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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:49:22
[00:00.07]previously on "grey's anatomy" 前情提要
[00:01.46]when I told you I was done trying to compete? That was me breaking up with you 我之前說(shuō)我不在爭(zhēng)下去了 那是說(shuō)我要和你分手
[00:04.83]I broke up with finn 我和Finn分手了
[00:06.63]Yeah 好吧
[00:07.35]The patient died last month from complications following a heart transplant 上個(gè)月死去的病人死因是 心臟移植手術(shù)后的并發(fā)癥
[00:11.60]Denny Denny
[00:12.40]Are there any questions for me? 還有什么問(wèn)題要問(wèn)我嗎?
[00:13.74]I got shot I'm not fine You're not fine 我中槍了 我有問(wèn)題 你也有問(wèn)題
[00:16.31]You quit being a surgeon 你放棄成為外科醫(yī)生
[00:18.73]You'll stand on my right side, I'll look at you, 你站我右邊 我會(huì)看著你
[00:20.81]and you'll know to slide in to do the sutures we've practiced 到時(shí)你就像練習(xí)時(shí)那樣進(jìn)行縫合
[00:23.63]Nobody has to know 別人不會(huì)知道的
[00:26.24]to make it 做到
[00:27.81]really make it 真的做到
[00:30.00]as a surgeon 當(dāng)一個(gè)外科醫(yī)生
[00:32.26]it takes major commitment 就得擔(dān)負(fù)起責(zé)任
[00:41.98]We have to be willing to pick up that scalpel 我們得樂(lè)于拿起手術(shù)刀
[00:45.47]and make a cut that may or may not do more damage than good 切下手術(shù)刀 這一刀可能對(duì)病人有利 或者相反
[00:50.03]It's all about being committed 當(dāng)外科醫(yī)生就意味著擔(dān)負(fù)責(zé)任
[00:53.19]because if we're not 否則
[00:55.40]we have no business picking up that scalpel in the first place 我們就不能拿起手術(shù)刀
[01:02.49]Put burke in O R 2 tomorrow at 10:00 A M The usual scrub team 把Burke安排在明天10點(diǎn)2號(hào)手術(shù)室 還是用以前的手術(shù)人員配置
[01:05.67]And get rid of his valve replacement at 20 That's no-- that's no good 去掉在2號(hào)手術(shù)室的瓣膜置換手術(shù) 那不--那不要了
[01:08.55]Yang,brought you a latte Yang 給你買(mǎi)了杯拿鐵咖啡
[01:12.33]You're not scrubbing in 你不參加手術(shù)
[01:13.61]But burke always let's me scrub in 但是Burke總是讓我參加的
[01:15.55]Hey,yang, can i get in on burke's-- 嘿 Yang 我能參加Burke的--
[01:17.16]no,no,okay? No residents 不 不 知道嗎? 不需要醫(yī)生了
[01:19.19]Burke says you crowd him, so just go away Burke說(shuō)人太多了 走開(kāi)吧
[01:21.96]Make sure you put the instrument t ray on his left-hand side 確保手術(shù)器材都放在他的左手邊
[01:24.56]He needs the extra elbow room And remember,O R Two No gallery 他的手肘需要額外的空間 還有記住 2號(hào)手術(shù)室沒(méi)有旁聽(tīng)席
[01:27.90]Burke was specific Burke特別要求的
[01:28.60]Dr Burke's become very specific since coming back to work,hasn't he? Burke自從回來(lái)工作后 就要求特別多 對(duì)嗎?
[01:32.57]Do you want me to tell him you said that? 你想我告訴他你說(shuō)的話嗎?
[01:36.38]Burke's back, and suddenly cristina's running his board? Burke回來(lái) 突然Cristina就成了他的代言人?
[01:38.56]Who does she think she is-- bailey? 她認(rèn)為她是誰(shuí)啊 - Bailey?
[01:40.43]She's helping him 她在幫他
[01:41.83]Bull She's taking advantage 扯蛋 她在利用這個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)
[01:43.23]She gets out of rounds, she scrubs in on every surgery burke does, 她不去查房了 她參加Burke的每次手術(shù)
[01:45.98]she's ordering around third-year residents 她把有3年資力的住院醫(yī)生差來(lái)差去
[01:47.56]You guys are overreacting 你們反應(yīng)過(guò)度了
[01:49.15]I'm so sorry It's completely illegible 對(duì)不起 這個(gè)完全看不清楚
[01:54.29]She is writing on the O R Board 她在寫(xiě)手術(shù)室日程工作板
[01:56.66]Maybe I should sleep with burke 也許我該和Burke睡覺(jué)
[01:59.64]you've been busy 你很忙啊
[02:02.37]Yeah 是啊
[02:04.41]Derek hasn't called yet I told him I broke up with finn a week ago Derek還沒(méi)來(lái)電話 我一星期前告訴他我和Finn分手的
[02:08.07]He still hasn't called 他還是沒(méi)有打電話來(lái)
[02:09.82]Hey,do you want to go grab a drink, catch up? 嘿 你想去喝一杯嗎 一起去吧?
[02:11.81]no,I can'T I have to study up for burke's surgeries tomorrow 我不行 我得為Burke明天的手術(shù)認(rèn)真準(zhǔn)備
[02:18.24]She's busy 她很忙
[02:24.50]Callie Callie
[02:28.38]Hey, 嘿
[02:30.31]talk to me 跟我談?wù)?br /> [02:32.52]Hey,how about talking to me instead of ignoring me? 嘿 不要不理我 跟我說(shuō)說(shuō)話吧?
[02:34.43]- Callie - George! - Callie - George!
[02:37.27]Well,that's talking That's a good start 嗯 這是談話 良好的開(kāi)端
[02:44.13]Oh! Oh,god 上帝啊
[02:46.30]Hey, stranger 嘿 陌生人
[02:47.62]Oh, nancy 噢 Nancy
[02:48.74]You don't call first? 你怎么不事先打個(gè)電話?
[02:51.59]hi I know I 嗨 我...
[02:55.30]meredith Meredith
[02:59.67]Oh, meredith 噢 Meredith
[03:01.60]wait Let me explain Meredith 等等 讓我解釋 Meredith
[03:05.87]I take it that was the slutty intern you cheated on addison with? 是那個(gè)令你 對(duì)Addison不忠的放蕩實(shí)習(xí)生吧?
[03:08.48]She's not slutty What are you doing here? 她不放蕩 你來(lái)這兒做什么?
[03:10.48]You bailed on thanksgiving and christmas, and you live in a trailer, 你感恩節(jié)和圣誕沒(méi)回來(lái) 你住在拖車(chē)?yán)?br /> [03:13.45]and you're getting a divorce And then there's the slutty intern 你正在離婚 還有個(gè)放蕩實(shí)習(xí)生
[03:16.08]I really don't like you 我真的不喜歡你
[03:17.31]You love me 你愛(ài)我
[03:24.34]醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強(qiáng) 第3季 第6集
[03:26.09]Feeling good Really good 感覺(jué)很好 真的很好
[03:27.93]- Good - Good - 很好 - 很好
[03:29.59]Yeah,first day back It's big 是啊 第一天回來(lái) 這一天很重要
[03:32.78]kinda nervous But feeling good Do I look okay? 有點(diǎn)緊張但是感覺(jué)很好 我看上去還不錯(cuò)吧?
[03:35.27]- Great - Great - 很棒 - 很棒
[03:36.04]I want to get off on the right foot Gotta get my I D Renewed,new time card, 我想有個(gè)完美的開(kāi)始 新的工作證 新的記時(shí)卡
[03:39.53]sign some papers with legal, and then I'm back I'm really back 簽一些法律文件 接著我就回來(lái)了 真的回來(lái)了
[03:43.60]- Yeah - Yeah - 是啊 - 是啊
[03:45.99]This is me-- human resources See you guys on the floor 我到了--人事部 樓上見(jiàn)
[03:48.78]Yeah 好的
[04:00.20]Okay,I'll be cristina for you if you'll be izzie for me 我把你當(dāng)成Izzie 你把我當(dāng)成Cristina
[04:04.79]Deal 成交
[04:08.94]derek had a woman in his trailer last night She was ugly,very ugly 昨晚Derek的拖車(chē)?yán)镉袀€(gè)女的 她很討人厭 非常討人厭
[04:13.08]Except she was tall and beautiful And he was naked 除了她又高又漂亮 還有他還沒(méi)穿衣服
[04:20.13]mcdreamy was doing the mcnasty with a mchottie? 美夢(mèng)先生、下流先生和惹火小姐 一起搞3P
[04:23.67]That mcbastard 真是混蛋
[04:27.05]- How-- how was that? - That was good - 那--那怎么樣? - 很好
[04:28.34]- Cristina enough? Really? - Yeah - 夠像Cristina了? 真的? - 是的
[04:29.82]- Yeah? - Yeah - 是嗎? - 是的
[04:31.36]- Yeah,'cause-- - channeling izzie - 是的 因?yàn)?- - 調(diào)到Izzie
[04:32.53]- Go - Okay, uh, - 快點(diǎn) - 好的 嗯
[04:33.56]callie she won't forgive me Callie 她不原諒我
[04:37.58]she won't talk to me She dumped me 她不跟我說(shuō)話 她甩了我
[04:40.52]Which is,I don't care about, you know,at all 那個(gè) 我不在乎 一點(diǎn)也不
[04:45.66]Good, because you deserve better 很好 因?yàn)槟阍摰玫礁玫?br /> [04:48.40]You do You are george 真的 你是George
[04:52.14]I mean,seriously Seriously Seriously 我是 認(rèn)真地 認(rèn)真地 認(rèn)真地
[04:57.54]- Was that izzie-optimistic? - That's very izzie - 那是樂(lè)觀的Izzie嗎? - 很Izzie
[05:02.98]what the hell has happened to us? 我們倆到底怎么了?
