[15:40.95]- where's my son? - we took him in there. - 我兒子呢? - 我們把他送進(jìn)去了
[15:46.69]- he was blocking the paramedics. - no,he is terrified. - 他擋住了搶救人員 - 不對 他是被嚇壞了
[15:49.00]his child is a tree! 他兒子肚子上插了一棵樹
[15:50.44]alex,listen to me. Alex 聽著
[15:51.51]you will not get physical with another human being on my watch ever again, 只要有我在 你不準(zhǔn)和別人動手
[15:54.98]you will not question my authority, 不準(zhǔn)質(zhì)疑我的權(quán)威
[15:56.60]and you will not defend your little girlfriend for killing a man! 不準(zhǔn)為你的女朋友弄死人辯護(hù)
[15:59.44]are we clear?! 聽清楚沒有?!
[16:00.85]she's not my girlfriend. 她不是我女朋友
[16:06.76]as you know,i'm sure,he graduated first in his class from tulane. 相信你應(yīng)該知道 他畢業(yè)于圖倫大學(xué) 是班上第一名
[16:10.54]i-i did know that. 我的確知道
[16:12.95]actually,i graduated first in my class at stanford. 我畢業(yè)于斯坦福大學(xué) 也是班上第一名
[16:16.75]so you are planning to pursue a less time-consuming specialty-- 你是不是打算修一個 比較節(jié)省時間的專業(yè)方向--
[16:21.39]obstetrics,perhaps,or family medicine? 不如婦產(chǎn)科 或者家庭醫(yī)學(xué)?
[16:23.94]oh,i'm in the surgical program. 哦 我選了外科
[16:25.80]but after you're married. 但是在你結(jié)婚之后
[16:27.63]married? uh,i'm sorry.married? 結(jié)婚? 嗯 對不起 是說結(jié)婚嗎?
[16:30.15]come,cristina. Cristina
[16:31.33]you must have considered the possibility. 你一定已經(jīng)考慮過這種可能性了吧
[16:33.71]you're no spring chicken. 你年紀(jì)也不小了
[16:35.01]i don't know a young woman who wouldn't want to marry my preston given half the chance. 很多年輕女孩子 都爭著要嫁給Prestoni
[16:39.07]he's handsome. he's brilliant. 他英俊 智慧
[16:41.95]he is the best thing i've ever done in my life. 他是我一生中最得意的作品
[16:44.32]he is the most important thing in the world to me. 也是我生命中最重要的
[16:48.43]oh.okay. 哦 好的
[16:50.87]oh,burke. burke.burke's here. Burke... Burke來了
[16:52.44]preston is-- preston burke is here. Preston... Preston Burke來了
[16:53.98]oh,what a surprise. 哦 天大的驚喜
[16:55.02]my two favore ladi in one place preston,what on earth are you doing out of bed? - 我最愛的兩位女士聚在了一起 - Preston 你下床干嘛?
[17:00.61]oh...well,i... 噢...嗯 我...
[17:04.22]i wanted to get some,uh,i-- stretch my legs,mama. 我想起來伸伸腿腳 媽媽
[17:08.73]but you're not suppose to stretch your legs. 但是你不應(yīng)該起來的
[17:11.16]you're supposed to be resting. 你應(yīng)該休息
[17:13.57]right. 是的
[17:15.36]but i wanted to have,uh,some air... 但是我想 嗯 出來呼吸新鮮空氣...
[17:18.83]some stretching,some air and some coffee. 伸伸腿腳 呼吸新鮮空氣 喝點咖啡
[17:20.94]anybody want any coffee? 要咖啡嗎?
[17:23.49]we already have coffee. 我們有咖啡了
[17:25.46]- please have a seat. - right.just a second. - 請坐下吧 - 好的 等一下就過來
[17:29.95]- you did this. - did what? - 你居然這么做了 - 做什么了?
[17:31.89]cristina,listen to me. Cristina 聽我說
[17:33.71]it's not that i don't like you. 不是我不喜歡你
[17:35.35]i think you're a very smart,very attractive young woman. 我覺得你是個非常聰明 有魅力的女人
[17:38.97]- but you're selfish. - i beg your pardon. - 但你很自私 - 什么?
[17:41.03]oh,you pulled him out of aickbed because you were uncomfortable. 就因為你有一點點事情 就把他從病床上拉下來
[17:45.41]that's selfish. 這很自私
[17:46.95]you're selfish and my son is giving. 你很自私 而我兒子卻在付出
[17:49.68]and the combination,well,it's not gonna last,not much longer. 這種結(jié)合 不會長久的
[17:57.87]hey,hey,hi. all right.all right. 嗨 沒事的 沒事的
[18:01.39]i brought you a scone,mama. 我給你拿了塊烤餅 媽
[18:08.71]his kidney's gone. 他的一個腎壞死了
[18:11.27]there's no way to save it. 沒辦法保住
[18:13.30]just focus on keeping the renal artery under control. 先設(shè)法控制住腎部動脈
[18:16.22]i have another bleeder. 又發(fā)現(xiàn)一個出血處
[18:17.39]okay,pace yourself,everybody. 好的 慢慢來 各位
[18:18.98]we got long way to go. 路還長著呢
[18:20.89]- we have enough blood standing by? - yes,sir. - 準(zhǔn)備用血充足嗎? - 充足
[18:24.87]is that a tree? 那是一棵樹嗎?