[05:04.67]We are now the people that the people we want to be with avoid 我們想要見(jiàn)的人 卻在逃避我們
[05:08.50]We have careers to think about 事業(yè)更重要
[05:10.47]We don't need attention from men with perfect hair 我們不需要那些 有著完美秀發(fā)的人的關(guān)注
[05:12.46]You know, we should make a pact 我們應(yīng)該達(dá)成一個(gè)協(xié)議
[05:15.80]There's no more dating 不再約會(huì)
[05:17.03]No more derek No more callie 不再提Derek 不再提Callie
[05:18.37]Just 100% focus on our work 全身心的投入工作
[05:20.00]- They're dead to us - They are freakin' corpses to us - 對(duì)我們來(lái)說(shuō)他們死了 - 對(duì)我們來(lái)說(shuō)他們就是該死的尸體
[05:23.12]Preston burke What a pleasure I have read so much about you Preston Burke 真是有幸啊 久仰大名
[05:26.91]Well, thank you 謝謝
[05:27.95]Pruitt byrd Medivac brought him inhis morning Pruitt Byrd 急救隊(duì)今早把他送來(lái)
[05:30.38]He presents with a primary cardiac tumor 癥狀顯示是心臟惡性腫瘤
[05:32.49]We've been told pruitt needs a "cardiac autotransplantation 書(shū)上說(shuō)Pruitt需要做 "心臟自體移植"手術(shù)
[05:37.72]" A cardiac autotransplantation? "心臟自體移植"?
[05:39.66]A humpty dumpty surgery 那是個(gè)不可逆手術(shù)
[05:40.59]Yes, I know what it is 是的 我知道
[05:42.00]Mrs Byrd, this is a very complicated surgery Byrd太太 這是個(gè)非常復(fù)雜的手術(shù)
[05:44.61]You'll need thorough testing 會(huì)需要做徹底的測(cè)試
[05:45.90]already done 都已經(jīng)做好了
[05:47.05]Mr Byrd is a perfect candidate 從Byrd先生的情況看 他完全可以接受這個(gè)手術(shù)
[05:48.61]You understand what this surgery entails? We have to-- 你清楚這個(gè)手術(shù)需要承擔(dān)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)? 我們必須--
[05:50.92]we have to remove his heart, cut it open, 我們必須摘下他的心臟 把它切開(kāi)
[05:52.89]scrape out all the tumor and then put his heart back together again 去除所有的腫瘤 再把他的心臟放回去
[05:55.92]Which is risky 那是非常危險(xiǎn)的
[05:58.25]But possible 但是卻是可能的
[05:59.07]which is why we're here I want the very best for my pruitt 這就是我們來(lái)這里的原因 我們需要最好的外科醫(yī)生
[06:03.57]The best 最好的
[06:04.74]- She means you - I know that, - 她是指你 - 我知道
[06:06.27]however-- I've scheduled mr Byrd for surgery this afternoon - 但是-- - 我已經(jīng)為Byrd先生安排了下午手術(shù)
[06:11.30]Just trying to be as efficient as possible 只是希望盡量效率高點(diǎn)
[06:13.42]Legal cleared stevens Stevens的法律手續(xù)已經(jīng)完成了
[06:15.17]Explain her parameters and make sure she understands 告訴她職責(zé)范圍 并且確保她都明白
[06:18.12]What, stevens is being assigned to me again? 什么 Stevens又被分配給我了?
[06:19.72]- She's your intern - But I-I didn't think that-- - 她是你的實(shí)習(xí)生 - 但是我-我覺(jué)得--
[06:22.45]wouldn'tt be better for her to start fresh with another resident? 跟著另外的住院醫(yī)生 有個(gè)全新的開(kāi)始會(huì)不會(huì)對(duì)她更好些?
[06:26.79]U don't want her, 你不想收她
[06:28.59]I want her to succeed 我希望她成功
[06:35.48]There's still a good deal of fallout after the duquette m&M Duquette的臨床病理討論會(huì)后 還是有很多遺留問(wèn)題的
[06:38.78]There's been talk 有很多的議論
[06:39.85]Look,I don't need to tell you that there are doctors That there are doctors who have concerns about your judgment 聽(tīng)著 不用我說(shuō)你也知道 醫(yī)院里有醫(yī)生懷疑你的判斷
[06:44.56]Concerns about my judgment? 懷疑我的判斷?
[06:46.53]Stevens was your mistake Stevens的事情是你的錯(cuò)
[06:48.30]Do you, sir? 你呢 主任?
[06:49.86]Do you have concerns about my judgment? 你懷疑我的判斷嗎?
[06:54.38]do you? 你自己懷疑嗎?
[06:59.97]You're not gonna put those concerns to rest by avoiding taking responsibility for dr Stevens 避而不談對(duì)Stevens的事情的責(zé)任 并不會(huì)讓流言停止
[07:05.44]She's your intern again 她是你的實(shí)習(xí)生了 再一次
[07:08.70]Transfer from mercy west 從西慈醫(yī)院轉(zhuǎn)來(lái)的
[07:10.47]Noelle labatt, 32 weeks along, Noelle Labatt 懷孕32周
[07:12.54]pregnant with twins 是一對(duì)雙胞胎
[07:13.66]One appears to be developing more slowly than the other 一個(gè)看起來(lái)生長(zhǎng)的比另一個(gè)慢許多
[07:17.01]Hello Hi,there - 你好 - 你們好
[07:17.90]Greg stanton This is my fianc閑, 我叫Greg Stanton 這是我的未婚妻
[07:19.81]the future mrs Stanton-- noelle 未來(lái)的Stanton太太 她叫Noelle
[07:21.66]Greg,I promise you,you're the only person who cares if we're married or not Greg 我敢肯定 你是唯一關(guān)心我們倆結(jié)不結(jié)婚的人了
[07:24.59]They said at mercy that we had to come here because her condition could be serious 西慈醫(yī)院說(shuō)我們得到這來(lái) 因?yàn)榍闆r可能比較嚴(yán)重
[07:28.08]I-is it serious? 很?chē)?yán)重嗎?
[07:28.97]I've got to say, at first glance, 我得說(shuō) 乍一看
[07:30.12]you don't seem emergent enough for mercy to send you over here in an ambulance 你似乎還沒(méi)那么嚴(yán)重 要西慈醫(yī)院用救護(hù)車(chē)送來(lái)
[07:33.38]You're not in labor,you're not bleeding, your vitals are fine 你沒(méi)有臨產(chǎn) 你沒(méi)有流血 主要指標(biāo)都很正常
[07:36.31]They said I need a specialist because of my thing 他們說(shuō)因?yàn)槲业膯?wèn)題 需要一位專(zhuān)家
[07:38.54]- Your thing? - Two uteruses? - 你的問(wèn)題? - 兩個(gè)子宮?
[07:42.61]Ms Labatt, noelle was born with two uteruses Labatt女士 Noelle天生就有兩個(gè)子宮
[07:46.59]- uteri? - Uteruses - 子宮? - 2子宮
[07:48.18]Uteruses 2子宮
[07:50.19]That's very rare 這很少見(jiàn)
[07:52.73]I'm here Hi Hello 我來(lái)了 嗨 你好
[07:56.15]That paperwork took-- well,forever 那個(gè)文書(shū)工作花了-- 嗯 太久了
[07:58.22]But I'm all do with it now, and can I just say how 但是現(xiàn)在我都做好了 我能回來(lái)
[08:01.68]really grateful I am to be back? 真的很感激
[08:04.55]You understand there are rules to your probation, a protocol to follow? 你清楚在你的觀察期你需要 遵守的規(guī)則 還有協(xié)議?
[08:08.99]yeah, I know 是的 我知道
[08:10.23]Legal already took me through lots of that stuff-- 法律部已經(jīng)讓我知道許多相關(guān)的事了
[08:12.75]the mandatory counseling, the extra lab hours, 強(qiáng)制心理咨詢 額外的實(shí)驗(yàn)室工作
[08:15.72]the volunteer work with transplant patients 義務(wù)和移植病人在一起的工作
[08:17.77]That's the stuff you're doing for the chief 那是你要為主任做的事
[08:19.43]I'm talking about what you're doing for me 我在說(shuō)的是你要幫我做的事
[08:22.38]Okay, what am I doing for you? 好的 我要幫你做什么?
[08:24.73]Okay, let's start with what you don't get to do 好吧 我們從你不能做的事開(kāi)始
[08:26.96]You will not interact with any patients 你不能和任何病人談話
[08:29.24]You will not be alone with any patients 你不能和任何病人單獨(dú)待在一起
[08:31.23]You will be seen and not heard You will perform no procedures 你只能出現(xiàn) 不能說(shuō)話 不參與任何的治療
[08:34.64]The O R Is off limits 手術(shù)室禁止入內(nèi)
[08:36.57]No pre-op,no post-op, no anything have to do with an "op 不參加手術(shù)準(zhǔn)備 不參加手術(shù)后處理 和"手術(shù)"有關(guān)的都不能參加
[08:39.60]" You have no authority, you have no opinions " 你沒(méi)有任何權(quán)力 你沒(méi)有任何觀點(diǎn)
[08:41.88]and you have no choice in this matter Am I understood? 而且在這一問(wèn)題上你沒(méi)有選擇的權(quán)利 明白了?
[08:46.24]Is there anything I can do? I want to be useful 有什么我可以做的嗎? 我想有點(diǎn)用處
[08:49.65]Well I can't use you 我不能用你
[08:53.16]You've got to earn back the right for any of us to trust you again 你得用自己努力 讓我們?cè)俅蜗嘈拍?br /> [08:57.28]Until then, you will be shadowing a different doctor each day 在那之前 你每天都要跟著不同的醫(yī)生
[09:00.09]Okay,well,who am I with today, dr Montgomery,you? 好的 今天我跟著誰(shuí) Montgomery醫(yī)生 還是你?
[09:02.33]Dr Bailey, you paged Bailey醫(yī)生 你呼我的
[09:03.85]Dr Grey Grey醫(yī)生
[09:05.46]Meredith? Meredith?
[09:06.68]You're to make sure that stevens observes only 你要確保Stevens只能觀察
[09:11.17]You want me to 你希望我
[09:13.30]wait, meredith 等等 Meredith
[09:15.80]meredith is the boss of me? Meredith是我的上司?
[09:29.53]Y about this 這事情我很抱歉
[09:31.21]It's not your fault 那不是你的錯(cuò)
[09:32.21]Hey,you want me to fetch you some coffee, rub your feet maybe? 嘿 你想叫我?guī)湍隳帽Х葐?或者按摩一下腳?
[09:34.68]I did not ask for this assignment 可不是我要求你來(lái)跟我的
[09:36.68]I'm fine with it Really,it's fine 我沒(méi)事的 真的 沒(méi)事的
[09:38.18]- I'm so sorry - Dr Stevens-- - 對(duì)不起 - Stevens醫(yī)生--
[09:39.92]- hey,dr Shepherd - Welcome back - 嘿 Shepherd醫(yī)生 - 歡迎回來(lái)
[09:41.53]Okay Uh, 好了 嗯
[09:42.79]meredith, meredith-- Meredith Meredith--
[09:43.99]sorry,it's not like I can leave I gotta stay by my boss' side 對(duì)不起 我好像不能離開(kāi) 我得呆在我老板身邊
[09:46.71]Okay,the trailer sucks, 好了 那拖車(chē)太不怎么樣了
[09:48.18]but in the light of day, the land's nice 但是在白天的光照下 地面還是很美麗的
[09:50.08]Seattle's pretty in the daylight, plus you have your thing for ferries, 西雅圖白天很漂亮 而且你喜歡渡 -
[09:53.03]- so - ferry boats - 那什么 - 渡船
[09:54.76]Right Whatever 對(duì) 隨便了
[09:55.88]Dr Stevens, meredith,this is my sister nancy Stevens醫(yī)生 Meredith 這位是我姐姐Nancy
[09:58.94]hi Sister? 嗨 姐姐?
[10:00.54]Yeah 是的
[10:03.05]you're one of derek's sisters 你是Derek的姐姐
[10:04.55]Yeah,I knew you didn't think I was the wife seeing as you already ran her F 我知道你并沒(méi)有認(rèn)為我是妻子 你已經(jīng)把她給擠掉了
[10:09.11]Nancy is visiting from connecticut She's on her way home now, Nancy從康涅狄格來(lái)看我 她現(xiàn)在要回去了
[10:11.64]straight back home 直接回家
[10:12.96]Well, it was nice to meet you 嗯 很高興見(jiàn)到你
[10:14.73]Okay 好啊
[10:16.54]Mcdreamy's sister's mcbitchy 美夢(mèng)先生的姐姐是賤貨小姐
[10:20.44]you put me in charge of your schedule 你讓我負(fù)責(zé)你的時(shí)間表的
[10:21.93]To make sure that i didn't get a surgery like this one 為了保證我不用去做這樣的手術(shù)
[10:24.40]Only a handful of people do humpties, burke, and you're the best one on the west coast 能做不可逆手術(shù)的沒(méi)幾個(gè)人 Burke 你是西海岸最好的
[10:27.69]Well, he can go to houston 他可以去休斯敦
[10:28.75]You want to tell that to the chief? 你想把這話告訴主任嗎?
[10:30.64]Pruitt needs this surgery He'll die without it Pruitt需要做這次手術(shù) 如果不做他就要死了
[10:32.50]You didn't tell me 你沒(méi)有告訴我
[10:33.66]You told the patient we were doing the surgery, 你告訴病人我們要做這手術(shù)
[10:35.55]but you didn't tell me 但是你沒(méi)有告訴我
[10:36.82]I have been doing that all week 我為這個(gè)已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備了一周了
[10:38.39]Are you up on the humpty? Do you realize what this entails? 你精通不可逆手術(shù)嗎? 你意識(shí)到那有什么風(fēng)險(xiǎn)嗎?
[10:40.94]I have done my research Stop worrying 我已經(jīng)做足功課了 不要再擔(dān)心了
[10:44.00]We are a well-oiled machine 我們配合得很好
[10:52.95]- dr Burke - Yeah - Burke醫(yī)生 - 什么事
[10:54.26]I understand there are some doctors in this hospital 我知道醫(yī)院里有些醫(yī)生
[10:56.58]who have concerns about my judgment since denny 自從Denny的事情后 開(kāi)始懷疑我的判斷
[10:59.09]Well, everybody loves a scandal 每個(gè)人都喜歡傳閑話
[11:00.39]So you think it's just gossip, not actual concern about me as a doctor? 你認(rèn)為只是閑話 不是真的擔(dān)心我作為醫(yī)生的判斷力?
[11:06.12]Sure Sure 當(dāng)然 當(dāng)然
[11:15.94]Iz, set me up for debridement and dressing Iz 幫我們準(zhǔn)備清創(chuàng)術(shù)還有敷裹的東西
[11:17.84]It was stupid I know better 真蠢 不應(yīng)該的
[11:19.53]When I'm studying for the bar, I'm a mess 我學(xué)習(xí)法律的時(shí)候 就一團(tuán)糟
[11:21.42]I can't focus on anything for weeks 我一個(gè)星期除了侵權(quán)法 不動(dòng)產(chǎn)法和憲法
[11:23.17]but torts and real property and constitutional law 其他干什么事都集中不了注意力
[11:26.17]- the biosynthetic ones - We never use those - 生物合成素的那個(gè) - 從來(lái)不用的
[11:28.09]We do now Sloan changed the burn protocol last week 現(xiàn)在用了 Sloan上個(gè)星期修改了燒傷治療方案
[11:31.61]I was about to start a practice test, and I wanted some tea, 就要開(kāi)始執(zhí)業(yè)考試了 當(dāng)時(shí)我想喝茶
[11:33.96]so I put on a pot of water and hit the timer and just forgot 所以我放了一壺水 調(diào)了定時(shí)器 接著就忘了
[11:37.18]Half an hour into my section on contracts, 接著半個(gè)小時(shí)去看合同法了
[11:39.25]the smoke alarm was blaring, and well,you know the rest 煙氣報(bào)警器在那里叫 嗯 你知道余下的了
[11:42.36]So you're gonna be a lawyer? 你要當(dāng)律師了?
[11:43.50]All I have to do is pass the bar exam 只需要通過(guò)律師考試了
[11:45.15]I failed before, but this time I'm ready 之前我們沒(méi)通過(guò) 但這次我準(zhǔn)備好了
[11:47.90]- I'm gonna pass - Good for you - 我會(huì)通過(guò)的 - 會(huì)的
[11:52.95]That was just mean 太刻薄了
[11:53.89]Kathleen called and told me to find out why the slutty intern's panties were hanging on the hospital bulletin board Kathleen打電話來(lái)叫我查出 放蕩實(shí)習(xí)生的內(nèi)褲怎么會(huì)掛到公告欄上
[11:58.30]Four sisters-- four sisters and not one brother, 4個(gè)姐妹-- 4個(gè)姐妹而沒(méi)有一個(gè)兄弟
[12:00.41]and you wonder why I don't call more 你們想知道為什么我不愿多打電話
[12:01.83]Feel free to explain about the panties at any time 隨便什么時(shí)候解釋內(nèi)褲的事情
[12:03.85]Nance,you know what? It's great to see you Nancy 你知道嗎? 很高興見(jiàn)到你
[12:05.42]Really great to have you here But I have a job, you know? 真的很高興你在這兒 但是我有工作 你知道嗎?
[12:07.23]I have patients 我有病人
[12:08.49]I have a mother at 35 weeks with twins Where is her O B ? 我手頭 有個(gè)35周懷著雙胞胎的母親 她的產(chǎn)科醫(yī)生在哪里?
[12:11.17]Well,her O B Should be on a plane back to connecticut where she belongs 她的產(chǎn)科醫(yī)生該乘著飛機(jī) 回到老家康尼狄格去
[12:13.97]Okay,so we've covered the trailer We still need to cover the slutty intern 已經(jīng)去了拖車(chē) 還得去了解一下放蕩實(shí)習(xí)生
[12:16.62]and the divorce 還有離婚的事
[12:18.23]You know what? You sound more and more like mom every day 你知道嗎? 你聽(tīng)上去越來(lái)越像媽媽了
[12:21.78]Take it back 別這樣說(shuō)
[12:23.18]So two uteruses that's pretty cool 兩個(gè)子宮 真的很酷
[12:27.72]And you're engaged That's also cool 還有你們訂婚了 那也很酷
[12:29.59]Well, greg talked me into it 嗯 Greg和我說(shuō)服我訂婚的
[12:31.98]Oh,man,from the first moment I saw noelle, I was ham 我第一次見(jiàn)到Noelle, 我就是"火腿"了
[12:35.51]Did you just say "ham"? 你剛剛說(shuō)的是"火腿"?
[12:36.67]- You're either ham or eggs - Here we go - 你不是火腿就是雞蛋 - 又來(lái)了
[12:38.17]You gotta ask yourself in every situation, 你得在每種情況下都問(wèn)自己
[12:40.13]are you the chicken or are you the pig? 你是雞還是豬?
[12:42.80]Sorry, pig or chicken? 對(duì)不起 豬和雞?
[12:44.44]Look,you got a plate of ham and eggs, all right? 聽(tīng)著 盤(pán)子裝著火腿和雞蛋 對(duì)么?
[12:46.38]Now-- now the chicken is involved in the meal, 現(xiàn)在雞和這頓飯有關(guān)系
[12:48.60]but the pig-- now the pig is committed 但是-- 現(xiàn)在這頭豬已經(jīng)許下承諾
[12:50.39]So the question is-- are you involved or are you committed? 問(wèn)題就是-- 僅僅只是有關(guān)系呢 還是已經(jīng)許下承諾
[12:55.18]Ham or eggs 火腿還是雞蛋
[12:57.04]Ham or eggs 火腿還是雞蛋
[13:01.16]karev, you free? Karev 你有空嗎?