[18:25.61]his mother rivals my mother,and that is saying something. 他媽媽比我媽都厲害 這很要命了
[18:29.13]they're ating around both othem, 他們在樹干周圍進(jìn)行手術(shù)?
[18:31.08]dark and evil. 糟糕透了
[18:32.34]you're blocking my view,george. 你擋住我了 George
[18:33.84]i miss dirty stripper cristina. 我懷念那個骯臟的舞女脫衣Cristina
[18:35.80]she was fun... a lot less angry. 她很有趣... 而且沒那么怒氣沖沖
[18:38.07]next time i see her,if she even looks at my sideways,i'm telling her what i think. 下次遇到她 如果她敢瞟我一眼 我就告訴她我的想法
[18:42.65]she wants to call me racist? 她想叫我種族主義者?
[18:43.79]- wh-- - yeah.okay? - 什么... - 是的 怎么?
[18:45.70]i'll call her sexist. 我就叫她性別主義者
[18:47.60]change my career after i'm married? 要我結(jié)婚之后放棄事業(yè)?
[18:49.83]what is this,1953? 什么年代了 1953年?
[18:51.93]if she comes at me,i'm goin' there. 如果她趕沖著我來 我就不客氣了
[18:54.12]i think you should. 我同意
[18:55.93]i think we all should just go there. 我覺得我們都應(yīng)該不客氣
[18:58.44]you know,tell the truth,spit it out,go with your gut,follow your instincts. 說真相 怎么想怎么做 跟著直覺走
[19:04.34]i miss philandering whore meredith. 我懷念那個愛挑逗的妓女Meredith
[19:06.57]she was trashy and much less idyllic. 她很邋遢而且沒那么安靜
[19:08.64]do women have two sets of panties? 女人是不是有兩條內(nèi)褲?
[19:11.90]you know,two sets they wear for different occasions? 在不同的場合穿不同的內(nèi)褲?
[19:14.25]i made a choice. 我決定了
[19:15.84]i'm picking derek. 我選Derek
[19:17.22]finn is great. but derek is... Finn很好 但是Derek很...
[19:20.23]derek. and... 他很Derek 而且...
[19:22.74]- i'm following my gut. - yeah,whatever. - 我心里這么想的 我就這么做 - 嗯 管它呢
[19:25.36]i-i want my patient back. 把我的病人還給我
[19:27.05]you know,the one you stole after... mama cornered me? “媽媽”把我纏住后 你從我這里偷走的那個病人
[19:30.62]well,that's fine. 好的 沒問題
[19:31.20]it's my day to check on izzie anyway. 反正今天也是輪到我去看著Izzie了
[19:35.11]you paged me? 你呼我了?
[19:36.93]your patient was caught hoplifting chocolates from the hospital gift shop. 你的病人提著巧克力 從醫(yī)院禮品店都出來 被逮個正著
[19:41.02]what? 什么?
[19:41.80]i'd never done that before. it was exhilarating. 以前從沒這么做過 真刺激
[19:44.42]and now she's planning to leave. 而現(xiàn)在她準(zhǔn)備出院
[19:46.02]leave? you can't le-- she can't leave. 出院? 你不能出 她不能出院
[19:48.66]you're sick. 你病還沒好
[19:49.59]you should be sleeping and resting. 你應(yīng)該躺下睡覺休息
[19:51.95]- and preparing for death? - preparing for surgery. - 等死啊? - 等手術(shù)啊
[19:54.08]- there's a difference. - maybe.maybe not. - 會有效果的 - 也許有 也許沒有
[19:56.89]that's what they mean when they give you a 60% chance of surval. 生還率60%就是這個意思
[20:01.23]it means that 4 out of 10 people die whether they have the surgery or not. 意思是10個人里要死4個 不管他們是否接受手術(shù)
[20:04.99]i have lived my entireife pent-up,repressed,stifling every impulse, 我一輩子都克制 壓抑 氣都不敢大聲喘
[20:09.95]foowing every rule,and now i'm done.and you know what? 遵守規(guī)則 而現(xiàn)在 我不再這樣做了
[20:12.84]you should be,too. we should all be done. 你們也應(yīng)該這樣 我們都應(yīng)該這樣
[20:15.63]- so you're leaving? - i'm claiming my life,doctor. - 你要出院了? - 我要找回我的生活 醫(yī)生
[20:18.03]i can't do that from a hospital bed. 在病床上我是找不到的
[20:19.49]and you know you'll die. 但是你會死
[20:21.54]maybe. 或許吧
[20:23.01]but at least when i do,i'll know that i have lived. 但至少在我或者的時候 我知道自己沒白活
[20:27.46]oh,god,this is good. 哦 天哪 很好吃
[20:29.67]izzie? Izzie?