[13:02.72]Absolutely, sir 當(dāng)然
[13:04.50]Great,take this I'm on hold with the D M V 很好 拿著這個(gè) 我的駕照出了點(diǎn)問(wèn)題
[13:06.64]Some mix-up about switching my license and registration to seattle 搞不太清楚怎么 把我的駕照和登記轉(zhuǎn)成西雅圖的
[13:09.39]Take care of that for me? 幫我搞定 好嗎?
[13:11.37]Thanks for thinking of me, sir 謝謝想到我 先生
[13:13.76]O'malley, how's it feel to be the new gynie grunt? O'malley 成為婦科新兵感覺(jué)如何?
[13:16.85]I got a patient who was born with and is pregnant in two uteruses 我有個(gè)病人生來(lái)就有兩個(gè)子宮 而現(xiàn)在兩個(gè)都懷孕了
[13:21.84]Two uteruses 兩個(gè)子宮
[13:23.83]- Jealous? - No - 妒忌了? - 沒(méi)有
[13:25.88]No,I'm-- I'm-- I'm busy I'm on hold 不 我-- 我-- 我很忙
[13:29.37]- important business - Right - 重要的事情 - 是的
[13:30.38]For sloan 是Sloan的事
[13:31.69]Right,it's super important, I'm sure 是的 非常重要 我相信
[13:33.95]Noelle labatt, room 2314 Neolle Labatt 2314房間
[13:36.16]Two,two,two,two, two,two 兩個(gè) 兩個(gè) 兩個(gè)...
[13:38.83]hang on Can I see that for a sec? 別掛 我能看一下那個(gè)嗎?
[13:40.81]Did I just hear him say "two uteruses"? 他剛剛是不是說(shuō)"兩個(gè)子宮"?
[13:43.88]I'm sorry You-- you must be 對(duì)不起 你--你一定是
[13:46.03]nancy-pants? Nancy-pants?
[13:48.15]Hey, loser 嗨 衰人
[13:49.51]I wish derek had told me you were coming to visit Derek應(yīng)該告訴我你要過(guò)來(lái)
[13:51.98]like he tells you anything these days? 現(xiàn)在他什么都告訴你了
[13:53.99]Yeah,well, I'm working on that 是的 我正努力呢
[13:55.70]What are you doing here,mark? Are you trying to torture him? 你到這里干什么 Mark? 打算折磨他?
[13:58.01]He's my family,nancy Plus,I needed a change of pace 他是我家人 Nancy 另外 我也想換換環(huán)境
[14:02.65]Plus, I slept with my tennis partner's wife, 還有 我跟我網(wǎng)球搭擋的老婆睡了
[14:04.96]and he went out and bought a gun 結(jié)果他跑出去買(mǎi)了把槍
[14:06.20]There it is 原來(lái)如此
[14:07.34]my god 天哪
[14:09.24]Nancy! Nancy!
[14:12.69]let me guess Did mom send you out? 讓我猜猜 媽媽派你來(lái)的?
[14:14.25]I hear derek's trying to ban you from seattle 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)Derek想攔著你來(lái)西雅圖
[14:15.69]Did he also tell you that he's living in a trailer? 那他有沒(méi)有告訴你 他現(xiàn)在住在拖車(chē)?yán)?
[14:17.12]yeah 是的
[14:19.55]Derek Derek
[14:22.95]derek Derek
[14:24.49]I want to see the two uteruses 我想看看那兩個(gè)子宮的病例
[14:25.99]Yeah, find me later 好 過(guò)會(huì)兒來(lái)找我吧
[14:29.49]- I miss her - Yeah - 我想念她 - 是呀
[14:33.41]me,too 我也是
[14:34.78]The diesel pushes past cornerback don mcneal 這個(gè)大塊頭推倒 并越過(guò)了側(cè)衛(wèi)Don Mcneal
[14:37.17]He's at the 30 He's at the 20 He's at the 10 他到30碼了 他到20碼了他到10碼了
[14:40.18]Touchdown, washingtoredskins 觸地得分 華盛頓紅人隊(duì)
[14:43.11]I'm sorry 對(duì)不起
[14:44.02]One of the twins gets rowdy,and greg gets carried away when talking to the baby 雙胞胎中的一個(gè)有點(diǎn)鬧 Grey跟寶寶說(shuō)話讓她安靜下來(lái)
[14:47.64]He's decided that the baby is into sports, of all things 他決定寶寶以后要喜歡體育
[14:50.64]Well, she's daddy's little girl 她是爸爸的小女孩
[14:52.28]I can tell,see, because when I talk to her-- 我看得出的 當(dāng)我跟她說(shuō)話的時(shí)候--
[14:54.39]yeah,the rhythm in your voice, it helps calm her 是呀 你聲音的節(jié)奏 能幫助她安靜下來(lái)
[14:56.08]Sure I read a couple of articles on that recently,actually 我最近讀過(guò)不少這方面的文章
[14:58.23]Dr Karev, I knew you secretly missed my service Karev醫(yī)生 我知道 你暗地里想念我這里的病例
[15:01.24]Right 對(duì)
[15:02.06]Greg,noelle, I have very good news for you Greg Noelle 我給你們帶來(lái)了好消息
[15:04.53]According to our tests, the babies are both perfectly healthy 經(jīng)過(guò)檢查 兩個(gè)寶寶都很健康
[15:08.75]But they are substantially different sizes for a very unique reason 但因?yàn)樘貏e的原因 他們大小差別很大
[15:12.48]The test indicate that the babies have two different due dates 檢查結(jié)果說(shuō)明 兩個(gè)寶寶不是在同一天受孕的
[15:15.51]according to our calculations, the larger baby, 根據(jù)我們的計(jì)算 大一點(diǎn)的寶寶
[15:17.41]your son,was conceived a full six weeks before your daughter 也就是兒子 比女兒早懷上了六周
[15:23.93]- I - oh,god - 我 - 天哪
[15:25.05]I-I don't-- I-I don't understand 我-我不 我-我不明白
[15:27.11]That-- that can't be right That's impossible 那不對(duì) 那不可能
[15:28.80]No,actually, it's quite possible 不 事實(shí)上 這非??赡?br /> [15:30.42]Our tests are extremely accurate in predicting due dates 我們的檢查能 非常精確地算出受孕時(shí)間
[15:32.92]But we broke up 但我們當(dāng)時(shí)分手了
[15:34.05]Yeah,see,she, she got pregnant 她 她懷孕了
[15:36.12]I wanted to get married She didn'T I gave her an ultimatum,and she left me 我想結(jié)婚但她不肯 我給她下了最后通諜 然后她離開(kāi)我了
[15:40.74]Greg,I am so sorry I am so,so sorry Greg 對(duì)不起
[15:44.27]I mean,we were barely speaking six weeks after the conception, 自從分手后我們六周都沒(méi)怎么說(shuō)過(guò)話
[15:47.93]let alone having sex 更不用說(shuō)做愛(ài)了
[15:50.06]Or at least I wasn't having sex 至少我沒(méi)有做過(guò)愛(ài)
[15:51.84]It was one night,greg It was one night 只有一次 Greg 只有一次
[15:54.63]I-I didn't think that this could happen It was nothing 我沒(méi)想到會(huì)這樣
[15:57.66]I can't believe you did this I can't believe you didn't tell me 我不敢相信你這么做 我不也相信你竟然不告訴我
[16:01.95]god, I can't believe this 天哪 我真不敢相信
[16:07.69]He's not the father of both babies 有一個(gè)寶寶不是他的
[16:18.36]************************** 我剛不小心泄露 病人對(duì)她未婚夫不忠的消息
[16:23.27]************************** 沒(méi)人質(zhì)疑你做為外科大夫的能力吧?
[16:26.84]************************** 沒(méi) 什么?
[16:28.17]************************** 我需要一個(gè)扣子
[16:29.47]************************** 我穿上了我最后一件干凈襯衣
[16:35.31]************************** 以前都是Adelle幫我處理扣子的事
[16:37.25]************************** ************************** - 那打電話給她呀 - Adelle 不
[16:39.47]************************** 我不想因?yàn)樾⌒〉目圩泳痛驍_她
[16:44.78]************************** 我想沒(méi)準(zhǔn)你們可以...
[16:48.72]************************** 對(duì)不起 我要去照看兩個(gè)子宮的事
[16:52.55]************************** 我有各種技能 外科技能
[16:56.83]************************** 你的扣子要是引起食道破裂 我當(dāng)然會(huì)幫你
[17:00.40]************************** 否則
[17:09.37]I hear you burned your hand because you were studying? I can't even be allowed to warm soup 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)你因?yàn)閷W(xué)習(xí)燙傷了手
[17:11.89]within five days of taking the bar 五天后我就要參加律師考試了 所以都不許我去熱一碗湯喝?
[17:14.87]So you burned your hand while you were-- 那你燙傷手的時(shí)候是在--
[17:16.19]- burning my soup - And when you grabbed the pot-- - 煮湯 - 當(dāng)你抓起壺
[17:18.08]dropped it,obviously I mean,it was literally red hot 它掉了 顯然 它真的很燙
[17:20.52]You must have held on to it for a little while, though 不過(guò) 肯定不是短時(shí)間燙傷
[17:22.83]This burn's extremely deep 燙傷非常深
[17:24.53]Oh,yeah No,that's right I held on,and then I dropped it 是的 我堅(jiān)持了一會(huì) 然后才放手
[17:27.00]There are some deep partial thickness burns here 這里有幾處深度燙傷
[17:29.08]Give her a gram of cefazolin and a tetanus 注射一克頭孢唑林鈉和一針破傷風(fēng)針
[17:31.07]It's too bad,really, that I did this to my hand 太糟了 真的 我弄傷了我的手
[17:34.20]I'm supposed to be taking the bar again friday 我本來(lái)要在周五再次參加律師考試
[17:35.95]This burn is bad, but we'll get you fixed up 這個(gè)燙傷挺嚴(yán)重 但我們會(huì)治好你的
[17:39.55]You'll be fine to take the test on friday 周五你就可以去參加考試
[17:42.68]I will? 可以嗎?