[20:35.63]wow. 哇喔
[20:39.09]okay. 好的
[20:46.12]- finn. - hi. - Finn - 嗨
[20:48.46]wh-what are you doing home? i thought you were working. 你怎么在家?我以為你去上班了
[20:50.62]i am. i'm--i was.i-i still am. 是的 是在上班
[20:53.30]i just came home to check on izzie. 我回來看看Izzie的
[20:55.67]oh,so did i. 哦 我也是
[20:58.20]i brought her lunch. 我給她帶午飯來了
[21:00.97]you brought izzie lunch. 你給Izzie帶午飯?
[21:02.89]when my wife died,uh... 我妻子死的時候...
[21:05.38]there really wasn't anything anne could say,but,uh... 當(dāng)時情況確實非常糟糕...
[21:09.57]the bringing of food actually helped. 但帶點吃的東西其實是有幫助的
[21:12.88]it w the only thing that helped. 是唯一有幫助的事情
[21:14.17]- you brought izzie food. - yeah. - 你給Izzie帶午飯 - 是的
[21:16.24]even though you didn't think i was here. 即便你知道我不在家
[21:18.62]is--is that okay? 有問題嗎?
[21:21.26]yeah. it's amazing,actually. 沒問題 棒極了
[21:25.04]you're amazing... 你棒極了...
[21:26.18]sweet and thoughtful and sensitive. 甜蜜 周到 感情豐富
[21:29.20]meredith,i don't want to pressure you. Meredith 我不想逼你
[21:31.88]you have a decision to make,and i want you to take all the time you need. 你慢慢考慮你的決定
[21:35.20]but i do want to make one thing clear. 但我是想說明一件事
[21:38.13]what's that? 什么事?
[21:39.85]i'm not all that sensitive. 我感情并不那么豐富
[21:56.32]so... 那么...
[21:58.19]so... 怎么...
[22:02.19]have a nice day of work. 好好工作
[22:17.16]mr. hernandez. Hernandez先生
[22:20.38]h-how is he? is he okay? 他怎么樣? 他沒事吧?
[22:22.89]i mean,you've been operating for hours. 手術(shù)已經(jīng)好幾個小時了
[22:24.20]there is extensive damage. 傷情很嚴(yán)重
[22:25.87]we've had to remove one of his kidneys and a portion of his bowel. 我們不得不移除他的一個腎 以及一部分腸組織
[22:28.91]but the tree's out. i mean,you got it out,and he's okay. 但是樹干被取出來了 取出來了 他不就應(yīng)該沒事了嗎?
[22:30.96]okay,mr. hernandez,the branch actually is still there. Hernandez先生 但事實上樹干沒有取出
[22:34.51]we're operating around it,which is part of what's taking so much time. 我們只是在樹干周圍手術(shù) 這也是如此費時的原因之一
[22:37.68]his mother's not here yet. i mean... 他媽媽還沒到
[22:40.00]you think-- you think he'll be okay by the time she gets here? 她到的時候他應(yīng)該就沒事了吧?
[22:43.16]i-i'm sorry,i do have to get back in there. 對不起 我得回手術(shù)室了
[22:44.96]but i just wanted to give you an update. 我只是想把最新的情況告訴你
[22:47.17]that he's still alive. 他還活著
[22:48.36]yes,that he's still alive. 是的 他還活著
[22:51.32]okay. okay. 好的
[23:00.07]izzie. how you doin',sweetie? Izzie 還好吧 美女?
[23:04.89]- i brought you some muffins. - okay. - 我給你們帶了點松餅來 - 好的
[23:08.75]i made a lot,and i was... 我做了很多 都快...
[23:11.94]running out of room,and i thought maybe... 都快放不下了 我覺得或許...
[23:14.46]you would like some. 你們會喜歡吃
[23:16.29]i'm a good baker. 我烤東西在行的
[23:18.48]yeah. absolutely.thank you. 是的 肯定的 謝謝
[23:21.53]dr.stevens. Stevens醫(yī)生
[23:24.49]please don't call me "doctor." okay... - 請別叫我醫(yī)生 - 好的...
[23:27.44]please don't call me "mrs. shepherd." 也別叫我Shepherd太太
[23:30.77]that's funny. 那很好笑
[23:33.13]- she's drunk. - this is true. - 她喝醉了 - 確實如此
[23:35.11]so did you know about the slutty sex your slutty friend had with my... 你知道你那個放蕩的朋友和我的...
[23:39.77]super slutty husband? 超級放蕩的丈夫之間的放蕩的事情嗎?
[23:42.47]you should have a muffin. 吃個松餅吧
[23:44.67]they're really good,and... 很好吃的 而且...
[23:46.57]they'll help you. 會有幫助的
[23:48.80]i may be beyond help 或許沒人能幫我
[23:50.99]yeah.me,too. 是的 我也一樣
[23:54.61]don't let hedrive,joe. 別讓她開車 Joe
[23:59.35]good. 好吃
[24:03.31]but i knew. i knew that you... 但我知道 我知道你...
[24:06.15]she's still here. 她還在這里
[24:08.06]never leaves. 就沒離開過
[24:09.81]she never even pees. 甚至連廁所都不上
[24:12.20]i'm not entirely sure she's human. 我都不敢確定她是個正常人
[24:16.02]finn brought izzie lunch. Finn給Izzie帶午飯去了
[24:18.29]oh,you went to see izzie? 哦 你去看Izzie了?
[24:19.42]yeah,she wasn't home. 是的 她不在家
[24:20.65]but i'm taking that as a good thing,'cause at least the baking has stopped. 但我覺得這是好事情 至少她不會繼續(xù)烤東西了
[24:24.07]but my point is that finn brought izzie lunch. 但我要說的是 Finn給Izzie帶午飯去了
[24:27.15]he's that guy-- the guy who brings your roommate lunch when she's sad. 他是那種在你室友低落的時候 給她帶午飯去的男人
[24:31.22]so,uh,you didn't end it? 那么 你沒有和他分手?
[24:32.99]he's the guy who brings your roommate lunch when she's sad. 他是那種在你室友低落的時候 給她帶午飯去的男人
[24:36.28]so i'm gonna end it with derek. 所以我打算跟Derek分手
[24:38.33]whatever. 隨便你
[24:39.81]you know,i am not selfish. 你知道的 我不自私
[24:42.06]i am by his side. 我總是在他身邊
[24:43.48]i-i took off all my clothes this morning. that's not selfish. 今天早晨我把衣服都脫掉了 這不是自私吧
[24:46.24]and i'm going ***** surgery. 而且我馬上要去做手術(shù)了
[24:48.49]selfish people don't save lives. for surgery. 自私的人不會救別人性命的
[24:55.86]- george. - what? - George - 怎么?
[24:58.34]you're flirting with that nurse. 你在和那個護(hù)士調(diào)情
[25:01.67]i'm young. i'm healthy. 我還年輕 我很健康
[25:03.95]i got a life to live. 我有我的生活
[25:05.28]is this about the panties? 是為了內(nèi)褲的事情嗎?
[25:06.81]are you still jealous? 你還在嫉妒?
[25:08.31]i'm not jealous. 我不嫉妒
[25:09.51]i'm just living my life. 這種事情很平常
[25:14.63]do you have a boyfriend? 你有男朋友嗎?
[25:16.36]do you have a boyfriend? 你有男朋友嗎?
[25:17.72]do you have a boyfriend? 你有男朋友嗎?
[25:18.79]he's gonna keep asking till you answer. 你不回答 他還會繼續(xù)問
[25:21.61]yes,i have a boyfriend. can you look here? 是的 我有男朋友 看這里好嗎?
[25:23.73]if i had a boyfriend,i would definitely not be as angry as you. 要是我有男朋友的話 決不會像你這樣氣轟轟的
[25:27.19]why are you so angry? 你為什么這么氣轟轟的?
[25:28.76]is it because you're frigid? 是因為你性冷淡嗎?
[25:30.62]or he's frigid? 還是他性冷淡?
[25:31.79]- or-- - nobody's frigid. - 還是 -- - 都不性冷淡
[25:35.29]my boyfriend's mother called me selfish,okay? 我男朋友的母親說我自私 好了吧?
[25:37.97]are you selfish? 你自私嗎?
[25:39.39]- 'cause you do seem kind of self-obsessed to me. - ben. - 因為我看著你就有點自戀 - Ben
[25:41.72]hey,i'm a surgeon. 嗨 我是外科醫(yī)生
[25:43.31]in order to be a surgeon,a certain amount of self-obsession is necessary. 要做一個外科醫(yī)生 有點自戀是必須的
[25:47.48]my boyfriend gets that. 我男朋友是懂得這一點的
[25:49.68]if his mother doesn't,it's her problem. 如果他媽媽不懂 那是她的問題
[25:51.50]i used to have a boyfriend. 我以前有個男朋友
[25:52.79]when i got the tumor,he understood. 我長了瘤 他能理解
[25:55.41]he tried to understand. 他試著理解了
[25:57.14]he loved me. 他愛我
[25:58.71]but his mother didn't. 可他媽媽不愛我
[26:00.74]my offending everyone offended her. 我冒犯所有冒犯了她的人
[26:03.70]and he said he didn't care what his mother thought. 他說過他不在乎媽媽說什么
[26:06.27]but in the end,he did care. 但是其實 他在乎的
[26:09.40]'cause now it's two years later,and i'm having brain surgery, 因為現(xiàn)在離那時才兩年 我就要做腦部手術(shù)了
[26:13.51]and only my fat sister ruth is with me. 但只有我的胖姐姐Ruth在我身邊
[26:16.37]benjamin... Benjamin...
[26:17.54]that was kinda rude. 這就無禮了
[26:19.33]sorry. 對不起
[26:26.64]when the tumor's removed,is it gonna bring his old personality back? 腫瘤切除之后 他會恢復(fù)原來的性格嗎?