[17:46.90]she's lying 她在說(shuō)謊
[17:48.59]Something's off about gretchen's story Gretchen的故事有些不對(duì)勁
[17:50.04]Izzie, you're only supposed to be observing Izzie 你只要留心觀察就可以了
[17:52.25]I am observing I'm observing closely 我在留心 我離得非常近地觀察
[17:54.07]And I'm telling you something is off 我告訴你有些事不對(duì)勁
[17:55.69]Did you see her reaction when sloan told her she'd be okay to take the test again? 你注意到她的反應(yīng)了嗎? 在Sloan告訴她可以參加考試的時(shí)候
[17:58.43]That was not relief That was panic 那不是開(kāi)心 而是慌張
[18:00.61]It's okay to be nervous about being back here at work, 回來(lái)工作有點(diǎn)神經(jīng)緊張是正常的
[18:03.78]bout failing, but you haven't even been back a full day yet, 不過(guò)你回來(lái)還不到一天
[18:06.72]and already you're pushing to bend the rules 就已經(jīng)開(kāi)始要打破規(guī)矩了
[18:08.58]Meredith, this is so not about me Meredith 不是我的問(wèn)題
[18:10.86]This is about our patient 是我們病人的問(wèn)題
[18:11.81]I am worried about our patient, and get off your high freakin' horse 我擔(dān)心的是我們的病人 別怕這怕那的
[18:14.53]This is my patient Try to remember that 這是我的病人 希望你還記得
[18:18.62]Fine Whatever 好吧 隨便吧
[18:20.85]Iz Izzie
[18:28.26]A humpty dumpty surgery? 不可逆手術(shù)?
[18:30.78]B-burke's doing a humpty dumpty today? B-burke今天要這個(gè)手術(shù)?
[18:33.30]yes 是的
[18:34.52]Well, I've never seen a humpty firsthand before 我還從沒(méi)親自見(jiàn)過(guò)不可逆手術(shù)呢
[18:36.86]Yeah, me neither 恩 我也沒(méi)
[18:39.99]what are you doing? 你在干嘛?
[18:41.12]Scrubbing in You'll let burke know? 安排參加手術(shù) 你告訴Burke好嗎?
[18:44.64]Sure 當(dāng)然
[18:49.96]I know you're not talking to me anymore, and that's okay, 我知道你不想跟我說(shuō)話 那沒(méi)關(guān)系
[18:51.71]but there's something I'd like to explain All you have to do is listen 但我有些事我得解釋一下 你只要聽(tīng)著就可以了
[18:58.68]You and me, we're like ham and eggs 我和你 就象火腿和蛋
[19:01.01]I was the chicken I just want you to know 我是曾是那只雞 只想讓你知道
[19:02.76]that I know that I was the chicken You put yourself out there 我知道我以前是雞 你來(lái)找我
[19:05.21]and you were committed, and I was just putting the eggs on the plate 你獻(xiàn)身 可我只是把蛋放在盤(pán)子上
[19:08.36]Not the ham, because you were the p 不是火腿 因?yàn)槟闶悄侵回i
[19:09.98]I was involved, but now I'm committed 我曾經(jīng)只是參與 但我現(xiàn)在愿意承諾
[19:12.50]- Did you just call me a pig? - No,it's a metaphor - 你剛叫我豬? - 不是 這只是打比方
[19:14.24]Calling me a pig? 叫我豬?
[19:15.27]The point is, you're not the pig anymore 重點(diǎn)是 你不再是豬了
[19:16.73]What I'm trying to say is I'm the pig 我想說(shuō)的是 我是豬
[19:19.20]Now I am the pig 現(xiàn)在我是豬
[19:26.46]I am the pig 我是豬
[19:36.39]I've been waiting for you guys for a half an hour in the cafeteria 我在餐廳等你們半小時(shí)了
[19:39.29]Since when do we eat in a patient room? 什么時(shí)候我們開(kāi)始在病房吃飯了?
[19:41.08]Izzie, meet really old guy Izzie 來(lái)見(jiàn)見(jiàn)這位老人家
[19:43.19]We found him a couple of days ago 我們幾天前發(fā)現(xiàn)了他
[19:45.10]he sleeps all the time 他一直在睡
[19:46.92]It's quiet in here Nobody bothers us 這里很安靜 沒(méi)人會(huì)打擾我們
[19:52.24]No,what are you doing? 不 你干嘛?
[19:53.67]It turns out I'm not doing anything 結(jié)果是我什么都不能做
[19:55.53]I'm literally not allowed to do anything 真的什么都不許我做
[19:58.10]I knew coming back was gonna be an adjustment, but this is just-- 我知道回來(lái)會(huì)有調(diào)整 但只是--
[19:59.66]no What are you doing right now? 等等 你現(xiàn)在要干嘛?
[20:01.55]Eating my lunch 吃午飯呀
[20:02.39]Okay,if you want to socialize or talk about your day or get in a quick therapy session, 如果你想社交聊天 或者來(lái)個(gè)簡(jiǎn)短的治療講座
[20:05.95]you know, go do it over there 就去那邊做吧
[20:07.18]- Seriously? - Good-bye,izzie - 當(dāng)真嗎? - 再見(jiàn) Iizzie
[20:08.93]Okay, fine 好吧
[20:10.28]So,o'malley, your chick with the two uteruses? O'Malley 你那兩個(gè)子宮的病人怎么樣了?
[20:12.09]You're on scut-- glorified plastics scut 你也是打雜的 光榮的整形外科打雜的
[20:14.63]You are in no position to mock me or my uteruses 輪不到你來(lái)嘲笑我和我的子宮
[20:17.75]Any cervical changes on the ultrasound? 超聲波上能看到任何子宮頸變異嗎?
[20:19.61]- Why do you care? - I don'T - 你為什么關(guān)心這個(gè)? - 我才不
[20:20.99]I'm so glad to be back Yay! 我真高興能回來(lái) 耶!
[20:24.38]I'm not complaining about you You and I are fine,boss 我不是在發(fā)你的牢騷 我們很好 老板
[20:35.68]this is weird 好怪
[20:36.66]- I called callie a pig - to her face? - 我叫Callie豬 - 當(dāng)著她的面?
[20:40.87]what happened to the whole she's a corpse thing? 不是說(shuō)好當(dāng)她是具死尸的嗎?
[20:42.54]I just can't get over how much everything around here has changed 我真的沒(méi)法應(yīng)付這么多改變
[20:45.27]- How many times? - Just one time - 多少次? - 就一次
[20:46.63]- I get one,too,then - Deal - 那我也有一次 - 你有嗎?
[20:47.97]Gin 我贏了
[20:52.73]what was, with that,with meredith? 你跟Meredith 說(shuō)什么呢?
[20:55.80]We have a thing 我們有一腿
[20:57.54]Wait,you have a thing with meredith and I don't know about it? 等等 你跟Meredith有一腿 但我卻不知道?
[20:59.88]I live with you I see you every day 我跟你生活在一起 天天都看到你
[21:01.48]It's a work thing Okay, 這是工作上的事
[21:02.54]you know, the whole point of hanging out with really old guy is that he doesn't talk 跟老人家呆在一起的主要原因 是因?yàn)樗徽f(shuō)話
[21:05.61]The man is sedated This is supposed to be a quiet place 這人服了鎮(zhèn)靜劑 所以這里本應(yīng)是個(gè)安靜的地方
[21:10.54]See? Changed 看到?jīng)]? 變了
[21:12.66]She's changed Everything's changed 她變了 所有事都變了
[21:16.16]I gave the other nurse a list of his medications this morning 今天早上我把處方給了另一個(gè)護(hù)士
[21:19.36]My husband needs his pills He needed them hours ago! 我丈夫需要藥 他幾小時(shí)之前就應(yīng)該吃藥了
[21:22.78]okay Why don't you check on the meds again? 不如你再去查一下處方?
[21:24.46]- I have checked on them - No,meds,pharmacy,now - 我已經(jīng)查過(guò)了 - 不 再查下藥方 藥房 現(xiàn)在就去
[21:29.52]I'm sorry I am sorry 對(duì)不起 對(duì)不起
[21:31.18]It's fine It's fine 沒(méi)關(guān)系 沒(méi)關(guān)系
[21:32.31]I was never a yeller before 我以前不是個(gè)大喊大叫的人
[21:34.43]I'm becoming this horrible person 我成為這么個(gè)討厭的人
[21:36.62]who yells at people who are just trying to do their job 一個(gè)對(duì)做事的人大喊大叫的人
[21:41.91]You are just looking out for your husband 你只是想照顧你丈夫
[21:44.35]You do exactly what it takes to protect him, and that does not make you horrible 你做的事正是為了保護(hù)他 這不會(huì)讓你變成壞人
[21:48.13]It makes you smart 只會(huì)讓你更聰明
[22:16.46]He said he was leaving He said he wasn't coming back 他說(shuō)他要走了 他說(shuō)他不會(huì)回來(lái)了
[22:18.64]She's hyperventilating, and the baby's had some bradycardia 她換氣過(guò)度了 胎兒心律有點(diǎn)慢
[22:21.01]noelle, I ed you to get back into bed now Noelle 我想你該回到床上去
[22:22.78]Is greg out there? Did he leave? Like really leave? Greg在嗎? 他走了嗎? 真的走了嗎?
[22:25.63]Just take deep breaths 深呼吸
[22:26.75]I always give him such a hard time, you know,about everything 我老是跟他過(guò)不去 任何事
[22:29.07]Like he likes weddings I hate them He loves kids,and me,they scare me to death 比如他喜歡婚禮 我討厭 他喜歡孩子 可我呢 我怕的要死
[22:33.02]Noelle, have you had any cramping, Noelle 你有過(guò)陣痛嗎?
[22:35.04]any contractions, any pressure at all? 有沒(méi)有宮縮? 有沒(méi)有一點(diǎn)壓迫感?