[26:30.02]if we get the tumor out and benjamin lives,anything else is icing on the cake. 如果Benjamin在切除腫瘤后活下來了 其他事情就都好說了
[26:36.98]** i'm locking down the external fixator. 我要把外面的固定架放掉了
[26:39.68]there's no active bleeding,and the trajectory is clear. 沒有大出血 軌道清理完畢
[26:43.34]karev,i want you to hold pressure on the liver. Karev 幫忙按住肝
[26:46.98]put your hands down in here,and don't move. 把手放在這兒 別動
[26:50.85]you with the saw, 你拿鋸子
[26:51.84]don't make aove until we get our hands on every vital organ around the tree trunk. 直到我們穩(wěn)住樹干周圍的主要器官之前 一動都不要動
[26:56.10]the parents-- have they said their good-byes? 他的父母 來跟他道別過了嗎?
[26:57.77]mom's not here yet. 母親還沒趕到
[26:59.12]and the father was too busy blaming him to say good-bye. 父親只顧著責(zé)備他兒子 沒空和他道別
[27:01.35]speak when you're spoken to,karev. 沒人問你的時候就閉嘴 Karev
[27:02.78]i've had enough out of you today. 你今天說了夠多的了
[27:04.38]all due respect,dr.bailey,i think you got me mixed up with izzie stevens. 說實在的 Bailey醫(yī)生 我覺得你把我和Izzie Stevens混淆了
[27:08.10]all right,everybody. take your positions. 好了大家 各就各位
[27:10.72]cut carefully. 小心地切
[27:12.26]we'll get this thing out in pieces. 我們要把它分成小塊拿出來
[27:21.75]you see that right there? 你看到那邊的沒?
[27:24.21]it's too close to the cavernous sinus. 跟腦膜瘤離得太近了
[27:27.99]suction. 用吸的
[27:31.29]i've got a bleeder. 大出血了
[27:32.69]the brain is starting to swell. 大腦開始膨脹了
[27:34.11]- v-fib. - his heart can't take it. - 出現(xiàn)休克 - 他的心臟受不了
[27:35.98]yang,get in there with those paddles. move.now.go. Yang 過來電擊 快
[27:38.74]clear. 正常
[27:43.99]renal artery's collapsed. 腎動脈不行了
[27:45.18]i thought you had that. 我以為你控制住了
[27:46.03]hepatic artery's gone. 肝動脈也不行了
[27:47.11]b.p.is dropping. all right,he's bleeding. 血壓下降 這下好 大出血了
[27:48.98]damn it,he's bleeding fast. laps. 該死 出血加快了 紗布
[27:54.65]- come on.come on. - no change. - 快點 快點 - 沒有變化
[27:56.84]epi and atropine are in. epi和阿托品已經(jīng)注射
[27:58.26]- still in v-fib. - shock him again. - 還是休克 - 繼續(xù)電擊
[28:06.41]i've decided that i'm gonna get really fat, 我決定要變得很肥
[28:10.67]just as a stopgap,just until i figure out another plan. 就當(dāng)是權(quán)宜之計好了 到我想出另外的辦法之前要變肥
[28:14.34]i'm gonna eat all of these muffins,and i'm gonna get really,gloriously fat. 我要把這些小松餅全吃掉 我要肥得無與倫比
[28:24.73]it's over.over.over. 完了 完了 完了
[28:28.92]i'm talking about the last third of my life,miranda. 我說的是我人生的最后1/3 Miranda
[28:31.42]how can that just be over? how does that just end... 怎么能就這么完了呢? 怎么就就這么完了
[28:35.54]over a skanky pair of panties and... 就因為一條蠢內(nèi)褲...?
[28:39.48]- a bad tux?i am desir,amanda - miranda. - 和件糟糕的燕尾服?我很迷人的 Amanda - 是Miranda
[28:43.31]right. 哦對
[28:44.46]joe... Joe...
[28:45.53]i'm desirable,right? 我很吸引人的 對不對?
[28:46.84]i have a boyfriend. 我有男朋友
[28:48.12]be that as it may,i don't need me to tell you how wildly attractive i am-- wildly attractive. 隨便 反正我也用不著特地告訴你 我是多么迷人 極度的迷人
[28:53.40]you are... 你的確是...
[28:54.91]and your wildly attractive cab is here. 而你極度迷人的小出租也來了
[28:58.58]it is? 來了?
[28:59.63]you told me to call you a cab at 10:00. 你跟我說10點的時候給你叫輛車
[29:01.46]it's 10:00. 10點了
[29:03.14]i guess that's for the best,huh? 我猜這樣最好不過了 對吧?
[29:05.08]i would say so. 的確是
[29:09.84]hey. 嘿
[29:12.21]can i buy you a drink? i have a lot of them. 我請你一杯好嗎? 我點了好多的
[29:14.65]i'm trying one of everything. 每種我都要試一下
[29:16.95]hey. hey,aren't you the cake lady from this morning? 嘿 你不是今天早上吃蛋糕的那位嗎?
[29:20.28]aren't you supposed to be having surgery? 你這會兒不是應(yīng)該在接受手術(shù)嗎?
[29:22.11]oh,well,that hasn't been decided yet. 哦 那個 都還沒決定的事兒呢
[29:24.69]so you're a doctor? 你是醫(yī)生?
[29:25.81]yes,i'm a doctor. 對 我是醫(yī)生
[29:27.27]does that mean you can't drink with me? 那是不是表示你不能跟我喝酒了?
[29:28.79]not at all. 不是啊
[29:32.06]joe. Joe
[29:37.47]george... you're gonna kill someone. George...你會射死人的
[29:39.58]what are you doing? i'm workin' it. - 你在干嘛? - 我在練習(xí)
[29:41.52]callie can be bad,so can i? Callie都能玩幾壞的 我干嘛不能?
[29:45.97]hey,watch it. 嘿 看著點兒!
[29:47.95]george... callie is hot. George...Callie很辣
[29:50.56]she's,like,really sexy,like,almost dirty-hot,and she's hot for you. 她非常性感 辣到幾乎是放蕩了 而她是為你而辣的
[29:54.76]maybe you could keep using the darts as weapons, 也許你可以繼續(xù)扔飛鏢當(dāng)作武器
[29:58.85]or you could go get lucky with the sexy,hot,dirty girl. 或者你可以去找那位性感 火辣 放縱的女孩兒瘋狂一晚
[30:07.16]where is hgoing? 他去哪兒?
[30:08.64]to get laid. 去找人上床
[30:09.72]god,you know,there is something wrong in the world when bambi's getting laid, 天哪 這世界肯定有問題 連乖寶寶都要跟人上床了
[30:12.78]and i can't get five minutes alone with burke. 我和Burke卻連5分鐘都不能獨處
[30:15.00]- what are you doing? - day's over. - 你在干嘛? - 一天工作結(jié)束了
[30:16.38]flippin' a coin. 在拋硬幣
[30:17.61]call it. 你說哪面?
[30:18.94]the brain surgeon should be heads. 今天做腦部手術(shù)了 選頭
[30:20.79]right. 好
[30:31.78]choice made. 就這么定了
[30:33.60]oh,that's it? 哦 就這樣?
[30:35.09]you're gonna base your choice on flipping a coin? 你靠拋硬幣來做選擇?
[30:37.09]i'm taking a cue from benjamin. 我是在看Benjamin的命運
[30:38.60]impulsive,hont-- it's my new motto. 沖動 誠實 我的新座右銘
[30:41.95]benjamin died. Benjamin死了
[30:46.32]he wasn't impulsive,meredith. he wasn't honest. 他不沖動 Meredith 他也不誠實
[30:48.71]he was sick and brain damaged. 他只是病了 腦子壞了
[30:50.66]and now he's dead. 現(xiàn)在 他已經(jīng)死了
[31:01.62]mr. hernandez. Hernandez先生
[31:04.21]uh,may i? 呃 我能坐嗎?
[31:14.24]you--you okay? 你...你沒事吧?
[31:16.77]your son,he's gonna be fine. 你兒子會沒事的
[31:19.97]he was off with his friends. 他跟他朋友出去了
[31:22.54]i let him go off with that thing. 我讓他跟那幫家伙出去了
[31:25.65]i knew better. i knew better. 我早該知道 我早該知道
[31:31.76]his friend,he has this driveway up on a hill. 他的朋友 家里在山上有條車道
[31:37.42]i just keep picturing him. 我一直想象著
[31:41.94]i keep picturing him going down that hill and... 我一直想象著他沖下山的畫面...
[31:46.72]and i didn't stop him,and i shouldstopped m. 我沒阻止他 我應(yīng)該要阻止他的
[31:50.16]kids spin outta control sometimes. 孩子有時候會失去控制的
[31:53.54]they... spin outta control. 他們...失去控制了
[31:56.05]- you can't-- - yes,you can. - 你也不能-- - 能
[31:58.15]you can control them. 你能控制他們的
[31:59.24]it's your job as a parent to control them. 控制他們是你作為家長的責(zé)任
[32:03.85]ever sincehe divorce,i only get to see him every other weekend. 從離婚以后 我隔周的周末才能見到他
[32:07.94]i never woulda bought him that luge. 我不該給他買車的
[32:09.45]i never woulda let him go off on his own that way before. 我以前絕對不會讓他就那樣自己出去
[32:16.54]i went soft. 我心軟了
[32:18.89]i went soft when he needed me to be the father. 在他需要父親的強權(quán)的時候 我心軟了
[32:29.78]i wish i'd had more fun. 我只希望能再開心一些
[32:32.10]i didn't want to be a ut. 我沒想過當(dāng)個蕩婦
[32:33.43]didn't want to be a tramp. 也不想像個妓女
[32:34.77]didn't have any fun. 我從沒開心過
[32:36.14]my ex-husband,he had fun-- 我前夫--他可開心了
[32:38.36]all sorts of fun with all sorts of women who were a lot more fun than me. 他跟各種各樣比我有趣得多的女人 找各種各樣的樂子
[32:43.04]nobody ever called him a slut. 從沒人叫過他蕩夫
[32:45.09]why is that? 為什么呢?
[32:46.53]men can do it,but women can't. 男人能這樣 女人卻不行
[32:48.12]women can. i know some who do. 女人可以 我認(rèn)識一些女士就可以
[32:50.28]not without getting called names. 可她們之中沒人不被在背后罵娘的
[32:51.70]what do you care what people call you? 干嘛在意人們怎么罵你?