[22:36.31]But I can't do this without him We'll get past this,right? 但沒(méi)有他我做不來(lái) 我們會(huì)挺過(guò)去的 對(duì)嗎?
[22:38.78]We have to get past this 我們一定要挺過(guò)去
[22:40.19]Damn it 該死的
[22:41.56]All right,noelle, I need you to get into bed,okay? 好了 Noelle 我希望你回到床去 好嗎?
[22:43.45]Why, what's happening? 為什么 怎么了?
[22:44.95]Stay on your left side, and whatever you do,do not push,okay? 向左邊側(cè)躺 無(wú)論怎么樣 都不要使勁 好嗎?
[22:50.11]okay,I need slow, deep breaths 好的 我要你慢一點(diǎn) 深呼吸
[22:53.00]So tell me about the slutty girl 跟我說(shuō)說(shuō)那個(gè)蕩婦吧
[22:55.31]Fine, the slutty intern 那個(gè)蕩婦實(shí)習(xí)生
[22:57.25]It was the slutty part I had a problem with 我不喜歡放蕩這個(gè)詞
[22:58.84]Kathleen says she's not even single Kathleen說(shuō)她甚至不是單身
[23:00.19]She is single She's wonderful She's smart 她是單身 而且很聰明很不錯(cuò)
[23:02.26]She's a lot of things And she's none of your business,nancy 她還有很多優(yōu)點(diǎn) 但那不關(guān)你的事 Nancy
[23:05.83]I've never seen you like this over a girl, even addison 我從來(lái)沒(méi)見(jiàn)你這樣對(duì)一個(gè)女孩 甚至是Addison
[23:08.28]I've never been like this over a girl, especially addison 我是從來(lái)沒(méi)有這樣對(duì)待一個(gè)女孩 特別是Addison
[23:11.26]don't be bitter I mean, shame on addison and all that, 別再挖苦了 Addison和所有那些事 很遺憾
[23:13.90]but he's mark,derek What did you expect? 但他是Mark Derek 你還能指望怎么樣呢?
[23:16.26]He's just mark 他是Mark
[23:18.58]And who hasn't gone there once or twice, right? 誰(shuí)還沒(méi)干過(guò)一兩回呢 對(duì)吧?
[23:24.00]- What'd you say? - Oh,come on - 你說(shuō)什么? - 不是嗎
[23:24.91]Everybody sleeps with mark It's practically a rite of passage 每個(gè)人都跟Mark睡 那實(shí)際上就象個(gè)成人儀式
[23:28.33]Derek, I get it,okay? Derek 我懂了 好吧?
[23:30.54]I get that they made a terrible mistake 我明白他們犯了一個(gè)可怕的錯(cuò)誤
[23:32.32]It wasn't a mistake Nancy,it wasn't a mistake 這不是錯(cuò)誤 Nancy 不是錯(cuò)誤
[23:35.17]It wasn't just one night It was months 那不是一夜 而是好幾個(gè)月
[23:38.03]They were together for months Didn't you know that? 他們?cè)谝黄鸷脦讉€(gè)月 你不知道嗎?
[23:41.49]No,I had no idea 不 我不知道
[23:42.62]Then shut up about it and eat your lunch 那閉嘴 吃你的午飯吧
[23:49.36]STAFF:BURKE LES : 主刀醫(yī)生:BURKE
[23:57.25]Derek's sister is in town Derek的姐姐來(lái)了
[24:01.28]Cristina, are you mad at me or something? Cristina 你是在生我的氣還是有別的事?
[24:03.38]Because I have been trying to talk to you all week 因?yàn)檎恢芪叶荚谠噲D跟你說(shuō)話
[24:04.60]Everything is not about you, meredith 這一點(diǎn)都不關(guān)你的事 Meredith
[24:07.43]Okay,what is going on? Because george and alex are saying-- 那出什么事了? 因?yàn)镚eorge和Alex說(shuō)--
[24:10.58]- I-I don't care - What is your problem? - 我不在乎 - 你怎么了?
[24:12.59]I just 我只是
[24:14.71]I have bigger things in my life right now 現(xiàn)在我的生活里有了更重要的事
[24:47.99]What? 怎么了?
[24:53.60]Nothing 沒(méi)事
[24:55.44]10 blade 10號(hào)手術(shù)刀
[25:02.35]Hey Hey,dr O'malley Can you, can you tell me what's happening in there? 嗨 O'Malley醫(yī)生 能告訴怎么樣了嗎?
[25:05.93]I thought you left She thinks you left her 我以為你離開(kāi)了 她以為你不要她了
[25:07.47]Look,man, this is all a lot to digest 瞧 朋友 有這么多事要消化
[25:10.59]I mean, our daughter, 我是說(shuō) 我們的女兒
[25:12.00]my-- my little girl isn't even my little girl anymore 我的小女孩甚至不再是我的小女孩了
[25:14.61]Noelle is in there freaking out because you left 因?yàn)槟阕叩袅?Noelle都快瘋了
[25:17.45]Just tell me if she is okay, please 快告訴我她有沒(méi)有事?
[25:21.89]She's gone into premature labor Dr Montgomery-shepherd-- 她就要早產(chǎn)了 Montgomery醫(yī)生在照看--
[25:24.46]dr Montgomery is about to do an emergency c-section Montgomery醫(yī)生 馬上要做一個(gè)緊急剖腹產(chǎn)手術(shù)
[25:27.86]on one of the babies to try to stop the labor on the other 取出其中一個(gè)胎兒 還要阻止另一個(gè)胎兒出生
[25:30.29]Wait, so you're delivering one of the babies right now, today? 你們是要接生其中一個(gè)胎兒 就在今天?
[25:33.23]In just a few minutes The boy or the girl? - 在幾分鐘內(nèi) - 男孩還是女孩?
[25:37.60]Greg Greg
[25:39.92]ham or eggs? 火腿還是雞蛋?
[25:54.43]You say you want a career in plastics, 你說(shuō)你想在整形外科發(fā)展你的事業(yè)
[25:56.21]anyet you can't tear yourself away from the baby catchers long enough to actually show me you want it 但你還不能從接生的工作中脫離出來(lái) 我暫時(shí)還看不出這一點(diǎn)
[26:00.24]Being on hold with the D M V Has nothing to do with a career in plastics,dr Sloan 駕照出問(wèn)題跟整形外科職業(yè)沒(méi)有關(guān)系 Sloan醫(yī)生
[26:04.21]Only it does,because being on hold with the D M V Has to do with me, 有的關(guān)系的 因?yàn)轳{照問(wèn)題和我有關(guān)
[26:07.86]and I have everything to do with your career in plastics 而在整形外科 我對(duì)你的職業(yè)生涯關(guān)系重大
[26:17.49]Tyler Tyler
[26:18.27]addison montgomery needs two units of b-positive blood in l&dstat Montgomery需要兩個(gè)單位的B型血
[26:22.36]I'm on it 這就去
[26:29.62]So the biosynthetic dressing should ensure that you won't need skin grafts, 生物合成涂層使你不必進(jìn)行皮膚移植
[26:33.54]and that's good news 這是個(gè)好消息
[26:34.80]If I did need grafts, would that take long? 如果我真的需要移植的話 會(huì)很久嗎?
[26:37.34]I mean, I mean, like how long would something like that take if-- 我的意思是 要花多少時(shí)間做那個(gè)如果--
[26:39.17]if I had needed them? 如果我需要移植的話?
[26:41.07]that would just depend on the severity of the burn,really 要看燙傷的嚴(yán)重程度了
[26:43.86]so more severe than this one? 那比這個(gè)還要嚴(yán)重的呢?
[26:46.43]It would have to be more severe? 必須更嚴(yán)重是吧?
[26:51.34]just to make sure I have everything accurate, 只是想確認(rèn)一下
[26:53.95]you burned your hand 你燙傷了手
[26:57.29]we've been over this, haven't we? 我們已經(jīng)談過(guò)這個(gè)了 對(duì)嗎?
[26:59.73]I'm sorry I-- 對(duì)不起 我--
[27:00.69]look,I have a test on friday, and I have work to do 那個(gè) 我周五要考試 我得準(zhǔn)備一下
[27:03.32]So I have to-- I-I want to go home 所以我必須 我想馬上回家
[27:05.54]I'm really ready to get out of here now, okay? 我真的想馬上離開(kāi)這 行嗎?
[27:07.45]I'm sorry I didn't mean to-- 對(duì)不起 我不是那個(gè)意思--
[27:08.70]gretchen, did you burn your hand on purpose? Gretchen 你是不是故意燙傷手的?
[27:10.40]Izzie, you heard what dr Bailey said Izzie 你還記得Bailey醫(yī)生怎么交待的?
[27:13.01]It's okay if you did 如果是也沒(méi)關(guān)系
[27:15.15]It's just,did you burn your hand to get out of taking your test? 你燙傷自己的手是為了逃避考試?
[27:27.91]I can't fail that damn test one more time 這次我不能再考砸了
[27:30.32]I just can'T 我真的不能
[27:32.07]It's all anyone in my family, in my life-- 家里每個(gè)人 周?chē)總€(gè)人
[27:34.04]it's all they talk about It's all I'm known for 都在談這件事 他們只知道這個(gè)
[27:36.65]"Oh,gretchen,the failure Gretchen 失敗者
[27:40.18]" Can you imagine failing the bar exam five times? 你能想象五次都沒(méi)過(guò)律師考試嗎?
[27:42.84]Five times 五次
[27:44.67]I mean, that's absurd 那太荒謬了
[27:46.32]I mean that's just, 那太
[27:51.63]that's pathetic 太可悲了
[27:54.31]I cannot sit for two and a half solid days of testing again 我不想再花兩天半的時(shí)間考試
[27:58.55]just to prove to everyone 只是向所有人證明
[28:02.68]again 再一次
[28:06.21]how pathetic I am 證明我有多么可悲
[28:10.03]Not when 不要
[28:13.26]you feel that pathetic all by yourself 是你自己覺(jué)得自己可悲的
[28:25.55]okay, I've completed the incision 我完成切口了
[28:27.64]I'm going to ask you to move the top uterus 你移開(kāi)上面的子宮
[28:29.93]to the side so I can reach the one underneath 這樣我就可以夠到下面的那個(gè)
[28:32.67]got it 明白
[28:33.86]Now I don't want to alarm you or make you nervous in any way, o'malley, 我不想警告你或者讓你有任何緊張 O'Malley
[28:37.97]because you seem like a decent person, 因?yàn)槟憧雌饋?lái)象個(gè)有分寸的人
[28:39.73]but I've got about 120 seconds to get baby one out 不過(guò)當(dāng)你抱著2號(hào)子宮的時(shí)候
[28:43.48]of uterus one while you're holding uterus two, 我只有120秒把一號(hào)嬰兒 從一號(hào)子宮取出來(lái)
[28:46.88]and if you so much as hiccup, 要是你抖動(dòng)一下
[28:48.69]you could tear the uterine wall and kill this woman's child 就可能會(huì)撕破子宮壁 使這個(gè)孩子喪生
[28:52.26]So do what you can to be careful, okay? 所以盡量小心 好嗎?
[28:54.65]Okay 好的
[28:58.11]Look at that Amazing, - 看啊 - 很神奇吧
[29:07.15]applying the final hemostasis suture 進(jìn)行最后的止血縫合
[29:09.39]Great Don't be afraid to-- 很好 別怕會(huì)--
[29:11.13]grab a bigger piece? Got it 拉起更大的一片? 搞定
[29:14.06]Good Very nice, dr Yang 好的 很好 Yang醫(yī)生
[29:17.68]Applying pressure 施加壓力
[29:19.81]Gently 輕一點(diǎn)
[29:31.85]It was attached to the interventricular septum 它附著在心室隔膜上
[29:34.14]Are you gonna use a graft to repair? 是要嫁接修復(fù)嗎?
[29:37.19]Somebody's been doing their homework 有人一直準(zhǔn)備著了
[29:38.63]4-0 prolene,please Thank you very much, 請(qǐng)拿4-0 Prolene縫線 非常感謝
[29:45.93]Ready to perforate uterus two Scalpel 準(zhǔn)備在二號(hào)子宮打孔 手術(shù)刀
[29:49.17]Wait Wait, dr Montgomery 等等 等等 Montgomery醫(yī)生
[29:50.44]My baby's moving It's really moving I can't hold it 寶寶在動(dòng) 真的在動(dòng) 我抓不住
[29:53.22]George,I need you to hold her still if I'm gonna do this c-section George 如果要完成剖腹產(chǎn) 我需要你抓住她不動(dòng)
[29:54.97]I'm trying 我在試
[29:56.66]I mean it, o'malley 說(shuō)真的 O'malley
[29:57.83]What should I do? It's really moving I can't hold it 應(yīng)該怎么做? 真的在動(dòng) 我抓不住
[29:59.82]I need you to keep her still,george You're sending her into distress - 我要你抓住她別動(dòng) George - 她快被你弄死了
[30:01.90]You have to get that baby to stop moving 你必須讓寶寶停止不動(dòng)
[30:03.64]- How do I do that? - Talk,o'malley - 要怎么做? - 說(shuō)話 O'malley
[30:05.44]Alex Alex
[30:06.76]Karev, back away from the table Karev 退一邊去
[30:08.24]Talk to it,to the baby, to calm it down 跟她講話 跟寶寶講 讓她平靜下來(lái)
[30:10.00]- Karev - Talk about what? - Karev - 談什么
[30:11.84]October 30, 1974-- 1974年19月30日--
[30:13.92]it's the fight known as "rumble in the ngle 有一場(chǎng)稱作"叢林之戰(zhàn)"的拳擊比賽
[30:15.70]" World heavyweight champ george foreman 世界重量級(jí)拳王喬治·福爾曼
[30:17.64]is pitted against muhammad ali in his first major fight 與第一次復(fù)出大型比賽的 阿里同臺(tái)競(jìng)技
[30:19.92]after three and a half years out of the ring 經(jīng)過(guò)三年半的禁賽
[30:21.37]- It's working - Foreman is favored to win - 有作用 - 福爾曼有希望貨勝
[30:23.37]He's younger, he's stronger - 他更年輕 更強(qiáng)壯 - 手術(shù)刀
[30:25.01]scalpel But he's not prepared for what ali would later call the rope-a-dope 但他沒(méi)想到阿里會(huì)用以逸待勞的戰(zhàn)法
[30:27.94]It all started in the second round Foreman comes out swinging 一切發(fā)生在第二回合 福爾曼開(kāi)始非?;钴S
[30:30.70]Ali's backed up against the ropes 阿里已經(jīng)后退到貼著圍繩抵抗
[30:43.18]that's not gonna stay on You're giving it too much slack 那不能堅(jiān)持多久的 縫得太松了
[30:45.24]You're blocking my light 你擋住了我的光線
[30:48.03]Think of it as a basic corner stitch 就把這當(dāng)作一次基礎(chǔ)的邊角縫合
[30:49.96]I can figure out how to sew on my own buttons, thank you I am surgeon Right 我能搞懂怎么縫自己的扣子 謝謝 我是個(gè)外科大夫
[30:57.16]for god's sakes 哦 看在上帝的份上吧
[31:00.50]You sew this on for me, and I'll get rid of addison and sloan 如果幫忙縫上 我就踢掉Addison和Sloan
[31:02.99]- Really? - No - 真的? - 不
[31:04.58]fine I'll do it anyway 行了 不管怎樣 還是我來(lái)吧
[31:06.39]So I heard you've got a sister wandering the halls 聽(tīng)說(shuō)你姐姐在這兒到處溜達(dá)
[31:09.07]She planning on moving here, too? 她也要搬來(lái)嗎?
[31:10.69]God, I hope not 上帝 希望不要
[31:12.33]Derek, I know it's been hard on you Derek 我知道你已經(jīng)很難熬了
[31:15.08]He was like my brother 他曾經(jīng)象我的兄弟
[31:17.62]I have four sisters 我有四個(gè)姐姐
[31:19.12]four very annoying sisters 四個(gè)很煩人的姐姐
[31:22.53]Mark was my brother Mark是我兄弟
[31:23.89]It's-- it's hard 這--這很難接受
[31:26.74]Divorce isn't all it's cracked up to be, huh? 離婚并不能如期望那樣解決一切 是吧?
[31:29.84]I just want it to be easy 我只是想輕松一點(diǎn)
[31:31.75]I want it to be over and move on 希望一切過(guò)去 重新開(kāi)始
[31:35.06]But 可是
[31:35.91]but you're in a surprising amount of pain 可是你意外的痛苦
[31:40.00]You and adele? 你和Adele怎么樣?
[31:41.72]I'm sewing on a button for the first time in my life 我平生第一次縫紐扣
[31:44.65]What does that tell you? 還能怎么樣?
[31:45.88]technically, 嚴(yán)格上講
[31:47.65]I'm sewing 是我在縫
[31:51.22]I'm just saying 只是說(shuō)說(shuō)而已
[31:58.50]Dr Sloan Sloan醫(yī)生
[32:00.25]So we're clear, 那么我們講清楚
[32:02.29]you knew when you stepped into that surgery, you were forfeiting your future in plastics, right? 你明白嗎 當(dāng)你參與那個(gè)手術(shù)的時(shí)候 就等于毀了在整形外科的前途
[32:05.95]- But,dr Sloan-- - I need my phone back - 但是 Sloan醫(yī)生 - 把電話還我
[32:15.40]Well done You really prepared 干的好 你真的做過(guò)準(zhǔn)備
[32:18.61]Yes, I'm always prepared 是的 我時(shí)刻準(zhǔn)備著
[32:20.72]Couldn't do it without you 沒(méi)你的話不可能完成
[32:23.32]- Thank you - Dr Burke, - 謝謝 - Burke醫(yī)生
[32:25.86]could we have a moment alone? 能單獨(dú)和你談?wù)剢?
[32:29.88]I just-- I didn't realize that you were one of them, 我只是-- 我沒(méi)想到你跟那群人是一樣的
[32:33.71]one of the doctors around here with doubts about me or my abilities 是這里那些 質(zhì)疑我個(gè)人或我能力的醫(yī)生中的一員
[32:37.64]Miranda, I'm not Miranda 我沒(méi)有
[32:39.17]My name was erased from the board I have to assume that was you 我的名字從公告欄上抹去了 我只能假設(shè)是你干的
[32:46.48]- Dr Bailey-- - I just-- I just-- - Bailey醫(yī)生 - 我只是-
[32:49.40]I just need to know why 我只是要知道為什么
[32:51.15]I need you to tell me why you didn't w ant me in on your surgery 希望你告訴我為什么不讓我協(xié)助手術(shù)
[33:00.44]I'm afraid I just couldn't use you 恐怕我就是不能用你
[33:07.30]I understand 明白了
[33:24.37]you should've seen that Two uteruses So unbelievably cool 你真該看看 雙子宮太神奇了 難以置信
[33:28.54]And a cute baby to boot 而且還降生了一個(gè)可愛(ài)的嬰兒
[33:29.87]Well, I'm glad you're enjoying your trip 很高興你喜歡這次旅行
[33:32.00]Relax,derek I'm going 別緊張 Derek 我要走了
[33:33.91]I'm on a plane in two hours 兩小時(shí)后的飛機(jī)
[33:35.81]So you're gonna report back to mom that? 那 你打算向媽媽報(bào)告...?
[33:38.63]That you're you 就說(shuō)你還是你
[33:41.06]Still running in circles around all the women in your life, 依舊和以前一樣 周旋于你生命中的各色女人之間
[33:43.77]but that's to be expected with four sisters and a dead dad 但鑒于有四個(gè)姐姐 以及父親過(guò)世的事實(shí) 這就可以理解了
[33:47.79]I'm not running around in circles 我沒(méi)有周旋
[33:49.38]Derek, can y even remember the last time you were alone? Derek 還記得上次獨(dú)身的日子嗎?