[32:53.92]i get called an ass. i don't care. 我被人叫混蛋 我不在乎
[32:55.36]i don't think you're an ass. 我不覺得你是混蛋
[32:56.83]i don't think you're a slut. 我不覺得你是蕩婦
[33:03.40]do y have a girlfriend,alex? 你有女朋友嗎 Alex?
[33:05.19]no,no girlfriend. 沒 我沒女朋友
[33:07.03]so you're single? 那你就是單身嘍?
[33:09.01]s,definitely. 是 絕對是
[33:11.23]- i'm single. - i'm single,too. - 我單身的 - 我也單身的
[33:16.45]and i'm very bad at this,never having had any practice. 我這方面太差了 從沒練習(xí)過
[33:20.94]so,um,i am... 那 呃 我...
[33:24.89]i'm gonna go into the bathroom,and if i find myself alone in there after two minutes, 我要去洗手間了 如果我發(fā)現(xiàn)兩分鐘后我仍是一個人
[33:30.38]i'll just touch up my makeup and come back out. 我就只是補個妝 然后出來
[33:33.77]but should you have any interest in fulfilling the wish of a potentially dying woman, 不過你會不會有興趣 來滿足一個可能將死的女人的心愿?
[33:40.13]you know where i'll be. 你知道我會在哪里的
[34:15.62]getting some exercise,dr.torres? 在練習(xí)啊 Torres醫(yī)生?
[34:20.50]yes.yes.sir.chief ***** no good! no good! oo,yeah! three screens,wireless,broadband,and tv,are coming together. another innovation from at&t,helping you make the most ofyo world. the passion to invent,the drive to deliver. the new at&t. 是 是的 先生 我是說院長
[34:42.72]- hi. - hi. - 嗨 - 嗨
[34:52.97]finn. Finn
[34:54.73]derek. Derek
[34:56.97]thanks for coming. 謝謝你們能來
[34:58.60]both of you,thanks for coming. 你們倆 謝謝你們都來了
[35:01.11]so here's the thing... 那么 事情是這樣的...
[35:03.64]i like you. 我喜歡你
[35:06.32]and i like you. 我也喜歡你
[35:07.90]and i thought i had a choice to make. 我想我得要做出選擇
[35:09.79]i thought i had to decide. 我想我必須決定了
[35:12.67]but i think i owe myself the chance to consider my options. 但是我覺得我應(yīng)該給自己一個 考慮我的選擇的機會
[35:16.56]- options? - options? - 選擇? - 選擇?
[35:18.08]there's this thing that allows for the considering of options. 有個東西能作為考慮選擇的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
[35:22.47]in the olden days,they called it dating. 在古時候 人們稱之為約會
[35:25.11]- dating. - yes. - 約會 - 是的
[35:26.08]i'd like to try that. 我很想試試
[35:27.70]- you wanna try dating. - yes. - 你想試試約會 - 對
[35:31.60]- both of us? - yes. - 跟我們倆? - 對
[35:33.48]and i understand if you're not up for it. 如果你們不愿意 我理解的
[35:36.16]but i really hope you are. 但我非常希望你們都能來
[35:48.14]you bowing out? 你要退出嗎?
[35:50.35]no.you? 不 你呢?
[35:53.18]i don't think so. 我也不這么認(rèn)為
[35:57.89]you're here first,you get all the best cases. 你最早來這兒 你能跟到最好的病例
[36:01.50]trauma comes in the middle of the night,you get first dibs. 外傷病人總在午夜送來 你能跟到第一現(xiàn)場
[36:04.15]exactly. 沒錯
[36:05.28]yeah,i respect it,i do. 是的 我對此表示尊重 真的
[36:08.90]and also,i can't have it. 但同時 我無法讓你繼續(xù)這么做了
[36:10.86]and you know that. 你也知道的
[36:12.23]you're throwing me out? 你要趕我出去嗎?
[36:13.39]got no choice. 我別無選擇
[36:14.59]this violates all sorts of codes,and you know it. 這樣違法了所有條例 你也清楚
[36:18.18]so i have to go,but you're allowed to live in your office? 所以我必須走 可是你卻能住在辦公室里?
[36:23.31]you noticed that,huh? 你注意到了 嗯?
[36:24.46]yeah,i'm pretty observant. 是的 我觀察力很敏銳
[36:26.39]guess if i'm throwing you out,i have to follow my own rule. 我想如果我要趕你出去 我就得以身作則
[36:30.65]okay,i'm jealous. 好吧 我是嫉妒了
[36:32.15]but i have a right to be jealous,because i don't want other guys touching your panties. 可是我有權(quán)嫉妒 因為我不想別的男人碰你的小褲褲
[36:39.60]great. that's great. 好 好極了
[36:44.11]- you might wanna clear that up. - yes,sir. - 你也許想去解釋一下 - 是的 先生
[36:54.43]********ut,dana? 你滿足啦 Dana?