[33:52.29]You've never been single, ever 你從來(lái)不是單身 從來(lái)不是
[33:54.10]I mean,you're fine, but you're not happy 我指 你很出色 但并不快樂(lè)
[33:57.12]And you're not gonna get happy until you get some space 而且在找到一些空間之前 也不會(huì)快樂(lè)
[34:00.54]Just get away from addie, 就遠(yuǎn)離Addie
[34:03.41]away from the intern, just away 遠(yuǎn)離實(shí)習(xí)生 只是離開(kāi)
[34:05.55]Figure out what you want 搞清楚自己到底要什么
[34:10.03]Kathleen's the shrink, nancy,not you Kathleen才是神經(jīng)科醫(yī)生 不是你 Nancy
[34:16.28]I gotta go 我要走了
[34:22.03]Nancy Nancy
[34:24.89]Thanks for flying out here 謝謝飛來(lái)這兒
[34:26.94]It was, 嗯...
[34:30.53]thanks 謝謝
[34:46.94]- where are we going again? - We need to go upstairs - 又要去哪兒? - 上樓
[34:51.93]Okay 好的
[35:04.63]wait Wait Where are we? 等等 等等 這是哪兒?
[35:07.79]We're on the psychiatric floor, gretchen 我們?cè)诰癫】?Gretchen
[35:09.90]We need to place you on a 72-hour hold 需要對(duì)你進(jìn)行72小時(shí)監(jiān)控
[35:11.94]No,I'm not crazy You can't-- no I'm going home 不 我不是瘋子 你們不能-- 不 我要回家
[35:16.81]- Gretchen - No,you have to let me go home - Gretchen - 不 你們必須讓我回家
[35:19.13]Please I'll just-- I need to go back home Please 求你們了 我只是-- 我要回家 求你們了
[35:21.92]If you go home, you're just gonna hurt yourself again Right? 如果回家 你要再燒傷自己 對(duì)嗎?
[35:23.82]Isn't that your plan, so that you won't have to take the bar exam? 不是你的計(jì)劃嗎 那樣就不用參加律師考試?
[35:26.70]You need some help, gretchen 你需要幫助 Gretchen
[35:28.68]If the idea of taking an exam makes you hold your palm to a burner, 如果想到要參加考試 你就把手掌放到火爐上
[35:33.46]you need some help 那你就需要幫助
[35:34.86]Everyone needs help from time to time, 每個(gè)人時(shí)不時(shí)需要幫助
[35:37.15]someone to look out for them, 需要有人照看他們
[35:39.14]make sure they're okay, 確保他們沒(méi)事
[35:41.56]make sure they're ready I have that 確保他們已經(jīng)做好準(zhǔn)備 我經(jīng)歷過(guò)了
[35:46.33]And you need that right now 而現(xiàn)在輪到你了
[35:54.48]- I'm not crazy - I know - 我沒(méi)瘋 - 我知道
[35:56.85]I st didn't want to fail 只是 不想不及格
[36:01.25]I know 我知道
[36:14.02]What happened? 出什么事了?
[36:17.58]Are my babies okay? 我的寶寶還好嗎?
[36:19.10]The surgery went very well You have a healthy baby boy 手術(shù)很成功 你有了一個(gè)健康的男孩兒
[36:22.02]And the labor stopped on your little girl She's gonna be just fine 你女兒的作動(dòng)也停止了 她會(huì)好起來(lái)的
[36:25.32]And greg? Has greg come back yet? Greg呢? 回來(lái)了嗎?
[36:28.40]No,noelle, I'm sorry 沒(méi) Noelle 我很抱歉
[36:30.51]Greg isn't here Greg不在這兒
[36:36.64]I want an update every half-hour, and-- 半小時(shí)更新一次信息 還有--
[36:39.00]what happened? 出什么事了?
[36:42.44]- My babies? - They're just fine - 我的孩子? - 他們很好
[36:43.74]You're just coming out of anesthesia, noelle 你剛度過(guò)麻醉期 Noelle
[36:45.84]Everything went very well 一切都很好
[36:47.90]Is greg back yet? Greg回來(lái)了嗎?
[36:50.03]I'm so sorry, noelle He's not here 很抱歉 Noelle 他不在這兒
[36:56.43]And be sure to alert me to any fetal distress 出現(xiàn)任何胎兒窘迫 一定要向我報(bào)警
[36:59.30]What happened? 出什么事了?
[37:00.43]Your babies are healthy,noelle Everything's okay 你的孩子很健康 Noelle 一切都好
[37:03.33]Is greg back yet? Greg回來(lái)了嗎?
[37:05.78]I'm right here 在這兒
[37:14.23]Hi 嗨
[37:21.26]Hi 嗨
[37:23.33]I, I saw our son 我 我見(jiàn)過(guò)我們的兒子
[37:27.23]He's amazing 他很棒
[37:33.91]But how's our little girl? 但我們的女兒怎么樣?
[37:52.69]You look like you could use a little cheering up 似乎你需要興奮一下
[37:55.14]Not from you 不要你的
[37:57.03]if I recall, I was pretty good at cheering you up 如果記得不差 我很擅長(zhǎng)于讓你興奮
[38:00.19]one,t wo yep, 一次 兩次 對(duì)了
[38:03.36]three very cheerful times 三次興奮時(shí)光
[38:04.72]Dirty It was not "cheerful " It was dirty 下流不是"興奮" 那是下流
[38:07.10]And like I said, no 而且我說(shuō)了 不
[38:26.81]So your sister really doesn't like me, huh? 你姐姐很不喜歡我 哈?
[38:28.57]Sorry It's just,she'S 對(duì)不起 只不過(guò) 她...
[38:31.70]from the east coast 來(lái)自東部
[38:36.85]Well, 那好
[38:37.97]I-- I-- you know what? I shoulda called 知道嗎? 我該給你電話的
[38:40.88]But you didn'T 但你沒(méi)有
[38:43.30]I want us to work, it's just-- 我希望我們能成功 只是--
[38:45.23]it's complicated 一切雜亂無(wú)章
[38:50.72]I think I need a little time to 我想需要一點(diǎn)時(shí)間
[38:53.85]take some space 一點(diǎn)空間
[38:56.28]Yeah 是啊
[38:58.52]To clear my head 理清思緒
[39:00.85]Yeah 是啊
[39:02.31]I okay 好吧
[39:04.88]Okay 好吧
[39:08.14]Okay 那好
[39:14.01]There are times when even the best of us 很多時(shí)候 我們大多
[39:17.09]have trouble with commitment 不敢作出承諾
[39:21.07]Dr Stevens Stevens醫(yī)生
[39:23.34]I was just looking at dr Grey's evaluation on your first day back to work 我剛看了Grey醫(yī)生 對(duì)你頭天回來(lái)工作的評(píng)估
[39:27.50]I get daily report cards now? 我現(xiàn)在每天都要接受評(píng)估?
[39:29.39]She had a lot to say 她說(shuō)了很多
[39:31.63]Yes, sir 是的 主任
[39:32.89]It was a difficult catch Nicely handled 這件事情難度很高 但你處理得很好
[39:36.42]Good work 干得好
[39:39.80]Welcome back, dr Stevens 歡迎回來(lái) Stevens醫(yī)生
[39:51.68]I was rude to you before I'm sorry 先前對(duì)你很粗魯 對(duì)不起
[39:56.38]I understand what you're trying to say You're the 我明白你想表達(dá)的意思 你是...
[39:58.67]pig 豬
[40:00.46]You are committed 你要承擔(dān)責(zé)任了
[40:04.68]Only we broke up 只是我們分手了
[40:06.85]And I've been wanting to hear this from you for how long? 長(zhǎng)久以來(lái)我一直想聽(tīng)你這么說(shuō)
[40:08.60]And-- and you wait until now to say it to me after we've broken up? 可你一直等到現(xiàn)在 分手了才說(shuō)出口
[40:13.32]I'm out of my element here I break bones for a living 我對(duì)此是外行 我以敲擊骨頭為生
[40:15.98]I-I used to live in the basement 習(xí)慣住在地下室
[40:17.90]Most days I wear last night's eyeliner to work 大多涂著隔夜的睫毛膏工作
[40:19.83]I don't give a crap what other people think about me 從不理會(huì)別人怎么看我
[40:21.83]because I am a happily independent, successful woman, 因?yàn)槲沂且粋€(gè)樂(lè)于獨(dú)立 成功的女人
[40:24.96]and I like it that way 而且我喜歡那樣
[40:26.56]Only when you say stuff like this, 只是當(dāng)你說(shuō)這些事的時(shí)候
[40:30.76]it just it makes things too hard So please 只是 弄得太復(fù)雜了 所以求你了
[40:35.22]don't chase me anymore 別再追了
[40:39.13]unless you're ready to catch me 除非你真正決定要接受我
[40:45.20]And we may be surprised by the commitments 我們?cè)敢鈱⒊兄Z說(shuō)出
[40:47.74]we're willing to let slip out of our grasp 但說(shuō)出之后卻可能倍加以外
[40:56.26]Commitments are complicated 承諾很復(fù)雜
[41:04.28]I'm here for you, whatever it is 無(wú)論什么事 我都支持你
[41:09.75]Whenever you're ready, I'm here 準(zhǔn)備什么時(shí)候說(shuō) 我都在這里
[41:13.20]Thank you 謝謝
[41:21.48]We may surprise ourselves 也許我們會(huì)驚訝于自己
[41:23.45]by the commitmen we're willing to make 心甘情愿所做的承諾
[41:28.86]醫(yī)人當(dāng)自強(qiáng) 第3季 第6集
[41:32.54]True commitment takes effort 實(shí)現(xiàn)承諾需要努力
[41:39.60]and sacrifice 以及犧牲
[41:55.06]Which is why sometimes 所以有時(shí)
[41:59.02]we have to learn the hard way 我們必須用一種艱難的方法
[42:01.48]to choose our commitments very carefully 仔細(xì)地選擇我們的承諾

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