[36:55.55]gotta get back to the hospital,joe. 我得回醫(yī)院去啦 Joe
[36:57.38]gotta go kick this cancer's ass. 得回去把癌癥干掉
[36:59.41]okay. 好的
[37:03.84]******** 大干了一場哦
[37:05.38]hey,alex. 嘿 Alex
[37:06.82]uh,about today-- 呃 關(guān)于今天--
[37:08.75]dr.bailey,you were right. Bailey醫(yī)生 你是對的
[37:10.12]i-i shouldn't be getting physical with patients. 我--我不該和病人發(fā)生肉體關(guān)系
[37:14.93]the body is a slave to its impulses. 身體是沖動的奴隸
[37:21.52]i don't know if it's gonna get y better,mama. 我不知道會不會好起來 媽媽
[37:25.97]well,i do,baby. i do know. 我知道的 寶貝 我知道
[37:31.90]cristina,it's late. Cristina 很晚了
[37:34.68]preston needs his sleep. Preston要睡了
[37:38.19]but the thing that makes us human... 但是讓我們之所以為人的...
[37:40.86]i'm sorry,mrs. burke. 抱歉 Burke太太
[37:41.91]i was just coming in to see if either of you needed anything before i went home for the evening. 我只是在我回家休息之前 過來看看你們有沒有什么需要
[37:48.31]is what we can control. 是我們對其的掌控
[37:50.36]we're fine. 我們沒事
[37:52.64]good night,preston. 晚安 Preston
[37:54.57]sleep well. 好夢
[38:05.11]hang in there. 堅持就是勝利
[38:09.30]after the storm... after the rush... 暴風(fēng)雨過后... 沖動過后...
[38:13.15]after the heat of the moment has passed... 那一瞬的頭腦發(fā)熱過去了之后...
[38:16.99]- the panties? - yeah. - 那條小褲褲? - 啥
[38:19.57]- not mine. - yeah? - 不是我的 - 啥?
[38:23.24]- the jealousy? - yeah. - 你的嫉妒? - 嗯
[38:26.20]insanely hot. 火辣得讓人瘋狂
[38:31.33]what's with the suitcase? 這行李是怎么回事?
[38:34.83]we can cool off and clean up the messes we've made. 我們就要平靜下來 并收拾好一切搞砸了的東西
[38:45.27]i'm busy,you guys. leave me alone. 我很忙 別管我
[38:47.84]izzie. Izzie
[39:08.84]i went soft. 我太軟弱了
[39:12.00]i... 我...
[39:13.50]had a baby,and i swore it wouldn't change me,it does change you. 我有了孩子 我發(fā)誓這不會改變我 但它改變了你
[39:22.86]i got tired,i got busy,and i stopped teaching. 我累 我忙 我停止授課
[39:29.01]i stopped teaching when you needed a teacher the most. 我在你最需要指導(dǎo)的時候停止了授課
[39:34.20]- you couldn't have stopped me. - yes,i could've. - 你阻止不了我的 - 我能阻止的
[39:36.49]you couldn't have stopped you,but i could have. 你阻止不了你自己 但我可以
[39:40.95]and in the past,i would have. 要是在過去 我一定會阻止你的
[39:45.90]i went soft. 我只是太軟弱了
[39:49.53]and i'm partly to blame for what happened,so... 我對發(fā)生的事情有一定責(zé)任 所以...
[39:56.43]i want you to come back. 我要你回來
[40:00.47]you will talk to thief. 你和院長談?wù)?br /> [40:02.78]we'll work it out,because you're talented,and you're capable,and we all make mistakes, 我們能解決 因為你有天分 有能力 而我們都會犯錯
[40:12.30]and-- and it's enough muffins. 并且...并且松餅已經(jīng)夠多了
[40:20.39]we can try to let go of what was... 我們能試著放手那些...
[40:25.50]i thought you were room service. 我以為是客房服務(wù)
[40:36.91]i feel terrible. 我感覺糟透了
[40:39.84]i'm not proud of what i did. 我并不為我做的事情感到驕傲
[40:43.52]you deserve better. 你值得更好的
[40:46.33]and i'm sorry about the... 我很抱歉 關(guān)于...
[40:49.61]sorry about the panties... 關(guān)于內(nèi)褲的事情 抱歉
[40:52.33]and the prom. 還有舞會的事情
[40:56.68]i-i'm sorry i did that. 我...抱歉對你做了那樣的事
[41:00.91]-------------------------- 本論壇字幕僅翻譯交流學(xué)習(xí)之用 禁止任何商業(yè)用途否則后果自負(fù) --------------------------
[41:07.83]yeah. 是啊
[41:10.46]i'm sorry you did that,too. 我也很遺憾你做了那種事
[41:14.82]our marriage is over. 我們的婚姻結(jié)束了
[41:17.54]yeah,i guess it is. 是啊 我想是結(jié)束了
[41:20.64]it's a my fault. 都是我的錯
[41:23.85]god,this is incredibly sad. 天啊 真是太傷心了
[41:28.55]i'm incredibly sad. 我真的太傷心了
[41:34.14]and then again... 然后再一次...
[41:39.27]oh. 噢
[41:41.44]well,this is awkward. 這可挺尷尬的
[41:49.80]i feel much better now. 我現(xiàn)在感覺好多了
[41:57.38]外科實習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾 第三季 第2集 -=結(jié)束=-

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